#luffy is way more care free / fun
notbroadwaybound · 7 months
what I love about Eustass Kid as a foil to Luffy is just... they're the same. Like that scene when they are racing to Onigashima and they are both riding on the bow of their ships and look at each other. Both would do anything for their crew (i.e. attack Enies Lobby/an emperor) but the only difference is Luffy is the main character and Eustass just thinks he's the main character.
Maybe it's just the will of D and if Eustass was Eustass D Kid it'd be different but dude is destined to fail
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miyu-d · 1 year
Ideal Type
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The main thing he wants from you is to be understanding. Be open-minded. This goofy man needs a mature and patient partner.
That doesn't mean he needs an all-serious one. He just wants to be spoiled by you. He is still a kid in his heart. So be caring and kind to him.
He needs a good listener. He loves to talk. About his adventures and his brothers. Especially Luffy... So yeah, he needs someone fun to talk with.
Let him be free. That's what he wanted since he was a child. Freedom. He will never cheat on you. I promise. So never try to tie him down. Have trust and faith in him. Let him explore the world. Let him go on adventures to his heart's content.
Yeah, you will feel lonely without him when he leaves you for adventures. But he is happy and that's what you need the most right? And you have the option which can always tag along with him. Just don't control him.
About the appearance, he doesn't seek a beauty queen. He wants someone who is a true beauty inside. Someone who has a strong and kind heart. That makes you the most beautiful person in his eyes.
He will fall for you every time he sees you do something kind for someone. So be kind. Kindness is something that slowly grows inside of us. You just have to take the first step. Start with something small. You will be a kind person in no time.
He is more of a switch. As much as he likes to be the top, he loves it when you take control too. He will never judge you. He gets more and more interested in you when he sees new sides of you. He needs someone honest, with others and with themselves.
He will always put his life on the line to protect you. But if you know some self-defending techniques, it will make him a little reassured and calm. And he would love to train with you
Yeah... Cooking... This guy loves it when someone can cook. He doesn't expect dexterous culinary skills from you. If you make something with love for him, he will be so happy... He will eat like he starved for months. Just don't get upset if he sleeps while eating. Lol...
Summary : Ace needs someone who can make him feel safe. Someone reliable and trustworthy.
Just remember this. Basically, the ideal type means the perfect type someone needs. Perfect doesn't exist. Be kind to yourself and accept yourself. Little by little try to improve yourself. We all know Ace is someone who would never leave you for your little mistakes. He is someone who loves you the same way either you are in your best version or you are at rock bottom. So you have to love yourself too...
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
Yandere Straw Hat Pirates Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ — 👒 lady l: This is, by far, the biggest headcanon I've ever written and I confess that I'm very satisfied with the result! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes!! ❤️
❝tw: possessive and obsessive behavior, overprotection, unhealthy platonic relationships, and implied murder.
❝👒pairing: platonic!yandere straw hat pirates x gender neutral!reader.
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The Straw Hats are a really different crew of pirates than the rest. There is no direct hierarchy between them, they respect each other and have affection for each other. Although they obey their captain, there is no tyranny between them but genuine friendship and care.
You were a resident of a small and little-known island in the East Blue, it wasn't really important or rich, so pirate activity was very uncommon there and you were grateful for that. Having grown up and taught that pirates are bad and everyone is a murderer and thieve, you had no desire to meet one.
You were a very calm person and lived humbly and peacefully and liked the way your life was. Until the day pirates arrived on your island. You were immediately alarmed, as were the other residents by their arrival, except that they were not ordinary pirates but the Straw Hats and your life took an unexpected turn.
They arrived and, contrary to the stories your parents told you, they didn't seem threatening or murderous but rather good people. This caught your attention and you were kind to them and even offered them food. Little did you know, that was your biggest mistake.
Their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, found himself attracted to you and he knew he wanted you to join his crew. When you politely declined the offer, he was determined to convince you to accept. He met with the other members and they all agreed with him.
It wasn't easy to get you to accept becoming a pirate, considering you never liked them, but you found yourself attracted to the offer. The idea of being completely free and being able to see the world was what made you accept, albeit reluctantly, Luffy's offer. You have officially become a member of the Straw Hats.
Monkey D. Luffy is very charismatic and funny, kind and a great friend. You adored him and respected him as your captain. Luffy was so pleasant to be around that you never really observed him closely as his actions are quite selfish towards you.
He is selfless, but Luffy still has a selfish side and doesn't want to share his attention with anyone. He is not possessive, but controlling. Luffy wants to know everything about you, where you're going, who you're with and what you've done. He demands to know and will get angry if he doesn't know. Luffy watches over you a lot, not only as your captain, but as his friend. He just wants to make sure that you are happy and satisfied with your friends and, most importantly, with yourself.
Roronoa Zoro, although a little more distant, has a troubled affection for you. He's not close and has that air of arrogance around you, which made you think he doesn't like you. But the truth is that he doesn't know how to deal with you, with the feelings he has. So he thinks it's best to stay away, fearing for his own sanity.
But Zoro can't do it. He wants to be close to you and he will, his main reason is when he feels jealous of your closeness to the rest. He doesn't want to be left aside, so he decides to become close to you. Zoro is possessive and arrogant, he wants to be preferred and feels jealous when someone steals his attention. He's not very easy to deal with, but Zoro knows how to be nice when he wants to be. He is very overprotective and will fight anyone to protect you, including his own friends.
Nami is relaxed and fun, she likes to take you to have fun with her, usually to drink. She is very persuasive and manipulative, you can hardly say no to her. Nami is cunning and doesn't usually get into fights, preferring to let her friends get involved, but for you, she won't care and will get into fights to protect you.
She wants to be your favorite, your number one and the one you go to for comfort or guidance. Nami is very worried about you and cares a lot about your well-being, she gets easily upset when you are sad or angry, and will take satisfaction from anyone who hurt you. However, she will not recognize if she is the cause.
Usopp is very anxious and insecure, although he tries his best not to show it, there is no denying that he feels very bad about himself often and will count on you to pull himself together. He is very sentimental and is easily hurt and will be furious if it is you who hurt him, but will become unbearable if someone makes you sad.
He loses his cool very easily and cries so easily it's ridiculous and Usopp will always go to you for comfort. He values you so much and it will get to the point where he will pretend to be sad just to receive any form of affection from you, he lives for that. He has no qualms about lying to have you hug him or whisper words of comfort to him.
Sanji is calm and rational, always very polite and it is very rare to see him lose his calm. He is very careful around you and loves to load you up with food, cooking your favorites and prioritizing you at every meal. Sanji is very nice and always makes you laugh, loving to hear you laugh or smile. He makes you feel comfortable around him, with his unwavering politeness and calm.
He never acts without thinking and everything he does is carefully planned, especially when it's about you. Sanji is the one who takes care of you the most and is always checking up on you, whether it's listening to you talk or watching you, he never fails and is always calm and smiling. Although he is very kind, Sanji will have no problem having to deal with anyone who dares to harm or hurt you.
Tony Tony Chopper is very kind and attached to you, more than he is to Nami. He is very shy at first, preferring to hide and watch you from afar, fascinated by you but afraid to get closer. He loves to imitate you and takes care of you, especially when you are hurt and need medical attention, often freaking out before realizing he is a doctor.
He is a great friend, very fair and loyal, constantly following you and making sure you are well and comfortable. Although he doesn't feel as comfortable with humans, the affection and care he feels for you is undeniable. He smiles and dances happily when he is praised by you.
Franky loves to flirt with you and does it constantly, even if he is just joking. He loves showing off for you and does it very often, going shirtless around you and trying to get your attention. Franky is a spirit and loves breaking the rules and will try to convince you to break them with him, he is always encouraging you to do what you want without caring what you think.
Although he acts this way, Franky is very protective and kind towards you and knows when to act maturely around you and is always trying to make you smile because he loves your smile. He takes great care of you and is selfless to the extreme, always putting himself first when you are in danger. Franky wants you to be well and happy and he will go to extreme lengths to make sure you are safe and happy.
Brook is eccentric and a shameless pervert and he flirts and hits on you more than anyone and feels no shame or regret in doing so. However, he truly enjoys your company and is kind to you, always prioritizing your wants and needs above anyone else's. He despises meanness and will go against anyone who is mean or acts wrong towards you.
He is very fair and compassionate towards everyone, but when it comes to you, there is an obvious preference and care. Brook is very polite, but he has his limits and will become furious if something happens to you. He has his morals and is empathetic, but that quickly changes when you get involved.
Robin is the calmest of the crew, always calm and reserved, it's impossible to know what she's thinking and she's not as open or transparent as the others. She rarely shows her emotions and this reflects on the way she acts towards you. Robin is very calm in her obsession and no one will be able to notice what she feels for you, her feelings are very well disguised and controlled.
It's very rare to see her lose her cool or get angry and when that happens, everyone gets scared. Robin has become less calm after meeting you and she, although reserved about her feelings, will make a point of taking care of you and showing you all the care and affection she can offer you.
Jinbe is very proud to be a fishman and has great honor. He hates pirates, even though he is one. He has mixed feelings for you, he admires you but hates the fact that you're a pirate and doesn't usually spend so much time by your side, but he cares deeply for you in his own way.
He is not dangerous and will never hurt you or show any violence towards you, he wants to take care of you and will do so in any way he can. Jinbe is very kind and tries his best to make you happy.
The Straw Hats are very overprotective of you and everyone cares and cares in their own specific way, but what they all have in common is the care and affection they have for you. They will fight anyone who thinks of causing you any kind of harm. After all, you are a member of the crew and they will take great care of you.
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cosmicatta · 3 months
One Piece Novel: Law — a short analysis
So, after a long time trying to get my hands on the Law light novel, I was finally able to read it recently! And, because I'm an obnoxiously intense person who can't just be normal about things, I found myself taking notes about everything I judged interesting.
And I thought I could share! So here's a mostly improvised essay about the Law novel, how it portrays Law and what it reveals about him as a character.
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Some notes before I start:
The edition I've read of this novel is the official Spanish translation by Planeta. When quoting and mentioning numbered pages, I'm referencing that edition.
I originally posted this on Twitter as a thread! If it sounds familiar, that might be why.
For those who haven't read the novel and might want to: be mindful of some trigger warnings, including gruesome medical descriptions, suicidal thoughts, mentions of abuse, and violence in general (I won't be touching on these subjects here though).
These are just my personal impressions, I'm not trying to tell anyone how they should interpret the novel or Law's character. I'm just doing this for fun!
The story takes place right after Cora dies, following young Law's journey as he makes it to Swallow Island and desperately tries to survive. There, he will meet Bepo, Penguin and Shachi, as well as Wolf, a novel-exclusive character that welcomes Law and the boys into his home as a family.
Overall, it's a very short read, agile and straightforward. The style is very juvenile, but that was to be expected, and I'd say it does a pretty good job at capturing the feeling of watching a One Piece episode. The novel does kinda feel like a mini arc.
I'm unsure if light novels can be considered 100% canon in general, but since the contents don't contradict anything from what we've already seen in the manga/anime, I'm going to assume we can at least take the events described in this one as canon.
But I'll leave the plot aside a little bit to focus more on Law's psyche, analyzing everything in the novel as material that helps us further understand him.
The entire book (save from a few specific passages) is written from Law's point of view and in first person, so it offers a more in-depth look at his way of thinking, motivations and ideals.
What I find most interesting in this sense is that the whole story is very centered around Law's kindness. Though he does admit several times that he had wanted to see the world burn when he was under Doflamingo's care (as we already know from the source material), the novel makes it very obvious that Law's true nature is compassionate. His inner voice even explicitly states that he enjoys helping and making others happy. (Quotes roughly translated from Spanish):
P. 27: "And I felt very comfortable collaborating with the task of helping others."
P. 92: "Knowing that I was going to free a person from their pain [...] gave me a joy I had never experienced before."
P. 136: "Just imagining the surprised faces of the Old Man, Bepo and the others brought a smile to my face" [when planning on getting fresh fish for dinner as a surprise].
And, despite living under Wolf's motto of "give to take," Law never expects anything in return for any of his good actions. In fact, he gets furious at Wolf himself when, after saving his life, the old man insists on giving Law anything he demands as compensation.
P. 120: "I didn't save you because I wanted a reward!" [...] They [Bepo, Shachi and Penguin] burst into tears of happiness when they realized that you had survived. That's more than enough for me! [...]" I won't let you belittle their tears!"
But even then, Law keeps arguing that he only saved Wolf "on a whim," much like he would say years later when asked why he chose to save Luffy's life. This is a common theme throughout the whole book (which is also pretty obvious in the manga)—Law doesn't recognize his own kindness.
It's not modesty or shyness, his inner monologue makes it very clear that he doesn't see himself as good-natured, and is often confused at his own motivations.
In their first meeting, when Bepo asks him why he is so nice to him, Law doesn't know what to answer; and after that, when Law finds himself wondering why he's trying so hard to save Shachi and Penguin despite their past history, he blames it all on "doctor's pride."
P. 48: "I wasn't even a good person."
Still, regardless of what Law might think of himself, living in Swallow Island seems to be making him progressively gentler. He was wary and hostile towards Wolf at first, but eventually lets himself trust people again, trying to honor Cora's memory and what he taught Law.
In Swallow Island he builds his new found family little by little, though never letting go of Cora and what he meant to Law.
P. 39: "Cora and I were family, that's what I felt at heart, I had no doubts. We had loved each other without saying it out loud [...] Would I feel the same for the Old Man and Bepo eventually?"
Slowly, he starts finding comfort and joy in community. He lets himself be carefree around his new friends, treating them with open affection, laughing and being surprisingly enthusiastic (although he quickly starts taking his role as a leader very seriously, and sometimes avoids showing weakness around them so as not to worry them.)
Law even gets to become an active part of life in Pleasure Town, where he and the other boys are cherished after 3 years living and working there. He's comfortable with his role in the community and appreciates the people in town. His sense of duty towards them shines especially when the pirates arrive to attack the town.
Again, this contrasts with how Law sees himself even in the manga/anime, where he insists that he acts mostly out of selfishness and only seeking his own benefit (or, in the best of cases "on a whim.")
But the truth is that Law's decisions are almost always related to other people's desires.
In this sense, the concept of guilt is also key to understand Law's motivations and his relationship with the world as a whole. This is especially obvious when it comes to Cora—Law even briefly wishes that they had never met, so that Cora would still be alive (p. 128-129.)
In a way, guilt is what moves Law forward, and what slowly starts transforming into a thirst for revenge, into rage and hatred towards Doflamingo and possibly towards himself too. It's a kind of tragic guilt born out of love.
His love for Cora still haunts him, his last wish for Law is the big enigma that he tries to solve during his 3 years in Swallow Island: be free. What is freedom to Law? How can he fulfill Cora's request? This is the question that gives meaning to the novel.
We know that Law wouldn't feel free until finally taking down Doflamingo and avenging Cora's death many years later, but he hasn't reached that point of determination in the novel yet. Maybe that's what gives the narration that hopeful and optimistic tone, with a young Law that's still finding himself, experiencing wonder in loving again, and learning what it means for him to be true to his values. It's the start of an adventure, and its core theme is love.
The ending illustrates this very well; I especially like the moment where Law names the crew as they're setting sail:
P. 243: "Cora's love that he showed me, Wolf's affection, the trust I had in my companions. One word embodied it all: Heart."
It is love that gives Law a reason to keep going. And I'm so glad that the novel doesn't shy away from this fact and isn't afraid of sounding "sappy" or "corny," because I do believe emotion is a very important part of Law's character.
The epilogue closes with a very interesting quote in the last page:
"You hear that, Cora? This is my... This is our pirate crew."
It is unclear if by "our" he is referring to himself and Cora, as if dedicating this new beginning to him, or if he means him and his crew. I'd personally like to think he means it both ways. But in any case, it's interesting that he openly shares the honor of "owning" his crew with someone else. He is the captain, but not the owner. It's another little way in which his generosity is evidenced.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable read, and it left me wanting more. Obviously, it's not a literature masterpiece, but it gives a lot of interesting material for character analysis, which is super fun.
Finally, here’s a few fun facts for those who can’t/don’t want to read the novel but enjoy the little trivia:
The Polar Tang was built and designed by Wolf.
Law’s first tattoo was "DEATH," and he got it at a local tattoo shop in Pleasure Town at around 15 years old.
Shachi and Penguin are childhood friends and likely met through their parents.
Shachi had always wanted to be a hair stylist.
Law is bad at cooking.
Both Shachi and Penguin are good at cooking, especially Penguin, who worked as a waiter in Pleasure Town.
The Hearts’ jolly roger was collectively designed by Law, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin days before leaving Swallow Island.
Law decided the name of their crew upon setting sail for the first time.
And I think that's all! ♥ I hope my rambling was enjoyable at least!
Edit: I've now posted an analysis of the Ace novels too!
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erzva · 1 year
⟡ how they kiss you ⸜⸜ luffy zorro sanji law ace
he’s very forceful, sudden and impatient. however still very passionate
a lot of cheek kisses
like he just loves kissing your cheek. he kisses your cheeks first before making out with you or kissing your lips. he often comes in to hug you from the side so your cheek is what’s facing him and since he wastes no time he kisses the first thing in sight. he also really likes the feeling of his lips digging into your soft plump cheeks
since he’s impulsive he often kisses you without a warning at random times. just whenever he feels like it really. which is often
sure he also knows how to time it properly and do it in fitting situations . but most of the time it’s very random bc he just gets the desire to make out with you a little
when he‘s bored he always goes to you to kill time. he‘ll start by clinging onto you and whining about how bored he is until he peppers your face with kisses before he takes your face into his hands to make out with you and feel your tongue against his. a lot of times he wants to take it even further and have sex so he‘ll drag you into his chambers after making out with you for a bit
he’s a very out of sight out of mind person so when he suddenly remembers that the two of you are together and that he has a s/o he gets excited and starts looking for you to kiss or hug you
he’s gentle slow and passionate
a lot of neck kisses
he never had a s/o and never really wanted one. his main goal is his swordsman rank. so he’s very inexperienced in the whole relationship field. you were his first everything and taught him all the things he wasn’t magically good at
he developed his own kissing style pretty quickly
he hates pda and only likes getting touchy in private
don’t expect him to have too high of a libido. he’s still very much focused on training and becoming the best
however he is really into foreplay. he likes getting all touchy and groping you when you’re in his chambers and
he’s a chronic cuddler and loves holding you captive during naps. when he’s sleepy and groggy after naps he always holds onto you and has to be touching you in some way. he doesn’t care if other ppl see in this instance. the rest of the crew has seen him slouching and holding onto your shirt with one arm while you’re leaving his chambers more than they can count
a/n : forgot this was about kissing and not hugging let me get back on track
his favorite thing to do is definitively making out. because you can decide when to stop and it doesn’t have to last too long. not as long as sex does. it’s perfect to him. it’s fun and sensual and nasty and it doesn’t take half an hour
when nobody’s looking or you’re kinda further away from the rest of the crew he’ll pull you into a kiss.
making out with him out in the open usually lasts a couple minutes
when you’re alone and he knows you’re probably not gonna get interrupted he makes out with you a lot longer
he’s passionate and forceful bc he just can’t get enough of you
a lot of forehead kisses
he loves pda. he loves showing you off and having other ppl see that you’re taken.
he often gives you little kisses throughout the day. like when he’s done making something delicious for you, after he hands you the plate he’ll kiss your forehead. or when you’re off somewhere with nami and robin and he passes by you, he comes up from behind and tilts your head back so he can kiss your forehead or lips.
also the type to kiss your hands a lot. like when you’re playing a card game with the crew for example and you’re sitting next to each other he’ll take your free hand and kiss it
or kissing your lower leg, not just during sex when you’re in your back and he’s taking off your panties but also during the day when you’re sunbathing for example. he’ll stand above you and lift your leg up to kiss it before he works his way up by kissing your stomach, chest and neck. he loves licking and kissing you when you’re sunbathing and sweating. he just loves your smell and taste
just constant displays of affection throughout the day
slow, gentle and shy
a lot of hand kisses
he has a thing for hands and he loves yours. loves kissing them, holding them, or having them around his dick. he prefers hand jobs over blow jobs
hates pda more than anything. don’t expect him to be all up on you when there’s ppl around or when there could be ppl around any second
he saves the clinginess for when you’re alone. then you can expect him to be all up on you. seriously when you’re in his chambers he doesn’t let go of you. clings to you like a panda. he’s just really touch and live starved and needs your attention all the time.
he loves having you sit on his lap or vice versa and switching between making out with you and hugging you
fast and gentle yet forceful. it’s just the right pressure
a lot of neck kisses
loves pda more than anything. he’s very insecure about his worth so he needs other ppl to see that you’re with him. that he’s the one you love and chose to be with.
he’s often standing behind you with his head buried in your neck just pressing light butterfly kisses on your delicate skin. unless ofc he’s marking it up and bruising it. he doesn’t care if there’s another person talking to you or even him.
he loves seeing you covered in love bites in places where they’re visible to everyone. also in places where only he sees them
he’s a bit possessive..
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clare-875 · 26 days
Hiraeth (ASL brothers x Reader)
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_____ Pairing: ASL brothers x Reader Summary: You grieve a time you cannot return to. Warnings: SPOILERS for Marineford War Arc, Hurt/Comfort, Grief Notes: The above image does NOT belong to me [One Piece Masterlist] _____
You watch the ocean rise and fall, finding yourself enraptured in a brief and rare silence. However, the silence slowly becomes a burden; the quiet brings thoughts you would often keep locked away. They were thoughts that brought tears to your eyes if you lingered too long on them, thoughts that could make you break if you picked away at them too much. Unfortunately for you the gentle rock of the boat, the rising moon and the crisp early evening air did nothing but bring him to the forefront of your mind; Ace. You feel a few tear drops pass your lash line as you quickly wipe them away, leaning on the railing and taking in a steady breath. It had been just longer than two years, and you were now in the New World with your beloved crew, but time did scarcely anything to subdue grief, it only made it easier to live with it. As your eyes trace the dark horizons before falling to the depths of the ocean before you, you feel yourself wonder about memories you now look back at bittersweet. First, you lose Sabo, then your beloved Ace. The hurt is heavy on your chest and you feel the tears you push back start to rise again. You felt so homesick, so reminiscent of a time you could never go back to.
You remember it all, as clear as day; the brothers that hold a permanent spot engraved on your heart.
You remember the joy.
You remember how the sun would shine onto you, gifting you, Luffy, Sabo and Ace with countless days of youth spent on adventure; spent on dreams. You were all an outcast of some sort or never fit into the lives you were endowed with, but when the four of you found each other, everything clicked; the world enlightened. You can still hear Ace calling your name, the juvenile ring etched within his words. "Hey, [y/n]!" You remember looking up at the sound of his voice. He was always so keen to show you the new skills he'd learnt, keen to call for another round of combat to see who bested who, keen to have you join in on whatever fun he had found with his two brothers. You remember Sabo's smile, one that encaptured his kindness and diplomacy even in his youth. "I got this for you!" You remember one day when he had returned from the grey terminal and found you a beautiful bracelet that you still hold onto to this day. You remember Ace and Luffy's pouts as you hugged him. You remember calling for a group hug soon after; the warm arms that embraced your form, seeping love and care and nostalgia.
You would find yourself laughing if you lingered on those memories the way you had a few years ago, but now it just filled your heart with unbearable pain. And so, more tears fall from your eyes but you don't stop them this time. You remember the countless nights filled to the brim with laughter, remember the secrets and promises made under the stars. You remember the brotherly conflict. You remember Luffy's joy when you said you'd join his crew, you remember the upset faces of Ace and Sabo. You remember promising you'd visit them often, and how their faces enlightened merely at the thought that you would come see them succeed in their dreams. You remember the comfort that cannot be matched to this day, of the words Ace would speak softly when you had a bad day, of the gentle arms of Sabo, of Luffy's range of hilarious faces as he tried to hear your laugh. They were everything to you, and you wouldn't ever find what connection you had with them anymore, anywhere. You missed the time when innocence encaptured your days and ignorant dreams were free of reality. If I had known it all then, what would I change; would I change anything at all?
You remember unbearable grief.
You remember the falling of your heart when you heard that Sabo had died at sea; the unspeakable rage and guilt. It shocked you, it shocked you all, to learn that Sabo, your sweet Sabo was killed by a Celestial Dragon just by sailing upon the same ocean. What about his dreams? His life? All the countless days and nights and years of knowing him? All the love he gave and received and cherished? Everything that encompassed who he was, was lost to oblivion, never to be seen again. You try to remember your last words with him, your last actions, but it is a blur to you. You remember leaving him with a family you knew you should have saved him from; you knew how much he hated them. Of course, you did, for what would those nights spent dreaming and talking be, if not spent sharing the deepest concerns that confined you? What would a family be, if not spent consoling those thoughts and showing him love? The shock of it still reverberates within you if you linger too long, but you remember the pain, the crying, the screaming. It was something you would never forget, it was something you would never want to go through again.
But you did.
You remember your world breaking as Ace’s gaze travelled to you. You and Luffy had spent so long chasing him, trying to save him, despite his initial denial. But of course you did. Because what would a family be, if we did not look out for one another, if we did not push away at his pride so he sees our love; our desperation to protect him? But when you finally thought he was within your grasp once more, that his life was still a part of yours, he became lost to you too. You remember Luffy, clutching him in his grasp trying to stop the red that just kept pouring. You remember teary eyes, no longer of the youth they were but still lingering with that childish charm. You remember the smile that shone with gratitude, it was a sight you could never forget; your childhood encapsulated within it. “Thank you for loving me.” His smile lingered even in his death. You remember Luffy’s inconsolable form; the tears that wouldn’t cease, the shock that clouded his mind. You remember the screaming. You remember being lost in despair at the thought that you would never see him again. Never feel his warm arms, see his wide grin, or know what it was like to be loved by him again.
You missed them; You missed “back then.”
You missed the simplicity of waking to self-found adventure and you missed the charm of life that came with youth. Your breathless laughter, their smiling forms; all three of them beside you.
I want to go back.
Please, take me back…
Take me back so I can see them, so I can hold them and love them again…
Your tears fall freely to your face now as you stare silently against the cool breeze, teeth gritted and heart heavy. You find yourself begging the starlit sky for something you knew was inconceivable. Please.
You are so lost in thought, so lost in your tears you fail to notice a boy with a straw hat that approached you a small while ago. But when he called your name you turned swiftly, because in that moment you swear you heard Sabo, you swear you could've heard Ace, calling to you too. "[y/n], why are you crying?" Luffy's face is of utmost confusion, the tilt of his head and the shine of his sincerity almost making you break down further. But strangely it brought you to calmness as you saw the final brother before you, the same features as he had in his youth, the same eyes and smile. Your heart tugged against your chest as you looked to the man you chose to be your Captain, over Ace and Sabo, over everyone in the world. He was the same and yet so grown up, even when sometimes he hid his new-found maturity well.
"Luffy," your voice is there but faint, almost lost to the breeze as he silently makes his way to your side and joins you on the railing. You are beyond surprised when he maintains the quiet atmosphere, the seriousness rare on him unless in dire situations. But you also know deep down he sees and he understands why you are crying. You know because you have seen your very image on him before; tears pouring, grief heavy. From four to two. Only you could understand the true depth of what he has lost, and only he could recall the same memories you had lived because he lived them too. You found yourself wondering if Luffy, someone you knew to be a believer in living in the present moment, wished to return to those days that could never return. You wonder if he ever felt the homesick feeling of wanting those same youthful days once again, of wanting three pairs of arms embracing you warmly; of wanting back the time that has passed too soon.
"Luffy, do you ever miss our lives back in Dawn Island? Do you ever miss those days spent together with Ace and Sabo? It was so easy back then, don't you think?"
Do you ever miss the past?
There is a brief silence, as though Luffy is actually contemplating your words, but you are unsurprised when he answers; his answer is blunt and obvious as it has always been. "I miss them." He looks at you with a wide grin, but his eyes are surprisingly solemn, as though reminiscing with you the two boys you both held so dear to your hearts. "But I have the best crew in the world now! I wouldn't give that up for anything!" Your eyes spark with fondness at his never wavering confidence in his nakama as he then reaches over to you wrapping an arm tight as he pulls you in. "Ace lived with no regrets, and I'm gonna live the same way; I'm gonna be the king of the pirates!" His eyes shine and his features are determined when he faces you again; just like every instance he spoke of his dream. "And you'll be there right beside me." You meet his wide smile with a soft one of yours as you lean against him and he laughs joyously. You find yourself shaking your head at the simplicity of his thoughts, but you also remember how he had clutched to the thoughts of the crew in his darkest days. You envision Sabo's toothy grin and Ace's teasing smirk; a sight you would remember and adore for the rest of time. You would live enough for both of them, exactly the way Ace wanted you to; with no regrets.
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Black & Red (Shanks X F!Reader X Mihawk) SMUT
Anonymous request (I got chu)
Just a simple day at the beach drinking turns into something way more hot and steamy than expected.
A long fic, have fun babes
Warning ⚠️: age-gap, threesome, groping, double penetration, deep throating, maybe some others that I forgot idk its sex ya know the type of shit youre signing up for.
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“Shaaaanks, come on! It’s too early to drink, we’ll be up all night again”.
“Don’t worry about it so much sweetheart! It’ll be fun!”.
That’s the last coherent conversation I remember before getting shit faced and passing out on a beach with Shanks. No matter how many times I tell myself ‘you gotta stop doing this, I don’t care how hot he is I can’t be drinking this much’ but do I ever listen? No of course not! Have you see him? That man is so hot and fine, all I can do is easily submit to anything he asks. I mean it's not the first time he's easily made me submit to something, which ended in a lot of hookups or alleyway deepthroating. Hehe...
I awaken from my slumber as I feel myself being shaken. “Wakey wakey sweetheart”. I hear an all too familiar and soothing voice. I groan and snuggle more into his chest. “Nooo. You made me drink and gave me a hangover”. I mumble. “Does it make you feel better knowing that I have one too?”. He asks, running his fingers through my hair.
“A little”.
I yawn as I walk back to the cove the crew was camping at, coming back from some private business time…I had to pee. I see the crew already partying and drinking again. Seriously? “Hey! (Y/n)!”. I look towards Shanks, seeing him drinking with an unfamiliar man with a large sword sitting next to him, a long coat and a large hat. “Have you ever heard of the 7 warlords?”. Shanks asks me, the man turning to look at me. “Uh yeah…I’ve heard of them…”. I answer nervously, I think I already know where this is going before he can even finish. “This is Mihawk! An old buddy of mine! He’s one of the warlords”. He explains, using his free hand to usher me over.
I walk over to the two men, Shanks pulling me over to sit on his lap. "Come on (Y/n), don't be shy now and say hi!". He tells me, as if I'm a child. Sir, I'm 20. I turn to look at the warlord, man is he an attractive man. "Hello". I greet him. "Hello, young lady". He greets back. I turn to look up at Shanks, tugging on his shirt to draw his attention to me. "So what's this about? Why are we partying again?". I ask him, tilting my head slightly. He smile and laughs. "Ya know that Luffy kid I told you about? He finally got his first wanted poster!". He answers happily.
I remember him talking about that Luffy kid. Shanks told me how he met him years ago, the dumb little kid who cut his cheek and ate the gum gum fruit. He isn't any younger than me, the more I think about that the more it kinda makes me feel weird. Still, I'd like to meet him one day.
"Huh, look at him". I mutter under my breath, but I know Shanks heard me. As if the conversation is forgotten about, Shanks now holding out a filled cup of booz to me. "Enough yappin! Take a sip, dear". He orders me. 'Uh, I really don't wanna drink'. I take the cup from him, taking a sip from it. "Atta girl". He coos, his hand now sitting on my hip, rubbing up and down with his thumb. I feel a shiver runs down my spine, the feeling of his hand running straight to my core. He knows exactly what he's doing, he knows how to get my body going.
'God, I hate him'.
My breath quickens as I feel a jolt run through my body, whimpers slipping through my lips no matter how hard I try to hide them. "Ssshhh, not so loud baby". Shanks whispers into my ear, his finger not stopping it's abuse on my clit. I throw my head back into his board shoulder. "Sh-Shanks, pleeeease~". I whimper out. "Hm? Please what? Need me to fuck you already?". He asks in a deep tone, his hot breath down my neck. "I-hhh I!". I stumble on my words, needing him to give me just a second to cum. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Shanks". I feel my body freeze, but Shanks doesn't stop. "Oh, hey Mihawk". He pulls his hand away, my legs giving out and I collapse to the forest floor.
"What's up? You leaving already?". Shanks asks the other man. "I was thinking that, yes". Mihawk confirms. "Oh come on, you just got here. Why not have a little fun with (Y/n) and I? I don't mind sharing that pretty face". He offers the man. 'HUH!?'. I turn my head behind me, looking over to the men. I look over to Mihawk, seeing that he's already looking at me dead in the eyes with a hungry look. "You're too open with sharing your toys, Shanks". He comments, taking his sword off his back and setting it against a nearby tree. The two men walk over to me, Mihawk standing in front of me as I feel Shanks crouch behind me. "You don't mind, do you sweetheart?". Shanks asks me, pulling me back so my back is against his hard chest, using his hand to rub my chin. "N-No". I stutter out nervously, looking up into Mihawks almost glowing eyes.
Shanks chuckles as his hand goes down to my shirt, pulling it up to expose my bare chest. "Good girl~". He hums into my ear, nuzzling into my neck. I shiver and shut my eyes as Shanks's cold hand goes down to my chest, groping and grabbing at my tit. I let out a soft moan, feeling him twist and play with my nipple. Shanks's head rises once again, nibbling on my ear lobe. "Come on baby, show the war lord what that mouth of yours can do". He orders. I hum with a nod, finally opening my eyes to look up at the warlord.
I break eye contact to see a growing bulge in his pants, only half hard. I grab the hem of his pants, slowly pulling them down. His half hard shaft rises up slightly, hanging straight out from his body. I reach up and grab him by the base, Mihawk letting out a very quiet groan. I lean forward and close my lips over his tip, licking his tip. I look back up to look into Mihawks eyes, slowly moving my head back and forth as she stares down at me. "Oh don't try and ease me into, unless Shanks hasn’t taught you properly”. He comments in an unimpressive tone.
Shanks chuckles from behind me, his hand sneaking up to the back of my head. “She can take it, I have her working that throat of hers every night like the slut she is”. He responds, gripping my head and moving my head for me. I moan into Mohawks cock as Shanks moves my head for me, shoving me down on his cock more. I cough as I feel myself getting shoved deep down, feeling him deep down my throat. Shanks moves his hand away, but I keep the pace he set and continue to deep throat his cock. “That’s better”. Mihawk compliments. “Yeah, she’s a good girl, aren’t ya sweetheart”. Shanks chuckles, sliding his hand down my back. My body jolts when I feel Shanks’s hand back in my panties, running his finger through my wet folds.
My body shivers as I feel Shanks use a free finger to poke it in and out of my aching pussy, causing me to just need more friction. My body was already so close to being filled, but now we're back to square one. My body is tingling painfully, needing release finally. I start to moan painfully onto Mihawks cock, breathing through my nose quickens as tears build up in my eyes. I try to move my body, needing more than just the tip of Shanks's fingers inside me. "Shanks, your pet is getting restless". Mihawk tells the red head. Shanks chuckles. "I can tell, she's trying to suck my fingers in". He confirms. Mihawk then grips the back of my head aggressively, speeding up his pace and slamming down into my throat. "Don't worry dear, you can get fucked as much as you want once I'm finished". He tells me, his penis tip punching the back of my throat.
Shanks chuckles again. "Look at you, you'll get all the cock you want. I bet a whore like you is loving this". He whispers into my ear. "I can't wait to see you drenched with cum". He adds in a deeper tone, licking up my neck. "Take it, take Mihawks cum, take all the cum like I trained you to". I shut my eyes as tears spill from my eyes, struggling terribly to breath. My body feels like it's going to explode, ready to gush all over Shanks's hand. With a few twitches of his cock, Mihawk slams all the way down my throat his warm cum fills up my throat. I cough on the cum, gulping it down. Mihawk slowly pulls out his dick, sucking on the left to leave not a single drop. "Good slut". Shanks compliments. "You did train her good, I commend you that Shanks". Mihawk tells him. "Wait till you feel her pussy, perfection". Shanks respond.
Shanks pulls his hand away from me as I let out an annoyed whimper, pushing my body slightly to let my body fall to the ground on my hands and knees. I breath heavily as I try to catch my breath, my body shaking and loosing its mind from not be able to cum again. A cold hand on my ass makes me jump, I look lazily over my shoulder to see Mihawk kneeling behind me. I turn to look in front of me, looking up to see Shanks looking down at me with a smirk. He gently grabs my chin, rubbing it with his thumb as his smirk turns into a loving smile. "You're such a good girl, if I wasn't clingy I'd let people pay for them to fuck you. You're perfect mouth, pussy, ass, everything. Other men wish they could get one night with a goddess like you". He praises, his words going straight to my core. The mental image of getting fucked and covered in cum while Shanks watches, full bukaki as he just sits happily.
"Would you like that? Or would you rather some weak desperate men pay to watch me fuck you, show them how to really please a woman". He adds. That hit my core harder, Shanks cucking a guy. Some poor bastard watching Shanks fill and fuck my pussy full of cock and cum. I feel a warm tip rub against my folds, rubbing at my tip and poking at my hole. "Go ahead Mihawk, I wanna see the faces she makes when being filled by another man". He tells the other man. Then without warning, Mihawk easily slides his cock fully inside me. A whimpered moan escapes my lips, my legs shaking at the feeling of being filled finally. "Now isn't that a pretty face". Shanks points out, palming himself through his pants. "Sh-Shanks~". I whimper out, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "I need...yoooooou". I moan out, craving more. I struggle to keep my body steady as Mihawk ruthlessly pounds into my body, slamming deep inside me. It feels weird to have another cock inside me, being so used to Shanks monster in his pants. Mihawks length is kind of refreshing, feeling his tip slamming into my curvix.
Shanks chuckles as he looks down at my wanting face, eyes begging for something from him. "You really have been a whore all along, being stuffed with cock and still needing more". He hums. He sits up more, pulling his pants down and his cock smashing me in the face. "Go on then, take the cock you so desperately need". He tells me. He slides his cock into my mouth, my body quickly jolting back and forth. I moan onto Shanks's cock, breathing rapidly through my nose. I can't breath, my body is shaking so much. 'FUCK, I'M GONNA CUM AND WE'VE JUST STARTED! FUCK BUT I NEED TO CUM!'. I give in, moaning loudly as my body finally releases as my body shakes violently. Mihawk hisses, pounding faster. "What's wrong buddy? She cum and squeeze ya?". Shanks asks him. "Indeed, she's trying to strangle me". He responds, causing Shanks to laugh.
"Props to you, I would have cum at her clenching like that". He chuckles. "You're just weak". Mihawk comments. I'm surprised I can still comprehend what they're saying, my whole body is weak and my head is fuzzy. I can't go on, cumming and still being fucked is driving my body crazy. I can tell that I'm finally giving out, because now I can't hear properly what the two are saying. Everything stops, feeling arms wrap under my legs and I get hoisted up with Shanks's cock popping out my mouth. I feel my back press against Mihawks chest, him holding me out spread legged. I see Shanks standing in front of me, he strokes my cheek loving me. "Sh-Shanks...". I pant out. He pulls his hand away, letting me lean my head against Mihawks shoulder.
My body jolts, fulling waking up at the feeling of Shanks sliding into my insides. I pant at the pain, reaching to grip hard onto Shanks shoulder. "That's it, you can take it". Shanks reassures me in a soft tone. My body relaxes, feeling the two men filling and stretching me out. My body felt so stuffed, I thought I was going to rip in half. The feeling didn't get any better when the two started to thrust in sync, thankfully going slow on me. Every breath was a loud moan, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Their pace speeds up, my mouth drooling from them massing up my insides. The feeling is indescribable, being fucked hard and stuffed to the brink of ripping. I felt like I was gonna pass out, I don't even know if I could cum again.
Their paces speed up, going full speed in and out my pussy. I cry and scream out my moans, digging my nails so hard against Shanks's shoulders that I wouldn't be surprised if there was blood. I could feel my freedom apporting, feeling the two older men twitching and their thrusts growing sloppy to out of sync. Next minute, Shanks lets out a groan as he finally cums. He sits and stays there panting, staying inside me. Soon enough, Mihawk cums again for a second time. The two pull out of me, Mihawk moving me to be laying in his arms. I feel like I'm on the verge of passing out, my brain fuzzy and hazy. A warm hand strokes my face softly, a soft kiss on my forehead. "Good job baby, you can rest". Shanks soft voice luls me to sleep, I finally pass out in Mihawks arms.
The two older men walk out the forest and back onto the beach, the other pirates noticing the passed out younger girl in Mihawks arms. "Is she okay?". Benn asks. "Did something happen?". Yasopp asks. Shanks waves them off. "Don't worry she's all fine, just a little shaken up". He reassures. "Why? Did something happen?". Benn asks. Mihawk chimes in. "Just some scary monster".
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sillylittlestoryblog · 7 months
Keeping me warm
Part 2
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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Warning: female Reader, use of y/n , Angsty angst, Fluffy Fluff and some suggestive thoughts but nothing wild tho, English is not my first language, so yeah there are some mistakes in this possibly.
Plus I am currently still on my first watch of one piece and am only at Fishman island. So Law isn’t a character I know all to well. So he is more like a mixture out of other ffs descriptions and my own headcanon.
Notes: I never planned on making this second part but because I really am craving more Law in my life and because I got some really nice comments and people asking for a second part, I just had to write a lil something. I really hope you enjoy. And thanks again for all the nice comments. They literally make my day ❤️😭
I am quite shy and rarely comment on posts myself but I m trying to be better with it in the future because honestly sometimes we forget how much some kind words can effect someone. ❤️ thank you all for reading. Have fun.
The first thing you noticed after waking up was the silence. The rumble of thunder and the biting wind could no longer be heard. Tired, you opened your eyes and looked around. Warm rays of light broke through the entrance to the cave. Sleeping pirates in tight embraces lay around you. Your captain had wrapped his stretched arms around as many of them as possible. He was laying next to you in an uncomfortable position on the cold cave floor. Luffy was loudly snoring and mumbling incoherent sentences in his sleep. But despite the uncomfortable resting situation, there was a satisfied smile on his features.
"Well? Awake yet?"
The beautiful archaeologist was sitting next to you, reading a book. She looked at you with a small smile.
" Be careful, the others are still asleep. But you can go outside if you want. The snowstorm has stopped."
Robin had decided to let her friends sleep. It had been too long since they last got a little rest.
With a quiet groan, you straightened your body. You could feel an annoying headache forming. Neck pain, cold and hunger. Even if you were able to sleep, it couldn't have been for very long.
How much you were wishing to be on the Sunny right now. In your soft bed. With linen sheets. In the cozy room you share with Robin and Nami.
You stretched your body and while yawning you started walking your way out of the cave. In your head you were still dreaming. Of soft pillows and fresh-smelling flowers, like the ones that Sanji regularly brought back from the local markets for you girls. Even if his antics could be annoying, the flowers always made you smile brighter.
The girls' bedroom was always tidy and quiet. Only sometimes your giggling got louder if there was something exciting to gossip about. It was your little comfort place on the Grand Line and not only for Sanji the so-called "heaven on earth".
While fixated on your Daydreaming, you walked through the cave until you reached the entrance. You had expected that all the snow might have buried you and it would take a while to shovel your way free, but there was only a small amount of white mass in front of the cave that was relatively easy to climb. As you continued to walk towards the sunny outdoors, your thoughts returned to soft blankets. Soft pillows. And warm arms wrapped around your body.
Wait what?
You shook your head. Such thoughts were completely out of place here. The important thing now was to see how you could all get back to the village and then quickly get something to eat.
But as your legs sank into the deep snow, your selfish daydreams were immediately back.
Warm hands caressing your cheek. A rough voice whispering in your ear. Soft kisses being pressed on your neck.
Tattooed arms that were wrapped around your body and tried pulling you closer to his heaving chest.
These thoughts kept you more than warm as your thighs sank deeper into the cold snow.
No matter how hard you tried to categorize these thoughts as wrong and banish them from your brain all at once, each time they came back even stronger.
Would he touch you like that? Would his hands be as soft as you imagined? How much you would love to run your hands over his tattooed arms. Over his long fingers. And over whatever else was hidden under his covered chest.
The first time you met him, he had been wearing a dark shirt. It had been unbuttoned at the top and while observing him from a little distance, you had seen that his dark tattoos continued on his chest. But you couldn't see much. And as if he had noticed how you were literally trying to undress him with your eyes, he had turned in a different direction. You had stood there, caught, perplexed, confused, while a heart eyed Sanji had been dancing around you singing compliments to you in your new dress.
You remember hushing to Nami about those same tattoos. You had tried to make it sound as neutral as possible. Simply interested in the art under his skin.
But Nami had already figured you out. She knew how interested you were in the captain of the other crew. But instead of secretly whispering with you, she had decided to push you in his direction. She had tapped the tall man on the shoulder and asked loudly if he could take off his clothes, so that you could admire his tattoos.
You could have killed your best friend in this very second.
After he stared at the navigator with a questioning and almost angry looking face, the red head pushed you in front of the doctor. Feeling heat all over your body, the words you were trying to say came out kinda stuttered.
"I .. I'm ... sorry. There must have been a… misunderstanding. Nami wasn’t…, Captain... uh... yes, I... was just wondering if all those tattoos must have hurt?"
A incredibly stupid excuse.
"You know… because I heard that it hurts, not that I think you're too weak... no, i definitely don’t.. I know how strong you are... I mean... Chopper told me about it and well, our captain always talks about your fights... You..."
You were not really forming coherent sentences. You wanted to run away or sink into the ground. No matter how you turned it around, it would never become a sensible explanation.
The man in front of you had looked puzzled. You were way to nervous to look into his eyes.
If you hadn't been so focused on your sentences and the awkwardness of the situation, you might have seen how gentle his gaze was. Almost confidently smirking downwards.
He had just wanted to interrupt you and was planing on explaining his tattoos to you, when the loudest strawhat pulled Law towards him with his outstretched arms.
"Traaaaaaa Guuuuuuyyy! Haha. Look what I made for you." The boy was holding a plate in front of his face. It was a mountain out of various food. Meat. Vegetables. A huge amount of dry rice. It looked like an inedible mess that the other captain had formed with his own hands. At least that's what Law assumed when he saw the straw hat's food covered hands, sending a shiver down his spine. How could this young man be so out of his mind? Law felt the urge to loudly slap his palm against his forehead. The stupidity and naivety of the strawhat-ya was too much to bear. But with a little squint, even he realized that the mess on the plate in front of him looked a lot like one of his crew members.
" shishishi it looks like your bear friend, torao. Do you like it ? "
Law just rolled his eyes. That was the reason ? Angrily he stared down at the other captain. He couldn’t believe he had just been interrupted in the moment, he had the chance of a conversation with his crush! Well, not that y/n was a crush... no. Definitely not. Law just wanted to make conversation. Completely normal. Without any ulterior motives. After all, she was the newest member of the friendly pirate gang. That would only be polite. Law talked himself out of any palpitations. Was it just him or was it just really warm on this island? Besides, there was the campfire. That was an explanation on while he was feeling that way. He was definitely not feeling that warm because of some woman.
A really really cute woman.
A really cute woman standing a few tables next to him. Still at the same space, talking nervously to Nami.
The cold snow under your feet became less and less. It barely reached your ankles. The sun was shining on your face as you breathed in the fresh air. The world around you was clear and bright. Now you could see where you were. When you had all sought shelter to hide from the coming storm, the rain and snow had already been so thick that you could hardly see anything. You had been glad that Franky had discovered the cave with his headlights.
You weren’t even that far from the village. If you would have known you could have even climbed down the mountain during the storm. But because nobody had a clue where you guys were, it was saver to stay and wait for the storm to end. The cave was on the mountain between the harbor and its tiny town and the small fishing village on the other side of the island. The harbor was run by the marines and it was impossible to go there. But in the town, there were stores and places where Franky could get the parts he needed to repair on the Thousand Sunny. The fishermen had also reported that there was a small Inn in the small harbor town where they could spend the night. That had been the actual plan. Get fresh food and the repair parts. To spend the night in the town and then go back to the sunny to repair it. But you never got that far.
The snow glistened in the sunlight. A small smile flitted across your face. Even if the last few days hadn't been ideal, you were still really relieved. Everyone was doing well. No one had been tragically injured and the little bit of peace and quiet had certainly done everyone some good.
Next to your tracks in the snow, a few others were starting to appear. They couldn't be old. They were definitely fresh footprints. Probably boots.
The prints were bigger than yours. Had someone been missing when you left the cave? Immediately your thoughts went back to the tall captain. Your heart began to beat loudly.
Your eyes wandered over the landscape. And not far from you, a figure was sitting on a tree trunk in the snow. As you approached quietly, you realized that he wasn’t alone. From afar you couldn’t make out the other being in the white snow. His white fur, tousled as he was laying on the ground listening to Law while making snow angels. Bepo looked like a small child. Only in the body of a huge polar bear.
„How cute.“ you thought. A broad grin crossing your cheeks.
Until Law started talking.
"I really don't know what to do, Bepo. Every rule I ever set for myself is
Absolutely against this!“ he shook his head slightly. "fuck I can't stop thinking about her" cursing he put his face into his hands, looking down and taking a deep breath.
Who was he talking about? Quietly sneaking a little closer, you hoped the captain was too lost in thought to spot you with his Haki.
"Oh Captain. Doesn't it feel good? The most important thing is that you're well!"
The polar bear hugged his captain and talked to him gently.
"Never mind Bepo. I'm sorry to bother you with something like this. The last few weeks I could have used your time better than constantly talking about y/n"
Wait. Your name?
" I'm sure she's not interested in me anyway. After all, she's on a ship with that lovesick cook. Or the swordsman is probably much more interesting to her anyway."
"Don't tell yourself that Law. Chopper told me how much she appreciates you. Besides, she's probably annoyed by Zoro and Sanji's constant bickering.
I'm sure she thinks you're just as great as we do, boss."
There was a tired smile on Law's face. No matter how distressed and confused he was on the inside, Bepo was always a reason for him to make this feeling disappear. The polar bear apparently had no idea how much Law wanted your attention. Never would thoughts like his fly through his best friend's brain.
The way he craved your touch. And the way he got hot inside as soon as he thought of your innocent eyes looking at him from below. He wanted for you to like him a lot more than his crewmates did. Bepo was way to naive to understand why Law was waking up covered in sweat with his pillow covering his lower body when Bepo wanted to see how he was doing the other morning. Not for the first time, he wondered if he could get away with kidnapping you. Surely the strawhat-ya would be more than pissed. But it would be worth to have some time alone with you. Law had to sigh. His thoughts too shameful to ever voice them.
" Let's go back to the cave. We have more important things to do."
And with a quick -shambles- from Law, the two Heart Pirates disappeared out of your sight.
Relieved that you had not been seen, you were sitting behind a rock. You could hardly believe what you had overheard.
At first you were afraid Law was talking about someone else. Maybe Robin or Nami. They were both beautiful and clever. And both had already fought alongside him. You, on the other hand, had hardly any experience of fighting and although you had already noticed through Sanji's affection that other people perceived you as attractive, you would never have compared yourself to your friends. Both were so beautiful, kind and graceful
and yet Law had said your name.
Although you were automatically ashamed of this thought, you thought of Law laying in bed with you again, stroking your hair and repeating your name over and over again.
You wanted to bury your head in the cold snow. The heat caused by these thoughts was just too much. Annoyed and confused with yourself, you slowly made your way back towards the cave.
Your heart beating so loud you thought it would jump out of your chest.
Two days later
With a tired smile, you said goodbye to Bepo and Ikkaku. Penguin walked behind them. Before he left with the others to return to the harbor, he turned back to you.
"Hey y/n, if that crazy strawhat ever gets tired of the pirate life, our captain would certainly have no problem with you joining our crew."
He leaned his head in my direction and winked " I think he would be more than satisfied with you on board"
Laughing, he walked through the door. Closely followed by Shachi, who formed his hands into a heart and sang something unintelligible.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Was it that obvious?
But no matter how hard you tried not to react to the teasing comments, your face turned red when you saw Law in the corner of your eye. Whether he heard it or not, you knew this was going to be awkward as soon as you were standing face to face.
Law had of course heard what his crew had implied. But he could hardly think about it, because at the same moment the straw hat wrapped its arms around the doctor several times. If he was going to try hugging him even more, Law was sure he would end up literally crushing him.
"Let go of me immediately, Straw Hat-ya!“
" shishishi. Sure thing, Torao. Have a good journey."
Luffy's grin went from ear to ear.
Law didn't really know what to do next. He had planned to just calmly say goodbye to the others. Without any big words, and above all without any more hugs.
These crazy pirates brought out the worst in him anyway. He was always annoyed at how much he didn’t think about real life issues and even smiled from time to time. It could hardly go on like this. After all, he had a reputation to uphold.
He took a step back and spoke to the rest of the friendly crew.
" I'll see you again in two months. If you find out anything important, you'd better call us right away via the telesnail. It means a lot to me, that we are helping us in these troubling times as an alliance. Thank you for your support."
He was about to leave when something pulled at his long coat.
"Oh, Doctor Law, before you go, here are the books I borrowed from you. I was not aware of some of these treatments. So thank you very much. I look forward to working with you again."
Chopper stood proudly in front of him and gave Law back three thick medicine books. How the little reindeer was able to carry these books at all puzzled Law. But presumably one of the others had helped him. Probably Robin. The devil fruit user patted Chopper proudly on the head. A wry grin on her face. "We're all looking forward to seeing you again Trafalgar, aren't we
y/n ? "
Robin gently nudged your arm and looked expectantly into your flushed face. Inside you were cursing her. How could she have found out how you felt about the tattooed captain too. Apparently everyone knew by now anyway.
" Uh, yeah. Sure... I... eh, we all appreciate you very much. And we're happy to help you, of course. It's important to us to be there for you. And to support you on your mission. I hope everything goes well with you... with you and your crew. We want to see you back in good health."
You look in his direction with an innocent laugh. You felt beyond awkward. Were you making a fool out of yourself again?
You didn't really want to see all your friends making fun of you while you were desperately trying to talk to your crush. But when your lowered gaze went up, only a satisfied smile sat on Law's face.
Robin and Chopper turned towards the other Strawhats.
While Law was still glancing at you. His eyebrows furrowed as if he was thinking hard about something to say. After a moment of silence, he was clearing his throat.
Softly, he whispered a " Take care of yourself, Y/N-ya." in your direction.
"And you take care of yourself, Law."
Smiling, you looked once more at the handsome face in front of you. His eyes were almost shining and a quick glance at his lips made your heart beat faster.
Law wondered if he should say something else. Something that could give you certainty. But apart from a softly breathed "Y/N", nothing came from his lips.
The other pirates around you were long forgotten. Your friends saying goodbye to the other crew members, Luffy dancing around the room laughing while Sanji explained to him why he had to wait until the food was ready, and Chopper proudly telling Nami about his new knowledge. While Usopp was making fun of a loudly snoring swordsman.
Even Brook's singing was just background noise. The only thing you could hear was the loud pounding of your heart and the soft voice of the Supernova repeating your name again.
Without thinking, you took a step towards the man in front of you. He was so tall, you had to lean your head back quite a bit to keep seeing his face.
Law's head was in chaos. The rational part of him would now take a quick step back, not ever look at you again and run away with a grim expression.
But his heart had already chosen a different path. His body decided what to do next for him. Although a moment ago Luffy had his arms around Law and he cursed any form of embrace, now he longed for it. As if she had read his thoughts, Y/N put her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly. Even though his head was still not fully aware what was happening , law wrapped his strong arms around her body. How he would have loved to pull her even closer to him. But there was no time for that. And would she even want that? He could ask her to run away with him? He can’t believe his thoughts were this idiotic.
Than the brief moment was over. Neither of them wanted to draw any more attention to themselves.
He detached himself and gave you a nod with his hat hiding his eyes, before turning around and following his crew with determined steps.
Did that really just happen?
Yes, it was only a hug. But for you it was more than just that. The way he had whispered your name, what was he trying to tell you? Maybe he had that feeling too. Longing.
Even after the conversation between him and Bepo that you had overheard the other day, you were still unsure. Did he like you back?
While you stood there rooted to the spot for a few minutes and looked after the Surgeon of Death, your thoughts full of question marks, he was already scolding his silly crew members. Even if he wasn't doing it very well today.
And so he walked with Bepo, Shachi and Penguin back to the bay where his submarine was anchored. His face was red, his gaze downcast and his eyes still hidden under his hat. While Bepo asked questions like "Is it true that you really "like like" her? Or „if she becomes part of our crew, will she sleep in the same room as you?" Or " Penguin said something about you being all dirty? But you just had a shower, haven't you?" Or " Law? Do you think I'll ever find a bear girlfriend?"
Penguin and Shachi cried with laughter.
And although few things in his life have ever embarrassed him as much as the awkward questions and fake kissing sounds of his friends, Law was feeling way to happy and warm at that moment to really care.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Not to project or anything, but I think Nami would have a hard time actually realizing she's a lesbian because she actually has never trusted anybody enough to fall for them, and she uses flirting techniques to steal and get what she wants but she doesn't actually feel anything for these people. And she can admit that flirting with girls feels better and it doesn't make her want to puke, but perhaps it's just the fact that men fucking suck. It's not like she is going to ever fall in love, so it doesn't matter. Little flirting here and there to get the money she needs and all. But then Luffy happens. Arlong Park happens. And she's free and she has time to think about herself. She still flirts with men to get what she wants, but Sanji is more like a Golder Retriever and one of her best friends, so it doesn't even count. And then she meets Vivi.
And Vivi is a whole other world. She's a princess. She's mature. She has so much responsibility that it could crush Nami if that weight were to be put on her shoulders, so she considers Vivi to be the strongest girl she has ever met. She's also fun to be around. Extremely sweet and empathetic and it's one of the first times somebody shows so much empathy and compassion for her, sacrificing her goal to save Nami's life because she's sick. Falling for Vivi is extremely easy, but she's scared to do so because she has never actually trusted someone this much before and she has never opened up to a girl enough for her to be able to break her heart. But she knows she likes Vivi. More than she has liked other girls, yes, but they all made her feel this way. Vivi is just the one in between all of them. And it's not like flirting with men at all. Men are a tool she can use. Vivi is her whole dream.
Vivi breaks her heart by staying in Arabasta, but it's not her fault she has bigger things to take care of than them. They'll see each other again someday. And Nami now has the realization about liking girls but loving Vivi. And I think that's something beautiful to think about.
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staratie · 11 months
sharp in the right places
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nsfw, contains knife play, praise kink, some fear play, f!swordswoman x zoro, established relationship, brief fingering, piv wc: 816 summary: zoro expresses his interest in knife play.
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You trusted him with your life. You never second-guessed.
Both of you were excellent fighters, so the crew having two members skilled in the blade made the Straw Hat Pirates’ reputation menacing.
One day, Luffy decided that the crew needed time to recuperate and have fun. They were free (for now) from anyone chasing them, so why not celebrate with some R&R? Each of the members went their separate ways to have me-time or hang out with each other to catch up without being interrupted by their captain.
You and Zoro went off on your own. Sparring, you assumed.
“You ready?” You asked, lifting your sword.
“We’re not sparring today.” He replied. You blinked, surprised. “I want to try something new.”
“Sure, I guess.” You responded. Having a suspicious look in your eye, you walked up to him and asked, “Is this some sort of trick? I’m not letting my guard down.”
“No, this isn’t a trick.” He reassured. Before you asked for more, he elaborated, “we’re both good with swords. Why not challenge ourselves?”
You were trying to grasp what he was saying. “With what?”
“With each other.” He confessed. “I want to know you trust me.” Giving him a playful look, you crossed your arms over your chest, still holding onto your blade. You looked at Zoro, who had his hand on the hilt of his. He swiftly sliced the air near you and stopped his sword so it was centimeters away from your skin. You didn’t twitch. You trusted him. There was no denying that.
“Fine. I’ll play your game.” You sighed dramatically. Not caring about the sword dangerously close to your throat, you waved it aside. As you did, you put your sword back in its sheathe and took your jacket off. “How shall we do this?”
“I'm the one with the sword.” He whispered, “I get to decide. Get on your knees.” He said threateningly. His tone was unfamiliar. It sounded carnal, almost animalistic. This new side of him made you a little excited. You followed his order and knelt down, still looking at him. Zoro ran his blade slowly down you arm, leaving no cut. He grinned when he saw some movement from you. “Are you shivering?”
“Well, your sword is cold.” You reply. In return, you put your sword at the nape of his neck, a mild, yet playful threat. Zoro smirked and gently pulled it out of your hand, placing it next to you. He motioned for you to lay down on the warm grass.
He kissed your head and asked, “you trust me?”
“There’s no reason for me not to.” You whispered as he slowly tore your shirt. Satisfied with the small damage, he pushed the fabric away with his sword, still close to your skin. You gasped as he circled your breasts and closed your eyes when it went down your body. The cool blade against your skin made goosebumps.
“That’s my girl.” He whispered. The tip of his sword was at your thigh, and made a tear thin enough on your pants and underwear for it to slip through and taunt your folds. “You’re so brave. I can slit you any time I want.” The cool blade was gentle around it, sending a mixed sensation of pleasure and anticipation for what was about to come. He circled it around your mound, took his sword out and hovered it next to your neck.
With his sword still at same position, he went on top of you, licked your collarbone and kissed his way down to your nipples, which he softly bit with his teeth. You shuddered and felt the sword make a small cut on your neck, almost like a papercut. “I could kill you right now.” He said quietly. “Look at you, so fragile. So...vulnerable.” He murmured into your skin.
“You won’t.” You said confidently.
“Are you sure?” He confirmed. The uncertainty in his voice added tension to the situation. Yet, you brushed away the thought of him hurting you with his sword. Not with you unarmed.
Zoro quietly laughed, set his sword down, and slipped your pants off. When you were face to face, you felt his growing erection as he lowered himself closer to you.
“We’re not even.” You observed. In return, you grabbed your own sword, cut his shirt’s strings, and pulled it off his body. “Do I have to get your trousers too?”
Zoro chuckled and took them off himself. “You don’t need to do that.” Once he was naked, he put one finger inside you and commented, “are you ready for me? Ready to let me inside?” Zoro started teasing until you were begged.
“Yes, please.” You pleaded.
Zoro thrusted himself inside, and kept an even pace. He wasn’t gentle and didn’t hold back. “Such a good girl for trusting me.” He cooed darkly. “You’re such a good girl.”
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thinkofahappyplace · 9 months
♡ Some time together
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♥ Roronoa Zoro x reader ✎ FLUFF ✎ Synopsis: just a short fluffy zoro thing ✎ WC: 1k
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It's a beautiful day, the birds call to each other over the ship, deep blue waves crash against the sides, the sky is spotless. You stare wistfully at the picturesque scene the porthole creates. The hammock you and your boyfriend share sways with the boat and you tighten your grip on his hand each time you feel yourself begin to tip-- and each time, he smirks. You knew he wouldn't let you fall, but it really wasn't up to him, and the way the hammock turned sometimes you felt you were about to crash to the floor if you made any larger movements. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Snapped out of your thoughts, you peered up at the swordsman.
"What do you mean?" you ask. Normally you don't exactly plan to do the things you and the crew get up to. "Nami told me there's a market in the port, gave me a list. What's your job?" Zoro replies, mumbling the last parts in annoyance. "Oh," you say, glancing from the shiny gold pieces dangling from Zoro's ears, to the small potted plant you had picked up in a previous port-side town that now sits on the table. Giggling, you say to him, "I didn't get assigned something to do tomorrow, but Nami did tell me there was a market if I wanted to go get anything." "What?! Do you think she told Sanji or Usopp to do anything?!" He asks, obviously annoyed. "I don't know," you reply, "but I can go with you." It sounds nice actually, maybe it'll be just you and him, a date. "No, it's fine I don't need any help," Zoro says-- you could be offended by how he put this, but you know he just doesn't like unnecessary help and it's the only reason that crosses his mind of why you'd want to go. It's not romantic, you're running an errand that could literally be done by anyone else, he could attempt to help Franky and Usopp build another contraption, or explore the town with you and Luffy, let Sanji get the groceries! He adjusts his hand and sweeps his thumb across your knuckles, letting out a huff of frustration. "What if I just want to spend time with you?" you say, sliding the hand Zoro's not holding, over his bicep and givng it an affectionate squeeze. You press your lips to his warm skin, pulling away and looking up at the swordsman you see he's turned as red as Luffy's shirt.  "We- I-... We'd just be getting groceries. I-it's not fun o-or romantic.. or.. anything..." he mumbles.
You really want to laugh, really, really want to, but you don't. You feel your heart swell and it feels like it's going to burst out. Zoro's face is still bright red but now your cheeks start to flood with color too. Leaning up, you capture Zoro's lips in a sweet kiss and feel his free arm come up to steady you as the hammock still sways, placing his hand firmly on your waist. You're just pulling away when a large wave rushes under the boat, rocking the hammock. You fall against Zoro, though it went unnoticed as he'd already pulled you against him when he felt the hammock jerk.  "Be careful," Zoro mumbles, cheeks burning as he looks down at you with your face pressed against his bare chest.  "Sorry~, but let me come with you tomorrow," you say smiling up at the swordsman. Pushing yourself up carefully on your elbow, you settle into a more comfortable position and continue.  "It'll be fun if we're together, and it'll be so nice to have some time together off the ship again." You say. It's not often that you and Zoro get time alone anywhere, normally you'd have a task or chore or something that kept you apart and busy, and when you didn't you usually weren't alone.  "...Okay-- but tell Nami to give Sanji the list next time, he's the one who cooks!" Zoro says with a huff. You put your head down on his shoulder with a laugh and Zoro can't hide the smile that tugs at his lips.  -- The next day -- The morning fog had cleared by the time you landed in the port, revealing a bustling community with a port-side market lined with colorful stalls of fresh foods and intricate crafts. The dock grew closer and as Franky maneuvered the Sunny into place, Zoro came down from the crows nest. The crew met in the kitchen. It'd be a two day stay, a quick stop for food and fuel and a bit more time to let a passing storm go by.  "Zoro, I want you to look closely at each item I've written down and each item you pick up." Nami says, pointing to the paper in her hand that she then folds and hand to an annoyed looking Zoro.  "I'm not a kid! And I only messed up once!" He claims.  "Three times." Nami says glaring stiffly at him. "Then don't send me to do it!" Zoro shouts, his ears turning red with frustration. "ZORO! Do not shout at Nami-chan!" Sanji shouts back at the swordsman, fists clenched.  "Shut up!" Zoro responds. "Maybe I should send someone else..." Nami begins to say, looking around the room. "No it's okay, Zoro and I can do it," you say, eyeing your boyfriend and the cook who are getting a little too aggressive with their argument in the corner.  "Oh! Y/N you're going with Zoro? That'd be perfect-- here!" Nami says, grabbing the note back from Zoro and taking out another, noticeably longer one and folding it. She hands it to you and smiles, "I trust you! Watch him!", Nami points at Zoro who's grabbing Sanji by the shirt collar. You laugh and grab Zoro's arm, dragging him away from the cook.  "You can count on us! Be back soon everybody!", and with a smile you push Zoro out the door. 
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ravelqueen · 1 year
One Piece fights are fun to watch, but One Piece itself has never been about the fights primarily - it's about all these themes, the emotions behind the fights. Because Luffy Does What He Wants it's never a question of orders or obligation for him - it's always a question of why does he want to fight? What drives him and others to not give up?
Sure the fights themselves are fun and cool! You know I cheered on fights because I like action scenes! But without that emotional weight behind it, I just wouldn't care?
With the Gear 5 reveal episode it's so cool because it ties into so many of the actual themes of the show and is such a narrative culmination of them that it's extra satisfying to watch.
The comparison I've seen a lot is Dragonball and the SSJ transformation and LET ME SAY RIGHT NOW that I'm not starting a fight here about what's better/more epic - I'm a longtime dragonball enjoyer I watched and rewatched that show years before most of you were alive. And while the SSJ transformation is extremely cool and ties in with Goku's character (i.e. that it's not selfish anger that gets him there) and expands on the Lore it's not really tied in with any of the shows themes as such, simply because that's not the sort of writer Toriyama is.
One Piece on the other hand is full of themes that the narrative builds itself on, especially of authority and freedom, about societal norms and how/why you might want to break them - something that is a quintessential pirate narrative btw.
When it was revealed that Luffy was the reincarnated Warrior of Smiles and Liberation I gasped, because it was always him, it could have only ever been him, because he has always made people laugh, has made them free (both physical and emotional, figuratively and literally) has only ever really cared about freedom - of being as free as possible, living without regrets and restraint and the thought that in a way the Devil Fruit chose him for those qualities, for the embodiment of freedom and to have it mirrored in his Awakening and his fight is just such Good Narrative Storytelling it makes me tear my hair out at how good Oda is at it.
(In addition, re the anime staff) cutting it with Hiyori's scene, having that moment of her being finally free of the burden of the last 20 years, of being able to stop enduring but instead giving her pain and pride a voice without having to stifle it is such a great choice to bring home those themes of individual freedom and the catharsis that comes with it...I'm just so !!!! LOOK AT ONE PIECE!! LOOK AT HOW GOOD IT IS!! PLEASE BREATHE IN THE THEMES.
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
i love captains-first mates dynamics so much because they are so different and luzo NOT being childhood friends to lovers and instead being love at first sight/only cremate luffy sought out/all that instead of 2 different kinds of growth together that kidkiller and lawbepo had is really so fun
luzo are not a slow burn they are an explosion, luffy waits for nothing, he isnt scared to lose this new and precious friendship he found. idk if theres a fic but there should be where luzo first time is post mihawk. luffy getting a clear confirmation that zoro is his and since he is His why wouldnt he tear into him. yes grave injury may be a turn off but seeing a weakened and vulnerable zoro makes luffy insane (hes alive that placated some of his protective instincts, his worry is settling down) he hates that zoro is hurt but his weak voice makes him hard and zoros proclamation of loyalty is vivid in luffy's mind. that's his right there he doesnt want to wait ..they can be careful right it's fine (zoro is crazy enough to go along you know this)
the way the power balance is so different where luzo are most equal and lawbepo is the least lol
personally i love thinking that out of aaaaalll of them killer is the most mature and savvy when it comes to relationships (because while law got more seriousness in him than the remaining five combined - he is very able to hurt bepo) killer got his cute level headed moments i adore. i love that he can hold kid on a short leash and make him think it was his idea But also just allow kid to do whatever because he adores him
⬆️ being true for all vices but in different ways. killer is indulgence, idk if im overfocusing on their age gap but imo killer somewhat still feels like taking care of kid as a younger brother so that "sure babe" is laced with care, adoration, acute awareness that he is letting a wild horse run free and it will surely break something and hurt itself and "i have a firm hand on your arm so you dont trip, i love you"
bepo sees law as godlike of course captain can do whatever, his word is absolute and he is never wrong. "you are the best thing around and the best thing in my life i love you"
zoro is so hard when luffy is wilding out it stops his brain function. "i will lose all my limbs for you i love you"
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P15
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, PTSD, Panic attack and Making out .
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P16 - P17 - P18
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With night starting to fall you, Robin, Chopper and Nami headed out onto the deck, despite the bath and shower being a little stressful you're glad you did it, with clean hair and skin plus some fresh warm clothes you feet so much better. The island was littered with people from different pirate crew while their ships lined up next to the sunny, lanterns light up the island along with several cooking station and a big bonfire, the air was filled with Music, talking and laughter warming your heart and bringing a smile to your face. "There's a lot more people than i thought" you think out loud stopping at the end of the ramp, Nami takes your hand and rubs your arm "Are you gonna be ok? We can go back if you want" her voice sounded concerned but you smile at her and shake your head "No i'm fine, i'm just really thankful" She smiles back at you but as you look around, you realize someone is missing "Has Sabo turned up yet?" you ask looking at the three who shake their heads making your smile drop, you hope Sabo's ok since he stayed behind to do stuff but your confident in that man's skills, he is Luffy's brother after all and a member of the revolutionary army. You start walking again saying hi to people on the way some of them having to be told off by Nami or Chopper for scaring you when they tried to hug you. As much as you love all the support and their help your still not happy with people outside your crew hugging you at the moment, there is one exception to that though and that is the eight girls you saved.
Rin was the first to spot you before you could even call out to them, she gasps before standing almost stumbling over her own feet "Y/N" she yells getting the other girl's attention away from some Tontatta's their sitting with around a lantern and food. The eight girls run over to you with large smiles and slight tears, as much as you want to let them crash into you for a hug you hold your hands out to stop them from doing so, luckily it seemed they had no intention of crashing into since they all stop just short of you before you can raise your arms fully. You can't help but look them over in amazement, their skin has more color in it now and their wearing warm clothes, they also seem to have more energy. "Thank you so much, for everything, we are so grateful to you and your crew" Sakura steps forward, always the leader of the small group and smiles at you before going to bow. You quickly step closer take Sakura's arms and stopping her from bowing, she looks at you in surprise but doesn't flinch at your touch "You bow to no one now, your free so please don't" You sigh hoping you didn't scare her with your sudden action but her eyes soften and a small smile appears on her face "Thank you Y/N, can i hug you?" Sakura asks but instead of answering you pull her into a hug. "I'm glad your all ok" You sigh in relief while gesturing for the others to join the hug, they jump at the opportunity but are careful when wrapping their arms around you, trying not to smother you.
The girls soon let you go and look over at your other crew mates "Thank you, Miss Nami and Miss Robin" Sakura smiles at them walking over to the two and taking their hands "And don't forget the amazing Doctor Chopper" Rin smiles wide while bending down along with Emi and Lina to start fawning over the blushing and smiling reindeer. Nami and Robin nod at the girls while squeezing Sakura's hands "It's no problem, you girls are fun to hang out with" Nami giggles, as the girls talk with your crew you watch them until something tap your shoulder. Turning around you raise your eyebrow at not seeing anyone there, panic starts to from in you hoping your nightmare hasn't followed you into the real world but then there was a small sweet voice "Down here silly" You jump a little at the voice and place your hand over your heart while gasping in surprise at the small blue Tontatta on your shoulder. "Wicca, don't scare me like that" You let out a breath trying to calm yourself down as the tiny woman rubs the back of her head "Sorry" she looks away feeling bad for scaring you but you soon relax. A buzzing sound catches your attention so you look ahead of you to see Bian flapping her wigs while one of her pink bee's fly's next to her holding none other than their Captain Leo "Hay guys, you both look amazing, how's your pirate adventure going?" you ask with a big smile while holding your cupped hands out for the two to rest on "It's going good, we've seen so much but were glad we could help you, at first we didn't think were were gonna make it in time to help" Leo smiles up at you while still sitting on the pink bee laying in your hand.
Bian pats her bee's head with a proud stance "It was quiet the fight but there's nothing my girls can't handle" You nod at them happy to have their help and to see their ok, Wicca walks down your arm to join the two in your hands as you speak "Thank you all so much, i can't tell you how happy i am to have so many people who care, I'm so glad your all ok, your all truly amazing" You tear up a bit as Wicca does the same going to hit your hand but is stopped by Leo holding her back and listing her up "Stop saying things like that, i don't wanna cry" The blue haired girl yells kicking her legs out as she tried to get out of Leo's hold "Calm down, don't hurt Y/N-land" The Captain of their crew yells out dragging her to sit on the pink bee as Bian pinches her nose and sighs "Sorry about her" You shake your head at them and let out a nervous laugh "I'm sorry I'll stop, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'll leave you guys to get back to the feast, have fun" The three nod at you before starting to fly up off your hands, yelling their goodbyes the four fly off to go back to their crew "Hay Y/n, Nami and Robin are going to stay with the girls so I'll help you find Luffy and Zoro" Chopper runs up to you and takes your hand, you can't help but laugh though at his face covered in pink and red kiss marks, bending down you wipe them away for him knowing he'll hate being laughed at by the crew for it. "Ok, Lead the way doctor Chopper" you stand keeping hold of his hand as the reindeer starts to walk.
Chopper smiles while swaying a bit at you calling him doctor but soon managed to calm himself down, it was hard to see through the large groups of people but luckily there was a path through it all so you just followed that. After a while of walking you stated to get tired and nervous, anxiety growing in your stomach making you feel sick, you couldn't find the two you wanted to be with. Chopper notices your panicked breathes and stops walking helping you sit down on a fallen log that no one is sitting on "It's ok Y/n, just breathe, we can head back to the sunny if it's too much" The doctor states in a calm voice but has to yell a little with all the singing, talking and music around you two. "N-no.. I'm sorry.. I-i just want to-" You grip your chest as it starts to hurt, you didn't know anyone around you but chopper, yes they all helped you but you had no idea who they are, you didn't feel safe, you wanted more familiar faces, you wanted Zoro and Luffy. "Y/N... Your up SUPER" Franky walks over before doing his pose making you snap out of your spiraling thoughts, Chopper looks up at Franky with a big smile happy to see the giant cyborg but the man looks down in slight shock at your teary eyes and tense body "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" He raises his hands in surrender but you shake your head starting to calm down now that someone else you know if finally around you, it's not that you didn't feel safe with chopper its just there were to many unfamiliar face compared to the one you know. "Y-you didn't scare me... I just got a bit overwhelmed" You whisper while gripping Chopper's hand that he holds out to you.
The giant cyborg nods before walking closer and kneeling down "You know what can fix everything? some fresh Cola and some loving company" His big smile and words make your eyes widen "You know where Luffy and Zoro are?" You ask scooting closer to him in hopes that he knows, with a chuckle Franky nods "Yep, i just left to go and check on Robin but I'll take you over there" Jumping up you can't help but hug the cyborg wrapping your arms around his neck making him chuckle a little more and pat your head lightly. "Thank you, Franky, thank you for everything you guys have done, I'm so grateful to have you guys in my life" You smile up at him while pulling away to see the robot rub his teary eyes with his arm, he cry's out making you hold back a laugh at his over dramatics "Oh Y/N, there's no need to thank us you brave soul" Franky cry's making Chopper smile up at him patting the robots leg in comfort, the cyborg can be so overly dramatic sometimes but you wouldn't have it any other way. He soon stops with a sniffle while wiping his eyes "How about i carry you two it'll be quicker" He offers, you wanted to say no and walk but your leg were tired and sore so you nod. He stay knelled down so its easier for you to sit on his shoulder, Chopper jumps up and sits on his other shoulder before Franky stands up and starts to walk to where Luffy and Zoro are. "Oh by the way Robin is with Sakura's group close to the Sunny" You inform hoping to make finding the black haired woman easier for your crew mate, Franky nods as his hand rests on your leg helping to keep your balanced while your on his shoulder.
That familiar laughter soon breaks through the crowd making you smile bigger than before knowing that its Luffy but as you get closer to the group your captain isn't there. Zoro, Usopp and Bartolomeo are sitting on a large blanket with pillows and empty plates littered around them but there was a big gap in the middle for some reason. "Hay Guys, Look who i found" Franky calls out with a big smile soon stopping next to the Blanket, Usopp smile at the three of you before standing but almost gets knocked back by Barto who scrambles to get up. Zoro turns to look behind him and up at the giant cyborg, his smile grows at seeing you. "Miss Y/N, i'm so glad your ok.. You just missed Mister Luffy he went to get more food, but he'll be back soon" The rooster shoots up from where he was sitting and runs over to you almost trampling over Zoro who was about to get up. You scoot back a bit on Franky's shoulder as Barto reaches up for you, He's only trying to help and probably impress your crew but your not comfortable with him touching you just yet, he's too eager and hyper, plus he doesn't know where your hurt. "Here let me help you do-" Barto smiles wide at you only for his face to get grabbed by Zoro who shoves him away. "Calm down and back off" The swordsman growls before looking up at you seeing you start to calm down from your slight panic "Do you need help?" Zoro asks as Franky kneels down letting you and Chopper off his shoulders you nod and hold out your hand which the swordsman takes while his other hand goes to your side being careful not touch the bruises he knows are there.
Usopp sighs and gets up walking over to Barto who's rubbing his head after being shoved to the ground "I did warn you" The sniper sighs before turning to Chopper who runs over to check if the roosters ok. "Thanks again Franky" You smile at the cyborg when your fully off his shoulder "It's no problem, Here, like i said before, a good cola fixes everything... I'll see you guys later" The cyborg laughs handing you a bottle of Cola before walking off, Usopp and Chopper waving him goodbye before helping Barto stand up and walk back over to the blanket. After taking the bottle you wave him off before turning to Zoro and wrap your arms around his waist finally feeling safe in his embrace, the swordsman holds you close one arm around your waist and the other running through your hair. The swordsman lightly smiles placing a kiss on your head before breathing in the smell of your freshly cleaned hair "You smell nice" The green haired man whispers making you tense up a bit as you grip onto him, those words bringing back bad memoirs that you try and push away. Zoro rubs your back trying to calm you down while mentally cursing himself for making you like this "Sorry baby.. I-i don't mean to" You relax a little after taking a few deep calming breathes, looking up at him you lean back a bit to place your free hand on his cheek not wanting him to feel the way he is. "No it's ok, you did nothing wrong. I think i'm still a little jumpy from everything thats happened today" You sigh before leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek.
The swordsman nods as he guides you over to the blanket "Want to talk about it?" You think for a minute as Zoro helps you sit down before sitting next to you and pulling you into his side, so he can hold you "I don't want you to get angry or anything" He takes a breath at your words calming himself down before giving you a nod letting you know he won't get angry or act out. Barto goes to talk to you but Usopp is quick to place a hand over the roosters mouth knowing Zoro needs time to talk with you, Chopper sighs and shakes his head at the rooster before whispering for him to calm down. Telling Zoro lifted a lot of weight off your shoulders, he didn't think you were stupid or weak for getting scared or having a panic attack in fact he soothed you rubbing your arm and kissing your head as you drank the Cola Franky gave you, the cyborg was right a fresh Cola and come loving company fixes everything. It wasn't long until Luffy came running back with a huge plate of food, his eye light up when seeing you and without thinking he yells out your name. It makes you jump slightly but when you turn to see Luffy a big smile forms on your face as you wave at him "Luffy" You yell back seeing the captain pick up his speed while walking over but trying not to drop any of the food stacked high on the large plate. The captain places the plate down in the middle now making you realize why there was a gap in the first place "Wow Luffy, Where did you get all that?" You ask while looking the pile of food up and down now unable to see the others with how wide and tall it is.
Luffy sits down next to you as the others start to dig in "Sanji and the other cooks are making loads of stuff" The captain wraps his arms around you as you turn to him and wrap your arms around him wanting to get a hug in before he's too occupied by food. You sigh in relaxation while resting your head on Luffy's shoulder "Don't get too comfy, you should eat before i eat it all" The captain laughs as you jump in shock pushing away from him knowing he's not messing around, you may be dating but that doesn't stop him from taking your food. "Luffy, You can't eat it all again" Usopp yells peaking his head out from around the pile of food to glare at his friend but Luffy ignores him just digging into the food as you join him, Zoro wraps his arm around your waist pulling you into his side again wanting you close as he drinks. You happily sit between the two feeling a lot calmer and safer while eating. After you've had your fill you sigh in happiness only for Zoro to reach over and use his thumb to remove some food from the corner of your mouth, a small blush forms of your face as his eyes meet yours, The swordsman brings his thumb to his lips and licks the food off of it before giving you a flirty smile. Your cheeks go redder as your mouth moved trying to form words but can't even when Zoro starts to lean closer. "It tasted good... mind if i have some more?" Zoro asks brushing his lips against yours, the pounding in your chest gets louder and louder but you nod letting a small smile form as the swordsman closes the gasp placing his lips on yours.
The two really know how to make you flustered and normally you would complain but you couldn't in this moment, you felt so loved, so safe as his arm sneaks around your waist pulling you into him as his tongue licks your lower lip asking for more. Normally he wouldn't ask, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable after everything thats happened, humming in delight you open your mouth for him letting his tongue in to meet yours as your hands run up his arms to his neck, your thumbs running across his jawline. You didn't want it to end, his touch was gentle on your injured area's but firm in your uninjured areas, its like he's studied your body knowing where he can touch you and where he can't while not even looking. Zoro pulls away first not wanting you to get breathless "My strong girl" He whispers against your lips making you smile and pull him in for a hug your hand running through his hair, thanks to nami you actually believe it now, you are strong and it's nice to know others think of you that way. Zoro holds you close to him while rubbing your back and placing kisses on your head enjoying you being back with him. His eyes soon land on Luffy who had stopped eating a little while ago his eyes fixed on the two of you, the swordsman could tell the captain was a little upset although he tried to hide it. "Lu, you want to join?" The swordsman asks holding out one of his hands managing to snap his lover out of his own head, a small smile forms on Luffy's face as he scoots closer.
Moving away from Zoro you pat the area in between you two seeing a bigger smile form on the Captains face, sitting in between the two of you Luffy wraps his arms around you both letting your heads rest on his shoulder as your arms go around his waist. You know Luffy loves to hold you both close like this, placing a kiss on your captains cheek he smiles down at you before pecking your lips while Zoro lets out a small chuckle kissing Luffy's neck a few times. A hum of satisfaction leaves the captains mouth from the feeling before turning to kiss Zoro's head, the three of you sit there enjoying each others warmth and comfort as music and talking fill the air, once in a while you would move your head into Luffy's neck either kissing it or feeling his pulse against your forehead. Zoro drink the rest of his sake before interlocking his fingers with yours that lies on Luffy's chest while kissing his captains shoulder or jawline. Luffy would lean into who ever was showing him affection at the time but if the two of you were giving him affection at the same time then he would lean his head back a bit while his arms hold you both tighter enjoying the feeling. It wasn't long before you noticed Luffy staring at you, looking up at him your eyes lock with his seeing slight sadness, unhooking your fingers from Zoro you reach up to place your hand on your captains cheek "You ok honey?" You whisper letting your thumb run under his eye, Luffy nods while placing his forehead on yours "i'm glad to have you back" He whispers back while moving his nose against yours, knowing what he wants you lean up placing your lips on his.
Before he can ask you lightly bite his lower lip, with a smile Luffy shoves his tongue into your mouth as your lips move together, letting out a hum your tongues meet moving together as his hand wonders, anxiety wells up in you as his hand gets closer to your thigh but it soon moves away making you relax knowing that he won't touch your injured leg, pulling away Luffy peaks your lips "Don't worry, i won't touch it... I'll just have to find a new favorite spot" He laughs with a small smile making your smile drop, you didn't want him to find a few favorite spot "Lu, It can still be your favorite spot. Just once its healed" Luffy's big smile comes back as he buries his head into you neck giving it loads of kisses making you laugh trying to push him away but his grip is too strong. Zoro laughs along watching as his captain attacks your neck "Thank you, Muffin" Luffy calls out before pulling away from your next letting you get your breath back, lightly hitting his chest you playfully glare at him but his expression didn't change making your eyes soften knowing how happy you've just made him. "Speaking of muffins" The captain stretches his arm out, reaching into the pile of food and pulling out a muffin, ripping it in two he hands half of it to you making your eyes widen, its very rare for him to share food. "I have to share a muffin with my muffin" Luffy laughs before biting into his half, you take the other half while kissing is cheek "I swear your sometimes worse than the cook" Zoro comments while looking away with a slight blush, you couldn't tell if it was because of what just happened or the amount of alcohol he's consumed.
Luffy pulls the swordsman back into him crashing his lips onto his lovers, a shocked hum leaves Zoro's mouth making it easy for Luffy to slip is tongue into the swordsman's mouth. You smile at the two while eating your muffin watching as Zoro starts to relax into it while seeming to try and gain control but Luffy had the upper hand. Pulling away Luffy puts his big smile back on while pressing his forehead against Zoro's "You know.. You only say that kind of thing when you want attention" Luffy's comment seemed accurate since the swordsman's face goes bright red as his eyes widen, you don't know how but your captain always seems to know these things. Unable to form words the swordsman growls before kissing the captain again burring his hand in his black hair keeping his lover close. Rolling your eyes at the flustered and needy swordsman you look over at the food pile now being able to see the other side, Usopp and Chopper are laughing and joking with each other while also messing with some food, Barto on the other hand had wide eyes and blushing cheeks while watching Luffy and Zoro make out, it made you realize that he's never seen the three of you together like this. Everyone knows about your relationship but maybe seeing it is a different some how. When he doesn't stop looking you lean closer and wave your hand in front of his face managing to snap him out of it "It's rude to stare" You giggle while sitting back, he gulps and nods keeping his eyes on you even though the swordsman and captain have now pulled away from each other trying to get their breath back.
Barto clears his throat his blush getting worse, but he scoots closer only stopping when the plate of food between you and him touches his knees "I'm sorry Miss Y/N, i didn't mean to state i-i just wanted to urm..." He takes a breath while rubbing the back of his head seeming nervous about something "I'm sorry about before, i-i didn't mean to scare you, i was out of line" The rooster looks down in shame due to his earlier actions, Luffy raises an eyebrow while looking between you and Barto "What? You ok?" The captain asks putting his arm around your waist but you nod letting him know your fine. Zoro sighs leaning back on his elbows "Yea you should be, Think next time" The swordsman grumbles but you reach over and pat his leg trying to calm the man down. " It's ok, He just tried to help me down off Franky's shoulder" You smile seeing your captain nod now knowing you weren't hurt but he still doesn't understanding why Zoro would get so frustrated over it, you turn back to Barto his eye's meeting yours "I appreciate the help but i'm still a little jumpy and some of my injuries still hurt so... Thanks for the help though" You smile at him getting the Rooster to nod with a big smile happy that you've forgiven him "Mister Zoro's right i should have thought before i acted, Is there anything i can do for you?" Barto asks cupping his hands together hoping to make it up to you and Zoro but the swordsman groans trying to ignore the rooster's attempts to please you. "No i'm good" You raise your hands up getting the man to nod and calm down a bit.
Luffy pouts a little while placing his chin on your shoulder looking up at you with slight puppy dog eyes "You could've asked him to get more meat" You can't help but laugh a little as you turn to look down at your pouting Captain "You have a whole plate of food still" His pout gets worst at your words making Barto spring up from where he was sitting "It's ok Mister Luffy, I'll get you some more" Barto panics before running off Usopp and Chopper yelling at him since he almost kicked the two over. "Bring booze" Zoro yells out after the man who weaves through the crowd of people some yelling at him because he knocked into them. "He's funny" Luffy smiles as he pulls away from your shoulder to watch the man, Usopp rubs the back of his head with a sigh "He's something" The sniper comments while letting out a breath and laying on his back to look up at the sky, Chopper nods agreeing with his friend while laying down next to him also looking up at the sky. You can't help but watch the two for a minute happy that their both ok, you can't believe just a few days ago they were fighting vice admirals and guards to help rescue you. "Thank you" You suddenly say making Usopp and Chopper raise their heads to look over at you "Thank you.. for helping me" You say again giving them a smile, the two shoot up with a big smile while rubbing the back of their heads "There's no need to thank us" Chopper sways a little while Usopp wipes his nose "You can always rely on the great Captain Usopp" You can't help but let out a small giggle at their different reactions, Luffy laughs a little to while wrapping his arm back around your waist.
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melkyt · 1 month
CW: Child Abuse, Doflamingo is a warning all of his own
Thinking about Law's flavor of trauma again. Making Doflamingo worse than he is, I like him being an absolute asshole but only to Law xd. So Doflamingo would often give Law orders, and in ways that he had to obey or die, Law was walking a tightrope, trying to prove useful to Doffy and survive long enough to get the fruit. He sometimes still remembers all the beatings, all the blood on his hands when he stopped caring just to avoid the pain at Diamante's or worse Doflamingo's hand. He would learn to obey no matter what it was, his soul, and any idea of morals that his parents taught him dying along with it.
That is until Cora saved him, until he met Penguin and Shachi, where they all learned what it is like to just be kids and not be afraid of a beating just because an adult barked at them with any sembelance of command. They healed together from the abuse they went through as children.
Still the trauma lingers there at the edges of his subconscious, and when Law is not at full health emotionally or physically, he finds himself following orders that are said in a firm tone and he hates more then anything. He always had nightmares after. That's why he avoids relationships outside casual one night stands. So when he starts meeting with Luffy, one turns to two, then three. Then they are dating, and that fear of he is only doing what Luffy wants will do what Luffy wants at their first argument as a couple pulses at the back of his mind constantly. He is afraid that by being in a relationship, he is sacrificing the freedom that Cora worked so hard to get him, yet he can't quite gather the strength to end it with Luffy. So he worries, doubts eating away.
Then while they are traveling they encounter a devil fruit user that has the power to bind two souls, making one the leader and the other cursed to obey for a time, it is a battle of willpower and Luffy's is stronger, he has no doubts about their relationship, or doubts about anything in general. He only does what he wants when he wants it, *others should either keep up with him, or speak up that they can't, he trusts Law to tell him things*
This Devilfruit user leaves as soon as they curse the two of them. Luffy saying something that comes of as an order. Law struggling to not do it, tears burning at the edges of his eyes. Its like all his doubts came true. He tries to hide it as he does whatever little thing Luffy asked him to do.
Luffy notices that Law is doing it just like that. Usually, they bicker about most tasks, casual and with a grin, thats half the fun. He notices that Law is in distress and that he is about to cry. Luffy tells Law to stop, which only makes it worse. Law's hands shake.
Luffy pouts that Law listens again. He makes a few statements, testing whats going on. Then, gets it and starts adding 'if you want' before every statement. Whatever power took control of Law relaxes and he can talk, but he still breaks down in Luffy's arms. Because of having to obey, and because he did not expect Luffy to adjust to make sure he is not forcing Law to obey even though he has the actual power to do so.
Luffy calling Traffy dumb, ofc he dont want boring ass obedience. He wants everyone to be free, why would he ever make Traffy do anything he doesnt want? They love each other right? So its only right that he wants his special one to do whatever he wants and be free. Law is beyond words, holding onto Luffy as he comes down from reliving some of the worst times of his existence. Then they go back to bickering in their usual way xd
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
A Parody Of A Parody (Any Sport In A Storm)
One of the foundational parts of The Owl House is that someone looked at a magical otherworld story and thought “what would I do in that situation?”.
As a result, you get Luz, someone who is creative to the point of breaking the plot, who understands the mechanics of stories so well that she can call things out before they happen. Someone for whom the realisation that its ok to be unique and stray from the path comes easily. Luz doesn’t resist the story at all, she embraces it with open arms.
She is, in that way, a parody of certain other characters, most specifically Monkey D Luffy. She actively seeks adventure because it’s fun to her rather being obligated by revenge or duty or a desire to protect those she cares about. She has that range, but it’s not her core motivation. She’s heroic, but she’s not coming at it from a particularly stand out motivation. She’s just kind, and that leads her to being the hero.
So, what happens if we reshuffle our hands and play with something new. What if we had someone else go on the same journey as Luz, in their own way? Someone else parodying her.
Then you get Hunter, and Any Sport In A Storm.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD (The Owl House, One Piece, Lord Of The Rings)
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Monkey D Luffy is a good person naturally. That’s why he will topple governments and fight gods. But fundamentally, his motivation is selfish. He wants to be happy and free. I’m not saying that’s villainous; I’m saying its amoral. You apply it in context.
Case and point, a key villain of the story, Blackbeard, has the exact same motivation. The difference being that Blackbeard has no care for anyone’s life except his own, and Luffy cares deeply about everyone else; his personal happiness cannot coexist with letting people get hurt. The character is kind, the motivation is not. Kindness is a characteristic not a goal.
Luffy’s and Blackbeard’s motivations both lead them to Impel Down, but Blackbeard’s character caused the Ace’s death, while Luffy’s made Ace’s life meaningful. Motivation is a big part of who a person is, but it’s far from the whole picture.
It’s almost as if people are inherently complex. I wonder if that’s important to the series’ theming.
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"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" accompanying a symmetrical shot with Hunter in front of an empty throne room that is too big for him to fill. I wonder if there's any symbolism there.
Hunter is not Blackbeard. He’s not a villain, most importantly. This is why he doesn’t actually get redeemed, he just switches sides, but that’s an argument for another day. He’s also doesn’t share a motivation with Luz.
Except he does, except he doesn’t. It’s complicated, and this gets granular.
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Ok, the symbolism behind this. Hunter doesn't have the practical skills required for anything beyond following orders. He can read and learn, but that came from his need to read instructions. When it comes to putting something together, he will try, but he is in way over his head. This is part of the episode's setup, establishing the conflict to come. Here, that is being reshuffled. Hunter can do heroic stuff, it's the mundanity that's a problem for him.
Luz seeks to be accepted; Hunter wants to fit in. These are both facets of a desire for belonging, but their differences are more important. You could argue that they are effectively the same, but that restricts everyone into about three categories, those seeking belonging, safety, or comfort. The Owl House is fundamentally opposed to categorisation in this way, and the point of these two protagonists is that the two things are not equivalent.
This episode highlights that, showing how two similar characters react in wildly different ways.
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It's not important, but the fact that the Crow Phone line is like torn paper makes me smile. It's a medieval aesthetic take on a modern visual.
Most notably is in their personalities. Because while their aims are similar, these two characters are opposites. Hunter isn’t curious, he’s wary. Hunter is constantly strategizing, paranoid that something might hurt him, Luz has zero impulse control at the best of times. Also, Hunter actively resists the plot at every turn.
The brave new world in this case is the opposite of Luz’s in a way. Where Luz went from mundanity to adventure, Hunter has gone from questing for the emperor to school drama.
The lessons here become the same as those that Luz learns day one. It’s ok to be different. Hunter just has a hard time learning that because he isn’t willing to look past what he thinks he already knows yet. He has blind spots, and he isn’t willing to examine them.
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A good example of this is the contrast between the details that terrify our protagonists. I can’t exactly point at “everything”, so something specific. Luz freaks out when Eda loses her head the first time, Hunter barely flinches at Bellos’ transformation. Instead, Hunter is terrified by someone saying that they want to change the system.
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The question then becomes: how do you get someone this resistant to change to undergo character development? Incongruity. Make his motivation clash with his blind spot and force him to operate in that unknown territory.
Hunter gets told to recruit the best and brightest, and to do that, he has to get unconventional. He has to learn that greatness comes in many forms, and if there was that useful piece of information to be found, what else could be hidden in places he has avoided looking?
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At the moment, we’re setting up for bigger things down the road, and to do that, we need to get Hunter ready to accept some big changes.
So, we bring him into direct conflict with an authority figure, twice. We give him a support group that encourages him to think differently. We give him a way of using his skills that isn’t as a tool.
But more importantly, we mess with his idea of what people do and don't deserve.
"Where I come from, even chances have to be earned."
That's a pretty fundamental part of Hunter's character. He says the word "earn" so many times in this episode alone that it becomes a mantra. He believes you have to work to receive basic human decency. Willow shows him that that's not the case, and that he can chose to open himself up, if he wants. The emperor's way is not the only way.
He doesn’t pick any of these options yet, but we’re widening the scope of his character, letting him know that those other options are available. We’re setting up a Chekhov’s gun in the form of the power of friendship.
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On the note of skills, has anyone else noticed that if it wasn’t for Willow, Hunter would unquestionably be the team powerhouse? Like, Luz is creative, she can take down stronger foes than herself through tricks and clever uses of magic. She’s not overtly powerful, she’s clever. Gus is similarly an illusionist; he can’t directly stand against anyone. Hunter, without magic, and with a new staff that he doesn’t understand, can hold Amity to a standstill.
Eclipse Lake was, so far, Hunter’s worst day, and he was still a physical and tactical threat. Which is why he’s not the main character.
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The Owl House is heavily inspired by One Piece, but it throws in references to a ton of different anime, mostly shonen, and part of that is the power system. A core tenet of shonen is that raw power isn’t everything, and clever tactics can often lead to a victory despite that. Luz is the underdog, outclassed in raw magical talent, and yet she succeeds with tactics. Hunter is outclassed in natural magic, yes, but he punches far above his weight class with martial talent to make up for it. He’s a knight, an epic fantasy archetype.
Luz, with her grand dealings and evil emperor shenaniganry, is a shonen protagonist in an epic fantasy story. Hunter, with his discovery of the power of friendship and school drama, is an epic fantasy protagonist superimposed into a shonen story.
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But epic fantasy is built on a dynamic with power in a different, hierarchical way. Lord Of The Rings has a reputation for a view on monarchy that I don’t think it actually features.
Tolkien definitely had some ideas that later audiences will find iffy, but his view on leadership was pretty iron clad. A king in Lord Of The Rings is a servant of the people, and those who use the people to serve them are portrayed as villainous. The people come first.
Even Aragorn’s destiny as the one true king isn’t characterised as accepting power, it’s accepting a duty to protect. In Lord Of The Rings, there is an idea of the good king, and he doesn’t have wealth or a kingdom. He has a sword.
Which, yeah, Tolkien was a soldier in WWI. And a soldier believing that a leader’s duty is to protect those under him isn’t that hard to believe.
Later authors have focused on the idea of real-world monarchy being inherently unjust, which I can’t say I disagree with, but the aesthetics of Tolkien have remained in epic fantasy. Knights loyal to kings, etc.
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Which brings us to Bellos, and we see The Owl House’s view on unwavering loyalty. This is a series about understanding and engaging with the world around you. Hunter is loyal uncritically, which puts him as an antagonist in the series so far.
We’ll see how that goes for him.
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Final Thoughts
The side plot of this episode isn’t really plot relevant. It’s another dead end. But its thematically quite interesting.
Luz and Amity go seeking someone who has paved their way before them and find out that it was a lie. They’ll have to make it up as they go, just like everyone else. But they take comfort in doing that together. They write their own stories.
But also, the Hexside crew other than the main five got a ton of characterisation here. Bosha got moved past, and Viney and Scara are finally in the same place at the same time, which means shipping.
I have speculations about a possible season three, and what I would like to see explored, and part of that would be a spiral from Bosha while Skarney becomes an actual thing. I think those three would make a phenomenal trio to base that series around while the actual protagonists are in the human realm. It would be about what happens when the characters with actual plot armour aren’t here, and the story needs to progress anyway. Essentially, the first scene in For The Future expanded. Throw in Mattholomule and the Blight Twins, and you have a story begging to go haywire.
Nex time, I’ll be covering Reaching Out, my favourite episode of television full stop. So, stick around if that interests you.
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