blortch · 7 months
Best of the Worst: Junka 4 Description
Best of the Worst is BACK! After an embarrassing Halloween booze fest, we decide to stack up the old black spine tapes and play a game of Junka™! Heaven and help us!! This time legendary Hollyweird celebrity Milwaukee Culkin appears from behind a wooden thing. When he's in town he's known as Milwaukee Milwaukee Culkin Culkin (legal name change). What’s Junka™ you ask? Well I’m glad you didn’t. Junka™ is a game where we stack up tapes in rows of 7 or 8 or something like that. I think 7. I don't care. And then pull tapes out, replacing them on the top of the pile with a spray painted tape. We used to use Nukie tapes until we put them all in a wood chipper. Now they is dust. Rich “The Barf Bag” Evans joins Mr. McCulkin in a pointless battle of tapes, wits, and skills that's certain to be more difficult than Celebrity Jeopardy! While the last winner was Tim, he wasn’t around so we had Rich Evans battle Milwaukee. Milwaukee came prepared though. Bolstered by a healthy dose of Ego and anti-shaky hand medication, Milwaukee plans to defeat Rich “The Diaper Clown” Evans in this battle, thus forcing the gang (including himself) to watch ALL the tapes he was pulled out of them Junka™ pile. This is, of course, after the pile has fallen and a winner is declared. This game doesn't make any cents! A new feature will also be added to Junka™ it’s called Poach-a-Pick™. This exciting new feature allows the winner to choose tapes from the loser’s pile for added misery! Ow! My Bladder! This spine-tingling episode also stars Jay “The Creep” Bauman and Mike “Lardo Boozer” Stoklasa as he eyes up the prize of the day: more beer to soak into his brain during the screening and subsequent discussions. You see, Mike once had a sweatshirt that said “I’m just here for the boos” with a photograph of a ghost on it. While a delicious pun indeed, this shirt harbored the terrible truth that Mike is truly just there “for the booze”. Mike films with the camera as does Jay and then makes the jokes, but really he’s there to consume so much alcohol he has to be carried up the stairs to his bedroom by several fire fighters. Jay also gets carried up to his bedroom by several fire fighters, but that’s for a totally different reason. Can Rich “The Adult Toddler” Evans defeat Mack is Back with the Hacks Culkin? I mean Milwaukee Culkin? I don’t know. You tell me when the first segment of the video is over. I know the answer already. I put my bets on Rich "The Man-Ape" Evans. While he appears oafish and dumb, this kid does have skills with his hands, cock, and sharp mental focus. MaClunken Culkin has that star-power though, which may intimidate a mentally decrepit witless circus freak like Evans (46-year old toddler). Now, the thing with Junka™ is that while the pile is large and we do watch EVERY tape we doesn't always place them on the table to talk about. Only the best are selected. This is the danger with watching a bunch of rando tapes. However, these boys are professionals and can usually talk about anything. They power through their injuries. Rich's back hurts him 24/7. Jay just wants to be home watching weirdo movies with his cats. Mike drinks to forget and Magulkin Milwagon McCulkin counts the seconds down to when he can return to the warmth of Los Angeles where he doesn't have to smell the rotting stench of failure bellowing from three mid-west losers.
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thechildisgone · 1 year
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this made me laugh
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mydearmaclir · 2 years
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“Clan MacAuley” according to an AI Art Generator (the tartan is actually eerily acurate)
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king-of-men · 1 month
Correcting Macauley
As we all know, in classical Latin 'c' is pronounced hard, as a modern 'k' - hence "Kaiser" from "Caesar". In the nineteenth century this was no doubt less well known, and I therefore propose that Macaulay, in translating his lay of ancient Rome into English, made an error. I will attempt to correct this by providing an alternate reconstruction, with my amendations indicated by italics:
And now hath every kitty fluffed up her tail, a-men! The paws are forty thousand, the hisses, thousands ten.
Of course one cannot simply replace 'city' with 'kitty' and call it a day - what is the sense in which a kitty has a "tale of men"? No, no, we must reconstruct the rest of the stanza similarly. A kitty does very clearly have a tail, and once you allow the initial 'kitty/city' error then 'tail/tale' is a very natural further error for Macaulay to make, as is "of men/a-men". Then Macaulay has "the foot are fourscore", and this makes no sense - eighty thousand men (and that's not even counting the cavalry!) is a vast army for the time and place, entirely impractical to feed or coordinate. On the other hand "foot" is of course just another word for "paw", and if we assume ten thousand cats each with one hiss (not horse, pace Macaulay!) then indeed they have forty (not fourscore) thousand paws.
Now, an army of ten thousand kittens is no doubt easier to feed than one of ninety thousand men, some with horses; but it is still a rather absurd image. I therefore propose that the original, now-lost text that Macaulay translated as a heroic epic was actually nothing of the kind, but instead, a parodic, comic text in the style of the Batrachomyomachia - the "Battle of the Frogs and Mice". Alas, the critical approach of correcting plausible errors based on an obvious one does tend to break down the further one gets from the obvious error. Clearly we have Lars Pawsena of Clawsium", but otherwise even the cast of characters is not very easy to correct, much less the action. If Horatius is a cat, he cannot well jump in the Tiber, but this is not obvious - the kitties who fluff up their tails are the allies of Lars Pawsena, and Macaulay's "Romans" may well be some other animal entirely. Indeed this would explain why the Tiber (Tiger?) is so formidable an obstacle.
Still, while this is only a start, it suggests that searching for obscure feline puns in Latin may be a fruitful direction of research, and I would like to urge the grantmaking institutions to take up this fascinating field as soon as practical.
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mereinkling · 4 months
Education and the Human Mind
Learning is fun. Education can be enjoyable too. But obviously, they are not the same.  C.S. Lewis wrote a great deal about learning. A master of metaphors, he brilliantly described two distinct challenges faced by educators. In The Abolition of Man, he stated “the task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.”  Wheaton professor, Robert McKenzie, offers a…
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lucidknight-blog · 6 months
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lanabanana79 · 9 months
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elainiisms · 9 months
you ppl love villains/morally grey characters UNTIL they're a woman, then all of a sudden they are annoying, evil and irredeemable
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0bsessiv3s0ul · 1 month
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"Do you understand the violence it took to become this gentle?"
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blortch · 8 months
do you have any love for peewees big adventure? i was really hoping for this one, and was not disappointed. tho i have to say in their aim to not gush over mcculkin, they ALMOST tip over into being rude to him. and funny how it seems mike cant even look at him most of the time. hes usually addressing jay with his comments lol its so clear that mike is most comfortable with jay or rich lol
I knew fuckall about peewee and I was never interested in finding out what it was. This Re:view was great though, probably bc Mike mostly sat there and had to wait for his turn to talk
idk if the nonchalant way of talking to mac tips over into being rude, they are that way with people in general and I feel like both jay and mike know the "omg i love your mooovies" shtick is annoying, and that in a conversational sense it's a dead end that gets old really quickly. Maybe they skipped over that entirely upon meeting him and just talked business etc.
I mean. Just from a pure business/public image sense if you can be casual with your celeb guest and like you're buddy buddy with them then you'll come off like it's just natural to have people of such ~caliber in your show and that you're among the Greats or something. But also we have to consider that Mac in a youtube channel as a guest is just not. That much of a strange sight. Like he was in smosh a few years back and with AVGN Before That...
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winterbear-a · 2 months
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Charles Macaulay
'Not sure if I need a glass of wine or a gun or both.'
—Charles Macaulay, The Secret History by Donna Tartt (1992).
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betryl · 9 months
Today I discovered that a couple of TSH characters were based on actual people Donna Tartt knew at Bennington College- amongst them were students Todd O'Neal and Matt Jacobsen, who were the inspiration for Henry and Bunny respectively.
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There's even their own comments about it and it's so funny wait:
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Here's the source
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pagesofjasmine · 9 months
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“It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.”
| The Secret History
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Doodles of the characters from Donna Tartt's The Secret History
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qiornono · 7 months
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it’s that time of year again where i reread tsh for the bajillionth time so here is the greek class!!!
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nostalgicacademia · 3 months
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“Does such a thing as "the fatal flaw," that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature?”
― Donna Tartt, The Secret History
PD: Hi, I'm doing a survey on Aesthetics for my university research, anyone who knows what aesthetics are can answer and I'd be very happy!
Link to the survey
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