#luke is a fencer
may i offer up a mortal au where the ta are content creators ^.^ perhaps alabaster, chris and ethan do gameplay vids together
I remember talking a few times in the server as them with content creators YESSSS
Chris, Ethan and Al are the most chaotic trio ever that they barely finish a game most of the time.
Chris is probably the guy who sticks around and tries all dialogue options and wants to find every possible ending
Ethan hates side quests with his entire might, he wants to stick to the main plot and strictly play by the rules
Al is just *vibes*, the chaos, he just jumps over Npcs and roofs. Very good at climbing things tho
Their channel name can be The Labyrinth bc hah
Sorry (not sorry) Chris
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astro-in-prog · 1 year
I know this won't happen in Bridgerton S3 but.....
I REALLY REALLY want a scene where Colin is fencing with the other gentlemen of the ton and he's a bit distracted because he's starting to question why Pen's suitors are bothering him so much. (Bonus if they tease him about spending time with Pen or his S2 declaration)
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Then, in walks one of Penelope's suitors (preferably the douchey-est option or Fife), and Colin asks for a match (he's telling himself that he just wants to see what this guy is made of) OR the suitor asks him for a match so he can boast about being beating a Bridgerton (which Colin sees right through).
They fence, the suitor seems pretty skilled and Colin's heart isn't in it and he isn't winning. But while they're talking the suitor either disrespects Pen with some comment OR declares that he is going to propose and it sends Colin's entire world SPINNING. We see his entire demeanor change from chill Colin to what did you just say about my wife best friend to Colin 'I AM GOING TO END YOU' Bridgerton.
Colin proceeds to then DESTROY HIM and his pride (Colin in S2 was not the best fencer but I would love for him to pull a 'didn't see that coming did you?' and show off his newly acquired skills). He beats this suitor SO well in fact that the ENTIRE TON hears about it. People like to pretend that its only the women that gossip but are you telling me that Colin Bridgerton kicking another dude's ass at fencing is not something the other gentlemen are going to spread all over the ton?
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Bonus: Anthony and Benedict are also present and are absolutely stunned that their brother just humiliated another gentleman of the ton like that. They ask him about it and Colin says the suitor was being ungentlemanly and disrespecting Pen. He brushes it off and pretends like its no big deal because he was just doing his duty. Anthony and Ben share an eye roll and a very pointed look because of course this was about Pen.
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The speculation in the ton is WILD with people saying Colin did it to defend Penelope so much so that even Pen hears about and has to write about it in LW (but she underplays it and when Colin reads LW he is offended LW thinks Penelope is not worth fighting over).
Even better if Pen calls him out about it because why is he going around basically dueling her suitors to defend her honour? He is not her husband and he is certainly not Lord Featherington (more foreshadowing) and Colin is just confused because our boy can't even imagine NOT defending the love of his life his bestie. It would add tension between them and force Colin to question why he reacted the way he did (love my dear Colin... IT'S LOVE).
It would work as great foreshadowing (as we know Bridgerton loves to do) for Polin - all the other suitors aren't considering Colin competition at the moment and underestimating him because of his comments last season but he's going to come out of nowhere and win over Penelope.
Do i just want to see Luke Newton fence again? YES I DO.
Am I coming up with extremely complicated ways to make it happen? YEP
Am i ashamed? NOPE
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All the male leads have had a scene in the show where we see how frustrated/jealous they are (Simon boxing with Will and Anthony fencing with his brothers). The idea of Colin secretly having gotten better at fencing over the past year and destroying one of Pen's more douchey suitors would be EPIC. (I will watch this shit on repeat for years to come) And I JUST KNOW Newts will deliver with Colin's microexpressions going from calm and unbothered to pissed off to cocky and charming when he wins.
(since we probably won't get it I am working on writing a fic about this on AO3 --- coming soon!🥲)
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REAL fencers know PERCY pronounced "riposte" correctly and LUKE (fake swordfighter) said it wrong
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innytoes · 9 months
if you’re still taking prompts for the aus, jatp olympics au?
I don't really watch a lot of olympics, but I was instantly struck with two ideas.
-Alex/Willie figure skaters. They're dancing on ice. They're both on team USA, but they like to compete with each other anyway. Not over who gets the most points, but over who can get the gayest song approved and who has the most sparkly outfit.
-The day they allow same sex ice skating pairs, it is OVER FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
-Carrie the gymnast. Her floor routine is flawless. Her beam work death defying. Her ponytail is the swishiest.
-Flynn is a fencer. Flynn is also that person who posts videos on social media of her jumping on the cardboard beds with Julie and Carrie like: TRUST ME WE CAN BONE ON THESE IF WE WANT TO, INTERNET.
-Luke is also a gymnast because hnnngh arms.
-I have no idea what Julie would do but I just saw Archery on the list and can you imagine. She would be so pretty. And deadly.
-Reggie works at the Olympic Village McDonalds and he knows all of them by name and order but has no idea who does what sport. He flirts with EVERYONE.
-Yes somehow this results in Alex having to convince Julie NOT to William Tell an apple off Reggie's head 'for the vine'. VINE ISN'T EVEN A THING ANYMORE GUYS. PLEASE.
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ROUND 1 MATCH 2: The Three Musketeers vs Darth Vader
An inseparable trio from a classic novel with many adaptations that defined the tropes of the swashbuckler genre... vs an iconic villain whose stunt double in two of the films was an actual Olympic fencer!
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Summaries under the cut:
The Three Musketeers is a classic novel that's been adapted many times. Everyone has their preferred version, and while I used an image of the 70s version for this poll as it's the version with the most realistic (and ruthless) swordfighting which I find a lot of fun (older versions tend towards obvious stage fighting), ALL versions of them are included in this entry. To many, these characters define the classic image of a swashbuckling hero. Despite being "Musketeers", and having muskets in one scene on the battlefield, they are far more iconically associated with swords and use them in far more scenes. Also they fight duels constantly over pretty much everything; duels were illegal in France by this time but they don't care.
Darth Vader (aka Anakin Skywalker) is of course the most famous villain from Star Wars, the series of films that created the iconic weapon of the lightsaber. Lightsaber combat in Star Wars has taken inspiration from both fencing and kendo, and Darth Vader's lightsaber stunts in The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi were performed by Bob Anderson, fencer in all three weapons at the Commonwealth Games (then called the British Empire Games but fuck that) and twice gold medallist, who also fenced at the Olympics. Bob Anderson coached and choreographed swordfight scenes for such films as The Lord Of The Rings and The Princess Bride, so he was indirectly responsible for many of the characters in this bracket, but Darth Vader is the only one to have been portrayed by him onscreen. From his fights with Luke Skywalker to his famously intimidating appearance effortlessly slaughtering the Rebels in Rogue One, he's one of the most dangerous characters in the series.
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gloryseized · 5 months
send ✨ or ( ‘SPARKLE’ ) and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, or your muse. 🥺
Meme Tag -- @furysburn
CLARKE!!! My praises and love of you has no start or end which makes it even harder to figure out where to at least start here talking about you! I love your character insights! I love the chance to sit and talk to you about our shared fandoms and what makes all the characters tick. It's literally so cozy all the while helping me articulating things that I haven't ever thought before. Your insights are so profound and so lovely that it makes me love all the characters even more--and even the characters I'm not as familiar with!
I have loved loved setting up Akira against your Akechi. It's like dancers or fencers, and just letting these two square off against each other is so so much fun! The insight that you bring especially into his childhood is so nuanced and enthralling that I could read a full novel about it. And the way you write his mannerisms!!! I can visualize it so clearly and it has me yelling because you capture some of the best of his faux flippant nature, his facade, and I love it even if it drives Akira nutty.
And of ofc there's the specialist place in my heart for your pjo muses. I love Luke so much obviously and especially, like we've talked about, the tragedy of it all. You capture his striving for glory and the inevitability of his fall in the most heart-wrenching way and I will read it every time it floats across my dash!
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grimae · 2 years
What art program and brushes do you use? I absolutely LOVE the texture of your line art, but am having trouble finding brushes that have that effect. Thanks i'll advance!
Heya! Thank you a ton! I use Photoshop for 2D stuff, even though I'm trying to get away from it but so far I found no other program that fits to my work flow as well as it. For 3D I use Blender and Zbrush, but I guess no one really sees all my 3D mockups and references haha. They do exist tho! For backgrounds and objects like swords or guns.
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Here's a little overview of my brushes, at least the ones I use the most. I actually don't consider myself someone who does lineart. It feels so crackly and rough, and I never really do lines with the intention of uh, using them. I mostly paint and render and then draw lines on top of that, which I then overpaint, then draw again, etc etc. Rinse and repeat. Until I end up liking what I see. I use brushes with colour jitter literally everywhere. Blue and yellow in the sheet above. The dark green one between them is some brush I picked up from Luke Mancinis deviantart page almost a decade ago and I never stopped using it. The teal one next to yellow is just a normal hard roundbrush. Red, purple, light green and orange are just additional brushes I use a lot, but 99% of my work is done with the ones in the top row. "Plants - Devin" are the foliage brushes from Devin Elle Kurtz which are really awesome to block in foliage really quick.
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And here's a little close up in how I use some of them. A millenia ago in internet time recording I read on Alector Fencer's deviantart page that using less brushes and getting used to them is much better than overusing a hundred and never really getting the hang of them. Use what feels most natural to you and your work flow, don't be afraid to experiment and try out new stuff every once in a while. For example, the round brush with colour jitter was made by myself because I was so frustrated in not finding anything that gives me a nice and quick texture while also being clean to work with.
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spell-cleaver · 2 years
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WHUMPTOBER No. 3 A HAIR’S BREADTH FROM DEATH Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled
Read it on AO3 or on FFN instead!
When the footsteps outside Luke’s cell came again, he scrambled to his feet, fists up. The door swung up, but it wasn’t the Inquisitors he’d been expecting.
Fifth Sister and Brother had been the ones trying to break into his mind for the last… however long he’d been here. From the way Fifth Brother said we with all the disgust of a Hutt having to share conquest credit and spoils, he knew there were more of them than just the Mirialan who’d nabbed him for no apparent reason and those two, who said stuff like your defences are strong, and we will relish breaking them only to wind up breaking Luke’s face when they failed. But he hadn’t actually seen many. He supposed he just wasn’t that important, huh.
This was a new Inquisitor then. Weird. They all wore helmets, which they then took off when beating him up so they could observe his misery in more detail, but none of them had a scary mask to rival this guy. And the breathing could have been heard from the other side of the Dune Sea.
The towering Inquisitor, who was clearly in charge, stepped inside his cell, flanked by two troopers and a Pau’an Inquisitor with a self-important face. Luke didn’t lower his fists, eyeing their lightsabers. He kept one eye on his form even as the newcomers circled, backing into a corner so he didn’t show them his back.
“You must be exhausted, boy,” the Pau’an observed. He had one hand dangled at his side and the other folded behind his back, his posture as rigid as a fencer’s. “Your endurance, futile, foolish and inconsequent though it is, is impressive.”
“Who the hell are you Inquisitors?” Luke spat. The same question he’d been spitting since he got here. The sooner he knew what was going on, the sooner he could get home.
“Do you think we will answer your questions when you refuse to answer ours?”
“I’m the one who got kidnapped illegally here, so—”
“The Empire, boy, is the law.”
“Not on Tatooine.”
One of the troopers stepped forwards and clubbed him on the head with his blaster. Luke dropped like a stone, head ringing. He blinked the dark blotches out of his vision.
“Grand Inquisitor, enough of this. I require immediate answers.”
“Yes, Lord Vader.” The Pau’an—the Grand Inquisitor, that guy Fifth Sister had been complaining about when she thought he was unconscious or dead?—stepped forwards. “If you answer our questions, the Empire may have mercy on you.”
“I haven’t seen any evidence of—oof!” The trooper butted him again, and this time placed the blaster against his head.
Luke swallowed dryly. He could feel that barrel pressed just above his ear. The only thing that stood between him and his brains blowing on the floor was a few blond hairs, rubbing against his scalp. They’d melt under the heat of it.
“They are simple questions,” he continued. “Who are you? Who trained you?”
“Trained? What? My uncle taught me how to punch, if that’s what you’re—”
“The wanton injuries you delivered to the Fifth Brother are irrelevant to this conversation.”
“As are the ones he delivered to me, I assume.” Some medic had come in to fix his nose at some point; his voice was still nasal through the splint. But his jaw really kriffing hurt, as did his knees, and he didn’t know what that blue light had been, but it’d left him with nasty burns for days.
That was without accounting for the constant headache. He had no idea what they’d done to him there; they hadn’t hit him hard enough to give him permanent damage. He thought.
“Precisely.” The Grand Inquisitor smiled. “Now. We can start with your name.”
“Don’t you wanna give me yours? It’s only polite.”
Another crack to the head. He grimaced. Maybe they were gonna give him permanent damage after all. If he had been talking to Uncle Owen, he’d have been assigned extra chores for all his sass by now, but if Uncle Owen saw him here he’d clap him on the back.
“My patience runs thin, boy. Give me your name.”
“Luke. Give me yours.”
“Where are you from, Luke?”
He gritted his teeth. “I dunno, where’d you bastards nab me from?”
“Uncouth as you are, you seem far too green to be from the wretched pit of Mos Eisley.”
“I’m still from Tatooine.”
“Must be a farm boy, then. As Seventh Sister predicted. Those moisture farms are remote, secluded… an ideal place to train. Who was your master?”
Luke’s mouth dropped open. He looked back up at the Grand Inquisitor, gaping, then at the monolith behind him—Lord Vader.
“Is that what this is?” he demanded. “You guys think I’m a runaway slave? What, the moment I name a so-called master, you’re gonna drop me off and deliver the reward?”
“Are you? A runaway slave, that is.”
“I’m freeborn, outlander.”
“Then who trained you?” A blink, and suddenly the Grand Inquisitor was right in front of him. He took a long-hilted weapon from his belt and pointed it at Luke, without activating it. “It is a simple question. Your life will even be spared if you give us their name.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
“Lies are useless. No untrained Force-adept radiates as much power as you do, nor has such powerful natural shields. It is obvious you have been trained—but not trained enough to hide yourself from the eyes of the Inquisitorius.” His voice dropped. “Tell us, repent your Jedi ways, and we may even find a use for you among our ranks. Otherwise, I’m afraid you will have to say goodbye.”
Luke shook his head—then paused, when the blaster knocked against his skull. “What’s a Jedi?”
The Grand Inquisitor thumbed the ignition on his weapon. A crimson blade erupted—right into the palm of Luke’s right hand. Bones crackled and seared, his fingers going limp. Luke shrieked. It was like he’d closed his fist around a sun.
“As I said, your lies are useless,” the Grand Inquisitor repeated. “Who is your Jedi Master?”
“I have no master, sleemo—”
The blade flashed out. It punched through his hand again, mocking him.
Luke screamed. “I don’t have your kriffing answers,” he said. “I have no idea what you’re saying!”
Something else pierced him—another shooting pain, just behind his eyes. He grunted and tossed it out. “Stop whatever that is! It hurts!”
“Your resistance to the mind probe is, unfortunately for you, evidence that cannot be ignored.”
“Mind probe?”
“If you refuse to answer our questions, perhaps you and your master are already connected in the Force. When they feel your pain, they will come to you.”
“I see little other choice—”
“Leave, Grand Inquisitor,” Vader said.
The man stood up straight. “My lord,” he said. “Is something—”
“I ordered you to leave.”
For a moment, it looked like the Grand Inquisitor would be arrogant enough to demand he stay, like Hutt lackeys who got too big for their boots. But he left. When Vader gestured sharply, the troopers left too. Luke slumped to the ground, unconsciously cradling his stab wound against his chest and panting with pain when he did.
“Did you have a sire?” Lord Vader asked him.
Luke cut him a look. “What sort of a question is that?”
“A simple one. I need not ask you it; I could take it from you.”
“The others already tried that.”
“Rest assured that I am better.”
“Yeah, I had a father,” Luke said. “If that’s what that’s meant to mean. Never met him, but I had him.”
“How are you certain, then? Perhaps you were lied to by your other parent.”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Answer my certain. How are you certain that you were not lied to?”
“I never met my mother,” Luke bit out. “She can’t have lied to me, then. My father is the only blood relative I know of.”
“The uncertainty around your birth makes your story all the more implausible.”
Luke gaped. Tears were welling in his eyes, but he forced them down. “The more I tell you lot the truth the more you beat me up! You have to believe me: I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“I believe you,” Vader informed him. He held up a transparent plastic bag. “What is this?”
“A bag.”
“Its contents, before I lose my patience with you.”
Luke peered closer. There was something in the tiny bag—something almost unnoticeable, but… “Looks like a strand of hair.”
“Indeed. Your hair. We plucked it off your head while you slept and ran DNA examinations on it.”
Luke raised his eyebrows. “And? If you found my missing mother, I’d love to know her.”
“We did not bother with matches. Too many Outer Rim backwaters like Tatooine do not force their population to join the Empire’s biodata bank.”
“I wonder why.”
“That was not what I was interested in. I discovered what I was interested in. You are not fully human.”
Luke’s headache flared up; he gasped raggedly, moving himself towards the floor so he could sit down. He made the mistake of leaning on his right hand and screaming when he toppled, his face smashing into the floor.
It was a moment before he sat up and had the strength to say, “Bantha shit.”
“My initial reaction. However.” There was a hand around his throat. Luke blinked, and it was lifting him high in the air, squeezing. He looked down on Vader’s bug-eyed mask and wanted to wet himself. “This has happened before.”
“This is what I think happened to you,” Vader said, as softly as that vocoder of his would allow, as deadly as everything he said was. “Your mother was a street rat on Tatooine or a slave. An ex-slave, by the time she had you, if your claims to being freeborn are true. She grew pregnant, without a sire or intercourse, as if through a miracle. An unwanted miracle, if you truly never met her. So, the Force chose wrong, because she abandoned you, and perhaps some kindly farmers took pity on you, not knowing the pathetic excuse for a copycat you were.”
“They’re my family.”
“They are not related to you by blood, though, are they?” Luke didn’t answer. Vader’s grip tightened around his neck.
Luke shook his head—as much as he could, with his neck clutched in Vader’s grip like this. “No one gets pregnant out of nowhere. That’s impossible, and it’s not what happened to me, I’m human—”
“My test says otherwise.”
“Well, what does your test say I am, then?” he rasped out.
Vader glared at him. “Part human. The rest of you, too confusing to gain a true readout, is an unknown quantity.”
“Even if that could be true, what’s it to you?”
Vader let go of his neck. Luke dropped, knees clanging to the floor and bruising, massaging his neck with his uninjured hand. He stared up at Vader, but the vision of the man blurred with his tears. He was nothing but a dark shape.
A dark shape with a beam of red light in his hand.
“I have spent seventeen years defending my place as the Sith apprentice,” he intoned. “Seventeen years fulfilling my destiny. I will not be replaced with lesser Inquisitors by my master. And I will not be replaced with a worthless, insolent boy by the Force.”
He drew back his blade and rammed it through Luke’s gut.
Luke choked, falling forwards. His shoulders spasmed. Agony pooled in his gut, blood rushing through him.
“You’re insane.” He spat on the floor, satisfied to see his bloody glob of saliva hit Vader’s boot. “I don’t know what you’re on about, but you’re insane.”
“Your mother was an unworthy choice by the Force. Mine did not abandon me when there was no father. It dares to disrespect her—”
“I know who my father was!” Luke’s screech took on an edge to it, desperation, as he gasped for breath even though the saber had not punctured his lung. “How dare you disrespect him?”
Vader yanked his blade out of Luke’s gut. He stepped back as Luke slammed into the floor with a squelch, deactivating it. He asked, almost mockingly, “What was his name, then?”
Luke growled at the floor, “Anakin Skywalker. Anakin kriffing Skywalker.”
The tiny bag that Vader had been holding fluttered to the floor.
Vader said, “You lie.”
Hysterics seized Luke. “Lie? Why would I lie?” He spat again, but this time the saliva dribbled down his cheek instead. “You have a strand of my hair right there. You have my DNA. If you have Anakin Skywalker’s DNA on record anywhere, though I doubt it, you’ll know I’m not lying.”
A creaking noise. Luke realised it was Vader’s joints as he knelt, picking up the bag almost hesitantly. Then, even more tentatively, he placed his fingers on Luke’s cheeks and tilted his head up to stare at him.
Luke bit his finger. They were hard, metallic, but he left tooth marks in his glove.
Vader said something—shouted something. This close, the sound waves overwhelmed Luke; he flinched back before he could even hope to understand what was said. He got it the second and third times, though.
“Medic! Medic!”
Then Vader was gone. Fist clenched around the top of the precious plastic bag, he left the cell—why? To check the claim, as Luke had dared? To avoid watching him die, for whatever reason?
When he left, he was sprinting, a thin strand of Luke’s hair dangling precariously from his grip.
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alexeiadrae · 1 year
Blaster Interview with HK vol 8, translated
Original Japanese here. This interview took place after novel 14 was released and tackles the fallout from that.
Tamiki: The deadline for this issue was right after the release of volume 14, wasn't it? Thanks to that, the number of illustration submissions for "Mileena" skyrocketed.
Sakaguchi: It's easy to understand, isn't it?
Hirona: Was Mileena's death decided from the beginning?
KANZAKA: Well, of course, from the very beginning. I mean, I mean, ......
Hirona: From the beginning of the second part?
KANZAKA: Yes. (Hirona: Luke and Mileena's death was decided from the beginning.)
Hirona: Where did you come up with Luke and Mileena?
KANZAKA: It was rather near the end. I don't remember exactly. Hmmm...
Sakaguchi: So you were thinking about the second part in the middle of the first part, and it just popped into your head?
Hirona: If it had been decided from the beginning that Mileena would die, when you received a fan letter saying, "I love Mileena," you thought, "But she's going to die.”
KANZAKA: That's right (laughs) (←looks very happy)
Hirona: Devil-wife~devil-wife~.
KANZAKA: No, but, you know, for example, in a situation like this. When you have a conversation like, "Isn't Mileena nice? You can't say, "She’s not going to die yet, but she’s going to die," can you? Spoilers are not allowed.
Hirona: Have you already received the fan letters with your impressions of volume 14?
KANZAKA: They arrive in batches, so I'm still waiting for the ...... one, and it will probably arrive soon. (laughs) (← seriously, he seems to be enjoying himself)
Tamiki: "If Lina attended the Sorcerer’s Guild as a child, was there an association in the village or town where she lived? If so, was it a reasonably large town or a place of mage value?"
KANZAKA: Yes, I lived in the castle town of the royal city of Zephilia.
Sakaguchi: Was that right?
KANZAKA: Yes, she did.
Sakaguchi: When I heard that her parents lived in a general store, I kind of thought it was a village in the countryside.
KANZAKA: I mean, the royal city of Zephilia itself doesn't seem like such a big city, yes.
Tamiki: "What was Gourry’s motivation for learning swordsmanship?"
KANZAKA: Hmmm. His parents made him learn, I guess. How pathetic.
Sakaguchi: You said before that he came from a family of swordsmen for generations.
Hirona: I heard that he had an older brother, was he stronger than his brother?
KANZAKA: Hmm~ I am sure his brother was just as strong as Gourry.
Sakaguchi: So you are saying that there are at least several fencers at that level?
KANZAKA: Yes, I am sure there are.
Hirona: That's amazing.
Tamiki: "Is the character of the demon tribe innate? If so, is that what the creator intended?"
KANZAKA: It is rather like that. The demon tribe is a spiritual life form that adheres to its way of being, and I think that makes it difficult for them to be flexible.
In the previous volume, when the Dynast fell, Lina and the others took the method of splitting him in two. For example, the difference is whether they did it voluntarily or not. 
When a demon creates another demon, it’s either a collection of their own characteristics, or a part of their character that is taken out and created, so that’s the creator’s intention.
Hirona: Then, Zellas Metallium has a very strong personality ......
KANZAKA: Well, or, I like characters like Xellos-kun, so I created him....
Hirona: Don't say something that would please only a few fans!
Sakaguchi: That's true (laughs).
Hirona There are books like that, but only if they are doujinshi.
Sakaguchi: So you feel the same way that novelists create characters.
KANZAKA: That's right. Also, as demons are against the world, strategically, they want characters who pay attention to humans as a major force and engage in some kind of activity within the world. In such a case, they wanted a character with human-like qualities, who can be controlled to a certain extent and who is strong.
 Tamiki: Next, "Lost Universe"! I heard that the "Dark Star System" is named after the legendary demon king "Spreader of Darkness.”
KANZAKA: Well, in that world, it has already passed away quickly.
Tamiki: "Was it a human being, not a god or a demon, who created the "Dark Star System" and the battle seal "Volfeed"?
KANZAKA: Well, whether they can be called human or not, they were pre-civilized people. Yes, it is not that they are gods or demons.
Tamiki: "Did Volfeed take the name "Canal" for the female persona he created? If so, who is "Canal"?
KANZAKA: Well, I guess you could call them a tribe of gods, hmmm...
Sakaguchi: You mean the creator?
KANZAKA: Well, in the sense that they are the gods as opposed to the demons. In other words, they are the gods' version of the five underlings, Priests, and Generals.
Tamiki: "Could you give us a brief description of the ending you had in mind when writing the Lost Universe series?
KANZAKA: It was about like that.
Hirona: Oh, no.
KANZAKA: Well, as you wrote in the postscript, at first I had a feeling that the Canal would end up in a faraway place, but then I realized that it didn't. But as for the other things, I didn't go there at the beginning. And as for the other matters, they were almost the same as originally planned.
Sakaguchi: I see. So it was like you fine-tuned it as you were writing it, and it ended up like that?
KANZAKA: That's right.
Tamiki So it wasn't a complete change.
Sakaguchi: Has there ever been a case where you initially planned to do something like this, but the ending turned out to be completely different while you were writing? You have written many different works.
KANZAKA: Hmmm... No, I don't think so. I've done that quite a bit with sneakers. I really do things in a haphazard way (laughs).
Tamiki: "Tell us more about Kane's family.
KANZAKA: ...... There are all kinds of people.
Sakaguchi: Various? (laughs)
KANZAKA: I am sure that he has both parents, and I am sure that he has an older brother as well. And then I got a call from Mr. Yoshinaka.
"Can't we just pretend that his sister is there too?"
Without thinking, I answered, "That's fine.” I thought, "What should I do?  
To be frank, I haven't decided on the details.  
I have decided that his parents and brother will be there.  
In fact, my older brother was an elitist, good-looking man, and my parents often compared him to my older brother, and I think that's why he was strangely attached to my grandmother.
Sakaguchi: I see. So you think that was the basis of your personality development.
Tamiki: Your parents are still alive today, aren't they?
KANZAKA: Yes, they are. 
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blujaga-gone-feral · 1 year
Obey Me! but they're Xenoblade Chronicles 3 characters
so i just had this random idea when i woke up this morning to give all the obey me cast xenoblade 3 classes, and then it extended to giving them chain attack effects, both heroic chain and chain order completion bonuses.
nobody's gonna care because i am combining two niche interests and the overlap between "xenoblade fan" and "obey me fan" is literally just me, but hey might as well throw it out there cause why not
Class: Flash Fencer (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Guarantees a "Bravo" rating when Lucifer completes an order.
Completion Bonus: Attacks during Chain Attack gain 100% chance to be unblockable.
Class: Zephyr (Defender)
Heroic Chain: Either adds 50 TP or removes 50 TP upon reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Randomly increases all characters' TP by between 10-18.
Class: Strategos (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies TP by 200% when first in line to attack, but TP returns to pre-action state upon reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Reduces Attacker and Healer aggro by 100%.
Class: Lone Exile (Defender)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, increases damage ratio by 50 percentage points.
Completion Bonus: Increases Defender aggro by 50% and grants Attack Up to all allies.
Class: Lapidarist (Healer)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, assures self-reactivation in addition to the standard no. of reactivations.
Completion Bonus: Attacks during Chain Attack gain 100% chance to bypass defense.
Class: Ogre (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When Beel completes an order, adds 30 to TP of the character with the least TP and reactivates them.
Completion Bonus: During chain attack, increases critical hit damage bonus by 150 percentage points.
Class: Stalker (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Guarantees an "Amazing" rating when Belphie completes an order, but he won't reactivate in this Chain Attack.
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, boosts damage dealt to low HP enemies by 100%.
Class: Signifier (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Prevents order from completing if it reaches 100% through Diavolo's action, letting you select another character.
Completion Bonus: Increases damage ratio by 200 percentage points and grants Power Charge to all allies.
Class: Guardian Commander (Defender)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, Diavolo gains TP equal to 100% of Barbatos's TP (maximum of 99; only applied if Diavolo can still act).
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, heals 10% of damage dealt as HP, up to 200% of Healing Power.
Class: Yumsmith (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, multiplies the TP of all active characters except self by 120%.
Completion Bonus: Heals all allies for 50% HP and grants them Regenerate.
Class: Lifesage (Healer)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, increases TP by 50 if the enemy is a machine-type.
Completion Bonus: One additional character is reactivated, with 30% chance for 1 more.
Class: Royal Summoner (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies TP by 125% when first in line to attack, and makes all attacks critical.
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, increases Critical Rate by 50 percentage points.
Class: Tactician (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies damage ratio increase by 1.5x upon completing an order that Mephistopheles participates in.
Completion Bonus: Increases damage ratio by 200 percentage points and grants Attack Up to all allies.
Class: Seraph (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Adds 15 TP upon own reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Reduces enemy physical and ether defense by 30% during Chain Attack.
Class: Machine Assassin (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When Thirteen completes an order, adds 15 to TP of the character with the most TP, and reactivates them.
Completion Bonus: Reduces Attacker and Healer aggro by 50% and grants Critical Rate Up to all allies.
Class: Soulhacker (Any)
Heroic Chain: Reactivates all characters except self when MC completes an order.
Completion Bonus: Increases everyone's TP by 10.
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mountaincryptid · 1 year
omg is luke black also a fencer
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dualcon · 2 years
Guest Podcast Random Geek Culture in WV
Guest Podcast Random Geek Culture in WV
Random Geek Culture in West Virginia  It is what the name implies, the random culture of the geek nation from the perspective of a couple of West Virginia boys. Luke Hersey the host, who is the jack of all geeks, will be at Dualcon this coming February Also on the podcast is; Mike Mallow the author and journalists, Alex McLean the WV ranked fencer and Anime buff, and Greg Philips photographer…
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pjohoo-memes · 3 years
luke: hey annab-
percy and thalia:  BACK🤺I🤺SAID🤺BACK🤺
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atomic-chronoscaph · 5 years
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Bob Anderson and Mark Hamill on the set of Return of the Jedi (1982)
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uuuhshiny · 2 years
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Luke Evans in the Alienist
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the-punforgiven · 7 years
When you totally forget who this person on your friends list is so you have to take a moment to remember that she was that fencer who you got to fight in a forest a couple months back
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