#love the rich when they invite my poor ass to things like that alright
passiveagressivepoet · 11 months
i went to another libra’s 30th birthday party tonight: it was greek god themed… i got to talk about percy jackson and my hyperfixations and it wasn’t weird i LOVE
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So kinda a Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss!Spirk AU
Spock is Stolas
Jim is a mix between Blitz/Angel Dust
Spock is royalty, the youngest of many siblings and therefore not overwhelmingly important
It is his birthday and his father tells him of his responsibilities and that he is to be wed - poor Spock must've let it be known he was unhappy as his father quickly decides to take him to the circus, it'll distract the boy from the lifelong commitment serek had made
Kirk is a performer under his stepdad, he isn't the best but he puts on a show
Spock doesn't have a good time as he doesn't like the circus, that is a childish pursuit and his father should've known better until a young clown is pushed into the ring and performs his subpar trick
Spock actually chuckles at the joke that Jim speaks as it is factual and clever
Serek notices this and rents Jim for his son
Jim is ordered by stepdad to steal anything he can and the poor boy doesn't have an argument against that, especially because this wouldn't be a permanent gig this would be a few hours of fun and hed be back to work
Spock isn't all that fun to begin with
Even as a child he is logical and book oriented
Until Jim makes up a game of space pirates and they go and find treasure
Spock knows as he's running down the empty halls that Jim will always be in his life
Jim makes him feel free
Unashamed to be being stupid and illogical
Jims just excited that it's warm and Spock is kind and he's offered Jim food and drink without judgement
Offered him kindness without bitterness
But all things come to an end and Jim quickly throws his treasure off of a balcony and into the shrubbery below
Nothing breaks it's all rich shit made of solid gold and rubies and skill that he would never know
The day comes to an end and Spock hugs Jim and thanks him and tells him he's welcome any time and he should come back and they can play
Jim shrugs and says he'll try
Spock tells him this was the best birthday ever and Jim feels awful
He's stolen from this boy on his birthday
Jim hugs him and kisses his cheek "all I have to give you is this" before he scurries away
Years later
Spock finds himself in a loveless marriage but luckily there is the just-in-case spare not-really-needed heir to the throne
She is his favourite thing
He loves her and she loves him
It's a shame her mother is more fiery than them but otherwise they're okay
They can cohabit
It's not horrendous
But it's not great
Spock is at a party held by his wife and she clearly loves someone else
She should go for it
She won't get that from him
He doesn't like her
That's why he was upset so much as a child
The idea that he would be with a girl over a boy
It felt wrong
And then he saw him
Except he was in the arms of another
A man spock didn't like at all
He was an ass
An actual ass
And Jim looked bored
The young man was looking around, his eyes darting
They landed on Spock and they widened
Spock made his excuses before walking over
"Jim, it's been an age"
Jim looked awkward and shuffled out of earshot of his partner "hey Spock, are you alright?"
They spoke about nothing of importance and everything seemed swell until Jim's date made his presence known
He pulled Jim harshly and placed himself between them "Spock, how good it was that you invited me"
"Kodos, unfortunately I had no say in the invitations."
"well, enough pleasantries, stop talking to my newest toy."
Spock was confused for a millisecond before really looking at Jim
He was wearing nice attire but there was the tell tale signs of abuse, he was tired and thin - he always had been - and there was fear in his eyes
Spock didn't let that stop him, he waited until Kodos' attention was elsewhere (when Jim was permitted to go to the toilet)
Spock waited awkwardly by the sinks and smiled at Jim when he exited the stall
"hello." He tried again
"Spock you shouldn't talk to me, I know you're royalty but he is a bad man. He will hurt you."
Jim spoke lowly as he washed his hands, not making direct eye contact
"what happened, why are you with a crime boss?" Spock questioned "you had dreams of running your own circus, what happened?"
"life" Jim shrugged, "not all of us have the option to choose what we do."
"he's not given you an option?"
Jim wasn't sure why he was saying all of this, he wasn't sure if Kodos would hear, if he did Jim would be in trouble
"he brought the circus and decided he liked the look of some of us." Jim adjusted his shirt "we're still performing, just not as clowns."
Spock knew what Jim meant
They exited at different times so Kodos didn't know but he did
He was quick to strike Jim, which wasn't unheard of
Jim was a human after all - they were the lowest life forms, mostly used as slaves but Spock wouldn't stand for it
He knew back as a child - waiting at the window for a glimpse of his friend - he loved the boy
It was a silly childhood crush
Nothing more
It was more
He loved Jim
And he would not let this asshole hit him
Spock prevented the second strike with his hand
He was quick to pull the man towards the door, hand him some cash and force him to leave
Kodos chuckled darkly and, behind Spock, Jim stood worried
"Jimmy boy, you know I own you" and with that he was dragged away
Years later
Jim wasn't forced to live with Spock, actually he was given his own apartment
It was small but it was his
Jim and Spock had been in a sexual relationship - it wasn't expected but it had happened
Spock loved Jim openly, calling him T'hy'la, coming to his every beck and call, helping him with his recovery
Jim knew it wasn't love
Spock just liked a good seeing to and Jim was good in bed
No Vulcan would love a human
It would be illogical
It would be stupid
Spock watched on as Jim found friends and a purpose but he didn't let Spock in
Spock had offered to "cuddle" when Jim was sad, he had brought tickets to shows for Jim only for the man to invite someone else and he told him he didn't have to have sex
He wasn't so great at the last one because Jim was good in bed
Spock illogically hopes and even prays that their relationship will blossom.
But he's given the man his freedom, if he tries anything he's no better than Kodos
So Spock waits for Jim to see him as anything other than the man who brought and on occasion sleeps with him
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
Group : NCT
Pairing : Lee Donghyuck/Haechan x f!Reader
Genre : fluff, angst
Word count : 4K words - Part 1
Mafia AU   |   M.list
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Final 
Chapter summary :  “Y/N please tell me you’ll always love me.” |  “You know I do. I love you and I’ll keep loving you no matter what.”
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“Hiraeth - (n) a homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was.”
Haechan was always by her side, her guardian angel and her partner in crime at the same time. Sure, he wasn’t ecstatic about having a little girl around them at all times in the beginning, but Taeyong was their leader and what he said had to be done. He remembered the day he met her so clearly, a lasting impression on him.
Taeyong had told them beforehand that a new member was going to arrive, but none of them ever expected her. Their squad was made up of only boys so seeing a frail girl trailing behind their leader left them shocked and frozen in their spots. Her eyes were wide, scanning her new surroundings and future teammates while tightly griping Taeyong’s shirt until her knuckles turned white. She tried to put on a brave face, but anyone with a decent sight could see that she was trembling like a leaf.
He later learned her name, Y/N and that she was training for the spy position. Same as Haechan. They seemed to be around the same age but he still felt a strong need to protect her, shield her from any harm. She looked so small that day, meeting the other members who swarmed her as soon as she peeked out from behind their leader. The way her face broke into a grin as she found out she would be training alongside Haechan as spies broke his hard exterior and made him decide he would take her under his wing.
And now, years later, Y/N became the light in the endless night, a breath of fresh air after drowning in the fast waters of a rushing river, although neither Haechan nor the rest of the boys would ever tell her that. But it could be seen in the way they looked at her, drops of honey and stardust swimming in their eyes whenever they caught sight of her or in the relieved exhale of air whenever she hugged them, her warmth enveloping them like a comfort blanket. It was the subtle hints that showed their love for her and the other way around.
“Y/N, I’m going to murder you!”
“Taeyong told me to wake you up, why are you such a bitter bitch?”
“I’m not the bitch here, dear”
“Is it because of old age, Doyoung? I know old people can get easily irritated, but damn gurl, you’re on another level”
A vein popped at Doyoung’s temple and he deeply breathed in, trying to keep his composure before he went nuts and burned down the entire household.
“Y/N, I’ll give you three seconds to vanish from before my eyes”
And she didn’t need more as she zoomed past the rest of them, her giggles echoing around the hallways.
“This is what I get out of raising children” Doyoung sighed before plopping down on the couch beside the younger ones.
To be honest, Haechan wanted to murder both of them. As much as he liked making fun of his members, being dragged out of his room for an unknown reason wasn’t on his to-do list today. He simply wanted to play some video games with his roommate Johnny and Y/N, maybe eradicate their self-confidence when it came to survival games with his unmatched skills. What he didn’t want right now was petty bickering, even though it’s usually his forte.
His train of thoughts was interrupted by the slam of the front door. Taeyong stormed inside, draping his coat and leaving his shoes by the door. His hair seemed messy and his movements were quite tense, very unlike for him.
“Are all of you here?”
No greetings, no smile. Something was going on.
Y/N trudged back in the living room with Yuta in tow, hearing the ruckus created by Taeyong’s hurried entrance. She sat down on the arm of the couch, beside Mark. Haechan took a moment to look at her. Her eyes turned serious, no glint of mischief in them anymore, her lips set in a straight line. Haechan gulped before turning his eyes back to their leader.
“Yes, what’s going on, Taeyong?” Taeil voiced out all of their thoughts. He also seemed tense, it was very weird that Taeyong hadn’t told him anything beforehand.
“I know none of you will like this, but we have a new mission” 
Everyone looked at each other. Missions weren’t anything new and it’s been quite some time since the last time they all went on one so they didn’t understand Taeyong’s worry.
“Alright, so? Things were starting to get boring anyway, so I don’t think anyone minds. What’s the job?” Johnny seemed even more content than the others at the mention of a mission
“Park Ji-won and his goons are having a party. All rich and influential people are invited. They’re probably trying to make connections with powerful people, maybe get them involved in their business. Wendy said he’ll have a USB flash drive with him. It contains future plans and reports of his actions if we get our hands on that he’s done for. Unfortunately, we’re not sure where it will be exactly. He probably won’t have it on him, it would be too risky, but other than that it could be anywhere in the house although his office seems most likely.”
Park Ji-won, the leader of one of the most powerful gangs in the country, a master of assassinations and other dirty deals and NCT’s biggest threat. He hunted them down with every chance he got and killed any allies of Taeyong’s he could. Everyone knew it would be a hard mission. 
Johnny was the first one to break the silence.
“We can handle this, we’ve handled worse”
Taeyong bit his lip, anxiety showing on his face.
“The mission is tomorrow evening”
Silence. And then chaos. Questions and remarks were flying everywhere, most members in shock before Taeil shushed everyone. He looked Taeyong in the eyes, his glare ice cold.
“Do we have a plan already?”
Taeyong sighed before answering.
“Nothing out of the ordinary. Y/N and Haechan will go in dressed up, blend in with the crowd. The hackers will stay here and monitor everything with some of us. The rest will wait in cars scattered near the party. I’ll fill in our spies with some info about the people there and come up with an inside plan, but that’s all”
Haechan’s hands started to sweat and his breathing became irregular. His mind was running wild and he seemed restless. His heart seemed to climb up his throat and jump out any minute. Haechan knew what this meant.
“Taeyong, this is too rushed and you know Ji-won isn’t a man to mess with” Taeil tried reasoning calmly.
“We’ll have to, this is a one time chance”
“BULLSHIT!” Johnny exploded. His excitement from earlier seemed to turn into anger at the announcement of the time of their mission “This is bullshit and you know it, Taeyong! What you’re doing is sending us, sending them” he gestured wildly to the couch where Y/N and Haechan were seated with wide eyes “on a suicide mission.”
“No, I’m not. We have a plan, as long as we don’t stray from it we’ll be fine”
Johnny was seething. He gritted his teeth, barely containing himself from exploding. Anyone could see his clenched fists by his side.
“I’ll shove this poor excuse of a plan so far up your ass it will reach your brain and unclog this shitty mindset of yours, I swear to God-”
“Let’s stop this, please” Y/N voice was weak, any smaller and no one would have heard her. She was looking at her elders fighting with a sore expression on her face “If we have to do this, let’s at least try to come up with something better, this is no usual mission.”
Taeil sighed as he gently pushed Johnny back.
“She’s right, you’re acting like clowns, did the hair dye fry through your scalp and to you neurons?’”
His words seemed to cool down the room, but burn Haechan’s heart. 
It was in the early hours of the morning when they finally settled. Although their plan didn’t stray too much from the original one, details were added and the spies knew perfectly what they had to do. Things were still riskier than ever and tension was high in the air of the dorm.
Y/N stayed close to Haechan the entire time, his presence calming her down. As long as he was there beside her, she felt as if nothing could touch them, neither one would allow it. Over the years, their bond that first started as a simple partnership soon developed into what they liked to call a soulmate bond. They could understand each other without words and trust tied them together tighter than anything else.
“You should head to bed, bub. You need all the rest you can get.” A warm hand petted her hair, as she lifted her head to meet Johnny’s eyes. He could see the unspoken anxiety behind her fatigued orbs and he wanted nothing more but to wrap her in a fluffy blanket and protect her forever. But everyone knew it would never be possible.
Y/N tried to offer a smile, but it was weak and it didn’t meet her eyes. She was clearly feeling oddly off about their mission too.
“Right, goodnight then.” She lifted herself off from the armrest of the couch and began trudging back into her room, which she shared with Haechan. Said boy didn’t waste another second before following her.
“And kids?” Johnny waited a second until they both turned their heads towards him “Don’t worry too much, we won’t let anything happen to you.”
He smiled kindly, showing his fatherly side which surfaced only around them and it was enough to get Y/N to smile, even in the slightest while muttering a broken ‘thank you’ before continuing her short walk to the bedroom.
Haechan instead lingered a few more moments, eyes shining as he stared at Johnny’s retreating back. He shook his head as if snapping himself out of a trance and rushed to catch up to Y/N, who was already fluffing up her pillows to settle down.
As she finally stretched herself out on her mattress, Haechan hesitated nervously near her. His bed looked cold and lonely and right then, his mind wouldn’t have been able to achieve peace without the help of his lifeline. His soul was too agitated and his heart was beating erratically, almost shattering his rib cage to escape its dark prison and find itself into the warm hands of their real owner, the girl whose eyes would disgrace all the stars in the sky.
“Are you going to fall asleep while standing or do you plan on joining me?”
She could read him like an open book. Through just a few words, Y/N could rip his thoughts out of his fuzzy mind and present them on his sleeve.
Haechan said nothing as he dragged his feet over to her bed and plopped down beside her. Without a second thought, he wrapped her in a protective cocoon of his arms, trapping her against his chest. He worried for a second. What if she could hear his heart? What explanation would he have for the way it betrayed him and threatened to simply jump out at her mere presence? That he was more afraid of losing her than losing anything else in the world? That he wanted to end his own pathetic self at the thought of the next day? That losing her meant his end, the edge of his sanity that he would throw out the window?
“I’m scared.”
It was only the second time he ever heard these words coming out of her mouth. The first time was on her first mission when he had to hold her hand all the way to the house they had to infiltrate in, just to keep her grounded. But that was such a long time ago when she had no experience in the field and her innocence was still intact. So hearing her say these words now unsettled him greatly.
“Is that even a question?”
“We’ve been on countless missions before, we’ll be fine.”
“No, no we haven’t. Not on one like this.”
“Y/N, as long as we stick to the plan, nothing will be different.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Neither did we before any of the past missions.”
She went silent. Y/N knew he was right, but she could only admire curiously the firmness in his voice. Was he really this fearless or did he only keep up this facade to lessen her worry?
“Maybe you’re right.”
“You know I am.”
“Shut up, Hyuck”
He softly laughed at her tone as he let his fingers run through strands of her hair as if mesmerized by the way she was really there, tucked in his side as her index finger traced patterns mindlessly onto his chest. And he was scared too. 
He was scared that the patters would slip through his skin and burn his hurting heart. Scared that tomorrow could bring an end to him, to them. Scared that he would knowingly let his lifeline vanish before his eyes, taking with her his whole being. He wasn’t scared for himself, no. He was scared for her and only her.
“Y/N please tell me you’ll always love me.”
“Ew Hyuck, what the heck are you talking about?”
“Y/N please”
His voice trembled then and broke at the end of the sentence. Y/N craned her neck in order to lift her gaze to his face. She found his eyes already trained on her, staring through her soul with an indecipherable look. That seemed to wake her up a little.
“What is this all about? You said nothing will be different. Why should we- “
He seemed to realize his mistake as he softly shushed her, cradling her back in his comforting embrace.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything, I just want to hear it from you”
It was silent for a few moments and his caresses seemed to slowly lull her to sleep, hopefully, a soothing one.
“You know I do. I love you and I’ll keep loving you no matter what.”
Her words were muffled, barely audible, but they resonated through Haechan’s entire body. It was a matter of minutes before Y/N was off to Dreamland while Haechan came undone in the darkness of their shared room. Hot tears rimmed his eyes before slipping down his cheeks, leaving trails of ashes from fallen stars. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling the utter dread rip apart his body, burn every piece of him down to nothing as the only witness to him falling apart was the moon which seemed to shine shallowly through the lids. He lifted a hand to cover his mouth, to keep the devastation inside himself, to let it eat him inside out.
That’s how he finally fell asleep, heart in his throat, weakly yelling at him to give up, to allow her full control and his mind, fighting against it, destroying him from both ends.
Y/N’s hands were sweating as Mark went over the plan for the millionth time, talking endlessly from the passenger seat. Johnny was sat behind the wheel, gripping it so tightly, Y/N was afraid it would bend and break anytime. She did her best trying to shut down her emotions ever since she woke up that morning, falling into her way to cope with unwanted uneasiness that came every time she had to go on a mission.
“Are you sure you’re feeling well, Y/N?” Mark’s voice snapped her out of her state.
“You seem a bit out of it”
“I’m alright, don’t worry,” Mark still seemed reluctant and she could feel Johnny’s gaze through the mirror in front of him “really, I promise.”
Mark sighed as he turned back around, settling down in his seat as silence enveloped the car. Suddenly, fingers slipped through hers, intertwining their hands with a strong grip. Y/N’s head snapped towards Haechan who watched carefully with worried, but soft eyes. She could tell he was nervous too, but he tried to push that aside just to make sure she was fine. In return, she squeezed his hand back fiercely, trying to show him he could also lean on her, that there was nothing to be afraid as long as they stayed together.
As they neared their destination, the tension in the car intensified, almost suffocating Y/N as she struggled to keep her mind clear and not let her evident fear unleash and swallow up her sanity. The car stopped just short of the entrance gate as they unbuckled their seat belts. Y/N watched as Mark checked Haechan’s in-ear one last time before leaning forward herself. Mark did his job, but before she could bid goodbye and exit the car, Mark’s warm hand cupped her cheek affectionately, instantly grounding her with his reassuring touch.
“Come back safely, okay?”
“You know I will, we always do.” Y/N tried to bluff her bravery in a poor attempt to convince everyone, including herself, that she didn’t doubt herself. But Mark didn’t fall for it, and she knew none of the others did either. His eyes looked deeply into hers, searching her orbs desperately.
“I will, Mark. I really will.”
Johnny patted her head as Mark let his hand fall back in his lap.
“You too, devil child.” Haechan’s head snapped up and he had to force the smile on his face to seem genuine.
“Wow, I can really feel the love here, we’ll be fine.”
With that, the two youngest exited the vehicle, letting the light breeze brush away their nerves and bring them their usual mindset. Quick, quiet and clean. That’s how their jobs went every time. This had no reason to be different. They easily passed by the guards with the fake invitations Wendy provided them with and they stepped inside.
The first thing you could feel once you entered the party hall was definitely the stuck up atmosphere, which wasn’t shocking considering the people present there. The lights were dim and conversations were kept hushed. The tables on the sides of the room were filled with glasses of probably expensive champagne with fancy names and the occasional plates with small sweets. Y/N and Haechan spent the next 15 minutes checking their surroundings, blending in with the ever-growing crowd. They did catch a few glimpses of Park Ji-won caught up in conversations and Y/N could feel her blood start to boil at the sight of him. But she knew they weren’t there to kill him, so she kept a safe distance, far enough to keep out of his sight but close enough not to lose him in the crowd.
“I think we should get this going,” Haechan whispered subtly in her ear. She eyed the stairs she had to climb to the floor where the offices and a few other rooms were located, their best bet at finding the USB. Haechan was supposed to remain downstairs, monitor any weird actions and watch her back. Y/N nodded and immediately disappeared into the crowd, missing the indecipherable look he threw her.
Nearing the stairs, she quickly slipped upstairs, tapping her in-ear once, sending the boys outside and back at the dorm the signal that the plan was put in action.
“Alright, be careful” Taeyong murmured.
She checked the first few rooms nearest, so quietly you could hear a fly buzz around. Every room was empty, both of any people and the USB. Ji-won’s office was still yet to be found, but Y/N’s chest was uncharacteristically beating uncontrollably. Everything was so silent, only the ruckus from downstairs could be heard faintly. Haechan had been silent the entire time and Y/N clung onto her hope things were going well since he hadn’t said a word since she left.
The blood was rushing through her veins, adrenaline high and keeping her going as she neared the next door. Her eyes were focused and it seemed as if no emotion was displayed, her face muscles completely lax. Her footsteps were light, making no sound against the carpet beneath and adding to the eerie silence that threatened to cloud up her throat and spillover.
A loud bang resonated in her ear and she was instantly snapped out of her trance. She barely contained herself from lifting her hand up to touch the device settled inside her ear, but it was enough to make her freeze in her spot, waiting for something, anything, for someone to guide her, to calm her and keep her steady on her feet just for long enough to finish her task. But her guide never came, at least not in the form she hoped for.
“Y/N! Haechan! Get out of there! NOW!” Taeyong sounded more frantic than ever. Never had Y/N heard their reliable leader scream that way, not with such raw desperation and never to abandon their mission, never. Several gunshots now echoed in the background and her teammates’ yells could be barely heard over the ruckus created. “We’re getting attacked! Get out-” Another gunshot, incredibly loud and it was enough to cut off the connection, their only link to the outside.
Y/N felt herself getting dizzy. She was trapped, with no help, her brothers were in danger back home and she could do nothing besides muttering a broken ‘no’ and turning around harshly, not wasting a second to get out of here and back home. Her feet carried her thoughtlessly, to hell with the stupid USB and the cursed Park Ji-won, nothing mattered more than her family who needed her help now more than ever, and she would be damned if she doesn’t get there fast enough to fight alongside them. 
Her entire world was shattering and she was hopelessly and blindly running back to gather the shards.
A hand reached out, grasping her arm and turning her so her back was pressed tightly to a chest as a hand came around her to embrace her tightly around the shoulders. Y/N reached out immediately, ready to fight back but settled for a few moments one sensing the familiar scent of Haechan.
Right, Haechan was still there, still with her. Her lifeline was still there, keeping her alive, clinging to her sanity. Her soulmate was there and anything would be alright as long as their fates stayed intertwined, she would fight until her last breath with him by her side. 
“Thank God you’re here, we have to go, come on, the rest are in trouble.” 
Y/N urged him to get moving, tugging on the arm wrapped around her and trying to step forward. But the boy behind her didn’t seem to budge, frozen in his spot like a cold statue, roots keeping him planted into the ground. She felt him let out a shaky breath, the warm air blowing a few strands of her hair as she struggled to snap him out of his daze and run back to her family, their family.
“Haechan come on-” 
But her words were cut, just like Taeyong’s as the same arm that hugged her protectively in her safe heaven the night before, slipped up and tightened around her neck, cutting off her air supply. Her eyes widened, trying to comprehend what was happening right under her fingertips, the way the pieces of her world were falling apart, becoming dust in the wind with every second that passed. She struggled both physically and mentally. She tried to wrap her mind around the situation at hand, the way her vision was turning black and her will to keep going faded with it, the cruel way everything was ripped away from her in a mere second, the simple way her small world she worked so hard to gain along the years was vanishing into an endless abyss filled with bitter reminiscences.
Y/N struggled to grasp her Haechan’s sick betrayal.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 25
Chloe was a trembling, sweaty and panting mess as Loki collapsed down next to her, he was a bit of a mess himself after that exercise.
She could feel his seed inside of her, slowly trickling out and making a mess of his bedsheets.
‘You are far too delightful, doll.’ Loki purred, trailing his fingers lightly across her chest.
She trembled under his touch, making him smile as he moved closer and buried his face into her hair. Breathing in deeply, enjoying her scent.
Loki pulled her in tightly to him and was delighted when she didn’t try to pull away or leave, she just snuggled up against him with a content sigh.
‘I will be out most of today, some business to attend to. If you’re wanting to go out with friends, Ralph will be on call for you. Just ask Pete to call him.’ Loki said, stroking her arm.
‘Ok… Thank you. I was hoping to meet with them before going to college. And I need to get a couple of things, is that alright?’ Chloe tilted her head back to look at him, he smiled at her and nodded.
‘Of course. You’ve got the card, it’s yours to use.’
‘So, how’s things with your hot sugar daddy?’ Amanda grinned.
Chloe rolled her eyes. ‘He is not my sugar daddy. Don’t even go there, that’s just… eww!’
‘He’s hot. He lavishes you with gifts. He is rich as fuck. That’s sugar daddy material right there.’ Amanda laughed, so did Georgie.
Chloe shook her head and stabbed into her lunch. ‘He is not a sugar daddy.’
‘Well, how are things going with Loki?’ Georgie asked.
‘Umm. Good, I guess. As good as things can be when you’ve been kidnapped by the most dangerous man in the city.’ Chloe shrugged.
‘Come on, Chloe. This is no normal kidnapping, you’re out and about, right now. You’ve got a boat load of money to spend. Is it really that bad?’ Amanda said.
Chloe sighed and sat back on her chair. ‘No, it’s not… But that’s the problem. It should be. I’m hating myself right now because I feel like I’m falling further and further under his spell, and I don’t know what I should be doing. I’m fed up of fighting him, because truthfully? I am starting to like being with him… I just, I just feel like it’s wrong.’
Amanda and Georgie looked sorry for her. Amanda reached out and gave her arm a squeeze.
‘It must be difficult. But… he is looking after you, you have your freedom still. I guess the only bad thing is that you don’t stay with your parents anymore. But his house is better, isn’t it?’ Georgie asked, trying to help her see the best of it.
Chloe smiled at her friends, knowing they were only trying to help. And she loved them for it.
‘Yeah, I know… Look, he said I can invite you both round tonight for a girly night. If use fancy it?’
‘Really?’ Amanda asked.
‘Yeah. Honestly, I could do with getting drunk with you both and just… forgetting for a little while.’ Chloe said.
‘Well, count us in.’ Georgie and Amanda said at the same time.
Chloe asked Ralph to drive them to Georgie’s place and then Amanda’s so they could collect their things, then Ralph drove them to Loki’s.
‘Holy shit! This place is amazing!’ Georgie said when they walked inside.
‘Why thank you, Georgie. I’m very proud of my home.’ Loki said, startling the girls a little as they all turned around to see Loki walking out of the living room with a big smile.
‘Hi, Mr Laufeyson.’ Amanda said politely.
‘Please, just call me Loki.’ He said warmly.
‘Thanks for having us over, Loki. It’s been ages since we’ve had a good girls night.’ Georgie said.
Chloe was slightly amazed at how confident her friends seemed around Loki. But she was glad. Hoping it would help her out, too. Because she was still so damn conflicted a lot of the time.
‘There’s loads of snacks in the kitchen, alcohol too. So help yourselves. I’ve also set up the TV in the living room with an array of film options.’ Loki moved over to Chloe, cupped the back of her head and pulled her into him as he kissed her forehead. ‘Enjoy your night, girls. And you know where I am if you need me.’ He said to Chloe.
She blushed as he left them to it and went to his office. Amanda and Georgie looked at her with a look.
‘Don’t even go there.’ She hissed and pointed a finger at them.
Chloe was shocked at all the snacks Loki had gotten for them. And the film choices were every film in the world, including the new releases. She wasn’t even going to question how he managed to get good copies of them.
She enjoyed her night with her girlfriends. It was nice to just relax and have fun with them, to forget about everything else for a while and let loose with plenty of alcohol.
‘Come onnnnn, Chloe. My sex life has been dull for the last few years, so spill. He looks kinky, I bet he is into all kinds of kinky shit!’ Georgie giggled, sipping her drink.
Poor Chloe groaned and put her hands over her face.
‘Spill!’ Amanda joined in.
‘It’s… Not… I dunno. Can we just change the subject?’
‘You’re blushing! There’s something!’ Amanda screeched excitedly and jumped onto her friend. ‘Tell us!’
‘No, no, no.’ Chloe tried to push Amanda off while also trying not to spill her drink.
Eventually Chloe managed to change the subject away from Loki and his dominant, kinky side that she didn’t really want to share with her friends.
When they decided to call it a night, they all headed upstairs and were pretty drunk. Chloe gave Amanda and Georgie her bed while she took the large sofa in the corner.
But she’d forgotten one thing… Amanda was one hell of a snorer when she’d been drinking. Georgie had passed out straight away, but Chloe was struggling to get to sleep with what sounded like a pig coming from her bed.
She groaned in frustration and sat up, head in her hands. She sighed and then dragged herself off the sofa, with her blanket wrapped around her she quietly crept out of her room and down the hall. She couldn’t believe she was about to seek him out… But, well, here she was at his door now.
Taking a deep breath, she was about to knock but then decided against that in-case he was asleep. But would he want her to just enter? Would he be pissed off? Maybe she should just go back to her room, or downstairs to the living room, perhaps...
She was toying in her mind with what to do, she never heard Loki coming up behind her from down the hall. So when a hand landed on her shoulder, she let out a screech and turned around, eyes wide, but she relaxed when she saw it was Loki.
‘Sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to startle you.’ He eyed her up and down, wondering why she had a blanket wrapped around her. ‘What are you doing?’
‘I… I… couldn’t sleep. Amanda is snoring like a trooper. She always does when she’s been drinking. I was coming to see if I could… maybe… sleep with you… But then I thought you might be asleep, I didn’t want to disturb you. Then I wasn’t sure about bugging you, if you’d even want me tonight or not.’ She rambled quickly.
Loki grinned and reached out to hold her chin, he brushed his thumb against her cheek. ‘Why would I mind having you sleep with me?’
‘I… Don’t know.’ She breathed out heavily, then frowned. ‘What are you doing up at this time?’
‘I was working late on a conference call with an acquaintance in Australia. Time differences can be a pain in the ass.’ Loki put his hand to her back and opened his bedroom door, guiding her inside.
‘Do you have a lot of acquaintances all around the world?’ Chloe asked.
‘I do indeed. It can be both a blessing and a curse.’ Loki said as he started to undress.
Chloe got into his bed and got comfortable under the covers, leaving her blanket behind on the floor. She looked over and watched as he took off his tie.
‘Well, it’s a blessing because it’s nice to travel, see different countries. And a curse because of nights like this, when I have to stay up late just to converse with someone.’ He looked over at her and flashed a toothy grin when he saw she was watching him somewhat intently. ‘Although, it was rather delightful to find you waiting at my bedroom door.’ He winked at her as he started undoing the buttons on his shirt.
‘Do you travel abroad often?’ Chloe asked, looking away from him, she lay down and tried to just look up at the roof.
‘Every few months or so. I have my own jet, so it’s easy enough to travel even just for shorter business trips if necessary.’ Loki said as he folded his clothes over the back of a chair and then got into bed next to her.
‘Of course you do.’ Chloe said louder than she had meant to.
‘What’s that suppose to mean?’ Loki asked as he suddenly came into her view, looming over her. His hair cascaded down, tickling her face.
‘I… I just mean that it should be expected you’d have your own jet. You seem to have everything else.’ She trailed off quietly.
Loki chuckled as he gathered her wrists into one hand and pinned them straight up above her as he leaned down and kissed her neck.
‘Mmm, I certainly do have everything.’ He chuckled against her lips.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
I'd like to know if you have any cooking skills headcanons!! Like, from who's able to make a absolute meal to who burns microwaved instant noodles.
I’ve done a few individual headcanons about cooking before, but I think it’s time for a refresher. You could call this... the main course.
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Okay, enough of that bullshit. Here’s the hcs. Thanks for your ask, anon! ❤️❤️💞
Disclaimer: this shit is crack as fuck because I have very strong feelings about cooking lmfao. FOH don’t interact.
Tornado of Terror: She’d find a way to burn ice cream, honestly. She tries so hard (by god she tries) but her meals always come out as a convoluted mess with ingredients that have no reason being together. She eats her steaks well done and boils hamburgers. It’s a nightmare. She doesn’t really spend too much time in the kitchen, however, because she knows she sucks at cooking and because of this, makes 90% of her diet consist of takeout. But if she did spend more of her day cooking, she’d probably discover the recipe to meth accidentally. It’s that bad.
Silverfang: Stubborn old grandpa way of cooking. He’s got a handful of recipes that have been passed down for generations and he’s gonna carry those fuckers to his grave. When Garou was living at the dojo, the little bastard would try to make some changes to these recipes and Bang had to will every molecule in his arthritis-riddled body to not RKO this kid (not really, Bang wouldn’t hurt a fly). But I digress. He’s a decent cook, knows all the fundamentals and all of that shit.
Atomic Samurai: Can’t cook or bake for shit although he, of course, talks himself up like he can. The extent of his cooking knowledge is only within the realm of “shit you can roast over a campfire when your cheap ass can’t scrape together enough coin to pay the electricity bill”. But now that he’s got that S-Class paycheck and three other disciples to freeload off of, they pretty much cater to his every food-related need. He’s useless in the kitchen. Utterly fucking useless.
Child Emperor: Doesn’t know how to cook (little bastard ain’t even tall enough to reach the stove imo) but luckily he’s got that PHAT BRAIN so he can easily just build a Gordon Ramsey bot 3000 to replace his incompetence in the kitchen. His diet consists of Dino nuggets and microwaveable noodles so it’s not like he’s doing the world a great disservice by not learning how to cook properly.
Metal Knight: Same as Child Emperor except he’s a rich bastard and programs his bots to make that fancy shit with only the finest ingredients. He’s got enough cash from doing black market tech trades and building up his robo-army that this motherfucker could snort caviar for fun. He’s a real pompous asshole about it.
King: His mom taught him to cook a few things, nothing serious. He’s one of those dudes that doesn’t really know how to make much, but the few dishes that he does know how to cook are fucking BOMB. He’s got a cast iron skillet for making pancakes and everything, bitch is already halfway to being a chef himself. Other than that, however, he’s a ramen monster. His blood is practically pre-packaged bone broth.
Zombieman: I’ve said this in a previous hc but he’s a damn good cook. One problem though: he only knows how to make single servings of everything because he eats alone almost all the time. He specializes in meats. Bitch is a carnivore. He bought himself a set of those 500-dollar butcher knives so he can carve up cuts like a monster. He hemorrhages cash into fancy wood chips so he can get that smoky flavor juuuuust right. He’s got an Outdoor Chef setup on his patio. My mans is living the DREAM.
Drive Knight: He can eat but does he really need to? His cooking expertise is popping a new battery in. There you go.
Pig God: Oh my god if this man’s kitchen isn’t Michelin-Star quality. He eats a lot and he cooks a lot, it’s only natural. He’s got an indoor grill and pot chandelier and buys industrial-sized buckets of pickles and roast beef by the cow and— okay he just has a lot of food, alright? And he’s got that PHAT S-Class paycheck so my boy probably has a whole walk-in fridge just to put all the fucking food he eats. Bonus points if he hires a dishboy to work and a contractor to implement a three-sink dish station with “Clean-Rinse-Sanitize” stickers slapped on the steel, lol. But yeah, he cooks for 500 people at a time because he eats enough for 500 people at a time. Gotta maintain that figure, you know what I’m saying?
Superalloy Darkshine: He has. Oh my god— he has a full shelf dedicated to just. DOZENS OF JARS of whey protein. He has two blenders: one for fruit smoothies and one for protein shakes. His kitchen? Spotless. He knows how to cook and he eats like a bodybuilder (because he is one, duh) so he’s got that fridge STOCKED at all times. He cleans like he’s getting paid for it because nothing feels better than wiping down a gas stove until that bitch is spotless. However, his taste is garbage. He can throw down in the kitchen but does it taste good? No. Sometimes the ultra-healthy alternative to something isn’t always the greatest. He’s grown accustomed to putting zucchini in his cakes and almost damn well likes the texture of it, but don’t invite this guy to the potluck because he WILL show up with a vegetable nightmare that’s sure to make even vegans gag. Sorry bud, but nobody likes soy bacon.
Watchdog Man: furry ass.
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Flashy Flash: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he’s pescatarian. He grew up on a coastal town before being sold of to the ninja village like a goddamned carpet and now fish is the only meat he eats. His cooking ability is about as good as one would expect from a homesless ninja. Like Atomic Samurai, he can throw it down over the campfire and still find a way to make a decent dish (in both presentation and taste) despite having limited knowledge and resources to work with. Bitch can whip up a five-star meal with some branches, a fish, and half a carrot like it was second nature. That’s about it though. He’s useless in an actual kitchen.
Genos: It’s canon. He’s a housewife. He only knows how to make the select few dishes that play an integral part in Saitama’s diet, though (because Genos can eat but he doesn’t really need to, so he only does it when he and Saitama are sharing a meal). Those dishes include things like: actual garbage. He cooks shit food. It’s not his fault. Saitama just eats like a fucking twat. There’s rats that live in the dumpster outside the restaurant I work in that have a better diet than him. Genos just works with what the poor bastard’s got and has gained a pretty mediocre grasp on cooking because of it. If he wanted to, though, he could easily be the best chef in all the land. Too bad he’s more focused on being an ultra-powerful speed demon.
Metal Bat: Tries his absolute best to cook healthy meals for him and Zenko when he almost always resorts to just popping a frozen pizza in the oven and calling it a day. I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he eats his shit BURNT. Bitch like his steak well done, his yolks grey, and his chicken vaporized. The only exception to this is sushi because there really is no other way to enjoy it other than having it raw. Trust me, though. If there was a way to burn the fuck out of sashimi while still having it be sashimi, he’d find a way to do it and like it. But yeah, as I said: he sucks ass at cooking. He’s tried the tutorials, he’s bought the skillets, he’s sharpened the knives, but he just can’t fucking do it.
Tanktop Master: Same as Superalloy. They bond over gross-ass ultra-healthy recipes that only they enjoy. The Tanktop Gang loves him but they always kindly refuse to eat over at his house because they know he’s gonna try to make them ingest a broccoli loaf or some shit. He’s not too strict about his diet, though. He’ll chill out and have a pizza every once and a while, but only when he’s hanging out with the homies.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: He has a job in prison where he helps out in the kitchen for seventy-five cents an hour, but that’s about the extent of it. He’s got the bare basics down and could put together a decent meal for date night if he really tried (and had a damn kitchen to work with). On top of that, he can throw down some tasty prison food recipes, hand-crafted from the brick box itself. Ramen pad Thai, anyone?
Amai Mask: he’s rich as fuck, why does he need to cook? Bitch hired a chef and now all he does it drink skim milk and eat food from the top shelf. He couldn’t fry an egg if his life depended on it. Poor bastard doesn’t even know what a whisk is. And don’t even get me started on how much of a slob he is. The ten-minute process of making a single plate of spaghetti will have his kitchen in such a disgusting state that it’ll take him and a trusty Mister Clean Magic Eraser five hours just to clean it up. That is, if he even has the basic human decency to pick up after himself. He’ll probably just hire someone to do for him and then tip them a crisp 100-dollar bill for their troubles, only to make an even worse mess tomorrow.
Iaian: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but yes: he can cook. It’s nothing special. He’s got a suburban dad sense of cooking where he, like King, can only make a select few dishes but makes those dishes taste magical. He’s got 0 utensils and shit kitchen to work with (because Kami’s place is probably like, centuries old on account of him still being a Samurai), but boy can Iaian whip up a feast like no other despite all that. It’s all protein-packed flavor bombs that look simple in comparison to, say, Zombieman or Metal Knight’s food, but it still tastes good all the same. Kama eats off of his plate all the time and it used to annoy him but they’ve grown so close that they might as well share forks at this point.
Okamaitachi: Can’t really cook, but they are a baking god. I don’t know much about baking but I know they’ve got a cupboard dedicated to their plethora of sourdough starters. They buy yeast by the pound and make enough bread to feed entire armies some days. Whatever the gang doesn’t eat, they donate it to the local homeless shelter and make it a habit to go out of their way performing good deeds that don’t always involve sword fighting (something Kami insists he instilled into them via his teachings— which is bullshit. Kama is just naturally good-hearted and sweet).
Bushidrill: Can’t cook or bake for shit but like Atomic Samurai and Flash, can throw it down on the campfire. Don’t let this man near any turkeys or pigs because he will spitroast the fuck out of them.
Fubuki: Okay, not only is she a great cook but she’s as dogmatic as a coked-out head chef. She and the Blizzard Group sometimes cook together in her massive kitchen (she poured all of her measly paycheck into it because by god, if her apartment doesn’t have a kitchen fit for a chef then it’s not worth living in), and she’ll be barking orders like a damn crow. She’s got the two-grand knife set, cast-iron everything, bronze accents on the sink, and the ability to deglaze a pan without starting a fire. She’s a natural. If she cooks for you, then that’s how you know she likes you. All in all, her food tastes and looks great. She’s a bit low on funds on account of being only Class-B, so she sometimes takes little shortcuts when plating her dishes, like using celery leaves in place of parsley and all that jazz.
Saitama: I’ve already said that his diet is absolute shit and part of that is due to being poor, but I will show mercy and say that he’s a decent cook. He only makes what he knows he’s gonna like and doesn’t leave any room for experimentation unless his budget allows it (which isn’t often). His kitchen only has the bare essentials. Genos has offered to buy him more equipment and even renovate the damn thing for him but Saitama refuses each time because then he’d have a bigass kitchen just for making a poor man’s omurice, and that would be a waste. His talent, though? Making a perfect omelet. He can fold the egg like a sheet with no tears and no brown spots. It tastes heavenly.
Mumen Rider: Ultra-safe in the kitchen. He doesn’t even own a knife sharpener because he’s clumsy enough to know he’ll cut himself the moment he even tries to use it. His pot handles all have coverings and he’s watched all of the food safety and fire safety videos out there. He could give a goddamned seminar on it. Food-wise, he’s a decent home cook. Nothing special. He does, however, share Superalloy and Tanktop’s nasty habit of over healthy-ing everything to oblivion and making it a tasteless, vegetative mess. It doesn’t matter if you invite him to the potluck or not because he’ll bring a cauliflower pizza anyway and y’all better fucking enjoy it or he’ll start crying.
Sonic: The same as Flashy Flash, minus the pescatarianism. He’d butcher a pig without blinking an eye, and often uses his katana in cooking (even though it poses like, 87 different safety hazards and is most definitely health violation). He can forage quite well and has taken a liking to wild mushrooms and berries over the years. It’s gotten so natural to him that he now knows by heart the specific time of year in which the wild berries are ripest, and which species of salmon inhabit certain streams on any given day.
Garou: Would burn water. End of story. His cooking is so bad and dangerous that everyone thinks he’s an arsonist when he really just starts fires on accident. Don’t let this fucker near a stove, for the love of god.
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star-birthmark · 4 years
If you have time would you consider writing a pesci x reader? Maybe one where his gf is in la squadra and disagrees with how prosciutto is training him and treating him? Who would he side with? I hope that made sense, if you decide not to do this, then still have a good day! Thank you for reading this
Hey Anon! Thank you so much for the request, this was a fun one to right out, it’s rare that anyone requests anything Pesci and that’s a shame! He’s a good character and an underrated but necessary part of La Squadra. Sorry this took so long, I’ve been busy this summer studying for the fall. 
Anyway, without further ado: Your Choice: Pesci x Reader (2.3k words)
You sat alone in your apartment, waiting for Pesci to arrive so the two of you could spend the evening together, and just relax in each other’s company. But your boyfriend wasn’t showing Where was he? You might wonder that if you hadn’t just gotten a call from him saying he’d be another two hours. Apparently, Prosciutto was giving him a long lecture about all of his shortcomings regarding the most recent hit. You sat and waited. 
You and Pesci joined La Squadra together at the same time as a couple, and overall, it was a pretty sweet gig. Once you had gotten over the hurdle of ending another person’s life, you began to see that the teammates were friendly enough, the pay wasn’t great for Passione standards but not bad, and your Capo, Risotto, was fair-minded. Almost too fair-minded, in that he. allowed you and Pesci to go on hits together, but he also had Prosciutto to go with you two as a mentor for Pesci, who still hadn’t yet jumped over that first quintessential hurdle. It sucked. It was like the two of you were nothing more than babies to the other members of the squad, and Prosciutto had been designated as the babysitter. 
You wouldn’t hate it so much if you actually liked Prosciutto. But you didn’t like him. You couldn’t stand him, or the way he treated Pesci. In many ways, Pesci’s stand was more powerful than his mentor’s. Beach Boy was more direct, more discreet, faster, more effective in killing and even had fewer weaknesses than the Grateful Dead. The only thing holding Pesci back was his lack of self-confidence, and that certainly wasn’t going to get better if Prosciutto kept insulting him all the damn time! You were sick of it. You loved Pesci as he was, however sensitive and nervous he may be. But you were as much a newbie as he was, so you had no say in the matter. 
You refocused once you heard a knock come to the front door, Pesci was finally here. You opened the door, immediately wrapping your arms around him, but the young assessing remained frozen in his spot. 
“Hey (y/n)...” 
Pesci muttered before hanging his coat up and heading straight to bed, but you weren’t having any of this. Cutting him off before he could leave the living room, you placed a soft hand on his chest. 
“How was the meeting with Pros?” 
“(y/n), I don’t wanna talk about this.”
“No, you do wanna, because I do. Did he yell at you again?”
Pesci sighed. “Yeah, of course, he did.”
You shook your head. “That motherfucker... was it helpful yelling?” 
Pesci shrugged a bit before you raised your eyebrows at him, and he shrugged again. “Yes? No? I don’t know! What do you want from me (y/n)? He’s out superior! And besides this is just the mentoring I need I guess. You think Formaggio needed to be babied when he first joined? Or Ghiaccio? Or Mel? No, they probably didn’t. But I do, that’s just the way I’m gonna learn to live like this. It’s tough love.”
“Pesci, sweetie, yelling at you and punching is not tough love... you’re never gonna improve if he keeps knocking you down!”
Pesci stood there, looking down at you from his immense height. It was too bad for however tall he was, he certainly didn’t act like it. After a few moments of consideration, the shy mafioso walked past you without a word, heading to his bedroom while you remained in the living room. After giving him an hour, you entered the bedroom to see Pesci sitting hunched over at the edge of the bed, staring out the window. You went to sit next to him, seeing his tear-filled eyes and red cheeks, and you sighed. 
“I’m sorry Pesci... I didn’t mean to get mad like that. I just can’t stand he treats you.”
Pesci nodded slowly. “Yeah... I can’t either. He’s a good guy though. Helped us move into this apartment when we were starting out.” 
You couldn’t argue with that. “He gave us half his pay from hits when we weren’t allowed on hits yet.”
“Yeah... I just gotta get over it you know? It’s my job (y/n), and people are relying on me to do my job.”
You smile a little, leaning on your boyfriend’s shoulder. “What’d Formi say? Something like ‘killing ain't no different from being a chef in a restaurant or driving a cab. Someone wants it done, and if they pay, someone will do it for them.’”
Pesci nodded. “Yup... simple as that.”
When the two of you fell asleep, you promised Pesci you’d stick up for him next chance you got.
- - - - 
The next group meeting came around, and Pesci was nervous to see Prosciutto. He always managed to embarrass him at one of these things, and then claim it as tough love afterward. On the drive to the hideout, you could see his hands shaking at the steering wheel. 
When you finally entered the hideout, hand in hand with your boyfriend, a certain masked assassin couldn’t help his wandering gaze over your body. 
“(y/n), you doing anything different lately? Your legs are looking better than usual in that skirt of yours.”
You glared over at Melone, annoyed at his lack of shame. “Can it Mel. If you weren’t a teammate I would have beat your sorry ass by now.” 
Prosciutto clicked his tongue, his attention directed at you for your disrespectful remark. “The hell are you on that you think you can talk to him like that? If anyone’s got a sorry ass in this group, it’s you for being so sensitive. Melone always says shit like that.” 
Melone pouted. “Not always. Only when they deserve it-”
You snapped at him, still staring at Pros. “Shut the fuck up Melone.”
Prosciutto stood up from his seat, walking slowly towards you, eye to eye until you strained your neck looking up at him. “Where do you get off talking like that sweetheart?” 
“Don’t call me sweetheart.”
“Melone over there has been in this group before you were old enough to move out of your mamma’s house alright? You got no right saying shit like that to him.” 
Snarling, you kept eye contact with the blond. “Oh I’m sorry, does this concern you Prosciutto? Cause I hadn’t said a word to you the entire fucking time until you decided to butt in like you do with everything.”
“You’re my crony until Risotto lets you on hits of your own. I’m in charge of how you act. And Pesci-”
Prosciutto turned to Pesci, who had been nervously sitting in his spot on the couch, not wanting to join in the argument. “Y-yeah bro?” 
“If you were a real man and not a total mammoni, you wouldn’t let your girl act like this, nor would you let her dress like this, practically inviting comments like that. Have some self-respect moron, and reel your girl in.” 
Pesci nodded quickly. “Yeah... I will.” He muttered, looking down at his lap. 
You scoffed, shaking your head. “No, you know what? Fuck that! That man was up all week with you for a hit. You know what Pesci told me a couple weeks ago?! He comes back complaining to me that-”
“Wait (y/n) don’t-”
“No. He comes back complaining to me about how you would send him out to do reconnaissance for a hit while you would go spend time with whatever fidanzata you got laying around. You tell him to reel me in, maybe have the decency commit to one person instead of leading these poor girls on all the time.”
Risotto glanced over at Prosciutto, annoyed. “Is that true? Do you leave him alone on missions?” 
Prosciutto turned to Pesci, a deep frown on his face. “Figlio un’ Puttana, I told you not to tell anyone!” 
Pesci flinched back. “I’m sorry, I only told (y/n)! I didn’t think she would ever mention anything about it!” 
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t apologize Pesci. He doesn’t deserve it for the way he treats you.” 
Prosciutto grabbed your arm in a tight grip, preventing you from stepping back from him. “Excuse me? What do you mean?” 
“How the hell is Pesci going to get any good at what he’s supposed to do if you’re constantly downing him huh? Ever thought maybe he’d be confident enough to do his job if you weren’t breathing down his neck so fucking much!” 
“Oh get over yourself (y/n)! You’re as much of newbie as he is! You kill one man and think you’re capo. Besides, it’s what Pesci needs if he wants to be in this group anyway.” 
You thought for a moment, wondering how you should respond. You couldn’t argue with him, you were still a rookie. After a few moments of tense silence amongst the group, you turned to Prosciutto again. 
“Fine! You know what? If you’re gonna treat Pesci and I like this, then we’ll leave the group? How about that huh?” 
Pesci looked at you shocked. “Wait what?” 
Prosciutto burst out laughing, keeping his hand tightly on your arm. “Oh, oh, that’s rich! That’s fucking rich. I don’t think you understand dolcezza, you can’t just leave this little gig of ours. You’re stuck here. Right Ris?” 
Risotto thought on the other’s words before shaking his head. “No. (y/n) and Pesci sought out Passione on their own free wills. They don’t owe this organization, or La Squadra any debt, so if they swear on their lives not to speak a word about us, they can go free.” 
Smiling at such words, you turned to Prosciutto with a huff before nudging out of his grip. “Come on Pesci, we’re leaving.”  
You grabbed your boyfriend’s hand, pulling him up from the coach and stomping towards the door. Looking back, Pesci made eye contact with Prosciutto, who spoke before the two of you left. 
“Make a decision for your damn self Pesci. She’s controlling you just as much as I am right now.” 
Pesci stood there, frozen in his spot, looking around as the whole squad stared at him to make a decision. His heart rate skyrocketed, his palms grew sweaty. He really didn’t like being made the center of attention like this.
You kept tugging at Pesci’s arm. “Come on Pesci, let’s go! We don't need them.”
Prosciutto kept calm. “The choice is yours, Pesci.” 
Pesci looked between the two of you, shaking as he stood there. No one else spoke for either side. This was his choice to make. Finally, he shook off your grip, looking down at you as you looked up at him in surprise. 
“Pesci, what...?”
“I don’t know if you realize (y/n), but... We do need them. We need these guys. We ran away from home together, and our families disowned us, and these guys took us in when we asked. And I don’t like how you yell at them when they’ve given us money to support ourselves, more money we ever would’ve gotten otherwise. So what if he’s been mean to me? Don’t act like you were one hundred percent on board with killing from the start. You’re not perfect (y/n), you had to be yelled at too. So don’t act all high and mighty and claim you’re doing this for me alright? I wanna stay, so I’m gonna stay. If you love me as much as you tell me you do, you’ll stay too.” 
A tense air filled the room, everyone (even Pesci) surprised that the young member of the team could stick up for himself like that. You gulped, looking your boyfriend up and down, realizing how much you wanted to be with him. But at that moment, you were speechless, so you shyly nodded your head and walked back to the couch and sat down while Pesci and Prosciutto remained standing. 
The moment you sat down, Prosciutto breathed a heavy sigh and went to Pesci to give him a pat on the back for what he said.
“Good work Pesc-”
“But as for you, bro, I-I don’t like the way you talk to (y/n) and I, and I don’t like the way you baby me on hits. Now, you’re gonna allow me and (y/n) to go on a hit by ourselves, without you, and I guarantee you that I will kill whoever you want with my own two hands. If I don’t, baby me all you want. But I will kill him, and prove that I’m not the momma’s boy you think I am.” 
Prosciutto took a step back, more surprised than anyone at what the other man just said. He turned back slowly to Risotto, asking quietly what he should do. Risotto thought for a moment before nodding. Pros turned back to you and Pesci. “Fine. There’s a hit in Milan this Wednesday. You two go on it yourselves.”
With that, the two men sat down, and Risotto began the meeting. You reached over next to you to hold Pesci’s hand, and he held in a confident grip. Turning your head, you shared a look with Prosciutto at the other edge of the room, the two of you now with greater mutual respect for one another, and shared respect for Pesci after he managed to put both of you in your place. You promised yourself to not speak for Pesci, and Prosciutto told himself to be more encouraging. 
That Wednesday came around, and with only a little hesitation, Pesci killed a man for the first time. Without Beach Boy, with his two bare hands. When the two of you came back to the hideout the next day, Prosciutto personally made a toast to the successful hit, giving Pesci a heartfelt pat on the back.
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asgardianthot · 5 years
Hunting Season (sambucky) – Part 2
Series Masterlist
Summary: The Barnes family is your average rich people circus. With Bucky’s post-breakup financial depression, and a literal treasure hunt at stake, his best friend Sam finds himself in a mad situation in order to help him. They sure can pretend to be together, but that’s just the easy part.
Words: 3810
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"So how do we do this?" Sam asked.
He was brushing his teeth with the door open so he could glance at Bucky, who sat on the edge of Sam's bed. He was going to give his friend the bed back once they fully decided to go to sleep and Bucky took the couch, again, but for now, he was enjoying the comfort of a bedroom. He always did find comfort in Sam and his hospitality, after all. He remembered that one Christmas the Barnes spent in the French Alps, the one Bucky avoided because he had just broken up with Rumlow for the first time; Sam was kind enough to invite him to the Wilsons for the holidays, and that was when Bucky realized where his friend got his charm and kindness. Sam's entire family were the most welcoming people Bucky had ever encountered, which made him wish he had been born into a home like that.
As Sam spit the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth, Bucky thought of the specificities of their plan. At the realization that, if his parents had sat through several different relationships with the same Brock Rumlow, they probably wouldn't blink at the sight of a new man, he felt that the plan wouldn't be too complicated after all.
"I don't know." He shrugged, "Can you pretend to be gay?"
While Bucky's question was asked nonchalantly, Sam received it like a suckerpunch. It was supposed to be an easy answer, however the topic was a delicate one for Sam. Not that Bucky knew anything about it, but Sam kept a few secrets to himself. And since his friend had only ever seen him dating girls...
"Easy peasy." Sam faked a smile before cleaning his chin with a clean towel, "It's pretending I like you that's gonna be tough." He joked.
"Funny." Bucky said without a hint of amusement.
Eventually, Sam returned to his original concerns. The stakes weren't too high for him, but if Bucky got caught with this, he would never hear the end of it. Who knew what his parents would put him through, and Bucky had already mentioned something about being banned from the annual hunt for life, losing all hopes of ever getting the slightest fraction of Nana's money. Those two million dollars could mean everything to Bucky, so they really had to put on a show.
He walked back to his room and gestured his guest to give him some room, next to him. Bucky granted him the space, and they both sat in their own seriousness.
"No, but seriously, do we have to kiss and stuff?" Sam asked.
Bucky reflected on it.
"Maybe. I mean, we gotta make it believable."
The other man nodded, taking in the idea of kissing Bucky, even if just for an act, until Bucky's words caught him by surprise.
"Wanna practice?"
Sam raised his eyebrows, and cleared his throat with nervousness, "Uh, sure."
Nevertheless, he was met by a very amused Bucky, who happened to have been holding in his laughter. When he cracked up, falling back on the bed with pride on his own joke, Sam de-tensed.
"I'm kidding, dude." He threw a light punch to Sam's back, "We pro'ly won't even kiss through the entire week. Family's real uptight when they wanna be."
Sam let out a breath only he could hear, hopefully, and pretended to be comfortable with the entire situation.
"Okay, but if we do have to kiss, it better look real."
Day 1.
The time had come, and spirits weren't great. Sam had his shit together, luckily, but Bucky wasn't as confident. In the ride from the station to the lake house, they both sat at the back of the taxi, trying to prepare for the upcoming week. Eight full days of acting couldn't be too easy, but Sam was calm.
James looked the polar opposite, as he tried to keep his cool, mumbling to himself.
"Deep breaths." He told Sam like he was doing the calming for both of them, and it brought a small smirk to Sam's lips.
He watched his friend breathe in and out with his eyes closed, and he feared he might have a mental breakdown before they even got the chance to reach the house.
"Hey, I got this." He reminded Bucky, in attempts to ease his worries.
"God, I really hope you do."
Suddenly, the panoramic of the gigantic residence came to their field of vision. The two-story house had direct access to the lake, along with stored kayaks and sailing equipment. There was a -- floating there, unused, marking the family's possessions, and facing the big garden that separated the house from the water.
As soon as the vehicle stopped in the entrance, an employee came out to take care of their bags. Sam gave Bucky an odd look, himself not being used to maids and being served like that, to which Bucky only pressed his lips together. That's the Barnes way.
"Oh, come inside!" Bucky's mother welcomed them, ushering them inside.
They both obeyed and walked up the three steps to the door, finally entering the house. Before either of them got the chance to speak, though, Winnifred began theatricalizing.
"You poor things, it's so hot outside!" she lamented while pressing a hand to her chest.
Bucky tried, and failed, to reject her drama, "It's not that-"
"You must be Samuel." She ignored her son, and continued to ramble over Sam's attempts to at least say hello, "You want a drink? It's too hot."
The guest eyed Bucky, who was just staring into nothingness. If his eyes could speak, they would have been saying 'yep, sounds about right.'
"Uh, sure." Sam accepted, "Thank you, ma'am. I'm so glad-"
"There he is!" he was cut off by Bucky's father, who walked into the welcoming hall with his arms extended, "The man of the hour."
The two men shook hands.
"Sir." Sam nodded.
"Oh, please, it's George."
Sam opened his mouth to say something polite, when the woman interrupted him once more.
"And Winnifred." She added.
This time, Sam waited for a gap in the conversation. He hadn't been able to lay out a single sentence to the married couple, so he awkwardly waited for them to interrupt him, but when the silence extended for too long, he smiled, nervously.
"George and Winnifred, then." He agreed, nodding, "It's nice to meet you."
"James tells me you teach." Winnifred jumped right into the discussion.
"I do." Sam smiled, "History."
"Which school?"
"Mom, don't be a snob." Bucky warned her.
"I'm just asking him a question." She pledged innocence, as usual.
As much as the question of academic elitism bothered Sam, he had to remain polite. He hated gratifying rich people like that by disclosing the snob university where he worked. Sometimes he wanted to quit and go back to where he started, small high schools, poorly funded programs... for now, though, he had unpaid student debt and a two million dollar hunt to win.
"It's alright." He bit back his pride and dismissed it, "I'm teaching at Princeton right now."
Winnifred raised her eyebrows with one half excitement and one half surprise.
"That's a fine school." She showed how impressed she was.
The woman probably thought Bucky couldn't do better than the family friend business trash. She probably figured her son was too stupid for a Princeton professor, much less to settle down with one. It didn't add to the bad image Sam already had of her.
"I have some contacts in Harvard, could get you a spot." George butt in.
"Thank you, sir, that's not necessary." Sam rejected very gracefully, "I love my job and I certainly can't leave my students."
George gave him a respectful nod, while Winnifred gave his son a look, one that yelled well done. The interaction had gone better than any of them had expected, making Bucky forget every concern he had before. When they moved to the living room, which was right next door, the fake couple exchanged some victorious glances. Feeling much more confident now, Bucky pointed to the old lady sitting at the end of the room.
"Sam, I'm honored to introduce you to Nana Barnes." He dramatized in order to annoy the woman.
She looked like the kind of grandmother who had strong opinions on people and therefore, favorites, and Bucky sure acted like the favorite, teasing her with the confidence that she wouldn't mind. Nana didn't bother standing up. She was wearing a conservative black dress, reading glasses and she held a glass of Champaign on her hand. The matriarch look suited her wonderfully.
"I've heard many good things." Sam approached her, extending his hand.
While shaking the young man's hand, Nana eyed him up and down.
"You're handsome." She said in a powerful tone, "Much better looking than the last one."
Nervously, Sam fixed his tie and cleared his throat.
"Thank you." He frowned amusingly, not sure if he was meant to take the compliment or not.
"Are you an idiot like him?"
Sam tilted his head, "Excuse me?"
"That Rumlow boy, he was an ass. Couldn't tell his south from his north. Now, are you a smart man?"
Sam looked back at Bucky, who merely gave him a thumbs up as he backed away and left the two alone. It was only then that Sam noticed Bucky's parents had abandoned him as well. He accepted his situation, and sat down on the chair next to her.
"I... like to think so." He smiled, "I sure hope so, or else I'm teaching the next generation to be just as dumb."
"Ah, so I've heard." She spoke like it was the first thing she fully approved of, "It's a nice break from all the dull business men in our family. Is Jamie planning to live off your Princeton check?"
This time, the harsh question caught him less off-guard, "No, ma'am, I'm just helping him get back on his feet."
The lady narrowed her eyes like she was quizzing the new boyfriend.
"How long have you known my grandson?"
The fake couple had prepared a whole concocted tale, but right there, in front of the matriarch who worshipped the truth, he figured telling her the real story wouldn't hurt.
"I don't even know. Probably... six years?" the realness behind his words made Nana seem interested, "We met through other people, next thing I know we're best friends for good. Couldn't shake him off my back."
The woman laughed, "He can't help it, the Barnes have bloodsucker in their DNA."
Bucky had mentioned at some point, how the woman referred to the Barnes as simply the family she had married into when it came to pointing out their flaws, yet called herself a Barnes when it suited her. Sam, however, held in any type of snarky comment or laughter, and made an effort to remain excessively polite. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep the façade for long, or at least not for the entire week, so he made sure to make the best first impression possible.
"No, Bucky's not like that.” He defended the man, although he immediately decided against contradicting the matriarch; he raised one hand in retreat, “I mean, you've known him all his life, so what do I know? But, uh… he's not that kind of friend."
The last word brought a smear of annoyance to the woman’s features, considering Sam had used it twice already.
"You can say boyfriend, Samuel, I'm not a prude." She protested.
Suddenly, Sam realized he was being too genuine. The way he spoke about Bucky was so truthful, he forgot for a second that he was meant to pretend to be his loving partner.
"Yes, boyfriend. Sorry."
In the welcoming hall, Bucky was thanking the service for getting his bags upstairs. He noticed a taxi parked outside, and he figured his cousin or one of his uncles had arrived, but as he wiped sweat from his forehead, the door opened, and his sister Rebecca walked in. As to be expected, she was dressed to impress in a light blue skirt and a sunny hat, wearing the additional drops of sweat that fell down her neck like an accessory.
"What are you doing here?” Bucky ambushed her, not too happy to see her, “You said you wouldn't make it."
The young woman didn’t seem offended by her welcoming, for she knew she was about to lie.
"I decided to spend some time with my family." She smiled brightly, reaching to hug her brother.
"Bull.” He stopped her. “What happened?"
Rebecca sighed, "Why do you always assume something's happened?"
"Because I'm the one picking up your slacks and shoving it under the rug." Bucky spat, looking around to check that nobody was listening.
"My hero." She rolled her eyes.
"Someone has to keep making you look perfect."
The words hit her, but she didn’t wince. Her face fell minimally, which was her own way of accepting it. Bucky was right, after all, because for years he had helped her out in every singl one of her fuck-ups, never asking for anything back, which resulted in their parents beliving their little girl to be a practical angel, while James remained the family screw up. The thing was, both siblings were emotional trainwrecks, but Bucky was the only one who got any backlash for it.
"So what was it?” he asked again, this time much more relaxed, “Boyfriend? Boyfriend's wife?"
"Actually...” Rebecca lowered her voice, “It's money. I need to win the hunt this year."
Bucky couldn’t believe his ears. Rebecca had only joined the family vacations to ruin his plans.
"I need to win the hunt this year." He was quick to shake his head.
"You don't understand, I owe a shit ton or money, James.” Unfortunately, his sister was just as enthusiastic about her own issues, “It's bad."
"Then get a loan from dad." He proposed in a very order-like tone, for he knew their father would give Rebecca money, while never offering Bucky a penny.
"He can't know I'm in debt!" she whisper-shouted.
Bucky took a deep breath and massaged his temples, still in disbelief that they were in this situation to begin with. He had brought his best friend into this, for all sakes. He couldn’t lose the money to his little sister. He wanted to explain to her how he was penny-less and had been enduring their parent’s hellfire for weeks, but Rebecca already knew that, and if that alone didn’t bring out her empathy, no amount of persuasion would. He wanted to tell her exactly what kind of treatment he had received in their parent’s house, but of course, Rebecca must have already guessed.
As much as he wanted to keep fighting, Sam joined them, and the two siblings were distracted from the argument.
"Samuel Wilson, why on earth are you in this shithole?"
Sam was baffled, as they hadn’t even spent half an hour there, and things were already not going according to plan. Bucky had sworn Rebecca wouldn’t be there, which was good, because Rebecca knew Sam and she knew that their relationship was not at all romantic.
"Good to see you too." He said, trying his best to ignore her obvious confusion and walking closer to Bucky, "Uh, your folks-"
"Sweetheart, you made it!" Winnifred’s exclamation echoed across the room.
"Of course, mama." Rebecca faked enthusiasm as she opened her arms.
"I see you've met Jamie's boyfriend." The siblings’ mother remarked as she gave Rebecca a quick hug.
Even before the contact was over, Rebecca was frowning.
Think, quickly.
"Yes, boyfriend. “ Bucky said loudly; perhaps too loudly to be believable, “We didn't wanna say. Thanks for ruining the newsbreak, mom." He faked discourage.
Rebecca crossed her arms over her chest, "No, you're not."
Desperate to play it out, Sam pressed a hand to the low of Bucky’s back, in an attempt to show affection and commodity with one another. Bucky, however, froze a little, because it was the first time Sam had done something like that and it felt more than just odd.
"We sure are." Sam grinned.
"Yeah, it just..." Bucky failed to imitate his fake boyfriend’s confidence as he scratched his brow and struggled with words, "Just sort of happened. We were going to tell you."
The room went silent, and Rebecca definitely wasn’t convinced. In fact, she saw straight through both of them and deciphered the truth behind the masquerade in a matter of seconds, which didn’t amuse her at all. They were going to take her prize away.
"Bucky's cheating." She said.
"Excuse me?” Winnifred opened her eyes wide, offended at what the accusation implied.
"At the hunt.” The young woman continued, earning a pleading look from her brother, who begged her not to out his lies; thankfully, she proceeded with a mocking tone, “He knows Nana's biased for couples, so he dragged his boyfriend to this freakshow."
Both Sam and Bucky felt like they had been given a second life, and they quickly laughed it off to dissimulate. Winnifred made a comment about her daughter’s choice of words while they all moved back to the living room, and although what had just happened was a sign that Rebecca wouldn’t out them, all three involved never got their eyes off each other.
Dinnertime was an event for the whole family. Others had arrived with their own luggage, setting three different generations in one table. Sam could only feel how strongly out of place he was, among the fancy drinks and conversations about business and family companies. He was learning a hell of a lot about Bucky’s family, though. The fortune was earned by the parents of the deceased grandfather, and he had been the one to ‘make them all rich assholes’, according to Bucky’s words.
"Aside from us and Becca, everyone here just wants to win the hunt for their ego.” He explained in whispers, leaning closer to Sam to not be overheard by the rest of the family, “It's just a fun tradition to them."
"I bet it's fun, getting four millions a year." Sam snorted quietly.
It made Bucky laugh, which got the attention of his aunt. She eyed the couple like they were just so cute together, and it only then occurred to Bucky that maybe they did.
"Oh, I forgot about Uncle Milo.” He gestured to an old and nice-looking man at the other end of the table. “Grandpa Theodore's brother, he's after the fortune."
Sam didn’t believe his friend, for it sounded like cliché rich family drama, something out of a soap opera. However, the young Barnes explained that the cliché was real, and that Uncle Milo had gambled his share of the fortune away, so he maintained his proximity to Nana in a desperate attempt to get it all back, the money, the house, everything. He soon continued explaining the rest of the less relevant characters: George's brother Teddy and his wife Andrea, who had a son about their age; cousin Colin. He was a dull creature and he looked like he'd come out of a Lacoste magazine, both him and his Ivy-league-college-sweetheart fiancée did. The third Barnes sibling was Aunt Ida, who had no children but was happily divorced.
“Are we all done with desert?” Nana stood up from her chair.
Cousin Colin raised his fork to speak and say that he hadn’t, but Nana didn’t seem to care.
“Wonderful. Alright, let’s get this over with.”
“No speech, Nana?” Bucky teased her.
“No, you’re all well aware. Except for Samuel, but he’s a smart man, he’ll catch up.” She winked at him.
That was apparently a good sign. She liked Sam.
“The first clue is very easy: just the meaning behind it all.” The woman chuckled at the end of her sentence, earning a few confused looks, “I didn’t hide it very well. You’ll find it if you search for it.”
Every guest remained seated. Knowing the woman, she wasn’t kidding, and this was just a riddle they were supposed to decipher, but they never failed to give her the benefit of the doubt that perhaps, just maybe one time, she would give them a real clue instead of messing with them as much as she could. Nana raised her glass of Champaign as a toast.
“Happy Hunting.” She smirked to the glass before chugging it down.
They seemed to be walking around aimlessly, just as the rest of the participants. This sounded like more of a mental riddle to fix by themselves, instead of an actual clue that was hidden somewhere. Bucky had the idea to look around grandpa Theodore’s old room in search for something emotional, although that didn’t sound like Nana, but she had told them to look for the meaning behind it all- she could have meant the meaning of the hunt. When Sam’s brain clicked, he grabbed Bucky’s arm to stop him.
"I got an idea." He announced.
Bucky glanced down at his arm, which was still being held by Sam.
"What're you thinking?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I'm guessing you guys have a library?"
Bucky nodded, "Smart."
Once they found the library, they were submerged in stillness. They shut the door so they wouldn’t give anyone else the same idea, and turned on the lights; the room was probably the calmest one in the entire house. There were high shelves with old books, two dusty reading chairs and a coffee table. Sam figured he wouldn’t mind spending some time there.
"What are we looking for?" James asked in a low voice.
Sam ran his fingers through the shelves for a few seconds, lurking for that one specific piece of literature he had in mind.
“Viktor Frankl.” Sam mumbled, concentrated on his task.
When he found the title, he pulled the book out and offered it to Bucky. Man’s search for meaning, 1946. It was too classical for fancy college men not to have heard of it, but the riddle was a tad too complicated for them. It was as if Nana had expected Sam to guess it first. Bucky caressed the cover, taking in the title and internally understanding the joke. The meaning behind it all. You’ll find it if you search for it.
He let a soft chuckle escape his lips as he opened the book and searched through the pages. Sam leaned in too close, over his shoulder, and Bucky couldn’t help but feel weird at the sensation of Sam’s breath hitting the back of his neck. He didn’t believe it was okay to even notice that sort of thing.
Suddenly, an envelope fell from the book, and Bucky looked back at Sam with amusement.
“That tricky old hag.” He laughed.
A/N: I know this wasn’t too exciting lol but it was more of an introduction chapter:/ next part will have your much needed fluff and intensity! Thank you so much for reading xx
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dahliawolfe · 4 years
Lost in Thought
Criminal Minds fanifc. Not completely cannon
Pt. 1
Derek was standing next to the open door of the conference room, when Reid rushed in, nearly bowling him over.
“Whoa, kid. Where’s the fire?” Morgan laughed.
“Sorry. I’m late,” Reid replied, making his way to dump his lanky body into one of the office chairs around the table. Gideon nodded at the man, looking more frayed than usual, and that was saying something. Derek looked around, noticing that Hotch and JJ weren’t present yet, and they were usually the first to arrive.
“Where’s Hotch?” he asked Reid, who shrugged at the question, completely absorbed in the file in front of him and the coffee in his hand. As if to answer the question, footsteps approached, and everyone turned in unison, well, everyone except Gideon, who looked like he was very close to another mental break down.
“Team, I’d like to introduce you to Special Agent Greyson Ash, she’s a transfer from our New York field office. Agent Ash, this is Derek Morgan, Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Elle Greenaway, and of course, Jason Gideon. Welcome to the team.” JJ, who was standing behind Hotch, nodded to an empty seat at the table, and the new agent gave her a smile, making her way to the chair.
Derek studied his new team member. She was young. Possibly as young as Reid, and she was gorgeous. Her hair was black ombre, and made its way down her back, nearly to the crest of her hips. Her skin was the color of honey, and her eyes were a deep whiskey brown. And Derek knew immediately that she was the type of girl that you never really forget.
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“Ok, team. Wheels up in thirty,” Hotch dictated, bringing the debriefing to an end. “Oh, and Morgan, show Agent Ash to her desk please. It’s the one McCoy gave up.” Derek nodded, gesturing for his new teammate to follow him to the desk seated directly across from his.
“I’m Derek, if you need anything just let me know, Agent Ash.”
“Grey,” she spoke, giving him a small smile. “Just call me Grey, please. Just please don’t call me ‘Kid’ like my last chief did.” She shuddered, making Derek smile. “And that was one of his nicer nicknames for me.”
“Hi, I’m Spencer….Dr….Reid, everyone calls me Reid,” the young doctor introduced, approaching the new BAU member.
“Hi, I’m Grey. It’s nice to meet you, Spencer. Can I call you Spencer? Or do you prefer Reid?”
“No, Spencer is good,” the poor kid was blushing, and Derek could tell that he already had it bad  for Grey. Derek shook his head, not knowing why that bothered him as much as it did.
Derek watched Grey while they flew toward San Diego. She studied the file intently, furrowing her brows and narrowing her eyes at certain parts of it. He also noticed that she was obstinately not looking at Gideon, who seemed to have a mutual aversion to looking at her. And that was curious. Usually, Gideon was a fairly open person with the team. Maybe he just wasn’t used to her yet? Whatever it was, Derek could definitely see it getting awkward.
“Grey, you and Elle can share a room. Derek and Reid. And JJ, Gideon, and I will all bunk separate,” Hotch instructed, doling out the key cards at the hotel. Derek rolled his eyes. The Bureau never sprung for them all to have separate rooms. And he loved the kid, but sharing a room with Spencer Reid was a nightmare. He snored. He was messy. And he kept the damn light on half the night to read his various stacks of files and books he carried around at all times.
“Actually, I’m booking a private room. On me,” Elle stated, handing the key back to Hotch and making her way to the front desk. From the corner of his eye, Derek saw Grey look at the ground and nervously push her hair behind her ear.
“Well….ok. Everyone rest up, we’ll head to the local station in the morning to make formal introductions to the local PD.” As everyone went their separate ways, Derek stooped to grab Grey’s bag and nodded toward the elevator.
“We’re neighbors. I’ll walk you up. And don’t worry about Elle. She’s…”
“A bitch?” Grey finished, grinning.
“Most definitely. But she’s also a decent agent.” The two made their way into the elevator, and Derek noticed Grey rubbing her hands nervously on the white fabric of her suit pants. “You ok there, Grey?” he asked concernedly.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m just not a fan of elevators, to be honest.” Derek chuckled.
“We’ve all got something, man.”
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“Listen, Greg, I get it, man. I really do. All these rich people walking around like they own the place, pissing on people like us, who are just trying to get by. They have their noses so far up their own asses that they don’t know what it’s really like, right?” Grey goaded the armed suspect. The suspect who currently had a large knife pressed against Elle’s neck. Grey had warned the team to stay back. She assured them she could talk the guy down, but Derek’s forehead beaded with sweat, and his gut twisted in worry for his teammate.
“They….They just think they’re so damn much better than me! I bet you’re a rich bitch brat aren’t ya?!” the suspect growled in Elle’s face.
“Of course, she is. Look at her, man, coming in here like she owns the damn place. Breaking the rules cuz they don’t suit her. Hell, putting me in danger to drag her stupid ass out!” Grey sympathized.
“Exactly! Spoiled! All of them!”
“Greg, let me tell ya something, Buddy. If you kill her, she’s just gonna get what she wants. Attention. She’s an attention whore. So, why don’t you let her go? Hmm? Look, you can even take me.” Almost imperceptibly slowly, Grey began to move her hand to her gun. Derek was analyzing her every move, making sure that she knew what she was doing.
“But, she’ll be dead, so is that really a win?”
“Well, I guess, it depends on what you consider a win there, Greg.” And that was it. There was her moment. Greg shifted just enough for Grey to get her kill shot in. And she took it, moving faster than Derek could even see. Putting one bullet perfectly in the center of Greg’s forehead. His face contorted in shock as he slumped to the ground, nearly pulling Elle with him. Grey reholstered her gun and unclipped it from her belt, stepping over to Hotch and placing it in his hands. It was protocol for an agent to give up their gun until the shooting was officially deemed just. Most people fought it, but with grace, Grey handed over her piece, nodded at Hotch, and made her way to the rest of her team.
“You good?” Derek questioned, as Grey made it to the team.
“I’m ok,” she replied, giving him a small smile, and gently squeezing a very pale Reid’s hand.
“Ash, alright?” Gideon questioned, speaking to the newest team member for the first time. Grey grimaced and gave a curt nod, turning back to Derek and Reid.
“Listen, you don’t know a damn thing about me, ok, Ash?! So, keep it to yourself!” Elle hissed.
“Keep it to myself, Greenaway? You went in there half-cocked and not knowing what the hell was happening. So, maybe you should learn to say thank you,” Grey replied coolly, never once raising her voice.  
“There a problem here, Ladies?” JJ asked, approaching the two. The team was making their way to the jet, and the majority of them were already standing on the tarmac.
“No, I think we’re good, JJ,” Grey replied, walking away from the other two women.
“What was that all about?” Derek inquired, passing Grey a paper coffee cup.
“She doesn’t like me,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders. “Hey, I don’t really know anyone in DC but you guys, and this case was a bitch, so I was thinking of grabbing a drink when went get back. Wanna join?”
“Sure. Sounds good to me.” Derek couldn’t quite understand the rush that swooped through his stomach at her words.
Grey took her rum and coke to a nearby couch and plopped down. She felt under dressed at this place, as she was just in a white tank and jeans. Most of the girls around her had on outfits so tight, Grey wasn’t sure how they had gotten them on. She spotted Derek at the door, flocked by Garcia and Spencer, so she waved, sending a smile to the older male. He returned it and nodded, gesturing to the bar. Reid appeared before Derek and Garcia made it away from the bar with their drinks.
“Hi, Spencer! Come sit!” she invited, nodding to the couch. He nervously perched next to her, and she chuckled. “You good? You look a little out of sorts?” He blushed and looked away.
“This isn’t really my scene.” She gave his knee a sympathetic squeeze and spoke reassuringly.
“Yeah, mine either, but I was in that interrogation room for 6 hours yesterday, and I need a drank.” Spencer laughed outright, and Grey couldn’t help but find him adorable.
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“You sure you don’t need a hand with her?” Grey asked, laughing. Garcia was hanging around Derek’s neck singing, “Coconut”.
Derek shook his head in mock sternness. “Nah, I’m good. You sure you can get Pretty Boy home?”
“Yeah. It’s on my way. See you tomorrow?”
“Absolutely. See you then.”
While she hadn’t drank much the night before, she was still sluggish the next day, so she grabbed an iced coffee on her way to Quantico. She hoped that the day would be all reading files and filling out paperwork, and not another case, because she was still on edge from the last one, and Grey only liked to go into a new case clear headed and cool. But from the moment she stepped onto her floor, she knew her hopes would be dashed. There was bustling all around, and Hotch was standing on the balcony overlooking the bullpen, waiting on the rest of his team to arrive.
Reid, Elle, and JJ were already milling around. Grey stopped to take stock of the room. Reading the tension on the boss’s face, as well as on JJ’s, she knew it was bad. A warm hand touched the small of her back, making her jump, only to turn and see a smiling Derek Morgan looking down at her.
“Looks like it’s gonna be a rough one,” he commented.
“Looks that way. I guess we should go in then, huh?” He nodded and followed her into the swarming bullpen.
The air in Electra, Texas was hot and soupy. And Grey immediately pulled her jacket off, tossing it over her tank top clad shoulder and slipping her aviators down to rest on her nose as she followed the local officer to the crime scene. Derek reached a hand up to her to lead her down the gravel lined embankment. She could already feel the sweat running down her back to settle in the waistband of her jeans, and she did not miss summers like this.
“Damn, it’s hot,” she commented once she reached the bottom.
“Sure is ma’am. Gets like that here,” the officer joked.
“I remember. I’m from around here. And I must say, I do not miss this,” she chuckled before crouching down to study the area that had been roped off. “I’m thinking this is just the dumpsite, right, Derek?”
“I think so, yeah. Although, the first crime scene from 6 months ago, looks like it might have been the primary.” Raising her brows, Grey reached for the file to study it.
“You’re right. I guess the guy figured out it was safer to dump them and leave. But why on the side of the road? 4 different roads and 6 different victims.”
“I think when we figure that out, we’ll figure him out.”
Mason Anders lived in tidy little duplex right outside of town. He seemed like a likeable enough guy, and seemingly had no connection to the other 5 victims. All in all, nothing seemed to be clicking, at least not for Grey anyway. Not yet.
“Ash, a word,” Gideon spoke, barking at her as he stepped into the house. She laid the stack of mail she was sorting through down and followed him. She dreaded this conversation. They made it to the Yukon before he spoke again. “Listen, you’re just off of a shooting, and this is a hot case. I’m suggesting that Hotch send you home. You’re not ready.”
“I’m plenty ready. I’m also not the one whose psyche we need to be worried about,” she snarled, taking the dig deep, before storming back into the house. He didn’t follow.
Grey leaned against the counter, letting out a sigh and rubbing her temples. Frustration built inside her. Jason Gideon, of all people, had no business worrying over her safety. He hadn’t the last 26 years. Why would he now?
“You good?” Derek asked, approaching her.
“Yeah, I’m…”
“Reid and I are headed back to the station,” Gideon informed, walking through the front door, not looking at Grey. Derek nodded, though he studied both Grey and Gideon.
“Ok, what’s going on with you two?” the elder agent questioned once the other two males were gone. Grey sighed again.
“Jason Gideon is my father. Well, hardly. But biologically speaking, he is,” she admitted. Derek’s brows rose.
“What?” he asked in disbelief. Grey nodded.
“My mom’s a cop in Dallas. He met her on a case. They worked together for months until they cracked it. And he split. A few months later, she found out she was pregnant, and she told him. He noped out, and the rest is history.”
“He didn’t want to help raise you? To be a part of your life?”
Grey snorted. “Hardly. I’d just bring him down while he was trying to save the world. He’d send a Christmas card every year and if he was in Texas on a case, he might drop in if he wasn’t too busy. But he didn’t want people knowing I was his kid. He explicitly told me never to call him “Dad”. So, my mom raised me, and I followed in her footsteps. When Quantico originally recruited me, I was hesitant because I knew he was in the Bureau, but as my mom said, I was already a better person than him, so I might as well kick his ass at being an agent too. So, here I am.”
Derek smiled. “I think I need to meet this mom of yours. She sounds like my kinda lady.” Grey beamed.
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The days drug by, and the bodies piled up. The team had been in Electra for nearly three weeks. And the guy wasn’t slowing down. If anything, he was devolving and becoming even more violent. Everyone was on edge. The incessant, sticky heat wasn’t helping matters. Grey was sitting in front of the open window in the conference room, trying to convince herself that she did indeed, not need to get a cigarette. She had never been much of a smoker, but one or two now and again would take the edge off. She was chewing wildly on her coffee stirrer when she heard Spencer chuckle. She eyed him suspiciously.
“Yes, Spencer?” she questioned, turning to face him fully.
“You just look like you’re trying to chew through that thing,” he replied, pointing at the chewed up black stick.
“Ehh, I need some gum. You don’t have any gum, do you?”
“There’s a convenience store around the corner,” Derek added helpfully, coming into the room. Grey bolted up from her seat, suddenly dying to be out of the stifling office.
“Sweet. I’m gonna run down. You guys want anything?”
“Ohhh, I’ll take one of those cold coffees,” Spencer declared, lighting up. Grey laughed.
“I gotcha, Buddy. I’ll be right back.” She headed for the elevator as fast as her legs could carry her.
Grey stood in line, arms laden with a variety of snacks, and waited her turn. When she finally made it to the register, she nearly dropped everything trying to get it up to the counter. The cashier gave her a smile, and asked, “Will that be all for you?”
“Uhh…Actually, add a pack of Marlboro reds and a lighter on please,” she blurted out, unable to stop herself. The guy nodded, and she flashed her ID, before swiping her card, gathering her bags, and making her way out of the store, already ripping into the cigarettes. She had barely lit the one she had shoved between her lips, when it was plucked from her mouth and tossed on the ground, only to be crushed by the steel toe of a work boot. She looked up angrily into the eyes of a very annoyed looking Derek Morgan.
“Derek, what the hell?! Those things aren’t cheap!” In reply, he simply nonchalantly held out his hand, waiting for her to place the rest of the pack in them. “Nooo,” she whined. “I need them, Der.” He shook his head and simply stared her down until she sighed and slapped the pack into his palm.
The flash of cameras was nearly blinding as Grey and Derek led Otis O’Reilly into the Electra police station. After a month-long manhunt, the BAU had cracked the case. Derek shouldered their way through the crowd, sneaking her a winning smile. Grey knew that this one felt as good for him as it did for everyone involved. 23 bodies lay in his wake, but now he would see his day in court. And honestly, Grey felt like she might get some sleep for the first time in a month.
“Derek, you really don’t have to come with me,” Grey said for hundredth time that day. She was headed to Dallas to pop in and visit her mom before they made their way back to Quantico. Hotch had given them all a few days off to rest and recuperate. And Derek had offered to make the trip with her.
“And I told you, I wasn’t letting your tired ass drive to Dallas by yourself. Look, I don’t have to meet your Ma if you don’t want, but I’m going with you.”
Grey laughed outright. “Well, you’ll be the first guy that I’ve ever introduced to Mami in any fashion. And she’d kick my tired ass if I brought you with me and didn’t introduce you.” Something about that made Derek proud.
“Mami, really, you won’t even be at home anyway. And I’ve already booked our rooms,” Grey negotiated later that night, as her mother tried to convince them to just stay at her place.
“Greyson Radley Ash, it ain’t right. You paying to stay somewhere when I got room here,” Gretchen Ash argued, making Grey blush.
“Mami, no,” the young agent chided. She caught a glimpse of Derek, to find him trying to contain his laughter. “Look, we’ll meet you tomorrow at that little Mexican place you used to take me to as a kid. El Fuego. 12 o’clock?” All the while, Grey was pulling away, hoping to make her exit. Gretchen nodded with a stern glare.
“You both better be there. You know how we treat guests, Greyson.”
“Yes, Mami.”
Sliding the tight denim over her hips, Grey made her way to the mirror. It was true that she tired. But she was also wired. Being home, seeing her mom, getting back in touch with her roots, it all made her feel amped. She was heading down to the club on the second floor of the hotel. Nothing a little rum and thumping music couldn’t wipe out of her. She grabbed her room key and headed out, taking a left and heading to Derek’s room, which was three doors down. Maybe he’d want to go too. She knocked, waiting on him to answer. She nearly choked when he finally did. He was shirtless, and his beautiful caramel skin was dripping water all the way down to the towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
“Grey, everything ok?” he asked, immediately on alert.
“Ummm. Yeah, I’m…ummm…actually headed down to Mirror for a bit and wanted to know if you wanted to come.”
“The club?” he asked with a chuckle. “I thought you were tired.”
“I am, but being home…well, it makes me want to soak it all in while I’m still here.” He nodded.
“I’ll meet you down there in 5.”
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Derek made his way into the club. He scanned the room and found Grey dancing to the music in the corner. She made eye contact but didn’t stop dancing. He laughed to himself and made his way to the bar.
Soon enough, Grey came over to him and tugged him onto the dancefloor, not dropping his hand until they made it to the middle of the crowd. “Come on, Derek, it’s just us here. Dance with me,” she urged. And dammit, he couldn’t say no to that.
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Derek’s hands were warm on the tender skin of her ribs as they danced. He definitely knew what he was doing, and the feeling of his body against hers was doing things to Grey. The beat suddenly slowed, and Derek tugged her flush against his chest, his hand over her navel, and Grey isn’t sure what happed next, but she knew that her body responded, her hips moving sensuously against his, her hand cupping the back of his neck. And holy shit, she felt like she was burning up, when he put his lips against her ear and chuckled. “You’re really good at this,” he breathed. The air was electric as it kissed against her skin, every nerve on fire. Every hair standing up. In response, she pressed her body closer, letting the soft, slow rhythm of the music lead the sway of her hips.
Soon enough, the song ended, and the tempo picked back up. The spell was broken. Derek pulled away, now only holding her hand, as he led her to the bar. She knew she probably looked terrible, her skin flushed, sweat sliding down her neck, but she felt like she’d never felt before. A high that she didn’t want to come down from.
Grey and Derek had been in the club for nearly 2 hours, when he suggested that they turn in for the night. Grey nodded, following him to the elevator.
Once the doors closed, Derek and Grey were truly alone, for the first time, and well, the magic that had weaved itself around them earlier, was sparking through the air. Suddenly, Derek was crowding Grey against the elevator wall, harsh breaths hitting her lips. “I shouldn’t do this,” he panted. Feeling like she was on fire, Grey roughly grabbed the back of his neck and drug him to her lips, crashing against them. Derek’s hands found her hips, anchoring her to him. She moaned into his mouth, and she knew, and he knew, that it was too late. There was no stopping it.
“Room?” he demanded.
“Mine,” she panted, pulling him back to her.
Derek was nearly carrying Grey by the time they reached her room. He slid the key card from her back pocket and unlocked the door. He slammed it heavily with his booted foot, as he lifted her by her thighs and made his way to the hotel bed. She bounced lightly as he dropped her onto it. She looked up at him with flushed cheeks, messy hair, and lust blown eyes. And he had never seen anything more beautiful. He knelt over her, taking her boots off for her before working her jeans down her legs. He stopped at the black lace boyshorts and admired what he was seeing. She had managed to work her tank off, so she lay before him, all lace and smooth honey skin. He kissed his way from the middle of her chest all the way to the band of her panties before stopping to look up at her. She was gazing at him like he held the secret to the world in his hands, and looking back at her, maybe he did.
He made quick work of his own clothes before grabbing one of the complimentary condoms from the bedside table and coming back to her. He gently removed her bra and panties and kissed her softly as he slid the condom on and began to slide into her. She moaned against his lips, her fingers brushing down his back as he set his pace. He went torturously slow at first, making sure to be as deep in her as he could be before pulling back out and sliding back in. And it had the intended effect. She was falling apart under him. He took one nipple into his mouth and lightly twisted her clit between his thumb and forefinger, and he sprang apart, his name leaving her mouth in a gasp, her eyes meeting his, and her short nails biting into the skin of his shoulders. He eased her through it, knowing that he could hold off long enough to give her more. To make her come at least once more. He lifted her thigh, pulling around his hip, and went in deeper. She began to move her hips against his, and he enjoyed the push and pull of their bodies. She caught him off guard, bringing her arms and legs up and flipping their positions, carefully sliding back onto his length. He propped up on his forearms to watch the scene before him. She gave him a crooked grin, leaning down to kiss him. Her long hair haloed around them both as she began to do sinful things with her hips. He was close to possibly the best orgasm of his life, and if she stopped now, he was pretty sure he’d die. She sighed against the skin of his neck, and he knew she was gone too. She leaned back, placing her hands on his calves and smoothly moving her hips over his lap. She switched up the rhythm of each roll, sometimes making small circles, sometimes just letting her hips languidly glide over him. And it was killing him. Wrapping his arms around her back, he shifted them again, standing to roughly push her against the nearby window and letting himself go. She growled in his ear as he relentlessly pounded into her. The snap of his hips against hers was enough to shake the wall next to them, and when she suddenly bit into his shoulder and screamed into his skin, he knew. He knew she was done, and he knew that he was coming in right behind her. With one more snap of his hips and a harsh grunt, he came harder than he had in his life, his vision going black. They panted against one another for a few moments before he pulled out and carried her over to the bed, laying her gently under the covers and sliding in beside her, drawing her into his bare chest.
Grey woke the next morning to her phone chiming. She checked the time and groaned when she saw that it was nearly 11 a.m. Derek’s arm was lazily draped over her waist, and she smiled.
“What are you grinning at?” he asked huskily, raising his head from the pillow.
“Nothing,” she laughed, sliding out of the bed. She grabbed a few things from her bag and turned back to look at him. “I know that last night was probably a onetime thing, and that’s ok. I really enjoyed it, and I hope we’re ok,” she stated, suddenly serious.
“It wasn’t,” he said simply, rising from the bed.
“It wasn’t a onetime thing. Or at least, I hope it wasn’t.” He gave her a brilliant smile and made his way to the door. “We have to meet your Ma in an hour. Get dressed,” he instructed on his way out of the room.
El Fuego was always busy, and that Friday was no exception. Gretchen had parked her cruiser at the side of the building and stood outside of it waiting on them. She smiled when they pulled in and Derek parked the car.
“Hi, Mami,” Grey greeted as she stepped out of the SUV. Gretchen smiled and wrapped her daughter in a hug.
“Hello, Sweetheart. Derek.” Derek nodded at the older woman, offering her a brilliant smile. The detective led the way into the restaurant. Derek placed a palm in the small of Grey’s back, urging her forward, and he didn’t remove it until they were seated inside.
After dropping off the rental car the next day, Derek and Grey made their way to the airport. They were about to board the plan when Grey’s phone rang. “Hello,” she answered shortly, digging around for her ticket, which Derek produced with a chuckle.
“Grey, hey. This is JJ. We need you guys to meet us in Portland. We’ve got a case.”
You guys want more?! Let me know!
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 25
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 25 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
Chloe was a trembling, sweaty and panting mess as Loki collapsed down next to her, he was a bit of a mess himself after that exercise.
She could feel his seed inside of her, slowly trickling out and making a mess of his bedsheets.
‘You are far too delightful, doll.’ Loki purred, trailing his fingers lightly across her chest.
She trembled under his touch, making him smile as he moved closer and buried his face into her hair. Breathing in deeply, enjoying her scent.
Loki pulled her in tightly to him and was delighted when she didn’t try to pull away or leave, she just snuggled up against him with a content sigh.
‘I will be out most of today, some business to attend to. If you’re wanting to go out with friends, Ralph will be on call for you. Just ask Pete to call him.’ Loki said, stroking her arm.
‘Ok… Thank you. I was hoping to meet with them before going to college. And I need to get a couple of things, is that alright?’ Chloe tilted her head back to look at him, he smiled at her and nodded.
‘Of course. You’ve got the card, it’s yours to use.’
‘So, how’s things with your hot sugar daddy?’ Amanda grinned.
Chloe rolled her eyes. ‘He is not my sugar daddy. Don’t even go there, that’s just… eww!’
‘He’s hot. He lavishes you with gifts. He is rich as fuck. That’s sugar daddy material right there.’ Amanda laughed, so did Georgie.
Chloe shook her head and stabbed into her lunch. ‘He is not a sugar daddy.’
‘Well, how are things going with Loki?’ Georgie asked.
‘Umm. Good, I guess. As good as things can be when you’ve been kidnapped by the most dangerous man in the city.’ Chloe shrugged.
‘Come on, Chloe. This is no normal kidnapping, you’re out and about, right now. You’ve got a boat load of money to spend. Is it really that bad?’ Amanda said.
Chloe sighed and sat back on her chair. ‘No, it’s not… But that’s the problem. It should be. I’m hating myself right now because I feel like I’m falling further and further under his spell, and I don’t know what I should be doing. I’m fed up of fighting him, because truthfully? I am starting to like being with him… I just, I just feel like it’s wrong.’
Amanda and Georgie looked sorry for her. Amanda reached out and gave her arm a squeeze.
‘It must be difficult. But… he is looking after you, you have your freedom still. I guess the only bad thing is that you don’t stay with your parents anymore. But his house is better, isn’t it?’ Georgie asked, trying to help her see the best of it.
Chloe smiled at her friends, knowing they were only trying to help. And she loved them for it.
‘Yeah, I know… Look, he said I can invite you both round tonight for a girly night. If use fancy it?’
‘Really?’ Amanda asked.
‘Yeah. Honestly, I could do with getting drunk with you both and just… forgetting for a little while.’ Chloe said.
‘Well, count us in.’ Georgie and Amanda said at the same time.
Chloe asked Ralph to drive them to Georgie’s place and then Amanda’s so they could collect their things, then Ralph drove them to Loki’s.
‘Holy shit! This place is amazing!’ Georgie said when they walked inside.
‘Why thank you, Georgie. I’m very proud of my home.’ Loki said, startling the girls a little as they all turned around to see Loki walking out of the living room with a big smile.
‘Hi, Mr Laufeyson.’ Amanda said politely.
‘Please, just call me Loki.’ He said warmly.
‘Thanks for having us over, Loki. It’s been ages since we’ve had a good girls night.’ Georgie said.
Chloe was slightly amazed at how confident her friends seemed around Loki. But she was glad. Hoping it would help her out, too. Because she was still so damn conflicted a lot of the time.
‘There’s loads of snacks in the kitchen, alcohol too. So help yourselves. I’ve also set up the TV in the living room with an array of film options.’ Loki moved over to Chloe, cupped the back of her head and pulled her into him as he kissed her forehead. ‘Enjoy your night, girls. And you know where I am if you need me.’ He said to Chloe.
She blushed as he left them to it and went to his office. Amanda and Georgie looked at her with a look.
‘Don’t even go there.’ She hissed and pointed a finger at them.
Chloe was shocked at all the snacks Loki had gotten for them. And the film choices were every film in the world, including the new releases. She wasn’t even going to question how he managed to get good copies of them.
She enjoyed her night with her girlfriends. It was nice to just relax and have fun with them, to forget about everything else for a while and let loose with plenty of alcohol.
‘Come onnnnn, Chloe. My sex life has been dull for the last few years, so spill. He looks kinky, I bet he is into all kinds of kinky shit!’ Georgie giggled, sipping her drink.
Poor Chloe groaned and put her hands over her face.
‘Spill!’ Amanda joined in.
‘It’s… Not… I dunno. Can we just change the subject?’
‘You’re blushing! There’s something!’ Amanda screeched excitedly and jumped onto her friend. ‘Tell us!’
‘No, no, no.’ Chloe tried to push Amanda off while also trying not to spill her drink.
Eventually Chloe managed to change the subject away from Loki and his dominant, kinky side that she didn’t really want to share with her friends.
When they decided to call it a night, they all headed upstairs and were pretty drunk. Chloe gave Amanda and Georgie her bed while she took the large sofa in the corner.
But she’d forgotten one thing… Amanda was one hell of a snorer when she’d been drinking. Georgie had passed out straight away, but Chloe was struggling to get to sleep with what sounded like a pig coming from her bed.
She groaned in frustration and sat up, head in her hands. She sighed and then dragged herself off the sofa, with her blanket wrapped around her she quietly crept out of her room and down the hall. She couldn’t believe she was about to seek him out… But, well, here she was at his door now.
Taking a deep breath, she was about to knock but then decided against that in-case he was asleep. But would he want her to just enter? Would he be pissed off? Maybe she should just go back to her room, or downstairs to the living room, perhaps…
She was toying in her mind with what to do, she never heard Loki coming up behind her from down the hall. So when a hand landed on her shoulder, she let out a screech and turned around, eyes wide, but she relaxed when she saw it was Loki.
‘Sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to startle you.’ He eyed her up and down, wondering why she had a blanket wrapped around her. ‘What are you doing?’
‘I… I… couldn’t sleep. Amanda is snoring like a trooper. She always does when she’s been drinking. I was coming to see if I could… maybe… sleep with you… But then I thought you might be asleep, I didn’t want to disturb you. Then I wasn’t sure about bugging you, if you’d even want me tonight or not.’ She rambled quickly.
Loki grinned and reached out to hold her chin, he brushed his thumb against her cheek. ‘Why would I mind having you sleep with me?’
‘I… Don’t know.’ She breathed out heavily, then frowned. ‘What are you doing up at this time?’
‘I was working late on a conference call with an acquaintance in Australia. Time differences can be a pain in the ass.’ Loki put his hand to her back and opened his bedroom door, guiding her inside.
‘Do you have a lot of acquaintances all around the world?’ Chloe asked.
‘I do indeed. It can be both a blessing and a curse.’ Loki said as he started to undress.
Chloe got into his bed and got comfortable under the covers, leaving her blanket behind on the floor. She looked over and watched as he took off his tie.
‘Well, it’s a blessing because it’s nice to travel, see different countries. And a curse because of nights like this, when I have to stay up late just to converse with someone.’ He looked over at her and flashed a toothy grin when he saw she was watching him somewhat intently. ‘Although, it was rather delightful to find you waiting at my bedroom door.’ He winked at her as he started undoing the buttons on his shirt.
‘Do you travel abroad often?’ Chloe asked, looking away from him, she lay down and tried to just look up at the roof.
‘Every few months or so. I have my own jet, so it’s easy enough to travel even just for shorter business trips if necessary.’ Loki said as he folded his clothes over the back of a chair and then got into bed next to her.
‘Of course you do.’ Chloe said louder than she had meant to.
‘What’s that suppose to mean?’ Loki asked as he suddenly came into her view, looming over her. His hair cascaded down, tickling her face.
‘I… I just mean that it should be expected you’d have your own jet. You seem to have everything else.’ She trailed off quietly.
Loki chuckled as he gathered her wrists into one hand and pinned them straight up above her as he leaned down and kissed her neck.
‘Mmm, I certainly do have everything.’ He chuckled against her lips.
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(Open Rp) Spring, Romance, Toontown Au, And Who Framed Rodger rabbit Au in"A Fox In the Rabbits Hole"
Long Time Ago, Where Saphira was Sitting On the Couch in the Middle Of the Night Waiting her sorry ass Excuse Boyfriend to come home, Now She told Him that He needs to be Home by 9:oo Pm..But now It's Midnight and She is Completely and utterly Worried Sick. Her Boyfriend Is Named James Baxter, You See All he Does is Drink Alchol and also causing so much troubles and whats worst of all among every Girlfriends Nightmare is Sleeping around Her Arch Bully From Highschool Name Claudia Cobra. As She was Waiting For her Drunken Boyfriend home, She sees Him entering her Home as she Turns on the lamp light With an angry Look of her Face and Crossed her arms. As you can See that James was a Really a Mess and Smells like beer and perfumes by Claudia...Then Angerly Saphira said...
Saphira: Where The Devil Have you been? I've Been Extremely Worried Sick! an-*Smells him* Oh God! You Smell Like Booze and Claudia Written all over it! Have you Been Cheated on me again!?
James: No my love.. Have "YOU" been cheated on me lately?
Saphira: *Slapped His face* Don't You Dare Accuse me Of Something that I Don't "That" To you.. and you Know it..I can't Believe your Sleeping With my Enemy! Thats it Mister, If you Don't Stop Cheating on me and act Like a Gentleman, then I Had No Choice but making you Sleep in the Basement! Because I'm Sick and Tired Of Being "Abandoned" And being Cheated On By You!.. Cause If I Find Out that Claudia Is pregnant With your kid, You Are Finished! Ya Hear Me!? Finished!
James: But babe
Saphira: No Buts Mister! You March That Basement Right Now Mister! I Don't Want to hear Your Excuse!
Then James Shamefully Walk Down to the basement to sleep on the old bed where the Aquarium was there. Then next Morning, Saphira was about had it With James Little troubling Buisness. And then She sees james Going about to be out from the Door.
Saphira: And Just Where Do you think your Going?
James: Oh Just Going Shopping for Food
Saphira: Oh No You Don't! Your going to See Claudia again Didn't you!?
James: Umm n-n-no
Saphira: LIAR! I expect you to come home At 3 pm and I Forbid you to See that Horrible Devil Woman Again! You hear me!? Your Sleeping with my Enemy!... I will Not Allow it!
James: *Sighs* fine Fine.. I'll Go Shop and come back at 3 pm...
Saphira: Good Cause If you Don't Right now! You are in Serious trouble With me! And your Going to have a LONG, SERIOUS, TALK!.. Understand?
James: Yes dear..
And Just Like that, he left But...Hours later and its Pass 3 pm..Where can he be?...Is he Doing Something that "He" Is Not Suppose too?...Saphira Started To get Angrier and Angrier..Then She told herself That she's Had Enough,, She Storms out and Find James. She Knew Where he was.. at Claudia's House..She Kicked the Door and In her bedroom She saw james making love With  Claudia, Her eyes was widen and Made a Loud gasp.. And then Her face grew red in anger and steam Comes out of her fox ears and She said....
Saphira: JAMES P. BAXTER!!!!!!
James Stopped with a Shocking look of his Face and so does Claudia..
James: S-s-s-s-saph! I-it's not what it looks like!
Saphira: Oh really?!.. then How Could you Making Love with my Enemy Behind my Freakin Back!?
Then Claudia Giggles with a Sick Sinister Smiles and she said
Claudia: Oh poor Little Fox...Haven't you heard?
Saphira; Heard What? What Did He Do and Not telling me?
Claudia: You See~ I'm Pregnant With his~ and I'm only 6 months pregnant
Saphira; *Pause and Grew angrier and eyes Twitched* YOU DID WHAT!!!???
James: uummm.. S-s-suprise??
Then Saphira's Snapped and Smack James Right off of Claudia and She Slapped Claudia and bash her Face on the Nightstand in anger.. and She grabbed James by the Hair and Storm into her Home as she threw him to the Couch as She is Completely and Utterly Furious and she said
Saphira: Alright Mister, Out With it!
James: Ok Ok!... I Impregnate her... and i love her, and want to have a child with her...and I can't afford.. so I...Used you for money...
Saphira Could not believe her Ears and Her eyes... She became So Viciously Angry and said
Saphira: YOU.........GET......OUT.....OF.....MY.....HOME.....NOOOOOOOWW!!!!!
James: B-b-but-
Then Saphira Booted Him out of her home and throws his Stuff and Clothes and She said "IT"S OVER!! THE KID IF YOURS! WE ARE FINISHED!!! " She Slammed the Door..her anger however took a Turn into a Hurt..Betrayed...and Sadness... Months pass,, She fell into a Despair.. Until.. The Commercial Shows about decided to Live in toontown..
???: Are you tired Of Living with a Sad and Lonely Life? Are you Single and Betrayed by your Love ones and wanted to start a Fresh life?
Saphira: Hmm.. I think So..
???: Then Come on Down to Toontown, Where Every toon is welcome a New Commer, No Matter where your from and What are you, You Alway be welcome to Live and Be Happily.
After the Commercials...She thought that It was Right.. She got to Start fresh,, So She began to Call a Special Agent to have a Nice Luxurious home in Toontown...After all Saphira's Rich all the time and She Knew it...The Next day.. She pack her stuff and her Belongings and head to the Nice place..When she arrives toontown is the best and most Weirdest thing kitsune has ever seen.. to her it was the Most "Weirdest Spirit world" Known to man..
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.and she sees a Nice Luxurious home where the Park was Not far from here, She was So happy That her Life is Just a Beginning Fresh and good...Then She made a New friends...month later.. She got an Invitation from her good penpal Friend Name jessica rabbit, She knew her For years of being a Penpal,, and Now She is invited to the Place Called "Ink and Paint Club",, 
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So She goes in with a Nice and Beautiful Dresses for girl night out...as she sits down on her VIP Booth Just for her..it's a heartshape one.. then.. the Show starts and saw......
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unanuvola · 4 years
alright so i read your lipstick fic with sonny and it was absolutely b e a u t i f u l! i was just wondering if you could write something similar but with that the reader ASKED him to put on the lipstick and how he might react? totally fine if you don’t want to! no pressure!
Hey Anon! Thank you so much for reading I see your true colors (and that's why I love you) and for writing this message. I'm glad you like it and I really hope that you'll like this new story too. I'm really sorry for taking so long to write it, but (finally) here it comes!
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(gif: @rynewind)
When Sonny came out from his home studio, he found you spread on the sofa with your face hypnotized on your phone. He rolled his eyes and continued on to the kitchen, stretching his limbs and back. Now that he was an ADA and his poor ass was stuck to a chair most of the day, he realized that he desperately needed to do something for his body and maybe, if he was lucky, you could join him.
He drank some water, then he sat down thinking about all the possible sports you could accept to do and, speaking frankly, they could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Sonny still remembered when you two started dating and one day you said triumphantly that you paid an annual membership for a gym next home, but then you spent the entire year in his bed because 'you're ten thousand better than that boring cardio class'. The mere memory made his legs shaking. So, gym was cancelled.
Maybe some dance lessons could be the right answer, however a flashback hit Sonny hard like a slap on his face. Rafael invited the squad in a cosy Cuban restaurant for his birthday, obviously Sonny asked to him if could invite you because he desperately wanted to show his friends the wonderful girl he had started dating. The conditions were good for a perfect night and perhaps he could find the courage to bring you to his home for the first time, but then the cosy restaurant turned out to be a place where after midnight the owners moved the tables away and people could actually dance salsa with a band playing live in the background. After a few tries and your don't worries every time he stepped on your toes, he spent the rest of the night watching you dancing with Rafael. Obviously you didn't went to his place and Sonny had to settle for jerking off at the thought of a threesome with you and Barba. Sonny shook his head like to erase that disastrous night from his memory. Dance lessons were cancelled, too.
Then, like a miracle, he remembered that time where you asked him, smirking, "What do you think if I start yoga? Maybe if I become a little more flexible it'll be more fun doing you know what…". This idea was quickly abandoned just like Sonny's fantasies of your legs spread open while he was pounding you deep.
"What do you think of signing up for a partner yoga class?" he asked, joining you in the living room.
You hummed vaguely, your eyes fixed on the phone and fingers fast scrolling on the screen. Sonny looked at you with a mix of resignation and amusement. No matter how long he has known you, he'll always be genuinely amazed at your hyperfixation on the most varied things.
When you two first met, you were obsessed with Rule & Method: special case unit, in which a young and inexperienced detective, between one case and another, fell in love with a sarcastic and grumpy Puerto Rican ada. At the first you were reluctant to open up with Sonny, but a night he invented you home, asking you if you wanted to catch up the new episode of Rule & Method and you didn't make him say it twice. As soon as the episode ended, you began to throw up all your excitement on him and he was so glad that you felt comfortable to share that part of you with him. Sonny still remembered the moment he confided you that he was @thisdetectivelovesthepuertoricanada on ao3, the surprise on your face, your sparkle eyes and your bright red cheeks. You were so beautiful and Sonny was getting so hard by all your praises on his fanfictions that he pulled you toward himself and started to kissed you passionately.
After that you passed from watching all the musicals starring Raúl Esparza to reading the erotic saga of Tiffany Reisz in just four days and now you're obsessed by two Italians guys, a singer and his guitarist, who kissed at the Sanremo song festival. Obviously Sonny knew all these informations because you told them as soon as you saw a gifset on that hellsite called Tumblr. From that moment you started to listen to their song at least ten thousand times a day and to complain because you couldn't read fanfictions about them because you didn't speak a single word of Italian.
Sonny sat on the sofa and put your head on his legs, starting to stroke your hair. You finally laid down your phone and your eyes met with his, a smile spread on your faces.
"I still don't get what you find attractive about these two…"
"I thought your standard in men was higher, babe. Two charming men fighting patriarchy in fancy clothes and a glam makeup, kissing in a worldwide broadcast. Yeah, what's attractive about this? Maybe you have to start following them on Instagram," you answered, with closed eyes, enjoying his fingers caressing your scalp, "Did you watch the video where the singer put a red lipstick on guitarist lips? Hot."
"I didn't know you had a thing for men wearing makeup. If I've known, I would have told you about my punk rock band in high school. Leather jacket, a lot of black pencil under my eyes and yes, even lipstick. I think my mom has some pictures somewhere, next Sunday I'll show you!"
At those words, you sat up and looked to Sonny, who didn't know what was going on, but he knew for sure that you were ready to ask him something. He could tell by the way your eyes was shining and by that cute and lovely pout on your lips. Oh, how he would like to kiss away that pout and make you feel with his hands how much he loved you.
"I have a tons of questions that I want to ask you about that period of your surprising life, but right now most important one is," you cleaned your throat, "you have no problem with wearing makeup on you beautiful face, right?" you asked, your hand on his cheeks while you were gently stroking his lips with your thumb.
Sonny's heart was about to explode. You couldn't understand how much he loved feeling your fingers on his skin, just a little touch like that could take him off to the seventh heaven. "Of course not!" he said, trying to hide his state of bliss.
As soon as he pronounced those few words, you popped right up on your feet and run to the bedroom, leaving your boyfriend clueless about what you'll want to do. The wait was short because after just a few minutes later you run back, also risking to slip on the floor. Sonny was ready to catch you and tell you for the nth time that running through the apartment with just your socks wasn't a good idea, but then he heard your laugh as you sat on his lap and things went back to normal.
"So doll, what are you up to?"
"This!" you exclaimed, waving in front of him a lipstick. With a loud pop, you remove the cap, "A rich dark burgundy lipstick perfect for your pale skin and beautiful blue eyes."
Sonny couldn't react to these compliments because you were already astride on him, trapping his legs between your thighs. First you passed the sleeve of your hoodie on his lips for drying them, then you began to apply it.
So cute, Sonny thought looking at you. A small frown among your eyebrows, eyes fixed on his mouth while gently beating your lips. He could spend hours looking at you concentrated on the things you loved just like when you go down on him and you're too focused on his pleasure that you even forget about your own satisfaction. Suddenly Sonny felt his pants tightened.
"Et voilà!"
"How am I looking?"
"Handsome, as usual."
"Thanks," and he launched himself, open mouthed, toward you.
"Easy babe! You don't want to ruin your makeup, right?" you asked. Sonny was about to answer, but you were already on your feet, in front of him, "Ah, about the yoga partner thing… Yes, I can give it a chance. In fact, it just so happens that I know some positions that I can't wait to teach you."
"The sun salutation?"
"No, I was talking about the doggy one and maybe you can also smear that lipstick on me."
Sonny was really satisfied with that answer. In no time, he scooped you and put you on his shoulder, your ass up in the air. A loud spank made you yelped in surprise.
"I think that tonight we'll have the time to do a little bit more than just that. Prepare yourself for revisiting the entire kamasutra." and with that Sonny closed the door of your bedroom.
Thanks for reading ♡
the two Italians guy are Achille Lauro and Boss Doms and the gifs are here and here
Read Tiffany Reisz's books!
English isn't my first language, please forgive any mistakes.
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ton-e · 4 years
Little details about the 513 Thunderfam that make me really happy/intrigued me a lot and deserve to be talked about more sksksk
Everyone thought Borr may suffer of insanity not because of the general shittiness he caused, but because he wasn't fateful to Bestla and didnt even thought of her as beautiful, objective or otherwise
As a child, Hel was described as 'fragile' and 'delicate' for his softness towards animals, children, elderly, and so an so. It's said he was a very sensitive boy who couldn't even stand the sight of ants being stepped on and cried immediately when anyone was bullied so he made Odin promise to keep conflicts at bay (Odin did, even if he knew it was outside his control)
But he was also a little shit who pulled pranks as often as sun raised, especially on rich Lords. He enjoyed pranking his family the most because his tricks and schemes made Bestla laugh, which she didn't do a whole lot of. It was especially funny when magic came into play because the sight of Odin and Bestla trying to give diplomatic speeches with blue hair and Santa Claus beard is a sight EVERYONE should enjoy
That being said IDUNN was very fucking rowdy and liked to roundhouse anything she got her energetic little hands on, from some poor kid not knowing what they were getting into all the way to the Queens Guard who became Fearful KSKSKKS
Most of her pastime is spend either coloring on the Castle walls because it's the only place big enough to fit her ideas, or teaching princesses how to break someone's neck with the material of their dresses and go skyriding with her Pegasus until they were sick
.When she wanted to spend extra time with Freyja, she'd pay cleaning maidens to inform her she was running around the training grounds with the Valkyries knowing her mom would stop the meeting she was caught into, pick up the ends of her royal dresses and chase her around and she did everytime skksks
Skuld is basically the cool aunt that gives you your first joint, never married, slides you a 100 dollar bill when your parents aren't looking, is like "who's bothering you?? That little shit??? Alright let's go kick his ass", most likely a lesbian, loves her grandkids to death and jokingly says she has favorites that change according to favors she needs jsksk
Her and Balder have a love hate relationship, you just KNOW they do. Balder enjoys her presence because it annoys Borr, and Skuld likes anyone who can match her in wits. They greet eaxhother like "Good day wench" "Looking good for once in your life, shithead"
Once, when Odin and Freyja were 10, they broke into the Castle's supply of drinks and wanted to try the wine that won Borr such fame. They were caught by Shaggydog who ends up giving them both a wack upside the head and a promise to tell Bestla about this bc fuck you kids we do not need anymore drunks in this household sksksk
Freyja knows for a FACT Bestla is a worse fate than Borr so she makes him a deal: If he can drink more than them, they'll follow without complaint. If they outdrink him, he has to cover for them when they do play raids in the city. Shaggydog is ofc like, I drank with an entire army supplied by the God of drunkards himself I think I can manage
It takes Odin less than one goblet before he passes out. Freyja makes sure to stick her tongue out at the knight later that week as they sneak out of the Castle and doesn't stay long enough to see Shaggydog giving her the bird sjsjs
It's?? Very uncommon for Bestla to be anything other than stoic, Its a practiced controlled only southern ladies have but also a frosty camouflage she learned early, when she was first dropped in Asgard and knew no one and nothing. She's a Queen loved by many, and she loves her people just fine, but it's a one at a million time occurrence to catch a glimpse of the smile she saves only for her children, Skuld and Shaggydog, her laugh even more of a rarity. The only one that made her laugh out loud was Eitri and Hel :>>
It doesn't matter how taller and older he gets, Odin is still referred to as "little lion" by his mom and Skuld and I think that's adorable skksks
Farbauti just,,, Inviting himself to Borrs party KNOWING Borr hates him, therefore he didn't extend an invitation to him but the man has a 5'11 wolf mama besides him and a very sharp sword what are you gonna do
"Entertainment women" seeing Odin fresh out of battle and pushing their titties around for him to say, I only love my mama and my horse I'm sorry-
The crowns three talking about the times they first broke rules after getting away from the party.
"Well I had that whole anarchy and stabbing the maker I never met thing for a while, like that happened"
"When I was 5 one of my tutors gave me a bad grade on a paper, so I learned her handwriting and sent words of marriage annulment to her husband. Turns out that was lover and her actual husband found out, so yeah, I kinda ruined her life"
Odin just looks around as if to check if someone was listening, Frigg and Farbauti prepare to hear something really bad but Odin, eyes big and serious, remorseful even, says "When I was small, I stole a chicken leg from the kitchens before dinner bells rang" he doesnt get why they're laughing he spent at least half the evening in the corner KWKWK
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averyrogers83writes · 5 years
Dreaming of a White Christmas
Title: Dreaming of a White Christmas (Part 1) Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Angst (more like fluffy angst), fluff Pairings: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 1702 Summary: Every year you hope to go back home and be with your family for Christmas, but every year you find yourself being asked to work.  Will this be the year your Grinch of a boss lets you go home or will you be stuck once again doing his dirty work. A/N: A little something for @interestedbystander #interestedbystander 12 Days of Christmas Challenge
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Each year you make a promise to your family that this will be the one where you will finally make it home for Christmas, and each year you were forced to work instead.  It had been five years since you had been home to see the family and you were dying to get back. You missed everything about this time of year.  From cold “feel it in your bones” weather to the singing of Christmas carols with your friends and family. 
You grew up in the “Windy City” where every year you and your family would go out the day after Thanksgiving and hunt down the biggest Christmas tree you could find and spend the day decorating it. Each year you’d swear you found one bigger than the last.  
During the day you and your brothers would go out and build a snowman or have snowball fights with your friends until your mom invited you in from the cold with a big mug of hot cocoa and marshmallows in front of the fireplace. 
No matter how old you got you always looked forward to those moments. Snowball fights with your brothers seemed to get more intense and competitive, but you didn’t care.  You still stayed out till your mom called you in with a hot mug of cocoa.  
Everything changed though when you decided to move to Los Angeles for work. That’s when you met him, James Buchanan Barnes; sexy, smart, rich, and the biggest ass of a boss you had ever met.  
Since you had started working for him, he had you doing everything from picking up his laundry to making sure the flavor of the week had exited and left nothing behind.  You were miserable, and when Christmas rolled around and you find yourself being forced to work instead of going home.  The thought of going home for Christmas and being with your family and friends was the only thing that got you through the year with the boss from hell. 
For the past five years it was the same.  Mr. Barnes promising you a week off for the holidays only to come back and tell you that he needed you for some special project or that there were important papers that needed to be done before the end of the year or the job would fall through, and each year you’d swear it was your last and that no matter what you were going to go home, but then you’d chicken out and end up staying there to help him.  
Maybe it was the way he’d bring out those big blue puppy dog eyes when he’d ask you to stay.  Or maybe the way he smelled when he got close to you while you worked, or the way his smile made you weak in the knees.  Yeah he was the boss from hell alright.   No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop thinking about him.  You knew you didn’t have a chance with him and besides he was your boss.  All you wanted was a little time away so you could get over him and move on.  
This year, no matter what it was going to happen.  You had your plane ticket ready and your bags were packed.  You didn’t care if you didn’t have a job to come back to, you were determined to finally go home and be with your family.  
You gathered the files the two of you had been working on for the last month, along with his morning cup of coffee and headed to his office and made up your mind that you were going to give him an ultimatum.  Either he gives you the next two weeks off or you were going to quit.  
Mr. Barnes was staring at his computer when you walked in with a grim look on his face, a look you knew all too well. 
“Mr. Barnes I have the project reports ready for you” you stated as you laid them on his desk. 
James glanced up at you and smiled.  “Thanks Y/N, what would I do without you.” 
“Oh I’m sure you’d manage just fine.” 
“No, no I wouldn’t.  Without you I’d be lost.” 
You managed a smile and could feel the dread building up inside.  You knew what was coming next and you could feel your will falter.  No! Not this year.  This year you were going home. 
“Mr. Barnes ...tomorrow is Christmas Eve and…” 
“Oh is it?” was Bucky’s response as he continued to stare at his computer. 
“Yes sir, and I was going to ask to leave early so that I could make my flight home.” 
“You know I can’t do that. This is the busiest time and I need you here.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.  You knew if you looked at him you wouldn’t find the strength to do what you needed. 
“Then I quit” you couldn’t believe the words had left your lips, and as much as you didn’t want to you had to.  This was the last straw.  
“You can’t quit. I need you.” 
“And I need to go home. I need to be with my family who I haven’t seen since I started working for you. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing this.” You didn’t give him a chance to say another word before turning around and walking out.  You didn’t know what you were going to do, but right now all you cared about was going home. 
 You were standing outside the home you grew up in, unable to believe that you had finally made it there. The moment you walked into the house you could smell the familiar scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate. Your dad was sitting in front of the t.v., your mom in the kitchen doing her holiday baking, and Max their Alaskan Husky lay by the fire.  
“Merry Christmas” you called from the doorway startling your parents.  
Your mother rushed from the kitchen covered in flour and wrapped her arms around you, while your dad crushed you in a big bear hug til you had to beg him to stop so you could breath.  You had missed this.
“I can’t believe your home.” your mom smiled with tears in her eyes. 
“I know, I would have called, but I wanted to surprise you.” 
“That you did.” 
“Harold take her bags upstairs and let her get some rest before everyone gets here” she demanded. 
You followed him upstairs to your old room, where your mom insisted on keeping everything just as you had left them. 
“Get some rest, pumpkin. Everyone will be here around six for dinner.” Your dad looked at you again and smiled, still unable to believe that his little girl was home. 
When you came down for dinner you were greeted by your brothers Ben and Jake, their wives, and each of their four kids.  It was no surprise that your nieces and nephews barely recognized you, you hadn’t seen them since the day they were born. 
Just as you were about to sit down to dinner you heard a knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it!” you called.  
When you opened it you couldn’t believe who standing there on your parent’s porch. 
“What are you doing here?”                                                                                           
“Y/N, I’m sorry I…” Bucky stammered, he was clearly not used to cold weather. 
“Who’s at the door?” your mother called as she rounded the corner.  
“It’s my boss, Mr. Barnes.” you managed, still shocked at seeing him there. 
“Well let the poor man in before he freezes to death.” Your mom shot daggers at you as she spoke.
“I kind of wish he would.” you mumbled as you stepped aside allowing for Bucky to come out of the cold, where he immediately beelined for the fireplace to warm himself.  
“What are you doing here Mr. Barnes.” 
Bucky warmed his hands and shifted through his thoughts to find the right words. “Look I’m sorry..I was an ass. I shouldn’t have fired you.” 
“You didn’t fire me. I. Quit. remember” you replied through clenched teeth.  
“Alright fine, but you can’t quit. I need you.”  Bucky gave you that million dollar smile that you could never resist. 
“No, I’m serious I quit. I can’t work for you anymore.” 
“Y/N please reconsider. We can renegotiate your contract.”  This was the first time you ever saw Bucky plead with you this way and you kind of liked it. 
You closed your eyes and out a heavy sigh “Fine, but we’ll discuss this after the new year. Now if you’ll excuse me.” 
Your mom seemed to have impeccable timing.  “So is your friend staying for dinner?” 
“No!” you blurted. There was no way you wanted your smart, sexy, pain in the ass boss near your family. 
“Sure, I’d love to stay.” Bucky smirked as he followed your mom to the dining room.  
“What lord, why me?” you cursed under your breath.  
Somewhere between the passing of the dinner rolls and getting dessert your mom had convinced Bucky to stay in the spare bedroom for the night.  
 After the kitchen was clean you headed up to get the spare room situated for Bucky.  You didn’t say a word to him when he came into the room. All you could hope was by morning he would be gone and you would be able to enjoy your Christmas. 
The next morning you woke up and looked outside your window to find that it had snowed overnight.  Everywhere you looked was covered in white.  Still in your flannel pj’s you jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, throwing on your snow boots and coat as you rushed outside into the snow.  
You dove into the snow and began making a snow angel.  You had forgotten how much you missed snow until now.  It was like you were a kid again and you just found out school was closed for a snow day. 
You had forgotten all about Bucky showing up out of the blue, until you opened your eyes to find him staring down at you with those blue/grey eyes and that million dollar smile.  
@interestedbystanderwrites​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @shield-agent78​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @mychemicalimagines​ @drakelover78​ 
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ultradiplr · 5 years
Stress Relief
Plot: You notice the head butler of the estate you’ve been invited to has had a rough night and offer to help him relieve his stress.
Tags: Age Difference. Size Difference. Master/servant dynamics. Oral. Fingering. Penetration. Reader is Gender Neutral but is referred to as Sir as an honorific because Idk, I didn’t feel like thinking too hard about it.
A/N: Prompt provided by the Sigma Server and voted on by my lovely followers on Twitter, head over there yourself to see art and vote in the next poll if you’d like! Twitter.
Company get togethers are always sort of awkward, but when its hosted at the founder’s estate it just adds a whole new layer of unpleasantness. Although you were technically nothing more than a file pusher at the lower levels of the company you won a lottery draw to join with the bosses and executives to said founder’s estate and you dreaded the idea the moment your name was announced.
You did not belong around those sorts of people, rich assholes that just had a knack for ordering people around or the types of people willing to kiss up enough to join them, and you felt completely isolated as you stood in the nicest thing you owned alone at the back of a large party room filled to the brim with fancy business types all wearing suits that probably costs more than your entire life savings.
You were sure no one would realize you left if you just walked out right now, no one except maybe your boss but they were off rubbing shoulders with their boss’s boss so maybe not, but you stayed anyway. One because free food was free food, and two because well… you hated to admit it, but the owner sure had some fine looking help.
Especially the head butler. An older man, insanely tall and broad, with sharp but still soft features and gorgeous grey-periwinkle eyes that dazzled as if filled with stars. It was embarrassing how quickly you became smitten from simply laying eyes on him as he greeted everyone as they came in through the door, it was more embarrassing how quickly filthy thoughts entered your brain when he held your hand in his gloved ones in a polite handshake.
You always had a thing for older or bigger men, and this guy was the complete package. God, you wanted to run your hands through his cute greying hair and hold onto his shoulders for dear life and kiss his pointed nose but alas, you did not have that sort of confidence. So you contented yourself with simply staying and taking your fill of him from afar for tonight.
Not very afar though, he was good at his job and came by to ask if things were alright quiet often, perhaps seeing you alone as a sign of a problem. You usually just answered him with a quick “I’m fine, thank you.” when he asked, and a simple “No, thank you.” when he offered you a glass of wine. You blushed hard every time he came around with something new and he spoke to you in his rich, sweet voice, and every time you made sure to thank him for his offers, especially as you noticed more and more people simply waving him off without so much as a glance.
You felt bad for him as the night slowly winded on and you noticed he started to look a little frustrated as he had to deal with increasingly rude guests. Disrespecting him, not answering him, and finally actually shouting at him, he took everything in stride but that last one really got to him, you could tell, as he apologized, turned on his heal, and walked out of the room. No one paid him any mind except the asshole who yelled at him who simply looked pleased at the abuse he inflicted before turning back to his group and chatting on like he’d done nothing wrong.
It boiled your blood but you weren’t in a position to stand up for the poor butler either, after all everyone here was technically your boss too. But you wanted to help the guy, he had been so thoughtful of you tonight, even if it was his job, so quickly you followed after him.
It took a bit to find him again, his stride so much bigger and faster than yours but when you did find him he was pacing around and looking as frustrated as ever. He didn’t seem to notice you, or any of the other help that shuffled past him quickly taking things to and from the party. He looked a bit disheveled and his hand combed through his hair as the other was gripping repeatedly into a fist. He was a lot more angry than you thought.
You stood a distance away from him, and coughed to get his attention, “Sir?” You said and he stopped in his angry pacing to look back at you, “I’m sorry for what happened back there, you didn’t deserve to get yelled at.” You said hesitantly.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes betraying his confusion even as his face stayed placidly angry. He blinked, sighed and composed himself as best he could, smoothing his hair back with one of his gloved hands.
“Thank you, I appreciate your concern.” He half smiled at you, the tire now coming out in his features. “But I advise you to return to the party, this area is restricted to staff only.” He said calmly, shifting easily back into his service voice.
You blushed and chuckled awkwardly looking around you realized you had no idea where you were, “Oh… um, alright.” Was that it? A simple thank you? Was he alright? You didn’t want to leave him stewing in negative emotion but at the same time you didn’t want to seem like you were pushing boundaries on this complete stranger.
“So it’s a left and then right, right?” You ask pointing behind you and he looked in that direction and back at you.
He sighed again and straightened himself out, “I’ll escort you back.” He said and you instantly felt bad, had you just interrupted what little break he wanted to take?
“No, it’s fine, thank you!” You say quickly, stepping back from him but he closes the distance between you instantly and takes your hand, wrapping your arm around his and leading you briskly back in the direction you came.
“No, no, I don’t want you getting lost, it wouldn’t be the first time a guest has and the onus is on me if you do anyhow.” He sounded a bit annoyed and it stung your heart, you didn’t want him to be angry with you, you just wanted to apologize and make him feel better.
“I’m serious about being sorry for what happened.” You say as you try to keep up with his gate, “You did a really good job tonight, you really didn’t deserve that yelling, I just wanted to know if you’re alright.” You spoke fast, mind slightly distracted with not tripping over your feet and falling flat on your face.
He stopped and you jolted a bit by the sudden lack of momentum, the party could be heard slightly muffled through the thick walls, perhaps only just right outside were it was being hosted. He looked down at you, his expression amused, tired, but amused.
“I’ve done this job for many, many years, that wasn’t anything I can’t handle on my own.” He says assuredly with a soft squeeze to your hand, though that doesn’t really make you any happier.
“At least take a break, please?” You ask up at him, for the first time in your life actually pouting, “You looked awfully stressed back there, I can show you a few ways to relax if you want.” You said with a touch to his chest.
He blinked at you as all expressions dropped from his face, and you looked at him confused for a moment before blushing hard with the realization about how that sounded. He seemed frozen, like he was unsure about what you said, and in truth you were unsure too.
“I-I know some breathing exercises.” You correct quickly, withdrawing your hand slightly. You saw his expression change slightly into.. Disappointment? Wait a second, he couldn’t have actually wanted…
“But there are other things too… if you want… I wouldn’t mind.” You added quickly after that, splaying your hand on his chest again, feeling his heartbeat under the thick layers of clothing.
You watched the cogs turn in his head and flush a little darker as his eyes quickly flick over you. He looks up at the entrance to the party and back at you and then he lets out a slightly shaky breath. Without a word he holds you a little tighter to him and leads you to another door in the hallway.
When he opens it he quickly ushers you inside before shutting the door and locking it behind him. You feel softness around you and are kind of freaked out before he turned on the light to reveal it’s just the coat room. You’re momentarily distracted from your handsome partner by the idea of being surrounded by so much money, but your attention is drawn back as he pulls you into him and lifts you so that he can latch onto your lips.
You moan into the kiss as he flexes his strength, holding you tightly against him with one hand firmly on your ass as the other hand threads it’s fingers in your hair. He’s frustrated and rough, devouring your moans as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cling to him desperately.
Your make out session did not last long, or did it? It was hard to tell, time felt so fake as you felt his tongue explore your mouth, but soon enough he pulled away, chuckling at your already disheveled appearance and wiping away the little saliva that followed him.
“Did that please you sir?” He asked cheekily and you felt a weird sort of feeling roll through you at the title.
“Y-yes.” You squeaked out and he chuckled giving your ass a squeeze before letting you down.
“I believe you wanted to show me how to relax, sir?” He said, the honorific dripping with pointed lust, and you gulped.
“I.. um.. I think you’re too tall… standing.” You stutter out, hands resting on his thighs and seeing easily if you were to get down on your knees you wouldn’t actually be able to reach him.
“What would you like me to do, sir?” That word was making your head swim, even if it was a respectful title it sounded more like a pet name in his tone.
“Sit?” You say unsure and he lowers himself to the floor instantly, keeping his legs wide to allow you room.
“Is this alright?” He asks as you settle between his legs and start to run your hands along his thick legs.
You nod, “Perfect.” You say a little breathlessly, and he chuckles, watching with amusement as your small hands feel up his calves and thighs.
The fabric of his uniform felt expensive too, soft and smooth and very breathable. He was warm to the touch and so very muscular. You wondered just what this uniform was hiding, but at the same time the sight of him sitting with his legs spread before you while still wearing such an outfit was much too delicious.
You ran your hands up his thighs, feeling them quiver just the slightest as your small hands roamed over them, and slowly felt up to his already hardening bulge. He felt hot to the touch, even through his pants as you cupped him, moving the fabric over him as you gave a few light tugs at him. He moaned softly and bit his lip, his face red and his eyes dilated in lust. As you felt him up you leaned down and kissed him over his pants, earning a satisfied sigh as a white gloved hands settled on your head, petting it softly.
You unzipped him enough to free him and you gasped when you pulled him out. He chuckled darkly at your expression and you felt your face heat up even more.
“Is it to your liking, sir?” He said smugly and your face reddened even more.
You could only nod, wide eyes and open mouth as you held is beautifully thick and long cock in your hands. It was heavy and hot and just so perfect with a thick vein running along the bottom that you thumbed as you stroked him experimentally. His hand flexed on your head a little but he made no move to rush you, settling back more as he watched your hand pump him slowly, taking him all in with your eyes.
You locked eyes with him as you lowered your head and licked a long stripe from his base to his tip, smiling when it pulled a delicious groan from him that hit you straight in your loins. You liked his head, swirling your tongue around it and lightly sucking on it as you jacked him, delighted to feel his hand grip into your hair.
“Sir.” He whined as you took him deeper into your mouth.
You knew no matter how much you wanted to take all of him you simply did not have enough time or luxury to adjust to him so you compensated for the extra inches with your hand as you took him as far as you could, moaning around him as he twitched in your throat. He smoothed your hair out of your face with his extra hand and before you could do anything both hands gripped your hair and forced your head up and off of him before slamming you back down onto his shaft.
You let him, drooling around him and lazily looking up at him, tears falling from your face as your hands abandoned their stroking to simply grip onto his pants. He was rough and obviously trying to just chase his own release regardless of your comfort though you noted he didn’t force you down any further than your limit. He bucked his hips into your mouth and delighted in the awful sounds that came from him fucking brutally into your rawing throat.
“You’re a natural, sir.” He bit out, the sir adding a strange and arousing layer to the  degradation. He was mocking you and it was so fucking good.
He pulled your head off of him and pulled you to him, smiling at the way your eyes rolled and locked on him, unfocused and dilated to hell, gasping for air through your rubbed raw lips. He kissed you, tender in comparison for his rough treatment.
You straddled his hips, locking him between you as he continued your make out session from before, only this time with a lot more biting and mumbling as his hands quickly grabbed and pulled you out of your clothes, stripping you completely while he still sat fully clothed.
As he tossed your shirt deeper into the closet he pulled back to admire you, eyes taking your in as his soft gloves caressed all your sensitive areas lovingly.
“Mooi.” the word drifted out of his lips breathlessly and although you didn’t know what he said it made you blush all the more harder.
You wanted to cover up, feeling exposed under his eyes and the fact he was still clothed but he simply did not let you, lightly swatting your hands away every time you tried. His hands smoothed over your sides and down to your hips where they rested and guided you to grind onto him a little. You grabbed onto his shoulders and mewled as you felt his hard shaft under you.
He thrusts lightly up into you as he watched you glide along him, precum dripping along himself and helping you slide smoothly even more. You whimpered when he lifted you a little high and you felt his tip ever so slightly catch into you before gliding back over you. He kissed your shoulder and whispered into your ear,
“Is this what you want, sir?” He tilted his hips and you felt him push up just a little into you and you gasped loudly, gripping on his shoulders so tightly your knuckles went white.
“Y-yes.” You huff out as you feel him glide over you again.
He chuckled darkly and leaned you back onto the floor so that he loomed over you. He smiled down at you, looking awfully menacing and sexy, all done up and proper still save for his slightly crooked bow tie and ruffled hair. He braced himself with one arm beside your head and with his other hand he brought it up to his mouth and removed it in one smooth motion. He spit the glove away to the side to be lost with your own clothing and delicately began to caress you again, no barrier between you and his skin now.
You writhed a little under him as he felt you up, running his fingers over your neck and shoulders and down the middle of your chest and over your stomach, teasingly stopping just at your waistline and skipping straight to your thighs that he pet lightly.
“Please.” You sighed raising your hips as his hand traveled higher up your inner thigh, “Please.” you pant as his hand lightly ghosts over were you want him to touch, “Please.” you moan when he finally does.
He leans in to capture your lips as you pull him close when his fingers finally enter you, wasting no time in stretching you out. It was a little painful but you didn’t care as you slowly adjusted, moving your hips along with his fingering, loving how deeply they hit inside you. His chest rumbled with moans as fingered your tight entrance and you squeezed down on him, the need to shove his cock into you growing by the second.
When he felt you prepped enough he took his fingers from you and grabbed onto himself, stroking himself a few times as he lined up with you. He gave you a look, making sure you were ready and with a nod he began to push into you. His other hand had to clamp down on your mouth as you let out a long, strained and loud whine as you felt him stretch you. You couldn’t stop it, the stretch just too much. Not bad, not bad at all, but just.. So much. You went ridgid at just his tip and he had to coo you into relaxing with kisses and soft words.
As he slowly worked inch by inch into you, you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching, the mixture of the feeling of being so full and his sweet attention being a dangerous concoction, and before he could even get halfway in you jolted with a sudden orgasm. He stopped instantly and a desperate, muffled cry was pulled from his throat as he felt you squeeze around him.
“Are you alright?” He asked with a huff, touching your face and waiting for you to snap back to reality.
“Y-yes, fuck, keep going.” You asked leaning into his touch and moving your hips to encourage him, helping him slip into you even more.
He groans and continues to push forward, bottoming out with a full body shiver and holding your hips tightly with his hand to keep you from squirming, trying to calm himself down long enough to actually start moving. You meanwhile grabbed and scratched and pulled on whatever you could reach, pulling him closer to kiss his face and feel around under his suit jacket. You felt so hot and overwhelmed in the best way, stretched wider than you ever had and completely addicted to the feeling already.
You were sure you’d be ruined for any other man after this.
When he started to move you nearly came again, the long, agonizing drag out forcing you to feel every little detail of him. You mewled and muffled yourself in his shoulder, biting down on the fabric there as he snapped his hips into yours harshly. He set an agonizing pace, slow out and hard in, making you lose your mind as you were pushed quickly toward another peak.
“Fuck” He barked as he felt you cum again but this time he did not stop, continuing to thrust into you as you quivered around you, dragging it out.
His hips picked up as he began to slide into you easier and easier as you relaxed and adjusted to him and soon your whole body was wrapped around him in an attempt to hold onto him as he pounded relentlessly into you. He kept his hand firmly on your mouth as every thrust pushed a moan out of you and his head was bowed harshly into your neck, his breath hot and quick on your skin as he huffed with every brutal thrust.
You heard mumbling from him but you couldn’t tell if it was English or Dutch, mind lost in the feeling of his thick cock.
When he came he bit down hard on his arm he was using to brace himself as he emptied a thick load into you with a full body shiver, continuing to fuck into you until it finally became too much and he stopped, panting and whining quietly.
“Thank you.” He says softly, breathlessly, and it hits you how tired and relieved he sounded, how much more… lively his voice sounded like this.
“You’re very welcome.” You say so softly, nuzzling into him with a wide and tired smile, warmth radiating through you.
After you had gotten redressed and presentable he helped you out and called a private driver to take you home, seeing that you had no reason to stay any longer.
“I do hope you enjoyed your short visit.” He said as helped you into the back of a very nice car.
“Yes, very much.” You say as you settle onto the nice leather seats.
Before he could shut the door you stopped him smiled, “If you ever need to relieve some stress again I’m always free.” You flirted.
He smiled, a beautiful genuine smile and nodded, “I’ll be sure to remember that on your next visit, sir.” He said with a wink and with that he closed the door.
Damn, guess you need to get a promotion asap.
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magisterlys · 5 years
Are you still taking those dialogue prompts? If so I’d love to see what you come up with for #45 (let’s get in trouble)!
Using prompts to fill in the gaps of previous stories is my new favorite thing. Thank you so much for the ask!
So, this takes placed sometime between the end of Season 4 and the start of the Icebrood Saga. It’s a few weeks after Totally Not a Date, and is the “night in Amnoon” mentioned in Chapter 8: Holding On
I hope you all enjoy! We could all use a little fun fluff right now.
45: Let’s Get in Trouble
“Commander. If you could keep yourself and your … associates on their best behavior during this event, I would be much obliged.”
Councilor Ayman. Her favorite. Lys accepted the councilor’s outstretched hand, grimaced inwardly as the councilor took it as an invitation to stand uncomfortably close and gave him a strained smile, “I assure you, Councilor, we all understand the importance of the night.”
“Yes, I’m quite sure that you do. But, you have a personal habit of instigating a scene, Commander, and we can’t have - ” Ayman stopped speaking as something over Lys’s shoulder caught his eye. The color drained from his face for a moment and he dropped her hand, cleared his throat. “Please excuse me. There are many guests who wish to speak with me.”
“Yes of …” Lys trailed off as the Councilor turned and made a hasty exit, “... course?” What in the world had spooked him?
“That guy pisses me off.” 
Lys gave a start and turned around to discover Braham right behind her. He was standing to his full, impressive height with his arms crossed over his chest, eyes following Councilor Ayman through the crowd. She understood now what had caused the council to scurry off so quickly. “Braham, you can’t go frightening diplomats. Even if they are former Joko sympathizing snakes in the grass.”
“Yeah, well.” He uncrossed his arms and looked down at her, “I was just standing here. If he took me as a threat that’s his problem.”
“Uh huh.”
“Best behavior, my ass …” He grumbled,  “Instigating a scene. After all you’ve done for these people.” 
Lys laughed softly as she turned toward Braham. She reached up to straighten the grey fur collar of his coat, brushed her hand down his sleeve. 
Braham arched a brow and shifted uncomfortably under her attentions, “Am I presentable?”
“You’re always presentable, Braham. Well … mostly always.” Lys smirked as he narrowed his eyes at her. He really was more than presentable, she had to admit. He’d traded his rugged dark leather and armor for an oxblood colored coat of supple suede that cut slim around his waist, highlighting his physique in a way that was honestly a bit distracting.  “But I do appreciate that you agreed to dress for the night. I know you hate it as much as I do.”
“Yeah. I uh …” He was still looking down at her, standing as close as she was, but had to glance away as he continued, “You look nice. Though it’s hard to look at you when you’re wearing that … whatever it is. From up here, I mean.”
“It’s a corset, Braham.” She chuckled, but adjusted the neckline of her filmy green blouse embarrassedly regardless. “They’re as uncomfortable as they look.”
Braham cleared his throat, glanced at her again, “Comfortable wouldn’t be the first word I thought of to describe how you look, no.” 
“Careful.” She warned, a smirk playing at the corner of her lips, “I might have to accuse you of flirting with me again.”
“Spirits forbid. I’d be in all kinds of trouble if I did that.”  
“Best behavior, remember?” She gave him a wink. 
Before he could reply, Councilor Ayman reappeared with a half dozen well dressed men and women in tow, “Commander!” Ayman paused to glance at Braham, then pointedly shoved his way in between the norn and the commander, “Allow me to present a few of our more generous benefactors.”
Lys put on her best attempt at a diplomatic smile as the turned toward the councilor and his entourage. She felt Braham’s hand brush against her back and then caught him tossing her a grin as he made his way across the room. 
The rest of the evening passed excruciatingly slow. The commander was passed off from one council member to another, introduced to more delegates of various parties than she could possibly keep straight. She kept catching glimpses of Braham. There he was whispering with Canach over a Sandstorm table, the sylvari’s grin setting off alarm bells in her head. She caught him again speaking with an amused looking Marjory, and more than once swore she saw him palm something into the recesses of his coat. She’d seen him empty more than a few glasses of brightly colored drinks offered to him by the passing servers, and if a drunk Braham was up to something she needed to extract herself from these endless introductions and platitudes and remove him from public. 
But where had he gone? She tried to subtly look for the others in the crowd as she nodded to half-ignored conversations. Kas and Jory were dancing quite close on the other side of the room. There were Taimi and Gorrick, drawing a small crowd as they talked enthusiastically. Rytlock, looking extra grumpy while a pair of Elonians tried to engage him in conversation. And Canach … where was Canach. 
“You cheated! Again!” An angry voice rose up from across the room. 
“I assure you that your poor luck is not my fault. Any more than your wife’s poor choice in men is hers.” 
Canach found. Voices continued in an angry crescendo until a table was upended, sending cards and coins scattered across the ground and an eager crowd gathering to watch the entertainment with faux repugnance. 
Lys sighed exasperatedly and turned, intending to fight her way through the crowd and extract the sylvari before things got out of hand.  But as she turned she felt a familiar presence close behind her and then Braham spoke in her ear, near enough to feel his breath on her cheek. “Let’s get in trouble.”
She spun around, preparing to berate him but he was grinning broadly, his green eyes sparkling and somehow her admonishments died in her throat. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back away from the crowd. Behind her she could still hear raised voices, the sound of Canach’s dry, snide tone doing nothing to calm the situation. But Braham was dragging her away, out of the room, “Braham, what are you … we can’t just … “
“Sorry, Commander. You’re being kidnapped, not your fault.” 
“Braham!” She laughed, following close behind him as they began up a set of stairs. “I’m not sure if this could pass for kidnapping, I appear to be following rather willingly.”
Braham stopped, turned on the stair ahead of her and gave her a deep look of consideration. That was perhaps not the best joke to make, she realized too late. 
“Good point.” He lunged forward, grabbed the commander by her waist and Lys found herself being slung over his shoulder. 
“Braham!” This time she squealed with laughter, doing a poor job of sounding indignant as she slapped Braham's back,  “Put me down, you big oaf.”
“Oaf?!” He continued up the stairs as if the struggling human woman draped over his shoulder was nothing, “I came to your daring rescue and you call me an oaf?”
“Rescue?” She gave up her flailing, “I thought I was being kidnapped?”
“Oh. Right.” They’d reached the top of the stairs and emerged on the rooftop terrace. Braham lifted the commander off his shoulder, set her down on her feet, “Same difference.” 
“How are a kidnapping and a rescue the same -” She cut herself short, blinking around her. It was a beautiful night in Amnoon, the sky above was a rich purple painted with swaths of stars like jewels. The four broad fountains on the edge of the terrace sparkled cerulean in competition with the sea that stretched out toward the horizon. Set in the center of it all was a low table, piled with pilfered food and drink from the party below. Several plush cushions waited invitingly nearby. 
“Braham …” She exhaled slowly.
His voice was low and teasing as he stood close behind her, “You trying to see how many different ways you can say my name tonight, Commander?”
Lys blushed, feeling her cheeks warm in the cool night air. “... what is all this?” 
“Every “celebration” we’ve been to so far has just been people making demands on you, pestering you for things. Like you owe them anything.” He took her hand and lead her across the mosaiced courtyard toward the table as he continued, “So no more not getting to finish your drink, or barely getting a bite between jerks like Ayman leading you around like a trophy on their arm …”
The way he growled those last few words made her blush even more for some reason.
“Are you going to join me then?” Lys sunk down into a waiting cushion, tucking her legs under her. 
“I tried to get everyone else in on it, thought we make an actual party for you but they all insisted they couldn’t.” Braham looked sheepish, glancing at the pillows near the commander. “For some reason.” 
“That’s alright.” Lys shook her head and reached for a stolen bottle of brandy, looking bemused as she recovered two mismatched glasses as well. “Just the two of us is perfectly alright.” 
“Yeah?” Braham blinked down at the commander as she held out a glass for him, followed her eyes as she glanced at the cushion nearest to her. He accepted her offer, both the drink and the invitation, and sat down at her side. 
“Yeah.” She confirmed with a smile and raised her brandy, “To …the future?”
He looked back at her for a long moment, then clinked his drink with hers, “Sound good to me.”
Lys returned his gaze and laughed with a bubbling kind of joy that she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d felt. Then she drank what would be the first of many, many drinks this long night. 
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celawrites · 4 years
Day 47
Serenity made a new post!
There’s a lot of things that I had once missed. I used to miss how much time we spent comparing chess methods. I miss how often you used to snatch your attendance chart so that I wouldn’t ruin it with doodles. I miss how you complained whenever I asked you to check math answers with me. School life with you was balanced, the perfect balance of chaos and maturity. We had so many memories back then, and it tears me to know that I’m not the one you fell in love with. This is my final letter to you before I get hospitalized for my flowers. I said I once missed these things, but for your happiness, I’m willing to let go.
-Your dumb best friend
My phone rings harshly and I nearly go deaf.
“wHY ARE YOU WRITING ANGST IT’S NOON NOT MIDNIGHT” Mint screeches into my ear.
“My poor ears” I mumble. “What’s wrong with having a spurge of inspiration?”
“I hate it here”
“That’s my line”
“Did you need something?”
“Sun’s family is coming over for dinner today, and mom wants me to invite you over”
“So she has tea to watch?”
“Oh and mom told me to take you and the boys-”
“The boys” I snicker.
“Out to Porto’s for dinner”
“Portos??” I question.
“Like a sandwich and 20 pastries for dinner?”
“She also said we can eat at Knotts if we really wanted to”
“Alright I’m picking you up at 4:30 tonight don’t be late and dress moderately”
“I hate it here”
“Free food?”
“No just existence in general”
“Alright see you later”
Sure enough, it’s exactly 4:30 when Mint shows up at my door and I get chastised for not being ready.
“Are you doing your makeup or something? Stop trying to look good it’s literally just the 5 of us”
“We hate it here”
“Yeah yeah,” I mumble, grabbing my bag and phone.
I pop into the front seat next to Mint and A greets me.
“Good afternoon!” A grins,
“So are we eating at Porto’s?”
“Ah but first Sun and Zach”
“When did you start calling him Sun?”
“Not sure. Your habits are starting to rub off on me” Mint shuddered.
Mint’s driving is smooth, much like his personality. Calm, calculated, serene. He was an interesting friend. Almost like the twin from another parent.
Sun’s house is. Large to say the least. He lives a little further than the rest of us, and his home is huge. Something about how his dad said spoiling them was his only job. None of us were poor, we go to a private school that costs more than we could imagine. Think of the white house, but it’s not as big. Yeah, that’s Sun’s home.
“You rich ass h-” I mumble under my breath.
“Language Cress,” Sun rolls his eyes. “I know you’re happy to see me”
“Of course”
“No pick up line today?”
“WATCH ME” I mumble, and pull out my phone. “You say we’re getting food, I say we already have a 5 star Michelin meal in front of me”
Silence falls over the car and I cackle.
“I have one” A snickers. “Are you a turkey? Because I wanna put you on the table and eat you until you’re nothing but bones”
“Damn you’re into vore?”
“My turn” Z snickers. “You look lovely in that top, but it would look even better on the floor”
“This is concerning” I mumble. “You two are minors”
“We’re all minors”
“Ah you’re right”
“Hey, I need help with my bio assignment. Could you help me out with human anatomy?”
“THAT ONE WAS GOOD” I snicker. “Didn’t know you had it in you Mint”
Silence falls and we all wait for him. “Is tonight a full moon? Because I feel a gravitational pull to your body”
We burst out laughing. There’re tears in my eyes from laughing too hard and Mint snickers and nearly drifts off his lane. Perhaps this was how it was supposed to be. Just friends, no feelings. Too bad my dumbass had to ruin that.
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