#m83 - wait
majortom84 · 7 months
Cuando alguien te ayuda mientras también está enfrentando sus propias batallas, eso no es ayuda; eso es amor.
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neighbourhoodtwo · 3 months
going through your music tag and finding new songs, thank you thank you <3
DUDE!!! this made me so happy to see omg
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stevethehairington · 8 months
there's just something about a song that makes you ache
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soyirenemg-blog · 1 year
Buenas, ¿cómo estáis? yo regulín regulán...
Quiero que mi primera entrada del blog sea significativa para mí así que os comparto esta canción que hace emocionarme siempre que la escucho.
Me hace soñar que vendrán tiempos mejores, me da mucha esperanza. Cuando dice "no time" "no time" siento muy adentro esas dos palabras. Para mí tienen un gran peso; el hecho de que ya no hay tiempo "no time" para esperar más. ¿No hemos esperado ya lo suficiente? Hemos estado dormidos durante tanto tiempo... Hemos estado gritando en silencio todos estos años. Estoy cansada de seguir aguantando todo este peso. Estoy casada de seguir los mismos patrones una y otra vez. Deseo cambiar. Deseo gritar y no callar. Estoy cansada de esperar. No hay tiempo. Se nos escurre de entre las manos. Deseo salir. Escapar para encontrarme. Deseo romper con todo. Tengo la piel de gallina y voy a intentarlo. Voy allá. Nada está escrito. Puedo cambiar y tú también puedes, podemos cambiar. Escucha la canción. Déjate llevar... Visualiza un lugar seguro y adéntrate en él y al menos que sean 5min de paz, de esperanza, de fuerza para seguir adelante. Póntela las veces que haga falta. Estamos gritando. No vamos a callar. Baila. Siente. Grita. Tú puedes. Nada es definitivo. Todo puede cambiar. Está en tus manos. Rompe las cadenas. Es el momento. Adelante.
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wallonthefly · 2 years
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serenaangeletti · 8 months
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Good morning to you all, amazing souls! 🌞🖤
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icantalk710 · 1 year
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Struggles of solo concerts involve awkwardly being on the phone between sets despite wanting a little interaction if it comes up, but nice to gift myself a good time as a treat
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anteasaturn · 2 years
C’è così tanta vita lì fuori, che io non sento
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person4924 · 2 years
send your dreams where nobody hides. give your tears to the tide. no time, no time. there’s no end there is no goodbye. disappear with the night.
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oswildin · 7 months
Something New (Loki x GN!Reader)
Summary: You have known each other since you were children on Asgard, you’ve been there through everything… And now you’re stranded on a junk planet with the man you believed to be dead for four years… It was time for a honest chat.
A/N: Set during ‘Thor Ragnarok’, no descriptors or use of ‘Y/N’.
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“Silent treatment, is it? How juvenile. And a little boring.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, irritation flashing through your features at Loki’s - deliberately - vexing comment. Shaking your head, you stayed looking out the large window of the quarters you and Loki had been forced to share, especially after he had told the Grandmaster you two were married.
“Ah, I see, you’re in the honeymoon phase. Well, we are very progressive here on Sakaar.” The Grandmaster had mused. “We have husbands, wives, consorts, throuples and in-betweens. I can give you a leaflet if you like-“ To which quickly you had held up a hand, shaking your head, overwhelmed by the junk planet you’d ended up on, let alone the intricacies of their… escapades. No, you were much more focused on finding a way off of the planet and to Asgard to stop Hela, and then back to Midgard to live your life in peace.
It had been a few days since Loki and Thor had appeared on Midgard before your eyes, the shock and disbelief you felt still fresh in your mind at the sight of Loki - alive. And finding out he had faked his death for Asgard’s throne… Well, that was just the cherry on top. You forgave him for trying to destroy Jotunheim, you tried to forgive him for attacking New York… Fighting side by side against the Dark Elves had felt right… And then, he was gone. Dead, you thought.
“You seriously think you can go god-knows how long without speaking to me?” Loki inquired, raising a curious brow. “Whether you like it or not, we are in this together.” He nodded to himself. “And I, for one, am not about to let the opportunity to gain the Grandmasters favour, get close and perhaps take his place, slip me by.”
“Oh my god-“ You whirl around, finally facing him as your brows crease. “Are you serious?” You snap, a beat of silence filling the air between you. When you see him furrow his brows in a look that said ‘well, yes’, you couldn’t help but let a tired laugh escape your lips, head falling back slightly as your gaze flickered to the ceiling.
“I fail to see how that is funny-“ Loki huffed, tilting his head faintly.
“No, you’re right-“ You sigh, shaking your head, gaze fixed upon him once more. “It isn’t funny. No, in fact-“ You take a step closer. “It’s hilarious.” Loki blinked, irritation creeping up on him now at your mocking words. “Because, of course, Asgard was simply just… not enough?” You raise a brow. “Having Odin sent to Midgard, his death leading to the unleashing of the Goddess of Death who is now set on ruling Asgard and possibly destroying anyone or anything in her way… Was… not enough.”
Loki averted his eyes, looking down as his jaw twitched, your words hitting him with the harsh reality that his actions had consequences.
“And instead of doing the right thing and wanting to try and leave this hel, you wish to… stay? Ignore that our home is in danger?” Silence fell between you both, giving you the answer you needed as you let out an exasperated breath. “Right, well then.” You muttered, straightening yourself. “You’ve made yourself clear.” You went to move, going to find your own way off of Sakaar, with or without Loki’s help.
“Wait-“ Loki sighed, reaching out to grasp your wrist, stopping your leave. “Just… wait.” He added, tone slightly softer. You looked up to meet his stare, seeing the uncertainty on his features. “I…” He sighed once again. “I’m sorry.” He finally muttered, eyes quickly flickering to the wall before landing back on you. “Alright?” He slowly let go of your wrist. “I didn’t think.”
“No, you’re right, you didn’t.” You grumbled, folding your arms over your chest, your own eyes moving to stare firmly at the wall behind Loki. Loki could see the tension in your frame, the hurt he had caused by faking his death still clinging to you like an old wound. He clasped his hands into fists at his sides briefly, before letting them fall naturally, letting out a slow breath whilst doing so.
“You can’t be too surprised by that.” Loki tried, tone wry. “Whilst my intelligence may be high, it seems my… ability for considering others emotions is somewhat lacking.” You scoffed at that. “‘Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself’.” Loki mumbled to himself, making you glance at him. He let out a breathy, quick laugh as he shook his head lightly, lips pursing. “Yet it seems my perception can be… also lacking when it comes to those closest.” He added quietly.
You stayed silent, unsure on what to say - on what he wanted you to say. Instead, you sighed, unfolding your arms, moving towards a nearby seat as you felt Loki’s eyes watching your every move. “I’m tired, Loki.” You finally spoke, sitting down, elbows on your knees, hands clasped together. “You’re supposed to be my dearest friend, and yet… it feels as though you are intent on creating distance between us.”
Loki raised his chin faintly, before taking close calculated steps towards you, a slightly awkward aura surrounding him. He wasn’t one to be open with such matters as friendship and emotions. But perhaps… it was time he tried. Tentatively, he took a seat beside you, leaving a respectable distance, knowing he had to earn the right to be close to you again.
The truth was, whilst you may have been dear friends once, over the years it had… changed. Ever since Loki discovered the truth about his heritage, maybe even before that. When he chose to lie to you about the Frost Giants entry into Asgard, he had made his choice. He had chosen self-preservation. Something that in his time ruling Asgard, he realised was… hollow. And you never truly were just a dear friend to him. Nor him to you, even if it was unspoken.
“It was truly never my intention to cause you pain.” Loki spoke lowly, side-glancing at you, trying to gauge your every reaction to his words. “Thor… on the other hand.” He added wryly, raising a brow. “I suppose apart of me… wanted him to feel it. So he understood.” It was spoken as if he was processing it in real time. Your gaze drifted to Loki, eyeing his profile as he spoke. “And when you came to Odin… to me…” He corrected before pausing. “And asked to return to Midgard, to live your life among the mortals I once sought to rule…” He let out a quiet breath. “I could do nothing but allow it. Knowing the hurt I had caused, the rift I had created…”
Loki’s words hung in the air, a subtle tension hanging with them as you bit your lower lip lightly, unclasping your hands to sit up straight, keeping them resting on your knees. “Midgard…” You began softly. “The time I spent there after New York, aiding them rebuild their city… It gave me purpose.” You turned your head to look at him properly. “Odin had forbidden me from seeing you in your cell, Thor was with Jane and I…” You sighed. “I just wanted to do something… good.”
Loki listened intently, his expression neutral, if not slightly more tender than his usual look of indifference. He waited for you to continue, not wanting to interrupt. “And then after… thinking you were dead on Svartalfheim…” You shook your head. “I just… couldn’t bear being home.”
Loki felt a pang in his usually guarded heart at those words, his head dipping as he moved a hand to the bridge of his nose. Odin’s words when he sent him away still clung to the corners of his mind.
“You will not see them again, you have done enough damage there.”
In his own way, he thought he was protecting you. Stopping you from being hurt anymore by making you believe he was dead.
“I thought-“ He cleared his throat, lifting his head. “After everything I had done…” He trailed off, not daring to look at you.
“That what?” You blinked, furrowing your brows. “I just… wouldn’t care?” You breathed out, disbelief in your voice. Loki finally then took the risk of glancing at you, seeing the bewildered look on your features. “You think… that after everything, the good and the bad, that I wouldn’t care if you were gone?” Loki stayed quiet, but the look on his face told you all you needed to know. “You’re an idiot.” You huffed, shaking your head, pushing yourself to your feet as Loki blinked at your reaction. “You are… an A-Grade idiot.”
“I see Midgard has also taught you some rather interesting language-“ He quipped wryly, brows furrowing as he stayed seated, a hand moving to a small shrug. You turned round to look at him, hands on your hips.
“Midgard taught me a lot, thank you.” You snapped slightly, letting out a breath as you looked out the window across the room once again. “I could’ve left you to your own designs in New York, let the others handle it, but when Thor told me you were alive, what you were planning, I demanded to go with him.” You looked down at him again, searching his upturned gaze. “When Odin forbid me from seeing you in your cell, sending me to Midgard to clear up your mess, all I could think about was what you were thinking, how you were feeling.” You saw Loki’s brows begin to unknit, a flash of emotion going through his ice blue eyes. “And then when we fought side by side on Svartalfheim, I thought it was a fresh start. Us, fighting side by side…” Your voice wavered faintly, but Loki noticed as he gracefully got to his feet. “To watch you die.” You whispered.
Loki swallowed the lump in his throat, taking a tentative step closer, one hand slightly outstretched, as if he was approaching a startled animal. “To find out, you were alive for four years. Four years, Loki.” Your voice raised slightly, anger surfacing. “And even now, you are plotting and scheming. It never ends, does it?”
Loki’s eyelids fluttered briefly, face lowering to look down at his leather boots as he tried to think of what to say - what you would want him to say. “What can I say? I’m an opportunist.” He finally spoke, words quiet. Usually, those words would’ve been laced with wry humour, but instead they were almost honest sounding. He lifted his face, eyes flickering to your hands on your hips as he took a leap of chance, reaching for one of your hands. He was surprised when you didn’t snatch your hand away, but didn’t let it show.
“You…” He breathed out. “Are… a defender. Just like you always wanted to be.” He spoke softly. “I am… proud…” The words felt slightly foreign on his tongue, such open sentiment. “-of how far you have come.” His words were almost a whisper, as your own gaze threaten to soften. “And I… am still searching.” He gave a brief, solemn smile. “Searching for what I want to be.” He paused. “I do what I do because… it’s what I know how… to do.” His eyes searched yours, as if you had the answer, but knowing that ultimately, it was he who needed to work it out. “I don’t enjoy hurting people. I do it… because I have to, because I’ve had to.”
Your gaze finally softened, shoulders relaxing slightly as you took in his admission. You always knew that the Loki he portrayed to most was a mask, a defence mechanism… Yes, he was mischievous and cunning, but he was also multifaceted. You had seen it yourself. He was capable of so much more than the hollow quest he strived for.
“I know.” You whispered, squeezing his hand lightly. “But going round in circles, it’s never going to give you what you’re searching for. You can’t… discover if you don’t do something new.” You continued lowly, raising a brow. “Maybe, whatever you’re truly searching for isn’t a throne, or to rule or whatever else that falls under that umbrella, but maybe what you’re really looking for is-“
But before you could finish your thought, Loki’s lips had pressed to yours. You froze for a moment, taken back, before feeling yourself relax, his hand gently squeezing yours as his free one came to gently cup your cheek. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss - a kiss you had been waiting centuries for. His kiss was as tender as it was passionate, reverent even. It was a kiss that took your breath away - at the risk of sounding cliche.
After a moment, you broke apart, Loki pulling back to observe your face, eyes flickering over your features in a questioning way, wondering if he had overstepped, if he had done the right thing by… being vulnerable. When your eyes finally reopened, finding his, the look on his face was a mix of nerves and contentment, a strange contradiction… Very Loki.
“What… what was that for?” You breathed out, still slightly in awe at the way your heart was beating in your chest. Loki blinked, raising his brows.
“Well, you… did say that I couldn’t discover if I didn’t try something new…” He said lowly, tone holding a hint of his usual cheekiness that made your lip twitch, threatening to smile.
“And?” You asked quietly, his hand still in yours, his other still cupping your cheek gently.
“And I…” He cleared his throat. “I- uh- think I rather like this… ‘something new’.” His lips quirked up into a faint smirk, eyes glimmering with hope and care, possibly even excitement. “If you like it as well, of course-“ He added, slightly rushed, a little awkward.
“No, yeah- I mean-“ You nodded, clearing your own throat. “Yeah. I like it.”
“Yeah?” Loki raised a brow, voice breathy.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly, once more squeezing his hand in assurance as Loki let his own lips be tugged into a small, almost bashful smile.
“To something new.”
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royal-they · 1 month
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rookthorne · 10 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
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Some days were harder than others, that was a well-known fact you had accepted a long time ago. But that did not mean Bucky would let you go through it alone, or without incentives.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ღ Nurse!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ღ 1.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ღ Tooth rotting fluff, Bucky knows how to bribe, medication usage and brief mention of needles/injections
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ღ I recently started a new medication that is administered subcutaneously, and I am not very good with needles, so cue self-indulgent fluff to make myself feel better.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ღ Outro by M83
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𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The dreaded day had come, a lot faster than you wanted it to. No matter how much you wish you could put it off or delay it, you couldn’t, and if you were honest, you wouldn’t, either. 
They had been a godsend in their own twisted way. Injections were never fun — neither were needles in any form, but they had allowed you some sense of normality in your routine without some of the pesky irritants your ailments caused.
A jab, a few seconds of discomfort, and it was over with. That didn’t make it any easier, though.
“Baby–baby, wake up.” A hand was on your shoulder, warm and strong, and it gently shook you. “Time to wake up, honey. We need to do your injection.”
You groaned and burrowed further into the blankets. “No. Fuck off.”
Bucky chuckled and the mattress dipped at your hip, that same hand still on your shoulder rubbed up and down soothingly. “I can’t, baby girl. You know you gotta get up–c’mon, I’ll get you some chocolate.”
Your bed head and drowsy eyes peered over the mound of blankets and pillows, and you stared at him – the light pink sweater and grey sweats he wore looked awfully comfortable and cuddly, while his hair fell down the back of his neck, as soft as ever. 
“Chocolate,” you croaked, blinking at him slowly. “D’you say chocolate?”
“Chocolate,” Bucky repeated, nodding once. “And if you get up now, I’ll get you a special treat, too.”
“Hmph,” you whined, flopping back onto the pillows and pouting up at him. “But it’s comfy. I want the chocolate and the treat—without the needle, please.”
Bucky arched a brow and tilted his head. “That’s not how this works, sweetheart.”
“Fine.” The sheets rustled as you sat up in bed. “I’m coming.” 
“You can cuddle on the couch with me after, okay?” Bucky offered, and then he kissed you softly on the lips. “I promise. I know you don’t like them, but they help–let them help. I need my girl fighting fit.”
A chirp and a purr sounded from the side of the bed, and Bucky hummed happily as he bent over out of sight. He appeared again with Alpine, her fluffy, white coat covering his fingers as he scratched at her side. “Mama ain’t gettin’ up, baby,” Bucky sighed, and he placed her down on the covers over your lap. “Tell her that she’ll get a treat if she cooperates with me, yeah?”
“Hey, Alpine,” you murmured, scratching her on the chin. She stared up at you with big, bright eyes, the blue of them striking in the morning light. “Beautiful girl. Do you think we should go—listen to your dad and head out to the couch?”
In lieu of an answer, she purred loudly and headbutted your palm, before she turned around and jumped off the bed, tail high in the air as she trotted out of the room. “Well, I think you should follow her,” Bucky said, getting to his feet. “We can even watch your favourite movie.”
“You’re pulling out all the stops this time,” you observed, narrowing your eyes up at him. He shrugged. “And it’s working.”
“I would hope so.” Bucky turned to walk out the door, but he turned at the door frame with a cheeky smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “Because that treat waiting for you is a stuffie you’ve wanted for a long time.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What?”
“You heard me, baby,” Bucky called over his shoulder, walking down the hall. “C’mon and you’ll see.”
The bribe did indeed work. 
With a grunt of effort, you threw the covers off your legs and trudged to the bathroom, yawning the whole way. The quick shower woke you up like a charm, and after you freshened up your face, you dressed in a comfortable set of clothes to get through the day; plus a pair of slippers, because why not. 
“Alright, alright,” you said as you made your way down the hall and into the kitchen, where it smelled sweet and sugary. “Is that pancakes?”
Bucky looked up from the frying pan and over his shoulder at you, a plate next to the stovetop stacked high with fluffy, soft pancakes. “Sure is.”
You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face, and as Bucky looked back at the pan, you stepped closer to his broad back and wrapped your arms around him. The warmth of his skin bled through his sweater and into your heart, lifting it. “Okay, ‘m up, Buck.”
“I can see that,” he said, chuckling lightly. His large hand grabbed hold of your interlocked ones, and he squeezed. “Why don’t you go in the living room? I have the troops all lined up for you.”
“But where is my baby? Where is my chocolate?” you asked, pouting into his back. “I thought you said if I got up–”
There was no mistaking the laugh that shook Bucky’s shoulders. “I did, I did. But you have to have the injection first, Sugar.” He shifted in your arms, and he turned all the way around so now he faced you. “Plus, this new little troop is guarding your chocolate–no one will come and steal it, not from them. And I promise you can have both when you’re done.”
You looked at Bucky, really looked at him. The earnest gaze he reserved just for when he looked at you warmed you from your heart outwards, and his smile, so gentle and so soft; able to bring you back together with the words they would utter, or how he kissed you with his whole being, so full of passion and unspoken words. 
“You know, babe,” you said quietly, a ghost of a breath over his lips. “I think–”
Bucky tilted his head to the side, that damned smile still on his lips. “I would say that’s dangerous, but tell me—what are you thinkin’, baby girl?”
“I think you’re my person.”
A heavy exhale left his lips. “You know, Sugar? I think you might be mine.” He kissed you then, his lips slotting over yours perfectly, as though they were made for one another. 
When he pulled away, you felt lightheaded with the happiness coursing through you, but the bubble was burst when he smirked, and said, “But this won’t stop me from doin’ your injection.”
Bucky placed his hands on your shoulders, and he guided you (ignorant of your pouting and slow gait) towards the living room. “Get comfortable for me, honey. Let’s get this over with.”
The kit for your injection lay spread on the coffee table while the couch was covered in blankets, stuffies, and packets of snacks and chocolates. Alpine was curled up on her favourite pillow; her bright eyes watching you as you walked into the living room. You automatically took a seat next to her and stroked her fur. 
Bucky sat down next to you, and then reached for the kit. You grimaced and sat still as he prepared the dose. “I hate this,” you grumbled, staring at Alpine rather than Bucky’s hands as he finished sorting the injector. “I hate it so much.”
“I know, honey, baby,” he soothed, rubbing your thigh with his hand. “I know it sucks, but you’re alright—never before have I seen such a strong woman, it’s not easy to face this and I’m not saying that just because I am a nurse.” The couch dipped as he shuffled closer, and you lifted up your sweater to reveal your tummy. “That’s it, thanks, doll. And it’s so worth it, I see how much these injections help you.” 
His fingers brushed over your skin, and then you felt the cold brush of an alcohol wipe. 
“They do help,” you agreed, a little more agitatedly than you meant to. “I just– I don’t like them,” you explained, deflating in your seat. “I–”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Bucky soothed, sensing your agitation. “I get it. I do.” A heavy breath fell from your lips as he brought the injector close to your skin. “Okay, you ready, baby? I’ll make it quick—like I always do.”
You nodded, and took a deep breath. 
The cold plastic of the injector pressed into the skin of your belly. “Deep breath for me.” Bucky’s were eyes focused on the pen — you did so, if only a slight bit shuddered. “And, in,” he said, just as the injector cap pressed harder into the skin, followed by the prick of the needle. “Keep breathing for me, honey. You’re okay.”
The pain passed and the injector came away a moment later. A loud gasp for air caught in your throat, making your chest spasm. “I– I did it? It’s done?” you asked, blinking.
Bucky beamed at you as he held a ball of cotton to the site. “It is done, and you did it—so proud of you, Sugar.” He kissed your cheek. “Now you can have your new baby. Let me clean up and then I’ll bring ‘em out, alright?”
You watched as he replaced the kit back in its box, and picked up the rubbish left behind. “I’ll be right back.” His footsteps sounded quietly over the floorboards as he walked into the kitchen, then the clang of cupboards echoed. 
A huff of a sigh came from beside you, and you looked down at Alpine, who was already looking back up at you; her pink nose and soft eyes enchanting you once again. Her fur was soft against your palm, a soothing, grounding touch that you needed. 
“Okay, okay,” Bucky said suddenly, his voice almost a whisper. Both Alpine and you looked over at the doorway, where he was peering around the frame with just his head and shoulders visible. “Aw, aren’t my babies cute.” He looked straight at you, the veiled glee in his eyes bright. “I need you to sit back and close your eyes.” 
“That’s not suspicious at all,” you teased, but you shuffled backwards on the couch until your back rested comfortably on the cushions, and you closed your eyes. “I’m ready.”
Soft footsteps approached over the living room floor, and you could feel Bucky walking nearer, when Alpine meowed. “Shh, baby girl. I know—I know she’s gonna lose her mind.” You couldn’t help the snort that escaped at his comment, and Bucky chuckled. “Hands on your lap and facing up, Sugar.”
You did so, holding your breath in anticipation, when a soft, heavy object rested on your forearms and atop your palms. Furrowing your brows, you parted your lips to speak, when Bucky said, “You can open your eyes now, doll.”
Light flooded your vision as you opened your eyes. You saw Bucky was grinning, a boyish smile, and he glanced down pointedly. 
The utter and absolute joy that flooded you when you looked down at your lap, was unexplainable.
A dragon, white in colour, lay curled in your arms — the tip of its tail, wings, spikes, and ears were a creamy beige. It was the very plush that you had been searching for, for months now. A small bar of chocolate was nestled under its wing.
“Oh, my god,” you breathed, stunned into speechlessness. 
“Was it worth getting up and out of bed today, Sugar?” Bucky asked coyly. You looked up at him just as he moved to sit next to you. 
Tears flooded your eyes and tracked down your cheeks. “Yeah,” you managed weakly; able to ignore the dull pulse of pain at the injection site with the precious stuffie in your lap. “Thank you, Buck.”
He grinned and pulled you into his side. “Let’s get a movie going, I think your new baby needs to be introduced to your favourites, yeah?”
You nodded and sidled up closer to Bucky’s warmth, bringing your new dragon with you so he draped over Bucky’s lap, as well as yours. “Yeah.”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭|𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
my tears are becoming a sea
pairing: vada cavell x reader
summary: in which you have to wait, and wait, and wait
warnings: descriptions of school shooting, blood
word count: 900+
author's note: highly suggest listening to 'my tears are becoming a sea' by M83 while you read
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Cops surrounded the perimeter of the school, their radios chattering and the sirens on their cars screaming. Students were scattered along the parking lot in groups, holding onto one another tightly; tears slid down their faces so quickly that no one bothered to wipe them away. Teachers frantically tried to do head counts and swallowed down bile when they couldn't account for a child. Parents were desperately attempting to push through the police barriers, yelling the names of kids they prayed were outside.
You found yourself shell-shocked in the back of an ambulance, your eyes trained on the front doors of the school while an EMT bandaged your wound. A bullet had just barely skimmed your shoulder--enough for blood, but not nearly deep enough to need real treatment.
You had already scanned all of the faces that you could see, yet none of them were who you were looking for. None of them were Vada, and a rock settled in your stomach at the thought that she was still in there--there, where gunshots could be heard and screams were filtering out the windows.
Time was moving slower, each second that passed feeling like an hour, each minute feeling like a decade. For every moment that went by in which her head of brown hair or her face full of freckles didn't appear, you swore that you could feel a piece of your heart break.
And then, the gunshots stopped. There was silence from within the school.
You scrambled to stand as the first line of kids walked out, their clothes bloodied and their bodies trembling. No one missed the tears that cut through the grime on their faces; no one could ignore the cries that fell from their lips. A shiver ran through you when Vada wasn't among them.
You hopped down from the ambulance, ignoring the calls of the EMT, and pushed your way through the horde. No one tried to stop you. No one wanted to get any closer than they already were.
The police tape held you back from rushing forward. You were forced to stand there, behind that yellow line, and wait. You were forced to hope that you'd see her walking out, uninjured and alive.
You watched as your classmates walked past, into the arms of their friends, into the arms of their parents. The blood on them was passed from skin to clothing. A few of them were ushered to the ambulances, the blood painting them red coming from their own wounds.
Then, another line of students. More faces you recognized from classes, or the halls, or the football team, or the pep band. More students who looked like their legs were about to give out, who could barely seem to breathe without sobbing.
Still no Vada.
Anxiety was choking you, its strong hand squeezing your lungs and making it impossible for you to take a breath. You gripped the police tape like it would help and ignored the pain that shot through your shoulder. It didn't matter, not when she still wasn't visible.
The principal walked out, face buried in his hands as he wailed.
The gym teacher followed, his jaw clenched and silent tears rolling down his cheeks.
You saw your math teacher, one of the lunch ladies, a janitor.
Each person that exited the school made it harder for you to breathe, made your tears fall faster, made your hands tremble more. Each person that wasn't Vada made you pinch yourself, wishing that you would wake up from the nightmare.
One after another, students tumbled out of the doors, and the longer you waited, the more you prepared yourself for the fact that she may not walk out.
A boy from your history class; a girl you had asked to the dance back in middle school; Quinton Hasland; a teacher that should've retired years ago but never did; Mia Reed, her hand gripping tightly to--
"Vada!" you shouted, your voice cracking with relief as you saw her.
Her head whipped in your direction, and you sobbed at the sight of her, your breath finally returning to you. Her eyes were wide and her lips moved, saying something that you couldn't hear over the rush of blood in your ears.
She let go of Mia and sprinted to you on shaking legs, ducking under the police tape and launching herself into your waiting arms. You caught her with a strength you didn't know you possessed, your injury screaming but your mind only focused on her--her weight pressed against you, her hair in your face, her nails digging into your back.
"You're alive," she cried into your neck, tears drenching your shirt and turning it even darker than it already was from your wound. She was trembling viciously. "You're alive. I didn't--I wasn't--"
You held her tighter, like she would disappear if you didn't. "You're okay," you mumbled against the top of her head. "You're okay. I've got you. You're okay."
Vada choked out a breath and pulled back, eyes scanning your face. "You're alive."
You nodded, hiccuping. "I'm alive. You're alive."
She kissed you with salty lips, pressing herself into you as much as she possibly could, like you were the air she needed to breathe, like you were the only thing keeping her alive.
"We're alive," she muttered when she buried herself back into your neck. "We're alive."
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babygirl-riley · 10 months
I have a request for ghost x reader where reader and ghost are in a relationship and reader is going to be switched into another task force and hasn't told ghost and when she tells ghost he like gets all sad and scared that he'll never see the reader ever again and they cry together cause they made such good memories with eachother and the 141 and in the end maybe reader transfer is canceled and she not going anywhere and is staying with ghost.
Change of Plans Pt. I
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Ghost and you talk about the new orders that was giving to you from Price
“There’s no end. There’s no goodbye.”
A/N: Yeeeeeaaaah so you gave me ideas and now it turns into a 3 part series. 👉🏻👈🏻 Hope you enjoy the first one 🫠 Little change of plans for the moment 🤭
Warnings: Angst, fluff, established relationship, small very small mentions of smut, small cuddle moment, sad!simon but ya know doesn’t really express it, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst
Pt. II
The silence was strong, you could hear an sort of movement that the base would make. Someone turning a faucet or a pen dropping. You sat on your bed with puffy red eyes as Simon stood frozen in the middle of your room. You had to tell him before Price announced it to the team.
You fought about for weeks about the orders telling Price to basically buzz off. That this was your team. Your family. So Price being Price tried to have the commander that wanted you on their task force at bay. Until today. Price asked to meet him in the office after the another successful mission.
“Commander Graves is getting impatient y/n,” Price said lowering his voice as you shut the door. “I’m sorry I tried.”
When he handed you the envelope you laughed darkly. “You gotta be shitting me Price.”
“I wish Sargent.” He said frowning, he sat in his chair for a moment before sighing. “He wants you tomorrow night. They are going on their own assignment that they need you on.”
You glared at the envelope, you could rip it to pieces and say to hell with it. But now it’s in writing and pretty sure this Commander Graves made more copies. After a long silence Price stood up to place a hand on your shoulder. “1400 the last plane to the force leaves. Better start saying your goodbyes.”
So immediately you looked out for Simon going from hallway to hallway. Building to building. He had to be the first one to know. You and him had been together for about 9 months now. Secretly no one knew. Maybe they did find out and you were being punished this way. Instead of insubordination, that’s why Price didn’t say anything for a while.
When you found him he was walking with Johnny getting cleaned up from the previous mission. “Lass! There ya are! What did the capt…”
“Not now Johnny,” You snapped, feeling guilty right after. “I need to speak with you privately Lieutenant.”
Simon snapped his eyes over to Soap who was standing in awe before looking down at you. “‘Ight, catch up with ya, yeah.” He said to Johnny who nodded to his reply.
Now you were both here, sitting in your room. You handed the envelope first as he opened it slowly. Simon was confused at first as he read before snapping his head up. “What does it mean your leavin’?” He growled, you thought he was mad at you.
“I don’t know some Commander down in the US needs me there,” You sighed wiping your eyes. “Says that they need a Lieutenant there.”
“But ya not a Lieutenant.” He said gripping the paper.
You inhaled deeply, you pointed to the paper. “Read more Simon.”
That’s where he froze and just re read the words over and over again. “By the United States Commander in Chief Hershel Shepard, you have been promoted to Lieutenant y/l/n as of February 20th, 2022.”
Simon couldn’t believe it, you were leaving back to the states after years on being on the force. He just got you. Finally figuring out what he has felt for months being with you. Caring for you. Maybe even love you. Now you were being taken away. He heard you sniffling bringing him back into reality.
You watched as slowly he brought his head up, being faced with his skull mask. His painted eyes looking right at you. “No we are talkin’ to Price maybe he can…”
“Already tried that.”
“‘Ight then we go to Shepard himself maybe talk to him…”
“Simon, we can’t he is the head honcho. He is the one ordering this by Commander Graves too. So there isn’t any way around this.”
Simon scoffed. “Why have you given up? It’s like you don’t want to fight for this.”
You scoffed back and rose from the bed. “I have been dealing with this for two months now. We have been trying Simon. You think I want to leave them. To leave us?”
Simon stood there for a moment, emotions coming through that he never would think that he would have. All the things you both have been through. It all started because of pent up emotions that both of you didn’t know how to release besides having sex. Then came the attachments. Laughter. Jokes. Bantering. Hell even the fighting.
Simon stood there for another moment debating on just leaving the room. He doesn’t know how to deal with this situation. The more he stared at you the less he wanted to leave, he wanted more time.
“Maybe it won’t be forever ya know? Maybe it is just a train up for his team and that’s that.”
Simon knew better than to think like that, think that there is hope. You were always better than him in that aspect. Looking for the light at the end. Simon sighed and walked to you as he sat next to you. He started to lay down and guiding you down with him. “Maybe.” He mumbled.
You followed him down placing your head on his chest as he combed through your hair. You sighed as you thought about everything both of you have been through. You chuckled making Simon break a smile. “What is it?” He asked softly.
“Remember when I first started on the team and I thought you liked sugary coffee,” He groaned as he laughed a little bit more. “Then like 2 months later you finally broke and said that you only like tea and not the sugary shit.”
Simon nodded his head. “Blood hell pretty sure I gained a few pounds from just one cup,” You giggled as you looked up at him. “I won’t forget when the grenade landed next to you and Johnny during training. You tossing it to Johnny and him passing it back to you. Fumbling it like two blokes.”
You slapped his chest. “Hey! That wasn’t entirely my fault. The damn private didn’t pull the pin so I thought to give it to him. Well I remember beating you at sparring.”
Simon gave a fake shocked look. “Technically I did, it turned to the tie breaker”
You glared at him in curiosity before turning red. “The tie breaker doesn’t count.”
Simon gently grabbed your chin with his thumb and index. “If it wasn’t for the tie breaker I would be here with ya, love.”
You half smiled, tearing up again. “I will come back Si.”
Simon’s heart started to ache as he inhaled deeply. “And I’ll be waitin’.”
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