#love mummified
heygerald · 9 months
Love Mummified : (The Mummy, 1999)
General chaos, just a little excerpt from a story that doesn't even really exist but that I enjoyed writing, idiot coded.
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"And what exactly is the plan here?" she shouted over the gunfire, gaze wild as it swept from the men cloaked in black to the Americans to the cowboy standing beside her. He had a smile on his face as if he enjoyed the chaos, but when he realized she was staring at him his eyebrows furrowed into a little divet.
"Plan?" he echoed dumbly.
"Gracious," Catherine hissed, jerking back behind a crate when a bullet shattered the lamp over her head. Louis ducked as well until his shoulder was pressed against hers, but while Catherine was brushing broken glass out of her hair, he took the moment to swipe a whiskey bottle off the ground. She watched him take a long swallow before wiping his mouth, tossing the bottle overboard, and springing upwards as if preparing to charge into the fray. Just as quickly as he had drank the liquor she tugged him back down by the coattails. "Honestly, how you and O'Connell managed to survive a war will forever remain a mystery to me."
"Well, heh—"
"That was a rhetorical statement, Mr. Abbott!"
"Rhetorical?" he scoffed, mouth flattened into an unamused line. "You ever get tired of using big words no one knows or do you like feeling like the smartest person in the room?"
"It's hardly a difficult feat to be the smartest person in the room when you're around," she snapped as she tried to come up with a plan. Louis didn't seem to take the time to think as he stood and fired off another round of bullets, and for the first time in a long time, Catherine prayed to whatever god would listen that she would be given strength. "Now will you—come on! Dying in the presence of a handsome cowboy was a childhood dream, not a current one."
He stumbled after her as Catherine dodged between the Americans. She was half-worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up; yet, when her foot slipped Louis was the one to catch her, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "Handsome, huh?"
She stared at him for a mere moment before slapping away his hand.
"Idiots," she muttered. "That's why you and Rick get along so well. You're both hopeless idiots."
"Handsome idiots, apparently. Doesn't seem all that bad to me."
Catherine was in the process of rolling her eyes when something orange flickered at the corner of her vision. A fire spread across the upper rooms of the steam rig they were on—licking its way across the deck towards the engine at the far side of the boat—and suddenly she was wondering if Rick O'Connell truly would be the death of her.
"I take it back," she whined like a petulant child. "I don't need any more adventures in my life. One was enough."
Louis grinned at that. It was a wild grin, one that consisted half of spirit and half of joy, and she knew without a doubt that it was nothing but trouble. He was nothing but trouble. It was most likely penance for her wild childhood, for always wanting something more than the straight and narrow life her parents designed for her. Somewhere, Catherine was sure, her mother was laughing at her turn in luck.
"Ah, come on, Miss Sinclair," he teased. "You can never have too many adventures, can ya? Now, you can swim, right?"
"Cuz it looks like we ain't got any other way out of here," he said, moving so swiftly that she didn't know what was happening until he was dragging her by the hand across the deck in the direction that the others had disappeared overboard. She did her best to pull out of his grip, cursing all the way, but it only seemed to spur him on further. She didn't even need to look to know that his grin was fantastically smug as he raced towards the deck railing. "If you can't swim, I'd be happy to provide mouth to mouth."
She scoffed just as they reached the railing, and the hallway behind them groaned to a collapse, ash dotting the sky. "I'd rather drown," she snarked.
His smile didn't dim; just pulled sideways in bemusement. As if he didn't understand the difference between a scorned woman and a flirting one. "Yeah, well Miss, that can be arranged if you don't get moving. It's either me or the boat."
Catherine paused, glancing around them.
When she glanced back, he had narrowed his eyes into a glare of his own, all humor gone. "Don't say I didn't warn ya."
"Warn me—?"
Louis threw her overboard before she could comprehend what was happening, and by the time she surfaced the shockingly cold water, he had joined her in the river. She watched him struggle to fix his sopping hat back in place; the garment didn't seem to cooperate as he huffed, and eventually he decided to clutch it in his fist instead. Catherine hated the way that his hair was slicked back on his forehead, hated how well the dark strands framed his features to make him seem younger than he was, and she was reminded—not for the first time—that he was quite a handsome man when he wasn't talking.
When he caught her looking, his smirk returned. "Ain't too late to change your mind about the mouth to mouth," he drawled. "Might even be a nice way to thank me for saving your life and all that."
Catherine responded by spitting a mouthful of water into his face.
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rubensmuse · 1 month
if justice dragonage has 100,000 fans i am one of them if justice dragonage has 5 fans i am one of them if justice dragonage has 1 fan i am that fan if justice dragonage has 0 fans i am no longer on this earth
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sulky-cabbage · 6 days
There is something very delicious about Gojo satoru spending his whole life fighting curses since his childhood for humanity's sake while yearning for the King of Curses.
Do you think Gojo was tempted to eat Sukuna's finger given that he had it for god knows how long?
I mean ......He was lonely and bored.
Imagine feeling different from everyone else, like a freak, and being told that the reason curses are growing stronger is because of YOU being born into the world. and the only person you might possibly connect with is this 1000-year-old king of curses, to whom you are holding a mummified finger that you must destroy in some way in order to save humanity.
All of this for people who can't even begin to understand you.
However, you could just... eat it.
and HE will be present.
The only being who can comprehend YOU.
Do you think the finger's cursed energy was luring him to eat it? That thing has strong cursed energy, and the seal was weakening everyday.
I know Gojo was salivating 😮‍💨
There's only one in a million chance that someone survives eating it, but this is Gojo Satoru we are talking about; he's the first person born with six eyes & limitless in 400 years; he's as special as he can get.
he's also very confident, arrogant, and CRAZY; the fact that the higher-ups will not approve if he consumes it will just serve to entice him to do so. What are they going to do about it? execute him?
He appeared to be pleased that Sukuna had been reincarnated & was all giddy giving Yuji another finger to eat. he was giggling and shit, he was way too excited about this. I'm starting to think it's the reason he likes Yuji so much (lol)
The whole thing about him relating to Sukuna wasn't brought up before the Shinjuku showdown, but Gojo must have always felt that way.
He was a little shit when he was a child, and he was also an edgy teenager with a fuck the weak mindset.
I know he had a crush on Sukuna prior to his reincarnation.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
fun fact! that old man is dead! you are romancing a corpse! your house will smell like rotting flesh! he has killed multiple children in cold blood and still felt no remorse! he has no ass! that sit is flat! you are trying to get with the rotting corpse of a serial killer! and he is assless!
im trying ta do more than romancing if yu know ehat i mean yeah (¬‿¬) mmhhm yeah wink hh (¬‿¬) mm yea hnudge h(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬) nuge nudge (¬‿¬) uha hyea winky wink wink (¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)hea yea and by that i mean s
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Shut up for one minute, ok? Let me say something. Je t'aime aussi, bâtard de maquereau momifié. Je t'ai toujours aimé."
My first entry for the SKK Big Bang 2022! I was paired with Sylana (writer) and GrilledCheezy (beta) for Sylana's post-dark era fanfic Cold Weather! <3
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groovinomicon · 3 months
✨️shout out to one piece fr for making me suddenly start doodling again ✨️
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Unfortunateky Ive also consistently picked up a Surprise Man every arc but by fucking cod did the Thriller Bark Surprise Man hit me like a train. Love this guy Love him so much
Bonus: I'm 100% certain he could be convinced to stream and also just in general I think Ryuma would've loved Baja Blast.
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The (lack of) outfit in “Brief Candle” that had me wolf-whistling 😘 
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hermitw · 14 days
I used to get nightmares every time I went to sleep so I learned to train myself to dream about jujutsu kaisen every time (and then if I did have nightmares they were about Toji but I could protect myself with a printout of Kakashi lmao)
And I fucking miss those days like. When I read the manga in a week then I did have dreams where missing scenes were added and I thought they were real and I had to read my own dreams which would make me wake up and they were bright white and colorless but still it was cool I'm just sad that kenjaku riding the manta ray doesn't exist as a manga panel (I looked so hard! I remember thinking about the angles gege chose to draw from and it just. Isn't there?? I wanted that shit as a tattoo smh)
If I can get back into writing fics until I fall asleep then maybe it'll happen again but alsoooo
I should have kept a journal of just jujutsu kaisen dreams bc that would be fun to read like
Ohhhh I just realized I can write this one into my Choso centric fic HELL YEAH OH MY GOD he had a new type of blood manipulation and protected me from Mahito in this scary old haunted basement that looked like it had tunnels to a catholic church or something it was so horror movie and vibes kqksxhajalajdodjr
Anyway I just want to go back and read my dumbass jjk dreams ;-; au where I am an organized bitch pls
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glamourslime · 10 months
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Time for everyone on planet Earth to look at my dragonsona forever, as drawn by the excellent @friedunicornstudio
You Will Look At Them
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totally-not-deacon · 1 year
Little outta nowhere but I got reminded: I wonder what it is about me that had no less than THREE literal cults try to recruit me in the last 5-ish years. Like man I ain't got no money to siphon if that's what you're hoping for.
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bones-n-bookles · 1 year
Two drawings I did, to differing levels of completion, referenced from photos by @blackbackedjackal 💛 both of my character Daria
Was reminded of these by the ask Jackal just got today about referencing their photos and it was. Sure some timing with how I've been lately. It may be time to revisit Daria again.
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heygerald · 9 months
Love Mummified: (The Mummy, 1999)
Another excerpt for yet another story that doesn't really exist; but i guess this is my blog and i can do what i want right?
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Catherine had never been fond of swimming; whereas her brothers enjoyed spending their time fooling around in the pond at their estate, she much preferred to be in the stables with her horse. She always felt swimming involved too much flailing, too much accidentally swallowed mouthfuls of bitter lake water, and after getting out she would be have to endure the process of toweling dry (which always took much too long in her opinion).
Two decades later and it seemed that her opinion on swimming had not changed. In fact, having to blindly swim in the dark away from a burning ship, following the others in hopes that they would find land, trying not to get kicked in the chin by Jonathan's too long legs, was what she considered to be a less than thrilling experience.
And by the time they made it to shore, water weighing down her pants and making her shirt completely see through, she was very nearly prepared to get back in the water if only to drown Rick O'Connell himself.
"You ever afraid your face will get stuck like that?" Louis asked as he extended a hand down towards Catherine. She had been flailing while trying to stand, boots much too heavy for walking, and of course it had taken the man no time at all to zero in on her struggles. "The frowning, I mean. It can't be comfortable. Heard a rumor about a lady that was like that forever; scared away all the men."
Drowning him without be that bad, either, she thought before slapping his hand away as aggressively as she could. The scowl deepened like a carving.
"The frown seems fitting considering the fact that you just threw me off a boat," she snapped.
"Saved your hide is more accurate," he teased just as she tripped over what she hoped was a log. He was there to pick her back up, of course, and though his hands were comfortably warm against the cold water dripping down her spine, Catherine really wasn't in the mood to be handled by anyone. "You alright? Didn't realize it'd be such a big fall down to the water. Didn't swallow any water, did you?"
She scowled but the angry retort froze on her lips when she realized that his question had been sincere. His eyes were big and wide, searching, and though his mouth was curled in a smile there was nothing mean about it.
She turned her nose up at him, anyhow. "Just fine, thanks."
Mr. Abbott grinned, about to say something else, when she tripped for a third time when something big and scaly startled in the water in front of her, jetting off in the opposite direction. Catherine leapt as high as one could in knee deep water and she would have fallen completely on her ass if she hadn't managed to jump right against Louis' chest.
He caught her with a chuckle, and she was even more startled when she turned to find his face mere inches from her own. Even in the dark she could make out the amusement sparkling in his eyes, as well as feel the laugh rumble through his chest.
"It was a—um—alligator," she grumbled, extracting herself from him as quickly as she could manage. His hand lingered on her waist when she tried to find her footing. "Or—or something big."
"Sure," he drawled. "I'd be happy to carry you to shore. To scare off the gators, of course."
Catherine's scowl returned full force. There was something so irritating about the man—how he could switch between infuriating to genuine and back again so easily—and she tried to remind herself of the fact that he had just thrown her off a boat without knowing if she could swim first. Infuriating seemed to be the thing to focus on. "Isn't there someone else you can bother?"
"And waste a perfectly good opportunity to help a damsel in distress?"
Catherine narrowed her scowl into something deadly; a look that any normal man may have taken to mean that she wasn't in the mood to joke around. Mr. Abbott clearly didn't understand the facial expressions of women, however, and as she fumbled towards the shore his smile widened as he swept his gaze over her.
"I can assure you that Jonathan is more a damsel than I am," she snarked. Rick was helping Evelyn a bit further ahead, while Jonathan was proving her point by awkwardly staggering in the reeds to their right. "One that is much less likely to hit you for being handsy, anyway."
Louis chuckled warmly, and heat rushed her cheeks. How was he so difficult to offend? Was he simply that obtuse or did he have a thing for rude women?
Catherine watched him wring out his hat before dropping the misshapen garment onto his head with a wet thwack. "It wouldn't be the first time a lady slapped me. Just the first time it was a beautiful lady. That seems like a fair trade off to me."
She sighed through her nose. Obtuse it was.
Graciously, she wasn't alone. Catherine's gaze darted towards Evelyn as they approached the others on the beach, and though the librarian seemed a tad more hysteric than the others, Catherine took great comfort in the fact that at least someone seemed to understand the unfortunate situation they were now stuck in.
"We've lost everything!" she was saying, hands wringing water out of her hair. "All of our tools, my equipment, my books!"
"Your books aren't really the biggest problem here, lady," Rick said as he dropped his rucksack onto the ground with a solid thump. Next, he pulled his gun out of its holster to check it thoroughly for damage. His dejected sigh seemed to indicate that the weapon didn't entirely appreciate their impromptu swim anymore than Catherine did. "We need guns."
"Guns?" Evelyn cried. "This is a historical expedition!"
"And clearly someone isn't too happy about it. Or am I the only one that remembers the guy trying to kill you?" he snarked.
"Kill her?" Catherine echoed. She glanced around the group to find that the others seemed just as surprised as she did. "Why the hell would someone want to kill Evelyn?"
The woman in mention bristled at her cursing, but did seem just as upset about it as everyone else. Her hands were shaking when she wiped them down the length of her face in thought. "I may have one or two ideas, but—"
Someone whistled sharply from the other bank, and the group turned to find the little man in the fez—Rick and Louis' old comrade, as she had been told—waving at them with the white flash of a grin. Both men groaned in annoyance, sharing identical looks of displeasure that spoke to how little they thought of Beni's attitude.
"Hey O'Connell," he sang in a lilting voice. "Looks to me like we've got all the horses!"
Catherine's jaw dropped, before snapping shut with an audible click when she realized that he was right.
Still, Rick didn't take the hit without his own smug reply, shouting, "hey Beni! It looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!"
Beni hadn't seemed to realize that and when he did his shoulders dropped with a kick to the ankle-deep water he was standing in. The Americans moved past him with the horses in mention, and Catherine couldn't help the steam that billowed out of her ears at the sight. She squared her shoulders at Rick with a glare, and when he noticed it, he quickly occupied his time sorting through his bag.
"That's three horses you've lost me now, Rick! Three!"
"Well—it's not like I meant to," he argued, waving a hand around vaguely. "How was I suppose to know that Evelyn would catch the boat on fire?"
"I caught the boat on fire?" Evelyn screeched.
"The fact that you end up in positions like this should be reason enough to expect something like this to happen! Don't think I won't be adding this to the bill that you owe me," Catherine continued, not at all liking the thought of Beni riding one of her beloved steeds. "Honestly! How can you be such a disaster?"
"Hey," he swung a hand towards her, pointing. "I'm not the one that caused that whole mess. Miss Librarian over here is the one that insisted we go to Hamunaptra in the first place," he jabbed a thumb at Evelyn, before swinging his hand towards her brother. "And he's the one that was running his big mouth about where we were going with the Americans."
"Oi!" Jonathan scoffed at the same time that Evelyn crossed one arm over the other and said, "I beg your pardon!"
Three people now stood scowling at Rick, and with the cool night chill sweeping through their group, it seemed apparent that they were in for a miserable night. As tactfully as he could manage—which to say, was not at all—Louis sidled up next to his friend with a grimace.
"You may want to quit while you're ahead, Ricky," he muttered with a sage pat to his friend's back.
Rick threw off his touch with a steely look, before stooping low to grab his rucksack off the ground. It wasn't long before he was stomping off, leaving everyone else no choice but to hope that he knew where he was going.
"Honestly," Evelyn muttered. Jonathan had the good grace to give her his coat—even though it was just as wet as the rest of them—and slowly the two siblings began ambling in his wake, the warden not far behind.
Catherine glanced miserably at the horses on the other bank of the water.
"Still thinking about swimming back to the boat?" Louis drawled.
"Considering going with the Americans," she said; it was as much of a joke as a reality, but he didn't seem to take her all that seriously. "I loved that horse, you know. He was purebred, the sweetest little thing, first one that I got when I came to Egypt."
"We make it to Hamunaptra and you can buy yourself another. A better one."
"O'Connell can buy me another, but if we run into the little fez again you can surely expect me to take him back," she corrected as they slowly made after the others. "He already owes me two from the last adventure he got himself roped into."
"You didn't go on that one?"
Catherine shook her head. "Graciously."
"Ah, please," he bumped his shoulder into hers, grinning warmly when she shot him a wary glance in return. Nothing seemed to bother him; not the wet clothes the soggy boots or the lack of horses. Instead, he seemed to thrive on this sort of trouble. As if he enjoyed living life by the seat of his pants. "This is probably the most excitement you've ever had other than getting a good sale on a pretty hat."
She scrunched her nose at him, trying not to be offended, but finding it quite hard when he managed to hit the nail on the head. Though she had come to Egypt without anything but a trunk of clothes, and while running away from her stifling homelife hadn't been an easy choice to make, since she got to Egypt Catherine had found herself erring on the side of caution. Money was hard to come by when one didn't have rich parents to pay her checks, and work wasn't something that she could skimp on if she wanted a place to sleep at night.
Truthfully, while her life had begun when she came to Cairo, the only true adventures—the ones she dreamed of as a little girl—existed when Rick O'Connell showed up at her door with a grin.
"I hate hats," she sniped. Then, feeling petty, gave his own hat a disdainful look. "And perhaps for good reason if they all look like that."
"Well—hey! What's wrong with my hat?!"
"Other than the fact that it looks like a skinned cat?" she cooed, mouth curling into a smirk when she finally managed to wipe that smug look off his face. Catherine gave an airy shrug. "Well, nothing I suppose. But have you ever heard the saying about putting lipstick on a pig?"
Louis' step faltered in shock at her blatant insult, giving Catherine enough time to catch up to Evelyn. She looped her arm through the woman's with a coy smile when she heard his feet dragging behind her.
"Walk with me?" she asked.
"Getting tired of the male company already?"
"Do you ever wonder what the world would be like if women were in charge of everything?" Catherine mused in a stage whisper. "I can't help but think it would be quite thrilling if this mess of a trip is anything to go by."
Evelyn seemed to understand exactly where she was coming from and in response sighed hard enough for her shoulders to droop from lost tension. "Only all day, every day."
"Oi!" Jonathan cried for the second time that night. Both women glanced at him in unison. If the scandalous look on his face was anything to go by, he was clearly in hearing range of their conversation. "What have I done?"
"Absolutely nothing, dear," Evelyn cooed.
"And that seems to be the problem, doesn't it?" Catherine tacked on with a witty grin. Evelyn hadn't seemed to expect such an answer and slapped a hand to her mouth to keep the giggles at bay. "Now, why don't you tell me about one of your books. I could use a good story."
Evelyn beamed at the request. "Well, oh—where to even start? I'm assuming you know the legend of Hamunaptra, but what most people don't realize is that..."
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alhavaradawnstar · 7 months
shit needs doing so naturally I am thinking about. The swap au
#shakes swap gelebor by the shoulders WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. WHEN WILL YOU LEARNS THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!#blood. Blood. gallons of the stuff. More than you could drink and it will never be enough/ref He's so. SILLY#gripping mswap like a stress ball and he crumbles into dust. He's like actually living mummified it's fucked up#vampirism 4 him is like. Giving up auriels light so others can have it. Maintaining everything from the shadows. Humanoid church grim. Etc#THEN EVERYTHING WENT TO SHIT!!! vyrthur still creates the prophecy out of like. Grief I guess rather than selfrighteous anger#The fact that gelebor is adamant that vampirism is Good and auriel still loves them pisses him off so much. They have Nothing and#Auriel has done nothing for them. And still he does everything#Checks in on vyrthur. Is horrified at the state of the wayshrine. Vyrthur cleans up. They dont talk to each other for 400 years. Repeat#swapau#mswap is so. goofy lovestruck grin imagining him in the family guy death pose. I need to draw him covered in blood again#Character embodiment of divine madness has yet to experience the divine reckoning. Honey youve got a big storm coming ❤❤❤#lectures you for 3 hours on how while cannibalism is the most literal and therefore most divine eucharist it is still inferior to blood alo#^I'm not christian ik this is inaccurate but I often draw from catholicism 4 him because they have got some WEIRD SHIT to play with#also is the religion of midnight mass and faith both of which are. Huge influences on this au. I cannot stress how much mswap is msgr pruit#he would say the honesty monologue if he had anyone to talk to. Arguing w riley* (*his inner demons)
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chradi · 3 months
They should invent a job that doesn’t make you want to
drink that potion in Alice that makes you real small and then get lost in another world and get executed by a card-themed Queen
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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churchofgrini · 7 months
Ain't even 7 am and I have to see someone on Twitter claim all man are r*pists and pe*os
Like yes there are bad people out there but for fucks sakes it's not everyone you can't just group everybody into a good and a bad gender, not to mention a woman is just as capable of doing those things it ain't the crazy come back you think it is.
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