kalevalaandothers · 4 days
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Saami girls rehearsing a dance. Kolkhoz "Tundra", village of Lovozero (kildin saami Луяввьр), Lovozersky District of Murmansk Oblast, 1956.
Photography by Tatyana Denisova.
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holycatsandrabbits · 7 months
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On this day in 1959 searchers discovered the abandoned tents of a group of friends near what would become known as Dyatlov Pass.
On Feb 1, 1959, nine young Soviet hikers died on Kholat Syakhl in the Ural Mountains. They were a group of experienced skiers led by 23-year-old student Igor Dyatlov. The group missed a planned check-in by telegram on Feb 12, and on Feb 26, searchers found the hikers’ camp in a very unexpected condition. The facts are as follows:
*The tent was partly covered in snow, and had been cut open from the inside
*The group’s shoes had been left in the tent
*Footprints led down to a nearby wood, where there were the remains of a fire and two bodies dressed only in underclothes.
*A nearby tree had broken branches, suggesting it had been climbed.
*Three other bodies were found nearby.
*The last four bodies were found in the spring, lying in a stream. Some of these were wearing clothes belonging to bodies that had been found undressed. 
*Some of the bodies had severe blunt-force trauma that likely killed them, and others apparently died from hypothermia
*There were no footprints from anyone outside the group
*One of the bodies had traces of radiation
*One witness at a funeral described the victims’ skin as being tanned
*Much later, witnesses reported that they saw mysterious lights in the sky on the night of the incident
Check out my Weird Wednesday blog post for the whole story and some writing prompts based on the event, such as:
A link in the chain. There are at least two similar events to Dyatlov Pass. The Chivruay Pass incident took place in 1973 in the Lovozero Massif mountain range and involved the deaths of ten hikers from hypothermia. The Hamar-Daban pass incident refers to the death of six of seven members of a hiking team from hypothermia in the Hamar-Daban mountain range in 1993. Your story could involve some sort of curse or other paranormal bad luck. Maybe an old legend warns of hikers staying on mountains on a certain night, or perhaps a ghost wanders the area, and those who see it are doomed to be lost.
DannyeChase.com ~ Ao3 ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Resources for Writers
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tapnhan · 8 months
Mùa đông nước Nga (3)
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Bên bờ Bắc Băng Dương tại Teriberka
Kể tiếp chuyện đi Murmansk.
Murmansk nằm ở vị độ 69 độ Bắc là thành phố lớn nhất thuộc vòng bắc Cực. Là thành phố công nghiệp với có cảng ko đóng băng vào mùa đông nên đây cũng là một trong những cảng quân sự có vị trí chiến lược vô cùng quan trọng với Nga. Vì nằm trong vòng bắc cực nên là vào mùa thì đây là nơi có thể nói là săn được cực quang với giá rẻ nhất so với các điểm khác ở Na Uy, Phần Lan ..: đi group tour ghép đoàn thì thời điểm đầu 2024 này giá 1 người rẻ thì khoảng 4000,5000 rúp (1.2~1.5tr) thường là bằng xe mini bus tối họ pick mình ở khách sạn, chỗ nào đắt hơn thì 6000,7000 rúp đi xe việt dã ít người hơn. Nếu mà tự đi đông đông khoảng 4,5 người trở lên thì thuê nguyên 1 xe private tour sẽ chủ động thoải mái hơn mà giá cũng ko chênh nhiều. Thường mọi người khuyên là nên ở Murmansk tối đa 3 đêm để tăng khả năng xem được cực quang. Nhưng mà nói chung cái này cũng phải dựa vào luck nên các bạn đừng tin ai nói là cứ đi đúng mùa thì tối ngày nào cũng có nhé : ))) 
Nếu may mắn thì ở trung tâm Murmansk cũng có thể săn được cực quang, vì khu trung tâm có ô nhiễm ánh sáng nên thường xe nhà tour sẽ đưa mình ra khu xung quanh để sẳn. Chỉ số KP cao thì cơ hội thấy cực quang càng lớn và vùng phủ sóng càng rộng. Tuy nhiên chỉ số có cao mà mây dày thì cực quang có ở ngay trước mặt cũng chả thấy gì hết (như trường hợp của mình). Để tăng tỷ lệ hơn nữa thì có 2 nơi tốt hơn để ngắm cực quang ở Murmansk là Teriberka và Lovozero: Teriberka nằm ở phía bắc Murmansk ở bên rìa Bắc Băng Dương còn Lovozero thì nằm ở phía nam của Murmansk, là nơi sinh sống chủ yếu của người dân tộc Sami.
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Trung tâm Teriberka (quanh đi quẩn lại mấy cái nhà hàng nhung nhúc khách Trung Của.)
Teriberka thì cách trung tâm Murmansk khoảng 2 giờ đi xe thôi, có cả xe lửa đi được đến đó nữa nhưng cả chiều đi chiều về ko phải ngày nào cũng chạy nên ai mà muốn đi xe lửa thì phải chú ý một chút. Cách đi tiện hơn là tự thuê xe thì sẽ chủ động được thời gian hơn hoặc đi day tour của mấy nhà tour đi về trong ngày nếu ko có ý định qua đêm để săn cực quang. Đặc biệt là mùa đông đường đến Teriberka thi thoảng bị đóng vì tuyết nên lúc lên lịch trình tốt nhất ko nên để lịch đi Teriberka vào một hay 2 ngày cuối cùng ko nhỡ đâu đường đóng về ko nổi thì lỡ hết mọi thứ. 
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Cái xích đu ai cũng vô check in ở Teriberka
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Đường đến Teriberka
Điểm thứ 2 là Lovozero thì xa hơn và khó đi hơn nên cũng ít người đi hơn. Để đến được đây thì phải đi ô tô mấy 4 tiếng rồi phải ngồi xe trượt tuyết mới vào được khu vực bên trong. Khu bên trong ko phải kiểu thị trấn như Teriberka nữa mà chỉ có mấy cabin nhà gỗ giữa rừng tuyết mênh mông thôi nên là nếu muốn ở lại qua đêm thì phải đặt chỗ trước từ rất sớm. Mình muốn đi chỗ này nhất nhưng đi đúng đợt tết dương book ko nổi nên ko đến được đây. Khu này điều kiện nhà cửa tương đối cơ bản nhưng xa xôi hoang vu nên là cảnh rừng cảnh tuyết đẹp nhất.
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Ví dụ 1 cảnh Lovozero
Husky park ở Lovozero cũng là đẹp nhất luôn, chơi chó kéo rồi snow mobile ở đây cũng là đẹp nhất. Tuy nhiên vì số lượng ít nên khó đặt. Mình ko buk ở qua đêm được muốn đi Husky park ở đây thôi cũng ko đặt được vé vì popular quá nên vé sold out hết đến gần cuối tháng 1 lận. Vậy nên là chỉ đi được Husky park ở trong trung tâm Murmansk thôi.
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Husky vốn gốc là chó Siberia nhưng được đưa lên đây để làm chó kéo cho các chuyến thám hiểm Bac Cực nên ở Murmansk có các husky farm kiểu như này để nuôi chó. Sau này thì chuyển hướng làm du lịch nên bán vé vào vào cửa cho mọi người vô nựng rồi chơi chó kéo vv này nọ. Nhưng số lượng vé vào cửa nhiều chỗ cũng giới hạn để đảm bảo chất lượng dịch vụ nên nếu được nên contact nhà tour trước để sắp xếp hoặc mua vé trực tiếp trước mới tới nhé.
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Mấy e trên này mới là chó con thôi, chưa phải đi làm nên vẫn còn nhỏ. Đứa nào cũng là hoa hậu thân thiện hết.
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Trong farm này còn có tuần lộc. Mỗi tội ko phải loại photogenic lắm : )) hoặc đi đúng hôm tụi nó chửa kịp make up. Mấy farm khác mình thấy có tuần lộc trắng nhìn idol hơn.
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Tuần lộc thì đúng là chuẩn hàng local đất này (Ở Murmansk có mấy quán bán steak tuần lộc nữa nếu ai muốn thử đặc sản :q)
Vì cực quang chỉ săn buổi tối thôi nên ban ngày recommend kiếm day tour đi xem husky, xem tuần lộc, đi Teriberka hoặc Lovozero nhé ko cả ngày ngồi khách sạn nhìn nhau buồn lắm. Và mọi người nên liên lạc với các nhà tour trước khi đến Murmansk, đặc biệt là đi vào dịp tết dương nhé. Ngày bình thường thì chẳng sao, có thể đến Murmansk rồi liên lạc đi tour cũng được chứ dịp tết thì các bạn Nga chắc chê tiền nên chả thèm khách lắm, trả lời ko tích cực lắm, mấy nhà tour hot hot thì còn có phụ phí ngày lễ giá tăng 1.5 lần so với bình thường vậy nên đi dịp này thì nên liên lạc trước ko lại nhỡ việc. 
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Kiếm ks xịn săn cực quang mà cũng ko thấy thật là rầu : ))
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Chốt bài bằng quả ảnh ông bác đi bơi ở trời -15 độ
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
Ex-con ex-Wagner soldiers are returning from the war and by now we know that two of them killed six (possibly seven) people in Derevjannoje, one raped a 13-year-old in Novoanninsky, and in Lovozero (Luumäki) two guys that were convicted of the murder of two local Sami* men for 19 and 22 year prison sentences in 2022 are back now because instead of prison they went to kill some Ukrainians for a bit and got their prison sentences wiped away with that. The locals are living in fear.
*Sami are indigenous people who live in the Northern areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.
(Source: Uusimaa 17.8.2023)
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] He's remembered on the Russian social-media platform VKontakte as "a son, husband, father." But 43-year-old Yevgeny Stanovoi, a deputy platoon commander in Russia's elite 61st Marine Infantry Brigade, was also part of a trend -- another native of an indigenous-populated, impoverished village in Russia's Far North, Lovozero, who joined the military and was killed in Ukraine. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has taken an unknown number of men -- draftees, volunteers, and prisoners recruited by the mercenary group Wagner -- away from the Lovozero district, a land of tundra, tumble-down settlements of wooden homes, and reindeer herders on Russia's subarctic Kola Peninsula, a few hours southeast of the Barents Sea port of Murmansk. It is an exodus that adds to the challenges clouding the future of the Saami community in Russia, where their numbers are already substantially smaller than in neighboring Norway, Finland, and Sweden. "The war changed everything a lot," commented Lovozero resident Valentina Sovkina, a Saami activist and one of the few still willing to speak out publicly amid a spiraling state clampdown on free speech in which criticism of the war is a crime. "This is a terrible threat for everyone, and especially for minorities." Before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Lovozero, which is known as Russia's "Saami capital," had been losing residents for at least two decades. Now below 2,000, the population of the village, where members of the Komi and Nenets communities also live, has declined by about 19 percent in the past 20 years, according to official figures. Mentioned in the 16th century as a church burial ground, by the mid-20th century Lovozero had become the site of Soviet attempts to settle the Saami, traditionally nomadic reindeer herders. Today, only 1,500 Saamis remain in Russia, estimates Sovkina, the speaker of the Kola Peninsula's Saami parliament, a consultative body, and a member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. "I would say that 3 percent of the adult population has died" in Russia's war against Ukraine, she said. "That may not be many for some people, but for our tiny nation, this is a lot." The Russian news outlet Mediazona and the BBC's Russian service, which have a joint project seeking to count and identify Russian soldiers killed in the war, said that 212 people from the Murmansk region had been killed since the start of the invasion, as of September 22. The research did not specify the ethnicity or the place of residence of those killed, and the Russian military death toll is widely believed to be substantially higher than the number confirmed by journalists. As recently as a few months ago, Murmansk region mayors and the governor, Andrei Chibis, were releasing information about soldiers killed in Ukraine and holding "pompous funerals" for them, a Lovozero resident who did not want their name published because of the sensitivity of the topic pointed out. The last announcement of a soldier's death on the regional news site Nord-News.ru dates from late July. "Now it's like they're playing mum, trying not to advertise [the deaths]," she said. Stanovoi's personal acquaintances in Lovozero and relatives declined to speak about his death with RFE/RL's North.Realities, but some spoke about his background. The officer left Lozovero for Murmansk, headquarters of Russia's Arctic military forces, right after he graduated from high school, initially working as a cargo loader and driver at a meat store before enlisting in the Northern Fleet's 61st Marine Brigade in 2015. He eventually became a deputy platoon commander and took part in the war in Syria, according to acquaintances, who requested anonymity. Yevgeny Stanovoi It was a typical career path for a Lovozero resident. The village, its entrance marked by a rusty reindeer on a Soviet-era sign missing Lovozero's final "o," has few jobs apart from reindeer husbandry, an increasingly rare expertise. Fishing, hunting, and seasonal tourism provide some relief, but unemployment stands at nearly double Russia's official rate of 3.3 percent. Average monthly salaries in the district of which Lovozero is the administrative center are just under 55,230 rubles ($580), only three-quarters of the national average, according to official data. To find a living wage, locals often head to Murmansk, St. Petersburg, or, before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, found jobs on Norwegian fishing boats. The military is another option: Its promised -- though not always paid -- salaries of 195,000 rubles ($2,535) for recruits to fight in Ukraine are over 3 1/2 times the average monthly wage in the Lovozero district. With no medical clinic, persistent violent crime, and its first gas station only now opening for business, Lovozero could find it hard to compete. One group of indigenous activists and community leaders expelled from Russia, the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR), said that the participation of indigenous soldiers was "the war's most direct and unfortunate impact" on indigenous peoples in Russia. For Lovozero, still another controversial impact could occur within the next few years. The mountain mass on which its district is located contains "unique reserves" of rare metals, according to local geologists. As international sanctions for Russia's invasion of Ukraine cut into imports, Russian firms are preparing to start large-scale mining of lithium, platinum, and palladium in the area by 2027. One of the companies, Polar Lithium, a joint venture set up by Russia's state-run atomic energy company Rosatom and mining giant Nornickel, expects to add 1,000 local jobs to produce 45,000 tons of lithium carbonate and hydroxide per year at Kolmozerskoye, a lithium deposit that contains roughly 19 percent of Russia's entire reserves. A second company, Arctic Lithium, has already begun pilot production at another lithium-deposit site, Polmostundrovskoye. A third, Fedorovo Resources, a Murmansk-region-backed firm, plans to invest over 60 billion rubles ($618 million) in palladium mining. Locals enjoy reindeer racing in Vorkuta on the Komi Peninsula. Concerns about these ventures' long-term environmental impact -- like worries about the war -- exist, but are largely kept silent. Their speech stifled, some Saami activists have emigrated to Norway, which has reportedly granted them political asylum. What public criticism persists is on social media. Some in Lovozero fear that endangered lichens that are the principal food source for the 20,000 reindeer at the region's main employer, the agricultural cooperative Tundra, will be destroyed. Others complain that a survey conducted by ethnologists for Polar Lithium to assess local concerns about the mining venture questioned only 50 Saami residents. Polar Lithium has pledged to "to support and develop" the area's indigenous people and to inform and involve them, free of pressure, in decisions about its mining project. The chief engineer of Nornickel's Department of Federal and Regional Programs, Vasily Zakharov, told RFE/RL's North.Realities that "the dialogue is constructive" and that "consultations" are ongoing with the Kola Peninsula's indigenous inhabitants. But though public hearings have been held about these projects, one former Lovozero resident who has left Russia and did not want her name published said that residents would not share their "tensions" at such gatherings. "People are intimidated, depressed -- it's a discussion with a gun to their heads," she said. Written by Elizabeth Owen. This story is based in part on reporting by correspondents from RFE/RL's North.Realities on the ground in Russia. Their names are being withheld for their protection [ad_2]
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clearblazedaze · 1 year
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farmandehnet · 1 year
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Pilot i putnici povrijeđeni u padu helikoptera
Foto: ilustracija Srušio se helikopter u blizini ruske arktičke luke Murmansk pri čemu je pilot teže povrijeđen, a troje putnika lakše, saopštilo je rusko ministarstvo za vanredne situacije. U saopštenju se navodi da je devet osoba helikopterom Mi-8 putovalo iz Krasnoščelja u Lovozero, dvije udaljene ispostave na ruskom poluostrvu Kola istočno od Murmanska. Ministarstvo navodi da su piloti…
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daniilkazantsev · 3 years
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ANGVUNDASCHORR MASSIF. CLOUDS #adventure #mountain #outdoor #landscape #photo #art #nature #naturephotography #sky #hiking #stones #sky #nationalgeographic #clouds #russia #lovozero (at Angvundaschorr) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSq3CtXL-2O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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octaneanton · 4 years
InDetails - The Tilly Riddle Show EP15 (New Russian)
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kalevalaandothers · 3 months
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Saami maiden Sima from village of Lovozero (kildin saami Луяввьр, skolt saami Luujäu'rr, northern saami Lujávri; unofficial "the Saami capital of Russia"), Lovozersky District of Murmansk Oblast.
Photography by Alexander Khimushin.
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abjective-music · 6 years
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Abjective — Shelter of the Dead on @fields.music preludes @parkgorkogo #паркгорького90 #abjective #nikitazabelin #lovozero #symphocat #ambient #modularsynth #synthesizer (at Парк Горького) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnjWjUMgJua/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1frvb412dv5j6
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mydiytrip · 4 years
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‘ทุกความพยายามไม่อาจนำมาซึ่งความสำเร็จ แต่ทุกความสำเร็จล้วนเกิดมาจากความพยายาม’ เหมือนพวกเราเหล่านักล่า ต้องทรหดอดทน แข็งแกร่งพอถึงจะได้มาซึ่งภาพถ่ายแสงเหนือในวิวที่พิเศษสุดกว่าใคร ที่ Lake Seydozero ทะเลสาบในตำนานของชาวซามี ที่ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ ลึกลับ ตั้งแต่ร่องรอยของ Bigfoot จานบิน ufo ด้วยทัศนียภาพของภูเขารูปร่างแปลกตา ด้วยการเข้าถึงที่ยากลำบากเพราะต้องนั่งสโนว์โมบิลลากเลื่อนระยะทางถึง 35 กิโลเมตร ทำให้ที่นี่เป็นที่จุดชมแสงเหนือที่สวยที่สุดแห่งหนึ่งของโลก และเป็นดินแดนในฝันของเหล่านักล่าแสงเหนืออย่างแท้จริง แค่ก้าวเดินออกจาก comfort zone ของตัวเอง แล้วคุณจะพบสิ่งแปลกใหม่และยิ่งใหญ่ที่ควรค่าในชีวิตค่ะ ไปกันค่า #trip #aurora #northpole #extreme #live #traveltheworld #lovozero #seydozero #lake #advanture #explore #exploremore #world #hope #free #freedom #wing #opportunity #happylife #good #แสงเหนือ #russian #mydiytrip #ทริปตามล่าหาแสงเหนือรัสเซีย https://www.instagram.com/p/CMEigmXs--o/?igshid=uez09gi7hts5
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2kxx · 7 years
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Lovozero - Moroka https://open.spotify.com/track/3dsNYo1OxIrqFSAbLlvAV2
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parkpoom-in-mai · 7 years
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Saami settlement . #leicaM6 #summilux35preasph #film #filmcamera #filmphotography #kodakcolorplus200 #filmisnotdead #35mm #ishootfilm #analog #keepfilmalive #c41 #lovozero #murmansk #russia #plustek #sami #saami (at Lake Lovozero)
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kosh-photo · 8 years
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Lake Lovozero
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