#luke gen v x reader
undercoveravenger · 28 days
Fire & Ice
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Pairing: Luke Riordan x Male!Reader:
Requested: Yes
Request: “hey since you are starting to write for gen v could I request Luke x ice power reader. Maybe his side effect is he loses his body heat every time he uses his power so he absorbs heat from other things. Luke comes in and sees his boo like that and just flames on and cuddles him”
Training matches were nothing out of the ordinary at Godolkin University, especially when you were ranked as highly as you were. That didn’t mean you didn’t dread them any less.
You could feel the weight of dozens of people’s eyes on you as you stepped up to your opponent, some low-level speedster that had been gunning for your rank since they stepped foot on campus, always pushing at your boundaries and trying to taunt you into a fight to try to boost their own stats. Them prodding at your relationship was what finally pushed you over the edge.
Freezing cold spiraled from your fingertips up your arms, lacy snowflakes locking together and building up into thick sheets and spikes of ice around your hands and forearms, stacking into something between frozen boxing gloves and the gauntlets on a suit of armor.
The speedster seems taken aback for a moment, but still seems to think he can take you. The ref has hardly blown the whistle to start the match when they’re on you, one fierce punch after another coming from all directions as they speed around you. You’re taking the barrage, allowing them to get a few good hits in when your eyes lock with Luke out in the crowd. His eyes are narrowed, brows pinched in that severe way you know means he’s concerned about you, and his pretty perfect lips are turned down in a frown. You need to end this quickly, if not for your sake than for his.
You step forward with one foot, eyes fixed not on the speedster, but on where you know they will be in a fraction of a second. A thin sheen of ice spreads from your foot, glazing the ground in front of you, spiking sharply upward to form a wall as tall as you are just in time for your opponent to slam full-force into it. Their velocity being so suddenly stopped throws them off, sends them reeling long enough for you to throw one of your icy gauntlets into their chin in a brutal uppercut to their jaw and send them sprawling. The ref calls the match when your opponent is unable to stand.
You turn away then, ice beginning to melt and drip away as you approach the bench to grab your bag. Your fingers are trembling as the last of the ice crackles away, and the pins-and-needles feeling in your face tells you that your lips are probably already taking on a shade of blue from the cold.
Luke is there, already with your bag over his shoulder, eyes glinting just the lightest bit gold as he takes your hands in his, warming you with his powers as he starts tugging you away from the tournament arena, herding you quickly back to your room before you could be swarmed by your peers to congratulate you on the match.
He relents once he has you back to your room, letting go of your hands only long enough to help you out of your sweaty work out clothes and tug back the blankets on your bed for you to climb under. He deposits your bag next to your desk and slips under the blankets with you. Luke wraps his arms around you, using his powers just enough to help coax you back from the brink of frostbite.
You can feel the shivering starting to subside as your boyfriend helps you warm back up, your hands tucked between the two of you where you can feel his heartbeat against your palms. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly after a long while. “For this.”
You can feel a soft laugh rumbling through Luke’s chest as he curls closer to you, “Of course, sweetheart. If me getting to cuddle up with you helps you, then it's a win-win.” He’s quiet for a moment, before he continues, “I worry about you, y’know? That your powers hurt you like this. What if when you’re a professional hero you have to use your powers for too long and you actually get hypothermia or frostbite or whatever and we can’t fix it fast enough?”
You shrug. It’s crossed your mind before, sure. Ice powers are great and all, but you were still human - you got the negatives with the positives too. If you let yourself use your powers too long, you could freeze yourself over completely. 
“Good thing I don’t plan on letting you get too far away from me, huh?” You teased, sliding still stiff arms around your boyfriend to pull him closer. “I’ll be more careful,” you promised after a minute. Luke had been closed off with a lot of people for a long time, so now that he’s being open with you, you know you can’t just dismiss his concerns.
“Thank you,” he replies, arms tightening around you. You can feel the way his lips tug upward into a smile where they’re pressed against your forehead. His breathing slows against you as he relaxes and his anxiety eases. The beat of his heart slows, his arms still holding you close as sleep overcomes him.
When you had first started at Godolkin, you had expected the heavy course load. You had expected the training matches and the classes and the strain that mastering your powers would put on you. You had never expected Luke. You could’ve never expected to find someone who would mean so much to you, to go to all of your matches and worry about you and help you recover when your powers took too much out of you. 
It’s funny, you think, that the love of your life has fire powers while you have ice. Maybe it’s true, what they say about two halves making a whole - it certainly felt true right now with Luke curled up against you. You knew that you couldn’t be happier.
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bloodynereid · 7 months
Hi, Jordan Li fan here again! Could you maybe write an angst/comfort fic where (preferably gender neutral) reader really likes Jordan, but because Jordan and Marie have been getting closer they’re scared to confess? So they try to distance themselves from Jordan and eventually the secret comes out? Bonus points if there’s some sort of panic attack + comfort in there :). Again, completely understand if not, no pressure. Have the best day!!
Whiskey in the Shadows
pairing: jordan li x gender neutral reader
tw: cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of suicide, death, canon typical violence ish, panic attack, kissing
description: jealousy is a rather stupid emotion that unfortunately you have to contend with.
a/n: hope you enjoy this one <33 i literally wrote it out in like less than an hour and i'm actually happy with the result so yayyy. requests are open as always and yeah don't have much else to say.
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Life at God U was something you had to adjust to over the years. It was completely different from the time you spent in high school but it definitely felt way better to be surrounded by supes, not just humans who constantly pushed you away because you were ‘different’. A plus was definitely being in the top 10, which meant you had extra privileges the other students didn’t have. One was your friend group.
You first met Luke in the first week of school. You were both taking the same mandatory intro to marketing seminar and were paired up together to make a sales pitch for a product that could combine both of your powers. God, that day was almost as vivid as if you were living it right now.
“Hi.” You jumped slightly and looked up from your notes to see a tall blonde guy standing in front of your spot. 
“Uh hi.”
“You want to be my partner?” You scanned the room and saw that everyone had already paired up.
“Sure, I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Luke.” He was about to set down his bag when he realized the mess that surrounded you was going to make that difficult.
“Right, shit. Let me get this out of the way.” You quickly took all the multicolored folders from the spot next to you and shoved them into your bag, Luke pulled out the chair and sat down next to you before pulling out a notebook.
“Why the fuck do you have so many folders?” Luke said as he watched you struggle to organize them in alphabetical order.
“This class is bullshit so I mostly spend time catching up on outside projects.” You say as you are finally able to fix all your folders and turn towards Luke who has an incredulous look on his face.
“Jesus, I guess I picked the right partner then.”
“Oh don’t count on me doing all the work.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” He said with a smirk before he started to rattle off ideas of what your pitch could be.
From that moment on you two had become instant friends, eventually your little group expanded to include Luke’s girlfriend, Cate, who was probably the nicest person you had ever met. Then Andre, a legacy who didn’t actually act like it. Jordan was the last to join and all of it happened during one of your many sparring sessions with Luke.
“Ok come on you have got to be cheating!” Luke complained as you once again pinned him down on the soft mat. Your little spar was gathering some attention because the boxing ring was now crowded with supes holding up phones.
“Nope. I’m just better than you. Oh shit.” Luke took advantage of your distraction to grab your shoulder and flip you around so you landed hard against the mat.
“I win.”
“Fuck you.” You bit out before you used your powers to wrap and twist shadows around Luke’s wrists so he tumbled down next to you.
“Ok now that’s cheating.”
“We never said no powers.”
“It’s an unspoken rule!” Luke exclaimed but he had a big smile on his face as you offered a hand to him after jumping up from your own spot.
“Truce.” Luke said as he smirked and grabbed your arm, allowing you to pull him up. The crowd around the ring started dispersing as you climbed out through the ropes.
“That was pretty fucking badass.” Came a voice from one of the few remaining spectators, you expected their voice to be focused on Luke but their intense stare was pinned on you.
“Why thank you. Luke’s an easy one to beat.”
“Hey!” Luke exclaimed in indignation as he jumped down next to you and threw you one of the spare water bottles he had. You grabbed it with one of your shadows and screwed open the cap.
“I’m Jordan.”
“Nice to meet you Jordan, I’m Y/N and this is Luke as you already know.”
“Hey.” Luke said as he did some kind of military salute.
“So what are your powers?” You asked when suddenly Jordan shifted in front of you. “Holy shit.”
“That’s fucking awesome.” Luke said as he finished taking a long drag of the water bottle.
“If you’re ever up for a spar come find me.” You said as you checked the time on your phone and realized you were going to be late for class. “We have to go but it was great to meet you Jordan.”
“You too.” They said with a smile as you and Luke grabbed your bags from the floor. You waved as you went your separate ways.
“Someone has a crushhhh.” Luke said with a sing-song voice when he realized you were still staring at Jordan’s retreating back.
“Fuck off.” You said as you slapped his shoulder, making a booming laugh explode out of Luke.
Somehow you had managed to keep your crush on Jordan secret when you all reached junior year. Luke was the only one who knew and he constantly teased you about the situation, any time you stumbled over your words or got flustered in front of them. It just seemed harder and harder over the years to actually confess to Jordan. They had gotten so damn confident and like a thousand times more attractive - which is something you didn’t think was possible.
Everything sort of started to fall apart in your life the first days of junior year. It was like the universe decided to throw a wrench in your stableish life. Incident 1: Andre nearly kills a woman in the club you like to frequent. Incident 2: Luke’s nightmares get worse and he keeps having to bunk in your room because for some fucking reason he’s getting suspicious of Cate. Incident 3: Jordan is making heart eyes to someone who is not you. (not that you don’t like Marie but that was the problem, she was too damn perfect) Incident 4: Luke kills himself…
It was like your world was torn apart in the space of half an hour. Your best friend, who you considered a platonic soulmate and brother, killed Brink and then himself right in front of you. The last thing you said to him was that you loved him. Right after he hugged you as tight as humanly possible before flying off to his doom. He was fucking Icarus in that moment.
Incident 5: Luke has a brother, who’s somehow stuck in a fucking underground experimental facility in the school. Incident 6: Brink’s memorial gala…
You carefully adjusted the all-black suit embroidered with shiny black vines that you had gotten in preparation for Luke’s birthday… something that wasn’t even going to happen this year or any year for that matter. Fuck, not the time to cry. You mentally chidded yourself before assessing your look one last time in the mirror before making your way out of your dorm.
You really fucking hoped you wouldn’t run into Jordan tonight. It was getting harder to be around them… every time you saw them, they either started ranting about why Marie was around so much (you almost hoped they actually hated her for a second there but there was a certain spark in Jordan’s eyes whenever they spoke about Marie) or well yeah more complaining about Marie.
You had taken to spending more time alone, you still had a bad feeling about Cate and Andre spent most of his time with Cate so that left alone time as your only option. It had started taking a toll on you though. Mourning wasn’t exactly your strong suit. 
You stepped into the decorated hall and cringed at all the posters with Brink. You knew he was a good man but… Luke wasn’t fucking crazy. You had been trying to help him for months, he had a reason to do it and you were going to try to find his brother… as soon as this damn gala was over.
You picked one of the champagnes off of a random waiter’s tray and quirked your lips up. Time to put on a real fucking show.
The next hour was spent mingling and chatting up potential sponsors. They all seemed hesitant to even speak to you because they knew how close you and Luke were but you reassured them that it was nothing to worry about. The Vought PR lines left a sour taste in your mouth that by the end of the hour you were itching for something stronger than champagne.
Once you were sure that the bartender was looking the other way you extended one of your shadows and snatched up one of the good whiskey bottles off the shelf and into your hand. You fucking loved your powers so much sometimes. Happy with your little prize a genuine smile made its way onto your face. Only to fall when you saw Jordan directly talking to Marie. They were smiling softly at each other, making a knot form in your stomach.
You hadn’t cried since Luke. All that had managed to come out of your eyes was a single measly fucking tear right before blood rained down from the heavens. But it seemed like Jordan’s moment with Marie was your fucking breaking point.
A sob threatened to force its way out of your throat as you hurried towards one of the alcoves that you knew this damn place had. What you didn’t notice was the way a pair of brown eyes followed your rushed movements. The second you were cocooned in your shadows was the moment that the tears slowed and a hiccup left your throat.
Safe. Safe. Safe.
“Y/N? Look I know you’re in there. I know your shadows when I see them.” The distinct voice of Jordan Li permeated your little hideout, disturbing the peace that you had somehow been able to culminate.
“Fuck off.” You said in a strained tone, tears were threatening to force their way out of your eyes once more so you opened the bottle and took a long swig of burning whisky.
“Y/N… is this about Luke? Shit- I haven’t even talked to you- I’m so sorry.” Those last few words made the stupid little resolve you had left deplete so you waved your hand and the shadows parted like curtains exposing Jordan’s ethereal face which looked incredibly apologetic. She climbed into your alcove as you closed the shadows back up.
“It’s fine, Jord. You had your own shit to deal with.”
“No, it’s not fine. You- you’ve been listening to me rant about Marie and I didn’t even ask if you were okay. I’m a shitty friend.” A resounding pang echoed through your heart at the word friend. Fuck. Another swig of the fancy whiskey.
“It’s not about that Jord, I’m really fine.”
“You’re drinking whiskey… you only do that when you’re stressed and/or depressed.” It almost hurts to realize how much Jordan actually knows you.
“It’s not that Jordan.”
“Then what is it?!” Jordan almost yells, probably exasperated by your perceived stubbornness.
“I fucking like you okay? I’ve been in love with you for fucking I don’t know how long. So can you please just fuck off and leave me alone.” You yelled out, only realizing after you finished speaking what you had just said. Oh. Oh no. A familiar panic started to seize your chest. Shit, they were going to reject you. Shit. Shit. Shit. You could almost feel yourself drifting off to join your shadows when warm hands gently got a hold of you.
“Y/N, Y/N. Listen to me, you have to breathe. You have to breathe with me. Come on. No passing out on me tonight. You didn’t even hear what I was going to say. Hey.” Your breathing started to slow down as you listened to Jordan’s calming voice. They were slowly bringing you back to earth as their hands rubbed against the material of the suit, creating a calming pressure. 
“Sorry about that.” When Jordan realized I was calming down I saw a quirk of a smile appear on their face, her eyes twinkled in the dark with an intensity I had gotten familiar with over the years.
“You don’t have to be sorry at all. You get those often?”
“More now than before. I’m really fucking sorry, let’s just forget I sa-”
“No, nope. No take backsies. How the fuck did you think I didn’t like you, no wait sorry, love you back?”
“I-umm” You stuttered out as you looked at Jordan in awe. They loved you back. Holy fucking shit.
“Who came up to who first? I’ve wanted to ask you out on a date for years.”
“And why didn’t you?” You said as Jordan smirked at your renewed confidence.
“Because you are wayyy out of my league. I mean you are like the most incredible being to grace the Earth.”
“Ok now you’re exaggerating things, Jord.”
“No I’m not. I can’t believe you didn’t realize I wasn’t totally gone for you before.” You let the giddy feeling of love spread through your extremities when a realization made you stop short.
“What about Marie?”
“Marie? What are you talking about?”
“You’re like-” You made wavy motions with your hands that had Jordan’s laugh resonating against the shadows, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you watched them.
“Oh fuck, you are too funny, love. No, me and Marie are not-” Jordan repeated the wavy motions you had just done which made you smack her playfully. The movement had you shuffling closer to Jordan so now your faces seemed like they were only millimeters apart.
“Fuck.” You uttered under your breath as your nose skimmed against Jordan’s.
“Fuck is right. Can I- I umm really want to kiss you right now.”
“What are you waiting for?” You answered just as Jordan surged forward and your lips met in an explosion of sensations. You felt your shadows jump and play around you excitedly as you pulled Jordan impossibly closer by threading your fingers in their oh so soft hair. That decision rewarded you with a little whine from Jordan that had warmth spreading over your body once again.
Reluctantly pulling away you rested your forehead against Jordan’s as they smiled giddily up at you. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness and you smoothed the pads of your fingers against their cheek.
“I really fucking love you.” You said as you looked into those brown eyes that looked just like the perfect cup of coffee. Inviting, warm and absolutely enthralling.
“I love you more.” 
“Always a competition with you Jordan.” You said with a chuckle, making Jordan laugh in response.
“Well you should have known what you were signing on for when you fell in love with me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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so... reader's powers in this one are known as darkness manipulation which are sort of like the darkling's powers from shadow & bone (they're suit for the gala is literally directly inspired by the darkling's kefta lol) also here's the link to the superpower wiki page if anyone's interested.
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happy74827 · 8 months
No Ordinary Life
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[Sam Riordan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: The group had almost ran out of options on what to do with Sam, but Andre had decided there was still one more option to explore. And that option, was you. (GIF credits: @heronamedhawks)
WC: 1,179
Category: Slight Fluff, Slight Angst
We don’t know much about Sam as of right now, but I do know I would literally die for this boy. He and Emma really deserve the world, and they fr better have their happy ending (which seems impossible given the universe they live in, but one can hope). This definitely deserves a part 2, depending how well it goes, but for now enjoy the purity that is Sam.
Edit(2023): Hey I finally made the part 2, check it out here
As Sam walked down the bustling halls of Godolkin, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. All around him, kids with extraordinary powers, kids like him, were chatting, laughing, and walking to their classes. They were able to use their gifts freely and openly, and they were respected by others for it, but Sam didn't have that luxury. Honestly, he couldn’t remember a time that he did.
All he remembered was the woods, his brother, and the constant pain of being hunted.
His hand unconsciously traveled to top of his head, pulling the hoodie that Emma had lent over to him farther over his face as he tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible. It wasn't easy when the hallway was completely crowded by nosy students, but he did his best. That’s all he could really do.
Emma and Marie (as he found her name to be) were by his side, protecting him for the skewing eyes of others. For the most part it worked, except it drawn more attention to her due to that odd system that Emma had acknowledged him about. A rating, whatever that was.
It was cool to know that his brother had been ranked number one, though.
If Luke was still… No, don’t think about it, Sam.
He shook his head, ridding himself of that train of thought. There was no point in dwelling on the past, and thinking about his brother wouldn’t change anything. He was gone, and Sam was left alone.
His thoughts were interrupted by Jordan, who he was still slightly confused about. He? She? They? They seemed to have been good friends with his brother and they were friendly enough, so Sam didn’t really question the matter too much.
Plus, he kinda enjoyed the subtle sarcasm that Jordan would once in a while use. It made him feel like a kid back in school. So for that, Sam was thankful.
“Dude, this has got to be the stupidest thing we’ve ever done,” Jordan had said, turning to the guy walking besides them… Andre. Sam didn’t know what to make of him, or anyone really. He had always been so closed off from other people, that now it was almost a bit overwhelming.
But at least he had Emma, so he didn't have to worry about the social aspect too much.
Andre gave Jordan a sideways look, a small smirk on his face. He seemed pretty chill too.
“Listen, I don’t like this anymore than you do, Jordan,” Andre stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But with everything happening, and with Cate… this is our best option.”
“Yes, let’s bring the kid with a bounty over his head into the place where they’re all going to be looking for him. Great idea, Andre. Seriously, how did I not think of it first. Soooo smart of you, dude. Good job. I'm so glad we're friends, really I am.”
Jordan rolled their eyes, and Andre just looked away in annoyance. Then, to Sam’s dismay, an awkward silence fell over the group. Once again, Sam was struck by just how different his life was now. It was like he was suddenly thrown into another world, and he had no idea how to function in it. He was so far out of his comfort zone that he couldn’t even see the zone.
Sam glanced over to Emma, and saw her smiling encouragingly at him. He tried his best to return the gesture, but he felt like his face muscles were going to fall off if he forced them any longer.
After what seemed like hours, but really only a couple minutes, Andre halted in front of a random dorm room door, and turned to face the group. He sighed, his face set into a look of grim determination. Then, he knocked.
Three times, Sam counted. Three knocks.
The door opened almost immediately after, and the man who answered had to be the most handsome human being Sam had ever seen. He had short black hair, a sharp jaw, and a dazzling smile. It was actually kind of intimidating.
“Whadda’ want?” the man asked, his voice a rich baritone. Sam didn't know why, but it felt like the man was judging him. His eyes scanned over the group, lingering on Sam for just a second, before returning back to Andre.
Andre cleared his throat, a bit nervously, but he didn’t get a chance to speak as Jordan scoffed, shoving past the man and into the room. Emma followed, giving the man an apologetic look as she did. And thus, everyone followed, leaving the man alone and bewildered in the doorway.
Once everyone was settled inside, the man shut the door and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. He glared at Andre, his eyes burning holes through his head, but Sam didn’t pay any attention towards him anymore. All his eyes were on the strange girl in front of him, you.
You were sitting on the floor, legs crossed and a bored expression on your face. Your eyes were half lidded, and you seemed to be lost in your own little world. Andre had mentioned you, a little. Said that you were the person he had called earlier, that you would help them figure out what to do with Sam, and that you knew and could a lot of stuff. But he had never told them how gorgeous you were.
Your hair was down, and looked so soft that Sam just wanted to touch it, run his fingers through it, and feel the texture. You had a cute little button nose, and a round, chubby face that was just too adorable. And your eyes were so expressive, a mixture of colors that swirled and shone and sparkled in the light.
Andre had called your attention and you snapped out of it, blinking a few times before glancing up at him. It was then that you noticed the others, and you stared at them all, wide eyed and open mouthed, but that was quickly replaced with a smile.
“Hi, Andre! Wow, you must be Jordan… Marie… and Emma? Right? Oh, and you must be the kid Andre talked about, oh my gosh. It's so nice to finally meet you all. Sorry I didn’t say anything when you came in, I was just finishing up this thing for Kota. Oh, Kota! You're still here… hi. Wait, why are you all here? You weren’t supposed to be here until 2:00, and it's only-”
You looked down at the watch on your wrist, your eyes widening even more when you realized the time. You had been talking so fast that no one had been able to get a word in edgewise, but you had managed to finish what you had to say, and it was all so rushed that it was hard to keep up.
The only thing Sam could focus on was how despite all of that rambling and mumbling, you were still keeping that bright smile that never seemed to falter. A truly happy supe? He never thought it would exist. Even Emma, as sweet and pretty as she was, tended to falsify the smiles she had. Sam only saw her real one about three times. He cherished them, of course. Every single one.
You stood up, brushing yourself off and fixing your clothes, and walked over to them. Your hand was outstretched, and your smile was radiant. Sam could practically feel the happiness radiating off of you.
You looked so innocent, so sweet and pure. He could hardly believe that you were a supe, but the fact that they were all standing here said otherwise. You had power, and you knew how to use it.
Jordan and Marie seemed to have recovered from their daze, and the two shook your hand after Andre. Marie had even introduced herself, and it ended with you in giggles, telling her that you already had known her name.
Emma was next, and she had taken your hand immediately and shook it.
Then it was just him that was left.
He stood frozen, staring down at your outstretched hand. He could feel all the eyes in the room on him, and he just knew that his hood was starting to slip.
His instincts were yelling at him, screaming at him to run. To get out of there and stay far, far away from you. From everyone.
But he couldn’t.
So, instead of fleeing, he slowly, cautiously took your hand in his. It was small, warm, and fit perfectly.
You smiled again but this time it was strictly for him, because of him, and it made his heart beat just a bit faster.
He didn’t even realize it until your smile has widened, but he had pulled down his hood, letting you see his face. He didn't understand why he did, and a part of him wanted to pull the fabric right back over his face, but it was too late now.
The damage had been done.
Sam didn’t have a chance to scrape off the dried blood off his cheeks, another result of an accidental outburst, and he could feel your eyes rake over his face, taking in every single detail.
But it wasn’t judgmental, or critical.
No, there was something else in those swirling eyes of yours, and it was then that he noticed the little flecks of gold hidden in the sea of color.
Sam was a bit embarrassed, to say the least, and he tried to pull his hand away but your grip only tightened, and he didn't have the strength to resist. He felt your hand go up his arm, unraveling the hoodie that clung to him like a second skin.
The others didn’t seem to do anything as you pulled the material above his elbow.
Your eyes roamed over the scar that stretched across his forearm, and he knew what was coming before the words even left your mouth.
Sam couldn’t bring himself to look at you as you asked the dreaded question, and his eyes were glued to the floor.
It was Emma who answered, her voice barely a whisper.
Sam despised the pity in your tone. The last thing he wanted was to be pitied. He didn't need or want anyone's pity. He was fine. Everything was fine.
The silence shattered as you took a sharp breath, but Sam couldn't bring himself to look at you. Not when he knew the look of pity in your eyes.
You released his arm, the hoodie dropping to the ground, but Sam didn't even register it. He stood there, frozen, as you slowly reached out your hand towards his face.
"Before I do anything, I want to warn you so it doesn't scare you. Is that okay with you? I just... I want to make sure you're alright. But if you don't want me to touch you, I won't. I'll respect your boundaries. Just tell me, okay?"
Sam blinked, his head tilting upwards, his eyes wide with surprise. There was no pity in your eyes. No negativity or degradation. Only a gentle concern and kindness that he had only experienced in these past few days.
Your touch was tender, and he felt a warmth spread across his face. He couldn't bring himself to deny you. So he nodded, and a small smile appeared on your face. It was still a smile, but a different kind. One he had never seen from you before. And once again, that smile was meant just for him.
Suddenly, the lights in the room dimmed, capturing Sam's attention. He hadn't noticed before, but the entire room was filled with interconnected lights, forming a grid-like pattern. They began to glow, pulsating and shifting with each passing moment. The light danced across the walls, creating mesmerizing shapes.
Sam was captivated by the whole process. And then, the lights suddenly stopped, freezing in place. Sam expected them to return to their normal brightness, but they grew brighter and brighter. It was then that he noticed your hands. They were no longer touching him, but rather, they hovered above him, palms facing his face. A peculiar expression settled on your face.
Sam didn't know what it meant, but he didn't have time to wonder because, in an instant, your hands transformed into light. It wasn't like beams shooting out of your palms, but rather, golden particles that flowed around your body and traveled along the lights, intensifying their brightness. Patterns began to form and move.
Sam watched in awe as the shapes transformed into pictures and scenes. The colors melted and shifted together. Light filled the room, washing away the world around him, leaving only the vibrant colors, the images, and your face.
Your face, so close to his. The smile still adorned your lips, and your eyes shone like stars, the brightest things in the room. Sam could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Reluctantly, he admitted that the light was beautiful, just like you.
It was the most extraordinary sight he had ever witnessed. It was as if the sun had exploded, its light spreading across the room. The colors danced along the walls, forming vivid images. Sam saw a field, a house, a family. He saw his old friends. He saw him. His brother, Luke.
Sam's face crumpled, and a sob escaped his throat. Tears blurred his vision, but they were absorbed by the light, vanishing as soon as they fell. You remained a silent observer, watching over him as the colors gradually faded, and the world returned.
The room was as bright as before, but everything was the same. Sam could still see the concern and worry etched on your face. You reached up to wipe away his tears, but this time he flinched back, and the contact never happened. Your hands fell to your sides.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and your lips trembled, trying to hold back your emotions. But a tear escaped, rolling down your cheek. Andre cleared his throat, breaking the spell. Both you and Sam turned to face the others.
They were all watching, expressions of shock and confusion on their faces, except for Jordan, who wore a mask of indifference.
Andre and Emma stared at you, mouths agape, while Sam saw the tears in your eyes, the fear evident on your face.
Of what, he couldn’t tell. As of right now, there were so many things you could be scared of. With The Woods, being the thing that contains most of it all, It was hard to pinpoint one specific reason.
Then, just like before, Andre's voice cracked as he decided to interrupt Sam’s thoughts.
"What the hell was that?"
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goldhoekin · 8 months
Alright, we need more Gen V fics SO. 😤
I'll be taking responsibility for the dark, smutty things I need personally.
I'll take requests for:
Jordan Li
Marie Moreau
Cate Dunlap
Emma Meyer
Luke Riordan
Sam Riordan
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Please note, I am a Cis woman, so that's what I have experience with writing, so that's what I'll write. Sorry, yall. I can try for Gender Neutral maybe but it'll take me a while. 😞
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yameoto · 6 months
need… more… jordan bots….
*collapses onto the floor.*
NEW BOTS ! GEN V gen v always has me gigglin kickin my feet blushing etc etc. this bot drop in particular will (hopefully) have something for everyone!!! and even if it doesn’t, well.. let’s just say half my motivation in fulfilling rqs rn IS so i can get to my gen v inboxes. so..
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jordan li ✦ | you're their childhood crush. ✦ | you're brink's replacement. cate dunlap ✧ | clumsy bartender. ✧ | you don't give a fuck she's trans, right? luke riordan ✦ | your one-sided rivalry is cute. ✄ | revenge cheating is totally healthy. marie moreau ✦ | it's always the same nightmare. ✦ | she likes you more than a friend should. andre anderson ✄ | he's been cheating on you.
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bumblesimagines · 23 days
Love to Hate, Hate to Love
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Rivalries are supposed to be fun and motivating, maybe even a little brutal. Just the way Jordan likes it. Except, they fucked up and things are so much more complicated.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
Jordan can hardly hear their thoughts over the booming music, let alone whatever conversation Andre and Luke were having across from them. They strain to hear better but they only manage to catch a few words before giving up and slumping back on the couch cushions with a huff. Their eyes drag around the room where classmates and strangers danced or mingled around them, some grinding and others shouting into their friend's ears. They suddenly find the room too stuffy, too crowded for their liking, and they stand up, snatching a beer can off the table and shoving their way through the party until they find the sliding door leading to the backyard. 
Jordan stumbles outside and tilts their head back, taking a deep breath in, pleased to be inhaling something other than smoke, even if they yearn for another hit to silence their thoughts. The substances they took were enough to get them high, enough to make their mind hazy and movements sluggish, but the combined buzz of the powders and shrooms are worth it. 
"Well, if it isn't my little Li?" A voice coos and their head turns in the direction of it, finding (Y/N) (L/N) watching them with a lopsided grin. A scowl forms on their face immediately and they shift into the masc form, a somewhat genuine sounding 'awe' leaving his lips. Jordan tries ignoring the way it makes their heart twist. Not many embrace their fem form unless it's a guy trying to get lucky. 
"(L/N)," Jordan intends to sound annoyed but they end up sighing the last name and feel a flush creep up their cheeks. (Y/N) giggles, and it sounds adorable, before striding over to them and placing his hands over Jordan's cheek. (Y/N) sways slightly and Jordan catches sight of their blown-out pupils, the black so wide it almost completely covers the color of their eyes. The beer can slips from their fingers and falls to the ground with a clatter but neither pay it any mind. 
"You're warm." (Y/N) murmurs and Jordan feels their skin cool, a heavy sigh of relief escaping their lips. God, the house had grown so hot and stuffy with all the people crawling inside it, that Jordan had failed to realize how hot they'd gotten. They hum lowly, eyes fluttering shut and fingers curling around (Y/N)'s wrist. How nice would it be to have a walking AC for a-
Their eyes fly open at the interrupted thought, meeting (Y/N)'s half-lidded ones. If it were anyone else, Jordan might've considered the thought, entertained it even with some flirting, but (Y/N) fucking (L/N). No. No. Unless... No. They were supposed to hate him, and they swore they did! But (Y/N) had a knack for making things oh-so complicated. 
It all started their first year at God U during one of Professor Brink's lectures. Jordan had been listening intently, scribbling notes, and answering questions that earned them praise from the professor. Everything had been peachy. Jordan soaked up each praise and approving nod from Professor Brink while smirking at the annoyed glances their classmates shot them until Jordan answered a question, and was rebuffed by a classmate. 
"Actually," Jordan's head had whirled around to look at the source of the voice, their eyes locking onto Luke Riordan and then moving onto the figure sitting beside them. (Y/N) grinned lazily, one arm propped on the back of his chair and legs extended out in front of him as if he owned the damn building. (Y/N) (L/N), cousin to Luke Riordan and the beloved nephew of Ted and Janet Riordan. Where Luke controlled fire, (Y/N) controlled ice. Polar opposites but as tight as brothers. "I think Li is wrong."
It was war from then on.
Luke Riordan dominated the social scene and rankings, easily ascending to the number one spot. At the same time, (Y/N) and Jordan battled over being number two: completing homework and doing extra credit, doing extracurricular activities after school, engaging in class, and putting on quite the show during training where they practically tried killing each other. And things got dirty, of course they did. Jordan once locked (Y/N) in the sauna after luring Luke and Andre out and in retaliation, (Y/N) laced their weed and made them miss half a day's worth of classes. When (Y/N) deleted an essay off their laptop, Jordan snuck into his dorm and soaked his fancy clothes with alcohol the afternoon of the gala. Things continued like that, with tension only growing and the bickering intensifying. 
Jordan would never admit it out loud but they enjoyed being challenged, even if it infuriated them when it happened in public. (Y/N) consumed just about every waking thought of theirs, their mind constantly wondering what to do next and what to expect from him. They hated him, obviously, but slowly... things changed. Jordan never pinpointed when, but they had some idea as to the moments that changed their relationship with (Y/N).
Like the time Jordan had caught (Y/N)'s father lecturing him, putting him down despite his spot in the top ten and demanding more from a guy who worked twice as hard than the average student. The scene had felt nauseatingly familiar. From the way (Y/N) stared at the ground silently with a frown and occasional flinches to the fact his mother made no moves to defend her son and only watched. Jordan had lost count of how many times they'd found themselves in that exact spot, especially after coming out to their parents. They knew the feeling of constantly being questioned and pressured, being brushed aside in favor of others' feelings. The disappointment from a parent stung like no other, and when they'd ensured his parents had left, Jordan went to the Jitter Bean on campus and got some donuts. (Y/N) had accepted them, with some mild suspicion, but it'd been worth it when (Y/N) smiled after eating the sweet. (And no, Jordan didn't want to think about the fact they'd stared hard when (Y/N) licked his fingers clean or the low noise that emitted from his throat when he bit into the warm, glazed donut.)
And when that moment flickers back to them, they try squirming out of (Y/N)'s hold to put some distance between them. The last thing they need was a distraction, especially with exams coming up fast. But, they find (Y/N)'s hands tighten and pull their face closer. Jordan doesn't fight it, and only melts again when (Y/N) kisses them. His lips are cool, and it makes Jordan flinch at first, but then they find it's exactly what they need. They latch onto (Y/N), hands leaving his wrists to wrap around him instead, and (Y/N)'s arms drop from their face to coil around their waist. His hand slips under Jordan's shirt and they hiss softly, feeling (Y/N)'s lips curve up into a mischievous grin. 
"Asshole," They whisper.
"You love it." (Y/N) chuckles, his grip tightening around them before he propels himself into the air with a gust of cold wind and takes Jordan along. They land on the balcony of one of the bedrooms, and Jordan can't help the giddy laugh that escapes them as their high keeps a tight grip on their mind. (Y/N) staggers again and leans back against the railing, only having a few seconds to steady himself before Jordan's hands find the collar of his shirt and they jerk him forward, crashing their lips back together. (Y/N) grunts and nips Jordan's lip for it but the shapeshifter hardly pays it any mind and walks backward into the dark room, pulling his rival along until they both collapse on the bed. 
"(Y/N)," Jordan exhales, shifting back into their fem form out of habit, their hands still gripping his collar to keep him close. (Y/N) hums into the side of their throat, too occupied with suckling a mark onto their neck to properly speak, and while Jordan would typically raise hell about being marked, they oddly don't mind now. "Do me a favor."
"What?" His voice is muffled and a shiver shoots up their spine when his teeth drag across their skin. Heat pools in Jordan's stomach and their hands drop to reach down, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and lifting it. (Y/N) digs his knees into the mattress and leans back, fingers hooking around the back of the shirt and tugging it over his head. Jordan lights up like a Christmas tree and (Y/N)'s snicker is cut off with another rough kiss.
"Fuck me," Jordan demands.
A wolfish grin spreads across (Y/N)'s face. "Will do." 
Things change, obviously.
(Y/N) continues to consume Jordan's every waking moment, but only it somehow intensifies after their hookup. Jordan finds themselves lingering by the door after class, waiting for (Y/N)'s slow ass to finish packing his things or wrap up his conversation with Luke, and they spring out at him with half-hearted taunts or jabs that they end up stuttering through when (Y/N) holds eye contact with them and gives them that godforsaken chesire grin. They ensure to check (Y/N)'s assignments first and provide genuine, helpful feedback when they previously would've deducted points for the smallest of things. 
It's not as if they've never slept with anyone before. They had their own little roster of classmates they hooked up with depending on their mood or who was available but as time passed and (Y/N) began answering their texts more frequently, their former flings went ignored in favor of going to (Y/N)'s dorm. Maybe it wouldn't have such an effect on them if (Y/N) were like the others, the flings who preferred one form over the other, but (Y/N) doesn't mind, doesn't care. And while it was the absolute bare minimum, it makes Jordan feel all the more woozy. 
Especially in the summer when their parents call almost weekly, asking when they're going to visit them. The university lets students linger during the class-free summer months, for a surprising amount of supes have estranged relationships with their families. The heat becomes unbearable some days, and it makes Jordan feel all the more thankful when they wake up, roll over, and press against (Y/N). They only have to sigh for (Y/N) to make his skin grow colder, and Jordan nuzzles right into him with a pleased smile. Sure, the dorms have perfectly fine ACs, but it's all the better to be cuddled up to the human version of one. 
"I'm gonna start charging you." He says, yawning and rolling over onto his side. His arms pull Jordan into his chest, eyes fluttering shut again and cheek nuzzling into the pillow. Jordan smiles despite themselves, their eyes taking in every detail of (Y/N)'s face. Most mornings, they have classes to attend or other things to do, only having a brief time to see each other. But summer put a brief end to classes and the hustle and bustle of student life, giving them all the time in the world with (Y/N). 
"Yeah?" Jordan chuckles. "What'll it be? Five bucks?"
"Mmm." (Y/N) makes a noise akin to 'shut up' and Jordan grins, lips parting to speak again but the Supe seems to anticipate it and mushes their mouths together. It's lazy and slow and clumsy but it works at getting Jordan to stay quiet. They immediately relax, and it's embarrassing. They hate how their skin flushes or how giddy they feel. He's like a drug they can't quit and it's infuriating. But the moment doesn't last long, interrupted by a phone vibrating loudly against the nightstand. 
"God, is it my parents?" Jordan gives an exasperated sigh, missing the coolness of his skin when (Y/N) rolls away from them to check. 
"Nah," (Y/N) replies, sitting up in the bed with his phone in hand. He yawns again, eyes still squinty with sleep, and he types away on the screen. "I told Andre we could train in the gym today. Hand-to-hand combat and shit." 
"Oh." Jordan sits up as well. Well, there went the cozy morning they'd hoped for. 
Jordan spends the rest of the day working on summer assignments, most of it things Brink personally assigned to them to keep their mind working. While they typically enjoy working on personal assignments, their thoughts drift and weave until they find themselves changing and heading to the gymnasium. There are other classmates around, some using the basketball hoops or running laps, but Jordan searches for the combat room until they find it, until they find him. The fluttery feeling that invades their stomach turns into something bitter. 
(Y/N) successfully pins Andre down on the floor, something that isn't much of an achievement considering Andre spends half his time partying or placing bets with Luke, but it's the way Andre's hands land on (Y/N)'s hips that makes a bitter, resentful feeling bubble up in their chest. Andre grins up at him, lazy and almost flirtatious, before (Y/N)'s chain necklace levitates and drags him off Andre. The Supe grunts when his back meets the floor and Andre's laugh echoes in the room. A surge of hot anger rushes through Jordan, not from the cheating but from the look on Andre's face.
"That was dirty, Anderson." (Y/N) says and Andre shrugs as he hops up onto his feet and walks toward his water bottle. In an instant, it becomes frozen solid and Andre groans softly while (Y/N) chuckles. Jordan steps into the room with a clenched jaw and an ocean of feelings swirling around in their head. Andre greets them with a smile. 
"Hey, Jordan." He seems pleased with their sudden appearance, almost as if he'd been expecting them. "Mind stepping in for me? I've gotta call my dad real quick." Andre doesn't even wait for a response, slipping his gloves off his hands and tossing them at Jordan before leaving the room. 
"What's up with you now, Li? Who pissed you off already?" (Y/N) laughs.
"You did." Jordan snaps, tossing their things aside and shoving their hands into the gloves.
"'Course I did." (Y/N) exhales heavily and tilts his head, the amusement still etched on his face. "What'd I do?" 
"You made me love you, asshole."
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tonixe · 7 months
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a/n: Where is the Luke Riordan fanfic?? Like I was shocked cuz where is my sexy flame boy, like come on, you guys are ghosting me with this shit like please more Luke fanfic.
warning: drugs, smut, p in the v, penetrating, protection used, orgasm, hookup implied, protection used, party sex, alcohol mention, some cheating, maybe a rebound (?). *Luke and Cate did break up, so luke baby is alive 💓💗💞.
pairing: Luke Riordan x fem!reader
word counter: 2.2k
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Parties weren't my thing, well I would to some of them if my friends asked or were going, but I would be probably just drinking something or on my phone scrolling on my Instagram feed. But, for right now I was dressing up for it, and one of my friends was going. She was pretty popular around campus, she was blonde pretty, with nice brown eyes. Her name was Harper.
I was at my vanity fixing my top, it was a Halloween party. Fixing the top, adjusting the strings, tightening it up. It was a little too tight, looking at the mirror. My bosom was almost spilling out, rubbing my sides. I was thinking of doing some costumes from Legally Blonde. You know when Elle gets tricked into wearing a costume to some party. I was already in the hot pink tights, just missing some bunny ears. I dust some light blush on my cheeks, eyeliner, and some gloss, and put my hair in a half down and half up.
I had some pink high heels in my closet to wear, checking the time it was about 7:50 pm, the party started at 8 and probably would last until the morning hours of 2 or 3 am. I applied some mascara onto my lashes, looking at the mirror and the compact mirror in my hand.
I put my bunny ears on my head, brushed the sides of my hair, and put some red lipstick and some gloss on top. Looking into the mirror, as I tried to pose to be more confident for the party. Harper and I were going to match in some type of way, she was going to be some Playboy costume, so we would have the same bunny aesthetic. Was it too much, I stood up and spun around in my mirror. I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer and change, so I was going to wear it. I walked into my closet, taking out a long pink fluffy jacket to match my outfit, and wearing my heels. Standing a bit taller, it was a lot. I felt some buzzing from my phone, opening it and looking through messages.
Harper: Y/N, I'm at my car right now, you almost done with your costume. - sent
Y/N: Yeah, I'm done, im going to be down in 2 minutes - sent
Harper: Alright - sent
I zipped up my jacket, got my dorm keys and my ID into my bag, put it on my shoulder as I opened the door, and walked out. A few people were outside, studying for a bit. I felt a little naked in this costume, crossing my fingers that it wasn't cold outside. I went down the stairs to the Polarity statue, where Harper was sitting in my car, waiting. "Harper!" I yelled, she got off of her phone, and exclaimed back, smiling. "Omg, you actually wore it" She looked at me, "Yeah, It's a little tight but It looks good right," I said
"Of course" She smiled, and to her promise, she was wearing a Playboy costume hers was tighter than mine and revealed more skin, but that was Harper's nature. "Come on, let's go!" She pulled me by my hands and we got into her car and drove off. I was hoping we could get into our dorms without getting into too much trouble. The drive wasn't long, about 20 minutes and we were there at the party. Some sororities house, some red solo cups on the grass, some people already outside making out and whatnot, "Come on, Y/N, don't just stand there" She exclaimed, taking my hand and we walked into the house.
I knew, almost like I predicted it. It smelt like liquor, perfume, sweat, and a bunch of other smells, some people in their costumes, some of the seven, some of Marvel or D.C. superheroes, and others from some horror movies. I turned to my side and Harper was already gone, 'Fuck' I whispered, before walking to some bar in the kitchen and sitting down on the stools. There was a bartender there serving some drinks as people danced away. "Can I get a piña colada?" I asked before the worker left to make the drink, I looked at the dance floor. Bodies rubbed on bodies, it was a scene I guess. Looked like everyone was enjoying themselves except me, but it was just the usual. Hearing the glass on the table, I took it and drank it whole, sitting myself as I listened to my thoughts.
I heard a glass colliding with the wooden counter of the bar and looked to the side to see someone familiar. It would be weird to stare, wouldn't it, but I wore it was someone you knew or saw before.
I tried to peep again but failed to see anything else on the person's face. This was awkward, very awkward. Before I heard the person talk up, "So, what are you doing here?" He asked, looking directly at me.
'Holy Shit' it was Luke, Luke Riordan like the guy who is like the number one. Golden Boy, Golden Boy himself is talking to me, breathing right next to me literally speaking to me. I had a mini fangirl session before I snapped out of it and answered him back, "A friend asked, and I agree, so that's why I'm here" I smiled at him. "Nice costume" my cheek heated up realizing he was looking at me, "I'm Ellie Woods, from legally blonde" I replied, "-And your ghostface, nice" I looked at him, "So..where's your mask?" I tilted my head, "On my belt, just in case" His smile made me have chills down my core.
He looked perfect even in the hot, sweaty environment we were in. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't even do anything. I felt my core getting hotter and my legs getting stickier.
"What's your name?" He asked, "Y/N and I already know you, your Luke right?" I hoped to not sound creepy, that I already knew him. "Yeah, how did you know that?"
"Your really well known, I guess I just picked up on you. You do know your are really easy on the eyes" I tried to flirt with him.
"Hey!" I looked at him, as the bartender came to him, as he ordered something, "Two shots of tequila" Before the bartender poured them out of the clear bottle. As the bartender slid them onto the counter to him, before he offered one to you. "Shots?" He asked, "Hell yeah" I took the shot and gulped it down, as the liquid burned down my throat to my chest, "Fuck that's strong" I heard him groaning out, it made me feel hot. But you knew that you couldn't do it at all, he had a girlfriend.
You weren't an asshole to break up someone's relationship for something petty like a sexual conquest. "Um, why did you really come here to talk to me.." I spoke out, biting my lip. "I thought you were cute" My heart started beating up faster, "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I bit my lip, "Oh, me and Cate..we broke up, she cheated on me with my best friend, pretty shitty isn't it?" He sipped more of the drink, he ordered in his glass cup. "Oh, gosh...I'm so sorry" That was a pretty shitty way to get broken up with, but at least I didn't have the guilt of being a home wrecker.
"I know," He said, rubbing his temples. The scene was awkward, I didn't want to pity him any further, but I was oddly turned on by this. But you didn't want to throw an opportunity away. It would be one in a chance.
"Do you want to feel better, I know a way" I placed his hand on his upper knee, tilting my head, suggestively. I guessed he got the message before I took his hand, and followed me into a random room. I really didn't know my way through the house but I was able to find a free room.
I pushed him onto the bed. I closed the door behind me, before getting on top of him, hooking my hands on his shoulder, and placing my lips on him. I felt his hands on my side, moving lower down to dangerous parts of me. Grinding down on his growing erection, Withdrawing away from the kiss. "Woah" I smiled at his reaction, "How was it" I cocked my head at him, rubbing down at him.
"That was fucking awesome" I pinched his cheek, "Your adorable" I smirk. He rubbed my ass down to my upper thighs. I felt his hands warming up under my tights.
I took my hands off of his shoulder, before losing off the corset that held me in its confined. I felt relief from taking it off, throwing my corset top somewhere else. His eyes darted to my chest, "Like them?" pressing them together, I felt myself getting wetter as he looked at me. Before I felt him flipping me over, feeling my back hitting the bed. My legs crossed each other as I held them up. I turned my head to the side, looking at him, opening my legs.
"Are you hard right now?" I teased, feeling some heart from his hands, melting away my tights. Before I felt him rip them off my legs. The flimsy fabric was ruined, "You ruined them" I faked my sad expression, "I'll replace them" he rubbed the upper parts of my thighs, taking my panties off of me. His hands stretch the lips of cunt, making me moan out. "S-stop, it's embarrassing" I turned my head away from the scene, "Fuck your soaked" He spread me apart, and his fingers slid into me, moaning on impact.
My legs trembling from the intrusion. His fingers curled into me, making me bend back, my hands gripping the sheets, his fingers thrusting into me in a rough motion, "FUCK!" I cried, my chest rising up and down. "Your sensitive, aren't you" He was staring at me, analyzing what I did, making me squeeze down on his finger, making him groan, "Shit, I'm sorry" Before he took his fingers, some clear slick. He licked his fingers clean, I didn't know if this was even real. Luke Riordan literally fingering me and licking my juices. I propped myself on my elbows before looking up at Luke taking off his pants.
His dick leaning onto his stomach, standing up. "Holy Shit" I muttered, it had a red tip and pre-cum leaking out of the tip, and it was bigger than you thought. I felt his hand on my ankle dragging me onto the edge of the bed, spreading my legs apart. "L-luke" I moaned, He had a condom in his hand, taking it out of the golden package, "W-wait, let me put it on" He placed it in my hand. I place it on my lips before taking the shaft and using my mouth to put the condom on.
I leaned back putting my legs up, as he put his hand on my thighs and slid himself into me, I moaned out. His dick abusing my cunt. Tightening against his cock. I heard him groan, The friction made me feel wetter. His hand on my waist, his dick stuffing me full, his hips snapping into me. His hands cupped my chest, playing with them. I felt his mouth on my peaks, making me bend. "Luke" I moaned.
I turned my head to the side, flickering my eyes away from him. My chest heaving, my body is feeling hot, and feeling sticker. I felt his hand roaming on my body, flicking my nipples, making me shiver in pleasure. His hands moved my body to the side, as he lifted my legs onto his shoulder, thrusting into me. Feeling him reaching a deep side of me, I flickered my eyes at him. I felt my abdomen feeling hot and bubbling, tightening against him before he groaned. "Luke..I'm close" I wailed, "Fuck, I'm close too" He rubbed my waist, making me mewl out.
I felt a wave crash down on my body, as I moaned out, gripping down on the sheets. His pace slowed down as he plunged into me, making me twitch. His pelvis collided with mine, as he thrust in, before releasing his load. Before he pulled out of me, before typing it up and throwing away the used condoms.
I was tired and sweaty. I put my hand over my eyes, trying to hide from him. I really didn't realize that it really did happen. Having sex with Luke actually did happen.
Leaning up on your elbows, "You okay" I turned my head at Luke, sitting on the side of the bed. He was still half naked, "Yeah.." I laid back down, "Could I hug you?" He asked, "Um, sure.." I felt the bed dip as he crawled towards me and his arms around my waist, leading to the side of my stomach. It was a little awkward but wholesome, I didn't know what to do but I rubbed his head. It lasted for a few minutes before I closed my eyes and slept off.
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andreafmn · 5 months
12 Days of Ficmas ❅ Day 8
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Word Count: 4.7K Paring: Jordan Li x Fem!Reader Prompt by @12-days-of-ficmas: christmas baby is sensitive about never being celebrated on their birthday/always feels skipped over Warnings: foul language
Summary: Being a Supe comes with its challenges. But there is no challenge bigger than being the child of Supes that do not care. (Y/N) has been constantly overlooked by her parents in all aspects of her life other than her abilities. Her birthday is not the exception. But there is one person that wants to make sure she knows how special she is, regardless of her powers.
A/N: I watched Gen V last year and naturally became obsessed with Jordan, so I had to give a day to them. I love them with all my heart and I loved this story too. Mainly because I selfishly wrote this about having a Christmas birthday 🤭🤭
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Studying at God U had been (Y/N)’s dream, much like many other Supes. She had been raised to idolize the lifestyle of a crime-fighting Supe and had been trained her entire life to one day become one of The Seven. That much her parents wanted for her. 
Having been B-list superheroes just like Polarity, they had wanted more for their daughter. They wanted her to rise through the ranks quickly and efficiently, making sure her name was in everyone’s mouth. More than her parents, they were her managers. Appearing in her life if and when necessary to make sure her image and reputation were always pristine. No amount of money, time, or resources would ever be too much to make sure their baby girl was one of the greats. They truly provided her with everything she could ever need except the love and warmth parents should give.
(Y/N) had always been their biggest marketing ploy. The golden child of Storm Surge and Radiance –the only title her parents cared for. While they went around the world giving conferences and interviews, the girl was stuck at home, by herself, training, slowly being molded into a daughter those heroes could be proud of. 
She grew up in isolation. There weren’t many people around her growing up the way she was. It wasn’t until she was touring the university that she finally found people like her –exactly like her. 
The first two people she met were Luke Riordan and Andre Anderson. They were finishing their freshman year at Godolkin University and had run into (Y/N) after she had gotten separated from her tour group. The duo had taken it upon themselves to show her the real God U and promised to take her under their wing when she finally arrived that warm August. 
In the coming months, the three of them engaged in nonstop communication as they helped her in her transition from intensive homeschooling and training to a more social and balanced life. They had also introduced her to Cate Dunlap and Jordan Li, the remaining members of the golden quartet of God U, as she liked to call them. 
The four of them were a refreshing breath in comparison to her life of isolation. She couldn't help but grow a certain affinity for the group of Supes, desiring nothing more than to be at the university to finally experience their friendship face-to-face. Especially a certain bigender student that had caught her eye. 
There was a sort of magnetism to Jordan Li that (Y/N) could not deny. She wanted nothing more than to know everything about them –their likes, their dislikes, their hopes, their dreams. She wanted to know what life by their side could be. And a small part of her hoped they wanted that as well. 
But when the day finally came to move to God U, she was met with a version of Jordan she had not seen over the phone. Where Andre, Luke, and Cate had welcomed her with open arms, even going as far as to help her move into her dorm, Jordan had decided to keep their distance from her. In their male form, he would grumble under his breath as he moved boxes into her room, asking Luke how long the whole ordeal would last. When Luke answered that they would probably end up getting food and spending the night with her, he could only scoff and say he’d be going to spend the night in his room. 
“Did I do something wrong?” (Y/N) questioned as she spread her duvet across her bed. “Why are they so mad?” 
“They’re probably tired,” Luke shrugged. “Jordan can sometimes get into these moods when they haven’t gotten much sleep.” 
“Maybe you should go check on them, then. I think I can manage by myself now.”
“Nonsense,” Andre grinned as he slid an arm across her shoulders. “We promised you some dinner, and that’s what you’re getting. Jordan’ll get over it soon enough.”
And that’s what she had hoped. 
But as the days passed, the only thing that seemed to grow in Jordan was contempt. They would avoid (Y/N) as best as they could, even going out of their way not to run into her. They would barely talk to her when the group went out to a party or simply had a comfortable night in one of their dorms. It seemed like nothing the girl did was good enough for them, and she couldn’t help but wonder if her crush on them would only damage her in the long run. 
Still, days turned to months, and suddenly (Y/N) was completing her first semester at Godolkin. She had become busy with her schoolwork, quickly rising through the ranks and coming very close to becoming one of the only freshmen ever to make it onto the Top 5. Christmas break had quickly approached, and the New York winter was coming in strong. Students all around were packing up to go home for the holidays, grateful for a small rest from the school. Granted, a lot of students had loving and supportive families to go home to. Even if (Y/N) didn’t, she was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed once more and having some time away from Jordan's icy treatment. 
After packing what was necessary, she rolled her suitcase out of the dorm building, half expecting to find her parents waiting for her, happy to take her home. Instead, she saw other students reuniting with their families or simply groups of friends driving away to their planned vacations. Meanwhile, the fire-wielding girl stood freezing, hoping to see even a glance of her birthgivers. 
Once twenty minutes had passed in the cold winter morning, (Y/N) knew deep down what had happened. But instead of jumping to conclusions, she dialed her parents’ phone. “Hey guys,” she said as their faces came up on the screen. “Where are you? You were supposed to pick me up half an hour ago.” 
“Oh, honey, we forgot to tell you,” her mother answered, bringing her face forward on the screen. “We had some last-minute stops added to the book tour, and we won’t make it home for Christmas.” 
“Yeah, kid, we talked to the Dean, and she said it was okay for you to stay at the dorms,” her father added. “Anything you need, just use the card.” 
“Can’t I at least go home? I mean, I could still see you when you get back. Even if it’s after Christmas.” 
“Honey, by the time we get back, you’ll be heading off to school again,” her mother said. “And there’s no point in you staying at home all by yourself. Might as well stay there and get ahead in some classes.” 
“Are you serious, mom? What about my birth…?” 
“Kid, sorry, the flight attendant is flagging us down,” her father interrupted. “We need to turn our phones off. But Nicole will come over sometime soon with your presents. And remember, any groceries or necessities, just use your card.”
“Merry Christmas, honey,” they chorused before the screen went black. 
(Y/N) shouldn’t have been surprised. It was not the first time she had spent the holiday alone, and it was definitely not the first time they had forgotten about her birthday. With it being so close to Christmas, it had somehow always slipped their mind. But something in her believed that it would have been different that time. She was out of the house and had very little communication with them; maybe they had missed her. Yet, nothing had changed. Nothing would ever change. 
As she felt tears falling from her eyes, (Y/N) turned around to head back inside before anyone could see her cry. Walking with her hands on her eyes, she bumped into someone harshly but couldn’t bring herself to care who it was. All she did was mumble an apology and head back into her room to sleep that bad dream away. 
By the time she had woken up from her nap, the building had emptied, and she felt, for the first time in a long time, truly alone. The halls would normally be bustling with chatter and mischief. But that winter night, the silence was the most chilling sensation of all. Her footsteps echoed as she walked to the bathroom, every step reminding her of how empty the school was and how alone she was.
For three whole days, (Y/N) had fallen into an automatic routine. She had gone for groceries the very next day, buying all the junk food her parents would have chastised her for getting. But they weren’t there. She had free reign and a credit card with a pretty high spending limit. If she wanted to drown herself in chips and ice cream, she would do so. 
Her parents’ assistant Nicole went by on the second day, but she had texted her to come downstairs and handed her a bag with presents without so much as looking up from her phone. It was the only human interaction she’d had; it had felt as cold as her parents had been. 
When her birthday finally arrived, three days before Christmas, (Y/N) left the school to buy herself a birthday cake. Her parents would have been furious at her for indulging in such a treat, but they couldn’t chastise her if they weren’t there. She had been dreaming of devouring an entire chocolate cake, savoring the taste of the rich flavor. Alas, all she found at the nearest grocery store was a simple vanilla cupcake without as much as a candle to light. Defeatedly, the girl walked home with her simple treat and braced herself for another birthday in solitude.
Once she was back at her dorm building, she pulled the cake out of the box and produced a flame from the tip of her finger. “Well, make a wish, (Y/N),” she whispered to herself after singing a sad rendition of Happy Birthday. “Not that they ever come true.” 
She blew away the flame and, with fresh tears in her eyes, took a bite of the slightly stale cupcake. It was rather hard and bland, but it was as good as she was gonna get without making it herself. And she had no energy left to bake herself a cake. 
As the doors of the elevator opened on her floor, (Y/N) was ready to cry herself to sleep watching another movie. She had not expected her entire hall to be filled with her friends and a chorused “Surprise!” to leave their throats. 
The girl startled at the noise, instinctually forming a ball of fire in her hand to defend herself against the intruder, but upon seeing her friends quickly put it out. There were couches in the halls, lights and streamers on the ceiling, and balloons littered all over. Where the vending machines normally were, a table of food and drinks rested, a beautiful birthday cake set in the center. 
“Holy shit,” was all she could mutter as Luke stepped forward and twirled her in a tight hug. “How did you guys know I was here?” 
“A little birdy told us, and we couldn’t let you have another birthday by yourself,” he smiled as he set her down. “Figured you’d want some company, at least for tonight.” 
“Yeah, and it’s also a good excuse to party at an empty school,” Andre added with a grin. “It just so happened that it was your birthday too.” 
“What if it hadn’t been?” 
“Then we’d be celebrating Christmas,” Cate smiled. “Either way, we were gonna come spend time with you.” 
“You guys are crazy,” she chuckled before wrapping them all in a hug. “Thank you.” 
(Y/N) disappeared for a second to change her clothes, and once she came back, the party went on full-steam ahead. The music was loud, the lights were flashing, there was alcohol and drugs, and everything felt perfect. She was surrounded by her friends –and some acquaintances that had only come to party– and for the first time in a long time, she felt happy and loved. And, even if it surprised her, she had been able to steal glances at her painful crush. 
Jordan had kept to themselves the entire time she had been there, finding ways not to run into her or even meet her eye. She noticed how he downed cup after cup, only engaging in conversation when others talked to him. But he hadn’t even smiled or nodded at her. If he was there, it was most likely because Luke had dragged them there. 
The girl wanted to enjoy her party. Bask in the love and care her friends had gifted her with, but it didn’t take long before Jordan’s obvious disdain started to damper her mood. She was dancing with a scowl, and every shot she downed was in an effort to forget the person she wanted the most. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Luke asked as he pulled her away from the loudness of the hall and into her room. “I thought you would like the party.” 
“I do.” 
“Then why do you look so sad, (Y/N)?” he pressed. “If it’s too much, I can get everyone out, and it’ll just be the five of us.”
“No, the party is great. It’s honestly the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,” she sighed, her shoulders slumping as she felt embarrassment bubbling at the words she would speak. “The problem is Jordan, okay? It’s the fact that, for some fucking reason, they hate me and can’t even find a way to hide it on my birthday.” 
“Wait, you think… you think Jordan hates you?” he asked with a slight chuckle. “That’s crazy, (Y/N)!”
As he continued laughing, the door opened to reveal Andre and Cate with confused expressions on their faces. “What happened?” Andre asked. “Everything good?”
“Oh, yeah,” Luke said in between laughs. “It’s just that (Y/N) thinks Jordan hates her.”
“No way,” Cate snickered. “Are you serious?”
“Are you?” (Y/N) emphasized. “How is this coming as a surprise to you?”
“Alright, then. What makes you think they hate you?”
“Well, Andre, for starters, they haven’t even said a word to me all night,” the girl started. “They avoid me in the halls and in classes. They’re always trying to intimidate me by changing into their male form when they spot me. They don’t speak to me unless they literally have no other choice. I’m pretty sure if they had been able to, they’d throw me out of God U. Not to mention all the stink eyes they’ve given me these past months. Yeah, Jordan definitely hates me.” 
“Oh, this is hilarious,” Luke said, still hunched over in laughter. “You really think they hate you.” 
“How is that funny?” 
“They were the one who planned this whole thing,” Andre answered. “If it hadn’t been for their call, we wouldn’t have known that you were here all by yourself.”
“Believe me, (Y/N),” Cate added. “They care a lot more than you know.”
“You’re kidding, right?” (Y/N) chuckled dryly. “There’s no way Jordan Li cares enough to do something like this.”
“You’re never gonna believe us, are you?” She answered Luke with a shake of her head. “Alright, then. All we have to do is get you two together so you can talk.” 
“Good luck with that,” she scoffed. “The last time they were forced to talk to me, they did it all over text. And not a single emoji.”
“You leave that up to us,” Luke grinned. “We’ll get you two alone.” 
(Y/N) didn’t understand what he meant until an hour after that conversation. The second they had left the room, they had gone back to partying. They danced and sang and drank, and she did everything possible to put Jordan in the back of her mind. But it was difficult as she saw them change from their male form to their female, taking a glass of champagne and downing it before going to talk to a girl. It irked her to no avail and only made her drink more and more. 
She wanted to numb all feelings. She wanted to forget about her parents, forget about her lonely Christmas, and forget about her fruitless crush on the one person who would never like her back.
As she served herself her third whisky sour in that hour, Luke got onto a table and called for everyone’s attention. “Alright, everyone, are you having fun?” Everyone around him cheered, and a shit-eating grin spread onto his face. “That’s what I like to hear. But I think it’s time to kick it old school at this party and play a little rambunctious game. Something you might call seven minutes in heaven.”
His eyes fell onto (Y/N)’s as his grin grew, accepting a glass bowl from Cate as he continued. “I have here all of our names here, thanks to my beautiful girlfriend, Cate,” he said. “I’m sure you all know the rules of the game. But for the person who just came out of a decade-long coma, I will pull two names from this bowl, and those two people will be stuck in (Y/N)’s room for seven minutes. Normally, you’d make out or something similar, but you can’t force anyone to do that. So, whatever happens in that room is up to you.”
“Just do it on Marnie’s bed,” Cate interjected. “Not (Y/N)’s.”
“Hey!” Marnie, (Y/N)’s roommate, exclaimed before shrugging. “Eh, knock yourselves out.”
“Thank you, Marnie. I’ll make sure people thank you for your service,” Luke chuckled. “Well then, let’s see who our first person is. Andre, will you do the honors?”
The boy stepped beside his friend and stuck his hand into the bowl, making a whole scene out of mixing up the papers. But (Y/N) knew. “Jordan Li,” Andre announced. “Get over here!”
Jordan walked to the front of the crowd with a chuckle, her skin turning a soft shade of red. Luke got down from the table and draped an arm across her shoulders in a side hug, then landed his eyes back on (Y/N) before saying, “And who will be the lucky person to join our friend here, Andre?” 
With another pretend mixing of the names, Andre pulled out a paper with a smile that spread from ear to ear. “Well, if it isn’t the birthday girl herself,” he exclaimed. “(Y/N), get your ass over here.”
At the mention of her name, Jordan’s smile dropped and quickly changed into his name form, making (Y/N) roll her eyes. The alcohol was taking effect in her system and was making confidence surge from deep inside. Unfortunately, it was walking hand in hand with anger, and she was ready to give them a piece of her mind. 
She walked to the front of the hallway as everyone cheered and followed Luke to her room. Jordan walked in first, with her following close behind as their friend stopped at the door. “Have fun, you guys,” he smiled. “Your time starts now.”
As soon as Luke closed the door, Jordan sat on Marnie’s bed, looking everywhere but at her. He remained quiet and uninterested, making ire burn deep inside her. He played with his chain and kicked his feet forward, letting time pass by and anger build. 
“What the fuck is your problem with me?!” 
Jordan jumped at the sudden explosions, his eyes finally snapping toward her. He was sure steam was coming out of her ears, her face red with anger. “What do you mean?” he questioned. “I don’t have a problem with you.” 
“You’re fucking kidding, right?” she spat. “You’ve been avoiding me this entire semester. I don’t know what I did from the first time we talked to the first day of school, but you’ve done everything in your power to stay away from me. So, either I did something, or you just don’t like me.” 
“You didn’t do anything,” they answered sheepishly. “It’s… it’s complicated.” 
“C… complicated?” (Y/N) stressed. “Complicated is the fact that something seemed to change before the first day of school. And it was big enough that it made you change your impression of me. Unless you were pretending the entire summer and it got harder to do once we were in the same place.” 
“That’s not what happened. I wasn’t pretending.” 
“Then what is it, Jordan?” she exclaimed, biting back the tears that threatened to spill in her intoxicated state. “Because this whole intimidation and avoidance thing is getting quite old.” 
“Intimidation?” he questioned. “What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Jordan! Do you really think I’m that stupid?” (Y/N) questioned rhetorically. “Every single time you know I am near, you change into your male form. Whenever I try to talk to you, you walk away or answer in the shortest way possible. Hell, even when we all go out as a group, you keep as far away from me as possible. You’ve pushed me away all these months, and I think I deserve a reason why!” 
He startled at the raise of her voice. Her anger slapped him across the face, stinging as though she had actually hit him. They had been avoiding her, but she was nowhere close to the reason why. “I don’t hate you, (Y/N),” he said quietly. “I could never hate you.”
“Then, please, help me understand why you’ve been acting this way,” she pleaded. Her expression had softened, and Jordan could see the pain behind her teary eyes. “I just want the friendship we had in summer back. I mean, for almost three months straight, we talked nonstop, and suddenly, it was radio silence from you. What did I do for things to change so drastically?” 
“God, you didn’t do anything, (Y/N). It’s me that’s the problem!” Jordan exploded as he stood from the bed. He felt angsty, pacing back and forth as he prepared himself for the inevitable rejection. “I know we built a good relationship over the summer, and it was so good. But that’s the problem. I don’t want to be your friend.” 
“Oh,” (Y/N) answered defeatedly. “Sorry. I thought…” 
“No! This is coming out all wrong,” he said as he ran his hands across his face in frustration. “I don’t want to be your friend because I want to be more than that. (Y/N), I’ve liked you from the moment we met. Through the phone, it was easy for me to keep my feelings in control. But here, seeing you around 24/7, it’s been hard to keep it all in control.” 
“Wait, you like me?” she questioned, her heart fluttering fast against her chest. “Like, like me, like me?” 
“Of course I do!” he yelled as frustration got the best of him. “You’re this amazing, talented, unbelievably bright girl. How could I not? But I thought pushing you away would be the easiest way to get over you.” 
“But I don’t get it, Jordan. Why not tell me? Or, hell, even ask how I felt?” 
“Because you’re you, and I’m me! You deserve to be with someone easier, someone that’s in your league,” Jordan confessed. “I come with very heavy baggage, and you don’t deserve to have to carry it. You should be with someone who knows who they are and knows what they want. Definitely not someone who needs constant validation to feel good enough. Even so, at the end of the day, I know you don’t even like me. I mean, you’ve only ever had boyfriends, and that’s an easier thing to explain to parents about and…” 
(Y/N) couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed Jordan’s face and crashed her lips onto theirs. They tasted of champagne and chocolate, a mix as soft and divine as their mouth felt. It took everything in her not to melt at the touch. And suddenly, the face they had been holding had grown smaller. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw Jordan’s female form in front of her. 
“Oh, hi.”
“See? This is not what you want,” she sighed. “I’m not…” 
Once more, (Y/N) interrupted them with a kiss. “I don’t care what gender you are, Jordan,” she smiled, running her thumb across her cheeks. “I like you for who you are. The entire time you’ve been trying to forget about me, I’ve been trying to get close to you because I like you, you idiot.” 
“You’re just saying that.” 
“Why would I lie about this, Jordan? Hell, you can ask Luke about it if you don’t believe me.” 
“Luke?” she chuckled. “You’ve told Luke about this?”
“There have been a couple of drunkenly sad confessions over the past few months about it,” (Y/N) sighed, hiding her face in embarrassment. “Andre caught some of them as well. But yeah, they know. They’re actually the ones who orchestrated this whole thing.” 
“Sort of gathered that seven minutes in heaven was a ruse,” Jordan smiled. “Especially since we’ve gone past seven, and no one has come to knock on the door.” 
“Yeah,” she chuckled softly. “They also told me you were the one who planned this whole thing.” 
“I was,” she answered meekly. “I overheard you talking to your parents on the last day of school. You actually bumped into me, and it broke my heart to see you crying like you were. I couldn’t bear knowing that you’d spend another birthday by yourself, so I made quick arrangements to get everyone back today.” 
“So, you did the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, and you still avoided me all night?”
“I’m a bit of a coward, (Y/N),” she laughed. “And, well, up until a minute ago, I thought there was no way you could actually like me. Not this version of me, at least.” 
“Mm, that explains the continuous shifting into your male form when I’m near,” (Y/N) grinned. “But, regardless of everything that’s gone down these past few months, thank you, Jordan. You have no idea what this all means to me.” 
“I thought it was about time you knew how loved and appreciated you are,” Jordan smiled, wrapping her arms around (Y/N)’s waist and pressing her close to her body. “Sorry that it took so long for me to tell you the truth. And I’m sorry your parents are assholes that don’t know how fucking special you are.” 
“Thank you, J,” she said as a tear rolled down her eye. “I don’t care how long it took. I’m just happy it finally happened, and now you don’t have to pretend to hate me.”
“God, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how horrible it must have felt to think that.” 
“Well, now you have a lot to make up for,” she grinned, crossing her arms around Jordan’s neck. “Starting by wishing me a happy birthday.” 
“Happy birthday,” Jordan said before kissing her lips and accentuating every word with a peck. “Happy. Fucking. Birthday. And. Merry. Fucking. Christmas.” 
Their soft kisses rapidly turned heated. Hands exploring bodies, touching and searching. They twisted and turned until Jordan crashed (Y/N) onto the wall, kissing from her lips down to her neck, finding that one spot that made her moan. (Y/N)’s hands snaked into Jordan’s hair, gripping tightly at the base. It was passionate and feverish, and it was taking everything in them not to rip each other’s clothes off. 
And it was also rudely interrupted. 
“Hey, we’re gonna sing…” Luke said as he opened the door. “Woah. Didn’t think seven minutes in heaven worked this well.”
“Luke!” Jordan yelled. “What the hell?!” 
“Sorry,” he snickered. “I thought you guys were only going to talk.” 
“We… we did,” (Y/N) said. “We just moved on from that.”
“I’m glad,” he grinned. “But people want cake, and I’m not letting anyone get a piece until we’ve sung you happy birthday. So, get out here now. You guys can keep making out later.” 
As he exited, both of them broke out into laughter as they wrapped their arms around each other. They smoothed down their clothes and their hair before walking toward the door, an aura of giddiness surrounding them.
 “Will you stay after the party?” (Y/N) asked, pulling Jordan by their forearm. “After everyone’s gone back home, will you stay with me a little longer?” 
“I’ll stay the rest of Christmas break if that’s what you want,” she smiled, threading her fingers through hers. “We really do have a lot to catch up on.” 
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Taglist: @arcaurix @cheshirecat484 @venusesworld
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 5 months
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Imagine...Luke overstimulating you until you pass out due to his nightmares getting worse
Warnings: sexual contact, Luke going down on Reader, passing out, multiple orgasms, mentions of Luke seeing Sam in hallucinations
Things to know: Reader is Luke's girlfriend, and Luke needs a distraction...and Reader provides it, Cate is not mentioned nor is his girlfriend so NO cheating in this one, he’s a short one guys, sorry!
"No, no, no...L-Luke—!" Your body was trembling. Your thighs shook against his bed as his arms held them pinned under them, hands cupping your chest. He seemed to either not hear you or not care as he simply hummed against your clit, tongue delving in between your walls. You couldn't stop the squeal from escaping your lips as you tried to pull away, hands smacking against his broad shoulders. Luke simply readjusted, letting go of your breasts and moving his arms under your thighs, holding them open that way, fingers digging into the inside of your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh every here and there, pulling you closer to him so he could dig in deeper.
Your body was tense and tight. Every swipe of his tongue on your clit, and every suck on your clit caused you to jerk. You weren't sure what number orgasm you were approaching, but you knew he wasn't stopping anytime soon. Luke could never get tired of you. He could eat you out for fucking hours. Your hands didn't bother him. He simply ignored them and kept his pace. "Oh f-fuck!" Your back arched and he hummed again. His blue eyes glanced up at your arched back, with your head thrown back. He shook his head back and forth, tongue following as he pushed his face closer to you, shoving himself deeper into you.
     You almost convulse, eyes crossing as you arch into his mouth, thighs shaking as you pushed at his head again, cumming for the umpteenth time, a broken squeal escaping your lips. The wet spot continues to grow underneath you. Your breathing was erratic as you began arching away from Luke's mouth, whining that it was too much and no more, your hands pushed at his head, thighs closing around his shoulders trying to disconnect his mouth from your cunt.
     Luke simply hummed once again, looking up at you with lust-filled eyes. He simply shrugged your hands away, once again pushing your thighs further apart, then almost touching the bed with how wide he had you spread. "I'm not finished..." he said before diving back in. A small scream escapes your lips as you arch and pull away from him, but you don't get far. He easily pulls you back into his mouth, eyes glaring up at you as you continue to squirm and writhe under him. Tongue going to town on your cunt, the wet sounds filling his dorm along with your ragged breath and moans.
     You tap at his hands, wanting him to loosen his grip on your thighs, but he doesn't budge. He's an immovable force between your legs. Tongue dragging along your folds, sucking at your clit. He's not stopping and he's not slowing down. Granted, he had warned you that he needed an escape. He needed a distraction from seeing his dead brother all the time. He warned you that if you let him use you, he wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. As the ever-so-worried girlfriend you were, you allowed him to use you as he saw fit. What you hadn't expected was for him to eat you out for what felt like fucking hours. He'd most certainly need to do some fucking laundry after he was finished with you. You cum again, gushing around his tongue, crying out, tears slipping down your face. Your legs felt like jello. You could barely move them. But Luke finally, finally gave one last suck to your raw clit before letting it go with a wet pop, kissing up your body, knees on either side of your thighs, holding them above his thighs, his legs holding yours open.
     He kisses you softly, lips, mouth, chin, all wet from your arousal and many rounds of cumming on his face. You could taste yourself on his tongue but paid no mind as you tiredly kissed him back. He gives you almost no warning as he digs his head into your neck, hips pushing forwards, breaching you with his dick. It's thick...girthy. A slight curve that has you shuddering around it. He groans out as he pushes himself inside you, your head gets thrown back, a soundless noise escaping your open lips as your fingers dig into his shoulders, thighs raising above his hips. Your facial expression pulls into a pleasured painful look, cunt spent as you clench around his dick, overstimulated but wanting more. His arms are on either side of your head, fingers digging into the sheets as his hips push and pull against yours, grunts and moans escaping his lips at the tight feeling of you wrapped around him. Your cunt spasms around him with every push of his hips, keeping a tight grip around his dick as he keeps a steady and quick pace. He's fucking you.
     On a normal day, he'd spend time worshipping you, working you up to take his cock. Mumbling soft words or love under his breath as he took his time with you. But since he's been having nightmares, seeing his dead brother as hallucinations, he's much more rough. He's an animal, taking what he wants. His hips start to slam into yours, sending you sliding slightly upwards with the force, head now hanging over the side of the bed. Luke keeps his head nuzzled into your neck, practically grinding against you as he brings you pleasure and another orgasm. You shake and convulse around him again. He's crowding you, keeping you caged under him. You have nowhere to go, you can't push him off. Your hands scramble around his back and shoulders, pushing him away while leaving indents on his skin. your legs spasm as you cum, your breath stuttering and you can't moan out anymore. The only thing that escapes you is gasps, whimpers, and breathless sounds.
     Your ears are starting to ring. You bring both of your hands to rest on his abdomen. His abs tense with every thrust he gives you. You can only look up at the ceiling in a daze. You're trembling around Luke, edges going black around your vision. Your thighs press into the skin of his hips, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You can feel Luke's lips pressing against your throat, kissing and biting at the skin as he leaves mark after mark on your neck. His hips continue to move against you, with no sign of them slowing or stopping. You remember being tense, eyes rolling as Luke continued his motions. You remember being close to another orgasm, fingers scratching down his abs, before you cum again, and everything goes black, and your body goes lax underneath Luke.
You can vaguely feel Luke's lips pressing against your forehead, his arm is wrapped you, keeping you against his bare skin, holding you close. He's whispering soft words to you, thank yous and I'm sorrys escaping his lips. You let out a small hum as you come to, eyes opening slowly. You were sore, and still tired. You still couldn't feel your legs. You stayed slumped against your boyfriend, too tired to move. "Mmm...you weren't kidding..." your voice was hoarse and thick with sleep. You could hear Luke laugh slightly against your forehead, leaving another kiss against your temple.
“I’m sorry…the nightmares…they’re getting worse and…I just needed something…needed you…” Luke said, voice quiet. You looked up at him, head still resting against his skin. “You’ll always have me…I’m sorry you’re still having nightmares…I wish I could help you out more..” you said, biting your lip. “You help me out plenty…I can assure you. I’m sure I’ll be sleeping like a fucking baby tonight.” Luke says cheekily. You roll your eyes swatting at his chest. “What time is it? Isn’t your first official training session of the semester starting in a few hours? You’re going up against Incredible Steve, right?…who the fuck came up with that name?”
Luke lets out a chuckle. “I know.” He answered. “Andre will kill you if your late, lover boy.” You say, smiling up at him. “Eh. I’ve got a few more hours…I’m thinking I could spend it with my amazing—kiss—beautiful—kiss—distraction—kiss—of a girlfriend.” Luke says between kisses, leaning back over you again. You let out a small laugh, bringing both hands up to run your fingers through his hair at the back of his neck. “Mmm…maybe…” you say slowly, leaning up slightly so he could kiss you. Maybe you could let him have his way with you one more time…
TAGLIST: @baeberry-2005, @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @dayylighhtt
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lov4gor3 · 7 months
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summary: Jade always knew something’s was off about herself,it wasn’t because she was a supe, it was something else… something…. powerful. Jade has suffered almost all her life, and now she finally has a chance to show people what’s she’s capable of, but….at what cost?
coming soon!!!!
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supercap2319 · 7 months
"No, that's just it. You didn't know Luke. How funny he was, how much he loved his family. But shades of gray don't sell like black and white, do they?" Cate said.
Y/N leaned in close towards her until their noses were almost touching. "You don't have the power to control me, do you?" She grabbed his shoulder and tried to compel him with her powers, but to her surprise, it didn't work.
"Not even close." Y/N scoffed. "Stay the fuck away from Luke."
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bloodynereid · 6 months
Hey babes! What do you think about some rivals to lovers for jordan li? I love how Jordan was super competitive at the start of the show, and idk why but I wanted to see more of that from them :) anyway something angsty but also super cute?
Jordan Li is my new obsession and the little amount of fanfiction for them hurts
Sending you lots of love 💕💕💕
pairing: jordan li x fem! reader
tw: angst, horrible parents... again, rivalry, swearing, fluff, crying, alcohol consumption, intrusive thoughts?
description: rivals always do have that unspoken tension don't they?
a/n: hiii sorry it took like a month to write this - hopefully it's similar to what you thought about. also sorry it's so short, i think i went into a sort of mini writing slump so i'm trying to get back on the saddle. anywaysss hope you enjoy <33
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You let out a huff as you collapsed on one of the picnic tables outside of the exam room (what really was a random auditorium). God, that exam was horrible. For some reason, it seemed easy up until the moment you dropped the stack of papers off at the examiner’s desk.
Business was probably easier than it was at different colleges because it just focused on supe management but it had a variety of key terms that you had studied like a maniac. But… you still felt like a failure. How were you going to make it past Jordan fucking Li on the leaderboard if you got a mediocre score on a random business final?
“Damn that exam was easyyyy, why are you grumbling on such a beautiful day like today?” Speaking of the devil.
“Jordan…” You said, poison lacing your tone as you looked up at the stupid smirk on their face.
“Y/N. What did you think of the test?” You and Jordan had a sort of rivalry between the two of you since you started at God U. 
Freshman year. You and Jordan share the majority of classes. It sounds like the recipe for real friendship but no, it turned into something more twisted.
“Incredibly easy, what about you Jordan? Think that you actually did well at something for once?”
“Oh I’m hurt darling. Who’s higher on the ranks by the way? I haven’t checked.”
“Fuck you.”
“I think that’s something you want to do.” Jordan’s voice held something hard to identify as they leaned forward and she winked at you.
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You smoothed out the fabric of the dress you were wearing. The gold dress hung around your frame perfectly and it actually made you feel confident in a room of people who probably had more money that you could even dream of.
A sip of bubbly champagne filled your mouth when you suddenly felt a solid presence behind you. The flute of bubbly alcohol was plucked out of your hand and you twirled around with an indignant look on your face. You really shouldn’t be surprised that the person standing in front of you was Jordan.
“Wow, so now you don’t just steal my place in the ranks but you also steal my fucking champagne.”
“It’s pretty shitty champagne, you’re not really missing anything.” Jordan said as they smiled that stupidly teasing smile of theirs as he took another sip. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the flute back out of their hands.
“What do you want, Jordan?”
“Oh I don’t know, it seems like you looked a little lonely.”
“So this whole charade was so you could check on my wellbeing, yeah I fucking doubt that.”
“Then why do you think I came here?” Jordan purred out as they leaned on one of the columns.
“To gloat.”
“Oh I think you suffer enough whenever you open up that little phone of yours to see who’s higher up.” Jordan said they trailed a finger over the hand that you were using to hold up the flute. Your eyes narrowed and you felt a shudder of pure hatred run through your veins. Quickly pulling your hand away, you huffed and walked straight away from a smirking Jordan.
“Aww did I hit a nerve, sweetheart?”
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Frantically wiping away the tears that littered your face, you slammed your phone down maybe a little too harshly on the concrete steps. You heard the protective case shatter but in that moment all you could care about is the venomous words spewed into your ear by your parents.
Never enough. That’s what you constantly felt like. You were the eldest and yet you could never do anything as perfectly as your brothers. They were getting top ranks at their supe training school and what were you doing? You were sitting at a mediocre 5. Not good enough for parents who demanded perfection in every single aspect of your life.
A sob was trying to fight its way out of your throat when you buried your head between your arms. The harsh fabric of your jeans scratched painfully on your tearstreaked cheeks. You deserve the fucking pain at this point.
You could almost feel your blood boiling when your powers turned on hyperdrive. Well that’s wonderful timing. Suddenly you could feel, hear and see basically everything. The senses assaulted your very being and a choked whine left your lips.
Why did they think you weren’t good enough? Top 5 is something kids and their parents dream about. And yet you were sitting around on a cold concrete slab crying your eyes out because of your parents.
“Y/N?” The voice you recognized ever so well, made you look up from your clothed arms. Meeting Jordan’s eyes with your own tear-filled ones.
“Fuck off Jordan, I don’t need or want to deal with you today.” You said sharply before dropping your head back onto your knees. You didn’t feel Jordan move away though, instead a warm body settled down next to you and you felt an arm weave around your shoulders.
The chill that had seemed to have permanently weaved with your DNA left when Jordan cradled you into their embrace.
“Y/N?” You let out a loud sob at the sound of your name. What you didn’t realize was that Jordan’s eyes were filled with brimming concern. They had never seen you like this, you were literally like a rock. You always took their teases in stride and easily rebuked them. Your little cat and mouse game was one of the only things that kept Jordan going whenever they were having a bad day.
“I fucking hate them. I do everything they ask of me and yet I’m never enough. I’m never going to be as good as their perfect little sons.” Your words came out in heaves and sniffles. Jordan felt a pang of emotion, they knew exactly what you were feeling.
“I get it, I know everyone always says that but I really do this time. My parents fucking suck. They constantly demand perfection, don’t they?”
“Yeah…” You trailed off as the tears started to dry up and crust on your cheeks.
“Are you okay, darling?” Jordan said softly as you looked up to meet her eyes.
“I can’t believe you are comforting right now, but other than that fine.”
“Always with the scathing insults.” Jordan said with a delighted twist of their smile. 
“You know me… thanks for this Jordan.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Something sparked in Jordan’s eyes when you smiled at them. “You know I don’t really hate you right?” Jordan said softly as they caught a stray tear with their thumb.
That was when you had the realization, you never really hated them either. You liked the competition. You liked feeling pushed and you absolutely adored their stupid fucking smirk.
“Maybe I don’t really hate you either.”
“Ah you see, progress.” Jordan said, making a zap of energy sing through you.
“This doesn’t mean we’re going to be friends suddenly.”
“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it but between you and me, darling, I think we would be something more.” Jordan said with a wink which made goosebumps appear on your skin.
“You’re going to have to beat me first.”
“In what?”
“In that stupid business exam… results come out tomorrow. If you get a better grade than me you get to take me out on a date, if I get a better grade than you I get to take you out on a date.”
“Seems like a win-win situation either way. I can’t wait.” Jordan brushed their warm fingers across your cheekbone before they sent you one final wink and a smirk before heading off in the direction of the dorms.
“You coming? We do have that marketing exam on Friday…” Jordan called out over their shoulder, their remark made your body instantly heat up. Fuck it. You were in a losing battle with them again, this time the prize was your heart and they were certainly going to win it.
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ahhh jordannnnn
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happy74827 · 8 months
Stay With Me
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[Sam Riordan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes all we need is a hug, or in Sam’s case, words of assurance. (GIF credits: @heronamedhawks || Thanks for letting me use your gifs 🫶)
WC: 635
Category: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
This is so short compared to my usuals, but I thought it was too cute to pass up. Plus, I’m a sucker for those first kiss moments 😌
You didn’t know what to expect when you opened the door with Marie. Your first encounter with Sam was a difficult one. And although you’ve come to know him as the sweetest man on the planet, there is still that one incident that made you uncomfortable when you thought about it.
As you enter the room, you realized that it wasn’t one of those days. It was just Sam… being Sam. His body shot up alert with the sound of the heavy metal door closing, but it was instantly replaced with a look that was both apologetic and exhausted.
Sam was at your side in an incident, practically shoving Marie to the side as he embraced you.
"I was so worried about you." he murmurs in your ear as you hug back.
He smelled good. It was a little odd, considering he was always covered in blood whenever you saw him, but he had the distinct smell of some cologne mixed in. It was one you didn't recognize, but it suited him well.
"I'm alright," you say, pulling away from the hug. You look him over, noting the way his eyes look like they have dark circles underneath. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, and from how he looks at you, you can tell he hasn't.
“I was out of line. I know I was out of line." His words were slow and careful, but he spoke them with such clarity. You couldn't deny the sincerity behind his voice.
You smile softly. "It's okay, Sam. I understand—"
"No! It’s not okay! I... I lost my cool and I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have said those things to you and you don't deserve that. Not at all. And I... I don't want you to leave. I can't stand the thought of it."
You place your hand on his arm, hoping to soothe him. You didn't like the way this was going. You could see how he was suffering, but you didn't know how to make him stop. He looked like he wanted to do anything to keep you from leaving.
"Hey, I'm not leaving. Sam, it's alright, you can relax. I forgive you." You rub his arm with your hand, hoping he would relax. You didn't like the way this conversation was going either.
He takes a deep breath and releases it, allowing his body to loosen up. He was so much taller than you, and his eyes always had a look in them like he wanted to say something, but he never did. Now, it seemed like he had so much to say.
He looked up at you.
“What’s on your mi—”
You were suddenly cut off by his lips meeting your own. They were warm, and they felt soft against yours, but they were also rough, as if they were cracked and dry. His hand immediately went to the nape of your neck, pulling your face closer to his as his other arm wrapped around you, holding you against him. It was a little startling, but it was a good thing the room was dark. The only light coming into the room was coming from the hallway, and that was just barely enough to illuminate the space between the two of you.
You didn't know what to do with your hands, and you couldn't help but kiss him back. You had never kissed anyone like this before, and the intimacy was new to you, but it wasn't unpleasant. The warmth radiating from Sam's body was enough to make you feel dizzy.
Sam slowly pulls away, but he rests his forehead against yours. His eyes are closed, but he's breathing hard. It's quiet in the room, and you're wondering if it's just you or if he was as winded as you.
"I'm sorry." he whispers after a moment of silence, his eyes opening slightly to look at you. He keeps his eyes closed for a moment before speaking again,
"I don’t… why did I do that?" he murmurs, opening his eyes finally. "I'm sorry, I just... I..."
You take a deep breath and smile at him. You gently place your hands on his cheeks, and he looks up at you in surprise.
"Don't be sorry." you say, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He instantly reacts, holding you by the small of your back as you press your body against him.
You pull away to look at him. You smile up at him, hoping that this is enough to ease his nerves. He's staring back at you with a look of confusion, and you can tell that he's overwhelmed by the way his cheeks begin to redden.
"Why are you... smiling?" he asks after a moment. He's obviously embarrassed.
You chuckle, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I just never thought you'd ever be this forward. I always thought you were more the sweet and quiet type."
Sam was quiet for a moment before chuckling. He placed a hand over his mouth as he laughed quietly. He shakes his head as he removes it. He then takes a deep breath and looks back at you.
"You think I'm a sweet and quiet person? I don’t think any of the guards would agree with that. Or the higher ups for that matter."
You laugh, resting your forehead against his. "Well, I've come to know you more than just the blood and death that surrounds you all the time."
He laughs again, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you close to him. He rests his head in the crook of your neck, holding you tightly.
"Thank you." he murmurs. "Thank you for... not leaving."
"I told you, Sam, I’m not going anywhere. I promise."
He doesn't reply to that, and you feel him relax against you. His breathing evens out, and you feel his body become lax in your arms. It seems as though he had finally calmed down.
For a moment, you had forgotten that Marie was there, but as you turn your head to look at her, she was smiling at you. She gave you a small thumbs up, and you felt a sudden blush form on your cheeks.
You decided not to say anything about it as you wrap your arms around Sam and close your eyes. You still didn't understand the situation you had gotten yourself into, but you felt at ease with Sam. You felt like you could relax around him, and that was all you needed right now. You would have to think about everything else later.
For now, you were content with just holding each other.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 5 months
Ao3 (friskysixtynine)
Cross The Line: 14,595 words, 11 chapters
All I've Ever Known: 19,236 words, 10 chapters
Various Oneshots: 15,704 words, 16 oneshots (all crossposted to this tumblr)
Cross The Line - A Ballet Jordan Li AU inspired by @poppy-metal
All I've Ever Known - A Jordan Li x Luke's Little Sister AU
In Which Jordan And Marie Are Forced To Figure It Out
Maybe I Do Need You
A Painful Misunderstanding
Friends Don't Kiss Like This
Do You Remember?
First Date/Last Night
Fast Car
I Won't Pretend That I Won't Miss This
Jealous Limoreau
Yes, No, Who Cares
All Bets Are Off
Game Night
My Submission is a Gift (smut tw)
Maybe We're Not So Different (self-injury tw)
Heist!AU Scraps
Exes To Lovers Imagine
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bumblesimagines · 20 days
Better Not Kill The Groove
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Jealousy rears its ugly head when new girl Marie joins (Y/N) and his friends on a night out Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
"Pregaming already?" Andre laughed, clapping his hand over (Y/N)'s shoulder roughly enough that he nearly choked on the burning alcohol running down his throat. He swallowed the remaining liquid in his mouth and glared at his friend, rolling his shoulder to fling Andre's hand off him as the Supe laughed, a cloud of smoke escaping his lips. He lifted the vape back to his lips and inhaled deeply again, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Another step into alcoholism." Jordan clicked their tongue. "What a waste."
"Bite me, Jordan." (Y/N) swiped his tongue over his wet lips to scoop up what'd trickled out when Andre interrupted him, fingers working on screwing the cap back on his flask. His eyes raised to meet Cate's burning stare, finding the blonde curled up at Luke's side as always. The corner of her lip quirked up and she extended her hand toward him, wiggling her fingers pleadingly. He stepped away from Andre and offered the flask, her gloved fingers brushing over his hands purposefully when she took it from him. 
"Ask nicely and I'll think about it." Jordan cooed, sending a playful wink his way. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and slipped his hands into his coat pockets, leaning back against the car and inhaling the fresh night air. He avoided Cate's stare again, her bright blue eyes continuing to watch him while she drank from his flask, and instead, he looked forward toward campus where he spotted a figure making their way over to them.
"Is that your girl?" (Y/N) asked and Andre turned, exhaling more smoke before a big grin broke out onto his face at the sight of her. She looked incredibly nervous, her eyes slightly widening at the sight of all of them and flickering away. She flexed her fingers slightly and slapped a smile on her face, albeit still a blatantly nervous one. Luke immediately moved forward, walking up to her with his arm extended. Cate took the opportunity to close the distance, her hand coming to rest on (Y/N)'s shoulder and the other offering his flask back. 
"Why are you acting like this?" She asked quietly into his ear, fingers tightening around the flask when he attempted to take it.
"You know why." 
"What's the point of this anyway?" (Y/N) sighed, his fingertips tingling as the pen floated above his head, spinning around and following the motion of his finger. Cate watched it from her spot on the floor beside him, her eyes following the pen's movements in almost awe, but telekinesis hardly matched up to the abilities of other Supes in school. 
"It's a teamwork exercise, (Y/N). Becoming a hero means having to work with others." Cate reminded him, dropping her attention down onto her notebook and flipping it open to go through the pages until she found a blank one. She set her notebook aside by her legs and looked back toward the spinning floating pen, reaching out to grab it only for it to move out of reach.
"Seems like you're a little slow." (Y/N) teased and she rolled her eyes, getting up from the floor and reaching for the pen again. It moved even higher, too far up in the air for her to get close to grabbing it even when she jumped. Cate grunted after her fourth jump and turned to look down at him with an arched brow.
"It wasn't funny the first ti-" She cut herself off with a squeal as her body began levitating in the air, feet leaving the floor of (Y/N)'s bedroom. Her arms moved instinctively and swung around, attempting to find unneeded balance. Her body moved on its own, tilting and moving around the room as she giggled nervously, soft gasps and a few murmured 'oh my god's leaving her lips while she tried adjusting to the unusual feeling of being in the air and without control.
"Think you can grab it now, Cate?" (Y/N) asked with a grin, his palm turned upward and fingers slowly moving to make Cate float closer to the pen. She reached out a third time and curled her fingers around it, the weightlessness of it disappearing once in her grasp. She clutched the pen tightly and peered down, pressing her hands against the ends of her skirt until her body returned down to the ground and she sat back down. Cate released a breath of relief and laughed, placing the pen aside and pressing her palms against the ground. 
"Could I get a warning next time?" She asked despite the large smile on her face, her fingers raking through her hair and eyes locked on his. The distance between them had shortened, with her shoulder brushing against his. He'd be lying if he said Cate wasn't one of the prettiest girls on campus, especially with her sweet yet feisty personality. Cate broke away her gaze first, slowly lowering it to his lips.
"We should, uh.. get back to work." He said softly.
"Yeah," She agreed but made no move to grab her notebook again. Instead, she smiled at him and leaned forward, locking their lips together. Her vanilla-scented perfume invaded his nose, an unexpected warmth expanding through his chest. She set her hand on his cheek, the soft fabric of it rubbing pleasantly against his skin. Uncertainty bubbled in his stomach, making his moves slow and hesitant. Cate had been Luke's girlfriend since freshman year. They were as tight as could be and yet...
He pulled back and tilted his head away. "We... we shouldn't, Cate. It's- it's fucked."
"Oh, no, it's fine, I swear. Luke doesn't have to know, I promise. He won't find out." Cate assured him, the hand on his face turning his head back toward her. She smiled again, moving onto her knees and swinging on leg over his to sit down on his lap, her skirt riding up her thighs. (Y/N) inhaled heavily, his hands tentatively coming to a rest on her hips. "And if he does... all he needs is.. a little convincing." She shrugged.
"I'm joking! I'm all about consent, (Y/N). You know that!" Cate giggled, slipping her arms around his shoulder and leaning in again. He exhaled through his nose and allowed his body to relax, fingers digging into the fabric of her shirt and pulling her closer. 
"I know who you are. I know you every..." Marie trailed off, a soft, meek chuckle leaving her as (Y/N)'s eyes flickered back to her, turning his attention away from the blonde. "Nice to meet you."
"Uh, this is (Y/N) and Jordan." Luke shifted slightly, pointing to each Supe as he introduced them. A smirk worked its way onto (Y/N) face when he noticed the irritated look that fell on Marie and Jordan's faces when they made eye contact. Typical Jordan. Always making a shit impression unless they wanted to kiss ass. 
"Are you going to reject me from this outing, too?" Marie questioned, the shyness evaporating from her body as she tilted her head at Jordan and quirked a brow. She held their gaze challengingly, and Jordan's jaw clenched slightly. 
"I'd love to."
"No, play nice or I will not share my drugs with you." Andre cut through the growing tension and Jordan chuckled dryly in response, their hardened eyes finally breaking away from Marie as Andre popped open the passenger door for Cate. The blonde paused, her eyes jumping from Supe to Supe until they landed back on Marie.
"Someone's going to have to share their lap." She pointed out, hands running over the top of the door. Andre sucked his teeth and hummed thoughtfully, turning his head to look between (Y/N) and Jordan. 
"What do you think, new girl?" (Y/N) grinned and Marie blinked at him, the meekness crashing back into her like a wave and all the confidence she'd shown during her standoff with Jordan disappeared. Her shiny lips formed silent words and her skin had no doubt warmed tenfold, the flustered look on her face speaking for her. Cate frowned but he ignored her, instead offering Marie his hand. "I don't bite unless you ask, I promise."
"Oh, uhm," Marie laughed, her gaze falling onto the ground as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Luke shook his head, fishing his keys out of his pocket and moving around the car to get into the driver's seat. The car rumbled to life soon after and (Y/N) tilted his head at her expectantly. "I- uhm, sure- sure, okay."
"Come on, let the girl warm up to you first, (Y/N)," Andre said, swatting at his hand and closing the passenger door when Cate finally got in. He moved to the other door and opened it, glancing over his shoulder at Jordan. "Jordan can sit on your lap instead. Come on, Marie."
 "I don't mind, I swear," Marie butted in quickly, so quick Jordan looked at her curiously and a teasing smile appeared on Andre's face. He raised his hands and nodded, motioning for Jordan to get in. The shapeshifter spared Marie another glance and climbed into the car, Andre following him and settling in the middle seat. Marie entered next, raising herself until (Y/N) entered before she settled on his lap, twisting around so her side pressed against his chest and stomach. "Hi." She exhaled nervously.
"Hey." (Y/N) chuckled softly, slipping his arms around her stiffened body to keep her securely in place. Marie curled her arm around his shoulder, her eyes downcast to avoid the other two sitting with them. Andre subtly nudged (Y/N) with his elbow and wiggled his brows suggestively, his chuckle drowned out by the radio when Luke turned it up and pulled out of the university's parking lot. 
The ride to the club went without hiccups, with only a short stop at Seven Tower to pregame and do some lines. Marie turned out more innocent than expected, rejecting any offers of alcohol or coke and revealing she'd never been to a club before due to 'strict parents'. Music poured out from inside the club, people bustling in and out of the dimly lit building. (Y/N) kept an arm around Marie's shoulder, guiding her through the halls after the others and offering her a friendly smile as Cate used her power to get them inside. Marie leaned into his side and looked around in awe, the lights overhearing making her eyes sparkle. 
"This is... amazing." She laughed breathlessly, loosely wrapping her arm around his waist. (Y/N) chuckled and raised his head, making eye contact with Cate again. The blonde stared at them, gaze lingering on their arms and lips pursing slightly while the others sat at a table and began exchanging powders or mushrooms. (Y/N) led her to the table, taking note of how she cautiously eyed the small baggies and how her smile slowly fell, her head shaking at the things she was offered. 
"(Y/N)," Cate piped up, her hands grabbing hold of his arm before he could sit down beside Marie. "Let's get drinks for everyone."
She barely gave him time to respond before she pulled on his arm and dragged him into the sea of clubgoers, leaving Marie stranded with the others. Resisting would be futile with Cate, after all, she could easily slip her glove off and force him to follow her. (Y/N) allowed her to drag him through the club, unsurprisingly right past the bar and into a more secluded, virtually empty hallway. He tugged his arm free from her grip and smoothed out the wrinkles that'd formed on the sleeve, motioning for her to say her piece. Cate scoffed softly, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What was that?" She asked, her brows knitting together.
"What was what?"
"That thing with Marie! You-" Cate groaned in frustration. "You don't call me back, you basically ignore me in class, and now you're cuddling up to some freshman? You hate freshmen! What- What is up with you? I thought-"
"You thought what, Cate? That'd I'd become your little side chick just 'cause we hooked up?" He spoke bitterly, a sharpness to his voice that made her features soften. She frowned, her bottom lip jutting out slightly in the form of a pout and her head turning away from him. "I'm single, Cate. You're not. Maybe things would be different if you broke up with Luke but-"
"I would if I could!" Cate snapped abruptly, her shoulders immediately slumping afterward and eyes squeezing shut. She sighed, lifting her hands to her face and letting out a muffled sigh into her palms. (Y/N) brows furrowed, watching her drop her hands back to her sides and raise her head to look at him with those sad-puppy eyes she'd mastered. "I... I can't do that to Luke, not right now when he's about to join the Seven. It'd be... cruel."
"So is cheating on him!" (Y/N) scoffed.
"I know, I know! He's going to leave soon and I plan to end things once he's settled down, okay? I... I'm sorry." Cate stepped toward him, the roughness of her black glove greeting his skin when she placed her hand against his cheek, eyes peering at him through her long lashes. "I'll leave him... for you. I know you feel the same way I do, (Y/N)."
"You don't know shit, Cate." He sighed, fingers wrapping around her wrist and tugging her arm away. Cate's frown deepened, her arm reluctantly dropping back to her side in defeat. (Y/N)'s lips pursed slightly and he reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "We still have to get those idiots drinks. They'll cry about it if we don't." He told her softly, turning to step out of the hallway. 
"(Y/N), wait," He barely had time to turn back around before feeling bare fingers grab his hand and a fuzzy feeling invading his mind. There was desperation in her voice, though he could hardly think about anything through the fog in his brain. The noise around them, the chatter, the thumping music, it all grew muffled, his ears only picking up on Cate's voice. "Tell me how you feel about me. How you really feel." 
His mouth moved automatically. "I've liked you ever since Luke introduced you to us back in freshmen year. I think you're the prettiest girl on campus and I've always wanted to be with you but Luke's my closest friend and I feel guilty about betraying him." And just like that, the spell broke. The noise resumed, the fog in his head vanished, and he could think and see clearly. Cate's softened eyes greeted him first and he grinded his teeth together. "So much for consent, huh, Cate?"
"I know, I'm sorry." Cate wiggled her glove back on her hand, offering him an apologetic smile. "But for what it's worth I've felt the same since freshmen year too."
"You-" A scream cut through the music and chatter, immediately drawing their attention toward the bar as more shrieks and panicked shouts erupted through the crowd like dominoes. People backed away, leaving big enough gaps in the crowd for them to spot a woman collapsing on the floor with blood pouring from her neck. Andre stood nearby, the horrified, guilt-ridden look on his face speaking volumes.
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sugacoateds · 8 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Gen V (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jordan Li/Reader, Luke Riordan/Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan/Reader Characters: Jordan Li, Luke Riordan, Golden Boy | Luke Riordan, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, Eventual Smut, eventual angst, Love Triangles, Love, Friends With Benefits, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers Summary:
You’ve always expected college to go a little differently after high school – especially at the best university for Supes in the world – but you were hoping that your sexual endeavours would go better than your non-existent ones at high school. But alas, you’re in your junior year at Godolkin University and you’re still a loser. A virginal loser. Now how can you, a virginal loser, even think of getting the Golden Boy’s attention?
Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
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