#lucy x viktoria
laufire · 2 years
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Lucy and Viktoria in THE INVITATION (2022)
[Caption: gifs from The Invitation. Lucy pushes Viktoria, who opens her mouth wide in pain and shock. The camera moves back, showing that both of them are impaled by the lance of a sculpture, facing each other. Lucy looks up at Viktoria with tears in her eyes and an apologetic expression; Viktoria raises her hand to lovingly craddle Lucy’s face, shushing and putting on a pained smile to comfort her. Viktoria’s hand slides down Lucy’s face as the two of them gasp in pain, with their veins turning black from the chest and arms up, reaching their faces, before they disolve in ashes. This leaves a clear view of the sculpture: a knight with a lance, pinned down on the ground by a dragon.]
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Headcanons for Being a De Ville Bride
Walter De Ville x Reader, Viktoria Clopstock x Reader, Lucy Billington x Reader
Warnings: Vampirism, Spoilers for the Invitation
Prompt: Ok bestie let me be real with you, I am STALKING the invitation tag. I saw it yesterday and was smitten with Victoria! Can we get a headcannon for being a sister wife with her?
Note: Oh me too bestie. LOVED it and haven’t been able to find any fics :( But yes absolutely you may. This’ll include Lucy as well! <3 Also this might be writing their dynamic as slightly more poly than is canon but idc lmao.
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At the tender age of 25, you were the youngest of Walter De Ville’s brides. The two of you had recently wed in what was the drama of the season and a weekend that would forever change your life. After all, it wasn’t every day you found out vampires were real.
Walt was very gentle with you, but had been so especially after his big dramatic reveal. You hadn’t so much as shed a tear, only took his hand and slid further into your seat while you absorbed the information.
He escorted you back to your bedroom himself, skeptical of the idea that you were taking it in such stride, but once you asked him to stay with you until you fell asleep, he knew you trusted him, and that you were at no risk of running off into the night.
Sure enough, the next morning, you met Walt, Viktoria, and Lucy for one of your final human breakfasts, at which you discussed your future.
Walt arranged for some of his workers to go back to your apartment and fetch the essentials you wanted for your…extended stay, and then, the girls helped you pick a dress for the ceremony.
Everything went pretty smoothly, all things considered, and you were now cemented into their family and, well, their eternal lives.
Lucy had welcomed you into their very non-traditional family before Viktoria had. She was very sweet, with her wide eyed optimism and open arms.
Meanwhile, Viktoria was optimistic, but kept her distance. She had seen so many people come and go from the De Ville manor, she wouldn’t be surprised if something happened that scared you off.
After the wedding, there was a reception with all three of the families present, drinking, dancing, and celebrating the fresh union. You and Walter shared a very romantic dance together, and afterwards, he was pleasantly surprised when Viktoria requested a dance with you as well.
You were a bit nervous. Of your three new spouses, Viktoria was the most intimidating, after all. She was incredibly graceful and balanced, though, now that you’d been through your transformation, you were becoming so as well.
“You look beautiful, darling. So glowing and fresh.” She told you, her voice as smooth as velvet, her fangs protruding somewhat from her row of otherwise straight, white teeth.
“Thank you. You’re…you’re absolutely stunning.” You confessed, a zing zipping through your chest when you said it, although your moment of uncertainty faded quickly when you saw the surprised grin overtake her features.
The two of you didn’t talk much after that, but the tone between you had shifted entirely. Her smile seemed warmer, more genuine.
After the festivities, Walt, Lucy, and Viktoria escorted you, for the first time, to the Master suite. It was more lavish than you could possibly imagine. There was a bathroom en suite, and dominating the large bedroom was a gigantic bed, perhaps the largest bed you’d ever seen in real life.
“(Y/N), my love, is it to your liking?” Walt asked, pulling your hand to his lips and kissing it slowly.
You nodded, walking into the room slowly. “It’s amazing. This is all so…amazing.” You shook your head in disbelief. “It all still feels like a dream.”
“Well, luckily, you are very much awake.” Walter’s arms wrapped around your waist from behind and he pulled your body against his. “Welcome to your new reality.”
After some late night wedding…festivities with the three of them, Lucy and Viktoria helped you into fancy silk pajamas and Walter pulled you into the large bed beside him, kissing you deeply before settling in slightly.
Lucy hesitated for a moment before climbing in beside you. “Is it alright if I put my arm around you?” She asked, her voice quiet and unsure. “I sleep better if I’m holding something…”
“Absolutely, Lucy. I love cuddling.” You reassured her, pulling her arm around you while you were snuggled into Walter’s side, Viktoria on his other, watching you with her fierce and beautiful gaze.
Walter chuckled, amused. “I really could not have chosen a better match, could I? You already fit right in, my love.”
And though she didn’t put it into words, Viktoria couldn’t help but agree with her husband. You would make a fine addition to their family indeed…
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Forever and Always My Truest: Chapter 1
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for all the lovely comments for the prologue of this series. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. When writings this I really could stop imaging the reader with a haunting echo to her voice. Similar to the brides of Dracula in the Van Helsing 2004 movie, which I undyingly love. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Summary: After yet another night of restless sleep the reader finds herself wandered the manor until Walter comes looking for her. Safe to say that things escalate in more ways than one. From a lovers’ quarrel, to making up, and breakfast being served, there is no denying that there is never a dull moment in the Master and his eternal bride’s marriage.
Word Count: 1,800-ish
WARNING: SMUT!!! No vaginal penetration yet! Dry Humping, Angst, Fluff, blood sharing, arguing, obsessive/possessive behavior, Yandere-ish? Walter De Ville, possible Stockholm Syndrome?, forced marriage, abuse of power, Walter playing favorites w/reader as usual, sucks for the other brides, DOM/sub Dynamics, reader being a brat and Walter is not having it. Warning to be added. LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYTHING!
Disclaimers: I do not own The Invitation or any of the characters within the movie. You know what is and isn’t mine.
Walter de Ville x Wife!Reader
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Chapter 1: Revelations Come to Light
~Current Day in 2022~
~(Y/N) P.O.V~
           Long ago there was a period in my life when I was a restless sleeper. I would wander the halls of my ancestor's grand castle. Even now over four and a half centuries later that has not changed as I now glide through the halls of the De Ville Manor whilst steering clear of the evenings’ sun lit areas. It never harmed me, but it didn’t mean it was any less agitating to my sensitive skin. Ordinarily, my restlessness would be quite vexing for me, however, that feeling couldn’t help but be trumped by the excitement of the fact that Walter and I’s anniversary party was just a week and a half away. It was sure to be grand in every way with my Lord Love sparing no expense for our cherished day. Allowing me free reign over the celebration as usual.
‘Nothing but the best for my truest.’ he had confidently stated to me one night as we lounged on a chaise in his study talking about the upcoming date. Though not much was said after that, as we had just devoured our dinner, and I was feeling in a playful and wanton mood. A mood my beloved Master was all too willing to indulge me in, if his sharp smile of adoration was anything to go by. Speaking of my Lord Love, he shall be rather displeased if he wakes in our tomb, and finds that I am not by his side. He insisted from our first night as newlyweds that he and I would share our sleeping place as any Lord husband and his Lady wife would. I was certain Victoria’s face would tear open from her burning ire, at hearing this information, knowing he never intended to share such things with her or any other brides for that matter.
I sighed wistfully and turned before letting out a haunting shriek. Walter stood there with sleep filled eyes and a raised brow. “My truest, what are you doing awake? You must have your rest!”
I leaned against the balcony railing as I gripped it in my left hand and placed my right hand over my permanently stilled heart.
“My love, you frightened me,” I exclaimed in breaths of haunting of exasperation. “You know I have never been one for restful sleep and with all the excitement to be had, I fear I am even more so restless, my Lord Love.”
His face settled into one of sympathy as he beckoned me to his side, never being able to remain agitated with me for long. I practically leapt from my spot and glided over to him without hesitation. My white negligée swept around my feet with my body movement, and he earnestly enveloped me into his arms as I hugged myself to his side and delicately caressed the side of his face and neck. He nuzzles and caresses my hair as his strong hands stroked my back before leaning back to look upon my face and speak, “Well, seeing as it is almost time to rise for the evening, why don’t I have breakfast brought to my study for us to eat?”
I gave out a haunting moan of frustration and lightly stomped my foot, “But Master, I been locked away in this manor for weeks!” He sighed as he goes to speak, but I interrupt him as my eyes light up in a glowing golden hue and I gasp out a brilliant idea, “Why do we not go out for a hunt together. You have always loved when you and I terrorize a few most unfortunate souls in the village!”
Despite his irritation already slightly spiked by my interruption and slight brattiness, Walter takes it in stride and seeks to placate me, “Because the wolves are growing more confident in coming closer to our territory and I would be absolutely devastated if a single hair on my cherished queen’s head was hurt.”
I only proceed to pout at my feet as he rubbed his hands up and down my arms waiting for me to look at him. Once I cast my gaze up to him through my lashes he leans in with a playful twinkle to his eyes and whispered against still pouting lips, “besides you always insist on playing with your food, my truest.”
I let out an indignant squeak of protest which only prompted a heartily chuckle and a sensational quick kiss to my lips from Walter. “But Master—”
“(Y/N)!” I immediately shrank under the sternness of Walter’s voice. I dared to look at him and my face morphed into a crestfallen look as he gazed unwaveringly at me. “DO NOT argue with me on this matter! It is currently not safe for you outside these walls and therefore you will not leave this castle until the problem is dealt with. I will hear NO MORE of this! Do you understand me?”
I gazed back at the floor as I backed away from him, my golden irises welled to the brim with fresh tears. “Yes Master, I understand.” My voice cracking against my will. At seeing my fragile state Walter gave a regretful sigh whilst closed his eyes. Upon hearing my small haunted weeping, always seeming to echo like screams in his ears, he looked upon me hugging myself.
“My truest…please, do not cry. I did not mean to scared you. Do not be frightened by me, my truest.” I hear him speak gently. I slowly look up at him and he gave me an imploring and loving look. Knowing my mind, after so many centuries together, he goes to speak once more, “I am not angry with you, my truest. I could never be angry with you.”
He held out his hand for me to take and I cautiously crept by to him as my weeping quieted but continued to give off a haunting echo. I had seen his true anger many times. It was never directed at me, but it was nevertheless absolutely terrifying. He really only ever yelled at Victoria and others in the walls and on rare occasions, he would yell at Lucy. He seemed to always have little to absolutely no patience with any of them. He never yelled at me though, which is why I would take the blame for most of the mistakes that Lucy made as they were few and far between. I had sneaking suspicion that he knew but allowed me to protect Lucy since I seemed to personally favor her. Nevertheless, he mostly only spoke with sternness to get his point across, when it came to me.
Once I was within reaching distance, he pulled me back into his arms and placed a loving kiss to my temple, “My perfect little wife. My beautiful queen.” He sweetly cooes me, as he sways us gently. Finally, my weeping stops completely, and Walter calls out for Renfield to whom responded promptly.
“Have the food brought to my study. My queen and I will break our fast in there tonight.”
Renfield swiftly nodded before giving a bow to us, “Right away, my Lord. My Lady.”
He left almost as quickly as he came, and Walter gently ushers me to his study. Once inside he guides me to the plush Victorian sofa and sits with me in his lap and begins to softly wipe the tear stains from my glowing cheeks. I look at him for a moment before shifting my seated position and straddling his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair.
I rest my forehead against his, “I am so sorry, my Lord Love. I didn’t mean to upset you in the slightest.” Shaking my head vehemently, as he gives a smile and pushes my hair from my face to see me better.
“I know, my truest. I am sorry I lose my temper. I hate to see you cry, more than anything, especially when I am the cause for such a crime.” He kisses me sensationally and I melt into his body with a satisfied wanton moan. Our kissing quickly grows more passionate, and I feel my hips begin to move of their own accord. My warm bare heat slide over his growing hardness trapped within the confines of his trousers. Walter breaks our kissing with a groan as his head leans back. I felt a moan release from my mouth in what can only be described as pornographic as I feel his hands grip my hips move them faster while lifting his hips to press harder against my heat.
“You’re so beautiful!” He moans, whilst looking at me with a heated heavy-lidded look. I keep eye contact with him as I feel my climax closing in, and I can tell by his moans his is closing in too. “My Lord!” I sighed. I could feel it, it was so close.
“Cum, my truest. Cum for your Master.” One of his hands sliding up my torso to caress my breasts before traveling up to my neck to grip it firmly but not too tight. I felt my core explode with heat as he did this. As he lets go of my neck and my head falls into his neck as I ride out my ecstasy. Once I come down, I then notice he hasn’t felt his release and so my hips pick up the pace and I whimper at the overstimulation of my clit. He shushes me soothingly and I move my head to begin licking his neck.
Receiving the hint, he gives a euphoric smirk and gives me more access to his neck. I place several open mouth kisses along the slope of his neck before finding the perfect spot. I slowly bite down and begin sucking as his body give a jerk and he lets loose a loud cry of pleasure. He quickly reaches his climax and hugs me tighter to his body before moving some of my hair and swiftly biting down. I release a muffled moan as he began drinking and closed my eyes in bliss.
All good things must come to an end though because not long after there is a sharp knock on the door of the study. Walter growls at the nuisance as I unlatch from his neck, and he releases mine. I sit up and give him a playful smile, my fangs coated with his blood. My mischievous eyes gleam as he gives me a loving look despite his annoyance at the interruption.
“Our food is here, my Lord Love.” I breathlessly gasped out with a haunting echo of excitement. He chuckled, and lightly spanked my bottom, before responding.
“Yes, just remember to not play with your food, my truest.”
I stand up on wobbly legs as I say, “You’ve been saying that for over four and a half centuries! I do not understand why you think tonight will be the night I give up my entertainment.”
He jokingly rolls his eyes before pulling me into a passionate kiss and summoning Renfield in.
‘Now the fun really begins.”
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casualwriters · 2 years
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Spoil warning ⚠️for the Invitation
Note- Just watch the invitation today! And omg it was amazing! I love the wives and Walter he so freaking adorable! Here some cuteness for this movie!
You were one of the youngest out of the wife's, when you came to the De'vill household, even if you knew nothing about the vampires and searching for a third wife, when you got here you were fascinated with the inside of the house, and the land scape of it all. You and Walt clicked and understood each other, even Viktoria found you interesting and not a threat, when you got called for the first dance with Walter and try to not make a complete fool of yourself.
The dramatic dinner stunned you but you didn't freak out, only because there was so much blood, but that was the only reason, but you let them have their feast and talk to Walter after that Lucy calmed you down, out of everyone and that was one of the reasons you wanted to stick around because you loved the woman, just as much as Walt.
When the three of them took you aside after the dramatic dinner, it was overwhelming but Viktoria help you snap out but not in a cruel way like she normally is with new wives after Walter said his goodbye as he was getting ready for the ceremony, oddly enough you were thrilled for the wedding, and to be protected and have a stable environment something you didn't have before London.
"oh, darling we are so thrilled to have you!" Victoria and the two of you went to the spa before the big ceremony to help calm your nerves because the two girls had been in the same shoes you were, only decades ago. All three of you got closer together now that there wasn't anything negative between you guys, after the spa, the ceremony was starting, Lucy did your hair all gorgeously for you and Viktoria did the makeup.
Everyone was over the moon seeing you walk down the aisle the eyes on you made you squeeze Walter's hand as he gave you a toothy warm smile, "it's all going to be okay, sweetheart" he purred to you. The vows and the ceremony were done in a blink we're delighted that you did not run away, from the manor causing more bloodshed than there should be.
Weeks went by since the ceremony causing your new life to start being normal, as normal as it could be with your new diet and all. Lucy was always there for you, and Viktoria was more like your guard dog when Walt wasn't around, it surprised many of the staff and the master how much she took a fondness for you. When someone made you upset, even when it was a minor thing they are food, she adored you and Walter knew. Being with the three of them always made you feel safe they never got jealous when you gave them kisses in front of each other or some nights they just crash with you after, a long night in the manor. Walter would be holding you from the left and Viktoria from the right, and cute Lucy is in the middle.
Walter was sensitive and stern with his wife, he wanted them to be safe, he was the same with you but gave you a little more respect, some nights he gets you books or small trinkets he knew you would love, or you and he go to the garden and picks flowers and of course put one behind the master ear and make flower crowns, for your wife's, you brought the three of them together always wanting there time as a group, trying to not leave anyone out.
You all love each other for pleasure and business, and anyone who came into that manor and has an issue there is more food to feed the rest. The first
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rebelliousstories · 1 year
The movie may have sucked…
But that doesn’t mean that Thomas Doherty has to suffer.
New Character Unlocked: Walter De Ville
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And, how could I forget the brides.
Viktoria and Lucy have joined the party.
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*Request are open for all 3, separate or together!!*
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New characters!
Walter De Ville
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Lucy Billington
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Victoria Clopstock
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Steve Kemp
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read on AO3
~1k, Evelyn "Evie" Jackson Alexander/Lucy Billington & Lucy Billington/Evelyn "Evie" Jackson Alexander/Viktoria Klopstock, E-rating, for @febuwhump Day #20 prompt “knife wound” and for @kinkuary’s Day #20 prompt “overstimulation” and for Femslash Fuckery’s Day #20 prompt “bloodplay”
Summary: They retreat to New York City after destroying Walter—Lucy reverting to human and Evie somewhere in the in-between.
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Rumor has it - Tom Riddle x reader - Part 1/2
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...i-i dont even know, enjoy this fic that I've been giggling and kicking my feet over Afab reader, has a last name, she/her reader
There was a rumor going about school-that apparently had started from a Slughorn party-after party. It was quite outlandish-many didn’t believe it-others hoped it was true and they were the one involved in it.
What was that rumor? Tom Riddle had a crush.
Who was he crushing on? No one knew, all anyone got out of him was the word ‘yes’ when asked if he liked anyone during truth or drink. It had been the first time anyone had seen him blush-his pale cheeks and ears during apple red, his cheeks puffed slightly as he sunk into his chair and sipped at his butterbeer.
Many wondered who started this rumor, and if it was true or not; because Tom had never shown any interest in romance before-boy or girl. He had flirted once or twice-then usually abandoned that tactic when he got what he wanted-which garnered him a playboy title. He really wasn’t; a playboy by definition was someone who didn’t care for personal feelings and had many sexual relationships.
Tom didn’t care for sexual relationships, before now(as the rumor suggested) he hadn’t even had a crush before.
The great hall was a mess of voices, many of them whispering about the rumor and Tom felt eyes on him as he tried to study. It was bloody study hour after all-that usually meant ‘be quiet’ or at least be respectful to those who are trying to study.
“Who do you think it is?” one voice whispered from the Ravenclaw table-which right now had several Slytherin and Hufflepuff sitting at it-since house tables were really only assigned during dinner. “I dunno, I know Olive Hornby hopes it’s her heh-did you see her face when she first heard the rumor?”
“yeah, her eyes lit up like Christmas had come early,”
Tom sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose-heavily regretting not taking a shot when he had been asked that question during the after-party. He had thought-possibly, maybe, it wouldn’t spread about. He had thought what happened at a party-stayed at a party. But he had been wrong, and now his secret was out and being spread like wildfire.
Yes-Tom Riddle had a crush, and he had had it since 4th year. Who? He would never tell; he had hardly admitted it to himself this past summer when he realized why this particular person plagued his thoughts like no other had before-they had even overtaken the chamber and horcruxes in his mind.
Tom was 16 years old, and dealing with liking someone for the first time.
He detested it(he didn’t), he just wanted them to disappear from his mind and life and never have to think of them again(a lie, he wanted nothing but to be around them all the time).
“Honestly, you’d think Tom Riddle is the only boy in existence with how they talk about him,” Tom glanced up from his potions work, seeing Viktoria Klopstock arm In arm with (y/n) Alexander; the two talking about the rumor swirling through the school. (y/n) snorted at Viktoria’s quip and shook her head, catching Tom’s eye for a split moment and smiling at him like she always did.
Tom couldn’t help but stare.
“Well, he is the heartthrob of the school, or did you not say that only a few months ago?” (y/n) teased back, laughing as Viktoria sputtered and glared at (y/n) with flushed cheeks, her pale complexion stark against her dark brown hair. “You-I was simply making an observation!“ (y/n) just hummed in response to Viktoria’s sputter, sitting down with their other friends, Walter Deville and Lucy Billington, and laughing as Viktoria attempted to defend herself over her past comments on Tom.
“Keep telling yourself that Viv, we all know you fancy him,” (y/n) teased and Viktoria just kissed Walter in protest, who chuckled and shook his head, brushing back his dark curly hair. (y/n) tossed her head back while she laughed and Lucy shook her head at her friends, returning her attention to her divination book.
Tom tore his eyes away when (y/n) glanced back at him, swallowing harshly against the dryness of his throat.
Yeah, Tom Riddle had a crush all right, and no one would ever know who it was.
Tom glanced back up-seeing (y/n) still looking at him, seemingly lost in thought and Tom had to look away as he felt heat buildup in the tip of his ears.
He had a feeling it wouldn’t stay a secret for long.
“Hey Tom!” Tom forced himself to stay perfectly calm as he turned on his heel to face (y/n), who was walking up to him with her broom in hand-clad in her Slytherin quidditch uniform. “Alexander,” Tom greeted, mentally patting himself on the back as he forced down the waver of his voice. “is there something you need?”
(y/n) shook her head, just smiling, a strand of her hair falling into her eyes. “Not really, just wanted to know if you’ll be at the game this Saturday?” Tom shrugged, he had never been one for quidditch, it was a brutal game that always resulted in pointless injuries. But when he looked at (y/n), who seemed so excited at the prospect of him being at that game(her first game actually, a chaser had gotten injured and she was finally coming off the bench after being on the team for a year), he caved.
“I’ll be there,” Tom said instead of saying he was going to be busy, and (y/n) beamed. Tom couldn’t help the flutter of his chest at the sight of it, meant for him. “what time? I’ve never been to a match, not since first year anyway,” Tom asked and (y/n) happily told him what time the match was, it was Slytherin against Ravenclaw, and he nodded, taking a step back as she went off to practice, giving him one last grin.
“Oh I’m so doomed,” Tom breathed, feeling that now familiar heat travel to his cheeks and ears, catching a glimpse of his apple-red face in the reflective glass of a window. “so doomed.”
To this day-he had trouble figuring out why he was attracted to (y/n), it wasn’t as if she had come out of nowhere, they were in the same year, and same house-and she was a high-class halfblood(pureblood father and halfblood mother), from one of the richest families in the uk-right behind her friends, Deville being the richest of the four.
Tom had noticed her from the start really, while he was walking down the cars of Hogwarts Express, seeing her with her three friends laughing away with her head in Deville’s lap, a chocolate frog in hand. She had seen him and smiled, waving at him shyly.
Tom had just blinked-the socially awkward child he had been-and carefully waved back, then continued down to find an empty car.
Then she just kept showing up, sitting next to him in class, being partnered with him in assignments; always smiling at him and greeting him with a wave. Tom simply got used to her, almost began expecting her really, she was probably the only person in Hogwarts that didn’t annoy him to all hell just by existing.
He supposed that’s how she slipped through the cracks-by not being one of the several banes of his existence.
But then the calm expectancy became heat rushing to his face when she sat down with him in the library to study, butterflies in his chest and gut when she glanced at him, trembling hands when she smiled at him, sharp intakes of breath when her hand rested on his shoulder to pass by him in a busy hall.
Tom was utterly infatuated with her and he had no idea how to handle it, but he dreaded the idea of disappointing her(agreeing to come to a stupid game just so she would be happy), felt the burning pit of jealousy in his gut when someone got far too close to only want friendship(he had never wanted to fist fight someone before then), and had the desperate need to just-hold her hand.
He had never wanted to hold anyone’s hand before.
But then he wanted to be around her all the time, just to stare at her freely, curl his fingers into her hair, touch her lips with his thumb, and bring her into a kiss.
Tom groaned at the thoughts going through his mind, his face burning against his palms as he rubbed his eyes. He was really so doomed, here he was-attempting to unlock all the secrets of the chamber of secrets and become one of the greatest wizards of all time-and he was constantly plagued by thoughts of (y/n) Alexander.
He remembered only a few days ago, after he had been researching horcruxes and the chamber-they had been the only thing resounding through his mind as of late. But with a call of his name and (y/n) asking him if he was okay(he was visibly distracted) Tom had just nodded, feeling his lip quirk up without his control. And for the rest of the day, the only thing he could think of was (y/n) Alexander.
Tom sat down in potions class, getting out all his things, but still-the only thing in his head was (y/n) Alexander. Her eyes, her lips, the curve of her jaw and cheeks, the way her head tossed back when she laughed particularly hard, the curl of her nose when she snarled at Black during practice because he had made one too many comments.
“So doomed,” Tom muttered to himself, getting out his quill and ink well, looking up at Professor Slughorn as he greeted the glass.
Oh to be young and to be in love.
The wind from the quidditch pitch threw his hair around-his scarf tucked tightly into his jacket so it didn’t fly away. It was loud, very loud, something Tom expected considering he could hear the crowd from the bloody library sometimes.
“Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' sixth match of the season! Today’s game, Slytherin vs Ravenclaw!” The respective houses roared with support for their teams, and Tom saw the Slytherin team soar high above the pitch, his eyes drawn to a particular player.
Alexander; 3
She had a wild grin on her face-the wind curling her hair and flushing her face, she zoomed past Black and settled with her teammates as they all gathered in the air. The referee stood at the bottom and said something Tom couldn’t hear and opened the box that sat at her feet; in an instant-the bludgers flew up, along with the snitch.
With a blow of a whistle-the quaffle was tossed into the air and the game began.
(y/n) had snatched it before anyone else could grab it-flying up and over the Ravenclaw’s heads, laughing as they gave chase. She was quick-a blur to the naked eye, but that was the same for the other players, however- there was something about her speed; flying just fast enough to keep out of reach.
She easily made the first score-throwing her first up in victory as the bell rang to announce it. “(y/n) Alexander makes the first score of the game! Ten points to Slytherin!!”
Tom couldn’t keep his eyes off (y/n), her smug smirk giving him those silly butterflies as she flew back into the game, avoiding bludgers and other players with graceful ease. Tom’s knuckles cracked as a bludger came soaring right for her-but she quickly noticed and hooked her elbow around her broom, swinging around, under, and getting back on top within a split moment as the bludger zoomed right where her head had been.
“Holy shit! She’s good!” someone yelled from behind him, the Slytherin crowd cheering loudly as someone scored once again, (y/n) laughing heartily as she caught the quaffle from her teammate and flew off-her grin turning to a glare as she nearly crashed into one of the Ravenclaw chasers.
“It's odd seeing you here!” Someone yelled over the noise of the crowd and Tom spared a glance to see Abraxas-who almost seemed nervous. Tom just shrugged, looking back up and searching for (y/n), who had disappeared from his gaze the moment he looked away.
 “I think I get sports now,” Tom just said(which made Abraxas sputter in confusion because Tom had loathed quidditch before now), finally locking onto (y/n) again, his lip quirking as she snatched the quaffle mid-air, suddenly flying up as two Ravenclaw players tried to slam into her on either side-only to get each other and fly off their brooms.
“oooh!” Nott laughed from behind Abraxas, the crowd watching in tense anticipation as (y/n) continued flying up, and then suddenly-she started free-falling, the quaffle and her broom still tight in hand. Tom tensed-wondering what was going on-but he relaxed as he saw the grin on (y/n)’s face.
Just as she passed by the horde of Ravenclaw players that had been trying to get back the quaffle-she straightened out and headed straight for the pitch, faking out the Ravenclaw keeper and scoring another 10 points.
“That’s another 10 points to Slytherin! They lead Ravenclaw 30 to nothing!”
Tom squinted at the roar of the crowd around him and quickly planted his hands over his ears-it was far too loud for him now, but he didn’t want to leave early-it might make (y/n) disappointed that he left.
At that moment-(y/n) spotted him and she looked overjoyed to see him, waving eagerly. Tom grimaced back and she laughed, tossing her head back like she always did. Tom felt that now familiar heat burn at his ears and he sighed-glad he was covering them at the moment.
No one could say (y/n) Alexander wasn’t a brilliant chaser-through the next half hour the match played-she scored more than half the points Slytherin gained, and snatched the quaffle mid-air as the Ravenclaw chasers attempted to pass it multiple times.
She was quickly becoming a threat, grinning while bludgers and other players tried to knock her off-but she easily dodged each one, even jumping off her broom at one point to avoid a collision.
At one point she went high up-avoiding any players or bludgers and wiped her sweat-soaked face with her jersey, allowing all to see her stomach-which made Tom’s face flush with both jealousy and something else as the crowd whistled at her, some of the boys cat-calling her.
Tom never wanted to hex someone more.
But she caught his eye as she brought down her shirt and grinned, and Tom had a feeling she had done that on purpose-which made him think; why would she? unless she either just wanted to rile him up or…Tom swallowed down the hope in his throat as he thought; (y/n) might’ve done that to get his attention.
Well, she had it-if that’s what she wanted-and Tom doubted she would lose it.
“Rouge bludger!” someone yelled and Tom tore his eyes away, only to comically widen them as a bludger came rocketing towards him-right at him-all of the beaters were on the other side of the field, and Tom wondered how they had hit the dammed thing over to the stands. He felt hands on his shoulder-most likely Abraxas-that tried to pull him down and away-but the bludger was fast and Tom had a feeling he would be spending the next week in the hospital wing.
But something flew right where the bludger had been heading and snatched it out of the air-only feet away from where Tom was standing. He let go of the breath he had been holding and looked over the edge-seeing (y/n) with the bludger in the crook of her arm, it struggled to get out but she had a tight grip. Her face was set in anger-her eyes saying ‘murder’ as she threw the bludger right back at the ones who had accidentally hurled it at Tom-unfortunately being her own team.
She yelled something and even Black seemed to curl under her words-nodding sheepishly with the rest of the team.
Tom felt his stomach flip-flop, his mouth going dry and his face blooming with red as she pointed back towards him and continued to yell-the match being put to a halt while the referee took the rogue bludger and checked it(it was supposed to be bewitched to redirect the moment it went towards the stands)-“you nearly hit Tom!” she yelled over the roar of the wind and crowd, her lip curled into a snarl.
“You all right, my lord?” Abraxas asked, his hands still on Tom’s shoulder, and Tom nodded-eyes locked onto (y/n), who glanced back at him and drew her eyes all over him-nodding when she saw he was perfectly fine.
“Just fIne,” Tom said, ignoring the way his voice cracked like it did when he hit puberty. Abraxas frowned but nodded, the match soon resuming.
Tom really understood sports now, he really did-because that was really really hot.
The crowd started to chatter-all about (y/n), about how she caught a bludger(which-Tom learned just now-were made of IRON?!) going full speed and continued to hold it with one hand-even as it attempted to escape.
Tom realized that’s maybe why Black looked so sheepish-(y/n) had caught and held onto a 150-ish pound iron ball with no injury(to his knowledge), she was not a witch to be trifled with.
And Tom’s heart and stomach did another flip, his eyes once again on (y/n) as she used her anger to score three more times, and finally; the snitch was caught by the Slytherin seeker-ending the game.
Slytherin had won by a landslide, 240 to 60.
The Slytherin crowd exploded into cheers as the other houses booed or left the field in defeat, and from the stands-Tom could see Black hold out his hand to (y/n), and offer her the main chaser position. She grinned and took his head, her eyes turning a bit sharp as she tightened her grip, and Tom’s stomach did one last flip as he saw Black wince.
“Oh I'm so bloody doomed,” Tom muttered to himself over the blaring cheers of the crowd-turning on his heel as he saw the Slytherin team make their way off the pitch.
He didn’t even bother to look behind him to see if Abraxas and Nott were following-they always did. He made it down the rickety stairs in record time, panting slightly as he caught his breath-seeing (y/n) with the team making their way back to the castle.
Tom swallowed harshly, seeing McLaggen waltzing up to her, looking all too smug for Tom’s taste. “Alexander!” Tom called out right when McLaggen opened his mouth-both (y/n) and McLaggen looking shocked to hear her name from Tom’s mouth.
From behind him-he could feel the bewilderment from Abraxas and Nott. But (y/n) smiled at him, her hair wind-swept and cheeks slowly cooling back down, sweat drying on her face and neck. Tom licked his lips, feeling his ears start to burn as she waved off her team and walked towards him-broomstick in hand. “Tom!” she said, grinning still, leaning on her broomstick as she stopped in front of him and tilted her head. “How’d you like your first game since first year?”
“Good-great-you,” Tom cleared his throat-suddenly very nervous, his throat dry and ears burning, his usual calm and collected behavior nowhere to be seen. (y/n) bit her lip a bit-something that made Tom’s brain fumble and he paused in his words.
Oh, yes, he was gone for this girl.
“You-you played great, can’t say I’ve seen a better chaser,” Tom finished his sentence, breathing slowly as (y/n) just grinned, her eyes twinkling.
“Thank you, but you also don’t have many other chasers to compare me to, for all you know-I could be dog-shit.” Tom found himself snorting and shaking his head at (y/n)’s lack of elegant words, waving his hand towards the pitch. “Believe me, I saw enough from your teammates and the Ravenclaw chasers-you were the best on the field.”
(y/n) laughed, her head tossing back with the action and Tom found himself staring, his gaze softening as (y/n) continued to giggle as she calmed down, shaking her head as she bit her lip. “Honestly Tom, you’re funnier than others give you credit for,” Tom just hummed, he thought he was hilarious.
Thankfully, (y/n) seemed to think so too. Tom opened his mouth again, glancing around-seeing McLaggen staring daggers into him-but he quickly looked away when he caught Tom’s eye. “I just wanted to say, thank you for catching that bludger, I would probably be in the hospital wing right now if it weren’t for you,” Tom said with his usual charming grin, patting himself on the back for returning to his normal behavior.
(y/n) nodded and clapped his arm once, sending fire through his veins at her touch-his mouth going dry again. “Like I was gonna let it hit you, but, you’re welcome Tom. What would the world be like without your pretty face?” (y/n) teased and Tom’s mind went blank.
“You think I’m pretty?” Tom asked, his voice cracking slightly as his jaw went slack, the flush on his ears growing towards his cheeks as (y/n) nodded with a grin, her eyes sparkling still. He knew most of the students of Hogwarts found him attractive-but to know (y/n) thought he was pretty-wow…just-wow.
“Yeah, I do,” (y/n) breathed out, her eyes traveling his face and Tom didn’t mind being looked at like that for the first time. Usually, he hated being studied like he was just a pretty thing to look at-but-if it was (y/n)? he wouldn’t mind being studied all day.
“uh-cool,” Tom muttered back-shaking his head. Cool? Cool?! Just-cool? ugh, how lame was he?! “um-did, any chance you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?” Tom asked, eyes going wide at what tumbled out of his mouth, where did that come from?!
He could feel the shock and disbelief from Abraxas and Nott-considering Tom had not shown interest in anyone ever, and now was suddenly asking out (y/n) Alexander.
And then they realized; this was the girl Tom had admitted to liking at the after-party, and they grinned at each other while they watched Tom practically make a fool of himself in front of his crush. (y/n) seemed to come to this realization as well, and she stuttered for a moment, blinking quickly before she nodded, stepping closer to Tom. “I would love to, um, three broomsticks? I know a corner in there that’s nice and quiet?”
Tom nodded-he really didn’t go to Hogsmeade often, he found nothing of interest there. But he supposed now there was someone of interest there worth going for-especially if she already had a place for them to go that was quiet and secluded, just how he liked it. “Sounds good,” Tom breathed, a smile growing on his face that had (y/n) staring at him, and her smile grew, reaching to her eyes.
God, he never stood a chance, did he?
“Great, I’ll-I’ll see you then,” (y/n) said, her voice wavering with excitement and Tom nodded, his hands behind his back as (y/n) skipped back with a grin, waving goodbye and then running towards her friends who had been waiting for her, and Tom couldn’t help his smile when she screamed and jumped into Viktoria’s arms. “Tom Riddle asked me out!!!”
“You just asked (y/n) Alexander out,” Abraxas said from behind Tom and Tom whirled around, very aware that his face was bright red and he was grinning like a madman. “yeah-I did….I have no idea how to go on a date,” Tom said after a short pause, still grinning-he couldn’t stop.
Abraxas just laughed and Nott stared, unsure of how to handle any of this. “We’ll help, my lord.”
The next week passed by both quickly and all too slowly. Nerves jumbled about in Tom’s gut as the weekend came ever closer, he could hardly focus in classes-all he could think about was (y/n). God, he had actually asked her out-after nearly two years of staring and (unknowing) yearning, he was going on a date with the first person he had ever felt attracted to. His stomach had been doing somersaults all week at the thought of her, of their upcoming date-and the idea that it might turn into…something more.
The Chamber and his Horcrux research had been pulled off the stove-only (y/n) Alexander remained.
His followers were-no help. They just made him more nervous will all the “advice” they gave him.
“Don’t be overbearing,”(duh?)
“Don’t only talk about yourself, girls hate that,”(also duh)
“But don’t ask about her too much she’ll get overwhelmed,”(Tom was beginning to doubt these knuckleheads had ever gone on a date)
“make sure to order for her, girls like it when a man takes charge,”(yeah he wasn’t going to take Black’s advice)
“be cool and aloof-like you always are really,” (Tom thought (y/n) liked it when he fumbled a bit honestly, she seemed charmed when he was making a fool of himself asking her out.)
But really, Walter Deville had the best advice for Tom when the time came around for the date-he took Tome aside as he passed by him in the hall, giving a stern look to Tom’s followers who were ready to protest. “Look, Tom, I’m going to give it to you straight, (y/n) is a lady, you must remember that, but she is not judgmental, she does not care for your background nor your status.” Tom felt some of the nerves in his gut decrease a bit-but Walter wasn’t done. “She likes you, Tom, she really does like you, but she has a very high standard-not out of training from her mother or the family, but for herself, if you do not treat her with kindness and be a false version of yourself around her; she will drop you quicker than a basilisk can kill. Treat her well, and treat her kindly, or you will regret it.”
Tom swallowed at the last bit-very much hearing the seriousness in Walter’s voice. It wasn’t a ‘we will hurt you if you hurt her,’ it was ‘she will hurt you if you hurt her,’ and Tom didn’t doubt she would. “Clear?” Waler asked, grinning as Tom nodded. “Crystal,” Tom muttered, stumbling forward as Walter laughed and slapped Tom’s back.
“Oh don’t be so grim! I have faith in you, Tom,” With another pat on Tom’s back, Walter walked off, and Tom was just as nervous as he was before.
Tom had very few outfits, he had his uniform and its extra pants, shirts, and vests, his uniform from the orphanage, a suit(a gift from the Malfoys for a Christmas party from last year), and very little extra. He ended up wearing the suit because he didn’t think anything else fit the situation.
He hoped (y/n) wouldn’t be put off by the lack of casualty, but he had an inkling she wouldn’t mind at all.
She didn’t, her eyes traveling his well-dressed form with appreciation and a heat that made Tom’s ears burn, coughing slightly into his fist. “hi,” she said quietly, stepping closer to him as he waited for her by the carriages to Hogsmeade. “hello,” Tom said back, his lip quirking. (y/n) Alexander looked-breath taking, her skirt flowing gently in the late fall breeze.
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“You look very handsome,” (y/n) said with a soft smile, her hands moving up to tug at his suit jacket, holding each side with both hands and getting a better look at what lay beneath the jacket. “Thank you, you look-“ Tom could hardly finish his sentence, just letting out a slow breath that had (y/n) giggling, her smile growing.
“let’s get going, shall we?” (y/n) asked, taking Tom’s arm as he offered it and he nodded, leading her to a carriage and helping her inside like the gentleman he was; taking the seat from across her-the two falling into a comfortable conversation as the carriage went off to Hogsmeade.
(y/n) indeed had a quiet corner for the two of them, hidden away from the noise and tucked away from sight, letting them talk quietly and share small smiles and glances they didn’t have to worry about others seeing.
Tom, quite honestly, had never expected to have such fun on a date; he never expected to go on a date ever really. But here he was, on one with (y/n) Alexander, at the three broomsticks; drinking butterbeer and sharing an appetizer.
Tom could hardly keep track of what they talked about-but he felt himself grow more comfortable and his nerves almost disappear the longer they sat there. Tom chuckled at something she said and she stared-smirking a bit as Tom cleared his throat at her gaze-his ears burning. “I like your laugh,” she muttered, leaning on her arm, her eyes burning into his soul.
“Thank you,” Tom muttered, licking his lips nervously, which were quirking up into a smile that mirrored (y/n)’s gentle one. “You don’t laugh often, do you? At least not genuinely.” (y/n) asked, tilting her head a bit and Tom shrugged.
“Not much that I find genuinely funny, really,” Tom muttered, rolling his jaw a bit but (y/n) just laughed, biting her lip. “Suppose you find me funny then? Good, wouldn’t do us any good if you didn’t.” Tom laughed gently again, but nodded in agreement.
“I do,” Tom mumbled, hiding his slight flush behind his glass of Butterbeer. (y/n)’s soft grin widened and Tom’s blush darkened a bit, drifting his eyes away from (y/n)’s gaze. God he was absolutely gone for this girl, he really never stood a chance.
They talked for a bit longer, and (y/n) eventually gave him a look that made him go quiet, tilting his head in curiosity. “this is your first date, right?” she asked and Tom slowly nodded. “yes, I’ve never been interested in anyone else,” Tom said honestly and (y/n) glanced away with a chuckle, hiding her grin in her shoulder.
“I don’t suppose it’s yours though,” Tom said, glancing down at his hands. (y/n) nodded, but then shrugged. “Yes, but this is the first date I actually wanted to be on though, so-you’ve already made top marks.”
Tom frowned, glancing up at (y/n) who was shifting in her seat. “Wanted to be on?” Tom asked curiously and (y/n) nodded, glancing down at her watch.
“Yes, my mother likes to set me up on dates hoping i'll find a suitor that adheres to my tastes-but I have yet to find one in the ones she sends. Usually, they’re all pompous bores who couldn’t care less about me other than my money and what status they’ll gain by being with me,” Tom slowly nodded, hoping she didn’t think he was doing the same thing.
Honestly-half the time he forgot (y/n) was an Alexander, or was more well known as Lady (y/n) Alexander, and not the amazing girl he had been crushing on since 3rd year and had only realized it the previous summer.
“Why is she setting you up on dates?” Tom asked, leaning back in his chair, his face set into a perfect calm. (y/n) sighed, leaning into her palm, her eyes distant. “She wishes for me to marry by twenty, something about heirs and my duty as Lady Alexander,” Tom swallowed the pit in his throat, his eyes drawing down. He knew (y/n) did not care for status and money, but her parents most likely did, and Tom was not a man of status-even if he was descended directly from Slytherin, and from his limited research, his father was of the high class.
But Tom had no money, and his father had no knowledge of him-besides, Tom had no want for that acknowledgment.
“Tom,” he looked up, and swallowed again as (y/n) reached across the table and took his folded hands with a smile. “things like status and money do not matter to my family, my mother just wishes for me to be taken care of if anything should happen to the Alexander fortune. Most of all she wishes for me to find love, to be treated kindly, and be held dearly; if I married a poor man with nothing to his name-if all he could give me was his heart and soul-my family would be overjoyed that I had found a man like that.”
Tom just stared, that pit in his throat only growing heavier as he blinked back a burn in his eyes. “Oh,” Tom breathed instead of responding, his cheeks flushing as (y/n) smiled at him. His heart was beating out of his chest-trying to hop into (y/n)’s hands and be kept.
He was so-fucking-doomed.
“Is-is he smiling? Actually smiling?” Black asked quietly as he, Abraxas, Nott and Mulciber all watched as Tom walked through Hogsmeade with (y/n) Alexader tucked into his side, the two holding hands and talking quietly-both of them smiling.
“Yep, he’s smiling…” Abraxas muttered, leaning against a wall and watching as the two new lovebirds walked past, (y/n) tugging Tom into honey-dukes with shining eyes as Tom chuckled fondly.
“He is gone gone for her,” Avery said as he walked up, hands in his pockets. The other boys nodded; they had a feeling certain planned things had quickly gone down the drain all thanks to (y/n) Alexander.
Oh, the things Love can change.
-one year later-
 Tom was very sure he was deeply in love with (y/n) Alexander, for one year after they began dating-she stood with him in the chamber of secrets, discovering his past, all his darkest desires and wishes-and was not deterred by any of it. If anything-her affection towards him seemed to grow, for as he spoke to open the chamber, she stepped closer, carefully watching his lips as he spoke parseltongue. She immediately closed her eyes and let him guide her as he summoned the basilisk-putting her utmost faith and trust in him as he placed her hand upon its scaley nose.
Tom had never felt more love for her and had never felt more love from her for him, he had trusted her with his deepest secrets over the last year as they dated, even his wish to become immortal, even his fear of letting love into his heart.
And she never shied away, she never shunned him, she only took his hands and held him close-guiding him through the pitch-black maze of his mind. He even told her about his plan for Horcruxes.
He ended up with a dead stare and a long sigh. “That’s-quite honestly Tom, so stupid.” She muttered and Tom frowned, taking a step back but she stopped him and took his face, giving him a smile that was slightly strained. “I do not think of you any different, but dark magic such as that is not worth it, yes your soul will live on but it will be shattered and disfigured, leaving you with ultimately a cursed life and weaker magic because it is so strained across the separated souls. If you wish to live forever-I will be by your side, but horcruxes are a stupid and simply bad idea.”
Tom…honestly couldn’t argue with that. (y/n) smiled and pecked the corner of his lips, which made Tom want to tilt his head slightly so he could kiss her properly-but at that point they hadn’t had their first kiss yet. “Promise me you’ll drop the idea of it? Horcruxes?” (y/n) asked gently, still holding his face, looking into his eyes.
Tom nodded immediately, he would do anything for (y/n), anything. She smiled and kissed his cheek again, moving her hands down to grab his and guiding him from the chamber and back up to Hogwarts. Tom only felt a slight pit of guilt in his gut, since last year, just before school ended-he had attempted to create a Horcrux by using the chamber, but it had eventually slipped his mind as (y/n) took over all thoughts of his plans for it.
But he had never truly opened the chamber of secrets-and he would keep his promise to (y/n), he would find a way to become immortal, and he would share it with his (y/n) Alexander, so they would be together forever.
Tom took a deep breath that rattled in his chest as he stood before (y/n)’s father's office doors in the Alexander mansion, it was the spring break of their final year, and Tom had been invited over since he was dating the heiress to the fortune. In his pocket, he had a small box that contained a silver ring with a small obsidian piece mounted atop-it was all he could afford with the money he scrapped from his last year of stipend from the Hogwarts fund.
It helped that (y/n) had insisted on buying him new robes and taking care of this year's curriculum items-as a gift for becoming head boy. He had tried to deny it all but with a stubborn huff from his beloved (y/n) Alexander, Tom relented with a soft smile and sigh, following her around as she bought his books and whatever else he might need.
Tom took another deep breath-nerves settled deep in his stomach and knocked on Lord Alexander's office door. “Come in, come in,” He called and Tom opened the door and stepped inside, giving a polite nod to John Alexander-the father of his girlfriend(and hopefully soon to be, fiancée)
“Tom, how nice to see you, how can I help you son?” John said with a grin, putting down his quill and setting his intertwined hands on the desk, giving Tom a warm grin. Tom opened his mouth a few times, and then shut it-unsure of how to say anything. The Alexanders were one the top families of both the muggle world and wizarding world, the Deville’s being the top dogs really, was Tom really going to soil their family line? To bring a bastard son into their practically royalty family?
Yes, yes he was-because he loved (y/n) and he didn’t want to let her go to some-rude rich boy who didn’t know how to love her correctly. “i-I was hoping,” Tom started, clearing his throat as his voice cracked. John’s smile only grew, seemingly knowing what Tom was about to ask. “if…” Tom took another deep breath, straightening his back and looking Lord Alexander in the eye. “I was hoping you would approve of me asking for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” Tom got out in one breath, his jaw clicking as Lord Alexander just stared at him, that warm smile still there-but a twinkle in his eye that made Tom nervous.
“i-I love her dearly Lord Alexander. I do not have money, and I have no status to offer her, nor do I have a proud lineage or background, but I would love her for the rest of my life, and beyond it. I know there are many men who you would prefer her to marry but-“ Tom was stopped with a hand to a shoulder, and he hadn’t realized he had been staring at his shoes. Tom looked up, seeing John-beaming.
“I would be honored if my daughter married a good man like you Tom, you love her dearly and that is all I could wish for my little girl, as does her mother. You have my blessing Tom Riddle; you’ve had it since we first met.” Tom, actually felt like crying-staring wide-eyed at John, who chuckled and opened his arms for a hug-knowing Tom didn’t like to be touched without permission. Tom stepped into his arms and squeezed, a few tears escaping his closed eyes as John hugged him tightly. “Welcome to the family Tom, I cannot wait to call you my son.”
Tom smiled into John’s shoulder, sniffing slightly as John patted his back and took a step back. “Thank you sir, I’ll cherish her forever,” Tom said quietly, smiling still as John nodded-patting Tom’s shoulder again.
“I know you will, now come on, I think the girls are outside having lunch.” Tom nodded and turned on his heel-unable to keep the smile off his face as he walked outside to the patio to see his girlfriend(hopefully soon to be fiancée) sitting under the sun with her mother, Viktoria, and Lucy, the four sharing a plate of snacks and tea by the pool.
“Tom~” (y/n) sang, holding out her hands to him and he quickly walked over to her-giving one last thankful smile to John before taking his beloved (y/n)’s hands, stepping close and moving his other hand to her shoulder as she leaned against him. “How nice for you two to join us! We were just talking about you,”
“Good things I hope,” Tom joked, obeying (y/n)’s tug as she made him sit down with her on the chair, his gaze and smile softening as she chattered away John mirroring Tom’s position as he sat with his wife. “of course,” (y/n) said with a tone that meant she was lying and not trying to hide it, and Tom sighed shaking his head fondly.
Oh, how he loved (y/n) Alexander and had never expected it.
Perhaps it was a good thing he had let it slip he had a crush at the Slughorn after-party last year. If he hadn’t-he didn’t think he would’ve gained the courage to ask (y/n) out after that fated quidditch match.
Part 2 - its just fluff lol
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Wishful thinking - Walter Deville x reader - Oneshot smut request
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requested by  Hufflepuff1701 on wattpad~!
Walter Deville x reader. Walter ends up in our world & reader takes care of him despite having seen the movie because she is like every other girl who watched the movie & would’ve been all for being the third bride. Spicy please!! My damn vampire kink…lol
Warning; mention of suicide, description of suicide. bloodplay, intended manipulation, manipulation, sex. MINORS DNI FOR UR OWN GOOD, U DONT NEED TO BE READING SMUT MY GODS(good lord knows i didn't need to) also practice safe sex even if ur with a immortal dude whos infertile, still good to practice safe sex my guys
Fem reader; she/her used. 
The gardens were ready, the art studio was set up, and the Alexander suite was furnished and decorated accordingly. Walter smirked to himself, rolling his neck with a satisfying crack. In just less than a week, Evelyn Alexander and he would be wed, and once more he would be at full power.
It had only been a few years since Emmaline, his most recent Alexander bride; had chosen to depart from this world.
-A piano wire around the neck, and a short drop from the 2nd floor. She had beheaded herself, a sight; not even he had been immune to.-
And yet-in such a small amount of time(at least to the immortal beings of the estate)-he and everyone else within the three families had felt the stain of the third bride's absence. He felt weaker, if only just so-but neither Viktoria nor Lucy were allowed to leave the grounds, in fear of any remaining vampire hunters. He feared with them not being complete-not being at full power-none of them would have the ability to survive an encounter with someone who knew exactly how to kill them
Though they were only seen as myths, legend, nowadays; vampires. Hunters were only seen in books, or made to be a legend as well; even around all hallows eve, some mortals would dress up as hunters, and some as vampires.
They looked like those ones in the black and white movies Lucy had shown him so many years ago, dorky and cheap. Though some, of the new modern age; looked-quite interesting, gothic and bloody.  Walter sighed at the thought, running his hands through his slicked-back hair, and wandering through the darkened halls of his manor.
Thunder and lightning decorated the grounds, rain crashing against the blue tiles of the roof and windows. Walter let out a slow breath, rubbing his hands on his pants as he made his way downstairs towards his study, pausing as his vision flashed a blinding white, thunder immediately following the flash.
“Never seen it this intense before,” Walter said to himself, even the night of Emmaline’s death hadn’t been this-stormy. More lightning coursed across his vision, and he swore he saw things within the white.
Another blinding flash of white and Walter had to close his eyes to protect his vision, thunder crowding his hearing as he clenched his jaw, his entire body humming painfully.
“Fuck” Walter panted as the white finally faded, and suddenly, rain began to soak his form. “What?” he opened his eyes, gasping at what he saw. He was no longer in his manor, but in a random alleyway, rain crashing down on him and the same thunder rumbling above. “how did i-” Walter flinched at the rolling cry of thunder and he shook his head, his hair already soaked along with his clothes.”…get here?”
If he was human, he would’ve been freezing, but even then he felt the nip of the cold rain at his fingertips. No matter, he needed to get somewhere dry, and hopefully warm. He didn’t feel the cold but he didn’t really like it either, at least in this way.
He let out a harsh breath as a car flew past as he stumbled out of the alleyway, hitting a large puddle and soaking Walter even further to the bone “…fucking cars” Walter groaned, flicking his hands about in a futile way to rid them of water; he cringed at the mess on his shirt, half of that water was fucking mud, and now he was filthy.
“Where the fuck am I?” he asked himself, turning on his heels for any sign of where he was, he didn’t see anything so far, but he wasn’t in Whitby that was for sure. He attempted to find the main road or something because as far as he could tell, he was on some sort of back road or closed neighborhood or…something.
Walter sighed, for once-he wished he had some sort of-device, that would allow him to pin-point his location. Oliver time and time again had attempted to convince him ‘phones’ weren’t all that bad, but time and time again, Walter refused; he hated technology. (though he did have to admit, movies were fun)
But now-damn a phone would’ve been useful.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he found the main road, and he was in some sort of city, surrounded by tall buildings and hundreds of screens and lights.
How in the hell did he get to New York city?!?!?!
Walter groaned, rubbing his head, rain still falling like there was no tomorrow. He was in fucking New York city, how he got there? He had no clue. How he was going to get home? That he also didn’t know.
He didn’t have any money, or his passport, or anything else on him. (yes he had a passport, even as a vampire he did still have to be a visible ‘human’ otherwise someone would get suspicious). He was fucked to put it plainly.
Walter grunted as someone pushed into his back, sending him slightly towards the busy road. “hey-“ he snapped, forgetting his manners since-it was likely no one would know him here…though Evelyn Alexander did live within new York city, so he should probably be a bit careful in how he acted.
He glared at the passing stranger, their hands above their head in an attempt to protect themselves from the weather; they probably didn’t even realize he was there. Walter huffed, shaking his head again and brushing his hair back out of his eyes, squinting as he tried to look around through the sheets of rain.
He knew some of the extended family of the 3 great families lived in New York, he could possibly get in contact with one of them, most likely the Alexander’s at best. But also he knew the Alexander’s here weren't really involved with the pact-they knew about it and kept quiet, but they weren’t…into it to say the least.
But still, it would be the best option. He just had to figure out where the hell to go to find one.
He went to turn and find some sort of-map, when he was shoved again, this time very harshly as a hand attempted to sneak his non-existent wallet off him. Walter fell back towards the road, his eyes widening as fear stuck into his chest-two large beams of light was heading right for him, and while he had incredible speed and reaction times-he really had no time to react.
Walter snapped his eyes shut, he knew he would survive the hit, but damn it wouldn’t hurt any less. Time seemed to slow down as he fell towards the street and a truck sped towards him, honking all the while as people passing by gasped in fright.
He felt a hand grab his soaked button-up and tug him back towards the sidewalk, he could feel the rush of air as the truck zoomed by-just moments after his head passed the threshold. “holy shit!” whoever it was grabbed him yelped, having used so much force he and the voice stumbled back to the ground, Walter ending up on top. “WATCH WHERE YOU PUSH YOU FUCKER!” the voice yelled, and Walter winced as it cracked through the pouring rain, he looked up, seeing whoever had pushed him was booking it down the street-though they did trip and face plant thanks to the rain.
Walter pushed himself off whoever had saved him, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. “Are-are you okay?” The voice asked, resting their hand on his shoulder, the rain suddenly no longer crashing on his head. He looked up, an umbrella, he looked at the voice, seeing a pair of striking (e/c) eyes staring back at him, concerned and….surprised? as if they didn’t expect to see…him. specifically.
“I’m fine, thank you” he muttered, slowly standing up with the girl as she grasped his arm and helped him up, keeping the umbrella over the both of them. “you don’t look, fine” the girl muttered, scanning over his soaked visage “you got somewhere to stay? I assume you do but-“ she shrugged, pursing her lips slightly.
Walter huffed, slicking back his hair again. He did have a plan, but-with how this rain was-he wouldn’t be able to execute it until it stopped “no-no I don’t, are you offering?” Walter laughed, he knew he had a-charm to him, and was quite the vision-but for a random girl to invite him into her home? Just because he was soaking wet and almost ‘died’?
“yes, I’m just downtown-I called an uber actually. Promise you’re not a serial killer?” the girl joked, laughing as Walter nodded, holding up his hands to show he had no weapons. He didn’t know why, but he felt such-ease-at acting so human with this girl, it gave him hope that he could easily fool Evelyn when the time came. “Awesome, shit-there it is, let's go” she grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the black car that had pulled up to the curb, the driver inside calling out the girl's name.
“For (y/n)!?” the male called, his dark brows furrowing as he squinted through the rain “yep! Joseph I presume?” the girl, (y/n), called back, nodding as the driver nodded and unlocked the door. (y/n) tugged Walter into the car with her and closed the umbrella before they settled in, towels lining the leather seats. “Thank you so much”
Joseph nodded, keeping his eyes peeled as he attempted to move back into the main road, sighing as a car sped right by him. Walter sighed at the warmth of the car, grabbing a dry towel from the middle seat and rubbing his hair with it, noting there was a little sign on the back of the seats to tell the riders to toss the towels in the back after being used.
“you just let a complete stranger into your-” Walter struggled to remember the word this, (y/n), had used a moment before “uber, and planning to let him into your house” he turned to her, furrowing his brows as (y/n) just snorted “how do you know I wasn’t lying about being a serial killer?”
(y/n) grinned, leaning towards him “I like to believe in people, plus; what are the chances that we're both, serial killers” Walter couldn’t help it, he laughed, his nose scrunching as (y/n) nodded, happy she had eased the slight tension as Joseph finally pulled out into the road and began making his way downtown.
“I’m (y/n), by the way” (y/n) introduced herself, holding out her hand to Walter, he nodded with a polite smile and a tense jaw; reminding himself that he needed to keep calm as (y/n)’s scent floated towards him. “I’m Walter, Walter Deville.”
Surprise flooded (y/n)’s eyes, and her hand twitched in his “As in-Lord Deville?” (y/n) asked, her voice quiet, but calm. Walter nodded, so it did seem he was a bit more…known, than he thought he was. “yes, that would be me.” (y/n) stared at him for a moment, then nodded; squeezing his hand lightly before pulling back “Nice to meet you, Walter.”
“Same to you, (y/n).” Walter muttered back, keeping his eyes on (y/n) as she huddled in her corner of the car, a slight flush growing on her cheeks. He could hear her heart speed up, her blood flowing rapidly to her face and…oh~oh well, this was interesting ~
Walter slid off his shoes as he stepped into (y/n)’s apartment, sniffing as he glanced around the two-bedroom apartment. “it’s not much I know, but-pretty much the best a college dropout can afford on a three-job paycheck” Walter hummed, taking the towel (y/n) handed him and starting to dry off, keeping near the doorway as (y/n) went about turning on her heating and starting a small pot of water.
(y/n) sighed, clapping her hands together then taking off her large coat and shoving it in her closet “Well uh, make yourself at home, if you need to call anyone, I do have a landline” Walter hummed again, whatever the hell a landline was. “I dunno how you clean your clothes but I do have a washer n dryer set in the other room, so-if you need to, you can get your stuff dry”
Walter nodded again, shaking his head as he pulled the towel away from his head; sighing as he watched (y/n) move about her apartment, pulling out the couch until it was a full bed “uh, you can take my bed for the night, if you want-I’ll just” she gestured to the bed, and Walter felt a bit…honored? Yes he was a lord and she apparently knew who he was, but she still offered her actual bed over just having him sleep on the couch.
“Thank you, I’ll take you up on that offer,” Walter said with a smooth smile, showing his teeth slightly. He heard (y/n)’s heart rate speed up again and he had to hold back a chuckle, watching as (y/n) turned away from his eyes, her hands tight at her side as she practically rushed back to the kitchen; taking off the top from her pot of now boiling water and tossing in some pasta she had pre-prepared.
“Are you hungry at all? I-I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a bit, but-I do have” she pulled open her fridge, clicking her tongue “…food?” it sounded like a question, as if whatever was in her fridge wasn’t actually food. Walter hummed taking off his button-up and setting it on the towel he had laid out on the edge of the couch. (y/n) glanced back at him, and he heard her breath catch as her eyes caught onto his now exposed arms, a tank top covering his torso. “I could eat”
Which yes, yes he very much could.
“c-cool, uh, is spaghetti and garlic bread okay?” Walter had to hold back a snort at the mention of garlic bread, to this day-he still didn’t know who had started that ‘vampires are deathly allergic to garlic’ thing, in fact-it was one of the few human foods he genuinely enjoyed nowadays.
But still-he nodded to her stuttered question, taking off his belt and setting it with his shirt “do you have any extra clothes I could borrow? I’d rather not stand in a towel for an hour while my clothes dry” Walter hummed out, very much enjoying the flush that appeared on (y/n)’s ears as her shoulders tensed at the idea of him being in nothing but a towel.
“I uh-yes-yes I do, I’ll be right back-could-could you stir the pasta while I do that? Thanks!” she ran to her bedroom before Walter could answer and Walter hummed, walking into the kitchen and stirring the pot of boiling water and spaghetti. He heard a small squeal from (y/n)’s room, to him almost sounding as if it had come from right behind him, chuckling to himself as he heard (y/n) fumble and trip over whatever was in her room-most likely cleaning it up and gathering clothes.
Soon the timer went up and Walter turned the stove off, his hands on his hips as he waited, and hoped, (y/n) would be back out soon and do whatever she needed to do with the pasta. A minute went by, and Walter huffed, taking the pot and pouring it into a strainer, leaving the pasta in the strainer as he went to lean against the kitchen doorway.
“Okay! Okay, took me a minute but-here” (y/n) finally came bounding back into the room, huffing slightly from whatever effort she had put into cleaning her room and finding some clothes; handing him a pair of black sweat pants, and a black t-shirt, along with an unopened pack of boxers. “uh, hopefully, those fit, you-you can either change in the bathroom or the bedroom” (y/n) danced around him and finished up making her pasta, taking the garlic bread out of the oven and starting the sauce.
Walter watched her for a moment, then smirked, he could easily use her little…interest in him, to his advantage. But first, he should change. He went into the bedroom like (y/n) offered, taking off his tank top and pants, sniffing as he peeled the soaked fabric away from his legs. He noticed a towel sitting on the end of the bed and grabbed it, quickly drying his skin before he put the offered clothes on.
As he shoved on the t-shirt, his eyes caught onto a large plastic picture that sat on the inside of (y/n)’s door, and…it…it was-him?? but it wasn’t him, but that was clearly him. “What the fuck?” Walter grumbled, studying the picture closer, narrowing his eyes at the branding in the corner of the picture.
His eyes drew back up to his face. That was him, or at least-someone who looked exactly like him. something told him, he wasn’t supposed to see this right now; that (y/n) had meant to hide this. His eyes narrowed, (y/n) knew more than she let on; he was going to find out what exactly she knew.
And he knew exactly how he could do that; her attraction was going to be very…helpful, to him.
It had been a week since Walter’s arrival, and-you still didn’t know how to explain to yourself; how he got here. Because-in all realities, he shouldn’t. He was a fictional fucking character, played by your favorite male actor Thomas Doherty. Who was in fucking Cincinnati at the moment, and had a beard.
So-Walter fucking Deville, was in your apartment, and you had a feeling; he was onto you knowing more than what you told him. He had been non-stop watching you for the past week, like a hungry tiger waiting for its meal to grow tired, waiting for you to weaken.
Like a vampire waiting for its meal to just-give up.
And it both made you want to shiver in fear, and want. It was no secret to any of your friends, online or otherwise; that you had it bad for the Scottish actor and his characters, and damn there was something about the sadisticness of Walter Deville that Thomas had portrayed, that just made you want to-fuck there your mind went again, right into the gutter.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your head, you had tried to play it cool this last week, attempting to help Walter find the non-existent families that resided in New York. In his world, they probably did very much exist, but here? he was nothing but a character on a screen, with his actor several states away. But the further along he waited for any Alexander, Billington, or Klopstock-to help him get back to England; the more impatient he got. It had only been a week and yet you could see the demon within slowly begin to creep out, his eyes getting darker and darker by the day.
Should you be scared for your life? Probably. Were you? No. were you horny as all fuckin hell for the actual blood-sucking vampire that was taking residence in your apartment? Yes, yes you were, and you were lowkey beating yourself up over it.
You just hoped he hadn’t seen that one Thomas Doherty poster you had forgotten to take down when cleaning up your room; you really only had two others than that one-sexy-ass black-and-white one. Both of them being Harry Hook since-I mean why the hell not?
You sighed, cracking your neck and rolling your shoulders, unlocking the door to your apartment and stepping inside “Walter?” you called out gently, a hint of nervousness seeping into your voice at the darkness that had taken over your living room “I’m home, I brought dinner”
You kneeled down to take off your shoes, setting down your takeout on the couch as you did. When you stood up, there he was, eyes gleaming like the devil. You gasped, choking a bit as his clawed hand took your throat and pushed you against the door.
“W-Walt-“ your voice was cut off at the press of his palm, his fangs gleaming in the dim light that came from your dropped phone. “You,” Walter started, his voice smooth and alluring, but no longer hiding the danger that lurked within “are going to tell me, everything. I’ve gotten tired of playing this little-game, of yours. Now,” he squeezed your throat and you coughed, grabbing his wrist; hoping he would let you go just a little bit. “Talk.”
You just stared at him, his palm still pressed against your throat, keeping your voice from presenting itself. You then patted his hand twice as he glared at you, he sighed “right, you mortals need air” Walter grumbled out, removing his palm but not his hand, keeping his eyes on yours.
You cleared your throat, taking a deep breath before you sighed “what-what exactly do you want to know?” Walter almost looked surprised you were willing to talk, enough to take his hand off your neck and move it to simply press against your collarbone. “you know who I am, How?”
You pursed your lips, how in the fuck were you going to explain multi-dimensional travel to someone who was from the 15th century at the best? When you didn’t know how to even explain it to yourself? “I….you had the ask the toughest question first?” you groaned, letting your head drop slightly, your chin grazing against his hand.
Walter blinked, how would that be the toughest question? “could-could you let me go for a second, I need to grab something” you muttered, and Walter narrowed his eyes, but did as asked, watching you like…well like a hungry vampire as you walked further into the living room and grabbed a particular movie case.
You walked back over to Walter and handed him the case, sighing as he slowly took it; his eyes going wide. “The Invitation?” he muttered, looking down at Evelyn Alexander's face, and his own; two fingers resting against his lips as Evie looked to be mid-transformation, dressed in her soon-to-be wedding attire. “you-you’re from a movie, for me at least” you jumped into explanation, tapping the case, and then going down to the starring description, where his actor’s name sat with Evie’s. “a character from a fictional story inspired by Dracula ‘n all that. It's why you can't find any of the families, they don’t exist here…you’re technically not supposed to exist.”
You pulled out your phone, taking the chance of Walter’s shocked form to look up Thomas Doherty’s Instagram, showing Walter his own actor, and he recognized him as the man from the black and white poster he saw earlier that week before you took it down. “nothing but a character eh?” Walter muttered, looking back down at the movie case, flipping it over in his hands a few times “well….fuck”
His claws and fangs retracted, for once-he felt…helpless, he wasn’t just in New York, he was in a separate dimension from his own; New York. But his questions now changed, because now he knew how you knew him…but the question now was; “Why did you let me into your home? You know what I am” he took a step closer to you, nearly trapping you against the couch, lifting the case into your vision, both sets of his eyes dark “Why would you take such a risk? Hmm?” he knew exactly why you did it now, but he wanted to hear it from your lips.
“i-i-um” you stuttered, your face heating up as Walter got closer, dropping the case as he did so, his arms caging your sides. Walter smirked, tilting his head, his fangs starting to peek out. You stared into his eyes, that ocean blue nearly overtaken by a void of black. You looked away, tucking your chin into your shoulder; your breath shuddering as his clawed fingers took your jaw and gently pulled you back to look you in the eyes “Could it be?” Walter purred, getting even closer, enough to where you could feel his breath on your face “That you have some-feelings, for me? Feelings one shouldn’t have for someone like…me”
He smirked, his fangs fully visible now, he could hear the blood rushing through your body, accumulating in your face and between your thighs. He stuck his knee between your legs, his thigh pressing against your pulsing core. Walter chuckled, tilting his head the other way as he watched your breath stutter and your eyes flicker to his lips “I suppose I should thank you, for giving me such hospitality; taking me in when you knew exactly what I have done, or will do” he leaned even closer, his lips moving towards your ear, fangs grazing your skin.
You huffed, hands reaching up to grab his biceps, squeaking as he rubbed his thigh against you. “Fuck” you huffed, letting your head fall back as Walter trailed his lips against your jaw and upper neck. His teeth grazed your skin and you whimpered, clutching onto his arms. He smirked against you, and hummed before his fangs punctured your skin; his arms wrapping around you as your blood flooded into his mouth, his body humming wonderfully as he ate for the first time since before his arrival.
He could tell you were enjoying this, your body humming with painful pleasure, your hips rocking against his thigh as he drank your blood, satisfying his own need while giving you a taste of your darkest desires. “you like this, you want this, don’t you?” Walter huffed as he pulled away from your neck, everything within him screaming to dive back in, to give you what you both wanted.
You just huffed, eyes closed as your head lugged to the side, a small bit of drool accumulating in the corner of your lips. Walter smirked, releasing your body and stepping back, watching as you caught yourself on the couch. “wh-wha-“ you couldn’t think of any words, your mind a haze of lust and confusion.
Walter just smirked, reaching forward and delicately taking your chin, rubbing his thumb against your skin “just say the words, and I’ll do as you wish~” you huffed, looking into his eyes, and he smirked at yours; fully dilated. You lunged forward, grabbing his collar and pulling him towards you, stopping just before his lips could meet yours “fuck me up, please”
Walter chuckled darkly and kissed you, hard. You could feel his fangs against your bottom lip, gasping as he bit into it gently and pulled, slowly pushing you away from the couch and towards your bedroom. You gasped as he picked you up and tossed you on your bed, on top of you within a blink, his hands exploring your body as his mouth went on your neck, drawing more of your blood into his mouth.
He groaned at the taste; it was nothing like he had before; it felt like when he had tried a raspberry Danish for the first time. Delightful and full of sin, begging him to devour every last morsel. Your hands twitched around his shoulders, wanting to run your fingers through his soft-looking hair; gasping as his hips pressed into yours, a hardness making itself known in his pants.
Gods, it felt like you were dreaming, you were going to fuck one of your fictional crushes, who was a vampire; who was feeding off your blood as he felt you up.
It felt like one of your fanfictions come to life, which-to you-fuck yeah.
Watler pulled away from your neck, getting to work on taking off his top, smirking as you rushed to take off yours, getting caught on your earrings for a moment before it joined Walter's button-up on the floor.
Walter licked his lips, wiping his chin clean of your blood and smearing it on the skin of your breasts, leaning down and sucking the stained skin into his mouth, rolling his hips into yours. He smirked as you moaned softly, his hands easily sneaking around your back and slipping off your bra.
He took a nipple into his mouth, closing his eyes and biting the hardened nub softly, his hands explored your thighs, unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down, his mouth attached to your breasts all the while.
“you’re fucking delicious” Walter grumbled, his mind starting to haze over with lust and bloodlust, for you. He wouldn’t deny himself; he had been attracted to you upon your sudden introduction; and he was all too happy to oblige to his desires when they met yours all too easily.
“Good to know” you huffed back, finally giving in to that voice in the back of your head and threading your fingers through Walter's hair. Your breath stuttered as he smeared more of your blood on your breasts and lower tummy, sucking and licking it clean as he stuck his clean hand into your underwear, his finger teasing your clit; chuckling as he felt how soaked you already were.
“So fucking wet for me, how long have you imagined this? Imagined me taking you, drinking your blood as I fucked you” his hand stained with your blood closed around your neck, pressing just enough for you to feel it but not to cut off your airflow. You stared up at him, your face feeling hotter than it ever had with any other dude or woman you had been with. “With how warm your body is, how fast your heart is, with each catch of your breath” his hand trailed down your body, the other still playing with your clit, slowly dragging down till they mean your dripping entrance. “you’ve been wanting this since you first saw me~ am I right? Naughty girl~”
You scrunched your face a bit, covering it with your arm and holding back a scream of cringe. It definitely sent butterflies through your tummy but also-damn did that sound so fucking weird. Walter couldn’t help but chuckle at your reaction, he noted that you had less of a wanted reaction to that and more of a ‘please never say that again’ reaction.
Walter took your now bare leg, leaning down and kissing your thigh, pressing his lips against it, his fangs grazing your skin before he bit in; moaning as your taste flooded his mouth again. You groaned, sparks of pained pleasure running down your spine. “fuck” you grumbled, leaning up on your elbows as you watched Walter indulge himself on you with half-lidded eyes.
He pulled away with a near struggled gasp, licking your new wound clean and then kissing the curve of your knee, grinning down at you as you watched him with blown pupils. Faster than you could blink, he was on your cunt, taking your clit into his mouth and sucking hard; you bucked your hips with a loud curse, your legs locking around his back as his fingers slipped inside with no resistance. His nails were normal thank the gods, the pads of his fingers finding that spot and curling into it as he dutifully licked and sucked your clit, sending shocks through your navel and spine.
You tried to cover your mouth to hide the noises that were coming from you, but Walter grabbed your wrist and moved it back to his hair; pulling away from your clit to growl out a few words “no hiding” he huffed out, chin and mouth soaked with you.
His hands grabbed your hips, diving back into your cunt and eating you out as if you were going to be his final meal. You let your moans flow freely now, your hands threading through Walter's dark hair as if he was your anchor; feeling that coil in your gut tighten with each flick on your clit, every press against your g-spot, warmth flooding your body and face until everything snapped.
Your stomach contracted, legs pressing against either side of Walter’s head as you came; vision going white and hearing going out. “FUCK!” you breathed out loudly, panting as Walter gave a final few flicks on your clit with his tongue to guide you through your orgasm, sitting up with a proud smirk.
Your legs were moved to sit on either side of his hips as he moved up your body, his hands tracing your sides as he snuck up to your face, kissing your neck bite before he kissed you, forcing you to taste your cum and blood.
A bit gross, but gods with how fucked your head was right now, it was hot. You watched through half-lidded eyes as Walter stripped his pants, choking on your breath as his long and thick cock made itself known, a bead of precum trailing down the veined shaft. He chuckled at your reaction, stroking himself as he enjoyed your eyes trailing every bit of his body.
He sat back on his heels as you reached back towards your nightstand, pulling the drawer out with some difficulty and grabbing a handful of condoms “i-uh-size?” you squeaked out, holding up several different sizes of condoms; Walter chuckled, he had become infertile upon his transformation but it was better safe than sorry. He took the appropriate condom and ripped the packaging open with his teeth, sliding the condom on and then grabbing your legs.
“Let's get into the good stuff, shall we?” Walter purred, his fangs and lips stained with your blood. You huffed, biting your lip as Walter took himself and aligned his cock with your cunt, groaning as he pushed into your heated and soaking entrance. “Fuck!“ you gasped, your hands reaching out and grabbing his shoulders, cheeks blazing hot as Walter slowly pulled back out, chuckling as your cunt clenched tightly around him; as if trying to keep him inside.
“Fuck, you’re so warm” Walter grumbled, setting one hand on your hip and the other on your tummy, beginning a slow and sensual pace, his hips meeting yours every few seconds. You gasped and moaned with each push and pull of his hips, he felt so big inside you; another painful pleasure that soon bleed into wonderful pleasure.
His pace picked up slightly, his eyes on your chest as it bounced with his hips, your blood had dried along your skin by now, though it shimmered with his spit and your sweat. Your hands grabbed his wrist that connected to his hand on your tummy, your body so warm underneath him. “ah-ah-fuck-shit-fuck-ah-ahhh!”
Walter hummed, a low growl in his voice, leaning down to press his body against yours, taking your earlier bite wound in his mouth and sucking hard, reopening the marks and letting your sinfully delicious blood into his mouth. You moaned loudly, clearly enjoying the feeling of being fucked and fed on at the same time. Walter chuckled, rutting his hips into you, licking his lips as he pulled away from your neck.
“so fucking warm, and wet-so fucking delicious,” Walter growled, his claws pressing into your soft skin, not puncturing but it would leave a mark. “I think I’ll keep you,” Walter muttered, enjoying the whimper that came from your lips as he gave a particularly hard thrust. “doll you up, make you my little plaything, give you all you desire~” he was rambling now, just letting his mouth(more like his dick) speak its mind.
He took your breast into his mouth, his fangs breaking the skin and allowing more of your blood to flow into his mouth. You felt that coil snap, a loud and broken moan spilling from your lips as you came from his words and bite; clenching down on his cock as you did. Walter groaned at the feeling, his hips stuttering as he felt himself get to that peak, your hands running through his hair and scratching his scalp sending him over the edge.
His hips pressed firmly into yours, coming into the condom, a small string of old-world curse words spilling from his lips that were still attached to your bloodied breast. You both laid there for a few moments, one breathing heavily as the other took a few deep breaths then sat themselves up, Walter chuckling at the mess he made; with not just your blood, but of you in general.
You were covered in blood and bite marks, your legs twitching as you came down from your high. “Fuck” you croaked out, slowly reaching up to your face to rub it as Walter pulled out, taking off the condom, tying it, and tossing it in the trash.
“So what do you say?” Walter asked gently, leaning down to clean the wounds he had made, his fangs and claws still fully visible. You furrowed your brows, opening your eyes to see Walter licking your chest clean, his eyes dark as a midnight ocean. You wondered what he meant before you remember his small ramble from only moments before; ‘I think I’ll keep you, doll you up, make you my little plaything, give you all you desire~’
“You-you were serious?” you asked quietly, feeling so very tired; most likely from him feeding, but also from the tiring activity. Walter hummed with a nod, cleaning your neck next, kissing the set of puncture wounds before he made his way down to your thigh. “why-why me? I mean-you-you’re probably waiting for-for Evie, right? I-“ Walter’s eyes flashed up to you, flickering dangerously.
You watched him for a moment, licking your swollen lips; before sighing “I’m just…some girl from New York, I don’t have special blood or anything I just….I’m just-normal-not special.” Walter laughed, as if you said something so preposterous! His head was thrown back, his fangs gleaming in the dim light of your room, your blood dripping down his chin and neck.
“not special?” Walter cooed, leaning down and softly biting your jaw, his hands curling up your arms; gently squeezing you “oh darling, you are far from that-foolish yes, you took in a man you knew to be a monster-but you are far from normal, for that same reason. And you must know; I do have a fondness for exquisite art pieces” Walter finished with a hum, leaning over you with enchanting eyes, hoping his words would sway you to accept his proposal.
He knew it wasn’t love, he hadn’t had the ability to since before his turn; but he did want to keep you, to give you pretty dresses, keep you fed, happy, warm, like a precious art piece to be admired and kept well. “You will be protected, you will never have to worry for anything ever again, food, money, anything; all you have to do-is say yes” Walter whispered, his breath fanning across your face.
You stared back at him, chest rising heavily as you took in his dark ocean eyes. “and-and what will you get in return?” you whispered, looking at his bloodstained lips for a moment, taking a sharp breath as Walter smirked dangerously “simple, you will keep me fed, and I get to fuck you as I wish-of course-when you are feeling the same; even demons need consent”
You swallowed hard, your eyes flickering about your room; were you actually going to do this? Abandon your life to become a prized possession of the Walter Deville? A man named for the devil? A vampire?
“if I say yes” you whispered, feeling his lips brush against yours as you looked back at him “how-how are we even going to get back to your world?” Walter just hummed, he just-had a feeling-once you gave your answer, he would soon be returned home.
Something told him that’s why he had been sent there in the first place, a lesson of sorts-for what? he didn’t know, but he didn’t care. he just wanted you.
You pouted a bit at his non-answer, letting your head fall back into your pillow as Walter’s mouth explored your jaw and neck. You would be leaving behind…a lot, you would think. Three jobs, your nice coworkers that had become friends, your few family members you were still in contact with, the apartment you had worked so hard for; and your potential future.
…eh-fuck it-this world was going to shit anyway-might as well enjoy it with a devilishly handsome vampire who was gonna treat you like a fancy feast to enjoy over a long period of time. “okay” you finally whispered, smiling as Walter sat up quickly, his eyes almost surprised “I accept”
Walter grinned, dangerous yet excited, and kissed you; his hands cradling your jaw as he did. You huffed slightly as he pulled away, watching as he stood and nearly skipped into your bathroom, grabbing a few washcloths and getting them damp with warm water; returning with that same grin. You smiled back, letting him clean you up and attend to your multiple bite marks.
You had a feeling that this aftercare was only a preview for how you were to be treated within New Carfax Abbey. You swayed slightly as the blood loss started rearing its ugly head, watching with slightly blurred vision as Walter put his underwear and pants back on; leaving your room only to return with some apple juice and your takeout.
“drink, eat” he whispered, looking human once more as you obeyed his soft command. After you ate and drank, you felt much better-still tired-but better. “sleep, I’ll be here in the morning” Walter said, not a command-simply a suggestion, moving to lie next to you in your full bed, pulling you to lie halfway on his chest, his arm going under your pillow.
For a man who couldn’t feel love, he knew how to give illusion to it.
You hummed against him, letting your body relax and fall into the void of sleep. You wondered what would happen to your stuff when you went to leave this world with him.
Walter gazed down at you, his fingers caressing your cheek and jaw; he wondered how such a human-like you had somehow cracked his dead heart open and made her own little spot inside. Again, he knew he wasn’t in love, but in lust-but, he felt such a fondness for you. One he hadn’t felt since he was human.
His mind wandered back to that thought he had earlier, of him being in this world was a lesson for something. Maybe this was that lesson, learning to be human again. He smirked at the thought-why would he want to be human, when the human in his arms was happy enough with a monster?
As Walter closed his eyes to join you in sleep, thunder and lightning rolled in from the night sky, a flash of lightning overtaking his vision before everything faded out.
Your eyes opened to a much large bed; the spot next to you a faded warmth. You sat up, rubbing your eyes as the morning sun beamed through the almost closed curtains of the grand room. You were in the manor, you had to be-this room was nearly as big as your apartment kitchen and living room combined.
“He kept his word” you yawned out, stretching slightly, your arms plopping over your head as you noticed the very familiar items that sat around the room. All of which being items that had been in your room back in your apartment. “Cool” you muttered, so you got to keep your stuff, that was very much a plus.
You perked up as the door opened, Walter stepping in as quietly as he could, a silver tray in his hands. He smirked when he saw you were awake, his fangs visible. “Good morning, and before you ask; no, I don’t know how we got back or how your stuff is here, but, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth” Walter chuckled, walking over to your side of the queen-sized bed and resting the tray filled with breakfast food on the nightstand.
You hummed in agreement, looking up as his fingers grazed your chin, closing your eyes to accept his kiss “Eat, I will not feed from you again until you have regained what I have taken” you hummed in acknowledgment, waiting for Walter to step back slightly before eagerly digging into the food he had brought you.
“I have told Viktoria and Lucy about you, just so they don’t go after you thinking you’re a regular…feeder” Walter muttered, voice suddenly all business as he stood and went about making sure the suite you had ended up in was good enough. You hummed, pursing your lips at the thought of Viktoria. Lucy? Gods, you would be ecstatic to meet her. But Viktoria very much seemed like a woman who did not want to share, and even with a warning from Walter- she would kill you the first chance she got for you taking just a bit of Walter's time from her.
“If Viktoria does try anything, tell me immediately, she's been” Walter struggled to find the word, walking back over to you and taking your cheek, his eyes off into a random corner as his thumb caressed your skin. You looked up at him, still happily eating the food you had been given. “Getting too comfortable being defiant towards me. She has yet to realize she's easily replaceable compared to the Alexander brides, I’m pretty sure several of the Klopstock girls have offered their hand.”
You snorted at the thought, couching as a bit of food went down your windpipe but you easily cleared it as Walter glanced down at you “Don’t die on me now, you just got here” you laughed at his almost not a joke, making Walter smile as you shook your head and said; “don’t plan to, I’ll be here as long as you allow me”
Walter looked very happy at the notion and kissed the top of your head “Wonderful, now; what style of dress do you like?”
Okay-I had-so much fun with this request????? Like-I thought I was gonna have some trouble with it but DAMN the words just flowed after I got past the first quarter, im very happy with the spice and the after bit as well~~~~ onto the next one!
 taglist????? again-i dunno who wants to be perm tagged for smut-yall like-gotta tell me this shit okay?? not a mind reader
but @crazy4books1​ 
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stannyramirez · 2 years
click HERE for #79 gifs of 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐧 as lucy and HERE for #85 gifs of 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧 as viktoria in 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫. all gifs are 268 x 165 px and made for rping purposes by me. please REBLOG this post if you found this pack useful and check out my rules.
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laufire · 2 years
the fact that Lucy/Viktoria (+Emmaline, but welp. we don’t see much), and specifically this moment was the part of The Invitation that captured my attention most is. very on brand of me asñldkfaasdñlfkj.
I really need to get my hands on A Dowry of Blood, because now I’m in the mood for something that takes a similar concept (Dracula’s wives dynamics among them) and actually... explores it and seemingly does something interesting with it LOL.
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cubicle-eyes · 2 years
Hello! Hope you're having a good day so far! Can I request a Viktoria x fem reader where she shows her softer side? Maybe they exchange soft kisses or caresses? Thank you in advance <3
Viktoria x F!Reader
Requested by: Anon!
Hello! Hope you're having a good day so far! Can I request a Viktoria x fem reader where she shows her softer side? Maybe they exchange soft kisses or caresses? Thank you in advance <3
The Invitation (2022)
Y/N's least favorite place in the entirity of anywhere was the spa at Walter's manor. It was a task to get to, and Viktoria always wanted to be in the pool instead od being pampered. Maybe it was the fact Lucy wasn't joining them this time that Y/N felt anxious, holding the robe around her body with a death grip. Viktoria paused, glancing at her.
"What is up with you?"
Viktoria rolled her eyes, grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her down a side tunnel and into some sort of lounge area. Y/N had only been in here once before, when Viktoria was introducing her to Lucy and Walt... 1,000 years ago.
"What're we doing here? I thought we-"
"We're still going to the spa, dear. You're just.." Viktoria gestured her hand at Y/N uncoordinatingly. "Off. Sit."
So Y/N sat. Viktoria was always commanding, even when she was concerned. Y/N didn't have a problem with it, though, since there was never any malice in her intentions.
"Now, tell me whats wrong."
Viktoria sat next to Y/N, pushing theer knees together leaning against her partner. Y/N sighed, carefully holding Viktoria against her side.
"I just.. I don't think I'm a spa person."
"Oh. I thought you loved the spa?"
Viktoria cuddled deeper into Y/N, staring up at her. Despite the power in her eyes, to Y/N they looked like the softest sight in the world. It was a look reserved only for Y/N, of course.
"I thought I did too! Maybe it's because the ladies always cut my nails too short."
Viktoria scoffed playfully, and Y/N played with her dark hair mindlessly.
"..We don't have to go. We can do something else."
"But you love the spa, honey."
"I can go some other time. I can't believe we've gone almost every week and you hate it! You have to warn a lady, princess."
Viktoria laughed, and kissed Y/N's neck affectionately. Y/N smiled.
"You want to go request a meal?"
Viktoria offered, and Y/N shook her head.
"Let's just hang out. No plans or anything."
"No plans."
Viktoria shifted, settling herself on Y/N's lap. She moved her dark hair out of her face and smiled at Y/N. The H/Colored vampire laughed softly and shook her head as Viktoria nuzzled her face, kissing all over it until Y/N grabbed her face, laughing as she pressed their foreheads together. Viktoria rubbed her hands against Y/N's neck before pressing their lips together, and the two sat for awhile, sharing on and off kisses in the silence.
They finally parted, and Y/N poked Viktoria's hip.
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Forever and Always My Truest- Prologue
A/N: I’m back! You guys, it’s been a hell of a ride these past couple of years. I just decided one day that I was finally ready to go to college and flash forward a few years and i’m so close to having my Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Pre-Law! Anyways, I know there’s a lot of back and forth about whether the newly released 2022 movie The Invitation is good or bad, but I honestly really like it. You can’t go just by me though, cause i’m a whore for 70′s, 80′s and 90′s slashers! Yeah honey, I born a y2k baby and grew up watching horror movies like that😂 anyways lets go!
Requested? No😭 I think this is actually the first reader insert imagine or general imagine/one-shot for this movie. Hopefully, I won’t be the only one posting for The Invitation cause I really want to read other writer’s work and takes on the fandom!
Word Count: 1,650k-ish
Summary: Lady (Y/N) de Ville has been Lord de Ville’s favored bride for more than four and a half centuries. She is Walter’s beloved and cherished wife in every way. Lady Viktoria and Lady Lucy holding title and image of being one of Dracula’s brides strictly for power and connections, so that Lord Walter can provide (Y/N) and himself an eternity fit for a king and his treasured Queen. The Alexander Bloodline threaten Dracula’s goals of obtaining and maintaining control and power for (Y/N) and himself. Until the Alexanders are finally able to produce a long-lost daughter of their waning bloodline, Evelyn Alexander. As much as (Y/N) wants it to work out as well and easy as it did with Lady Lucy’s transition into bride-hood, she understands and respects that Evie is an entirely different breed of woman. Can (Y/N) save her husband and sisters before it’s too late? She wasn’t his first bride, but she will be his last bride in the end. No matter if that is by the end of this wedding or by the end of eternity.
Warnings: dub-con, forced marriage, polygamy, light NSFW, possible Stockholm syndrome?, obsessive/possessive behavior, Yandere-ish Walter de Ville, slight exhibitionism, descriptions of exhibitionism, dom/sub relationship—warnings to be added. Let me know if I missed anything.
Disclaimers: I do not own The Invitation or any of the characters within the movie. You know what is and isn’t mine.
Walter de Ville x Wife!Reader
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~453 years and 7 months before present day 2022~
           ~(Y/N) P.O.V~
The dark corridors were lit by torches lining the walls, leading straight to heavy ornate wooden doors. I stood before the doors with my father, shaking with nerves as I let out a breathless sigh, before gathering the courage to look towards the handsome matured lord.
“Papa…what if he decides that he doesn’t want me?” She softly inquired. The man quietly laughed, with pure amusement shading his golden eyes. Those ethereal golden eyes a signature trait of the Castellan bloodline descendants.
“My dearest (Y/N), how could he not desire you above all others?” He sweetly cooed, seemingly so certain of his words. Still I cast papa an uncertain look and he softly sighed before fixing me with a gentle stare.
“Little one…the Master has never selected a bride before. Yet, he himself specifically chose you to be his wife, did he not?”
The man gave out an inquiring hmm as he gazed softly at me. I let a slight smile crack through my composed face. ‘Never let them see what you truly feel or think’ I mused to myself; ‘I suppose I can let my papa see though.’
Papa smiled brightly in the softly lit walls.
“Such a stunning young lady.” My papa states proudly. He’s always been a proud man, especially when it comes to me, his only daughter.
I am not the only girl from my ancient noble bloodline, but I was the only one out of all the young eligible ladies of my family, that received the Master’s immediate undivided attention. He did not seem to care at all for his bride Lady Viktoria, even as she stuck close to him practically breathing down his neck. He seemed vexed and annoyed in fact. Constantly sending her away to do something else, so that he and I could have privacy.
The master was a intimidating presence to say the least. He was tall and deliciously handsome, but a dark and dangerous look always seemed to dominate his angelic face. However, not with me. ‘Never with me.’ I thought wistfully. When he’s with me he’s soft, loving, patience, kind, understanding, funny, playful, and the list goes on. Truly shocking sites to bear witness to at first, considering all the horrors that I’ve heard people to dare whisper through the halls of my family’s castle about the Master.
I was pulled from my mind wandering state by a delicate wanton message. It called to me, washing my entire body with heat and desire.
“I belong solely to you, my truest. Soon you shall belong to me”
‘My Lord Love.’ A relaxed smile blossoming across my shining lips as my eyes slipped shut to bask in his voice.
“It is time, my dearest (Y/N)” I hear my papa’s voice.
My eyes snapped open to zero in on my papa’s face and I take in his knowing look. He knows, as he’s seen first hand the deep affections the Master holds solely for me. Papa knows he won’t have to worry for me. He knows I’ll flourish by my Lord Love’s side. He knows. He knows. He knows.
I straighten my posture and face as the doors begin to open to the night church. There he stands, so regal and handsome. Dark brown hair styled to perfection and the bluest of blue eyes that exploded with light as he lays them upon my queenly figure. He large smile stretches across his face as he locks his sight and attention on me.
I begin the slow march down the darken aisle between the pews of important lords and ladies. I can see my family and members from the other three prominent families. I see Lady Viktoria in all her jealousy and envy. ‘Certainly, no one wears desperation and jealousy the way your do Viktoria.’ I snicker away in mind, with genuine amusement.
My internal laughter is joined by the master’s laughter not a moment to soon. My eyes cut back to his, only for me to bear witness to a large smirk and the loud mischief lurking in his beautiful irises. ‘Behave, my truest.’ He teased inside my head.
‘I would have thought my master would like my naughtiness?’ I quipped, immediately receiving a pleasure full growl back as I finally stand before him. He gazes at me for a long moment before his eyes harden towards my papa. He wants papa to hand me over quickly, and thankfully my papa takes the silent demand in stride.
My papa guides my body to up the 2 steps to my lord and I hastily stretch my hand out, and the master snaps his hand out to clasp mine softly, yet tightly in his hand. His pulls my body up against his side and nuzzles his nose into my right temple, his lips just barely caressing my hairline. I relax and lean into the intimate display of affection before he slowly pulls back. He lets out a pleased sigh as he looks to the priest and gives the man a commanding nod to commence with the vows.
“Do you, Lord Walter De Ville, take Lady (Y/N) Castellan to be your lady and wife; commencing from this day forth for all eternity?” The priest asked.
“I do, absolutely.” He longingly states, whilst gazing into my golden eyes with unadulterated rapture.
“And do you, Lady (Y/N) Castellan, take Lord Walter De Ville to be your lord and husband; commencing from this day forth for all eternity?”
“I do, with all my heart.” I saying without any trace of hesitation, my damp golden eyes never straying from Walter’s intense stare.
Walter smiles at me as he releases my hand from his, to quickly drag his left index claw down the inside of his right wrist. He sweetly caresses the right side of my hair, pushing it out of the way, with his fingers as he pushes his bleeding wrist up to my lips.
“Here, my truest. Drink to your heart’s content…” He whispers, somewhat desperately with anticipation. I gently grasp his wrist in both my hands, as I swiftly wrap my lips around the wound and begin drinking. It so warm and sickening sweet, and I can’t get enough of it. I start to suck hard as I feel the need and desire pull in my nether regions, and the pleasure threatens to slip over as I teeter on the edge of ecstasy.
The same ecstasy I felt that night after the starlight ball, when he pulled me through the gardens and pinned me to a statue in a secluded area. He kissed with such passion that it was all devouring and suffocating, and I never wanted to stop. Certainly not when he pushed my dress upwards and wrapped one of my legs around his waist to grind his hard length against my heat. Most definitely not when he shoved his fingers into my smalls to caress my drenched wetness. I wanted to cry out into his wrist now, the very same way I cried out and whimpered into his mouth that night in the garden.
His low moan pulled me from my memory as I cast a side glance to his face only to feel my mouth grow slack at the sight before me. His face contorted in pure pleasure as he tilted his head back and his mouth falls open in another sinful moan. His beautiful fangs peaking through causing me to feel a warm fuzziness in my bosom and a slickness to gather in my smalls. He pulls his head back down to look at me as I once more tighten my jaws around his wrist.
He lovingly cradled the back of my head as he nuzzled into my hair, sending shivers all the way from the top of my spine to the base of it, as I feel him pant a moan into my ear. “Very good, my truest. Our eternity is just within our reach.”
I can feel it beginning to spread throughout my entire body and finally release his bloody wrist from my lips. It feels like nothing and everything at the same time. I couldn’t decide if the pain was hellish or heavenly. It was chasing to keep up with the blood rushing through my veins while my heart began to fall behind. Then, the dull ache set into my teeth and nails, feeling both grow and elongate in length. Then everything and nothing froze in place. My heart gave one last weak and long thump. The feeling of my heart stilling with its cage of bones was irrelevant compared to the feeling I receive when my eyes startle open to rest on my newlywed husband.
His eyes gave me a inquisitive and tense once over before he laughed and dove down to capture my lips within his. Cheers and applause sounded throughout the dim-lighted church and it was then I remembered that it wasn’t just the two of us. That fact didn’t even matter then, especially when my lord love pressed his tongue pass my lips and fledgling fangs to deepen the kiss and taste his essence coat the inside my mouth.
We reluctantly pulled from one another to stand and face our subjects. They all bore smiles, some fake I’m sure, but for the most part seemed genuine. I could respect Lady Victoria for that at least. She didn’t hide her true feelings behind pretty words and false smiles about the Master and I’s marriage. Her face twisting even more in disdain and envy with the Master’s next words, that he never once uttered for her.
“Hail my wife and queen, Lady (Y/N) de Ville!” He roars, soaking in the cheers and applause of our subjects. He looks to me once more with a victorious smile, whilst cupping my jaw in his hand and places a domineering kiss on my lips. I cannot help but press myself into his side and keen in wanton delight as I savor the taste of his lips and blood.
He hovers his smiling lips over mine and playfully nips at them, “Forever and always my truest love. Let it be my unbreakable vow from my soul to yours.”
“Forever and always, my king.” I swore back in hushed tone.
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Miscellaneous Characters Masterlist
Kind of the whole point of this blog is writing for completely random characters, so here are the ones that didn’t really fit into another category. I might make additional masterlists and move them there if I start writing additional characters from their specific shows/movies/franchises.
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The De Villes | The Invitation
(Includes Lucy Billington, Viktoria Clopstock, and Walter De Ville. I’ll separate them when I write fics for them separately.)
Headcanons for Being a De Ville Bride
Alex Vreeke | Jumanji
Strengths and Weaknesses - Flyboy and Fixit - Fluff
You and your friends are trapped in a video game which feels like a nightmare until you find Alex, who, according to your skills panel, might be your greatest strength.
New Year’s Eve Drabble 2020
Barbie | The Barbie Movie
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2023
Ben Hargreeves | The Umbrella Academy
Second Chances - fluff, Ben x Healer!Reader
With new threats about, the Umbrella Academy is looking for new members to (potentially) help save the world and your healing abilities make you the perfect candidate to join.
(Not So) Invisible Love - fluff, Ben x Witch!Reader
Ben has been dead as long as you’ve known him, but maybe with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of work, it doesn’t have to stay that way...
Ben Tennyson | Ben 10 Alien Force
Headcanons for Dating Ben Tennyson
True Love’s...Energy Transfer? - Fluff, Alien!Reader
Fighting takes a lot out of you, but thankfully, you have the most supportive boyfriend in the whole solar system.
New Year’s Eve Drabble 2020
Champ | Goosebumps
Magic and Monsters - Fluff
Because of your idiot brother, all of R.L. Stine’s famous monsters have been unleashed on your town. Good thing you have a witchy little secret up your sleeve.
Dave Lizewski |Kick-Ass
Out of This World - Fluff, Action
Despite your best efforts to keep him out of it, Kick-Ass winds up involved in something well above his pay grade.
Fangirl - Fluff
When you’re rescued by the city’s resident vigilante, you can’t help but find yourself a little starstruck.
Jack Frost | Rise of the Guardians
Snowflake - Fluff, Soulmate AU
Your soulmark is a snowflake, and thus, winter easily became your favorite season. However, you have a good feeling about winter this year, a tingly feeling that makes your mark glow...
Headcanons for Dating Jack and Being a Guardian
Tired of Gray - Fluff, Soulmate AU
It’s Christmas time and you’re just about sick of your gray, gray world. Luckily, your soulmate is known to visit in the winter.
New Year’s Eve Drabble 2020
Marty McFly | Back to the Future
New Year’s Eve Kiss
Headcanons for Dating Marty and Being Doc’s Daughter
My Future Girl - Fluff, Time Traveler!Reader
You’re from the future, he’s from the past; can you make it last?
Peeta Mellark | The Hunger Games
The Tribute’s Escape - Fluff
On an unsuspecting night, you get a visitor from another reality. Namely, Peeta Mellark. You have no idea how he got to you, and additionally, no way to get him home…
New Year’s Eve Drabble 2020
Prince Eric | Barbie in the Nutcracker
Real - Fluff, Christmas
After arriving back in your living room, you’re startled to find out that the previous night was real, Mouse King, Nutcracker, and all.
Home - Fluff, Christmas
The locket is supposed to take you home, but in your heart, you know you’re already there.
Rodrick Heffley | Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Headcanons for Dating Rodrick Heffley
Free T-Shirt - Fluff
Sometimes, going to a Loded Diper concert is worth it, but only because of the free t-shirt. Right?
Sasappis | Ghosts US
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2023
Seth Clearwater | Twilight
Soul Mark - Soul Bond - Soul Mate - Fluff, Soulmate AU, Witch!Reader
You’re a witch that’s just moved to Forks. You weren’t sure what you were expecting to find there, but a werewolf soulmate was not it.
Prince Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Time Traveler’s Daughter - Fluff, Time-Traveler!Reader
The Prince’s Girlfriend - Fluff, Sequel to The Time Traveler’s Daughter
Zoro | One Piece Live Action
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2023
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Works In Progress
Hey there! Welcome to my WIP list. I figured I’d show you what I’ve got cooking, and let you add yourself to be tagged or just get hyped for different fics. As I have a clearer set of release dates in mind for different fics, I’ll update and add them next to the title. Enjoy!
P.S. If you would like to request something, my ask box is open. Below is a complete list of characters that I will write for, even if I have no fics for them currently.
Character List:
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Elvis Presley/Austin! Elvis
Austin Butler
David (Lost Boys)
Paul (Lost Boys)
Marko (Lost Boys)
Dwayne (Lost Boys)
Corey Cunningham
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
Louis Pointe du Lac
Lestat de Lioncourt
Miles Miller
Rhett Abbott
Lewis Pullman
Geralt of Rivia
Walter De Ville
Viktoria Klopstock
Lucy Billington
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heroaine · 2 years
Sorry I haven’t been on this blog at all recently. I’m alive, I just haven’t had the motivation/energy to do much of anything in my free time for a while now lol
(if you’re looking for a hero/villain fix outside of my blog, i recommend following hauntedheroines if you don’t already, their blog is great!)
A few pairings I’ve come across though that I plan to add to the blog when I’m feeling better:
Evie x Walter from The Invitation, for certain (in fact, Evie x Walter x Viktoria x Lucy as a big heroine/villains polycule lmfao)
maybe Howard x Pearl or Projectionist x Pearl from Pearl (her relationship with both men are a small part of the film but they’re both good-aligned people getting involved with a definitely bad woman)
I think Diane x Wolf from The Bad Guys is a good one, too
Sorry again for the silence. I hope you all are doing well :)
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