#m6 kids
voyagetv67 · 6 months
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🩲 Titeuf danse🕺
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jupitercl0uds · 4 months
finally at home (on the m6)
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gregoirehuret · 5 months
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Kid, New York, USA
© https://www.instagram.com/gregoire.huret/
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ljf613 · 2 years
I think the area where the Dragons shows fail to live up to the How to Train Your Dragon movies is that they don't really have the dragons integrated into the community enough.
The movies (and Gift of the Night Fury) paint a picture of Berk as being full of dragons, where basically everyone and their yak has their own dragon (who are an integral part of the functioning of the village); whereas in the show, it seems as though six teenagers are basically the only dragon riders and everyone else just sort of tolerates them.
(Gift of the Night Fury features the main gang trying to give away dragon eggs to random villagers. Dragons features the main gang trying to make a twelve-year-old give up his dragon because he *checks notes* kind of annoys them? Or something?)
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alexdietrich · 2 years
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210622II | Vienna
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ultra-nohai · 10 months
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thearcanagame · 6 months
what does the m6 like/dislike about their personality ?
Likes - his curiosity Dislikes - impostor syndrome, gifted kid burnout Julian Likes - resilience and people skills Dislikes - thinks his true self is too much for people to handle Lucio
Likes - everything Dislikes - nothing, mainly because he never really took the time to think about it, because he can't really take criticism Nadia
Likes - her drive Dislikes - too impatient to meet her own high standards Portia
Likes - her resourcefulness Dislikes - her inability to make feel like the main character of her own story
Likes - how much care he can put into something he feels strongly about, be it taking care of an animal or a hobby he enjoys Dislike - how naive he can be, he thinks it makes him easily manipulated
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Vesuvia Weekly: M6's secret insecurities
Julian: his hands. he likes to keep his gloves on for a reason, and it's because as a boy the other kids would call him "skelly fingers" from how bony they were and he never learned to like them as a result
Asra: their teeth. not because he thinks they're in bad shape (though his dental hygiene wasn't always great) but because of how many times he's gone a whole day without realizing there's food in them
Nadia: her speaking. years of speech classes have practically erased it, but she had a speech impediment as a kid that slips out when she's tired and it's the bane of her existence. never mention it please
Muriel: his knees. it was always where his quickly outgrown clothes would tear first and the kids on the street would point when they could see them. the years of scarring on them don't help either
Portia: her hair. the grandmas were loving, but they had their hands full with all the village's children and thick curly locks like hers were deemed "unmanageable". years of self-care are helping that though
Lucio: his slim build. his mother always commented on him being a "frail, weak child" and he's never felt quite bulky enough since. it's why his gauntlet is so big and formed some of his jealousy of Muriel
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@fox-daddies here 🦊🦊
Could I get Hc for the M6 walking into their room to find Mc laying completely naked in bed because their way too hot to do anything.
For a moment I thought by hot you meant "Too sexy to do anything", but I realized you meant it's a hot day, or at least I hope so? ANYWAY
Vesuvia's summers can be hard to tolerate by the ones who aren't used to it. Today the wind seems too tired to blow, and the sun is so bright that the sea is as blinding as the sun. You took a refreshing bath, but couldn't force yourself into your clothes again, so you just threw youself on your bed, directly under the open window, hoping for the faintest breeze to slip into your room when...
... Muriel enters the hut. He's drenched in sweat too, and first thing first, he gets out of his clothes and tosses them aside before slumping on the bed next to you, eyes closed. You hear his heart pounding in his chest, tired by the heatwave just like him, as his hands reaches yours, brushing it with the tip of his fingers. You stay like this for hours, until the merciless sun finally gives in to the sunset.
Then his hand reaches for your waist, pulling you on top of him.
... the door slightly opens, and Portia's witty face peaks trough the crack. Her smile widens as she sees you, and after a quick glance behind her she slips inside closing the door behind her back. "I guess milady's flowers can wait..." she whispers as her lips brushes your hand. "Or maybe she'll come looking for me. But would you be sorry if she were to find us like this?", she winks.
... Lucio enters the room, looks at you from behind his sweat drenched hair covering his forhead, and announces: "great idea". In a matter of seconds he joins you, his cold metal hand sending the best kind of chills up your spine. He looks at the sky-colored canopy over the bed, looks at you with that familiar child-like light in his eyes and whispers "Make it cloudy". Points up. "The canopy. Make it cloudy! Make it rain! Can you???".
You wonder how this man can be so silly and so genius. With a snap of your fingers, a single drop falls on the bed. Then another, and another, and another one. Lucio starts giggling, then laughing, taking you into his arms and kissing you through his laugh. "Oooh, you're the best!"
... Julian comes back home. "What a day!" he huffs, before starting to ramble about what happened at the clinic. You smile silently. Keeping the bed on the right of the door has its perks with Julian. "... and then a kid reached for the leeches -why do they do that, do leeches looks like candies?- and almost knoched it over when..." he abruptly stops.
"Oh dear" -his tone changes- "it looks like you got hit by a heatstroke... yes, the temperature of your skin shows it, and your lips too". You feel his dramatic sigh on your neck. "I must proceed with a deeper check..."
... Asra climbs the stairs of the bedroom. He smiles. "Here you are! What a weather today, uh? I really can't think of a way to refresh myself". You don't think he's messing with you: Asra and you are so used to such level of intimacy. He sits on the bed. A mischievous smile crosses his lips. "Unless..."
You let out a scream in surprise as you feel the bed dissolving into cool water under your back, before the water covers your mouth. You hear Asra laughing from the other side of the surface, right before diving in next to you.
... Nadia enters your bedchamber. She is followed by a couple of servants and has a big list of things to do into her hands, and she's instructing her helpers about the heatstrokes prevention program. They stop in front of the bed. "O... Oh. I, hem, I thought you were at the shop...", she mutters, before realizing there are people there with her. She turns towards them, and manages to put together a crumble of dignity. "You're dismissed. I'll send for you when I'll be done with some... ehm... urgent matters".
The servants bow and run out, embarassed. Nadia turns "Oh I'm sorry, so sorry my dear, I didn't mean to embarass you...". Her flushed face is so funny that washes away any embarrassment from you. "I will make up for it", she continues, "Just ask, may I go to get you something to... I don't know, to eat? Another bath, or maybe you want to go on vacation somewhere? A poem! I can apologize with that, for sure, or sing...?" She stops when she notice the look into your eyes. There's no need for clarvoyance to understand what kind of apology you'd like right now!
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mjart12699 · 4 months
The M6’s hair and body care
Asra: has used a million different scents of body wash, and will use a million more. It’s not that they haven’t found the right one, it’s that they just want to try every single scent, but they tend to gravitate towards whatever scent the MC has complimented in the past if they’ve done so. Exfoliates when they remember to once they figure out what that is for, probably uses a basic face soap because they are one of those miraculous people with perfectly clear skin in adulthood (can’t say the same for their teen years though). Due to their hair type, which I headcanon as being high density (more hair strands per follicle) and rather thick, they probably don’t have to wash their hair super often, maybe every week or so for most of the year, every other week when it’s really cold out. They have the same mindset towards shampoos/conditioner when it comes to scent as their body wash with no distinct preference, but their main shampoo is hydrating and when they need to they’ll clarify their scalp with a homemade mask before shampooing. Conditioner is hydrating but mostly used to detangle, and while you wouldn’t know it their hair looks so good because of the oils they put in regularly and the hair masks they do with MC when they are home at the shop. I like to think that there was an oil that Aisha used to use in Asra’s hair before she and Salim were taken away, and that when Asra was able to find the oil again later in life they decided to try and do the same routine their mother had had originally in front of the fire in the hut, finger combing the smoky sweet oil through cotton white curls and massaging their scalp all while their eyes were closed, trying their best to remember the sound of their mother’s voice as she hummed while her fingers had combed through his hair all those years ago.
Nadia: She’s had an extensive routine for as long as she could remember, as you would expect of royalty. When she was young her and her sisters probably did their hair together as a form of bonding, a long train of siblings with the rainbow in their hair as they each oiled the strands of the siblings in front of them. In the current events of the game, Her hair is thick and high density, and she has to thin it out every once and a while because it gives her a headache, and while it’s not obvious because of the length, it is wavy, it’s just so weighed down most of the time. Nadia probably has a shampoo, conditioner, scalp scrub, deep conditioner, protein treatment, and oil for everything. Hydration? You got it. Hair is brittle and needs protein? She’s got it. Trying to grow it out? She has every oil and a ranking list of how well they work with rosemary oil at the top, she’s already putting the bottle into your hands. Even her body care routine is extensive. A body wash for getting rid of the oil and sweat of the day, a body wash for scent, dry brush to exfoliate, she’s probably even one of those people that does a full body mask for whatever she knows her skin currently needs. She doesn’t think her skincare routine is very excessive, but to the average person it’s a lot, she probably hasn’t had a pimple for more than ten minutes a day in her life.
Julian: As an adult he has a body wash and shampoo, and if he can he’ll find a two in one of those for the sake of time convenience. However, when he was a kid his honorary grandma’s in Nevivon probably taught him to wash his hair with nettle shampoo and how to make a mask out of eggs and olive oil, and how to use vinegar for extra shine. He and Portia probably had some of the best hair, or at least the most complimented, as kids. After meeting the MC he tries to remember how to do his hair like that again, and will even try to remember body lotion (I know damn well his elbows are dry as hell). Washes his face with water and sometimes soap if he’s awake enough to remember. His hair is thick and medium density, the curls tighter at the ends and looser at the scalp.
Lucio: As a kid his hair care wasn’t too fancy, but he did have nice hair, and Morga made sure of that. Despite being a violent tribe, I think they would have taken great pride in the care of their hair considering the history of Norse/Germanic tribes haircare. However as Count of Vesuvia he splurges, trying everything he possibly can as long as he thinks it smells nice. Without realizing it he might gravitate towards smells that were common in his childhood, but often times it’s fancy perfumes and colognes on top of his natural musk. Overall, he probably actually smells good, and while many other nobles smell like they bathed in over saturated perfumes for hours, Lucio has mastered the fine art of picking the right scents for himself so that he always smells wonderful. His hair is fine and medium density and it grows incredibly fast, but he cannot grow a descent beard to save his life.
Portia: Probably has a floral soap that she washes twice with since she works so hard, and she probably keeps to the same hair routine she had as a kid, with the addition of massaging her scalp with lavender oil before she washes her hair and finger combing a different hydrating oil through her mid lengths and ends. She likes to style her hair in any way she can on the days she has the time, trying out elaborate braids on herself if she really likes them. Her hair is thick and high density, much like Asra and Nadia’s, and it might be something the three of them could bond over.
Muriel: At the docks you were lucky if you had the time to wash your face with clean water in peace, much less having actual soap if you were able to nab some from a vendor. Muriel doesn’t remember much about the Steppes, or his parents. It’s just images flashing by, but sometimes he’d smell a specific oil or plant and retract from the memories it would bring, quick flashes of gentle hands brushing his hair smooth long after it was already detangled, at that point it was just so he would fall asleep. At the docks Muriel remembers eventually letting Asra do his hair with what the both of them had, including the time they tried to cut each other’s hair. It was a disaster, and both of their haircuts were awful, but his hair didn’t stick to his neck uncomfortably that summer. When they escaped to the woods Muriel learned to make soap at one point, and while it was simple it got the job done. At the coliseum Lucio made sure that while his champion looked ragged and wild for the next fight, he would remain at least relatively clean. He couldn’t lose his prized gladiator to an infected wound of all things, could he? Muriel was expected to be mostly clean shaven, a razor used to shave the hair that always grew back before the sun set off of his face and chest, but he never cut the hair growing from his head. He never had the time or energy, much less cared what length it was. When he escaped the coliseum with Inanna he chopped off as much as he could, using the nearest sharp object at the hut, an ax used to chop wood, to shear off the brittle inky strands, and once again his hair didn’t cling to his neck for that summer. If anyone saw him they would see that the ex gladiator’s hair had gone from an even waist length sheet of black to choppy strands near his head, and if his hood was down you might even see some of the patches where his ax had gotten a little too close to his scalp. He doesn’t allow himself the luxury of anything beyond soap that he uses as both shampoo and body wash, but he will allow for Asra to leave newer shaving tools in the hut when Asra notices the scabs from Muriel trying to shave with a dull razor and nothing to soften the hair on his face. After meeting the MC, he might get better at taking care of his hair and body besides what he had deemed necessary, even researching what the Khokuri used and testing it out if he has the time. I think he would have more interest in protective styles, braiding his hair away from his face or tying it back in the ways he’s seen the other Khokuri do it if he can figure it out, but he won’t do it often, his favorite way to tie his hair back something he’s just used to doing. If the MC wants to he’ll allow them to play with his hair, apply oil through the strands and massage his scalp. He’ll fall asleep in their lap and as they hum and comb their fingers through the coarse strands he allows the familiar safe feeling to wash over him as he falls asleep. His hair is coarse, thick and medium density, and might be a little wavy if he lets the MC test out a routine on him.
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 4 months
The Arcana M6 Draw Themselves
(In order from worst to best)
6. Lucio
No he's not kidding this is the absolute best he could do. He's very proud of himself and expects that you are too.
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5. Julian
This is not the best he could do but you'll probably pin it on the pantry anyways. You'll never know of Julian's true artistic skill...
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4. Portia
The silly ever!!
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3. Muriel
He drew this with a green crayon that fell out of Asra's coat pocket last time he visited the hut.
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2. Nadia
She's good at everything what can I say
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1. Asra
He is an artist. My shitty ibis paint x and artistic ability could not capture his artsiness.
Gaze upon him anyways.
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ponydoodles · 4 months
ahem time for a little question roundup (¬‿¬)
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THANK YOU!! yes fanart is always allowed hehe
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im gonna say generally no, we'd prefer if you ask the mod who drew the image you wanna edit instead, or better yet, just ask if they have a transparent version you can use! all our contact info is in the carrd, or you can send an ask off anon and the intended mod can answer it privately :] we have a lot of artists here and we all have different opinions on this stuff so i cant really give a yes or no answer !
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ill copy paste our messages from our discord lawl mod nebula: mine is steve x discord
mod cottonskittles: see i like uncommon m6 x bg character ships like pinkie x muffins but m6 ships feel so inherently not obscure to me lmao, celestia x raven is a fun one though her lil assistant, i also really like muffins x golden harvest but idk if thats obscure or just old 😭 i swear it used to be semi common but like no one but me ships it anymore
mod ko: Mine is by far Kimono x Wysteria, I don’t even remember WHY I started shipping it as a kid but I did and now I’m in love
mod birdie: i have a ship so obscure that i am LITERALLY the only person who ships it, candy apple x sombra
mod treat: mine is ditzy x sunburst :3
mod sunrise: HMMM probably Twi x Vinyl Scratch if mane 6 ones count, if not umm.. Celestia x Cheerilee? Does that count? I don’t see many fans of it but I may just be in the wrong circles :P
mod fiesta: maybe candance/shining/sunburst/starlight? i just think they should all kiss
mod salem: Applejack and lightning dust/moondancer for me lol
mod murmurs: I rlly like cadence x zecora :]
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maybe it was an old invite? idk! heres a new one just in case >:] https://discord.gg/8QRdekZRxV
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yes! even if youv'e seen something similar requested before feel free to send it in :3 a different mod might want to draw it or add a fun spin on it or something! and tbh weve drawn so many requests at this point if we limited it to unique reqs i dont think wed have many at all LOL
-mod treat
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snobgoblin · 9 days
can i know how the M6 would react to meeting Reise for the first time? (in your opinion ofc)
ohhhhhh my god good question..... I'm gonna take this ask into account with this
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Asra- overall he's happy that Danny's happy. he's not quite sure how he feels about him being Lucio's son, too, though. but he doesnt let it show. after Julian (doctor who delivered him) and Lucio (his other father) Asra would be one of the first to see him. he's Danny's best friend! of course. he would show the baby little magic tricks and oh god no Asra you can't levitate the newborn
Nadia- she really isn't sure how to respond. the ask says she's the worst with children and I'm willing to bet that's because she'd do some shit like ask her servants to give a baby caviar or something 😭 she seems really out of touch sometimes /affectionate. ANYWAY she is handed the baby and formally welcomes him to Vesuvia, and the world for that matter. Nadia did you just give a tiny infant a diamond necklace
Julian- his first time meeting him would've been When He Was Born since he is Danny's doctor. he's the best with kids. he was happy to watch the baby while Danny recovered and Lucio soothed him. it's really a bittersweet experience with him... he's brought life into this world. but... people have also died in his care. during the plague... many children did. funny being a doctor, huh? it reminds him it isn't all bad. anyway this mother hen ass was telling him tall tales the whole night. who needs sleep when there's a baby to entertain
Muriel- absolutely uncomfortable. really really not sure how to respond. he's awkward enough with adults. what are you supposed to do around a tiny baby? it doesn't help that this is Lucio's baby. but he tries not to hold that against him. he would refuse to hold him because he isn't sure how and he's terrified he would drop him. he's also CONVINCED he would start crying the moment he did anyway (I think it would be a different story if it were say, his or Asra's baby. but this is someone he doesn't know all that well that had a baby with Lucio. it's awkward)
Portia- OHHHHHH she is so ready to make a new friend. HER FRIEND MADE A PERSON!!! THATS LIKE... A PRE MADE FRIEND. she's great with kids. the initial meeting is Exciting and maybe they have to tell her to calm down so she can hold him. but after that she'll often have him over and he'll take naps with Pepi in her pillow pile. OH on first meeting she's mad they didn't tell her ahead of time because she would have made him little baby clothes
Lucio- oh this man is PUMPED he MADE A PERSON WITH the person he loves more than anything are you kidding??? that's awesome. with a very heavy heart he takes off his arm's armor so he can hold him, that's definitely a hazard with all the sharp edges. anyway holding him was probably the first time he's ever shut the fuck up in his life, he was just speechless. he does want him to grow up faster though so they can get to the fun stuff that's definitely too rowdy for a baby but. in the moment, it's nice. Mercedes and Melchior are definitely very curious about him and at first he's like WHOA WHOA OKAY because they bite people but they do fine with Reise surprisingly
OH OH ALSO BONUS DANNY: it's really bittersweet for him because he knows Capra will never get to meet him. a lot of his family was lost to the plague and it's a shame he won't get to have that. but. for the moment he's really hopeful for the future. he loves nature and this is a part of that!! he wants to see where this goes. Also Good Lord He Is Glad It Is Out Of Him
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Mc and the kid (from the M6 as parents) who hit teenage years get into an argument (can be about anything). Ends up in a screaming match and both go to different rooms slamming doors. How would Asra, Julian and Muriel react?
The M6 reacting to their partner getting into an argument with their child.
The arcana x GN!Reader      TW: shouting, cursing, depictions of violence.
Asra Alnazar:
Asra is very level-headed and won’t take ‘sides’, but he’ll ask for both people’s point of view. He understands that a teenager is very hard to deal with, but he is a bit disappointed in you for letting escalate to something like this.
He knows you want only whats best for your child, but he thinks firmly that yelling is not the way to parent a child of any age. 
Asra first checks in with his child, and figures out what their perspective is. Then, he’ll find out yours. Once he knows what’s going on, he’ll bring you both together and make both people apologize.
Ultimately, it ends with a big family hug and Asra being the sweetest man alive. He says wonderful things about both of you, and then comes it with some sort of family time plan afterwards.
Muriel the outsider:
He’s not one to resolve the conflict. He’s not a fan of shouting, due to his past. At first he thinks something is deathly wrong, and he gets into fight or flight mode. When he realizes you two are just arguing, he takes a deep breath and tries to seperate you. 
If either one of you cries, he crumbles inside. There’s no worse pain than seeing the ones he loves upset, and to be completely honest - he feels so bad that you two are arguing, he hates it. 
He does check in with his child first. He wants to make sure that this won’t have a lasting impact on them. He doesn’t want this to scare them the way some events in his childhood did. 
He’ll try and make you side with your child’s point of view, but if you’re really stubborn, you’ll have to work it out on your own. He really doesn’t want to upset either of you, and waits for it to blow over. 
When it does, life goes back to normal. He doesn’t bring it up and hopes neither of you do either. It goes unaddressed, and he continues being himself. 
Julian Devorak:
He will completely agree with you. As long as it’s whats’ best for your child, he agrees whole-heartedly and backs up your argument. He’s shocked at first, he can’t believe the nerve of them. 
Julian is a bit close minded since he grew up without parents, but he believes they should be grateful that they have a parent who cares about them so much.
He will hear them out but not without a stern talking to first. He thinks that the family should never raise their voices at each other, and makes you both swear not to dare do it again.
He fixes the issue by making everyone sit down and listen to you. He thinks that your opinion is valuable, and should be followed. If it isn’t, he takes it upon himself to find out why.
Hello! Thanks for requesting, it was an interesting idea. If you're unhappy with this, or think it's too short, just let me know and I'll edit it! Otherwise, have a great day and request again any time.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
I exclusively watched mlp as a kid, to the point my art teacher had to pull me aside and ask me to draw something else other than the m6 for in class projects (I didn't)
based. a proud soldier of battle
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memorycardviii · 6 months
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gifs set.  fairies, sea, ocean. ( cr MEMORY CARD VIII ). Si ce film vous évoque quelque chose, vous êtes des kids des 90s comme moi (magic film du dimanche sur M6 de noël, on se sait).
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