#lovie austin
cbjustmusic · 1 year
The Empress of the Blues, Bessie Smith, released her first record 100 years ago today on February 13, 1923. “Down Hearted Blues” went on to become one of the most popular songs of 1923, and Smith went on the become one of the most popular recording artist of the 1920’s. ___________________________ Down Hearted Blues Music by Lovie Austin; Lyrics by Alberta Hunter
Gee, but it's hard to love someone When that someone don't love you
I'm so disgusted, heartbroken too I've got those downhearted blues Once I was crazy 'bout a man He mistreated me all the time The next man I get has got to promise me To be mine, all mine
Trouble, trouble I've had it all my days Trouble, trouble I've had it all my days It seems like trouble Going to follow me to my grave
I ain't never loved but Three mens in my life I ain't never loved But three men in my life My father, my brother The man that wrecked my life
It may be a week It may be a month or two It may be a week It may be a month or two But the day you quit me, honey It's comin' home to you
I got the world in a jug The stopper's in my hand I got the world in a jug The stopper's in my hand I'm gonna hold it until you Meet some of my demands
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abzeronow · 2 years
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Another 1923 sound recording that will become public domain on January 1, 2024 is Bessie Smith's (1894-1937) first single "Down Hearted Blues" (B-side was "Gulf Coast Blues". The song was written by Alberta Hunter (1895-1984) and composed by Lovie Austin (1887-1972). Smith's single sold 780,000 copies in its first six months. Smith's version was recorded on February 15, 1923 in New York City for Columbia. It was released in 1923.
(Sources: Discography of American Historical Recordings for photo, and info on recording. Deborah G. Felder's 2001 book The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time pg. 285 via Wikipedia for sales info)
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bethannangel · 25 days
The cast is so hot and so good it had me double taking at Austin
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schlattsdoll · 6 months
Can you do a poly'SchlattTed x reader? Where all of them are cuddling but schlatt and ted are all soft and lovey and the reader loves it🙏🙏
(Btw I absolutely ADORE you work💜)
tysm lovie!
the three of you rarely had time to cuddle, between living in separate states, their streaming and filming schedules not lining up, things like that. but when ted made plans to go to austin for chuckle week, you had to tag along.
schlatt picking you both up from the airport and taking you guys to the airbnb, where you headed for an IMMEDIATE cuddle puddle on the couch
schlatt was to your left, ted to your right, and you laid in their laps
they're so soft for you, saying such sweet things and giving you little kisses all over
schlatt giving you a lil head massage while ted rubs your legs nd thighs and you're jus so happy to be with your babies again
falling asleep together, waking up only when tucker arrives so they can start filming {they're both sad their snuggles got cut off}
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milesdickpic · 9 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.80
Click here to see the master list
HAPPY ONE YEAR OF HLG, BABES! It’s been a year since I’ve been writing for this universe and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you ❤️ thank you all so much 🥰
Hi, my lovies! Thank you for tuning in for another chapter! I want to thank everyone for being here with me and reading my HLG Series. You all mean the world to me and I wouldn't be where I am without all of you. I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Everyone is finally going to meet the Bradshaw boys! How do you think everyone will react to Leia meeting her brother? 🤭
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: crying, cursing, mentions death, some sadness, but a whole lot of gushy love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Bradley’s POV
I made my way down to the lobby. Everyone had just arrived outside in the front. 
The first ones here were Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman. I went up behind them as they were all talking. I wedged myself in between all of them and wrapped my arms around their shoulders.
“Oh my gosh! Rooster!” Phoenix whipped around quickly and hugged me tight. “How are they?” She was bouncing with excitement. 
I hugged Hangman and Austin. “They’re great! We got to see baby boy b earlier this morning and they said he was doing a lot better today with breathing.” 
Hangman patted my chest, “That’s great, Bradshaw. How is momma doin?” 
I nodded, “She’s doing great. They’re all perfect.”
Austin rubbed my back, “Congratulations again, Bradley.”
I smiled and patted his back, “Thank you, Aus.”
Hangman rubbed his hands together, “So when do we get to go see them?” He looked at me excitedly. 
I sighed and brought him under my wing, “You guys will all get to see them after their big sister meets them.” 
Phoenix squealed in excitement. “I can’t wait for our Leia girl to see them!” She jumped up and down as she clung onto Austin. He chuckled and kissed her temple. 
“Speak of the princess.” Austin waved over to Phantom, Evelyn, and the girls. 
Austin squatted down and had his arms open, “Leia Rey!” She ran into his arms and hugged him tight. 
“Hi, my Austin!” He chuckled and kissed her head. 
Leia went over to give a hug and kiss to Phoenix. “Hi, Aunt Phoenix! I missed you!” Phoenix kissed her over and over again. 
Leia ran over to Hangman and jumped into his arms, “Uncle Jakey!” 
“Hey, honey!” He gave her a big kiss and spun her around. 
She came over to me and put her arms up for me to pick her up. “Holy shit. Have you gotten bigger, vapor girl? You’re so heavy!” 
“Daddy!” She giggled and kissed my cheek. “Daddy, why are we here? Are you okay?” She looked at me concerned. 
I nodded, “I’m okay, baby girl. We are here for mommy.” 
Her jaw dropped, “Is she okay?”
I smiled and kissed her cheek, “She’s doing a lot better now.” 
Leia nodded and looked at me with furrowed brows, “Can I go and see her?” 
“Of course, baby. We can go and see her now.” I kissed her temple before letting her down. 
I greeted and hugged Phantom, Evelyn, and the girls. As phantom greeted me he pulled me in close and whispered, “Congratulations, Brad.” And patted my back so Leia wouldn’t hear. 
Leia held my hand as we all walked through the hospital and went up the elevator. I let everyone know they could wait in the waiting area until I came back to get them. I held Leia’s hand and we skipped down to your room. I opened the door slowly. 
“Momma, Leia is here.” I sung to you through the curtain. I opened the curtain slowly. 
“Momma!” Leia ran over to you and hugged you. “Are you okay? What happened?” She looked at you with concern. You patted her hair back and looked at me with a smile. 
“I’m okay, baby.” You kissed her head, “Come and sit with me, my Leia Rey.” She climbed into the bed with you and sat. 
“What happened, momma?” You smiled at her and played with her hair. 
“I had to come to the hospital while you were at Kaia and Kamalani’s house. Your little brothers were ready to come out.”
Her eyes grew wide. “Momma!”
You giggled and kissed her cheek, “Do you want to meet one of your little bothers?”
She got onto her knees and bounced on the bed while nodding her head. I came around and grabbed baby boy A from the bassinet. I held him in my hands and kissed his nose. “All right, Leia Rey, I need you to sit back next to momma, okay?” She nodded excitedly. You helped her position her arms and I placed her little brother into her arms. 
She gasped. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. “He’s so small!” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. “Hi, baby brother. I love you so much!” Leia rubbed her nose gently to his. She placed a little kiss on his lips. She started to tear up. “Momma, daddy. I’m so happy.” 
“Oh my girl.” I sat down next to her and wiped her tears. You rubbed her back and helped her support baby boy A’s head. 
She looked at him in awe. She looked up at you and I. “Where is the other one?” She was concerned.
I chuckled and kissed her head. “He’s being taken care of in a very special room, my love.” 
“Is he okay?” 
I nodded and pinched her cheek, “He just had a little bit of a hard time breathing when he was born, so the doctor is helping him with his breathing.”
She nodded, “Can I see him?” 
You placed a kiss on Leia’s head, “You’ll be able to see him in 2 days when he is all better.” 
She nodded again, “Okay.” She looked back down at her baby brother in her arms. She looked up quickly to you and I. “Mommy, Daddy, can we name him Luke?” She looked at the both of us with wide eyes. 
I chuckled and rubbed my index finger along his cheek. “You wanna name him Luke?”
She nodded, “Yea! Cause I’m Leia!” 
You started to laugh, “I love you, Leia Rey.”
Your POV
Bradley left the room to go and get the rest of the family. You were holding baby boy A again as Leia looked on. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Bradley came back with everyone. 
They came in quietly with flowers and gifts for you and your baby boys. They all came in with excited expressions and gasping at the sight before them. Phoenix bounced her way over to you with her hands over her mouth. She gave you a hug and a kiss on the head and she leaned over the bed to get a look at the newest Bradshaw. 
“Oh he’s beautiful!” She covered her mouth as she looked at him asleep in your arms. 
Austin made his way around and leaned up against Phoenix to get a look at your baby boy. “My oh my. A lady killer he’s going to be, darlin.” He chuckled. Phoenix moved over and he placed a kiss on your temple. He placed his hand gently on him. “Oh my, he’s so small!”
Hangman came over on the side with Leia. He picked her up and sat on the bed next to you with Leia in his lap. He looked over at the little Bradshaw in your arms, “Oh boy, he is a handsome little guy.” He smiled as he looked on. He placed a kiss to your cheek. “You look good too, momma. Don’t even look like you’ve had babies.” He chuckled and you patted his arm.
“Thank you, Jake.” You started to laugh. 
They all moved out of the way so Phantom and his family could come and see you and the newest little baby. Evelyn sat on one side of the bed next to you and Phantom stood on the other side with the girls. 
Evelyn started to tear up, “Oh he looks just like Rooster when he was a baby.” She covered her mouth and placed her other hand gently on the top of baby boy’s head. “So precious.”
Phantom chuckled and hugged you, “He’s beautiful you two.” He got a better look at your son. The girls looked over the railing in amazement. They were smiling big at your son. 
After everyone met your son, everyone sat around cooing over him. 
Hangman came over to Bradley and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. “So Bradshaw, does baby Bradshaw have a name?” He said it loud bought for everyone to hear and become interested. 
Bradley chuckled and looked over at you. You nodded to him and he sighed. “He does.” He went over to you and gently took baby boy A from your arms. He removed his blanket to reveal his Darth Vader onesie. Everyone started to “aawh” over his outfit. 
“Oh shit, did you name him Darth?” Hangman started to laugh. 
Bradley rolled his eyes and shook his head. He brought his son’s head up to his lips and placed a kiss to his temple. “Everyone. This is our little Luke Nicolas Bradshaw.” 
They all gasped and covered their mouths. 
“HIS NAME IS LUKE!” Leia hopped out of Austin’s lap excitedly. 
Bradley started to laugh and shushed her. “Yes, baby girl. This is your little brother Luke.” Bradley got down on his knee and Leia came over to look at his onesie. 
“Hi Luke. I’m Leia.” She bit her lower lip and looked at her little brother. Everyone gushed over their little interaction. Leia placed a kiss on his cheek before Bradley stood back up. 
Everyone took turns coming over to see his little onesie he was wearing. After they all viewed baby Luke, Bradley placed him back in his bassinet to sleep. Bradley was still trying to recover from his injuries so his arms got tired quickly. 
Bradley’s POV 
I brought the adults to go and see our baby boy B. They weren’t allowed to go into the room so we viewed him from the window as the nurse held him up. Phantom came and patted me on the back as Evelyn hugged me.
“They’re beautiful, Rooster.” Evelyn laid onto my chest as she hugged me. 
I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. “Thank you, Evelyn.”
“You’re gonna be a great dad, Bradshaw. You’re just like your old man.” Phantom patted my back and smiled at me.
I chuckled and gave him a smirk, “Thank you, sir.” 
Phoenix was hugging Austin as we all looked on to baby boy B. Hangman had his arms crossed and was smiling at him. Phantom and Evelyn went back to the room to get their girls so Phantom could bring them back home before he went back to work. Leia was going to stay with us and be taken home later by Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman. 
Austin came up to me and rubbed my back, “You have a pair of handsome little guys, Brad.” He chuckled as we looked on at baby boy B. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and squeezed him gently. 
“Thanks, Aus. For everything.” 
He shook his head, “No need to thank me. I know you would have done the same for me.” He patted my back again, “I’ll see you all back in the room.” Austin gave Phoenix a kiss on the head before he went back to the room to be with Leia and you.
Phoenix came over and wrapped her arms around my waist, She laid her head on the side of my chest. “Gosh, Bradshaw. You have boys!” She clung onto me and looked at my little boy. 
Hangman sighed and came to stand next to me. “God look at em.” He leaned closer to the window to look at him. “Does he look like you or y/n?” He chuckled as he waved at baby boy B with his finger. 
I wrapped my arms around Phoenix’s shoulders, “Y/n said the boys look just like Leia when she was born.” 
Phoenix and Hangman both looked at me with mischievous eyes. “So they look just like you.” The said in unison as they laughed. 
“Damn. Y/n is gonna have a run for her money with 4 of you in the house.” Hangman chuckled. 
Phoenix got up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see you boys back in the room. I wanna get a turn to hold little Luke.” She patted my chest and patted Hangman’s back before leaving. 
Hangman and I stood there with our arms crossed looking at my son. I saw a smirk appear on Hangman’s face. He turned to me with the cockiest grin. “So Rooster. Can I ask you a personal question?” He raised his brows.
I rolled my eyes and laughed, “Would it matter if I did?” I looked at him with a smirk.
He laughed came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Would you a year and a half ago would have believed that you a year and a half later would have 3 kid and be married to the love of your life?” He continued to look at my son as the nurse began to settle him back into the incubator. 
I took a deep breath in and held it for a little. I licked my lips and narrowed my eyes as I began to think. I let my breath out slowly. I bit my lips and brought my hand up to comb my mustache down. “Hmmm.” I looked at him and he looked at me. “Y’know…” I looked down and bit my lower lip. “If I am being honest with you… No, I thought the mission was it for me. Thought I would possibly die there if I was chosen and that would have been it for me.” I pushed my lips together and looked back up at him.
He looked at me shocked. “Wow. That’s deep.” I nodded at him. He patted my chest and smiled, “Well I’m glad that wasn’t the case. You deserve all of this, Rooster.” He smiled and gave me a hug. 
I laid on his shoulder and patted his back, “Thanks, Seresin. I am also quite fond of us being friends instead of me wanting to slap you across the face everyday.” I started to laugh.
He pulled back and looked at me with furrowed brows, “Gosh, is that all we are? You’re friend zoning me, Bradshaw?” He raised one of his brows. 
I laughed and shook my head. I pushed him off of me. “Shut up, Bagman.” We took one last look at my son before we headed back to the room.
We got back to the room and Phoenix and Austin were cuddled up on the couch as Phoenix held Luke. I smiled as Phoenix had her pinky in Luke’s grasp. I went and sat with you on the bed. “Hey, sweetheart.” I kissed your temple. 
You laid against my shoulder. I winced slightly at the pain. You looked at me concerned. “Oh, Bradley, are you okay?” You rubbed my chest.
I nodded, “I forgot to bring my medication with me, baby, but I’m okay. Just in a little pain.” I kissed your head again. 
“Well let me see if the doctor can bring you something, so you’re not in so much pain, Brad.” You pushed the assistance button on your remote. The nurse came in quickly.
I went to go and sit with Austin and Phoenix. “Gosh, they’re freaking identical, Bradley.” Austin chuckled as he rubbed his index finger against Luke’s chest.
I laid back and nodded, “They are. We are going to have to put them in different outfits so they never get mixed up.” I chuckled. “Howeverrrrrr…. Baby boy B is bigger than Luke.”
Phoenix laughed, “Oh my gosh, no way? Luke is huge!”
I placed my hand on the top of Luke’s head and kissed him softly, “Oh but he is.”
Hangman came over and sat on the floor with his back against my legs. “I forgot to ask when we went to go and see him. Does baby boy B have a name?”
I nodded. “He does have a name.” I looked over at you and smiled. The nurse came in with some medication for me. I took it and sat back and relaxed into the couch. 
“What is his name, daddy?” Leia came over and sat on my lap. I looked at you again and raised my brows. You shook your head and winked. 
I looked at all of them and shook my head. “You’ll all find out when you meet him.”
Hangman spun around on his butt and slapped my leg, “Aww come on, Bradshaw.” 
I shrugged. “Sorry, per my wife it’s a secret.” I laughed as they all looked at you and I disappointed. 
The next day, they took baby boy B off the oxygen tube. They said that if he did well for the next 48 hours without it, he would be cleared to go home with us. We made our way over to the NICU to see our baby boy. You carried Luke in your arms as I pushed you in the wheelchair again. We made it into the room and you rose slowly from the wheelchair. I took Luke from you and you went over to see baby boy B. You put your hand into the incubator and caressed his cheek. 
“Hi, my baby. Mommy’s here.” The nurse came over and opened the incubator to let you grab our son. You picked him up and kissed him over and over again. You came over to me and we held our boys up next to one another. “Look at ‘em, Bradley.” You looked at our boys in awe. “They’re so precious.” You bit your lip and looked up at me. 
I kissed your lips slowly, “Just think, baby. Two days from now we will all be home.” I smiled at you and kissed you again. I looked at our little boy in your hands and gave him a kiss. “I can’t wait to smother you boys in love when we get home.” 
We stayed in the NICU for at least 4 hours just bonding with the boys. You tried to breast feed baby boy B. We changed his diapers a couple of times. He almost sprayed me down like Luke did whenever I changed his diaper. 
We switched boys. I held baby boy B as you fed Luke. I held him in my hands and brought his little face close to mine. I kissed his lips and rubbed the tip of my nose to his. I danced around the room with him.
“Sweetheart, What should I sing to him?” I looked at you and smiled as I bounced him around in my hands. 
You looked up and bit your lip. “Hmmmm.” You started to chew on your lower lip, “How about Little Wonders by Rob Thomas?” You smiled sweetly at me. 
I chuckled. “Perfect.”
I continued to bounce and rock our son gently in my hands. I was so lost in his presence. He was perfect. As I sang to him a little smirk appeared on his face. My boys were so full of joy already and they were only 2 days old. My heart was full. I had everything I needed in life. 
“All of my regret will wash away somehow. But I cannot forget… The way I feel right now… In these small hours, these little wonders…”
I placed a kiss on his little cheeks and it was as if he just relaxed into my hands. His head lolled back slightly and he was in a deep sleep once again. “I love you, baby boy. Daddy loves you so much.” 
It was time for us to all finally go home. We had been in the hospital for nearly four days. The doctors wanted to make sure you and the boys were recovering smoothly. You all had checks before you were to be released. Austin and Leia met up with us at the hospital. Austin brought the carseats for us. He and Leia brought them up to the room as we were getting ready to check you and the boys out. You changed into some comfy clothes. Then we changed the boys into new outfits to go home in. 
Your POV 
You were changing Luke into his take home outfit while Bradley changed baby boy B into his. They were both laying on the bed across from one another. 
“Oh you look so cute, Luke!” You giggled as you finished putting his outfit on. He was wearing a little flight suit onesie that you had custom made for the boys to go home in. Luke’s onesie had his initials on it and Baby boy B had his initials on his. There weren’t the flight suits you sent to Bradley as a surprise. These ones were different.
You picked up Luke and gave him kisses on his cheek. Austin held Leia on his hip and brought her over to look at her little brother Luke. “Momma, he looks so cute in his little flight suit!” She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. 
You placed him into his carseat and strapped him in. You fixed his little belt straps and caressed his cheek with your index knuckle. You went over to Bradley and laid on his bicep as he continued to change your little boy. He finished putting his little limbs into his little flight suit and he zipped it up. 
“There we go. All ready to go home.” He picked him up and blew a little raspberry into his cheek. He put him into his carseat and looked at you. “Sweetheart, I have no idea how to use one of these things.” He chuckled and looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “Please help.”
You rubbed his arm and helped him. “It’s like Leia’s carseat, Just make sure you adjust the straps like how Luke’s are. You turned Luke’s carseat so Bradley you’d look at his belt straps. 
Bradley buckled him in and chuckled. “Not bad for my first time, right, sweetheart?” 
You nodded and kissed his arm. “Perfect Bradley.”
Austin and Leia cam around the side the see them both. “Aww man, look at them together, Darlin.” Austin kissed Leia’s cheek. “You’re gonna be the best big sister ever.” He tickled her belly and she giggled. 
“I can’t wait for them to get home!” Leia looked at her bothers with excitement. Austin let her down and she went to get a better look at her brothers. He put a finger from each of her hands int their fists. She started to tear up. “You’re going to be my best friends, forever. I am so happy!” She wiped her tears from her face. She looked up at you and Bradley. “I love them so much.” 
Bradley got down on his knee and kissed Leia’s cheek, “You are the sweetest little babe ever, Leia girl.” 
Leia sniffled and wiped her eyes, “I’m not little anymore, daddy. I’m a big sister.” She started to giggle.
Bradley tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’re absolutely right, baby. But you will always be my little girl.” He kissed her cheek and pinched her chin. 
Bradley stood up and rubbed his hands together. “Now… Let’s get these little boys home so everyone can meet them properly.” He looked at you and kissed your head. 
Austin helped you into the wheelchair. Bradley Picked up both boys’ carseats and carried them.
“Hey, Bradley do you want some help with them?” Austin came over to Bradley with his hands out. 
Bradley shook his head, “No I’ll be okay. I want to carry them out.” He smiled at Austin. “But thank you, Austin.”
You looked at Bradley concerned, “Honey, are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Bradley smiled at you and nodded, “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. Promise.” 
Austin threw yours and Bradley’s bag over his shoulder and pushed you in the wheelchair as you held your gifts in your lap, Leia held the boy’s bag over her shoulder, and Bradley carried the boys in their carseats. Everyone in the hospital congratulated you and Bradley as you made your way out to your cars. Austin had pulled the car up to the circle so you didn’t have to go far with all your stuff. Austin had Evelyn’s car behind the truck. He quickly transferred the carseat holders into the truck so Bradley could lock the boys in. Austin helped you into the car. Bradley locked the boys into their carseat holders and shook them a little bit to make sure they were secure. 
“I’m gonna go home with Austin!” Leia called over to you and Bradley. Austin grabbed the gifts from you and placed them into Evelyn’s car along with all the luggage and the boy’s bags. 
Leia and Austin both gave you a kiss on the cheek. “We will see you all at home. Drive safely.” 
Austin shot Bradley a wink before he picked up Leia and brought her over to the car. 
Bradley looked at you and smiled big as he grabbed your hand. “You ready to bring the boys home, baby?” He kissed your hand.
You smiled sweetly and squeezed Bradley’s hand. You looked back at the boys and nodded, “Show me the way home, honey.” 
AHHHHH! The boys are going home and everyone will finally learn baby boy B's name! How do you think they'll all react to his name? I hope you are all enjoying this story! I love you all! I'll see you in the next chapter, besties 🫶🏼
(SOME OF) The Bradshaw Boys' family is in the comments 🥰
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
Hello lovies! It’s been a veryyyy long time since I’ve posted anything here, but I’ve been itching to get back into writing fics again! I decided to open my requests for anyone who might be interested:)
Disclaimer—it’s been a while since I’ve posted/written any fics so things might be a lil shit at first hehe. Also, my interests have slightly changed, so I might not write for the people/characters I used to write about.
Taking requests for:
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
One Direction
Avengers/Marvel cast
Little Mix!reader (missed these)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Florence Pugh
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland
Sebastian Stan
Austin Butler (?)
Chris Evans
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
🥹Fluffy Austin🥹
“Dada” your one year old daughter babbled to Austin, picking up a block off of her bedroom floor. “Dada!” She squealed, demanding Austin’s attention then and there.
“What’s that, Daisy? Is that a block?” Austin cooed at the little girl. Picking her up and spinning her around. Daisy went to reach for Austin’s newly dyed black hair. She grabbed a fistful of it and yanked. “Ouch, Daisy! Don’t do that!” Austin scolded her, Daisy not understanding why she was being reprimanded began to cry. “Mad!” Daisy wailed, kicking at him, he placed her down, she ran to you. “Daisy, sweetie, what is it?” You knelt down to her level, wiping away her tears. “Mad daddy.” She mumbled, turning to look at Austin, whose face was in utter shock.
“Honey, daddy isn’t mad. Daisy hurt daddy, gave daddy ouch.” You attempted to explain to the one year old.
“Daddy’s sorry, lovie.” Austin said, lowering himself down to a squat, opening his arms.
Daisy paused for a moment, still clutching onto your shirt. You looked over at Austin who looked like he might cry at any moment. Almost immediately Daisy ran over to him, throwing her little arms around his neck. “Oh- big hug!” Austin stated, holding his little girl close.
“Love ‘ou daddy.” Daisy would say, holding on tightly to Austin. “I love you too, my sweet little Daisy.”
Emmy Mae💜
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softboo · 6 days
hi my lovies c:
i'm back.
well... kinda lol.
it's been a really bad month for me in regards to like personal issues, family stuff, and work. it's been a blur of just really unfortunate things happening all at the same time.
and with that, i haven't written since the last time i was on here which was april i believe? (that was so long ago omg...) but i'm slowly trying to resurface from the mental drowning that happened in may lol.
i found all the story ideas i made 2 months ago when i was super depressed that my first story was ending (which i will be posting the next part later this week heh). i tried writing an epilogue but not sure if it was needed... we'll see how i feel after part 4 comes out since it's been so long since i've placed myself in that world again.
but it really is funny how movies and tv shows bring you back to being creative because i finally got the chance to watch the boys in the boat last weekend and i felt all warm and fuzzy and inspired because the story is so beautiful??
and i'm finally sitting down to watch masters of the air after all these months of avoiding it because i know damn well austin and callum will pull me deeper into a hole that i'm already living in
but yeah... in conclusion heh. i miss writing. i miss people. and i miss reading fics. so i'm here
it's probably going to take me a bit to get back into that headspace of writing but i'll get there lol
i hope all of you guys have been doing well, truly. life is hard but i think what matters is that we keep going and we keep trying
sending love always <3
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kiankiwi · 1 year
maybe baby aus after having a bad day? like aus is cranky until we get home and when baby sees us he gets so happy and he immediately drops to his youngest headspace and baby gets so happy and giggly
Austin was having a horrible day. First, poor thing woke up with a crick in his neck, then a car splashed mud on his favorite pants and then an interviewer asked inappropriate questions about you, his fiance and caregiver. So he went to his publicist, Mandy, one of the few people who knew about his regression and asked her to "call mama?" to come get him because he was teetering too far and didn't trust himself to get himself home without slipping.
Mandy took one look at Austin's grumpy, pouty face and dialed you up, explaining that Austin was in a very bad mood and was about to drop and he needed you. While Mandy was on the phone with you, Austin found a corner to sit in and stew in his anger, just waiting for his favorite person while sitting with his knees tucked against his chest.
You knew he was definitely in a bad mood since he didn't even crack a smile when you two locked eyes. But at least he got himself off the floor and trudged over to you, leaning his head down to place it comfortingly on your shoulder. You just swayed him a bit, placing your hand on the back of his neck, allowing him a minute of comfort. You didn't speak until he pulled away, still looking mad as hell.
"Mandy told me you were being a cranky butt?" You asked. He just pouted at you but you gestured for him to go on. "What happened, lovie?" Austin pushed his pouty lip out, stamping his feet on the ground, "Talking bad about mommy. Made me angy." You nodded, reaching up to run your fingertips through his curls. "Yeah? I love you for being protective of me, bubs." Austin just pushed his pouty lip farther out and crossed his arms, looking down. He just wanted to go home and have a big cry about this disaster of a day.
"Mommy, can we go home now?" Austin is really impatient and grumpy. He really just wants to be alone with you to be comforted. You nod, grabbing his things. "Thanks Mandy for letting me know. I'll take care of him." She nods. "Yeah, just call me when he's better and out of headspace so I can line up our schedule again." You nod pulling him out the door and to the car. "Noted, thank you."
As soon as you get Austin in the car, he sends you a deadly glare and his glares only get worse when he realizes you're not going straight home. "Baby, why are you glaring at me? I'm not the one you're mad at." He knew that, he was just mad at the whole world right now and he needed a good cry and a good nap.
"Mama, home's that way." He points out the window, dropping his glare to give you a confused look. "I know baby, we have to stop at the store first." Austin was not happy about that at all. He stamped his feet in the foot boards of the car and arched his back in the seat, screeching and yelling at the ceiling. "Austin Robert! I know you're having a shit day but that doesn't give you the okay to act like this, you hear me?" Austin either chooses not to listen to you or can't hear you over his screams.
He's screaming so loud that you just bypass the store all together and go straight for home to get Austin settled.
"Baby. Baby, look where we are, hm?" Austin starts crying only long enough to notice you're back at the apartment. "We're home baby. What do you say we go upstairs and have a cuddle? Hmm?" Austin starts crying again, nodding. Yeah, he really wants to go upstairs and snuggle with his mama with his blankie and his stuffie. "Y-yeah." He whimpers. "Okay baby, c'mon."
When you get upstairs to your apartment, Austin is still weepy so you decide to just hold him and let him cry because that seems to be what he needs to do.
"It's okay baby, you're just fine, lovebug." You bring Austin into the nursery and lay him on the changing table. He reaches up and wipes the tear trails and snot from his face as you pick out a onesie for him to wear. "Baby, do you want to wear the foxes or the strawberries?" Referring to the print all over the two onesies you picked out of his closet.
Sniffling, Austin points to the strawberries. "Good choice, love." You make the change quick and pick him up, holding him. As he sobs on your shoulder you decide to walk laps in the living room. Bouncing him every so often and shushing him at the same time. "I know, lovebug. Oh so sad. Mama knows." You can feel Austin sucking on the shoulder of your shirt just to comfort himself as he watches the room over your shoulder. You pull at the curls on the back of his head, you both love the feeling of your hand in his hair.
You bounce and rock and pace with Austin and it takes 35 minutes of walking before he finally goes heavy in your arms. He finally fell asleep. "Finally. You just needed a cry, mister." You lay him down on the couch, kissing him on both sticky cheeks and his forehead, hoping he'll sleep for at least an hour because his body needs that break.
An hour and a half later, you're reading in the chair opposite Austin when you notice him pick his head up off the couch and look at you, his red eyes still a bit swollen. "Hi baby, you sleep good?" He nods silently. "Yeah, do you feel better?" He nods, shifting his eyes away from yours. "I'm sorry I was a bad boy." You shrug. "You're okay baby, we figured it out. Now we can start over." He points in the direction of the nursery. "Can I get my Moo-Moo?" Referring to his stuffed cow that a friend got him. "Yeah, go get your moo-moo bubs."
Smiling for the first time all day, he jumps off the couch and toddles to his nursery to get his friend.
I already have another Grumpy Aus fic in mind where he's nonverbal and only speaks in glares ! Hope you enjoyed this one though
@ellie-24 @mooodyblue @plasticfantasticl0ver
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rosecoloreddesire · 2 years
My Devil In Disguise, pt. 3
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Surprises of Grandeur; Chapter 3 
Austin! Elvis x OC, Elvis x OC
Summary: Annalise Snow is a girl that Hank Snow raised to be a good all American girl that all the other girls would want to be. Well when a boy that comes from the same Memphis Annalise missed...it turns out she's a little more wild then she thought. Will she travel to the ends of the Earth with a boy she just met? Or will she be left in the dust?
Chapter 4 here!
Warnings: swearing, yelling, steamy chapter, 50′s racial standards in music, Colonel Tom Parker, proofread 80 times and still not sure it makes sense. 
Notes: Hi 'yall! Sorry this chapter took so long to come out! I have the source here that I used for this chapter :) I hope that the next chapter will be a bit faster haha! If anything doesn’t fully make sense right now it will be elaborated on in the chapter 4! Thanks again for all the support, lovies! Chapter 1 here! 
“I’m gonna have to tell you, Darlin’. My shirt looks so much better on your body…” Elvis’ words trail off as he stared at Annalise’s body wearing his dark blue shirt. He traced the buttons on the shirt as he stalked closer to her.
“E-Elvis, I’m sorry I just didn’t. I didn’t think-“ Annalise stuttered as Elvis locked the door. His arms wrapping around her waist as her body shivered against him. Annalise felt foreign in her own body as she gazed at Elvis in the dark room. Lit only by the pale full moon behind his curtains. Elvis looked like he was staring down his prey and god did it make Annalise’s skin blaze with heat.
“I won’t do anything, baby. Just please let me kiss you again. God damn,” He sat next to her on the bed as he lead her to him. He searched her eyes for any sign of discomfort,” You are stunnin’, little mama.” His large hand slipped through her hair and pulled it gently back. His control seemed to leave his body the minute a small whimper left her lips. Their lips collided as Elvis gripped her body firmly. Like she wasn’t already pressed up against his heated body as close as it possibly could be. His lips were passionate and commanding as Annalise struggled to catch up. Annalise had just had her very first kiss with Elvis just a couple hours ago and here she was being pawed at like she was a life saving cure. A cure to the burning desire in Elvis’ system. He all but growled into her mouth. His grip on her hips almost bruising. She pushed him away slightly. 
“E-Elvis, relax. I’m n-not goin’ nowhere. You’re kissin’ me like a rabid animal,” Elvis pulled back, blush evident as he shyly chuckled. Annalise laid as Elvis panted on top of her, ”Not that I h-hate it or nothin’.” He laughed and lifted his hand from behind her head. His finger tracing her lips softly as she giggled, breathlessly.
“God damn, baby. I-I couldn’t hold myself back . Shit,” He leant down and kissed her softly even though his body was telling him to completely ravage the angel beneath him. He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath, "You really are a devil in disguise, Annalise Snow. Lord knows what you done to me.”  His breath was heavy as he explained. Annalise grinned, a teasing lilt as she spoke. 
“Well, Mister Presley, I would never! You know my daddy always said I was a gift from the lord? That my voice was heaven sent itself?” Elvis seemed to ogle her as she spoke. Her hair was all around his pillow like a halo around her head. Her cheeks were flushed and her doe eyes were wide and wild. Her lips were red and glossy from his lips...god she was created by the Devil himself...
“Darlin’, you know it’s not nice to lie. Lord, you look,” He trailed off as he stole a kiss once more. His lips over took hers, even greedier than the last one. He was scared that if he let her go and stopped holding her body so close to his...she would be gone in an instant. That he’d open his eyes and she’d be back with her daddy in Louisiana. He groaned as he felt her tongue swipe against his bottom lip,” Damnit I gotta stop myself-” She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and held him close as she whispered. 
“What’s wrong with a little kissin’, Mister Presley? You give me a fever when you kiss me..” She sang the last part as she pulled Elvis down towards her. He bit his lip, stifling another groan. He felt like he was going to explode if he didn’t kiss her again. She slipped her hand up behind his head curling her finger around a lock of his raven hair. 
“H-Hey, doll. We should go to bed. I-I’ve got some surprises for you this week,” She continued to stare up at him, just listening but hell she looked so good,” Annalise, baby, lemme speak. Screw it-” He inhales and crashes his lips onto hers. She whimpers into his mouth as his tongue delves into hers. He pulls away to pepper kisses on her neck. His teeth scrape against the sensitive part of her neck and she lets out a soft broken moan. Elvis finds it in himself to pull away for the final time to look at the state of Annalise. She looked even more like a goddess lying on his bed, moaning. 
“E-Elvis,” her chest heaved as she tried to catch up on her breathing,” I think I’m-” 
“Elvis, I know it’s late but I was hopin’ you’d let me talk to Miss Snow before we show her Graceland tomorrow. I still wanna be her-” Annalise’s wild night is interrupted by her best friends dad...again. His knock louder than the last. Elvis seems to not even register the Colonel as he continued to trail his kisses to the top of her shirt. His head clouded with just Annalise and only her as he unbuttoned the top button. Elvis took a deep breath. He held a finger to her lips and smirked. He pulled his covers over her as he stood up. 
“Hey, Colonel. She’s asleep right now. I’ll talk to you in the morning.” His southern drawl sounding deeper than usual. It looked like Mr. Parker was trying to get in the room. She could feel herself getting nervous. Talk about what? He shut the door and laid next to Annalise. 
“What did he mean Graceland? What,” Elvis grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer to his body. He closed his eyes as she huffed,” Elvis, you know how I feel about surprises and when you’re lyin’. C’mon you can just tell me these things, Elvis. I know you ain’t sleepin’!” She cuddled into his chest as he kept his eyes closed. She sighed and left a kiss on his neck, making Elvis shiver in the process. 
“I’m takin’ you to see it in the mornin’, baby. No need to huff and puff. I’m takin’ you extra early now ‘cause you can’t keep your lips to yourself, sweetheart.” His voice becoming veiled with sleep. She giggled and snuggled into his arms, closing her eyes as well. Graceland? What the hell could that be? 
“You’re kiddin’! Elvis...a pink Cadillac?! I thought you were savin’ that money for a house! O-Or a place in Hollywood like you always wanted!” Annalise was surprised to say the least. She ran her hand along the interior of the car as Elvis drove them to the next surprise. She’d only seen celebrities driving these. What kind of money did Elvis have? She knew Elvis’ albums were selling like hot cakes but not this quickly. 
“H-Hey don’t be yellin’ at me yet, darlin’. I know what I’m doin’ and Colonel has been helpin’ me too.” He smiled at her skeptical gaze. He grasped her hand as they made a turn. Annalise’s stomach churned as they came upon what could be called a castle. Boxes and cars littered the front lawn. People coming in and out of the front door like clockwork.
“Elvis Aaron Presley! You bought a house?! It’s enormous! Oh my god I-” She's interrupted by seeing her own clothes in boxes and Vernon taking them into the house. She turned slowly and met his nervous stare. 
“I-I knew you’d worry too much about it if I told you I bought all this. I-I wanna take care of my family. That includes you too...i-if you wanna go steady with me, of course.” Annalise felt her jaw drop she never thought she’d be kissing Elvis let alone even living her life with him. She was in awe...she would’ve thought her daddy would’ve tracked her down and taken her home by now but here she was...Elvis Presley’s girlfriend. 
“Y-You sure? I-I don’t want your image to go sour if we ever get found out, Elvis. I-I can’t thank you enough for makin’ a girl feel special but-” A kiss cuts her rambling. She squeaks softly into his mouth as he chuckles. He slips a hand behind her head and pulls her closer. 
“I’m so sure ‘bout you, Snow. I honestly think I’d ruin your image if we got found out.” She cocked her head to the side in confusion as he laughed,” You are Hank Snow’s Conservative Lass! You just recorded a song about kissin’ that I sang. Lord, if the press don’t think I’m deflowerin’ your image? They are lackin’.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips and gets out of the car. 
“Oh Annalise! Let me show you how gorgeous this place is! I can’t believe this is the roof over our heads now! I-I told Elvis it was too much! ” Gladys took Annalise’s hands and lead her into the front door as Vernon continued picking up boxes. As they made their way into the main foyer, Annalise stopped herself. 
“M-Mrs. Presley what is all that?” Her hand became clammy and she didn’t know if Gladys could feel it as the older woman’s grip tightened. There stood Tom Parker and piles and piles of things with Elvis’ face on them. 
“I call it Merchandise! Your face on every conceivable object! Including teddy bears, perfume, busts-”
“Of questionable likeness.” Vernon chuckles.
“An Elvis Presley Game,” He waved the game in Annalise's face as he smiled,” Something so everyone can show their love.” He placed the ‘I LIKE ELVIS’ button in her hand and winked. A violent chill ran through her body. He knew.
“I Hate Elvis.” Gladys was still holding Annalise’s hand and she turned 
“Yes, I Hate Elvis. What is hate worth if it’s free?” 
“The Snowman strikes again!”
“W-Why is there makeup with my face on it? Berets with A’s on ‘em? A-And a doll of both of us?” Annalise picked up the items in horror. She looked at Elvis in shock as he sat down next to his dad. 
“I like the idea, Annalise. What’s wrong?” Her jaw all but dropped at his nonchalant tone.
“I don’t know if you remember Elvis but Mr. Parker made you break up with Dixie over these fans! What happens when I’m selling under Elvis Presley Enterprises,” Annalise picks up a pillow that says ‘Fever Through the Night’ with a picture of her and Elvis’ faces on it,” I-I don’t think I can do this. This is too much, y’all.” She looked to Gladys for support and she placed a hand on her back nodding. To say Annalise was terrified was a huge understatement. Elvis let out a sigh and looked to Colonel.
“W-Wait Elvis Presley Enterprises? I was supposed to sign you under me as your manager? I see no updates in our papers, Miss Snow?” The older gentleman wrung his hands together almost nervous. Who could let this second biggest star roll past him? Not when he could make twice the money!
“I-I made a choice. Y’all could use my likeness and I could still perform a-and record with Elvis. However,” she took a big breath and closed her eyes,” I-I ain’t no big shot like Elvis Presley. A-And I wanted to go back to my roots, ya know? I asked B.B King.” The silence that followed was deafening. Annalise felt tense as she waited for the arguing to ensue. 
“You and B.B will be unstoppable, baby! I can’t wait to see what y’all can do! M-Maybe B.B will finally be recognized for more than his skin color! When did y-“ Elvis stood up with only to be separated by a cane in between the two. The colonel looked furious as he took in Annalise’s shaking figure. 
“Miss Snow, you can’t be managed by a colored singer? He’ll get you killed! At least under my management you-“ Annalise scoffed and turned around abruptly. Her anger rising to a level she couldn’t control.
“I don’t get it! Why can’t I? Just because of they skin they don’t get paid? They get their tour buses shot at? They get fed rotten god damn’ food! I can’t even go to a concert for any of his friends because their concerts? If I so much as look at them they can get arrested,” she starts to tear up and looks at Elvis instead of the Colonel,” Elvis, please be on my side for this!” Her tone wavered as she looked helplessly at the silent man. 
“Keep your manager. No one gets to know and people assume I’m your manager, all right? Though I get a cut of your first few record royalties? Then you’ve got a deal, Miss Snow! Just know that that man will never see the amount of money you and Elvis will ever make!” Annalise agreed and just wanted to be as far as possible from Mr. Parker. Gladys lead her to what was Glady and Vernon’s bedroom. She could hear his bellowing laugh as she walked away. 
“I-I don’t like that man, Annalise. I think what you’re doin’ is going to change the music industry as we know it! Just like my booby.”   She wrapped her arms around the sobbing red head and shushed her. Her hand smoothing down the curls that laid frizzy on Annalise’s head. She rocked back and forth as Annalise continued to cry.
“I just want- I just,” she took a deep shaky breath,” I want them to know why Elvis does what he does. Why he sings those songs like no one else can! How music can bring us all together! I’m gettin’ tears all over you, Mrs. Presley! I’m sorry.” She starts to get up but Gladys pulls her back to her chest.
“Don’t apologize, sweet pea. This is your chance to shine. You are gonna do it brightly for me and for Elvis, right? You’re a part of the family now, ya hear me?“ Gladys chuckled as tears welled up in her eyes seeing the smile that graced Annalise’s tear stained face.
“Thank you, Mrs. Presley. I-I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.” She hugged the older woman right as they both rose to their feet.
“Now c’mon, sweet pea. We’ll get your room settled.” Annalise let Gladys take her hand again and she feels like she can breathe for a minute. Maybe she did make the right choice. Maybe being at Graceland was going to change all their lives for the better. Even if that Parker was involved.
“Get that damn pillow out of here, booby! You know Annalise didn’t like it earlier!” Gladys picks up the aforementioned pillow and throws it at her son. Her other hand still gripping Annalise’s. Annalise didn’t know why Gladys clung to her so much but she wouldn’t complain. It felt safe. The safest she’s felt really.
“I-I’m sorry. I just thought Anna looked real sweet in the picture. I didn’t mean to tease.” Elvis felt like it was two against one and he was correct.
“Now I’m gonna let her get her stuff unpacked and you let her. No funny business, Elvis.” She hugged Annalise and left the pair alone.
“Sometimes I think my mama loves you more than me. Lord, I don’t blame her though.” Annalise rolled her eyes pushing him back a little. He mocked being wounded and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. Annalise giggled and threw a bow from one of the many boxes at him.
“Hush now. I gotta unpack. I don’t wanna talk about today. I just wanna be happy for you buying this house.” Elvis sighed, slipping his hands around her waist. Her back facing towards him as she hides away from him. He smiled and felt at peace with her in his arms.
“Baby, I know what you’re doing. I support you. This is gonna change everything we stand for. Don’t listen to the colonel he’s not always right, ya know?“ He whispered into her neck and began to place soft kisses once again. Annalise smiled and leaned back into the taller man. His bright blue eyes gleaming with adoration.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“I love you.”
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
(join my 1k celly through this friday 3/24!!!)
invisible string!! cora my lovie (,: but gonna focus more on reader for this headcanon. tw for vague hint at body image issues related to child birth.
because like. the move to the states is an adjustment for her too. esp given that by the time the move is final it's late 2021 and austin's name is starting to pop up more here and there as the elvis premiere slowly rounds the corner. not to mention that all things considered you did get married on a bit of a sped along timeline. and even if it was because of the whole visa situation, that almost makes it worse in the eyes of some opinionated gossips.
austin's just giddy about the opportunity to play house they say. i give the marriage a year tops before he realizes he can be a dad without needing mommy around too. the chatter that really gets under your skin though is of the plenty of girls in the sea, why is he tying himself down so fast? variety.
you know austin loves you. of that you have no doubt. but they aren't wrong objectively either. if he wanted his pick of pretty young actresses and models he'd have a laundry list of options. options that didn't push a kid out and didn't make significantly less money than him and that wouldn't give him bad press when the peanut gallery was feeling esp nasty.
bringing it up to him almost makes you feel just as sick as the comments themselves, so you don't. until someone takes it a step farther. and that someone is another mom at cora's school making a snarky comment during pick up about how you looking a little frazzled, saying something to the effect of "well i can tell you don't have an image to upkeep, i couldn't leave the house like you do if i was on my deathbed." that makes your ears ring.
you manage to hold it together for the most part, until cora is in bed and you're curled up on the couch and austin's makes a comment about how you seem a little off because of *course* he noticed.
the tears start immediately, but so does austin swiping at them with his thumb- his voice strained trying to comfort you through his own hurt over the fact that you're hurting. that man would walk crawl over broken glass to get you to see yourself the way he does, and he can't for the life of him understand how people can be so mean. bless him.
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If possible after that matt thing, could I request either Nick or jay white with a plus size girl? 👉🏻👈🏻 your choice of which!! If not it’s totally fine, thank you lovie!!
I loved this so much that I’ll do both 👀😂 So first we’ll have Nicky and later on there’ll be one for Jay 😮‍💨
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @starwithaheart , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @cuzimacomedian , @thebestintheworld , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @hitmanharts
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“Angel, c’mon. It will be fun!” Nick rested his chin on your shoulder. His cornflower blue eyes met yours in the mirror as he pouted “Pretty please”
“Nick, we’ve talked about this before, love” Your hand raised up to caress his hair “I’m not in the mood to deal with your brother”
Nick’s family loved you, except for Matt. For some weird ass reason he couldn’t stand you. He was rude, hostile and aggressive towards you ever since things between you and Nick got serious. And it became even worse when he proposed to you.
Matt’s snarky comments and jokes got under your skin and several arguments had happened whenever you two were in the same environment.
His behavior even caused some issues between the brothers in the past
And as much as this family barbecue thing sounded fun, just the mere thought of having to deal with Matt and his idiotic attitude was enough to give you a migraine.
“But this is not fair! Everyone will be there with their significant other, and I don’t want to go alone. I want my fiancé to come along with me so we can have some nice family time together. Look, everyone misses you and my parents are so excited to have you there that mom’s baking her peach pie and dad’s even going to buy you some wine!”
The mention of your in-laws brought a smile to your face, making Nick close his embrace around your waist “Is that smile a yes?”
“No, that smile is because your parents are the sweetest. I’m still not sure about having to deal with your brother though”
“Can’t you see Matt’s envy?” Nick’s statement made you huff in disbelief, and so he continued “I’m serious! He’s envious because you’re with me. He always wanted you, wanted to have you on his bed, wanted to fuck you and make you scream. But he’s pissed because only I get to do that. I’m the only one who has you, the only one who fucks you, the only one that makes you moan and scream” His hands traveled down to your hips and Nick pulled your ass towards his semi hard bulge.
“I heard him talking about you to Brandon. And I wanted nothing more than to get in the locker room and punch his face, until something he said caught my attention” Nick’s eyes found yours in the mirror again and a dark cloud of anger and lust took over the once sweet blue orbs.
“He said how much he hated the fact that you chose me” A sinister, cold grin adorned Nick’s lips as he kept his gaze glued to yours “He heard us fucking in the hotel room the night before and he was mad! Know why? Because he wanted to be me, he wanted to be the one sliding his cock in and out of you, he wanted to eat you out until you came all over his face. He just can’t stand the fact that I get to do all of that while he only gets to watch us together”.
Nick’s hands pushed the white leggings down your legs before taking his cock out of his black sweatpants.
He let a glob of spit fall on his tip before he slid his cock between your folds, teasing your entrance before bumping his crown against your clit
“I get to touch you, to tease you, to feast on your delicious curves…I can fuck whichever hole I want to because they all belong to me and that’s something my brother can’t deal with” Nick’s smile was predatory like and such attitude made a shiver run down your spine.
“I know he saw our videos, I know he saw the pictures and in the beginning it bothered me, you know? To know that my brother has the hots for my fiancé, to know that he envies me - his own brother - because he wants to have you, it pissed me off. But now?”
The chuckle that left his lips was sarcastic and didn’t resemble your sweet fiancé at all. This was the other Nick - the one that rarely came out to play - but whenever he did, you knew you were in for a good time.
“Now, I can only laugh at him. Of how pitiful he is, how pathetic he looks whenever he tries to call your attention by making ridiculous comments that just proves how desperate he really is for you”.
Nick slowly entered your core, stretching your walls with his thick length “So I’ll tell you what” His teeth nibbled on your earlobe and his fingers found your slick pearl, rubbing the little bundle of nerves “You’ll come to this barbecue with me and while everyone is having a great time, we’re gonna steal Matt’s car keys and we’ll fuck in the backseat so he can take home a little souvenir of the one thing he’ll never have”.
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foreverdolly · 2 years
My ovaries are shaking right now for some Austin smut or dad Austin or literally anything with him written by you
thank you, lovie ! i really appreciate that !
dad austin is currently in the lead ! one more hour before i use the popular vote to post. the ex boyfriend’s best friend option WILL have smut, so if that changes anyone’s mind, please comment on the previous post !
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
lol so funny how it’s so obviously PR when they’ve just been spotted with Karlie Kloss 💀 What taylor fan would go to her show, act all lovie dovie and like they enjoyed themselves etc but then hang out with the bitch who betrayed her? LMAOOOO switchin up fr, karlie kloss wasn’t even in the VIP booth because taylor doesn’t like her, neither does most of Taylors fans.
Karlie Kloss is a bitch and so is this whole bullshit PR stunt because Austin does not look happy LOL
im glad the other anon brought up karlie kloss because now i can understand how clearly PR and fucked up it is for K to be seen at a Swift concert and then schmoozing with Kloss. it's giving two faced
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feydfuckernation · 2 years
(courtesy of @aconflagrationofmyown​)
Technically I was tagged to do this almost a week ago and then I Forgor about it sooooooo. No time like the present tho! Especially considering it’s apparently Elvis Presley Day (everybody say thank you @loving-elvis​). I was tagged by @mymamalife and @lindszeppelin (ty lovies!) and I’m not sure who all has already done this so anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to do it just say I tagged you 
Let’s start off gently shall we? Because this most definitely devolves into thirsty madness later, you’ve been warned…and also, we are all at various stages in the Elvis fandom, some of us have been suckling the gospel of EP from birth, others just had their sexual awakening with the 2022 movie, and then there’s the ones among us with frickin’ doctorates on the man. All are welcome, it keeps us colorful. Feel free to pick and chose which of these you want to answer.
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
This is probably a very common answer (especially for younger Elvis fans like myself) but in terms of what I can actually remember? Lilo and Stitch! I’m sure I probably heard my parents listening to Elvis growing up (we have a veritable fuck ton of Elvis CDs lying around the house, including every film, every special and all of his gospel albums AND the Viva Elvis soundtrack from the Cirque du Soleil show, which is very good if you’ve never heard it) but Lilo and Stitch is when I actually remembered hearing it.
And what was your first impression?  
Catchy stuff. I remember being very fond of Stuck On You for some incredibly specific reason. As an adult, however, Lilo laying on the floor listening to Heartbreak Hotel is probably my favourite (and very relatable). But I didn’t really think about him beyond that until much later in life.
Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
In terms of what I would wear? Lace shirts. In terms of what Elvis would wear? Both honestly. One fits the love I have for the pretty boy aesthetic and the other has an element of camp to it, which fits the love I have for camp and kitsch. He manages to look good in both (and just about everything inbetween) and that’s incredibly unfair because I don’t think I could ever pull off a jumpsuit.
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
Again, in terms of what I would wear? The Trouble outfit. 100%. I’m a big fan of Green Day and from the minute I saw it I started calling it the American Idiot outfit, which has led to very interesting debate in my household as to whether or not Billie Joe Armstrong based THE American Idiot outfit off of Elvis, which I think would be VERY interesting if he did, considering the nature of who Elvis was, especially when he was starting out. The image- and subsequent outcry as a result of- a young rock n’ roll rebel rauser from the 1950s and what it means to be a punk musician (particularly an American punk musician, and definitely THOSE American punk musicians) are actually quite similar, at least to me. Putting my own comfort aside, however, I’d say the pink suit lace shirt combo from the hayride. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Unless there’s something Elvis actually wore that had lions on it. Comfort or no, I’d wear it because I have an image to maintain. (Honourable mention: the tiger jumpsuit. Rawr)
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
During the ‘68 comeback special where he curls his lip and says “I got news for you, baby: I did 29 pictures like that!” while making fun of how much he curled his lip.
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)  
Well I do NOW. 
In all honesty I was actually probably more distracted by his eyes. Anytime I see a gif of Austin kissing someone, however, I am most definitely thinking about his lips.
What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
I think there is a lot to be said about Elvis’ faith honestly. His gospel albums genuinely moved me to tears and, shockingly, are what won him the three Grammys he has. 14 nominations throughout his career and he won all three for his gospel albums. His version of Amazing Grace is one of the best versions I’ve ever heard. I think, although I didn’t know him personally, but I think there was something very genuine about Elvis’ faith, which isn’t always the case for someone as famous as he was. I hope it gave him some semblance of peace whenever he needed it most.
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?
A. Nothing. You’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. You give the Colonel a stern telling off C. You encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract  E. You slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit!” F. You waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
I know how hard it is to try and accept that someone close to you is abusing you or taking advantage of you, and it’s especially hard to do on your own. I think it’s not unreasonable to think that, if Elvis had been able to get out from under the Colonel’s thumb, he might have lived longer, or at the very least had better quality of life before he died.
What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
God it’s hard to pick just one thing. There’s so many things I love about this movie in particular. I think it might actually be my favourite Baz Lurhman film to date (which is impressive because I fucking love Moulin Rouge), and as much as I love Austin’s performance, it’s not the only thing that really stands out to me. Everything about this movie is magical. The cinematography. The sound design. The costumes. The sets. But if you’re really going to make me pick just one.......as much as I love Trouble (and believe me, I do. Especially after watching King Creole), I might have to go with the introduction to the Vegas Years with the way Baz builds up the orchestration to the Vegas rendition of That’s Alright Mama. I had chills the first time I saw it and I about had chills every subsequent time I saw it. The way it not only builds anticipation, but builds the very track itself? Genuinely inspired imo, even for Baz.
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
If I Can Dream, and the context surrounding it. The 68′ Comeback Special is renowned for a reason, but If I Can Dream is something else altogether, because it’s not just a brilliant performance. It’s a brilliant performance that means something. It actually reminds me of U2′s Super Bowl halftime show in that way (and it’s my favourite halftime show as a result). If I Can Dream came at a time where the nation was particularly divisive, and it is genuinely one of the most moving- and heartfelt- performances I’ve ever seen. 
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here)
Due to a multitude of reasons I’ll say one or two. We’d adopt. 
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
Graceland. Especially the jungle room. I never knew what it looked like as a kid so whenever someone mentioned it I always pictured the tackiest looking room with fake vines and forest wallpaper and animal heads...only to then find out it’s actually very tasteful and warm and quite gorgeous actually. I think I would spend a lot of time in that room honestly.
What is the peak Elvis era? (Warning, this says an awful lot about you…)
Late ‘60s early ‘70s. Elvis had always been a sex symbol, but the raw, unrefined sex appeal of the ‘68 Comeback Special had me in a grip. He was no longer that young boyish rebel of the mid to late ‘50s, and after many years and failed attempts at the kind of film career I wish I- and Elvis himself- had gotten to see, Elvis had finally returned to his roots as a musician, and a rock n’ roll musician at that. There was a maturity to his sound that I really loved.
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Radicalized June 24th 2022, but now I’m in it for the long haul. God help you all when that biker movie comes out. Also Dune. ESPECIALLY Dune.  As much as I actually liked the 1984 version, it is an absolute injustice to Feyd Rautha, and I know Austin has the range to play the nastiest little space twink I know and love. 
However if they make him bald I will quit my job and go full time in the walls of Denis Villeneuve’s house.
What kind of Elvis chick are you? A 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s film set fling, or a Vegas torrid backstage affair?
Hmmmmmmm. I was a drama kid growing up so of the three I’m gonna say film set fling. 
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options:
A. Hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks B. Hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South  
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut? Or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
Angst. I fucking love to suffer (and I like to drag everyone else down with me. Just ask any of my friends). And it’s not just fanfiction, either. My favorite show right now is literally Succession.
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along)
but also if you’re really going to make me choose.......spit.
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration.
Honestly? I’m not sure. I think I’m the kind of person that would try to conform to her expectations to an unhealthy degree, but in terms of my feelings for Elvis? I want to hope that she would appreciate the sincerity. 
Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite?
Not the pink Cadillac, but the purple one! 
What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
Well I DID watch The Karate Kid so less than none probably (Sorry Ralph). Unless I’m in Eagle Fang. Then maybe one or two. That being said, I would love to see a fight between Elvis and Terry Silver. I’m getting an ABSURD amount of satisfaction at the thought of Elvis beating the shit out of Terry Silver. I would point and laugh for hours on end. 
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
A hug. Some words of encouragement. If Elvis truly felt like he never made a film he could be proud of I’d tell him that I loved him in King Creole. Maybe offer to say a prayer for him if it would bring him even some small semblance of peace.
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis?
I love making playlists because I listen to a shit ton of music. Getting to listen to new music with Elvis and be able to make playlists together just sounds so cozy to me honestly.
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
Where Could I Go But To The Lord, Heartbreak Hotel and Polk Salad Annie 🐊
If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves?
I can’t say there is one when it comes to Elvis. The absolute closest in terms of Elvis specifically is, for me, getting to listen to Austin Butler, but that’s about it. The more I’ve come to learn about who Elvis was and appreciate the magnitude of his loss, the less of an answer I have. 
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play?
A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul B. I left feeling alarmingly horny C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
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hi love !! can you write where the reader has been insecure recently & hasnt told austin until one night shes having a nightmare with the prompts,
“i don’t love you anymore.”
“i cheated. many, many times. and i regret absolutely nothing.”
“how could anyone ever love you?”
and its a bunch of fluff at the end ?? thank u lovie !!
Hey! I loved this idea! Here's the finished product, my love! Hope you enjoy!
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