#love quran
altrvisticsoul · 30 days
I've left it all in the hands of Allah.
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suhyla · 5 months
The same pen that wrote for Yusuf to be sent to prison, deprived of his rights and denied justice, was the pen that wrote for him to become a minister, reigning over the treasury of Egypt.
The same pen that wrote for Yusuf’s brothers to dominate over him and throw him in the well
is the pen that brought them to Egypt, standing before Yusuf in need and at his mercy.
The same pen that took Yusuf from the arms of Yaqoub, returned him to his father years later as a Prophet and minister.
I do not know what may be written in my story next. But I know who holds the pen.
Shall I not trust the One who wrote the best of stories to write my story too?
— @suhylawrites on instagram
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his-vibez · 1 month
The Wife of Sheikh Muqbil Ibn Hadi al Wad’iy رحمه الله said,
“When I consulted Muqbil about the preparation of the food, he would tell me, “Cook the easiest for yourself, don't overload yourself and don't waste your time, because I will eat any food In Shā Allāh.” and even if I insisted, I didn't get more than that as an answer from him.”
[الإمام الألمعي ١٥٨ - ١٦١]
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atiredmuslimah · 6 months
Yahya ibn Mu’ādh, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:
“According to how much you fear Allāh the people will respect you, and according to how much you love Allāh the people will love you, and according to how much you busy yourself with Allāh [with worship] the people will become busy in your affairs [i.e. in your service].
[Sifatu As-Safwa: 3/343]
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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esbatubulet · 4 months
Mengejar surga sendirian itu berat, makanya kita butuh partner yg tepat..
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vexheart · 1 year
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werefadingfaster · 7 months
“ and Allah knows best ”
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fluffy-appa · 5 months
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You deserve a calm love with someone who hears you, sees you, understands you, appreciates you, supports you, and loves you. Someone who is consistent, communicates clearly, and creates a caring safe space to heal, grow and bloom together. A love you never have to heal from🤍✨
“Pray to have a partner who’s heart remains soft for you always.”
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sabrgirl · 2 years
7 tips in getting closer to Allah SWT
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read the Qur'an everyday reading the word of Allah and understanding what you are reading will make you feel close to Him as you know that this is not a Book that anyone has just written - it has come directly from Allah SWT. subhanallah. reading and understanding what He says will make you want to practise what the Qur'an says and, in turn, be closer to Him.
be around people who remember Allah human beings have great influence on each other so it is important to have righteous people around you. their relationship with Allah SWT will inspire you to build and improve yours.
understand what you recite in salah knowing what you are reciting will help you understand how many blessings you are gaining with just a single prayer. take time to learn the translation (if you do not speak/understand arabic) of what you are reciting and why.
learn Allah's 99 names and attributes 'And to Allah alone belong all perfect attributes; so call on Him by these' (7:181) Allah likes it when we call Him by his names and it is important to recognise and understand Him. think of Him as your friend: when you get to know someone better, you get closer to them. it is the same thing, in fact, better, with Allah SWT.
have secret good deeds between you and Allah again, like having a friend, having something that is just between you and your Lord will make you feel closer to Him.
make lots of du'a - especially in sujood having your dua's come true is the best feeling, especially when you have been praying for something for a long time, alhamdulillah. praying for anything, no matter how big or small, will make you feel closer to Him as you know that He alone will make everything okay and knows what is best for you.
remember death and prepare for it this one can be very hard but it is important to remember that death can come at anytime so always try and do good deeds and live righteously in order to please Allah. when having this mindset that each day is a new chance to seek forgiveness and do good deeds, you will feel closer to Him by wanting Him to be happy with you.
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kyoino · 3 months
Indeed, he is with us.
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eay1esha · 2 months
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📌daily ayaat: 73 Sura Al-Muzzammil, Aya 20 - via QuranExplorer
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suhyla · 5 months
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@suhylawrites on instagram 🩵
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his-vibez · 2 months
As much as you fix your salah, your life will be fixed. If you are wondering why there is a delay in your rizq, in your marriage, in your work, or in your health, look into your Salah.
Are you delaying it?
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atiredmuslimah · 5 months
A man said to Zayn al-‘Ābidīn:
“Why do you sit with people who are inferior to you, from the slaves and the freed slaves?”
He replied: “I only sit with those who benefit me in my religion!”
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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al-islam · 21 days
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vexheart · 2 months
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