#lucerys velaryon x oc
diamantar · 3 days
→ Lucerys Velaryon x fem!Targaryen!OC + Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen.
✦ Sinopsis: La vida no deseó que estuvieran juntas, pero sus hijos eran capaces de unirlas en formas más allá de la simple compresión.
✦ Advertencias: Matrimonio arreglado / Nacimiento / Fluff.
✦ Palabras: 738
✦ Pedido: @dlwlrmas-world
✦ Nota: ¡Comentarios, likes y reblogs son muy apreciados! ♡
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Alicent jadeó ansiosa y sostuvo con más ímpetu la mano de su hija, quien concentraba toda fuerza existente en pujar. Lanzó la cabeza hacia atrás y gruñó apretando los dientes, la Hightower temiendo que los rompiera mientras las venas del cuello saltaban y sudor caía desde la linea del cabello.
—¡Solo un poco más, Princesa! —exclamó la partera en jefe.
La joven soltó el aire contenido y miró el techo sin un pensamiento coherente, el dolor de una nueva contracción transformándole el rostro y preparándola para repetir el proceso.
—¡Viene, viene, viene! —avisó una ayudante arreglando un gran paño.
El agudo alarido del bebé penetró profundo en los oídos y sonrisas se formaron, palabras escurridizas rebotando en las paredes mientras las sirvientas se movían de un lado a otro.
—Lo lograste —suspiró Alicent extremadamente aliviada, con la mano libre yendo a quitarle el cabello del rostro.
—Por los Siete —jadeó exhausta, instintivamente acomodando los brazos y recibiendo a la pequeña criatura.
—Es un varón, mi Reina —festejaron las comadronas.
—¿Sano? —preguntaron madre e hija.
—Absolutamente. Respira y no presenta deformidades.
La joven miró al niño y sonrió rozando con cuidado una de las rojizas mejillas, enseguida saltando en el lugar gracias a las desgarradoras puntadas.
—Llamen a mi esposo —ordenó a una de las sirvientas.
La Hightower se puso recta y aguardó manteniendo modales, el Velaryon cruzando las puertas en menos de un parpadeo. Admiró la caótica escena y la sangre en las sabanas, pálido y tenso perdiendo el apuro y dando pasos inseguros al interior de la habitación.
—¿Cómo estás? —indagó, nervioso echando vistazos al pequeño bulto mientras se aseguraba de que ella no estuviera en peligro.
—Agotada y adolorida —reconoció relajando el cuello contra las almohadas—. Acercate, saluda a tu primogénito.
Lucerys cumplió y se inclinó a ver al bebé de rubios cabellos, con labios entreabiertos analizando cada detalle como si fuera irreal que aquello también lo creó él.
—Tan pequeño... —murmuró fascinado, la fijación siendo tal que ignoró la presencia de su madre.
Alicent tensó los hombros y conectó miradas con Rhaenyra, la cual asintió en reconocimiento antes de pasar.
—Felicitaciones —habló sincera colocándose al lado del muchacho.
—Gracias —dijo sonriente sintiendo un gran entumecimiento en las caderas—. ¿Quieres ver a tu nieto?
La oferta le recordó que finalmente era abuela y por unos segundos quedó petrificada, al momento mirando al pequeño tan desconcertada como Lucerys. Alicent ocultó la gracia que le provocaba verlos tan asombrados y se sumió en sus pensamientos, años atrás jamás imaginando estar en una situación como aquella.
Cuando el arreglo del matrimonio fue propuesto ciertamente se había manifestado en contra, pero no podía negar que el trato era beneficioso al los Velaryon ser una casa histórica llena de poder y dinero. Además, por más que prefirió hacer ojos ciegos, no podía negar los sentimientos de amor entre su hija y Lucerys. Empezó a temer las consecuencias de interponerse en el romance, por lo que, luego de mucha consideración, aceptó y aseguró la línea Hightower en Marcaderiva.
La noticia contentó a Viserys y rápido preparó la boda, los jóvenes uniéndose en alegría y poniéndose a trabajar en traer descendencia apenas tuvieron oportunidad. Tomó algunos meses, pero el embarazo pasó increíblemente rápido y ahora estaban ante la prueba irrefutable de la unión de las figuras femeninas más importantes del reino. Alicent jamás esperó que su relación con Rhaenyra llegara a nuevo puerto después del gran distanciamiento, pero aquel momento parecía sacado de un sueño.
La reina inspiró profundo y junto las manos al frente, con cariño admirando la escena hasta que sintió los claros ojos Targaryen posados en ella. Levantó la vista y conectó con la princesa, el sentimiento en aquellos irises hablando más de lo que alguna vez podría salir de sus labios. El corazón inmediatamente se aceleró y sintió los pómulos amenazar con tomar color, por un momento perdiendo noción del alrededor y confiando que estaban solas en los aposentos. De pronto el llanto del bebé cortó el aire y Rhaenyra miró al niño, allí golpeándola la concepción de que habían creado vida a través de sus hijos.
La descabellada idea empalideció a Alicent, pero la sonrisa y aura maternal de su antigua compañera solo la llevó a fantasear irracionalmente. Generar existencia entre dos mujeres era imposible, pero, ante los jóvenes nuevos padres, de alguna manera podía confirmar que lo habían logrado.
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minteaspoon · 1 year
hear me out, hear me out;
abo au of luke pulling an odysseus after being sent to another world by an athena equivalent of that world, and trying to find a way back home but goes through what odysseus had to go through in the myths - also he develops a quim in that world cause duh it’s abo and we love to see a luke having an existential crisis about being able to conceive a child and everyone freaking out about it:)
bonus points if he marries a penelope equivalent - who definitely pegs him - and has a kid and it’s just an angst fest of “does he want to stay in this world with his wife and child, with his friends who fought with him, and with a goddess who taught and mothered him or should he go back to his original world, to westeros and to his mother and brothers, and fight for and alongside them if need be while dealing with possibly unrequited love with his uncle who still obsessed over him and tons of other guys that found out he turned from a femboy twink to a buff femboy twink with a quim?”
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falloutfallin · 5 months
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“Sick & Perverted” on ao3
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daemontargaryenwhore · 8 months
it looked like that punch took all his strength how is his mother not embarrassed Harwin is rolling in the dust
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kckt88 · 3 months
The Lost Dragon.
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I - Ensnared.
II - Counterblow.
III - Slip Away.
IV - Harmonize.
V - Butterfly.
VI - Wrecked.
VII - Eliminate.
VIII - Relinquish.
IX - Displaced.
X - Longing.
XI - Freedom.
XII - Revelations.
XIII - Tranquility.
XIV - Lingering.
XV - Eternal.
XVI - Hēnkirī hae mēre
XVII - Epilogue
XVIII - Exile (Aemond POV)
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coeursye · 7 months
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The strange union of Lucerys Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen resulted in the birth of a brood of perfectly handsome sons and perfectly beautiful daughters.
Meet them down below ⬇️
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Aemion is the dependable, friendly and oblivious eldest child of Lucerys and Aemond. He deeply loves all of his siblings and has a tendency to acts as if he was their mother. Aemion is sweet, always cheerful and rather charming.
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Contrary to his eldest twin, Aeryn is shy and melancholic, he seems to always be in the clouds and likes to isolate himself. He’s pretty reserved unless he’s with Aemion, who he adores perhaps just a little bit too much.
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Valaena is a rather calm and collected young girl although she is quite cold, judgemental and sardonic. She is fiercely protective of Lucerys and will not tolerate any kind of disrespect toward him. There’s no one who could be more proud to be a Targaryen than Valaena.
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Unlike her sisters, Calyx is not known for being a great beauty but rather for her remarkable intelligence and prowess in archery. Adventurous, she loves to explore news horizons with her dragon. She has little regard for her youngest twin, Baelon, and mostly ignores him.
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Prideful, fearful, arrogant and short-tempered, his personality doesn’t make Baelon particularly popular among his siblings. Despite his overall unpleasant demeanor, Baelon’s intelligence is undeniable and extremely praised, though it seems to only add to his already inflated ego.
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Maegelle is sweet, at least that’s what she wants everyone to think. She is delighted whenever she gets to tease her older brother Baelon and more often than not gets into arguments with him. Maegelle enjoys singing the songs she wrote as Baelon and Valaena play the lute and the harp for her. She admires and is way more than fond of Valaena but unfortunately for her, it doesn’t seems to be reciprocal.
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Saelyna is the eldest triplet of Osferth and Rhaegar. She is quite rubbish, clumsy and overall a very funny little girl but she’s unfortunately not the smartest. For there is absolutely nothing going on inside her head.
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Calm and docile, Osferth is a sweet kid with a sweet tooth. While he doesn’t have a dragon himself, he loves takings care of the dragons of his siblings. He is very fond of his sickly little brother Maelor and often sneak in his chambers to take care of him and keep him company.
(Will add the portrait later)
Rhaegar was the youngest triplet of Saelyna and Osferth. He was the only child who looked exactly like Lucerys. The babe unfortunately passed away before his first moon, which deeply devastated Aemond and Luke.
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Lucerys and Aemond were blessed with Maelor a few years after the loss of their babe, Rhaegar, and after multiple miscarriages. Sadly, he was born weak, tiny and very sickly with dragon scales on different part of his body. Rarely allowed to go outside, he spend most of his time alone in his chambers with his little dragon, Pythios.
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Gael is a little girl who despite her very young age is quite energetic. She likes to run around and cause mischief.
And that’s it, for now. I hope you guys will enjoy all the pics, fics and lores about them that I’ll post in the future!!
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councilofcastamere · 25 days
wouldn’t Zaar Goedemans make a great fancast as the daughter of Laenor and Rhaenyra had they ever been able to conceive? ♡︎
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yummycastiel · 2 years
''The Dreamer'' Aemond Targaryen x OC
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summary: Daenys Velaryon, the brown-haired third child of Rhaenyra and Laenor, travels to King's Landing with her family to visit the King, her grandfather, and to witness Jacaerys' and Baela's wedding. As tensions between house Targaryen rise, Daenys and Aemond cross paths once again, and the prince discovers an annoying attraction to the Velaryon girl. (AU where the Dance doesn't happen because I said so and I just wanted to write an Aemond fanfic that isn't too complicated lol). This is part 1 of a fic in the works so comment if ur down for chapter 2! (SERIES MASTERLIST HERE)
a/n: Yeah so while I AM team black, house of the dragon has me OBSESSED with Aemond, like i mean, i have an unhealthy obsession with this man. i decided to write a fanfic to indulge myself but i hope anyone reading this enjoys!
warning for targaryen incest: i have never written incest before, nor am i cool with it, but since house of the dragon aired i guess we all have decided to not really care about a fantasy family doing fantasy incest but i guess i need to put a warning for anyone who isn't down for it. it is what it is!
Enjoy :)
Daenys Velaryon felt the wind blowing through her brown hair as she rode atop her dragon, Aegarax, and she watched as the Red Keep grew bigger and bigger as she approached it at a quick pace. Daenys almost wanted to keep on flying, but she resisted the urge as her dragon lowered her to the ground steadily. Since she could remember, flying with Aegarax was her favorite thing in the world. She had decided at an early age that if she could ride dragon back forever as opposed to walking, she would. Daenys knew that this was due to her bond with the black dragon, who had been hatched the same day she was born. Her mother, Rhaenyra, had a dragon egg brought to her to sleep next to every night while pregnant with Daenys to secure a dragon for her daughter before she was even born. Since birth, Daenys and Aegarax had been united, dragon and rider sharing the same sensations and thoughts, telepathically connected. Daenys would die for her dragon, who she named after one of the gods of old Valyria, and watched as the onyx-colored dragon grew, which he did at a faster pace than more dragons, to the point where he was almost as big as Syrax. Aegarax was strong, formidable, and Daenys loved him.
Aegarax descended, giant wings beating down on the ground like a windstorm, and Daenys saw Lucerys and Jacaerys arrive on their own dragons. The dragon keepers approached the three dragons, welcoming them back to the Dragon Pit. As Daenys dropped down from her saddle, she turned to stroke Aegarax with a loving hand.
‘’I’ll see you soon.’’ She promised whispering as if the dragon could respond, but in a way he did, because he gave her a nudge with his huge snout, almost pushing her over. The girl giggled but was interrupted by a voice that startled her out of her thoughts.
‘’That’s a gorgeous beast.’’ The low, calm voice drifted through the air. Daenys and her older brothers whipped around to see a tall, silver-haired man with an eye-patch covering his left eye standing at the door to the dragon pit, one hand resting on a sheathed sword. He was staring at Daenys and her brothers intently, his one violet eye wide and menacing.
‘’Aemond.’’ Lucerys greeted in a less-than friendly tone. As the dragon keepers led their dragons away, the three Velaryon sibling approached their uncle cautiously, no love lost between the boys and the older Targaryen. Daenys sized him up. He was no longer a boy like she remembered, but a man, tall, svelte, with strong shoulders. He was carrying himself with an air of aloofness, his stoic face giving no emotion away.
Daenys was years younger than her uncle, but she remembered growing up alongside him, and remembered when he had lost his eye. She was quite young, around 5 years old, but she recalled the drama that occurred, how Aemond refused to stay in bed to heal, instead deciding to continue his sword training skills with Criston Cole. Daenys had been too young then to understand the bitter schism between Alicent Hightower’s family and Rhaenyra’s, and she decided to become Aemond’s little shadow. She followed him around, watching as he trained, listening to him read out from the history books to her, and sat next to him during dinner. He seemed to enjoy the company, from what she remembered, as she noticed he was estranged from his brother and the other boys. As she got a bit older, she could acknowledge that she had a little childhood crush on the boy, but as she grew even more aware of the hostility between their ‘’sides’’ she knew that that was all it would ever be. Yet, she still decided to be friendly with the older boy, not caring about his disfigured face and missing eye. As an older girl now, she wondered why Aemond had tolerated her, seeing as he despised her brothers, Luke and Jace, due to their alleged bastard-nature that Alicent had brain washed him to believe.
The issue of her and her sibling’s birth, was known to her. Harwin Strong was their father, but they still were Targaryens through and through, and she never doubted that for a second. They shared the same father, Laenor, who was now dead. While the cruel jokes and taunts about them being bastards bothered her brothers, Daenys never seemed to care that much. She refused to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing her react in any way to the ‘’baseless’’ lies. She had Valyrian blood either way.
Now she had come face to face with her uncle Aemond, older, and so different. The awkward, shy boy from her youth was no longer, but instead he stood quite tall, long silver hair draped over his shoulders. His face was lean, narrow, his strong chin pursing his lips into a permanent smirk. His face, while still scarred, more handsome than Daenys wanted to admit. His eye glittered in the dim light of the Dragon Pit as his eyes settled on her.
‘’Nephews…niece.’’ He greeted, giving her a wry little smile. Daenys bit her lip, suddenly very conscious of not knowing what to do with her hands. She began to wring them nervously, much like her mother did.
‘’Uncle.’’ Was all she returned. Aemond took a step towards her, which did not go unnoticed by Jace, who proceeded to stand in front of her protectively. Aemond’s eye narrowed but he froze.
‘’You and your dragon have grown splendidly since I last saw you.’’ The prince mused.
‘’Thank you, Your Grace.’’ Daenys managed, not sure where the conversation was going or why Aemond was paying her so much attention. As if he could read her mind, Aemond’s eyes turned to her brothers.
‘’Dear nephews,’’ He began in a taunting tone, ‘’You haven’t changed a bit since I last saw you both. Mayhaps you look a bit more strong.’’ Their uncle chuckled as he watched Jace and Luke bristle at his words. Daenys rolled his eyes. Evidently the prince liked wordplay.
‘’Let’s go,’’ She muttered, pulling at Jace’s sleeve, ‘’We don’t have time for this.’’ Luke and Jace obliged, giving Aemond a dirty look, but as they passed by their uncle Daenys tried her best to avoid his gaze as she was intently aware that he was staring at her. She risked a glance at the older man and as soon as she confirmed that he was indeed studying her, looking at her, like she was the first woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Her first instinct was to look away, but she met his gaze and without meaning to she smiled at him. Aemond’s eyebrow raised, his eye changing from a look of smugness to a softer, more surprised look. Daenys looked away immediately to follow Luke and Jace out of the Dragon Pit to meet their mother in the Keep, too afraid to look back at the prince.
To say Aemond was a little more pleased than he should be to see the arrivals of his nephews was an understatement. While he was expecting to see Jacareys and Lucerys, the Strong bastards he had a deep dislike for, he was surprised to see Daenys, his bastard niece, jump from her great black dragon. He realized that he had completely forgotten about her, as many years had passed since he’d last seen her, but now that he looked at her every memory came rushing back.
The prince recalled how he would read to her in the library as children, how she’d laugh at his witless jokes, and watch as he trained with Ser Criston. She had never failed to make his day better in their youth, even after the bitter loss of his eye. Daenys had been ecstatic to find out he had claimed Vhagar. Aemond chuckled to remember how she had begged him to take her for a ride on Vhagar’s back, but at the time Aemond had been too scared to take her up with him, for fear of an accident happening. Other than his sister, Daenys had been the only family member he liked being around. He didn’t even seem to recall the fact that she too was a bastard, like her brothers. Her sweet nature as a child must have won him over. But she had been so young, she must have forgotten by now, as well as been brainwashed to hate him like her older brothers did.
Aemond gazed at Daenys now, who was grown up, a girl of seven and ten years old. Aemond begrudgingly noticed that she really had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her dark brown hair fell to her shoulders in soft, gentle waves, still messy from the ride on Aegarax. She was dressed in black riding pants, with leather boots that reached her knees. Instead of a tunic she wore a black leather jerkin overtop a white blouse, the Targaryen sigil embroidered on in red on the chest, and the blue Velaryon seahorses adorning the sleeves. Daenys Velaryon looked every bit a proper dragon rider. When she turned to look at him Aemond felt his heart clench in his chest as he got a good look at her face. She was fair, big brown eyes as opposed to violet ones studying him. Her face was round, all soft edges, with the same aquiline nose of house Targaryen. Freckles dappled her sun kissed skin, probably from so much time under the sun atop her dragon. Aemond drank her presence in, unable to tear his gaze away.
The little boy inside him wanted to shy away, his old insecurity of his scarred, ugly face coming back to haunt him as he met the gaze of the woman that he knew he was supposed to hate as much as her siblings. He cursed at the intrusive thoughts of Daenys’ pretty demeanor that attacked his mind, voices that reminded him that Daenys would find him disgusting, find his missing eye disgusting, like some women in court did, but when she smiled at him, Aemond’s fears vanished.
Daenys smiled at him, even after he taunted her brothers. In that moment he felt his heart soar, and he wondered if this is how he felt as a child whenever he had been with her. Aemond’s usually impenetrable heart softened slightly, which he fucking hated.
comment below or message me if you'd like to be on the taglist for this story, if anyone reads it i guess haha :)
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presidenthades · 4 months
New HOTD Daughters-verse Fic!
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Title: Compromise and Being Compromised
Rating: E (for eventual smut; it’ll take a little time to get there)
Pairings: Aemond/OC (primary), Aegon/OC, Daeron/OC (different OCs, no love triangles)
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Targaryen prince in possession of a large ego must be in want of:
✅ A strong grasp of history and philosophy
✅ Mastery of the blade
✅ The largest dragon in the world
❌ Some goddamn respect from his family
❌ A Velaryon bride who happens to be the heir to Driftmark (optional, but not really).
Or: Lucera is a second daughter who is never good enough, and Aemond is a second son who is never satisfied. It takes a lost eye, at least one failed marriage proposal, and years of heartache before they both finally learn to compromise so they can have what they really want.
Notable tags: Genderbending, No Dance, Angst, Multi-Year Time Span, Mutual Pining
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By Fire, Sea and Blood
The untold story of an approaching collapse
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Daenerys Velaryon (strong! Oc/reader)
Tag list: just ask
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Act I
Chapter one: untainted beginnings
the blank canvases of the red keep
Chapter two: a day to rejoice
the name day of a spectacle
Chapter three: look at her now
when push leads to tear
Chapter four: the princess and the queen
Chapter five: Children
Careful what you do infront of children, careful what you say infront of children
Chapter Six: A storm of Black and Green
Coloured canvases
Chapter seven: false peace
forget my wroth and I will strike twice
Chapter eight: Necessary
we've come together to mourn living man
Chapter nine: The darkness calls
why am I trapped here while you all thrive there
Chapter ten: A fair exchange?
what is the worth of my desire, compared to what I had to pay to attain it
Chapter eleven: another visit
How many times must we see your cruel face?
Chapter twelve: Depravity
curiosity is depravity in a sheep's coat
Chapter thirteen: depths
To what depths will my wandering take me?
Chapter fourteen: Red, Green and Black
innocence ended at its own hand
Chapter fifteen: From the Roaring Tides
I rise thrice more
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daemontargaryenwhore · 8 months
This was literally Aemond and Lucerys wth 💀 #HouseOfTheDragon 🔥
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kckt88 · 3 months
The Lost Dragon XIV - Lingering.
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Aemond and Vaelys have returned to Kings Landing to attend a celebration in honour of their son's birth, Aemond takes an instant dislike to Cregan and later he reveals his deepest fear.
Warning(s): Nightmare, Angst, Apology, Language, Insults, Jealousy, Possessive, Uncle/Niece Incest, Kissing, Smut -Breeding Kink, Lactation Kink, P in V, Proposal.
Word Count: 5788
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @darylandbethfanforever9
The skies ablaze with dragon fire and the air thick with the scent of death. Aemond watched helplessly as Vhagar, burst through the clouds and devoured Lucerys.
His heart heavy with sorrow, Aemond watched as Helaena Targaryen, was forced to make an impossible choice— Jaehaerys or Maelor? His heart breaking at his sweet sisters scream of anguish as her son was killed.
The scene shifted, and Aemond found himself standing in the courtyard of the Red Keep, surrounded by the sound of the desperate pleas from prisoners. His hands, slick with blood, trembled as he carried out executions with ruthless efficiency, each blow a painful reminder of the cost of war.
The funeral of his nephew, his body wrapped in the shroud hand stitched by Helaena, his little hand clutching his favourite dragon toy.
His own decent into darkness, the cold grip of ruthlessness had seized him and refused to let go.
And then, the fall of Princess Rhaenys and her dragon Meleys at the Battle of Rook's Rest—the gruesome bloody show of the dragon’s severed head paraded through the streets of Kings Landing.
His brother Aegon, injured and vulnerable-as Aemond found himself being crowned Prince Regent, tasked with ruling in his absence.
Alys Rivers, the witch of Harrenhal-her eyes dark and inscrutable as she beckoned to him with a knowing smile. Aemond was drawn to her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence.
As they drew closer, the nightmare twisted into a grotesque parody of intimacy, with Alys wrapping herself around him in a macabre dance of seduction. Aemond's heart pounded in his chest as he watched himself become ensnared in her web, his every instinct screaming for him to break free, to flee from the darkness that threatened to consume him.
But in the nightmare's cruel grip, Aemond was powerless to resist, his will subsumed by the allure of desire and pleasure. And in the throes of passion, he surrendered to the darkness, his actions driven by impulses he could neither comprehend nor control.
As the nightmare continued to unfold, Aemond watched in horror as Alys grew round with his bastard-a son with no name.
Then he saw her-Vaelys, her eyes wide with fear as he stood before her, his own hands wrapped around her throat. He watched in horror as his grip tightened, squeezing the life from her with a brutality that tore at his soul.
The dark version of him, had no love for her-in this world she had been responsible for the death of his brother Daeron, unflinching as she bathed him in dragon fire during the second battle of Tumbleton.  
"No-" Aemond's voice broke, a strangled cry escaping his lips as he recoiled from the sight before him. But in the depths of his nightmare, there was no escape, no respite from the anguish that consumed him.
As Vaelys' lifeless form crumpled to the ground, a primal scream tore from Aemond's throat.
His nephew Maelor torn apart by a mob of common folk, the decent of his siter into madness and her fall from the window’s of Maegor’s Holdfast.
In the skies above the God's Eye, the air crackling with the energy of impending battle. He felt the familiar rush of adrenaline course through his veins as he soared through the clouds astride Vhagar.
But his exhilaration was tinged with dread as he spotted the silhouette of another dragon, its massive wingspan blotting out the sun. It was Caraxes, ridden by his uncle Daemon, a formidable adversary with a reputation for ferocity and skill.
As the dragons clashed in a deadly dance of fire and fury, Aemond felt a cold knot of fear tighten in his chest. The air rang with the deafening roar of their flames, the ground below a blur as they circled each other in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Aemond's heart pounded in his chest as he urged Vhagar onward, his mind consumed by a primal instinct to survive at any cost. But as he looked up, his eyes widening in terror, he saw something that chilled him to the bone-a flash of steel glinting in the sunlight, the deadly point of Dark Sister, his uncle's legendary Valyrian steel sword, aimed straight at him.
With a strangled cry of horror, Aemond tried to veer away, to escape the deadly trajectory of the blade. But it was too late, he felt the sharp point of Dark Sister pierce his remaining eye, driving through flesh and bone, agony engulfing him as the blade tore through his skull, its tip emerging from the back of his throat.
With a gasp, Aemond jolted awake, his heart racing in his chest as he struggled to shake off the lingering tendrils of the nightmare. Beside him, Vaelys stirred, her presence a comforting anchor in the darkness.
Trembling, Aemond reached out to her, his fingers tangling in the soft strands of her silver hair as he pulled her close, seeking solace in the warmth of her embrace.
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As the dawn's light filtered through the windows of their old chambers in Kings Landing, Vaelys watched with a heavy heart as Aemond stirred fitfully in his sleep. She could see the lines of worry etched upon his brow, the restless toss and turn of his body betraying the torment of his nightmares.
With a sigh, Vaelys reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from Aemond's forehead, her touch light and soothing against his skin. "Aemond," she murmured softly, her voice a gentle caress in the stillness of the morning, "You haven't been sleeping well. Your nightmares-are troubling you."
Aemond's eye fluttered open, the weariness evident as he gazed up at Vaelys with a mixture of gratitude and resignation. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered, his voice heavy with exhaustion. "I can't seem to escape them, no matter how hard I try."
Vaelys' heart ached at the sight of her husband's anguish, the weight of his nightmares a burden she could scarcely bear. "You don't have to face them alone, Aemond," she reassured him, her voice filled with quiet determination. "I'm here for you, always. We'll face them together."
With a tender smile, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close in a comforting embrace. "We'll find a way to ease your troubled mind," she promised, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Whatever it takes."
"Aemond, perhaps the maesters could offer something to help with your sleep," she suggested softly, her voice laced with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "Maybe some dreamwine, to ease the burden of your nightmares."
Aemond's expression softened at her suggestion, a flicker of gratitude crossing his weary features. "It's worth a try," he conceded, his voice tinged with a note of resignation. "Anything to find some relief.”
"I'll speak with Maester Garrick, when we return to Dragonstone-but for now you must try and get some rest" said Vaelys, her voice filled with resolve.
Aemond turned to her, his gaze filled with gratitude and weariness. "I'll try, Vaelys," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But the nightmares-"
Vaelys shook her head, her eyes filled with determination. "You don't have to face them alone," she assured him, her voice firm yet gentle. "Let me be your anchor in the storm”.
With a sigh, Aemond nodded, allowing himself to relax into her embrace. As Vaelys wrapped her arms around him, she felt the tension drain from his body, his breaths slowing as he surrendered to the comfort of her touch.
Gently, she began to stroke his hair, her fingers tracing soothing patterns against his scalp. "Close your eyes, my love," she murmured, her voice a tender lullaby in the darkness. "I'll be right here beside you, every step of the way."
As Vaelys continued to stroke Aemond's hair, she felt the tension gradually ebb from his body, his breathing growing slow and steady against her chest. With each gentle caress, she whispered words of comfort and reassurance, her voice a soothing balm against the turmoil of his troubled mind.
And then, gradually, almost imperceptibly, she felt Aemond begin to relax into sleep's embrace. His eyelid fluttered closed; his features softened by the peace of slumber.
Vaelys held him close, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the man who had captured her heart. She pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, silently vowing to stand by him ,to be his rock in times of storm and his beacon of light in the darkest of nights.
As Aemond finally succumbed to sleep's gentle embrace, Vaelys felt a sense of profound relief wash over her. In his arms, she found solace and strength, a sanctuary from the cares of the world.
And as she held him close, nestled in the warmth of their shared embrace, she knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in the unbreakable bond of their love. With a whispered prayer for peaceful dreams, Vaelys closed her own eyes.
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As Aemond watched Vaelys gracefully slipping into her light red gown, his breath caught in his throat, stunned anew by her radiant beauty. The delicate fabric hugged her curves, the colour complementing the warmth of her skin, and he found himself unable to tear his gaze away.
"Vaelys," he murmured, his voice tinged with awe, "You look absolutely breathtaking."
Vaelys turned to him, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips as she caught the admiration in his eyes. "Thank you, my love," she replied, her voice a melodic whisper. "I wanted to look my best for the celebration."
Aemond couldn't help but chuckle at her modesty, a warmth spreading through his chest at the sight of her. "Well, you've certainly succeeded," he said, his tone affectionate.
Vaelys laughed, the sound like music to his ears as she stepped closer, her hand reaching out to trace the line of his jaw.
Aemond's heart swelled with love for the woman before him, his fingers intertwining with hers as he drew her into his embrace.
And as they shared a tender moment together, bathed in the soft glow of their love, Aemond knew that there was no greater treasure in the world than his wife.
Vaelys met Aemond's gaze with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, her lips curling into a playful smile. "And what of your beauty husband" she teased, her voice laced with affectionate sarcasm, "I know there are ladies at court who will glance at my husband. With his long flowing silver hair, his reputation as a great swordsman, and let's not forget, the rider of the largest dragon in the world."
Aemond chuckled at her jest, a warm glow of pride spreading through him at her words. "Ah, yes," he replied, a hint of amusement in his tone, “They can look all they want but they'll quickly learn that my heart belongs to only one."
He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "And she's standing right in front of me," he added, his voice filled with sincerity. "The most beautiful woman in all the Seven Kingdoms."
Vaelys' cheeks flushed with colour at his words, her heart swelling with love for the man who had captured her heart. "Flatterer," she teased, but her eyes sparkled with genuine affection as she leaned into his embrace.
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As they made their way through the quiet hallways of the Red Keep, Aemond couldn't shake the sense of unease that gnawed at him. He could feel the tension radiating from Vaelys beside him, her usual poise marred by the weight of their surroundings.
He stole a glance at her, taking in the furrow of her brow and the tightness of her jaw, and he knew without a doubt what troubled her. This was the first time she had set foot in King's Landing since the argument with her mother, Queen Rhaenyra—a rift that still lingered between them, a wound not easily healed.
But this celebration, in honour of their son Aemon, demanded their presence, and Aemond understood the necessity of putting on a united front for the sake of their family. Still, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the discomfort it caused Vaelys.
"Are you alright, my love?" he asked softly, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "I know this must be difficult for you."
Vaelys offered him a small, reassuring smile, though he could see the tension still lingering in her eyes. "I'll manage," she replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "For Aemon's sake."
As Aemond and Vaelys entered the grand throne room of the Red Keep, the opulence of the surroundings seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the warmth and joy that filled the air. Aemond cradled their son, Aemon, in his arms, the babe’s amethyst eyes wide with wonder.
Vaelys walked beside him, her hand intertwined with those of their other children, Sovia, and Daevyn, who beamed up at their parents with excitement.
The room was alive with music and laughter, the sound of lively conversation mingling with the strains of a cheerful melody. Tables laden with sumptuous food and drink lined the walls, inviting guests to partake in the feast laid out before them.
“Vaelys-over here” said Helaena brightly as he patted the empty chair next to her.
“Hel-where are the children?” asked Vaelys as she sat down.
“Daeron has taken them to visit my mother-“
At the mention of Alicent, Vaelys looked at Aemond who busied himself with making sure Aemon was covered with his blanket.
“She keeps asking for him” whispered Helaena.
“It’s Aemonds choice-” replied Vaelys.
“I know-“ muttered Helaena softly.
“Sovia-please don’t do that” scolded Vaelys as she caught her daughter pulling at the ribbons in her braided hair.
“But mama-” complained Sovia pursing her lips together.
“Listen to your mother byka grēges” said Aemond (Little bug).
“Daddy-nyke ȳdra daor raqagon ziry” replied Sovia (I don’t like it).
Vaelys smiled slightly as she took a sip of wine, any minute now Aemond would cave in and undo the braids in their daughters hair. Her silver curls had always been wild, and she barely tolerated anyone even brushing her hair.
Rider of the mighty Vhagar weak for his daughter.
“Let me take them out then” muttered Aemond handing Aemon to Helaena so he could lift Sovia onto his knee.
“Avy jorrāelan” whispered Sovia (I love you).
“Softie” whispered Vaelys as Aemond rolled his eye as he began undoing Sovia’s braids.
As the revelry filled the throne room, Queen Rhaenyra rose from her seat at the head of the room, her presence commanding the attention of all who gathered there. Her gaze swept over the assembled guests, her expression one of regal pride and affection.
"My lords and ladies," she called out, her voice ringing clear above the din of conversation, "I would ask you to raise your glasses in honour of a joyous occasion—a celebration of new life and boundless hope."
As the room fell silent, all eyes turned to the queen, their attention captured by her words. With a graceful flourish, Rhaenyra lifted her goblet high, the golden liquid within catching the light as it sparkled in the dimly lit room.
"To Prince Aemon Targaryen, my grandson" she declared, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity, "May his future be as bright as the flame of his ancestors, and may he bring honour and glory to House Targaryen for generations to come."
With that, Rhaenyra took a sip from her goblet, the sound of applause erupting around her as the guests followed suit, offering their own toasts to the newest member of their family.
As Rhaenyra's toast echoed through the grand hall, Vaelys raised her goblet with a strained smile, her eyes flickering with a mixture of emotions. The weight of the past argument with her mother still hung heavy in her heart, casting a shadow over the joyous occasion.
Sensing her discomfort, Aemond reached out beneath the table, his hand finding hers in a comforting gesture of solidarity. Their fingers intertwined, a silent reassurance passing between them as they shared a moment of quiet understanding amidst the revelry.
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As the festivities continued to swirl around them, Vaelys felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, drawing her attention to her brother, Jace, who stood beside her with a warm smile.
"Vaelys," he said, extending his hand to her, "Would you do me the honour of sharing a dance with your dear brother?"
Vaelys returned his smile, her heart lightening at the sight of him. "Of course, Jace," she replied, placing her hand in his with affectionate familiarity. "I'd be delighted."
Together, they made their way to the centre of the room, where couples twirled and spun to the music. Jace guided Vaelys with practiced ease, their steps falling into rhythm with the lilting melody that filled the air.
Vaelys smiled up at her brother, grateful for this moment of connection amidst the whirlwind of the celebration.
As they danced, they talked about their children, Jace giddy with excitement as he spoke of his daughter Laena, a precious little thing she was, the pearl of his world.
Out of the corner of her eye, Vaelys spied their brother Luke reclined lazily against his chair, he looked rather exhausted, but given the fact that his wife Rheana had recently birthed twin girls, it made sense.
“Mayhaps Luke should retire for the night” laughed Jace.
“Oh, come on brother-you know what the nights are like with a babe” replied Vaelys smiling.
Jace returned her smile, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "I think you look beautiful tonight, Vaelys," he said, his voice filled with brotherly pride.
Vaelys' heart swelled with love for her brother, her own smile widening at his words. "Thank you, Jace," she replied, her voice soft with emotion.
As the music swirled through the grand hall, a familiar figure caught Vaelys' eye—Cregan, his tall dark form standing out amidst the throng of guests. With a warm smile, he approached her, his gaze earnest as he cleared his throat.
"Princess," he began, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of nervousness, "Would you do me the honour of sharing a dance with an old friend?"
Vaelys' smile widened at the sight of him, her heart lifting at the prospect of dancing with Cregan once more. "Of course, Cregan," she replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "I'd be delighted."
As they embraced in a brief hug, Vaelys felt a surge of happiness at seeing her friend again after so long. The bond they had shared during their time together had always held a special place in her heart, and she was grateful for this chance to reconnect.
Together, they stepped onto the dance floor, their movements fluid and graceful as they moved to the rhythm of the music.
As Vaelys danced and conversed with Cregan, a sense of lightness and joy enveloped her, temporarily shielding her from the weight of her worries. However, as she glanced over her shoulder towards Aemond, her heart sank at the sight of his furious expression.
Aemond's gaze was fixed on her, his features contorted with anger. Vaelys' stomach churned with apprehension as she felt the tension radiating from him, a sharp contrast to the warmth she had felt dancing with Cregan.
Concern etched into her features, Vaelys excused herself from her conversation with Cregan, her steps faltering slightly as she made her way towards her husband. She approached him cautiously, her heart heavy with worry.
"Aemond," she murmured softly, reaching out to touch his arm, "Is everything alright?"
Aemond's jaw clenched visibly as he tore his gaze away from her, his anger palpable in the air between them. "Was that Cregan Stark?" he demanded, his voice low and tense.
Vaelys swallowed hard, her throat dry with apprehension. "Yes-“ she replied, her voice tinged with unease.
Aemond's expression darkened further at her words, his fists clenched at his sides. "I don't like the way he was looking at you," he growled, his voice barely more than a harsh whisper.
Vaelys' heart sank at the realization of Aemond's jealousy, a pang of hurt piercing her chest. She had never seen him like this before, consumed by such irrational rage.
"Aemond, please," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "There's nothing between us. He's just a friend."
But Aemond's fury remained unabated, his gaze unwavering as he continued to glare at her with undisguised resentment.
“A friend that you were almost betrothed too”.
"Aemond, please," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "Cregan was a good friend to me while you were in exile. He offered me support and companionship when I needed it most. There was nothing more between us, I swear."
Aemond's jaw clenched, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Oh, I'm sure he was a good friend," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But just how good of a friend was he, Vaelys?"
His words struck her like a blow, and Vaelys felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces. The insinuation that she had been unfaithful to him cut her to the core.
"Aemond, how can you say that?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You know that I would never betray you. You are the only one I love."
But Aemond remained unmoved, his expression hardened by suspicion. "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe," he retorted, his voice laced with bitterness.
“You know what believe what you want” snarled Vaelys as she turned on her heel and stormed out of the throne room.
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After entrusting the care of the children to Ceci, Aemond went to find Vaelys.
Lost in his thoughts, he rounded a corner and nearly collided with Cregan, who stood before him with a cool expression. Aemond's jaw tensed at the sight of him, his possessive instincts flaring to life in an instant.
"What are you doing here?" Aemond demanded, his voice sharp with suspicion.
Cregan raised an eyebrow, his demeanour calm but tinged with a hint of challenge. "I could ask you the same question," he replied evenly. "But I suppose it's none of my concern."
Aemond's grip tightened on his fists, his jealousy simmering just beneath the surface. "Don't play games with me, Stark," he growled. "I know what you're up to."
Cregan's gaze hardened, his own temper beginning to fray. "And what, pray tell, am I up to?" he shot back, his voice laced with frustration.
"You're trying to come between me and Vaelys," Aemond accused, his words laced with venom. "But let me make one thing clear—she's mine, and I won't let anyone take her from me."
Cregan's eyes flashed with anger at the implication, his own temper flaring in response. "I have no interest in your wife, Aemond," he snapped, his voice sharp with indignation. "But if you can't see past your own insecurities, that's your problem, not mine."
The tension crackled between them, a palpable force that seemed to fill the corridor with its intensity. Aemond glared at Cregan, his chest heaving with fury and frustration, while Cregan met his gaze with unyielding defiance, refusing to back down in the face of his aggression.
As Aemond's anger simmered, he glared at Cregan, his possessiveness over Vaelys flaring to life with renewed intensity. "Don't try to deny it," he spat, his voice thick with resentment. "I know you were close to her when I was in exile. You think I don't see the way you look at her?"
Cregan's expression hardened, his jaw clenching with frustration at Aemond's accusations. "You're mistaken, Aemond," he replied evenly, his tone firm. "Yes, Vaelys and I were friends during your absence. But our relationship was purely platonic. I care for her deeply, but not in the way you seem to think."
Aemond scoffed, his disbelief palpable. "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe," he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You were practically betrothed once. What's to stop you from trying to steal her away from me now?"
Cregan's gaze softened, his frustration giving way to pity. "Aemond, you don't understand," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "Yes, Vaelys and I were once almost betrothed, but that was long ago. We've both moved on since then. I befriended her during your exile because she needed support, not because I had any ulterior motives."
Aemond's jaw clenched, his jealousy still burning bright despite Cregan's assurances. "And yet, here you are," he shot back, his tone accusatory. "Hovering around her like a vulture, waiting for your chance to swoop in."
"Do you realize what you've done, Aemond?" he demanded, his tone biting. "This celebration was supposed to be for your son, a joyous occasion to celebrate his birth. But your jealousy has ruined it."
Aemond's jaw tensed, his own anger flaring at Cregan's words. "I am not jealous," he shot back, his voice defensive. "I just-I want to protect what's mine."
Cregan scoffed, his disbelief evident. "Protect what's yours?" he mocked; his tone laced with scorn. "From whom, exactly? Me? The truth is, Aemond, your insecurity is what's driving a wedge between you and Vaelys. And frankly, it's pathetic."
Aemond's fists clenched at his sides, his temper flaring at Cregan's taunts. "You have no right to judge me," he retorted, his voice sharp with indignation. "You don't know anything about our relationship."
Cregan's lips curled into a sneer, his contempt for Aemond evident in his gaze. "Oh, I think I know plenty," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "After all, when one has to kidnap a woman in order for her to marry him, then your insecurity can't be helped."
Aemond's eye widened in shock at the barb, his face flushing with embarrassment and rage. He opened his mouth to respond but found himself speechless in the face of Cregan's cutting words.
With a final look of disdain, Cregan turned and walked away, leaving Aemond seething with anger and humiliation. And as Aemond stood alone in the empty corridor, the weight of his own insecurities pressed down upon him like a leaden cloak.
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As Aemond stormed through the corridors of the Red Keep, his heart heavy with regret and determination, he searched frantically for Vaelys. Every step echoed in the empty halls, a stark reminder of the chasm that had opened between them.
Finally, he found her in the library, her form illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. She was engrossed in conversation with her brother, Luke, their heads bent close together in whispered conversation.
With a sense of urgency, Aemond approached them, his footsteps echoing in the quiet room. Vaelys looked up as he drew near, her expression guarded as she met his gaze.
"Aemond," she greeted him coolly, her tone betraying none of the warmth he had grown accustomed to.
"Vaelys, may I speak with you privately?" Aemond requested, his voice strained with emotion.
Luke's eyes narrowed at the request, his lips curling into a sneer as he glanced at Aemond. "And why should she speak with you, after the way you've treated her?" he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain.
Aemond's jaw clenched at the implication, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. "This is between Vaelys and me," he replied evenly, struggling to keep his temper in check.
Luke chuckled mirthlessly, shaking his head in disbelief. "You truly are an idiot, Aemond," he remarked, his voice filled with contempt as he brushed past him.
Aemond's fists clenched at his sides, his heart heavy with despair as he watched Luke leave the room. He turned back to Vaelys, his gaze pleading as he searched her face for any sign of forgiveness.
But Vaelys remained silent, her expression unreadable as she regarded him with a mixture of disappointment and resignation.
As Aemond stood before Vaelys, his heart heavy with remorse, he took a deep breath, steeling himself to apologize. "Vaelys, I'm sorry," he began, his voice soft with sincerity. "I shouldn't have said those things, and I shouldn't have doubted you. I let my jealousy get the best of me, and I regret it more than anything."
Vaelys looked at him with incredulity, her eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and disbelief. "You're sorry?" she scoffed; her voice tinged with bitterness. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound, Aemond? How could you even for one minute think that I would ever look at another man? I'm married to you, Aemond. I've birthed three of your children. And yet you still doubt me?"
Aemond's heart sank at her words, the weight of his own insecurities pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. "I know, Vaelys," he replied, his voice tinged with desperation. "I know I messed up. But please, you have to believe me. I love you more than anything in this world, and I would do anything to make things right between us."
As Aemond stood before Vaelys, the weight of his insecurities pressing down upon him like a heavy burden, he took a shaky breath, steeling himself to confess his deepest fear.
"Vaelys," he began, his voice barely more than a whisper, "I-I'm afraid."
Vaelys' brow furrowed with concern as she gazed at him, her heart aching at the vulnerability in his eyes. "Afraid of what, Aemond?" she asked softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm.
Aemond swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion. "I'm afraid-that you only love me because of what happened between us," he confessed, his words tumbling out in a rush. "That somehow, our love isn't real. It's-it's almost like an illusion."
Vaelys' heart shattered at his words; the pain evident in her eyes as she took in the depth of his insecurity. "Aemond, no," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "That's not true. Our love is real, I swear it. It's not based on what happened in the past. It's based on us, on who we are together."
Aemond shook his head, his gaze filled with self-doubt. "But how can you be sure?" he pleaded; his voice laced with desperation. "How can you know that it's not just some twisted result of me kidnapping you?"
Vaelys reached out and cupped his face in her hands, her eyes locking with his as she spoke with unwavering conviction. "Because I know you," she declared, her voice steady with determination. "I know the man you are, and I love you for it. Our love is real, Aemond, and nothing will ever change that."
Tears welled in Aemond's eye as he looked at her, his heart overflowing with emotion at her words.
As the tension between them began to ease, Aemond mustered a small smile, his eye twinkling with mischief. "Now that we've finished arguing," he quipped, "Does that mean we get to make up?"
Vaelys couldn't help but laugh at his cheeky remark, her heart lightening at the sight of his playful demeanour. "Given the severity of our argument," she replied with a teasing smile, "There needs to be a lot of making up done."
Aemond's grin widened at her response, his gaze filled with warmth as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "I'm up for it if you are," he murmured, his voice low and husky with desire.
Vaelys' cheeks flushed pink at his suggestive tone, her heart fluttering in her chest at the promise in his words. "I think I can manage that," she replied, her own voice tinged with anticipation.
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“Aemond” gasped Vaelys her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it ābrazȳrys, take every fucking inch of me-let me fill your sweet cunt” (Wife).
“Oh, please Valzȳrys. I want it. I want all of you” moaned Vaelys (Husband).
“FUCK” roared Aemond as he hauled Vaelys away from the bookcase and placed her the edge of a desk.
“Yes-Yes Aemond, Oh gods” breathed Vaelys.
“I love you-I love you so fucking much” growled Aemond as he mercilessly fucked his wife, filling her over and over again with sharp penetrating thrusts.
“Aemond-yes, right there. Don’t stop-don’t stop” cried Vaelys the tears running down her pale cheeks.
“That’s it Issa jorrāelagon. Come on daddy’s cock” rasped Aemond lurching forward and wrapping his lips around one of his wife’s erect nipples.
Suckling greedily as her mother’s milk flooded his mouth, he reached down and began expertly circling her pearl with his long fingers.
“AEMOND” screamed Vaelys her entire body seizing before going slack and pliant.
“FUCK-I’m going to come-“ groaned Aemond.
“I want it-fill me with your seed Issa dārys” gasped Vaelys (My King).
“FUUUUUCK” roared Aemond, his head thrown back as rope after rope of his seed spilled inside his wife’s cunny.
“Aemond” breathed Vaelys as her husband collapsed on top of her.
“I love you so much-“ replied Aemond.
“-And I love you. I never want you to doubt my love, no one will ever compare to you-my soul mate”.
“Issa idañnykeā perzys” muttered Aemond (My twin flame).
“Husband” breathed Vaelys as she slid her hands into his long silver hair and pulled his face towards hers.
“Wife” replied Aemond as he pressed a kiss to her soft lips.
As they basked in the warmth of their reconciliation, an idea began to form in Vaelys' mind, a way to prove to Aemond once and for all that their love was real and unshakeable. With a spark of excitement in her eyes, she turned to him, her voice filled with determination.
"Will you marry me?” asked Vaelys.
Aemond's brow furrowed in confusion. "We’re already married," he pointed out, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Vaelys shook her head, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I know, but marry me in the ways of old Valyria," she explained, her voice soft but determined. "On Dragonstone. On our beach"
Aemond's eye widened in surprise at her suggestion, his heart swelling with love and admiration for the woman before him.
With a trembling voice, he finally found the words to respond. "Vaelys," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion, "I-I would be honoured to marry you-again”.
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hyper-somnia · 3 months
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She’s a bit of a Mary Sue tbh
These are not even half of her titles. Had a lot of fun drawing this (and procrastinating on chapter 2 of my HOTD fanfic (Wattpad)).
51 notes · View notes
elegantsplendour · 9 months
Fire and Storm
Summary: As the Seven Kingdoms hesitated between the Blacks and the Greens, Aemond stood ready to flip the script.
Dance of the Empire inspired one shot.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lannister! reader, mentioned Aegon II Targaryen x Lannister! reader
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Note: Hi my dearies, I’m so sorry I haven’t been active in the last month. Transitioning from Montreal to Toronto has been a lot to handle. But the good news is that I got elected as student council vp in my new school🤪. Here is a one shot inspired by my first fic Dance of the Empire (a bit spoiler). I will be back writing all the three fics and will try to update weekly. Thank you all for sticking with me❤️❤️❤️
Warnings: major character death
Tagging my friends :) @qyburnsghost @lovelykhaleesiii @boundlessfantasy @vhagarswar @purple-writer8 @valeska-fics @lexi-anastasia @f4ll-for-you
Within the chilling walls of the seat of House Baratheon, the hearth held a flame that danced rebelliously, threatening to bite those misfortunate enough to find themselves in proximity. Torrential water poured mercilessly from the sky while the wind howled ruthlessly. Sealed by the solid bricks of the castle, the flames, fragile compared to the frightful storm yet unpredictable and dangerous in nature, continued to consume silently.
The silver haired prince sat calmly by the scorching heat, his long fingers brushing against each other. It had been two days since the Lord of Storm’s End pledged allegiance to the prince’s elder brother, called by some the Usurper, in return for a marriage pact between the prince and one of the lord’s daughters. Amidst the looming threat of a deadly civil war, every second counted, but his delay was calculated. Aemond had been waiting silently and patiently for his nephew's arrival, much like a flame waiting to devour its fuel.
A servant knocked by the door, bowed and announced the news. Without a word, he arose from the chair and paced through the solemn hall of the castle with stately ease. The effortless regality exuded from his presence was as if he was on his way of being coronated. A sharp curl appeared on the corner of his thin lips as he recalled his drunken and debauched brother , expecting the Conqueror’s Crown on his head like an infant. With each step Aemond took, he felt himself drawing nearer to his desires: power and her.
Aemond Targaryen wanted everything and was ready to steal, scheme and slaughter.
Unlike his half sister Rhaenyra, the named heir of the late King Viserys, or his brother Aegon, born with the title of the first born son, Aemond Targaryen's life was a battle, a relentless one against a seemingly inescapable destiny of becoming another insignificant Targaryen royal, riding an ordinary dragon, holding a hollow position in court, accompanied by a mediocre noble woman, doomed to be forgotten in history.
However, when his mother suggested betrothing him to the eldest daughter of Tyland Lannister, he was taken aback. Could he, the overlooked second son, really be promised the "Beauty of Casterly Rock" and an alliance with the house guarding mountains of gold? Promises were a strange to the One-Eyed Prince, as he had always been a taker, much like he had claimed the largest dragon in the world. The fleeting memories of the golden lady of emerald eyes all appeared to him a cruel jest. The tender moments of her smiles were overshadowed by her anguished cries upon learning that she had been bartered off to Aemond’s elder brother Aegon, who would rather bury himself between the legs of harlots of the Flea Bottom.
Contained fury blazed in his chest as Aemond watched the young Lucerys Velaryon, his bastard nephew, who had taken his eye eight years ago.
Lucerys conveyed with a trembling voice Rhaenyra’s message to the Lord of Storm’s End. Aemond paid no attention to the words coming out of his mouth. His one violet eye burnt a hole in the quivering messenger. His throat throbbed with thirst for retribution as the flashes of scarlet and black that had blinded his eye when Lucerys’ blade had cut through his flesh.
This rage was tainted with despair, for what he truly desired was taken by his own kin and given to his brother. He soon realized he had nothing left to lose.
With that, as the Lord of Storm’s End dismissed the Velaryon impatiently, the prince’s shadowy figure also disappeared in the hall as he watched Lucerys mounting his pathetic and minuscule dragon Arrax while the storm still raged on.
Soon, the monstrous Vhagar hovered over the young dragon. The lightning tearing through the black sky and roaring of thunder were music to Aemond Targaryen’s ears, as if the gods were in awe of this spectacle of terror. In the face of raw power commanded by the largest dragon of the world, neither Lucerys, Rhaenyra, Aegon, nor even the games of thrones stood a chance. Aemond was the second son who inherits nothing he doesn’t seize for himself. Addicted to the intoxicating scent of the lioness of Casterly Rock and the adrenaline rushing in his veins from being on top of the world, Aemond whispered to the green beast, “Ipradagon.”
Scarlet blurs flashed before him, followed by a haunting dragon squeal echoed before him with no one but him to bear witness to the gruesome bloodshed. While others might see flesh and dragon bones plummeting from the sky, Aemond saw a vision of the Conqueror’s Crown landing on his head. While his mother, the Dowager Queen, sought to suppress the war, Aemond stroked the anger bubbling in Rhaenyra. And what better way than slaying her favourite son?
War were precisely what he craved; for war breeds to fear, fear spawns to chaos, and chaos is a ladder.
As the Seven Kingdoms hesitated between the Blacks and the Greens, Aemond stood ready to flip the script.
All his life, he had been but a sword wielded at another’s will. At that moment, Aemond Targaryen became the master of his own terror, and the realm would watch a second son rise to rule the continent.
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buttercup--bee · 1 year
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Aemond Targaryen & Saera Velaryon
Kinslayer & Kingmaker
Thank you so, SO much to @elenafromthesky​ for creating this masterpiece! It’s better than I could have possibly imagined, and it’s by far one of my absolute favorite pieces! They put up with a great deal from me (three months worth), so please go check them out!
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heartysworld · 2 years
Make your choice Pt.1 || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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A/N: This one turned out being way longer than I anticipated so I decided to divide it into two parts. I spent almost 3 hours writing it last night and the second part is still far away from being completed. I hope you guys enjoy this one. It is more like a prequel to what's about to happen!
Word count: 3335
Five moons ago you left King's Landing alongside you father, stepmother and siblings. The day you left your heart was heavy as a stone as you knew it was unlikely to return any time soon, leaving not only your childhood home,but also the man who held the key to your heart for so many years. The second son of the King, Aemond had been the one to charm you when you were still a young girl. There was something about him that made a feeling of comfort and peace blossom in your chest every time you were close to him or felt his presence. Who knew things would take such a turn so suddenly. The night before you left you and Aemond shared one last night together, as a goodbye in case it was your last forever. Who would've known that this decision of yours would have its long-term consequences.
There yet you stood now, in front of the Black Queen's council as everyone present was trying to give Rhaenyra different advice on what to do and how to act in such times. The Dowager Queen and her son had usurped the Iron Throne less than two days ago, crowning your cousin Aegon King. The tension in the Realm was getting stronger and stronger and you could only watch from the sidelines for now. You stood next to your younger brothers, Jace and Luke as you witnessed yet another quarrel between your father- Daemon and his wife. During the past turn of the moon this has been a constant. The Queen had just lost her youngest babe, stillborn, and your father's attitude and actions were not in anyone's favor at the moment.
All this wasn't treating you kindly either, as until yesterday,you and your stepmother shared something precious between the two of you. You were also with child, Aemond's child. This was a sore topic nobody wished to discuss at your presence as it was known you still kept the second son of the crown close to your heart. Daemon only cared for the wellbeing of his daughter and the part of his grandchild that was coming from her, nothing else. The kicks of the babe pulled you out of your thoughts as another topic arose in the room.
Somebody had to serve as a messenger on the Queen's behalf,and remind of the Houses of Stark and Baratheon,the vows their late rulers made to the then Princess Rhaenyra all those years ago.
"Jace." Rhaenyra started. "You are to go to The Vale,and visit my mother's cousin, Lady Amanda. The Vale would not turn its back on their own people." She finished, handing a scroll to Jace that contained her message for the person intended. Her eyes then fell on your younger brother,Luke. His would be the task to deliver the message to Lord Borros Baratheon- a man with a large ego who's only concern is who is on the winning side.
"Y/N, I entrust Luke in your care whilst on this journey. Storm's End is a short ride away from here, but knowing Lord Borros, an adult would be a good addition to accompany Lucerys there. And remember, you go as messengers, not warriors. Especially you, cousin,the health of your child is more important than anything else. Be safe ." Rhaenyra finished as her eyes held yours before you nodded as a response.
"Yes,my Queen." You answered. With that your turned around, heading for your chambers to put on a more appropriate attire for a ride in dragonback than a dress.
The weather was unpleasant, to say the least. A powerful storm was on its way. After all,it was called Storm's End for a reason,you though. Vermithor was your old boy,as you liked to call him,but a very loyal friend and protector. You saddled Jaehaerys' dragon at the ripe age of ten, making yourself one of the youngest dragonriders in the story of House Targaryen. Ever since you became with child, the old dragon was even more protective and alert than before.
An odd feeling settled at the pit of your stomach as one of the towers of Storm's End came in view. You trusted your senses,and you knew, that if something felt off,that it probably was. And your suspicions did turn out being true. As you descended from the saddle on Vermithor's back,another loud screen filled your ears,one that you knew quite well. Vaghar's head appeared from behind the large buildings on the other side of the courtyard. Your heart dropped at the sight. If she was there, then her rider was close as well. A hand fell on your swollen stomach in a protective matter.
"It is going to be alright, sister. Nobody could do anything to us. Remember what mother said, we come as messengers,not warriors. If they dare touch us they risk enduring the Queen's wrath." Luke's words made you smile but also saddened you at the same time. He was still so young and had not much knowledge about the world you all lived in.
"A brave boy you are, Lucerys. You are going to make a wonderful ruler of Driftmark one day. I am sure if this." You smiled, putting a hand in his shoulder as an act of encouragement.
"We carry a message from the Queen, addressed to Lord Borros Baratheon." You said to the guards that stood in front of the big wooden doors that led inside.
At your words, they turned around, motioning for you and your brother to followed behind.
The sound of old wood cracking echoed around the big,cold throne room. It was as dark as it was outside, barely any light present. Lord Borros sat at his seat the the opposite end of the room, staring at whoever dared enter.
As you walked in, the feeling of heavy eyes fell on your body. The one eyed Prince stood further away from the Lord's seat. At the same time, the Prince's breath hitched at the sight of his beloved walking in before his eyes. It all felt like a dream. His good eye took in as much as possible of your looks,bit wanting to miss any detail that could be new about you. Not much has changed,he thought as he watched you.
While Lucerys spoke,and handed the scroll from your stepmother to one of the guards,your eyes slowly fell on the Prince in question, locking eyes with his. Your heart clenched at the sight of him. Not only was the man you loved on the enemy's side,but the way his eye moved towards Luke,full of despise and hatred, hurt you even more.
You couldn't help but wonder sometimes, what it could've been if there wasn't so much thirst for power in your family. Was your child going to have a father present in their life? And a mother too? Parents that love each other deeply, not having to hold knives to their throats when they meet on the battlefield.
"To remind me of my father's oath? Is this how your mother plans on security allies? By sending a child and a pregnant bitch to deliver her threats to those who don't wish to comply?! What a Queen she is!" The voice of Lord Borros boomed around the big room.
Your body froze at the words he used to address you and your brother. You thought your clothes hid you well, turns out you were wrong.
"Escort Prince Lucerys and Princess Y/N to their dragons. I do not wish to negotiate any longer ." The Lord added.
By that time your senses were overwhelming you with the feeling of eyes burning a whole in your back.
Aemond's mind was racing when he heard Borros' words. Pregnant? His Lady Y/N pregnant? With whose child? Was it his,or someone else's? However, all these thoughts were drowned out by his anger that always managed to take out the best of him. The sight of his nephew who bad taken his eye,and the woman he loved carrying a child he didn't know about or was probably another's filled him with rage and anger, blinding his senses.
"Wait." Aemond called out, his voice sending shivers down your spine. Countless nights you have spent with him at the safety of his chambers and his embrace, listening to his stories,but still you couldn't help the way his voice made your heart beat like a drum, threatening to explode any second. As if it could sense your sudden change of emotions,your babe started kicking widly against your belly, making you since at the sudden movement.
"You and I still have something we have to settle...Lord Strong." Aemond said,his last words affection Luke more than any other time. This was not going the way it was intended to.
Luke turned around once again, facing he Prince as his eyes burned with the same hatered for his uncle.
"It is not the time, Aemond." You said as you held your stomach tightly, fearing for your safety.
Your voice caught his good eye,but wasn't of much help. After all, hatered always dominates in such situations.
"Hold your tongue,my love. You and I shall speak of this disgrace of yours another time." The Prince spat out at you.
You never imagined words could cut one so deeply,but they could, you felt it right now.
"You owe me an eye, nephew. Here and now. One will do, I plan on presenting it as a gift to my mother . I do not wish to blind you" Aemond said as he pulled out his dagger, throwing it in the growing between him and Luke.
Your brother glanced at the shining weapon on the floor,his eyes going between it and his uncle before he spoke once again.
"No!" He said.
"Give me your eye!" Aemond shouted as he strode towards Luke like a madman.
Next thing you knew,your body was pressed against Aemond's, keeping him away from Lucerys. Your arms held his shoulders while his chest was lessed against yours. His eyepatch had fallen during the heat of the moment, revealing the beautiful sapphire that laid in his eyesocket where his eye used to be long ago. Aemond looked at you,breathing heavily as he tried to contain himself from doing anything he'd regret later. Suddenly, strong kicks moved against his stomach. Looking down he saw your closeness to him,no space between the two of you.
His expression worsened while your heart filled with sorrow more and more. He thought the child was not his,you knew that by now and the way he looked at you when he realized.
"Do not lay a hand on my brother, Aemond. We did not come to battle!" You raised your voice while still keeping him still.
Next thing you knew your body hit the ground. Aemond had thrown you aside with all his force,once again heading towards his nephew. Your heartbeat was going crazy at the moment. All the possible outcomes of this only making you feel worse.
"Stop this! I will not have blood be shed under my roof! Leave now and do as you wish!" Lord Borros yelled angrily at the scene happening in front of his eyes.
Lucerys helped you stand up as much as he could,one of his arms around your waist while he supposed your body towards Vermithor. Pain was shooting through your body with every step you took towards your dragon. The storm that was coming from earlier was now in all its power, raging and destroying everything in its way.
"Concentrate,Vermithor! Fly fast! Waste no time!" You yelled in High Valyrian, encouraging the old beast to do his best in this weather.
At the distance you could hear Luke say the same to Arrax. Worry settled in your chest once again. Arrax was small compared to the two other dragons present. You could only pray to the Gods to be generous and spare both yours and Luke's lives on the journey home. Vaghar's silhouette could be seen whenever a lightning struck somewhere close. She was enormous in size, a true Valyrian beast from the old times. Aemond wasn't less of a beast as well, everybody knew that. Whenever something angered him or wasn't to his liking he would take care of it, in a heartbeat. And taking care of something had a very different meaning for you and for him.
It was mid flight when the tragedy happened. You watched from the clouds as Vaghar devoured Arrax and your brother in one big snap of her jaws, sending blood and different parts of what bow used to be Arrax in the air. Aemond's shouts could also be heard as he tried to keep control of Vaghar,but to no avail.
"No, Vaghar! Serve me! No!" He continued yelling as she remained out of control. You could feel nothing but blind terror as you watched her eyes fall on Vermithor,her next victim.
When he realized what was happening Aemond's body went cold with dread. The thought of your spilled blood on his hands crawled up his throat. He couldn't let this happen, not now not ever. Whoever the child you carried was, whichever side you were on,he couldn't let the love of his life be taken away by the very same dragon he sacrificed so much to claim.
"Aemond! Stop this madness! Haven't you done enough already?!" You were screaming,not knowing if he could hear you. Tears were streaming down your face,hot tears from both the loss of your younger brother and the thought of losing yours and your child's life to the man you loved dearly.
"She's out of control! She's not obeying my commands!" Aemond was also screaming. "Vaghar no! Serve me! Calm down!" He kept yelling.
Meanwhile, a patch of land fell in your eyesight in the water below. A small, probably deserted island. Grasping Vermithor's reigns as hard as possible,you yanked them towards you, commanding the old beast to lower himself to the water level,in an attempt to land there. You had to try, in the name of your son or daughter,you had to try and save them.
The last thing you remember was the hard impact Vermithor made with either the ground of the island you had seen or Vaghar's jaws that were at a distance only a few flaps of her wings away.
When your eyes opened again your perception of time was blurry. Your entire body ached and nothing could compare to what you were feeling. The sand underneath your body didn't provide any comfort either. Slowly, you raised your body, wincing at every little movement you made. Looking up at the sky you could see your dragon flying around, protecting you from the air. Anothert thing then fell in your eyesight. A familiar figure stood with its back towards you a few feet away from where you laid. Aemond was looking at the horizon,which was only water to where your sight reached.
"What are you doing here?!" You asked, demanding an answer. "Was it not enough to make me watch as your savage beast devoured my brother because you were unable to control her like a rider should do?! Do you wish to watch me suffer all my life?! Your family is taking away all of my happiness one by one and you proudly stand on their side, watching!" You were crying by the time you finished your words, hot tears streaming down your face.
You watched as Aemond turned around to face you. His eyepatch was gone and both his good eye and the blue sapphire were now staring at you. Whatever he felt was unrecognizable by his look, something he was good at doing, hiding his emotions. Without saying a word he slowly made his way towards you.
"I never wished for Vaghar to kill your brother." He said as one of his hands went up to your face, feeling the falling tears,while the other one went around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
"And still you were unable to control your dragon." You answered harshly. His touch had a powerful hold over you, being able to settle down any overwhelming emotions.
"On that much we can agree." Aemond said back, meanwhile his eye had moved down to take a better look at your stomach that was once again pressed against his like earlier. An odd feeling settled in his chest as thoughts from earlier flooded his mind. "However, all I could care was your wellbeing and making it out of the storm unharmed." He added and you felt the hand that held your waist sneak around and fall over the swell of your stomach.
"Is this child the next thing you are going to take away from me?" You asked quietly,unable to look him in the eye. The thought of being separated from a child that was still unborn made your heart clench.
"I would never wish for my lady and child to be separated from one another, or from me." Aemond said,his lips coming closer to your forehead before placing a kiss just above your eyebrows.
"I would never wish for the man I love to be my enemy...but here we are, Aemond, we can't undo what's already been done. I cannot stop loving you,but I also cannot leave my family and side with the enemy."
"I am your family now, this child is your and my family." He protested.
A few moments passed in complete silence before you spoke your next words.
"If you wish to watch this child grow, you'll have to fix your priorities, Aemond. It is either us,or the crown. You make your choice. If you wish to be a father, come again here in a fortnight and let us fly away from Westeros, or choose your family who would rather watch you suffer all your life than swallow their pride for a moment."
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