#luke is so in love with his image of his childhood friend
whitetulip25 · 2 months
Thinking about how Aegon and Aemond are jealous of each other and are longing to be in each other's shoes - Aegon wants to be the second son so he can have freedom of action, and Aemond wants to be the firstborn so he can fully embrace his potential as a family protector and fulfill the "duty and sacrifice" thing that Alicent has been so thoroughly hammering into him since he was a child.
What catches my eye this season is that they are straight up mirroring each other. Aegon is an insecure, stiff-necked boy in a man's body, because of how new and fresh it all is for him, he's euphoric from everyone's love and support. He is king, he is on top, everyone obeys/should obey him.  It is on this euphoria that he takes on the royal duties; everything is easy and not that difficult for him so far. He's completely clueless about governance, doesn't know how to deal with the small council members (the same scene with Tyland the pony is cute, but it's pretty damn insensitive to Tyland and everyone else present), disdainfully calls Aemond a hound while drinking with his buddies, etc.  But what is striking is that he is desperate for love and recognition, and therefore tries to earn it with exorbitant generosity. He sincerely tries to please his subjects by distributing the last reserves in the treasury, appoints his friends to the post of royal guards and goes to brothels with them, just to feel like he belongs somewhere and earn the status of the Magnanimous.
With the death of Jaehaerys it is even more difficult for him, he finds himself completely isolated from the rest of the family and lives through his grief by his own, making more and more questionable decisions and undermining his authority in the eyes of others. It is this isolation from his family that exacerbates the situation, since it is successfully exploited by Larys, who's whispering lies about Alicent's and Aemond's plotting against him. Aegon is impulsive and angry, he wants to play by his own rules while being terribly insecure and afraid of making a mistake. The last straw for him is the conversation with Alicent, who with a careless word pushed him into making a fatal mistake so he rushed into battle to do something, release emotional tension, and to prove himself.
Another very interesting detail of his character is his rejection of Targaryenism. He doesn't like Valyrian culture, language, traditions (incest in particular), even rejects the external attributes of typical Targaryen image, e.g. (long hair) and wears an emphasized sloppy hairstyle (yes, I consider it as a protest against the system). Ironically, his closest creature is his dragon, the very symbol of the Targaryens.
Similarly to Aegon, Aemond is also a complex, insecure boy who nevertheless, has managed to build a flawless at first glance image of an unmoving statue. Because of the attitudes instilled in him from childhood, he is very focused on his heritage and very protective of what Aegon despises so much - about Valyrian culture, language, traditions. Who knows, maybe for that the gods rewarded him with Vhagar out of all dragons? Aemond clearly knows what he wants, knows how to present himself and is not afraid of making mistakes, simply because he believes it's impossible for him to make any. Like Aegon, he is crushed by the weight of responsibility (including for the war that was started by his mistake; yes, I think he felt pity not for Luke, but for himself), just like Aegon he is isolated from the rest of the family, he longs for love like Aegon does, but contrary to the latter he rigidly denies himself that need. The only thing he has are the visits to the Madame and milk of the poppy. Soon he denies himself even this, decides not to show his true nature to anyone and to become a lone wolf. He is still as impulsive and angry as his brother, but knows how to twist it all out in cold disdain and sophisticated mockery. He has everything calculated - he will be able to show himself from the best side, to earn recognition and get Alicent's love back. But there's one flaw - when things don't go according to plan, he gets lost and unravels his ire upon everything and everyone he can reach. And in the end, just like Aegon, in Rook's Rest he does what he does to relieve the tension and get something done, regardless of the consequences.
And their whole tragedy lies in just that. They essentially want the same thing, which is their mother's love and validation. They're yin and yang, two forces dependent on each other, destroying each other in the process of self-destruction.
Thinking about how they are so similar and yet so different at the same time, two sides of the same coin, who will never realize it because of their pride and rage.
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
outsiders // colin and penelope
A/N: i know this is unlike anything i've posted before on here. i'll be honest, idk how else to explain this other than i direly need to see luke newton play a vampire, so this is about as good as it's gonna get until then. this is also very vaguely based off of a tweet that said this picture of polin makes them look like a cunty vampire couple and you know what??? they ain't wrong about that lol i used direct lines from the show, particularly in the drinking scene with the boys and the carriage love confession (which will be in part two). there are also some quotes and line sprinkled throughout that are similar to those in the show/book. but most of the dialogue is not from the show/book directly. also this is the first time i've ever written a fanfic using characters rather than real ppl… well minus a spn fanfic i never finished. so, please be kind since it's all fiction anyway. hope you enjoy and lmk what you think :)
prompt: Colin is trying to deal with the fact that he is not only in love with his best friend, but that he is incredibly lost as to who he is as a person. It also doesn't help that he's a monster; a vampire. Pen just wants her freedom, her ability to be Whistledown without anymore people finding out. And in her mind, Debling is the solution to her problem. But one fateful night brings Penelope and Colin together in ways they never imagined.
trigger warning: jealous!colin, protective!colin, AU!vampire, the entire bridgerton family are vampire, colin's friends are dicks lol, formal english (but that's a given), vampire powers, manipulation, ANGSTY AS HELL, idiots to lovers (not until part two), somewhat of a cliff hanger but not really since the next part will be out soon, mentions of blood/blood drinking
word count: 3054
Colin knew deep within himself that going out with Fife and the rest of his so-called friends was a mistake. Mostly because his mind was preoccupied tonight, many thoughts swirling around him; all of which pertained to a certain red head he had known since childhood. The mistake was thinking that he could relax while being around these exhausting men and their childish ways.
However he really did need some revelry after what he witnessed during the day.
When he walked into the library party and caught Pen with Debling, smiling and laughing at whatever he was saying, his blood boiled. A permanent frown etched into his face and had stayed there the entirety of the day.
"Say, what ails you, Bridgerton? Are you not enjoying your night?"
Colin turned to Stanton, blinking slowly. He took a swig of his drink, shaking his head. "I am well. Please continue with your story."
Stanton smirked, turning back to the table, "On my Grand Tour, I encountered this Greek girl in the Balkans. My bear leader..."
Colin zoned out again, unable to truly listen much longer to the men's stories of different conquests they had over the summer. His mind was still reeling, his thoughts ever consumed by the image of Penelope. Of their shared kiss. Of his constant reoccurring dreams of her and him. 
"She sounds like the young woman who made my time in the French Quarter worth the length of the voyage. Much to offer upstairs, and I do not mean her mind." Lord Wilding motioned with his hands, causing all three men to burst into laughter. Colin sighed, staring at the ground for a moment.
Fife looked up at Colin, "What about you, Bridgerton? You were gone for quite a while. I am sure the girls of summer made your trip quite... fulfilling?"
The gentlemen chortled, and Colin could feel them all eyeing him, waiting for an answer. "I did tell you my story of the contessa, did I not?"
"Yes, but you did not give details." Stanton whined.
Colin half-heartedly smiled, "Well, a gentleman must keep some things to himself."
Wilding pffted, "Oh, come now. I do not see a gentleman amongst us."
"I concur with you there." Colin shook a finger at them. The gentlemen gave him a quizzical look, freezing him for a moment. "Oh, forgive me… But it is tiring, is it not? The necessity imposed on us to remain cavalier about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?"
Colin gazed upon the men, hoping to see agreeing eyes; but instead the table chuckled at his expense. He sat back in his chair, defeated.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Featherington girl, now would it?" Fife teased, his glazed eyes staring at Colin's face.
"You know, Bridgerton? Congratulations are in order. I heard that apparently Debling plans to propose to her." Stanton raised his glass, "The marriage mart whisperer actually made a match. Cheers."
"May God have mercy on that poor man's soul." Wilding whispered, finishing his drink.
Colin narrowed his eyes, "I beg your pardon?"
"I know you have a fondness for the girl, but I cannot fathom what type of wife she would be. I would never marry a Featherington, but especially Penelope." Wilding remarked, almost disgusted.
"Maybe that's why Debling plans to travel for years." Fife quipped.
"Well, like your lady in the French Quarter, she at least has a lot to offer upstairs." Stanton snickered.
Colin leapt to his feet, his chair slamming to the floor. His hands were clenched tightly at his sides as his anger raged through him. His red eyes shot up, glaring deeply into the gentlemen's souls, captivating them instantly.
"You will never speak about Penelope or the Featheringtons ever again. And if ever asked about them, you will say nothing but the kindest of words." Colin grunted, his gaze shifting from man to man, "If I ever hear you speak badly about her or her family again, I will tear your throat out with my teeth. Your trivial existence will be ended, and the ladies of the Ton will be better for it... Know this as true, but forget I said this."
The gentlemen blinked rapidly, clearing their throats and looking at each other confused. Fife glanced behind Colin, "What happened to your chair?"
Colin smoothed out his vest, calming himself, "Oh, it must have fallen over when I stood up. Goodbye gentlemen, I am growing rather tired of this night."
Colin had the privilege of being born a vampire; and with that privilege came the ability to manipulate those around him. However, there were only two types of people he couldn't manipulate: other vampires - which really only applied to his family since he knew of no others - and those he was in love with. That applied to all the Bridgerton siblings. It was their own little family quirk, as they so lovingly called it. In a way, it kept everyone in check. Because they knew out of everyone in the Ton, the people they loved couldn't fall victim to their ability.
But luckily for everyone in the Ton, the Bridgertons were a good family. Violet had taught her children to seldom use their ability, and the children all followed suit. Hyacinth and Gregory did occasionally use it on the maids in the house, so that he could get extra sweets or she, the latest issue of Whistledown before bed; but for the most part all of the Bridgerton siblings fell in line with Violet's beliefs. 
While most of the Bridgertons enjoyed being vampires, Colin did not. Maybe it was because he was battling with himself over who he truly was. All this did was make him feel even more like an outsider. He wanted to be normal, to be known and loved for who he is, but how could he? He was a monster.
And now this monster, deeply annoyed by the past couple weeks of events, was on the search for blood.
Colin did not enjoy hunting. In the day, when he couldn't hunt, it was easier to forget what he was. But at night, his cardinal urges always came to the surface. 
Hunting on the poorer side of London wasn't challenging. There was always someone out and about. And Colin only needed a little bit of blood. None of them ever killed; the rule was only take what you need and leave no trace. And they were all excellent at that.
The worst that could happen was being caught by authorities. Or even worse, somehow ending up in Lady Whistledown.
Colin lurked around a corner, waiting impatiently for a passerby. He glanced at the printer shop, the light inside telling him someone was there. He needed to move further away, in case those inside would hear his victim if they were to scream out suddenly.
He casually walked down the cobblestone street, his sense of smell picking up someone near. It was a woman; that he was sure of.
He knew he should have just drank from the prostitutes, the ones he couldn't even bring himself to sleep with tonight. But he didn't like the idea of drinking from them. They oddly had shown him kindness, something he couldn't even acquire from his friends.
A woman rounded the corner. She was young, and her dark black hair was slightly unkempt. Colin rushed over to her, their eyes meeting instantly. The only sound she was able to make was a small gasp.
"Don't be scared, Miss . This will be over quickly. I'm just so...." he swallowed hard, "hungry."
Colin cupped the woman's face, turning her head so her neck was more on display. His fangs grew, his mouth watering at the thought of blood. Her pulse had quicken when he rushed her, her blood now calling his name. He sunk his teeth in, moaning as the liquid poured into his mouth. He closed his eyes, his thoughts shifting slowly back to familiar ones...
He hated admitting it, but he had wanted to drink from Pen. His dreams not only consisted of touching her in the most inappropriate ways or confessing that their kiss was all he thought about; it was how he longed to bite her neck, taste her salty skin and rich blood. He knew she would be heavenly, but he never allowed himself to ponder on it too long. These were fantasies after all. She would never, ever find out what he was. And he would not damn her to a life like this.
He groaned against the woman's neck, lapping up spilt blood. Penelope was haunting him, even in real life. How was it that he could smell her, even right now? Even with his mouth on a different woman's neck, drinking her life essence, was he able to feel Pen's presence? It's like he could hear her say his name.
Colin glanced up, the printer shop illuminating the archway leading onto the street. A short person stood frozen, watching him. 
He froze too, his eyes focusing on the figure. The woman in his arms slurred incoherently. His eyes connected with her for a split second, telling her to forget what occurred and to go home. He pushed her off down a separate street, his eyes remaining on the silhouette.
He took a whiff of the air, his eyes widening.
The person ran the opposite way, racing back towards a carriage nearby. Colin made it there long before they could, grabbing them by the shoulders and pushing them up against the wall. His hand covered their mouth instantly, staring deep into the blue eyes he was captivated by since childhood.
Penelope had known the Bridgertons were vampires for years. While she might have met Colin first, Eloise had been her closest friend; mostly because it took Pen a while to really strike up the courage to actually talk to Colin. But when Eloise and her were young, outside and playing in her mother's garden, El casually told her what she was. At first, Pen didn't believe her. Who would believe such a thing without proof? El suddenly waltzed up to a butler nearby and told him to start doing a dance for her, and he did. The girls laughed at the sight, and from that moment on, Pen knew.
She never asked questions, but she was curious as to what vampires were really like. El wouldn't confirm anything to her, understandably wanting to keep some things private. And once Lady Whistledown rose to power in the Ton, El was even more hush about vampirism. Pen could tell she was nervous about her family's secret getting out there. But Pen assured her that Whistledown would never write on such a thing, otherwise she would become the laughingstock of Mayfair.
And now with El completely ignoring her because of Whistledown, she hoped that El understood that statement still rang true. While she would write about what everyone was talking about, no one but her knew their real secret. She would never share it, even if her and Eloise were no longer close.
The carriage came to a stop, the footman opening her door swiftly. She stepped out, the newest addition of Whistledown in her hand. She smirked as she read it over, noting how many in the Ton were speaking on her and Debling's possible engagement. While Pen did not enjoy being the center of attention, she did enjoy knowing that the sniveling mamas of the Ton were wrong about her.
Not only was Penelope courted, she was going to get married. That is, assuming she accepted Debling's proposal. Or that he actually planned to ask her mother tomorrow.
A life with Debling seemed... fine, to her. And if that's all she could get, she would take it. She wanted a love filled marriage, that was true; but maybe time would change that. It's possible that Debling one day might love her. Or that she may grow to fully accept what she had.
Part of her hated admitting it, but her feelings for Colin were still there too. But she accepted that reality as a fantasy and nothing more. Somehow, vampires were real, but Colin reciprocating her feelings wasn't. 
God had a very wicked sense of humor.
She walked down the street, turning the corner to the printer shop. When she raised her hand to knock, something caught her eye. She gazed down the street, two figures stood out in the open. It appeared to be a man and a woman. She squinted her eyes, watching them. The man cupped the woman's jaw, burying his face into her neck. Pen blushed at the notion. She had thoughts similar to that of her and Colin. Dreams, even. But to see two people doing something like that, so out in the open, was very scandalous to her. She wanted to look away, but curiosity got the better of her.
The couple swayed into the light unintentionally, and Pen's eyes widened.
The man's mouth was latched onto the woman's neck, and she was limp in his arms. It almost appeared like he was biting her. As she took in the man, she noted his dark brown coat. His tall stature and quaffed hair were familiar to her. It almost looked like...
"Colin?" She whispered.
The man looked up, locking eyes with Pen. She gasped, seeing his face for the first time. Dear Lord in Heaven, it was Colin. His mouth was stained red from blood and his fangs were prominent, even from such a distance away.
Her heart raced, and she knew she needed to get out of there, now.
She spun on her heel, running back to the carriage. Before she was able to get remotely close, her body was pushed up against the wall, her mouth covered.
"Penelope?" Colin hissed, his red eyes almost glowing in the dark.
She studied his face, taking in the features she had yet to see of him. His eyes were the most surprising, but his fangs were shocking up close.
"I am going to remove my hand. Please don't scream." He moved his hand slowly, her face feeling hot from his skin touching hers. "What are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same question, Colin." Pen argued.
"It is none of your concern, Pen. Whatever you saw..." Colin fought to speak, "was not what it looks like."
Pen suddenly became aware of the Whistledown papers in her hand, "Well, if that's the case, then I should be heading back home."
"You didn't answer my question. Why are you-" He began.
She cut him off, trying to sidestep him. "Colin, I need to-"
"What is that in your hand?" He questioned, pointing down.
Her blood ran cold. "W-What?"
Colin grabbed the papers from Pen's hands before she could stop him, her heart dropping instantly.
He gazed at the papers, reading over the words hastily. She backed up, her body hitting the wall. His stare hardened, eyes watering. "You're... Whistledown."
The hurt in his eyes, his voice, made Pen instantly tear up, "Colin, please I can-"
Colin backed away from her, "I cannot believe this. How could you?"
Pen wiped away her tears, "I am terribly sorry, Colin. Please let me expl-" 
"No, no. I do not want your explanation. What is there to explain? Clearly you are the one who has been writing such horrid things about my family. I cannot believe you would do this to us. To El." He choked out, "To me."
She begged, "Colin, let me explain myself."
"On top of being Whistledown, you come out here in the middle of the night to do your dealings. Unchaperoned, and presumably with no one knowing where you are. You could seriously get hurt! Not only could you ruin your reputation, but you could be harmed. How can you be so careless, Penelope?" He furrowed his brow, his eyes boring into hers.
Pen hated being talked down to. Who was Colin to act so scared for her safety, or her reputation for that matter? He was a vampire, for God's sake. She spat, "The only thing out here that seems to be harmful is you, Colin."
She knew she made a grave mistake. Damn her mouth.
Colin's eyes glowered at her, his body tensing. "What did you say?"
"I-I," Pen took a moment, gathering the courage to speak. "I saw you, Mr. Bridgerton. You weren't simply... caressing some random woman on the street. You were feeding on her. You're a vamp-"
He glared into her soul, demanding, "You are going to forget we had this conversation. You are going to forget what you saw moments ago. You are going to go home. Now."
Pen copied his gaze, shaking her head. "Who are you to tell me what to do? Have you gone mad?"
This was a terrible time to find out that Colin was, in fact, in love with Penelope. He knew he was, but the timing of it all really could not have been worse.
Colin growled, walking up to Pen's carriage door and opening it for her. "Get inside, Penelope. We will talk about this on the way back to your home."
"How can I trust to get in a carriage with you? Are you still hungry?" She sassed, her hands on her hips.
He lowered his gaze, his eyes darkening. "Do not make me force you inside."
Her skin felt hot suddenly, his tone hitting deep within her body. She had never seen Colin like this, and she wasn't sure what to make of it.
Her mind was cautious, nervous. But her body... felt something else entirely.
She sighed, stepping inside her carriage with the help of Colin. He followed her in, sitting across from her. He called out to the footman to go to the Featherington residence.
"Take the long way, please." Colin sat back against the seat, staring at Pen.
"Make a stop at the Bridgerton's house first... please." She called out. The footmen acknowledged their commands, and Colin rolled his eyes at her petty attempt of control. She squirmed under his gaze, unable to make eye contact with him.
He asked bitingly. "Should you start or should I?"
|| Part 2 >>
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ahonice · 1 year
Please Don’t Go
Please Don’t Go
Luke Hughes x Fem Reader
WC: 6.1k
Warnings: cussing, mentions of partying & underage drinking.
Luke didn’t mean for it to happen, to fall in love with his best friend, but it did and now there was nothing he could do about it. You were insanely out of his league, he knew it, you knew it, and so did everyone else who saw the two of you walking around campus or saw photos of you on social media. Those who don’t know you probably assumed that you guys were dating, with the matching swimsuits over the summer, and sharing beds all the time, you guys did couple stuff together just as best friends, not as a couple. You were kind, funny, supportive, and beautiful.
So could anyone really blame Luke for falling for you? 
Your mother and Luke’s mother were childhood friends, they played lacrosse and hockey together growing up, both played for the USA women's team together as well, they were best friends. While your parents had kids much earlier than the Hughes did, your mother had always wanted a daughter and her first four attempts had ended in boys so after seven years she decided to give it another go and finally in early 2004 her little princess was born, you. For once your mom and Ellen, Luke’s mom, had kids that were close in age so you in result did everything together. There are images all over Luke’s walls of you in joint Halloween costumes from growing up over the years, you guys at picture day for school, when you had to say goodbye when he moved to Canada, all the pictures of you guys hugging in the airport once he was back for the summer. Your walls were a bit different, you just had one photo of the two of you on display, coincidentally it was the only picture Luke hated of the two of you. Taken when you guys were 3 and 2, you were in the bath together and you had matching bubble mohawks, it was a sweet photo but Luke always found himself embarrassed when he saw it. You loved it though.
Once Luke had moved back to America right before he started high school he wasn’t in New Hampshire anymore, they had moved to Michigan, you were still apart from each other but at least you lived in the same country again, and you still spent your summers with the boy, and his brothers and friends, at the lake house. You had never really been close with the friends and teammates that were brought over during the summer, just keeping to yourself and Luke, and the both of you had no issue with it, but things changed during the summer between your freshman and sophomore year. You were filling out your swimsuits better, you got your braces off, your acne went away, and with that you had a new found self confidence. Luke had taken notice of it and so did everyone else, you were suddenly invited out more and you hung out with everyone during the day and nights doing whatever the first suggestion with it, this time Luke had an issue with how you were spending your summers. He chalked it up to just being a protective best friend, but all those around him knew what it was actually about, everyone but you. 
Everyone first noticed it when Luke’s friends from his school stayed at the lake house for a week. His one friend, Vincent, seemed to have taken a liking to you. He always sat next to you, offered to make your plate or your smores for you, and always wanted to do whatever you wanted to do, and if no one else wanted to do what you suggested the two of you would do it just the two of you. It was sweet, you found it sweet having never really had a guy flirt with you before, Luke did not. He began sitting next to Vincent, or pulling you onto his lap whenever there weren’t any spots available other than the one Vincent would save for you. Luke would make comments about Vincent making your plates wrong or make them himself claiming “I know her better than you.” and when Vincent made the mistake of putting chocolate on your smore Luke just about lost it and began yelling at Vincent about how you were allergic and you could die. When you and Vincent would go off to do your own thing Luke would tag along, always trying to one up Vincent at whatever you were doing and embarrassing himself quite a lot. 
On the last evening all of Luke’s friends were at the house, you suggested that everyone ate outside because it was very nice, unsurprisingly they didn’t want to say it was too hot out for that so you told them you would be eating outside if anyone wanted to join you. Once you were out there you understood why they didn’t want to be out there, it was nearly 8pm and still nearly 90 degrees outside, but not wanting them to have a reason to say “I told you so” you stayed outside. Deciding to strip into just your bathing suit, which you usually only wore when you were tanning because it covered the least amount of your body but it was all you had that was clean.
Soon enough you heard the backdoor open and saw Vincent approaching you with a smile and some lemonade. “It’s hot out, I don’t want you getting dehydrated.” He said as he approached you.
“Thank you.” You said while taking a sip and immediately sighing afterwards, you loved lemonade more than life itself. 
You and Vincent quickly fell into conversation about how horrible the AP Geography exam was that you both had to take. 
“I probably got a one on it if I’m being honest with you, that class was so horrible.” Vincent said, causing you to laugh.
“Oh come on, have some faith in yourself, it really couldn't've gone that badly” You said, turning when you heard the backdoor open again, smiling at the sight of your best friend.
“What couldn’t have gone that badly?” Luke asked while approaching the table, sitting at the spot next to you and across from Vincent. 
“The AP geography exam. How do you think you did on it Lukey?” You asked him, confused when he coughs to cover up his blush and shame.
“Lukey here-” You cringed at the use of Luke's nickname in a sarcastic form, “dropped the class a few months ago because he was failing it. If he had taken the exam he probably would’ve gotten an impossible zero.” Vincent laughed, you did not. You knew how insecure Luke could be about academics.
Once Vincent had finished his food he went inside, you quickly told him you would meet him there in a little bit before turning towards your best friend.
“Lukey come take a walk with me?” You already knew the answer.
As you made your way towards the docks you turned to him.
“Why didn’t you mention that you were struggling in school? You know that I’m here for you right?” You questioned him, feeling him tense next to you as you grabbed his hand.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” 
“Nothing you could do could ever bother me Luke.” You said, “-unless you start being a blanket hog again.” You added poking him in his side, pleased with yourself as you heard him giggle and saw him smile.
“Let’s go inside, the boys weren’t kidding I am sweating my balls off.” You joked, laughing at yourself.
“Ew Y/n please don’t tell me about your non-existent balls.” Luke said, groaning, which just made you laugh harder. Running ahead of him, he was finally able to see what you had on, not having a good look before. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head before he took his shirt off, yelling at her to catch and put it on. 
“Lukey, will you ever not be overprotective of me?” You asked with no malice or poor intentions hidden in your voice. 
“No I don’t think I will.” He said back, his words hidden with meaning and promise.
Vincent walked out the back door again asking if you wanted to go get ice cream together.
“Yeah I would love to, Luke I’ll see you later tonight ok?” You smiled at your best friend and left before you could hear him whisper “Y/n please don’t go”.
“So have you decided where you are going to college yet?” Luke asked over the phone.
You were having your weekly facetime, there were about three months left until your graduation and you didn’t know where you were planning on going. You had applied to the University of Michigan a few months back, but you hadn’t heard anything back yet so now you have to start considering some other options.
“Not yet Luke, I’m still holding out committing anywhere in hopes that I get into Michigan. I have started considering other options. What do you think about NYU? Or Ohio State?” Luke’s opinion meant the most to you, he had to have been approving of where you go to school just as much as your parents, probably even more. 
“What! You can’t go to Ohio State Y/n, you can’t be my enemy.”
“Luke, I wouldn't become your enemy just because I go to your school’s rival.”
“That is exactly what you would become. NYU is a great school, but it is too far from me.”
“Luke we have been surviving off of seeing each other only during the summer, I think we can continue doing that.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to. Y/n I want you to be at the same school as me again, even if it’s just for one year before I move out to New Jersey.”
“You do realize that if I go to NYU it would just be one year apart before we live like half an hour away from each other.” You suggested hoping that would spark some approval in him.
“Or, and hear me out on this one, you come to Michigan-”
“Ugh Luke.” You groaned, interrupting him.
“-let me finish. You come to Michigan for your first year, and then you transfer to NYU and live in New Jersey with me.”
“That is tempting, but I have to be accepted into Michigan first.” You explained.
“The second you get your letter you facetime me ok? I need to be there with you when it happens.”
You nodded before the conversation switched topics, you really wanted to get into Michigan.
It was finally time, you had received a letter in the mail from the University of Michigan regarding whether or not you had been accepted, and you had never been so scared. You quickly facetimed Luke, and received no answer, so you continued to call, but still you were met with a reflection of a very disappointed looking you and “facetime unavailable” shown at the top.
“Mom, I can't open it without Luke on the phone.” You told her after she asked what you were waiting for.
“We’ll film it for him, come on sweetie open it up. Your brothers are here for you, ok hun? Open it up.”
You hesitated, for a long time, your mothers patience wearing thin.
“Y/n if you don’t open it right now I will do it for you.”
“Mom let me just call him one more time, I really don't want him to miss this.” You pleaded. Your mother sighs in response. Her way of saying yes, so you quickly thanked her while walking to the washroom and called Luke again, and once again it was denied. The tears in your eyes were hard to push down, but you did it and walked out giving a sad smile to your mom,
As soon as she hit the record button on her phone you began shaking, Michigan was your dream school, you wanted to be with Luke and Luke wanted you to be with him, and Michigan would do that.
You ripped open the envelope and started reading, mumbling the words until you got to the line.
“I GOT IN! MOM I GOT IN!” you yelled, jumping up and down as your parents ran up to hug you, your brothers yelled in congratulations. Soon confetti cannons were being popped and a cake was brought in front of you.
“What would you guys have done if I didn’t get in?” You joked causing your family members to laugh.
“We knew you would sweetie, but we have one more surprise for you. You don’t have nearly enough Michigan gear so we got you some, they’re all over your bed. Go look.” Your mom patted your leg to send you off. As you stood up you didn’t notice your brother following you with a camera.
“Surprise!” Is what you heard as you opened up your bedroom door, your eyes quickly focusing on your best friend sitting on your bed with what looks like one hundred Michigan sweaters, shirts, hats, etc. 
“LUKE!” You were sure your voice would be sore tomorrow with all the yelling and screaming you’ve been doing, but you didn’t care. 
You were quick to jump onto your bed and tackle him into a hug, the two of you landing on your sweatshirt covered pillows.
“I can’t believe it. we’re finally gonna be together again.” You whispered in his ear.
“I’m so proud of you Y/n.” He whispered back, leaning back and staring at you.
That was when he knew he was fucked.
You just finished your first week of freshman year at the University of Michigan and of course you had to celebrate. Luke informed you about the party that the hockey team was throwing to celebrate syllabus week being over and to welcome in the school year. Luke told you he would pick you up at 9pm, saying he needed you there early for the pregame and so you could meet his teammates and friends before the party actually started.
You decided to wear a pink corset-bustier type bodysuit that made your boobs and waist look amazing with some black ripped jeans and your white air forces. You straightened your hair and applied your usual going out makeup before Luke texted you that he was outside, you did your final touches by adding the necklace with your name on it that Luke had gifted you for your 18th birthday before you walked out your dorm to the front of the building.
“Woah, you look…wow.” Luke was speechless once you entered his car, his eyes literally never leaving your chest, you giggled at his flustered state.
“Eyes up here Hughes.” You said faking anger, but he saw through it and began laughing as he drove off to the house.
“You have met Dylan, Mackie, Ethan, and Mark at the lakehouse, but this is Luca and Adam, brothers, Seamus, Rutger, and Johnny. They’re all freshmen like you, and there are a couple more who are gonna be arriving soon, but everyone this is Y/n.” You smiled at all the boys, giving a way. You were suddenly very aware of how much of your skin was showing by not only the breeze of the night, but also by the eyes of a few of the boys who were shamelessly staring. “Alright guys, we are gonna go up to my room. We’ll be down once the party starts.” Luke said, glaring at the boys for making you uncomfortable. 
“Wrap it before you tap it Hughes!” Dylan shouted, making everyone laugh, but Luke.
The short trip to Luke’s room was silent, neither of you speaking until his door shut.
“I’m sorry about that.” Luke was the first to break the silence.
“Oh it’s fine Lukey. The joke was funny and I’m wearing a shirt that shows off my boobs, of course people are gonna look.” You laughed, trying to ease the tension. You could tell Luke was angry, his jaw was clenched and he was gripping his phone so tightly his knuckles were turning white. 
“Lukey, seriously it’s ok…just settle down. Go lay down, I’ll join in one second.” You said patting his biceps before turning around and leaving the room.
You went downstairs to get water for yourself and Luke, but you had to figure out where they kept the cups first. 
“What the fuck, do they drink out of solo cups?” You questioned yourself.
“We actually do, we don’t like doing dishes.” A voice came from behind you. You turned around to be met with a face that you couldn’t put a name to.
“Oh that is wonderful, where do you keep the solo cups then…” You trailed off, hoping he would get the hint and introduce himself. 
“Frank. And you are?” You smiled, feeling less guilty that you were also a stranger to him.
“Y/n, I’m Luke’s friend.” He nodded, reaching forward to shake your hand, which you gladly accepted, blushing.
“Well I can guarantee that all the solo cups are out back right now, but I can bring you out there. We’re pregaming with pong, and I need a partner.” Frank’s offer made you blush more.
“Yeah that would be great, just give me a second. I’ll just meet you out there.” You told him before turning to go back up the stairs.
Once you reached Luke’s room you could hear the opening credits to your favorite movie, Luke probably put it on for you.
“Hey, I turned on The Grinch for us to watch while we wait.” Luke said as you entered the room, not shutting the door behind you.
“What are you doing? Shut the door. I don’t want the guys making fun of us for watching Christmas movies in August.” He finally turned towards you as he finished his thought.
“Lukey I’m gonna go out back and play pong with everyone to pregame for the party, you should come join.” You told him.
“Oh. Um yeah sure give me a second.” He said, a little defeated which made you feel guilty. “-are we gonna be partners again?” His question only makes you feel worse.
“Actually I’m already partnered up with Frank. I just met him, he is super cute and sweet by the way, but I think Dylan still needs a partner.” You smiled at Luke trying to hide the blush on your cheeks from talking about his cute teammate.
“You know teammates are off limits Y/n.” Luke said sternly. You just sighed in annoyance as a response, you never understood why Luke was so adamant on that rule, but you never confronted him about it and just respected his wishes.
“Well I’m going outside, so I’ll see you there.” You said coldly, not even sparing him a glance as you walked out of his room.
It was about 11:30pm and the party was at its all time high, you had never seen so many people in such a cramped space before. The party had moved inside after about 11:00 because the night chill was becoming a bit too much, and the neighbors had already called in a noise complaint that night. 
“There are way too many people in here, I’m shocked the floor hasn’t caved in on itself” A voice whispered in your ear, you quickly turned around to find yourself face to face with…
“Frank, hey. I haven’t seen much of you tonight.” You said smiling, your noses were just centimeters away from each other, but there were so many people in the house you couldn’t even separate from him if you wanted to, so it was a good thing you didn’t want to.
“Well I’m not a party guy at all so I have been hiding outside all night and I’m pretty sure the hairs on my arms are never gonna stop being raised.” He joked, making you laugh.
“Well I know somewhere we could go for some more privacy.” You hadn’t meant for it to come out as suggestive as it did so you quickly back tracked. “Nothing inappropriate or anything, but I could just use time away from all these people and I can see that you do too.” You offer him a shy smile, still blushing from your previous statement. 
“Well then lead the way m’lady.” 
You had taken Frank up to Luke’s room, Luke had told you earlier that “if you need some time to yourself or you just wanna be done for the night, go into my room.”  so you were taking him up on his offer because you were very overwhelmed with everything happening downstairs. 
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” Frank asked you while searching for the remote to Luke’s tv.
“Yeah that would be great, I’m gonna use the restroom quickly, just put whatever you feel like watching on.” You told him before exiting the room and walking to the bathroom down the hall.
Once you were back in Luke’s room you saw Frank on Luke’s bed and the opening credits of a movie I didn’t recognize.
“What movie did you put on?” You asked, getting situated in the spot next to him. He wrapped his arm around you before answering.
“Barbarian. It’s a horror movie that I’ve been meaning to see, but I haven’t really had the time to. Hope my choice is ok.” 
It definitely wasn’t, you could not sit through scary movies. No matter what it was about you always had nightmares after watching them, but you didn’t let Frank know. You decided it is just best to let him enjoy the movie he obviously wanted to watch so badly.
You were halfway through the movie, when you started to get really scared. At one specific jumpscare you let out a little yelp and hid yourself in Frank's shoulder feeling tears threatening to fall from your eyes. He was smiling at you until he heard you sniffle and felt some drop on his sleeves.
“Hey what’s wrong? Are you ok?” He asked frantically, neither of you noticing the bedroom door opening.
“What’s wrong is that you forced her to watch a horror movie, and she is obviously not ok, look at her.” Luke yelled as he registered what was going on.
“Shit Y/n I didn’t know, why didn’t you say anything? I would’ve turned something else on.” Frank said while looking into your eyes, wiping your tears as they came down.
“Get out of my room Frank, and leave Y/n alone from this point forward.” Luke said after yanking the freshman off his bed and pushing him towards the door.
“Luke, there is no need for that. He didn’t know.” You said, defending Frank. Luke had a habit of banning people from your life and it always bothered you. 
“Frank lets go, we’ll walk back to campus together.” You said before storming out, ignoring your best friend's pleas for you to stay. 
“Y/n please don’t go.”
Like all other times in your friendship when you and Luke got into an argument, you two just ignored the actual issue and acted like nothing had ever happened. It was just a waiting game before everything would spill over.
A couple months later you were preparing for an exam. The hockey season was starting tonight, you wanted to finish your study guide for your growth and development class before tonight because knowing the boys they were gonna force you to party with them tonight.
“Are you wearing my jersey tonight?” Luke asked the second you picked up his phone call, it’s times like these that you appreciate him not liking facetimes because you already know he would pick a fight because of you rolling your eyes. 
“Luke, I already told you I left your jersey at home by accident, I’m just gonna wear a Michigan shirt or something.” You told him, sighing because you knew what was to come.
“Why haven’t you had your mom send it out here yet? You always wear my jersey, I don’t see how you could’ve just forgotten it.” Luke told you with an annoyed attitude.
“Maybe because I’m busy Luke, getting your jersey sent to me isn’t the only thing on my mind these days. Do you not understand that I have to get good grades to stay in school? Not everyone gets a free pass because they’re an athlete.” You told him, getting ready to end the call. He hated when people brought up his athletic scholarship, you knew this because you know how touchy the subject of grades and school is for him, but you still brought it up at times to make a point, as shitty as that sounds. “I have to go Luke, I’ll see you after the game tonight. Good luck.” You hung up the phone right after, not giving Luke the chance to speak, before going back to your work.
“Do you wanna wear my jersey tonight? I know you don’t have one of Luke’s.” Frank asked after you had come over to his dorm to help him with his math homework.
“Yes! I probably shouldn’t sound so eager yikes, um yea that would be cool” You said immediately embarrassed by how quickly you agreed.
Contrary to Luke’s wishes you and Frank became very close, he was your closest friend at Michigan other than Luke. 
Frank got up to his closet to grab a spare jersey for you to wear tonight.
“I should probably get going, but I’ll see you tonight. Make sure to sit by the glass so when I score I can dedicate it to you.” He winked before walking the two of you out of his dorm.
After the game you stayed around to wait for all the guys, Frank was the first to come up to you.
“Hey, did you have a good time?” He asked, hugging you in the process.
“Yea it was great, I got to meet some of the guys’ girlfriends and they’re all super sweet. It’s nice to talk to people that aren't male hockey players sometimes.” You said laughing.
“Hey we’re not all that bad, but it’s great that you had fun. Did you see the goal I got?”
“Yea, I also saw your celly. That heart was pretty cute, who was it for?” 
“Oh, just some girl.” He laughed out
“Lucky her.” You joked poking his side.
Your conversation was cut short by your best friend grabbing your that was resting on Frank’s shoulder.
“Hey Lukey, you played great!” You told him, moving to hug him. He just smiled at you, not returning your hug, which sent an embarrassed blush to your cheeks.
“Y/n can I talk to you for a second? Alone.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling you. His last word, alone, was directed towards Frank, who just nodded awkwardly and gave you a hug goodbye, whispering to tell you to find him at the party tonight. As you let go of each other Luke grabbed your wrist and pulled you outside, away from everyone else. 
“What the fuck Y/n?” Luke yelled at you, only furthering your confusion.
“What Luke? What could I have possibly done now?”
This was becoming a common occurrence, you doing something to piss Luke off that you never meant to do or even know what you did in the first place and him getting mad at you and yelling at you before going back to pretending like nothing was wrong, you were pretty fucking sick of it. 
“Don’t play dumb, you’re literally wearing Frank’s jersey.”
“Why is that an issue Luke? I don’t have one of yours and Frank offered me one because I had nothing else to wear. He was being a good friend, unlike you have been since I got to Michigan. Do you not want me here or something Luke? Why are you being such a dick towards me?” You shouted.
“You don’t have one of my jerseys because you purposely didn’t bring one, how did you remember to bring both Quinn and Jack’s jerseys, but forget mine? It was obviously intentional.” He said, his ears turning hot as if steam was about to escape from them.
“Do you understand how insane you sound right now Luke? Are you hearing yourself?” 
“Frank only wants you to wear his jersey so he can claim you as his, don’t you see the issue there Y/n?”
“Are you not doing the same thing Luke? You always make me wear your jersey, how is this any different?” 
“Because it- it just is Y/n.”
“No I want an actual answer Luke, or just admit that it is the exact same thing. Your choice.”
There was a tense silence between you two, minutes passed with neither of you saying anything. 
“Well whenever you’re ready to have an actual conversation with me let me know, until then I don’t want to speak to you. No more pretending like nothing is wrong, I want an actual reasoning behind all of this before we can be friends again.” And with that you turned around and walked towards your car to drive back to your dorm, no longer in the mood to party.
Two weeks had now gone by since you last spoke with Luke, both of you too stubborn for your own good. You weren’t gonna start the conversation with him, because you weren’t the one who needed to explain themselves. 
Luke was going crazy, he had never gone longer than a few hours without at least texting you, but two weeks of radio silence was enough to drive him mad. His game was off, he was getting more penalties and less playing time then ever in his life. He was taking his anger out on others too, especially Frank. The poor freshman feared the youngest Hughes, walking on eggshells around him, afraid of what he was gonna do next. 
At the three week mark, you were getting restless. Was Luke seriously never gonna speak to you again? It didn’t help that you were going back to New Hampshire for winter break in a few days, which meant you wouldn’t even have the option to see or speak to Luke in person for over a month. 
“Mom I don’t know what to do, he won’t talk to me. I know I’m the reason this whole thing happened, but I had a reason to get so upset right? I’m not blowing the situation out of proportion?” You had called your mom for advice, the only friends you had in college were tied to the hockey team in some form and you didn’t want your personal business being on display for everyone you knew so you decided to call your mom, and then Luke’s mom, who was basically your mom as well. 
“You did nothing wrong sweetie, Luke is the one who started the argument, and apparently does it often from what you’ve told me. I say you don’t initiate the conversation, you need to hold your ground and make him understand that this behavior goes on no longer.” 
You smiled even though your mom couldn’t see it.
“Now tell me about Frank.” She said giggling.
“Mom.” You said sternly before cracking a laugh yourself. “He is really cute, like really really cute, and he is so kind and we’ve been hanging out like everyday since the beginning of the year.” You started, and continued to tell her all about Frank before you both decided to call it a night, promising to keep her updated on Luke before saying goodbye.
The next few days flew by and soon enough you were waiting for your uber to take you to the airport. As you stood outside your phone began ringing, your heart sped up when you read the contact calling you.
Lukey Pookey <3
You dropped your phone in surprise and scrambled to pick it up and answer it before it went to voicemail.
“Hello?” You didn’t mean for your voice to sound so weak and vulnerable, but it did, he didn’t answer for a little bit so you spoke up again. “Are you finally ready to talk about what happened? Or should I be expecting another call from you after another three weeks of the silent treatment?” You knew your words were hurtful, you meant them to be.
“Where are you? I want to talk.” He answered.
“Luke I’m about to get into an uber to take me to the airport, can we talk over the phone?”
“No, this has to happen in person. Any chance you can switch to a later flight?” Luke asked, a little hope in his voice, which quickly deflated when you answered.
“Luke I’m not changing my flight just to talk to you, do you wanna meet me at the coffee shop in the airport? That would probably work best for me.” You asked, Luke agreeing and telling you he would see you there.
Your uber arrived shortly after and you texted your mom to update her.
To: Mommy💜
Hey mom, just got in my uber and I’m on my way to the airport where Luke is meeting me to talk.
To: Mommy💜
I’ll let you know how it goes, hopefully we will still be friends afterwards.
From: Mommy💜
Alright princess, good luck with Luke. Love you sweetie.
You arrived at the airport and went through baggage drop off and checked into your flight before making your way to the starbucks. You saw Luke sitting in a booth already, waiting for you with your go to drink and a croissant. 
“Hey you beat me here.” You said approaching him, he looked up and gave you a very fake smile.
“Why don’t you sit down.” You quickly took a seat and waited for him to continue.
“I’ve been thinking these past couple weeks, about everything that happened and why I reacted the way I did, and um wow this is a lot harder to say out loud than I thought it would be, but I realized why I’m so protective over you, and why I want you to wear my jerseys and my jerseys only, and why I hate seeing you with Frank and why I hated seeing you with Vincent and any other guy like every.” He paused to let out a shaky breath. “It’s because I’m in love with you Y/n, you are the person I wanna be with for the rest of my life. I love everything about you, these past three weeks without you have been hell and it made me realize that I never wanna spend any time away from you ever again. I don’t want to be your best friend anymore, I wanna be your boyfriend, I wanna be with you. I love you so much Y/n.” He let out a heavy sigh once he was done talking, a weight was lifted off his shoulder as he finally looked at you smiling. His face fell when he saw your expression.
“Luke. What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to be funny or something? Because it’s not working.” You were shocked, if he was being honest then your best friend just ruined your relationship.
“No, Y/n I’m serious, I love-” You cut him off.
“Luke, stop it. Why are you doing this? Are you trying to make me feel guilty for not talking to you?”
“No Y/n I’m telling you this because I love you, so much, and I need you to know and I need to know that you feel the same way.” Tears started building up in his eyes as he looked at you .
“Well I don’t. Luke I don’t feel the same way and I think I should go.” You stood up from your seat.
“No Y/n stop please don’t go.” He begged.
“Have a great break Luke, I think it’s best if we don’t talk for a little bit, until this all blows over and we can talk about everything. I’ll miss you.” You walked out of the coffee shop, ignoring the sounds of Luke’s sobs and his heart breaking.
To: Mommy💜
Hey mom, I just finished up my talk with Luke and it didn’t go very well. I think our friendship is permanently ruined, I’ll tell you more about it when I’m home. I love you. 
note: sometimes confession fics where the guy is an asshole and then the second he confesses suddenly everything is ok and they act like nothing ever happened really piss me off. so here is this angst fic and a reality check for everyone. love ya have a great day!
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the-great-knight-gay · 11 months
Character Analysis: The Seven (Riordanverse)
Each of the seven have issues:
Percy is suicidal as in most of his POVs there is a large lack of regard for his life, multiple times stating he believes people will be better off without him and even stating he wanted to drown in TLF and SoM. On top of that... Physically abused as a kid. C'mon we all remember and hate Gabe. I hate how his entire character was literally forgotten about, despite the fact that an abusive parent should stick with a kid for quite some time.
Here's my headcanon for that. It wasn't forgotten, just not acknowledged. We all remember in the earlier books Percy was pretty much apologizing for doing anything right. That's a trait instilled in people who are used to getting abuse for doing anything. I could just be reading into it too much, and I probably am, but it's the only thing that reassures me that this wasn't forgotten about.
In fact I don't think Rick really understood the implications of what Gabe's actions would have done to Percy as he stated that in the upcoming show Timm Sharp's performance as Gabe had everyone laughing and I think that's the only thing I am slightly apprehensive about in the show.
His lack of self-worth is honestly probably a result of Gabe and I feel so angry that it was never touched.
Annabeth has abandonment issues as nearly everyone she has ever loved has left her at some point. Her mother disowned her after TLH, her father chose her mortal family over her and ignored her as she grew up, Luke betrayed her and Thalia joined the Hunters. There was even that time when Chiron was going to leave for good in SoM. That was why she was so threatened by Rachel. Because she was taking away the one good person left who stood by her.
Yes I just ignored Grover. I realize that.
Jason suffers from image issues as he was put on a pedestal from day one, even as a child just because his daddy was a king. He does NOT get enough credit my man suffered as a kid. This was probably one of the only ones where Rick actually tried to address the problem and eventually he found his calling and grew past that. Then Trials of Apollo came along. *Ugly sobbing intensifies*
Piper suffers from neglect from her father who didn't have enough time to spend with her and from her mother leaving. Even when her mother was there in Charleston, she paid much more attention to Hazel and Annabeth than she did to her own daughter.
Leo... Where to start? The kid was homeless and slept in sewers. That on its own is just sad but even more, he believed he was the reason his mom was dead. He was shunned by his own flesh and blood and was forced to retreat behind the comfort of his machines and even then, Festus was brutally taken away by those lasers. Rick really just pulled out the most brutal, sad backstory for this kid ever.
Frank is one of the less traumatized ones but still, a dead mother and having to watch his home burn down with his grandmother inside? Not good.
Hazel... Pulled out of time into unfamiliar circumstances. Having to deal with the knowledge that her childhood friend moved away, thinking that it was his fault that Hazel left (Sammy and the diamond). Having to deal with the knowledge that she was part of the reason one of the giants had risen. Forcibly exiling herself from Elysium into Asphodel just so her mom wouldn't suffer. And speaking of her mom... Maria Levesque's treatment of Hazel, acting as if she were a curse and not a living child, making her sympathize with the Minotaur of all creature, would leave lasting scars on all of them.
The most consolation I can get for this is that it looks like most of them have managed to move past all of this. Jury is still out on Annabeth and Percy as I have not read CotG yet but I'm hopeful.
Except Jason. They just had to completely overhaul him by ripping away the relationship he had with Piper, which didn't need to happen, right before he died.
My reason for not liking the Jasiper break up is the fact that, the argument that they were forced into the relationship happened at the wrong time. This was after they had done a fresh start of the end of BoO. Anytime before that I can understand, but at that point? There was no reason. Then they just had to kill my boy. RICK I SWEAR TO ALL THE GODS IF THIS HAPPENS TO ANYONE IN THE WRATH OF THE TRIPLE GODDESS AND WHATEVER THE FINAL BOOK OF THIS NEW TRILOGY IS I WILL FIND YOU!
Apologies I get a bit worked up sometimes.
It's a bad habit.
Anyways, Knight out!
Go check out my Ao3 and Wattpad
No Riordanverse fics yet as I am still focusing on my Pokémon OC story but just you wait! It's coming!
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shiorilizzy · 6 months
My thoughts about Wriothesley
Literally my thoughts about him, and his personality when I play the game.
He had a wonderful childhood, before he knew the truth. He thought he was the lucky child in the world, had been adopted and lived happily with silbling.
Based on his personality when we get close to him (and his sense of humor), I think he used to be a talkative child. Not the energetic one but the one who has a positive, extrovert vibe. I can image Wriothesley, in the past, giving newcomers a sweet and encouraging smile while walking them around the house.
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So well-behaved *sob*
His smile used to be so pure and sweet, kind. I think in a normal life, Wriothesley could be a kind entrepreneur or a nice, helpful officer. He is easy-going and willing to help others.
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So when he knew the truth, it devasted him. Imagine your dear parents, your saviors, your most loved ones, you used to swear that you would protect them when you grow up, but actually use you like livestock. He would feel like a clown. He was furious from the betrayal. I’m sure it ruins every memory, warm feeling of him about childhood. I can imagine how struggling he was (or is) to endure the thought that his dear memory was nothing but fake.
Think about a lively teenager who suddenly lost everything. He couldn’t rely on anybody or anything. He must be angry so much. Why now? Why did they lie? Why they were careless to let him know the truth? Why?
I think Wriothesley, sometimes, just sometimes, wishes that he could die without knowing the truth. So he could remain as a pure boy who had a beautiful childhood.
But nothing can undo, his memory about his childhood now was stained by the dirty truth. He may talk about his past with ease now but it still bothers him.
After all those years, he still healing and comforting his wounds. He avoids touching it or digs deeper into it. He even doesn’t connect with any of his “silblings”, knowing that helping them could hurt him more.
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Living in the fortress taught him that everyone has their own story, their own reason, well most of them. So do his “parents”, but he doesn’t want to understand that, he doesn’t want to empathize with them. If he does, who will empathize with him? Who will bring back his pure childhood to him? Who will let him have a life as a “clean profile” citizen? No one. So just let him despite them.
 That’s why he went himself to the criminal house in the teaser. He wants to protect that child’s world so she can live a happy life, unlike him. When that girl gets older, she will understand her father's guilt.
Although Wriothesley is an easy and sassy guy, he will bonk whoever tells children that Santa Clause isn’t real.
Overall, Wriothesley is deeply hurt and he is trying his best to heal that trauma. I know every character in Genshin has an unforgettable past but hyv did really well at Wriothesley’s. I can feel his pain and struggle through every single line. (or maybe because I like him too much ig lmao)
Wriothesley is smart with craft things. If whoever plays Tears of Themis, you will understand what I mean. Wriothesley plays with materials just like Luke. We can bring him a broken clock and he will fix it as if his hobby. Maybe he will even add more functions to that clock lmao. (Something like an alarm when is tea-time).
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Wriothesley admits that he has trust issues and most of his friends are not human. I guess they are Melusines. They may be weird a little bit and cannot understand or act like humans, but Wriothesley can trust them since they are not as greedy as humans
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As a happy boy he used to be, Wriothesley loves playing =))) He enjoys his daytime with many entertainment. He will delay work till night if it’s not urgent. He is smart enough to be lazy.
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One more reason is he wants to sleep faster. If he does the work at night, it will drain his energy. As soon as he flops on the bed, he falls asleep. Better if he is tired enough that he can’t even dream of anything. He doesn’t want to sleep alone in bed, thinking about his life, past life.
Omg please Wrio let me hug you. I will pamper you into sleep every night QAQ.
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Lmao he has a sweet tooth. I thought he likes the bitterness of the tea when I heard that he drinks it usually until I see this. Ptff men are just bigger boys.
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A Little Life - Harold Pinter Theatre
For anyone who does wish to attend this production, please don’t take the content warnings lightly - the self-harm is graphic and two characters have full-frontal nudity. 
I (Freddie) attended the matinee production at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London on Sunday 7th May
Trigger Warnings: talks of self harm, child abuse, sexual assault, domestic abuse and more
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There’s no discernible reaction from the audience when Luke Thompson as Willem makes his entrance onto the stage. He’s wearing a dark blue hoodie, the hood pulled up over his hair - perfectly innocuous, nothing spectacular or grand as he walks about the stage. The lights are still bright, the audience is still chatting, laughter is filling the room. And Luke Thompson as Willem is onstage frying himself some bacon and eggs.
What has struck me again and again whenever I reread A Little Life - because, yes, I get a masochistic kind of joy from putting myself through that pain repeatedly - is the intimacy of it. Naturally with any book, the reader is granted the chance to feel close to the characters, to garner a look at their lives behind the veil. But if you were to ask me, I would say that there are very few - if any - novels that create this illusion as Hanya Yanagihara���s does. For 813 pages you are allowed to experience this life as they are, to experience snapshots of their lives - the good, the bad and the unimaginably horrifying - even as the rest of New York, the rest of the world, goes on as normal, with no thought spared to what is occurring within the walls of Lispenard Street and their subsequent homes. 
The awareness that despite what Jude is revealing to the readers about his past, the beyond nightmarish history he has, the world is continuing to go on as normal was perhaps the aspect of the novel I adore so much that I was most scared about losing in adapting it for other mediums.
But from the moment Luke Thompson stepped onto stage, transformed into Willem and beginning to go about his daily life, with the moving images of New York streets surrounding him in his apartment, I knew that my worries had been unfounded. Ivo Van Hove with his unbelievable direction paired with Jan Versweyveld’s set design had found a way to maintain that understanding. 
Throughout almost all of the performance, there is no moment of stasis. Be it JB and Malcom painting and working at desks on the right side of the stage, or Andy reading his book in his clinic, or the ever-present Willem and Harold. 
The former is always in the same spot on a sofa at the back of the stage, flipping through scripts, determined to make it big as an actor, pouring all of his attention and focus onto learning the lines, dedicated to making his dream a reality, and yet always there ready to support Jude. In the second act, Luke Thompson takes the exact same pose when listening to Jude revealing the details of his childhood, desperate to understand his best friend, and at this stage his lover, in the same way he had been desperate to make it as an actor.
Harold, however, spends much of his time on stage left, stationed at the kitchen set up. Constantly in movement, cooking several dishes throughout the course of the play. A reference, perhaps, to the number of Thanksgivings Jude is reported to have spent with him and his wife, Julia (absent from this adaptation). 
Despite the eternal loneliness that James Norton as Jude exudes with just his presence, he is only truly alone for a few moments - the harrowing whisper of “x equals x” that he gasps out after Elliot Cowan as Caleb leaves him naked in the street. It is then that he is alone onstage, laying in his blood, until he is retrieved by his loved ones and taken to rest on Andy’s hospital bed.
It is this detail of James Norton’s performance as Jude that I found the most powerful - which is saying something, considering that I am considering suing him for emotional damages, hasn’t anyone ever told him to think about using his acting powers for good, rather than evil? He captures a side of Jude that I had not previously considered - Jude views himself as a side character in his own life. He doesn’t feel worthy of attention, of his friendships, he is lonely in spite of being surrounded by those he loves the most and as a result feels unable to call out and ask for the help he desperately craves but does not believe that he deserves. 
The contrast between this and the fact that Jude is always centre stage is immense and almost disconcerting to watch and caused me to spend the entire performance practically begging him in my head to just turn around, they’re right there!
But this desire to be helped and to be heard is brought to life by the presence of Nathalie Armin as Ana. The first person in Jude’s life to truly care about him, and the only female in this adaptation of the novel. Armin has a commanding presence on the stage, even as she is a mere figment of Jude’s imagination. Dressed in all black, a stark difference to the bright set, allowing her to melt into the darkness when the spotlight focuses on Norton. 
In many ways, Ana vocalises the audience’s own thoughts - pleading with Jude to confide in his friends, desperate to stop him from harming himself further, and the relief in Armin’s expression as Jude finally tells Willem his story. 
The choice to keep the cast small causes a heavy weight to be put on Elliot Cowan’s shoulders, as he is tasked with portraying three different, truly heinous characters. Even without the costume changes, however, I truly believe it would be possible to tell which of the three he was in each scene.
Cowan gives truly fantastic portrayals of each of the villains of Jude’s life, as Brother Luke he shows the softer touch which allowed for him to manipulate Jude in his innocence, he never handles Norton roughly when playing the part of Brother Luke. Carefully pulling him along, coaxing Jude to trust him to the point that the child does not realise just how wrong it is what Brother Luke asks of him. 
This acting from Cowan makes Jude’s words all the more heartbreaking in Act 2 when talking to Willem, as the audience is able to see why Jude insists that Brother Luke was different, that he did love him.
When taking up the role of Caleb, however, he becomes the manifestation of everything Jude believes about himself. He has none of Brother Luke’s gentleness, but all of his intensity and possessiveness. The last that we see of Caleb, is when he lifts Jude up by the arm, Norton’s body used to reflect the words he says - “x equals x”. Being with Caleb has brought to life Jude’s darkest thoughts of himself, and Jude views this as proof that no matter what he will always be the same. Damaged and unlovable, to be blamed for everything he had been subjected to in his youth.
As Dr Traylor, Cowan’s words are clipped and straightforward. He is the most detached of Jude’s abusers, not caring for his name and only referring to him as “a prostitute” and reinforcing what Jude already believes about himself. It is not until Jude’s “release” that we see any true kind of emotion from Dr Traylor. Cowan shows Dr Traylor with a manic kind of joy upon forcing Jude to run from him, all the while on the tail in his car. The chase scene is long, and dramatic with the incredible musicians rising in volume and intensity with their instruments. The length of the scene forces thoughts back to Jude’s earlier response when JB asked about his legs - “I used to run cross country”.
In all of his roles, Cowan has the same commanding presence onstage as Armin. The moment he leaves the wings, regardless of who he is in that moment, the audience’s attention is drawn to him. As though by sheer glares and willpower we will be able to change Jude’s story, that we as mere observers will be able to push against Cowan’s slow, purposeful steps and keep him away from Norton. 
Zubin Varla and Emilio Doorgasingh gave masterful portrayals as Harold and Andy, respectively. They are markedly different to the presence of Willem, Malcom and JB - in what proves to be a very physical play, Harold rarely touches his son, while Andy only does so as necessary in his medical examinations of Jude.
This respect for Jude’s boundaries when it comes to physical contact is what truly sets Harold and Andy apart from the other older figures in Jude’s life (those villains played by Cowan). Varla’s portrayal of Harold is always evaluating his own movements, always second guessing himself before moving towards Jude - he does not seek out the easy, casual contact shown by the other three young adults. But when Jude comes to him for comfort, Harold is always eager to provide it.
The final scene of Harold and Jude embracing - Jude in his wheelchair, Harold knelt on the ground in front of him, with the rejected trays of food scattered on the floor around him - when Norton practically falls into Varla’s arms, sobbing into his shoulder, as a screen slowly comes down to hide them, JB on the outside, is one that I believe will stay with me for years to come. 
There is an emotion in Varla’s voice when he confides in the audience the story of Jacob, his first son. And in that closing scene we are forced back to that monologue, when he confesses to anyone listening that when Jacob died, there was a little part of him relieved, as that meant it was over. And although it is heartbreaking, it is this statement that makes it no real surprise that when the screen lifts again, Harold is alone in front of that wheelchair to report Jude’s suicide.
Where Armin’s Ana shows the sympathetic side of the audience, the aching desire to hug Jude and promise him it will be okay, to protect him both from the world and himself, Doorgasingh’s Andy exhibits the rougher side of it. His frustration at Jude’s abject refusal to accept help, his anger at watching someone he loves destroy themselves. The hopelessness he feels when his advice goes unnoticed, and his frequent calls to Harold and Willem - often screaming at the two people Jude is closest to, desperate for them to be there for him more.
Andy does not have the same stage presence as many of the other characters do, instead he - and the same can be said for Malcom - almost fades into the background at times. But they are there, ready to pick up the pieces. Both Doorgasingh and Wyatt are spectacular in their characterisations. In the novel, Andy and Malcom show an awareness that they are not the most important people to Jude, that they cannot help him in the ways others can, and in this adaptation, the actors bring that feeling to life.
They are there, working in their own lives, on their own projects. Malcom quietly sees what Jude refuses to acknowledge about his worsening condition and accommodating for it even despite the push back of his best friend. And Andy who can be seen pacing at the side of the stage, calling Jude when he can sense everything is getting too much for him - they are both there for him in their own quiet ways, and their loyalty and love for Jude is never questioned by the audience. It is also important to note that in this adaptation of the novel, neither of these characters address the audience directly - the only two whose focuses are solely within the story with no fourth-wall breaks.
Omari Douglas as JB, on the other hand, stands out more than anyone. First as a result of his costumes - often more brighter than those of his castmates - and then just as how he presents himself. Anyone who watched his performance in It’s a Sin will recall how Douglas’ presence demands to be noticed, and this is carried forth onto the Harold Pinter Stage. He captures the heart of JB’s character - desperate to be heard, to be needed by his friends. Charming in his own way, despite how his messy character causes him to betray his friends at several points in the story. 
Douglas transitions well from how JB is around his friends - brash, loud, confident - to how he truly feels when talking to the audience. His voice is softer, he somehow seems a little smaller as he talks about watching Jude, how he feels Willem doesn’t value his friendship as highly as the others, how he feels they don’t need him anymore.
While JB’s drug addiction is rather rushed in this adaptation - it’s discussed at length in the novel - Douglas eloquently displays his anguish to the audience, his desperation to quit. A previously difficult to like character, after having seen him mock Jude’s disability, and betray his trust, the audience is able to empathise and understand him better. And when it is just him and Jude left at the end of the show, Douglas doesn’t say anything, but takes up the same space as had previously been filled by Willem and Malcom. He quietly watches Jude - just as he had before with his painting, only this time, it’s out of concern for his friend, rather than concern for his career and viewing him as a muse.
I have already mentioned how this production brought me to tears on several occasions, however none made me sob more so than Luke Thompson’s monologue at the end before his car crash. Having already read the book several times, I had known that this was coming and yet it didn’t stop me from hoping that somehow I’d misunderstood the plot point and that Willem did actually survive. So when Thompson took centre-stage and I knew what was next, my sister took my hand as the two of us prepared ourselves.
Beyond the tear-jerker of a monologue, when I later considered the adaptation as a whole I wondered over the choice to mention Hemming at that point. Perhaps this mention worked some some of the audience, however for me I felt it should have been mentioned earlier, as it is in the novel. With Willem only mentioning Hemming before he dies and only in reference to Jude, it caused me to reflect somewhat poorly on their relationship. It’s a minor point about the adaptation, however I do wonder if mentioning his older brother earlier, before Jude himself begins to use a wheelchair, it would have been more impactful.
I could sing praises about the chemistry between Norton and Thompson onstage - however considering I have the voice of a dying seal, it’s probably best that I don’t. Instead, I’ll simply say that their interactions in the second act, as Willem confesses his attraction to Jude, and he struggles to understand it caused my heart to skip a beat. 
Norton captures Jude’s innocence throughout the play perfectly - from the moments that he slips into his childhood self in flashbacks, to when he’s so unsure in his relationship with Willem, unused to being with someone who does genuinely love and care for him. 
All in all, I enjoyed this stage adaptation of A Little Life - if “enjoy” can be the correct word for a production that brought me to tears and caused me to question the meaning of life. It was hauntingly beautiful, heartbreakingly sad and utterly harrowing. I don’t believe I’ve ever been quite so moved by a whole troupe of actors and the way that they characterise their roles. While I certainly have some criticisms and hang-ups about this show and the story in general, I shall save those for another post, hopefully less long and wordy.
Would I return to the Harold Pinter Theatre to watch it again given the choice? Truthfully, I’m not sure. While I fell in love with these actors, the direction, set design and music, I’m unsure if I could watch it again and feel the same level of intensity as I did on this watch. Also, I cried enough to give myself a headache by the end - so if I were to watch again, I’d have to remember to bring a water bottle to ensure I stayed hydrated.
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anotheroceanid · 3 months
So, I hope this makes sense since I’m going to ramble a little bit😅!
If say, for some reason, they were able to put Gaea to sleep (at least temporarily) before Percy and the triplets got off the island, what do you think would happen?
Say maybe Percy herself doesn’t know about Gaea being ‘defeated’. Just maybe one day a demigod lands on the island out of nowhere (maybe they got lost on a quest), and meets Percy. What if it was one of the kids of Percy’s old friends and they recognize her from pictures?
I can imagine them having to explain differences in time (with the boys being so young still). Maybe Percy somehow was already ‘drifting away’ out of Gaea’s manipulation? I’m also wondering if the boys finally made up and stopped fighting so much😆.
Or even imagine if Apollo or Artemis found the island? Maybe one of them sees this newly formed island and goes to check it out, only to come face to face with Percy!
Hope this made sense! Just some food for thought that I couldn’t stop thinking about (also just the image of how peaceful they all were before they moved/were forced off the island, and wanting someone else to see it😅).
Ok, hear me out, I would love that!!!!
Despite how much she interacts with Percy, Gaea is still in her slumber, that’s why she created mechanisms to manipulate Percy and keep her under her control even when she’s not around. So let’s say someone managed to went into the island during these periods, but let’s pretend it’s been a while ever since Percy and Gaea last talked.
Imagine someone getting into the island, and the first thing they see is a boy staring at the see… and in the moment he sees them, he runs aways screaming for his mom.
Because of course Hector would be SHOCKED if someone came from the sea, all his “maybe mom is right and sea is dangerous” wires would be activated all at once, and maybe he even causes some earthquakes in the process. Like, he was just looking. Why these things only happen to him, never to Milo or Luke?
Percy would be so confused when some teenager she had never seen before walked into the house after Hector decided he wanted to spend the rest of the day hugging her leg and being clingy. Not that she is complaining, she loves when he acts like that, she misses when he was a baby and acted like that all the time. Still weird.
I mean, after the brief moment in which she would attack said teenager with the kitchen knife and only then got to finally hear them, I think she’d be shocked. So would the demigod, imagine thinking you are a castaway and suddenly bumping into your parent’s childhood friend, the hero of a generation and the girl who had been missing for more than a decade.
That would be a talk.
But the contrast between the island, a paradise that turns out as a gilded cage, against the real world, which is in shambles mostly because Percy left.
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Din Djarin X Force Sensitive Reader
A/n:A small dabble! This will be my first Din x reader peace! A few things will be changes! Also a bit of a soulmate theme!!!
Warning: None. Small hints at being a future Sith? Idk lmao.
Fandom Master List! I have 2 more Din fanfics on their way!
Summary: (Y/n) and Din Djarin have been flying across the Galaxy in search of a Jedi Knight for Grogu. During this period they both caught feelings for each other. After Grogu leaves with Luke what is her fate with the Mandalorian?
"Only We Know"
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I came across a fallen tree
I felt the beaches of it looking at me
(Y/n) knew she could wield the force. Since her childhood days there had been something different about her. A gentle whisper came to her, a feeling that never could be fully explained. She blindly followed this to a lightsaber on Tatooine. The crystals glow red against her (s/c) skin. From then on she knew her path. The darkness always had been her friend. However she could not accept this fate. The tales of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader had been told around the galaxy. She did not want to be labeled as an evil Sith. (Y/n) knew no Jedi would ever train her with such darkness encircling her soul. She battled between the dark and light sigh in an never struggle.
The last couple of days she had felt the force closer than ever. It showed her glimpses of the future. One thing (Y/n) hated were the small fragments of imagines. The first dream is of a child. Small, large brown eyes, green skin? Not very old. He was scared, sad, and in need of help. The next dream came with something -no someone unexpected. She knew of the term 'Soulmates' and laughed at the idea. Silver armor, brown hair, chocolate eyes, and his scent overwhelmed (Y/n) each night.
She had watched as a Mandalorian took on a town from afar. Once he and the droid walked into the building (Y/n) dropped down from her hiding spot and walked in. Whatever was in that crate sent her instincts into overdrive. The droid listed its gun without a second thought she shoot it. The Mandalorian spun around holding his blaster up. Din inhaled sharply at the strange feeling once their eyes meet.
'Is this the *girl I'm meant* to love?' He wonders.
'Is this the *man* that I've been dreaming of?' (Y/n) put her gun down.
_Two Year's Later_
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
After earning permission from (Y/n) and Din Grogu waddled up to Luke. The Jedi picked the small foundling up before glancing at (Y/n). Skywalker could sense the darkness inside of her. Yet, how it would dwindle over time because she found her soulmate, the Mandalorian. "May the force be with you." Luke bows his head before leaving.
Heading to Tatooine (Y/n) glanced over at Din. She could never forget the image of his face. Despite seeing him in her dreams the real thing was more meaningful. Over their journey (Y/n) had fallen for the Mandalorian. "I think I might stay on Tatooine with Boba." She whispered.
"What?! Why?" Din reacted with than she imagined, betrayal in his voice.
"I just want to fine a place to settle finding someone to settle with." She whispered the last part.
"What about me?" Din asked. This caught her off guard. Since the beginning, there was a tense feeling between them. The unspoken knowing. The unspoken feelings.
"Din, I'm gettin' *older*, and I need *someone* to rely on. You and I...We are soul mates but at this time we are needing two different things." Din scoffled at her words.
"So, tell me when you're gonna let me in. You closed yourself off to me. I want to know how you feel. About this, about me, us. Just anything. You shut yourself off when I get closer to you." He touched your hand.
"I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin with you!" (Y/n) stood up. Din also stood.
And if you have a minute
"Why don't we go. Talk about *this* somewhere only we know? I am open to anything if that means I can be with you." Din cupped (Y/n)'s cheek.
Her (e/c) orbs scan his chocolate-brown eyes. She was scared to feel love. All her life she denied the idea of happening. Yet here Din stood ready to do anything and everything for her.
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know.
"Only for you." She slowly removed his helmet before pulling him into a long deep kiss.
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standupcomedyhistorian · 11 months
Hi, everyone! I hope you're having a nice fall weekend. 🍂
I just wanted to share some BEAUTIFUL art I was lucky enough to acquire recently from two incredible artists 🎨
The first is one of my favorite pieces that combines two of my passions, one from my childhood and one since 2019: Peanuts and Bo Burnham!
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Bo as Charlie Brown/Schroeder is just perfect, and I can't rep @lomleyo enough. She is an EXCEPTIONAL artist and also created my SUCH logo that I adore 🥰
I was finally able to pick up the Peanuts print because I needed to get the perfect birthday card for my best friend @ilickedthegardenwall on her 30th birthday—and BOY did Kat deliver on that one!
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All of these prints and more can be found on the artist's INPRNT shop. Check it out! 👀
The second is a recent discovery on Instagram that blew me away: A Vincent van Gogh-style representation of Inside, with so many hidden gems from White Woman's Instagram (like an embroidered fox and dreamcatcher, for starters). Just AMAZING attention to detail!
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I am an ENORMOUS fan of Vincent van Gogh (Starry Night is my favorite painting), so this image spoke to me immediately, and I actually reached out to the artist (Jakobi Holck Luke) to see if he would add it to his Redbubble shop (IncredibleHolck), which he did thankfully.
Fun fact: Bo has been compared to the troubled painter by Pete Holmes ("It's exciting to see van Gogh walking in the Mall of America"), and the lyrics to Vincent by Don McLean really sound like Bo imo (especially the intro and this last section):
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will
Anyway, I'm just in love with my new art pieces, and I hope you all consider supporting these two artists in the future! ✌🏼🐔
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
You gotta face the facts, CC, ciaran's Mom is now popular, lmao. I can imagine Ciaran's Mom becoming popular with the Demon brothers (+Side characters) because they all desperately need a mother figure in their ancient lifetime.
Imagine her bringing Lucifer coffee/tea and snacks when he’s working late finishing his paperwork. Scolding Satan to clean his messy room. Sewing Belphies Pillow cuz it got somehow ripped. Cooking Traditional Irish food for Beel. Drinking tea with Barbatos. Spending time with the Angel trio, listening to Simeon talk about his book TSL, baking with Luke together and preventing Raphael from using his speer and so on.
But then there's Diavolo, who never had a mother figure, and maybe that got break her heart. So, despite being the future king of hell, pulling him into a hug to comfort him only for Diavolo, to almost tear up. Diavolo might ask Ciaran to marry him so that he could gain a mother-in-law (among other reasons to marry them).
And then there's Ciaran in the background witnessing all of this. Bonus: Ciaran's mom pulling out an old photo book with baby pictures of Ciaran.
sdksdfjk OKAY
First of all, I never even expected people to be so interested in Ciaran, let alone their mom!
Second of all, MY HEART.
Okay, okay, so while Ciaran's mom doesn't currently have a name, I do have a vague idea of what she's like. Absolutely just a plump lil Irish lady, complete with lilting accent and the desire to feed everybody.
And she would absolutely do all of those things, bringing Lucifer coffee and sewing up Belphie's pillow and so on~
Now listen, if Diavolo wanted a mom figure, she'd adopt him without him needing to marry Ciaran. She'd be like "Go on and marry them if you like, love, but either way, you're my adopted son now."
Meanwhile Ciaran is like "Mom you're Catholic. Are you sure you can just adopt the next Demon King like that?"
To which she would say, "Being kind to everyone is the Christian thing to do, Ciaran."
Though if Diavolo still wanted to marry Ciaran, I think that'd be pretty dang adorable. I've never really thought about their relationship beyond the surface level friendship, but I think they'd be super cute together.
Either way, Ciaran's mom is happy to give him motherly hugs whenever he likes. Man, that image of him tearing up is doing something to my poor heart!!
Oh but now I'm imagining her making Ciaran bring her back to the human world for mass and confession. She's in the confessional like, "Father, I have been cavorting with demons."
And the priest, who knows her because she's been going to church there for years, thinks that's her cute way of saying she's struggling with alcohol or something lol.
Please, this is so ridiculous.
You can be sure Ciaran would not be pleased about the baby pictures situation, either.
They'd be like, "Why would you even bring that photo album to the Devildom??"
And she'd be like, "Can't you ever indulge your mam? I wanted all your new friends to see your childhood."
Ciaran is blushing furiously and groaning in embarrassment while all the demons discover for the first time that Ciaran's natural hair color is black. (They didn't start dying it blue until they were older.) Their mom is just regaling everybody with embarrassing stories from their childhood lksdalkff
I gotta give her a name now don't I?
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bitchinbarzal · 1 month
ok so hear me out:
milo’s birthday - it’s early feb, all star break, she sends him a text to say ‘i’m doing something small, here’s the details if you wanna show up’ kinda vibe because they’re on speaking terms for legal purposes but that’s really it and this is the first time mama h is giving him the olive branch yk
he shows up late- after his flight getting delayed, they lose his luggage, it’s a fiasco- and mama h and milo are in their own little bubble with gma and gpa and all their friends and luke is very much having a holy fuck I fucked up moment before milo sees him and squeals with delight because of course he remembers the big man that mama talks about all the time
she hands him milo and milo is so happy and he is a spitting image of baby luke (which mama has a love hate relationship with) and luke is apologetic for being late and not having a present and mama is very sincere about it telling him ‘it’s ok because you’re here in one piece, that’s all that matters’ and if luke’s heart could’ve gotten any bigger than it was then it most definitely would’ve because that’s his girl and this is his little boy and this is his family and he stands there with milo and mama when they blow out the candles and totally has a bit of a cry in the bathroom of his childhood bedroom at his parents house that night after he realises that yeah, I really need to step up for him and her
no because he’s not going to stand with them while Milo gets happy birthday sang to him, he wouldn’t but everyone’s like “go, go!”
So now he’s holding his son while Milo hides his face in Luke’s chest out of embarrassment while the cake is brought out.
The pictures taken, he stares at them all night. Their perfect little family.
He truly messed up and he’s crying all while he can hear her and Milo up in the middle of the night bc they stayed the night at Ellen’s request
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‘Scrublands’ Season 2: Luke Carroll, Debra Lawrance & More To Join Returning Luke Arnold & Bella Heathcote In Stan Mystery Drama; First Look Here
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EXCLUSIVE: Luke Carroll (The Artful Dodger), Debra Lawrance (Please Like Me) and David Roberts (Please Like Me) are among the new stars of Australian drama Scrublands, which is gearing up for its second season on Stan and 9 Network.
Also starring alongside returning leads Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote in Scrublands: Silver are Tasma Walton (The Twelve), Luke Pegler (Hacksaw Ridge), Caroline Brazier (Year Of), Joel Jackson (Peter Allen: Not the Boy Next Door), Toby Truslove (La Brea), Sarah Roberts (Home and Away), Hamish Michael (The Twelve), Radek Jonak (The Surfer) and Damian De Montemas (Hounds of Love).
Above you can see an exclusive first-look image of season 2, with filming now underway in Augusta, Western Australia.
The season is being adapted from author Chris Hammer’s novel ‘Silver’, and here are some new plot details: A year after the life changing events of season 1, investigative journalist Martin Scarsden (Arnold) has returned to his coastal hometown, Port Silver, to set up a new life with partner Mandy Bond (Heathcote). When he arrives to find his childhood friend Jasper brutally murdered and Mandy the prime suspect, Martin struggles with doubts – about Mandy and about his own ability to recognise the truth. As he pushes forward to find the real murderer and absolve Mandy, Martin confronts secrets about Port Silver and his long-buried past.
The series comes from Easy Tiger and Third Act Stories as a co-production for Stan and 8 Network. Martha Coleman, Ian Collie, Rob Gibson and Felicity Packard are the producers. Ben Young is the director, and the writers are Felicity Packard, Fiona Kelly and Jock Serong, with Michael Healy and Andy Ryan from the 9 Network and Cailah Scobie and Alicia Brown for Stan the executive producers. Major production investment came from Screenwest, Lotterywest and the WA Regional Screen Fund, and the season was developed with the assistance of Screenwest and Lotterywest. Abacus Media Rights is the international distributor.
We revealed the official confirmation of season 2 in March when we had news of Stan’s 2024 slate. The reorder had been widely expected with sources within the streamer talking glowingly about its performance.
“Following the immense success of Scrublands, we look forward to working with Easy Tiger and Third Act Stories, alongside lead cast Luke and Bella, as we bring audiences another thrilling season,” said Stan Chief Content Officer Cailah Scobie.
9 Network Head of Drama Andy Ryan added: “Set in the stark coastal beauty of Western Australia, Scrublands: Silver will wow audiences with a gripping crime mystery in a unique environment. With the outstanding Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote returning along with the creative maestros at Easy Tiger and Third Act Stories, viewers should strap in for another emotional rollercoaster of world class premium drama.”
Easy Tiger co-chief Ian Collie said it was “great to step back into the world of Mandy and Martin, played perfectly by Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote. Like the first season, we are witness from the get-go to a violent tragedy that implicates both our heroes.”
The series is the latest to film in Western Australia, which is being with other states such as Victoria and New South Wales to attract local and international projects, with production credit schemes and other soft money readily available in most. “This is Stan’s fourth project in Western Australia in the last twelve months, and shows our commitment to collaborating with local cast and creatives so that we can deliver fresh and exceptional Originals for Australian and global audiences,” said Scobie.
“We are pleased to welcome Stan and Easy Tiger back to WA and are excited to see Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote reprise their roles, this time in our stunning South West,” said Screenwest CEO Rikki Lea Bestall. “Augusta is abuzz with activity with WA producer Martha Coleman and WA director Ben Young heading up a fantastic Western Australian crew.”
Source: Deadline
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
Childhood friends to lovers prompt: “some things never change.” “yeah, i guess they don’t…” + luke/bobby 👀
It'd be just Bobby's luck to have hit upon his type at six years old, and for said type to be mouthy brunettes who love music. 
Or maybe that first girl molded his type. 
Not that that's better, but. Anyway. 
Bobby takes one look at the guy hunched over a laptop in his usual booth, with headphones sticking out of his messy brown hair and muscular arms sticking out of his cutoff shirt, and decides: hell no.
Then the guy catches Bobby's eye, grins, and pulls his headphones off.
"Take a picture, bro, it'll last a lot longer." 
Scratch that. 
Bobby decides: absolutely fucking not. 
If only his body would get with the program instead of slamming his heart into his ribs. 
Bobby swallows. He musters up a glare.
"You're in my booth." 
The other guy only laughs. 
Why the fuck does he have such a melodic laugh? The hell?
He must finally notice the way Bobby has tensed, because he actually apologizes. 
"M'not laughing at you, dude. I like you." 
"You don't know me!"
There goes that insufferable grin again. 
"You're Bobby, right? My name is Luke." 
And then Luke just. Makes himself at home in Bobby's booth. 
Bobby could probably manhandle him out. He's done it before, but Luke might actually put up a decent fight, and Bobby doesn't want to get banned from the only decent cafe anywhere near his house. 
The idea of touching Luke also isn't.
Something Bobby can think about. 
Even if he often pins Bobby with this look, as if he knows exactly what he's thinking.
Nothing that Bobby tries deters him at all. 
Bobby tries acting aloof. It's impossible. 
Luke is just too. Luke. 
He demands attention. And it's usually not even on purpose. He. Does it by existing.
Bobby always ends up snapping at him, or saying more than he meant, and getting burned on the receiving end of one of those grins. So: that option is out. 
Bobby tries ultimatums. Stop hogging the outlet. Reorder for me and get it right. Let me run this by you. Otherwise: get out. 
Luke just caves to those. He never gets Bobby's order wrong. And he's actually really helpful with Bobby's English Lit assignments, the only thing about community college that Bobby loathes. 
Bobby even tries arguing with him about music, as he makes it obvious that that's usually what he's working on in one way or another, but the asshole just enjoys it. 
And once Bobby lets it slip that he plays guitar, Luke is relentless. He starts asking him for opinions on the stuff he's writing and inviting Bobby to shows and doubling down on all of his flirting and his…his…
His peacocking. With his stupid hair and his arms in those cutoff shirts and his eyes that always change colors and that grin. 
The worst part is Bobby's growing suspicion that he must be related to that girl he used to be so hung up on. It's just. Uncanny, how similar they are. And it would add up, for a small town. He's probably her older brother, or something.
That really would be Bobby's fucking luck.
Only: one day, after Luke makes one of his cryptic comments, like he's trying to share an inside joke that makes no sense at all, he props his cheek in his hand, studying Bobby with this awful, rueful smile. 
"You really don't remember me, do you?" 
And that's when it clicks. It's like one of those sliders that overlaps two images and suddenly shows you the whole picture. 
Bobby groans. "Don't tell me. It's you? You're the one I gave that fucking note to?"
"Yup," Luke says, popping the p, and Bobby's honestly never been happier to see that megawatt grin, even if it only intensifies his blush. Luke's eyes shine. "Bet you didn't think I'd actually do it." 
"What, get out of my school? I can't say I did. I just. I hated that I liked you so much and I didn't know how to deal with it, alright? Just. Tell me you didn't do it because of me. It wasn't about—I would've left you that note no matter what." 
"Aw," Luke coos, "that was almost sweet."
He grins wider as Bobby flips him off.
"But nah, I didn't leave 'cause of you. My mom figured that I—we—could use a fresh start. For—a lot of reasons. I lived with my uncle for a while. Things are better now."
Bobby swallows. Luke's eyes are really blue today, heightening their intensity. It's impossible not to hold his gaze. 
But maybe: it's not impossible to reciprocate, at least a little bit. 
"That's good, man. I'm glad. That. That things are good. And that. You're back."
Luke chuckles. "Was that so hard? A little sincerity goes a long way, bro." 
"I've changed my mind," Bobby deadpans. "Get out of my booth. And don't bro me."
Luke laughs harder. He hooks his ankle around Bobby's under the table.
"Some things never change, huh, babe?"
Bobby's heart slams into his ribs, hard enough to bruise, screaming and stunned.
But he doesn't pull away. He tries to smile. 
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess they don't." 
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delvalentine · 3 years
i need a tears of themis match up blog to confirm whether or not artem or luke would be better for me because i just lie in bed like damn. if i was isekaid into stellis right now, would ANY of them want me 💀
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NXX on their tendencies... (NSFW)
...on lovemaking
Images taken from the insta linked here, but apparently final source is here (please check out their lovely yaoi Genshin stuff!)
I was supposed to be writing something else but but I saw this so um yes I am sorry
Obligatory WARNING: NSFW At this point though I really think Dr. Vyn Richter being in these minific posts should be enough warning already, jus' sayin... XD
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Lovemaking with Luke is like either a warm, gentle sunshine, or a soft night breeze that greets you when you when you step out of your office building after a particularly tiring, stressful work day.
It starts off relaxed, as casual as two old friends chatting about their day.
Luke would oftentimes take your sore feet onto his lap, massaging them, distracting you from the slight discomfort caused by skillful fingers pulling at the muscles, tiny bones, and tissues of your feet with his smartly-timed jokes that never get old despite being shared since your childhoods together.
Your feet all better, with a cute wiggling of your toes you would "accidentally" brush the crotch of his cargo pants, earning you a cute, flustered blush from his face--you never, ever get tired of the sight of his face glowing bright pink. It's beautiful, it's maddening how you never took notice of it during your school days when blushing Luke would have been at peak adorableness.
"Watson," he would call you out, mock-growling, then launch a full offensive of tickling your sides that would send you laughing and screaming for him to stop, please stop, you'd do anything just to stop the fingers wreaking havoc to your sides...
Anything, you promise, and full-knowing what would happen next you throw your arms around his shoulders and pull him in for that sweet, sweet kiss that you have been waiting to happen all these time since the moment you drop by his quarters above his antiques store. Unfortunately for Luke's patrons (especially the girls who drop by to make googoo eyes at him) the store would be closed early for the day--the handsome, roguish proprietor will be fully booked by you for the next few hours, or longer depending on how generous you're feeling that day.
He would gather you effortlessly in those strong arms of his--gently carrying you like he would the most delicate and precious item ever displayed in his shop--never breaking your sweet, sloppy kissing until both of you get to his bed.
The scent of Luke permeating the bedsheets remind you of those salad days when you would jump into his bed in an effort to wake him up--he was notorious for sleeping in as a child--but somehow, somehow, his scent now triggers something else within you and so you beg him to lay his hands on you, for Luke to mark you...
Frantic hands peeling off layers of clothes. Feverish breathing. Quickening, pulsating heartbeats. So much had changed since the eight years when he checked out of your life as a lanky, awkward young teenager until he came back as that handsome man who took your heart away the moment you met by chance in the city.
Luke would plant several kisses on your bare skin: on the neck, your breasts, your stomach--everywhere he could mark you with using his lips. It would be as if he is making up for all of the lost opportunities when he could have given you so many kisses for the last eight years he had been away from you.
When the time comes for the main act of lovemaking, he would lace his strong fingers lovingly with your slender ones, holding your hands down on the sheets as he takes you with gentle, probing thrusts into your throbbing flesh.
He would shower you with sweet words of affirmation as he drives again and again into you--the words gradually turning into expressions of lust and need as soon as his thrusting picks up speed and, in one delicious moment, moan your name out loud as spills his seed onto your stomach.
His hands never let yours go all the while. As he would never let you go, not after finally finding you after eight long years of separation.
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Lovemaking with you is Marius von Hagen's stress relief.
Marius is capable of many things--he is an immensely talented artist whose alter-ego's works easily fetch millions in the market; he is also a capable, functional budding leader of a vast conglomerate who easily handles people decades older than he is and could go toe to toe with the conglomerate's internal power struggles.
It is easy to forget that Marius is also only twenty-one years of age.
You are the only person in his life aside from his assistant who truly knows who Marius von Hagen is: a young man at the cusp of his adulthood, a boy who yearns to chase his dreams now nigh unattainable thanks to the immense burden put on his shoulders.
And so he latches onto you, the only big sister figure he has in his life, and also his biggest, baddest crush, his heroine who stood by him in his time of need when nobody else got his back.
Whenever Marius feels as if all the expectations placed on him would crush him alive, he frequently comes to your doorstep, seeking your sanctuary.
At nights after intensively stressful work days dealing with the duplicitousness of the capitalist world, he would drop by your apartment unannounced, frequently enough that traces of his presence slowly crop up in your place: his toothbrush, his mug, a change of clothing in case he decides to spend the night.
Marius, to the surprise of no one, is incredibly touch-starved. "Missy," he would always say in his mock-plaintive tone, "I need a hug."
Eventually it becomes your little ritual that whenever Marius steals away from the lofty towers of his workplace and into the sanctuary of your apartment, you would greet him with the tightest of hugs that you could muster.
And, brimming with all the pent up stress and frustration seeded into his worn and weary young heart, Marius would return your hug with a rough kiss, a kiss laced with his resentment--not targeted at you, of course--and impotent rage against the machinations that threaten to swallow Marius whole day by day by day by day.
"I'm sorry, Rosa." He would sometimes drop his pet name for you and call you by your actual name; a clear indicator of how badly things went for him at work.
"I need you."
There is only one way to address his pent-up stress, and it is you on your bed, writhing underneath him, his hands gripping your wrists tightly down on the sheets as he drives hard into you, again and again, moaning your name in the same intensity that he would like to use to curse, rail, and protest against the old men who are threatening to split apart the legacy of built by his family.
Marius would leave teeth marks on your neck, collarbone, your shoulders, all to stifle his frustration of having to bite back all of the things he wanted to say at work but couldn't as part and parcel of being burdened with such a tremendous responsibility.
And you accept all of it. Lovemaking with Marius does not always go like this--but when it does, you take it upon yourself to help him deal with things larger than he is.
You also know that in the next morning, Marius would make it up to you, focusing on your pleasure this time around with his tongue and those artful, artful fingers of his. You do not know how it came to be, but Marius's aftercare is incredible.
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Lovemaking with Artem is, quite surprisingly, an exercise in endurance.
Artem had spent his most of his life traversing the straight and narrow path: the best in his field, youngest among the senior attorneys. He is so straight-laced and methodical that people around him have learned to talk and interact only with him when it comes to work.
What they didn't know--but you do--is that behind his business-only persona there is an immense romantic inside of him that yearned deeply for a human connection, a connection that he is rarely afforded except when he is with you.
You had your suspicions early on about his yearning for connection even before your relationship: while he remained standoffish with his co-workers, he would be secretly delighted when they came to him for anything not-work related, such as for his impeccable cooking, or when they approached him to do such unorthodox things such as representing the law firm in a stage play.
And, when your relationship finally started Artem would initiate physical connections with you: holding your hands as he guided you on how to properly handle knives; gentle touches as he drew a pumpkin on your face as part of Halloween festivities; guiding hands as he taught you how to fire a pistol.
It just so happens that you are the only one source of the human connection that he secretly yearns for, and this quite amusingly translates into him trying to make up for the sheer lack of connection during the times he is intimate with you:
By making love to you over and over until your knees give out. His hands over yours on the sheets, maximizing your skinship with him as he affirms your connection with him through repeated rounds of sex.
And Artem, as awkward as he is, also tended to depend on books whenever he has to learn about something he is not too familiar with. It is to your amusement to find out that he actually purchased more than a few books on the art of lovemaking and, for better or for worse he actually makes it a point to try out all positions, all techniques, that in one instance he spent more than three hours with you trying to perfect the art of eating you out that you had to beg for him to stop lest you pass out with overstimulation.
Artem is, for all intents and purposes, an awkward yet secretly passionate man.
You definitely do not want him to change.
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Vyn's lovemaking does not have a tendency.
Rather, he makes it a point that his lovemaking would be a novel experience for you as much as possible. You have experienced him pouring wine all over your naked body, he had blindfolded you more than a few times, he is definitely not squeamish about having sex with you during your period, and in a fit of fancy he has even marked you with own blood during sex.
Among many, many other things.
Vyn has mentioned earlier that dessert would be on the table. But when asked, he could only give vague answers about what dessert, and what table.
And now, laid out naked and helpless in his bed with your hands tied above your head, you learn exactly what dessert, and what table.
He sits beside you, fully clothed, complete with his white lab coat. Vyn's left arm is cradling a metal bowl filled with cold cream, which is being whisked to a peak with his right hand. "Dessert for tonight," he says, with his maddeningly gentle smile, "is you."
"Great. How can I eat myself?" you ask, playing along with his game.
Vyn lets out a soft laugh. "Simple."
His gaze turns predatory.
"You do not."
"So this dessert is only single-serving?"
"For me only, yes." The beatific smile returns to his face. "Ah, I think the cream is now done." He lifts the whisk to check for peaks. "Perfect," he says, making a show of licking the tip of the whisk while his golden eyes hold your gaze.
You gulp. "W-why are you still in your research center uniform?"
You note that he even still has his ID lanyard on. Vyn is literally wearing his full work uniform for tonight.
And if you were honest with yourself, you actually find it extremely sexy.
Vyn smiles, as if reading your thoughts. "I noticed you have been staring a lot when I'm wearing this. I'm just...indulging you."
"You demon."
"You do not know the half of it yet."
"I think I do know, Vyn."
Again, that immaculate grin dances on his lips. "Do not challenge me."
He spoons a bit of cream and slathers it on your breast. You expect him to smear the cream directly on your nipple, but instead he applies it on the skin directly next to it.
Vyn then dips onto the breast and laps up the cream, his wisps of silver hair brushing lightly onto your naked skin.
His tongue barely grazes your nipple.
Holding that pose, his lips grazing your breast, you see Vyn looking up at you through his glasses with a devious smile. He then flicks the tip of his tongue on your breast, but deliberately avoiding touching your nipple.
Oh shit.
"Did you want me to do something?" Vyn asks as he sits himself upright. "I'm open for..." the corner of his mouth turns up into a leer. "...suggestions."
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of believing he has the upper hand, you remain silent.
"Safe word is macaron."
"Safe word is macaron," he repeats.
"Yes, I heard you the first time," you say, a bit incredulous. "Are you going to...um...whips and stuff?" You feel a mild dread, as you aren't ready for that kind of play.
"Of course not," Vyn said, spooning cream onto your other breast, avoiding the nipple once again. "The safe word isn't to stop me, but it is for me to untie your hands so you can have your way with me."
"Fuck you, Vyn," you say, this time impressed that he could come up with something so devious this time around.
"Oh, please do." His lips lightly suck on the cream off your breast, still not affording the erogenous nerve endings of your nipple the attention it deserves. His tongue sensuously traces the edges, the swell, but never touching the sensitive nerve endings that are begging for his sweet stimulation.
You bite back a groan.
Vyn then applies a generous amount of cream on your lower abdomen, just right above your pubic area. He then adjusts his position on the bed so he lies on his side, his face hovering over your naked crotch to lick off the cream with slow, languorous licks.
You squirm, feeling wetness gathering on your slit.
Vyn observes this in mild amusement. "You may want to use the safe word?" He gives your abdomen another lingering flick of his tongue.
You remain silent.
Smiling, he let his fingers brush your inner thighs, and leaves a trail of soft, wet kisses on the soft skin--stopping only just right next to your quivering sex.
And, as you have predicted, he slathers on cream just next to your vulva, and his tongue traces the edge of your sex--always teasing your most sensitive zones begging to be touched.
A sharp hiss escapes your teeth, and, somehow, you tug your hands hard enough that his handkerchief tying your hands to the bedpost above you come undone.
Vyn sees this, and swiftly catches your wrists with his hand, pinning your hands once again above your head.
"You should play by the rules," he whispers to your ear before nipping at your earlobe. "It is more fun that way."
His other hand reaches down to let his fingers lightly touch the edges of your vulva.
You breath shudders at the infuriating play.
"Fine. Macaron."
Chuckling, Vyn's hand releases your wrists. "See? It is--"
He does not get to finish whatever he wants to say, for you, with all the strength that you have, push him onto the bed so you could straddle his waist.
Vyn falls onto his back on the bed so hard his glasses almost fall off his face, his white lab coat spread out underneath him in such a way that it turns you on so immensely you could not comprehend why.
You lick your lips. "I'm going to have my way with you now."
"Ah--be careful with the buttons!"
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lavynrose · 3 years
can i request for headcanons for what the boys would do if their s/o ever gets jealous? hahaha thanks!!!
ToT men when you get jealous pt. 1
headcanons + scenario
character/s: Vyn Richter, Luke Pearce, gn!reader
warnings: not proofread, two suggestive lines
notes: if you want more of jealous reader you can check out this fic, Luke's part specifically.
these are pre-relationship hcs btw, also aaaa thank you so much for 370 follows! my brain is fried from uni, so Artem and Marius' version may take a while!
as always, comments and rbs would be awesome <3
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Luke Pearce
Saying that at the start of every luke hc just because
Anyways, luke is a cutie, i just know that he's got a bazillion of people getting in line to have him for themselves
And unfortunately for you, you're one of those people
One downside of being his childhood friend is that, there are some people that would constantly approach you first, and try to get on your good side just so you can introduce them to Luke
People who like him tend to see you as a wingperson of sorts
Having to always give them his cellphone number, and on your highschool days they would even ask you to deliver love letters to him
Imagine how tired you are???
But here's the thing, no matter how many people you have introduced to him, he never seems interested
I wonder why
That's one of the main reasons why you rarely ever get jealous of his suitors because Luke doesn't seem to reciprocate any of their advances
So, imagine what you felt one day, when he suddenly did?
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"It's a hairclip!" an overjoyed voice rang through your ears. You sank lower from where you're sitting, as if it will help you become invisible and perhaps escape this situation that you and Luke got yourselves into.
You let out an audible sigh of relief. The item that you dropped inside the box was a keychain, and you're glad it hasn't been picked out yet. The night is still young however, and dread began to sit in your stomach as you pictured the image of your item dangling from the hands of the host in your head, ready to shove you inside a room to kiss heaven-knows who.
"Why did we agree to play this game again?" Luke murmured beside you with pout, breaking you out of your thoughts of wanting to form an escape plan.
You two were sitting with your legs crossed, you can feel the cool temperature of the floor even through your clothes. You felt his knees bump to yours when he shifted closer, "I mean, I adore our former classmates and all, but this game," He whispered out of other people's earshot, followed by a scratch on his head, "I honestly don't know."
You rest your elbows on your knees and put your hands on your cheeks, "I'm asking myself the same thing..." you groaned, dreadfully anticipating the item to be announced next.
You and Luke were invited by an old classmate over for a reunion party, they claimed it'll be a nice opportunity to rekindle old bonds.
Which would be nice by the way, only if it hadn't been done this way.
After some catching up with their lives earlier, the party host began telling everyone to drop their favorite items in a box. After everything was all set up, they announced that seven minutes in heaven is going to be commenced, and pairs are going to be decided by which item is picked. You can clearly recall the coil settling in stomach when you imagine the things that would transpire.
"But i guess this it's alright! I think 7 minutes in heaven is pretty interesting. Whoever came up with that just wants to have some fun." He beamed a closed eyed smile.
"Fun?" you snorted, "Oh, Luke. Don't tell me you want to get your first kiss tonight?" your hands fly to your mouth and fake gasped, "Are you that touch-starved?" you were snickering at him, but a pang slaps in your heart at the thought of another person kissing your long time crush.
He looked away with pink dusting his cheeks, "it's not that Y/N. It's just that this is our former classmate's party. I wouldn't wanna spoil it." His chestnut eyes went back to your teasing ones, "but to answer your question. No. I'm not planning anything. We can participate in the game without kissing, right?" He questioned before turning his attention back to the host.
You fiddled with your shoelaces as you let out a hum of agreement, turning towards the host as well whose hands were now wandering inside the box, contemplating which item to pick next.
You wanted to tell Luke that this game would be 100x more fun if, only if, he was secured to be your partner.
Because quite frankly, You don't want to kiss anyone but him.
Your ears perked up from the host's voice, you held your breath, your heart started to race as you focused your eyes on the box, hoping silently.
Please don't let it be Luke's.
The host took a breath and opened her mouth, "It's a camera!" Your heart dropped at her gleeful words.
You and Luke slowly turned your heads to look at each other almost in a comical way, shock forming on both of your features.
You turned your head left and right to scan the room and search whoever the owner of the hairclip was.
"Should I?" He glanced at you with a worried look in his eyes. You wonder why was he so worried, it's not like you're dating or anything.
You flashed him a reassuring smile, "We don't want them calling us party poopers." you fiddled with your fingers, "Also, if I ever got picked some time later I'm also going to participate you know!" you stuck your tongue at him.
He chuckled, and trailed off a quiet, "Yeah."
"To the owner of the hairclip and camera, please come forward!" The host announced with playfulness lacing her tone, flashing a big grin to everyone.
Luke shot a look at you, and you smiled while nodding, "go get your first kiss." you chuckled. You were amazed that it was possible for you to say those words aloud without frowning.
Of course you didn't mean that.
Luke stood up, his eyes scanning the room in search for his partner, who then revealed themself from the sitting crowd.
It was Jess, and you could only gulp when you remembered who she was back in high school.
She was your number one client when talking about your famous reputation as a wingperson back then. She would strike up a conversation with you everyday to ask random things about Luke, she was consistent even though Luke kept turning her down, and she only stopped when you graduated.
She's wearing pretty revealing clothes, cleavage coming out of her tank top, her skin smooth as porcelain as she skipped over to Luke's direction.
She's stunning.
Jess put her hands on Luke's shoulders, pressing her body to his, "Long time no see." she began batting her eyelashes at Luke and you can only scream internally from how badly you wanted to be in her place.
Seeing this unfold in front of your eyes, you were already dying inside from jealousy.
You couldn't imagine what you would feel if they took a step further than this. Like kissing or making out. You couldn't handle it, not even in your imagination.
You were going to follow them there.
The two made their way to the house's walk in closet, you were sure Jess was going to do whatever it takes to get close with Luke. You waited for a solid minute before making your move.
Glancing cautiously at the host to avoid getting caught, you began to walk your way to follow Luke and the girl. You let out a sigh of relief when nobody noticed you walked out of the door.
As you walked down the hallway, your heart was racing as you thought to yourself, Am I really doing this!?
You were now in front of the closet's door. No turning back.
Poking your head inside the room, you deliberately took steps in a form of tiptoes, and your eyes adjusted to the dim light of the walk-in closet.
You flinched when you heard a thud, and you could hear Luke's voice yelling, "Hey!"
Your careful steps turned into frenzied brisk towards the source of the noise, and you could only stare when you saw two bodies on the floor, Jess on top of Luke, already dipping down to give him a kiss.
"I can please you tonight, let me." She said in the sultriest voice you've heard your entire life, that you were sure every man was going to give in to her advances.
Luke put his hands on Jess' shoulder, "Please get off me." but the girl just persisted, rubbing her body against Luke desperately.
She leaned closer to his ear, "I want you," She moaned as she continued grinding on him, "I'm very good in bed, I promise."
You were going to vomit at the scene happening before you.
Luke pushed her away with enough force to seperate the two of them, "Well, I don't want yo-" He was cut off when his eyes caught sight of your gaping form.
"Y/N!" He stood up and made his way over to you, eyes meeting yours in panic, "This isn't what you think it is!"
"I didn't say anything..." You choked out.
He sighed, "Y/N, it's a misunderstanding. She pinned me down, I was going to push her away, I swear." He furrowed his brows, "Wait," He noticed the unshed tears in your eyes, making his heart break, "Are you jealous?" He blinked.
You looked away, "Yes. I am. What now?" You would be surprised at your confession if not for the jealous feelings brewing inside you.
He took your hand in his, "Why?" He then rubbed comforting circles, the heat giving you comfort.
"Im in love with you, Luke." The words you held in back for so long were finally out, "I didn't want to make things awkward between us so I never told you anything." This was a huge confession, but you felt more relieved than anything, glad that you already let him know how you feel.
He was just staring at you in silence, and you hurriedly searched ideas on how to break the awkward ice, "The game is still ongoing," you glanced at Jess who's now looking dejected on the floor, "Keep playing with her."
"What if," His hand moved up to your cheek, "I wanted to play with you instead?"
"What?" your mouth gaped.
Before you could even think, he placed his other hand on your waist to pull you closer, your chests bumped, and his lips landed on your parted ones.
Warmth engulfed you, and you closed your eyes from the tingles that went up to your spine. You felt your knees buckle beneath you, you were going to fall if not for the strong arms supporting you.
Luke pulled away, "Ah," he licked his lips, "I finally got my first kiss." He whispered with a grin.
"Luke, wha-" You didn't know what to think, your long-time crush just kissed you, and you getting dizzy from the drunken feeling of the kiss doesn't help.
"Ugh!" You and Luke turned your heads to look at Jess, who's now stomping out of the room.
Luke turned his attention to you, "I'm in love with you, too."
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Vyn Richter
Would realize immediately if you're being jealous
He finds it endearing that the person he likes could possibly feel the same about him?
Anyways, you two have been friends for a while now, and you would always come with him to anywhere, be it vacation, or work related outings, he would always invite you to come with him "as good friends"
Ugh, please date already
With his mysterious charms, it's inevitable that there are people who would approach vyn with romantic intentions in mind
But most of the time he just turns them down
So you've never really felt jealous with anyone before because as far as you're concerned, there's nobody that close to vyn as you
Are you sure about that?
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"Do you like kids, Y/N?" Vyn tilted his head to the sky, squinting his eyes at the bright light, and he felt the sunny breeze drag on his hair like a soothing caress.
You kicked a stone from the sidewalk as you strolled, "Depends," you look over at him, admiring the dispersing sunlight on his silver locks. If it's with you, then it's fine. You wanted to say out loud.
Heat rose to your cheeks at the silly thoughts and you shooed them away as you continued, "Um, some are cute, some are plain annoying," your eyes move to look at down at the stone path, "but they're not that bad I guess."
He puts a fist to cover his mouth and chuckled, the sound creating butterflies on your stomach as his voice reached your ears, "Your opinion on kids is understandable," He shook his head with a smile, "They can be quite a handful."
You were about to open your mouth to agree when your eyes caught a sign plastered in a pastel colored house, labeled Mia's daycare.
The both of you stopped in your tracks, "Is this the place?" You peeked on the windows to see silhouettes of bodies running about through the soft blue color of the curtains, "My patience is ready." you readied yourself for the chaos about to ensue.
Vyn dialled something on his phone, before putting it on his ear, "We're here." He told the person at the end of the line.
After a few moments, the door of the daycare spilled a woman out, about the same age as Vyn, her beaming grin blinding like the sunshine cascading down from the sky.
You took her appearance in, slim figure clad in a teacher uniform, blouse and skirt hugging her curves right. Her make up gives her a certain glow paired with the soft yellow rays of lights coming from above. To top it off, a cute smile.
She's gorgeous.
You stood there awkwardly as the two old friends began to acknowledge each other. An uncomfortable feeling settling in your stomach.
"Vyn! It's nice to see you again." She stretched her hand out to take Vyn's and he did the same, "This is the daycare center I've been managing." Her honey-laced voice was soothing to say the least, but you felt uneasy as you eyed their connected hands, you looked away.
"It suits your style," Vyn's eyes scanned the building to observe, "This seems like the good environment for the kids, you know your stuff." He flashed her a soft smile, and you fought back the urge to frown.
Vyn approached you one day to invite you to Mia's daycare, he had told you that Mia was a close friend from when they were classmates back at the university. She needed help with making the kids not cause so much ruckus so she seeked advice from a friend that knows how to handle the kids.
She must trust Vyn so much if he's the one that came to her mind in this situation, and you recalled the soft look in Vyn's eyes as he talked about reuniting with his friend.
You felt a pang in your heart.
Mia seemed to notice your presence, her head whipping in your direction, "So you brought a companion!" Her smile seem to grew wider, she glanced briefly at Vyn, then back to you, "It's nice to meet you." She reached out her hand and you took it, giving it a squeeze, "Vyn here has told me a lot about you. Like, a lot." She winked.
"Oh," You looked away from embarassment of her implications, Vyn told her a lot about you? "Nice to meet you too." you beamed at her, your eyes meeting her welcoming ones, she seems nice.
"Come in! Makes yourselves comfortable." Mia gestured the both of you to the door, she walked over and opened it with a click.
The door opens, and from one look, you already know how chaotic this day is going to be. Some of the kids were running around and playing with each other, some were bickering. The more reserved ones however, were quietly sitting at their desks, doodling stuff. Some girls were formed in a circle talking about who knows what, some others were eating, chocolate smearing their faces.
The scent of sweets permeated the air. The sound of laughter and quarelling rang on your ears. The colorful alphabet plastered across the walls greeted you as you begin to walk inside, animal drawings that were framed reminded you so much of your childhood.
From the nostalgic feeling the daycare gives off, you already felt at ease.
Vyn's eyes flickered on your form that's looking fondly at the drawings, You were spacing out, he noted.
Of course he'd notice, he pays attention to everything that you do, after all.
He scooted beside you, his hands making it's way to the small of your back to bring your attention to the kids that were now staring at the two of you with curious eyes, "Let's introduce ourselves."
You blushed at the heat of his palm on your back, and it made you hyper-aware of his presence, "Alright."
"Chaotic, right?" Mia smiled awkwardly, but you can tell from the look in her eyes that she's fond of her students, even though they're a bunch of troublemakers.
"Teacher, who's that?" a girl in pigtails ran over and asked with enthusiasm as she stared at Vyn.
"He's so handsome!" Another girl joined in, her eyes sparkling, and because of the attention you were receiving, everyone in the class began to surround you two.
A kid wearing jumpers tugged on Mia's blouse, "Is he your boyfriend?"
You gaped at the kid. Now, where did he get that idea?
"You got it wro-" Mia started to cross her arms and shook her head in an attempt to beat the children's allegations.
"Everyone," A raven-haired boy screamed, his voice echoing throughout the walls, "Teacher Mia has a boyfriend!" He announced.
Both you and Vyn's reactions were just "???" as everyone screamed with excitement.
You shook your head as they began to bombard Vyn questions, and when you said annoying kids, this was what you meant.
You try to fight back the bubbling feelings of jealousy in your chest and focused your attention on the sweets instead, grabbing some for yourself as a distraction.
Vyn opened his mouth to speak, "Everyone, please calm down." you expected the kids to just continue with their chaos but surprisingly, they went quiet and listened to Vyn.
Huh. You blinked. His charms really works wonders even in impossible situations. Even on stubborn children.
"We're here to have fun with everyone. Do you have any games you'd like to play?" He asked in the most calming voice as possible, to calm the kids down.
"I have an idea!" the same kid that made a boyfriend announcement to the whole class shouted, "Let's play house!" He suggested, proud of himself when he heard the others squeal in agreement.
You gulped and looked at Vyn, you already have an idea of where this is going.
"Sure. You decide the roles." Vyn smiled at them, and they all looked at him with huge grins on their faces.
"You be the dad! Miss Mia will be the mom!" the same kid from before pointed at the both of them with delight.
Hearing those words, you face palmed internally. Of course, they met Vyn once and they're already shipping him with their teacher.
I mean, they do look good together... You admit. You pictured them hand in hand, taking care of the kids together.
Maybe you really should just lock your feelings away for good...
Shaking away your thoughts, you looked over to the kids and they haven't payed attention to you yet ever since you came in. You just stood there, unnoticed.
Vyn took notice of this and he spoke, "That's fine and all, but shouldn't you guys give this lovely lady here a role as well?" You felt his hands snake on your waist to pull you to his chest, the proximity making your mind short circuit and face hot, "I very much prefer if she takes the role of my wife, you know." You didn't know it was possible for red cheeks to get redder when you realized what he just meant.
The kids groaned, "No! Teacher should be your wife!" an assertive one scoffed.
"Yeah, you two would make a lovely couple!" Another one agreed.
The children began arguing how it would make so much more sense if Mia was paired with Vyn, "I'm sorry you two..." Mia sighed and shot the both of you an apologetic look.
"It's all right." You pulled away from Vyn, still in the middle of calming your racing heart, "I'll be the maid or whatever."
He chuckled and gazed at your face intently, "If you say so." With that, the three of you sat with the kids on the carpeted floor.
The game started. At first, everything was going smoothly, the kids just asked their mom and dad to feed them, as it was already lunchtime.
You were peacefully eating as well when a familiar voice reached your ears, "Mr. Vyn, please feed miss Mia!" the same boy from before pleaded.
The food that you were swallowing began to block and clot your throat from hearing those words, making you cough. Everyone turned to you because of the noises you're making, "Don't mind me!" You forced a smile.
Vyn chuckled, you don't know if it's because of the kid's suggestion or your reaction, as you hurriedly gulped water to aid yourself.
"Sure." you widened your eyes when you heard Vyn's words, "Say ahh." Vyn held Mia's chin as she opened her mouth to receive the sweet dumpling.
You looked away, suddenly the texture and colors of the floor were interesting to you. The pink pastel meshed flawlessly with the sky blue carpet, it was eye-candy.
After admiring the soft hues of the floor, you looked up to see Vyn and Mia laughing at each other's dumpling stuffed cheeks, "We look like pandas." She snickered and poked at Vyn's cheeks.
What's so funny about that? You rolled your eyes, and turned your attention back on the floor, sulking.
Unbeknowst to you, Vyn and Mia's eyes were now on your form, sharing knowing smiles.
After some time, you actually got along with the kids really well, you helped them doodle stuff and even blew bubbles for them, they weren't as condenscending as before. Maybe they were only like that earlier because they didn't want another person to be with their teacher's boyfriend.
They're that fond of their teacher, you couldn't blame them, Mia is a lovely lady.
It's actually fun playing with the kids, you try to convince yourself that you're not distracting yourself from the lovey-dovey couple in front of you, as the little students kept asking them to do coupley things.
"You know I've been thinking," a girl with a chocolate smear on her face asked, "I want to see you two kiss." She declared so nonchalantly, as if it's the most casual thing a 4 year old can say ever.
You swiftly turned your head from the source of the voice and glared at the kid, but you faltered when you saw the raw innocence gleaming in her eyes.
Just... Why? You sighed.
Kids! They're mischievous and innocent at the same time!
"I won't eat my munchies if you don't kiss!" she added with a scoff.
"That's right!" The girl beside her pouted, "As the mommy and daddy, you should kiss!"
Hearing the word kiss, all the other kids began to surround Vyn and Mia with interest.
You were panicking, you desperately looked into Vyn's eyes to tell him silently, don't. You just stared at him while flapping your arms around to signal a no.
Vyn felt your eyes on him, his golden hues flickered on yours, they glimmered with amusement when he took in your expression. You just sat there stiff, blinking.
Then he smirked, there was a playful glint visible in his orbs as he turned back to the child and nodded, "As you wish."
You eyes almost jumped out of your sockets and you almost choked on your food for the second time today.
Mia eyed Vyn and you didn't notice how she looked at you the same playful look Vyn had gave you earlier.
"Kiss my cheeks, then, Dr. Richter." Mia scooted closer to him, their thighs touching, and your heart broke at the thought of Vyn's soft lips pecking her cheek.
Vyn was leaning close now, the moment he pulled Mia by the shoulders, you held your breath.
Before you could even think, "Stop!" you blurted out, voice resonating inside the whole daycare. You felt like that one character in a movie where they abruptly push the doors of the cathedral to stop a wedding from happening. It was quite the sight you pulled.
Everyone turned their heads on you, and you can feel the kids' eyes burning holes in your form.
Heat rose to your cheeks in embarassment as you looked at the kids one by one, all of them glaring at you.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Vyn questioned, a smile on his lips.
"Uhh," You cleared your throat and shifted in your sitting position, "Isn't it. A bit inappropriate to kiss in front of the kids?" There's nothing inherently sexual about it, sure, but you had to come up with an excuse instead of revealing your real intentions.
"Is that really the reason? It's a harmless kiss on the cheeks." He then made his way to your side, "Don't tell me, you want to be kissed instead?"
You gulped from the pressure as everyone waited for an answer, "Yes." There's no going out of this, "You caught me..." you scratched your cheeks.
Vyn was silent for a few moments, you were starting to get unnerved and nobody was saying a thing.
"I'm so-" before you could finish, Vyn grabbed your hands onto his, the contact making your cheeks flush.
"She's actually my girlfriend now, everyone." He held your hands high, showing it to the kids, "She's your mom from now on. I won't take no as an answer." Your mind went frenzy, and your mouth gaped at his announcement, I'm his girlfriend now!?
Mia chuckled beside you two, "He's right!"
The kids looked at each other with amused expressions, then trained their eyes on you again, "Fine. She gave me tips on how to draw. I guess it's alright." a brunette crossed her arms with a pout.
"Me too," A soft voice chimed in, "She told me that board games are fun even when most of my friends say it's boring." The little kid smiled gratefully at you.
You bashfully rubbed your neck, "Thank you guys, I had fun playing with you as well. Everyone was nice." They seem to take pride in your compliment as they all huffed in agreement, some even flashed a bright, sunny grin at you.
Vyn squeezed your connected hands, "I'll make sure to shower you with kisses later, sweetheart." He ruffled your soft locks, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at his words, an uncontrollable smile forming on your expression.
"I can't wait."
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do not repost © lavynrose 09/11/21
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