#lucille rambles
On the topic of the role "elder" in our system
Since I'm out here doing a brief job as an "elder" in the system, I felt like talking and rambling about it some. But "elder" is a term we use now for the parts that generally are the responsible backbone, spine, and - for lack of better words - trusted advisory council for the system. Any large and complicated decision or any questionable consideration tends to pass through us to some degree before it is done and that's not a firm definition so much as a general concept.
We are generally considered the "elders" solely based off of general respect and history of "service" recognized by the system, but we aren't properly elected or anything similar, its more so just how we fall into it. The term originally came from a colloquial usage and a joke before finding its way as a basically commonly used term and I think it stems from the fact that our system has largely recovered enough that generally speaking, there rarely is a need for any active protectors 95% of the time as the system and hosts have the tools in their hands to typically handle most situations among each other.
As a result ex-primary protectors such as myself and Aderis - parts who have spent almost a decade each serving as the highly depended on and high pressure roles as parts that carried the system through large periods of life and kept us alive - no longer really needed to be doing much if anything most of the time. Between the both of us - at different times and in different ways - it came with a sense of depression and lack of purpose at first because our whole lives as parts have been consumed largely by the need to keep the system safe and protect us and all that - all to the point that loosing the need to have a dedicated part to that (a positive thing that comes with healing) left us largely feeling empty and lost. And feeling lost was such an unsettling new experience for both Aderis and I at first, but over time as we came to terms with our original function not being as needed, and got used to the new level of peace we found, we both sort of settled into being "retired".
Aderis' days of being a physical protector and dealing with the abuses we went through in the earliest days of our life are over and she's long earned her right to just kick back and do what makes her happy when she likes it. She's free to just exist.
Likewise, I've burnt myself through and through trying to keep us out of issues and securing us a stable future and resources to make sure that even if the worst happened that we would still not only be able to survive but theoretically flourish, and at this point? I really don't have to do that anymore and I have long earned my right to just sit back, enjoy my tea, listen to music, and watch the kids fumble around.
We haven't fused largely because we don't have a part that could "hold" us or a part that is ready for that, because we have important dynamics in the system synergy, and honestly because we are very "big" parts with a lot of personal experience, memories and identity to us and so finding a part that has the room to take all that in and process it is hard to come by. Even more importantly, while we aren't "needed" anymore, the two of us have two decades of being The Primary Protector between us, and even if we are not needed, we have a lot of insight built up from that and more than anything else, we serve as great advisors rather than actors now.
And as a result, we tend to support Ray who - while not retired, acts like it when he isn't actively needed - keeps everything in the system generally in line in a rather passive manner.
And in the end of it all, we are respected and trusted to always step up and return to doing a task that was once our job should we feel like it and the system respects that if we do that, then they should really oblige as we often don't get off of our retirement cushions unless we think the assistance is needed.
In this case it wasn't anything too particularly urgent or anything, but more so that I was already near the front and watching the children (Riku and XIV) running in circles trying to put on the NPD fire on eachother's backs and I figured it would be easier to set the rules for the two of them than do our now-usual thing of letting the two check one another.
It's a funny thing to watch personally, but I don't think its necessary and I am pretty sure that should we have left them alone they might have to fumble and figure it out the hard way that they have limited impulse control without us.
But anyhow. That's just a small ramble of sorts. I'll be on my way now.
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ironicallyelijah · 9 months
oh to be a nonverbal autistic silly little flea dehumanized by everyone i encounter and called a literal monster.
francoeur is a fucking brilliant character.
their setup for his true reveal is genuinely phenomenal.
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the way she falls and he immediately catches her. the music stops like everything is resetting. because up until that moment everything visual and auditory in the film has been trying to depict him as a monster. his adorable chirps warped into terrifying alien growling and his gentle sweet appearance stripped down to just his eyes and towering silhouette. one of most textbook ways to dehumanize a person is to remove their face. we dont get to see his face until the big reveal, already serving to make us rethink him as a character.
and then she falls
and he immediately catches her
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I’m just going to throw my hat into the ring about Steve’s parents because I’m bored. But like, Let’s spice up the level of shitty parenting.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington who’s actually a professional. Steve has said that she’s “super well respected” and, for as much as the fandom likes to play him as a dumbass, you don’t put people whoes only achievement is being a jealous housewife on your résumé, especially when you have another parent with a notable (ostensibly white collar) career.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington who’s a news anchor, or a lawyer. Give me a Mrs. Harrington who worked her ass off to be taken seriously by men for the entire late 50’s and early 60’s. Give me a young, ambitious woman with hazel eyes at a mixer for the company she’s working for in Chicago one night, who caught the eye of the charismatic man with ridiculous fluffy brown hair.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who grew up with a veteran father who never really seemed to care. Give me a little boy waiting, every day, for his dad’s letters, waiting for his father Otis to get back from this horrible war. And then he does, and he’s a hero, and suddenly it’s like nothing his son does is worth his notice. When he’s 15 and gets into his first fight? Otis doesn’t even comment on his bruised face before he walks out the door in the morning. When he gets into college? His mother is the one to hand him the watch his parents allegedly both got him as a graduation present. When he gets a job! A good job, where he has his own office and his name on a plate on his desk, not so much as a card.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who promised himself that, if he ever had a son, he would notice. He would pay attention to his kid’s grades, and what they were doing in school. That he would be proud of whatever college his son got into. That if his kid was ever doing something stupid, drinking, fighting, smoking, he would care. And he would say something.
Give me a Mr. Harrington meeting a beautiful woman in Chicago one night, and somehow, convincing her to come back to Hawkins with him. Give me the big news engagement and the blowout wedding fit for two people with nowhere to go but up.
Give me the Harrington couple buying their house, and planning to wait a few years before they start having children. Give me them having their first child, a son.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington being offered the promotion she’s been working towards for years almost immediately after, and taking it.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who never really thought his wife would keep working when they had children, but being smart enough not to say anything about it. Give me them realizing that, between both of their jobs, plans change, and their son will be their only child.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington who “doesn’t trust” her husband not because he might be cheating on her, but because, for as much as he can charm and schmooze with just about anyone, he has never had anyone tell him that he lacks actual understanding of his business. Give me a Mrs. Harrington seeing a stack of papers her husband brought home last night where the math doesn’t quite add up. Give me the blowout fight over his shady new business partner and the costs they could save if they just… cut a few corners. Give me her struggling to be taken seriously and explain to him that the consequences could be actual jail time and a complete destruction of their lives. Give me him hating that she thinks she knows better than him about his own business.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who keeps his promise to care about what his son is doing. Give me his unnecessary lectures, and comments and micromanagement whenever his son walks in the door.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington who couldn’t care less what her son is doing as long as he’s alive. Give me her bitchy comments that have been her best defense in the professional world for so long rubbing off on her son.
Give me a Steve who’s let it shape him. Who got his brown eyes, and desire to be at the top of the social sphere as soon as possible from his mom. Who got his begrudging tendencies to care while still finding something to complain about from his dad.
Give me a Harrington couple who isn’t absent, exactly. Who have the occasional business trip, but are actually in town when most of this stuff goes down. Give me a house that’s almost always empty, not because no one lives there, but because Mrs. Harrington is out late again tonight because the boss needs to be sure everything is in perfect order for Monday. Because Mr. Harrington absolutely has to close this deal. Because Steve has practice for both swimming and basketball today.
Give me a Steve who craves the domestic because of this. Who doesn’t have big plans or ambitions. Who, at his center, just wants to be able to flop on the couch and watch movies with the people he cares about. Who wants family vacations, and kids, and a big house filled with noise. Give me a Steve who understands that that’s where his love of parties came from.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who watches as his son seems to completely throw away everything he worked so hard to give him. Give me the fights over the beer, and the weed, and the grades. Give me the bombshell that his son didn’t even manage to get into college, and the realization that he needs to learn to be responsible.
Give me a Mr. Harrington who comes home one night to Robin and Dustin eating cereal in his kitchen at midnight. Who doesn’t really know what to say, so he sets down his briefcase and eats a bowl of cereal while asking these children who they are and why they’re in his house. Give me a Mr. Harrington patting his son on the back the next morning and telling he how much he likes the nice girl who can speak every language, and the little boy who can recite the periodic table from memory. Give me a Mr. Harrington who knows he made the right decision when he made his son get a job of his own instead of just working for him.
Give me a Mrs. Harrington who, when Steve informs her in the middle of a conversation that he has a boyfriend, doesn’t look up from the mirror where she’s applying her eyeliner.
Give me a Steve who’s had enough of her not caring and asks her, “really? You don’t have anything to say?”
Give me a Mrs. Harrington icily meeting his eyes in the mirror and saying, “Steven. You’ve been putting egg in your hair once a week since you were twelve and a girl in your class told you it makes it shiny, and you’ve been stealing my hairspray even longer.” Then goes back to lining her eyes.
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satansbiggestkinnie · 5 months
Katara is overhated. Yes,I was annoyed when she said,"Then you didn't love her like I did." I used to hate her for it even. But,you have to keep in mind,she's a kid. A kid who was forced to grow up by the world and forced herself to. The world that they live in,considers them adults.
Katara: "I haven't done this since I was a kid!"
Aang: "But you still are a kid!"
Zuko: "You're just a child."
Aang: "And you're just a teenager?"
Plus,not only did she step up and therefore didn't process it in a healthy manner,it's implied she saw her mother's corpse.
Edit: There's also a point that @azulserszzp made,that the entire Gaang made bad decisions! For example,Zuko almost burns down an entire village. Katara is mean for ten seconds AND EVERYBODY HOLDS IT AGAINST HER.
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fructidor · 9 months
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two years after the peak of my frev obssssion, i have finally made the pilgrimage to musée carnavalet!! the room with all of the revolutionaries portraits literally changed my life and brought me so many flashbacks
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casualmrboyenjoyer · 2 months
I'm with my dad's mom rn, and she sounds EXACTLY like Lucille...
I can't hear her without thinking about chnt...
It doesn't help that the docks with rocks by them are called a "jeddie". Hearing her talking abt the jeddies is so funny help
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camijust · 1 month
I didn't know Danton and Camille had so many shippers wth...!!!!! How is this more popular than Camijust
Where are even you guys because I haven't seen any of you ever
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negans-lucille-tblr · 8 months
Update on my Website/Tumblr/Discord etc.
I recently made an announcement on my website at the beginning of the month regarding the future of my writing and I just wanted to share it here too.
Engagement has been really low for a while (maybe a couple of years or more), and while I've done everything I can to try and not let it bother me, or increase it with feedback forms etc, and I've tried to be honest with you all about how it makes me feel, when there's no change there comes a point when you're just too tired to fight anymore. I force myself to write content for you guys, and I have lost my passion for posting my writing which I never wanted.
The only reason my website/Tumblr are still active is because
A) I have prewritten content that's currently posting
B) I'm currently out of work and rely on the money my website provides me.
So all that being said, I just wanted to be completely honest with you and let you know that I've made the decision to shut down my website/Tumblr/Discord as soon as I've found work. This could be next month or several months down the line, it's unclear yet.
But I'll be sure to keep you updated and I promise I won't leave any stories incomplete when the time does come for me to shut it all down.
Bee x
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Watching Call the Midwife on your periods is a whole new experience... I am crying so much my cat's come to sit on me. And she hasn't done that in months omg.
I want to write about each character, I love all of them :') 🦋
(if anything happens to Sister Monica Joan I will riot; a piece of me will wither away.)
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plaguedoctorfinch · 3 months
Having a trans tenno is so funny, I cannot stop picturing Lucille seeing Dove for the first time and going "Adult me is 6 feet tall and has TITS!!!!" and poor Dove is just sat there drinking her sorrows away like "Hello to you, too...."
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emoacademic · 1 month
Putting my retainer in for the fist time in awhile! Wish me luck!
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museofthepyre · 3 months
CHNT Swap AU Q&A!!!!
things l've been asked so far...
Q: What is the deal with Lucille?
A: Lucille is another collateral casualty of Jedidiah's research. He left his college dorm to stay back home with Lucille, after his resurrection of Sydney went... wrong. Just like his father, she came to know too much. She passed in the same manner, inexplicably and without warning, upon which... Jedidiah found himself with a unique opportunity. It's important to note that he was not in his right mind during this time. Sydney was his first try at necromancy on a real human person, before that it was just pigs from the anatomy lab, but like... it's not like he had any chance to practice on humans prior. No dead human bodies lying around... chance to practice... dead body...
Lucille was brought back. Much the same as Sydney, something went wrong... she became quiet and shaken and refused to talk, but she still watched... she still understood. Then, when her son one day vanished, she went looking. The information that killed her was actually coming in handy now! She doesn't remember much besides the fact that she is a mother, and she needs to find her son.
Q: Does Adam ever literady vivisect anyone/ anything?
A: Adam typically dissects things after death. He has a certain fascination with taxidermy... or, well... he enjoys seeing how things work. He likes opening them up to observe their insides, studying what lies beneath the surface to make them tick. The taxidermy is more of a byproduct of his studies. He enjoys fixing them and making them perfect again, cutting out all that would rot and fester, and then delicately re-assembling the exterior into something posed and pristine. He pins bugs too, extending their limbs and splaying them out to examine every moving part. The vivisection thing is more metaphorical, as he wants so desperately to pry open Elijah's mind and see what he's made of... but Elijah is a living person. Usually the things he's slicing open and sifting through are dead. Not this one though... not this one.
Q: How did Sydney make it out of the hospital? Did he run away, or was he discharged?
A: Sydney approached another patient, and his weird effects caused them to have a LOUD and VIOLENT existential meltdown. It caused a massive scene and distracted all the nearby hospital staff... meanwhile Sydney slipped away unnoticed. It happened in a kind of 'Frankenstein's monster' way though, Sydney didn't understand why they were afraid. He ran off not because he had plans elsewhere- but because he was scared. He scrambled off like a lost puppy to track down Elijah. He'd overheard many conversations between Elijah and Adam both while comatose, and while in his disoriented non-verbal and spacey sort of recovery period. He knew they'd be heading off to the camp any day now... that's why he got up to search in the first place.
Q: Are there romantic undertones to Elijah and Adam's dynamic, or is it purely a dependent friendship?
A: In my mind they're only platonic (I think it makes the dynamic more interesting/ makes Elijah's attachment more multidimensional). But you can interpret whatever you want ;3. Also Adam carries an air of homoeroticism wherever he goes, so, idk I don't blame you if you wanna see them kiss
Q: Why is Jedidiah appearing in Elijah's dreams specifically?
A: Jedidiah's interest is PURELY in Sydney/ the limn, but... reaching Sydney is nearly impossible. Sydney is an anomaly in time, and as such, the Horologist can't break through to him in any way more meaningful than spirit-box-garble. Even if he could reach Sydney... he doesn't want to make things even worse by giving him even MORE unknowable knowledge! He recognizes Elijah from their shared time watching over Sydney in hospital... he knows that Sydney followed him here for some reason. He recognizes that Elijah may be a very useful tool in figuring out what's going on, and attempting to fix it. Fixing Sydney is all that matters to him... Elijah is a means to an end, and Jedidiah is willing to feed him doses of that forbidden knowledge for the greater good! Just little clues... little pushes in the right direction! The information is making Elijah exponentially more unstable... that much is clear, but that's not a concern. It's nothing personal. The ends justify the means.
Q: In the fic you wrote (Proof of the Angel by Breathingrapture on AO3 ;3) what's the deal with Adam's Apple at the end there???
A: Remember Lucille's super secret plant? The one she was violently protective of, demanded nobody touch, and hid the true nature of beneath the surface? The roots... the diseased magic tendrils which hung from the ceiling underground... and held onto Jedidiah's journals? That forbidden plant is now a forbidden apple tree. Nobody knows what's so special about it. Ms. Graves is fiercely protective of it, and demands that NOBODY eat the trees fruit. But... of course Adam of all people isn't going to listen! (Haha biblical allusion hehe forbidden fruit Adam and the apple... the apple grants something different than knowledge this time, though).
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pjunicornart · 3 months
The Robinsons and Mario Kart Wii
Floating around Tumblr now is the headcanon that the Robinsons are a Nintendo household. I agree! So I'm gonna share something I've had written down in a notebook for a while now: What each Robinson mains in MKWii!
Why MKWii and not MK8? Because MK8 is painfully average and boring. Where's the jank? The standalone mini turbos? The busted stats? THE PROPER INSIDE DRIFT?! Everything in MK8 is balanced and boring. Therefore, no competition. MKWii is chaos, and therefore perfect for a Robinson game night!
Because I'm extra, as well as including their favorite characters to play, I will also include: Preferred vehicle, fav track, and fav OST. Plus a little paragraph of how they play. Listen, MKWii was one of my hyperfixations when I was little. I know this game by the back of my hand. LET'S GET INTO THIS!
Bud - Koopa Troopa: Standard Bike S Fav Track: Koopa Cape Fav OST: Koopa Cape (Pipe) - He's not the best at the game by a long shot, but he'll play it for the grandbaby. At least he gets the chance to play on his favorite track from when Neil would want to play with him back in the day.
Lucille - Toadette: Mini Beast Fav Track: DS Yoshi Falls Fav OST: N64 Sherbet Land - Same point for Bud can be said about Lucille. The Sherbet Land OST reminds her of her first Christmas with Neil.
Fritz/Petunia - Daisy: Wild Wing Fav Track: N64 Mario Raceway Fav OST: No Trophy For You! - Beginner level skills. Fritz plays for fun, but Petunia plays for competition! Daisy reminds him of her.
Laszlo - Baby Luigi: Jet Bubble Fav Track: Coconut Mall Fav OST: Coconut Mall - Intermediate level of skills. He can perform some easy shortcuts, like the Mushroom Gorge and DK Summit gap jumps. He also holds the opinion that Coconut Mall is the GOAT. He's not wrong.
Tallulah - Rosalina: Honeycoupe Fav Track: Moonview Highway Fav OST: Daisy Circuit - Casual player with an intermediate level of skills. She can perform certain shortcuts, she just doesn't because she's not overly competitive... unless she's playing against Laszlo.
Joe - Birdo: Classic Dragster Fav Track: DS Delfino Square Fav OST: DS Peach Gardens - Purely casual player. However, he might secretly get a leg up on you in the race. Why? He's lucky with the item RNG.
Billie - Dry Bones: Tiny Titan Fav Track: Wario's Gold Mine Fav OST: DK Summit - Competitive casual type. She is in it to win most of the time, but she's the type to not really want to improve her skills.
Gaston - Waluigi: Wario Bike Fac Track: GCN Waluigi Stadium Fav OST: GCN Waluigi Stadium - Speed is key for him, and he loves all the tracks where he can go ham and perform a bunch of tricks. Speed is his key, but he doesn't have the knowledge of which character and kart combos will allow him to gain that speed.
Art - Toad: Blue Falcon Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Online Boss Theme - Back in MKWii's hay day, he played all of the online content. Like the boss battles and competitive races. It's because of this that he has knowledge of all the tips of the trade.
Carl - Baby Mario: Bullet Bike Fav Track: Mushroom Gorge Fav OST: Block Plaza - Really only plays it when Wilbur wants him to. He's programmed to be a decent challenger. So... not like the CPUs in the game, lol. Even in Mirror Mode, the CPUs are a joke.
Spike/Dmitri - Diddy Kong: Dolphin Dasher Fav Track: Moo Moo Meadows Fav OST: N64 DK's Jungle Parkway - They don't play often, which is why they tend to stick to the easier cups and engine classes.
Wilbur - Bowser Jr.: Sneakster Fav Track: Bowser's Castle Fav OST: Maple Treeway - He's made it his life mission to upstage his father in skill. Good luck to him, because Neil knows the ultra shortcuts and all of the hidden stats.
Franny - Yoshi: Wild Wing Fav Track: GCN Peach Beach Fav OST: Maple Treeway - Keeps it casual when asked. But otherwise? You're going down. Her weakness is the jankiness of the game.
Cornelius - Mario: Mach Bike Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Rainbow Road - The master of jank. He can perform ultra shortcuts like the Grumble Volcano rock hop/respawn glitch and the Mushroom Gorge cliff ride. He's beaten every fast staff ghost. He's got the item RNG on lock. He has no respect for the key checkpoints. He knows which bikes to use and what characters are best. He shows no mercy. Side note - The RR OST gives him an eargasm every time with its nods to Super Mario Galaxy (his favorite Mario game).
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
Heres some sneak Peaks for the trio of the parodies show gang =^_^=
Kermit's parodie counterpart is Lucille the ladybug
Miss piggy's parodie counterpart is ms. Moosa
Fozzie's parodie counterpart is Garrett Rhino
And I may change genders of some counterparts like how I changed of some moopets =^_^=
And i'll make the parodies after i make the whatnot Show gang and the teppums Show gang =^///^= i only have a few more to go =^.^=
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satansbiggestkinnie · 4 months
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My multishipper ass is going wild.
(I'm late,but still!)
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rainedroptalks · 9 months
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