#stream result
warlock0103 · 1 year
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Drawing people as Pokemon was fun. More to come on Monday's stream!
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meamiiikiii · 2 months
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isat color palette challenge WOO!! these are always fun :D
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crowskullls · 5 months
Thinking about Minute’s insane morals and how he doesn’t have a single genuinely bad bone in his body. He gets confused when he’s betrayed, he begs for explanations when people are cruel. He would rather make amends than hold onto grudges. He forgives and forgets. He teams with the same guy (Wemmbu) that’s betrayed him countless of times, and still trusts him anyways. Even if a bit reluctant at first. Even if he knows he’ll still end up betrayed.
Like this guy has PROBLEMS. He so morally… Good. He can stoop down to other people’s level, he can play dirty, he can be intimidating. He doesn’t really let himself get walked all over. But he’d MUCH rather just hang out and have peace. He gets upset when people are negative because he’s just SO optimistic. He always has to see the Good side of things, even when it’s a horrendous situation.
Even when he has reasons to be angry and upset and spiteful, he still chooses to hold his head high and STICK to his morals. He’s Stubborn. He tries so hard to see Why people are evil and hurtful, but he can’t personally understand. He needs to be the hero. He needs to save others. Because who else is going to do it? Who else has the resources, the strength, the backbone, the reputation? He gives items out to people with no expectation for reimbursement. He’s always saving other server members, even his enemies, from tricky situations.
He tries hard to remain all mysterious and brooding. He tries to seem calm and collected. But he wears his heart on his sleeve. You can hear every emotion in his voice, in the glint in his eyes. The way his smile upturns when he finds something amusing, or how his eyebrows furrow when he’s trying to piece something together. He’s an incredibly emotional guy, and he’s not good at hiding it. He’s notoriously a bad liar. He gives himself away every time he opens his mouth. It’s WHY he’s so genuine, so easy to trust.
It’s easy to get under his skin, but he still holds his ground. Because he has to. Because the world is cruel and brutal, and everyone is out to get him. Killing is second nature on most SMPs, especially on Lifesteal. But he can defend himself. Most other people can’t. He’s paranoid, and watches events from the sidelines (even if it annoys other players.) He always has extra food and fireworks to give out. Despite covering himself in dark colors, and hiding from large groups, he’s still looking out for others. He’s still the beacon of hope people need. He’s so annoyingly optimistic and cheerful that it’s sickening to most. He refuses to let himself become bitter and pessimistic.
Anyways bro thinks he’s Batman.
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
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i’m so mad i googled “there’s an air of faggotry in the catholic church” and this is the first image to come up. what in the 2015
@whatsitcalledfromthingy DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS??
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its-a-me-mango · 1 day
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Reasons why you shouldn't talk to me while I draw: 1) I won't draw what I was meant to 2) Thaaats it
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motekill · 2 years
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rocksslide · 2 years
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Your honor, they own the world. o7
Here goes my gift to @moneyoniis for the @technoblade-gift-exchange. I hope you like it! Little fun facts about this in the tags.
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blenselche · 1 day
theres two kinds of ships imo
fan art ships where it's mostly an aesthetics thing, their designs look nice together, you want to see them cuddle. drawing/scrolling through art of them is like eating out of a pringles can that doesnt run out. usually popular and inoffensive. probably a lot of redbubble/etsy results to choose from if you want them kissing on your bumper or shirt.
fan fic ships where you think about it until you snap and have to write about the movie that's been playing in your head on loop. 50/50 on if they've tried to kill each other. usually problematic because the complex nature of their relationship is what makes it compelling. might not be popular but the people that want them to kiss are absolutely unhinged about it and can write a dissertation on the fights they'd have in an ikea.
if youre lucky you get one that does both for you
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rathologic · 8 months
I've always found Alexander Saburov interesting, especially P1 Rubin's take on him where he tells how Alexander in incognito saved people from burning house and went unrecognized for the deed (nor flaunted it). Wonderful and easy to miss characterization.
YES saburov's fucked up sense of performing duty by putting himself at risk... my favorite... have had thoughts brewing in response to this that aren't quite cooked enough yet but it's very much a gendered standard that he holds himself to IMO, of idealized masculinity as a responsibility. as an active role and as the way things must be done. making the choices that he thinks need to be made regardless of how bad they are for him. pairing beautifully with katerina's self-destructive attempts to conform to the extremely feminine-gendered role of mistress, pairing wonderfully with the two of them's catastrophic attempt to conform to the heteropatriarchal nuclear family archetype by adopting the changeling :^) and especially how this is a function of how saburov relates to his Job, a role that's been passed down in his family and Actually Is critical to the function of the Town, inescapably so as long as the system of rulers exists
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mossrockpog · 11 months
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Q!BBH's report
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laststandx3 · 5 months
and if yes how many
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wolfface2 · 2 years
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the dance
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silverserpent · 1 year
Tomorrow, me, @atak-achrativ and @freshlybakedpigeons are going to stream Star-spawned, roleplay made by @prokopetz!
EDIT: time will be at 6:30 Central European Time!
This is a GMless roleplay. The core concept is that we are playing eldritch beings who were just born, therefore we have no idea about what our stats mean.
So, we are applying the scientific method to it. We are gonna make hypotheses and test them. We are very smart eldritch beings.
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bakathief · 1 year
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👀 💦 🔥
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cats-artbag · 2 years
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