#lumine x dainsleif
savberries · 4 months
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dainslumi zelink I drew as a gift for a friend ages ago…
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mermaid-soutine · 2 years
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𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮, 𝓶𝔂 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷, 𝓘 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂
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merukins · 1 year
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I’m having a 50% off sale of selected notebook designs!
Online only, limited stock, sale will end when depleted!
Blue skies Lullaby, Abyssal Daydream and Link’s food diary (v1) are all half price.
Help me fund my new designs!!🥺
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akiyamy · 1 year
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abyssruler · 2 years
would they choose you over the world?
aether (traveler), dainsleif, scaramouche, raiden ei, lumine (abyss), venti, xiao x gn!reader
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AETHER thinks he can save both, no, he knows he can. The powers of this world rests at the tips of his fingers. He’s faced monsters and gods and come out alive and better than he was before. There’s no reason to hesitate, none whatsoever to consider his decision but—but. He has never been made to choose before. There was always another way, another choice, another something he could rely on. It’s a moral dilemma, like the situation with the train where you either save five people and kill one person, or kill five people to save one person. It’s easy enough to answer when it was simply that—a moral dilemma created to confuse him, not a world ending decision that lies on his shoulders. To choose one is to doom the other. Most people would choose the world, but while Aether is called a hero and the savior of nations, he is also a person. He looks at your resigned smile, like you already know which one he’ll choose, and he decides to prove you wrong.
DAINSLEIF clings to loss like a dying man does to the edge of a cliff. The inevitability of death and your mortality rests on his shoulders much like weight of his entire nation’s death. He wonders what it says about him that he’d rather have you safe and sound than have the world be saved. Five hundred years of aimless wandering, fighting against the remnants of his fallen nation and watching the world move on while he remains untouched by time, the ghost of a past that can never be returned to. Dainsleif isn’t a hero, he’s tired. All that’s left of him are fading memories of a time gone by and moments with you that he clings to like a lifeline. What has this world ever done for him except cause him pain and needless grief? What has it done to deserve his sacrifice? Nothing. And so he rests, hand in hand with you on withering grass and waits for the world to end. At least, this time, he won’t be alone in watching the heavens descend.
SCARAMOUCHE laughs, and laughs, and laughs until he’s sure even the gods that reside in Celestia has heard the scorn and mockery in his voice. It is so laughably easy to choose you and denounce the world. Let it be turned to ash and dust, let his body dance on top of a desolate world, let him pull you in an embrace and delight in the fact that no sun and no light (for none of these exist anymore) would ever outmatch the brightness in your eyes, the smile on your face, the tinkling sound of your laughter amidst the remains of a world that once threatened to snuff your life like a candle left in the dark. He is like a flame and you, the spark. There’s a tsunami gathering on the horizon, threatening to drown everything in its wake, but instead of preventing it, he revels in the ruin it will bring. It is either your death alone or yours and everyone else, and if you have to die either way, then he will die with you and drag the rest of the world along in his self-appointed destruction. You taught him what it felt to no longer be alone, so he will make sure you’re never lonely, even in death.
EI feels weightless, like a leaf adrift in the wind. It feels like she is back to that moment five hundred (a thousand) years ago, a dilemma, a decision, a choice—follow Makoto to Khaenri’ah, or defend her people from the monsters ravaging the lands? There was uncertainty there, a small seedling of hope that she would arrive not far from Makoto and see her sister alive and waiting, and so she had made the decision to stay—but this? Faced with an ultimatum, the world or your death, Ei finds that the decision is much more difficult, much more devastating but no less heartbreaking. Had it been before, in her lonesome at the Plane of Euthymia, the choice would have been easy, barely a thought in her mind, but everything has changed and Ei wants, in a way she has never wanted before, to be with you. You with your smiles and your laughs and the warmth you induce in her frigid heart—and she finds that she cannot make a choice… so you do it for her. For the greater good.
LUMINE doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t even flinch before she turns her back to the world and takes your hand. What good is the world if you’re not there in it? She won’t just stand by and watch as everything she holds dear is destroyed in front of her—not anymore. There is you, there is her, and there is the world burning, and Lumine finds that she can hardly care. Her heart has no place for faceless people, no love left for a world that has done nothing but spurn and trample on everything she had offered. Let it burn if it means having one more second, one more minute, one more lifetime with you. A choice isn’t truly a choice if the other option was never considered, and she will never consider a world without you. There are millions, billions, countless other worlds out there she could take you to. Damn this place, damn the heavens, and damn the consequences. Her brother would understand, he always has, and when Lumine meets him again in a new world, she’ll make sure to introduce you to him.
VENTI wants, like Icarus yearning for the Sun, but Venti is Venti, and Barbatos is Barbatos. Right now, he cannot afford to be that carefree bard who spun tales of your lovely hair and lovelier still lips (cannot be Icarus who flew too close to the sun and fell). Venti wants—but Barbatos knows the best option, the best choice, the least devastating one but the most heart-wrenching one. The situation is funny, laughable, hilarious, really, the kind that makes his stomach ache and brings tears to his eyes that drip down his cheeks and onto the ground and—oh, he’s crying. He’s crying and holding you close and apologizing, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, and he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, doesn’t deserve the hand carding through his hair and the soft press of your lips on his forehead as you murmur, don’t cry, it’s alright, you’re doing the best you can. But the best means not doing this at all, the best means not having to make a choice at all, the best means not having to say goodbye. It’s okay, you tell him, I forgive you. But he never forgives himself.
XIAO thinks there must be another way, there has to be another way. He won’t accept this, won’t allow himself to choose between losing you or losing everything, because he knows, deep down, that the choice has already been made and it is not the one he wants. But he knows better than most that doing what he wants isn’t always what is needed, that certain sacrifices must be made despite his unwillingness, despite his entire body protesting against it. Rex Lapis once told him that being a god means making difficult decisions. If this is what it means to be a god, then he will accept a life of service, a life of war and fighting and breathing like every second is his last—because pain and suffering are infinitely better than having to wake everyday without your voice by his ear, giggling about how you finally caught him asleep. A world without your light, without your presence, without you is a desolate one. There must be another way, another sacrifice to be made that doesn’t involve you. Just—anything, anyone but you. Even if it has to be him.
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arisewanekosuki · 8 months
Genshin Impact Self Aware – Your sadness  
They miss you. For past week you have been login into the game only to do commissions and changing Resin into Condensed one (or quickly doing domains or Ley Lines if you already had 5 of them). They hoped that with the new regions of Fontaine you will be playing more, you will take them to get chests, do puzzles, find Oculi and enjoy the scenery like always. But no, you didn’t even unlocked all the new waypoints, only two or three, so they couldn’t help but wonder "Are you getting tired of them?"
They tried to be patient but the more time passed the more they were feeling worried. Till that one day you logged and they could hear you talking to them like sometimes you did before. “Finally we can go check those new places, right?” The team you were using lately was happy, but they couldn’t do anything that would make you aware that they are conscious about you and this ‘world’, so they had to contain their smiles after hearing your voice.
And yet, the more you were looking around with them and fight the enemies the more silent you become again, till you stopped moving them at some point. They wondered if you left for moment to bring food or something to drink but then they heard it. Your muffled sobs “What happened? Why are you crying? Did you get hurt? ” those questions were swarming in their heads and they couldn’t do anything. Through your sobs they could hear “I can’t stop thinking about it” What are you thinking about? If only they could do something for you, comfort you, tell that everything will be alright. But they can’t. No matter how much they love you. They can’t do anything for you.
You took them to a safe place, mumbling that you didn't feel like playing anymore and logged off. They are alone again, knowing that you’re sad.
Maybe it’s really time to try bring you here, where they will be able to protect you and make you smile every day.
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xiaoaetherposts · 4 months
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#38 Brother said no
Lumine & Y/n: Childe, Dainsleif asked to us marry them!
Abyss!Aether*When he found out You and Lumine were romancing his most hated duo*The poor men. They shall recover...
Lumine: I said yes to him
Y/n*Nodding laong*Me too
Abyss!Aether: No.
Lumine: Yes!
Abyss!Aether: No.
Y/n: We weren’t asking!
Abyss!Aether: And neither am I.
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eizaamkc · 21 days
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Somewhere in another universe
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intothegenshinworld · 7 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 13 || The heavens and us
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 3k+
Auteurs note: We ballin!!
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The people on the street are in a state of panic, and rightfully so. 
In the not-so-far distance, it’s becoming more obvious that whatever went on between the Jade Chamber and the rising waves had affected Liyue Harbor in its entirety. 
In between the mountains, the Jade Chamber lays in ruin. Even before hitting the ground, it has been fragmented into multiple chunks. And with no walls to keep all of its previous furniture inside, its contents litters throughout the paths in the surrounding area.
For a while longer, smoke surges from the wreckage—as the initial fall had set fire to the cloths and paper inside. Candles had been tossed over and caught whatever they could during the fall, burning all of the silk tapestries with the Creator’s face and history until it leaves nothing but dust in its wake.
The harbour doesn’t fare better under the destruction. 
The people in the area have had enough time to evacuate, but the docking boats and multiple shops are flooded, destroyed by the large waves that came crashing down not too long ago.
Often when reaching this point, you’d find out that the Adepti and the Qixing assisted the newly reborn geo Archon with his task of protecting his city. 
However, you will never find out why they are bound to fail.
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Going south from Wangshu Inn, leads you through the Guili Plains once more. Your previous journey through this area had been relaxed, with little to none interactions from anyone aside from Lumine, Paimon, and Dainsleif. But with pandemonium reigning the nation ever since the Jade Chamber fell, you aren’t surprised to see the crowds grow thicker. 
Around you, people are both leaving and heading towards Liyue Harbor. You aren’t certain why anyone would be going towards the city in its current state, but you assume it has to do with people believing in the geo Archon and seeking shelter in times of uncertainty.
Of course, you are part of the same group, but your reasons for heading towards Liyue Harbor are quite different. 
Earlier, you had remembered an interaction with a certain someone who could give you clarity on the current situation. 
"Call my name." 
A hand holds yours in a gentle but firm hold.  The workers in Wangshu Inn had been occupied well before sunrise, but the morning remained fresh. Rays of sunlight hit the side of Xiao’s face, bringing forward the teal streaks in his hair and a golden shimmer in his eyes. 
His expression holds concern for something. You don’t ask him about it.
Xiao speaks again. His voice sounds clearer this time. 
"Call my name if you need me."
You’ve spent more than enough time with Xiao to know that he would help you if you needed it. Like when he suspected the Fatui to be a danger, or when he teleported you away when the Jade Chamber fell down—he'd always been there for you.
Another reason for you to remember him was the fact that the Adeptus would be at the geo Archon’s side. If you called out his name, he could tell you what was going on in Liyue Harbor.
However, when you call out his name, he doesn’t answer.
“Xiao?” You say it again, this time a bit louder.
You’re unsure if you should be concerned about the silence that follows. He’s proven to be capable of handling many difficult situations but something within makes you feel uneasy at the lack of response. 
The white haired pixie floats over to your side.
“Maybe he is busy? Whatever lights we saw flash out from the Jade Chamber during the fight, it had to have been elemental energy. Paimon thinks the Adepti might’ve helped during the battle.” Paimon turns away to face Lumine, who’s busy trying to keep the chaos at a distance from the three of you. 
And as you follow your eyes in the outlander’s direction, a strangely familiar carriage flies by. 
For a moment, your attention is captured. Instead of Lumine, your eyes are glued to the vehicle.  
At first glance, it doesn’t look extraordinary. It has a simple wooden base with a white frame, made out of cloth, perched atop it, keeping the contents inside hidden. And as you look at it, you realise that instead of the carriage looking familiar to you, it’s the man with fiery red hair that chimes familiarity. 
With a stern and concentrated look, he rides the horse that pulls the carriage along. The stranger’s red eyes are always focused in front of him to make sure no accidents were caused by the chaos on the roads. 
And then his eyes move to you. 
Your cloak should’ve been concealing you, but with the mass panic, you had assumed no one would be concerned about your resemblance to the creator. Everyone would’ve been distracted and no one should’ve noticed you. Unless they felt your aura. 
So, did he?
The moment passes as quickly as it came, for the carriage nor the red haired man stops to confirm your suspicions. Instead, a small hand settles on your shoulder, pulling you out of your thoughts once more.
With a smile, Paimon gently tugs the cloak down for you, and once she finishes, you return your mind to the current situation: Xiao being unresponsive as Liyue Harbor remains in shambles. 
You frown, an expression that remains hidden since no one can see your face with the fabric casting a shadow over it. At last, you respond to Paimon. “Xiao might be busy, but that doesn’t help our current situation.”
Lumine looks at Paimon and then turns to you. She seems hesitant and takes a second to speak up. “Is the gnosis still working?”
Your eyes fall upon the orange rays escaping the fingers that encase the object. A soft hum of recognition is sent in response. “I think so. It’s been pulling me along towards Liyue Harbor.”
The outlander is silent for a second. Once she makes sure the crowds are safe, Lumine walks over to you. “Is there a chance that the geo Archon still has power over it?”
Confusion makes you stumble over your first words. “No. If he could, he would’ve told me or helped me with regaining my memories.” 
Then, she explains her questions. “I think Paimon was right. It might be worth it to follow the gnosis’s pull for now.” Lumine looks at the gnosis before her eyes trail back to you. She continues to talk,
“Perhaps you did resonate with it. Your aura has been growing weaker ever since we left camp in the morning, so the gnosis might’ve been absorbing your aura so it can communicate.”
Indifferently, you nod. “Maybe. Either way, we should continue. The crowds don’t seem to calm down and we’ll never know the reasoning behind the gnosis’ activation if we stop now.”
A while back, when Paimon had expressed her theory about the gnosis needing to recognise your aura, you felt like you were one step closer to figuring out what you needed to do. 
Somehow, that feeling of excitement and relief was now gone.
If you were honest with yourself, you’ve forgotten why your lost memories were supposed to be troublesome in the first place. If the geo Archon recognised you, wasn’t that enough? You are the Creator, after all. 
But then again,
if you are Teyvat’s Creator, 
where did you come from?
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As you approach Liyue Harbor,  an eerie absence invades the landscape that surrounds you. Not a single soul or creature is in sight—a stark contrast to the bustling roads you previously experienced. You halt to look at Lumine after you’ve observed the roads. 
“Where did you think they went?” You ask.
She stops in her tracks. “The people?”
You nod. 
“The people…” Lumine scans the empty streets. The treelines separating you from the wilderness of the Guili Plains are completely abandoned. No birds are flying in the sky and there are no tracks of anyone else having passed this area. 
It is just you, her, and Paimon. 
“I’m not sure,” she admits.
“Paimon knows!” Your white haired eagerly interjects. “The geo Archon must’ve evacuated them.”
Your grip tightens on the gnosis, its weight a reminder of the journey ahead. 
A despondent expression settles onto your face as you caress the metal outlines separating you from the contained geo energy within. The godly object whines at your standstill, urging you to continue now that your destination is within reach. 
Despite Paimon's optimism, a nagging doubt gnaws at your resolve. It might’ve been the pull from the gnosis, or the fact that you had no idea what just occurred, but you needed to move forward.
You hear soft footsteps move in your direction until Lumine stands next to you on the hill. Her eyes follow your gaze to Liyue Harbor.
From here, everything looks still. The smoke from between the mountains has calmed down and the waters are quiet. But however still it might look, destruction is evident the longer you look at the view in front of you. 
Somehow, with Lumine by your side, you feel more confident. And despite her own destiny, time and time again, she has chosen to stand with you. It’s something you can’t properly appreciate because it means too much to you. 
Your mind drifts to Dainsleif and your last interactions with him. 
You feel bothered about his departure. Sure, there was something peculiar about him, something you couldn’t figure out, but he made you feel at home. Despite the time spent with him being sparse, it felt like you should’ve known him—as if you had met before. 
His entire appearance and disappearance felt like a puzzle you can’t quite solve. 
Why did he leave?
But with a more urgent mystery ahead, and things appearing to be more complicated as time passes, you decide to push him and your doubts aside to focus on the problem in front of you.
“Do you have any idea why those waves emerged?” You ask Lumine. 
“No.” she moves her head sideways to look at you. Her blonde hair flies over her shoulders when a soft breeze passes you. She furrows her eyebrows slightly before they relax again. Her golden eyes shine in the golden hour. “I'm not sure. Do you think that the gnosis activating is connected to all of this?”
Without looking at it, you brush your finger over the object. Its gleam has turned into a beautiful golden colour, mirroring the sun and Lumine’s radiance, growing brighter the closer you get to Liyue Harbor. The small thing continues to be a mystery to seemingly everyone around you—even the geo Archon. Aside from saving Liyue Harbor, going back with the knowledge of knowing that you’ve potentially resonated with it…
Somehow everything seemed to be falling into place.
After a moment, you remove the cloak from your head. With ease, Lumine’s eyes find yours. “I’m not sure why, but the gnosis becomes intenser the closer we get. It must mean something , at the very least.” You respond.
Paimon chimes in from Lumine’s other side with an encouraging tone. “I’m sure we can uncover what happened in the city if we work together!”
The pixie’s smile is bright and infectious, a stark contrast to your doubt, and yet it never fails to make you feel more at ease. 
Facing away from the view, you respond.
“Let’s continue. The journey won’t be long anymore.”
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Somewhere between your last stop and the waypoint that’s on the hill before Liyue Harbor, the gnosis starts to freak out. The pulsations that it produces becomes less controlled— frenzied. 
If you hadn’t felt its usually softer vibrations prior to this moment, you would’ve thought the shakes were coming from an earthquake. Unfortunately, you are familiar with this feeling and know something is about to go terribly wrong.
“Wait, we need to stop.” You stand with shaking legs upon the stone and dirt below your feet. These convulsions are not coming from the city, but your hand. 
A second after you feel it, Lumine’s hands extend to her sides as she tries to balance herself. Her eyes are wide, before they dart around, trying to make sense of what’s happening. 
You call out to her. “The gnosis, something is wrong!”
“What?” Her voice fades as the geo energy energy becomes louder. A buzzing sound gives you a headache. You watch Paimon lift her hands to her ears as she shakes in the air. 
Again, you try to call out. “The gnosis!”
Lumine tries to reach her hand out towards you. While you were travelling, you and Paimon walked behind her. Conversing while she kept her eyes open for danger. Now, you regretted the distance between you and her. 
You reach your free hand out to her, but then a deep rumble erupts followed by the ground shaking. Perhaps due to its suddenness, or the sheer power behind it, you stumble forward and then down. Your knees hit the ground first, and you brace yourself with your palms forward when the earth convulses again. 
The air from your lungs forcefully escapes your lips when Paimon lands on your back right after. She is much smaller than you are, so it doesn’t damage you any further, but it gives you discomfort and more disorientation. 
After a second of recovery, you pull your head up from the dirt. 
A short distance separated from you, you see the gnosis lying between small pebbles and rocks on the ground. Its golden glow shines brighter than the twilight sky, and then it dims again to a soft orange glow, before it radiates the same liquid gold as before. 
Something is wrong. Something is really really wrong.
Paimon is still recovering from her fall when you gather your arms below your chin. While the ground continues to shake with vigour, you’re able to get yourself up halfway with a push to your limbs, making the pixie on your back roll to the side and fall next to you.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Lumine down on the ground as well. She sits a few meters away from you with her hands stabilising her body at her sides. The outlander seems to have taken less of a fall than either you or Paimon did, so her agility must have aided her somehow. 
Be that as it may, something is wrong with her too . Her eyes are fixated on the skies and she seems to be caught in a stupor.  
Without the weight of a child on your back, you have free reign to move and grab the gnosis. You refocus your mind and you crawl over. 
While the ground shaking below makes it harder to reach, it’s only a few arm-lengths away. Surprisingly, the object itself doesn’t seem affected by the vibrations. But perhaps that shouldn’t have been surprising at all, considering it was made out of pure geo energy.
You stretch your arm forward and fingers curl around the gnosis. Soft flesh touches the metal, and right as you’re about to close your hold, it dissipates. 
Soft dust escapes your fingers and your eyes widen as your mouth falls open in disbelief. 
It doesn't make sense. How can a gnosis suddenly disappear in front of you? 
Your fingers grasp at the ground below, desperately trying to catch the pixels of what remains before the gnosis is fully gone. 
A flicker of vulnerability flashes through your eyes. The gnosis was your only current lead but it’s now lost, leaving you with an empty feeling. Then, your eyebrows furrow together, trying with all your power to cling to your composure and fight the storm of frustration and disconsolation raging within. 
You bite your lip when the corners of your mouth begin to tremble. With each passing moment, tension rises in your body, and then before you can break, Lumine grabs your arm and yanks you up. 
“We need to run!” Lumine looks over her shoulder, and when you follow her gaze—you see it.
An elongated structure was descending from the heavens to the ground below. With it came a palpable tension that suffused the air, thickening it with each passing second. The massive silhouette of the nail-like stone loomed ominously against the twilight sky, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow Liyue Harbor whole. 
As it continues to plummet, the ground below quivers beneath its impending impact, shaking in fear and anticipation of the cataclysm to come. 
Lumine's grip tightens on your arm. Her urgency acts as a silent plea for swift action. With every step forward, the weight of what is to come presses down upon you, urging you to hasten your escape despite the burn on your knees. 
Paimon too, is at your side. She flutters anxiously, her voice lost amidst the chaos as the world seems to hold its breath. 
Then, a deafening roar that could shake the very foundations of Teyvat itself echoes through the area as the object strikes the ground with an unfathomable force. The impact reverberates through the air, sending shockwaves in all directions. Dust and debris rise up from the area of impact, obscuring the horizon in a shroud of darkness as the ground trembles beneath your feet.  
Amid the chaos, time stands still. Flames writhe and twist amidst the smoke, painting the once blue and purple sky in hues of orange and red. Blow, the city succumbs to destruction. What once was a thriving and fortunate city, would be covered by dust before the end of the night. 
In this moment, a dreadful realisation settles in. 
Even if you had arrived in Liyue Harbor before this cataclysm, you never would've been able to protect its people— yourself . 
Reality itself seems to shatter under the weight of the unfolding tragedy. The sky unravels before your eyes as black streaks shatter the world. With a desperate cry, Lumine's grip on your arm falters, her strength wavering against the soundwave that hits you.
As the world blurs into darkness, a sense of helplessness grips at your very being, forcing you to face whatever may come next even as the world breaks apart around you. And despite the destruction cradling your very being, a single voice stands out—,
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If you liked this chapter and think I deserve a comment, please leave one behind! I appreciate it a lot and it'll make me more motivated to write in the future ♡
© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Notes- They Teach you to Dance Furina & More
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Recovery date: April 3rd, 2024
Description: Your partner teaches you to dance. Includes Furina, Ganyu, Dainsleif, Zhongli, Traveler Twins
Notes: N/a
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The reason for these headcanons, one of her teapot voice lines is her offering to teach you how to dance
She definitely forgets to instruct you at first, she just starts leading you in a dance as she hums a tune
If you have some dancing experience, that probably won’t be a problem, if you’ve never danced before…
She definitely takes it slow, she’s just been dancing for so long she forgets to explain
She will step on your toes just as much as you’ll step on her’s because of this
She will twirl you to teach you how to twirl her, once you’ve got that down she won’t twirl you anymore
She will also throw herself into a dip, if you let her drop she will pout and sulk
The best fix for this is to pull her up and into another waltz with a twirl
Once you’ve learned how to dance she expects you to lead, even if she initiates
Loves big dances, both in number of attendees and flourish of the dance
Overall 8/10 teacher and 10/10 dance partner
She can definitely dance, Cloud Retainer taught her, she just doesn’t dance often
Teaching wise I think she’s a great instructor, at least verbally
In the beginning she gets so fixed on explaining and watching your movements that she trips up
Please reassure her that you’re following okay, she’s not used to being in charge
You’ll definitely learn faster with her then Furina because in teaching you she’s also reminding herself
She won’t teach you anything fancy, but if you go and learn a twirl or dip she will break
You will have to initiate any dances, unless someone has told her she should dance in which case she will ask you
Also preference dancing alone and not in a large group, sweep her away to a balcony during a Qixing event and you can dance all you’d like
Preferes swaying to music over an actual waltz
In the end, 8/10 instructor and 10/10 dance partner
He can dance, he was the captain of a royal guard, but it has been awhile
Seriously, you’re basically learning together
You also definitely have to ask him to teach you, Furina and Ganyu might offer but Dain won’t
Once you start dancing muscle memory kicks in and it sort of ends up like Furina teaching you
He can’t really explain what to do, so he kind of just drags you with him
By the time he figures out how to explain you’re halfway to figuring it out yourself
If he’s teaching you to dance before the fall of Khaenri’ah disregard everything before this, he is the best teacher on this list
Prior to the fall he will always initiate dances, if he’s attending and event and not on duty, after the fall you’ll have to initiate and he’ll be a bit reluctant
Chances are you aren’t at a formal event, so he sees no point in dancing, so if you want to dance you have to ask
Before the fall it is a point of honor to ask you to dance
Will always lead, another silly point of honor
Before the fall, 10s across the board, after the fall, 4/10 teacher and 9/10 dance partner
Can dance, not very fluidly and it is definitely a rusty skill now but he can
During his prime he was a good teacher, just a little stiff
Now he’s kind of like Dain, the muscle memory is there but very rusty
He will, however, ask Madam Ping to re-teach him how to dance so that he can teach you
So, you might step on each other's feet a few times but he will actually teach you
He prefers to initiate dances, like Dain it’s a point of pride, but he’s always happy when you do too
Will lead or follow your lead
Hu Tao has, on occasion, meddled to get him to ask you to dance
Like Ganyu he doesn’t really like big sweeping dances, he prefers being able to sway together to the music
Definitely a 9/10 teacher and partner only because he’s a bit stiff
They can dance, definitely, they’re usually eachother’s partner
They’re also definitely smooth, you cannot convince me they wouldn't start stomping wars when they stepped on eachother’s feet
Both twins will ask you to dance, and if they ask you to dance they’ll lead– unless you ask to lead
I mentioned the twins are usually each others partner, it worked the same way between them– Lumine has been smacked in the face by Aether’s braid while twirling him and they’ve both definitely dropped each other in a dip on purpose
The twins don’t mind waltzes that travel, but they aren’t big fans of partner swapping dances
Aether likes dipping his partner, and Lumine likes twirling hers, but they both like being twirled
Sharing a rating, the twins are 10/10 teachers and 10/10 partners
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savberries · 17 days
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bisexual lighting
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mermaid-soutine · 2 years
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staryuee · 1 year
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꒰warnings꒱ semi-proofread <3
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . telling [char.] that they make you feel safe ♡
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . aether, lumine, dainsleif, xiao, tartaglia, wanderer, yae miko, kokomi, itto, cyno, kaveh
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . quite short bc a bitch is exhausted from exams </3 love u lots mwah mwah sorry for dying every month
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“you make me feel safe.”
“eh..?” aether pauses for a brief moment and instantly turns to look at you, a look of both surprise and joy encapsulating his features. he blinks twice, a smile forming on his lips as he stares at you with eyes filled with so much adoration that it makes your breath hitch.
“i’m.. im really happy to hear that, i really can’t put it into words.” he walks over to you and entraps you in a heartwarming hug, one that made you melt as soon as his body made contact with yours. hearing such a lovely phrase so easily drop off your tongue made him genuinely feel like everything he’s done so far wasn’t in vain.
it felt so right; to be the cause of someone else’s happiness; a haven for their security, and to know you had that in him was something so sweetly fulfilling.
“you make me feel safe.”
lumine stops in her steps to swiftly turn back to you. you flash her a lovely smile, one which she complaisantly returns with blush dusting her cheeks. “you’re so corny.” she goes over to you to squish your cheeks together, staring at you in awe as she does so.
“but,” she pulls you in for a hug, “i’m glad — it’s my job to look after you after all.” she squeezes you tighter and you can’t help but pull away to sneak in a sweet kiss to her forehead, she leans into it, still looking adoringly up at you with that smile of hers, you feel yourself heat up at the very sight of it.
“you make me happy.” she whispers and presses herself closer to you, hands resting gently on your waist.
“you make me feel safe, you know?”
you were merely having a late night conversation, it divulged from your morning duties and then to what you love each other; your words leaving dainsleif rather speechless. such flowery words being uttered by someone he’s internally sworn to protect till the end of time genuinely feeling safe with him ? if he was a tad bit more.. emotional.. he could shed a tear.
instead, he opts for kissing your cheeks and cuddling you closer with his lips turning upwards ever so slightly. he wants to tell you how loved you make him feel, but he settles for his own quietness and the comfort of your warmth.
there’s still no words in any teyvat language that could express or even comprehend his love for you; he can only hope that his fleeting touches are enough to share a sentiment similar to your own.
XIAO — 魈
“xiaoxiao.” your voice echoes melodically in his sleepy mind. he replies with a simple hum.
“you make me feel safe.” you lean on him nonchalantly as if you didn’t just say something that could break him.
“it’s my duty to protect you.” he pulls you in closer, his heartbeat beginning to quicken with every shallow breath.
“i mean that being with you is just extremely comfortable and peaceful, it has little to do with your ability to protect me.” you laugh as you intertwine hands with him. xiao leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the crown of your head, responding with a stuttered yet wholehearted reply was not worth the embarrassment for the yaksha.
he pulls your interlocked hand up to his lips and places a soft kiss on your knuckles, the silence thick yet so serene. he finds comfort in solace, but you’ve shown him that the atmosphere of loneliness can be shared with the silent affection of a loved one.
tartaglia caressed your cheeks, staring at you with such determined love and adoration it was enough to send your heart into overdrive. every swipe of his thumb, every glance at your lips and every kiss that he stole managed to send flurries of butterflies into your stomach; which lead to your impromptu, “you make me feel safe.”
he stopped his ministrations abruptly, his eyes widening yet his smile remaining all the same. he lets out a soft sigh before sprinkling gentle kisses across your face, “you’ve really got me wrapped around your finger, huh.”
your fingers trail up to caress his nape before tugging him down for a quick peck. “yes i do... “ you murmur as his hands move from your face to hold the back of your head, pulling you closer. he lets out another chuckle before kissing your nose softly, a light blush colouring his skin. “ you make my heart race like nobody else could.”
“you make me feel safe.”
“i’m sorry, what?”
he wonders what kind of miracle blessing he must’ve committed for you to even think about expressing such a thought. “are you feeling sick? what’s wrong with you?” he pinches your cheek with an unamused look as your giggles bounce off the walls. he turns to leave without a second thought, trying his best to suppress his feelings.
“hey — i was being genuine !” you hug him from behind with a soft smile.
“right, and i’m a human being.” he rolls his eyes as he attempts to push you away, with very little reluctance at your affection. thought he doesn’t believe your words, for ehem obvious reasons, he still feels the slightest bit overjoyed at the prospect of your words being genuine.
YAE MIKO — 八重神子
“you make me fee safe.”
“well, aren’t you a charmer, my dear?” miko gives you a sly smile before taking another sip of her saké. “which book did you steal that line from, hmm?” she laughed softly, patting your head gently as consolation for her teasing. you pouted at the playful touch but she was far from deterred. the moment she pulled back, she had a mischievous glint in her eyes. “do you have a way of showing me your words are true, darling?”
you roll your eyes at her shamelessness, reaching up to pull her in by wrapping your arms around her neck to oblige her romantic request. she gives you a final sly grin before leaving a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips.
“hmm..i’m still not convinced.” she giggles, pulling you in once again. you were in for quite the long afternoon..
S. KOKOMI — 珊瑚宫心海
“hey koko,” she hums gently, looking up at you with drowsy eyes, “you make me feel safe.”
it was honestly like you shook her with electro itself, or like she poured hot tea over herself with the way she instantly woke up; the biggest smile beginning to adorn her gorgeous features. kokomi sighs pleasantly, gazing at you with pure devotion before getting up to hold both of your hands in hers.
“i’ve had many people express such a sentiment, but hearing it from you..it means so much more.” she leaves a trail of chaste kisses across your cheeks before leaving a final one on your lips.
“did you read some sort of book on how to attack the divine priestess’s heart? because it’s very hard to not fall deeper in love with you.”
A. ITTO — 荒泷一斗
“you make me feel safe.”
itto nearly gave himself a concussion with the way his head instantly shot up and then proceeded to hit the large branch above him. you were simply aiding him in finding some onikabuto, what was that phrase for ?! he shook his head to shoo away the dizziness before stabilising himself on the tree beside him with a goofy grin, “well of course you’d feel safe around me ! look at me man, strong as an ox !!” he started flexing subconsciously out of nervousness, your affectionate laughter filling him with warmth.
he took a quick glance at you before trapping you in a sudden rib-crushing hug. “you are too adorable for your own good.” he smiles and squeezes you in tighter with a kiss.
“you’re one to talk, love.”
he feigns an insulted expression and points at himself with dramatics, “heyhey, i’m not adorable i’m cool, there’s a difference!”
CYNO — 赛诺
“you make me feel safe.”
cyno looks at you confused, his head tilting lightly to the side. “it is an honour to make you feel that way, i’m glad to be of service.. but what brought this on?” you hugged him quietly, he pulled you in closer yet he still craved some sort of verbal answer from you.
you thought for a bit before answering, “dunno, it just feels natural to say stuff like that with you, you know?” he absentmindedly smiled at you, kissing your forehead as a reply. “it feels natural saying puns around you.” he mumbles.
“i’ll take everything i just said back, cyno.” you flicked his nose, a small grin landing on his face as a result. “you love me but not my jokes? how disrespectful.”
KAVEH — 卡维
“you make me feel safe.”
“i don’t think i’ve done anything to receive such a grandiose sentiment from you, love.” he nonchalantly mutters as he continues on his recent sketch. your frown doesn’t escape his gaze and he can feel his heart clench with guilt at the thought of making you feel upset at the cause of his own insecurity.
you walk over to him and hug his back and he can’t help but lean in to your touch, “sorry — i appreciate your words, really, you’re too good to me.”
you nuzzle closer to him before mumbling, “next time you disregard my love i’m gonna bite you.” you chuckle and it makes him feel slightly less embarrassed for his lack of response. he turns around and places a gentle kiss onto your forehead and you hum happily against the contact.
“i love you so much.”
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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mxchrry · 4 months
I just finished the 4.7 archon quest, and I didn't expect it to be so... short?? The lore drop was nice but I honestly expected it to be the length of the "Caribert" quest (correct me if I'm wrong about the length) and we waited over a year for that? Its honestly disappointing. :/
side note: this is only my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own :)
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dabislilbaby · 4 months
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I need Caribert fan art right now to mend my broken heart because wtf was this quest. Why are you determined to make me depressed Hoyo I don't understand.
I literally only just finished penacony last fucking week and balled my eyes out over Misha. And now you're gonna do Caribert THE SAME WAY???
Not to mention you dare taunt Aether with seeing Lumine only to have them not be able to touch or hug. And then have the audacity to make him forget everything they talked about. Give him a break please😭 he's so heart broken over his sister and just keeps getting taunted by her temporary appearances.
Thanks I'm gonna go cry some more ✌🏽
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