#Name mc
galaxygermdraws · 7 months
Okay this isn't a drawing or a ramble or anything, but like, apparently half of Grian's skins on Name MC are just gone now (notable examples including Ariana Griande, almost all of his MCC skins, almost all of the YHS skins, Robot Grian, etc...)
If you have the links you can still go back and look at them, it just won't say Grian's name on the page. I've managed to find a few of his skins, but a lot of them are still missing. If anyone has any they've sent in discord DMs or have in their history, can you provide links in the comments or reblogs. I have a list of every skin currently missing as well as every skin on Name MC. Some skins were not on Name MC but a very useful video on Youtube actually informed me about them.
@aestheticallynotdeerlightful is helping me find these.
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eclipsesincarnation · 10 months
so, um, how do you feel about namemc spoilers
Hmm, you mean THESE?!
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First, Pearl pulled a Mumbo and my reaction?
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I love when they do dress up with new designs, and the spike in art of them because of it too! Love it! So it seems me saying Gem is red is confirmed basically, and I really like the fact she has one eye indicating lives for everyone one of the skins she has, this applies to Scott's skin too, I really do love when they and art make their eye colours change to indicate lives, such a nice touch This already means 2 confirmed reds, and no way to confirm they are dead (am I assuming more Mumbo has been pulled because life series tend to end a ep.8 and we are at ep.7 already? All I'm saying is it is likely), that's what is important, some people don't change their skins according to lives so there could be many, many, more reds, or many more dead. I'm already thinking Scar pulled a Mumbo too, what with that box of shame on his tweet recently Gosh DAMN IT, Scott, now you are mixing with Impulse's colour, now the colour coding for the band is off, NO, I mean Gem already cause that, but STILL. We know for sure that the Gem and the Scotts Band did survive... some of it did survive
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Name mc spoilers!
I'm not good at splitting pages so I'm just gonna ramble for a second, just one more time, about how Jimmy deserves a villain arc. The sheriff has been through so much and deserves to take his revenge. He's been stripped of everything. He deserves something and it's not gonna be some human decency then let it be revenge!
I'm on the sheriff's side.
Now, as for the spoiler.... um.... well..... Sheriff changed his skin! And...
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Looks like someone's been hanging out with Scar a bit too much lol. PUT A PROPER SHIRT ON! lol. Love the blue bandana being wrapped around the arm now though. That's a neat touch to help make the outfit look a little more different than "he opened his shirt".
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ven-of-oath · 2 years
If I was a cc on the life series at a time like now where there's a lot of hype of a new season I would commission a green/yellow/red skin just to screw with the people who check with name mc
Like 'oooo the first episode isn't out yet and I'm wearing the green skin AND now I'm wearing the yellow skin 👀👀👀'
And then the next life series isn't for another month
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anbaisai · 1 month
Book 4 Mystery
The recent tweel cards got me wondering... just where did Yuu sit during the ride back to NRC in book 4?
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And after analyzing the design I came to the conclusion that we must've been playing Floyd Leech Pro Surfer 3
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(Continuation here)
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dukecarrion · 1 month
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wildcards dump (mostly the p3s.... beloveds,.....)
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zephyrchama · 9 months
Since demons don't have middle or last names, an angry MC resorts to using their titles when they're really mad.
"Did you seriously just turn the router off? After I've been refreshing this page all day? Lucifer, Avatar of Pride, turn it back on now."
"It seems somebody swapped my homework with blank pages. Mammon, Avatar of Greed, do you have anything to say about this?"
"It's 3am. Leviathan, Avatar of Envy, you need to turn that concert DVD off right now and go to bed or I'm snapping it in half."
"Satan, Avatar of Wrath. This is the third time today I've stubbed my toe on one of your cursed books."
"Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust. You're a doll. But it has been seven hours. I can't try on any more clothes. I'm exhausted."
"I know my name was on this cup of expensive ice cream. Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony, how are you going to make this up to me?"
"So help me, Belphegor, Avatar of Sloth, if you're late for class again, I'm the one who gets an earful of complaints. You're leaving this house right now."
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
just found out about the male MC voice lines and
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The difference is insane
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wassup-its-e · 10 months
The Lonely
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nocreativityfornames · 7 months
Solomon: As a human--
Lucifer: *scoffs* Human?
Mammon: I don't think you count as a human anymore, dude.
MC: Stop!
Satan: Huh?
MC: Stop saying Sol isn't human. 😑
Asmo: Hun, come on. He's an incredibly powerful sorcerer who's immortal and has 72 demons under his control--
MC: My ancestor was a fallen angel.
Belphie: How does that--
MC: When I went to the Celestial Realm in the past you guys couldn't tell that I wasn't an angel. And when I went back in time in the Devildom you idiots didn't even consider the fact that I could've not been a demon.
Levi: Uh--
MC: Whenever we get in some sort of trouble and end up cursed or hit a weird spell it rarely ever affects me even though the magic works on everyone else: demon, human, or angel.
Mammon: Okay, that's a good point but--
MC: When I first got here Lou put a spell in the attic so a human wouldn't be able to see Belphie even if they got up there. I went to the attic and I was still able to see him.
Everyone: ...
MC: 😑
MC: If you wanna dismiss Solomon's humanity because he's "unusual" compared to the average human, you'll have to dismiss mine too.
Beel: I think MC is right here...
MC: Thank you, BB.
MC: Now c'mon Old Magic Man, let's go. *grabs Sol and leaves*
Everyone: ...
Satan: ...MC has become rather protective over Solomon ever since they came back, huh?
Lucifer: Yes, they have...
Mammon: I don't like that.
Asmo: Well, I think it's sweet.
Levi: Guys, I think we're focusing on the wrong thing here--
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aashiyancha · 5 months
Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
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It's been some beautiful spring days that made me think of the summer to come. So, I decided to give this game another whirl
Also peak summer moment. I wanted Jeremy to come back just so I could pour another cup on him.
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ryllen · 7 months
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poke dog thoughts
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wassup-its-e · 6 months
i did something
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nicecrumbart · 2 months
fir drawinf requests could you do scott and cleo… pretty please with a cherry ontop
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Someone should definitely send me another prompt abt scott and cleo .. they definitely should ...
(with something they're doing or a prompt idk I have no ideas 😭)
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Mammon: Wait, wait, wait. So you're tellin' me that if Lucifer had been nicer, you would've never tried goin' up in the attic a second time?
MC: Yeah.
Levi: Wait, what? How…?
MC: Alright, look. There were two reasons why I wanted to go into the attic. One: I was hearing Belphie's voice from there asking for help, and two: Lou was acting suspicious as fuck about it with the whole threatening me and shit.
Lucifer: I-
MC: Shh, let me explain!
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Pff…
Satan: So what, you're saying that if Lucifer hadn't acted the way he did, you would've just given up? No trying to go into the attic, no suspicion, you would've just ignored Belphie's voice and went on with your day?
MC: Absolutely. I mean, think about it: I had just gotten here, and someone not wanting a stranger to go into certain parts of their house is kinda reasonable. And like I said, it wasn't the "not letting me go there" thing that made me want to go there, it was the suspicious behavior!
Because again, you threatened me and just started being an overall dick after you caught me trying to go upstairs.
Lucifer: MC-
MC: But I understand your reasons, you were worried, wanted to protect your family, and bla-bla-bla. Don't worry, it's fine. We've come a long way, I love you, you love me, and there's that. But going back to the topic…
Asmo: 🤭
Lucifer: 👿
Asmo: 😦🤐
MC: So the point is, you catch me going to the attic, and you threaten to kill me if I try doing it again. You don't try to explain, don't try to convince me I shouldn't go there, you just go: "I have this tea that will put you to endless sleep, muahahahaha."
All brothers (except Lucifer): *try not to laugh*
MC: And in my head, I go: "Bet. Imma see what the fuck's up there, and you old man, you ain't stopping me."
Asmo, Beel & Mammon: 😨😦😳
Belphie & Satan: *wheezing in silence*
Lucifer: *glares at them*
MC: But that could've been prevented! Like, if you hadn't threatened me, and tried to explain why I shouldn't go there in the first place-
Lucifer: I couldn't tell you the truth.
MC: Well, you could've come up with anything! Because remember, I had just dropped here, in literal fucking hell. So you could've told me literally ANYTHING and I would've believed you. Like, you could've just told me the room was cursed by an evil spirit or something. Because I'd hear that and go: "Alright, have a nice day. I'm never stepping foot on these stairs again."
Beel: Pff...
MC: But nooo, Mr. Pride had to go: "I won't give you ANY explanation, and I will KILL you if you try going there again." And that combined with the strange voice asking for help? It did not give you a great look, I gotta say...
All brothers (except Lucifer): *already laughing their ass off at this point*
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Wow...
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stiffyck · 10 months
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Obsessed with the new skin
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