#mab hath been with you
queenmabscherzo · 6 months
Hello! Targeting is my sister's all time favorite fic. I've been getting into bookbinding recently and would like to bind a physical copy to give her for her birthday. It would just be for personal enjoyment, obviously not for sale. Would you be ok with that?
yes, I’d be ok with that! if it’s just for personal use, and if you’re doing the printing and binding yourself, that would be fine. (And I’d love to see the end product!)
I would only have a problem with someone doing this to sell, or using a printing service to do this (like Lulu).
I’ve been overly cautious about this in the past so if anyone out there is reading this and has long wanted to print off any of my fic for personal use, please go for it! be warned that targeting is pretty long though, ha!
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iris-echos · 6 months
Guys i memorized my monologue someone congratulate me
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
I always think that Willoughby's present to Marianne being named Queen Mab is an early clue that he cannot be trusted.
"When you leave Barton to form your own establishment in a more lasting home, Queen Mab shall receive you.” (Ch 12)
Willoughby's fanciful horse name is most likely an allusion to Romeo & Juliet, taken from a speech of Mercutio's (quoting the relevant bits, find the whole speech here):
O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes...
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love;...
...This is that very Mab
That plats the manes of horses in the night,
And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,
Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes:
This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,
That presses them and learns them first to bear,
Making them women of good carriage:
This is she--
At the end of the speech, Mercurio warns that these dreams are not real:
True, I talk of dreams,
Which are the children of an idle brain,
Begot of nothing but vain fantasy,
Which is as thin of substance as the air
And more inconstant than the wind
The sexual innuendo is unmistakable, but also the idea that love is only a dream and will not be constant.
The name is just too specific to not have meaning, at least in my opinion. Sense & Sensibility always seems like it's pointing to Romeo and Juliet to me. Marianne's Romeo proves false, but fortunately she, unlike Juliet, lives to love again. Many characters also come to believe that Edward & Lucy are star-crossed lovers. It's almost as if Sense & Sensibility is directly challenging the romantic notions, promoting second love and quiet devotion over the overwhelming passion and folly of youth of Romeo and Juliet.
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Excuse my brain rot and the fact that I was a theatre kid BUT-
What Shakespearean Monologue I Want to See Each BG3 Companion Perform
“O Soft, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks” from Romeo and Juliet
Of course. There is no other option.
This man is a hopeless romantic and, I adore him, would not get the point of the play but would have so much fun playing Romeo.
Everyone in the cast would also be hopelessly in love with him.
(Bonus) “Once More Upon the Breech!” from Henry V
Oh this man would KILL this monologue. The battle cry? The rousing of his men against an impossible task? It’s what he was made to do, it’s what the character was built for.
Equal and opposite to how he’d absolutely slay as Romeo, he would make an amazing Henry.
“O, Then I See Queen Mab Hath Been With You” from Romeo and Juliet
I almost, almost gave this to Astarion because I think he could also do it justice, but he already had two monologues.
Just… love u Karlach you can say whatever nonsense and I will nod along. Also absolutely ragging on your friend and getting carried away in the bit feels very in character for her.
I feel like she doesn’t really do acting but she would come support her friend’s productions however she could.
“To Be Or Not To Be” from Hamlet
Hear me out; I think it would either be so over dramatic or the best damn rendition you’ve ever heard.
Contemplation of mortality, pain, existence? Astarion is at his best when he’s having an existential crisis.
This man was also just built to play Hamlet. You could replace this with “‘Tis now the very witching hour of night,” “O, that this too too sullied flesh would melt” Or any of his soliloquies and what I said still goes.
(Bonus) “Dost Thou Not Suspect My Place?” from Much Ado About Nothing
This is one of the best comedic monologues Shakespeare has to offer and I won’t be told otherwise
Specifically based on the line of Dogberry describing himself as a tasty piece of flesh while also being Dogberry and flouncing about, being hysterical, because someone called him an ass.
(Bonus 2) (Sorry this man is very Shakespeare coded) He would be such a good Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Just a little shit.
“O, She Misused Me Past the Endurance of a Block!” From Much Ado About Nothing
Just as I think Astarion was built to play Hamlet, Gale was built to play Benedick.
He’s just enough of an ass but also fucking comedic enough to pull this off and make it hysterical. Like Benedick, he also just keeps talking.
(Bonus) Lear’s Storm Monologues
I think at his worst, Gale could do Lear some fuckin justice in his performance of that specific piece, and that slow descent into madness.
“I Would Eat His Heart In The Marketplace” from Much Ado About Nothing
It’s a take I’m so here for and I think she’d get really into scolding Benedick for being a dishonorable coward.
Just think about the potential delivery of “Oh! If I were a man! I’d eat his heart in the marketplace!” gives me chills.
I don’t ship Lae’zel and Gale necessarily but I think if you put them in a production of Much Ado together it would be cemented as a bar-standard production.
“O What a Noble Mind Been O’erthrown” from Hamlet
She kins Ophelia and you can’t tell me otherwise. Also specifically, in this, the context of being used as a pawn by everyone in her life feels appropriate.
(Bonus) Let her play Joan of Arc in Henry VI. I don’t know why she’s so Joan of Arc coded in my brain but let her do it.
“All the World’s a Stage” from As You Like It
This one is the one I’m least confident about but the world-weary and worn nature that it can take on feels very Halesin and I think he would do a performance in such a way that it sends you spiraling into an existential crisis.
(Bonus) Minthara
“And Dash’d the Brains Out!” from Macbeth
Again, I just think Minthara would kill as Lady Macbeth.
But, I don’t think “Out damn spot” would be where she shined; I think these moments of absolute murder and ambition would.
Also inspired by the production (in DC I think?) where they had to cut Lady Macbeth literally smashing a baby doll on rocks during this monologue because the audience found it too disturbing.
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max-reblogger · 8 months
"That dreamers often lie." "In bed asleep, while they do dream things true." "O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you!"
Book Quotes #163 - If We Were Villains
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monstergirlgang · 1 year
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"O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you./She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes/In shape no bigger than an agate-stone/On the fore-finger of an alderman,/Drawn with a team of little atomies/Athwart men's noses as they lies asleep...And in this state she gallops night by night/Through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love..." (Act 1.4 Romeo and Juliet)
Monster Girl October (tarot deck) Day 7: Queen Mab from Romeo and Juliet for the Moon card!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
Asked by @longagoitwastuesday​
@gravedangerahead​ @thealmightyemprex​ @themousefromfantasyland​ @the-blue-fairie​ @softlytowardthesun​ @princesssarisa​ @ardenrosegarden​ @giuliettaluce​ @silverfoxstole​
Favorite Thing About Them: He is a bohemian who enjoys dirty jokes, partying, dancing and singing, and has a great imagination for poetic, if also playfull, musings.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: He has very toxic conceptions about women and thinks that masculinity must be proven with violence, entering in a pointless duel with Tybalt and hipocritically blaming Romeo when he is killed, when in fact Romeo tried to stop the duel remembering that his kinsman, the Prince of Verona, had forbidden duels under penalty of death.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
* I ocasionally enjoy dirty jokes;
* My imagination runs wild;
* I like mascarades and costume parties;
Three Things I Don’t Have In Common With Them:
* I’m not related to nobility;
* I don’t enter in duels, i run away from the;
* I’m not an italian from Verona;
Favorite Line:
His Queen Mab speech at ACT I:
O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes In shape no bigger than an agate-stone On the fore-finger of an alderman, Drawn with a team of little atomies Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep; Her wagon-spokes made of long spinners’ legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers, The traces of the smallest spider's web, The collars of the moonshine's wat'ry beams, Her whip of cricket's bone; the lash of film; Her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat, Not half so big as a round little worm Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid: Her chariot is an empty hazelnut Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub, Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers. And in this state she gallops night by night Through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love; O’er courtiers’ knees, that dream on court'sies straight, O’er lawyers’ fingers, who straight dream on fees, O’er ladies ‘ lips, who straight on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are: Sometime she gallops o’er a courtier's nose, And then dreams he of smelling out a suit; And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig's tail Tickling a parson's nose as a’ lies asleep, Then dreams, he of another benefice: Sometime she driveth o’er a soldier's neck, And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, Of healths five-fathom deep; and then anon Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, And being thus frighted swears a prayer or two And sleeps again. This is that very Mab That plaits the manes of horses in the night, And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs, Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes: This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses them and learns them first to bear, Making them women of good carriage This is she—
brOTP: Romeo Montague, Benvolio Montague, Juliet Capulet.
OTP: Benvolio Montague.
nOTP: Count Paris, Romeo Montague, Tybalt Capulet.
Random Headcanon: He is born ilegitimate, wich makes him mistakenly thing that, since he is not viable candidate to heir the title of Prince of Verona, the field between Montagues and Capulets will not affect him and he can do whatever he wants, wich his older relative, Escalus, tries constantly to warn him that is not truth, with no success.
Unpopular Opinion: He is not more inteligent than Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. He may be the most funny and cynical, but his actions are the most impulsive, starting the domino of deaths when he unnecessaraly enters the duel Tybalt.
Song I Associate With Them:
Cinzas, from Grupo Galpão’s production of the play
Favorite Picture of Them:
Brazilian actor Rodolfo Vaz, who is my favorite Mercutio
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dreamsofalifeold · 6 months
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O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you
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coutelier · 1 year
WTF is Mab?
So, in the Shakespeare-verse there are two fairy Queens.
In A Midsummer Night's Dream we have Titania, whose name we can trace all the way back to Ovid as an epithet for Goddesses such as Diana – a daughter of Titans. But in Romeo & Juliet Mercutio has this speech:
O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the fore-finger of an alderman…
And goes on and on about Mab and how she awakens desires in people until the other characters make him stop. Thing is though, no-one knows who the hell Mab is.
We might assume that Shakespeare’s audience knew WTF he was on about, and indeed most of his fantasy characters are named after figures from myth and folklore. But pretty much all the literature we have that mentions a Queen Mab, such as Nymphidia by Michael Drayton, came after Shakespeare – we don’t know any folklore mentioning her before him. Some have thought it may be a reference to the legendary Irish Queen Medb, but that’s a theory based solely on their names looking similar, and the similarities pretty much end there. Some nineteenth century texts claimed she’s from a Welsh legend but give no sources. There are some other possibilities from folklore, but again its mostly based on vaguely similar names and it can be hard to tell if those were the original names or if the tales were influenced and changed by the popularity of Shakespeare.
So we’ll probably never know for sure where Queen Mab came from, and usually when there’s a gap in knowledge we fill it with Aliens. On this occasion though I’m just going to let her remain a mystery.
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djuvlipen · 1 year
inside of you there are two wolves. one of them wants you to shut up about romeo and juliet. the other one thinks i dreamed a dream tonight and so did i well what was yours that dreamers often lie in bed asleep while they do dream things true o then i see queen mab hath been with you
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queenmabscherzo · 9 months
have you seen the seahawks player (Metcalf) that learned some sign language just so he could trash talk during games without getting penalized? couldn’t help but think that some of ur targeting characters would find that funny lol
That’s badass and I love it thank you so much for telling me this aaaaa <3333
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afterglow by charles burchfield / “ICU” by phoebe bridgers
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heartburstings · 3 years
hey guys what's ur fav scene in bapo here i'll start <3 i like the scene "bows" at the end where jason comes back to life and everybody celebrates and nobody questions it, and they bow hand in hand closing the chapter of their lives in high school as they all move on in life, together alive, alive together, coming to understand and really see and understand and hear each other's voices, supporting and accepting that, and
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unclesamwilson · 8 years
Pitt was the only school to beat Clemson. My school, Oklahoma State, beat Pitt. We're basically national champs ammirght. Had to root for Clemson tonight solely for that reason haha
i like ur logic, 100% sound, that’s a valid reason to root for clemson I SUPPOSE ;)
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iliaclwrites · 2 years
*bangs fist on desk* EDDIE AND CHEERLEADER ORIGIN STORY !!! please
here it is, kids! the first chapter of the eddie x cheerleader saga!!!
Eddie hated assigned readings. The drama kids always did too much, they always dragged out the sentences like they were fuckin' Larry Olivier, and expected applause after every word. The sports kids, on the other hand, barely spat the lines out from their troglodyte mouths. The popular kids delivered everything in monotone and willed it to be over so they could get back to giggling with their friends. The nerdy kids stuttered so much Eddie wasn't sure the lines were in iambic pentameter anymore. All in all, he had very little faith in the acting careers of any of the kids in this classroom. 
So when he'd seen who he'd been tossed together with as the rest of the Montague gang, he wasn't exactly foaming at the mouth. He had no idea why he'd been thrown into Romeo, but he wasn't going to question it, he had fun. He had about the same amount of chemistry with the Montague boys as he would've had with a wet fish wearing his grandma's panties, so when it came to his lines with Mercutio (you, some cheerleader girl with hair in space buns, mom jeans, a lace tank and a letterman thrown over your shoulders), he was practically bowled over. 
“Give me a torch: I am not for this ambling. Being but heavy, I will bear the light,” Eddie said, raising his hand into the air. 
You let out a tinkling laugh, and leaned back in your chair, grinning at him. “Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance!” You gestured out into the room with outstretched hands, and smirked wolfishly when he replied with the next line. 
Eddie almost didn’t feel the next few lines go by, it felt so natural. You were laughing at his words as though they were genuinely funny, and pressing your chin into you hands while he spoke, as though you were actually considering his lines. 
His heart skipped a beat. 
He told it to fuck off.
When it came to the Queen Mab speech, Eddie nearly fell out of his seat when you hopped onto the chair, swinging your letterman jacket around her shoulders like a cape. “O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you!” you crowed, pointing at him with one perfectly-manicured fingernail. He was frozen. The speech washed over him as he stared at you, some freakish cheerleading acting angel, haloed by halogen school lights. 
“And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats,” you whispered, brandishing a highlighter like a sword. “Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, of healths five-fathom deep–” You stalked toward him, and Eddie had to school his face into a bemused, Romeo-esque expression, smiling up at you nervously as you finally came up to him. “This is she—” 
“Peace, peace, Mercutio, peace! Thou talk'st of nothing!” Eddie sputtered out, holding a hand to keep you at bay. 
You pivoted perfectly, your letterman fluttering behind her. “True. I talk of dreams.” You grinned at him ferally, and Eddie could see his poor, rabbit heart getting crushed between those perfect teeth. 
Mr. Tracey called for a halt for the reading, to analyse the Queen Mab speech, and you dropped Eddie a quick curtsy before traipsing back to your seat. Oh, he was so fucked. So entirely fucked. 
It had exploded into a fully blown pantomime performance. Eddie was crouched by Mr. Tracey’s desk, cradling your head in his arms as you hacked a dramatic death-rattle into the air. 
“Where is my page?” you demanded, looking around for the nerd boy who played the page. He blinked, looking up from behind Coke-bottle glasses. “Go, villain, fetch a surgeon.” 
Eddie huffed a laugh, and smiled down at you wanly. “Courage, man; the hurt cannot be much,” he insisted, and you reached a hand up to his face, the scratch of your baby pink nails featherlike against his cheek as you gave your next few lines. 
“They have made worms' meat of me: I have it, and soundly too: your houses!” you managed, and fell back into Eddie’s arms. He smelled of leather and ash. You smelled of caramel and hairspray. He stared down at you, despondent, before pressing a kiss to your forehead and cradling your head as he stared up at the sky. 
“I believe,” intoned Mr. Tracey from behind his desk, “Mercutio exits with Benvolio.” 
“But it’s so much more interesting this way, Mr. T,” you complained, before banging your head on Eddie’s chin as you tried to get up. “Ow!” 
“Shit, sorry,” Eddie muttered, scrambling away from you. “Doesn’t this give Romeo more impetus to be mad, though?” he asked, turning to face the teacher. “Like, if someone killed my best friend, I’d be more likely to kill their friend.” 
“Yeah!” you agreed by his side, and Eddie’s fingers itched to reach out for you. “The way I see it, this is the perfect reason for Romeo to go apeshi– crazy,” you amended, “and start killing people.” 
“That’s not how the Bard wrote it,” Mr. Tracey said, and you shrugged, returning to your seat. Eddie still had a few more scenes to go, but even when he was talking to his Juliet (a theatre kid that seemed to have an endless collection of hats, seriously this girl wore a different hat every day, Eddie just respected the hustle at this point) he found his eyes drifting over to you. 
At the end of the class, once everyone had packed up, Eddie loitered by the doorway and swung over to you when you were leaving. He took you in again – hair tied up today, cheer uniform already on for when you’d have practice later in the afternoon. “Hey,” he said lamely. 
You paused, looking at him up and down. “...Hey.” 
He held out a hand. “Eddie.” 
You shook it, and introduced yourself. You didn’t let go. “Palm to palm is holy palmer’s kiss,” you teased, and then dropped his grip, wiggling your fingers at him in a wave. 
You both stood there in the silent room. You cleared your throat. He started at the sound. “Right. Uh. I just wanted to say it’s a shame you’re dead, pom poms,” he said lamely. “Like, that was fun.” 
You smiled at him slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, it was.” You slung your bag over your shoulder and looked up at him from under your eyelashes, extending a hand to him again. He was too polite to comment on the fact it was shaking, ever so slightly. “Give me my sin again?” 
He slotted his fingers into yours, briefly. “You kiss by the book.”
"That's for me to know, and you to find out," you shot back, and headed for the door. His breath caught when you stopped, and turned back to him, expression unsure. "Practice ends at six," you tell him, and nearly sigh with relief when his eyes light up. "I'll be the one in the cheer uniform."
"I'll be the one by the van," he said, weakly. What the fuck. Holy shit. This was not his life. "Anything in particular you want to do?"
"Oh, you know," you said, leaning against the doorframe and inspecting your nails. "Let's say we get into a messy, sloppy relationship that causes our respective houses to end a lifelong feud and learn the meaning of true love."
Eddie tapped a finger to his cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. "I dunno," he said, and his heart faltered when he saw how totally nervous you looked. "Will there be a weird apothecary to sell us a potion that's gonna make us look asleep?"
"Uh, duh."
"Then it's a date, pom poms."
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Lucy Henderson Masterlist
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One-Shots (in rough chronological order)
Welcome to Hellfire
In Need of a Body
Pretty Girls and Ice Cream
I See Queen Mab Hath Been With You
You Wanna Kiss Me So Bad
The Photo Album
Jealousy and Scrunchies
5-Sentence Drabbles
Lucy Fixing Eddie's Vest
"You can't do that."
"Are you flirting with me?" "Have been for the past year, thanks for noticing."
Saying "I Love You"
"Where did you get an axe?!"
"I'm not cute."
"Aren't you a little short for a storm troper?"
"Yes I did buy you this shirt, but I bought it for you so you would have a shirt for me to wear when ever I sleep over."
Leddie Headcanon/Rambles Masterlist
Lucy's Tag in General
Incorrect Lucy Quotes
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