#lunafreya defense
summonernoctis · 17 days
@ignoctweek @ignoct-week 2024 Day One: Childhood/Teenage Memories
Title: harder to hide than i thought
Rating: G
In Ignis’s defense, the words “I’m dying” leapt out at him from the page laid open for anyone to look. Usually, Noctis took more care to keep Lunafreya’s notebook closed and stored in a hidden location, so the book itself being out in the open was alarming. The words on the page certainly didn’t dissuade him from investigating. Upon closer inspection, somehow the “LOL” written in beautifully-crafted cursive below those words was even more disquieting.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56508520
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daemonify · 11 months
" whence ever i see you, you only seem to grow more weary. come, rest. pryna will keep you company. " ⸻ @lunabrae
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❛ you worry about things beyond your control . ❜ his words hiss like a snake seething , born into a limbless vessel & forced to slither 'pon an earth where others walk , reigning over it , & casting unto it a demise of unsightliness , of villainy , despite all of its wishes . it accepts this fate , but only after years of rejection , false promises , & loss . for what is this ' destiny ' if not a symphony orchestrated by the gods , dipped & roused from chaos in baptism ?
irritation dwells atop the knit of silvered brows , the wrinkles at his face unbecoming of innocence . guilt rests in his soul , ever - present , like a daemon's haunt , its voice ceaseless & agonizing . lunafreya speaks to him & the light flow of her voice , the compassion lit behind her words , slices through every defense he's ever known , & he is loathe but to accept her wishes . there are few things in this world that do . the least he can do is be one of them .
silence overtakes him in an effort of defeat , as obstinance is drained from his composure . she soothes him in a way no other could . he sits aside her companion , opposite eyes cast down 'pon tiled floor , the reflection of the light through the windows cast back from them .
❛ and you ? am i to be solely accompanied by your ' pet ' ? ❜
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mysfated · 1 year
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𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎: honey
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: they/them
𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: discord
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎: @khrused. currently on my mind: ruby matthews, christine daaé, gazala bravard, makawi-sa, esme cullen
𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎/𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 (𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜, 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜?): in general, i've been rping since uh 6th grade? so however long ago that was lol but on tumblr i started with liara t'soni back in 2013? i think? my sophomore year of college .
𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍: when i was a weee baby on the internet lol i started rping in forums. i eventually moved to skype, then tumblr! now add discord in and that's pretty much it.
𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎: ya know, every time i've joined a fandom it always ended up turning kind of gross or toxic but i think the very beginning of my tumblr rp years lol there were no rules. it was the wild wild west out there and its crazy that i still have rp friends from that era like tati, @vaedar and @wcsea ! and that's so fucking wild isn't it??? lol but i rly think the best experience was meeting my best friend who doesn't rp on here anymore so i can't tag him but i love him so much. we actually met via an ex who was in the ovw fandom, and when we broke up they were like !! right there bc that guy kinda fucked us both over so ya know we bonded and wow i love him so much rly owe a lot of my growth to him. wish you could read this rn milo bby !! and i would say meeting and befriending rosemary @musecraft who i would also like to thank for a lot of my growth as a person and friend and just...idk i love you so much too!!! and i think we og met as multis right? or was it hera? i think it was the multi! wow i cant even remember now bc i feel like i've known u my whole life and even tho we never met irl i feel like !!!! i have already? idk. u mean !! the world to me and i love you to pieces. and i truly truly thank u from the bottom of my heart for just !! idk making that move to speak to me one day and letting me be your friend <3 and lastly even though we're not on great terms anymore i guess but i gotta say rly thankful for my most recent ex. i just rly appreciate that they allowed me to explore my imagination and rly encouraged me to dive into characters i never thought i would before, or to dive further into the ones i already love. like london??? existing is all bc of my ex. lunafreya too. makawi-sa as well. they may not be my favorite person anymore but they rly gave me a space to be creative and i have to acknowledge that. AND LASTLY LASTLY gosh this is like a rly long thank u speech but @honnleathrose .... wow. i know we're not as close as we used to be anymore but meeting you, our friendship, everything you've taught me about photoshop and writing and just being a good person and standing up for myself. meeting you !! and having those laughs and skype sessions with you were everything!! and i love and miss you and truly meeting / befriend you is on my top list of the best things tumblr has given me. so as much as i complain about this site now... i got my reasons to stay <3
𝚛𝚙 𝚙𝚎𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜/𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚜: i mean other than the usual don't be an asshole shit but when ppl are just ?? mean and angry?? for no reason??? there's truly no reason to be so up in arms all the time !! i rly think ppl, espec on the internet. are just... so in the defense all the time and its rly hard. as someone as anxious as i am it makes approaching ppl rly hard now. so yeah, if u give me that vibe. thats it. i'm done. also when ppl don't get that i just dslgdfjk i need time sometimes. i'm not fast !! ooc or ic. i'm tired and depressed and i want to write and talk when i want to , ya know?
𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝: 👀👀👀 all of them !! but y'all know smut has a special place in my heart. i love smut lol but also angst. pls hurt my feelings
𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜? both !! but definitely plotting. the more you plot with me, the more we create together the easier it is for me to write! to create and know how to respond. othertimes i get rly stuck on whether YOU'D THINK ITS OKAY. so truly the more we plot, the better!!!
𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜? i truly don't care !! just write with me <3
𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎?: when i'm smoking and drinking my coffee and got a good show or movie or podcast in the background uwu
𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎? in some sense there's a part of me in every muse! but i think the muses i gravitate towards the most are @khrused and rosalie hale, mainly due to their histories and pasts. hera was birthed as an exploration of my own trauma years and years ago when i was rly struggling with all the realizations in college. and rosalie.... i just... what happened to her is what happened to me (except murder ofc) and i've always HATED the way sm/eyer wrote her in the books... i just...it was a personal vendetta for me to get it right. so i own rosalie hale now. she is mine. and i will make it right. just like !! i worked through my own shit !! ya know?
tagged by: @wcsea thank u my love !!
tagging: @madewebs , @musecraft (if u haven't done so already lol), @whalefelled , @timpahura , @theysonder , @immobiliter !!
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awlwren-writes · 1 year
OC ask game: 16, 18, 28 for Daphne (if you want)
For those who don't know, Daphne is Nyx's mom's sister and Clarus's wife in our Uncle Clarus AU!
I appreciate the chance to flesh her out some more!
16. do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
She didn't before now, but now I'm gonna say she was sent with a pair of black and white coeurlaki (what I call the tiny tame coeurls seen in the Galahd concept art) that she named Nox and Luna as a kind of tease to her nephew and niece. Nox is called "Knocks" by everyone in Insomnia, though, as that's her favorite trick, and Luna is "Lookie Loo" and the like, because she's so curious. It started a brief trend in Insomnia for the cats, but most realized quickly that it takes too much energy to train them when they're kittens to not shock people or electronics. Daphne mainly gets away with it because she's used to training them and the Amicitia house is both large and old enough they can run around without hurting much.
Gladio does not remember that Luna and Nox are the coeurlakis' real name, and so never makes the connection with Lunafreya and Noctis, though Noctis does because he asked Daphne once about their names, and it makes him more determined to befriend them and give them treats.
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Putting a cut, because of course I always get long on this question...
She's generally against all three, but willing to make exceptions when it comes to protecting the people she loves.
She's come to accept that a little bit of social lying is normal in Insomnia, and is willing to pass along some white lies to help Clarus's operations or to cover for him or the kids if they have to duck out for something, but generally frank honesty is her go-to, especially one on one. She accepts that not everyone feels the same way, but she keeps track of lies she catches and slowly freezes out the habitual liars unless she has figured out a reason for the lies. (Lying about being abused, for instance, is unfortunate but understandable, and she often gives signals that she knows you're lying, but she doesn't hold them against people the same way. At least not after the first one, when she realized with Clarus's help what the cost was. Wisdom sometimes doesn't come easily. Abuse happens in Galahd as well, of course, but she knew fewer people there and generally knew them better, and that made spotting it and dealing with it different.)
Stealing is divided into two types: stealing from within the group and from enemies. Stealing from within the group is either an act of hatred/retribution against someone else or part of community sharing, where things just circulate as needed, especially within a cohort. You just go gather the tupperware that accumulated at your friend's house from the parties when you run low, that sort of thing. Sometimes you leave a riddle teasing them, and that can start decades long jokes and trying to figure out who it was. Stealing from enemies is just part of survival, and usually a demonstration of cleverness. Alternative warfare. In-cohort stealing/sharing gets applied in Insomnia as sharing information, equipment, and jewelry, etc with Aulea and Regis and Cor (if possible). Revenge/Enemy stealing gets applied to getting funding for the Crownsguard and worthy causes from other groups who also want the funding.
Killing beasts and food animals is normal, if sometimes difficult. Killing humans is something she's been able to avoid. She considers defense as generally a good excuse, if it has to happen, and she thinks she would kill for her kids or her family, but she's glad she doesn't really have to think about that much in Insomnia. It's safe, after all. She knows Clarus has killed, and that even though he'd do it again it bothers him, which sort of solidifies her opinion.
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Daphne is a defender. She defends her loved ones from teasing, from ignorance, from loneliness or feelings of inadequacy. She's always right there, beside or in front of you, when she sees you struggling. She's had to learn to blunt that or do it indirectly in Insomnia, but she's adaptable. For her marriage, this usually takes the form of fighting on the fronts Clarus can't, because he's only one person.
She's also definitely the feeding friend. Food solves a multitude of problems. She doesn't always make the food herself, but she makes sure you get what you need.
For acute offenses, she'll tell you directly what she didn't like and why. If she just doesn't like you and can afford to, she freezes you out. You get no information about her or her family. She ignores your jokes and offered points of connection. She is more willing to defend others against you, even if she doesn't know them, she assumes you probably deserve it. If she can't do this because of politics, she just sabotages whatever of yours she can get away with, sometimes quite pettily. She does try to account for the splash damage, though.
Okay! Not sure how much of that made sense, but it feels right so I'm sticking with it. Daphne is very brave and sure of herself, and even though those traits don't always work out well for her in Insomnia, she learns quickly. She does her best to support her friends and family by fighting for them where she can with what weapons she has. She is also a little bit of a math nerd and is good at accounting and following number trails and uses that to her advantage, especially to balance her tendency toward bluntness.
I think Iris tried to go the proper lady, indirect action route partially because she saw that her mother struggled when she was blunt and had more success being sneaky, and partially to reflect well on her father, who leans into protocol as a general rule, especially after her mother died. She does grow to be more like her mother as she gets older, though, for good or for ill.
Gladio followed Daphne's footsteps of blunt communication with important people in his life (ie Noctis) and just...working around people who don't seem to want to cooperate (also Noctis) but as a younger kid didn't get that bluntness needs kindness as well to temper it, and working around people is for enemies rather than allies, and by the time he learned that had damaged his relationship with Noctis somewhat. As they get older, the boys start to work it out, though. Gladio got his love of reading from his dad, but he enjoyed sitting with his mom while she poured over ledgers, muttering to herself, and reading beside her, and she learned a bit of literature analysis to help him tear the stories apart for what he liked and didn't like, because it was where she could meet him on reading.
Thanks for letting me ramble. I really do enjoy Uncle Clarus, and look forward to writing more of it with you!
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ffxvficrec · 17 days
by dustkeeper In Ignis’s defense, the words “I’m dying” leapt out at him from the page laid open for anyone to look. Usually, Noctis took more care to keep Lunafreya’s notebook closed and stored in a hidden location, so the book itself being out in the open was alarming. The words on the page certainly didn’t dissuade him from investigating. Upon closer inspection, somehow the “LOL” written in beautifully-crafted cursive below those words was even more disquieting. Words: 1745, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Ignis Scientia , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Gladiolus Amicitia , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Mentioned) Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV , Pre-Canon , Pre-Relationship , Crushes , Ignoct Week 2024
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freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia DAR3 to Defy Event Part 5
The third Dare to Defy event, DAR3 to Defy, just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This is a global original event that features 7 Shinryu (level 300) quests.
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Table of Contents
DAR3 to Defy V Shinryu Quest
If you use a char on 1 Dare to Defy quest, then you can’t use them anymore on the other fights in this event.
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You can’t bring a friend support to these fights. Each quest needs to be Perfected (meaning get the score and all the other mission requirements on the same run) in order to get all the rewards.
The bosses featured on these quests are the same as the ones that have recently shown up in the game.
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DAR3 to Defy V Shinryu Quest
Also known as DAR3 to Defy V. This fight has 1 wave with 2 enemies, the Liquid Warrior and his minion, the Longsword. The Liquid Warrior has 350 million HP while his minion has 10 million HP.
This quest is the same as the The Man Known as the Immortal Shinryu one.
The force gauge of the enemies charges pretty fast. Once the force gauge of the enemies reaches:
20% - each char’s attack will be reduced by 100%
30% - each char will be delayed by 1 turn every time they act
40% - the BRV gains of each char will be reduced by 30%
60% - the BRV damage dealt by the enemies will be increased by 100%
Once the force gauge of the enemies hits 100%, the boss will deal AoE BRV + HP damage that’s guaranteed to hit. He will also give himself multiple buffs in the form of an aura.
The enemies will then enter 10 turns of force time with the following effects: the BRV and HP damage dealt by the enemies will be increased by 100%. Also, each char will lose 80% of their max HP as poison damage each turn.
In order to cancel the force time of the enemies, a char needs to use a Force ability that deals 9999 or more melee BRV damage in 1 hit. When the force time of the enemies is canceled, the party’s HP will automatically be restored and the defense and BRV damage resistance of the boss will be reduced by 100%.
The Liquid Warrior has a recast attack. If his minion is alive by the time he gets to use his recast ability, he will kill said minion then deal AoE BRV + HP damage to the party that’s guaranteed to hit. This attack will also remove the party’s buffs and inflict them with multiple debuffs. The minion will then automatically be revived.
This fight is very annoying. Really hate the self-delay that happens when the force gauge of the enemies reaches 30%.
Was looking around for possible team comps for the DAR3 to Defy version of this Shinryu quest. Was able to clear the The Man Known as the Immortal Shinryu quest with a Final Fantasy VII (#ad) team and a Final Fantasy XV team.
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The Final Fantasy VII team consisted of Sephiroth, Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough, and Zack Fair while the Final Fantasy XV team consisted of Cor Leonis, Noctis Lucis Caelum, and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.
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Can’t use either of these teams for DAR3 to Defy V though because my Sephiroth, Aerith, Zack, Lunafreya, and Noctis are already locked on to other DAR3 to Defy quests. My Cor is still free but I’m planning to use him for DAR3 to Defy VII.
While looking around for possible team comps and ideas, saw a vid of this fight that featured Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII, Penelo from Final Fantasy XII, and Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII.
As luck would have it, my Tifa, Penelo, and Selphie are all fully built and I haven’t locked them on to any DAR3 to Defy fight yet. So I thought I might as well replicate this vid for my DAR3 to Defy V clear.
And so my team for this fight was Tifa, Penelo, and Selphie with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X, Quistis Trepe’s from Final Fantasy VIII, and Leo Cristophe’s from Final Fantasy VI.
Seymour’s Calls debuff the enemies. His LD Call will delay all the enemies by 2 turns and remove all of their buffs.
Quistis’s and Leo’s Calls debuff the enemies too. Quistis’s Calls will also delay the enemies.
Have Tifa’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled. Her Burst has been Greened. Her High Armor has been Blued.
All of her Summon Boards, Force Enhancements, and Character Enhancement Boards, including her Force Boards and Force Echoes have been completed. She has triple real Spheres and triple perfect Artifacts.
My Penelo is as fully built as my Tifa except she doesn’t have access to her Force Boards and Force Echoes yet.
My Selphie is as fully built as my Tifa except she doesn’t have her own Force and Burst weapons yet. She also only has triple RF Spheres.
Tifa is a physical DPS who deals really good damage. She’s currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Fist Ultima Weapon.
Selphie and Penelo are both supports slash healers slash buffers. Both have instant turn rate moves that can speed up the charging of the force gauge.
Penelo can remove the party’s debuffs. Selphie can inflict enemies with a debuff that always makes them launchable. This debuff will also battery the party for these launches.
My Selphie is currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique Ultima Weapon.
Anyway, just tried to follow the aforementioned video to the letter. Used my equipped Calls. Had everyone set up their buffs and such. Had Penelo and Selphie use their instant turn rate moves to quickly get my force gauge fully charged to 100%.
By the time my force gauge hit 100%, the enemies were down to 78% and 96% HP. The force gauge of the enemies was already at 60.0%.
On Penelo’s turn, had her activate her FR already.
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On Tifa’s turn, had her use one of her Force Echoes. Before that, used her BT+ finisher. On her next turn after using one of her Force Echoes, had her use the last of her FR Echoes.
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Had Penelo use one of her instant turn rate moves to increase the HP damage bonus by a lot. Also had her use her BT+ finisher.
When Selphie got a turn, just had her use her LD ability, Rapture. By now have 7 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 658%. The enemies were down to 1% and 83% HP.
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On Tifa’s next turn after using both of her Force Echoes, went into her Burst+ phase already. By then have 6 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 731%. The minion was dead while the boss was down to 80% HP.
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Soon, the HP damage bonus was at 999%. By the time I only have 1 turn of force time left, the boss was down to around 17% or so HP.
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By the time Tifa was about to cast Final Heaven, her finishing Burst+ move, the boss was at 1% HP.
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Tifa was able to deal 281729264 total HP damage during her Burst+ phase.
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Too bad Tifa’s Final Heaven failed to finish off the boss. Instead, he was still left with 1% HP.
It was now Penelo’s turn. Summoned The Brothers already. The on-entry attack of The Brothers was more than enough to finish off the boss already, ending the battle on turn 11.
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Got the score and all the other mission requirements, which also got me the Perfect.
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This team did so well and made this fight seem pretty easy. Still hate the turn delay mechanic but it wasn’t that bad with this team. Glad I was able to finish off the boss with only one force time.
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Shinryu quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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battleshot · 1 year
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𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 . [ @inscmnus  ]
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❝ Right... Yeah..." A brave nod, a step forward. There wasn't much else to be said about the inevitable of the night. Come dawn -- the dawn that would be brought forth from the King's sacrifice -- all would be said and done, and thus the world would be reborn anew. A new challenge lay ahead following this night, one last defense for the man he called his best friend, to protect him whilst he did what he was destined to do.
In those last moments alone, Prompto dared to do something he wished he could have done many years ago. In the years since their first kiss, experimenting in youth, the sharpshooter has regretted never speaking of it again. Would it have changed anything? Inevitably he would've still been signed up to marry Lunafreya, and though it never came to fruition, there would simply be heartbreak and sadness.
It always felt like Noctis was the right person, but there was never the right time.   Maybe next lifetime...
Edging that one step closer, his eyes pierced into those that looked almost tired, weary. Though confident and determined, it was high time that this matter be put to rest. And, in a fluid motion, he tilts his head, closes his eyes, and quickly leans in to kiss His Majesty before he could overthink for even another second. Because if he did, just like each and every time before, he would chicken out. This was his last chance.
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❝ Just had to do that..." A slight sniffle, disguised by a breath of laughter. "For old times sake..." a feeble excuse, considering they hadn't shared any form of intimacy in the romantic sense since long before their journey took place, but he could feel the warmth spread across his freckled cheeks and the last thing he wanted was for his last memory of Noctis to be an awkward one.
His hand was raised and placed upon Noctis' shoulder, a pat, a sort of squeeze. ❝ Good luck.... Not that you'll need it." A pause. Silence. ❝ C'mere--" Throwing his arms around him, pulled into an embrace, burying his chin into the King's shoulder, holding him tight as he closed his eyes. ❝ Go kick his ass -- for all of us."
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luxbeati · 1 year
Relationship with Death - Noctis Headcanon
TL;DR - Noctis has dealt with a lot of death far before the beginning of the game, even killed to save his own life. If he had a choice in the end, he would never kill another living thing again, but Etro knows that something like that will never come to pass for him.
Noctis can still see the souls of the dead much like in the proof of concepts. He ignores it later in life, except for in moments like the fall of Insomnia, when he could see the sheer number of them coming from the city.
Noctis has been around death far more than most people his age should have been. Nevermind the Marilith attack that paralyzed him and killed off most of those that were with him, his first experience with death was his mother dying. And even after that, the excited child that Noctis was as a kid, he tended to play with the guards on duty because he wasn’t able to leave the Citadel and needed friends. His questions of where they went when they weren’t around for a while would normally be met with, ‘They moved because their parents needed to be taken care of. They’ll be serving somewhere else now.’ Being a kid it never registered that so many people could all need to go take care of their moms and dads.
Then the Marilith attack when he was eight, having already learned about death because of the souls he could see in the air, he understood where all those soldiers had gone. They’d died keeping him and his father safe, much like the Crownsguard were trying to do until Noctis was somewhere safe. Except that the daemon had managed to sever his spinal cord, and he was entirely incapable of doing little more than laying there and watching them fall before the beast.
Not long after, much quieter and wary of literally anyone who tried to touch him without permission, did he realize he wasn’t a kid with a cool dad that could defend him from monsters. He was an obstacle to some and a means to an end for others. The attack on them in Tenebrae made that abundantly clear, when Ravus and Lunafreya’s mother bought them time to escape and when the MT troopers paid no mind to Lunafreya and ran past her to get to him and his father.
People wanted him dead, because no heir meant the end of the Lucian line. And with no heir, Regis would be forced to end the war one way or another.
It would not be the last time he dealt closely with death, being fifteen and getting his own place for his foray into highschool, it wasn’t long after he’d moved in and insisted on being allowed to do things on his own without Ignis’ help, that he’d meet it again. Already having gotten access to the armiger, Noctis is forced to defend himself from intruders before security in his complex is able to be tested.
He kills people in self defense, and in the aftermath, does not wield a weapon for practice in either magic or physical combat for weeks afterwards. Following the event, security is tested monthly to ensure he doesn’t need to defend himself again. And he wouldn’t, with Gladio nearly always at his side if he’s out in the city and not at school, not until he and his entourage leave for Altissia and his marriage. Even then, they are creatures, not humans, and for an animal lover its not something that goes over well with him at first.
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vantasei · 2 years
[ Lufenia 202 / Shinryu 41 / Spiritus 2 ]
Cid Raines Shinryu
S Rank/Series Clear
Cid Raines FR/BT/BT+/UW 0/HA+ (3/3) + Lunafreya LD Call
Minwu BT+/UW 5/HA+ (3/3) + Seymour LD Call
Hope HA + Keiss LD Call
Pandemonium 45 Summon
46 Turns
THIS. SUCKED. I really spent over like. 8 hours minimum trying to make this team work. NOT HAVING FIST UW5 MAKES THIS BRUTAL. i really had to count turns out loud post 60% because raines fr 1 knocked it down to 56%. and then more slogging to about 53% before i could set up for ld and THEN i had to make sure raines went first so the boss wouldnt activate its defense. it sucked. but its done. now i have to figure out how to do the weapon/crystal clears... those will probably be a reblog addition. dont ask me for help, i dont know how i managed this.
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aeniqmata · 2 years
TL;DR - Noctis has dealt with a lot of death far before the beginning of the game, even killed to save his own life. If he had a choice in the end, he would never kill another living thing again, but Etro knows that something like that will never come to pass for him.
Noctis can still see the souls of the dead much like in the proof of concepts. He ignores it later in life, except for in moments like the fall of Insomnia, when he could see the sheer number of them coming from the city.
Noctis has been around death far more than most people his age should have been. Nevermind the Marilith attack that paralyzed him and killed off most of those that were with him, his first experience with death was his mother dying. And even after that, the excited child that Noctis was as a kid, he tended to play with the guards on duty because he wasn’t able to leave the Citadel and needed friends. His questions of where they went when they weren’t around for a while would normally be met with, ‘They moved because their parents needed to be taken care of. They’ll be serving somewhere else now.’ Being a kid it never registered that so many people could all need to go take care of their moms and dads.
Then the Marilith attack when he was eight, having already learned about death because of the souls he could see in the air, he understood where all those soldiers had gone. They’d died keeping him and his father safe, much like the Crownsguard were trying to do until Noctis was somewhere safe. Except that the daemon had managed to sever his spinal cord, and he was entirely incapable of doing little more than laying there and watching them fall before the beast.
Not long after, much quieter and wary of literally anyone who tried to touch him without permission, did he realize he wasn’t a kid with a cool dad that could defend him from monsters. He was an obstacle to some and a means to an end for others. The attack on them in Tenebrae made that abundantly clear, when Ravus and Lunafreya’s mother bought them time to escape and when the MT troopers paid no mind to Lunafreya and ran past her to get to him and his father.
People wanted him dead, because no heir meant the end of the Lucian line. And with no heir, Regis would be forced to end the war one way or another.
It would not be the last time he dealt closely with death, being fifteen and getting his own place for his foray into highschool, it wasn’t long after he’d moved in and insisted on being allowed to do things on his own without Ignis’ help, that he’d meet it again. Already having gotten access to the armiger, Noctis is forced to defend himself from intruders before security in his complex is able to be tested.
He kills people in self defense, and in the aftermath, does not wield a weapon for practice in either magic or physical combat for weeks afterwards. Following the event, security is tested monthly to ensure he doesn’t need to defend himself again. And he wouldn’t, with Gladio nearly always at his side if he’s out in the city and not at school, not until he and his entourage leave for Altissia and his marriage. Even then, they are creatures, not humans, and for an animal lover its not something that goes over well with him at first.
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tsunderedreamer · 7 years
Lunafreya has more to her than just “Noctis-sama”...
I’m going to make this as quick as possible (yeah right) but my anger is steadily growing and I need release. Okay... so, Luna is “Noctis obsessed” and her life revolves around him, she’s weak, she’s a cry baby, Ravus has to put up with her bullshit etcetera. This isn’t even about Noctluna as much as it involves bashing a female character who sadly was robbed of her screentime. 
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Well, here’s the thing folks:
One, Luna DOES have other things to preoccupy herself with other than Noctis. It just so happens that her love for him and dependency revolve around loneliness and a genuine desire to help him. She’s not doing this for fun, she’s not some prophecy hungry sociopath who wants him to march to his death---it is their destiny to bring back the light and she feels torn by her feelings as well as her sworn duty. Think about it, she puts duty above her own heart to make sure the world is safe and fights the perils of the dark. How about that speech, huh? Luna has a bond with her people, she loves them and wishes for them to be happy and safe. The woman goes out of her way to heal people and even on a damned radio broadcast states that (sorry this not verbatim) “if there are any who need aid, send word and I shall go to them.”
Let’s go back to the speech quickly. If she was so “Noctis centric”, why the hell didn’t she leap off the podium when she spotted him. What did this lady do? She gave him a gentle nod--a freaking nod to acknowledge him. I’m weak and I’ll admit that so if I finally saw someone I loved dearly after twelve whole years, I’d bounce on them and cry in front of EVERYONE. But what does she do? An elegant and calm nod... Damn, give this girl credit for being a paragon of tranquility. 
Two: “She’s always crying about Noctis, where’s her personality?” 
Well damn. Sorry that the woman is trying to cry privately. Luna even states (not verbatim) “Forgive me, I try to avoid prying eyes to see the tears in mine.” In her own private flower field, she shed tears to grieve. Luna has a lot to cry about honestly. She has done nothing but give to the world, her prayers, love and healing but all she has is one, freaking wish. To be with Noctis, to be by his side... To (in one translation) “Hold his hand...” And she can’t even get THAT? Don’t you even think that she’s mourning his own future to herself? And please don’t start the stupid argument that “Luna is toxic because she doesn’t tell Noctis the truth.” 
She doesn’t. Why? Well, hmm. One thing to mention is: it’s wasn’t just her job to do that. Regis is very much involved in not telling Noctis about his fate. Truthfully, what could you say? “You’re going to die early and bring back the light. Be the lamb to the slaughter.” 
Uh, no. I couldn’t even do that. It’s one thing to withhold medical info and another to blatantly tell of someone’s destined death. Wouldn’t you become paranoid? Wouldn’t you probably go mad? Noctis wouldn’t have been able to live a somewhat peaceful life if he knew that. And that probably kills Luna inside. Unfortunately, we can’t see it with her limited screentime. It’s also implied in the short episode of Brotherhood that Luna wanted to tell Noctis “so many important things...” Not just her feelings. 
Three, “Ravus having to deal with her bullshit.” This is my personal favorite. Where the hell was he when she was suffering? Not to mention his characterization is all over the damn place. He loves Luna but treated her like absolute shit in Kingsglaive. He became the empire’s “lapdog” and more than likely didn’t do anything to help Luna from her abuse (if we’re going to take what happened in the Dawn trailer to canon, a glimpse of it was used in the recent update so...). Just saying... 
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret is a strong woman who just wanted to be with the man she cares about dearly. That was her only desire in life because there was nothing else: they’re doomed and she knows it. But she still fights back and remains tough despite it all. Oh, and I’m gonna get a lot of flak for this but I’ll say it anyways.
If I hear that Stella is “better than Luna” one more time, I’m going to pull my hair out. How do you even freaking know that? Oh, because she has two seconds in a trailer of fighting Noctis (we don’t even see the damn fight), the script for Versus changed so damn much, what if that wasn’t even in there anymore? I’ll admit, the idea of Stella is nice but it’s JUST a concept. 
Stella Nox Fleuret is gone. I understand, Luna doesn’t have enough screentime, she deserves that. But techinically she has more than Stella ever will. And you wanna call Luna obsessed? What about the way Stella bounced around Noctis within a few seconds of the damn trailer, bugging him about the freaking light that he was clearly uncomfortable about(More so about the light than her really, but still).
If anyone read this, thank you for hearing me out. I hope I put my feelings into words properly. And I’m not interested in arguments so please, if you don’t like, don’t read. Why would you if you know this topic is in defense? 
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trichter · 5 years
me: no you can't write a lunaris fic yet you're only on chapter 3 of the game and haven't even watched the movie and anime yet
also me:
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teryster · 7 years
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“That was very unnecessary.” Not pictured: Luna slappin’ his galahdian soul out “Wounds & Blood” for @ffxvrarepairsweek
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milktoast-mcgee · 3 years
the boys and their royal arms
I’ve rambled about this a little bit before on twitter, but I decided to finally sit down and get these thoughts out about noct, his boys, and the royal arms they use!
tldr, the royal arms prompto, gladio, and ignis use during the armiger chain (in addition to the talismans they can get and the boons the kings’ sigils represent in comrades) illustrate key aspects of their characters. 
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Throughout Final Fantasy XV, Noctis and his retinue search for the Royal Arms, the weapons of the Kings of Yore. They're representative of Noct's birthright and his destiny as the True King. He and his companions, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis, search for the weapons all over the world. As he adds them to his Armiger, not only does Noctis use the Royal Arms, but the boys wield them as well -- notably, in the Armiger Chain combination attack. Accumulating more of the glaives makes the chain last longer, and all four boys use every weapon in the collection together.
Beyond the battle mechanic, the Royal Arms each of them use carry a strong thematic element. Each glaive illustrates something about each young man -- their characters, their strengths, their weaknesses, their character arcs. This idea extends beyond just the Arms to the Kings themselves, present in their sigils in the Comrades expansion as well as the unique equippable talismans each boy receives.* These themes perfectly illustrate just how connected Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis are to Noctis -- they are fundamentally linked, inexorably bound together.
* (These are only present in the Royal Pack/Royal Edition. They are found in Insomnia in Chapter 14, either after completing all the Kingsglaive quests for Cor. I think. I don't remember... shhsdugif)
"My whole life, all I ever wanted was friends... but no one ever wanted me back. So when I finally found people who did want me, I did everything I could to make them stay. And ever since then, I've lived my life in fear -- that one day, they'd find out who I really was, and they wouldn't want me anymore."
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Prompto struggles greatly with self-doubt and rejection. He knows he's an outsider and feels that outsiderness to his core, even as a child. But in the face of that, he strives to play the mood maker -- he tries to hold the party together, keep the air light, and make people happy. He attempts to remain outgoing and cheerful, even when he's not, or nobody else is. Noctis and the others love him dearly, regardless of his origins, because he is who he is -- sweet, caring, talented, heartful, thoughtful Prompto. While he at once represents rejection and outsiderness, he also stands for unity and togetherness, and these elements are present in his connection to the Kings.
Prompto receives the talisman of the Clever. The talismans accentuate the boy's unique abilities, and Prompto's grants him increased critical hit rate and unlimited ammo for the SMG. Prompto's gunplay is incredible -- acrobatic, precise, and powerful. It's a far cry from how Prompto tends to feel about himself; he is skilled and capable, even if he doesn't believe he is. The Clever is the perfect mantle for him to carry to represent this.
Though Prompto doesn't use the Bow of the Clever in battle, the Clever fits him very well. The Clever is said to have been a king "versed in myriad arts both martial and intellectual." The Clever's weapon easily fits Prompto, but during the Armiger Chain, it's Noctis who uses it -- while Prompto wields the Sword of the Wise, which carries its own significance. 
Noct uses the Bow of the Clever, it fits Prompto as a weapon: it's the only glaive that's projectile, aside from the Star of the Rogue, which Prompto also uses. It fires spectral arrows to skewer foes all across the battlefield. In addition, in the Comrades expansion, the Clever's sigil allows the bearer to summon spectral arms at will. It replaces the use of spells to summon eight special armaments to wield at once. It's a form of battle very appropriate to Prompto, isn't it? 
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The Clever is said to have been talented in many varied ways. The same could definitely be said of Prompto, whether he believes it or not. While a commoner, he keeps up with his royal companions in battle. When he knocks enemies off guard, he can deliver devastating blows to rival even magic. He can take photos in battle effortlessly -- something his companions love, except when Noct is being gnawed on by a daemon. But while Prompto sees himself as incapable, a burden to his team, he's well able to keep up with them, and strives to hold the group together. The mantle of the Clever fits him so well in this aspect.
But while Noct uses the Bow during the Chain, Prompto uses the Sword of the Wise. The Wise is the King who first erected the Wall and established the borders of the kingdom of Lucis. He was a notably mighty figure and protected the realm. His blade represents the foundation of the Kingdom, and Noct's birthright -- and while Noct uses the weapon that most fits Prompto, Prompto in turn uses the Sword of the Wise, a clear symbol of Noct's royal blood. He is more than capable and deserving to wield it, even briefly, despite how Prompto feels about himself.
Prompto also uses the Star of the Rogue. The Rogue was a figure reviled by the people. She "spurned the public eye and took to the shadows." It's a huge shuriken, and Prompto actually briefly wields it against the daemonified Rogue in the Citadel battle. The Rogue is a figure of royal power but rejection -- intensely shunned by the people, choosing to rule away from their eyes. She wears a mask in her armor; it doesn't appear to be a helmet or battle regalia, but rather a means of hiding her face, obscuring herself further. 
The queen is a figure of stealth and prowess, but will never quite belong to the public, to her people. Only when she is gone is she remembered fondly by history. Prompto definitely feels he doesn't belong, and likely that he never will. He's a lonely child from a lonely home. He knows he's from the enemy nation, branded by them. For years, he doesn't believe he deserves to be Noctis's friend, and pushes himself to be good enough to finally approach him. Even when he's assimilated into Noct's retinue, he feels he doesn't compare to the likes of them, and fears the day they all reject him... even though the idea is completely unthinkable to them.
This idea extends nicely to the third Royal Arm Prompto uses, the Scepter of the Pious. The Pious is described as a king who "ruled the realm according to divine law and worked hand in hand with the Oracle." It's a weapon that strikes with a blade of light. It enhances magic and is particularly strong against dark elements. The Scepter is a weapon to represent unity, togetherness. The King worked with the Oracle -- a nice parallel to Prompto's correspondence with Lunafreya, and how she gave him the courage to befriend Noctis -- to unite Lucis. It's a weapon that represents strength in teamwork, in united people, breaking down the walls that divide them to live as one.
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Prompto's use of the Royal Arms illustrate his biggest fears and greatest strengths. He's an outsider, terrified of rejection. But he's a dedicated and loyal friend, devoted to helping them and keeping them happy. Despite the differences that could potentially drive them apart, Prompto is a vital part of Noct's retinue. Despite his wavering confidence, he is talented and incredibly skilled. He's unique and irreplaceable, and his closest friends know that. One day, Prompto will, too, and he and Noct can knock down the barriers between their people once and for all.
"I owe Noct everything, for standing by me always. And now... it’s my turn to stand by him.”
"I swore a vow to do whatever it takes to protect you and the future of our world."
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So, let's get this out of the way: Gladio suffers from a tragic lack of character development. While this can be another sad side effect of XV's troubled development **, we can attempt to spin it into something subtle and quiet, illustrating Gladio's softer side. His connection to the Royal Arms shows that not only does he want to be strong, he wants to protect those he cares about above all else. Gladio is ultimately very caring and deeply, truly loyal, even though he's as hard and heavy as blade steel sometimes.
** (Rumor has it, Clarus, Gladio's father, was going to betray the Crown, and Gladio would face deep inner conflict over it, having to choose between his father's ideals and Noctis's journey. Apparently the role was given instead to Drautos/Glauca in Kingsglaive, who has a much more prominent presence in the movie than Clarus. None of this is confirmed, though, and isn't present in any released canon materials... so who knows. It's worth mentioning because it speaks to maybe their taking out Gladio's planned character arc and forgetting to put anything back in its place...here’s the reddit post that compiles the theories pretty well, if you’re curious.)  
Gladio receives the Tall's talisman. When it's equipped, it accelerates the rate at which Gladio's valor gauge increases. His valor, in battle, best increases from uninterrupted combos and counterattacks, both appropriate given his nature as Shield, well-trained for battle but focused on defense. It's a simple boon that's incredibly valuable in battle, and battle is an inescapable aspect of Gladio's life. Along with the talisman, Gladio wields the Sword of the Tall. It's a broadsword, Gladio's preferred type of weapon. The Tall is said to have been "built like a mountain, towering over all others." It's a peculiar kind of sword with a chainsaw-like blade, which rips and tears mercilessly through enemies. For its incredible strength and vitality boost, it lowers elemental and magic defenses. This is matched by the Tall's sigil in the Comrades expansion, which greatly increases attack power at the cost of casting spells. The Tall's is a mantle of muscle, not mettle, but it's not the only King's presence Gladio carries.
Gladio also wields the Shield of the Just. His secondary preferred weapon is a shield, obviously focused on defense and counters. The Just is a queen of yore -- she and the Rogue are the only queens of Lucis present ingame. She is not given a name, but her armor has a massive silhouette, her presence immense. The Shield of the Just, as expected, offers Noctis huge defense. It greatly decreases attack to grant significant defenses, both physical and elemental. Its description describes the Just as a queen devoted to peace who was loved by all. Though her phantom visage is imposing, the Just is a strong, steadfast figure of peace, not violence. It's a strong contrast to the Sword of the Tall; if the Tall's is his blade, the Just's is his shield.
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The Axe of the Conqueror is the third Royal Arm Gladio uses. While the Tall and the Just represent Gladio's strength and will to protect, the Conqueror represents willpower and moving forward. The Axe describes the Conqueror as a king who "performed great feats of arms, expanded his realm, and made his people prosper." This is all too appropriate for Gladio's role in Noctis's retinue, not just as his protector but his guide. When Noct can't move forward, Gladio pushes him. When he can't think, Gladio thinks for him. When things get difficult, Gladio helps Noctis grow and move on, whether he wants to or not. Gladio is a big brother, after all, and he wants only the best for those he cares about and wants them to succeed, just as the Conqueror did.
Gladio's use of the Royal Arms illustrates his boundless strength both in offense and defense. He carries a broadsword and shield and the needs of his companions. Gladio pushes forward. He is fiercely loyal and cares deeply for those around him, and pushes forward without hesitation, bringing those he must protect with him. Gladio wants to be strong, not only for the sake of power, but for the power to protect the ones he cares about. He cherishes the things he holds dear, and will protect them with all his being.
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"You're right, I am afraid. ... Maybe I'm not really cut out for the job I'm expected to do. ... I may be all muscle and no mettle, but I'm gonna keep protecting Noct the only way I know how."
"This world means nothing to me. Do with it as you wish. ... But I refuse to let Noct sacrifice his life to save ours. I won't let you take him away."
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Ignis has served the Crown for nearly all his life. He's been Noct's companion the whole while -- his friend and brother, as designated by King Regis himself. Since he was a child, he's carried royal responsibility. He's composed, precise, and calculating, well-versed in all kinds of matters, political and not. He's a strategist, a royal advisor, and he keeps at Noct's side without hesitation. While he maintains a very cool, thoughtful demeanor, confronting problems with plans and logic, he has a relentless, reckless side. He is willing to resort to violence should the plan call for it, especially if the safety of Noctis and his companions is at stake. Ignis has a very smooth, calm surface with a deep, deep underlying intensity that rarely shows.
Ignis receives the Wanderer's talisman in the fallen Insomnia. When it's equipped, it boosts Ignis's Total Clarity gauge, heightening his senses and deepening his focus. In battle, Ignis uses strategic elemancy -- imbuing his daggers with fire, ice, and lightning -- and counterattacks. He doesn't utilize raw strength; instead, his battle prowess uses his strategic mind. Reaching Total Clarity allows him to unleash a particularly decisive blow. He is a fast, strategic, relentless attacker, perfectly carrying the mantle of the Wanderer. In addition, the Wanderer's sigil in Comrades carries an entirely supportive effect -- it casts Cheer on the party, heightening their abilities. It fits Ignis's penchant for strategy, supporting his comrades and planning instead of rushing into battle and relying on raw strength.
The Wanderer is said to have been "quick like the wind and went where no man had gone before." His swords "rain fury -- together they deliver thundering blows." The Swords of the Wanderer have three distinct forms, interlinked and not, to adjust to the needs of battle. The Wanderer was clearly a versatile, flexible fighter. He roamed the unknown and pressed on into strange territory without fear. "Wandering" implies a lack of a destination, focusing not on the end of the journey but shoving onward regardless.
It's too fitting that Regis tells a young Ignis something he will never forget: "One cannot lead by standing still. A King pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back."
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When Ignis is blinded by his sacrifice and Noct disappears into the Crystal, the Wanderer mantle fits him even more. The light has disappeared from his world, both literally and metaphorically. He can no longer see -- greatly debilitating his extensive prowess -- and his life's purpose, being at Noctis's side, is left to the lurch. He investigates the royal tombs and the ruins of old civilizations to the best of his ability. He pushes on alone, not to prove anything to his friends but to himself. He refuses to burden anyone, even though the boys would never think that of him. He's left without a destination, without purpose, but pushes onward, always. He finds the ability to fight again, delves deep into the history of Eos, and holds onto the hope that one day Noctis will return. And, soon enough, he does, only for the prophecy to snatch him away once and for all.
Ignis also wields the Katana of the Warrior, which couldn't be more fitting for him, especially given his relationship with Noct. The glaive is even found in Fondina Castino in Cartanica, the boys' first stop after the catastrophe in Altissia. Ignis is blind, hating himself for every stumble, hating how Gladio and Noct fight while Prompto tries to stop them. After the retinue finds the Katana, Ignis finds his resolve and tells his companions he will continue, and if he can't keep up, he will not hinder them. He will gladly fall behind if it means they can push on together. "I would remain with you all," he says, "to the very end."
The Warrior's glaive bears a tragic description: "A king was changed forever when his beloved queen was taken from him prematurely. This was his katana." The weapon strikes swiftly, calculatedly, cutting down foes “in a single heartbeat." It carries magical defense but is especially weak to dark elements. The Warrior's mantle couples well with Ignis's losses throughout the story -- he loses his home, his sight, the light of the world, and his most beloved companion. Even then, he pushes on. He carries his sorrows and pushes onward, regardless, knowing full well the pain of losing everything that matters, and what else there is to lose.
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The third Royal Arm Ignis wields is the Mace of the Fierce. The Fierce was said to be "gentle before his people but an ogre on the battlefield," dealing massive, crippling blows with his glaive. This weapon in particular illustrates the side of Ignis he keeps carefully hidden. For all his composure, his careful planning and strategic mind, he can be reckless, ruthless, and violent. When planning to infiltrate an Empire base, for instance, he's not above torturing someone to get information he needs. When he needs to get something done, he will get it done. When it comes to Noct's safety, he will do whatever it takes. He will gladly throw away his own safety, his sight, and his life to save him. This duality is nicely represented by the Fierce's glaive -- nice and composed, but cold and relentless when the situation calls for it.
Beneath his calm, placid surface, Ignis is a blazing fire. He's intensely driven, fiercely loyal, and wholly devoted to Noctis as he has been his whole life. He will throw everything away without question, even himself, if it means saving the ones he cares about. He is thoughtful and strong, careful and precise, but has a tendency to be ruthless, reckless, and destructive -- forgoing his own wellbeing to reach his ends. In the wake of tragedy, he pushes on, holding onto unwavering hope, unyielding devotion, unable to ever let go.
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"Even if it costs my own life to save him... I will pay that price!"
All for the True King
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The remaining four Royal Arms are used by Noct in the Armiger Chain. They, too, carry significance in his wielding them -- especially in the combination attack, symbolizing the unity of him and those he cares about. Noctis wields the Blade of the Mystic, the Bow of the Clever, the Trident of the Oracle, and the Sword of the Father during the Armiger Chain. The Blade of the Mystic stands for the Founder King. The Bow of the Clever is a weapon especially fit for Prompto, who then wields the Sword of the Wise, one of the fundamental figures of Lucian history. The Trident of the Oracle belongs to Luna, and the Sword of the Father belongs to none other than King Regis.
Noct's use of the Royal arms in the chain complements those his boys use, further symbolizing the unity and togetherness between them and the people -- and the whole world -- they care about. The Kings' stories are present in the Prince's friends, showing just how deeply connected they are to Noctis. There's no doubt Noct loves his boys dearly, and their thematic connections to the Kings and their weapons only illustrate how much they care about each other. They travel together, ride together, and rule together with the blessings of Kings past. Even in the wake of trial and tragedy, they remain inseparable, inexorably bound together, standing tall in the face of the dawn.
screenshots from ardynizunya on twitter and the final fantasy fan wiki -- please let me know if you need credit for any of these! ;o;/
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ffxvficrec · 2 months
by Anonymous In Prompto’s defense, it’s hard to be sure you’ve found your soulmate when your soulmark is the color of your eyes. Words: 6865, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Aranea Highwind , Cor Leonis Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates , Dad!Cor
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skyerie · 3 years
WIP List of Shame
So I have been challenged by @fiadhaisteach and @oxygenforthewicked to write out every single fic title in my documents list... Which, I’m not going to do for one reason:
I have way too many freaking fics that are just... sitting there. And yeah, this would totally be an ideal time to actually get back into them all, but... I actually want to sleep tonight.
So, what I’m going to do is choose like ten or eleven of them, I’ll put where they’re posted if I have posted them. Not all of them are Dragon Age - I actually only got into DA a couple years ago!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I promise I will do my best for this...
1. Lance and Naruto 2: a sequel to In a Blank, White Space (which I have actually just remembered hasn’t been posted on ao3, but will do that before I go to bed tonight...) A Naruto/Voltron Xover.
2. Something of the Wolf (WIP, FF.Net): Doctor Who/Percy Jackson Xover (blink and you’ll miss it kind...ish? way...)
3. Naruto would live: Naruto fic. I got like two pages into this thing? I think it was a Naruto and Good!Akatsuki fic but I’ve got no clue... Probably never going to finish this one. Maybe.
4.Recalling: Naruto/LOTR... Maybe a Hobbit xover. I didn’t really get that far into it. Probably not going to finish???? hmmm...
5. Minaeve stared at her father through the glamour: A DAI/Marvel xover. It’s not actually... not canon for my first Inquisitor, Adhlea, but it really hasn’t been elaborated on. Not yet, anyway.
6. Cloud had to admit: a time-travel FFVII story. -actually going to look into this one more...
7. Mo Xuanyu: A time-travel story with The Untamed.
8.Shruiken had never been set free: an Inheritance Cycle/DAI xover with my Inquisitor Adhlea as Shruiken’s actual Rider. It... In my defense, I feel REALLY bad for that poor dragon.
9.John Sheppard had seen quite a lot of crazy shit in his life: Stargate:Atlantis fic featuring Atlantis as a sentient, independent city with John having Hive mind powers and Atlantis becomes a hive mind? Idfk. It’s still a wip. That’s why it’s on the list.
10: queenlavellan: current doc name for ‘The Future Is Not Yet Set In Stone’, posted on AO3, and before you who read it get in a tizzy I am sometimes thematic, I’m not even close to being done with it. Besides, I named the sequel to ‘Never Again’ -
11.leilanigirl2: the sequel to ‘Never Again’. Not yet posted on AO3. :D
12.nextnoct2: sequel to ‘No Need (To Say Goodbye)’, the sequel being ‘It’s On Us (It’s Not Your Fault)’. FFXV fanfic dealing with many, many OCs and Nyx Ulric in need of rescuing lol. I don’t know...
13. Chocobo Retainer: A challenge from... @elements1999. In which Prompto’s spot as Noctis’ retainer is taken by a chocobo. 
14. Being a healer: FFXV fic in which Ardyn kidnaps Prince Noctis, Lunafreya, Prompto, and Ravus and takes them to live in Galahd and is their weird-as-fuck uncle. It’s... I know. Okay? It’s less weird than it sounds, personally. Also characters from ffvii show up.
And lastly...
15. witcherandleilei: Like it sounds. A Witcher xover with my Inquisitor Leilani because I can’t really see my Inquisitor Adhlea within that world where she’s not... kind of tragic. 
So there’s my current wips that I suppose I’m most invested in. Little bit more than eleven, but... you wanna know more about ‘em? Ask~ I’d love to answer questions about them!
Now I do have to say that, er, this wasn’t a ‘graveyard’ list. Again. If I did that I would probably lose a lot of sleep. I enjoy sleep even if I don’t enjoy the acts of getting ready for said activity...
tagging @thejabberwokk, @lolieg and whoever else wants to do it! no pressure tho!
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