#mad impressive tho too LMAO
starheirxero · 4 months
ok [squeeze emoji]
first of all . the graphics?? im 99% sure this is on purpose but the style nd the way everythings built reminds me of doom. its like if doom was true 3d and didnt confuse me. also i like all the blood sprays and the guts everywhere but thats just bc i like blood and guts and gore
AND THE SOUNDS . first thing i noticed getting into the game was that you can hear v1 moving around nd its a detail i really appreciate. other than just being cute i really like the constant reminder that "hey ur a robot"
soundtrack also fits in this part i love the soundtrack it scratches an itch in my brain and gets me so hyped up i have to take breaks to literally jump around to regulate it
also it feels so good to play and im playing on lenient rn because we are certified Bad at shooters but i keep doing cool shit by accident and getting up into the high tiers on the style meter . i can sense that theres a lot of depth in the combat im not getting but its ok ill get there <3 my current strategy is to use up all my ricochet shots and then just shoot em a couple more times til it comes back. nd maybe punch if they get too close. any healing is purely incidental
putting ur asks in this order BUT EYUAYSYAYAYA!!!! The game is defs inspired by old shooters like that, but also fun fact!! an in-universe explanation for it is that v1 turned down its camera quality to save more energy on its descent through hell :D
AND SOUNDSSS YESYESYES!!!! i didn't even think about that that's such a good way to think of it yes!!!!! THE SOUNDTRACK TOO UGH LITERALLYYYY ultrakill is almost known for its bomb ass soundtrack and honestly it just gets better and better through the levels LMAO
AND ALSO THAT'S SO REAL I GET YOU ENTIRELY AHAKAHD I'm bad at aiming for the coins so I've never been able to use the ricochet gun but ever since I got the nailgun I have been using almost nothing Except that LMAO. AND YEA OMG the combat has soso many lil things to do and there's gunna be new weapons with the next update too(CHAINSAW JOY!!!!!!) and i've never rlly been able to get it either but genuinely if u look at p-rank speedruns (especially for bosses) people will do style tricks never before seen by man and its wild HAJAHSJDN
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danibeanie · 8 months
Vibes & Beauty Astro observations 🩶
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-i noticed girlies that have a stellium seem to have a stronger impression on people.Its very common to hear “I love your energy.”
-gemini stellium, love talking, mischievous eyes, sharp beauty,usually long brows,high pitched voice, playful,hair color very saturated like if you got dark hair it’s BLACK or light hair it’s super blonde.
-virgo stellium, just like their mercurial, but a bit more calm and reserved,down to earth voice,”girl me too”,natural beauty,can have a rbf,observant eyes.
-aries stellium, miss independent(love that tho), flushed cheeks, straightforward,intimidating, knows who she is, pronounced brows wether thin or thick they stand out,childlike eyes,gorg girlies.
-pisces stellium, eyes stand out wether it be color or shape you just notice them, kind & pure,high voices just like gemini but they don’t change it as much, cute, creates softness to the face,angels.
-usually when you have a stellium in a chart your gonna attract other people with a stellium as well
Eyes 👀
- water moon girlies have emotional eyes. Its even more pronounced when you have a moon conjunction with inner planets.
Cancer- looks through your soul, “what’s wrong you look sad?”,doe eyes,vulnerable ,pretty eyes ,guys nervous to look at your eyes,manipulative eyes.
Scorpio- intense,intense,intense,darker eyes DOESN’T matter the color, reads u like a book, hiding something,intimidating,mix of siren/doe
Pisces-so prettyyy,lots of eyelid space for some,in tune with other people,pure eyes,mysterious eyes ,long lashes, princess.
-I might just do a series on this!
-Lilith energy🖤
-When having prominent Lilith energy your just going to stand out somehow wether it be ur looks or personality. There’s just something to these people that makes u wanna watch.
-this may be a theory but I believe your lilith placement affects your looks even if it doesn’t tough your ascendant but it has to STRONGLY prounounced to ur personal planets.
-ex I have a Gemini stellium and I have sun moon and mercury conjunction all in 2nd house. My ascendent is in Taurus and my lilith in Gemini conjunct my sun and mercury but not my moon because it’s in an early degree cancer. I’m also a late taurus rising making half of my 1st house gemini. Also my Venus is in gemini in 1st house even though Lilith doesn’t touch my Venus it’s very pronounced in my 2nd house.(2’d house is Taurus home-connection to ascendent)
-All my life guys never approached me and when the few of them did they all had heavy mars energy wether being scorpio or Aries. I find myself attracted to Leo energy and I believe it’s because they match my strong energy. Insecure guys get intimidated by you and treat u like shit.Then get mad when you leave them but still keep on coming back?😭but for some reason expect you to be on the side like no sir we are all #1s here.I though u didn’t like me why are u trying to get my attention when u clearly didn’t want it yesterday.
-even if you try to hide your body for some reason it’s still noticed, “your so tiny” I’ve learned to embrace my body the older I get. confidence is key YALL!
-super black hair,I can’t tell u how many times people have commented on how dark my hair is😭
-mysterious vibe without even trying, my friends have told me this when I walk at the campus.
- I have a bestie with lilith energy as well but it squares her ascendent and mercury many people thought she was a b when first meeting her(even me).She also has mars conjunct ascendent lmao but I love her and our vibes just match each other. I feel like my Venus energy tames my lilith energy a bit more but it’s still there 😭
-guys just don’t approach u period :/
bye y’all thank u so much for the support in my last 2 posts lot of love🖤
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yndrgrl · 7 months
yandere! bakugo, the no. one hero in japan, is your boss, & you're his personal assistant
soft! yandere. fem! reader. pro hero! au. willing! reader. long ass fic. ooc! bakugo.
warnings: nsfw, power dynamic, implied age gap (not too big tho lmao), p-in-v, obsessive behavior, stalking, toys, slight coercion
a/n: guys... what's the "read more" feature 💀
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you are a phenomenon, at least in the world of working under big-league heroes you are. traditionally, employees that have five years of experience under the company will most likely get the position of secretary, then after years of being a secretary, they have an opportunity to be promoted to personal assistant. so when you, a random, nobody college student with only dead end job experiences on your resume, got hired as his secretary -after applying as a joke- the office was buzzing with rumors & critiques. you knew that they all harshly judged you by the way they glared at you when you left after your second interview with big boss man himself. you were self-conscious, especially after you got that fateful call from dynamight's personal phone that you've gotten the job. insecure, that's what you felt.
dynamight, on the other hand, didn't feel the need to explain himself to anyone. he honestly couldn't care less about the chatter circulating his office.
from an outsider's (& anyone else's to be honest) perspective, it seemed like a terrible choice to hire you. however, dynamight knew what he was doing; he knew you.
he saved you once upon a time, when he first debuted as a pro hero. you could never forget the ruby color of his eyes, the scars & soot that he was covered in. you could never forget the serious expression he wore as he carried you to safety.
at first, you were just another damn civilian caught in the crossfire between him & a gang of wannabe mastermind villains, then he looked into your eyes-- your captivating, watery, (color) eyes. his breath hitched as his gaze pierced through yours. he blamed it on a quirk you might have. fall-in-love-with-a-single-gaze quirk? yeah, that must be it, he thought.
your first encounter left you both in a confusing state of emotions, but you soon considered it a distant memory of tragedy then hope. it sparked a -seemingly- unachievable dream to, one day, work under dynamight. you remember him all to well, & sometimes, when you think about it too much, you tear up that such an influential figure in your life will never remember you in the same light.
or so you thought.
unaware, you thought he forgot all about you, but no. he thought of you everyday. he cursed himself for never saying anything more than, "are you alright?" then guiding you to the paramedics. he never got your name, & he hated himself for it. for years, he would look for your face in the crowd. his heart would flutter when he thought he saw your doe-like expression-- until he gave them a closer look, & it wasn't you.
& so, when you walked into his office building just as he was leaving through a different exit, he caught a glimpse of you. he did a double-take, slowed his pace, & his ruby eyes grew wide. it was you going into the interview room. "mr. bakugo, this way, please," a stranger guided him, yet he couldn't rip his gaze from the room. you were right there, & he can't even talk to you. he was being rushed off into a black suv to go to some random conference.
as soon as he got back to the office, he racked through all the resumes, quizzing the interviewer that day about every applicant. his temples ached as she kept talking, but he couldn't get too mad at her. after all, he told her to tell him about every single person she interviewed today. "-then before my lunch, the cutest, little lady came in. it was clearly her first time interviewing for such a position," the older woman chuckled. dynamight's ears perked up. could it be?
"tell me more," the blonde inquired.
"oh, you know. it's just her resume wasn't the most impressive compared to everyone else's."
he wanted to ask what she looked like, but that would he too out of character for him. however, he knew that if he let her keep talking, she would describe her in more detail.
"is that so?"
"oh yes, but she was so sweet that i wanted to offer her an intern position instead. she seemed so eager, you know? she honestly looks like a girl i once taught. did i ever tell you that i was a teacher, bakugo?" she questioned, having a tendency to go on tangents
"i do remember you telling me about that," he told her. he's grown into a gentleman through out the years... or he's just a little less of an asshole, it's hard to tell. he's grown more respectful for his elders (as in the senior citizens who love reminiscing of their youth, not the "elders" who are snakey businessmen). "how were they alike?"
"oh, man, you're really testing my memory," she laughed, "they both had the most beautiful, (color) hair, but the girl i interviewed was definitely not my old student, i think. (y/n), the young woman i interviewed, had such a fun style too! i think her eyes were... actually i don't remember," the woman paused for a second, before her eyes lit up. "wait! she took a picture for our system! you have to see her, bakugo, she's really just the cutest. i think she would make a great intern, & maybe one day, a great secretary!" with a few clicks of her mouse & words typed on her keyboard, she pulled up a picture of a woman, a picture of you. she turned her screen towards the pro hero. it was you.
"so, (y/n), is it?" your boss, the dynamight, sat across from you, a desk in between the two of you. he acted like he had no idea who you were, even though he spends the majority of the day in office watching your through surveillance cameras. he just loved the way you walked with such subconscious confidence.
"y-yes, sir," you cleared your throat. what kind of impression are you making by stuttering?
you were warned by all your coworkers that dynamight does take shit, that he is a tyrant, & that he can smell fear. naturally, you were sweating bullets. "please, call me katsuki," he requested. he watched your brows furrow in confusion before snapping back to a relaxed expression. "you've been working here for a little over a month, is that right?"
you were bewildered. you felt like your coworkers lied to you about him being so rude & uncooperative. he seemed nice, stern, yes, but nice nonetheless.
the shocking, yet welcomed, kindness eased your nerves. your lips broke into a small smile, saying, "yes, it has been."
"how has it been? working here?" he questioned, leaning back into his chair. your eyes darted from his bulky form to the window to the cup of pens on his desk. you were in a mental quarrel. for the most part, your coworkers have been alright to your face. they'll let a snarky comment come out then mask it as a joke. but you knew the rumors swimming around the office, you knew how they all thought you were under qualified. of course you were, so speculations of how you had rich parents or you're just a really good temptress started to blossom.
you could lie to save all of their sorry asses, build rapport with them, or you could tell the truth, get a more favorable outcome for yourself but be labeled a tattle-tell & a bitch.
"(y/n)? is everything alright?" katsuki's uncharacteristically softened voice called out. "you know you can tell me anything that's going on. i only have your best interests in mind, you're mine," he paused, "you're my employee."
you must've misheard him, so you shrugged it off. "can i be honest with you?"
"of course."
you took a deep breath. you're already committed. "i don't mean to already cause problems or be, you know, that girl, but there have been some things said about me by my coworkers that i just don't really like. i mean, i don't think they meant it in a rude way, but i also don't want to have the reputation that they're trying to paint for me... does that make sense?"
this is was a surprise to katsuki. he's usually in touch with all the gossip in his agency. he would be an idiot if he thought that people wouldn't be offended that he hired you over them for such a position, but he knew your charms could get you far. how can your charms get you far if no one gave you the time of day, though?
you realized your disadvantages in this job. you had no degree yet, you were probably the youngest in the office, & you have no real experiences outside of customer service. however, you didn't know that the older, more experienced workers would be so hostile to you.
"what have they been saying?" katsuki asked, leaning forward.
"they've just been saying how i must have rich parents who got me this position or like, i must be doing... favors for someone on the hiring team."
katsuki gritted his teeth, his composure slipping. it made him absolutely sick thinking about you with someone else.
you continued, "& some of the jokes they tell me feel inappropriate? but that could be just because that's their humor."
you're so cute, trying to protect them, katsuki cooed in his head.
"i'm sorry to hear your experience has been pleasant so far. i can assure you that i'll have that taken care of. who's been saying those kinds of things to you?"
"oh... um... it's hard to say. i think it's best just to send out an email to everyone because i don't really know who says those kinds of things." it's a lie, but you didn't want a big confrontation & write an official complaint so soon into your first corporate job.
"(y/n)," katsuki said in a nearly-demanding tone. "tell me the truth." he was intimidating in the blink of an eye.
"i-i promise i am," you replied, nervously scratching your knuckle. "i just... uh, don't really know who's talking about me behind my back?"
it was silent for only a moment. katsuki's eyes were glued on your smaller form. you gulped.
"i want to schedule another meeting next week to ensure that the harassment was put to a stop."
a week came & went, & the meeting you had with katsuki was brief. in short, he asked, "have you heard anything more?"
you replied truthfully, just as last time. "yes. it could be in my head, but it's worse now."
the company-wide email didn't work, & it enraged katsuki that his employees, the ones that work under him, are defying him with such misplaced confidence.
how dare they insult him by disobeying him, & how dare they make you feel unwelcome.
because of their antics, he has been floating around your workspace. his mere presence causes all the bothersome whispers into quiet typing. looming over your cubical, katsuki, with a ghost of a smirk, would observe your work-- how you would mess up twice as much under his gaze. "it looks good, (y/n)," he praised before looking at all of the peering coworkers. he would shoot them a glare.
he was such a good boss to you.
the more you worked at his agency, the more you saw of him. & the more you got comfortable with him. he may be your boss, but he was slowly becoming you friend, you felt. the more you saw him, the more you realized he was your work crush. what a cliche.
you sat in his office, this time with your lunch on his desk as the two of you chatted. it was the new norm to eat lunch with each other. you don't know when it happened but it was also the norm for him to order whatever you wanted. you insisted on paying him back every time, however he never let you.
"this is so good, i haven't had this in forever," you raved as you took another bite of your food. "thank you so much! i really owe you one."
"shut up," katsuki said back with a slight smirk. god, he loved spoiling you.
"no, but i do though," you said, whining. the banter between the you two sprung up after he, for the fifth time that day, stopped by your cubicle a few days ago. his humor was crude & could be consider bullying... but he's so hot-
"(y/n), you don't owe me anything. it's just a thank you for doing such good work, so don't be a dumbass & try & pay me back or something," katsuki practically yawned. he was swimming in money, so much that he didn't know what to do with it, so what better way to spend it than on you? "besides, i was your age once. you need to save."
"you're not that much older than me, just a few years," you rolled your eyes. "also, i do have a quick question."
"what is it?"
you fished two pieces of paper out of your bag. "i think there was some sort of mistake? when i got my paycheck, i got two checks?"
"well, it's just... i'm one person?"
katsuki laughed out loud. he loved toying with you; he knew what you were trying to ask, but hearing you dance around the question was just too cute.
"yeah, i know that, (y/n)."
"katsuki, i'm serious!" you half-joked, half-said. "why did you send me two checks?"
"one is your payroll check," he told you; you nodded. "the other is your bonus." you had to stop yourself from dropping your jaw
"wait, what? i still don't get it," you replied. "my paycheck is too much. i don't usually get this much."
"i gave you a raise," he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "didn't you read my email i sent?"
"o-oh... yes, of course-"
he shot you a look that said, "don't bullshit me."
"okay, i didn't... but still! i didn't even do anything to get a raise."
"whatever, just eat you food."
the next day, his heart swelled (more than usual) when you walked through the door. you were practically glowing in a new, clearly expensive outfit, your hair done, nails painted, & a gorgeous smile gracing your lips.
"someone's happy," he commented as he followed you to your cubicle. "what's the big deal?"
"i don't know, i just had a lot more money saved up than i thought so i decided to treat myself out," you admitted, gitty.
you dolled yourself up with the money he gave you. it only made him want to spoil you more, shower you with gifts & give you whatever you want.
"i'm glad you're enjoying your raise," he chuckled, a smirk on his face because, in his peripheral, he could see your coworkers' jaws drop in disbelief. he leaned close, brushed your silky hair away from your neck, behind your ear. katsuki whispered, "you've been so good, you deserve it." your face exploded into a shade of bright pink as you stuttered out a thank you.
you couldn't get that moment out of your head. the thought burned itself into your memory. it made your core throb. he was so close to your face, you could smell his expensive cologne. it was intoxicating. he made you just so desperate.
after a long work day, you got back to your cozy, one-bedroom apartment, and a package awaited your doorstep. katsuki, from a security camera he secretly installed, watched you bring it into your house. you went straight into your bedroom & placed it on your desk.
you spent so much already, what more could you have gotten? it's not like he's complaining. he's happy to provide for you. you're just so cute; you act like you've never seen money in your life. he wants to show you how good life can be with him.
you slid the blade of a pair of scissors across the tape of the box. eager, you unboxed the product, rubbing your thighs together.
"what are you up to, hm?" he whispered to himself. he chewed his lip, cock already semi-hard because of your after-work attire-- which was compression shorts & an oversized, white tee without a bra.
you ran to the bathroom, all he could hear was the water running. you were too quick for the camera to render. one minute you were your room, then the bathroom, then back into your room. there was a sneaky grin on your face as you hummed in approval.
your body was blocking what you bought until you walked away to grab something else from your bed stand drawer. katsuki's eyes widened. standing straight up (with a slight left curve) was a silicone dildo colored a fleshy pink. next to it was a ripped-open box that it came out of; "pro hero dynamight replica dildo! life-like! bring your dynamight dreams to life!" the box read.
he twitched, it was comical, could be considered creepy to some. but to him, it riled him up. this meant you wanted him, needed him, just as he needed you.
you swiftly came back to the toy with a bottle in hand. you laid a towel on your seat before sitting down. logging onto your computer, you couldn't help but feel utterly ashamed, embarrassed, but it's not like anyone is watching you, so no one would know. there was a knot pent up in your stomach, begging to be massaged out. you pulled up a video of your boss, the dynamight, where it was showcase of -what fans called- daddy/sexy/hot moments of his. you were so embarrassed, but he was the only one who could satisfy your craving.
god, i'm such a creep, you scolded yourself as you took off your shorts & panties. just an awful, horny weirdo, you thought. the toy you bought was big & girthy, & it was clearly artificial because there's no world where man can actually get that big, right? you prepped yourself by circling your clit with your middle finger, then dove into your wet hole with three fingers. you let out a sigh of ecstasy.
you poured lube onto your toy, then you began stroking it to coat every inch & "vein". katsuki already had his cock in his hand, matching the tempo of your strokes, beads of precum leaking out of his tip. "fuck, (y/n)," he muttered with his eyes glued to the screen. you're katsuki's little camgirl.
you took the dildo, closed your eyes, & began mentally preparing yourself for the toy. you've never taken anything this big. slowly, you pushed the dick into your wet pussy with your breath held. once it was half way inside, you let out a shaky groan, trying to adjust to the size. "ngh~ ah~ k-kats-suki," you whimpered, the video still playing clips of him.
"(y/n)," katsuki moaned back, wishing you could hear him. "put it all the way in."
you must've been put on this earth to obey him because, after he said that, you sunk the dildo into pussy. you let out a squeal; your eyes shot open only to roll in the back of you head. "so big," you whined. you waited for yourself to adjust. with your feet on the rests of the chair & one hand on your clit & the other one pumping the dildo in & out of your hole, katsuki started to screen record everything.
"harder, baby," he demanded, "go fuckin' harder."
you were in your own world, acting as though he were there with you. "p-please katsuki." you started to thrust the toy in all the way, taking it nearly out, then shoving it back in. you did it as fast as you could, but it still wasn't enough. you bucked your hips into the dildo. "uh~ mmm~ fuuuck."
while still in your pussy, you set your legs down & placed the base of the dildo on the chair. you started to ride the toy, its artificial veins wracking against your nerves, sending electric shocks up your spine. your ass & thighs jiggled every time you lifted your hips & shot them back down; katsuki was mesmerized.
his hand tightly jerked his hard cock, more precum leaking out. there was nothing else that mattered except you; his phone buzzed from notifications sent by his friends & colleagues. he couldn't tear his eyes from your sexy figure, bouncing up & down the dildo.
"k-katsuki! 'm cumming!" you moaned out. you threw your head back, mouth agape, your riding becoming erratic.
it was music to his ears-- you yelling his name. "baby, cum~" he replied, as if it were the real deal. as if you were actually there with him, as if you were the one squeezing his throbbing dick. he watched as your back arched & your body spasmed around the dildo. you kept calling out for katsuki until your high ran out. you cleaned up, hid the toy in your bottom drawer, did your nightly routine as if nothing happened, then went to sleep.
katsuki, still hard even after cumming, needed more.
the next day, you woke up with sore thighs & a distinct throb in between your legs. even after fucking yourself silly with the dynamight toy, it didn't satiate your hunger. you were embarrassed that you thought of your boss that way. you couldn't help but feel ashamed; it felt so good. it felt so good thinking, fantasizing, about katsuki's muscular physique, his thick, hard cock pumping in & out of you. it almost felt right to think of him that way.
while your head was still clouded with lust, you put on a black, lace thong under your pencil skirt that was just barely long enough to be considered work-appropriate. you wore translucent, black tights underneath & a cute pair of mary janes. your shirt was tight fitting. it eventuated every curve of your body in the most flattering way, &, feeling confident, you unbuttoned the first two to show a bit of your collarbone, nothing more. finally, you did your hair & makeup & cooked yourself a quick breakfast, then you were off to work.
at work, you just had an aura about you-- satisfied, calm, & joyful. you must've gotten a good night's rest, thought you coworkers.
katsuki knew better though.
as you strutted to his office, you had a pep -& a slight limp- to your step. you held a binder close to your chest. you felt like a stereotypical secretary in one of those cheesy, horny 2000's movies. you gently knocked on katsuki's office door, & heard a faint, "come in."
"good morning," you smiled as you sauntered closer to his mahogany desk. you plopped yourself down in the same seat you always do & set your binder down on his desk; he never minded.
he had his eyes trained on you, darker than usual, & greeted back, "good morning, (y/n). how are you?"
"i'm doing good, how are you?" you responded, an innocent smile flashed towards him.
you were anything but innocent, katsuki thought. "i'm actually having a tough morning." this shocked you because katsuki really didn't seem like the type to open up, especially to some random employee he hired.
"i'm sorry to hear that," you said, "can i ask why?"
"i've just been so... pent up," he told you, his jaw clenching for a second before he swallowed.
he didn't take his eyes off of you for a second, & you noticed. you squirmed under his serious gaze. "you are the number one hero right now. it's a lot of pressure," you tried to rationalize.
he stood up from his chair slowly, so you figured you must've overstepped. "i-i'm sorry, katsuki, i didn't mean it in a rude way," you defended, & he still hasn't responded.
he stalked closer to your chair until he was directly in front of you. you gulped, looking up at him. you didn't know whether it was appropriate to sit or stand, so you stayed still, sitting.
another awkward moment of silence passed, & you were about to look away when katsuki started, "the only other time i've been pent up like this was years ago."
"what made you stress so bad?"
"a saved a girl. she was beautiful, & i was dumb. i never got her name, i barely even talked to her. our encounter was brief, yet i couldn't take my mind off of her. for weeks, i was just so frustrated, i didn't know why. years passed & i thought i was finally over it, finally i came to terms that i would never again see her," he ranted, & you lowered gaze, breaking the eye contact. "i had searched everywhere for her. in every city i've ever visited, in every crowd that would form, in every building. i never found her. all my efforts, to waste."
you were sensitive, maybe too sensitive. your doe eyes teared up as you looked down at your lap. "i... i don't know why you're telling me this."
a warm hand cupped your chin; it guided your face upward, & there you were again, locking eyes with your boss. this time, your eyelashes stuck together with tears that have yet to fall. "i never found her, (y/n), & it hurt because i knew that i am the best for her. i gave up," he took a short pause, drinking in your defeated expression that you tried to mask, "until one day, she walked into my agency for an interview, a position she wasn't -at all- qualified for."
you swallowed the lump in your throat. "what are you saying?"
"(y/n), i've been so pent up lately," he restated, his hand still cupping your face while the other adjusted his pants. your eyes followed his other hand, widening. was he hard.. for you? "& i know you've been so stressed lately. it's such a big position, y'know. being my secretary, & all. i can understand why you're frustrated."
"i-i'm not frustrated, katsuki," you softly claimed.
he quirked a brow, his lips upturning into a smirk. "oh? is that so?" you nodded your head. "then i'm gonna need some help so i'm not as frustrated, do you think you can help me with that, hm?" he was taunting you, joking with you. he must've somehow found out about your secret crush on him, & now he's using this as a lesson then he's going to fire you.
still, foolishly, you replied, "i c-can help you with whatever you need, sir." his gentle grip turned harsh as soon as you shut your mouth. he forced you to look up, & he had an unreadable expression.
"now it's sir? what happened? you were so cute when you said my name," he growled, licking his lips. you were speechless, at a lost for words. "go on, tell me."
"i just don't want you to be mad at me," you said, cheeks flushed red. he was so close, he was making a fool of you, & he wouldn't stop staring at you. you succumbed to the mental pressure he was putting on you. you ripped your face from his vice grip as you started to ramble, turning your face away from him, "i-i don't know who told you i had a-a crush on you or whatever, b-but i was never gonna act on it, i swear! i-"
you were cut off by a sudden sting from your scalp; katsuki's fingers found themselves entangled in your silky hair. you let out a yelp in pain, & you instinctively yelled, "hey! what's your prob-" your tone lowered into a mumble, "-lem?"
your heart was beating out of you chest, just a few centimeters away from your parted lips was katsuki. in all of his glory. you had your eyes glued on him, scared to look down slightly. it was already in your sight of view. in one hand was your head, in the other was his hard, throbbing cock. "(y/n), you said you were gonna help me, didn't you?"
"uh huh," you said mindlessly as you held your breath. wide-eyed, your gaze flashed towards it then it went back up to him. he had a shit-eating smirk as he rested his heavy member in the middle of your face.
he commanded, "lick it." his cock was the length of your red hot face. he twitched when you looked at him, rubbing your thighs together.
"i said, lick it, (y/n)."
you hesitated; you didn't even know where to begin. his length was tantalizing, girthy. his tip was leaking beads of precum. his balls were swollen & heavy. was this still a joke?
suddenly, katsuki yanked your head back. with your mouth wide open -due to the shocking pain of your hair getting pulled- he slammed his dick down your throat. his hands were on both sides of your head, & he was in complete control. "i don't like repeating myself," he harshly said, forcing you to spit all over his length. your hands shot up to his hips, & you tried to push him away, though you didn't want to.
you weren't used to such a big man; he's the biggest you've ever been with. you gagged on him, & he let out a sigh of pleasure. your eyes crossed with tears streaming down your face, your mascara ruined. your lungs started to burn & you tried to beg for air, but it only came out as muffled moans. katsuki, feeling merciful, pulled his cock out of your throat, leaving his tip on your tongue.
you inhaled deep, only deep throat him again. he repeated that action -pulling himself then shoving himself back into your warm mouth- every time going more rough. he fucked your mouth, strings of precum & spit leaking onto your lap. you didn't even realize that katsuki released his grip on you until your shirt was torn off your body.
you let out a squeal that was muted by him. "fuck, (y/n)~" your boss moaned out, unbuttoning his own shirt. "you're such a good girl f' me." through your teary eyes, you saw katsuki throw his head back.
"need you," he said. " baby, i need your pussy right fuckin' now." katsuki took himself out of your mouth, leaving you with tongue hanging out of your mouth like an animal.
he made you stand up, then he crashed his lips onto your swollen, lipstick-smeared ones. sloppily, his tongue left nowhere untouched, & all you could do was moan as he overwhelmed you. his hands caressed every part of you. he groped your tits through your bra, he squeezed the fat of your ass through your skirt, & he rubbed your clit through your stained thong. your hips started to grind on his slender fingers. "katsuki~" you said in between kisses.
that was enough to make him feral (as if it weren't already). he let out a low growl as he turned you around. katsuki, with one hand, bent you over his desk, ass up in the air. he bunched your skirt around your waist, exposing you. katsuki needed you right in that moment, so he ripped a hole in your stockings & moved your string -that's supposed to be your undergarments- out of the way. he rubbed his tip along your folds; katsuki could almost salivate. after all this years of fantasizing & frustrations, here you were, underneath his bulking size, wet & ready for him.
"please use me, sir," you cried out in a hushed, yet urgent, voice. you were begging for him. i have to be dreaming, he thought. the moment he penetrates you, he's going to wake up, he's sure of it. you had your back arched, & you looked back at him, eyes half-lidded & cheeks flushed. "take out your frustrations."
he wanted to resist, he didn't want to wake up from this ecstasy dream. but he was just a man, & pure instincts took over.
katsuki lined up his cock with your entrance & snapped his hips forward, plunging himself ball-deep into your pussy. hands clasped over your mouth, you let out a scream. he was splitting you apart, your walls stretched out to accommodate his length & girth. your dynamight toy undersold him.
katsuki, in pure bliss, stood still for a second. he drank in everything that was happening, how this wasn't a dream anymore. you were so tight & desperate, sucking him in deeper. your juices stained your ripped stockings as it dripped down your thighs. slowly & shallow, he rocked his hips against you, grinding.
soon his grinding became primal. anything that has ever stressed him was put into his thrusts, & all you could do was lay there & take it. he pistoned in & out of you, hitting your g-spot every single time. you creamed, & came, & creamed again as he abused your sensitive spot. slaps & squelches bounced off the office walls. katsuki fucked you harder into the desk, trying to make you spasm all over his cock for the fifth time when-
brring! brring!
"what the fuck," he groaned. katuski's office phone broke the sounds of years of frustration. his harsh thrusts turned half-assed as he took a glance at the phone. "DEKU," the contact name read.
"goddamn it," muttered katsuki, "god fucking damn it." that's what he gets for bullying him all those years, i guess.
"y-you should a-answer that," you said, breathless. "it m-might be important."
"yeah, yeah. i know," katsuki said before slapping your ass. on the last ring, katsuki finally picked up the phone. you thought that, out of curtsy for deku, he would've pulled out or something, but no. he was still stretching you out & he showed no intentions on pulling out.
you, by accident, squeezed his cock, your body was trying to milk him. katsuki shot you a dirty smirk while he was on the phone. "what do you want?" his gruff voice demanded.
control yourself, (y/n), you thought to yourself, you're gonna get caught if you make a sound.
katsuki, on the other hand, had one mission: make you lose composure. honestly, it's a win-win. deku hangs up the phone, & everyone will know that you're his. katsuki pressed the phone between his ear & shoulder by tilting his head while his hands gripped your hips. hand-print bruises would be left in their wake, but you didn't care.
katsuki was hitting your cervix, & that was all you could focus on. you bit your lip until it was raw, your hands clasped so tight around your mouth until it was hard to breath, & you still were letting out whimpers.
deku said, "are we still going to have that meeting this afternoon?"
katsuki kept thrusting in & out of you, just a slightly bit more gentle (but not by much). "what?" he replied. he noticed your pussy tighten, squeezing him.
"kaachan, our meeting? this afternoon? at 2:30?"
"yeah, fuckin' cancel that," he told him. katsuki, with one hand still in your hip, grabbed a fist full of your hair & pulled you up. you stood with your back arched, dick impaling you, & your hands draped to your side. your mouth was fully open with your tongue hanging out. you were so close to the phone, any sound you make would be heard.
"you can't just cancel our meeting," deku sighed. "what are you doing that is more important?"
god, deku really knew how to get under katsuki's skin. just the tone of his voice made him made, so, naturally, he took it out on your poor body. faster, he pumped his cock in & out of you, your tits spilled out of your bra & your tits jiggled with each thrust. "please," you mouthed. you were so close to cumming, & you couldn't keep it in any longer. you were starting to see white stars clouding your vision.
"i'm busy fucking, okay?" katsuki yelled into the phone, eyes trained on you like a hawk.
"wh-what?" deku sputtered out, "what did you say?" you clenched, you were so close to getting caught by the number two pro hero.
"i said, i'm fuckin' busy," &, with that, he slammed the phone down to end the call. "you. fuckin. slut." he pounded you, & you let him use your tight pussy. his fat cock slammed in & out of you relentlessly. "i bet you wanted to get caught, huh? you just want to get caught?"
"n-no! i-i don't wanna!" you told him through hiccups.
"then what we're you trying to pull?" katsuki sneered, giving a light tug to your hair. your scalp was already aching terribly good. his hand dove in between your legs. his fingers started to rub your clit while he was still balls deep inside of your hole.
"n-nothing!" you cried followed by a breath of moans. "'suki, please~ it's too much." you began to see little white stars cloud your vision. it couldn't have been more than forty-five minutes, but you can't even remember how many times you've came. you were passed the point of overstimulation, whatever that is. "i-i-" you couldn't even get another sentence out, just muttering words & trying not to scream out in overwhelming pleasure.
"you're- you're-" katsuki mocked, and he finally let go of your -now- knotted hair. you collapsed on the desk, but his hand was still toying with your clit. your small hands gripped onto his forearm. you tried to push his hand away from your sensitive spot in hopes of getting a break. instead, he kept his position while his other hand winded back & smack! a red handprint gracing your ass. "you said i could use you, remember? thought you could handle, babe," sneered katsuki into your ear. "not only are you my slut, but you're also a dirty liar."
the vice grip he had on your hip released, then his arm snaked around your neck. your chin rested where his arm bent. with every thrust, he would flex his arms, & your throat was caught in between his thick forearm & bicep. "no, i'm not," you squeaked out. your thoughts, your words, everything would get interrupted by his constant choking.
you were still such a brat, defying him. it made it more interesting, katsuki would admit. it also made him rationalize that you deserved all the overstimulation, pounding, & bruising you've received-- & have yet to receive. "oh, you're not?"
"n-no," you droned into another moan.
"so you've never thought about this? about us? about me?"
he tightened his muscles, constricting your airway. "tell. the. fuckin'. truth," he commanded, god, he wanted to humiliate you.
&, as if on cue, you gave in. "i-i've thought 'bout y-you," you told him through whimpers. you could feel your juices leak out of you.
"good girl," katsuki purred, playing with your clit more rough. pleasure jolted up your spine, the white stars turning into tunnel vision. katsuki felt your head drop slightly, you were losing focus. your sight was blurry from the mascara & tears. "stay with me, (y/n)."
"uh huh," mindlessly, you nodded. you didn't know if you could orgasm anymore, yet you still felt that all-too-familiar knot in your stomach. your clit was swollen, your g-spot abused, throat hurting from his cock & the pressure around it. you didn't care, you've never felt more safe. "pl-please c-cum with me," you begged.
katsuki twitched inside of you. he chuckled, "if you beg like that, i don't think i can hold back, babe."
the pet names sounded like music to your ears, & a sudden rush of motivation coursed through your veins. "katsuki~" you whined, voice high-pitched.
"(y/n)," he growled lowly. was it a warning? perhaps. you didn't care, he could punish you if he ever so pleased.
"'need your cum."
"sh-" he stuttered, &, just like that, the tables were turned. "shut up.
katsuki's cool composure was slipping. giddy & still driven by pleasure & motivation, you said, "please~ i need you."
"fuck, baby."
"i-i need you to fill me up."
katsuki tensed, his arms choking you. his thrusts were erratic & shallow. every sensation -you squeezing his cock, you wetness seeping out of your pussy, all of it- was amplified. he drove his hips forward, his tip stuffed inside your cervix. "t-take it," he huffed out.
not even a second later, jets of hot cum exploded inside of you. his warmth filled you, just as you asked. he painted your pussy white, & you came all over him for a final time, your pussy pulsating, milking him for every drop. the two of you stayed in that position, relaxed. he held you in his embrace, heavy breaths on your skin. katsuki pressed butterfly kisses along nape of your neck lazily. "so good f' me," he praised into your ear as he grazed your side with his fingertips. "so beautiful."
you hummed in respond. "you're my girl, aren't you?"
"only if you take me out to dinner after this," you joked, this was just a hookup because there's no way he would think of you as anything more, you figured.
"of course, whatever you want," he responded to your surprised. he pulled out of pussy, cum leaking out of your hole. he didn't care; no, he was proud. he sat you on his lap, forehead pressed against yours. katsuki, with his thumb, stroked your cheek & sang you sweet nothings. "you took me so well. i didn't go too hard, did i? you're mine," he would say.
"yes, princess?"
"why are you still hard?"
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majimasleftasscheek · 11 months
Hihi! Do you have any minedai headcanons? (Idk how to write aAAAAA)
hmmm I had to give this a good think cuz I normally don't obsess about them too much (compared to a certain other pair lmao) but here's what I got 👀
*note! gonna be a mix of silly and more realistic ideas. my interpretation of minedai is pretty unserious
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genuinely enjoys mine's company, as uptight and neurotic it may be. because daigo was given the chairman position, a lot of people don't respect him other than mine so it's nice to hang out with someone who, despite being overly respectful, is kind to him. he feels a lot at ease with mine, able to be more himself n all that. it's not much but it means a lot to daigo
that said, he totally goes out in his casual clothes when able and is still very goth coded. Mine makes intense but silent notes about every little thing in those outfits and thinks it's very cute when there's little details like tiny skulls n things
likes to do go out spontaneously when he can and takes mine along. mine thinks something like that is way too dangerous for a chairman to be doing but daigo confides that he's not worried if mine is with him (with an ulterior motive to loosen the giant stick up mine's ass to get him to live a little). cue mine choking on his heart
I like the idea of daigo being oblivious to mine's obsessive behavior to an extent. he becomes so used to mine's quirks that he writes it off as oh he's just like that lol. but he's not wholly dumb to it. he'll be lowkey flirty and that's when mine's questions daigo's actions like "why is daigo smiling at me? is he sick? I should call an ambulance..."
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genuinely has zero idea what type of things mine likes. tho daigo grew up in a bougie type of life and mine currently lives it, he can assume things like fine arts and fancy shit tho personally he removed himself from that sort of thing as he got older (to avoid being anything even close to his dad lol). comparatively, daigo lives more modestly so gift giving is up to guessing but mine accepts literally anything from him and frankly refuses to give him hints as not to place expectations accidentally
likes to spar with mine and was surprised to see that daigo was decently capable of protecting himself and finds his informal style of fighting very charming. he's seen daigo fight before, but it's a bit of a different intensity when it's just to two of them trying their hardest to impress
has a network of friends/allies like kiryu, kashiwagi, etc that mine keeps a closer than needed eye on. daigo does get frustrated that he has to explain he trusts these people wholly and it's often a point of contention between them
very much likes slow days when they can just chill with each other, however that may be. cuddling is prime even if mine gets mad hot and sweaty so daigo keeps a full body towel handy. it's not unusual for daigo to go out of his way to prod mine for reactions as it's the highlight of his day
definitely has a shrine dedicated to daigo. for funnies: has weird shit like used napkins, articles of hair, etc just funky stuff someone wildin' would keep. realistically I think he'd be a lil more modest - having photos and baubles, typical normie shrine shit
absolutely has a folder on his phone/computer of "selfies" with him and daigo. most of them are just regular photos you'd find in like newspapers, half of them are blurry as hell, and there's a few he's taken himself but poorly done because he did it under a table or something. and of course there's many photos of just daigo, doing all assortment of things from working hard to hardly working
he's caught by daigo occasionally but mine attributes his behavior to "trying to find better phone signal" as he aims it coincidentally at daigo's spikey heeled boots. even when they're together together, he still does this on the sly
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insists on paying for everything whenever they're out but with enough convincing, he'll back down and internally melts when daigo tells him he's just happy to have his company. has a habit tho of "making up" for what he didn't pay for such as ordering lunches n things before daigo can refuse
obvs very violently protective of daigo tho avoids being so in front of him as much as possible. it's very common for someone who's spoken ill of daigo to get their ass beat or thrown into the Tokyo Bay some days later. has a network of people dedicated solely to routing out daigo haters
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is often confided to by daigo about the stresses of running the clan and it takes a lot out of mine for him to not be cold and calculating with an answer. has had to learn sometimes people just want someone to listen
at first, mine thought such confiding was some limp dick shit but over time realized that daigo never wanted anything out of such confessions which is unexpected. to have someone be so trusting and vulnerable with him is incredibly valuable
would have "sounds of daigo talking about stuff" recorded and sleeps to it every night. be assured clips of daigo sneezing are in there too
if he was in dead souls, he would be going turbo murder throughout the city just to dent the population of zombies that could even potentially get a whiff of daigo's darkness allure™ cologne. if infected, I imagine he'd have the will to remain loyal cuz the power of simp compels him
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Welcome to me watching the Paris special, this time with commentary! I watched the special and wrote down everything here as I watched it and forgot to post it cause I'm a dumbass. Also, this is long asf, in fact, it's so long that I had to make a Part 2.
Okay here goes!
Ah, the Gabriel version of the theme. This really took me by surprise. It's fire tho.
Straight into the action, I like it.
Max and Markov aren't different people in this?
That's some entrance from Shady and Claw, really ups the stakes. Makes you wonder why Nino tried to fight them with a nerf gun.
Ubiquity is so pretty.
I might be the only one who liked the Gabe scene we got.
Feeling some nostalgia for the candy cane cosplay ngl.
And we get a good scene with Adrien and Plagg. I liked the advice Plagg gave about how not all destruction is bad. Neat.
Some Alya and Marinette. Marinette is going through some tough times and is in need of support, and Tikki takes this opportunity to escape from her and steal macaroons. No hate tho, you do you Tikki.
Though she does react to the people of Paris cheering for Ladybug. That was sweet.
Alya turns into Ubiquity, and then we get... Betterfly.
Betterfly? Seriously? Coulda just gone with Hesperia.
"I'm not sure there's anything to hope for from Ladybug." My poor baby!
Love the look of absolute confusion on Alya's face.
Hesperia's confusion about his evil counterpart is really funny ngl.
"There, you can have your boyfriend back~" love the delivery on that line lmao.
But also, CLAW NOIR
Not her just stealing his belt immediately.
Marinette hates Adrien Agreste. This truly is the reverse world.
But also, I love Claw Noir pretending to be his own fan to impress Shadybug.
Claw Noir sure does love using that Cataclysm.
For someone who just woke up to see her friend gone and a hole in the wall, Alya collected herself pretty damn quick. I would be freaking the fuck out in her position. Just another reason she's the best.
RIP Alya's phone. Gabe really did a number on you.
Shadybug makes a butterfly tracker, proving that she ain't no Gabe.
Hesperia is befuddled by our world, Part 2.
It's always gotta be the Eiffel Tower, doesn't it.
Claw Noir's pulling a Chat Blanc?? Hello??
Hesperia (I'm not gonna call him Betterfly) is apparently a gentleman. It's almost disturbing after 5 seasons of Gabe being the worst piece of shit to grace our screens.
I guess no matter the universe and moral alignment, it's Gabriel's fate to get beaten up by teenagers.
Not Tikki loredumping about parallel universes right now lmao
Times like this remind me that Tikki is, for all intents and purposes, a god.
"You'd die before I could ever explain all this to you," is actually a pretty valid (and disturbingly hilarious) justification for not having bothered to bring any of this up before.
The Supreme is someone I'd like to learn more about. I've narrowed the suspects down to either Fu or Su-Han. Watch it be Lila instead if we ever get that info.
I feel like the info about the timers is something we should have gotten way, way earlier. Like, a few seasons ago.
Ladybug's triumphant entrance!
"Whatever, pest." Queen.
I love Claw Noir's staff.
Shadybug took no prisoners at all.
Destruction vibes, and right after that incident too.
Claw Noir is unhinged.
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Claw Noir just fucking cataclysmed himself??? Guess Adrien is always gonna be self-destructive in every universe huh?
Welp, looks like Chat Noir is officially re-traumatized.
I want y'all to remember that this boy went through the whole special with a cataclysm wound on his person and did not falter once. Mad respect.
Chat Noir got tossed. Chat Blanc call back number 2.
Obsessed with the way Bryce Papenbrook pronounces "cockroach."
Finally, a villain who actually gets rid of the Lucky Charm. Hawkie, take notes.
"Who the cat are you?"
So Shadybug can create whatever Lucky Charm she wants, huh?
Someone's been listening to the fandom.
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Not the time freezing lmfao
I don't like that Gabe is turning Adrien into an angel, even if this is a good version. Anyway, Chat Blanc call back 3.
"Kitty catty" "Later loser!" I love her.
Of course, not all bugs can fly.
He moved out of the way.
I fucking love Claw Noir so much you guys, he's so funny.
Well, he tried. Shadybug's just better than him ig.
Hesperia stores his butterfly in his cane. So it's just our Gabe that tries to keep multiple butterflies, I guess.
I think they should kiss.
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So they're doing this in hopes that The Supreme spares them? Interesting, and pretty sad.
They're so scared of the Akuma lmfao
If I was Alya, I'd have given myself away by now. Actually, I wouldn't have had the presence of mind to even hide.
Guess the counterparts are from some dystopian world ruled by The Supreme. It tracks with the look we got at it in the opening.
"In order to get something I wanted." We saw the Peacock Miraculous in the opening too, and also Emilie died. So I guess Adrien is a Sentimonster in the other reality too. Damn it.
I guess this Gabe realized his mistake instead of descending into madness like ours.
She just broke Marinette's box like it was nothing. So much for that.
Claw Noir lounges around playing with dolls and mocks Shadybug for being lazy while she does all the work and he lazes around. Have I mentioned yet that I love him?
Also I am glad they stayed true to Adrien's character and had him play with dolls.
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The whole part about Chat Noir... be still my Ladynoir heart.
Love how they incorporated the webisodes into this. About time those had relevance.
Shadybug really "hates" Claw Noir.
Marinette's having doubts, my poor baby girl.
Shadybug and Claw Noir have power, but not their strength. That's a really good line.
She's reading the diary and crying... baby.
This is such a touching scene. I don't say that lightly, but it really is.
Marinette really wrote down every single world ending secret in this one poorly protected diary huh.
She literally took him down in 2 seconds. Bruh.
Shadybug managed to achieve in 2 seconds what Marinette and Adrien have not achieved after 5 seasons of Love Square drama which I admittedly enjoy but that's not the point.
Those strange... marks? Cracks? Scars?
Blots off... I'm dying y'all.
Reverse Love Square? Hello??? HELLO???
She literally just beat his ass, tied him up and took his Miraculous and this is his reaction once he realizes who she is.
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He's down so bad.
They should have played Careless Whisper here.
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The Supreme is such a fucking asshole, he gagged the Kwamis.
Emonette wants our Marinette's life? She doesn't know the half of what she's getting into.
The Supreme got to the wish somehow? What the fuck?
"Reality is The Supreme." I don't know who this guy is, but he is DELULU.
This shot... masterfully done. My poor baby girl.
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These kids are not okay. My poor sweet babies.
Daggers out. Seriously, stop it, you two.
He's trying to comfort her. They're just... I'm in pain. I'm so sad for them y'all.
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Gabe in his prototype Monarch outfit.
Good thing (for him at least) he had the Ox, or else this would be his second cataclysm of the day.
Ladybug and Chat Noir are back in action, baby.
I'm sorry, I would not be able to say Betterfly unironically without bursting into laughter.
Not that they needed it lmao
Alya coming in clutch with the recording. Queen.
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It's so so so nice to see Ladynoir on screen again after Season 5 killed it.
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Hit the word limit, so continued here.
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Oh and i remembered one more, do you have any sleeping hcs for them all? I’m not sure if you’ve done this one before!! Like position, deep sleeper/restless sleeper, etc ❤️🎞️
i was so mad because i had this saved and tumblr deleted my long reply 😭 so take two!
Everyone thinks Darry would snore but personally? I don’t think he would. I feel like Darry is eerily quiet when he sleeps. Like you can’t even hear him breathing and the only way you know he’s alive is if you can see his chest rising and falling. He also sleeps like a rock, though he does wake up at certain things, like crying, creaky floorboards, his alarm and whatever else, but if you try to wake him you literally WILL NOT be able to. One time when they were kids, Soda wanted to wake Darry up at like…the crack of dawn (If Darry could have it his way he’d sleep ‘til noon-he is NOT a morning person.) and Sods could not wake him up and it was dark so he couldn’t see his chest rising and falling. He ran into his mom and dad’s room screaming and crying and yelling “DARRY’s DEAD” until Nr. Curtis got up and at that point Darry had woken up and he had to snuggle Soda for the rest of the morning because little bro was SO scared 😭 He sleeps on his back. He has a very very soft pillow that he keeps his head on but he sleeps with a harder pillow to support his neck because he’s sick and tired of his back pain. He sleeps with his hands over his chest too like a dead man. He doesn’t necessarily move when he gets nightmares-his breathing gets faster and it’s actually audible but he’ll literally jolt up in bed so fast and so hard-he’s pulled numerous back and neck muscles doing this. If he’s cuddling with his brothers he still sleeps on his back but he has one arm around both of them. He sleeps in just boxers (because if a burglar breaks in he wants to show them who they’re messing with)
Soda moves in his sleep. Even in his sleep he can’t stay still-it’s honestly kind of impressive to an extent. He starts out on his twice and usually ends up on him tummy on top of whatever/whoever he’s cuddling. He NEEDS someone to cuddle with at all times. If Pony isn’t there he’ll beg Darey to come cuddle him (Darey usually can’t say no unless he goes to bed earlier than Soda, to which Soda doesn’t bother asking evacsue he doesn’t wanna wake his brother (it’s not like he can tho-he sleeps like a rock). In those very rare cases he has a pillow. He starts out with an arm around the thing/person he’s cuddling but when he wakes up he’s sprawled out and either directly on top of them, wrapped around them like a koala bear. He’s seriously such a sweetie-he doesn’t snore too bad but he does snore. Like he does the inhale and then just softly breathes out and it’s the goofiest thing-sometimes you’ll get him snoring in your ear but it’s okay since it’s Soda lol-he doesn’t get nightmares often but when he does he kinda just goes rigid-he starts whimpering and crying a little too but the way you know he’s having a. nightmare is that he goes completely still. If he’s having any other kind of dream he’ll mumble in his sleep and move around a lot. He sleeps like a rock. Like nothing will wake him up. He has a natural alarm tho but there could be a nuclear war in his back yard and he’d still be sleeping. He’s just kinda like that-if you let him be little spoon though he’d actually cry and never leave your side lmao Sods sleeps with socks on. Pony said he likes walking around in jhsy “stocking feet” plus he seems like the kind of menace to sleep with socks on (same) he also just wears boxers to bed because he thinks he’s gods giving gift (is he not?)
Ponyboy is definitely a restless sleeper and if anything he snores the worst of the three brothers. I mean-he smokes like two packs a day of course he does 😭 But even then it isn’t bad. He’s just a loud breather and sometimes sleeps with his mouth open-bros lips are CHAPPED. He sleeps in a fetus position a lot and will not admit it, not even on his death bed, but he loves to be held. He lives deep pressure and a bone crushing cuddle puts him to sleep. He doesn’t often sleep with his mouth open and Soda will straight up close his mouth for him so his lips don’t get any more chapped than they already are-honestlyI like to think that he got off the cigarettes and onto nicotine gum (it was really really tough but Darry helped him and decided it was the best option and it still calms Pony down because it has the nic in it but anyhoo) he stops snoring completely when he stops smoking and he is a delight to sleep with-eeeexcept when ge gets nightmares. He starts kicking and punching in his sleep like nobody’s business-if you don’t mind a sudden swift kick to the stomach go ahead and cuddle with him lol-Soda makes Pony sleep with socks on too because bros nails ar3 sharp as hell and he has scratched Soda in his sleep-Pony doesn’t mind since he likes sleeping with socks on (he pretends he doesn’t because it’s not tuff) but he’s also a sleep cuddler. Like you will be trapped for the night if you sleep in the same bed as him. You cannot pry him and Soda away from each other. He sleeps kinda hard but sudden movements or noises will wake him up. He does not have a natural alarm and has a very fucked jo sleep schedule. So he’s either up at 5 AM or 1 PM. Darry hates it.
Johnny is honestly such a light sleeper. Sixteen years of abuse does that-he’s just always on high alert even when he’s sleeping. His parents would often come into his room just to yell at him or literally beat him awake so if you touch him when he’s sleeping to wake him up he’ll flinch so hard and it’s so sad-it also doesn’t help that he sleeps in the lot and Socs have come and literally stomped in his back so he does not sleep on his stomach much. He sleeps on his side because he feels like he can protect himself easier. He, like Darry, is very quiet when he sleeps, but his breathing tends to be a tad loud. He looks a lot younger when he sleeps-he looks at peace for once and he no longer looks like a kid who has suffered numbers of abuses. He just looks at peace. He sleeps in a fetal position as well with his mouth ever so slightly open. I feel like he tends to drool a teeny tiny bit but it’s Johnny so it’s kinda endearing and nobody gets mad at him. He’ll sleep in just about anything. Jeans. Jean jacket, he’ll he’ll even sleep with shoes on. If you gave this boy actual pajamas he’d be so confused 😭Unfortunately Johnny is highly prone to nightmares form the amount of PTSD and trauma he has, so sometimes it’s a bit rough. He goes board still and just lets out this small gasp before his breathing picks up speed. He never makes a sound other than the breathing and that alone is terrifying. He doesn’t like being cuddled much but sometimes if he has had a particularly rough day he’ll be okay with an arm around the shoulder. It takes a lot but after a lot of trust he doesn’t mind cuddles. But you have to initiate. He will never initiate. He hates sleeping in the dark-the Curtises and Two Bit don’t mind keeping a hallway light on for him. Darry bought him a flashlight tho because electric bills were too high :(
Dallas doesn’t sleep let’s be real 💀 He crashes out at Buck Merril’s place a lot and can somehow sleep through all that loud music and whatnot-he sleeps harder than Soda. Nothing will wake him up. He sleeps sprawled out with his limbs everywhere because he likes stretching out like a cat. He never goes to sleep earlier than like-2 in the morning but then he sleeps for like 19 hours. He’s lowkey nocturnal-you barely see him out in the day. He prowls around at night oftentimes until it’s very late in the night and then he just barges into Bucks and steals his room 😭 He cannot sleep with anyone in the bed. He sleeps in the pitch dark too like he will literally cram towels under the door to keep the light out-He refuses to share a bed with anyone and would rather sleep in the floor than sleep with another person in the bed next to him. He sleeps naked. He doesn’t even bother with clothes-he literally just snuck into the Curtises house and crashed into their guest room-Darry was not happy and literally yanked the covers off him only to get flashed. He never disturbs Dally in his sleep ever again. He needs a good four hours after he wakes up tho because he is literally so grumpy. He will literally like-push some old lady so he can get to where he’s going faster. He’s such a hypocrite because he’ll get mad at Pony and Johnny’s sleep schedules and then when they’re like “what about yours then 🤨” he just goes “THIS AINT ABOUT ME 🤬” like he is NOT happy when people bring up his sleep schedule-he kicks and punches a lot, especially if he’s sleeping with someone else but at that point he’s just pretending so the person will leave 😭
Two Bit is the only one WITH a sleep schedule honestly. It’s mainly for his little sister because she won’t go to bed hnless he does but he doesn’t really mind much. He goes to bed at exactly 9 every single night so his sister will sleep but then sometimes he honestly just sneaks out. He never fails to get up at 8 every morning tho. He sleeps on his back with one knee over the other and with his hands behind his back. Nobody knows how he doesn’t have neck and back pain honestly-it’s really impressive. He probably snores a little-or a lot depending on who you ask. He only sleeps in a shirt. He doesn’t bother with pants (also before anyone tries to twist this, him and his sister have separate rooms, she’s just the kind of kid to think she’s a “big girl” who “doesn’t need sleep” but they do have separate rooms( I feel like he has a white noise machine because he finds the noise comforting. He likes being in busy environments even in his sleep. He’s completely still when he sleeps but he has this easy smile on his face. If he has a nightmare he probably just sits up, screams for a minute and is like “that was kinda svary 😨” like he’s so goofy and nobody knows how-be has a lot of fever dreams and he’ll tell the gang like “yeah i had a dream that peter cottontail tried to steal my kidneys 😄” and the rest of the gang is absolutely appalled-he’s not too hard of a sleeper but of course he has a natural alarm and any time between when he goes to sleep to 8 am he’s absolutely unmovable.
I honestly feel like Steve is sorta like Johnny. I mean…his father kicks him out of the house a lot. And then pays him off as an apology. So I feel like Steve has soent a number of nights in the lot. He didn’t wanna go to the Curtises place because he was honestly too prideful but one time Soda found him and dragged him to his place and stayed with him. He drags Steve to his place a lot after that because it’s either that or the lot and Soda will be damned if his best friend goes to sleep cold. He prefers to sleep alone but if Soda wants to cuddle he’s fine with that. He probably sleeps naked just like Dallas I won’t even lie-or at the very least he sleeps in just tightie whities and Pony is DISGUSTED by this man-Steve likes to sleep in the cold so he does not use blankets. I know he absolutely SLOBBERS in his sleep tho like his pillow will just be absolutely damp in th morning. He doesn’t even give two shits he just flips the pillow 😭 He sleeps on his stomach. When him and Soda are together it’s literally the “honk mimimimimimimi” think-Steve snores but only when he exhales like he just preaches out a whistle of breath. Pony has kicked the wall and yelled at him to stop 💀 He also lowkey stuffs himself before he sleeps like he’ll literally just raid the Curtises fridge and just conk out. Hes just a bitch like that. Soda is the only one not mad at him- “Cmon, he didn’t mean it :(“ and Steve is just there with cake on his face as he’s like “yeah i didnt” as he swallows the massive mouthful of frozen steak he stole
Hope these were good!!
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months
tged webtoon ep 153 spoilers n thoughts below yadda yadda
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i LOOOVE visual gags like this WAHAHAHAA like i thought itd be the usual "jesus fuck hes tonedeaf", still silly haha but like we saw already BUT THIS RESOLD IT FOR ME HAHAHAAA LMAO
i had to double take too i had to scroll back up (while giggling like mad) and really Look at it and confirm "WAIT HOLY SHIT LMAO ITS NOT RENDERED"
extremely obsessed w verkis' expressions this chapter in general HEHEHEHE
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gigglin a lot at the two of them just. spinning and sinking down LOL verkis just couldnt bother w a better portal style, thats so real of him tbh like if it works dont fix it
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ALSO SUHO'S BODY IS STILL THERE EXISTINF yknow i thought itd be like a case where he like, died or smth but ig not!!! yippee for still being alive but also,,,, what state is he in,,,,,,
like. time HAS to have passed on earth, theres no way it was paused; when cheong shim (i hope that was her name its been a while) got transported and later verkis checked on her dad, its clear that time had passed since she "died"
so suho has to be in like, a coma or smth like that right? cause hes not dead, but then whos taking care of him??? his whole family has passed and bro only had that one friend and who knows where or what that friend is up to,,,
is this like a magical coma?!?!? where hes just. still in the boardroom suspended in. uuh soullessness??? im so curious,,,, need the next ep now
or well, wait he might not be in the boardroom i feel like someone would HAVE to find him n like. idk bring him to a hospital, bc he has to pay rent for that n like the moment rent stops rolling in of course a landlord would notice 😭 aaghh so many questions im genuinely so excited for this arc
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idk hwo to explain how this makes me feel but ooghh my silly boy,,,, ASK HIM IF HE PLANS ON STAYING,,,,,,, u goofball,,,,,,,,,
god javiers come to love lloyd sm that he'd fight him to keep him by his side EXPLODES EXPLODES EXPLODES PUNCHJNG THE WALL
"i will use my powe- wait wtf MY MANA"
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ik its like "duh its another world" but tbh i thought since he had a manaheart, the mana comes from that, or like he just. has mana in his body? idk if it makes sense but yeah, i didnt think of mana being an energy that comes from their world, i thought it came from them themselves if that makes sense
SO HIM BEING MANALESS IS SUUPER INTERESTING tho im sure javier could still like drag lloyd back hes a strong guy lol
i wonder then if lloyd feels it too?!?!? the lack of mana?? especially bc of his heart being yknow. all kinds of shit goin on w it
like can he still use his skills?? will the status windows still appear?? his mana in lorasia does seem to be unique after all, considering javiers interaction w it when fighting the bone dragon; maybe he still has mana?!?!?!
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SEOULLLL HERE IT IS!!! wow its polluted damn omg quite the poor first impression for javier 😭 "its like hell,,," nah bud ur just in the city youll b ok 😭
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we dont see him being terrified a lot but when we do its like OUCHH YEEEOUCH god i hope he will b alright U HAVE JAVIER W U ITS OK
im wondering what it is specifically that hes worried abt,,,, being in the same world as himself? seeing the place where he lost his past family all over again? a combination of those maybe?? or maybe its an old anxiety of being out in seoul and not in his boardroom/in class/working, not entirely sure,,, or maybe im overthinking it and its the whole earth being manaless thing fucking w his body like i mentioned earlier lol
either way oooohh i hope he'll b ok,,,,
VERY excited for next week PLS I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS,,,,!!!! see yall then o7
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cursedcola · 1 year
Ok but will you do headcanons for the lovely protag of tears of themis, because if so I would love some cute Hcs of her having a cheerful and loving female s/o who runs a bakery and packs her cute little lunches everyday so she can have the energy she needs to work hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و
and sometimes Rosa (which is the code name we get in the game for our protagonist) gets special sticky pad notes in her lunchbox cheering her on when she’s had a bad day, and I just want some fluffy domestic hcssss
*cradles gently* I just love lesbian girlfriend hcs so much ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
A/N: Omg I'm gonna throw up I love this. It's too cute for my heart...ngl I simp for Rosa more than I do any of the boys. Can we romance ourselves? lol I'd pay Mihoyo to make it happen. TBH I ship Rosa x Kiki a bit since they just seem so much more on the same page with each other than our lovely gentlemen ( love Marius still tho frfr)
Our queen of justice would cherish her girlfriend so much let me tell you
Rosa has a habit of going above and beyond for the people she cares about. She’s normally the giver, and being on the other side of the coin is a whole new life
I can see it now. Every morning on her way to the Themis Law Firm she stops by her girlfriend's bakery. Rosa gets up extra early and brings her a cup of coffee/tea/etc. before the bakery opens.
She just loves to hear the jingle of the doorbell and see you arranging the display case behind the counter. Sometimes she'll pick up an apron and join you if she has extra time. Bonus points if your shop has a theme (like say you have a book café/bakery! And you dress to match the theme. You have a little knee length dress, mary-janes, and a bookish themed apron as the uniform. Maybe one of those cute little neck scarf/choker that you tie into a bow. Rosa would eat that up omg)
The first time she brought you a morning drink Rosa felt like an idiot because - well, duhh. You run a bakery! You sell this stuff! yet it became a bit of a trading deal. Rosa brings you your morning fix before the shop opens, and in exchange you pack her a few goodies.
It's such a ritual that Rosa now has a little thermos collection for you, and you have a lunch pail collection for her. It also gives you both a chance to see each other after work. On her way home (either after a shift or on her way to NYXX) she swings by your shop to drop off the pail and pick up her thermos. A quick goodbye smooch and she is on her way.
Lmao no. If she isn't going to NYXX then normally she stays back to help close the shop. If not then she begrudging leaves. Unfortunately you are not allowed to know about NYXX. It's too dangerous. You're aware that she works alongside Marius, Vyn, Luke, and Artem on the side - but are under the impression that it is for a special government case through Themis. They know about you as well. We love our ally kings. Sometimes you send Rosa off with enough goodies for all five of them when she swings by and can't stay.
Now. You know they all have/had a crush on her at some point. Especially Luke. The boy is a living golden retriever. Not to mention Artem who is just awful at masking. Thankfully your Rose is oblivious as hell, not that you're worried.
All it takes is the scent of one of your new recipes to have Rosa swooning in the palm of your hand. Before you started dating, you both were friends. You saw how she was always on a diet and depriving herself. Those little comments about her appearance making you the loving type of mad. Y'know, the type to passive aggressively eye her and be like "honey you are so beautiful that I have four men trying to steal my gf right now. Do not test me,". Which, of course, you'd only say the first part because that confrontation is not one needed considering the ally kings know their place.
Point being that we don't support that unhealthy diet culture. Big nono. She is going to eat good and she is going to like it.
Anywho. Back on topic. You know they like her and one way you casually tease is with loving treats. Yes, my dear Rose, please take this basket full of freshly baked bread to your meeting. The one with the ribbon on top. Why is it taped down? Oh, no worries my love. Just let one of the boys open it, okay? I have yours specially wrapped in a separate bag.
Meanwhile whichever poor soul opens that bag is going to get hit in the face with one of the sappiest and most suggestive love notes in all of Stellis.
"My lovely flower. Have a great day and be careful on the way home from your meeting! I have missed you so much and cannot wait to have you all to myself tonight. Enjoy the sweets with your friends" *insert a plethora of heart drawings*
Rosa will see them holding the note and simply think that you put it in the wrong bag. It's not abnormal for you to put those heartwarming notes in her lunches, so she apologizes. Vyn knows. They all know.
Dominance asserted, and your cute girlfriend is pleased by your loving note (and a bit embarrassed but it had to be done. Rosa deserves the abundance of affection. Her confidence needs to be boosted and she needs to recognize what a queen she is)
Did I mention that your shop is one of Rosa's favorite places? It's cozy, inviting, and she loves to study for her exams there. Sometimes if she's working on a case she'll claim a table for hours on end. Occasionally she sneaks glances of you working with customers and watches as a break. She'll blush if she gets caught, but it is so worth it.
Sometimes she takes her work breaks there as well. Occasionally you'll see her pop in with Artem, Celeste, Kiki, or perhaps another one of her acquaintances from work like that one Police Capitan. Darius, was it? That one always needs a triple shot of espresso. usually when you see him it means something serious is going down. It warms your heart when she boasts about your shop to them. She'll pick a table and like clockwork you'll come over to have a little chat before they get to work. It's so nice to feel included and to see her in the zone.
Whenever she is on a business trip she'll look for a little something to bring home for your shop too. Typically a decoration piece. Thanks to Rosa you have a little statue-esque tip jar from her trip to the desert, fairy lights above the main counter from a whimsical mountain, flower pots from an island trip, and more. You never question her many excursions because she always brings you home a surprise.
On one final note, your shop is her safe space. Sometimes she comes to your frustrated or nervous. It could be about exams, a particularly bad case...and sometimes she can't tell you. "Government case," she says and you know something really stressful happened. Those ones are the most worrisome. It's hard, being there when she disappears on a case that she can't tell you about. One of the gents are always there with her, but when she comes home in a near-shocked state you can't help but get anxious.
Yet Rosa knows you won't press it. She strolls in, most commonly near closing time, and you just know. You have a sixth sense for it, and without asking flip the shop sign to say 'closed' before preparing her a warm drink. Then you sit with her and let her talk. You don't question when she leaves things out, and let her vent.
You and your shop become like a second home to Rosa. Peace in a city like Stellis that never seems to rest.
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rmorde · 4 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now unto Volume 1 - Chapter 5-6. Doubling it today! I'll start cutting posts like this with "Keep Reading" so it won't be so long.
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Awww. So they ARE still working at the cashier in the manga, and they STILL get to bully Vash. Lmao.
Oh... These poor ladies. So, they have to work on TWO jobs to earn their stay on the ship.
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Let me just appreciate this hilarious drawing of Vash. He's so mad at how good Meryl and Milly are at their jobs that he looks constipated. ROFL.
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This conversation is different from '98. Instead of foreshadowing something about Vash, the ominous line points more towards the Bad Lads Gang's arrival.
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Sigh. Another one into the album of Pretzel Vash. Why must Vash be so extra? Why must Nightow always draw him extra. LOOK AT THOSE LEGS!!! Not to mention his crotch in full display.
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There he is! Brilliant Dynamites Neon. IMHO, this double page spread it much more impressive and intimidating in the manga. The build up in '98 was good but I think the neon colors from the lights took away the impact of a reveal like this. The simple contrasts of the black, white, and gray looks better.
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Oh my. This looks gorgeous. Wow.
Is it just me or does Nightow do a lot of double page art in one chapter? Maybe I'm just imagining it.
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Oh yeah. I forgot about this! These poor ladies were sleeping the shelves. Good heavens!
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Oh. This is different from '98. Very very different!
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I was about to say I like the aesthetic of this scene in '98, then these panels happened. Holy shit! I take it back! This is so much better! Felt like a jump scare while reading.
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Then we suddenly have a goofy Vash! The whiplash in the manga is adapted well to '98. Tristamp is firmly on the dark angst train tho.
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A very interesting composition here.
Instead of Brilliant Dynamites being drawn in full detail, only his head, fingers, and collar well. The speed lines expresses the motion of the ship really well WHILE SHOWING AT THE SAME TIME, how Brilliant Dynamites rose from the dark shadows and captured the ship at the palm of his hand. Nice.
Now, on to the next chapter!
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It's a really tiny bit from this panel, but the manga Insurance Ladies always seems to "be ready for action" while their '98 counterparts are more of "think before leaping" with their characterizations.
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This is just as awful as it was in '98. Ok... maybe not. The anime draws this out a lot more - the advantage of the medium in amping up the horror.
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Same case here.
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And here.
Gotta say. '98 was extremely faithful with these panels. No re-arrangement of the sequence or change of lines whatsoever. These panels were just that good especially the next one.
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This is just as cool if not more - again because of the contrast.
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Hmmm. I like how '98 took liberties here and have the kid mouthing off at Vash.
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Again with the whiplashes but on hindsight, this is just fucking painful. Poor Vash.
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The way how it seems like Vash is talking to himself, but really it's just to distract and motivate the kid in to saving everyone on the ship.
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Finally! I totally forgot his name. Kaite!
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LMAO. Here is another whiplash. However, it's for the best. It's a good thing to acknowledge and regret a mistake. However, moving forward to overcome it is very important too - no matter how painful and awful it's going to be.
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I love Vash so much.
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mayflowers515 · 6 months
I played two games of Mario Party 9 not too long ago + a minigame mode!
First time through, I played as Bobby (Peach) with Hoppy, Kickin, and Picky (Daisy, Wario, and Birdo respectively). Kickin chose the board most likely (it was Blooper Beach anyways). So basically some interesting notes I picked up from that + potential hcs...
Kickin seems like he would be pretty good with minigames that require some skill. Bro literally got a perfect strike in Goomba Bowling. Funny enough, Picky also got a strike there- (she was determined ig). Ngl, Hoppy only got 13 points there, but I feel like she might've done better with that minigame (taking account the events that DID happen though, she probably was a little salty Kickin and Picky got it with that much ease-). Meanwhile Bobby didn't get any points. She tried copying what Kickin and Picky did, but... it didn't quite work out for her T^T
Okay, when it came to that and the previous minigame Player Conveyor, it made me think that Bobby isn't the best with certain minigames compared to others. She managed to get better in this round after the mini boss with Lakitu, though. (She struggled with that a little in the beginning but has pretty much gotten the hang of things by the time he was all mad and stuff-)
At one point, Kickin landed everyone on a 1v3 space and he picked the minigame Mob Sleds. I feel like, talking about characters here, he picked that thinking he wasn't going to get caught. But no joke- LITERALLY AT THE LAST SECOND BOBBY GOT TO HIM- Hoppy just dying laughing in the background and teasing Kickin when that happened. Picky was probably like, "Oh damn..." and Kickin is just sitting there with his jaw dropped like- "HOW?? HOW?!?!" (his ego got crushed there lol) Also, made me realize those Wario poses are literally him 💀
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By this point, Bobby has gotten a better hang of the minigames. She was likely more desperate to try to catch up at least since she was in last originally- The others are impressed but also probably like "Oh, now it is on!" with her lol (if we're talking character here, she may not be so desperate to the point she would make everyone else get in the path of Mini Ztars, which I feel bad about btw because that's literally what I made her do and then I was thinking back about that decision and made me realize that Bobby would've just taken the Mini Ztars for the party's benefit T^T Ig the excuse I could put here would be that she was desperate because she kept falling behind before)
She still didn't do THAT good with all the minigames though. Particularly Upward Mobility (she wasn't as fast with it as the others were; partially due to my own inability to win that minigame lmao). I think she also does the memory related ones well. She wouldn't have THAT good of a memory as Bubba ofc, but she did good in minigames such as Plunder Ground.
Btw, not only is Bobby a total tild card in the minigames, but she is also pretty much the group's savior. The second the event happened where Mini Ztars were filling the board she just happened to get the right number needed to reverse them back to Mini Stars. The group was probably relieved as heck when that happened-
HOPPY'S MINIGAME SHOWED UP AT ONE POINT :)) Unfortunately she didn't win though 😔 (she definitely would win that more going by character though) Kickin and Picky were neck and neck by the end, and Picky ended up beating him. He was pretty salty about that since he was sure he would win now that Hoppy's rocket fell behind (his ego recovered in that gap between Mob Sleds and Launch Break ig and now it cracked again lol). Bobby did lose ten mini stars from getting 4th this time tho since they got Launch Break through a Fire Bro battle minigame... (this is weird cuz like, you want to feel bad because she keeps getting the short end of the stick when she doesn't win. She got fourth in quite a few of the minigames where she didn't get first, but like- she's also doing very well with them at the same time 😶 She literally kept swapping between receiving 1st and 4th with BARELY an in between- Talking character though, I feel like she'd be more likely to get like 2nd or 3rd in minigames. When she loses though, OH BOY SHE LOSES-
By the homestretch, the party was getting more into the Bowser Spaces (not AS frequently as that one experience that was mentioned for a different round but it was still a lot). Mainly Kickin kept getting those spaces, and let's just say... my dude's got LUCKY with those! 2 times out of 3 he landed on giving mini stars to last place, but the thing is... HE IS IN LAST PLACE LMAO. HE JUST KEPT RECEIVING MINI STARS FROM BOWSER. Even in the one time Kickin didn't get that in the Bowser Roulette he still didn't lose Mini Stars. There was a reverse mini game at one point (Thwomper Room) and he WON. By that point, Kickin was just joking like- "BOWSER SURE LOVES ME TODAY". Hoppy and Picky were just rolling their eyes. Bobby in the background just listening but also being sad that she didn't get out first (she and Kickin got hurt by the thwomp around the same time, but Kickin seemed to have gotten to it a frame before she did TvT' Also ig the excuse for Bobby wanting to get out here is that she couldn't imagine the others getting hurt by the Thwomps lol- The others would be like "Sure sure..." She can be mean against them if she wants to, but probably wouldn't be so mean to the point that they can't recover).
Also thought it'd be funny to mention that during the homestretch, Bobby just to happened to get the lucky space TWICE that led the party to the star island, but Picky was always the one that won all the Mini Stars at the end. She really did get lucky there- After this point, most likely everyone was certain Picky was going to win considering where she stood between the rest of the party, so they started to get a bit tense about that I think lol.
Near the end with the Bonus Stars, I genuinely thought Picky was going to win the Minigame Star since she kept getting first in many minigames. I guess I didn't keep track of how often she did, tho- Bobby still won it despite how many times she got 4th in some of them (she has really gotten better near the end ig). Speaking of Bobby and Picky, Picky had a LOT of Mini Stars in general, but because of Bobby landing on the Boss Battle space, receiving first place from Wiggler AND the captain bonus, I'm pretty sure that was the upper hand she needed cuz SHE WON!! Nobody was mad completely though since she was getting kind of screwed during the rounds. Though I can imagine Hoppy used what Kickin said earlier about Bowser loving him to her advantage though since he ended in 4th lol. Hoppy herself got 3rd (she was a little salty about that since she thought she'd do better, especially with the minigames but they were surprisingly not her strong suit this time. Kickin probably tried to tease her back about that lol). Meanwhile, Picky was just proud of Bobby for winning, though deep down kinda sad because she thought for sure she would win ;v; Bobby beat her by ONE mini star lol. For context, Bobby got 71 Mini Stars, Picky got 70, Hoppy got 53, and Kickin got 46.
Alr, second time through, I decided to play as CatNap (Shy Guy) with DogDay (Toad), CraftyCorn (Yoshi), and Bubba (Koopa). The board chosen was Toad Road since two out of the four Critters in that round (DogDay and CraftyCorn as was mentioned before) have that as their favorite. So what happened here that could be potential hcs? Well...
Not TOO much happened at the very beginning. Though at 10 to Win, I can imagine Bubba was absolutely trying his hardest to remember where every single card was despite how scrambled they all were. He didn't do too badly, but some of the cards were mainly ones he didn't want to get completely. CatNap's the opposite I imagine. He just chooses whatever seems right. That didn't work too well for him in this round, though (he got last ;-;) Crafty kept getting cards that supported everyone from what I remember (probably relieved her to know she could've gotten worse than she did). Pretty sure DogDay mostly won because of the cards the others chose (like a 1st card Bubba ended up getting at some point, DogDay was in 1st at the time and I can imagine Bubba just facepalmed when he did that-)
Just want to mention that Shy Guy's fourth place animation did make me think of CatNap, though I feel like if CatNap showed how he'd react to last place, he would just sleep away his sorrows if he got last lol
Speaking of CatNap, I feel like he's a menace in Mario Party. Like, anywhere else he's pretty chill, but make him play a game? Oh, it's like there's another side of him sorta- (he still keeps his laid back energy but he's clearly having fun against the party) Mainly thought of that because of him getting a 1v3 minigame (Spike-n-Span) and he pretty much wasn't holding back. He got EVERYONE.
I guess Bubba learned about how easy it was for CatNap to win that minigame because literally when he landed on a 1v3 space himself, HE CHOSE THAT SAME MINIGAME- He probably leeches off of the experiences he witnesses in the game and uses what he has seen to his advantage (it doesn't help for the others that Bubba has really good memory so he would probably know what to do to win; this could go for Mario Party in general tbh). Unfortunately, Bubba lost the minigame that time- Ironically enough tho, CatNap got out first lol
Every time the party kept getting Bowser Jr spaces, it was because of DogDay. I find it funny that Bowser Jr always paired him with CatNap tho (probably bc of him being first player tbf tho). First Bowser Jr minigame they played together wasn't so good. They played Sand Trap, and CatNap was a little confused on what to do. DogDay wasn't faring much better though. I feel like he was mainly waiting to see what CatNap was planning so he took his time. When they lost that one, I feel a part of CatNap was probably thinking "If we go down then we go down together :>" but another part of him felt bad because he legit had no idea what he was doing. DogDay was likely assuring him after that, hopeful that they'd win against Bowser Jr again next time. Sure enough, when DogDay landed on another Bowser Jr space, they did :) That minigame was Double Pounder. The instructions were easier for them to understand by that point. CatNap didn't really mind that DogDay got Mini Stars too that time (pretty sure DogDay wasn't in first by that point from what I remember). DogDay was just happy the two were able to win together. Probably gave CatNap a small hug after that. (Meanwhile Bobby in the background is just going: AWWWWWW 🥹🥹)
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Oh yeah, Crafty was just chilling with her first place status in the first half too. She had about 33 mini stars during that point. She's not exactly planning on bragging about her status. She was just internally hoping she wouldn't get destroyed later TvT (she got this ahead because of a lucky space she landed on where climbed up a vine and got all the mini stars in that area- 12 MINI STARS) At some point, CatNap was catching up to her in terms of Mini Stars so there likely was some tension by that point. Crafty is just scared but at the same time defensive about her stars. Meanwhile CatNap was probably just silently hoping something happens to her stars and that he can get ahead-
This especially shows when Crafty got the Captain event. She legit chose CatNap to go last 💀 She was hoping it would be less likely for him to get the stars at the end if he was last. For more context, she chose Bubba to go first, then either herself or DogDay, but considering she was still in first, I think she was thinking that she could get the Mini Stars if she rolled high enough, so she would've needed to be the third person to do that- Unfortunately, Crafty's ploy didn't go too well. CatNap STILL got the stars at the end. Pretty sure that made them even in Mini Stars by that point-
CatNap just casually dominating most minigames... Pretty much like that with minigames like Pinball Fall. My guy literally didn't fall down a hole ONCE during his run- I think he probably has a bit of luck similar to Picky but he also is genuinely determined to win and happy to see the others struggling in the minigames deep down. Doesn't exactly voice this, but if you paid attention to his expressions, you'd know
Also, I think CatNap just pretty much wins a lot of the Reverse Minigames. The minute he hears that's what happens when the group lands on a Bowser space, he's like "K. I always wondered what happened if I just willingly jumped into this" in the most casual tone. DogDay would just look back at him concerned-
Meanwhile for Bubba, poor guy barely won many of the minigames (much less end up in 1st). I feel like he would still do very well in certain minigames taking character into account. He probably wouldn't be super fast though since he would prefer to calculate his moves I can imagine. Probably why he waited so long to even try to hit in the minigame Logger Heads (ironically enough though, he still ended up hitting a bomb at one point-) What made things worse for him was that he got no points and it was a Bowser minigame where they fought between half of the whole party's Mini Stars. He was already in last place by that point. He was likely frustrated about that, but pretty calm about the frustration anyway. Just silently facepalming and grumbling at himself for doing something he sees as dumb. Can also imagine that in general, Bubba would get much more quiet if he was in last due to the frustration but also because of trying to focus and think about ways to get himself back in the game. The party would probably be concerned about that-
Okay, I just wanna say for the record... The bosses in this round are the exact same as last time. For highlights there, Bubba got the captain bonus for the Lakitu boss and Yoshi's 4th place animation legit made me think: "Yeah, that looks like Crafty right there" because I could imagine her doing that 🥺 As for the Wiggler boss, CatNap was literally dominating everyone in that. He didn't even lose any points either. He also had the captain's bonus lol I imagine he just did all that with the most chill expression ever, too lol. He'd probably just be like "Imagine losing..." to everyone else in a casual way. If Kickin was playing against him, he would get offended by that so much lol
Speaking of dominating, there was NO CONTEST with the winner by that point. CatNap beat everyone by at least 60 MINI STARS- HE GOT 104 TOTAL COMPARED TO CRAFTY'S 40, DOGDAY'S 37, AND BUBBA'S 30 NEAR THE END- I blame that on Logger Heads tbh. The minute that minigame happened, CatNap just dominated Crafty in winnings. There wasn't really a chance for her to win now T^T Bubba was disappointed in himself but at the same time, not surprised that CatNap won now. He also blames CatNap's winning on Logger Heads and luck (since CatNap could get the captain's bonus easily since he was only a couple spaces away so he could use his 4-6 dice he kept on him) Meanwhile DogDay is just absolutely amazed by how well CatNap did. No bad blood against him at all. He's just happy for him :> (We love the golden retriever and black cat energy)
Finally, I decided to do one of the minigame modes for fun. I chose to play as Kickin this time and also adding Bobby, Crafty, and Bubba. I chose for them to do Choice Challenge. They had to choose between five minigames, which were Thwomper Room, Urn It, Tuber Tug, Polar Extreme, and Pit or Platter.
Bubba was the only one to choose both Thwomper Room and Urn It. LITERALLY JUST HIM. He got 200 points right off the bat. Bobby and Crafty were pretty worried by that point, but Kickin wasn't at all expecting that- He was probably making sure he won the next minigames he chose. Funnily enough, he was trying to go for Thwomper Room, too, but he must've accidentally chose another minigame. It would've been a StarStudent matchup there (sorry StarStudent shippers ;-;)
Bubba didn't choose Tuber Tug and Polar Extreme but Bobby, Crafty, and Kickin did, so it was literally just competition against those three for a bit. They practiced Tuber Tug first through Kickin's plea because he was wanting to make sure his Wii Remote worked (he wanted to make sure he could dominate his competition- Don't blame him). I can imagine Hoppy would likely be calling him a chicken in the background for not going straight into the minigame despite knowing how to do it. Either way, Kickin won the minigame and got 100 points. Crafty got 50, and Bobby 30. No practice was done for Polar Extreme as the instructions were simple. (Btw, this was the minigame Kickin accidentally picked over Thwomper Room-) All three of them still never made it to the goal, though Bobby survived the longest so she won. This time Bobby got 100 points, Kickin got 50, and Crafty 30. Considering how well she did with the minigames last time they played together, I can imagine Kickin would get pretty suspicious of Bobby. Though he isn't nearly as worried about her as he is with Bubba. Y'know... THE DUDE WHO GOT FIRST PLACE AND DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO TRY TO GET THERE.
Everyone chose the Chance minigame, Pit or Platter. Kickin's ego was probably kicking in again by that point because he's usually good with skill minigames. This one wasn't his best attempt at it though. Hoppy calling him out probably cut him deep so he didn't choose to practice this time, even though he probably needed it- Either way, he just wanted to make sure it wasn't Bubba that won. Sure enough, Bubba didn't win that minigame. Bobby did
Bobby really proved to be a wild card when it comes to minigames, but it actually goes in her favor this time- She actually won against Bubba by 30 points. She had 280 and he had 250. Crafty and Kickin were pretty far down in terms of points though. Poor Crafty didn't get first place once- Kickin meanwhile is just glad Bubba didn't win but also a little salty that Bobby won since she won against him last time- It didn't really matter to Bobby that she won anyway. She was just happy to play with her friends. She let them know that too through her usual affection :>
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(Sorry this was so long, but I had a lot of fun doing this- It's not everyday I'm able to play on my Wii due to college stuff 🙃 I hope you liked what I listed tiara, and in general, I hope y'all enjoyed =v=') Speaking of tiara, credits to her for the Mario Party 9 headcanons idea for the Smiling Critters. These were fun to come up with :)
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am-i-tho · 2 months
can't sleep here are my ideas for sherlock adaptations/series 5 plans (disclaimer: I don't think a series 5 will happen neither do I want it to bc I know it'd be BULLSHIT but regardless)
series 5:
mockumentary style, I like the idea of someone (in universe) deciding to make a documentary about sherlock holmes's life and career, interviewing him and the people of his life 10 or so years from where we left off. (plus of john convincing him to do it and partnering up with the producers since he kind of dedicated a good bit of his life to document sherlock)
to me the ideal would be as much episodes as it'd be necessary but if I wanted to work out around the already established format, it'd be 4 episodes and each would treat the events of each season
first episode: how they met, what it was like getting to know each other, first impressions, life living together, their past and childhoods, delving on their feelings about moriarty's first appearance and how john kind of getting disillusioned with sherlock prior to it.
(I like the idea of mycroft being overlooked when discussing specificities bc of his government reputation and whatnot lmao)
second episode: their most memorable cases, the good years, going over dear memories and getting testimonies from molly and lestrade (I'd LOVE to hear Mrs Hudson too :( rip una🤍)
being a bit vague about irene adler(had to go to his blog to see how much he wrote about it lol) but giving more details ofc, talking about the baskerville, John teasing sherlock about being afraid and so "my body is only transport" back then; telling him off on camera over doing experiments on him and whatnot
then moving on to the fucking TRAGEDY and how john dealt with sherlock being discredited by the media, his own conflicting ideas; MAJOR LESTRADE SPEAKING SCENES HERE!!! (I'd like also to have Sally doing a little interview over the phone cause she wouldn't want to show her face but would definetly speak her piece)
third episode [first half]: john centric, him talking about grief, going over places and things he'd do, stuff he kept, meeting mary and how much she helped and was understanding etc; lestrade talking about the media slowly coming around, about Anderson going mad with guilt, about him thinking about him in crime scenes when trying to move on
(I'd LOVE to have Harry appearing and talking about how he was at the time from her perspective as his sister)
I'd like for molly to tell her piece and how it felt holding this secret for so long, and the cognitive dissonance over knowing he was alive and still grieving. (Also, I think it'd be nice for her to read out a written message that mycroft sent speaking about his own grief since he wouldn't appear on camera? maybe? idk)
then it'd move to sherlock speaking a bit about some stuff he did and how lonely and scary it was at the time, what he did to comfort himself, what was he thinking at the time ----> finishing with john and him talking over seeing each other again, the mixed feelings, sherlock getting whiplashed by reality. (mostly about what did it take for them to understand each other again bc that scene in the tube car was NOT ENOUGH)
[second half] going over the wedding, sherlock talking about his actual feeling at the time, the sinking feeling they both felt in the end of the episode, sherlock going back to drugs, John seeing him with Janine and the fake engagement. (Tho not really necessary if this time could be used for other things)
i REALLY don't know how they would/should deal with mary being the one who shot sherlock and all. maybe it'd be alright since she is already dead but I'm not sure. Plus I have not idea if they'd talk about Magnuseem AT ALL but at least let's say they'd talk about mary having a past she would not like to let out and how sherlock being shot was related to it.
fourth episode: discussions about the last months of mary being alive, how fast life had become and how they'd try to keep up with each other. (assuming it'd be safe to talk about her case) sherlocks guilt over mary taking a bullet for him, how john started resenting sherlock, their fall out, sherlock relapsing etc
I'm not sure if eurus would be brought up at all but it'd be nice to hear them talk about what it was like having to build their home from the ground (since everything exploded) and having to deal with the rawness that all these experiences back to back left them with.
most of all I want them to discuss "the lying detective" case (aka culverton smith) bc it's one my favorites eps from the show and I want them to TALK ABOUT IT
(note: I want to make it clear that they would be only unraveling it for the cameras bc of the documentary, since it would be implied that at some point they had a healthy and open conversation about all of these events previously)
some details: rosie is of course there too, as an eleven y/o and she also appears sometimes to talk about living with john and sherlock as guardians
the format might alternate between the documentary and actual "show scenes" if that makes sense (since some stuff might not be discussed in front of the cameras)
they'd be probably living out of bakerstreet by this point but would go back to shoot some scenes and show old stuff (picking this headcanon from a fic whereMrs Hudson left 221 baker street building for sherlock in her will)
sherlock being a brat about doing interviews but being very diligent when showing his bees
it'd be very heavily implied that they are together romantically now (e.g: sherlock talking about feeling distressed during wedding planning, john telling how dazzled he was when first meeting him etc)(plus them literally raising a daughter together lol)
(I'd like to show rosie and them interacting and rosie calling both of them dad or something similar). nothing explicit in camera tho. maybe in the "non-documentary" bits
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chanquokka · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
chapter six reactions!!
- SWEET GIRL YOURE INSANE ANOTHER MONDAY UPDATE!!! you’re spoiling us ilysm!!!
- FLASHBACK YAYAYA i love baby pazzi and you write it so well!!
- STOPP THE BANTER THEN BAM HEART MELTING..”Azzi please. We haven’t had just Paige and Azzi time in ages. Don’t want someone else. Just want you” 🥹🥹🥹
- stop the way they care and reassure each other is so sweet
- AZZI GETTING MAD AT THE GIRL FOR NOT TEXTING PAIGE BACK 😭😭 it’s giving her reaction towards the ex wife interviewing paige
- im honestly impressed with how easily it seems for paige to just admit things. like telling azzi, she would be upset too if azzi went on a date. im so bad at communicating oh my god. i never know how i feel 🙄 people who able to understand and express their emotions amaze me.
- stop the ending paragraph in the flashback🥹🥹as an over thinker how clear somethings feel is just so UGHHHHHH
- oh i love azzi fudd sweet sweet girl
- GOD PAIGE BUECKERS YOU FREAK BUYING A CAR SEAt god why is kindness so attractive to me.
- i blame my baby fever and the fact im ovulating rn BUT PAIGE ANF AZZI TAKING CARE OF AND LOVING STEPHIE is killing me rn🥰🥰🥰 i need a baby (no man involved 💋)
- stop azzi being filled with guilt is going to kill me. babygirl you’re perfect. but also i feel so bad for paige going without such a big part of her family for so long 😢😢i don’t even blame azzi tho it’s all just SHIT (not ur story, writing, or plot line that’s perfection and i adore u)
- TIM HUGGING PAIGE😭😭😭 i am unjumping off my cliff
- stephie defending paige and azzi🤧🤧
- Stephie you angel ik u don’t know what you’re doing but oh god do i adore u
- “Azzi,” Paige’s voice is laced with uncharacteristic vulnerability as she speaks again, “you won’t- you won’t run away again tomorrow morning will you?” and just like that i’m off the cliff again😁😁
- yeah so i feel kinda lame for this but i don’t even have any questions im kinda just grinning at my phone like an idiot rn!
- thank u sm for the new chapter you’re forever my favorite evil genius ❤️‍🔥
- BESTI HIIII kith kith ily <3
- Fetus Pazzi has such a special place in my heart and I love weaving them into my fics.
- I feel like Azzi has such "i'll kill a bitch for hurting you even if it kills me to see someone else get to love you" energy and I'm tryna channel that into this fic as much as possible
- I feel like I've done so much miscommunication trope so this fic, I am determined to stay away from it (it's eventually gonna bleed into it because well it's just too easy lol)
- I WANT A BABY TOO OMG you don't even understand the way I vicariously live through Paige and Azzi in this fic sometimes.
- LMAO I know a cliff hates to see you coming with the way you keep bouncing on and off it babes
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offorestsongs · 2 months
what Swallow thinks of the other Heartslabyul boys?
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@natsukishinomiyaswife im going to talk abt his relationship w/ Azul later BUT i wanted to make this post before so thank you for reminding me lmao
Riddle — as i've said before, Swallow respects Riddle a lot, to the surprise of both of them BUT. that's only post OB-Riddle. one thing that Swallow really dislikes is people who abuse their power over others. he really disagreed with what Riddle was doing and would often break the Queen's rules on purpose (fun fact: because of that he now remembers most of them), hoping that would maybe make Riddle realize how ridiculous what he doing is and if not, then he at least wanted to make Riddle mad. he was really angry that no matter what he was doing, he couldn't make Riddle change his ways and it was about the only time where he wished his magic was stronger because maybe then he could at least beat some sense into Riddle. i imagine that at the first unbirthday party in book 1 that the Heartshackle gang got kicked out of, he's just chilling somewhere outside the dorm bc he doesn't want to attend the farce and humour Riddle in any way.
but Swallow can also recognise and appreciate when people try to change!!! and he very much sees that in Riddle!! which is actually where his respect for Riddle comes from. Riddle is so used to Swallow's previous antics that he always expects him to pull off something stupid but then Swallow never does and acts all well behaved and nice instead and Riddle is just. surprised LMAO
Swallow also flirts with Riddle a Lot. he doesn't actually have any romantic interest in Riddle, he just thinks Riddle is very fun to tease and likes seeing Riddle’s reactions bc they amuse him (awful man. awful)
Ace — do NOT!!!!! leave those two together. seriously don't ever leave them alone and unattended it will only end up Badly. those two can act very similar sometimes (tho Swallow insists that he's WAY more good-hearted than Ace) and they almost instantly hit it off, especially since Swallow was impressed that some random freshman had the guts to oppose Riddle
if left unattended, they WILL get up to chaotic shenanigans that will leave the whole of Heartslabyul in shambles
the only thing that stops them from taking over the whole school is that... they only like eachother if they don't spend too much time together. they only like eachother's company in small doses, after a certain point they're bound to argue and generally find the other annoying, tho i feel like it's stronger on Ace's part. he thinks that Swallow's self-righteousness is super irritating and doesn't like then Swallow tries to lecture him, especially since he doesn't think that Swallow is actually as noble and honorable as he says
Deuce — Swallow thinks Deuce is So funny. he thinks that Deuce's pursuit to become a honor student is very noble, however he also thinks that the way Deuce can lose his temper so easily is Very amusing and will often rile him up just for the fun of it djfjdj he also thinks that Deuce is pretty gullible and so Deuce is a regular victim of Swallow's many pranks
Trey — ohhh boy. Swallow holds a GRUDGE. listen- he has Opinions on how Trey handled pre-OB Riddle and those opinions arent good fjfjdj
he basically thinks that Trey was an enabler and too soft on Riddle and that he should have done Something. sure, maybe it wasn't easy for Trey but he still should've have tried! he does give him Some benefit of the doubt tho and is generally less hostile towards him than he was before but some of the distaste still stays so he prefers to just. not be near Trey if he doesn't have to </3 he doesn't think they would get along even without the whole thing anyways so
Cater — you know im starting to think that maybe Swallow has some beef against the third years specifically Lmao
but yeah. Swallow doesn't really Get Cater, he doesn't understand Cater's deal At All and doesn't even try to. Cater reminds him too much of some of the more well-off kids from his elementary/middle school that would make fun of him or his cousins for being poor and while Cater doesn't actually do that Swallow is still not a fan of the vibe!
he thinks Cater is kind of stupid to be honest LMAO so alongside with Deuce, Cater too is often a victim of Swallow's pranks but while with Deuce it's more in a friendly way, here it's definitely. not fjjfj
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haissitall · 10 months
thoughts about the giggle in no particular order because it's the episodes which im disappointed by that make me write about them
the ep felt very disjointed. various elements barely sewn together. something something toxic political internet culture and media driving people mad, also humanity is shit and rtd is somehow in his smug liberalism phase in 2k23, also the doctor needs to settle down and heal, and face his guilt over abandoning and/or being the cause for his companions' deaths. i guess. and here are creepy dolls which get defeated by just.. brute force (in an admittedly funny scene, but still)
so the first big element in this soup of ideas is the "people going mad corrupted by media" plotline. let's look at that shall we
why was the toymaker doing this? not just in-universe, but how is it his thing at all, like, conceptually? there was something said about how he "made everyone win" in the "game of the 21st century"... k'. it's just there because rtd wanted it there without much consideration about how it would fit the character.
the satellites mind-controlling people around the world is from the master's plan in season 3 finale, the archangel.
what was that weird story beat when kate was like "we can't shoot down the satellite because it belongs to another country and we have to ask permission :((" and the doctor was like "i permit it!" and she emphatically thanked him for that? like... thank god there is this higher power which can rule it necessary for the international organisation (from london tho) to do whatever it needs! to save the world of course
the commentary on ~society~ seemed trite, boring, cringy, patronising, heavy-handed and instantly dated.
so then there was the 1925 subplot. thematically sort of about how the uhh father abandoned his family (i think?), so that's sort of like the doctor abandoned his companions. realistically it's about the creepy dolls
"the doctor abandons his companions" and "the doctor gets his companions into danger so he should be sad about it" and "the doctor never settles down and it's his tragedy" im just tired of this. am i getting old lmao. idk i was nodding off during these dialogues. was there anything new to say here? on all these topics which have been talked about a lot? isn't all this just cheep "feels" and "depth" generator at this point
"am i just too old for this" was my general thought after watching the episode. i mean, i was enjoying the previous ones! i guess i wasn't too old for the star beast lol. i wasn't too old for being excited about the wonderful meep puppet! so this can't be it. but i just watched this scene of a craaazy villain doing his Iconic dance (Best Scene OMG So Camp!!1) and i was simply bored. i didn't even want to ship him with david tennant. am i the grinch?
am i too old for the mystery boxes. for "the one who waits" or whatever, and i think there were some other ohh mysterious things set up for the future. i mean we all know we're gonna be disappinted, right? we all know the it's gonna be crap? and i think moff has successfully put an end to "mysteries of the season" shtick with the hybrid arc. no more mysteries. no more season arcs with cryptic words. stop. staaahhp
im not even gonna talk about "handy 2.0, even more contrived this time". my brain just blanks. it doesn't want to take this information in and dedicate even a second to it. i'd rather think about the international law around unit and how it applies to the satellite situation
overall, i found this episode the weakest among the three specials. i ended the previous two feeling good, while this one left me disappointed. sadly, it's often the last impression which counts. while the previous two episodes had pulled me in, this one left me wondering again about whether the tennant regineration was a good idea in the first place. oh well. but im not losing my hopes for the next season yet!
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philolust · 1 year
Rating Hayden Christensen Movies pt2
First Kill
Bruce Willis is such a cunt, even before his "turn". small town cop will small town cop. i loved the weird dynamic with levi and danny??? so pure for a kidnapper. definitely a lot of grey in there
Hayden covered in blood >>>>>. i can't decide how racist it is, verrrry white savior. nick cage is so bad in this film i cringe every time he's on screen. also hayden makes out with a teenager :// DNF
American Heist
so good. fucked up older brother who always took care of hayden's character and is now dependent on him and keeps bringing him back into shitty situations cause crime is how he provided for them??? delicious food. more hayden covered in blood >>>>
Vanishing on 7th Street
good! hayden was the highlight of the movie ofc "ur just mad jesus didn't beam you up too" lmao get her. a little too christian for my tastes but whatever it's the rapture.
Shattered Glass
Hayden's performance in this was chilling. His face acting is incredible. whoever wrote the character was so good at pathetic manipulation. amazing.
Virgin Territory
Very cute and wild. I was under the impression there was gonna be porn tho and there wasn't. The director should have committed to the bit. Will watch again when i'm wine drunk.
that's everything available i'm willing to watch. if anyone finds a way to watch Free Fall or Family Passions, lemme know.
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