#mac and cheese and heroism
the-firebird69 · 2 years
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This ring is reserved for when you start dating someone and it means that you're together and it is restricted to that and I agree and my husband agrees and I had one from him and I still have it and I got it back and no that's not true and we know where it is and we know who has it and it's a No-No for him to have it and he Tommy f is also after the wedding ring and he's a f**** he wants to grab to a woman's body so we can take care of the problem and he's saying it in My sacrifice the movie another video that he's going to take his body and make him think that he's doing the women thing and he's really really rude. But this is a concept and it's for friendships and it's a bond it's like a club but it's a closer knit group of friends you can be in the club but have a circle of friends with the club ring aspects to it this is seven of you say really eight usually and you all have the ring and it has something similar not this exact symbol because but it does have something to do with the heart because your friends and you have members of it and some clubs will take it serious and put so many hearts on it or heart-shaped diamonds or heart-shaped are cubic zirconia and say you're a member of a motor cycling club and it would be like the Miami dolphins motorcycle club and you are Harley-Davidson Rider club and you have the Miami dolphins symbol and then you have the friendship hearts how many people in your closest group and then you are running around and you do football code to go through and get through your day to support each other it's like a support group s and super Friends and it's shown that our ring made it to the super Friends and you each have your own genre and sometimes when you have a ring of friends they're from different clubs but your ring of friends has a certain ring on it and these are secret of clubs so you just order the rings and you don't tell who you are and people want to know if we can tell who people are. And then there's you know there's aspects to it you can add to it with your club if you're all Superman and Superwoman friends you make the Superman Superwoman ring but you make it a friendship ring as well and you have a club of maybe eight people or 16 or 12 and you are friends and you are all the same type of persons and it's a great idea it's a ring of friends and it can be across anything it can have a common theme or it can be just that your friends but a lot of people will have a common theme and some people would be like Masons who are friends and there are masons all over the world and you make friends with people when you're working and you know people across the country and you know people in Texas and you ask for work and you relocate and you would have friendship rings for being Masons and it would probably balloon into Freemasonry which is a form of superhero
Some people have a few circles of friends like my husband with a common theme but mostly it's about working together to support each other.
Others have ideas too and they're offering them now
Hera Zeus
He took the poop pill and we're upset but really he needs it not as much but dollhouse calcium and will suggest he has crackers maybe a little cheese it says probably penuts and we agree. Huge effort today croissant to survive. Support groups are formed and they go missing but people still will remember them and their ring and membership items will be in the hall in one of their homes. We have several deals no works winners with The Incredibles they heard that his act was out of heroism he was doing something illegal and he's doing it now and his first is Mac a little bit installing a lot and he's going to be a huge hero and Matt can't help him if he wants because he's a warlock, we're accepting cars lunch ride to form a dealership in California this is good maybe pretty big it'll be a bridge and Stratton Coleman dealership and I like how my husband puts it together and I'm talking no it's Thor Freya we did the last paragraph but they interjected and it's good okay I interjected but that's a good idea and I want to go ahead with it now and it's huge and Thor Freya I'm going to help and saying it now and his idea is pretty simple and they would be selling tons of cars to their own and that's why a lot of them will be boxed and he opened an assembly plant there would be nice and really it would be nice if he did because they're not too good at assembling them and he can set it up pretty soon and we're going to go ahead and help
And we're back and understand it was important and yeah the rings for The Incredibles it's one of our deals and it's with Pixar and they have a huge number of rings that they want made every character each one of them has a ranking system within a person's area and sent sizes. Our son says for those who deliver these and are making them it's a special insignia of Honor and it's a patch but it's a high honor and for even those who are lower on the totem pole. For those who must know our son made high honors at Wentworth and they put him down a little bit on purpose and messed his grades up but high honors is what he means and he knows what it is he had the special tassels and he had a special smock thing and in the diploma it was special and it should be higher up and we have one for him as a matter of fact Mike Green and mac and others do that was due to him and what he says is I can accept it from you guys as honorary but I went through hell with you and that's the degree that I could get as going through hell and so they know it's real. Pictures huge but the police are calling us tons of them ours too. My son says you guys aren't with it you're like shield in our cops should go into the shield agency they're doing it right now in trolls and Max are and more like they're trying to get in huge numbers of them too. We're now hearing a Battle cry and it's going up and I'll explain it. This is going to be something we've got huge numbers of our cops joining shield they're a massive orders for the ring. Answer the police ring and police officers are having trouble keeping people due to drop out and it's a group ring for a precinct and you earn the ring it's not that tough you do several traffic stops and arrests and you're in it's a club and it's vicious it's a wonderful thing there's no manufacturer that can keep up with the need. We are supplying them of the Ring and tons of them it is a huge huge thing as we filled so many orders and now the orders are rolling in very quickly globally. Oh are fighting to keep the clones out and need this build a 30 dedicated to police rings and we're going to do it now in firemen. It's going on now this discussion and this is going to need more than one they says you're kidding they're not very big and they said for this it might and I said no I don't think so and we can turn out thousands of octillion an hour a lot more than that I was saying it up now it's gigantic. And Tommy f is not special no. Is the breakaway Republic with a funny frontal lobe due to surgery now I'm moving on this stuff and his idea is great that dedicated factory might not be enough for the globe though and he says let's calculate it and we're doing it then we're getting a huge orders. And the fraternal order of Police is not what it is we getting orders for those two and that is a real police organization they were not doing it for associations or frauds we're reporting them as of this time we have 300 million fraudulent police organizations lots of them are McCain half. The other half from warlock. We're producing these now and we're doing it. And posting this is making morlock antsy. You have an organization in the sending it in it's an approved organization too and it is they say not to be mentioned they can talk to each other. So you feel better and we're making a ton of these rings it is a huge deal.
The pizza places are going nuts we have pizza places in Alaska for the rings I said we'll send quigon they start laughing and said no we need the ice road truckers the real ones they said they're not real busy no so we'll have to send it with him when I attach a small tandem to each one they start laughing no seriously yeah we can get them up there I want them tonight they said what's the time zone you have any leeway on that now they're laughing and said you have to do it over there and you'll be ready over here instead we going to send to both so you get yours earlier so stay warm and remember if it's just going to get colder and we used to it they said we don't have to do it they're sending these cars from South Korea and they're making as many as they can and they're not keeping up and it's the older version and all the stupid electronic s*** and they're not listening as a skillet knocks it out within the first few days a lot of these dealers want to have cars at work and our son said he can sell it to him it might be a pain in the ass. And the plant has both in it and it's from Korea and he says I like those I said yeah cuz you run over one Skillet or you go by one building and it's the wrong time and your car is done and they get up and walk away cuz the stupid thing Shields them they're not upsetting part but. Tons of people want it including clones and they're trying to get the car straight down and lots of a crap and they said they have a program and it's not the greatest cuz they're still not EMP proof or even slightly BMP proof and ours can go through a violent electrical storm he brings and Stratton and Coleman definitely will because it's all solid state and it has lightning systems on it the EMP systems it's not a bad looking car and we have one that's like 2500 bucks and brings and Stratton and Coleman they look decent as a sedan so this guy wanted one real bad and he went to pay for it Lewis said we'll go get you one so he's got one coming and he got it tonight and said that's amazing how do you do that he said I don't know you asked for it and you want to get one and we wanted to help you get one and I know the value of it it's valuable he said well strike me a deal so he struck me to do. And we struck him a deal we should just drive around you know that I'm playing to do all right how else does it kind of make it work and it's difficult here they really need it bad he said there's a ton of it they feel bad for him and he says just charges my bike up he started laughing but really it's a heartache this is too much of it so he's selling it and they're they're ordering them.
The great idea it's working very well I was selling tons of rings but this one is important the police ring
And the force that is buying the other ring is important too
Thor Freya
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i haven’t seen the ep yet and i don’t mean to distract or add to the suffering but y’all i made the words work! exciting times
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corvidprompts · 6 years
“Jesus christ eat the goddamn mac and cheese.” scowls the hero “I can hear your stomach growling through your armor, you know.”
The villain blinks “You-”
“Are feeding you, yes. If all I wanted to do was punch people and throw criminals in jail, I would’ve become a vigilante. Heroism involves kindness, dipshit.”
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Orange, olive, amethyst, and hazel for Cat :)
Orange - What are some of your comfort foods?
Other than sweets and desserts? Well Kraft Mac and Cheese with some cooked hog dogs thrown in. Also just making family recipes is a comfort as smelling the spices brings me back to some good memories.
Olive - What is your Greek personality type? (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholic)
If I’m remembering them correctly I tend to see myself as a more phlegmatic type of person, however I had to be on the safe side and took a quiz to see what it said and it gave me my highest being melancholic and phlegmatic coming in second. I can’t argue with the description that the quiz gave me. 
“The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.” 
Okay maybe not the last few lines as those do not fit me I feel. 
Amethyst- What is your aesthetic?
Hmmm I want to say like a soft, nerdy, cottagecore aesthetic maybe. I don’t know how much of one I have to really put a name to it. But it does feel almost girly I know that much.
Hazel - What kind of folklore/myths/stories are told in your family/community?
We always told each other of ghost stories and stories of creatures in the night that would come to take us in the night if we were naughty children. Which sounds weird I know but its just what my family did, if it wasn’t those it was stories of our family and those that have passed on. Sure none of the stories are like the great myths that everyone knows about but there’s a quality to them that feels like them. Our own personal tales of conquest and heroism and a remembrance of where we came from.
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heroism involves kindness, dips$!t
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Tumblr prompt for @stars---thunderbird
He had been given wrong information about Foster’s lab, Rumlow realized, as he came to and shook his head. Foster wasn’t on vacation at all. His vision swam, then resolved into the face of Foster’s assistant, looking at him quizzically. She’d duct-taped him to a chair. “How’d that happen?” she asked. “The taser didn’t do anything, but you went down like a Jenga game when I just pushed you,” she said. He’d been trying to yank the taser out of her hands, so she’d stop trying to zap him.
“Uhhhh,” Rumlow groaned. “I’ve got cracked ribs. I can’t feel ‘em too well, but I’ve started having psychosomatic pain responses, since Triskelion. Can’t feel pain, my body compensates in other ways,” he explained.  
“Cracked ribs, huh?” she said. “So, you actually did faint like a nineteenth-century heroine on me?” she asked.
“Three of ‘em, yeah,” he said.
“Also, probably a concussion,” she said, tilting her head. “You connected with a lab table on the way down.”
“Shit,” he said. “You and Foster weren’t supposed to be here on a Saturday. This was supposed to be a no-injury, simple, solo break-in, Lewis. Take Foster’s newest creation, sell it to a slimy billionaire with a space boner.”
“Sure, Brock,” she said, “Only I am here. Jane’s gone, but I’m working to catch up on some things.”
“You remember my name?” he said. They’d met in New Mexico. And again in London with those elves.
“Yup,” she said brightly. “It’s actually stupider than Crossbones, that’s what makes it so memorable.”
“I won’t tell Ma you said that,” he said, tentatively shifting. Sudden movements could make him pass out again.
“I’ve called Fury, someone will be coming to get you soon, we can have all that checked out medically,” she said. She stood up and peered at the back of his head, then winced. “You have an abrasion and a lump,” she told him. “I’ll get ice.” She went over to the mini-fridge, bent, searched around, then swore. “No ice,” she said. “Only ice cream. Damn.”
“I’m sure I won’t die,” he said wryly. He was fairly difficult to kill, after all.
“Are you checking out my ass?” she said, looking over her shoulder at him.
“I couldn’t possibly tell you, I’m concussed,” he said. It was a very pretty ass, he thought. She was juicy like a peach. Could he actually taste…canned peaches? He shook his head again, briefly wondering if this was some strange new psychosomatic symptom, tasting whatever he was thinking of, before everything went black again.
When he woke up the second time, she was doing something to the top of his head. “Hold still, I’m duct-taping a Coke can to your hair,” she said.
“You’re doing what?” he said.
“Well, I can’t leave you to get ice, you passed out again!” she said. “I was a little worried you were going to have a seizure on me.”
“Christ Almighty, Lewis, how do you come up with this stuff?” he said.
“I thought it was clever problem solving, given my limited options for first-aid,” she said. “We’ll just cut it out of the long hair when SHIELD gets here.”
“Dammit, Lewis, my hair is my best feature now,” he grumbled, feeling the soda can shift.
“Hush, it’ll grow back,” she told him.“Now, I’m getting you some food.” She went over to the microwave and he closed his eyes. “Don’t fall asleep,” she told him.
“I’m not, I’m just hanging onto my Coke can and being a good boy,” he said dryly. He was actually exhausted. And probably hungry. His appetite had been wonky since they dug him out of Triskelion, too. There was a beep and suddenly Lewis was poking him awake. He blinked and looked at the tray in her hands.
“I’m not eating that,” he said. “It’s all carbs!”
“It’s Trader Joe’s reduced guilt, okay?” she said. “It tastes normal, though.”
“No,” Rumlow said.
“Jesus Christ, eat the mac n’ cheese, I can hear your stomach growling through your armor, Rumlow,” she told him.
“You---” he sputtered,
“Are feeding you, yes. You’ve fainted twice in front of me. If all I wanted to do was tase you and throw you in jail, I would’ve become a vigilante. Heroism involves kindness, dipshit,” she sassed, waving the fork near his face. He sighed. “Open your mouth,” she said.
“You’re very bossy,” he said. “Bet the British guy loves that.” He opened his mouth.
“Shut up,” she said, sticking the fork in his mouth. “Also, we broke up,” she said, as he chewed. “So, no, he didn’t love it after all,” she added, scooping up more pasta.
“He was always a pasty weirdo,” Rumlow said.
“Just because Ian can actually read, that doesn’t make him weird,” she said.
“Ian,” he scoffed. “You think my name is dumb?”
“Brock,” she repeated teasingly. “Your name is Brrrrrock,” she drawled, rolling her Rs.
“I can read,” he said, eating another forkful.
“But apparently, you’d rather rob,” she said.
“Is that a weird pun?” he said. “Or a movie reference?”
“I dunno, is it? You say you can read--” she began.
“Just feed me some more macaroni, goddammit,” he said. His stomach growled.
“Oooh, that was really audible,” she said. “That wasn’t a reading pun, either.”
“Yeah,” he said. “A pun?” He frowned.
“Audible is the audiobook people. When did you last eat?” she asked.
“Oh,” he said. “I, uh, shit, when did I eat?” he wondered. “My head--it doesn’t hurt, it’s just, uh, fuzzy?”
“How many forks am I holding up?” she teased.
“One fork. You’re enjoying this too much,” he said.
“Yes, I enjoy having terrifying men under my complete power and feeding them,” she said. “It’s a new kink I developed after I trapped Ivan Vanko under one of Jane’s thingamajigs and then fed him my Eggos a few years ago,” she said.
“You’re fucking with me, right?” he said, as she scraped the plastic tray with fork.
“How will you ever know?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“You’re totally shitting me,” he said, shaking his head.
“He gave me his bird,” she said. “And he makes me such interesting art in prison.” She rolled her eyes towards her desk. Behind the laptop, there was a collage of a tropical bird made out of magazine pieces.
“Motherfucker, he did,” Brock said. “What’s the bird’s name?”
“It has a Russian name, but I call him Hitchcock,” she said.
“The bird’s name is Hitchcock,” Rumlow said slowly.
“That’s a pun. Sort of,” Darcy said, continuing to feed him. “Do you want cornbread? I have cornbread?”
“Do you have anything that’s not a carb?” he said.
“Nope,” she told him, smirking. “I think we should check your Coke can, though. I might need to swap it out with a fresh cold one.”
“Oh God,” he said.
They were wheeling him out on a SHIELD stretcher when she wiped his mouth with a paper towel. He breathed in. “You had a little cheese sauce,” she said.
“Can I, uh, be your second prison pen pal?” Rumlow asked carefully. He watched her face.
“Yeah, of course you can,” she said, voice sarcastic. ”I want a letter a week,” she told him. The SHIELD agent stared, dumb-founded.
“Ma’am,” he said. “That’s a prisoner.”
“Sure I am,” Rumlow said. He grinned at Darcy and mouthed for now. “I’ll send you a letter once they process me,” he said.
“Uh-huh,” she said, sounding skeptical.
“I will,” he said. “I’ll send two a week, sweetheart. Be your favorite pen pal soon.”
When Jane came back from her Darcy-mandated vacation with Thor, she got the mail from their office mailbox. “Is that new artwork from Iowa?” she said, peering at the signature scrawled on the bird collage.
“Yup,” Darcy said. “Came in the last care package from Clint, along with some of Laura’s cornbread. I ate that, though. Sorry.”
“No problem. Cooper is getting so good at his artwork,” Jane said, sorting through things. “We had a security alert on Saturday, too?”
“I handled it,” Darcy said. “It wasn’t anything to worry about.”
“I hope it didn’t take too much time---who is writing you from SHIELD's jail in DC?” Jane said. She’d found a stamped envelope in the mail. It was a thick envelope.
“Someone we met in New Mexico has been in some major trouble lately,” Darcy said.
“Oh,” Jane said. She passed Darcy the envelope.
“Will they be in jail long?” Jane asked, as she opened it.
“I have no idea,” Darcy said, unfolding the multiple page document. “He should be. But he can read and write, apparently.”
“Huh?” Jane said. Darcy started to laugh. “What is it?” Jane asked.
“He sent me a poem, along with the letter,” she said, snorting. “He rhymed feed and bleed.”
crossposted at A03
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ao3feed-supercorp · 5 years
Mac and Cheese and Heroism
by unnecessary_databass
When National City's Most Annoying Villain seems to need more help than policing, Supergirl's moral compass is really spinning in all directions. At least she has her totally innocent best friend Lena, who has never done anything wrong in her life, ever, and who Kara is most definitely not in love with.
Words: 6019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: how suspicious, Lena always had a flair for the dramatic, Kara could not possibly be more annoyed, If Only They Knew
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://bit.ly/2I1Kl2z via IFTTT http://archiveofourown.org/works/17718518
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katrinajg · 6 years
So, I am actually working on a new chapter of ISSH, even if it doesn't seem like that since it's been a while since the last update. Currently at about 13k words, so it should be soon. *crosses fingers*
In the meantime, in-between time, how about an excerpt? 
Come on, ya know ya wanna... 
>>>He scarcely remembers the walk, and he certainly doesn’t have the wherewithal to bother with circling the block more than once before he’s pushing open the boarded-up door to Ticonderoga’s reception area. It didn’t feel like he was being followed, and Deacon’s paranoia is pretty healthy, so in this one moment of weakness, he’s going to trust that and not triple check it in duplicate.
When he makes it up to the main floor of the safehouse, the elevator doors open to a full house. Everyone has crowded around, looking anxious and relieved in the same breath. Deacon hesitates a moment before stepping out of the elevator; it’s a relief that he doesn’t have to talk about Quincy falling, clearly, they already know, but he hopes that he isn’t about to get delicate “Sorry, Dee”s. That’s not what he wants. 
High Rise steps forward first. “Hey, man. We heard. About Quincy.”
“Yeah,” Deacon replies, voice monotone as he stands there limply.
“Oh, Dee,” Parade sighs somewhere to the right of him and as if that’s what the group had been waiting for, a dozen hands reach for him at once and he’s pulled into a massive hug.
He doesn’t break down the way he did with Nick. Doesn’t quite trust these people with that sort of vulnerability, even if he does trust them with his life, but he does let them pull him toward the living area couches. He pulls off his gear when High Rise tells him to take it off and accepts the blanket from Jolene, and later the bowl of mac and cheese from Codsworth. He lets the conversation of Ticon wash over him while he’s sandwiched between HR and Parade on the couch. It’s about as safe as he feels outside of a vault or the agency.
Eventually, Uncle takes the empty bowl from his hands and Drummer Boy gives him a glass of purified water, and Parade offers some of her Jet if he wants to take the edge off, but Deacon shakes his head. After a time, conversation falls off when they’ve updated Deacon on the goings on, and cards are pulled out. He doesn’t play. Deacon falls asleep sometime around the fifth game.
When he wakes again, he’s alone on the couch and it’s dark. At first, he’s not quite sure about that and he pulls his off sunglasses to double check, but when the room doesn’t lighten significantly, Deacon has to accept that he’s slept the afternoon and evening away. Despite that, he still feels tired, and if he wasn’t also hungry, he’d probably just go back to sleep. With a quiet sight, Deacon swings himself off the couch; he hates that ‘dealing with shit’ has to be so exhausting.
“They considered waking you for supper, but you didn’t stir at their noise and High Rise decided to leave you sleep,” JH says lowly when Deacon has turned on the kitchen overhead light.
“Thanks, I guess,” he replies as he browses the fridge for leftovers. He spots some casserole of indeterminate make and takes the small dish out to warm up.
“Have you not been sleeping?”
Deacon shrugs. “Sorta. Nick’s been keeping me busy.”
“Ah,” JH says with a hint of laughter in his voice.
“And…I think trying to keep from exploding in anger on a semi-daily basis has been kinda counteracting the sleep I do get.” Deacon tosses the casserole mess into a pot warming on the burner and adds, “Maybe. Who can say for sure, really?”
“Because of Quincy?”
“I guess. That’s what Nick thinks, anyways.”
“And what do you think?”
“I don’t know.”
JH makes a noise of disbelief but doesn’t push, apparently content to let Deacon answer truthfully in his own time. When the casserole is warmed through, Deacon dumps it back in the dish it came from and heads back to the couch with a Nuka Cola. He arranges himself under the blanket again before eating the casserole in a few giant mouthfuls. It’s hardly pretty, but he doesn’t much care.
When he’s finished, Deacon set the dish down on the edge of the hubflower planter/coffee table in front of him and cracks the Nuka Cola open on the edge of the table. The metal edge of the small table face is worn almost round from hundreds of bottles opened the same way. After the first sip of the soda, Deacon says somewhat suddenly,
“I don’t want to be the Lone Wanderer.”
“Well, I’m afraid that vertibird has flown.”
Of all the answers Deacon imagined JH might’ve had, that wasn’t one. He frowns.
“So, what? Too bad, so sad? It’s my life. I choose.”
“If you want to choose to cripple yourself, then yes, you have a choice. If you want to be practical about it, grow up and stop accepting your father’s misguided view of the world.”
Deacon stares agape at the JH’s camera, feeling stung and surprised. It takes a moment for him to find his footing.
“Don’t talk about my father like that,” he snaps.
“And why not? Because it’s in poor taste to speak ill of the dead—though they hardly care what we think one way or another. Or perhaps because that pedestal you have him on is weak and all it needs is a good push to topple.”
“No. If what we plan is to work, you must come to terms with the fact that you have two views of the world and only one is valid in the Wasteland,” JH says with some force, “What James taught you to believe about the world, what he believed was true, made a martyr of him. He was a fool—”
“How dare you—”
“How dare I say aloud the things you already think? Should we examine the choices he made that last day? Refusing Autumn the code for the purifier was idiotic, especially with the very clear threat of death. There was no need to die, he could have given the Colonel the code and returned with the Brotherhood at his back, he could have agreed to work with the Enclave and internally subverted us, he could have agreed to join Autumn against me, he could have chosen a dozen other possibilities that did not leave him dead in that chamber, but James didn’t believe in living to fight another day.”
“Dying for what you believe in isn’t wrong, or foolish, or idiotic. And if you had any shred of humanity, you’d know that,” Deacon seethes, knuckles white on the Nuka Cola bottle.
“Indeed? Remind me then, which one of us left you alone in this world?”
“Fuck you, Eden.”
JH has the audacity to laugh. “You already know I’m right, John. The Lone Wanderer is just a convenient name you’ve taken to represent all the things you learned about the world outside the vault, all the things that don’t agree with James’ skewed ideas of the world.”
“The Lone Wanderer is a monster. I don’t want to be anything like him.”
“No. The only monster is the shellacked memory of your father that keeps you at odds with yourself. The Wanderer lives in the imperfect world of the Wasteland, the world we all live in, and as such is an imperfect being. He does good and ill, just as we all do.” JH speaks of the Wanderer kindly, as if he’s a beloved friend, and in the next moment JH’s voice is harsh and critical, “You, John, are still living as though you are 19 and in the vault—an isolated place where every little mistake was compounded tenfold by the scarcity of freedom and the only ultimate good was to die in service of it.”
Deacon slams his Nuka Cola bottle down on the coffee table, heedless of the noise that it makes and stands, barely conscious of the real possibility that they’ll wake the entire safehouse if they keep arguing like this.
“You, of all people, have no right to be critical of the vault, my upbringing, or my father, when you, yourself, employed similar bullshit tactics in the Enclave.”
“Good to see we’re starting to make progress on this; shame that you have to angry to think clearly on the issue,” JH replies, exceedingly calm and Deacon wants to hit him. “And I am perfectly qualified to talk about this because, yes, in that former life, I did exactly the same thing. I won’t deny that.
“I have little doubt that James did not start out his tenure in the vault with the same views he had when he left it, but that’s what happens when you live in isolation. All you need is one rational sounding voice to repeat the same thing over and over and over again until one day you wake up believing the lie.
“In James’ case, the rational voice was his own because the lie he was selling was not to himself, John, but to you. And he said it so many times to you that he ended up believing it himself. Had Autumn pulled his coup 19 years before you were born, I have no doubt that James would have chosen to do one of the things I outlined before; however, living that long in the isolation of the vault skewed his view of the world. He mistakenly believed in the idea that the ultimate good is sacrifice.
“A belief that you cling to even now because the idea that he left you for any other reason is painful to contemplate.” JH pauses a moment and the ensuing silence is deafening. Deacon closes his eyes, furious, hurt, and betrayed all over again. “The simple fact of the matter is that James was as flawed as any of us. He made a mistake, he believed the lie and died because of it. There is no greater meaning to it than that, John. No nobility or heroism in it.”
Hot tears leak out of the corners of Deacon’s eyes as he whispers, “He didn’t — he didn’t even say goodbye.”
“I know,” JH replies sadly.
“Why didn’t he love me more than that stupid purifier?”
“I can’t answer that.”<<<
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Homer, leaf and piano ❤️ (for the ask game)
You got it lovely! Also, sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get a notification about this ask so I am going to have to figure out how to fix that!
Homer: (1) Personally, I feel like it’s important to be a mixture of brave and kind. They are both important, what’s the point of being brave if you aren’t somewhat kind? I associate braveness with heroism because it’s kinda the definition of heroism and I also associate kindness with heroism. Ultimately, if I had to choose one, I would say kindness because bravery can come over time (ex: Neville Longbottom). (2) I absolutely love to read. Currently, I am reading Jane Eyre and (ironically) I have The Illiad lined up to read next. I am also reading The Tempest for one of my uni classes right now. My favourite place to read is my front porch at the end of summer/beginning of fall. My second favourite place is a hammock on a nice breezy summer day!
Leaf: (1) Summer. Hands down. Summer is my favourite season. I love swimming and the beach. When I was younger, I could not tolerate the heat because we get very humid summers where I live, but I’ve grown out of that in a way I guess. Now, I love the sun and I get so many freckles (which I used to hate, but now I love). Fall is a very close second. I also love winter, but I hate the icy roads and snowstorms. (2) Mac and Cheese or Pizza. I could eat Mac and Cheese every single day and never grow tired of it! Pizza and breadsticks are other things that never fail to make me feel better! 
Piano: (1) I don’t have one genre that I love, but I have kicks where I obsess over one genre more than another. Right now, it’s 70s/80s rock (the classics), classical, and early 2000s punk pop. But other than my current obsessions, I pretty much love all genres of music, but I listen to less rap than anything else. (2) I do not play any musical instruments. I was always more athletic than musically inclined. But I dance so I do understand music a little bit! (3) I have a lot of favourite musical artists, right now, I am living for Charlotte Sands song “Dress” but I would have to say Queen is on top of the list. Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift, 5 Seconds of Summer, Bon Iver, Olivia O’Brein, Conan Grey, The Smiths,  and many more are also at the top of the list!
Thank you for the ask lovely! Feel free to send some more in everyone! 
0 notes
thethespacecoyote · 7 years
“Try Some Tenderness” Ch. 10
Before long, the boy was tucked away in his bed, holding onto his robot plush as Rhys softly closed the door behind him. A soft clap from Jack quickly shut off the rest of the lights in the kitchen and living room as him and the omega wound their fingers together and made their way back to the bedroom.
Rhys soon sat curled up in the bed, mouth freshly tasting of toothpaste and clad in the new silky pajamas Jack had bought him the week previously. The alpha had holed himself up in the bathroom with the tap running, washing his face—the face below his mask, Rhys assumed, due to the closed door—leaving the omega briefly alone with his thoughts, mulling over the events of the day until the lock clicked and Jack emerged—mask on, hair damp and disheveled, scarred and tan body fully on display aside from the scant yellow boxers clinging to his hips.
Rhys felt a stirring in his loins at the sight, but the worried thoughts were beating any arousal that he might want to act on as the alpha slipped into his bed. So instead, Rhys reached forward, fingers dancing on Jack’s thigh as the man settled in next to him.
“So….so that’s okay, right?”
Jack gave him a confused look.
“What’s okay, pumpkin?”
Rhys hummed, twisted the bedsheets in his hands.
“Cyrus…you know, calling you dad and all.”
Jack tilted his head to the side, tousled hair spilling over his temple.
“Well…I mean, I thought it was already a bit…y’know…”
“Sorry…I guess I’ve just been…I dunno, dodging around it a little bit? Hahaha…” Rhys’ voice broke a little nervously as he rubbed his cybernetic wrist. Jack let out a small snort, shaking his head.
“Sweetheart, we’ve already moved in together…”
Holy heck this has been a long time in coming!! Sorry about the serious wait for the next chapter, I ended up working on a bunch of other projects, the BL Gift Exchange, as well as just the hectic nature of moving apartments and dealing with the holidays and con prep and stuff. But here it is! An extra long and plot-heavy chapter to make up for it. c:
Enjoy!! <3 
The sickness had been little more than a nuisance at first, a tugging nausea in his belly in the morning and  occasionally throughout the day. Sometimes, he would throw up his dessert from the night before, whimpering sourly at the loss of such good ice cream, but beyond that minor annoyance he tried not to think much of it.
But when it persisted, intermittently, over the course of a week or so, Rhys could feel panic starting to rise up in his throat every time his stomach churned in a sickeningly familiar way. Rhys had been hunched over the toilet in Jack’s bathroom, throwing up for the second time this morning—the first time resulting in Jack insisting that he stay home for the day in order to kick this bug once and for all—when a troubling thought bloomed up in his brain that he quickly quelled. Because, honestly, it just couldn’t be.
It was just a little flu. Just some nausea. Not a big deal at all, nothing to panic about. Certainly not that. No reason to go to the doctor, right. Hahahaha.
It was only when Rhys nearly had a breakdown during a cybernetics meeting full of alphas and betas that he decided that something needed to be done about this “sickness.”
It happened almost two weeks after the initial nausea had started to settle in, the early morning illness now replaced by a prickling feeling of dread that crawled up his spine every time he wasn’t in the penthouse, or at the very least by Jack’s side. The simmering fear had exploded when a young alpha had come up and tried to shake his hand after the meeting, at which point Rhys had flinched back and let out a defensive keen. As soon as Rhys had finished profusely apologizing to both the stunned alpha and the rest of the confused congregation before dismissing them, he knew he could no longer live in pretend ignorance. So with his mind swirling with dread, he shyly carted himself off to the doctor, a young beta who was all smiles and careful movements as he took Rhys’ blood. He’d swung his feet as he sat on the examining table, the toes of his boots rubbing against the ground as he twiddled his thumbs, waiting for the doctor’s verdict, and when it finally came, Rhys felt his mouth go dry as his worries were confirmed.
The doctor gave him pamphlets on his options, but Rhys was too numb to do anything other than loosely grasp them in his hands as he left the clinic. He felt sick, his head spinning, and not because of the—of the baby growing inside of him. He clasped a hand over his mouth, trying to calm down his breathing as he stole away into the hospital bathroom, locking himself in the stall and leaning forward on his elbow against the wall of the stall. Panicked breaths seeped past his hands as tears leaked down his face, anxiety gripping at him as he found himself in the same position—again.
Jack was going to hate him. Jack was going to leave. He was going to leave and Rhys would have to deal with a pregnancy all alone again. Again, again, again—it was all happening again and Rhys’ couldn’t take it.
He’d sat against the tile floor, back braced up against the side of the toilet with his hands folded over his neck, until he’d finally managed to wrangle control of his breathing. The tears had eventually dried on his cheeks, the high, panicked emotion settling into a sick dread in his stomach.
He couldn’t tell him. He couldn’t. Rhys let out a weak little moan, shaking his head as he tried to calm down.
There had to be some kind of way out of this.
To his luck, Jack sent him a message on his ECHO saying that he would be working late, and to go on and have dinner with Cyrus without him so the kid wouldn’t have to stay up past bedtime. Rhys found such relief at the message and the scant bit of time that it gave him to plan his way around this sudden roadblock. He hurried out of the hospital, stuffing the pregnancy pamphlets into the trash can and picking up a bottle of cologne soaked heavy in vanilla bean and amber from a shop in the Hub of Heroism before scurrying on back to the penthouse. Vaughn dropped Cyrus off from school not long after, the boy happily nuzzling into his the omega’s neck as soon as Rhys picked him up.
“Mom, you smell really really really good!” The boy chirped, hugging Rhys close as he took in a loud sniff. Rhys chuckled a little at that, patting his son on the back as he carried him into the kitchen.
“It’s just a new cologne, sweetie.” Rhys assured as he sat his son down on one of the barstools pulled up against the kitchen counter. The boy nodded with a little “oh, okay!” before munching on the carrots and peanut butter crackers Rhys pulled out of the fridge and pantry and launching into a babble about how teacher had started to tell them about multiplication tables, and how Uncle Vaughn had offered to help if Cyrus ever got stuck on his homework. Rhys smiled softly at his son’s story, dabbing at Cyrus’ face with a napkin before helping the boy down from his barstool and leading him into the living room to watch some of the kids programming that Cyrus loved. His son happily cuddled into his side, resting his head on Rhys’ upper abdomen as the omega wrapped an arm around his son and rubbed his little shoulder with a smile.
Without Jack in the penthouse, Rhys could at least pretend that things were totally normal. It was just him and Cyrus, enjoying each other’s company and watching some wholesome kids shows, just like they had before they had moved in with Jack. Rhys could just enjoy the instinctual warmth of his son and ignore the worrying surprise growing inside of him and the mate that he still wasn’t sure whether to inform or not.
He left Cyrus for a couple of minutes when the boy eagerly agreed to his suggestion of having mac n’ cheese for dinner—a dish that Rhys knew he could cook—coming back as soon as the fancy cheeses and noodles from Jack’s kitchen were simmering away in the high-end crockpot. Rhys was still getting used to all the technology around Jack’s penthouse in general, much less his kitchen. He worried every time he turned something on that he’d end up burning the entire place down.
Cyrus was snuggled into the same spot when Rhys came back, his favorite yellow robot blanket wrapped tightly around him as he hugged a throw pillow to his chest. He cuddled back into Rhys as soon as the omega sat down and resumed the program. Rhys softly stroked Cyrus hair, feeling himself relax back into the couch as he lazily worked his finger through his son’s soft locks.
“Mom?” Cyrus turned his head, looking up at his parent. Rhys tilted his head down, a warm smile on his face as he tightened his arm around Cyrus’ middle.
“What is it, buddy?”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure thing, Cy.”
“Is…is it okay if I call Mr. Handsome daddy?” Rhys stiffened a little, lips parting slightly at his son’s request. Well…it had certainly been a little bit implied since they had moved in with Jack, considering the nature of his and Rhys’ relations.
“I know…he beat up mean daddy, right? Does that mean he can be mine now?” Cyrus looked up at Rhys with big eyes. Clearly hopeful.
“I…well, I’m sure he’d love that, Cyrus.” Rhys said, perhaps not as confidently as he wanted, but Cyrus didn’t seem to notice, if the way his unsure face brightened up was any indication.
They settled back into a comfortable, warm silence, occasionally broken with Cyrus’ questions or babbles about the programs they were watching. The little boy was resting comfortably against Rhys, hands settled on the cybernetic arm wrapped around his little waist. Rhys could feel him starting to nod off, when suddenly there was the electronic beep of the security system, followed by the click of the door and Jack’s booming voice.
“Guess who’s home, kiddos!” Jack strode confidently into the living room, chest puffed out and a sharp smile on his face, like he was in front of a massive audience rather than just the omega and his son. Cyrus mumbled at the entrance, rubbing his eyes and blinking up at Jack, before a broad smile spread across his face.
“Daddy!” Cyrus exclaimed before Rhys could stop him, hopping off the couch and running to hug Jack’s legs. Rhys crept over from the couch, watching nervously as a soft bit of surprise flashed over Jack’s features, but it passed quickly, and soon the alpha was picking Cyrus up, spinning the kid around before pulling him in close, kissing him on top of his head with a wider, but gentler grin.  
“Heyyy, kiddo, you’re a sight for sore eyes.” Jack chuckled, resting Cyrus more fully onto his hip as he shuffled towards the couch, where Rhys had hopped up from his seat, hands nervously fidgeting behind his back. Cyrus nuzzled happily against the alpha’s chest, instinctively getting his scent all over as he pressed closer with a smile. Jack bobbed the kid gently with one arm, while the other hand drew Rhys’ wrist up, crowding his space.  
Rhys tried to suppress his flinch, his anxious instinct to curl away from Jack, instead letting the alpha bring him close and kiss him. His heart nearly stopped when Jack took a deep inhale, breath curling on his fangs as he gave Rhys a bright grin.
“Smells good, sweetheart, too good for you cooking. Did you have help?”
“I helped mom!” Cyrus exclaimed, wiggling happily in Jack’s arms.
“Aw, you did didn’t you buddy? That’s my boy, didn’t get any of your mama’s cruddy cooking skills.”
Rhys rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the alpha.
“Okay, I did raise a kid for five years on my own, I know some of the basics thank you very much.”
“It’s true daddy, mom makes really good mac n’ cheese! Promise!” Cyrus nodded, pointing in the direction of the kitchen. Jack snickered, leaning in to tap briefly against the kid’s nose.
“Mmm, I’ll trust you for now, kiddo, but if you’re wrong, I’m gonna have Cyrus Casserole for dinner!” Jack laughed as he bared his fangs in jest, Cyrus squealing in mock-horror as he was spirited off to the kitchen in the CEO’s arms.
Rhys’ heart beat a little less frantically during dinner, the smell of three different kinds of melting cheese and crispy bacon—per Jack’s request—masking most of the scents of those gathered at the table. Rhys tried to act nice and calm, occasionally interjected in the banter between Jack and Cyrus as the former asked about the child’s day.
The meal passed pleasantly enough, with Rhys largely able to lose himself in the chatter between his son and Jack, occasionally quipping or riffing on one of Jack’s jokes in between mouthfuls of mac n’ cheese. He grew a little worried that Jack would notice just how much food he was packing away, but Jack seemed more interested in talking to Cyrus about the awesome plans for new robots he had doodled during lunch at school.
Cyrus was already yawning and starting to rub his eyes as he helped Rhys clear the table, the omega passing a knowing look onto Jack as he rinsed the plates and stuck them into his fancy dishwasher.
“All right, kiddo, up ya go, time for bed.” The alpha spoke as he bent down to pick Cyrus up, rocking the child against his chest even as he whined.
“Nooo…” Cyrus mumbled, though he rested and nuzzled against Jack’s chest, letting out another soft yawn. Rhys wiped his hands together and smiled, leaning in to place a tender kiss on his son’s cheek.
“Come on, buddy, lets get you into your Loaderbot PJs, okay? Daddy can help you.” Rhys soothed, smoothing the boy’s hair into place even as he burrowed into Jack’s chest and messed it up even further.
Before long, the boy was tucked away in his bed, holding onto his robot plush as Rhys softly closed the door behind him. A soft clap from Jack quickly shut off the rest of the lights in the kitchen and living room as him and the omega wound their fingers together and made their way back to the bedroom.
Rhys soon sat curled up in the bed, mouth freshly tasting of toothpaste and clad in the new silky pajamas Jack had bought him the week previously. The alpha had holed himself up in the bathroom with the tap running, washing his face—the face below his mask, Rhys assumed, due to the closed door—leaving the omega briefly alone with his thoughts, mulling over the events of the day until the lock clicked and Jack emerged—mask on, hair damp and disheveled, scarred and tan body fully on display aside from the scant yellow boxers clinging to his hips.
Rhys felt a stirring in his loins at the sight, but the worried thoughts were beating any arousal that he might want to act on as the alpha slipped into his bed. So instead, Rhys reached forward, fingers dancing on Jack’s thigh as the man settled in next to him.
“So….so that’s okay, right?”
Jack gave him a confused look.
“What’s okay, pumpkin?”
Rhys hummed, twisted the bedsheets in his hands.
“Cyrus…you know, calling you dad and all.”
Jack tilted his head to the side, tousled hair spilling over his temple.
“Well…I mean, I thought it was already a bit…y’know…”
“Sorry…I guess I’ve just been…I dunno, dodging around it a little bit? Hahaha…” Rhys’ voice broke a little nervously as he rubbed his cybernetic wrist. Jack let out a small snort, shaking his head.
“Sweetheart, we’ve already moved in together…”
“I know that, but, still….I didn’t know the exact extent of how far you wanted to take this.”
Jack snorted, relaxing back into bed with his hands tucked behind his head.
“Fair enough.” The silence stretched out between them, Rhys looking nervously at the alpha. Jack stuck out his lower lip, clearly in thought, and Rhys felt too worried to break it until Jack spoke up.
“Listen, Rhysie…I’m down to be the kid’s daddy, if that’s what’s gonna make him happy. Even yours too, if the situation calls for it. I’m flexible.” Jack teased with a dirty smirk, which earned him a small shove and a snort from the omega.
“Hehe. In your dreams, Jack.” Rhys tittered as the alpha laid back against the bed, one hand tucked behind the head and the other patting invitingly against his pecs.
Rhys hesitated in resting his head against Jack’s welcoming chest, the nagging fear of what he’d learned earlier today still brewing in his stomach, but he found he couldn’t resist the draw of his magnetic alpha. So Rhys laid down and snuggled close to him, fingers trailing softly over Jack’s stomach until his hand settled over his chest. He could feel the alpha’ heart throbbing underneath his skin as he inhaled deeply, nuzzling against one of Jack’s strong pecs. He wrapped one arm around Rhys’ shoulder, rubbing his upper arm as he hugged Rhys close and placed a small kiss on the top of his head. With his alpha’s scent heavy in his nose, Rhys managed to drift off to sleep after a little while, his previous worry slowly ebbing away as pleasant dreams overtook him.
Rhys’ anxiety went up and down over the next few days. When he was able to forget about the new life that was growing inside of him, he was fine, as cool and calm and cunning as he ever was. He ran his meetings properly, managing to tamp down the instinctual nerves that flared whenever a foreign alpha moved too abruptly or spoke out of turn. He noticed Jack looking at him a little stranger, sniffing at the air around him, opening his mouth whenever Rhys asked him what was wrong, only to shut it and shake his head, muttering. Rhys tapped his foot against the floor whenever he was sitting along at his desk, snatching his hand away from his stomach whenever he caught himself cradling it.
Jack being called away to an extended expedition down on the southern hemisphere of Pandora was a slight balm to Rhys anxiety. He was there to see Jack off in the hangar, kissing and scenting with his alpha, making sure Jack’s hands remained on his back and didn’t move over to feel up his abdomen.
Rhys knew he couldn’t deny the truth forever, and he certainly couldn’t hide it from Jack for even half as long. Sooner or later, there would be either a swollen bump or a newborn baby to explain away.
His body was constantly jittery, confused as to whether he wanted his alpha back by his side or as far away from him as possible. Pregnancy hormones warred against the terror of being abandoned inside of the young omega, reducing him to a tearful mess of frustration more than once in the days immediately following Jack’s departure.
It was a week into Jack’s assignment when he decided to finally set Cyrus down after a meal of spaghetti and meatballs, bobbing the boy on his lap as he tried to explain what exactly was going on.
“So, uh…” Rhys faltered, before picking up Cyrus’ little wrist and pressing the boy’s palm against the slight swell of his stomach. Cyrus glanced up at him curiously, cocking his head to his side as he waited for his mother to continue.
“Cyrus…you know, when sometimes you see other omegas with their children, and they have, well…they have a lot of babies, right?”
“Um…yeah? Some of them have a bunch of babies. Miss Evie says that her mama had four babies! So she has three sisters! Isn’t that cool?” Cyrus smiled brightly, kicking his legs underneath the table.
“Yeah…yeah, that’s great…so, um….like? I think I might be…no um. Well, mama’s gonna…he’s gonna have another baby…” Rhys finished rather lamely. Cyrus’ blinked at him for a few second, before looking down at Rhys’ belly, his eyes growing to the size of dinner plates.  
“You mean I’m gonna have a baby sibling!” Cyrus gasped, quickly putting both hands on Rhys’ abdomen. “They’re gonna grow inside your tummy…is there even enough room in there?”
“There was enough room for you, buddy.” Rhys chuckled, running the fingers of his other hand through Cyrus’ hair, trying to tame those stubborn little locks. Cyrus let out an awed little noise, tiny hands planting on Rhys’ belly, marveling.
“Don’t tell daddy though, all right? I want it to be a surprise.” Cyrus nodded, lifting his hands to cover his mouth.
“I won’t! Promise!” The boy exclaimed behind his muffling hands, before Rhys ruffled his hair one last time and shooed his son off to have a bath.
A month dragged on since Jack had been gone, and Rhys was starting to get worried, despite his complicated feelings towards the alpha at the moment. He was jumpy throughout the day, even as he tried to keep his cool amongst the alpha’s jostling him for answers and advice in Handsome Jack’s stead. He was starting to show under his normal clothes now, the roundness in his belly evident as soon as he tucked his dress shirts into his pants, which left him with no other choice than to opt for baggier clothes and even more layers. Which helped with his appearance—even if he felt like he looked like a shapeless bag—but did very little for his nerves. Eventually, he started to feel far too jittery, and the night after a particularly trying day he was relieved to hear his ECHO go off. Happiness quickly dispelled the worry once he saw his alpha’s face, however lined with tiredness it was. Rhys smiled softly, tucking an errant lock of hair behind his ear as he finally got the chance to catch up with the alpha.
Jack was not happy about the way his absence had been stressing Rhys out, quickly agreeing to have one of his body doubles take care and help manage Helios in Jack’s stead, which took part, though not all, of the weight off of Rhys’ shoulders. The omega curled up on his side in bed, hugging the comforters close to his stomach, the blue light of the ECHO glowing back on his face.
“Sorry about all this, pumpkin. Looks like it’s going to take a little bit longer than usual. Frikkin’ bandits like a god damn thorn in my side. And Vladof’s tryin’ to move in on the mines in the southeast hemisphere ain’t doing much for my planet-sized migraine.” Jack sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Sucks I can’t smell ya through the ECHO. Should get some nerd on that. Make me some more millions banking off desperate alphas suffering in long-distance relationships.” Jack gave him a wry smile. “I swear though…you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone, I guess.”
Now, Rhys hadn’t even thought about that. Even though Jack’s presence was missing from the penthouse, the entire space still smelled like him, still calmed Rhys when he started to badly need his mate. Jack didn’t have that, he was stuck in whatever high-security Hyperion facility he’d been holed up in down on Pandora, full of sterile, sucked-dry scent and not much else. Rhys hummed, tapping his fingers on his chin as he thought.  
“Maybe I can send you something that smells like me? Would that help?”
“Babe, if you’re gonna send me your underwear, then I—“
“God, no, Jack, don’t be gross.” Rhys pulled a face. “I was thinking like a shirt or a scarf or some—”  Rhys cut himself off as he noticed Jack’s eyes glittering at that.
“Scarves, huh? Don’t think I’ve seen you wear those before, sweetheart. Love to see something sheer wrapping all tight around your pretty neck…mm!”
“You keep talking like that, Jack, and I’m sending you one of my socks.”
One morning, Rhys drug himself out of bed, mumbling as he ambled towards the bathroom. His hand came down to cup the gentle swell of his belly through his T-shirt, keeping himself balanced as he shrugged off his boxers before pulling his shirt up over his head. He turned on the water to the shower, testing the heat with his palm before stepping in. He felt the muscles in his body unwind under the warmth of the water, a pleased groan spilling from his lips as the soothing water cascaded against his skin.
Rhys shifted the weight, rubbing his hips as he felt a twinge shoot up from his legs. His feet were starting to hurt. He scowled, looking accusingly down at them—though he supposed he should be grateful that he could still see his feet. That would change soon enough…Rhys groaned, shaking the thoughts of later pregnancy woes from his head as he pooled shampoo in his palm, massaging it through his hair.  
He’d probably have to get a chair for the shower when that time came around. He hadn’t carried that heavily with Cyrus, and even then the later weeks of pregnancy had been a chore when it came to showering. And considering the fact that his belly was already getting this round only a month or so into it, Rhys had a feeling he would be pretty huge before long.
A brief terror had gripped him when he thought that it could’ve been twins, but yet another anxious visit to the doctor’s office had confirmed that no, there was only one child inside him. One healthy, perfect little child, the doctor had said with a smile.
Rhys couldn’t help smiling softly himself as he pressed his sudsy hands over the small round bump forming between his hips. He’d gradually gotten used to the idea that he was going to have another baby. He’d forgotten the pleasant flush of pregnancy hormones that coursed through even the bodies of un-bonded omegas, fostering attachment to the little unborn creature growing inside. Rhys was trying his best to manage Jack’s penthouse while simultaneously taking care of himself, taking the proper vitamins and getting rest whenever Cyrus wasn’t in the mood for play.
Rhys lifted his hands temporarily to scrub the shampoo from his hair, the slight scratch of his nails against his scalp feeling nice to his sore body.
He’d have to send some kind of a gift to Jack’s body double for taking over for him so he could get the proper amount of rest, as well as keep clear from alphas who might end up getting nosey, or worse, violent upon scenting an omega steadily progressing through pregnancy. Though honestly, Rhys had no idea which of Jack’s presumably many body doubles was helping him out right now. There was still so much about the man and the inner workings of his personal life that Rhys still did not understand, even after living with the CEO for quite some time now.
Rhys lost track of himself under the soothing pressure of the shower, only remembering to turn it off once he realizes his fingertips were starting to grow pruny. Bracing himself against the bar inside the shower stall, Rhys carefully eased his way out onto the tile floor, pulling a large fluffy yellow towel from the rack and beginning to dry himself off. As soon as he was finished tousling his hair free from water save for a few errant droplets, he wound the towel around his hips and under his growing belly, knotting it at his hip before groping around for the doorknob.  
The first thing Rhys noticed upon opening the door was that all of the lights were on. The omega blinked in confusion for a moment, sure that he had left only the nightstand reading light on when he had decided to take a shower. Perplexed, Rhys turned to close the door behind him, only for a deep and familiar voice suddenly whisper into his ear from behind.
Rhys started, letting out a shocked yelp as broad hands wrapped around his middle, the warm chuckling of his alpha suddenly filling his ears as he felt warm breath heavy with Jack’s scent tumble over his neck. Rhys squirmed for a moment before freezing in place as he fully grasped what was happening.
Jack’s hands were there.
Rhys stared down at his middle, utterly horrified as he saw that Jack’s large, thick hands were splayed directly over his obviously pregnant stomach. His voice stuck in his throat, only small creaks of surprise stealing from him as he looked on in terror. His heart seized in his chest as Jack’s finger started to move, feeling, and Rhys could hear the puffs of air coming from the alpha’s nose as his face pressed in closer to Rhys’ neck, taking in the sweet scent that Rhys had tried so hard to keep from him over these past few months.
And then Jack’s hands on him moved from searching to solidly cupping his belly, and Rhys lost it.
The omega let out a terrified yelp, tearing out of Jack’s arms and nearly falling over as he stumbled away from his alpha. He hunched over next to the foot of the bed, arms wrapped tightly around his middle. His heart was pounding in his ears, and even the smell of his alpha couldn’t do much to calm the fear that blossomed in his brain.
This was it.
Rhys could stop his heavy breathing from breaking into hoarse sobs, tears suddenly prickling at his eyes as he stood stock still, refusing to speak or look at Jack.
He was going to leave he was going to leave, Rhys was going to be hurt and left all alone again, and he couldn’t take it.
Jack stayed quiet and still for so long that Rhys wondered if he had left, abandoned him to his terror and shame. Maybe that would have been for the best, Rhys could just gather Cyrus and their things up and leave, and forget this whole thing had ever happened.
“Rhysie….” The low rumble of Jack’s voice startled Rhys from his fugue, but the omega remained stiff and turned away from the alpha, not wanting to look into the man’s eyes, to confirm what he had feared all along. He let out a scared whimper, his knees shuddering together and threatening to give out.
Warm breath on the back of his neck nearly made the omega fall to the floor. He could feel Jack chuffing and scenting along his neck, carefully pressing his nose into the side of Rhys’ throat. The omega tried to curl away, but his instincts fought him, dying for his alpha’s touch, for the father of his child to take him into his arms and hold him, to keep him safe after all these long weeks.
Rhys finally turned his head over his shoulder when Jack kept still for a long while. Through his watery sight he could see that Jack was still silently pressed against the side of Rhys’ neck, his lips softly touching the omega’s flesh. His eyes were half open, staring past Rhys into empty space, before flicking up to meet Rhys’ eyes as soon as the omega turned to look at him.
Jack….he didn’t look mad. Rhys noted, even as his heart continued to thump in his chest. He fell the alpha’s hand come up to his hip, merely grazing Rhys’ with his fingers, not daring to grab the omega, as if he were afraid of Rhys leaving him.
The two men stood completely still for so long that Rhys lost track, the omega steadily relaxing into the warmth of the alpha behind him. Jack grew more bold, settling his hand fully on Rhys’ hip. He rubbed it gently, before creeping over to replace over the soft swell of the omega’s belly.
A quiet, marveling chuckle hummed into the side of Rhys’ neck. The omega slowly turned around in Jack’s arms, the alpha’s hand remaining on his stomach as he pulled away from Rhys’ throat, his eyes falling momentarily to Rhys’ stomach.
“You know…I thought, I thought before I left, that something was up with you…” Jack murmured. “I….Rhys?”
Rhys only realized tears were welling up in his eyes when Jack touched his chin, carefully tipping it the omega’s face towards him.
“Rhysie…baby, don’t cry. C’mon, don’t do this.” Jack hushed, shaking his head.
“I…I’m sorry…” Rhys whimpered, snorting and rubbing at his nose as he pulled his face away from Jack hand. “I…Jack, I was really f-reaked out…”
“ ‘Bout what, sweetheart?”
“Well…I mean…you remember that whole thing with my…my ex leaving me…uh, kind of a little bit of a big deal. Kind of really sucked. And I guess I just thought…”
“You thought I’d be another asshole alpha looking to ditch after knocking you up,” Jack frowned, his fingers still rubbing slowly over Rhys’ middle, “I get it kitten, but come on, give me a lil’ credit.”
“I know.” Rhys huffed, crossing his arms over his belly, “it’s stupid, but I was scared. You can’t blame me for being scared…”
“I said I get it, sweetheart. You don’t gotta explain any more” Jack lowered his voice, one hand remaining on the omega’s stomach as the other wound around his waist, drawing him closer.
“So…” Rhys’ voice was still small as he rubbed at his eyes, looking up at his alpha. “You….you’re not mad? You want this?”
For the first time, Jack’s mouth broke out into a smile, pleased canines even poking a little bit over his lips.
“Another little me running around, though? Sweetheart, this is going to be friggin’ great.” Jack’s eyes were glowing with delight as he dropped down to his knees in front of the omega, both palms now cupping the gentle bump of Rhys’ stomach as he leaned forward and peppered it with eager kisses.
“You’re gonna grow up to be a big strong hero just like me, huh? A little Hyperion heir on the way! This is the best homecoming news I could have asked for, babe.” He placed a little kiss right on Rhys’ belly button, making the omega giggle and crack a smile as his shaky fingers combed through Jack’s hair. He took a deep, pleased breath, finally absorbing his alpha’s scent, letting it sink into his bones and make him feel warm and loved and safe.
“Cyrus is going to be happy to see you….I bet he’s going to scream. He’s been asking every day, when is daddy coming home, when is daddy coming home?” Rhys whispered, tucking a ruffled piece of Jack’s hair behind his ear.
“Well, daddy’s back now, kitten.” Jack murmured softly, voice slightly muffled against Rhys’ stomach, “and he’s never going to leave you again.”
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mightywriting · 7 years
College App Essay Tip #5
Ok, now for one of my favorite College Application Essay tips: uncover your hero’s journey! This may sound daunting, but simply put, you should be able to answer the question: how did I change?  
Change, after all, is what makes a good story. Think about all that reading you’ve done in English class and for fun. Whether the protagonist is Harry Potter or Jane Eyre, they certainly developed and grew. Now is your chance to be a hero, too.  
Before you set to scribbling about your struggles with alien forces threatening life as we know it, keep in mind that heroism comes in all shapes and sizes. Quiet discoveries and small shifts in thinking are often more meaningful than big adventures or obvious achievements.
Your application may be full of the what of accomplishments, but it is who you were before and who you became as a result of your experiences that engages your College Application Essay readers.
It may help to go back to College Application Essay Tip #2 to get you thinking. In that exercise, others reflected back your own best qualities — generosity? wit? determination? leadership? But were you always this way?
At this point you may already have a story in mind. Perhaps you’re writing about leading your crew team, or training a guide dog, or babysitting your nephew. Whatever it is, you should ask yourself what you were like before this experience and how you changed as a result.
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Step One – “I used to ___________, but now I _________. “
Fill in the blanks at least three times, for example:
I used to eat mac and cheese for lunch everyday, but now I teach cooking classes at a summer camp.
I used to play violin in my school’s orchestra, but now I am more interested in science.
I used to stay silent in Spanish class, but now I am more outgoing in Spanish than in English.
Step Two – Transform each simple statement into the overview of a journey.
A journey from eating only mac and cheese to studying and teaching nutrition to wanting to pursue a medical degree.
A journey from recognizing the interwoven parts that make up a beautiful symphony to the exploring the fundamental matter of the universe through the lens of physics.
A journey from being an outgoing child, who used language and humor to gain attention and connect with others, to a shy middle schooler in a new bilingual school who learned to embrace new and joyful ways to communicate.
Step Three – Expand the overview into an insightful essay
Each overview you created is a secret map, and the essay itself is a journey. Take the reader’s hand and pull her along by using suspense and letting events unfold without much explanation. Small insights can arrive like breadcrumbs on a trail, but your bigger insights should be saved for the end. Don’t be surprised if your essay evolves as you write it and no longer matches your overview. Maybe you used to think you knew the real topic of your college essay, but along the way you’ve discovered something better.
Remember almost every journey, in literature as in life, has a nadir, or a low point—don’t be afraid to present a moment of real loneliness, frustration or disconnection at some point in your journey. Then be sure to move on. Challenge yourself to discover how your struggles have brought with them valuable lessons.
You’ve used the 1-2-3 process to generate simple statements, develop engaging overviews, and to ponder the how each overview might become an essay map. Now, pull out your compass and get started! College Essay Application readers are excited to follow your journey, wherever it leads.
Happy (and mighty!) writing, Laurie
Friendly personalized College Application Essay help available http://mightywriting.org/college-app-essay-coaching Contact Laurie Filipelli — [email protected] or 512-415-6882
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More Mac&Cheese
Kara catches hell for feeding that villain the next morning at the DEO. Well, hell like J'onn shaking his head and sighing "I suppose that is your trademark," after letting Alex shout incredulously at her for three and a half full minutes. Kara stands slumped against the main control panel through it all while Winn definitely does not chuckle as she gets berated. Kara huffs a quick freeze breath at the back of Winn's neck in retaliation, setting him to yelping like a puppy, and she has the brief satisfaction of seeing J'onn bite back a smile.
 Kara goes to work at CatCo, where she pitches an article about the sustainability of bridges around National City, gets shut down, tries again with a pitch about the dangers of old structures and gets the tentative go-ahead. She schedules interviews with all the right officials and gets to digging. She discovers, to her immense displeasure, that Dr. Kieran was correct last night, the bridge she was trying to blow up was old and several other whistle-blowers about that exact bridge have been silenced. Kara sets up interviews with them too and just like that, it's time to meet Lena for lunch at L-Corp. 
Kara feels the familiar rush of anticipation in the walk up to Lena's office, and the usual rush of relief as she sees Lena whole and smiling delightedly at her, the warmth that's the same every time as Lena folds her into a hug. She ignores it all. This is totally normal to feel about your best friend. Totally normal.
"I brought your favorite," she says, holding up containers of mac and cheese, and is rewarded with Lena's grin. "Since I know you haven't been eating enough, so don't even think about telling me you had a big breakfast. You're finishing this."
Lena holds up her hands in surrender at Kara's stern tone. "Yes, ma'am," she promises, still grinning and taking the containers in her hands, and Kara relaxes slightly. "Not sure how you know I haven't been eating enough, but I guess I'm on the naughty list until you deem otherwise."
Kara trips over the carpet. Lena raises an eyebrow. 
"You're--you're not--you're not on the naughty list!" Kara splutters. Half of Lena's mouth rises like she's trying not to smile. "And don't question my best friend powers! I know when you haven't been eating."
"Sees you when you're sleeping, huh?"
"Oh shut up," Kara mutters, face red and shoving at Lena, who's smiling in full now. "We all know you don't sleep, and that's next on my list of things to fix."
"So many dirty responses to that line I will keep to myself," Lena says on the inhale, and Kara closes her eyes as they sit down on the couch, praying for either patience or something stronger. She opens her eyes to see Lena biting down on both her lips to keep her mouth shut on all the words she knows will render Kara speechless for a full thirty seconds. "Okay," Lena says, handing Kara a container and picking up her own. "Talk to me, what's the latest article?"
Kara waits for Lena to start eating before launching into her latest about the faulty bridge. Lena raises her eyebrows appreciatively. "Nice, Miss Ace Reporter." Kara blushes. "Where'd you get the idea?"
Kara shrugs, not sure how to respond without giving herself away. "I was just chatting with Winn about some cool new building going up on the South Side, you know, and he mentioned how old some of the stuff in the city is, despite it being overall much newer than places on the East Coast. I got interested. Figured there was a story in there somewhere."
Lena smiles like she knows something as she pokes at her dish in a way that reminds Kara strangely of Dr. Kieran last night. "I'm very impressed, Miss Danvers. Better it's you raking the muck than someone who'd rather just blow it all up to get attention drawn, right?"
Kara's smile is a little held back in guilt this time. It's funny that Lena would phrase it like that.
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Mac and Cheese and Heroism
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I1Kl2z
by unnecessary_databass
When National City's Most Annoying Villain seems to need more help than policing, Supergirl's moral compass is really spinning in all directions. At least she has her totally innocent best friend Lena, who has never done anything wrong in her life, ever, and who Kara is most definitely not in love with.
Words: 6019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: how suspicious, Lena always had a flair for the dramatic, Kara could not possibly be more annoyed, If Only They Knew
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I1Kl2z
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docandprof · 7 years
In Which I’m Uncomfortable
Hey bud!
How exciting to be writing back to you on All Hallow’s Eve Eve, because of course I’m not just going to call it Halloween. Goodness, has October, 2017 been a month for the books. Life sure is something, isn’t it? I’ve had no lack of things to do this long while, and it sounds like you’ve had plenty to do as well. Despite all of your worries and turmoil you conveyed in that last post, I couldn’t help but smile and laugh at how you tell your stories - it’s like you’re sitting across from me telling it for real - so thanks for the laughs! Let’s get on with it now.     
First of all, if this girl really is cooler than me, you had better go and catch her, and let her know how you feel, and also how cool she is. Apparently, it’s very. I can tell just from your writing that you are hopelessly into this girl, and you can bet your bottom dollar I would’ve kicked your butt into gear if I was with ya - but there’s no use worrying about things undone and unsaid! So, if you are still regretting that, forget about it. Here’s my advice: don’t just tell her how you feel or hold her hand or something to get the message across. That stuff - it’s too orthodox for you. Do you know who you are? Have you forgotten your roots? You, sir, are a weirdo. And Jaynie, I don’t know her, but she sounds like a weirdo too. It’s not just anyone who would draw you a super-manatee, wear your dry shoe, eat mac and cheese for breakfast, give you candy recommendations at two in the morning, and investigate the linguistics of Star Wars - and this is just what I know from a few paragraphs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that she meets your criteria for an ideal girlfriend. When it comes to strong emotions like this, you can’t just sit around and wait. My roundabout way of getting to the point being - you’re not normal, so why are you worrying that you didn’t do any of the “normal” things to signal how you feel? I think this is better. Now you have the opportunity to do something that’s more you. You could make her a heart shaped pancake and mail it to her, or compose America’s next top love ballad on the recorder, or send her a carrier pigeon with cheesy love poetry. All I’m saying is that now you have a golden opportunity to show her how you feel in a way all your own - none of that normal, boring stuff the rest of us do. No no. You’re much more creative than that. So let her know, as soon as you can, because she won’t wait around forever ya know. 
Now that we’ve at least addressed that, it sounds like you’ve been doing tons of fun stuff! I would love to go camping like you and your friends did. I do miss the great outdoors. And it’s starting to feel a bit unfair how many great musicians you’ve gotten to see these past two months! I’m glad your classes are going well, and I’m pleased to say the same, assuming this Managerial Accounting exam doesn’t spook me into failure tomorrow night. It seems that in my last post I didn’t really fill you on anything I’m doing this semester with more than one sentence per item, so I’ll try and fill you in more. Oh, and that’s sort of where this week’s title is coming from - I pretty much operate outside of my comfort zone on a daily basis. I’ve been doing lots of new things, kind of all over the place. Just trying to decide where to begin is getting overwhelming. (Quick side-note about being overwhelmed: earlier I was sitting in bed, as I am still, thinking about the fact that I am reclining over 30 ft above ground with thousands of pounds of the 4th floor above me, which is kind of crazy. Whose idea was it to start building vertically?) 
I think I’ll discuss only honors related things for now so this post doesn’t get out of hand. Being an Honors Ambassador has been tons of fun so far! Everything really kicked off after my first tour, which I gave on my own without ever giving a tour or even attending an event as an ambassador, so I just told myself “If they get a bad tour then they will have had a sub-par tour of an academic institution, so really it could be worse,” and then I really wasn’t too worried. They even told me I did great when I asked how it was! Since then I’ve worked information sessions for two fall preview days where I talk about the Honors community in front of a group and then lead a smaller group on a tour. After the first group tour I was talking with this lovely prospective student, and I made some comment on how I could tell she was pretty interested in the HC, even though she seemed pretty introverted because I knew what it was like as a fellow introvert, to which she replied that I was doing a great job at hiding it. So that was funny, albeit perhaps a bit unprofessional, but I’m beginning to find more value in simple laughter and making human connections than I used to. I must say I have become quite the extrovert when I’m all dressed up for tours. I was joking with a professor I had last semester for my heroism seminar - ya know, securing my free spot on the trip to Transylvania she’s leading for Maymester, and telling her how ready I was to inspire the youth of America. Exactly a year ago from now I think I would have run away and had a breakdown in the corner at the thought of any of that ^. I told Rachel that I think being in a position that forces me to be energetic and positive is good for my health, because I’ve just felt happier after those events. Other honors related thing: my honors class on quality of life! This class has been quite interesting and different from others I’ve taken. Firstly, I really like the professor and that makes a big difference when I compare it to some of my other classes. I usually have lunch with him and other honors faculty and students during our weekly Tuesday HC lunch. Again, a year ago, I never would have done something like this, which I’m just now realizing how crazy it is how much my mentality has changed in just one year. Anyways, the course! We are working with community partners in urban poor communities in an attempt to talk with residents and identify what factors influence their well-being. I am in the group working with the Hub, a neighborhood center that primarily serves kids, because when asked, they adults said they wanted a safe place for the kids to play, because these kids are wild. So we tried to come up with some programming to get the parents more involved and just to come at all, hoping that we could talk to them. So last Friday we had a pumpkin carving event and it was a hit! The pastors that manage the Hub said it was the most parental involvement they’ve ever seen in the year they’ve been here. This goes along with the discomfort thing. I’ve never really worked with poor communities before. I suppose there are a lot of things we don’t realize from our comfortable socioeconomic viewpoint. Last Wednesday I went door to door through the neighborhood to invite people to Friday’s event, which was an experience I would certainly define as uncomfortable. And at the event itself there were over ten kids whose parents weren’t there so I was helping out the kids with their pumpkins which was actually pretty fun, even if I can be sort of awkward around kids at times. This is already getting long enough, so I’ll tell you more about...everything next time we see each other. 
Readers’ Digest on the rest: Working with Colombian students, I’ve made a friend and want to visit Colombia the more I learn about it. Work is still great, it is weird being an instructor though. I also recorded a Photoshop tutorial video for work, which could probably be better, but was still an interesting and new experience. Seeing John and Hank Green live was awesome! I also saw Alton Brown’s show with DJ, which was a super entertaining food science comedy show. I carved the most amazing pumpkin I’ve ever carved, we got our oven fixed, and I registered for the spring semester last week - and am hoping to renew my housing contract to stay in my apartment this week! 
Apparently I had a lot to say. Sorry for all the reading. My ideal Halloween costume: a student excited to be taking an accounting exam. That would be ideal. Just kidding. Honestly, since I didn’t do anything costume related this year, I haven’t put much thought into it. I know I mentioned dressing as Petyr Baelish would be fun, but I think anything with a cloak or some old timey robes would be enjoyable for me. Maybe if I try hard enough, I could dress up as just a cloak, instead of a guy wearing a cloak. Also, I love Too Many Zooz, thanks for the recommendation! My recommendation for you: get out of your comfort zone! Love is an uncomfortable emotion sometimes, so just embrace it and put yourself out there! Good luck with everything buddy! Let me know what you’re dressing up as for Halloween, because I’m sure you’re doing something! Oh and I almost forgot the question I wanted to ask you: can you think of a cool Dungeons and Dragons magic item? It can be anything - anything at all. Or multiple anythings. Now I’m done!
Your loquacious friend,
0 notes
Love the Mac and Cheese fic, thank you for writing!! I gotta ask, after the mutual reveal, does Lena ever go back to her "nefarious" ways for fun? Also, do you have a mental picture of what Dr. Kieran's outfit is like? I.e. just a black lexosuit (but better of course)?
Ooh! I like these questions. Umm.
Ok so for armor, it’s really basic stuff on the outside. Doesn’t look high tech at all. She doesn’t give her secrets away immediately. All black and Kevlar and leather. Very Arrow vibes but better.
As for nefarious, you’re sorta giving me ideas for a sequel. A Lena who nudges Kara and says “hey babe look at this systemic problem” and Kara writes this and that article and nothing happens and Lena’s money can’t quite make the impact—and then Lena goes hmmmm. Cue Kara saying insistently babe no babe no we talked about this I’ll handle it and Lena’s like sweetie it’s just a little explosion...
How docthede arguments end? Who knows! You can definitely cue the high key flirting either way and if Lena can still make her super badass girlfriend/fiancée/wife blush like a middle schooler with a crush than that’s only a good thing, in her mind. (Kara’s definitely a fan when it’s coming from Lena, though Alex makes a point to turn off her comms if they’re ever making that play again)
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Oh my god PLEASE write the kara feeding evil!lena mac and cheese story. I didnt know i needed that in my life until this exact moment
It’s happening. Slowly.
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Mac and Cheese and Heroism
"Not that this isn't very gracious of you and all," Dr. Kieran says, swallowing forcibly over a very large forkful of macaroni and stabbing another bite, this one impossibly larger somehow, "But precisely why are you feeding me?" She chews ridiculously fast, swallows again. "Aren't we, I don't know, enemies or something?"
Supergirl sighs. "Superhearing," she explains, gesturing to her ears. "I could literally hear your stomach growling. It was driving me up the wall. Hurt me it was grumbling so loud. Don't you supervillian types eat?"
Dr. Kieran gives her half a smirk, sarcastic and cold, just visible because of the way she's pulled up the lower half of her balaclava. Supergirl can only see up to her mouth, and a jaw that can cut through glass. Somehow she's woven lead filaments into her balaclava, effectively blocking x ray vision. "I'm so sorry," she says in a voice that could somehow melt chocolate, clearly not sorry. "But you wouldn't have to hear it if you weren't in my way."
Supergirl rolls her eyes and scuffs a boot absently. "Yeah, well, you were trying to blow up the very bridge we're standing on. So, I sort of had to stop you. It's in the contract."
Dr. Kieran, who has shoveled another massive bite of macaroni and cheese into her mouth, glares pointedly at her feet, bound up in a special wire that she herself invented that Supergirl used against her. Supergirl had tied her up and been back in a flash with a tupperware full of leftover mac and cheese, which Dr. Kieran had had accepted reluctantly before diving in ravenously. "The same way it's in the contract of the city not to let people drive over faulty bridges?"
Supergirl hesitates. Frowns. Mutes the voice in her comms that's been exasperatedly screaming bloody murder for the past minute and a half and asks carefully, "How faulty?"
Dr. Kieran narrows green eyes while pushing the remaining macaroni to the side of the dish to fork it up more easily. "Use that x-ray vision of yours. How many more weeks do you think it's going to take of sixteen-wheelers coming in hot before the foundations crack even worse? It's a bomb waiting to explode. I'd rather take it down now, when almost no one is on it, than wait for a pedestrian disaster."
Supergirl hesitates further, then gives in. She looks down into the foundations of the bridge with her x-ray vision. She can't totally see everything structurally from here, and earth architecture is different, but something definitely looks off, and a lot of things look strained. She glances up to see Dr. Kieran looking at her with an I-told-you-so expression. She flushes slightly that she didn't realize that and sighs. 
"Look, I appreciate what your motive is, but you're going about this kinda the wrong way. Blowing things up, think of the debris alone, polluting the bay--"
"Debris like the kind that springs up from all your fights? Polluting the bay like the oil spill from your first week on the job?"
Supergirl's cheeks are on fire with indignant rage. "Look, why don't you just make your usual clever escape and make me a fake promise to do no harm and all that, and I'll see what I can do about this bridge, and I'll see you next week?"
Dr. Kieran shovels the final forkful of macaroni into her mouth, swallowing at a near-superhuman speed. "Only because you're so cute when you blush," she says, winking. Without warning, she chucks the tupperware and fork at Supergirl's face and leaps over the railing, feet still bound and everything. 
Supergirl curses and bats the container out of her face, rushes into the air--it's not that she cares about the villain, it's just that she doesn't think anyone should die if at all possible to avoid it, she is a superhero--but she's gone.
"Clever escape as always," Kara mutters angrily, and swoops to pick up her tupperware. "Ingrate," she adds to the air bitterly. Kara flies back to her apartment. Just another night as National City's superhero. Perhaps she should change her title to Resident Supervillain Babysitter. It was like herding cats sometimes, honestly. Catch one and another is running for freedom, laughing like they can't believe Supergirl will catch them. But she always does. Even if she has to feed them sometimes too. It's exhausting. Kara sighs.
At least she has lunch with her best friend Lena to look forward to tomorrow. Kara frowns as she remembers Lena hasn't been eating anywhere near enough lately and honestly looks like she's been pulling all-nighters like a college student. She'll have to bring her food too.
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