#lunar exalted
irregularcircle · 8 months
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Reclamation, Page 12
Okay, so maybe the No Moon's anima isn't the BEST light source, but it's certainly good enough to reveal those long-lost First Age books no one has seen in centuries...
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maxahlia · 10 months
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New character for Exalted. I'm still figuring her out.
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theuncrucified · 7 months
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The raven Lunar, Fia for Morpheous XO, for the latest Exalted Character of the Week challenge over at the Forge of Wonders. It seemed fitting that she'd be eternally unimpressed. Painted in Procreate.
1 Min Timelapse:
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benk625-blog · 2 months
Street Sharks are beast folk.
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toxinfox · 2 years
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Exaltober Day 15: Path to Sorcery
Anjali Skalishaya, No Moon Lunar, is a *huge* nerd who loves books, research, history, languages, and lore. If you ever can’t find her, she’s either hunting, or she’s passed out face-down in a thick tome after reading for 18 hours straight. 
(Hint for viewers: Any time I draw a shelf full of books and bother to put titles on them, the titles are worth reading.)
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skrig-is-nice · 2 years
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Cigmarra, Lunar Full Moon philosopher who is absolutely going to seduce your mum
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tacticiankate · 7 months
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finally finished this - my changing moon lunar, Lustrous Emerald Demise :)
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seafoamreadings · 3 days
moon into taurus
hopefully i am not the only one who looks forward to the exaltation of the moon every month. more than just letting this lovely lunation *happen* to you, you can *use* it as a very restful, very luxurious, very pleasurable few days to recharge or just do your best to forgive piddly little tedious tasks. what matters can be done very well in this period, and what does not matter should be abandoned or pushed to a more trifling moon.
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siderealscribblings · 4 months
I realize now that most of the ships I've written for over the past decade or so have been incredibly Solar/Lunar coded
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propalitetz · 10 months
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i did this commission of beautiful babygirl rev for a dear friend of mine :> (she is her lunar exalt from an upcoming exhalted ttrpg campaign) i had a LOT of fun doing all her jewelry and her beautiful hair! (i think i like the moon design on her skirt the most bc its the first thing i came up with). i also see tumblr eats details lmfao so fullview for cool shit like embossing on the gladiator shoes and little moon pins on them, also the little fox heads on her bracer, etc
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probably-unreliable · 8 months
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Drawing a Lunar new year pic for my Exalted PCs, and a bunch of other people’s PCs too OxO
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irregularcircle · 1 year
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I draw Anjali as cute or snuggly or nerdy a lot, but now and then I need to stop and remember that she's an Exalted sorceress, and still really really powerful and dangerous.
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sondersonne · 20 hours
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To Dynastic tourists in the City of the Steel Lotus, a pretty face makes for a most efficacious lure. The native Tengese speak of the Pale Mistress; so too do the Dragons. In the wake of her gentle ruin, they must assume they speak of the same woman.
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theuncrucified · 1 year
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This year was my first year doing Art Fight, so of course I had to Attack some of my Exalted peeps! Here's a selection of just the Exalted characters I drew. You can watch timelapses of each one over on my YouTube channel.
Featuring the following characters:
@shiftingpath's Glittering Blade meeting my Eclipse gal, Kalara.
Kessinder's friendly Abyssal, Cultivar of Bloodied Sunsets.
@dailydungeondelves' Pretty Boy, a moon-blessed parrot Lunar.
ArtoftheNerd's vengeful Abyssal, Cyn.
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benk625-blog · 2 months
Tomorrow I will run my 2nd game of the 2nd season of my Exalted Essence/Lunars campaign. Below is a monologue I wrote for an NPC.
Tea with the Green Lady, Chosen of Jupiter, Head of the Convention on the Dead
Your host is garbed in dark green mourning attire, the shoulders have been rent open as if torn by grief. A black veil obscures the finer details of her visible face. Her skin is pale, raven colored hair is done up in a bun that is held in place by emerald studded, ivory chopsticks. Her wine red lips are pressed together so as to not betray any emotion. The Green Lady bids you to sit with a gesture and pours the tea herself. There is no one else in the room to attend the ceremony despite her high status. 
You drink in silence. The tea is a blend that is both familiar and mysterious. The smell and taste makes you ponder things that are best unspoken, memories that you have not shared with another soul come to mind. The Chosen of Jupiter consults the leaves at the bottom of her mug, frowning slightly.
She speaks:
In ancient times, before the gods, before Creation itself all was Chaos and Void. All or nothing. Riotous potentialities screaming defiance at nothingness itself. Out of the Chaos came the titans, primordial beings that gave shape to the chaos surrounding them. Time, Space, Matter and Energy were their playthings. 
One of these Ancients was Gaia. She was composed of the 5 terrestrial elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Wood. The others of her kind combined their genius with hers and formed Creation as we know it. To aid Gaia in running and maintaining Creation the Ancients made the gods. The gods were given dominion over the world and they dwelt on the Blessed Isle. Limits were placed on those spirits. A great geas prevented them from raising arms against their masters.
In time the gods began to resent the Ancients. Cruel and capricious, they destroyed vast swaths of Creation in fits of pique. Incarna, the most powerful of the gods, began to plot a revolution. In secret they were aided by Gaia and The Maker. Taking some of their Essence, the Maker forged the Exalted Shards. These shards fused with the souls of heroic mortals Exalting them above all others.
The Exalted made war against the Ancient Enemies of the Gods and cast them out of the heavenly city of Yu-Shan. Those that surrendered became the demonic Yozi and they were imprisoned in the body of their god-king Malfeas. Those that fell dead in battle became something else entirely.
Before the Divine Revolution the souls of dead mortals would travel to River Lethe to have their memories washed away. Then the Wheel of Reincarnation would transport the refreshed souls back to the Loom of Fate to be woven back into the Tapestry to live again. Ancients had souls far too complicated for the Wheel and broke it. That which had never been born could not truly die.
These broken, dead monstrosities drifted toward the Void. They sleep walked towards Oblivion, hoping to stop the ceaseless nightmares of betrayal, humiliation and violent defeat. Nothingness eluded them. They could not let go of Creation too much of their power and will was invested in the living world. To achieve their nihilistic goal, all of Creation had to die with them. But they could not do it themselves. Defeat imposed an unshakable somnolent state. All they could do was mumble blasphemies in their phantasmagoric torpor.
The Exalted and the Maker repaired the Wheel of Reincarnation, but it would never be the same. Dead souls washed along the shores of Lethe without being cleansed. Like the Neverborn they could not return to the living world, nor could they let it go. The dreams of the dead titans mingled with the memories of mortals and took shape as The Underworld. This hellscape was a dark and twisted parody of Creation. 
Most mortal souls did their best to recreate the world they left behind and created new petty rivalries and hierarchies among their fellow dead. Others heard the Whispers of Oblivion and began to worship the sleeping titans found in the lowest levels of the Underworld. Madness and boons were given to these twice damned dead. These priests of nothingness carved labyrinthine paths to Oblivion from which there is no escape.
The theology of the Neverborn is built upon a contradictory pair of goals: all must succumb to Oblivion; Creation must die so that the Neverborn may be embraced by Oblivion as well. Weak souls succumb to the Whispers and cast themselves into the ultimate end. The stronger ones are able to resist the call of the void and plot the death of all life. The tension of choosing continued existence in opposition to holy unbeing drives most of them mad.
There is a very select few that have amassed incredible power, the Deathlords. In the last few years Deathlords have crafted a new weapon in their crusade against living; Deathknights. These warriors appear to be connected to the recently released Solar Exalted.
This is the result of centuries of research. Much of it I have collected or supervised those who gathered it. You are being extended the honor of assisting me in this endeavor. You will pass on to me what you learn on Darkmist Isle regarding the Deathknights.
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toxinfox · 2 years
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Exaltober Day 3: Shapechangers of Silver
As I mentioned on day 2, I’m going to post my *actual* contributions to days 2-4 on day 4. In the meantime, and for any days I don’t have an image made for that day’s prompt, I’m going to post one of my goofy Exalted comics. Fortunately, this one involves an actual Lunar!
Anjali (the purple-haired Lunar), hates shoes and will go to great lengths to never wear them... something her Celestial mate, Rachna (an Infernal) likes to good-naturedly tease her about. 
Edit:  The dark hands and feet are Anjali’s Tell-- her totem animal is a fox. 
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