#mTa: endeavor
savnofilter · 2 years
What bugs me is these are the same mfers who preach about “I was abused!!!11!1!1 and I know what it’s like and I love the Todos but Endeavor is daddy and Dabi is wrroooooong” like…y’all are seriously gatekeeping trauma and being preachy like y’all didn’t do toxic shit as a trauma response goodbye, suck a dick disrespectfully and fuck off. Fuck I hate the bnha fandom.
especially since their main drive for why they wont support dabi is sometimes based on the literal sides that they are portrayed on. its like?? ion wanna sound pompous for saying ppl dont know how to digest or understand media but shit. 💀
as soon as i hear that spiel i just gotta roll my eyes and tune out. cuz what youve been through does not give a full on excuse or good reason to support something that isnt worth supporting. its like ppl like shitty things because they want an excuse to be shitty themselves. mayhaps why they cling to any of the bad/nuanced themes of mha.
and also, its very popular so the "bad" amount of ppl are going to stick out like a sore thumb...
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shristisahu · 4 months
Innovative Pathways in Contemporary Marketing Strategies
Originally Published on Quantzig:Modern Marketing Tactics: Crafting Cutting-Edge Strategies for Organizations
Unveiling Tomorrow's Insights for Visionary Enterprises
Quantzig's trailblazing MMM + MTA solution catapulted a US-based CPG powerhouse into uncharted territories, delivering an exceptional 12% uplift over the traditional model, igniting a remarkable 7% surge in ROMI on critical channels immediately post-solution adoption.
The Evolution of Marketing Dynamics
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, traditional marketing approaches are undergoing a profound metamorphosis. Today's enterprises grapple with the challenge of navigating a dynamic labyrinth of digital and physical channels, strategically allocating budgets to maximize Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) while swiftly adapting to market fluctuations.
Revolutionizing Marketing through Unified Decision Management
Quantzig's Unified Decision Management (UDM) solution empowers enterprises to predict revenue without promotional efforts, pinpoint optimal promotions, judiciously allocate budgets, and establish spending thresholds for each channel and promotion category. Seamlessly integrating data analytics and machine learning, we offer actionable insights tailored to the intricacies of modern marketing.
The Power of Data-Driven Marketing Strategies
In the era of data-driven marketing, Quantzig's MMM + MTA solution represents a seismic shift. Through weekly model refreshes and real-time market analysis, we facilitate agile planning that considers dynamic market conditions. Our sophisticated attribution models and precise ROI measurements enable enterprises to allocate budgets with surgical precision, driving tangible results.
Exploring the Impact of Modern Marketing Strategies
Our innovative approach yields tangible outcomes:
Achieved an exceptional 12% uplift over the traditional model
Improved ROMI on key channels by 7%
Moreover, our solution instills unwavering confidence in data integrity across enterprises, establishing a fortified foundation for sustained success in today's fiercely competitive landscape.
Navigating the Complexities of Modern Marketing
Implementing modern marketing tactics poses unique challenges. From harmonizing disparate data formats to ensuring real-time responsiveness, enterprises must harness advanced analytics and machine learning solutions to navigate these complexities effectively.
Empowering Enterprises with Comprehensive Solutions
Quantzig's UDM solution offers a holistic approach to marketing optimization:
Marketing Automation & Performance Monitoring
Multi-Channel Attribution Analysis
Marketing Mix Optimization
ROI Enhancement Strategies
Our solution enables enterprises to swiftly adapt to evolving market dynamics, optimize budget allocations, and foster hyper-personalized consumer engagement.
The Future of Marketing: Embracing Innovation
From pioneering social media endeavors to strategic product integrations, modern marketing encompasses a myriad of strategies. By embracing innovation and harnessing the power of data analytics, enterprises can carve a path to sustained growth and competitive advantage in the digital era.
Conclusion: Redefining Marketing Excellence
In conclusion, modern marketing embodies an odyssey of innovation and agility. By leveraging the power of data analytics and embracing cutting-edge strategies, enterprises can unlock boundless opportunities, drive unparalleled customer engagement, and chart a course toward enduring success in today's dynamic marketplace. #InnovateForSuccess
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Navigating the CPG Marketing Landscape: Revolutionizing Strategies for MROI Optimization, MMM, and MTA
Originally published by Quantzig: The Future of Marketing: Innovative Strategies for MROI Optimization, MMM, and MTA in the Consumer-Packaged Goods Industry
In an era of unprecedented technological advancements and evolving consumer behavior, the Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG) industry finds itself at a crossroads, navigating a landscape where traditional marketing strategies are no longer sufficient for sustainable growth. The future of marketing in the CPG sector is undergoing a profound transformation, where innovative approaches are not just an option but a necessity. As brands seek to maximize their Marketing Return on Investment (MROI), the convergence of Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) and Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) stands as a beacon of hope. This article delves deep into the cutting-edge strategies that promise to revolutionize the CPG industry, redefining how brands connect with consumers, optimize their marketing efforts, and ultimately thrive in a dynamic marketplace. Welcome to the future of marketing, where data-driven insights and technology-driven solutions are poised to reshape the CPG landscape like never before.
Importance of Innovative Strategies for MROI Optimization, MMM, and MTA in the CPG Industry:
The Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is currently experiencing a profound paradigm shift in its approach to marketing. This transformation is primarily driven by the evolving dynamics between strategic planning and investment allocation, as well as the increasing demand for real-time decision intelligence, particularly in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) channels.
Traditionally, CPG marketing has been characterized by long-term strategic planning, where brands meticulously allocate resources across various channels, often based on historical data and conventional marketing models. However, with the rise of digital and e-commerce platforms, real-time decision-making has become imperative. SEO and D2C channels, in particular, require brands to adapt swiftly to changing consumer preferences and market trends.
Efficient marketing management solutions that bridge the gap between these two contrasting demands have become a critical strategic asset for brand marketers in the CPG sector. These solutions integrate data analytics, artificial intelligence, and real-time monitoring, allowing brands to make agile and data-driven decisions, allocate resources dynamically, and maximize their ROI.
In essence, CPG marketers must strike a delicate balance between long-term planning and real-time adaptability to navigate the modern marketing landscape successfully. Those who invest in such efficient management solutions are better equipped to thrive in this ever-evolving industry, ensuring their brands remain competitive and responsive to the needs of today’s consumers.
Challenges/Problems faced while implementing Innovative Strategies for MROI Optimization, MMM, and MTA in the CPG Industry:
In the Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, achieving incremental growth requires a multifaceted approach that involves several revenue excellence strategies operating in concert. This harmonious synergy of strategies, such as product innovation, pricing optimization, effective marketing, and distribution enhancements, contributes to incremental volumes and revenue. Consequently, measuring the impact of these concurrent efforts should also be unified for accurate attribution.
However, attaining a holistic measurement approach in the CPG sector is a complex endeavor. It demands a substantial investment in data collection and analysis, as the data required for accurate measurement is extensive. Furthermore, the analytical methods involved must be nuanced to account for the interplay of various strategies and their cumulative effects on sales and revenue. Additionally, achieving a unified measurement framework necessitates streamlined change management processes to ensure that the entire organization can adapt to the new measurement paradigm effectively.
In summary, driving incremental volumes within CPG through multiple revenue excellence strategies demands a holistic and unified approach to measurement. This requires data-intensive efforts, sophisticated analytics, and meticulous change management to accurately attribute success and inform future strategy development.
Benefits of implementing Innovative Strategies for MROI Optimization, MMM, and MTA in the CPG Industry:
Our Marketing Decision Management (MDM) framework represents a comprehensive solution designed to empower brands in quantifying and optimizing the impact of their marketing activities. In today’s complex marketing landscape, understanding the true ROI of marketing efforts is crucial for strategic decision-making. Our MDM framework achieves this through a multi-faceted approach. We utilize a laddered mode of measurement, combining both top-down and bottom-up perspectives. The top-down analysis allows us to extract commercial insights by examining the macro-level impact of marketing campaigns on overall brand performance. This approach provides a holistic view of how marketing investments affect business outcomes.
In contrast, our bottom-up approach delves into the granular details of digital attributions and consumer behavioral impact. This perspective enables a deep understanding of how individual marketing touchpoints, channels, and campaigns influence consumer behavior and drive conversions. By merging these two approaches, we create a 360-degree view of the marketing impact, from high-level business metrics to the micro-level intricacies of consumer interactions.
Moreover, our framework leverages data-driven simulations to virtually measure the returns on media plans. This empowers brands to optimize their strategies, ensuring that marketing resources are allocated to the most effective channels and campaigns. By incorporating advanced analytics and modeling, we provide brands with the tools to make informed decisions, maximize ROI, and adapt swiftly to the ever-changing marketing landscape.
In conclusion, our MDM framework is a powerful tool that quantifies marketing impact, layers result for multiple brands, and allows brands to simulate, measure, and optimize their media plans. By offering both top-down and bottom-up perspectives, it caters to commercial insights, digital attributions, and consumer behavioral impacts, enabling brands to make data-driven decisions that yield significant marketing ROI improvements.
In a rapidly evolving consumer landscape, the future of marketing within the Consumer-Packaged Goods industry demands innovative strategies for MROI optimization, embracing both Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) and Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA). This visionary path offers the promise of unprecedented insights, efficiency, and growth. As CPG brands embrace data-driven decision-making, harnessing technology to understand consumer behavior, and refining their marketing investments, they position themselves to thrive in the digital era. The fusion of traditional wisdom with cutting-edge analytics paves the way for a brighter, more profitable future. The CPG industry’s transformation is not an option; it’s imperative for those who aspire to remain competitive and relevant.
Success Story: "Revolutionizing CPG Marketing: Unleashing ROI Potential with Innovative Strategies"
Client Details:
A multinational CPG giant headquartered in the USA with annual revenue of $1Bn+.
Challenges faced by the client:
The client’s challenge stemmed from their investment in both personal and non-personal marketing channels, as they sought to drive revenue growth. However, the client noticed that the revenue increase did not align proportionally with the increased budget allocation. This disconnect prompted the need for a comprehensive analysis of the various marketing channels to ascertain their individual impacts on revenue.
To address this issue effectively, the client aimed to optimize budget allocation, ensuring that resources were channeled into strategies and channels with the highest potential for revenue generation. Such an analysis involved a deep dive into the performance of each marketing channel, both personal (such as sales representatives, and direct interactions) and non-personal (like digital advertising, social media, and other automated touchpoints). By understanding the specific contribution of each channel and its return on investment, the client could make data
Connect with us for tailor-made solutions
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hamliet · 4 years
I find it interesting you think Hawks will be burn while oppsing Dabi. Why you think it will be necessarily an avversative behaviour that will led to tragedy? Icarus was a tragedy, but it’s differently portrayed in few version. In some, it was to underline to not chew more than what one can bite. Basically Icarus died of the ecstasy of flying itself, he died from hubris. But there’s no trace of it in Hawks. other interpretations stress how Icarus wants to get close to the sun, reaching a field it should prohibited. Basically while classics says icarus was too daring, some stress he liked the sun a lot. Hawks is an Endeavor ally. I strongly doubt he would do anything that would have the man he admired hurt. So what if instead he tries to stop Dabi, and he can’t and this results tragedy? The hubris of wanting to do all alone? Besides this is the meaning of Jin’s death to him: helping others and the sin of thinking killing was the only way.
Well, Hawks is the one flying around with giant wings and getting direct narrative shoutouts to Icarus. 
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I’m teasing. Now that we’ve got the requisite sarcasm out of the way, I’ll answer. I think hubris is misunderstood a lot. It’s the oldest sin in the books, the oldest flaw known to man. It stretches across cultures and time. You might say it’s part of human nature. The story of the Garden of Eden records it as the cause of mankind’s fall from grace: shall we become like God? 
It’s thinking you are god, but rarely do people actually be like “hey I’m literally god.” Instead it’s shown in behavior: you can judge people. You can condemn, you can save, you can destroy. It’s pride. It’s assuming you know how the world should go, including how everyone should react to you and to life, should think, should behave. It’s assuming the rules of reality don’t apply to you, that you are the exception, that you are in control. 
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That’s what happened to Icarus: he was given wings to become above the rest of humanity (literally and figuratively: literally because flying, and figuratively in that it is a feat left for the gods or mythical creatures). He fell and drowned; no one killed him, there was no villain, his hubris just led to a dead son and a heartbroken father. Icarus is not a bad guy. Neither is Hawks. Icarus was just a child who had been traumatized (he and his dad got imprisoned and left to the mercy of minotaurs) and the wings that his dad created helped them escape. Those wings saved them, if you will. The wings aren’t the problem either. 
Hawks’ flaw is absolutely hubris. The entire hero system’s flaw is hubris, actually. @linkspooky​ covered it excellently in their analysis of Hawks here. Also, because of the whole “human nature” concept, heroes with hubris are relatable. They’re likable, often. From Eren Jaeger to Herakles to Icarus to Antigone, they’re characters who are sympathetic, understandable, and we root for them. Icarus isn’t a villain in his story; he’s a sweet boy who didn’t listen. Which uh. We’ve all done. 
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To answer your ask about why Hawks would hurt Endeavor: Hawks doesn’t know what Endeavor thinks of Touya/Dabi. Why would he? We know, but he does not know what we know. I explained this here. Plus, hubris is itself assuming you know better than someone else, so... it’s not a good recipe. I don’t think Hawks is out here being a bad dude or gonna turn into Moonfish 2.0, but instead that he’s going to continue to act on his hubris with predictable consequences--since he doesn’t appear to be drawn to personal reflection even after getting his wings burned off the first time. 
I do think you’re absolutely right though that one of Hawks’ issues is trying to do things alone! So I think that’ll be part of it--while I try to shy away from predicting specifics, it seems quite possible, as I said above, that Hawks will not directly ask Endeavor about things, and thereby land himself in... sunny hot water (I’m sorry I had to joke so I don’t cry). 
One more thing about tragic falls: the reason it is supposed to resonate is because the hero doesn’t deserve what they get. Sure, they do bad things, but we’re sympathetic to them and the punishment is supposed to be worse than the flaw. So when I say Hawks is tragic, that’s what I mean--not “he is bad and deserves this.” 
Also of note, I know I say often BNHA isn’t tragic, and that does give me hope Hawks will be able to rise like a phoenix from his eventual fall (bird! bird! bird!). But the reason I am still expecting a tragic moment is because Hawks is, unlike Toga, Dabi, or Shigaraki, not a major shadow parallel who must be saved by the main characters. In fact, he’s not very connected to the main characters at all, at least not in the way the other three are. Hence if you’re going to insert a tragic subplot... that’s where you’d do it. Tragic subplots in otherwise optimistic child-aimed stories are not unheard of, either. Twice’s subplot was tragic, and guess who’s been linked to Twice’s subplot and isn’t reconsidering things from it? (Toga is reconsidering.) 
That said, again, I do expect some kind of redemptive element to his story by the end. I don’t think he’ll just fall into the ocean and no one will care. My specific prediction is that he goes for Touya eventually, and Endeavor stops him by sacrificing himself, not by murdering Hawks, because he’ll realize that Hawks is also a sad kid, thereby giving Shouto the chance to go and save Touya. It’s what happens afterwards that I’m nervous about, but I do believe it’ll involve redemption of some sort. Right now I’m pessimistically sitting at a stew of redemptive death helping Shouto somehow, but again, BNHA is a happy story, so maybe he’ll be able to come up and stay up, but humbled. Not as a god. 
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Though Paul's notion of spousal roles definitely had a more traditionalist bent, I do sometimes feel like it gets overplayed. Like, imo, the primary reason Jane's career was such an issue between them - more, possibly, even than possessiveness and ego, which were also significant factors - was because Paul wanted children and Jane didn't, yet. (Of course, with Jane, child-rearing could never have panned out the way it did with Linda, where the whole family could go out on tour as a unit, since Paul and Jane were engaged in totally separate activities. But I think the factor that Paul was Ready To Be A Dad Now loomed large in the breakup.) But with Linda, HM, and Nancy - not that he's flawless by any stretch, I'm sure; Linda contributed to some substantial attitude adjustments - he has been supportive of their individual endeavors/identities. Regardless of how passionate Paul is about animal rights, Linda always took the lead on that and was much more outspoken (and sometimes divisive) than he was. I think it took time and struggle to work out the balance between their interests and activities and doubtless caused rough patches in their marriage - as the Resident Superstar, Paul's needs certainly won out a lot - but there was a better equilibrium between Linda's own work and Paul's as they headed into the '90s. While I'm sure Paul's not, like, secretly pro-landmine, that wasn't a pet project until HM wanted him to put his weight behind it. As far as I'm aware, though he didn't push as hard as she wanted him to (for valid reasons, imo, not just because he wanted to keep her at home, subjugated to him), he did use his influence to get her gigs that she wanted to raise her own profile, like guest-hosting chat shows. Like the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? appearance they did, I recall there being lots of talk at the time that she was getting him to do more "ordinary" celeb stuff that some folks considered "beneath" him. IDK how passionately Paul felt about Bloomberg in the 2020 Democratic primary - that may have been his top choice of candidate regardless - but I think his appearance at a fundraiser (as "entertainment", whereas Nancy was the host) had a lot more to do with Nancy having known Bloomberg from when she was on the MTA, etc. (I'm sure he'd have put his foot down if the candidate was total anathema to him, like Trump or sth, lol.) Rather like Paul at the Adopt-a-Minefield galas. He's assisting rather than instigating, in my view. Similarly, once he'd shifted gears out of bachelordom and his Highland breakdown, he's been very active in the ~domestic realm~: child care in particular, but also cooking/meal prep (especially post-Linda) and household chores. To maintain his "minimum personal staff" lifestyle, it certainly appears that he chips in, probably more than the average male celebrity, of his generation to boot. Dunno what exactly my point here is, or why I've chosen to vent it at you, so I apologize, lol. I guess these elements of Paul's marriages feel... under-discussed when compared to what a difficult spouse he must be. (And, between the constant stifling of negative emotions, domineering tendencies, unresolved issues of all sorts, desire for a mother figure, etc., I am absolutely not saying there's no truth to that. Just... other angles too?)
Love that you sent me this ask anon, cause i agree, and im glad someones pointed it out! I feel like, yeah, pauls notion of family dynamics and ideals can be backwards - but also, i dont think that they’re really anything out of the ordinary (at least not for a man born in the 40s), and in some ways i feel like he was far more progressive then a lot of other men of his generation. Im not saying we shouldn’t talk about pauls more “traditionalist” ideals, but i agree with anon here, in that its just as though people are prone to hyperbolising these things sometimes. And there is validity to the claims that pauls ideas about the family were/are sexist, but i dont know, theres more nuance to it then just purely “paul forced his partners to become housewives and baby-making machines”, which is sort of how i see him and his relationships being portrayed.
I feel like with paul, its not necessarily that he’s so much opposed to womens independence on a whole - but its more as though, he enjoys the idea of “the regular nuclear-family”. And so the type of partner he seeks is one prepared to stay home and raise the kids - and tbh if both partners actively want to conform to that type of traditional family dynamic, then i guess its just up to them, and i dont really have an issue with it, in and of itself. Im not saying that this is true for all of pauls relationships, or that jane, linda, whoever wanted to conform to that lifestyle - im just saying that for him to idealise this dream of the wife and kids i dont think is necessarily wrong (it just becomes wrong imo if he’s actively pressuring or forcing a partner who doesn’t want to participate in that type of lifestyle, into conforming to it (which in some ways he did pressure his gfs/wives into doing, so im not gonna say theres no accountability on his behalf here)). But overall, i feel like paul doesnt actually have as much of an issue with his partners working and having their own projects etc. its just more about their working getting in the way of his want for a family, and wanting to be “the man of the house” etc. So y’know, still sexist - but just not as sexist as ive seen him being made out to be at times.
Really, i think anon said this all better then i could, so im just gonna leave you all to read their message lol
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All of Me Ch. 2
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Bucky X Plus Size!Reader / OC
Summary: To say Bucky Barnes hasn’t been adjusting well would be an understatement. Without Steve or any sense of direction, he feels lost at sea even though he’s back home for the first time in half a century. Until, Jude.
Could a woman from his dark past help him find his way to some kind of future?
[Named reader, that’s what I’m calling this, as it is written in second person. A little different than other reader fics but I hope you have fun stepping into Jude’s shoes!]
Warnings: Self depreciation, feels, that is about it!
A/N: For those who reblogged and commented on chapter one, thank you!!! It seriously makes my day to see that something from my head brought you a little joy. 
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Jude looks up at him from behind a curtain of dark tangled curls. Even with blood pouring from her nose--courtesy of his most recent blow--she looks ferocious.  
It’s the eyes. There isn’t an ounce of fear in them like there should be. She’s all fiery rage and unshakable defiance.
He hates it. 
Not because he holds any animosity toward the woman. She’s trapped just as he is. He hates it because all her defiance, her rage, her strength only means they will break her that much harder. And for some reason, he doesn’t want to see her shattered. Even more, he desperately doesn’t want to be the one who does it. 
As he watches her rise to one knee his stomach twists. He’d give so much for his goddamn mouth to work, to have control over his tongue just for one moment. All he needs is enough time to tell her to stay down, explain how much easier things will be if she just bends to them. To not make him-
She stands, shoving the hair from her face she spits a stream of red onto the grey concrete. When she meets his eyes her bloody teeth are bared like a wild animal, hatred radiating off of her. 
“Again,” the voice in the speaker commands. 
Like a man possessed, he attacks. 
He shoots up, gasping for breath, body slick with sweat. 
For the past four nights, she’d been there, waiting in his dreams. Never as the surprisingly warm and charming woman he’d met in that alley, not that he’d expect his mind to ever be that kind. No, it was always violence and blood. Always the sick taste of regret and shame. 
Coffee could at least combat that last bit. On the TV, the early morning news just started, the clock on the bottom of the screen telling him it was just after 4am. A completely acceptable time to make a pot. 
Groaning, he rises from the floor. The dream left his muscles tense and sore in a way that stretching didn’t touch. For a moment he swore he felt every single one of his 106 years. 
Bucky tries to find some kind of peace in the routine actions of morning--methodically folding the blankets he’d slept on, replacing the couch cushion he used for a pillow, measuring the coffee, filling the tank--while the news anchor droned on about the MTA being overwhelmed with demand post-Blip. He knows it’s a pointless endeavor, peace was elusive at best and he was pretty damn certain he wouldn’t find it here.
It isn’t even 5am by the time he’s downed two cups of coffee, showered, and is out the door. There wasn’t anywhere for him to be, nothing to do, but he knew well enough by now that staying in his apartment any longer would have the walls closing in.
As he steps onto the quiet Brooklyn street he pulls his gloves over his hands, studying the sturdy leather. Spring was getting closer and he hoped it was a cold one. Once the heat set in he wasn’t sure what he would do. Walking around with a jacket and gloves would be miserable but the stares and recognition the arm would draw would be worse. Maybe he’d just follow winter around, like a deeply confused bird. 
The irony was that he hated the cold, always had. 
Every winter had been fraught for Steve, his already precarious health inevitably sent teetering ever closer toward disaster with the cold. Bucky could have taken on any asshole Steve picked a fight with but there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to shield him from pneumonia or worse. And that, the thought that he couldn’t protect someone he cared about from harm, that was the worst. 
There were other reasons he hated the cold. Less depressing ones.  
Summer meant beach days. Building sandcastles with his little sister Rebecca, laughing as Steve let her bury him in the sand. It meant the freedom that came with swimming out as far as he could, the water holding him, his mind free as he floated on his back watching the clouds. 
His steps falter as a wave of melancholy threatens to pull him under. Slumping on a nearby bench he tries to take in deep breaths even as his thoughts turn ever more morose. 
Those people who took those beach trips were all gone. Even James Barnes, a boy who built sandcastles and blissfully let the ocean hold him, was gone. His body may be sitting on this filthy bench and not rotting in the ground as it should be but for all rights and purposes, he died at 28. 
Snorting out a hollow laugh he thinks about how that boy would have reacted to Jude. He wouldn’t have run from a gal who asked him to dinner that’s for damn sure. 
Had he run? Not really. He’d just removed himself quickly from a situation that would have, no doubt, been an absolute disaster. Really, it was better for both of them in the long run. After all, what could they give one another besides painful reminders of a past he was certain she wanted to forget as much as he did? 
A sudden, uncomfortable, possibility occurs to him. If he’d been stuck in a horrible loop of nightmares the past few nights, had he put her in the same terrible position? 
“Fuck,” he sighs. 
He had to check-in. Had to be sure she was ok. He wouldn’t let her see him but he would just see if there were any signs that he’d done more harm than intended. It was the right thing to do.
Besides, he reasons, it wasn’t like he had anything else going on. 
Given that he was basically stalking a woman he had a terrible history with, the comfort he felt falling back into the routine of observation had to be a clear sign of just how horribly fucked up he was. 
Or how lonely you are, a voice whispers. He pushes that away. Alone was better. 
A hollow spot opened in his chest as if to prove him wrong. Slowly the spot filled with an itchy anxious sensation that soon covered his whole body. He leaned against the low roof wall as his lungs refused his commands to draw in oxygen. 
What were those techniques the doc taught him? Fuck, he wanted to scream but the sound formed a lump in his throat, making swallowing hard. 
Five things. He was supposed to name five things he could see. 
Forcing a painful breath he clocks his backpack, the rooftop door, his water bottle, protein bar wrapper, and… a pistachio shell that just fell in his lap. He shook his head, probably a damn pigeon, he should be happy it didn’t drop something vile on him instead. 
Four things he could touch. That was the next step. 
Another breath and he touches his backpack, the rough rooftop, and… another shell that falls in his lap. And another. Suddenly a small rainstorm of pistachio shells pelts him. 
What. The. Fuck. The confusion he felt overwhelmed the anxiety just as a little paper crane landed in the pile of shells now gathered on his lap. On one of its delicate wings the words, Open Me, were written in precise bold letters. 
Carefully he unfolds the paper creature, the note making a shameful blush heat his face.
If you’re going to creep around my shop, the least you can do is buy a book. 
Or several.
He peers over the wall. Jude, stands in the door, popping nuts into her mouth. When she sees him she gives a little wave sending another shell to ping him right in the middle of his forehead. 
Even though he knows it was unlikely that anyone saw something so small, he still scans the street with concern. When he looks back, she’s disappeared into the shop. 
He tries to fight down the small smile forcing its way across his lips and fails. 
Without giving it more thought he heads down to the shop. He had been meaning to get something to read for a while now.
Honestly, when you wrote that note you’d fully expected him to ignore you. It had just been something to pass the time and, well, after the way he’d left before you were a little curious as to why he was back. Hadn’t he said he’d wanted to ‘close the door’? 
To your surprise, no sooner had you settled back behind the counter did you catch a large figure moving with far too much grace from the alley across the street. 
Well then. 
“Afternoon!” You say as though the bell above the door was announcing any other customer. “Can I help you find anything today?” 
He studies your customer service face for a beat before answering, “No, just browsing,” 
“Great! We are closing in 45, but let me know if I can help.” You’d swear there was the glimmer of a smile in his eyes as he nods, popping down one of the aisles. 
Over the next half hour, you only catch glimpses of him as he makes an impressive show of browsing. The effort was endearing in an odd sort of way. 
With 15 minutes till closing, you grab a few books that needed reshelving and begin your rounds. It wasn’t a large shop, the walls were lined with shelves while six free-standing shelves about eight feet long formed the aisles. Each shelf was about seven feet tall and had its own old-school sliding ladder--not that you needed it, much easier to use your ability to reshelve something above your reach.
On the last aisle, you find Bucky crouched down, fingers buried in the fur of a very contented giant orange cat. Victor, hearing your approach, rolled onto his back, to face you and release a loud raspy meow as Bucky fearlessly began giving him belly rubs. 
“Yes, I see you’ve made a new friend,” you say to the cat. 
Bucky shyly glances up at you, “He kept flopping by my feet. Was worried I’d step on him if I didn’t pay him attention.”
“That’s his favorite manipulation tactic.” 
“Shouldn’t go showing your belly to strangers, buddy,” Bucky says softly to the cat. 
“Eh, Victor is a pretty good judge of character.” 
Bucky lets out a soft snort, “Not so sure about that.” Immediately, Victor dug his claws into the leather-gloved hand at his belly. “Hey now!” 
You laugh, “Never correct a cat. They’re smarter than us and they know it.” Leaving Victor to handle his latest victim, you head back to the register. 
Several minutes later, Bucky reappears, an unexpected stack of books in his grip. 
“Is this enough penance?” He asks, setting them on the counter, not quite meeting your eyes. 
“Nowhere near,” you tease. “Huh,” the sound slips out before you can catch it as you read the titles. 
“What?” His tone is so on edge you feel ashamed for letting your surprise show. 
“Didn’t peg you for a poetry guy is all.” He’d picked up a few anthologies of 20th-century American poets, a modern selection, and a collection of Black poets. And… The Hobbit. “Or fantasy.” 
“What did you peg me for?” He asks, the edge that was there softening.  
Looking up from the stack you study him. The air of sadness that waylaid you back in the alley was still there, making your heart seize. But more apparent was the stern brow, tight jaw, the way his broad shoulders slumped forward a bit as though he wanted to shrink himself. He seemed so stoic but, if that laugh you’d heard the other day was any indication, it was a facade. Or at least to some degree, it was. 
Given that you weren’t blind or dead you also couldn’t help but appreciate the shape of his mouth, and, for some reason, the small bit of grey in his stubble was delicious. Even though you’d tried to ignore it in the alley, you had to admit he was rather beautiful. It was kind of annoying. 
Bucky clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably. Staring at people is weird, Jude, you chastise yourself. 
“If I passed you on the street I’d say historical non-fiction,” you spurt, which wasn’t exactly true. Had he been any other customer, you’d say he was more into classics--Austen, Bronte, Wilde--before history. Though you’d likely recommend a few non-fiction titles too. 
He grimaces, “I think I’ve lived through enough history.” 
“Fair point.” You check the price on the first book, typing it into the old register, “But your permanent glower screams ‘I only read for knowledge.’” That was true. 
“I don’t-” You shoot him a sideways glance, daring him to deny it. “I will have you know I read The Hobbit when it first came out,” he deflects. 
You don’t hide your surprise as you give him an approving nod, “You’re possibly the only person alive that gets to say you knew about Tolkein before it was cool. Congratulations.” 
“Knew there had to be an upside to this bullshit somewhere,” the corner of his mouth quirks up just a bit. 
“Happy to help you find a silver lining.” He huffs out the ghost of a laugh. 
“Hold on,” you hold up the paperback copy of The Hobbit. “This was marketed to children when it was published, right?” 
“And?” You simply cock a brow in response. “It had a dragon in it ok?” 
“Wow,” you say as you tuck the book into a paper bag, “you’re a nerd.” 
“I’m not a-” 
“Oh no,” you shake your head, “this is not up for debate, Barnes. You’re a nerd.” You ring the rest of the books up, “It’s a good thing. Adds a bit of color to your whole,” you gesture at him again, “broody thing.” 
“I’ll take your word for it,” he grins so broadly it’s almost a smile. 
“Good,” you say, feeling a little smug for breaking through some of that ice. “Why didn’t you get the follow-up? Fellowship of The Ring?” 
“Wasn’t there. Plus, it’s been a while, figured a refresh couldn’t hurt.” 
“Well, let me know when you’re done and you can borrow my copy if we don’t get one in.” 
“Does that make you a nerd?” He didn’t balk at the offer, which felt like a good sign. 
“I’m absolutely a nerd. I’ve read all the Lord of The Rings books about four times plus the Silmarillion at least twice. And I’d rather not disclose how many times I’ve watched the movies.” You hold out your hand, “That’ll be $44.60.” 
The shock of the price made it easier to fight his smile. Not because he didn’t have it, he actually had more money than he knew what to do with after the back pay from the government hit. It was just that the cost of things these days still caught him off guard from time to time. 
Jude takes his card and passes him the receipt to sign. As he did, his heart began to pound in his ears. Did he just say thanks and leave? Did he ask how she was? Did he-
“So,” she pulls the receipt from under a hand he didn’t realize had paused over the paper, “if you’ll feed Victor, I can gather up the till and we can be outta here in ten.” 
He blinks at her, watching as she punches a few buttons on the register. She said it so casually, so certainly, he wondered if he’d missed some integral piece of communication. 
“His food is by his bowl in the back room. Only door on the back wall, you can’t miss it.” He remains frozen. “What?” She asks, a little of that mischief he’d noticed before sparks in her warm eyes. 
“Did… Did I miss something?” He manages to ask. 
“I assumed you showed up today to cash in on my offer to feed you.” She pulls the cash from the drawer, “Why else would someone spend the day lurking?”
“I wouldn’t say I lurked.” Which was a lie. 
“You lurked. Hard.” 
The next words out of his mouth surprise him so much that he isn’t sure they even came from his brain, “What if the lurking had less to do with food than your glowing company?” Her brows lifted, clearly as surprised as he was. 
She didn’t seem bothered by it though, which he guessed was good. Her full lips, painted a striking deep auburn shade that played nicely off her eyes, curled into a sardonic smile, “Trust me, most days my company hardly qualifies as a night light.” He didn’t miss the note of sadness there. He also somehow knows that she’s dead wrong. 
Looking away, she presses a button and the register noisily spit out a long receipt. “It was definitely the food.” 
“Nah,” he says, turning away. “I don’t even know what Korean BBQ is. Door’s back here right?” 
“Yup.” When he glances over his shoulder, he’d swear Jude’s cheeks were a little rosier than a moment ago.
As they made their way to the restaurant she gave him the rundown of their destination, which still didn’t quite make sense to him. 
“Ok. So we’re paying to go somewhere and cook our own food?” He looks over at her, catching her eye roll. 
“When you put it like that you take the magic out of it.” 
“There was magic?” She elbows him lightly. 
“It is a fun group activity that happens to produce food. Stop being a killjoy.” 
“Not a killjoy, but…” 
“What?” She groans looking over at him. 
He grins, “Are group activities a favorite of yours?”
“Are you accusing me of being antisocial?” He tosses her a sidelong glance in response. After almost two weeks of watching her, he hadn’t once seen her spend time with people outside the shop. He figured she was only moderately more social than he was. 
“Call it an educated guess.” 
 “So. Rude.” There’s no offense in her tone. “And I’m to assume you spend your free time playing intramural baseball and you go to brunch with the gals every Sunday?” 
She laughs a little, “You should be honored that I’m willing to make an exception for you. Plus the sides are amazing.” 
“At least you’re buying.”
“Yeah. So hush.” 
A few feet from the entrance he realizes he recognizes the place, you often picked up lunch here. Already mouthwatering smells were wafting out, causing his stomach to growl just a bit. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
An elderly woman with a head of white hair sits behind the hostess stand. Her conversation with a young man ceases her face lighting up the moment they step inside.
“Yeobo!” She exclaims affectionately, throwing her arms wide to pull Jude into a bone-crushing embrace. 
Jude laughs, returning the hug as she responds in flawless Korean, “Good to see you, Mrs. Phan.” 
“I didn’t see your order,” Mrs. Phan holds Jude at arm’s length. “When did you call? I always tell them to put yours at the front of the line,” the woman tosses a disapproving look in what Bucky assumes is the direction of the kitchen. 
“Oh, I didn’t-”
“You’re eating right?” She takes the taller woman’s chin in her hand, turning her face side to side. “I worry when you don’t eat, Judy.” 
“I’m clearly eating,” Jude says with a good-natured laugh. “I actually brought a friend, figured we’d eat here.” Mrs. Phan peaks around Jude’s shoulders to see Bucky hovering. 
“Oh,” she gives him a judgemental once over. “You didn’t meet him on the internet did you?” Her volume drops to a loud whisper, “Some of those people are no good, Judy.” 
“No. He’s, uh, we met a while ago.” Jude turns to him with an apologetic expression. “Bucky, this is Mrs. Phan, her family runs the place.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Phan,” he says in Korean. The old woman’s features shift from suspicion to tentative approval. 
“Well,” she nods. “Let’s sit you two in the back. More private.”
Once Mrs. Phan steps away he can’t help himself, “So, Judy-”
“Nope. You have not earned Judy status.” 
“Is there a membership fee?”
“Yes. And you have to be a sweet Korean woman who feeds me lots and lots of bulgogi.” 
“Steep price.”
“Can I get you two drinks?” The server asks as he sat down two glasses and a pitcher of water before starting up the grill in the middle of the table. “Granny said not to bother with a menu, she knows what you like.”
“Want a beer or anything?” Jude asks him. 
“I’ll take one too.”
“Two beers, got it!” The young waiter bounces off toward the kitchen. 
“Do you ever feel ridiculous?” Bucky’s confusion must’ve been clear as Jude quickly adds, “When you order alcohol.”
Bucky shrugs, “Just seems…”  
“Yeah.” A heavy silence hangs until the server brings the beer.
She takes a long drink, “Any hobbies?” It’s an innocent question but he has to fight to not grimace. 
The answer was no. He didn’t have hobbies or interests, at least nothing he’d consider good dinner conversation. He didn’t jog or box or whittle or whatever the hell people did these days. 
“Not really.”
“I don’t buy that. Everyone has a hobby.” 
“Do you?” 
“Sure.” His curiosity must’ve shown because she continued, “I mean I work at a bookshop so obviously I read. I like to cook…” She trails off for a beat. “Not a long list but I like those things.” He nods thinking that was it. 
“Seriously? Fishing? Poker? Chess in the park?” 
“You sound like my therapist,” he downs half his beer. 
“Ah! There you go, therapy.” 
“Not a hobby.” 
“Ok. Activity,” she says with a slight eye roll. 
“Activity makes it sound optional, which it isn’t. Condition of my pardon,” he practically spits the last word. 
“Never thought someone could sound so bitter about getting a clear record.” 
“Would you want it?”
She looks into the middle distance, expression pensive, as she shrugs off her brown plaid blazer. The action is far more distracting than it should be. 
Even seated, the tight fit of the mock neck tank top and the high waist of her straight-leg jeans perfectly compliment her ample curves. Her brows knit in thought as she rests her chin in her hand. He catches a glimpse of words tattooed on her arm but he’s drawn back to her face. Damn, she was just so… lovely. Striking actually. 
A desert suddenly takes up residence in his mouth forcing him to finish his beer in two long gulps. 
“I don’t think I would,” she finally says. 
“Really?” He asks, genuinely surprised. 
She takes a deep drink before continuing. “I kind of have one. In the sense that, as far the government is concerned, I don’t exist. Anything official would put me on their radar and I’d rather remain a ghost.”
A stab of worry spears his heart, “That’s a precarious position to be in, Jude.” 
She gives a little shrug, “I’m used to precarious.” 
Before he can say something ridiculous like how that sounds exhausting or that she shouldn’t have to live like that the food arrives. Their conversation switches focus to easier topics like what dish is what and what sauce or side is best with which type of meat. On the latter, he learned that it didn’t really matter, it was all exceptional. 
“You know,” Jude says as their gluttony tapers off, “I’m always pissed about the booze thing. But,” she bites into a braised potato, humming with satisfaction, “thank fuck food is still good.” 
“I’ll drink to that,” he holds up his fourth beer. 
As their glasses clink and Jude’s smile washes over him he realizes with no small amount of shock that he’s having a good time. The food, the beer, her company, and conversation, all of it was strangely perfect.
Unease blossoms, spreading like a weed choking the delicate bit of happiness that had just begun to take root. Too often it seemed these small moments of light only drew the darkness in closer. The better and brighter the moment meant the aftermath would be all the worse. 
“Hey,” Jude’s voice snaps him back. “You ok?” 
Even though her expression lacks judgment he feels his stomach flip, he hadn’t realized he’d fallen away like that. He shifts in his seat. The room felt too warm all of a sudden, too loud, the woosh of the grills and the clinks and scrapes of the other diners rattling around in his brain. 
“Yeah, he swallows thickly. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for.” She sighs, stretching back a bit in her chair. 
“Ok,” she finishes her beer and sets it to the side, “if I eat any more I will need to be rolled home. You?” Bucky nods in response, not trusting his voice but grateful for her good timing. 
Jude catches the server’s attention and asks, “So is she gonna let me pay?”
The server laughs, “You know  the answer.” 
“I do,” she sighs, shaking her head. Jude pulls a few bills from her bag handing them to the young man. “Just don’t tell her.” 
“You got it,” he tucks them into his apron. “Have a good night!” With a smile, he disappears. 
As they leave, he’s sure to thank Mrs. Phan for the amazing food. She beams at them both drawing promises that they’ll come back soon and giving Jude another tight embrace. 
Before they’re out the door the older woman grabs Bucky’s left arm and he freezes, panic thrumming through him. “Now, you will walk my Judy home. Too many crazies on the streets.” 
Jude stifles a laugh and he can’t help but smile, “Yes ma’am.” She nods approval and releases him. 
Outside he feels like he can breathe a little better. Though being out in the open presented a whole new set of dangers. 
“You do not have to walk me home,” Jude says with a soft laugh. 
“I was already planning to,” he says matter-of-factly, shoving his hands in his jacket. And it was true. If they’d parted ways he’d still have made sure she got home safely.
“Such a gentleman,” she teases. He shakes his head, smiling despite himself. 
“She seems to really care about you,” he says nodding back to the restaurant. “How long have you known her?” 
“About five years or so.” The significance isn’t lost on him. “I… uh…” She clears her throat, “Of course there was the whole Blip thing then but I also had literally just gotten… out.”
“I know,” he says rather quietly. “I mean-” He pauses, running a hand through his hair as you wait to cross the street. “I saw the date in a file the Avengers had.” It was a sparse file, compiled after the Blip, but it had been enough for him to go off of. 
Duh. Of course, he knew. You had already assumed that he’d found out about you from Steve. It was like your brain was misfiring. This wasn’t something you’d talked about… Ever. There hadn’t been an occasion to or desire, but it felt important for him to know.
“Right,” you say with a weird little half-laugh. “Anyway, before I got the job at the shop I was kind of…” Why could you not complete a damn sentence? 
“Lost,” Bucky finishes in a tone that makes you feel like he knows exactly what you mean. You figured of all people, he likely did. 
“Yeah. But so was the rest of the world at that time. It made things easier I think.”
“That makes sense.”
“I was just wandering around one day and she stopped me and asked when the last time I ate was. When I couldn’t give her a real answer she practically dragged me to the restaurant.” 
He laughs softly, the sound warming something in you, “That doesn’t shock me.”
“She is a bulldozer,” you can’t help but smile, affection for the woman flooding you. “Been going a few times a week ever since.” He nods but doesn’t say anything more. 
The silence isn’t quite uncomfortable or even charged but there is a tension to it. You wonder if, like you, he has questions he doesn’t know how to ask or is too scared to. 
After a few blocks, you say, “I assume you know how much farther it is. I don’t exactly live close.”
“I… Well...” At least you weren’t the only one who wasn’t doing the whole words thing well at the moment. 
“Oh come on,” you elbow him gently. “I’m fully aware you know where I live.” He looked like he was considering throwing himself into the busy street, “Don’t look so guilty.” 
After a pregnant pause, he says, “I am sorry. For the whole… Lurking thing.”
You shrug, “I don’t hold it against you. It is weird.” You laugh at his painful grimace and lay a hand on his elbow, pulling him to a halt, “But weird is fine. I don’t think normal is really an option for people like us.” 
People like us. Was that an ok thing to say? You did share a uniquely horrible history but still. 
He averts his eyes and you feel guilty for teasing him, “I mean it though. You don’t have to walk me the whole way.” 
“I don’t mind,” he starts moving again. You cock your head to the side, doubt written across your features, “Really. I like walking. Maybe that’s my hobby.” His crooked little grin makes your heart do a stupid stutter. 
You take the bait, “See! I knew it would be some kind of old man thing.”
He snorts something like a laugh, “I am technically a senior citizen.” 
“Should get you those velcro tennis shoes and some ankle weights. Really lean into it.” His chuckle feels like another win. 
“Yeah, maybe I should.” 
“I didn’t think about walking,” you let your eyes wander toward the lit windows above you. “I do a lot of walking. Outside of the usual commuting that is.” 
“Where do you go?” You give him a little smirk. Clearly, he should know since he’d watched you. “I didn’t watch you 24/7. I have some respect for privacy.” The way his eyes crinkle tells you he’s not feeling morose like before. 
“Again. Such a gentleman.” You pause as you wait to pass a large crowd outside of a restaurant. “Nowhere if I’m being honest. I tend to wander at night if I can’t sleep. Which is to say I spend more nights wandering than not,” you try to sound light-hearted but it comes across as hollow. 
“I get that,” he says so softly someone else would have likely missed it. You look up at him, a shadow had fallen across his features, one you, unfortunately, understood all too well. 
The blare of a horn followed by rubber shrieking against the pavement interrupts your thoughts. Before you register the crunch of metal and shatter of glass, you find your back pressed against the grate of a closed storefront. You can feel the ghost of metal fingers from where they bit into your forearm to place you behind Bucky.
It is an overreaction but not one you can hold against him. Even though you had no doubt he’d moved faster than what many would consider normal, it was far better than the way you sometimes lost touch with gravity if startled. Fast people were less suspicious than floating ones. 
After a few breaths, it was clear there had only been an accident. Nothing for either of you to be worried about. At least as far as your safety was concerned. You see his back heave with a deep breath, clearly having come to the same conclusion. 
Those broad shoulders droop a bit as looks over at you, “Sorry.” 
Your fingers barely graze his shoulder when he quickly steps away from you looking at the accident, “They seem to have it handled.” From what you could see he was right. Just a usual fender bender, even if a particularly nasty one. 
He scans you, turning away then back again, a hand dragging through his hair. “I didn’t mean…” He sighs, “I mean I…” 
“You didn’t mean to do something noble?” You don’t have to reach for the smile that spreads over your face, “I would never accuse you of anything so close to heroics as protecting me.”
The relief that floods his features is so powerful you practically feel it. He huffs the kind of laugh that is more catharsis than humor, “Good. Can’t be misleading you like that.” 
For the rest of the walk the two of you are mostly silent, more on edge and observant than you’d been previously. Yet it feels rather comfortable, perhaps just because you didn’t have to explain why your sudden need to speak had disappeared. Without asking you knew he understood and that was… Refreshing. 
“I actually had a good time tonight,” Bucky says, stopping in front of your building. 
“I don’t know if I should take that as an insult,” you poke. “I’m joking,” you say when his face falls. “I did too.” 
He nods, clearly repressing a smile, “Well, thanks, for dinner and the company.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
After a bit of a pause he starts, “Have a good-”
“Oh wait! Give me your number,” he blinks at you blankly. “So I can let you know if we get in Fellowship or you can tell me when you’re done with The Hobbit. Whatever comes first.” 
“Right.” He rattles it off as you enter it into your phone. 
“Perfect. We’ll be in touch. Night!” You turn and head for the door. 
“Night,” he says with a touch of humor. You look back to take note of the direction he heads in. 
When you step into the entry you text him your name followed by the wizard and dragon emoji. Then:
Jude: I assume you know how to respond to this. It’s a text message. Kind of like a telegraph but faster. 
Those three dots appear and disappear a few times before he responds:
Bucky: Ha. Ha. 
You could imagine the look on his face so you send:
Jude: I bet this is you
Followed by the stern face and eye roll emojis. 
Surprisingly he sends: 
Bucky: I think that’s just my face these days. 
Now you laugh for real and shoot over a couple of crying laughing faces. 
Not bothering with your keys you open your door. Tossing your bag aside you strip out of the blazer and tank top letting them fall to the floor, replacing them with a dark grey, almost black, hoodie. Phone and wallet shoved in your pockets you head out again. 
A thin neck gater and beanie were already in the hoodie pouch. You pull them on as you push open the door to the roof of your building. Tugging the gater over your nose, and giving your surroundings a quick scan, you hop to the adjacent roof. The mix of brute strength and your ability make the action effortless.
This mode of transportation wasn’t always ideal, but it did allow you to cover more ground quickly. In just a minute or two you could peek onto the sidewalk and see Bucky. 
Likely, you could have just asked him where he lived and he’d have told you but it was just as likely that he’d have kept that information close to the chest. Plus, you couldn’t think of a good reason to know other than leveling the playing field; and that only made sense if you viewed him as a threat, which you didn’t. 
Truthfully, you were just curious. And as weird as this was, hadn't you said normal wasn’t the default for people like you?
@bluegirlusa1  @l0kisbitch  @tazzi-baby​   @woodyandbuzz20-01  @mooniightbucky-blog​   @saundrasays​   @alyssaj23  @mywinterwolf  @wonderlandmind4​    @anamcg317​  @buckaroo-barness-blog  @jazztherebel  @peachthatdrinkslemonade​  @regulusirius   @auskitty  @babyimp1967  @katecolleen  @handplucked  @darkdragonphoenix  @issanitydead  @thestorydetective  @buckysstar    @greyeyedsmile14  @watchoutforfrostbite  @for-the-love-of-the-fandom   @siriuslycloudy2   @jdoenson   @wildmoonflower  @cutie1365  @demonlover87  @winterboobearsworld  @this-kitten-is-smitten  @amorluzymelodia  @nutellakirb  @nighttwingg @coffeebeforewater @shesalatesh @maniacproffesor @lostinspace33  @mugi-chwan95 @katecolleen​
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cardest · 4 years
Boston, Salem & MA playlist
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Ever been to Boston and Salem in Massachusetts? I hope to someday soon. Salem, Bruins, Cape Cod, Edgar Allen Poe, the history! Many great bands hail from Boston and Massachusetts, like Dinosuar Jr, Aerosmith and Guerilla Toss...ugh! So many bands. Converge, Isis, Cave-In, Pixies, Magic Circle....Not to mention the songs about Salem, MA and the witch trials, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson and even Lizzy Bordon (in RI section).  The history of this region is fascinating. The Pilgrims and the Boston Tea Party etc. Many songs about this period of time. Hope you enjoy this playlist. Also I threw in a little Rhode Island and New Hampshire too.
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Remember people, live life deliciously!
001 Times Of Grace - Strength In Numbers 002 Boston - Peace of Mind 003 Dinosaur Jr - Freak Scene 004 Pixies - trompe le monde 005 Cheers TV show - Opening 006 Aerosmith - Beyond Beautiful 007 The Byrds - Boston 008 Dave Loggins - Please Come To Boston 009 The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Boston Tea Party 010 Buffalo Tom - Crutch 011 Escuela Grind - No Worship 012 Made Out Of Babies - Grimace (The Ruiner) 013 dropkick murphys -for boston 014 Lemonheads - Hate Your Friends 015 The Cars - Drive 016 Morphine - Honey White 017 The Breeders - Cannonball 018 Isis - Ghost Key 019 Better Than Ezra - Normal Town 020 Killswitch Engage - Starting Over 021 Converge -  Sadness Comes Home 022 Grief - Come To Grief 023 Aerosmith - Draw The Line 024 Dinosaur Jr. -  Watch the Corners 025 Friend & Lover - Boston is a lovely town 026 Magic Circle -  Departed Souls 027 All Pigs Must Die - Hungry Wolf, Easy Prey 028 Shadows Fall - The Light That Blinds 029 The Bee Gees- 'Massachusetts' 030 Belly - Feed The Tree 031 Boston - Rock and Roll Band 032 The Pixies - Planet Of Sound 033 Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra - Massachusetts Avenue 034 Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations 035 The Rosebuds - Back To Boston 036 Cave In - Inspire 037 Pearl Jam - Brain of J. 038 Tool - Sweat 039 Adam Ant - Bright Lights Black Leather 040 Tristania - My Lost Lenore 041 Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor 042 The Kingston Trio - MTA 043 Ylvis - Massachusetts 044 Captain Beefheart - 25th Century Quaker 045 Elder - Deadweight 046 Morne - Coming Of Winter 047 Lou Reed - I Wanna Be Black 048 Lyres - Boston 049 Rotting Christ - The Raven 050 Killswitch Engage- Rose Of Sharyn 051 Macabre - Boston Strangler Albert de Salvo 052 Dar Williams - Flinty Kind of Woman 053 STEELY DAN, The Boston Rag 054 The Beach Boys - Do You Like Worms 055 The Freeze-This is Boston not LA 056 Art Gruthie - Massachusetts 057 THE CARS _ Good Times Roll 058 Richard Band - Re-Animator OST Prologue - Main Title 059 Gang Green - Skate To Hell 060 Guerilla Toss - Come Up With Me 061 Karyn Crisis' Gospel of the Witches -Salem's Wounds 062 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Agorapocalypse now 063 the MODERN LOVERS _Roadrunner_ 1972 064 Edgar Allen Poe - Black Cat 065 Rammstein - Stein um Stein 066 The Necromancers - Salem Girl Part I 067 Orange Goblin - Sons Of Salem 068 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Main Titles 069 King Diamond - Abigail 070 The Cult - The Witch 071 Witch - Eye 072 Cavalera Conspiracy -  The Crucible 073 Queens Of The Stone Age -  Burn The Witch 074 Salem - Witch Burning 075 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Into The Woods (The Witch) 076 Clutch - Sucker for the Witch 077 Bewitched TV show  - Theme 078 John Zorn - Witchfinder 079 Blood Ceremony -  The Witch's Dance 080 Billy Talent - The dead can't Testify 081 The Misfits -  Witch Hunt 082 Rob Zombie - Lords Of Salem 083 Acid Witch -  Witchfynder Finder 084 King Diamond - Salem 085 The Cramps Big Black Witchcraft Rock 086 Mount Salem - Lucid 087 Sleepy Hollow TV SHow - Main Theme 088 Demons & Wizards - Beneath These Waves 089 Hexvessel -  Woman of Salem 090 Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog 091 Metal Church - Of Unsound mind 092 Lich King -  Ed-209 093 Disrupt - Religion is a Fraud 094 The Witch OST - Witch's Coven 095 Fuming Mouth - Out of the Shadows 096 Abigail Williams - Acolytes 097 Clutch -  Worm Drink 098 1476 - A Circle Of Hope & Despair 099 Sleepy Hollow (2014) Soundtrack 100 Pixies - All Over the World 101 Sonic Youth - New Hampshire 102 Meliah Rage - Absolute Power 103 Albert Goes West - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 104 Symphony X - King of Terrors 105 Alan Vega - American Dreamer 106 Van Der Graaf Generator - Pilgrims 107 ZZ Top  - I Thank You 108 Walt Disney's Johnny Tremain, _The Sons of Liberty 109 Paul Simon - American Tune (LP version) 110 SAXON - Sailing to America 111 Old Man Gloom  - Skullstorm 112 Mastodon -  I Am Ahab 113 Patti Page - Old Cape Cod 114 Ty Seagull - Archangel Thunderbird 115 Morphine - Buena 116 Manticora - On a Sea of Grass 117 Young Widows -  Old Skin 118 Hurriganes - Slippin And Slidin 119 Glacier - O World! I Remain No Longer Here. 120 Marissa Nadler - Blue Vapor 121 SEA - Penumbra 122 Vital Remains - Infidel 123 Throwing Muses - Bright Yellow Gun 124 Ike and Tina Topless Turner - Sweet Rhode Island Red 125 Flotsam and Jetsam -  She Took an Axe 126 Lizzy Borden - Council for the Cauldron 127 Rob Noyes - Further off 128 The Real Kids - All Kindsa Girls 129 Immunerable Forms - Puritys Demand 130 Blonde Redhead  - Inside You 131 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Agorapocalypse Now 132 Wear Your Wounds - Adrift In You 133 Howlin' Rain - Phantom In The Valley 134 J Mascis - Every Morning 135 Killswitch Engage - The Signal Fire (feat. Howard Jones) 136 Refuse Resist - _Still in Massachusetts 137 Church of Misery - Boston Strangler 138 City On A Hill TV show - Opening Theme 139 Pixies - U-Mass 140 Warhorse - Amber Vial 141 Zozobra - The Cruelest Cut 142 REVOCATION - Scattering The Flock 143 Metal Church - Of unsound mind 144 Seven Spires - Drowner Of Worlds 145 Boston Legal - TV show theme song 146 Converge -  Trespasses 147 Cave In - Anchor 148 Give up the Ghost - Love American 149 Dinosaur Jr. - Tiny 150 Boston Bruins theme song - Lets Go Bruins 151 Buffalo Tom - Staples 152 Trap Them - [Crown Feral #02] Hellionaires 153 Knights Of Bostonia - State Radio 154 Juliana Hatfield 3 - Feelin Massachusetts 155 The Red Chord  - Hymns And Crippled Anthems 156 CLUTCH - Emily Dickinson 157 New Kids On The Block - Step By Step 158 MELIAH RAGE - Decline of rule 159 Belly - Gepetto 160 AEROSMITH - Get A Grip 666 Denis Leary  - ASSHOLE  Also, check out the awesome L.A Witch Halloween Quarantine playlist at: https://floodmagazine.com/82347/l-a-witch-quarantine-helloween-playlist/?fbclid=IwAR3QRJEIMt57z-X_Zrfx5Ae7rjLkLdpOnjes6iv4yczqxAvLcG3OdfCulWw
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prospectsmalta-blog · 5 years
Malta - New Laws Fight The Timeshare Reps
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Such a large number of episodes of guests being stood up to in the road while on vacation in Malta has prompted the Maltese specialists making a move against the timeshare organizations who utilize deals staff to search out conceivable visiting purchasers.
Grievances have ascended as of late from occasion creators who have had their time on the island ruined by being drawn nearer every day to go to introductions - that can last as long as four hours - with the expectation that some will become tied up with occasion property possession and timeshares.
However, the Malta traveler specialists have seen the harm it is doing to the island's economy, and have chosen to act.
'It has gone to the phase in Malta', remarks Roger Munns of Malta travel manage, 'that some occasion creators are being drawn closer consistently - now and again two times every day - by timeshare touts who get paid a commission for each potential purchaser they convince to take to an introduction. Just as the sentiment of not having the option to go out without being confronted by these individuals some were giving verbal maltreatment to the individuals who declined, or essentially tailed them down the road in the wake of being told no - and dogging visitors'. navigate to this website Prospects Malta
With the occasion showcase fundamental to the Malta economy, the Malta Traveler Authority perceived that a few guests would be so put off the island by high weight sales reps that they wouldn't return - possibly losing Malta millions in lost income from rehash guests. 
'In this day and age,' clarify YourMalta, 'Malta needs to contend with new goals in Europe just as Spain and her islands. Modest Malta flights aren't in themselves enough to support the travel industry at sensible levels any longer, in spite of the fact that this will be welcome, however the stunt of continued the travel industry is to have rehash business, and timeshare touts irritating guests to the island are sufficient now and again to ensure that recurrent visits don't occur.'
The enactment the traveler specialists should have been ready to ensure the voyagers has as of late been passed, and the Malta Vacationer Authority is wanting to redistribute security watches to police the timeshare touts. Also, in a smart move intended to authorize the enactment successfully, the Malta Traveler Authority are being paid around 3000 Euros for every rep the timeshare organizations utilize for a bond that will enable them to work in a directed manner. Rather than standing by to take every occurrence through the courts the MTA will fine the organizations discovered disrupting the norms and removing the cash from the kept security cash, with the timeshare organizations making it up quickly to the required sum.
Malta Occasions
Your Malta state they welcome the position the Malta Traveler Authority are taking to ensure the guests to the island, and refer to late instances of why activity has turned out to be vital.
In two late cases, English visitors have been focused, by youthful male and female timeshare reps, and keeping in mind that some were based outside lodgings in Malta others were driving around in autos and halting voyagers as if they would request bearings indicating a guide of Malta before conveying their attempt to sell something, with some more tenacious than others.
The timeshare reps are prevalently from the UK and focusing on UK sightseers who visit the island for the great climate in Malta, and the UK is a primary market for Malta. On events the English sightseers have needed to fall back on undermine savagery to be left in harmony, with the timeshare reps countering that they were just attempting to bring home the bacon.
'In truth', remark YourMalta, 'While the timeshare reps are attempting to make commission, for each penny they acquire they could be losing the Malta economy undeniably more with each approach they make as the travelers before long get tired of the diligent endeavors to sell them something they don't need. Those vacationers are now and again having their entire occasion ruined and are more averse to return.
The exact opposite thing the island needs is for sightseers to step off their Air Malta trip to be confronted before they even arrive at their lodging with an attempt to seal the deal that helps them to remember twofold coating sales reps back home. The Malta Visitor Authority disclose to us they will descend on any guilty parties like a huge amount of blocks.
We welcome the genius dynamic position taken by the Malta Vacationer Power to secure the English guest and to guarantee that they can make the most of their vacation, which will ideally be the first of numerous to Malta. The Malta Traveler Authority is to be praised for perceiving the issue, yet making a move to guarantee the Maltese economy doesn't lose millions in lost income from miserable Brits who may some way or another take their burning through cash somewhere else later on'.
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savnofilter · 2 years
Is dabi a bad person in canon? Yeah. His list of crimes is super long but nobody can ignore that Endeavor literally caused that!!! His motivation for hurting people is because Endeavor was a shitty dad so in a way, he's responsible for those things too. Obviously Dabi committed the actual crimes and Endeavor didn't know but on some level, Endeavor does need to take accountability for that (imo). I don't agree with Dabi being even more villanized either. He's a victim and an abuser, but to throw him under the bus and try to redeem endeavor is just irresponsible and again, lacks proper nuance of what motivates villains. Ik that's the point but it's handled so fuckin poorly
it makes my ass itch upside down from the way that ppl dont want to acknowledge the fact that Dabi is the was he is BECAUSE OF ABUSE. not to mention, they downplay what hes been through because he wasnt physically touched.
he was neglected emotionally—and even attention wise too. any abuse is abuse. it was good that hori wrote it in, but now ppl just dont have a working braincell to fully develop and understand that concept. Dabi is a product of Endeavor's actions. why is it only when Shouto is injuring himself or getting hurt the only time ppl want to feel slight towards Endeavor? ohhh, its because his rebellion is more inflicted on himself quietly. he suffers in silence like his other siblings.
and one thing i notice ab Endeavor stans is that theyll say, "i dont support his actions 🗣" and then talk down on Dabi?! i mean, i dont blame them. if you have a face level understanding of media literacy, id nod my head and go along with every stories themes i read too. 🥴
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shristisahu · 6 months
Harnessing Analytics for Enhanced Promotional Strategies
Originally Published on: Quantzig The Power of Marketing Analytics for Marketing Promotions 
Key Insights
Analytics stands as the cornerstone of promotional endeavors, empowering marketers to make informed decisions and refine strategies. With Quantzig's innovative solution, marketers can leverage analytics to optimize promotional campaigns, leading to superior business outcomes through data-driven decision-making and enhanced effectiveness.
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Client Profile: A prominent nicotine product manufacturer based in the USA.
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Promotional marketing is essential for boosting brand visibility and driving sales. By harnessing marketing analytics, businesses can refine strategies, maximize ROI, and maintain competitiveness in today’s dynamic marketplace.
Contact us.
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Architecture in India
What is Architecture?
Architecture is more of the method and therefore the product of constructing, planning and designing buildings or the other structures. The Architectural works, within the material style of buildings, are typically perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are typically known with their living field of study achievements.
History of Architecture in India?
The historic traces of architects and the changes of alternatives are found in the world of architecture through numerous traditions, dates, regions and overarching rhetorical trends. The branches of the designs of architects are naval, civil, sacred, military and landscaped architects.
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Architecture in India?
Indian architecture encompasses a large sort of historically and geographical spread structures, and was remodeled by the history of the Indian Sub-Continent. The results are an evolving vary of subject field production that, therefore, it's tough to spot one representative style, however retains a particular amount of continuity across history. The ranges of Indian culture are described in its design. It's a mix of ancient and varied native traditions, with building varieties, forms and technologies from West and Central Asia, similarly as Europe. The architect designs vary from Hindu temple designs to Muslim designs, furthermore, to the western architectural style of architecture to trendy and post-modern architecture.
India's Urban Civilization is traceable originally towards Mohenjodaro and Harappa cultures. From then on, Indian architecture and technology strived in developing and manifesting in temples, palaces and forts, across the Indian landmass and neighboring regions. Architecture and technology was referred to as Sthapatya-Kala, virtually "the art of constructing".
Wall of Architecture?
As the complexness of buildings began to extend (in terms of structural systems, services, energy and technologies), the sector of architect designing became multi-disciplinary with specializations for every project kind, technological experience or project delivery strategies. Additionally, there has been an inflated separation of the 'design' creator from the 'project' designer who ensures that the project meets the desired standards and deals with matters of liability. The preparation processes for the planning of any massive building became progressively difficult, and needs preliminary studies of such matters as sturdiness, property, quality, money, and compliance with native laws.
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Modes of Architects?
There are many types of Architects :-
Architect Firms -
An architectural firm is a company that employs one or more licensed architects and practices the profession of architecture.
Interior Designers -
Interior Designing is said to be the science and art of enhancing the interiors of a building, in realizing a additional and healthier esthetically pleasing atmosphere for the individuals, when using the area. A Interior designer is somebody who researches, coordinates, plans, and manages such projects. Interior Designing may be a varied profession that features abstract development, site inspections, programming, research, area designing, communication with the stakeholders of a project, construction management, and execution of the planning.
Architects -
An Architect is said to be one that plans, designs and reviews the development of buildings. To observe architecture, it means to produce services in reference to the planning of buildings and therefore the area inside the location encompassing the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use.
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Project Management -
Project management is said to be a practice of controlling, executing, initiating, planning & closing up the work of a team for obtaining the specific goals and to meet the specified success criteria at the desired time. A project could be a temporary endeavor designed to provide a unique product, service or result with an outlined starting and finish the (usually time-constrained, and infrequently unnatural by funding or staffing) undertaken to fulfill distinctive goals and objectives, generally to bring forth useful modification or additional values.
Architectural Engineering -
Architectural Engineering is that the application of engineering technologies and principles, in putting together with designs and constructions. The Architectural Engineers are those that work with alternative engineers and designers for the planning and construction of buildings. Architecture Engineers includes engineers like Structural Engineers and Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) Engineers.
Architects with MTA?
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MTA Arch was born from a passion to form exclusive and innovative areas that enhance a standard quality and aesthetics within the lives of individuals. MTA was formed within the year 2001 with branches in Chennai, Tirupur and Bengaluru. MTA house a team of specialists, who are equipped with the abilities and techniques that assist you to accomplish your dream. It also tends to be a team of style professionals, taking a motive to make fascinating design forms, that follow not only the performances, but also the emotions of the people.
Works of MTA?
Our works that embrace the MGM auditorium, Ammammu Illu, Anna University Library, Urban - Sub Eco Terre, Hatsun workplace, Le Pebble - Hotel were published in architectural footprints by arch trust, associated with Indian Institute of Architects (IIA). MTA Architects is said to be a multi-disciplinary firm of Architects in Chennai, India, like an expert in designs, Interior style & Graphic style.
Why choose MTA?
MTA provides the simplest services in interior designing and construction of business and residential projects for the people based on their budgets. We at MTA believe in giving back the fostering goodwill to the community. Therefore, we tend to undertake 3 - tier approach towards the company social responsibility by specializing in economical, social and ecological property to provide a much better tomorrow.
The needs of the customer, the personality and their lifestyle and structurally integrated with these elements, as MTA creates a team of experts who are equipped with skills and techniques that helps the people in achieving their dreams.
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How does MTA work?
MTA works with different strategics like:-
1) Plan and Strategics - In the field of the architecture, the plans of architecture are said to be a planning and designing of a building, and might contain architect drawings, calculations, specifications of the looks, different documentation and the time designing of the building method. Therefore, the meetings are undertaken to get the client’s perspective, its wants and needs.
2) Design and Development - MTA gives the best solutions on the designs as it provides the continual and a improved designing solution. The designing’s are evolved from the client’s lifestyle, personality and its needs. Each designs are intended to be unique, as it takes up the advantages of the existing site conditions.    
3) Test and Deliver - MTA takes the best decisions for the better solution, as it undergoes on revisions to ensure that the customers are happy with the final outcome.
Cost pricing of MTA?
Pricing -
1. Our costs are competitive and clear. 2. We have a tendency to meet the COA valuation laws. 3. Charging is proportionate to the time efforts that's put into. 4. No hidden prices or under-handed dealings. 5. We don’t charge for any revisions.
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At the end of the day?
MTA seeks in promoting architect designs as a social cause by using our designing to support and empower communities. In furthering this ideal of ours, we've done many works unpaid. Works done pro bono embrace a Cemetery in Coimbatore, Graveyard at Tirupur, a faculty block for Vanshi Manthan Vidyashram, etc. Also, staff are inspired to volunteer and actively participate in recognized aid organizations. With the hopes, dreams and many mysteries, we'd prefer in modifying the vision concerning life, and regarding technology.
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bitcofun · 2 years
Alex Mashinsky, Celsius Network CEO Alex Mashinsky has more than likely impacted your life in some method, shape, or kind without you understanding it. He brought cell service and totally free WiFi to the New York City trains, partnered with Gogo Inflight Internet to offer WiFi to United States flights, and created Voice over IP (VoIP). Now, Alex is carrying on from VoIP to MoIP (Money over IP) with his brand-new blockchain start-up, Celsius Network. Celsius is a membership-based, peer-to-peer financing platform in which you can get reduced-rate loans by installing your crypto as security. Alternatively, you get 5 percent interest when lending out your crypto through the platform. In this interview, CoinCentral's Steven Buchko talked with Alex about his enthusiasm for non-profit services, the significance of females in blockchain, and the upcoming wave of decentralization. Editor's note: This short article was initially released on July 25 th,2018 July 2022 Celsius Network froze all user withdrawals in June 2022 and applied for Chapter 11 insolvency in the following month. The Interview SB: Would you mind providing our readers the two-minute film trailer of your life? How did you start dealing with Celsius? AM: I'm an immigrant. I was born in Ukraine and I matured in Israel. I pertained to the U.S. 30 years back and established 7 start-ups in which I've raised over a billion dollars in equity capital. I constructed Arbinet, which was the very first business to construct Voice over IP (VoIP). I likewise composed the initial VoIP patents and procedures. Now, we're moving from Voice over IP to Money over IP. The Celsius Network is attempting to interfere with the banks and worldwide banks. We're targeting what we consider given in the United States, access to credit and interest earnings, and making it fungible throughout the world so any person can begin a company. We take the American dream and make it readily available around the world. Throughout your profession, you've handled endeavors to supply services that were when costly free of charge to the general public. You were crucial in bringing totally free WiFi to the New York City train stations. Could you discuss your inspiration behind that? My buddy passed away on September 11 th. There were countless individuals stuck in the trains throughout the collapse of the towers, and a lot of them passed away. I wished to ensure that never ever occurs once again. If we had much better interactions, we would not have actually experienced this catastrophe in which nobody understood what to do. Everybody remained in their trains since that's what they were advised to do. It's awful. The systems in New York, up till 2 years back, did not have any cordless interactions. The minute you decreased the actions, it wasn't simply the WiFi that was missing out on, your mobile phone didn't work either. There was no reception at all. I went to the MTA [Metropolitan Transportation Authority] and pitched them for numerous years about putting cordless in the trains. Their action was constantly, "No, we do not need to." New york city was among the last cities worldwide to get cordless in the train stations. It took a long period of time, more than 11 years, to encourage them to pull the task together and construct it. There were a great deal of ups and downs, however we stood firm and today, 8 million individuals utilize it every day. I'm happy of that accomplishment. Much like I'm happy of VoIP, a complimentary interaction service that a billion individuals utilize every day. You can do excellent and you can do well at the very same time. This is something that's crucial to me. Speaking of succeeding, you've had 2 out of the leading 10 biggest exits in New York history. What do you contribute that success to and how are you utilizing what you've found out with those 2 business in order to construct out Celsius in the very best method possible? Obviously, you require a great concept, you require financing, and you require to earn less errors than your rivals.
But a great deal of it likewise boils down to timing. If your timing is right, then you'll end up being effective. If your timing is off, it does not work so well. One trick that I most likely ought to talk more about is hiring more ladies than males In all of these effective business, I had more females than males. And, we're continuing that with Celsius. The majority of the group are females, and I take pride in that. It's amusing since our ICO (Initial Coin Offering) raised over $50 million. 95 percent of the individuals were guys due to the fact that many of the blockchain neighborhoods are primarily guys. Alex Mashinsky has the 3rd and 7th biggest business exits in New York history We're going to alter the world however leave out half of the population? That's simply not going to take place. We require to represent the whole world, not simply half. Often it's the most apparent things that individuals do not pay any attention to. Women do their research much better than guys, and they take their time. Truly, the crypto neighborhood has actually refrained from doing anything to accommodate their requirements. Unless you're a computer game gamer geek, it's tough to comprehend what this is everything about. Part of Celsius' objective in bringing the next hundred million individuals [into crypto] is to make certain that we represent and accommodate all the requirements of the half of the population that might not be playing computer game all day. I've heard you speak about it a couple of times now-- 100 million individuals. Why that number? When I developed VoIP and revealed it to AT&T, I was thrilled about 100 million individuals utilizing it. It was an objective that we never ever believed we 'd accomplish. Now, over a billion individuals utilize it every day. When the Internet had to do with 10 years of ages, it had simply over 500 million users. Bitcoin was produced 10 years earlier, and it just has about 50 million users. We're at 1/10 th of the adoption rate that the Internet was 20 years back. Why is that? Why exists such a space? The absence of ladies in the area, the intricacy of opening a wallet, the troublesome method which you need to purchase coins-- those are all problems that we're attempting to deal with and make it simpler and easier for individuals to sign up with the crypto transformation. Tell me about Celsius in your own words. It's a platform for peer-to-peer loaning, however it looks like your vision is much larger than that. You can consider us as another variation of Costco or your neighborhood bank. We represent the very best interests of all of our members. If you transfer coins with us, you can do 2 standard things today. The very first of which is getting a loan at a 9 percent rate versus your crypto. We do not do a credit check. We're do not care about your history. It's an asset-backed loan, so it must be an inexpensive loan. At the exact same time, if you're a coin holder and you do not require the loan, you can make interest on your coins. Out of the 9 percent, we take 5 percent and offer it back to the coin holders. Celsius Network App Those 2 things appear little, however they're in fact the structure of any economy. In evaluating most economies, you take a look at the levels of conserving and loaning. Among the factors the United States is the most effective country worldwide is that half of all the credit worldwide is provided here. Individuals who come here have a far better chance to begin and/or grow an organization. We think that utilizing blockchain to take this chance and make it offered around the world is something that is of excellent value. Not simply for the success of the crypto neighborhood, however likewise to bring the next 5 or 6 billion individuals on earth into the middle class. That's truly our objective. We do not think it's going to occur with the conventional monetary system due to the fact that it's all based upon pyramids. The people at the top of the
pyramid are doing an outstanding task making certain that the men at the bottom of the pyramid do not have a method to scale up. When Satoshi Nakamoto produced Bitcoin, it was everything about changing the present monetary system with something brand-new that is for individuals, by the individuals. What we're doing is an extension of that. It's an extension of what I did with VoIP, the biggest dispersed application on the Internet. Nobody owns it, nobody charges for it. It's complimentary, however it's scalable, and it's safe. Cash over IP is a variation of that. During your discussion at The Next Web Conference, you spoke about constructing circular business rather of ones that resemble pyramids. Can you discuss that more? This is war. This is not a little skirmish. Every day, I awaken, and I seem like an infantryman representing the crypto neighborhood. This tsunami of a transformation is a wave of decentralization that is assaulting hundreds and centuries of centralization. The pyramids are these huge monopolies that are improving centralization. A bank, like JP Morgan, for instance, is a professional at drawing out worth. They offer you nearly absolutely nothing for your cash. You can transfer millions with them. They'll pay you one or one and a half percent annually. At the exact same time, they take that cash, release it, and after that extol just how much they make on your cash and how little they provide you for it. These franchises are simply the toll collector. Without your deposit, they're useless. If everyone withdrew their cash from JP Morgan, the bank would deserve absolutely nothing. We're empowering these monopolies, similar to we empower Google and Facebook with all of our personal info and Amazon with all of our deals. They're all simply toll collectors. The decentralization wave is assuring to change all these toll collectors with something that is for individuals, by the individuals. If you take a look at Ethereum or Bitcoin, the developers of those jobs developed a great deal of worth despite the fact that those platforms are not for earnings. They've created no income given that they were developed. They've developed a remarkable quantity of worth and practically none of that worth went to the organizations or the people at the top of the pyramid. This is the very first time in history that the average Joe with a mining node in his basement unexpectedly participated the next huge thing ahead of Goldman Sachs and ahead of JP Morgan. It's a gorgeous architecture, it's a stunning chance, and the neighborhood requires to continue to support the great concepts in the environment. When I concerned this nation 30 years earlier, the space in between the typical staff member and the CEO was 10 to 20 x. Now, it's over 300 x. It's not like over 30 years, the CEO increased his IQ by 300 x. It's the truth that the pyramids are larger and the capability of those pyramids to extract worth has actually increased greatly. They're allowing the system to pay themselves far more. We believe that there's no chance to repair that-- similar to Satoshi recognized there's no other way to repair the monetary system. All those bubbles are going to break in a significant style. The only method to change the pyramid is to produce circular, flat companies in which your worth is figured out by just how much you add to society. I saw that Forbes selected Celsius as number 3 on their leading 10 list of blockchain applications for 2018. A great deal of it involves our objective. Practically everyone else in this [crypto] neighborhood, regrettably, is attempting to construct for revenue. We're like, "Wait a 2nd. Did you comprehend what Satoshi composed? You ought to check out the white paper once again since you're missing out on the point. You're attempting to develop a pyramid inside a circle, which's not going to work too well." You talked a bit previously about the unbanked and the underserved populations worldwide. Is that
who you're concentrating on very first for Celsius? I would like to bring everyone in Africa or India or China and other locations into the middle class over night. Sadly, our system, like any other monetary system, is based on the level of deposits. Today, the financial activity of the bottom 5 billion individuals is simply numerous hundred billion dollars. You can not resolve their issue by beginning there. You need to begin in the existing middle class, for instance, the United States or Europe, and after that utilize those platforms to utilize and supply access to everyone else. We'll offer the very same 9 percent rate to the farmer in Africa or the small company man in Vietnam for whom the existing expense of capital is anywhere in between 18 and 25 percent-- in many cases, over 30 percent. Look at Africa. A farmer pays over 30 percent to take loans versus his crops so he can purchase devices or fertilizers to really provide that crop. All that might be done a lot more effectively utilizing cryptocurrencies. Our launch is concentrated on the existing coin holders, which are mainly in the Western world. We'll broaden that universe to individuals who currently have properties and desire to move some of their possessions from dollar denomination to crypto denomination. Finally, we'll utilize that possession capital base to extend loans to the smaller sized men who generally will be doing $100 or $200 capital loans. I understood this was possible when I found out about a few of the microlending NGOs (non-governmental companies) consisting of the man who won the Nobel reward for running microlending in Asia. The default rate on microlending to individuals without any credit was lower than JP Morgan's default rate on their charge card. It actually informs you that 97 percent of the population are excellent individuals for whom their pride in their reliability is more vital than anything else. They'll do anything to work and return that loan. If you wed the truth that the majority of us are born with great intents with the reality that these cryptocurrencies are fungible and offered throughout the world, you can actually do magic concentrating on the neighborhood and not on revenue optimization. Is there anything else that you 'd like our readers to understand that we have not covered? Look, this is everything about the call to action. It might seem like I'm doing a business for Celsius, however the call to action for your readers is actually about bringing individuals into the crypto neighborhood. I do not care if they open a Coinbase wallet or an Abra wallet or a Celsius wallet. The point is that they require to learn more about this. They require to sign up with, and they require to bring along their good friends since the tide here raises all boats. If we do not get more individuals included, then this transformation is going to explode because today, sadly, we've lacked anarchists. We've lacked Libertarians and we're lacking speculators. The next wave of adoption that will take us from the early adopter stage into mass adoption can not be based upon speculators. It needs to be based upon individuals that require or desire something like loaning and loaning. That's why we selected this vertical. We believe it is a killer app. Join us in this transformation and end up being infantryman for decentralization. Thank You Thank you, Alex, for making the effort to talk with us. We appreciate what you're doing and are anticipating the Celsius Network launch. If you're interested in discovering more about the Celsius Network, you ought to take a look at the main site. The app is readily available on Android and iOS. Read More
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contentone3 · 2 years
Neoendo Rotary Files-Buy Vatech RVG Sensor
Neoendo Flex and Mani Silk are as of late sent off nickel-titanium (NiTi) turning documents. Dentinal breaks and document division stay basic issues in the endodontic area. 36 removed neoendo rotary files single-established premolars with straight, single root waterways were chosen for the review. The examples were haphazardly doled out to three gatherings, with 12 examples in each gathering. The root waterway groundwork for the three gatherings was finished with hand K-document, Mani Silk, and Neoendo Flex records, individually, following which the examples were on a level plane separated at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the zenith.
Segmented examples were seen under a stereomicroscope to decide the presence or nonattendance of dentinal breaks. The information was broken down utilizing one-way ANOVA and Chi-square test. Hand K-documents and Mani Silk records delivered a lesser number of breaks than Neoendo Flex documents; notwithstanding, the thing that matters was not genuinely critical among the three record bunches at 3 mm and 6 mm. A measurably massive contrast between the gatherings was seen at 9 mm, where Mani Silk records delivered fewer breaks than K documents and Neoendo Flex records. In general, Neoendo Flex altogether created a larger number of breaks than Mani Silk and hand K-records.
Buy vatech RVG Sensor the primary goal of the root trench readiness is to foster a consistent shape from coronal to apical keeping up with the first shape and bend of the channel. During the persistent turn of events and assembling of nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) composites, there was a critical improvement like rotational documents to keep up with the first root trench shape with unsurprising outcomes with fewer changes and iatrogenic harm. Point: The point of this study was to assess and analyze the upkeep of trench ebb and flow utilizing ProTaper Next and 2 Shape turning Ni-Ti document framework informing the apical third of the root waterway utilizing RadioVisoGraphy (RVG) on bent root channels. Horrible dental injury in youngsters can bring about mash rot and ensuing capture of root development.
Treated steel instruments have been viewed as the best quality level for root waterway readiness since time immemorial.[2] Preparation of restricted, bent channels utilizing tempered steel documents is troublesome, tedious, and it builds the administrator's weakness. The apical growth utilizing hardened steel documents is restricted, consequently decreasing the viability of the water system and the nature of obturation. Root waterway readiness methods can harm the root trench dentin causing dentinal breaks. Dentinal breaks happen when the elastic pressure of the root waterway divider surpasses that of the dentin. Dentinal microcracks under rehashed occlusal powers can form into vertical root cracks, which is one of the most disappointing confusions of endodontic treatment, frequently prompting tooth extraction.
These non-fundamental juvenile extremely durable teeth have flimsy dentinal root dividers and open apices. The shortfall of an apical stop to help customary obturation is the chief concern. Subsequently, it is exceptionally alluring to incite an apical root-end conclusion. Customarily calcium hydroxide apexification has been endeavored. In any case, it has intrinsic disadvantages of delayed treatment time, permeable apical obstruction, and high occurrence of cervical root break. A naturally based regenerative technique (revascularization) has been upheld to actuate root development with expanded root length and thickness. Notwithstanding, the planned result isn't accomplished typically and an intraarticular post can't be put after this method. Mineral trioxide total (MTA) as a root-end obstruction material has been broadly suggested for the fruitful administration of a tooth with an open zenith. It has a superb fixing capacity, tissue similarity, and bio-inductive properties.
The method for MTA apical hindrance situation includes chemo-mechanical planning, between arrangement dressing with an appropriate intracanal medicament, and ensuing position of an MTA apical fitting, either in a solitary or two-venture strategy. The thickness of the MTA apical obstruction has been broadly explored, and it has been archived that a 4mm attachment is adequate for a sufficient apical seal. Youthful teeth with open apices have not completely shaped roots with unpredictable apical dentinal dividers. MTA apical obstructions set up to the radiographic root-end in these teeth can result in the pack and a less ideal result might follow. It is normal for case series and planned investigations to put MTA apical obstruction up to the radiographic root end. The current starter clinical review intended to assess the impact of the apical degree of the MTA apical boundary on periapical recuperating of a nonvital youthful extremely durable incisor tooth with an open pinnacle. -
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Realizing what makes an organization effective, and creating rehearses that energize that achievement is each advertising supervisor's central goal. With this endeavor comes perhaps promoting's most noteworthy instrument and, amusingly, the best issue, information examination in advertising.
Information assists advertisers with understanding what purchasers need and how well specific promoting strategies are doing. To decipher this information, advertisers utilize various models that assist with giving importance to the numbers.
Through time, these models have shown to be successful in assessing advertising viability. Notwithstanding, with our consistently changing promoting scene, these models currently have difficulties advertisers need a goal for quickly. Truth be told, the greater part of advertisers trust their capacity to quantify showcasing execution needs improvement.
With this issue comes an answer that takes the qualities of each current model and joins them into one view. This will assist advertisers with knowing their shoppers like never before. It's known as The Unified Marketing Measurement. Peruse on to find out with regards to the fate of information examination in showcasing and how another model will impact the manner in which advertisers carry on with work for great.
Computerized Marketing Analytics: Colored isometric office paper suffocating structure with man's hand connects of paper vector outline Hued isometric office paper suffocating structure with man's hand connects of paper vector outline
WHAT DATA ANALYTICS ARE MARKETERS USING NOW? As of now, advertisers are essentially utilizing two distinct models to get the viability of their showcasing methodologies. These two showcasing examination models incorporate Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) (otherwise called Media Mix Modeling) and Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA). Both of these models have assisted advertisers with understanding information and construct compelling showcasing methodologies for a long time now. Be that as it may, each model has its own novel assets and shortcomings advertisers are currently seeing and need an answer for.
MMM For some time currently, Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) has been the overwhelming strategy for promoting investigation. Advertising Mix Modeling utilizes total information contained more than a while or quite a long while. Permitting us to assess the adequacy of promoting and publicizing on deals. Advertising Mix Modeling additionally incorporates information like climate, cutthroat movement, and by and large financial circumstances. This large scale level methodology helps advertisers and investigators by giving a hierarchical perspective on the entirety of their promoting channels, on the web and disconnected.
Albeit this technique is exceptionally helpful for assessing the effect of showcasing methodologies, it tends to be viewed as defective for being excessively broad. This model doesn't record the singular exchanges of buyers, and can't give advertisers an individual level depiction of what their identity is.
MTA In later years, Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) has been taken on by numerous advertisers searching for a more granular portrayal of their information. Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) records miniature level information on purchasers and provides investigators with a more private perspective on who their interest group is. It likewise assists advertisers with understanding the adequacy of individual promoting touchpoints customers will cooperate with on their shopping ventures. Given our advertising scene and every one of the potential open doors it brings, Multi-Touch attribution is a practically ideal answer for information examination in promoting during the innovative age.
This technique, albeit an extraordinary fit for the advanced space, is as yet blamed for its powerlessness to incorporate disconnected information. Since this strategy depends fundamentally on the computerized space and recording buyers' action along their shopping venture, it neglects to fuse the disconnected variables that can impact a shopper's choice.
Brought together MARKETING MEASUREMENT: THE SOLUTION The possibility of a Unified Marketing Measurement (UMM) is a generally new and expected technique for showcasing examination. Brought together Marketing Measurement joins the viewpoints of both Marketing Mix Modeling and Multi-Touch Attribution into a solitary, strong view. Giving advertisers a superior gander at the market. With the individual level information from Multi-Touch Attribution joined with the huge, total information from Marketing Mix Modeling, experts will have more data on purchasers and their necessities than any other time.
Bound together Marketing Measurement is the best answer for tying information from on the web and disconnected channels together. Furnishing advertisers with the absolute most complete story of a customer's excursion. This model can show what both on the web and disconnected variables might have affected a customer to settle on their choice. Further helping advertisers to foster practices that keep shopper spending.
Computerized showcasing examination: Girl perusing investigation
WHERE UMM IS NOW For advertisers to be fruitful in the continually developing showcasing scene, they should successfully change their way to deal with promoting examination. Right now, just a little level of advertisers have completely incorporated both Marketing Mix Modeling and Multi-Touch Attribution. In any case, with an ever increasing number of firms creating UMM programming to help organizations in computerized advertising examination, and the continually developing advanced promoting space, that number makes certain to develop dramatically.
KEY TAKEAWAYS Advertisers, investigators, and business experts the same all face similar difficulties while attempting to decipher the overflowing measures of information we are so fortunate to have today. Regardless of whether using Marketing Mix Modeling or Multi-Touch Attribution, it is basically impossible to get the total picture. We're actually missing a buyer's excursion on disconnected channels.
Bound together Marketing Measurement is the answer for that issue. The capacity to take the viability of the two models and join them into one view to give a total yet granular perspective on purchaser needs will lift the best advertisers in our new computerized age.
Your subsequent stage is to see exactly the amount you are familiar your clients. Do you have any idea what could be impacting their buying choices when they are not on the web? Maybe you have heaps of information however nothing private enough to convey that customized content you realize your crowd will cherish.
For more computerized showcasing tips, look at a portion of our different websites by the Colibri Digital Marketing Team.
Need some additional assistance finding what your clients need? Click the button beneath to plan a 30-minute free procedure meeting with Colibri Digital Marketing. Get the assist you with expecting to take your promoting to a higher level!
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Its super late but today me and cole added Hawks and Natsuo to the MTA au so
Natsuo was born in the magi tower but since he wasn’t a mage nor he had any special ability that could interess Endeavor and his goals and also he had no intentions om becoming a templar, he was cast out of the Tower when he was a young teen (around 13 years old). He lived mostly on the streets and at some point found himself in trouble. He was saved by the Grey Wardens and joined them, leaving Ferelden till the blight started and he finally managed to be together with his family again.
Hawks is Chasind and was kidnapped by the Templars when he was rather young - like around 8 years olds - and forced into the Circle. He already got some sort of affinity with animals by that time tho and spent the rest of his time in the Circle either trying to escape - succeeding twice but being brought back because he didnt destroy his phylactery - or using his abilities to learn how to change form into a hawk. By the time he mastered his shapeshifter abilities he already became quite the nemesi of Endeavor, being one of the few mages who dared to stand up to him and that even managed to ridicule him. They were thinking of making him tranquil when Hawks finally managed destroy his phylactery - controlling a templar through blood magic - and escaped in his hawk form. Endeavor chased him but couldn’t find him for months so he lied, saying he found him and killed him to keep his honor in the Chantry.
Hawks went back to the Kolcari Wilds and it was there that he met a little orphan Tokoyami, took him with him and taught him everything he knew about magic and shapeshifting.
Also Hawks and Natsuo are together, continuing the memorable tradition of Enji’s kin to just fucking become apostates and/or falling in love with apostates.
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