weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
Help! I don't exist in this universe!
Summary: Luna and Ámbar were just trying out a new drink and suddenly, Felicity arrives. And it's not Nina in disguise, no, this is legitimately Felicity as her own person! Felicity takes with them on a journey through different universes, where in every new one, something is different. New partners, new life situations, even completely other children that they have, or don't have. It gets extremely odd and life-questioning... send help.
This is KIND OF a sequel to a Violetta oneshot I did a while ago, where essentially the same thing happened. I'm not saying you need to read it before this, especially if you have only seen SL and not Violetta, but if you HAVE seen Violetta too, it would be fun if you checked it out too after you finished this one. I'm gonna link it in the end notes. Again, not a requirement as this can stand on its own, but I do make some references to it in this.
Ámbar sat on the couch, watching her daughter run around laughing, as Luna chased her.
"I'm gonna get you!" Luna exclaimed. "Oh? Where are you? There you are!" She lifted the 1 year old up, blowing raspberries on her.
"Mama!" another toddler shouted. It was Luna's own daughter, that ran from behind the curtain where she had... just been behind for a little while. 
"Hi!" Luna said. She then sniffed on Ámbar's daughter. "Oof, you don't smell good! Here you go, Ámbar, go change your kid."
"No, thanks, the couch is so cozy."
Luna rolled her eyes, as she looked down on her own daughter. "You need a change too, young lady."
"Do not!" her daughter exclaimed.
"What were you doing behind the curtain, then? Come on, I'll change you and Lilith at the same time."
"Don't want mama!" 
Luna raised her eyebrows. "Mama can't change you?"
"Then who can change you?"
"Ámbar can!"
Luna chuckled. "You heard her, Ámbar. Let's make a deal, I change your kid and you change mine."
Ámbar stood up. "Alright. It's time for their... n-a-p, anyway."
As Luna and Ámbar both inherited the mansion, it was only natural that they'd eventually raise their separate children there. There was plenty of room for it. Luna adopted a little girl named Lucia just a year back. Soon after, Ámbar and Simón welcomed their first child to the world, and named her Lilith. The five of them now lived kind of like a big happy family, helping out with each other's kids.
After changing their daughters, they put them down for naps. Sometimes, this could be a struggle, but this time, the toddlers just fell asleep immediately.
Ámbar and Luna made a silent high five and walked out.
"So, what do you wanna do now when we get an hour of quiet time?" Luna asked.
"Hm... I kinda want a drink," Ámbar admitted.
Both snickered.
"I just remembered!" Luna exclaimed. "Ada sent me a recipe for some 'witch brew' that her sister had made."
"Why are you still in contact with Ada?"
"She dated Nico, Nico is part of the Roller Band, I am an honorary member of the Roller Band!"
"But... she broke up with Nico like 4 months after they moved to New York."
"So... you know what, nevermind! She sent you a 'witch brew' that Eva made?"
"No, not Eva. Her other sister!"
"Oh my god, are they triplets?"
"No, no... there's five sisters in total, and this is their older sister who is a witch, or at least aspires to be one."
Ámbar stared at her with confusion. ”Why… do you know this information?”
”I remember people’s family details when they tell them to me.”
"Fair enough... so, have you made this 'witch brew'?"
"Yes. Simón helped me because he didn't trust that I'd make it correctly." She opened the fridge and brought out a bottle.
"Have you tried it yet?" Ámbar asked.
"No, it was supposed to be in the fridge for 22 hours at least. We can try it now!"
They poured up two glasses. 
"Cheers!" they exclaimed, as they took sips. 
"Hm..." Ámbar said, "It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste much."
"I agree..."
"And yet, I feel... dizzy?"
"Same here! And we only took a sip."
Suddenly, there was a flashing light, and there was this weird humming sound like something from another world.
Suddenly, a new person was in the room. It was a person they knew, but they were surprised of her attire. She also sat on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs, which was not like her.
"Nina?" Luna asked. "What are you doing here, and why are you dressed like Felicity?"
"And why do you still look like you're 17...?" Ámbar chimed in. 
"Oh, because I'm not Nina, I am Felicity!" Felicity explained, and got down from the kitchen counter. 
"... what..." Ámbar mumbled.
Felicity pulled her own hair. "See! No wig. Try it."
Ámbar aggressively pulled her hair, although Felicity did not seem to be so hurt from it. "No... the wig does not come off. What the heck?!"
"Told you!" Felicity said.
"So you like... exist... as a real person..." Luna said confused, "... and you're not Nina's alter ego?"
"I may be her alter ego in this universe, but where I'm from, I exist!"
"Existing as you were born, grew up and have an entire life-"
"No, no. I live in a universe only for alter egos and imaginary friends. We don't get born, the second that someone makes us up we just pop into existence in that universe. Then we just float around in a void there, not aging and not doing anything really, until someone from another universe summons us. Now, it's the first time I do this, my friend Roxy was supposed to do it, but she said that I'd be more fitting for you two. But she left me some instructions..."
"I'm sorry, what?" Ámbar asked.
Felicity closed her eyes. "Take my hands."
They did. Felicity inhaled deeply, and as she exhaled, they suddenly traveled away from the kitchen.
They ended up in some white void.
"Where are we?" Ámbar asked.
"We are in the space between universes," Felicity explained. She had a device with her all of a sudden. "Now, you two live in universe 1, it seems. I'm checking universe 2 right now, and it seems like everything is the same for you in that universe."
"Yeah, the only difference in universe 2 is who your kids end up with when they grow up. But it doesn't really affect you."
"Is there any universe that does affect us?" Luna asked. 
"There is... there's universes in which neither of you were ever born. There's a universe where your aunt married your biological dad instead, Luna, and so she had children with him that isn't you."
"I can't imagine Sharon would ever want kids..." Luna admitted.
"... she adopted me willingly..." Ámbar said. "I know she's not a good parental figure at all and is the most cold and bitter person alive, but she wanted to have kids. I do think she wanted one more to raise them to be exactly like her and to have as a mini doll of herself rather than letting me be my own person, but still. Also, I think she wished you were her daughter and not her niece."
"There's a universe where she never adopted you," Felicity said. "But in that universe, Luna got to grow up with her rather than ending up in Mexico. In that universe, the two of you get close and have a Romeo and Juliet story where Sharon does not approve her niece Sol to date a poor woman's daughter."
Ámbar and Luna stared at her uncomfortably. 
"There is also a universe called the 'Sunshine and Moonshine' universe for some reason, in which you two both grow up with Sharon!"
"And what universe is that in numbers?" Ámbar asked.
"Oh. It's not numbered."
"Why are some universes called stuff like 'universe 2' and others have... titles?"
"Don't question it."
"Are we just gonna get informed about universes, or are we gonna visit one?" Luna asked.
"We're gonna visit several ones! I'm just trying to scroll by which ones I'm allowed to show you. It says I'm not allowed to show you the universes where you don't exist, as that can cause horrifying side effects. And I can, but am not encouraged, to show you the ones where you grew up in other circumstances, as it can cause you to miss what you didn't get to grow up with. So I'm trying to find the ones where your upbringing was mostly the same, but your current life is different."
She scrolled some more, and eventually exclaimed. "Aah! I got one! This one... hm, wait, I need to call Roxy about this."
She pressed her finger in her ear and turned it sideways. It seems like she was calling someone on a phone... but in her ear.
"Hi, Roxy? Uh... this universe is said to be called 'the canon endgames universe', but it also says it's an inaccurate title... uh-huh... aah... okay, so... I see! You're gonna change the title? Ok! Thanks! Yeah, I'm doing fine! A little nervous to be doing this the first time... haha! Yeah! Ok, they're waiting... thanks! Bye!"
She got her finger out of her ear. "So, this universe was called 'the canon endgames universe' by Roxy, but apparently it was only accurate for the people she knows. For you, it's more of a 'canon ships universe', because apparently there were some people that ended up single in canon that now have relationships that were with the ones they had been dating before."
"What are you even talking about, I don't understand!" Ámbar admitted. "What do you mean 'canon'?"
"Let's just say there is a universe in which you are all fictional characters in a tv show. Many of you ended up with someone else in that tv show, while others ended up single by the end. Those ones that ended up single now have partners that they didn't end up with in the show." Suddenly, Felicity's hair buzzed, like she got a text message in her hair. She giggled. "Also, Roxy wants to add that this is the most 'heterosexual happy ending' universe."
"What?" Luna asked.
"Let's go see it!"
They ended up in front of a pretty big house. Ámbar immediately saw herself and Simón. 
"We're still together," she concluded. "But why are we here?"
"You live here!" Felicity explained. "With your two kids."
"We only have one kid." 
Felicity smirked. "I forgot to mention, this universe is 10 years into the future. And in every universe in which you two are together, you have the same amount of kids. So..." She patted Ámbar's belly.
"I didn't consent for you to touch me," Ámbar said.
"You can't do anything about it, I don't exist in any of the universes you do."
Ámbar took a step back.
"I'm sorry," Felicity said, "Living in a void universe makes me forget social boundaries. Anyway... you and Simón live here, after you decided to get your own place after having two kids."
They then teleported to another house none of them have seen before. Outside was two children, walking towards the car.
"Those kids look familiar, but I have never seen them before..." Luna said curiously.
"Again, this takes place 10 years into the future... they are the children of two people you know very well."
"Be patient, I need to find the car keys!" a familiar voice called. 
Out of the door came Gastón, holding a little toddler on his arm. Soon after came Nina, holding another toddler, seeming to be the same age as the first, but with red hair instead of brown.
"Woah! Are these all their children?" Luna asked.
"It is. They moved here just a year ago to make room when they expected twins," Felicity explained.
"They have no kids in our universe..." Ámbar said. "But... I guess they will... eventually."
"Yep! Their kids are slightly younger than yours."
”I love that for them,” Luna said and smiled. ”But am I living alone with Lucia in the mansion, then?”
Felicity gave her a sympathetic smile. ”Not exactly…” 
They teleported to the mansion living room. Luna saw herself sitting on the couch. She was quiet for a moment, until she heard someone’s footsteps. 
In came Matteo. 
”What’s he doing here?” Luna asked curiously.
Suddenly, Matteo leaned in and kissed her. ”I just dropped off the kids… we have the house to ourselves.”
The Luna from this universe smirked and stood up. ”Well, what are we waiting for?” 
The two of them giggled and sprinted off, tickling each other on the way. 
”Okay…” Ámbar said, ”I’m disturbed.”
”I’m confused,” Luna admitted. ”He… he talked about kids. We have kids? Plural?”
”Yes, but we arrived here when they weren’t home,” Felicity shrugged. ”The device also says you and Matteo are the only pairing you have in which you have kids biologically rather than adopting.”
”How come?”
”Mostly because Matteo thinks it’s unnecessary to waste time adopting when you could make your own kids faster, and for free.”
”… I see.”
”Anyway! Let’s check on Jim!”
”… and Yam?” Luna asked.
”Nope!” Felicity shook her head. ”Only Jim! And her husband!”
”Husband?” Ámbar and Luna asked. 
They teleported to an apartment. Jim and Nico sat at the kitchen table. With them was a little baby sitting in a high chair. They were quiet. 
”Aww, I’m glad Jim has a child!” Luna said, ”She said she had names for them already planned out in middle school. Although, it’s a different child to the ones she has in our universe…”
”Yeah, this is sort Jim’s happy heterosexual ending if she never came out,” Felicity explained.
”So she’s… straight in this universe?” Ámbar asked. 
Felicity shook her head. ”Your life situation and partner may be different in different universes, but your personality always stays. So does your sexuality and your diagnoses.” She glanced at Luna as she said the last part. ”Jim is always a lesbian in every universe. Only here… she never came out. She and Nico are happy… mostly… they have been trying for a child for years, and have been having trouble as it seems like Jim isn’t really into it for some reason…?” 
Ámbar and Luna stared at each other pitifully.
”But, they finally managed to get knocked up, and I think their child brings a new light into their relationship. Had they not managed to get a baby, I think it would have ended in a divorce. But now when they have one, Jim especially is happier, and Nico sees that. He has his theories that she might be… you know…” Felicity did a certain gesture with her hand. ”But he also has not as good of a gaydar to fully realize it.”
”If Jim is with Nico… who is Yam with?” Luna asked. 
”Great question!” 
They teleported to a new house. A bunch of kids ran around, and in the middle was Yam and Ramiro. They looked a bit tired.
”Yam and Ramiro?” Ámbar asked. ”Woah. Like I knew Ramiro tried to hit on her constantly, but I always had the feeling she wasn’t interested. Not that I cared much, none of them were threats to me so I never got invested.”
”They seem to have their hands full!” Luna commented. ”How many kids do they have?”
”Four,” Felicity said. ”Yam is also still very much a lesbian, and both she and Ramiro are pretty much aware of it, but they decide to not do anything about it. They’re still so good friends, so they try to think of their marriage as they kinda are friends… that bang sometimes and get knocked up.”
”Yeah, I’m… interested how they got so many kids,” Ámbar said. ”Is it to give their marriage a purpose or what?”
”Well… Yam especially did want kids, and Ramiro is sort of indifferent. And so they tried for one… and decided to get another one… and so on. But they only sleep together for reproductive purposes. Nothing else.”
”Interesting…” Luna said.
”Maybe we should have given them some larger age gaps,” they heard Yam say as she tiredly watched the kids run around. 
”Eh, smaller age gaps makes them closer to each other!” Ramiro said.
”I know, but I mean, for us! So that we’d not have several small kids at once…”
”Hey… we got this! Don’t we?” Ramiro took her hands. 
”Yeah… we do.”
”I mean, as long as their marriage is happy…” Luna said. ”But I think Jim and Yam were like… written to be soulmates.”
”And as far as I know, Jim and Yam are together in every other universe!” Felicity said. ”Except for the universe where Jim is with you, Luna, and Yam dates Jazmin.”
”Also, I think Yam is with Ámbar in some universe too, and I think Jim is with Luna in that one as well.”
”I have no idea how that would even end up happening, but it also sounds interesting,” Ámbar admitted. 
”Yeah… we can’t visit those universes right now, because apparently they haven’t ’finished rendering’…” Felicity said. ”But, there is a universe in which Ramiro has another partner that you know very well!” 
They teleported back to the mansion, now apparently in a brand new universe. Ámbar saw herself and Simón sit with their daughter Lilith on the couch.
”Back to normal…?” she said.
”Oh yeah, the previous universe was the only one 10 years into the future. Every other one is in the present.”
”We’re home!” That was the voice of Luna, from this universe. She came in, holding hands with…
”I’m… with Ramiro in this universe?” Luna asked. 
”So you are,” Felicity nodded.
”Is… Lucia here? Do I have her?”
Felicity checked her device. ”Hm… no, in this universe you and Ramiro don’t have kids. It’s possible you have some later, I mean, this universe takes place in the same present as yours.”
”Aw. So I only have her when I’m alone?”
”Maybe. Maybe not. There’s a lot of universes. Maybe you adopt her together with another partner you have. Maybe you and Ramiro adopt her later, just that she was adopted later in life. But right now, the only kid in your house is Simón and Ámbar’s.”
”There’s my little champ!” Ramiro exclaimed, picking Lilith up from the couch. ”How are ya?”
”Ramiro should babysit her again sometime, in our universe,” Ámbar said with a smile. ”He’s good with kids.”
”Are Jim and Yam back together?” Luna asked.
”Yes,” Felicity assured her. ”If I don’t mention them, then just assume they are together, with their kids. But… hmm… there’s another pairing that is different here.”
”Which one?” 
They teleported to someone's backyard, with a pool.
"Ooh, fancy!" Luna exclaimed.
"Someone's lying on the sun chair," Ámbar said, pointing at someone lying on a sun chair. 
Suddenly, Gastón came in with two glasses of either fanta or a yellow alcoholic drink. Or he pissed in a glass, but that was very unlikely (we hope).
"Are you just gonna sit here and lounge all day?" Gastón asked the person in the sun chair.
"I've worked hard!" It was Matteo's voice. In the next second, Matteo sat up and took one of the drinks. 
"You vacuumed the house, Matteo."
"Yes, exactly! Worked hard."
Gastón chuckled and then leaned down, proceeding to give him a kiss on the lips.
"Oh my god, they are pool gays!" Ámbar exclaimed. 
"Schh, they're gonna hear you!" Luna replied.
"No? We're invisible?"
"Wait, we are?"
"Yes? That's what I've concluded after we've been in the middle of several people's houses and they have not batted an eye at us."
"Aah... anyway, what's a pool gay? A gay that hangs out at the pool?"
"I need to remind you that everyone always has the same sexuality in every universe, and both of them are bisexual," Felicity corrected her. "A bit surprised you assumed they were gay just because they're with each other. You're bi yourself!"
"I am saying 'gay' as a general term," Ámbar explained. "Pool bi's doesn’t sound as good."
"Wait, where's Nina then?" Luna asked.
"The device doesn't say..." Felicity said. "I don't think the universe has decided yet."
"What does that mean? That she doesn't exist?"
"No, no! She does exist! It's just that the universe doesn't let us see her. So we don't know if she's... maybe thriving as a single woman, or is with someone else, or what."
"Well, I wanna see her!"
"Alright... you wanna go to another universe, then? I know one where Nina is a lot more in your life than what she already is."
"Ooh! What's that universe called?"
"It's called the 'nothing-is-the-same-as-any-other-universe-universe'! It's a bit of a misnomer, as some things are the same in other universes too, but what I think it refers to is that it's the only universe where two or more pairings or situations are not identical as any other."
"... I'm dizzy by your talking, I don't understand anything," Ámbar admitted.
Once again, they ended up in the mansion, although this time in the kitchen.
Luna from this universe was setting the table, when a little girl ran inside.
"Oh my gosh, I have my daughter back!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed. She recognized it was her adoptive daughter Lucia right away.
"You're in for a surprise, Luna, because in this universe, you share your custody of her with someone else," Felicity informed her. 
Luna from this universe twirled around her daughter. "You wanna help me set the table?"
Right then, Nina came inside. "Hello! Is dinner ready?"
"Oh, does Nina live here or something?" Luna from universe 1 asked. 
"You could say that..." Felicity replied.
Nina from this universe took Lucia in her arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then she kissed Luna on the mouth.
"Oh!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed, as she witnessed herself kiss her best friend. 
"I have stopped questioning stuff now," Ámbar said. 
"You know, my mom for a long time had a theory that we were dating."
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah. She was convinced that I was dating someone, but she couldn't figure out if it was Simón or Nina."
"Where's Ámbar?" Lucia from this universe asked. 
"Oh, she's up in her room," Luna from this universe explained.
"Go get her?"
"No, we better let her rest." Luna and Nina shared a knowing look.
"Let's go check on you, Ámbar," Felicity said.
"Oh, I don't wanna disturb myself..."
"You're gonna get quite the surprise as well!"
They popped into Ámbar's room, where Ámbar from this universe was lying on the bed. Next to her was another woman. Emilia. 
A quick glance at their pupils, you could see right away that they were stoned as heck.
"Okay, I'm getting high with Emilia," Ámbar from universe 1 said. "Big deal. As long as it's not in front of my kid."
"Your kid doesn't exist in this universe," Felicity said in an eerie tone. "Because you didn't get with Simón."
"What? Who did I get with then?"
Felicity pointed at Emilia.
"Hey Emi," Ámbar from this universe mumbled, "Would you ever wanna get married or whatever?"
"Nah," Emilia from this universe replied. "I'm not into that. I just like the way it is, you know... you, me, getting stoned and having awesome intercourse like my old teacher would say."
Both of them laughed. 
"You and Emilia live here with Luna and Nina," Felicity explained. "You work and roller skate and do everything you do in your own universe, but in evenings you like to just go up in your room and get blazed. You don't have kids, Luna and Nina's adoptive daughter is enough. Their daughter thinks you're her funny aunties who speak odd."
"Ok, I do love that..." Ámbar said. "And I guess... we have a pretty decent life."
Suddenly, Emilia from this universe sat up. "Ha! Ámbi, look! I can see you standing in front of us!"
Ámbar from this universe also sat up, and squinted at the multiverse travelers. "Woah... sick... hi, me!"
"Right, getting high makes you almost see through time and space..." Felicity sighed.
"Ámbi, I don't know if it is that I'm already turned on, but wouldn't it be so cool if we like... banged while that blurry version of you watches?"
"Yes! Take my shirt off!"
"Ookaay..." Ámbar from universe 1 said, "We... probably are gonna go now."
"Where's Simón?" Luna asked.
"Good question!" Felicity said and snapped her fingers. 
They were back at the pool again. This time, they arrived right in the middle of Matteo chasing Simón around the pool.
"Come here, you!" Matteo yelled.
"Never!" Simón laughed. He then, in panic, jumped into the pool. 
Matteo shook his head. "I don't know how you do it, but you're making me just love you more." After he said that, he jumped into the pool and dragged Simón under water.
The two had a wrestling match for a moment, before suddenly leaning against the pool wall and starting to make out.
Luna and Ámbar stared at them pretty unfazed.
"Well, since none of you girls were interested in them, the boys I guess found each other!" Felicity chuckled. "I know, it must be weird seeing Matteo with so many other people that isn't Ramiro. But Matteo and Ramiro are together in a majority of universes, there's just like... four exceptions."
"Wait, what?" Ámbar asked. "What do you mean they're together?"
"You know... Matteo and Ramiro in your universe?"
"They're not together in our universe..." Luna said slowly. 
Felicity cracked up. "Oh! My apologies! Well, I guess I spoiled it! You have not experienced the summer-lovin'-had-me-a-blast-of-2030 yet! That's when their romance starts!"
"You need to work on your titles," Ámbar said.
"Can you see into the future?" Luna asked.
Felicity nodded. "As a magical girl I am allowed to know everything that happens in your life span, and all the information ever about you, even the information you don't know yourselves!"
"Anyway, can we go, the makeout session is starting to get too intense now..." Ámbar said.
"Yes. We need to stop by Jim and Yam."
They teleported to Jim and Yam's house. It all seemed to be the same. They noticed Jim and Yam standing in the hallway, watching their daughters, who they also had in universe 1, get dressed to go outside.
"Now, it all might look the same at first glance," Felicity said, "But just you wait."
"I'm coming!" a high pitched voice exclaimed. "I need to powder my nose like all the time!"
"I've been there," Yam said. "Just a few short months more!"
Suddenly, Jazmin came into the room. Just a quick glance at her could determine she was pregnant. 
"Aww, good for her!" Luna said.
What then happened caught them off guard. Yam grabbed Jazmin and kissed her. Luna and Ámbar remembered they apparently did date in some universe, but judging from the kids, Jim and Yam were also together? Why was Jim so ok with her wife kissing another woman?
"So... remember how I told you Yam was dating Jazmin in a universe?" Felicity asked. "In this universe, she sort of ended up in a love triangle with the two, and... well, now all three are dating each other. Jim and Yam have legal custody of the kids, and Jazmin is now pregnant with a child she's gonna have legal custody of on her own. But all three will be and are parents of all the kids."
Luna and Ámbar stared in silence for a few moments. 
"You know what?" Luna said. "As long as they're happy."
"And as long as we are happy," Ámbar chimed in. "We all seem pretty happy with our lives in this universe, even if it's not what I'd picture..."
"I'm guessing we are only like this in this specific universe," Luna said.
"Oh, no!" Felicity replied. "You and Nina for example are together in at least two other universes. But in those ones, Simón and Ámbar are together instead, although there's some other pairings I think is different. I know there's several universes in which you and Emilia are together too, Ámbar, but it's universes in which your whole life is different after some earlier circumstances, so I won't go into it. In one of them I think you and Emilia kidnapped a child or something, and I think you're also dating in the universe where Sharon married a woman named Priscila."
"Wait, what?" Ámbar and Luna asked in unison.
"Oh. Yeah. So, there's a universe where Sharon married a woman named Priscila. Priscila had a daughter on her own and you two befriended her. Priscila also pushed you down some stairs, Luna, it was a whole mess. We won't go into it. Now! Which universe do you wanna go to next?"
"I don't know, just pick one," Ámbar said. She was getting too tired to really comprehend much more. 
"Can we go to the universe where we are tv characters?" Luna asked.
"No," Felicity said. "Trust me, it's too odd, your brains might explode. Plus, people write fanfiction about you, too. The only plus side is that the people who live in that universe where you are fictional characters, are fictional characters in your universe! Which means, you can write fanfiction about them!" 
Felicity then proceeded to stare at you, the reader, before pressing her device to travel to a new place.
They teleported into a park that Luna and Ámbar were familiar with. They used to roller skate here.
Suddenly, they noticed Luna and Simón from this universe play with three identical girls.
"Let me guess," Ámbar said, "Luna and Simón are together in this universe."
She got her answer a second later, when Luna and Simón kissed. 
"Knew it!"
"Okay!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed. "It seems like I'm... together with someone in a lot of these scenarios! And I never thought I'd really be with anyone like that!"
"Remember that you always got the same sexuality in every universe," Felicity reminded her, "So you are always panromantic asexual. There are some other universes where you are single, yes, but there's also these where you do end up with someone! You're thrilled, you married your best friend and you adopted triplets, who you hope to get into roller skating when they're old enough! But right now they're only toddlers, so you mostly just take them outside, let them explore the world and play with them. You're wonderful parents that love to play."
Luna smiled as she saw herself from this universe. "I do look really pleased with life."
"You also have the same diagnoses in every universe."
"You mentioned that. Although I don't know why, because I don't have any?"
Felicity looked at her. She was about to say something, but didn't have the words.
She then took a deep breath and decided to just cut to the chase. She pointed directly at Luna.
"You have ADHD."
"Come, let's go see what Ámbar in this universe is up to!"
They teleported to the mansion living room, where they immediately were greeted by music playing, and Ámbar and Matteo dancing.
"Aaah..." Ámbar sighed. "I'm with Matteo. Of course, of course..."
"You're still the 'it' couple," Felicity said. "No one can compare to you two."
"Oh gosh, and we still live in that delusion that we're the best... also, do we share the house with Luna and Simón and their triplets?"
"You do! The house is large enough, isn't it?"
"It is, but... wow. And we don't have any of our own kids?"
"No, because for some reason none of you can... finish whenever you're in intimate situations."
"Of course we can't... our love is fake and we're so delusional to think it's real... but it shows when we're behind closed doors."
"Now, now, Ámbar! Don't be harsh! You in this universe genuinely thinks he's your one true love. You're happy together."
Ámbar crossed her arms, observing herself slow dancing with Matteo. "Maybe... but I'm glad I have a different life in my own universe.”
"You might wonder what happened to Emilia!" Felicity exclaimed, deciding to change the subject. And with a snap, she poofed them away to Emilia's location in this universe.
They ended up in a pretty humble apartment. There were tables with makeup and hair products on it, some random gothic skirt lying on a pink couch, and it smelled like burned toast from the kitchen. Someone also played rock music.
This felt like Emilia's own single apartment. Well, until they heard that high pitched voice.
"Ay, que error!"
In came Jazmin, frantically searching for something. ”Emi! Turn down the music and help me!”
”I’m busy burning toast!” Emilia yelled from the kitchen. 
”Why does everyone call her ’Emi’?” Ámbar asked. ”I never did in our universe.”
”Well, it’s a nickname exclusive to those who date her,” Felicity explained.
”So… Emilia and Jazmin…?” Luna suddenly facepalmed. ”Why did I automatically assume they were roommates? I’m stupid!” 
”Well, they started out as roommates… and then this happened.”
Emilia turned off the music and walked into the room. ”What is it, babe?”
”I can’t find my hair pin! Have you see it? You know, the pink one?”
Emilia smirked. ”Hmm… check my pocket.”
”Check my pocket!” 
Jazmin put down a hand in Emilia’s pocket, and dug up the hair pin she was looking for.
”Oh my gosh! How did it end up in your pocket?”
Jazmin giggled and the two leaned in to kiss.
”Well, opposites attract…” Ámbar shrugged. 
”Is there anything else different about this universe?” Luna asked.
”Hmm…” Felicity checked her device. ”No, Nina and Gastón are still together, so is Jim and Yam. I guess a difference here is that Ramiro is gonna be single forever… unless the universe decides to pair him up with someone else.”
”So the universes are like… matchmakers…”
”Think of every universe as someone playing the Sims and you’re the premade characters that they decide the destiny of. Sometimes they just let you roam free and focus on their own created Sims, but other times they decide to play with you and pair you up with each other.”
They traveled back to the white void.
”I don’t know if we have time to travel to much other universes right now,” Felicity admitted, ”So while we go back to your universe, is there any questions you have?”
”Yes,” Luna said, ”Why did me and Simón adopt triplets?”
”You know, it’s not clear, but every time you end up together you adopt triplets. I don’t know why!”
”Is there a universe where I end up with Benicio?” Ámbar asked.
”No! He is hated across the multiverse and never gets a happy ending.” 
"Do I ever end up with Michel in a universe?" Luna asked, suddenly remembering Michel's existence.
"Hm... no, but there is a universe in which he's a girl named Michelle. So you got kissed by a girl in one universe!"
”Does Nina ever end up with Eric in a universe?” Luna asked.
Felicity thought for a moment. ”No… unless we count the one where you’re in a tv show, they were kind of endgame there… but no universe believes in their love. There has been several universes we’ve visited today where Eric and Nico are a thing, though. I just forgot to show you that.”
”Okay…” Ámbar said. ”Is there one pairing that remains the same in every single universe?”
”There is, actually! There’s a couple that is even the same in the nothing-is-the-same-as-any-other-universe-universe!”
”Wow… which one?”
”I’ll let you guess! It’s people you know very well.”
”Ana and Mora?” Luna asked.
”No! Although, fun fact, there’s a universe where Ricardo is only a donor and they raised Nina as two moms on their own.”
”Woah. That’s cool.”
”Is it Rey and Maggie?” Ámbar asked.
”No!” Felicity exclaimed. ”I forgot those two even existed, haha. No, it’s people around your ages!”
”Let me guess,” Luna said, ”It’s Daniela and jailtime.”
”Noo! Come on! You know them really well!”
”We do?” Ámbar asked.
”Yes! Come on… two close friends that you have? That we haven’t seen anything of today?”
”I can’t come up with any,” Luna admitted.
Felicity took a deep breath. ”PEDRO AND DELFI! Your friends? You know them?”
Ámbar and Luna were silent for a few short moments, before letting out an ”Oooooh…”
”Wait, so they’re together in every universe?” Luna asked. 
”Yes. As I said, they’re an exception even when all you others have different partners, or no partners.”
”So why didn’t we visit them anywhere?”
”Because it would always be the same every universe we went to! Also, you didn’t ask.”
”And they just… always end up together…” Ámbar said, as if she couldn’t believe it.
”Yes. I mean, in the universe where you’re fictional, there’s some people shipping Delfi with Emma, but I have yet to have found a universe where they are together. So for now, it’s always Pedro and Delfi everywhere.”
”Well, that’s cool. I guess.” 
”Is there any universe where none of us have partners?” Luna asked.
”Well… there is one where you, Ámbar and Simón live together as friends and decide to make the mansion a foster home,” Felicity explained.
”Aww! I love that!”
”Yeah, well, it still ends with Simón and Ámbar banging and getting knocked up. They can’t resist each other apparently!”
Ámbar snorted. 
”Oh! Will you look at that, we’re back in universe 1 again!”
They ended up in the kitchen again. 
”And you’re sure this is the correct universe?” Ámbar asked.
Felicity held up her device. ”It says ’universe 1’ on it. Also, you can’t be left in a universe that isn’t your own. If you do, then you’ll pop back to your own immediately.”
”Ok. Just checking.”
”Our daughters might have woken up from their naps…” Luna said. 
”Oh, no! No time in your universe has passed! Don’t you worry.”
”It was… interesting to multiverse travel…” Ámbar said. ”A little weird, but… fun.”
”Yeah! I hope we get to do it again sometime!” Luna admitted.
”Well, all you need to do is just to summon me,” Felicity said. ”If you remember how to.”
”What do you mean?”
”When I leave, that drink will just be a normal drink. To travel through multiverses again, you’re gonna have to find another way. Maybe by a spell or by something else that’s either drinkable or eatable. Now, I must leave.”
”Where are you going?” Ámbar asked. 
”Well, in the universe where you are fictional characters, someone is reading a fanfiction about you during this very moment. The fanfiction in question has a summoning spell on it, and I’m on my way as soon as they read what I just said.” 
”Okay.. goodbye?” Ámbar said.
”Bye!” Luna said.
”Goodbye, girls!” Felicity exclaimed and disappeared in a flash. 
”Ámbar,” Luna said, ”Which universe besides ours did you like the most?” 
”I don’t know! How about you?”
”Well, I liked… the… uh… wait, I can’t… remember…”
”We were…” 
”We traveled to…”
”Wait,” Ámbar said, ”What were we talking about?”
”I… I don’t know,” Luna admitted.
What Felicity didn’t tell them was that, as soon as your multiverse trip is over, you forget all about it. All left is the feeling that something has happened, but you can’t know for certain what. 
So, Luna and Ámbar from universe 1 forgot all about the other partners they’ve had in other universes. They thought their friends had only been with the partners they had and didn’t have in universe 1. They only remembered their kids they had in this universe, and no other kids they might’ve had in other universes.
They lived with a vague memory of something happening to them, but they both decided it could have been some repressed memory from their childhood. They had a lot of those, especially before they were adopted. 
Maybe it was for the best. Knowing what you’re doing in other universes might make you question reality too much. 
As you read, dear reader, this fic is under a spell and Felicity is coming for you soon. You might have questions. You might not have spanish as your first language and wonder if she knows your first language. You might be scared to know your life in other universes.
All your questions will be left unanswered anyway because you won’t remember the multiverse trip once it’s over. But with that being said… have fun!
Read the Violetta version if you have also seen Violetta, as it is fun: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54882559 Also, you can make a drinking game every time I wrote the word "universe" lol.
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hamstyandfriends · 8 months
Nothing ever lasts forever
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Lumiro (white tom with pale yellow colorpoint markings; Light element)
Azure (pre-transition trans tom with blue fur and darker patches. He wears a purple short and hoodie with Northern Star Academy's emblem; Elementless)
Electro (blue tom with yellow paws and lightning marks; Thunder element)
Sunset (white tom with yellow paws and red gloves; sun element)
Someday I will ramble about my OCs. But not today
Spoiler-free version:
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
the twins trying to explain their polycule to the twins (tiny size):
Floyd: Okay so, do you two know what that means?
Jade is behind them drawing in a whiteboard to explain Floyd's attention span is going to be in either one of those fry
Pearl and Coral without skipping a beat: Another parent to whine and pout to get more siblings???
Jade and Floyd just smiling mischievously instead of confirming or denying: ...
Yuu and Azul watching from the nearest room
Yuu: Oh no
Azul: sigh
The cutest thing is the interactions and first meetings with the hatchling!! It goes either way the lil hatchling is a bit slippery and so the twins (tiny size) are panicking a bit when trying to hold it and the other is just big curious eyes looking at the hatchling that barely takes up their plam wrapping it's tiny tentacles around anything it can find to feel it's surroundings (the hatchling still has their eyes closed but thanks to pearl's and coral's pleads under much precaution get to hold it) oh and grandma Ashengrotto helping coral and pearl learn how to play but softly!!
Pearl: So.. Would this be alright? test bite
Grandma Ashengrotto internally: HOLY FU-
Grandma Ashengrotto: Try going a bit softer dear..!
Progress is progress though!!
Also please someone stop Pearl and Coral from having an "I am a better older sister!" fight (I remember having that happen to me with my older cousins and they would always ask which one of them was my favorite cousin little me was so confused)
The (little) twins don't really care about the specifics, they're just happy to know that Zuzu will get to stay around a lot longer, and now they can call him Baba!
I forgot that in "Delights of Being Zuzu" that there were also the triplets (Poppy, Moss, and Lumiro). So the little hatchling, Beryl, also has three siblings of similar age to grow with! He's small, but still a bit bigger than the triplets, with Moss being the smallest as a berry. Even so, Beryl quite likes curling his tentacles around his siblings when sleeping, which Poppy and Lumiro do in kind with their tails. Moss is content to get squeezed by the three of them.
However, Pearl and Coral are still learning how to play gently with their siblings. You're correct that Pearl likes to play by biting, which is a habit that Yuu, Azul, and Mama Ashengrotto, or Iris, try to deter. They tell her to go bite her Papa and Dada (aka, Jade and Floyd) instead. At least until the fries are big enough to handle their rambunctious sister. Thankfully, Coral is more than helpful to play fight with Pearl!
They do fight over who is the better (*cough*favorite*cough*) sister. Coral is confident that it's her because she's nicer, and Pearl is rough. Pearl is convinced it's her because she's fun and Coral's boring. The fries are sleeping while they fight about it. They do not care, they want to nap.
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Who wants to hear my Lumiro brotp hot take? 😁 So Ramiro and Luna were the most passionate about skating of the Jam & Roller team to the point where they were most likely to make a career of it. And they are both certified weirdos. They already had such a sweet platonic bond hinted at throughout the series and I wish we could’ve got more of it. Because they’re such lovable goofs <3
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calyxthenerd · 9 months
Lumiro my beloveds <3333
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444names · 2 years
male french and portuguese forenames
Aacami Abien Acquiasco Adamunede Adani Adannard Adefan Adritore Adrósi Aijaan Aince Airmano Albaptino Alberaud Alberjas Alcian Alcideão Alcisani Aldidée Aldomin Aldous Aldovi Aleve Aleão Alfro Almin Alour Alppaola Altére Alvichrio Alèrennu Amana Ambrothil Amile Amirc Amircio Amire Amundrick Amândo Anacque Ancio Andão Annime Anteu Aphric Aptião Ardio Arinatho Arjas Arjato Arlono Armikki Audeão Augue Aulissiro Aullautta Aurbaundo Auste Aílixo Aïdas Aïdastão Balfon Barce Barlos Basta Basílteu Batric Baustão Belsarsi Benrick Berrei Bertinho Bervéris Bource Bredrea Bruien Brund Brune Caina Cainathie Caist Calben Casco Chile Chiljac Chilo Chricolen Cirène Clauguin Clazáric Cleão Cléano Coaquino Colaudo Cricior Crico Crito Cyric Cyrick Cyrien Cyrieno Cyriine Cyrissent Cândidon Cândon Cécia Cécio Cédéo Cédéréjea Célond Céphona Damirenta Damândra Daméra Dansohani Dieno Dinício Dualvio Duarcilja Duard Duaro Duraulla Dérégos Edmuno Edoldo Eemino Eerja Eianare Eirjario Eirmernão Elian Eliaques Elien Elião Ellana Ellerjon Elomão Emikki Eminício Emião Enton Ertin Ezephilja Ezeque Ezequie Fabené Faberósio Fabin Felou Firen Flaux Flácio Frainnal Fraou Frémy Fábino Fábião Félia Félinar Féloussi Gabien Galdo Gasami Gascordão Gasido Gaule Gaétia Geodrose Geofirkka Germaul Ghierja Ghipe Gilheu Gilli Gilves Girger Girjaino Gironsão Goise Gonço Gréjervo Gualèren Guelma Helmiinto Hennieni Hennue Henriljä Hentin Herent Heris Hernéstin Hervarmi Hetan Hiasla Hibas Hilasiria Hilisido Hiltavi Hilva Hisla Honso Horen Hurbano Hurce Iguisu Iiance Illeon Ilmiago Ilont Ilphen Iredeão Irpas Isaan Isano Isilie Istin Istêvão Jacard Jachrico Jacque Jacquelce Jaimão Jaina Jaini Jardo Jennide Jerme Jerné Jerósi Jojore Jonset Joradro Jordo Joren Jorgilben Josco Jouthuben Judefra Julta Julte Justa Justilte Justinck Jéregídie Jéren Jério Jónicasa Jónick Júlieu Júlilo Júlipólio Júlis Kaisce Kergerna Kirenck Kylvi Kylviel Laino Lascel Lecis Lenio Lessetas Liance Liastão Liernéléo Lipólivi Livien Loivi Loutinoît Lucaino Lucart Lucieu Lucio Lucius Luciuste Lumiito Lumiro Lyydin Lyydinho Lyyni Léodósimo Léopondre Lúcide Lúcila Macquothé Mairia Manique Mannick Mantin Mardamuno Mardoud Maricha Maricid Marino Marnés Marsidèle Marta Marteux Matalo Matienord Matrino Mattu Mattuukko Maulileno Maurd Maximigna Maximon Maximu Maximune Maxis Mentino Miano Miasa Miliel Milio Mirkkaaco Mirkki Mirmeu Mirosé Márico Máximi Máximon Nalvitan Nardo Nazarnaul Nikka Nimer Niston Ocleon Ocque Odias Odrio Odósidovi Oives Oloistião Olpiogo Oudamu Paolio Parmaximo Parme Patomi Phien Pienria Pient Piervaldo Plário Quotário Rafabróni Randovi Ranid Ranttu Raolaimon Remile Remmaxim Renio Renraino Rentina Rianti Riceu Ricomé Rique Roben Rodian Rodienatu Rodre Rodricto Rodrique Rodros Rogédé Rolor Romarco Rédédére Rémeoric Rétin Saachien Saard Saaren Saija Sailla Samiloisé Samuno Sandrian Sarda Saredsona Sariirio Sathartor Saílivin Sevarja Silio Silácias Simick Sisalfo Soffre Sterja Stime Stonarce Sulia Sulienaz Sylli Sylvi Sésandre Séstric Sévra Tastiano Tepho Thane Thilhel Thilva Théli Thélivi Thélo Tinhonse Trick Turioutin Tutintião Tuukki Tyneu Tyydio Téonrand Térino Ulipede Varan Varmil Vartonser Vidèleão Viintin Vistóvão Ximonrie Yoalcio Yoandão Yohvien Yveerto Zinho Zéfim Zéfirkka Áltomailo Élian Éliano Émico Émiin Étine Évraisto Évras Óriguarme
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axuart-archive · 8 years
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Stream result!
Drew some chibies~ Arsiena for myself, Kayla for @bladejet Hiru for @blastuart and Neyami for @mirru-arts Lumiro for @curious-traveller-lumiro and Azrafiel for @doge-daddy
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aeiou-agent-dreid · 7 years
"You look very sturdy. What kind of stuff are you made of?"
“I ain’t sure what the name of it is, but I do know it’s some kinda special non-magnetic super-alloy.”
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alexa-luana-blog · 7 years
SoyLuna 3
Cap1 ~ La Última Semana En Cancún ~ [Narra Luna] Ya En Vacaciones, Estaba En Mi Querido Cancún! Con Mi Mejor Amigó, Simón. Matteo y Ámbar También Estaban Aquí.. La Pasamos Espectacular, Ámbar No Se Sumó Mucho Que Digamos… Simón Debes En Cuándo Dejaba Que Matteo Y Yo Estuviéramos Solos, Otras Veces Se Sumaba. Ámbar Se La Pasaba En La Mansión De Cancun, Cómo Por Ejemplo Hoy! Qué Hace Todo Él Día Allí Sola..? Esa Pregunta Era La Que Más Rondaba En Mi Cabeza, Cuándo Estaba Con Simón Y Matteo. Habíamos Vuelto De Una Salida A La Playa, Matteo Y Simón Fueron A Cambiarse. Yo Quería Sorprender A Ámbar… — Holaa, Ámbar Que Haces..? — Preguntó Entrando En La Sala Estaba Con Una Chica, Ambas Estaban Comiendo Y Habían Dos Pares Patines Uno Y De Ámbar.. Y Él Otro Debe Pertenecerle A La Otra Chica.. — Lunita, Hola Ya Volvieron De Su Salida… — Pregunta Levantándose De Su Lugar — Estas Mojada.. No Te Cambiaste? — No, Quería Sorprenderte… — Digo Sonriente — Hola Luna, Soy Emilia Un Placer.. Ámbar Me A Hablado Mucho De Ti! — Dice La Chica, Cuyo Nombre Era “Emilia” — Hola Soy Luna.. Aún Que Ya Sabes Eso.. — Al Decir Eso, La Rubia Ríe — Si Bonita Lo Sé… Eres Mucho Más, Linda De Lo Que Pensaba… — Dice Acercándose A Mí — Gracias, Tu También Eres Muy Linda.. — Digo Con Una Sonrisa — Lunita, Porqué No Te Vas A Cambiar..? — Agrega Ámbar — Si, Creó Que Va A Ser Mejor… — Digo Caminando Hasta Mi Habitación, Ya Que Dormíamos Los Cuatro Allí Al Subir, Matteo Y Simón Bajaban. Simón No Me Prestó Mucha Atención, Solo Bajo. Matteo Me Miro Sonriente Hasta Que Subí, Se Quedó Mirándome Desde Abajo De La Escalera. [Narra Ámbar] Luna Cómo Siempre Arruinando Las Cosas, Matteo No Sirve Para Nada! Le Dije Que Me Avise Apenas Lleguen. — Matteo, Porqué No Me Mandaste Un Mensaje Apenas Salieron De La Playa..? — Le Pregunto Cruzada De Brazos, Esperando A Qué Terminen De Bajar Las Escaleras Con Simón — Porqué Quería Conocer A Emilia.. — Dice Acercándose, A Ella Y Besando Su Mano — Matteo Balsano, Un Placer Eres Emilia Cierto..? — Si Esa Soy Yo, Él Placer Es Mío.. Tu? Eres… — Pregunta Dirigiéndose, A Simón — Hola, Soy Simón.. — Dice Besando Su Mejilla — Tu Eres Su Ex Novio? — — No, Ese Soy Yo.. — Dice Matteo Entre Risas — Él Chico Más Lindo, Que Vas A Conocer Él Día De Hoy.. — Qué Fresa Que Eres.. — Agrega Emilia — Pero No Eres Él Más, Lindo Que Conocí Hoy.. — Dice Mirando A Simón — Bien Emii, Te Vas Tenemos Cosas Que Hacer.. Conoces La Puerta;! — Hablo Con Una Sonrisa —… Vete! — Bien, Nos Vemos Reina! — Dice Saliendo De La Sala — Chau Matteo, Simón.. — Agrega Antes De Salir — Y Saluden A La Hermosa De Luna, Por Mí — Si Lo Voy A Hacer.. — Al Decir Eso, Había Un Silencio Incómodo.. Los Mire A Ambos Y Sonríe Luego Subí Las Escaleras Hasta La Habitación En La Cuál Estábamos Luna Y Yo — Lunita, No Molestes Voy A Dormir! — Digo Entrando Y Cerrando La Puerta. — No Saldrás Con Nosotros..? — Dice Saliendo Del Baño, Ya Se Había Cambiado Y Se Estaba Secando Él Pelo — No Tengo Ganas, Vallan Los Tres Sin Mí.. — Hablo Sentándome En La Cama De Luna — La Pasaran Mejor! — No, Ámbar Tu Vienes! Es “La Última Semana En Cancún” — No Me Importa! Prefiero Pasar La Ultima Semana, Relajada.. — No, Tu Vienes… — Habla Luna, Agarrando Mi Brazo Y Llevándome Al Baño — Maquilladita Señorita, Yo Le Busco Algo Para Ponerse…!!
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Lumiro’s known “standard” form has actually a really nice butt. He’s like that so he can sit comfy at any place o3o
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a new follower already!!! @curious-traveller-lumiro
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mochinomnoms · 2 months
With Shrimpy Chronicles, does Azul ever get his own kids or is it specifically tweels and Yuu?
(Sorry about the sudden influx of my asks btw) -🔆
Originally it started with just the Tweels and Yuu, but I got some asks regarding Azul and so it just depends on the specific oneshot I'm writing. The only kids that stay confirmed are Coral and Pearl as the tweels' and Yuu's kids, but depending on the fic it can include the Tweels/Yuu triplets (Poppy, Moss, Lumiro) or the Tweels/Azul kid (Beryl). I've yet to write something with Azul/Yuu kiddos.
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rize96325-blog · 6 years
SAP S4 HANA | SAP BW on Hana | ABAP on HANA Online Training Hyderabad
Course Content Designed from SAP Certification Material: 1) HA100 : Introduction to SAP HANA 2) HA150 : SQL Concepts for HANA ( Covers New Advanced SQL for EHP 7 on HANA andAdvanced SQL Script Programming ) 3) HA400 : ABAP Programming for HANA i.e. ABAP on HANA 4) S4H400: SAP S/4 HANA CDS Embedded Analytics Overview 5) S4H410:  SAP S/4 HANA Analytics  and Modeling with Core Data Services Views 6) HA300 : Introduction and Advanced SAP HANA Modelling 7) In addition to these I am going to Cover --SAP HANA Migration Concepts on Business Suite on HANA/S4 System. --SAP Side Car Approaches i.e. ADBC and Secondary Database Connection Target Students & Prerequisites: Students should have Basic knowledge of SAP Concepts & they ought to Familiar with Database knowledge 1.0 Introduction to SAP ABAP on HANA Training Online  1.1 Evolution of HANA  1.2 Introduction to SAP HANA  1.3 Introduction to SAP In-Memory Strategy and Technology  1.4 HANA compare to BWA  1.5 SAP HANA Landscape  1.6 SAP In-Memory Computing Product Strategy and Roadmap
2.0 SAP ABAP on HANA Training Online STUDIO Look & Feel  2.1 In-Memory Computing Studio  2.2 Administration view  2.3 Navigator View  2.4 System Monitor  2.5 Information Modeler
3.0 SAP HANA Architecture  3.1 Architecture Overview  3.2 IMCE and Surroundings  3.3 Row Store  3.4 Column Store  3.5 Loading data into HANA  3.6 Data modeling concepts  3.7 Reporting  3.8 Persistent Layer  3.9 Backup & Recovery
4.0 Introduction to Development Environment –SAP ABAP on HANA TrainingOnline  4.1 Overview of Eclipse  4.2 SAP’s Eclipse Strategy  4.3 Unbundling of Eclipse and SAP Software  4.4 Central Update Site  4.5 Installing the Development Environment  4.6 Installing SAP HANA Studio  4.7 Installing the ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver  4.8 Getting Started in the Development System  4.9 Basic Principles of Eclipse
5.0 Performance Tools in SAP HANA   5.1  Understand the Runtime Analysis (SE30)   5.2  Understand the ABAP Trace (SAT)   5.3  Understand the Code Inspector (SCI)   5.4  Understand the SQL Trace (ST05)   5.5  SQLM and SWLT   5.6  SQL Performance Tuning Work List Tool (SWLT)
6.0 Migration concepts and Prerequisites on EHP7 on HANA Database  6.1 SAP S/4 HANA Migration Changes  6.2  SAP S/4 HANA Performance Changes
7.0   Advanced ABAP SQL concepts for SAP HANA       7.1   Escape Host Variables       7.2   Dynamic Declaration of Internal tables and work areas       7.3   Arithmetic Expression Operations in HANA ABAP SQL       7.4   IF then ELSE inside HANA ABAP SQL       7.5   CASE Statements inside  HANA ABAP SQL       7.6   COALESCE  Function in HANA ABAP SQL       7.7   Advanced Filtering on ON CONDITION       7.8   Advanced Joins on HANA ABAP SQL
8.0 Core Data Services(CDS) ANALYTICS
CDS : DATA DEFINATIONS                8.1   CDS Define View Definition                8.2   CDS Define View with Joins                8.3   CDS Define View on View                8.4   CDS View Extensions                8.5   CDS Views with Input Parameters                8.6   CDS Views with Associations                    8.8   CDS Define View with Annotations                8.9  CDS Standard View Extensions/Ehancements                8.10  CDS Define TABLE FUNCTIONS with PARAMETERS                8.11  CDS Define ABSTRACT ENTITIES                8.12  CDS ABSTRACT ENTTIES with PARAMETERS  
S/4 HANA CDS Embedded Analytics
11.1 Building CDS Views with S/4 HANA Features     11.11  CDS Basic Views     11.12  CDS Composite Views     11.13  CDS Consumption View
11.2 S/4 HANA CDS Annotations     11.21 Newly Introduced Annotation s } 11.3 Exposing S/4 CDS EMBEDDED      11.31   ODATA Services in SAP UI5/FIORI      11.32   BW Bex Query Analyzer      11.22. O Analysis for Office using CDS
11.0  SQL SCRIPTS Programming for SAP HANA       11.1  SQL Clause New Feature       11.2  SQL Functions       11.3  Using Tuple Variables       11.4  Case Statements in SQL       11.5  Group By       11.6  Order By       11.7  IS NULL/ NOT NULL       11.8  Between       11.9  LIKE Predicate       11.10  Order Precedence       11.11  Aggregate Functions       11.12  UNION and UNION ALL       11.13  Joining Table                à Inner Join              à Left Outer Join              à Right Outer Join              à Full Outer Join  11.14  Data Manipulation                     à Insert                     à Update                     à Delete    
 11.15 Data Definition                     à Create column table                     à Alter Table                     à Rename Table                     à Drop Table 12.0 ABAP Managed Database Procedures(AMDP)        12.1 AMDP Using PARAMETERS        12.2 AMDP Using SELECT OPTIONS        12.3  AMDP METHOD on METHOD Concept          12.4 AMDP debugging using GUI and Eclipse Studio        12.5  AMDP EXCEPTIONS Handling  
13.0 OO ABAP List Viewer with integrated Data          Access( IDA )       13.1  ABAP List Viewer (ALV) with Integrated Access to SAP HANA
SAP HANA Side Car Approaches :
10.0 ADBC (ABAP DATABASE CONNECTIVITY) to SAP HANA   10.1 Accessing SAP HANA tables from ABAP   10.2 Accessing SAP HANA Procedures from ABAP   10.3  Pros and Cons of ADBC
11.0  Secondary Database Connection to SAP HANA   11.1 Accessing SAP HANA tables from ABAP   11.2  Pros and Cons of Secondary DB Connection
12.0 Creating SAP HANA Artifacts         12.1  Creating Packages   12.2  Creating Delivery Units   12.3   Creating SAP HANA Database(Column/Row tables)   12.4   Creating SAP HANA Database Views   12.5   Creating Authorization Objects   12.6   Load data into SAP HANA tables using CSV Files   12.7   Creating Sequences   12.8   Creating Synonyms   12.9   Creating SAP HANA Procedures   12.10  Creating SAP HANA Functions
17.0  Creating Attribute Views         17.1 Data Foundation and Semantics         17.2 Calculated Columns         17.3 Filters operations         17.4 Attributes and Measures         17.5 Data Analysis                 17.5.1  Raw Data                 17.5.2  Distinct Values                 17.5.3   Graphs  
18.0  Creating Analytic Views          18.1  Creating Input Parameters          18.2  Creating Restricted Columns          18.3  Creating Calculated Columns          18.4  Filter Operations
19.0  Creating Calculated Views          19.1 Graphical Based Calculated Views          19.2  Script Based Calculated Views            19.3  Currency Conversion          19.4  Unit of Measure Conversion
20.0 Stored Procedures           20.1 Creating the Stored Procedures           20.2 Debugging the stored Procedures
21.0 User Management           21.1 Creation of Users  21.2 Creation of Roles  21.3 Creation of Role Hierarchy  21.4 Assignment of users to roles  21.5 Authentications  21.6 IMCE Authorizations
22.0 Consuming SAP HANA Views in ABAP         22.1 Working with Views in SAP HANA Studio         22.2 Consuming SAP HANA Views via Native SQL         22.3 Accessing SAP HANA Views via External Views in ABAP
23.0 Calling SAP HANA Database Procedures in ABAP         23.1 Working With Database Procedures in SAP HANA  Studio         23.2 Calling SAP HANA Procedures in ABAP         23.3 Calling SAP HANA Procedures via ABAP Database                     Procedure Proxies
24.0 Transport of SAP HANA Objects           24.1 SAP HANA Transport -- ABAP CTC           24.2 SAP HANA Transport --  Delivery Unit
25.0 Managing Modeling Concepts  25.1 Schemas  25.2 Import & Export  25.3 Copying Objects
26.0  XS ODATA Services  26.1 Exposing tables and views  26.2 Defining relationship between tables
Reporting Tools
27.1 Accessing the SAP HANA Views from Lumiro Reporting Tool 27.2 Accessing the SAP HANA Views from Qlik Sense Reporting Tool   27.3 Accessing the SAP HANA Views from Excel
For more info please visit: https://www.megumitechnologies.com/
0 notes
axuart-archive · 8 years
curious-traveller-lumiro said: YU ART IS TOO EPIC @W@
Thank you Lumiro! /@u@/
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aeiou-agent-dreid · 7 years
"I'll figure out if you're hackable! Just take a sit or stay still if you want." Lumiro holds some antennae and cables with a laptop.
“Um, how about hell no? The whole point of not bein’ hacked is that I don’t wanna be hacked!”
“...And who the hell’re ya anyway?”
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