#love the cats especially like the gray and white cat pattern
mostmagical · 9 months
Hii @sincerely-kiwi! I'm your Secret Santa for the Ashville discord server Secret Santa exchange!! This got just a little away from me, so I'll be posting part 2 tomorrow :)
Words: 7.2k (Ch. 2/2) Summary:
After yet another late night akuma interrupts her sleepover, Ladybug and her partner are forced to find cover to recharge where an unexpected observation from Chat Noir leads to some equally unexpected revelations for Marinette (and maybe a few scars).
Read Chapter 1 either on Ao3 or below the cut!
The beeping in her ears was insistent as Ladybug touched down on the nearest rooftop from the battle location, Chat Noir sharp on her heels. A clothesline split the rooftop patio in half, long white linens blowing in the slight breeze, and she quickly dashed to the other side.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she couldn’t see her partner anymore from behind the makeshift cover. “Looks like this will do,” she said brightly. “No peeking!”
“You know I would never do such a thing!” Her partner’s voice carried an air of mock-affront, Ladybug only marginally holding back her giggle in response. “I’m a purr-fect gentleman.”
Regardless, her transformation dropped, Tikki spiralling into her hands. She smiled down at the kwami, rummaging around in her purse with one hand for one of the treats she had set aside. She couldn’t help the way her eyes drifted down as she tried to locate something in the tiny bag—especially not when she spotted something she had never seen before.
On the other side of the sheet, Marinette could see two socked feet, connected to two pale legs. The sheet stopped at the top of the calf, so she couldn’t see anything other than that. Just two gray ankle socks. So simple and so un-Chat Noir-like she almost laughed in surprise. With him, she always thought of bright colors and patterns. A goofy guy like Chat Noir should be wearing goofy socks, in her honest opinion. The positioning of the sheet meant she could only imagine what else he might be wearing, and as much as she knew she shouldn’t, Marinette’s mind loved to imagine.
He must have been wearing some sort of short pants, considering she could see his bare skin. What kind of shorts would Chat Noir wear? Was he an athlete? Considering the sort of stunts she had seen him do on the daily, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was some sort of rugby player, or soccer— No, not soccer, she remembered with a smirk. So maybe rugby fit him best.
Part of her wondered if he had been getting ready for bed. Maybe he was in pajamas like her and Alya had been. The socks with no shoes certainly told her that he had been inside somewhere. What kind of thing might Chat Noir wear to bed? Did he wear goofy prints and sets with cats all over them? Or… less? No. Her face flushing red, Marinette quickly moved on to another line of thinking.
She wondered what Chat Noir wore on a day-to-day basis. Was he casual? More formal? What kind of colors did he like to wear?
Her mind drifted to the only other time she had seen him without a miraculous transformation, when he had run around in that banana suit. Now, that was an outfit befitting Chat Noir. She covered her mouth with one hand as a giggle threatened to break free at the memory.
“Do my eyes deceive me, or is that a tail I see, m’Lady?”
Startled from her thoughts by the sudden voice, Marinette jumped straight up, breath catching in her throat with a gasp. As she came down, her feet seemed to trip over one another, and she fell backwards with half a shriek on her lips. Her body came crashing down into a collection of terracotta pots, the loud sound of shattering functioning as a backdrop as one broke directly under her elbow.
Marinette clamped her teeth together, bracing herself against the stinging pain in her arm.
Of course. Of course, she had completely forgotten she was wearing the outfit in the first place, and of course with her luck, the one person who couldn’t have possibly seen her in it actually saw her in it. Alya was going to have a field day when she heard about this. Her mind flashed back to their earlier conversation just before the akuma struck.
“What?” Marinette asked, turning to stare at Alya, having felt her friend’s eyes burning into the back of her head.
Alya snorted from across the room, shifting to hold the tray of cookies she held on her hip. “What are you wearing?” she asked.
Marinette looked down at herself, not seeing anything wrong with the black fabric covering her body. “My pajamas,” she answered simply. “I wanted to try making a onesie and I think it turned out pretty okay.” She shrugged, before remembering herself. “Oh! I made you one, too!” She quickly scrambled to her feet, rushing over to the far side of her desk where the pile of orange fabric was waiting for her. “Ta-da!”
The onesie unfurled between them as she dramatically presented it to Alya, orange tail lightly brushing against Marinette’s slippers as it fell.
“I’m also making some for Nino and Adrien, and probably Chat if I can figure out a good excuse for where it came from,” she continued to rapidly explain. “It’s a little silly, but I think they’d make great gifts!”
Alya stared at the presented outfit, eyebrows slowly raising. “M, that’s really cute! Thank you!” she said, stepping forward to finally place the tray down. “I do have to ask though, why Rena Rouge?”
“Why not Rena Rouge?” Marinette asked, winking. “She’s your favorite, right?”
“Sure, we can say that,” Alya laughed, “but you’re wearing Chat Noir.”
Marinette blinked, again looking down at her outfit. The golden bell she had fitted to the zipper pull glittered up at her. “Yeah, and?”
“Is he your favorite superhero?” Alya asked, a teasing grin on her face. Marinette did not enjoy the lilt of her tone.
Her face colored pink. “What?” she scoffed. “I don’t have favorites.”
Alya once again raised her eyebrows, staring Marinette down over the frames of her glasses. “Mmhmm,” she hummed. “You better hope he doesn’t see you in that, then.”
Marinette laughed. “Yeah, right! Like there’d be any chance of Chat seeing me in this.”
“With your luck?” Alya teased. “I think you better watch what you say.”
“Hey!” Marinette whined, folding the Rena Rouge onesie again and placing it on her desk. “That’s not—”
As if on cue, both their phones began ringing with an akuma alert.
“You were saying?” Alya laughed.
“Ha-ha, very funny.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “But I’ll be transformed the whole time anyway.” She walked towards her window as she called for her transformation.
Alya just wiggled her fingers in a wave. “Say hi to your favorite superhero for me!”
“Ladybug?” Chat Noir frantically called from the other side of the sheet, breaking her from her thoughts. “What was that?” An arm-shaped silhouette pressed against the middle-most sheet, the outline of a boy becoming clearer, before it seemed to think better and disappeared. “Sorry! I didn’t see anything but the tail and I just couldn’t help myself!”
Marinette almost laughed, but the prominent throb of her arm had her screwing her mouth shut once again.
“Are you okay?” he called again when she didn’t respond, his voice strained with worry. “What happened?”
“Nothing, nothing,” she replied. “I just fell, that's all.”
“I thought so,” he sighed. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m—” She cut herself off as she looked down at her arm. Her sleeve was torn, but that was an easy fix. An ugly red gash ran from the inside of her elbow to about halfway down her forearm, trickles of blood staining her skin. She hissed out through her teeth. “I’m fine,” she lied. Without thinking, she tried to brush some of the soil dusted over it away, but only served to hit the edges of the wound, causing her to hiss again.
“If you’re fine, what was that hiss?”
Panicked, Marinette squeaked, “Nothing!”
“No way.” She could hear a worried frown in his voice. “That sounded like an ‘I’m bleeding’ hiss. One of my friends makes that hiss all the time.”
“It was absolutely not an ‘I’m bleeding’ hiss.”
“So are you bleeding?”
Her voice came out small. “No.”
“My Lady.” His voice came out disbelieving.
“I’m not bleeding.”
“Yes, she is.”
Marinette gasped as she suddenly noticed Plagg beside her, looking down at her bloody injury. “Hey!”
Plagg looked up at her with a satisfied smirk before flying back over the clothesline divider.
Before she could make any complaints about privacy, Marinette heard her partner’s voice, quieter than she was used to. It had an air of something— was it feebleness? —to it that she never would have expected from him. “Ladybug, will you please let me see it?” he asked, pleading. “Please?”
Marinette blinked, stunned, and without even realizing what she was doing, she was standing up and walking back towards the sheet. It was only when she arrived back at her original position that she noticed there was a little issue with that plan. “Wait,” she said, “how am I supposed to show you? I’m not– My transformation will cover it up.”
“Don’t transform. Just stick your arm between the sheets here.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “No, I might…” Her voice went quieter as she finally admitted it. “I might stain them.”
“If you do, I’ll buy them a replacement.”
Marinette’s eyes went wide as the sheets suddenly parted for her, a small gap about the size of her arm appearing.
“Just stick your arm through here. I won’t look anywhere else.”
Hesitantly, she complied, pushing her arm through the gap slowly. She cringed when she heard Chat’s gasp.
“It’s not that bad,” she defended.
“Not that bad?” She tried to ignore the sudden shock she felt when fingers wrapped around her wrist. Bare fingers. “Look at all this blood,” he continued. “Are you woozy? Does it hurt?”
“No.” There was a gentle prod to the inside of her elbow, right above where the cut began. Marinette hissed again.
“Yes,” Chat said, answering his own question. “I need to patch this up.” There were more prods along the gash, forcing a whimper out of Marinette’s mouth against her wishes. “Sorry, my Lady,” came his gentle voice, “I’m just trying to see how deep it is.”
She worried her bottom lip, trying to ignore the pain and the feeling of warm fingertips on her skin. “Does– Does it look deep?” she asked.
“It might be best for you to see a doctor in case you need stitch—”
“No! No stitches,” she refused. She didn’t even know how she would begin to explain this one to her parents.
“Okay, no stitches,” he relented, to her relief, “but we do need to stop this bleeding and cover it up. I’m worried you might get an infection.” His hand started to gently brush against her skin, sending the hairs on the back of her neck standing up straight. “What did you fall on? There’s dirt all over your arm.”
Marinette swallowed against the lump in her throat, looking over her shoulder at the destruction she left behind. “Uh, someone’s garden, it looks like,” she answered. “A few terracotta pots.”
Chat hummed in such a way that she could imagine his cat ears pressing flat against his head. “Is there a watering can or anything?”
“Uh, I mean…” She scanned over the shattered pots and scattered soil, spotting a squirt bottle just a bit away on a small gardening cart. “Yes, I see a squirt bottle. Why?”
“I need to clean this.”
“What?” she squeaked, turning back towards the sheet and his voice. “No– You don’t– I can just go home.”
“Absolutely not,” he replied, firm enough to surprise her. “I don’t want this to get any deeper than it already is, so it’s best I take care of this now.”
“This is silly,” Marinette whined. She tried to pull away, but his grip was strong around her wrist. Struggling only made the pain flare up again. “You really don’t have to.”
“Tikki,” Chat Noir called instead, ignoring her pleas. “Are you there?”
“Yes, I’m here!” Tikki replied, floating into Marinette’s point of view.
“Hide! Don’t let her leave!”
Marinette gasped in her betrayal as Tikki giggled. “You got it, Chat Noir!”
“Wait, you can’t do that.” She glared at Tikki who simply waved and dashed away out of sight. “You can’t turn my own kwami against me.”
“Too bad,” he laughed. “Now, about that spray bottle. Plagg, would you mind?”
Marinette watched in disbelief as Chat Noir’s kwami reappeared from over the sheet and flew towards the squirt bottle. “So, no one’s on my side?”
Chat chuckled again from the other side, his fingers now drawing small circles on the inside of her wrist that she would never admit felt very nice. “Just trying to keep the hero of Paris safe from harm. How are you supposed to throw a yoyo if you end up needing a cast? What if it needs amputation?”
She groaned, her free arm crossing over her chest in protest. Her injured arm was held captive on the other side, and she couldn’t decide if she wanted to break free or not. Chat Noir’s soft hand gently squeezed her elbow as he folded her torn sleeve over it. She swallowed. Maybe this was fine.
Plagg flew back over their makeshift divider, squirt bottle grasped between his tiny paws, and disappeared again from Marinette’s sight.
She heard a slight sloshing, as if Chat Noir had shaken the bottle.
“Okay, it looks clean,” he sighed. “It’ll have to do. I’m just going to spray a little water on your arm to clean off this dirt, okay?”
Marinette nodded, before realizing that he couldn’t see her. “Okay,” she agreed.
The water wasn’t cold, but it still surprised her when it hit her skin. A gentle hand— feather-light, as if afraid to touch her— brushed at her skin for a moment before more water was sprayed over her arm.
Chat Noir made a disappointed sound. “I really wish I had some rubbing alcohol…” he murmured. His voice was louder as he dictated an instruction to her, “When you get home, wash this again with warm water and then clean the edges with rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. If you have any antibiotic ointments, even better. That’ll stave off any bacteria from making a home here.”
She bit her lip, trying to commit his words to her memory. “Okay.”
“And then cover it with a clean bandage, okay? Don’t just reuse the old one.”
“You sound like you know what you’re talking about,” she commented.
Chat hummed approvingly. “I have a first aid certification.”
“Yeah, Chat Noir, RN, at your service.”
Her mind conjured an image of Chat Noir, cat ears and all, in a white doctor’s coat, and she couldn’t help the snort that blew through her nose as a result. She paused as she recalled his earlier statement. “Wait, you’re going to bandage it?”
“I have to,” he said assuredly. “If I leave it open, it might just keep bleeding, or it’ll get infected.”
“Oh…” She furrowed her brows. “But where are you going to get a bandage?”
Chat Noir went quiet for a moment. It felt like he had finished cleaning the wound, and his hand still holding the underside of her forearm tapped a pattern on her skin with one finger.
“I got it,” he finally said. “One second. Stay still.”
The warmth of his hand left her, and she was surprised to realize she missed that anchor. Without it, she was reminded of the ache of the gash on her arm. She tucked her free hand under her armpit to try and support her own weight, chewing her lip.
There was a quiet rustling noise on the other side, followed by the very familiar sound of tearing fabric.
Marinette jolted, reacting immediately. “Chat, you better not be ripping up someone else’s laundry!” she growled. “I don’t care if you promise to replace it!”
“I’m not,” he replied. “This is my shirt.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda old and I have plenty more at ho–”
“You took off your shirt?” Marinette interrupted. “Like… the one off your back?”
“I mean, yes, it’s the only one I had.”
Don’t picture shirtless Chat Noir, don’t picture shirtless Chat Noir, don’t picture—
She wished she could bury her face in her hands.
With a flaming face, she realized she had been silent for far too long. “I– uh, you thank– Thank you,” she winced, hearing herself stutter— Ladybug wasn’t supposed to stutter—, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“No problem,” he said, as if it really didn’t matter to him that he had actually ripped the shirt off his back just to clean up her bloody mess. “I’m going to touch you again, okay?”
Marinette made a short grunt of acknowledgement, bracing herself for the feeling of his warm hands on her skin again. It came with the feeling of soft cotton fabric pressing against her, the dull ache growing sharper as he pressed against her wound.
“Is that okay?” he asked.
She chose to be honest. “It– It hurts a little, but I’m okay.”
“Good.” He sounded relieved. “It looks like the bleeding is slowing down.”
Considering all she felt was ache and wet, she decided she would take his word for it. They fell into what Marinette thought was a comfortable silence— him dabbing at her skin, and her standing still and allowing him to care for her. She tried to imagine it was just a regular trip to the nurse’s office.
In the dark. On a rooftop. In the middle of the night.
Totally normal.
After a few moments, the dabbing ceased, and instead she felt a dry cloth begin to be applied to her skin, gently wrapping around her arm.
Soon enough, Chat Noir broke the silence. “I’m really sorry, again, by the way,” he said, regret mixed with sincerity tinting the edges of his tone. “I know you said not to look and I promise I wasn’t, but I just happened to glance down and thought I saw a tail and what else could I do? Not mention it?”
Marinette steadfastly ignored the way her cheeks heated up. She couldn’t exactly get mad at him when she had been doing the same thing, after all. “It’s not your fault that I fell, you know,” she told him instead.
“It kinda feels like it is.”
“It’s not.”
Chat Noir once again fell silent on the other side of the sheet, quietly continuing his work.
Marinette tried to focus on anything other than the feeling of his fingers pressing against her skin or the melancholy hanging over them, but it was too heavy. She swallowed the lump in her throat hard enough to hurt, a dry, aching feeling pulling at her insides.
She knew what she had to do. “It is a tail,” she admitted.
Chat’s hands stopped moving. A pause fell between them. After a moment passed, he asked, “Why are you wearing a tail?”
She chewed her lip, almost regretting her decision to come clean, but she pushed through the nerves. “It’s part of my Chat Noir onesie.”
“Your what?”
He had genuine shock in his voice, clearly having heard what she said. With a laugh on the edge of her lips, Marinette tapped the bell on her zipper, letting its quiet chime answer his question for her.
“A bell?” The grip on her wrist tightened for a second before it went lax again, as if he had realized what he had done. “Oh man, I want to look so bad. Why did you do this to me?”
She laughed then, wishing she could see his face. “Just wanted you to ‘B positive,’ I guess.”
He gasped, and she could just imagine his little cat ears perking up on his head. “Oh, milady, I’m O positive you always know just what to say to make me feel better,” he laughed.
Marinette grinned, proud her little distraction worked so well. “Hey, why did the cat go to vet school?”
“Hmm… To take care of his lady?”
“No! To become a purr-fessional!”
He laughed again, loud and full. “God, I love you.”
Her breath caught in her throat at how casually he said it. She had heard him say it a thousand times, but it never failed to make her heart beat a little faster. A strangled noise made its way out of her mouth before she could stop it.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” he said. “That just slipped out. I know you don’t really want to hear me say that anymore. I meant ‘love you’ like a friend.”
She didn’t want to hear that. That is what she had told him before.
There was a slight tug at the bend of her arm. “Well, you’re all set now,” Chat declared. “Miraculous Ladybug.”
She snorted. “Don’t you mean ‘Mister Bug’?”
“One of us is more miraculous than the other,” he replied. Before she could argue against him, he continued, “You even have your spots outside of the costume.”
“What do you mean?” Feeling his hands release her, she pulled her hand back through the gap. Her arm was now wrapped in white fabric, a black stripe running twice around her forearm, and a neat knot tied at her elbow. She smiled, impressed at how seamless it looked.
“Inside your wrist,” he answered, drawing her eyes to the spot. “You have two freckles. Looks just like Adalia bipunctata.”
“Two-spot ladybird. It’s a ladybug.”
“Oh.” She giggled. “I have more than that,” she admitted. “In the summer, I get freckles all up and down my arms from the sun. These two just like to hang out year-round.”
“Really?” he gasped. “So you really are a real-life ladybug?”
“Maybe I am,” she teased. “Do you actually like scratches behind the ear?”
“You want to give it a try now?”
She scoffed. “You wish, kitty,” she laughed. “Tikki, you can come out now! I’m all patched up!”
A couple transformations later, Ladybug was back in her suit. She clenched and unclenched the hand on her injured arm a few times, testing the feeling. Her skin stung a bit at the pull, but otherwise it felt fine.
The hanging sheet in front of her shifted, and Chat Noir’s black pointed ears poked through the gap. He had a grin on his face. “Feel okay?” he asked.
Ladybug smiled. “Good as new.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” he replied, stepping fully onto her side of the clothesline. “Well, then I guess I’ll see you next time, milady. Have a good night.”
“Wait,” Ladybug said, watching as his face turned questioning. She stepped closer, throwing her arms around his neck before she could talk herself out of it. “Thank you for taking care of me, Chaton.”
He was stiff at first, but soon melted into the embrace, wrapping his arms around her middle. “That’s what I’m here for, Buginette,” he muttered into her shoulder. “I’m sorry, again–”
“No, nope.” She pulled back, placing her hands on either side of his face to force him to look at her. His eyes were wide. “If you ever blame yourself for my clumsiness again, I won’t bring chouquettes for patrol anymore.”
“Whoa!” he gasped, eyebrows raising. “Threat perceived.”
“Good.” She patted his cheek gently before stepping out of his arms once more. “Good night, Chat Noir.”
“Night, Ladybug.”
With a flick of her wrist, she left him standing on the rooftop, heading back home and to her and Alya’s abandoned sleepover.
When Alya saw the wrapping on Marinette’s arm and her torn sleeve, she was understandably concerned.
“What happened to you?” she asked, rushing to her feet.
Marinette grinned, holding her hands up in a placating fashion. “Just a normal little slip,” she explained. “I’ll be right back, though,” she said, heading towards the trap door in her bedroom floor. “I promised Chat Noir I’d clean and change the bandage when I got home.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’ll explain when I get back!”
Marinette quickly made her way to the bathroom, pulling open the medicine cabinet where she knew her mother kept the first aid kit. She soon located the rubbing alcohol and a few skin-colored bandages to replace Chat’s shirt. Carefully, she undid his work, wincing when she got a look at the gash again. Luckily, it wasn’t bleeding anymore, but that didn’t stop it from looking scary. She set aside the torn fabric on the corner of the sink and got to work cleaning the wound.
Once she was finished, she carefully returned all the supplies to the kit and threw away her used cotton balls. She reached for the shirt as well, but paused when her eye caught on a gray tab sticking straight up.
The label was still intact on the collar of Chat Noir’s shirt.
She only faltered for a second before curiosity got the better of her. Her thumb brushed over the seam, turning it over until she could clearly see a stylized ‘G’ that she recognized all too well.
Eyes widening, Marinette wondered what kind of wardrobe Chat Noir had at home to tear up a designer Gabriel shirt without a second thought.
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bonefall · 11 months
decided to try my hand at some oc clanmew translations because i think it's fun :3c i have more but here are the ones that are either my favorites character-wise or took some thought!
STAR HIVESWARM - shai ffawsbabfsfsafen
star bee-home swarmed. there's no word for a hive in term of bugs, so i just shoved ffaws with the first part of babipanna to make hive. She's called hiveswarm because her gray ticked fur looks like a swarm of bugs and she was overwhelmed with many things as a warrior and deputy, swarmed with them
ISOPODSPOTS- booiwoowoo
rollypolly-spotting. Isopodspots is white with black spotting like a dairy cow isopod! He's in star hive's clan, which has an abundance of bug names
booiwoowoo is really fun to say.
BLUEFLOWER - luparponma
blue flower... hers is very simple but i like her. she was named for her blue eyes, bluish grey parts of her dilute calico patterning, and for her knowledge of medical flowers as a medicine cat. If her clan knew what lotuses were she'd be bluelotus (blue water-flower?) instead. a very straightforward name, but as a character she's far from straightforward!
STAR BREEZESONG - shai hraa'ahwuosoon.
star breeze wind-whistling. i would have used the singing verb, but I thought the hypothetical literal "song" the wind sings would be fitting for her name instead. she wasn't named breezesong for any super specific reason in particular but i imagine she may have been born on a particularly windy day, or maybe her fur flows in a specific way akin to a breeze
HOUNDSNIPE - bayaokikaboohafefyl
large hound-wader-bird. her name is a joke about guns since the character she's based on uses guns as her main weapon, but uses the name of a wading bird! as for why the hound prefix... she looks somewhat doglike, being large with black and white markings and having huge paws, teeth and distinctively pointed ears. she's breezesong's sister. breezesong looks like a normal cat
JUNGLEHOPE - papayaogshaba
steady rain-forest-prayer. jungles and rainforests would probably be synonymous to warrior cats since they don't know a lot about em, and i'd imagine a prayer to starclan is similar to hoping!
SPLINTERFLOOD - boekarkworrl
a lot-broken piece-flood. the clanmew word for splinter, as in the piece of wood or thorn that gets stuck in your paw pad, isn't what i imagined for splinterflood's name. splinter as in the verb, splinter as in breaking into many small pieces. he's flooded by the splinters in his namesake, parts of himself. his old name was floodheart, but he changed it to splinterflood, then eventually splinterheart again. (worrlbabun, boekarkbabun) he's indecisive and also very dramatic, almost like cat the shakespeare
MOTHFLARE - ffyyfyn
moth-flame, her name is an honor title! she survived major burns as an apprentice from a forest fire that occurred during a battle with a warring clan, and when she recovered she was granted her honor title. she's also a sorta charcoal black color, with long fur that wisps like a flame
ffyyfyn is a very nice coincidence of a name. it's very pleasant sounding
very nervous to send this but who cares i'm having fun it's clanmew time. i love better bones it's super cool
No need to be nervous! These names are all great! Booiwoowoo my beloved!
I'm going to give you words for homes that insects construct. I AM GOING TO BE POSTING IMAGES BELOW THE CUT. So here's a Trypophobia warning!
There's BEES down there, and SPIDERS, and HOLES. And weird plant tumor things called galls. Basically, bugs are adorable but they are also horrorshows who bend nature to their little leggy whims.
A home that an insect constructs is a Kin. Kin is also a word with many meanings in Clanmew. It can mean...
An insect's home
A clay pot with only a small opening
A strange object
A belonging of someone, especially an object that has special value to that person; a prized possession
A hole with a biting animal in it
Something that someone will fight you for; something you may have to fight to keep
There's a LOT of words for specific Kin.
Large, flat web = Yyb
Cobweb = Feep
Gall/Bauble = Kichaw
Honeycomb = Mlogur
Hive = Skib
Anthill = Shein
Yellow Meadow Anthill = Eebo
Large, flat webs = Yyb
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The sorts of webs made by orbweavers, hanging straight downwards. Big, strong, and sticky. Word can also mean that something is vertical-- perpendicular to the ground.
Cobweb = Feep
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NOT made of dust. Cobwebs are formed first by cob spiders, and then dust can settle on them in a house after they've been abandoned, damaging them beyond use.
In Clanmew, a cobweb is a fuzzy, 3D web with an odd structure. It can describe any spiderweb that doesn't have the "classic" flat shape, like the webs you may see in your cellar or the corner of your house.
Gall/Bauble = Kissaw
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These are ALL galls that Clan cats can find on oak trees alone. They're specialized growths that certain types of wasps and flies can force the tree to grow into, to protect and feed a larvae before it pupates.
The word can mean gall, or it can refer to any interesting little natural object or adornment. Clan cats also can't always tell these apart from blights, chawb, so the word tends to be applied to useful galls (ink can be made from one type) or ones that are particularly interesting.
Honeycomb = Mlogur
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SPECIFICALLY the hives of honeybees. Cartoons lie to you; honeybees do not create the grayish, papery hives that wasps and hornets do. A mlogur is yellow, droopy, and sometimes drips with honey.
And they're VERY important. Honey is one of the best natural antiseptics in the entire world, INVALUABLE for treating wounds. The wax can also be repurposed into all sorts of useful things, and even the larvae can be eaten.
Hive = Skib
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EXACTLY what you usually imagine when you hear 'hive.' A nest of stinging bees, wasps, and hornets; but NOT honeybees.
Dangerous and useless. Clan cats avoid these at all costs; nothing good comes from messing with them.
Anthill = Shein
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The hilly, bare structures that 3/4 of the ant species they encounter create.
Yellow Meadow Anthill = Eebo
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A term mostly used by WindClan! At first glance, one may think these are strange little natural landmarks, but in reality, they're actually colonies of yellow meadow ants. After they build their homes, grass comes up to cover the structure.
Sometimes WindClan apprentices like to play hopping games with these, seeing how many they can successfully bounce over without stopping.
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plumadesatada · 8 months
What is your favorite color of cat? :3
ohh tthat is an excellent question actually.
assuming you don't mean pedigree cats (because then it's hands down gray-point siamese), I goddamn fucking LOVE black cats, especially when the sunlight hits them juuust right and reveals their fur is actually red/brown
second fave are tuxedo cats with white jabots, gloves and boots. extra special bonus points if the non-white bits are a pattern, like orange or gray stipes, but solid black looks very distinguished with the white accessories
how about you? do you have a fave cat coat that makes a cat extra irresistible?
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closetdbisexual · 1 year
the way warriors name their kits is so funny because .... naming a cat immediately over their appearance is like the dumbest thing you can do . cats look way different when theyre born. i mean, everyone knows cats have blue eyes that eventually change, but even just pattern wise they change a lot too. but what im discussing in this psot specifically is just certain mutations or temporary effects . and a good deal of these are relevant to black/dark-furred cats so thats what im using as examples . s orry .
fever coats
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[id: two kittens, a tabby and a black kitten, with fever coats. their bodies are silver and mottled, while their faces show their real patterns. end id.]
first off, fever coat kittens ... ! a result of the kittens experiencing higher temperatures than usual in the womb (from their mother having a fever), this pattern lasts usually four months to a year . their fur presents as silvery across their back, but similarly to pointed cats, their extremities (face, legs, usually tail) show their real pattern almost normal. think itd be interesting to have a kitten like this born, hailed for their unusual pattern and given a name to fit it, (i can imagine names based off fog or mist prefixes especially), only for it to curiously fade away when the cat gets older, and the prefix no longer describes them. what a fun thing to explain at gatherings ! :) youcan tell i just wanted to make a post about fever coat kittens but thought itd be boring to discuss them alone.
2. vitiligo
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[id: a before-and-after photo of a tuxedo cat with vitiligo. the first photo shows the cat as black with a white muzzle and blaze, while in the second, the cat is almost entirely white with a black mottled pattern. end id.]
more well-known, but still an interesting idea. blackpaw ...is suddenly far more white than black ! again, just cool. fun idea. i dont have much to say about this one because everyone knows about this .
3. sun-bleached
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[id: a black cat with a sun-bleached coat. its back is varying shades of red-and-brown, unlike a tortoiseshell pattern. end id.]
caused by radiation from the sun, the eumelanin in black cats fur can break down, causing it to actually lighten - and cause concern for sunburn, also. not good. but i imagine this happening to riverclan or windclan cats the most, considering how often theyre out in the sun. considering how this can also return to normal if they just shed naturally and spend less time outside , itd be another interesting anomaly for cats to figure out .... also a very pretty pattern . and also acknowledges that, yknow, letting your cats outside is not very safe for them actually so 👎 crowfeather looking a bit more like cardinalfeather lately ....lol ...
4. pointed cats
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[id: several pointed cats. all are primarily cream, with darker markings around their face, legs, and tail. one is a seal-point cat, with almost black markings. the next is a lilac-point, with blue-gray markings. the third is a pair of flame-point cats, with light ginger markings. end id.]
i also wanted to post about this one the most <- guy who LOVES pointed cats . oh this one has so much potential both ways. pointed cats are the result of certain temperatures impacting their bodies - the warmer parts of their bodies produce less pigment, while the colder parts around their face and legs will darken. and, as that might suggest, this process can be prevented by keeping them at other temperatures. pointed cats raised in warm environments, for example, will usually not darken as much. however, this is still coded into their genes, and can even be affected by the seasons and temperature changes then, which again, very fun ! very cool idea . a solid-white kit you found in twoleg-place, slowly changing as they age until suddenly that name snowkit doesnt quite fit them anymore, does it? a pair of visibly pointed cats that traveled to a sunnier territory, confused when their kits stay light and solid-colored. warriors having to get used to their clanmate changing colors with the seasons, making jokes about them seeming more like some kind of seasonal plant or prey than any other cat they know . cool .....
okay i dont have anymore examples you can tell i just really wanted to tell people about fever coats and also pointed cats ^ i like them a lot
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animala2z · 2 years
Donskoy cat: Height, Weight, Life span, Personality Full Information
Also known as the Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless, the Donskoy cat is a medium-sized, muscular cat that, like the Sphynx breed, has less hair due to a genetic mutation in origin. These friendly, active cats are known to be very loyal – in fact, their loyalty is often compared to that of a dog – and they are both intelligent and affectionate.
These curious and playful cats love to be cuddled, but can also be mischievous. Because they are usually quite outgoing and even-tempered, they are perfect for homes with children, other cats, or even dogs. However, they require more grooming than you might expect, and they don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time.
ORIGIN: Russia
Height: 11 – 12 inches
Weight: 6 – 12 pounds
Lifespan: 12 – 15 years
Colors: Hairless, variety of skin colors
Breed Characteristics
The first thing you notice about a Donskoy cat is its appearance. The next thing is likely to be his outgoing, friendly, and inquisitive personality. These cats are almost dog-like in their enthusiasm for time spent with humans, as well as their ability to be trained to come to their name, walk on a leash, or do simple tricks.
They are also very affectionate and love to snuggle, pet, or snuggle up in your bed for a nap.
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The first founding member of this rare cat breed was first encountered in Russia in 1987 when a professor named Elena Kovaleva rescued a kitten from being abused by a group of boys.
The kitten was partially hairless, causing Elena to try all sorts of treatments in an attempt to restore its coat – but to no avail. After some time, the cat, now named Varvara, had a litter of kittens, some hairy and some hairless. People born with hair soon lost their limbs or all coats, and it was determined that the baldness was a genetic mutation rather than a skin disease.
One of Varvara’s hairless kittens was adopted by a professional breeder named Irina Namiki, who is credited with creating the Donskoy cat breed as we know it today.
The World Cat Federation (WCF) officially recognized them in 1997 and the International Cat Association (TICA) officially recognized the Don Sphynx cat breed in 2005, registering it under the name ‘Donskoy’.
The Donskoy is a muscular, medium-sized cat with a triangular head, large ears, and large eyes that give it an elf-like appearance. Its most striking feature is, of course, its lack of hair, although a slight peach fuzz on the ears and nose is common. Many Donskoy cats also lack whiskers. The Donskoy’s skin is very wrinkled, especially on the face, neck, chest, and base of its tail. Petting a Donskoy is often likened to stroking a warm chamois cloth.
Some Donskoy cats grow a light coat of fur during the winter months, but lose it when the weather warms up again.
These cats can have any color of eyes including blue, green, amber, orange, yellow, brown or mixed. They can also be any color or pattern, which is displayed on their skin. However, their colors tend to be quite light or “faded”, and many are very soft grays, creams, or whites.
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bighousecats · 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/embed/DRCuMlW16dQ Active nature of Bengal cats The Social and Active nature of Bengal cats makes them ideal for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. However, they should not be around very small children or pets. Listed below are some things to consider when choosing a Bengal cat. Once you have the basics down, you can begin your search for a Bengal cat for adoption! Adopting a Bengal kitten can be a stressful process for many, from the specific details about the breed that will influence your decision, to finding the right breeder. That's why we've created this complete guide to help you save time and nerves by making it easier to find a Bengal kitten you're sure to like. So, without further ado, here's what you need to do to find a healthy Bengal kitten in nine steps. High Acreage or Reduced Marble pattern bengal cats While many Bengal cats have beautiful marble patterns, some have the less distinctive Snow pattern. These cats have a white or light brown base coat and light to dark blue or gray markings. While not officially recognized as Bengal cats, they are just as striking as the traditional colors. Some Bengals have a seal-mink coloring, which is caused by a cat's inheritance of two Seal Sepia genes. Their eyes are usually green, but they can also be gold. The marbled patterns can be hard to spot, especially on kittens. Marbled cats typically have a high contrast between the pattern and the background color. In fact, it can take up to two years for a kitten with the Marbled pattern to open its coat. The Marble pattern comes in three shades of grey, and some cats also have spotted patterns. This pattern includes arrowheads, dots, and rosettes. Each color variant has its own distinctive patterning. Some have single-spotting, while others have multiple spots and rosettes. Bengal cats should be kept indoors to keep them safe and away from predators. Bengals can be very active and will easily catch birds. A cat wheel, which is specially designed for cats, is a must-have for these cats. But make sure it's made for cats to avoid any potential health issues. Bengal cats are large, muscular, and have distinctive markings. They are very affectionate with people and like to play. A Bengal cat will seek out an active and adventurous owner, and will be an excellent pet for a family. Their long, muscular bodies and distinct spotted coat make them a beautiful cat. Their coats can be patterned in a variety of colors and patterns, including marble, wavy stripes, and blotches. If you are in the market for a Bengal cat, you can purchase one from a registered breeder. It's recommended to purchase a Bengal cat from a breeder that complies with the Cat Fanciers Association's Code of Ethics. Social nature Bengal cats are known for their social nature Bengal cats are known for their social nature, and they will enjoy playing with your other pets, as well as humans. These cats are not couch potatoes and love their naps, but they also require plenty of stimulation to remain happy and healthy. For this reason, it is important to introduce your kitten to a variety of stimuli as early as possible. This includes playing with a cat toy or harness and walking outside. Bengal cats are extremely intelligent and are highly tuned into the moods of their owners. They are able to recognize facial expressions and gestures, and will modify their behavior accordingly. They are also very talkative, and will meow in a variety of tones and frequencies to communicate their needs. In addition to their highly expressive vocalization, Bengal cats can also chew your fingers as a sign of affection. Bengal cats make wonderful pets, and their playful nature makes them a fun and loyal companion. They get along well with children, and can bond with other cats in your home. They are also very social and playful, and can be trained to perform tricks and follow house rules. They are easy to train and make great pets, but they require a lot of attention and stimulation.
Bengal cats are known for their unique heritage. They have undergone multiple generations of selective breeding. The first two generations are known as "F1" cats, while the third and fourth generations are more domesticated and tame. In addition to being highly intelligent, Bengal cats also have eye-popping coat patterns and colors. Many celebrities love them. Some of them include Jethro Tull guitarist Ian Anderson, Kristen Stewart, and Barbara Mandell. Kourtney Kardashian also owns a large Bengal cat named Thor. Thor has even got his own Facebook and Instagram accounts. A Bengal cat's social nature can make it an excellent pet for a family. This breed loves to play and spend time with other animals. They thrive on consistent human interaction, and enjoy spending time with their owners. If they have someone they can play with and cuddle with, they will thrive in a home. Health problems There are a number of health problems in Bengal cats that need to be considered before adopting one of these beautiful creatures. Many of these problems are related to genetics, but others are caused by age, disease, and environmental factors. For example, cats may have an increased risk of developing cardiomyopathy, a disease that affects the heart's muscle. Cats may also suffer from progressive retinal atrophy, a condition that causes gradual loss of vision over time. While most cats suffer from a number of health problems, Bengal cats are especially vulnerable to certain health conditions. One such problem is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This condition is caused by abnormal thickening of the left ventricle. Different levels of hypertrophy can cause different symptoms, but severe hypertrophy can lead to heart failure. Another health condition that can affect Bengal cats is patellar luxation. The kneecap can dislocate from the trochlear groove, causing rubbing on the heart's lining. Cats with this problem may have difficulty jumping and running. They may also develop hip dysplasia. Symptoms may be subtle or chronic and can be treated with medication or surgery. While these conditions do not cause the cats to be aggressive, they do require a lot of attention. Leaving them alone can lead to destructive behavior if they are not entertained. If you're thinking about adopting a Bengal, be sure to research their health history first. These cats are known for having a high prey drive, which means they aren't recommended for homes with small pets. Bengal cats are intelligent and playful. They like to spend time with people and are easily trainable. Their love of playtime and interaction makes them great companions for children. They will demand attention when they want it, but will also tolerate some alone time if you have the patience and time to train them properly. A Bengal cat is highly active and will want to play and explore. A large outdoor enclosure is a must for this breed. They also love to watch birds. Cost Another option is to adopt an older Bengal cat If you're considering adopting a Bengal cat, you may be wondering about how much they cost. While they don't have the same high price tag as other cats, the expense can run into thousands of dollars. Luckily, there are ways to save money and still provide the best possible care for your new pet. One way to do this is by making homemade cat treats and toys. Many common household items can be used for cat toys and treats. Another option is to adopt an older Bengal cat. Typically, older cats are cheaper than kittens. However, you'll have to wait for several months before you get your cat. This is not the best option if you're looking for a Bengal that's in great health. Alternatively, you can adopt a Bengal cat from a breeder, which will typically cost more. Depending on the breeder, Bengal cats can range in price from as low as $2,500 to several thousand dollars. Prices can also vary depending on the appearance of the cat, its lineage, and whether it's a valuable addition to a breeding program.
Breeders may also have waitlists for Bengal kittens, which can drive up the price. Another important factor that affects the cost of Bengal cats for adoption is the cost of vaccinations. Bengal kittens must be vaccinated against a variety of serious diseases and infections. These shots can cost up to $90. You may also want to consider the cost of microchipping your new cat. This procedure involves placing a tiny electronic chip under its skin. It is a painless process for the kitten, but it will cost you about $15 to $30. The cost of adopting a Bengal cat depends on where you live, what type of Bengal you want and how much you're willing to spend. In addition to paying the adoption fee, you'll also have to pay for food, medical expenses, and general care. However, Bengals are an excellent choice if you're looking for a pet with a unique personality. There are several different ways to save money and find a Bengal cat for adoption. You can search Craigslist for a cat for adoption or browse community pet adoption boards to find one that suits your budget. You can also visit your local animal shelter. Most shelters charge around $100 to adopt a Bengal cat, but they may be willing to offer a discount for adoption.
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
You liked Webkinz too???
Oh FUCK i did like I think I have about 30??? A stupid huge amount, I adored them so much, as a kid I only really liked animal shaped toys like I had one Polly pocket but it came with animal accessories that I cared way more about, and outside of two Barbie's I picked out for myself (a purple mermaid and a gold fairy with some really cool flapping wings that turns into a skirt functionality) I wasn't into barbie at all, hated baby dolls (they stressed me out................I didn't like that they cried......) I was FULLY a webkinz and lps kid, I physically can't get rid of them honestly, so many other stuffed toys i gave away no problem but i cant part with these dudesssssssss, I have a bag in the basement with them hold up
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This way my first one!! She was a tree frog named Cleo and I adored her, she sorta became like the leader? She had an early first series Bluestar vibe (I was also a warriors kid....did I ever stop.....) Except a little warmer? She was nice and wise and strict when needed, I had like a hanging toy holder, like y'know those mesh cylinders with lil segments u can put stuff in? It was sorta their apartment complex? She was like their sorta dorm mother....
Now my FAVORITE one is this lil kitty
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A lilkinz gray and white cat!! Her name was Twilight (loved Twilight Princess even then lol) and I loved her so much if you can tell by her floppiness and her matted fur, I took her everywhere and she was my GIRL she was often the main characters of my playtime story lines
Oh and not a webkinz but this thing
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(sorry I'm holding her like she's a dead body she's just a very floppy plush) is .....God??? .........so I'm not religious and I didn't grow up religious and my first experience with Christianity was like watching veggie tales vhses borrowed from the library when I was like 11 so this was before then and I didn't really know what a god or a Jesus or any spirituality thing was honestly outside of a hint of Greek mythology from like two episodes of Class of the Titans, I just sorta made this plush like the Creator of All Things? She was large and full of secrets and prophecies and she watches over both my webkinz and littlest pet shops (lps viewed webkinz at a distance like greek titans in a way lol)
Anyway important about this god figure, is there was a Jesus figure???? Basically????
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A lilkinz unicorn!! Her name is mystery (the seahorse is her little brother named Lazlo and don't ask how that works) and she was kinda a Jesus even though I didn't know what Jesus was but like she was the daughter of the godhorse and she was mortal like the rest of the webkinz but she had powers and like.....the essence of her mother within her? Almost like....a reincarnation......sounds a lil jesusy? Maybe, I also had a similar Jesus figure among my LPS but it was a lil white cat (don't worry about it)
Anyway I loved her a lot she was my second favourite!! Always a slut for unicorns, one of my favourite book series was My Secret Unicorn if you ever read those sjdhrbejjf
Anyway I won't talk about all my webkinz but I do wanna talk about these guys:
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George and Sparkle from left to right, these two were dating, and like Sparkle was a Mean Girl type character and George was like a shitty hot guy??? Like he was shitty but he got away with it because he was hot? Anyway little girls get NUTS with their plotlines and I was no exception and lemme tell ya...these two's relationship was COMPLICATED like first of all George played with the hearts of many, including Cleo, how dare he do this to my girl.... And these dudes
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Phoenix (eagle) and Rudy (chicken) were both in love with Sparkle and she had this love square situation going on cause Phoenix was even more manipulative than George and Rudy was actually just a normal chill dude but the complexities of the relationships surrounding sparkle was too much for him and sparkle was no peach herself, but she was sorta that mean girl character who like gets better? She softened up around people like Twilight and Mystery and started becoming a better person but her relationships with these more toxic guys kept pulling her back in
Would u believe that in like 3 years this 8 year old will start reading shoujo manga like it's her job and not stop even in her 20s.............wowza
Sorry I got sidetracked!! Anyway I love webkinz, I'm not the biggest stuffed animal person but webkinz are nice cause lots of them have the beans in their feet and also that fabric??? Like like cool feeling one with threads sticking out, on the googles and a lot of the cats, it's a nice feeling.....what is that fabric....reminds me of these weighted lizard I tried when I was hanging out in the spec ed department of my highschool (they let us hang there if we needed a quiet place to do work during a space period or something even if we weren't writing an exam) and it was just me and a couple of the staff and we were chatting since no one else was around and they were talking about a new thing they got which was a heavy weighted plush lizard with a nice cool feeling fabric, every person who put it on their lap was immediately in love with it and they were like put it on ur lap and I was like ok and yeah...I was immediately in love with it) what is that fabric....I like cold fabrics......
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
Hello! This whole discussion about the costumes and designs got me curious. What are you favorite design in Miraculous til end of S3? (Miraculous Holders, Akumatized villains, civilians).
Anon of Fine Taste, you came to the right blogger for this, because I love, love, LOVE the character designs in Miraculous. The color combinations, the boldness, the tributes to classics while still being unique, the visual storytelling. The latter one especially gets me right in my story-telling media-analysing core, so let me tell you about my favorite Miraculous character designs and what they tell us about the characters.
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Miraculous Holder: Rena Rouge
Now, while I do love Cat Noir's costume for the sheer fact that they managed to take the most cliché cat-themed hero/anti hero costume and make it unique to Adrien, I do have to say I love Rena Rouge's design even more, because of the sheer symbolism. Like, Cat Noir has that little bell because it symbolises him hoping for a loving home. Meanwhile Alya's longcoat is inspired by Majestia, the hero she first idolized and whose example she tries to live by. It's still its own thing, but the tribute is great. I love the bold colors, how the white softens the orange while the black creates contrast without making the design too busy or make her look striped (that’s for bees, not foxes). The longcoat is fitting both because of how it reminds us of a tail, but also because it makes her look so regal and mysterious while she plays her flute, a true master of illusions
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Akumatized villain: Puppeteer
This design does not kid around. The fairytale princess motif is perfect for a small child who just wants to feel noticed and in control for once. She's the most important person in the world, and with her magic wand, everyone will have to listen to her. Even the wand design is such a fairytale classic. Once again, there's a really good color scheme; black and neon blue are a good combination. The angular patterns on her dress and hair just show how sharp and villainous she now is, and that was a solid choice specifically because of how soft and rounded Manon's pigtails normally look. Her skin also turns a more grayish purple, and gray skin tones are commonly used in animation to signal that a character is sickly pale or otherworldly. It's a good pick for a magically-created villain.
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Civilian: Juleka
Two words: Shrinking Violet. Now that's visual storytelling. Shy and insecure characters have been called Shrinking Violets for years, and Juleka having violet as a theme color just creates that mental association instantly, especially with her hair hiding most of her face, another shorthand for: "This character is shy!" But the rest of Juleka's clothing style is so flashy, with the intricate lace on her sleeves and gloves, the jewellery she wears and just more generally the punk/goth affectations in her style. The fact that Juleka is in a band later gets well foreshadowed in the punk aspects of her design, like the ripped tights, and the flashy clothes in general foreshadow the reveal that she actually wants to be a model and the center of attention.
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squirrelwrangler · 3 years
The Fandoms of Princess Findis (1)
Part One
The monster of a fic started back in 2017, celebrating my self-indulgent love of creating crossover fusions, in-jokes, and worldbuilding. Princess Findis is an author, and her latest creation is Voltron. 
Heledir stretched out on the plush carpet of the bookroom, shifting so that the fabric of his linen undershirt rode up and he could feel the thick carpet beneath the muscles of his stomach. Head nestled in the crook of his arm, he closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of leather, fine-pulp paper, and ink. Also discernible if he concentrated was a faint perfume worn by the other occupant of the room, the eldest Noldor princess. Findis, firstborn daughter of High King Finwë and Queen Indis, reclined in a padded chair near the window, watching as Heledir lay prone before her. If he opened his eyes and tilted her head up, he could see her shoes and the hem of her gown. It was one of those new style gowns of pale cotton belted high just below the bust-line with narrow sleeves and a low neckline, mimicking the styles of lost Beleriand. Findis’s gown had a decorative trim along the hem, and Heledir amused himself by trying to decode which pattern had been reproduced. Imitation Haladim, he decided, with the stylized acorns and oak leaves and the diagonal motifs. Heledir wondered what the odds were on if Findis herself had embroidered the hem. Fashion in Valmar was keen to mimic the mortal Edain these days, and some of the trends baffled Heledir. Powdering gray and white streaks into one’s hair was just as obnoxious and pretentious as the former fad in Tirion of bleaching hair blonde. He had yet to see anyone wearing false beards, though he and Edrahil had a good laugh over reports of such. Findis’s slipper-clad foot shifted forward, and Heledir chuckled and rolled over. “Apologies, Princess. It is so quiet here. This peacefulness is a delight after the press of the city.” “That is why this sanctuary was built,” Findis replied, her voice husky and deep for a woman. Heledir found it pleasing. “Now do you wish to assist me today, or lounge around like an oversized cat? If I wanted their companionship, I would go to the library of Vairë across the street.” Bands of colored light from the stained glass window played across Heledir’s face as he grinned. “I am awake, Princess. I was awake for hours last night. Still pouring through the backlist of your publications since we last visited; I think I have solved which one of the plays was based on your work, though I wish it was not such a hassle to find transcriptions of the performances. It has been too long since I have attended a play. And it has been a delight to read new words from you. I have missed them.” “Yes, there would have been much for you to read. Since you left for Beleriand with my brothers, sister, and nephews and then got all of yourselves killed.” Findis sighed. “I was not as productive during that period as I could have been, especially during the deployment buildup, but during the fifty years of the War of Wrath I admit that I needed something to distract me.” “Those romances were well-written,” Heledir said. “The rich matchmaker, and the one about the couple reuniting years after being persuaded by family to call off the betrothal.” The identity of the anonymous lady who authored many popular romantic novels had been a great mystery to delight Tirion during Heledir’s childhood, and the reveal of a name, Finvain, for the second print circulation of the most popular romance -and that said name was a kilmessë to hide the authoress from public acclaim- inflamed her eager and expanding audience. Before the Darkening, few knew that Finvain was Princess Findis or that she had several other pen names to hide just how prolific and varied her story-telling output was. Had Heledir not been privy to the royal household through his friendship with Prince Arafinwë’s eldest, he might have never learned of Findis’s double life. Finvain was an open secret under the light of the Sun, yet even in the fourth or fifth reprints of her prose epics and light-hearted comedies Findis did not sign her father-name to them, preferring to attribute the novels to Finvain. It was a name that she allowed no one to address her aloud. A strange mask, Heledir found it, that Findis would not allow this distance to be bridged even now, nor did she reveal to any but family and a few confidants that there were other hidden names. Or how fond she was of collaboration on tales. “I think your writing has improved, but I understand why neither are as popular as the one you wrote when I was a boy, the couple who misunderstood each other and that disastrous first proposal.” Findis arched an eyebrow at him. “I find it peculiar how you enjoy the love stories best of all.” “Naturally,” Heledir said, waving his other hand up in the air where the colored light transformed his hand into a solid red, including the thin ring he wore on his first finger. “I am a champion for lovers.”
Princess Findis laughed at this, shaking the small writing desk beside her chair and knocking a blank sheet of paper to float across the room and land on the carpet. Heledir smiled and lowered his hand, waiting for Findis to lean back into her chair. The single blue gem of the thin golden tiara in her black hair glinted like a star in the night sky. Princess Findis was a comely woman instead of a great beauty, but her wit and strength made her Heledir’s favorite of the older generation of Finwions.
The favoritism was mutual, for Heledir was one of the trusted few to know all of Princess Findis’s anonymous works and pen names, to know that her hand and clever mind created more than just the romances and societal comedies to which she (as Finvain) was praised. At least three libertos for popular ballets and more than a dozen plays had her words or at least outlines of character and plot provided by Findis, though her talent as a lyricist remained mediocre. “Your next series is to be illustrated for children?” “Yes, a commission from my good-sister’s family. Another imaginary adventure tale, plenty of fights and memorable characters. I am playing Pitya-Eru again,” Findis explained, using her sacrilegious self-made term for when she provided the rough outline of a plot and descriptions of characters and premise parameters for other artists to fill in the details, as Ilúvatar set forth the Songs for the Ainur to sing but whose vision was not fully realized until the Ainur entered the confines of Arda. “With full cartoon drawings, hence my request for your deft hand at designing characters as well as your advice for the story. Something colorful to take advantage of their dyes. The Handions take pride in those.” Anairë’s family employed a veritable army of scribes in Tirion, their workshops the most established, respected, and busiest. The main business partner of Anairë’s family was Handë, who used his extensive connections among his fellow Vanyar to provide talented artists and calligraphers. His daughter marrying Fingolfin’s second son had only strengthened the family alliance. Their monopoly on government-related publications continued unchallenged from when Finwë was alive, but their shops also specialized in musical notations and fictional works. “They’re Vanyar; they love brightly colored illustrations. Couldn’t care less about the synthetic jewels, but when Aulë’s students created bright dyes to paint their houses...” “Homesick for Tirion’s plain white buildings already, Halatir?” Findis teased. Heledir sighed. “When people describe Valmar, they draw attention to the hundreds of bells. They speak as if that is the city’s most prominent feature. They speak not of the colors. Colors that do not belong together on the exterior of one house, next to other colors that clash both individually and in the collective whole. Street after street of monstrous color.” “Is not one of your companions a painter of rooms and houses, when he is not riding across all of Valinor delivering packages and messages? I have seen the inn that he lives in.” “Fân?” “Yes, Fánawë. Fân. It is still strange to remember to call you by your Sindarin names. Forgive my lapses.” Heledir smiled fondly. “It is impossible to resent you, Princess.” “Many did,” Findis said, “and deeply so. And must I remind you that I gave you permission long ago to address me as Findis and not my title? You were not so formal as a child, Heledir, when you and Finrod fetched books and gossip for me back in Tirion.” She stressed their Sindarin names as she spoke, and her foot tapped against the floor in an unconscious gesture that spoke of her agitation. “Fân has a Vanyar mother, and thus he plasters colors on his lodgings instead of what he wears. Still, he could not rival Egalmoth’s ostentation if he tried. Or the eyesores of Valmar.” Princess Findis, Daughter of Finwë and Indis, gave her companion a look with an eyebrow arched stronger than before. “Get off the floor, Heledir, or at least sit up while I speak with you. And where is your doublet?” Lagourishly the elf stretched and rolled into a sitting position, then reached for the errant piece of paper. “I draped it over the back of the bench by the other window with my cloak and boots. Over a year and I still have not readjusted to the heat. Beleriand was a colder clime.” Findis huffed and slid off her chair, tucking the skirt of her thin cotton gown demurely around her feet. “I shall not loom over you as we talk, Heledir. If you are to be my assistant, I desire a collaborator and not a sycophant. Now help me with the new series.”
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mosspetal · 3 years
ghrtdychcbvcg lioncinder family headcanons time!!!!
-fernsong is the only cis cat in the family
-also they’re all adopted bc lion and cinder are both trans
-lionblaze is a big man with a big fluff. all his kits would cuddle in his poof when they were kits. hollytuft and snaptooth still do sometimes. lionblaze was especially close with spotfur and sorrelstripe! he and spotfur are the resident Huge Kitties and he loves how thoughtful and quiet sorrelstripe is. he’s transhet!
-cinderheart is medium-tall and relatively slender, with short, round fur. she’s a broken mackerel tabby, and has a similar stripe pattern to her dad, brackenfur, and has her grandma, willowpelt’s unusual blue eyes. she has a littol heart marking on her chest! she has had a crush on both hollyleaf and lionblaze! she’s transbi :]
-fernsong is a FLOOFY BOI!!! he’s rlly fluffy, though he can’t measure up against spot and lion in sheer Bigness. like his momma, he has a heart marking on his chest! he has yellow-green eyes, just like firestar. he is a sweet, baby-loving boy, and absolutely showers his mate, ivypool, in gifts, and loves to leave flowers in her nest. he’s very close with his daughter, bristlefrost. fernsong is, tragically, cishet
-sorrelstripe is slender and tall. she is dark brown and has stripes that are only noticeable in bright sunlight, like sandstorm. she has amber eyes with a blue ring just like sorreltail’s. she’s very quiet, and cats don’t tend to notice her often. she rarely says what’s on her mind, and usually lets hollytuft or honeyfur speak for the both of them. she’s close friends with honeyfur, as honeyfur’s enthusiastic determination counters her quiet observance. her kits are a couple of abandoned kits she found on the border. she was especially close with her mentor and grandfather, brackenfur, and enjoys hearing his stories about her namesake, sorreltail. she is trans and aroace!
-hollytuft is the living personification of fire. she is bright and feisty and outspoken, and always says exactly what she’s thinking. she has no problem with telling any cat what’s what, and often comes off as violent or argumentative. she is reckless and impulsive, and tends to throw herself right into trouble. she is very close with her mom, cinderheart, and cinderheart advises her often. she is a genderfae lesbian!
-snaptooth is... odd to most cats, endearing to his close friends and family. he has long, droopy golden fur, and light yellow-green eyes. he’s definitely a himbo, and he’s not that smart, though he is sweet and kind. he has a tendency to eat things he shouldn’t be eating. he is super close to his sister, flywhisker, and is very protective of her. he, spot, and fly aren’t actually littermates, but the three of them were all found on the border within a half-moon of each other and became apprentices together, so they consider each other littermates. snaptooth is actually the kit of ice, the Sister, and inherited her ability to see ghosts. to him, they’re just funky dead friends, and he never felt the need to tell anyone besides flywhisker about it, though he does consider talking to rootspring and tree sometimes. he and shellfur are the ULTIMATE chaotic duo. he is trans and aroace!
-flywhisker is a bit of a mess. they’re distractible, impulsive, and temperamental. however, they also care very deeply about their friends and family, and have found a mate in eaglewing. they are surprisingly snarky and good at coming up with funny insults. however, they also hold grudges, and they still don’t like twigbranch very much. flywhisker is fun to be around, as long as you’re on their good side. they are tall and skinny, with spiky fur. they are mostly white and have a few gray tabby patches, and one neon yellow eye and one cyan eye. they are a nonbinary ace lesbian!
-spotfur is really, really big. she’s gigantic and buff and bigger than basically every cat around the lake, and is even taller than some of the Sisters. she’s got dark teal eyes the color of the ocean. she has three distinctive spots next to her right eye that she inherited from frostfur. she is very motherly and compassionate, in the sense that she will actually murder you if you hurt the cats she cares about. she has very strong morals, and sometimes those morals don’t exactly align with the warrior code. she is very scatterbrained and dreamy sometimes, and stemleaf is the only reason she manages to get anything done. she’s the instigator, he’s the organizer. she is a HUGE procrastinator and constantly puts off tasks until the last minute. she is a bi demigirl!
there are probably a thousand run-on sentences in here but I am past the point of caring
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jayfrost-designs · 4 years
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This is also from December of last year.
I've had a new idea in my head for Darkstripe for a while now, and after getting all those other ref sheets that I needed to do done, I decided to run with it.  You may have noticed a change in the name of his father in his bio. Don't worry about that just yet.  I'll get to it after talking about the design.
The reverse side of his design can be seen here.
On his wiki page, Darkstripe is described as a large, lean, sleek, and thin-furred tom. I misread the "thin-furred" part of his description as "thick-furred" when I started designing this, so he ended up with a rather thick pelt. Oops.  My explanation/excuse for this is that the thin-furred description comes from his appearance as a Dark Forest cat, so as a living cat he had sleek, thick fur, but after dying he started going all patchy and ragged and his fur started to get pretty thin in places. So that's my half-baked excuse for that.  I went pretty free-hand with this design, but he's mostly based on Turkish Vans, and is meant to be decent-sized and muscular, with a thick mediumish pelt. He has a smaller version of his mother's ear tufts and a decent amount of scars, since he was always pretty aggresive.
For his pattern, Darkstripe is described as a dark gray tabby tom with black stripes and yellow eyes. I completely changed his design from his old one and went for a smoke tabby look for him this time around. His black stripes don't stand out as much as on his old design since the rest of the pelt is darker now, but they're still there, and he's overall a very dark-looking cat, so Dark- fits him well as a prefix. I played around with his design a lot before I was happy with it, but I'm really happy with the end result. ^^ I came up with a fresh shade of yellow for his eyes as well. ^^
Now for the fun part. Since Tawnyspots is no longer listed as his father on the official family tree, I decided to come up with a new headcanon for who his father is. I considered a few cats from ThunderClan at first, but none of them seemed to fit. But then I had a really interesting idea for his father - and for the reason he's a smoke tabby. I'll explain everything below - starting with Willowpelt's story. Apologies in advance for the length. ^^
As a young cat, Willowpelt gets lonely sometimes. Her sister is busy training to be a medicine cat, and Redtail throws himself into his warrior duties so much that he doesn’t spend as much time with her as either of them would like. She doesn’t begrudge either of them their ambitions - she knows Redtail wants to be the best warrior he possibly can (and later has his eye on the deputyship), and Spottedleaf will make an amazing medicine cat. But she doesn’t share their ambitions. She’s always been a much more relaxed cat, content to do her duties as a warrior, but not pushing beyond that, preferring to spend her time racing through the forest on the wild excitement of the hunt, and spend lazy days sunning in the grass, rather than busying herself with constant patrols and duties.
So while her siblings are busy with their work, Willowpelt seeks out companionship elsewhere. She’d always been curious about twolegplace, hearing stories about how their last leader had left to live there, and decided to check it out one day. She doesn’t find Pinestar - but she does find some friendly kittypets who welcome the visit of a real wild Clan cat. She continued to visit occasionally over the moons, whenever she’s feeling particularly lonely. She’s never swayed by the thought of becoming a kittypet herself - she loves her Clan, and her freedom, too much - but she’s happy to visit her kittypet friends whenever she can.
She grows particularly close with a sleek, handsome smoke tom called Sparky. A few moons later, she finds herself expecting the tom’s kits. The two aren’t in love, and Sparky rejects Willowpelt’s offer to join ThunderClan and help raise the kits, but it’s all very amicable and the two remain on close terms. Willowpelt is perfectly happy to raise her kits alone. She later gives birth to a single tom, Darkkit, who looks remarkably like his father. The Clan gossips a little about who the father could possibly be (Willowpelt covers her tracks visiting Twolegplace better than Featherstorm had), but overall they’re just happy to have another kit after the nursery has been empty so long, since White-eye’s last litter.
Willowpelt plans to tell Darkkit about his parentage when he’s old enough, but the young tom grows bitter after moons of some of the stricter cats whispering about his unknown parentage, and the loneliness of being the only kit in the nursery. Willowpelt always assures him that there’s nothing wrong with him and is a fiercely loving mother, but her laidback attitude about borders and rules bothers him - other warriors take these things seriously, so shouldn’t she? A kernel of doubt begins to weed its way onto Darkkit’s mind - what if Willowpelt won’t tell anyone who his father is because his father doesn’t want him? What if it was because he isn’t good enough to be this mystery tom's son? Willowpelt longs to comfort her son that his father does care and does want to be part of his life, but she’s not sure he’s old enough to understand the truth about his father, so she waits.
With all this doubt and bitterness swirling inside him, it’s no surprise that upon becoming an apprentice, Darkpaw immediately attaches himself to the first cat who seems ready to take him seriously and see some potential in him - his new mentor Tigerclaw. To Darkpaw, Tigerclaw is everything a warrior should be. He has the strength of TigerClan, the courage of LionClan, and  is the wisest, most loyal warrior in the entire Clan in the young tom’s eyes. He can’t believe his luck in snagging such a skilled and brave warrior as his mentor, and quickly learns to worship the ground Tigerclaw walks on. A secret part of his heart wonders whether Tigerclaw is his father. They both have dark tabby pelts and fur that grows darker at the points, and while Darkpaw isn’t nearly as tall and long-furred as the older tom, he’s still broader and taller than his mother, and could have inherited that from Tigerclaw. He works tirelessly to mold himself after Tigerclaw’s image and takes all of his training to heart - including his views on loyalty and cats from outside of the Clan.
Willowpelt had intended to tell Darkpaw about his father a moon or so into his training, but the longer he trained with Tigerclaw, the more disdainful he grew of cats outside of the warrior code, especially kittypets. She worries about how much the tom has changed, but he doesn’t seem willing to listen to her anymore, so there’s little she can do to curb Tigerclaw’s influence on her son. She resolved to continue hiding the truth of his father, as Darkpaw is probably happier not knowing the truth, and resolves to keep an eye on her son. It’s not all bad, she assures herself. Tigerclaw has taken the fatherless tom under his wing just as Thistleclaw had done for him, and he seems genuinely proud of his young apprentice - in his own stoic way - and is molding him into a strong warrior. As long as Darkpaw is happy, that’s what matters - right?
Though Darkpaw, then later Darkstripe definitely grows more scornful of others and more conceited over the moons, Willowpelt tries to stay optimistic. He’s a bit of a jerk, yes, but otherwise he seems like a perfectly loyal and happy warrior. But that illusion starts to chip away little by little after Tigerclaw’s exile as Darkstripe continues to show an unhealthy attachment to such a traitor, and then comes crashing down completely the day that Darkstripe tries to poison his own half sister. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Clan, Willowpelt sneaks out after Darkstripe as he’s departing the territory for his exile.
Rage and heartbreak bubble under her pelt in equal measures as she faces her eldest son. Something inside of her is wailing at the loss of the son that she’d loved, and her failure to protect him from becoming this, but the rest of her feels an icy calm. She faces Darkstripe, coldly informing him that if he’s fool enough to follow Tigerstar on his rampage against “impure” cats, then he’d better hand himself over as well for being impure. He’s the very thing that he’s always hated, the thing that he has been relentless in mocking Firestar for being - he’s half kittypet. Darkstripe flies into a rage, shrieking that it isn’t true, it can’t be true, that Willowpelt never loved him and is just lying to make him doubt himself. He tries to attack his mother, but she dances out of range, still glaring at him with icy calm while her heart continues to wail its pain inside of her. She tells him that she loved him with all of her heart, and that if he’d let go of his bitterness and his unhealthy devotion to an admitted traitor long enough he would’ve seen that, but that now it’s too late. She’ll always love him, but she will never forgive him for what he’s done to her daughter. She leaves him there on the border between ThunderClan and TigerClan. He hesitates, but only for a moment. Then he slips into TigerClan territory.
Unfortunately, Darkstripe’s reception at the TigerClan camp is chillier than expected. It was true that Tigerstar had once felt genuine pride and companionship for Darkstripe as his apprentice and as a fellow warrior. He’d always known that Darkstripe was a bit of a suck-up, but he was still strong and a powerful warrior in his own right, and Tigerstar had been proud of the efforts of his first run as a mentor. However, his opinion of Darkstripe had lessened after the tom refused to follow him into exile, and had dropped even more sharply after one of his Twolegplace allies had told him about a smoke kittypet who’d mentioned being friends with forest cats. Tigerstar had taken the chance to spy on the kittypet from a tree one day, only to be shocked at the sight of a cat nearly identical to Darkstripe.
After that, Tigerstar had put together the pieces and realized that Darkstripe was the son of a kittypet. He tells Darkstripe as much when he arrives in TigerClan, glaring down at the groveling tom with a sneer. That kittypet blood has tainted him with weakness, he claimed, weakness that had kept him from following Tigerstar into exile, that had made him fail again and again at Tigerstar’s commands as his spy, and that had made him fail at the simple task of killing one insignificant little kit. Darkstripe quivers before the tom, protesting that it couldn’t be true, though with Tigerstar’s account of the smoke kittypet, he’s starting to realize that it must be. He wails that he’d never known, that Willowpelt had hidden it from him, that she is the true traitor. He didn’t care who his father was, he whimpers - his loyalty was to Tigerstar, it had always been to Tigerstar, and it always would be.
Tigerstar watched the sniveling display with disdain. The tom was undoubtedly tainted by the weakness of his blood, but he’d always shown devotion to Tigerstar. Perhaps he could be given one last chance - but only one. He tells the tom that if he is ever to be anything but the sniveling son of a kittypet, he must prove himself willing to eradicate any disloyalty in the new Clan and pledge himself entirely loyal. He considers ordering the tom to hunt down his kittypet father and slay him, or to sneak into ThunderClan territory and kill his treacherous mother. But there are more pressing concerns facing his Clan right now, and he can’t have one of his warriors off on some lengthy mission to get one well-guarded cat alone when TigerClan is on the verge of conquering the other Clans. Such tests of his loyalty can come later. For now, perhaps a simpler task will do. He still needs someone to take care of those halfClan prisoners after all...
Of course, Darkstripe fails in that task too, and Tigerstar’s rage at yet another failure from his half-kittypet lackey is fearsome to behold. It is only the need for every fighting warrior available for the battle to come that keeps Tigerstar from punishing Darkstripe more severely. A worse fate may have awaited Darkstripe after the battle’s end, had Tigerstar not fallen under Scourge’s claws. And yet, Darkstripe continues his nearly obsessive devotion to the cat he still thinks of as his true father, even if he isn’t a father by blood, and he ends up dying in his quest to avenge the murderous tom. And yet, even a death in service to Tigerstar isn’t enough to truly raise him in the tom’s eyes, and he spends his seasons in the Dark Forest being overshadowed by a Tigerstar’s true sons, until the end of the Dark Battle leaves him to wander alone in the darkness forever.
Anyway, that’s my mini-essay on Darkstripe’s father and life story. XD Overall, I'm really happy with how his design turned out, and I had a lot of fun coming up with his parents' story and his story in regards to thinking of Tigerstar as his father. I also like how silhouette-wise, he looks a fair bit like Graystripe, but their patterns make them decently distinct from each other.
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ren1327 · 4 years
Sweater Weather ch.3
Emerald Isle was covered in moss and rocks where they docked, the rocks and sand giving way to grassy hills and a dense forest of pine trees and shrubs where the side of a large house peeked out from behind them.
Owen took their bags after he had tied off the boat, Kenji leading Ben up some wooden stairs and on a brick path through the trees.
“Wow.” Ben said. “It smells amazing out here.”
“Smells amazing?” Kenji asked, glancing at Ben.
“Well, I…I haven’t been around real pine. It’s either been a candle or something already dying slowly for the sake of a holiday.” Ben said, shrugging at the end.
“Oh…I never thought of it like that…not a lot of traditional pine trees in Cali.” Kenji said. “You probably haven’t even seen snow.”
“No. And the funny thing is, my parents are, well, were, Seattle natives. I’ve lived in Texas and California my whole life. I’ve always wanted to come here. We planned to when my mom got better but…”
Ben’s smile fell and he looked at the trees in pain, closing his eyes for a moment. Kenji looked around to see Owen making his way up the path towards them. He grabbed Ben’s hand and led him along.
“Uh…M-My Dad likes the trees and we even have an orchard in the back. I think we have apples, peaches, almonds and a pomegranate tree in the green house.” Kenji said. “In summer, I bring back so much fruit from here.”
“That actually sounds great.” Ben said with a smile. “Smoothies galore.”
“Mom loves her trees and uses them for teas and jams, so…indulge her for me?” He asked. “She hasn’t really…nailed the flavor…”
Ben chuckled and hugged his arm as Owen got closer.
“Got it, Honey.” Ben said and Kenji nearly tripped.
“On your left, Lovebirds!” Owen called and walked past them with their bags.
“W-What?” Kenji asked once Owen was out of earshot. “Why did you…what was that?”
“A pet name?” Ben asked, raising a brow. “What would you call me?”
“No. Something else.” Ben said quickly.
“That’ll do.” He said.
They continued to walk up the path, then stopped, Kenji noticing Ben staring at the house as they came up to it.
It looked like a Californian lake house; wooden with large glass windows and a balcony with a sturdy awning, a fire pit on the second floor awning, wooden steps leading down to another area where there was sand going into the dark blue water, a huge porch and yard and so many trees around it, as if hidden.
“Is that a lighthouse?!” Ben yelled when he looked up the hill.
“Yeah. Just in case.” Kenji said and Ben looked up at the regal looking stone structure.
“C…Can we go up it?”
“Yeah, sure. We can explore tomorrow though. Parents and sister.” He reminded Ben, who nodded, but let his eyes linger on the lighthouse a few seconds longer.
Kenji led Ben to the porch and knocked on the door despite Owen walking in a few seconds earlier.
A short, plump Mexican woman opened the door and cried out excitedly, scooping Kenji into her arms and despite being a full foot shorter than him, lifted him up and spun around.
“Mom!” He squawked and blushed. “Not in front of Ben!”
She dropped Kenji, who staggered before standing straight. He cleared his throat.
“Mom. This is Ben. Ben, this is my mother, Candela Kon.”
“Oh, baby, you can call me Candy!” She said and hugged Ben in her soft warm arms, Ben getting a whiff of cocoa butter and vanilla.
Candy, indeed.
She had the same golden skin and dark hair Kenji had. But hers was curly and in lose spirals that was tied back into a high ponytail with a white velvet scrunchy. She wore a thick red tunic over brown yoga pants and furred boot slippers. She had on tinted lip balm Ben often used on interviews and…
“It’s great to finally meet you!” Ben said, smiling brightly when she put him down.
“Oh? Has Kenji told you anything about me?”
“He may have mentioned gardening and teas.” Ben said. “Of which I am eager to see and taste.”
Candy giggled and elbowed Kenji. “You got yourself a keeper, Mijo.”
Kenji let out a huff but smiled regardless.
“Your Father is on a call right now, but I know someone in the sunroom who would be sooooo excited to see you!”
Kenji grinned and sped past her.
“Son?” She called.
“Your boyfriend?” She asked.
Kenji sped back and took Ben’s hand. “Right, sorry Babe.”
“It’s Carmen, I get it.” Ben said dismissively, noting how Candy beamed at Ben’s reaction.
“Aw, you’re still a doting brother!” Candy teased.
“I think it’s cute.” Ben said and Kenji smiled at him.
“Ready to meet the most important lady in my life excluding my mother?”
“Good save.” Ben teased and Kenji chuckled, leading him past a large sitting area with a plush red sofa set and armchairs around a curved tv and sound system mounted on the wall and a fireplace to the left, burning away fragrant wood.
They walked down a wide hallway, the walls decorated with family pictures and photos of the ocean and various sights around the island and Seattle itself.
“You guys really like Seattle.” Ben said.
“It might be a little farther, but Dad has an office building there and a condo where Mom and Carmen chill during summer weekends. We used to live in Cali, but after I left, I guess they relocated to Washington for good. Especially after the bullying…”
“It’s amazing. What parents will do for their children.” Ben said softly.
Kenji paused outside a door and closed his eyes before sighing. “Yeah. It is.”
He opened a white door with a large glass panel with a soft gauzy white curtain with reflective green sequins stitched in them in patterns that looked like ivy or vines on the inside. The walls of the room were a light minty green with metal work on the walls of sunflowers, daisies and chrysanthemums. Two walls had large windows that opened inwards to let in the cold air, another fireplace sheltered from the breeze and with a low back black cushioned wide bench with thick legs looked to be made from bleached driftwood before it. Most of the furniture looked to be made from sturdy carved driftwood, pale gray cushions and blankets on it, along with a basket piled high with furry or fleece throws and a few bookshelf cabinets with thick glass sheltering the treasures inside.
But before the fireplace on the wide bedlike bench, with green led light cat eared headphones over her head and staring at her switch as she played what Ben noticed was Stardew Valley, was Kenji’s treasure.
She was also plump and short like her mother, with her big brown lashed eyes and full lips. Her skin was very pale and her waist length black hair pin straight. Her hair was dyed green about five inches from her scalp and in two high pigtails. And her lips were chapped from how she was biting them.
She wore blue jean capris despite the cold weather, a black t-shirt and red and pink socks with a pink cartoon lion and a thick looking sword on them. She laid on her stomach and Ben saw her phone was on a podcast; episode 68 of King Falls Am, so she couldn’t hear Kenji go behind her.
Kenji poked the small of her back, causing her to scream and pull her switch to her chest, kicking out as she rolled over.
“If I die in the mines, I’m so gonna…Ji?” She looked down at her game to pause it and place on the back of the bench as she jumped up and ran around to hug her older brother.
“You did come!” She squealed.
“I did!” Kenji yelled back happily. “I missed you so much!”
“Dad said you would be coming, and I was so excited because I thought you were still in India. How was it? Did you eat a lot of spicy food? Did you pet an elephant?”
“Uh, I kinda just bummed around a camp, kiddo.” Kenji said. “I was…I wasn’t in a really good headspace…”
“Oh. I get it.” She said softly and rubbed her arm, then noticed Ben.
“Hi, Carmen.” Ben said nervously.
“Hi?” She asked.
“Oh, Carmen, this is Ben. He’s my…my boyfriend.” Kenji said.
Carmen looked from Ben to Kenji and back.
“Oh, no, he’s way too good looking for you.” She said, shaking her head.
“Hey!” Kenji yelled.
Ben watched them bicker for a bit and smiled as Kenji pulled his sister close and started giving the smaller Kon sibling a noogie. He reached into his book bag and quickly plucked a receipt out of a bag, holding it out to them.
“Kenji?” He called and they both paused, Kenji grinning when he saw the black bag.
“We found something you might like.” Kenji said and took the bag, giving it to Carmen.
She reached in and pulled out a small Miles Morales plush gasping and hugging it to her chest.
“Oh, my gosh! I love him! How did you know?”
“It was mostly Ben.” Kenji said. “He made me watch the movie and I saw your snapchat posts and we saw it, so…”
She hugged Kenji, then Ben. “Thank you guys so much! I’ve asked Owen to keep an eye out and I’d pay him back, but he never understands what I mean!”
She smiled and hugged the plush again.
“Kenji, get in here!” She said, picking up her phone to take a picture with him. “Ben, you too!”
Ben awkwardly stood next to Kenji, who threw an arm around his waist as Carmen held up the plush and snapped a picture, Ben happy he smiled at the last second, not looking too awkward.
“Um…can I post that Ben’s your boyfriend?” Carmen asked, lowering her phone to look at her brother. “She…She kinda follows me still.”
“Yeah.” Kenji said. “Go ahead.”
“Ben?” She looked at him.
“I’m out and good. Go ahead.” He said, waving his hand.
“Okay. Annnnnd…post!” She said and smiled at the picture. Her smile fell and she touched under her chin.
“Carmen?” Ben asked.
“Oh!” She blinked and smiled. “So um…was the flight alright?”
“Yeah. Hey…” Kenji hugged her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I am. I promise. I start my new school after break so, that’s fun.” She said.
“New schools are fun.” Ben said. “I had to start a new school too.”
“Oh. Why?” Carmen asked.
“…I was bullied. Really bad. Like, I could’ve died from an asthma attack bad.”
“What?” Carmen squawked.
“I was left outside overnight with my hands tied. I couldn’t get to my inhaler while I was panicking.” Ben said, looking at the floor. “No one really knew I had asthma. Inhalers cost like…six hundred dollars. And my bullies…I was scared they would take it or use it as ammunition.”
Carmen hugged Ben tight.
“You’re okay, right?” She asked, voice wobbly. “Like…now?”
“Yeah. My mom moved us to San Antonio where I met the coolest people and even moved to California with them. They’re going to move back again, so…I guess I’ll just find my own way from there.”
“You could move in with Kenji!” She said. “Since you’re boyfriends and all!”
“Uh, I think he wants to go back to Texas though, kiddo. That’s where he wants to set up shop.” Kenji said awkwardly.
“Long distance sucks!” Carmen huffed. “And besides! You can move into our old neighborhood when I was a baby!”
She turned to Ben. “We moved to Cali when I was like, six. And now…”
“Washington is really pretty.” Ben said with a tilt of his head.
“And I get to have so many cute raincoats and boots!” She said excitedly.
“Carmen hates the sun.” Kenji said.
“If you live in Texas, we can visit you as much as we want with Daddy’s plane!” She said. “And then you guys can come see us when summer gets too unbearable.”
Ben smiled.
“Any excuse to see you, Carmen.” He said. “You’re really cool for a high schooler.”
She blushed and smiled. “Thanks. I um…thanks.”
There was a knock on the doorframe and Ben felt his face heat when he saw the man.
“Hello.” He said, looking at Ben. “We have yet to meet. I am Kenji’s father, Kosei.”
He held out a hand and when Ben shook it, in engulfed his own smaller one in a warm, strong grip.
The man looked just like Kenji, save lighter hair with streaks of gray and a close trimmed beard. Ben would say he looked like a neater version of his favorite Overwatch character.
“Ben Pincus.” He said softly.
Kosei made a puzzled face. “Pincus? I feel like I know that name.”
Ben shrugged a bit, noting how the man had released his hand.
“Welcome to our home, Ben.” He said and smiled warmly, Ben blushing harder.
Kenji blinked. And paled when he saw how pink Ben’s blush was.
‘…left overnight with my hands tied…’
He remembered something he had long buried away.
“Fuck.” He said out loud.
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loganscanons · 4 years
nira’s family
This is super frickin’ long because Nira has a lot of siblings!! A lot of siblings with very Greek names.
I put the siblings that are still alive first on the list. Everyone after Sotiria is in order of who died most recently.
Parents - Tanis and Aniketos
Nira’s father, Aniketos (he/him), was born in 596 BCE. He was the Ancient Greek equivalent of a Colonel. Indifferent but always looked like he was judging people. Good at picking his battles and keeping control over his temper. Died in 452 BCE.
He was gray with black patterning. Gray sclera and dark gray almost black irises.
Nira’s mother, Tanis (she/her), was born in 1091 BCE to a gorgon named Pyrena. She’s a strict, no-nonsense woman. Very critical. Decisive and to-the-point. Has been a warrior, general, and gladiator. 
She’s red with white patterning. Red sclera and white irises.
Tanis has had four clutches in her lifetime. 
She had her first clutch in 563 BCE, after hundreds of years of being a warrior. Her first clutch had 48 eggs, but only 32 survived past childhood. Only two of the children from this clutch are still alive. Many of the children killed each other in the first couple hundred years after they were born. 
February 12, 471 BCE, Tanis had her second clutch, which is Nira’s clutch. The clutch had 34 eggs and 27 survived past childhood. Including Nira, 9 of them are still alive. 2 of them have been missing for hundreds of years and are presumed dead.
Kleon, Callidora, and Zosimos are all alive and living on Earth. Nikephoros is a pirate in Saventhia. Nicodemus, Eupraxia, Kylemene, and Timo live in Saventhia.
A thorn in Nira’s side. He pisses her off, but she kind of appreciates his occasional updates on their family and where they grew up. He finds her every couple hundred years, which she thinks is too often.
Stays in touch with his siblings, including siblings from different clutches and siblings living in different realms.
Good at tracking people down.
His scales are red with mostly black and some white markings. He has red sclera and dark gray irises like Nira. 
He got a human form as payment for a job he did for a warlock in the late 1800s
Likes to know other people’s business. Travels around and will gossip with just about anyone he meets 
Also loves to make fun of people. It’s a wonder he’s not dead.
Callidora “Callie”
Lives on a small island by herself with her pet cat Tigger 
She’s entirely white with no visible patterning. Pale orange sclera and white irises. Considered very pretty among gorgons 
Not interested in relationships of any kind. She doesn’t wanna be friends, she doesn’t want to be enemies. She wants to be left alone.
Doesn’t dislike others necessarily. She just doesn’t want to deal with them. She’s happy to have Nira and Oleander visit every so often.
Usually keeps in touch with people via internet
Loves to read and learn. The only human (besides Oleander with Nira) that’s allowed to visit her is Georgi, because he delivers her book shipments to her.
Along with Nira, she’s an odd one out in the family. She chooses not fight and would rather be gentle and peaceful
Dark gray with white and red patterning. White irises, red sclera. Broad and large. Wears a lot of gold jewelry.
He was a very accomplished fighter in his youth, but he’s since mellowed out. He wants to be able to just live his life without anyone bothering him. 
Still lives in the area where Nira and her clutch were born. He’s one of the oldest gorgons there. 
Unimpressed by most things. Looks down on people who are irresponsible and/or don’t stand up for themselves and what they believe in. 
Lots of people consider him wise because he’s lived so long. He thinks this is bullshit and wishes young gorgons and adventurers would stop seeking him out for advice. 
Like Callie, he’s unusually bookish for a gorgon. Unlike Callie, he wants to be a good fighter and isn’t. 
Somehow managed to survive despite not being a very good fighter. Nobody is quite sure how.
Skilled with a bow and arrow, so he’s not a complete failure in his mother’s eyes
Smart, withdrawn, and self-deprecating. Could probably use a hug.
Married a fae woman and moved to Saventhia with her in 1906. 
Timo, Eupraxia, and Klymene
The three of them moved to Saventhia together in 471 CE, at Timo’s suggestion. They run a little shop that deals in selling and trading magical items. They also do odd jobs. 
Klymene “Kly” (she/her) is energetic and chatty. She can be cynical and self-deprecating, but she’s also very confident. Will bench press anyone who asks her to. 
Eupraxia “Praxie” (she/her) is very quiet and shy. She’s observant and awkward and lets her sisters do all the talking. If someone talks directly to her, she gets wide-eyed and a little panicky. 
Timo (she/her) is weirdly cheerful for a gorgon. She thinks people should do what makes them happy and is considerate of other people’s point of views. However, when she’s decided she’s right, she’s impossible to argue with. She’ll come with logical arguments and if that doesn’t work, she’ll derail the conversation. If that doesn’t work, she’s happy to physically fight.
Timo suggested they move to Saventhia around the time Rome was falling and Kly and Praxie didn’t have good enough arguments not to, so they all moved. They’re all pretty happy about it, though Kly misses gladiator battles sometimes.
Their shop also sells miniatures and jewelry that Praxie creates. Timo’s wife, a minotaur named Rinata, does blacksmithing through the shop.
They’ve met Anonai and the crew.
Ptolema, Nikephoros, and Pallas
Not as close as some of the other sibling duos/trios in Nira’s clutch, but the three of them were buds.
Ptolema (she/her) was a well-known general and gladiator among gorgons. She would fight for any creature that would pay her and would have a good time doing it. Was known to provoke people into fights. Aggressive and energetic.
Pallas (they/them) often fought alongside Ptolema. They were more reserved than she was, however. While Ptolema was interested in fighting for the thrill of it, Pallas liked the technical aspects. They had a very large weapon collection. 
Nikephoros (they/them) is pretty good at fighting, but Ptolema and Pallas mostly kept them around for their sense of humor. (Also Nikephoros was going to tag along with them anyway, whether they liked it or not). They’re a thembo, energetic, and love a good brawl.
Pallas died in the 600s CE in battle.
Ptolema and Nikephoros continued to fight alongside each other and started to travel around together. Both got arm cuffs that allow them to take a human form. In the late 1600s, the two of them became pirates on a human ship
In 1741, they moved to Saventhia and continued to be pirates. Ptolema died in the late 1700s as a pirate.
Nikephoros is still a pirate in Saventhia. They’ve encountered many versions of Anonai and have yet to realize they’re different people. 
A Bitch™, judgmental and violent. Amused by others suffering. She liked to pick at people’s insecurities and the things that made them different. She especially liked to torment Nira, because Nira would react. 
She would make fun of Nira’s tendency to fall for humans, and amped that up when Nira started dating Judas.
One day in 164 BCE, Nira snapped and killed her.
Pyrrhus, Keleos, and Rhodopis
The three of them were always together.
Pyrrhus (he/him) was practical and smart, but he had a temper.
Keleos (she/her) was the ring-leader. She was cunning but very reckless and always stressing Pyrrhus out. He loved fighting as much as the next gorgon, but Keleos’ habit of running into things head-first drove him up the wall.
Rhodopis (she/her) didn’t have a whole lot going on in her head. Just elevator music. She was shy and content to do whatever Keleos and Pyrrhus told her to do.
Keleos died in 313 CE after rushing into a fight recklessly. In his grief, Pyrrhus went off the rails and also got reckless. He died a few months later.
Rhodopis surprised everyone by managing to live a whole 4 years without Keleos and Pyrrhus. She was killed by a monster hunter in 317 CE.
Lysimachos and Sostrate
Sostrate (she/her) had all of the brain cells. She was the brain; Lysimachos (he/him) was the brawn.
They were always very close and Lysimachos was very protective of her.
Rarely interacted with others, so it took people a while to realize when they went missing in the 400s CE.
They haven’t been seen since then, and they’re presumed dead.
Very competent and capable. Dealt with healing and medicine.
Saw it as her duty to heal others. Gorgons who had an interest in medicine weren’t very common where she grew up, and once Sotiria realized she liked the topic and had a knack for it, she felt obligated to become a physician.
A little obsessed with learning about illnesses and biology.  
Died in 2001 of a magical illness.
The only one of her siblings that Nira was genuinely afraid of.
He almost never spoke and was unpredictable. Worked as a mercenary and assassin. Had no remorse ever.
Killed more people than any of his siblings.
In 1889, he was killed in an underground monster fighting ring.
Fascinated by other creatures and the world beyond where he grew up.
Traveled to different realms, especially Saventhia.
For a while he was a tour guide for creatures visiting or moving to Saventhia from Earth or from Earth to Saventhia.
In the 1200s, he got an enchanted tattoo that allowed him to have a human form.
He spent most of his time in his human form and assimilated into human society.
Died as a sailor on Earth in 1792.
Well-known among gorgons for his skill in gladiator battles.
Had three gorgon clutches with the same woman. A few years after the third clutch was born in the 900s CE, he got on her nerves and she tried to kill him, and he took that as his cue to leave the community and start traveling, which is something he’d wanted to do for a while.
Spent about a decade traveling with Sophos, but was disappointed in the lack of fighting and decided to go his own way.
Started fighting in monster fighting rings around the world. 
Killed by a witch and a monster hunter in 1352.
Reclusive and closed-off. Emotionless even by gorgon standards. Always wanted to be left alone and would get violent if people tried to get close to her.
She was interested in black magic and the occult. In 1348, she died in a ritual gone wrong and came back as a ghoul.
She was a ghoul for about 60 years before Theron killed her for good in the early 1400s.
She was generally unexpressive, but she was good at rallying people. Very observant and good at reading others. A quick thinker.
Thought there was a time and place for fighting. It was impossible to rile her up if it wasn’t the time and place.
Known for winning battles and fights that seemed like lost causes.
Died in battle in 214 CE.
Obedient and good at following directions. Not very clever, so she was used as the muscle.
Always took her jobs very seriously. 
A better fighter than either Theron or Nira. 
Nira and Aristomache faced off in a gladiator battle in 181 BCE and Nira got lucky and won. Aristomache died from her wounds.
A general in a gorgon army.
A solemn and unamused man. Likely never laughed in his life.
Skilled fighter and strategist. 
He died in battle in 211 BCE.
Was close to Kleon when she was alive. Like Kleon, she loved to gossip and know other people’s business.
Not bright, very talkative, had a short temper, and would flirt with just about anyone.
Had three clutches within the span of 150ish years.
Killed by Theron in 227 BCE because she was annoying him.
Died in a gladiator battle in 341 BCE
That’s all I got
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cloudphillips · 4 years
Seungwan should've known better than to wager against Sooyoung.
  Considering the Slytherin girl's penchant for mischief and deception, it should've been enough incentive for Seungwan to know that something fishy was going on. But even her long history of pure bad luck and gullible tendencies didn't prevent her from taking the bait. Now she had to sneak around the halls of Hogwarts in the middle of the night concealed under the invisibility cloak to search of the fabled Room of Requirement.
  She could've been lounging in the Ravenclaw common room right now writing her essay in Transfiguration and or sneaking into the kitchens to teach the art of Muggle baking to the house elves she befriended but no, she just had to lose a stupid bet.
  And now, she had to pay for the price. 
She descended from the winding steps of the Grand Staircase and followed the directions leading to the castle grounds. The rational part of her brain screamed at her to Turn back! You're breaking school rules! Retreat before you get expelled! But the other side of her, the small, miniscule and barely-there prideful side of her refused to be cowed. She will not back down from this. Seungwan didn't want to give Sooyoung the satisfaction of knowing that she was a coward all along.
  By the end of the corridor, the young Ravenclaw stopped dead in her tracks when the Gray Lady fluttered pass the solid walls. Their gazes met and those lifeless eyes seemed to see past the magic veil of her invisibility cloak. Seungwan briefly wandered if ghosts were immune to its enchantments. Thankfully, the Gray Lady ignored her existence and continued haunting the halls of Hogwarts. Once the coast was clear, Seungwan resumed her task.
  Any normal person could pretend and claim about finding the Room of Requirement but Seungwan was such a bad liar so there was no way she could've successfully pulled a deception of this magnitude from Sooyoung. The girl was an experienced bullshit detector and any attempts of manipulation from Seungwan would be for nought.
  Besides, Kim Yerim, a young Gryffindor and Sooyoung's evil partner in crime, threatened to jinx Seungwan's flying broom and burn all the books she owned if she ever chickened out. In the end, the Ravenclaw decided that she couldn't risk it.
  Lurking behind the statue of a grotesque gargoyle, Seungwan blew off whisps of her blonde hair that obscured her vision as she studied the intricate patterns carved on the walls in the hopes of revealing a concealed passageway. Hogwarts was full of hidden rooms and other enchantments. Many of its secrets remained undiscovered and it would take her centuries to uncover all of them.
  There was an unmistakable sound of footsteps echoing along the halls and she hastened her pace. "Nox!" After extinguishing the light from her wand and ensuring that her entire body was hidden underneath the cloak, Seungwan waited with bated breath when she saw the hunched figure of Filch emerge from the Great Hall. His beady eyes scanned the empty corridor, searching for anything suspiciously out of the ordinary. He entirely missed the young Ravenclaw's silhouette standing beside a knight statue and decided to make a quick stop to his office. He found it pointless to patrol the school and catch rule-breaking students without the aid of his precious shackles.
  Seungwan released a sign of relief. She was not getting caught today. No sir!
  She poked her head out from the cloak, checking to see if he really left the vicinity and cheering internally when he did. Seungwan was really pushing it now. The number of school rules she was breaking must be horrendous and her best friend Joohyun would be so disappointed, especially when she finds out that the invisibility cloak she lent to Seungwan had been used for illegal purposes.
  Seungwan knew that she was a bad friend, taking advantage of Joohyun's kindness and lying just to achieve her ends, but a lot was at stake here and she couldn't let the devil duo win. She couldn't let them taint Ravenclaw's immaculate reputation by allowing the spread of rumors regarding her cowardice. Seungwan would rather die than bring shame to her house.
  The young Ravenclaw sucked in a deep breath and steadied her resolve. She needed to find this Room of Requirement as soon as possible so she could return to her common room and be done with it. She still needed to read Gilderoy Lockhart's Voyages with Vampires goddamnit!
  "The light drives away the void that has long blinded my eyes upon your arrival." Seungwan nearly jumped in surprise when the portrait of a dark-haired woman, wearing a white Grecian dress and resting casually on a rustic bench then holding a cluster of grapes within the palm of her hands, called her attention. The title Embodiment of Love and Beauty: Aphrodite was carved on the base of the portrait's golden frame and it sparked a recent memory of the Greek Mythology book Seungwan was reading a few days ago. "Come yonder and whisper the melody into my ears-" Aphrodite leaned closer to get a better look at the blonde girl. "-the reason why a darling rose like you lurks in the darkness of the night."
  Wow. The Ravenclaw was amazed. Who knew that Aphrodite could be so poetic? All the books she read never mentioned how the goddess had a way with words. She could give Apollo a run for his money.
  "Uhmm.." Seungwan was bewildered because she thought she was doing a great job of hiding. Apparently not, because she was clearly caught by someone, even if it was just a mere painting. "I was hoping to find the Room of Requirement." The greek goddess ruefully shook her head, tendrils of raven black locks swaying with every movement, and made such a simple act look so elegant.
  Aphrodite seemed refined and ethereal and for some reason, Seungwan noted an akin likeness between the goddess and Joohyun.
  "My lovely rose. Forget such trivialities and allow me to bask in your sweet presence." Aphrodite purred as she batted her eyelashes coquettishly at the innocent girl. The goddess seemed to have taken a liking towards the young Ravenclaw. "You wield the brilliance of the sun within you. Are you, perchance, an offspring of Apollo?" And when Seungwan shook her head no, the deity continued singing her praises. "No matter. I will not let such things hinder us. For I will pluck all stars in the sky and weave them into garments only befitting of your radiance."
  The blonde girl didn't know what to do with the sudden attention. She was flattered, really, that the Goddess of Love and Beauty found her worthy of her affections but Aphrodite was a portrait and Seungwan was just not into her.
  Seungwan thought of ways on how to gently turn the goddess' advances down without offending her. Sure, Aphrodite was a portrait and held no real power over her but all deities, even ones immortalized in paintings, had enormous pride and easily get injured at the smallest of things.
  "I wish to fulfill your wishes O lovely Aphrodite! But my heart is torn and I simply cannot." Seungwan decided to lay it thick and flatter the goddess. The sooner she escapes this predicament, the sooner she can continue her task of finding the elusive room. "For I am a mere mortal unworthy of your affections. Our becoming is never destined and the Sisters of Fate would drive us apart." At times like these, her greasiness was put to good use. All those instances of playfully flirting at Joohyun was paying off.
  "We simply cannot be." She whispered brokenly to elicit a dramatic effect and successfully rendered Aphrodite into tears. Who knew that Seungwan had a knack for theatrics?
  A part of her was guilty for pulling this cunning move and manipulating someone, even if that someone was just a portrait, but she couldn't deny the rush of excitement it gave her. She was starting to know what it felt like being a Slytherin.
  "Alas! You speak of the truth, my darling rose, and my heart has come to accept this. Forgive me for forcing my unwanted affections upon you." The goddess wiped away the last of her tears and gathered her resolve. "Allow me to amend my offenses and aid you in your endeavors." Aphrodite bestowed her godly blessings upon the blonde, which was completely unnecessary because the deity was a painting and she wielded no real power, and Seungwan just obeyed because she wasn't raised to be rude. "You seek of a place which is hard to find. A room that comes and goes."
  That piqued the young Ravenclaw's interest and she leaned closer, eager to learn what the deity has to say. Aphrodite smiled fondly at Seungwan before stating a cryptic message. "It only ever appears in times of great need."
  Their little chat was interrupted when familiar voices sounded down the corridor. "I think someone's down here!" One of them said and their footsteps quickened. The young Ravenclaw panicked and spurred into action by hiding behind a marble pillar and covering herself with the invisibility cloak. She waited with bated breath and clutched her wand tightly as she prepared herself for an unwanted confrontation.
  Seungwan thought she heard the distinct sound of a cat purring and upon glancing down, she was caught paralyzed by the sight of Mrs. Norris glaring at her nastily. The feline's beady yellow eyes sent tendrils of fear to her spine. For a moment, she wondered how the animal could see her through the veil of the enchanted cloak. Did felines have a heightened sense of sight that they acquired the ability to detect invisible objects? "Shoo! Please go away." Seungwan tried her best to treat the cat with as much courtesy as possible because even though Mrs. Norris wasn't the most well-liked among the students, considering she was Filch's pet, but she was still a cat and Seungwan respected all animals, no matter how evil.
  Mrs. Norris had other intentions because her hackles rised and lunged to attack the young Ravenclaw. Those razor-sharp claws sank deep into her leg, slightly drew some blood, and effectively tore her trousers. The blonde was unable to stop the groan that escaped from her lips when she felt the stinging sensation.
  The voices became louder and the young Ravenclaw barely had time to control her agonized breathing when two figures emerged from the dark hall. Upon getting a clearer look on their features, Seungwan stifled a groan and cursed the universe for playing a sick game on her.
  It was her friends. Seulgi and Joohyun.
  Both of which were Prefects.
  Prefects who were patrolling the halls of Hogwarts late at night.
  Prefects who, if they somehow caught wind of Seungwan's rule-breaking, had the authority to take away house points and report the said girl to the Head of the Ravenclaw House.
  Just her luck.
  "There's nothing down here Joohyun." Seulgi directed the tip of her wand to cast a beam of light upon the dark corridor. Joohyun told her earlier that she heard some noises in the vicinity and accompanied her friend to investigate. "It's just Mrs. Norris hissing at nothing in particular." Seulgi nodded at the said feline, who was busy glaring at an empty spot behind a marbled pillar, then turned to regard her friend skeptically.
  "That's odd." A minute ago, she thought she heard someone whimpering as if they were in pain. Thinking that a person was injured, she hurried over to check it out, only to find nothing. Did I miss something? Joohyun thought as she squinted her eyes to thoroughly examine the dark hall. She found the cat's actions quite unusual, hissing at the wall and clawing at the empty space as if provoked by the air, but she chalked it up to weird animal behavior. She shook her head and acquiesced. "It must have been my imagination."
  "Do you want to rest? I could finish patrolling if you want. We've already checked most of the castle anyway." Seulgi asked her friend in concern. Being a kind person that she was, it's quite expected of her to ensure her friend's well-being, even if it meant sacrificing her own. Maybe her good-nature just comes with being a Hufflepuff.
  "No, I'm fine." Joohyun declined her offer and adjusted the green scarf wrapped around her neck. The cold air felt like freezing shards that bit her skin but she shrugged her uneasiness off and remained impassive because she didn't want to inconvenience Seulgi. "Let's finish this."
  She gritted her teeth when another blast of the chilly night air hit her face. Joohyun longed for a personal heater, probably in the form of a blonde Ravenclaw Muggleborn whose bright smile put the sun to shame.
  "Last stop, the Dungeons." Seulgi shivered anxiously when she uttered the word. She aimed the light down the spiralling staircase that led to their intended destination and huddled close to Joohyun partly for warmth and mostly for reassurance. The taller girl felt uncomfortable with dark and creepy places. She had gotten used to the warm and comfy atmosphere of the Hufflepuff common room and stifling areas like the Dungeons made her quite nervous. It was a good thing she had her Slytherin friend to accompany her.
  Joohyun furrowed her brows, took one last look at the dark halls, before reluctantly following Seulgi to continue with their patrol.
  As soon as the Prefects were out of sight, the blonde released the breath she'd been holding and quickly shrugged off her cloak to check the damage that evil cat had inflicted.
  Sure enough, her trousers were torn and there was a trail of blood that stained the rainbow-colored socks she borrowed from Seulgi. Crap! The socks were ruined and no amount of Scourgify could remove those bloodstains. Seungwan used to stock her luggage with numerous bottles of bleach for cleaning purposes but her supplies dwindled after that one particular incident which involved diving under the black lake for some experimental research in Care of Magical Creatures and trying to befriend a Giant Squid for extra credit.
  How was the blonde supposed to know that the Giant Squid’s way of showing its trust and getting its stamp of approval was to squirt stinky black ink all over her body?
  How was she supposed to know that, by that simple and disgusting gesture alone, she was already adopted into the squid community?
  Squid ink was difficult to remove, mind you, and it left Seungwan smelling like seafood the whole week.
  And that was the story of how she used up all her bleach.
  If only there was some magical equivalent of the 7/11 convenient store in the wizarding world so she could restock her supplies.
  Oh well, can’t have everything, can we?
  Mrs. Norris poised for another attack and that was enough incentive for Seungwan to run for her life. It was quite ridiculous that she was being terrorized by a cat but in her defense, Mrs. Norris was a demon incarnate. No amount of reasoning would work around that feline so with the influence of her self-preservation, the young Ravenclaw took off. If she were to die, she didn’t want it to be caused by something stupid like being clawed to death by a cat. That’s just ridiculous. She’d be rolling over her grave if that were to happen.
  Seungwan dashed along the winding halls of Hogwarts and ignored the burning sensation on her wound. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping her sane now and she tried to remain composed while a murderous cat followed her wake. She took a series of twist and turns and ran until she could no longer hear the sound of screeching and purring.
  The Ravenclaw stopped short to catch her breath and shrugged off her cloak to wipe the sweat off her face. She had never been more exhausted in her entire life and that was a great indicator that Seungwan needed to do more cardio. It made her wonder if this dare was worth risking her life for. She contemplated of backing out but the mocking laugh of Sooyoung and the sinister grin of Yeri, along with the images of broken brooms and burning books, flashed into her mind and her resolve was back full force.
  She’d come this far. Might as well get this over with.
  She will not live like a coward. Not today Satan!
  But as soon as Seungwan regained some courage, it quickly dwindled when she realized that she was lost, like, really lost. It seemed like she stumbled upon an old abandoned classroom by chance.
  Scrolls of spare parchment and splinters littered the floors, unused desks and chairs were stacked haphazardly behind the dust-covered blackboard and marbled statues were blasted into pieces. The windows were smashed and the walls were scorched. It’s as if someone lit the whole room on fire and left it burning for centuries. A few Dementor dummies were broken beyond repair and some of its parts fell to ashes.
  Then something caught her attention.
  Standing far back into the room and partially covered by a worn red tapestry, there was an ornate and fairly ancient-looking mirror. The base had a clawed foot that served as a support and the gold borders that framed its edges were inscribed with a foreign and probably dead language.
  Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi
  Due to the fact that she was a Ravenclaw and she had a natural tendency to be curious, Seungwan walked close to inspect the object. She tried to decipher the hidden meaning behind the carvings and moved until her silhouette was reflected in the mirror.
  She looked like a hobo.
  Due to all the running she had to do, her short blonde locks clung to her neck in sticky waves and sweat dampened her skin. Her robes were askew and trousers were torn. She looked like she took a jolly night stroll at the Forbidden Forest but got attacked by an Acromantula.
  Her disheveled appearance reminded her of the time Ravenclaw had a Quidditch match against Gryffindor. It was a pitch-black stormy day and she strayed off the pitch trying to catch the Golden Snitch. She was struck by lightning and landed on the Whomping Willow really badly. Ravenclaw won the match but her broom was pretty wrecked and she was out of commission for nearly three months.
  Seungwan tried to smooth out the unruly bangs that covered her eyes when the image shimmered and her appearance changed. Suddenly, she wasn't the only person reflected in the mirror anymore.
  Standing before her were her friends and all sported cheery expressions on their faces. They looked older and more refined. Gone was the childlike naivety in their eyes and it was replaced with such wisdom that only comes after long years of being exposed to the world and meeting different people.
  Each of them portrayed their dream job. Sooyoung was now a fierce Auror. There was a certain fire in her eyes as she casually draped an arm over a Yerim, who appeared to be the youngest Head of the Ministry of Magic. The Gryffindor girl sported the same mischievous smile and it seemed like she still retained her penchant for troublemaking. Seulgi clutched her latest edition Comet 2500 and posed elegantly like the famous Quidditch player that she is. Joohyun was staring at all of them fondly. A small contented smile graced her lips as she stood as the new Headmistress of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Seungwan had the professional badge of a Mediwitch and cradled in her arms an award from St. Mungo's hospital for her tireless efforts in curing magical maladies.
  There she was together with the people she held dearly to her heart, looking happy and contented, serving as pillars of support for each other and carrying with them an unbreakable bond formed by long years of friendship.
  Everything she desired and all she had been dreaming about were right before her.
  "What are you doing here?"
  Seungwan jumped in surprise when she heard the familiar bone-chilling voice that could only belong to one person.
  Judging from the stern expression she was sporting, the Slytherin Prefect was in her no-nonsense mode and she didn't look quite happy catching Seungwan red handed. "Sneaking around the castle at night is forbidden." Her tone sounded accusatory and the Ravenclaw fought hard not to squirm under her intense gaze. If glares could kill, the blonde would be dead right now.
  So much for not getting caught.
  "Sorry." She offered a lame apology, suddenly finding her shoes very interesting. Oh look! There’s a drop of blood staining the laces! She really needed to get some bleach.
  When Joohyun's left eye twitched in annoyance, it didn't take long for Seungwan to break like a dam and quickly spun a tale of how she got into this predicament. "I lost a bet to Sooyoung! I really didn't want to break the rules but Yerim threatened to jinx my broom and burn my books if I chickened out!"
  Joohyun remained indifferent the whole time the blonde Ravenclaw pleaded her defense. Her gaze landed on the invisibility cloak that was discarded to the ground. The one she lent to Seungwan. “Is this why you borrowed my cloak? To use it for illicit purposes?”
  “No! I mean- Yes!” Seungwan slapped her forehead. She was running out of excuses to tell. It seems like she can’t bullshit her way out of this situation. “I just wanted to find the Room of Requirement and Sooyoung said it can only be found at night.” The blonde sighed in defeat. Even she sounded crazy to herself.
  “Didn’t anyone warn you not to play Sooyoung’s games? Anyone in their right minds wouldn’t fall for her tricks.” Joohyun furrowed her brows. How could anyone be that gullible?
  “I know! I can be pretty stupid at times!” The Ravenclaw was ready to rip out her hair and throw herself out the window. There would be fewer stupid people in the world and she would  be doing the universe a favor. She groaned and stared helplessly at her amused friend. It’s good to know that the Slytherin found entertainment in her misery. “Why do I always make bad life decisions?”
  “Honestly? I also ask myself that question.” Then Joohyun noticed the blood gushing on Seungwan’s feet and rushed to her aid immediately. “What happened? Who did this to you?” She forced the blonde to sit down on the floor while she inspected the wounds. Thankfully, it wasn’t that deep and didn’t require a complicated healing spell for it to mend.
  “It’s nothing really, just a scratch.” Seungwan tried to shrug it off but Joohyun remained persistent and vigilantly scanned her from head to toe to check if she’d been hurt anywhere else. Once the Prefect was certain that the blonde was relatively unharmed, except for her bloody feet, she proceeded to softly blow air upon the wound in an attempt to soothe the pain. Seungwan blinked twice. Her heart hammering against the cages of her ribs and she had difficulty swallowing the lump in her throat.
  There was something about the way Joohyun tenderly cradled her injured leg and traced featherlight strokes on her skin. Her hands were gentle, reverent… cautious. It’s as if she was taking great care not to break Seungwan with her touch. Their gazes met and Seungwan somehow stopped breathing. Something shimmered in Joohyun’s eyes, a message held secret deep within her soul, and the young Ravenclaw couldn’t quite decipher it.
  Without taking her stare off the injured girl, the Slytherin Prefect took out her wand and cast a healing spell. “Episkey.” Joohyun whispered under her breath, eyes transfixed on those soft lips, itching to get close…closer.
  Seungwan could barely feel the wound closing nor the pain waning. Joohyun was looking at her intensely and she didn’t know how to handle it so she asked a rather dumb query. “Is there something on my face?”
  That effectively broke Joohyun out of whatever trance she was in. The Slytherin girl cleared her throat and stood up. She helped the blonde girl to her feet but refused to meet her eyes so she looked everywhere until she gazed upon the ancient looking mirror. Her curiosity was piqued. "What's this?" Noticing the foreign language carved on its golden frame, Joohyun moved closer to examine it. She wondered aloud.
  "Okay, this might sound crazy but I have a theory. Hogwarts is a magical school whose mysteries are still left unsolved. This might be one of those mysteries. You do know that the school never runs out questionable objects." Seungwan voiced out her ideas and it didn't take long for her to start pacing. Her hands making wild gestures in the air as she tried to put into words the thousands of possibilities her brain concocted.
  "I think this mirror shows the future." The Ravenclaw declared with such certainty and paused, eyes narrowing as millions of other thoughts swam into her head. "But how far into the future does it show? Maybe not too far." She shook her head and continued pacing.
  The Slytherin Prefect stood back and watched the blonde mutter a thousand things per minute. It's like her mouth couldn't keep up with her brain so she compensates by rambling about nothing and everything at once. It was only during times like this that Joohyun would get a glimpse inside Seungwan's mind. The younger girl was usually insecure about being a chatterbox, always carefully watching her words and actions around people. If it were up to her, she'd listen to Seungwan all day. Her thoughts were like lyrics Joohyun would gladly spend her life composing into a song.
  "What do you see?" Her internal musing was interrupted when the Ravenclaw stopped pacing and regarded her with an inquiry. Solving mysteries had always been Seungwan's obsession and the Prefect could tell that she was in her element. Joohyun could see it. The way the flames of curiosity burned in those brown orbs and the eagerness to discover the unknown transformed her, giving her an aura of confidence that rarely showed itself.
  Seungwan was glowing and it took her breath away.
  It took Joohyun a few moments to gather her thoughts. The effort to calm her pounding heart was futile for the blonde proved to be quite distracting so she focused all her attention to both their reflection in the mirror instead.
  "I don't see anything." Joohyun furrowed her brows and regarded the blonde in confusion. What was so special about this mirror? It certainly didn’t look so magical to her. Maybe Seungwan was mistaken?
  "Are you sure?" Seungwan was bewildered. If her theory was correct and this mirror showed the future then why couldn't Joohyun see anything? She gestured for Joohyun to try again since she was desperate to prove her point. “Can you please look again?”
  Joohyun was unamused. It was pointless really. It was just a regular mirror. There was nothing magical about it. Why can’t the blonde Ravenclaw see that? She crossed her arms and glared hard at the reflections on the mirror, particularly at herself for always giving into Seungwan’s wishes. “Have you forgotten how mirrors work?” A minute has passed and she still found nothing in particular.
  "I only see us."
  The dejected look on Seungwan's features tugged at Joohyun’s heartstrings and the Slytherin Prefect volunteered to stare back into the useless mirror for an hour. Yes, Joohyun was a mess. She was a HUGE mess. She could barely make rational decisions when it came to Seungwan.
  The blonde shook her head and declined the Prefect’s offer. "Maybe it's just my imagination."
  Seungwan grabbed the abandoned invisibility cloak on the floor and dusted off the dirt before wrapping it snugly around Joohyun to keep her warm. Then she grabbed the raven-haired girl’s hand and guided her out of the room. Her mind running a thousand miles per minute, still trying to make sense of the mystery she witnessed.
  Meanwhile, Slytherin girl kept glancing at their intertwined hands, wondering why their fingers fit so perfectly with each other and thinking about how she didn't want to let go.
  Not now, not ever.
  And deep down Joohyun knew, that she wouldn't mind being cold if it meant that Seungwan would always keep her warm.
  Seungwan never did find the Room of Requirement and the following day, she had to face the music in the form of Sooyoung's offhanded Honestly? I'm even not surprised. I've heard rumors that the Room of Requirement only ever shows itself to people of worth and, no offense, you are not such person. What surprised me more was that you decided to go along with the dare. I was expecting you to back out since I knew that you could be a chicken at times.
  Or Yerim’s cutting What the heck? You're the top of the class! The smartest witch of our age! Out of all the people, you had the best chances of finding it. But I guess we really do cannot have it all. Seungwan didn't know if she should be flattered by the fact that Gryffindor held her with such a high regard or be insulted at the insinuation that she was a failure.
  Anyways, the blonde Ravenclaw retreated to the library to lick her wounds and pass the time by doing some light reading. She came across an interesting passage in the book that left her reeling with questions.
  The Mirror of Erised
  An ancient magical mirror made before the end of the nineteenth century by an unknown creator. It shows the deepest, most desperate desire of one's heart, a vision that has been known to drive men mad.
  Below the paragraph was a portrait of a familiar ornate mirror. Seungwan squinted to examine it closer and gasped in shock. It was the exact same one she found last night; the same mirror that appeared in her dreams countless of times. There was no mistaking it. The foreign carvings along its golden frame were identical. She read the passage again and again and stared at the portrait until her vision blurred with images of the reflections she saw.
  Joohyun being the Hogwarts Headmistress.
  Seulgi became a Professional Quidditch player.
  Her own self was a lauded Mediwitch.
  Sooyoung training as an Auror.
  And Yerim as the youngest Head of the Ministry of Magic.
  It made sense now. The young Ravenclaw already putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Seungwan was close to solving everything but there was still one thing that remained a mystery to her.
  How come Joohyun only saw them both?
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Picture Perfect in Holiday Sweaters
Open Heart/Ethan x MC  
Summary: Ethan gets a gift from his parents that he really didn’t expect.
Author’s Note: The return of my Ethan x Clarissa children (sorta, they can’t talk yet lol) since I almost forgot I had them. I don’t know Danny’s last name, so I gave him one that’s Blanchard. I’m thinking of AME tomorrow who knows. In other news, Naveen is still great, I love writing him and I need to do it more. For the 41 Days of Cheer - day 36 - sweater weather.
It was a snowy day in Boston when the doorbell rang as Clarissa peered out the window of the townhouse. Next to her Sienna and Danny were playing with her and Ethan’s children as she headed toward the door. Confused she opened it and saw the UPS guy. Hmm she didn’t order anything, and she was sure Ethan didn’t either.
“Order for Ramsey-Sinclaire?” he asked as she signed off on it. Holding the two boxes she had returned to her friends that were sitting on the floor in the living room.
Carrying them into the room she stepped over the wedding planning materials and sat down with them.
“There’s a surprise package,” she said sitting down with them. “How’s your wedding planning?”
“Fine so far but it’s far more fun to play with the babies. Isn’t that right Adaline,” said Sienna bouncing the baby on her leg. “Forget that, tell us what’s in the package, I’m super curious.”
With that Clarissa found scissors and started to open the first box and then the second. The return address looked familiar as something in her mind clicked.
“Ohh, these are from Ethan’s parents,” she said thinking out loud. She had to call them as soon as they had received them. Then smiled at the contents of the box.  “It’s sweater weather.” 
She pulled out a sweater from the first box.It was quite pretty in a royal blue color, a snow flake pattern dotted across the o neck. The next was white with dark gray trees decorating the bottom part. Then in the second box was two small sweaters one red with white candy canes. The other green with white candy canes.
“These aren’t ugly Christmas sweaters at all,” said Sienna holding up the sweaters. “Aww these tiny ones are so cute.”
“These are 100 percent cashmere,” said Danny reading the tag before jokingly adding, “What’s it like to have rich in-laws?”
“Danny!” said Sienna scolding him slightly before she swatted him playfully. Clarissa just rolled her eyes and looked over at the sweaters. It was definitely getting cold out and they would wear these as soon as possible. “Anyway, we should try them on.”
Nodding she handed Danny the green one to put on Patrick. Then the red one to put on Adaline. She thought as the door opened behind them. Then the two voices of Ethan Ramsey and Naveen Banerji as they were arguing about something or another. Shaking her head, Clarissa made faces at Adaline as she whimpered at the sudden movement.
Curiously she peered over and waved at the two men as they headed to the kitchen. “Pass me my water bottle please,” she called as Ethan returned with a soda in his own hands.
“What are those?” asked Ethan seeing the boxes as Naveen happily took his seat on their couch.
“Your parents sent sweaters to all of us. It’s good timing considering it just started snowing out,” said Clarissa gesturing to the window.
“Wait a second I got one?” he asked as she threw the sweater with trees at him.
Naveen just smiled as Sienna and Danny all watching for his reaction. The look on Ethan’s face simple to read, he just looked at it, and then out the bay window. She really hoped that he wouldn’t consider throwing it out said window.
Giggling softly, she got up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug gently kissing his lips. He had held her waist firmly before separating. She pressed the sweater firmly to his chest her hands keeping them inches apart from kissing again.
Glancing at her friends who were playing with the kids. Naveen pretending to read a wedding magazine as he slyly looked over at them. Her own sweater on the floor next to her feet.
Biting her bottom lip she seductively whispered to him. “Put it on now,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “For me?”
“Sure,” he said hesitating glancing at the door. “In the next room.”
“Oh no, that’d be an easy escape you have to do it here,” she said winking making sure none of the others could hear her and then added while pulling at his tie. “If you do you can help me take mine off later.”
His mouth was a straight line before looked her up and down aware of just how close their bodies were. Sighing Ethan pulled apart from her and took the sweater in his hands. He wanted it as she blinked her emerald doe like eyes up at him.
She watched as he took his tie off first. Then purposely not looking at Sienna, Danny, and especially Naveen he unbuttoned his light blue button down. Oh, she was liking this as Clarissa twirled a piece of her copper colored hair with her fingers.
Danny had covered Sienna’s eyes and Patrick’s in his lap while looking away.
“Clarissa there is so much that I have to have you push him to do,” said Naveen thoughtfully as he put the sweater back on.
She burst into laughter as Ethan just rolled his eyes. Okay, she’d have to see this list as Ethan made sure that it fit well. Boy did it as it wasn’t tight but certainly wasn’t baggy. Tonight was going to be fun as she bit her bottom lip.
“Okay Blanchard you can uncover Trinh’s eyes now and pass me my son,” said Ethan going over and scooping Patrick off the floor.
Aww, he had tossed him into the air and kissed the top of his head before going to sit next to Naveen. Clarissa took the sweater herself before shrugging out of her blouse. Her cami light enough for the sweater to slide right over her body. Surprisingly his parents did a great job picking out the clothes.
“You know what we should do?” asked Naveen. “Go outside and take a picture of you wearing them in front of the house while it’s snowing. After all it’s sweater weather.”
“Yes,” said Sienna and Clarissa excited.
“No! You were all sent to torture me weren’t you?” asked Ethan appalled at the idea as Patrick pulled his sweater to cover his face.
“No we were sent to kill you softly with kindness,” said Clarissa rolling her eyes again but still teasing him. “Come on one just one picture and we’ll print it twice. One to send to our parents and the other to frame. We still don’t have something to put on the table by the door.”
“I thought that was going to be professionally done,” he said trying to hold off on getting his picture taken.
“No you wanted them that way,” said Clarissa. “I wanted something more personal.”
Danny and Sienna only grinned as they played with Adaline still on the floor batting around a cloth book. Naveen eagerly listening to them with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. Yep, they even argued like an old married couple when it wasn’t work related.
Clarissa shifted as she narrowed her eyes and cocked her head. Ethan still not budging.  
“We won’t have anymore done,” she said. “Unless you want me to make that appointment for a professional photographer and do it next week.”
“Okay fine.”
Victorious she did a small dance and picked up Adaline from the floor. “Alright whose going to take the picture?”
“I’ll do it,” said Naveen getting up. “After all we should leave Doctor Trinh and Doctor Blanchard here so they can look at their wedding books…” He winked at them to get busy making out while they were outside.
Sienna giggled softly as they made their way out into the cold. The November air biting at her skin making her cheeks pink. Smoothing her hair for the picture she then turned to Ethan. Adaline on her hip as she fixed his hair running her hand through his smoothly. Naveen knowing how to use a smart phone because of Clarissa had recorded the tender moment.
Switching babies Clarissa now holding Patrick and Ethan holding Adaline before positioning and then smiling at Naveen. She nodded at him to snap the photo while the kids were good. Naveen just smiled at the picture happily as he captured the moment and then sending a copy both to his own phone to remember this.
“There you go,” he said handing hers back to her. “Now what do you say to getting some pizza for dinner?”
With that they had returned inside to see Sienna and Danny on the floor making out. Oh, they were totally going to be next to do this to. Clarissa and Naveen sharing a look knowing what they had to do. Then she had kissed Ethan’s cheek, they had a late night tonight before going in early tomorrow.
Tagging: @cordoniaqueensworld​ @universallypizzataco​ @riverrune​   @confessionsofabrokegirl​ @valiantlychaoticbarbarian​  @hopelessromantic1352​ @sharrybh20​ @theeccentricbibliophile​ @timmagicktoad​ @owleyes374​ @greywitchyshots​
@adrianadmirer​  @fluffy-cat-whisper​ @symonde​ @paisleylovergirl​ @elainew13​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​  @darley1101​ @mfackenthal​ @jlpplays1​ @writerapprentice​ @wildsayeed​ @princess-geek​ @perriewinklenerdie​  @lilyofchoices​ @indescribablechoices​ @itsbrindleybinch​ @am-i-invisible777​ @flyawayboo​ @radlovedreamer​
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
Table Rock Lake Clans
Among the shores of Table Rock Lake, three crepuscular clans stand together. They worship a pantheon of gods that bless them with their suffixes and as far as relations go, they’re fairly friendly towards each other.
I’d like some constructive criticism and some prompts to spur on worldbuilding. They sort of have a story, but only because I can demonstrate my worldbuilding… I’m a worldbuilder first and a writer second, I’m just like this.
Yay more clans! Also thats a big mood if I ever saw one, I too am best at worldbuilding, the writing? Not so much...
The clan taking up most of the shore. Their camp is on an island hollow that’s only accessible by swimming. They’re stocky with rudder-like tails (some not even having one at all), normally have diluted colors, lots of white, and lighter shades of eyes (sage green, light blue, pale yellow, etc). Deafness is somewhat common, so there’s a bit of a stereotype that they’re loud. The beauty standard is a gray classic tabby with 40% white spread asymmetrically on a broad-shouldered cat with dainty paws.
I appreciate how detailed the understanding of their appearance is. Im assuming the tailless is the manx gene? I also like the idea of a hidden camp acessible only by swimming, its extra safe.
The most well-off of the clans, they’re very relaxed, but rather distrusting when it comes to outsiders. Probably due to being duped in the past by loners and rogues and allegedly a kittypet at one point.
Thats understandable, and also explains their isolated camp. If they feel unsafe, they would want to have as many precautions as possible, and it would make them less likely to bring in new cats to join as it would reveal their secrets.
Hollowclan cats tend to name their kittens after aquatic animals (Minnow, Swan, Heron), colors (Silver, Amber, White), and phenomena (Ice, Lightning, Cloud). Suffixes are commonly -leg for skilled swimming and -tail for good jumping.
The clan in the most dense part of the forest up the stream connecting them to the Great River. Their camp is in a clearing with logs and stumps and hollowed bushes being the dens. They’re BIG kitties, think maine coon or norwegian forest, with many ticked tabbies. Reds and blacks are very common, with brown showing up every so often. Dilution is fairly rare. Eye colors stick mostly to deeper colors (umber, moss green, copper, amber) The beauty standard for toms and mollies are different. Deep red ticked tabby toms with 20% or less white is quite handsome, whereas brown tortoiseshells with 20-40% white is very beautiful. Long fur is also desirable, with broad shoulders and (especially for mollies) hips.
They sound lovely! As for the ticking, it sounds like they would have great camouflage. When you mention black, do you mean genetic black (which manifests as brown or gray tabbies) or solid black? Either way they sound lovely. Big buff boys and gorls are my absolute favorite.
Thicketclan has a noble pride associated to them, believing themselves to be descendants of the bobcats that prowl the lands. Many of them can speak Lynxish and it’s rumored some kittens are half cat, half bobcat, though that’s still up for debate.
Oh this is really really cool. It makes sense that Lynxes would have a similar language, and it could easily be hybridized. I can imagine that cats from this clan might slip into Lynxish to speak about sensitive things at gatherings or among other cats. It also fits with their appearance, particularly as big cats with ticked fur, and maybe ear tufts? Ear tufts are just so cute.
Thicketclan cats normally name their kittens after birds (Crow, Oriole, Bittern), trees (Maple, Birch, Oak), and patterns (Brindle, Speckle, Spotted). Suffixes are commonly -whisker for skilled hunting and -tail for great climbing.
The clan taking up the less densely wooded area and the tunnels below that. Their camp is a hollow that’s hidden by bushes and shrubs. They’re very skinny and short-furred with weirdly long legs and tails. There is very little red among the cats, but they do have pointism that pops up often, so much so that they don’t name white kittens until their apprenticeship. This also means they have the most diverse eye color, as they have really dark (bronze, orange, gold) and really light eye colors (ice blue). They often don’t have too much white, but sometimes a white cat pops up. They desire a lean, low figure with a sloped face and a perfectly symmetrical white of any degree with blue points.
Ohohoho Oriental babies. Sounds pretty standard,  although I am concerned about the not naming their white kits until they are apprentices. What do they call them until then? Hey you? Hey Whitekit? 
Due to forming from a loose collection of oddballs and unwanteds when the first two clans were fresh and new, they have a thing about honesty. It’s somewhat of a refresher to have such an honest group. They do know how to keep their cards to themselves, so not everything is laid out on the open.
Grottoclan cats often name their kittens after ground animals (Weasel, Pheasant, Mouse), bugs (Cricket, Hornet, Weaver), stones (Shale, Granite, Flint) and small plants (Chicory, Nettle, Cotton). Common suffixes are -nose for great tracking and -foot for swift running.
After having read suffixes so far, it looks like you are going for a body part based system, which makes sense, its nicely standardized. 
A recent collection of rebels, losers, and exiles. They live on the farthest reaches of the territories, closer the Harbor. They have cats from all the clans, plus a few loners and former kittypets among their ranks, so their appearance is quite varied.
In the clans, seers perform the promotion ceremonies, but among the outcasts, their leader performs ceremonies. The warriors themselves choose what their names will be, so long as their prefix remains untouched. Most have abandoned their prefix altogether, like Copper, some have changed their name to something unusual, like Morning Glory, and others have picked a name that, while still having a meaningful suffix, isn’t part of the suffix list, like Emberbark.
It seems like they are a more individualistic clan, in that they make their own decisions. Names are so personal too, so its interesting to see how that interacts with the rest of their culture.
If they were to become a clan, they’d probably be called something along the lines of Havenclan (though that might be an endonym). If named by the other clans, they’d probably be called something like Ridgeclan, Rivuletclan, or Beckclan.
Soooo yeah. Those are my clans. I hope you like what I have so far and I’d like to know your opinions and suggestions! Thank you!
They are wonderful so far! I have so many questions, I would absolutely love to hear more, especiallly about the Outcasts!
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