#madam huang
julymarte · 1 year
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Tried using Glaze on this contest piece for the first time dfghjk it looks kinda weird but if it helps protecting the pic from AI theft so be it
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brody75 · 2 years
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Yes, Madam! (1985)
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conscbgb · 3 months
Our Cover Men 😎
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chineseredcarpet · 7 months
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Huang Jue takes the cover of Madame Figaro Hommes
0 notes
web-novel-polls · 3 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #2: MXTX
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[Propaganda below] - Spoilers Warning!
A-Qing from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Submission: Incredibly clever. Fakes blindness to survive as a street orphan and pickpocket people. Successfully deceives a magnificent liar into believing she's really blind for years. Tries to hinder said liar's schemes and save people from him even after she's dead and actually blind and unable to speak. 
Jiang Yanli from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
 “Madam, A-Xian is my younger brother. Him being humiliated by others, to me, isn’t just a small matter.”
Submission: She is the sweetest person to ever exist. She's a wonderful big sister to her brother Jiang Cheng and her shidi/adoptive brother Wei Wuxian. She is not just a sister but also very maternal to them, as her parents are not the best. She is also the mother of Jin Ling, but sadly died before she could raise him. Her husband, Jin Zixuan, died in a confrontation with Wei Wuxian, but she did not blame him and even sacrificed herself for him. She would've made the best mother to Jin Ling, just as she was the best sister to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. She also makes the best soup ever. I would die to taste her soup. Then I would come back to life because that's how much the soup nurtures you. 
Jian Lan from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: She has unconditional love for her very disgusting and disturbing undead fetus child. That's a mother right there. 
Wiki Link
Ling Wen from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
[No Propaganda Submitted] 
One of the Three Tumors - three Heavenly Officials that have some of the worst reputations after Xie Lian (“the laughing stock of the three realms”) - and was accused of, like, killing a dude or smth but was accepted back into Heaven on the sole basis that she’s the only administratively competent god
Liu Mingyan from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Submission: Head disciple of Xian Shu Peak. Said to be so beautiful she wears a veil over her face so as to not distract others. Writes popular erotic fanfiction about her older brother's shixiong/her shibo and his male disciple. 
Luo Qingyang (Mianmian) from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: She stood up against a whole bunch of powerful men and dared to speak a different opinion. Then she just up and left the cultivation world because she had no more time for their bullshit. At the end of the novel, she's a rogue cultivator married to a former merchant with her own daughter named Mianmian. We should all be like her. 
Mod Propaganda: 
Highly principled and strong-willed. Immediately left her clan after they mocked her for supposedly having feelings for Wei Wuxian when she literally just mentioned he didn't kill indiscriminately. Now living her best life as a rogue cultivator with her husband and child.
She saw the injustice of her own clan firsthand and decided, “I'm not going to be a part of this. You're not listening to me, so fuck y'all.” And honestly, based. 
Wiki Link
Ning Yingying from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System 
Submission: She goes through great character development. At first, she's dense and kind of annoying, even a little selfish. But she grows up to be a strong, intelligent, and intuitive woman. 
Additional Propaganda
Sha Hualing from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Submission 1: I can't stand her and yet I love her. What does that tell you? 
Submission 2: her cringefail losergirl swag <3 girlie constantly in situations and she put herself into most of them 
Mod Propaganda
A fierce demon who attacked the Cang Qiong Mountain sect in SVSSS and became one of Luo Binghe’s wives in Proud Immortal Demon Way who often fought with Liu Mingyan and Qin Wanyue
My fav description of her is something along the lines of, “trying to be the steal-your-man girl who fails about it so badly” 
She’s ambitious, she’s ruthless, she’s intelligent -  If you support women’s rights, you should also support women’s wrongs (/light-hearted) 
Su Xiyan from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
[No propaganda submitted]
Additional Propaganda #1
Additional Propaganda #2
Wen Qing from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: She is everything! She doesn't get enough screen time in the novel, but that proves just how amazing she is to make such an impression in spite of it. She is a great big sister, to both her brother Wen Ning and the protagonist Wei Wuxian. She is stern but kind. She's a doctor. She throws needles at people. She's everything! 
Previous Propaganda (MXTX Side Characters Tournament):
Submission 1: Doctor, mad scientist, war criminal, protective big sister... she has the range!! Submission 2: Wen Qing my beloved!! She did surgery on a grape. Mad genius for real. Also a loving sister with a very sharp tongue and maybe no sense of how far is too far. Can't wait for them to find her alive in a Koi Tower basement! Submission 3: Justice for my girl!!!!  Submission 4: She's bitchy and pragmatic and cares deeply and did an unprecedented operation (experimental and nonconsensual!), what's not to love? Also she deserved better. 
Yushi Huang from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: She slit her own throat to save her country. She's very compassionate and always willing to help others. She also gives people vegetables. 
Additional Propaganda: 
Additional propaganda for Yushi Huang:  She's so competent that she's got the womanzier of the series consistently on the back foot, and she doesn't even care to notice.  She's here to dish out rain and that's it.     
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gentil-minou · 24 days
Gentians on Doorways
Written for the @mdzsrbb and inspired by the beautiful artwork made by @wrecklwj !
“How were you and my mother…acquainted?” “Acquaintances? She was my best friend!" ~ After a decade of living abroad, Lan Zhan returns to China to sort through his mother's affairs after her death. There, he meets Wei Ying, his mother’s friend who she'd commissioned to illustrate a book of nursery rhymes. But Lan Zhan is out of his depth in a land that was once his home. After all, there's no step-by-step guide for when your mother dies.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Wakes & Funerals, Falling In Love, parental loss, Expat Lan Zhan, Artist Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, writing a funeral scene and trying to not make it accidentally horny aka the wangxian curse, just lots of feelings about moving away from your parents, and the fickleness of memories
Lan Zhan & Madam Lan + Wangxian | Complete | 33.7K | Rated T
Preview under the cut
The hallway seems to stretch into infinity, each click of the head teacher’s heels echoing through the vastness of space. A preposterous exaggeration, given that the feet that tread these walls belong primarily to small humans with smaller legs, and such a length would be impractical.
To Lan Zhan, in this moment, it’s the longest hallway in the world.
The head teacher gestures for him to follow her around the corner, as if Lan Zhan was like her young disciples and prone to getting lost in a singular hallway with no intersections. She’s younger than Lan Zhan had expected for a head teacher of an elementary school. She can’t be more than a few years older than him.
"Her classroom is just this way, south facing,” Haung-laoshi rambles, sending him another overly kind, pitying glance. “She loved that room. Lots of natural sunlight."
Lan Zhan nods absently, more out of politeness than true agreement. The light streaming in from the windows that line this hallway grates on his jetlagged state. His head is absent of most thoughts, only the inane recognition that south-facing windows must have meant her classroom would be sweltering and excruciating during a heatwave. Even now, the sun beats down on Lan Zhan, stifling in the late afternoon.
The windows face an inner courtyard. Distantly, Lan Zhan can hear the children laughing and playing, but much of it is drowned out by clicking heels on tiled floor.
He turns his head away from the glaring sun to the interior wall displaying a gallery of crudely drawn blocks and splotches of paint arranged unintelligibly on colored paper. A tiny placard next to each denotes the name of a kindergartener and the vision. Family pets, the playground, a favorite toy, a doting sibling.
A mother, her stick figure arms just out of reach of her stick figure child.
Hastily, Lan Zhan turns back to the endless hallway, where a wooden door seems to grow smaller and smaller as the walls expand outward impossibly so, like the distance is growing wider, not smaller, and clicking heels and laughing children run circles in his pounding head. Everything, from the rhythmic thumping of Lan Zhan’s shoes against tiled floors to the distant ringing in his ears, from the chipped paint along the baseboards to the glaring sunlight arcing overhead, pounds against Lan Zhan’s head like a stampede of charging elephants.
He should be running. Running and running, far and away before the stampede barrels over him leaving his body cracked and bruised in its wake. He shouldn’t be here. He should be anywhere but here.
Then, abruptly, the clicking of the heels ceases when Huang-laoshi stops in front of that wooden door, now a normal size and directly in front of Lan Zhan. A tiny frosted glass window rests above the doorknob in a vertical pane, with leftover pieces of tape missing the accoutrements they once secured.  A row of neatly painted purple flowers blooms through the wood on the bottom of the door, caught in motion as they dance in an unseen wind.
There is no wind to suggest this. He knows simply by looking at the brushstrokes, familiar swirls like the ones that once adorned the wooden doors of his childhood home. He can see it clearly in his mind’s eye, each stroke of a well-worn paintbrush and the subtle sighs of contentment when the artist in question lifted her brush and beamed back at him with pride.
“What do you think, ZhanZhan?”
This far away, the children’s roughhousing fades into the din leaving behind empty space.
Somehow, silence is worse.
“You must be so shocked. It was all so sudden…” Huang-laoshi remarks kindly as she retrieves a crumpled tissue from her pocket and dabs at the corners of her eyes. “I know I already said this, but I am so sorry for your loss.” She lifts a hand as if to pat his shoulder, but Lan Zhan takes a measured step to the side and her hand falls to rest by her side.
Outside, sunshine cascades through flowering trees and leaves speckled shadows dancing in the grass. A breeze slips in through the windows and winds through strands of Lan Zhan’s hair. The subtle scents of a summer on the rise, lying in wait for season’s change.
The breeze does little to soothe his heated skin. “Thank you,” Lan Zhan says politely with little inflection.
Huang-laoshi pauses, waiting for Lan Zhan to continue. But Lan Zhan has little more to say.
Ever since he’d arrived here, everyone seems to think Lan Zhan has something more to say.
What is there to say about his mother dying?
Read more on Ao3
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chirpycloudyrobin · 3 months
Lady Water Master Yanli, Lady of the Lake
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The successor of Shi Wudu as the Water Master. Though Jiang Yanli lacked in cultivation in her mortal life, her actions in life deemed her worthy enough to undergo a Heavenly Calamity and emerge as the new Lady Water Master of the Upper Court.
In the present time, the mortal and cultivation world have not yet realised that the new Lady Water Master is the late Young Madam Jiang/Jin.
Under the cut are more details about her reputation and abilities as a Heavenly Official
Jiang Yanli is known to be one of the gentler, kinder gods among the Upper Court. Unlike her predecessor, she's quite generous with her worshippers regardless of the quantity or quality of their offerings. Aside from her title as the Water Master, she's also recognised as a goddess of abundance, the home, and reconciliation.
Her domain as Water Master are freshwater bodies like rivers and lakes. She often appears to worshippers and believers in dreams set on a pier in a lake full of blooming lotus, thus her moniker Lady of the Lake. Worshippers turn to her for safe travels and successful reunions with loved ones, as well as harmony in the home. After Jin Zixuan's ascension, they are worshipped together for success and happiness in relationships that started off rocky.
She is worshipped across Yunmeng and Lanling. In Yunmeng, she is worshipped either as herself or in a pair with Jin Zixuan, but in Lanling she is worshipped almost exclusively as Jin Zixuan's consort.
Jiang Yanli's palace in the Heavenly Capital is a smaller replica of Lotus Pier. Others have described it as warm and welcoming, and visitors are often treated to the goddess' own cooking (which is said to have divine properties).
She and the Rain Master share a close friendship, something that leaves the rest of the Heavenly Capital in great surprise. Jiang Yanli is known to descend from the heavens to visit Yushi Huang in her fields. When asked once, Yanli said that Yushi Huang reminds her of someone with the same compassion and inability to hold grudges for long.
ABILITIES (as a goddess)
Heavenly Official: Jiang Yanli possesses the standard abilities of a Heavenly Official, which includes the ability to forgo basic necessities like food and sleep as well as the inability to age. She is also immune to the elements and, unlike in her mortal life, can wield spiritual powers.
Water Master Whip: Jiang Yanli's spiritual weapon as the Water Master. When not used in combat, it appears as a regular ladle used to make soup. It can summon and control water of different properties according to Jiang Yanli's wishes. One crack from the whip can create a new river or lake, if she wishes to do so. She rarely uses the whip in combat as she has her Martial God husband to fight for her when needed.
Divine Cooking: According to the people who have tasted Jiang Yanli's cooking, her dishes have a divine property that calms someone to their soul. Additionally, anyone who consumes food offered by Jiang Yanli are blessed with abundance for a certain amount of time.
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nemainofthewater · 7 months
Welcome to the 'Best Character with [X] surname' polls!
This is where I take several characters from different Chinese media (mostly cnovels and cdrama) and run a poll on which one is the 'best'. What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
NB: the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often they will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
If you can't find a surname, it's because I couldn't find enough candidates (at least 3 from 3 distinct medias) to compete. Feel free to submit candidates!
I will be posting several polls at a time, so do come back and check this masterpost to remember which polls are ongoing, who the winners are, and who's coming up next!
Finished polls: Xing/Rong/Nan/Ren/Pan/Qu/Fu/Sui/Tan/You/Sima/Xuan/Chang/Xun/Shangguan/Jian/Qian/Shu/Xi/Yuwen/Cai/Sha/Yin/Ceng/Helian/Zeng/Lou/Mi/Ji/Ping/Tong/Tuoba/Ge/Murong/Hei/Niu/Tao/Si/Pang/Zi/Gongsun/Mao/Qing/Lian
There's only a certain number of hyperlinks that can be added per post, so the rest of the completed polls can now be found here
All the details of the individual polls under the readmore
An - posted 15/03/24 WINNER An Zhe
Bai - posted 28/02/24 WINNER Bai Fengxi
Baili - posted 22/03/24 WINNER Baili Qingmiao
Bao - posted 1/05/24 WINNER Bao Rongxing
Bi - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Bi Changfeng
Bian - posted 1/05/14 WINNER Bian Cheng
Cai - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Cai Quan
Cang - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Cang Jiumin
Cao - posted 8/02/24. WINNER - Cao Weining
Cen - posted 7/05/24 WINNEER Cen Xiao
Ceng - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Ceng Aiyu
Chang - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Chang Geng
Chao - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Chao Zi
Chen - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Chen Qingxu
Cheng - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Cheng Shaoshang
Chi - posted 19/04/24 WINNERS Chi Zhanggui and Chi Xiaochi
Chong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Chong Ming
Chu - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Chu Wanning
Chun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER Chun Shen
Cui - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Madam Cui
Dai - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Dai Mubai
Dao - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Dao Mingsi
Deng - posted 27/04/24 WINNER Deng Kuan
Di - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Di Feisheng
Ding - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Ding Rong
Dong - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Dong Yi
Dongfang - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Dongfang Qingcang
Dou - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Dou Cheng
Du - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Du Cheng
Duan - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Duan Baiyue
Fan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Fan Xian
Fang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Fang Duobing
Fei - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Fei Du
Feng - posted 28/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Fu - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Fu Yao
Gao - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Gao Xiaolian
Ge - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Ge Chen
Gong - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Gong Yu
Gongsun - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Gongsun Heng
Gu - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Gu Xiang
Guan - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Guan Hemeng
Gui - posted 29/04/24 WINNERS Gui Wen, Gui Yang, Gui Bai and 'Other'
Guo - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Guo Changcheng
Hai - posted 26/04/24 WINNER Hai Lanshi
Han - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Han Ying
Hao - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Hao Du
He - posted 22/03/24 WINNER He Xuan
Hei - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Hei Xiazi
Helian - posted 9/04/24 wINNER Helian Yi
Hong - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Hong Qigong
Hou - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Hou Bin
Hu - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Hu Tianying
Hua - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Hua Cheng
Huan - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Huan Xiaoyan
Huang - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Huang Shaotian
Huo - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Huo Xiuxiu
Ji - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ji Xue
Jia - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Jia Kui
Jian - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Jian Buzhi
Jiang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Jiang Cheng
Jiao - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Jiao Liqiao
Jin - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Jin Ling
Jing - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Jing Beiyuan
Jun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER 'Other"
Kan - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Kan Jian
Kang - posted 27/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Kong - posted 26/04/24 WINNERS Kong Xiu and Alexis Kong
Kou - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Kou Baimen
Lai - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Lai Zhongshu
Lan - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Lan Wangji
Lei - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Lei Wujie
Leng - posted 2/05/24 WINNER Leng Yue
Li - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Li Lianhua
Lian - posted 18/04/24 WINNERS Lian Yufan and Lian Qiao
Liang - posted 13/03/24 WINNER 'Other'
Lin - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Lin Chen
Ling - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Ling Wen
Liu - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Liu Qingge
Long - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Long Zhi
Lou - posted 10/04/24 WINNER Lou Yao
Lu - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Lu Guang
Luo - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Luo Binghe
Ma - posted 13/03/24 WINNER Ma Xiuying
Mao - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Mao Panfeng
Mei - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Mei Changsu
Meng - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Meng Zhi
Mi - posted 10/04/24 WINER Mi Chong
Miao - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Miao Renfeng
Min - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Min Yunzhong
Ming - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Ming Yi
Misc - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Gongyi Xiao
Mo - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Mo Xuanyu
Mu - posted 22/02/24 WINNER Mu Nihuang
Murong - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Other
Nan - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Nan Feng
Nangong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Nangong Si
Nie - posted 15/03/24 WINNER Nie Huaisang
Ning - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Ning Yingying
Niu - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Niu Chunmiao
Ouyang - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Ouyang Zizhen
Pan - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Pan Zi
Pang - posted 16/04/24 WINNER Pang Yizhi
Pei - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Pei Ming
Peng - posted 29/04/24 wINNER Peng Sanbian
Ping - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ping An
Qi - posted 22/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Qian - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Qian Jin
Qiao - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Qiao Wanmian
Qin - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Qin Banruo
Qing - posted 18/04/24 WINNER Qing Ge
Qiu - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Qiu Congxue
Qu - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Qu Lingfeng
Ran - posted 22/04/24 WINNERS Ran Lin and Ran Yun
Ren - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Ren Ruyi
Rong - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Rong Changqing
Ruan - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Ruan Nanzhu
Sang - posted 22/04/24 WINNER Sang Zan
Sha - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Sha Hualing
Shan - posted 19/04/24 WINNER Shan Gudao
Shang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Shang Qinghua
Shangguan - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Shangguan Qin
Shao - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Shao Lin
Shen - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Shen Wei
Sheng - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Sheng Minglan
Sima - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Sima Yi
Shi - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Shi Qingxuan
Shu - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Shu Yanyan
Si - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Si Yilin
Song - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Song Lan
Su - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Su Zhe
Sun - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Sun Wukong
Sui - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Sui Zhou
Tan - posted 1/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Tang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Tang Fan
Tao - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Tao Ran
Tian - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Tian Qi
Tie - posted 5/05/24 WINNERS Tie Yinyi and Tie Miansheng
Tong - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tong Lu
Tuoba - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tuoba Yan
Wan - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Consort Wan
Wang - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Wang Pangzi
Wei - posted 8/02/24 WINNER Wei Wuxian
Wen - posted 2/03/24 WINNER Wen Kexing
Wu - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Wu Xie
Xi - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Xi Ping
Xia - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Xia Dong
Xian - posted 2/05/24 WINNERS Xian Ge and Xian Qing
Xiang - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Xiang Liu and Xiang Nanfang
Xiao - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Xiao Jingyan
Xie - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Xie Lian
Xin - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Xin Ziyuan
Xing - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Xing Zhi
Xiong - posted 7/05/24 WINNERS Xiong yipei and Xiong Chumo
Xu - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Xu Da
Xun - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Xun Feizhan
Xuan - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Xuan Shen'an | The Empress
Xue -posted 11/02/24 WINNER Xue Yang
Yan - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Yan Wushi
Yang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Yang Wuxie
Yao - posted 24/04/24 WINNER Yao Zhen
Ye - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Ye Baiyi
Yi - posted 9/03/24 WINNER Yi Bichen
Yin - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Yin Yu
Ying - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Ying Hecong
You - posted 1/04/24 WINNER You Huo
Yu - posted 11/02/23 WINNER Yu Ziyuan
Yun - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Yun Biqiu
Yuan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Yuan Boya
Yue - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Yue Qingyuan
Yuwen - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Yuwen Xuan
Zang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Zang Ming
Zeng - posted 9/04/24 WINNER Zeng Xiangdong
Zhan - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Zhan Yunfei
Zhang - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Zhang Qiling
Zhao - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Zhao Yunlan
Zhen - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Zhen Ping
Zhi - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Zhi Xiu
Zhong - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Zhong Li
Zhou - posted 2/02/24 WINNER Zhou Zishu
Zhu - posted 9/03/24 Winner Zhu Hong
Zhuge - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Zhuge Liang
Zi - posted 16/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Zuo - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Zuo Ran
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
Disclaimer: this will always get updated And when I reblog it, it Means that it Got updated again.
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Characters list:
The muppets:
The muppets (they appear in almost EVERY EPISODE, but not every episode is about them, they just help the Main supporting muppets that have most attention in each episodes) - Kermit, fozzie, miss piggy gonzo, Rizzo, Pepe, rowlf, yolanda, scooter
Main supporting muppets (they appear a Lot just like the Main ones And they are VERY important to the series And episodes, And im adding more) - sam eagle, Skeeter, dr teeth, Janice, Lips, Floyd, animal, Zoot, Vicki, Clifford, digit, Waldo C Graphic, bean Bunny, Lindbergh, Leon lizard, Flash, solid foam drummer (aka Kimberly), beard, zondra, Ubu, chip, Constantine, swedish chef, Wayne And Wanda, Mildred huxetetter, miss mousey, afghan hound, baskerville hound, Camilla chicken, Walter, Crazy Harry, Lew Zealand, uncle deadly, Bobo bear, dr Phil van neuter, waldorf And statler, beauregard, link hogthrob, dr Julius strangepork, Marvin suggs, the newsman, Robin the frog, sweetums, thog, timmy Monster, the mutations, Annie sue, Denise pig, 80s robot, behemoth, big mean Carl, doglion, Fletcher Bird, Betsy Bird, George the janitor, foo-foo, gaffer the pirate Cat, Johnny fiama, Sal minella, mahna mahna, the snowths, Mr poodlepants, Seymour, spamela Hamderson, mulch, Bubba the rat, gorgon heap,
Reccuring/minor/additional characters (they sometimes or rarely appear in some episodes, but they even dont live with The muppets in the boarding home) - Hilda, Gladys, trumpet girl (Dolores), cliffy hatzis, cliffster Hatzis, Nigel, Mary Louise, selena the brunette haired whatnot, Tammy the red haired whatnot, Isabella the dirty-blonde haired whatnot, violette the brunette haired whatnot, merice the blue whatnot, Lauren the light Purple whatnot, flower eating Monster, Katherine Seahorsse Atlantic, Clara Hatzis, green muck Monster, angelco And devilzo, Angelica And demonica, kermgel And devmit, Jeremy the light blue whatnot, Mikey the orange whatnot,
Guest characters (these are the characters that appear in each episodes And sometimes have attention on them, or theyre from other muppets media And appear only a little bit) - wocka agent bear, Cosmo bopper, ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, And ghost of Christmas future, green muck Monster,
Main supporting whatnot Show gang characters (and they appear in each episode to help the muppets with some problems, And yes theyre important to the story too, And im still editing this) - dermot the dog, miss tiggy, Ozzy woodchuck, Gustavo the King ladybug, Pierce the chinchilla, paisley the persian Cat, bonzo the amazing Monkey, Sid the British bulldog, dr tounge, ibeeria, Sgt Easton Oliver, yakim, vegetable, Mateo, auncle heavenly, ceco the andean bear, Leo the axolotl, raiden the semi radio person, Max Gerbils, una, Frederick the toucan, Jagger the Fox, Iggy D digital, dr quill Owens, zuri the chinchilla, snooper, Victor, kameron Gibson, Tristan Nelson Koala, crazed Gael, Maxwell Armstrong, Sammy the dog, Aleksandr the dog, tiana the fairy, dr Aristotle un wonders, kiyoshi, Napoleon Thibault, tarrasque, weather man, bi-bi, Sneeker, Remington the hippo, miss Batty, carina flamingo, italian culinarian, Mr. Parrotyno, Willa, Maverick the yeti, Clark the computer designer, Bartha the Ragdoll Cat, christoper the Ragdoll Cat, sea ocean witch man, O' Theodore Purple, the telephaty Brothers, 60's telephone, Miroslav Agovich, the trolls (bluan, huang And pinkery), yuna flowerwoman, chirping lovebird, ignorant Alfred, rude Oscar, naive lester, Cody the chihuahua, Garrett the pug, micah the Pitbull, Kathy And Kevin, Fred the janitor, adolpha the jungle parrot,
Main supporting teppums characters (the same like whatnot Show gang, they always help the muppets in any problems or trouble, And im still editing this) - timrek the sheep, madame camela, Evan the Elephant, Hector the brilliant, quade the fennec Fox, litvik the King cobra, arlo, dr linnaeus un shingems, Shane the american bison, Travis, Zane, lavi the King lion, stephany, dr Lips, Sgt Gideon Quinn, wilds Benner, Nicolas, Werner, Elias the Alligator, Abram the semi laptop Guy, Cassie, George E flyer, Liam the miniature horse, berengar the gecko, ben the otter, belladonna, Gunner the kapre, Arthur the game designer, tiana, madame gerbilsy, insane Axel, Asher the lamb, madame Li-Li, journalist man, gem the genie, tough Draco, glemsom Sebastian, monsieur gerbilso, Lionel the King lion II, Alfred And Chester, Diana the mermaid, Victoria the fennec Fox, sindy the verdin Bird, Raphael abadie, Federico agosti, rodan the Diamond Giant, Master Vincent, french has slinger, Daniil the dall sheep, Henrietta sunflowera
Main supporting parodies show characters - coming soon.... (Theyre not created yet, but soon will)
Main villains/antagonists - kermoot the frog, foozie bear, miss poogy, roowlf the dog, Bonzor the fantastic, paloma the flying shrimp, cici the mouse, dr dentist, janooce, flora, zotts, Lipst, animool, Camillo the rooster, soom the hawk, aunt goatella (she is a Nice Lady :3), Boryslav the frog, Tanya the red-brown haired whatnot, dr Vanessa van michigen, beba the Polar bear (she is a Nice Lady too), Jennifer Ferguson, schi-schi the red panda, Scarlett the black-haired whatnot, boombox catfish "Benjamin", Ruby the semi computery girl, Darren, Petunia parrot, Martha the Chameleon, Beeny the digital bee, pinks the news reporter Bird, dr Barbara, geekera, Mad Blake, Andrea zingler, Xavier, Ray the bigfoot, ash the Graphic designer, booper, British cooker, Wendy, Edward the antarctic fox, Thomas and Tristan, arabella And Frances, stormer, busher, solid cotton guitarist "sarah", yacoub the mouse, maria Santana, Beepera, Sebastian the Rhino, elids the garden witch troll, Rosalie the frog, miss persian Lady, reporter man, Hannah And Anna pig, miss mi-mi, Henry the mouse, maddison pig, Gabrielle Pig, golem rose witch, hadria MacAfee, fantastic Day green witch, Crystal snowe the snowy owl, galatea the janitor, the telekinesis Sisters, miss Theodora Huang, forgetfull Mirabella, mean penny, arrogant Mahira, 70s computer, Gavin frog, caleb frog, glothcher the frog, Giant rude Alexandro And Miranda gonzales
Muppets Monsters quintet (theyre the antagonists too, but they dont appear a lot) - ker-monster, ghoulfriend, wocka wocka bear, noseferatu and muck monster
And this is for all my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals who really love my Work, And that love me just the way I am And that always make me feel loved, And i would never let any of the besties And auntie that i lost make me feel more anxious And stressed out for what I fucking did to my blue haired auntie. And i will always care And love my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals no matter what. 💗
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxx @xxkurosakutisaxxaltofshitaccount @ducktoonz903707 @muppet-fan-real @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @goatsarecool1 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith
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phr3ia · 3 months
Resonance (Jiyan x Fem!Reader x Calcharo) [Chapter 2 : Fake]
You are seated comfortably in your office, your fingers tapping restlessly on the table as you read through the documents before you. There's a certain Mercenary Group causing trouble around Huang Long known as the Ghost Hounds. "Hmmmmm." your eyes shifted from paper to paper. It was evident how visibly angry you looked at the moment.
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You are well-acquainted with this notorious group, particularly with their leader, Calcharo. "This guy..." you muttered, staring at his image on the screen, your teeth gritted in anger as you unknowingly gripped the documents in your hands. You have been investigating him for three years now, but you always struggle to locate his whereabouts due to the group frequently changing locations.
"Zhi Yu." you called, prompting your personal assistant to rush towards you. "Yes, Madam Secretary?!" he nervously responded, sensing your fury. For you, enough is enough. Calcharo has pushed you to your limit.
"Could you provide me with all the information we have on the Ghost Hounds and their leader?" You couldn't bear it any longer. This group had been abusing their power, even resorting to killing innocent citizens of Huang Long. While you understood the nature of mercenaries, you couldn't stand idly by if they continued to harm the innocent. "Okay. Fuck this! I'm going to hunt down this group myself." With a forceful slam of your hand on the table, you rose abruptly from your chair and grabbed your coat.
"M-Madam Secretary! Where are you going?!" Zhi Yu asked, well aware of your impulsiveness. As the Secretary of Justice, you needed to be as safe as possible. "Don't say a word of this to anyone, especially not to the General." you ordered, fixing a stern gaze on your assistant. "B-But Madam Secretary! You can't take action like this without a direct order from the Magistrate!"
Ignoring his protests, you continued towards the door. "I'll do my best to return before midnight." You stated before shutting the door behind you.
[Desorock Highland...]
Jiyan clashed with waves of Tacet Discord with his broadblade, slicing through the air with grace and might. He was ready and cunning, anticipating their moves. His eyes, though carrying a hint of fatigue, were sharp and focused throughout the battle.
He had overexerted himself in his battles, to the point where Jiyan could barely hear the battle's sounds over the ringing in his ears. His arm ached with every swing of his sword. His heart thudded in his chest as he heaved for breath. He was close to Overclocking, but he shoved that realization to the back of his mind.
"Major Yue Xiu requesting immediate evacuation at Desorock Highland. I have discovered a nest of TDs hiding in a secret cave. I cannot seem to shake them. Aid is needed ASAP." Jiyan transmitted before making a hasty retreat, the exhaustion now difficult to ignore.
He stabilized his breathing as he marched back to the safety of the position they held. His eyes scanned the battlefield before his gaze fell on his trusted Lieutenant, Qiang. He relayed the information as Qiang readied more soldiers. He then tended to his most important duty: To lead by example.
The General wasn't always a man of many words in front of his soldiers, but he could roar against the TDs, and his army respected and followed his lead.
The day's triumph belonged to them.
With the sun setting, Jiyan gave the necessary orders to secure the area before he retreated to rest.
You headed to the Port City of Guixu, as this was the last lead you had on the Ghost Hounds. Despite the presence of Tacet Discords roaming around, you chose to maintain a low profile to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention if there were indeed any Mercenaries in the vicinity.
Quietly, you entered the abandoned building and meticulously inspected each floor. Upon entering each room, you found nothing but traces of leftover food. "So they were really here." you mumbled under your breath as you continued to investigate the area.
You ventured back outside and wandered around until you reached a corner where you spotted a few members of the Ghost Hounds engaged in conversation. You crouched down, intending to approach them stealthily. "Hahaha! Did you see the looks on those villagers' faces? They didn't think twice about handing over all their food supply!" exclaimed the male mercenary, grinning as he rummaged through his bag.
"Is this how the Ghost Hounds operates? Exploiting the vulnerable?" You seethed inwardly as you listened. You were about to circle around to find a better position to attack when one of the mercenaries, who was urinating, caught sight of you. You locked eyes with him for a few seconds, but before the man could react, you had accidentally activated your Resonance Liberation Skill, triggering a massive explosion in the area.
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The man in front of you was charred to a crisp, but the others managed to shield themselves from the sudden attack. The explosion also caught the attention of the Tacet Discords, drawing them towards your location.
"Shit!" you hissed, seeing the countless of TDs heading your way. You couldn't believe you  momentarily lost control. You had no choice but to fight them off while ensuring the Mercenaries wouldn't seize this opportunity to escape. "Let's go!" exclaimed one of them, prompting the others to flee alongside him. "Not on my watch!" you grinned, excitement gleaming in your eyes as you sprinted at incredible speed, flames trailing behind your feet.
You unsheathed your broadsword, poised to strike the fleeing criminals, when suddenly an Inferno Rider appeared in front of you. "An Overlord class?!" Your eyes widened in shock. You realized the challenge ahead, knowing that you shared the same element. The Overlord Tacet Discord standing before you possessed a strong resistance to fire.
One of the Mercenaries made a rash move despite the looming threat. "Don't move! That's not a Tacet Discord you want to provoke!"you warned. You couldn't afford to lose all of them. You needed them alive. With a single casualty from the accidental release of your skill earlier, you couldn't risk making the same mistake again.
Despite your warning, the man defiantly moved, and in just a single swing of the Riders's blade, he was burned into ashes.
Your eyes darted around, as you strategized to devise the best plan to defeat the TD before you.
"Wanna make it out of here alive?" you asked, locking eyes with the frightened Mercenaries beside you. "I need your cooperation to execute my plan." You added. "And why should we trust you?" one of them questioned, skeptical of your proposal. "Because you have no other choice." your expression conveyed the seriousness of your words.
Upon hearing your plan, the Mercenaries swiftly diverted the attention of the Inferno Rider, granting you the chance to charge up your skill. You allowed yourself to be engulfed by your own flames, the intense heat causing the concrete beneath your feet to slowly melt. You moved with lightning speed, disappearing and reappearing in front of the Inferno Rider, delivering a powerful punch infused with flames on your knuckles. However, the TD quickly recovered and launched its attack, which you swiftly countered. Your movements resembled a graceful dance, exuding elegance and precision.
While you may not possess the same strength as Jiyan, but you can stand your ground like a true soldier. You shielded the Mercenaries from the Rider's deadly blade by blocking its attack. The force was so strong that you could feel your strength waning. You persevered, knowing Jiyan would have done the same. You exerted more force on your blade, pushing until the Rider's blade pierced its own skin.
As it screamed in agony and stopped its movements, one of them cautiously asked, "Is it over?" But before you could respond, the Rider erupted in flames, prompting you to swiftly move out of the way. The intense heat emanating from the TD made the Mercenaries feel as though their skin was being scorched. You glanced at the them with concern, but in an instant, as you shifted your gaze, the Rider stood before you, face to face, ready to strike you with its blade.
Your eyes widened in shock, knowing you had little time to react.
Just as the blade was about to reach you, a sudden bolt of lightning struck from out of nowhere, intercepting the attack. And the next thing you knew, the Leader of the Ghost Hounds, Calcharo, appeared in front of you, his blade blocking the the Inferno Rider.
With a few clashing of swords and a single activation of his Liberation Skill, the Tacet Discord dissipated as if it had never existed.
"C-Calcharo!" the Mercenaries muttered, their voices tinged with fear.
Calcharo scanned the faces of the Mercenaries as they let out mutters of his name, their fear was a bitter addition to his satisfaction. He didn't expect these FAKES to be a threat, it was more of an insult to his pride as the Leader of the Ghost Hounds.
"Hold your tongue."
Calcharo aimed his blade at one of the fake Mercenaries but fixed his gaze at you, who remained calm and composed. If there was one person who intrigued him in this dingy place, it was you. You could have been anybody, a soldier, a bystander, a Mercenary, or an innocent. Yet, the sight of you standing in the midst of this chaos held his attention.
He stepped closer, his sword now pressed against your throat, leaving you in a position where you could either step back or yield to him.
"I'd like to know why a high ranking officer from Jinzhou is here, surrounded by rats."
His voice carried a serious tone. He wasn't one to judge, but this situation called for an explanation. The fake mercenaries around him shuffled on their feet, eyes cast downward, some showed signs of fear, others defiance.  
"Care to share your story, officer?"
Calcharo remained vigilant, ready to strike in an instant, but for now, he wanted answers from the officer in front of him.
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
End Of Chapter 2 🌹...
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saysong91 · 8 months
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Characters from 'La Vida Secreta del Autor' or 'The Author's Secret Life' fic!! Part [1/6]
•Shang Qinghua (secretly award winning writer Su Qing)
•His nephew | adopted son Shang Binghe (pinning over Yuan-ge)
•Their neighbors: Chen Yuhe (Madam Liu) & Huang Shishi (Madam Ning)
More to come soon!!
Part 2
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NCT Spooky Season [Masterlist]
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Spooky AU Genre: Depends, See Individual Fics Pairing: NCT x Reader Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified
[NCT Masterlist] | [Other Groups Masterlist] [AO3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Last Updated: 19 October 2023
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Day 1 - The Hill House | Jung Jaehyun x Reader
Day 2 - Tombcraft | Park Jisung x Reader
Day 3 - Dearly Departed | Zhong Chenle x Reader
Day 4 - Messages in Red | Nakamoto Yuta x Reader
Day 5 - The Haunted Complex | Dong Sicheng x Reader
Day 6 - Spectral Lover | Lee Taeyong x Reader | [Part 2]
Day 7 - Mischief Managed | Liu Yangyang x Reader | [Part 2]
Day 8 - Mirror Troubles | Lee Ten x Reader
Day 9 - Hey Google? Can Slow Cookers Be Used as Cauldrons? | Kim Doyoung x Reader
Day 10 - Does Your Dog Do Tricks? | Suh Johnny x Reader
Day 11 - Candy Crash | Kim Jungwoo x Reader
Day 12 - Tricky | Huang Renjun x Reader
Day 13 - Thriller Night | Lee Jeno x Reader
Day 14 - A Lonely Lovely Mansion | Qian Kun x Reader
Day 15 - A Scary Good Time | Na Jaemin x Reader
Day 16 - Soprano | Xiao Dejun x Reader
Day 17 - Bone App The Teeth | Huang Guanheng x Reader
Day 18 - Faux Fur | Lee Mark x Reader
Day 19 - Turnip-O-Lantern | Moon Taeil x Reader
Day 20 - Madame Pseudo
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lesbianerxi · 1 year
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Time for the tournament!!! We are here to find the worst possible mxtx pairing. The instructions were to have fun and be creative and Boy Did You Do that. Round 1 will start tonight, let's do this! May the worst possible combination of characters win!
Round 1: complete!
Left side
Nie Mingjue x Shen Jiu VS Wang Lingjiao x Sha Hualing Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian x Bai Wuxiang VS Qi Rong x Xue Yang Wen Chao x Ning Yingying VS Jin Guangshan x Old Palace Master Lan Wangji x Hua Cheng VS Madam Yu x Qi Rong
Right side
Shen Jiu x Jin Guangyao VS Ling Wen x Shang Qinghua Jiang Cheng x Liu Qingge VS Qi Rong x Shen Jiu Feng Xin x Sha Hualing VS Wei Wuxian x Luo Binghe Little Palace Mistress x Yushi Huang VS Jun Wu x Reader
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neonacity · 2 years
��And what if… It is the villain you fall for? What then?”
Genre/Warnings: minor character death, yandere/manipulative Renjun, cheating, abusive relationship dynamics/marriage. Smut. Oral (M receiving), questionable consent—Renjun is an incubus here, so he influences people, but nothing is truly forced. Minors, do NOT interact. 
This is the third part of my Dark Fairytale series with Dream’s 00 line and exists in the same universe as Haechan and Jaemin’s stories (links below). Please read the previous chapters to understand what’s happening. 
Orphic | Haechan x Reader | Royalty!AU
Nighted | Jaemin x Reader | Vampire!AU
Renjun’s nature has always given him assurance over one thing: that regardless of which century or lifetime he lives, he’ll never run out of love and affection from anyone he sets his desires on. As a Gancanagh—a fairy born to seduce and claim mortals—he was designed to be the object of lust and want of everyone, which is why it felt like the universe was finally punishing him when he finally came across the only woman he could ever want, but never have.
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"You have a wonderful rose garden, Ma'm."
Your eyes lingered on the walls of the flowering bushes that towered over you as you wove through the sprawling hedge maze. You have heard of stories about the beauty that is the Huang manor before, but no carefully picked adjectives could have prepared you for the level of majesty that stretched now in front of you. Even the woman walking just a few steps ahead seems to fall perfectly in the beauty of the moment, her steps light and graceful as she led the way deeper into the heart of the garden. The lady gave a soft laugh in response to your wonder as her own gaze also touched the lush blooms she passed.
"The first few buds were a gift from the former King. They are the exact same roses that the castle still has in their garden. He gave it to our family when Yun was born."
Your attention snapped back to focus at the mention of that information. You have been so engrossed in appreciating the beauty around you that for a good moment, you have forgotten the knot of nervousness that has been weighing heavily on your stomach since you stepped foot into the grand manor. When you started your day, it absolutely did not cross your mind that you would be spending it doing impromptu portrait work for the High Lady of this house—the very matriarch of the Huang family herself. Your nerves were absolutely frazzled when you got the invite, but of course your mother was only far too elated upon knowing the piece of news. And while you aren't that clueless about the possible implications of this stretch of an offer—especially after the night of the masquerade ball—your assumptions only served to make you even more on edge about this interaction.
"It will be such a great honor to use this place as the backdrop for your portrait then, Madam…" you said, your voice sounding a little bit more careful again. The lady seemed unconscious of it at the very least as she smiled.
"My youngest son, Renjun, was actually the one who suggested the idea. He has mentioned your wonderful work to me so I thought, why not invite you to do my portrait? I am due to have one sooner or later anyway."
You were thankful that the woman was walking a little ways ahead of you, otherwise, she might have caught the way you paused for a breath as she mentioned the boy's name. It has been a good few weeks since that last dance at the ball happened, but the memories came flooding back to you quickly, almost by force. The pointed grip on your hips… The lilt of his lips as he smiled at you… The way his gaze ghosted over face… Every memory of him holding you that night crowded your mind again like an unwelcome visitor. Renjun has never touched or spoken to you in a way that is offensive or unacceptable to society's standards, but there has always been that shadow in the way he looks at you that has always triggered the primal need in your gut to flinch and flee. It was the reason why you've been elusive towards him for quite some time now, but lately, you felt that something has changed in the past few times you've been in each other's radius. You couldn't really put your finger on it, but it's almost like some switch has been flipped…
And now all walls that had been holding him back are gone.
"That is… very nice of him. Especially since he could have done it himself. My work pales to his craft if I must say… He is the best student in our class," you said softly, careful not to let any of your current emotions leak to your tone. Lady Huang seemed pleased at your comment as she gave a soft hum of approval before finally stopping her leisurely pace. You paused as well, and that's when you realized that the two of you have reached the heart of the maze, a clearing of considerable size with hedges of roses higher than the ones you've passed earlier. A fountain made of white marble was set in the middle of it, spewing water so clear that it sparkled under the sunlight.
"So I've been told. I've also heard a lot of stories about you from my youngest son… Which brings me to the second reason why I invited you here."
If you were apprehensive earlier, then you were absolutely petrified now. You have an idea of where the conversation was going, but your awareness did nothing to calm the erratic beating of your heart. Surreptitiously, you clutched the edges of the painting bag that you brought with you while waiting for the woman to finish. She was looking at you with softness in her eyes, an emotion that seemed so alien to you, having not received it before from your own parents.
"I am going to cut to the chase. Darling, I'm sure you know about my oldest son's preference towards you. Yun is very fond of you, and as his mother, I only want to give him happiness. If I may ask… And excuse me for my bluntness, but are you considering him to receive your hand, sooner or later?"
The heat that has overcome your whole face was swift and unforgiving. You ducked your head a little to your chest in a hopeless attempt to at least try and hide the redness of your cheeks.
"I… Lord Yun has not really… Talked to me about this."
It was not a direct answer, but Lady Huang is known for her persistence as much for her beauty. She took a step closer towards you now and took one of your gloved hands in hers.
"He hasn't because he knows you have a number of suitors. It is a well-known fact among the circle of debutantes. My son, unfortunately, is a very accommodating person, almost to a fault. I know he wouldn't want to step forward unless he knows that you have considered the others. But have you, my girl? I know it is not in my position to ask you this, but please give my heart some comfort. I only want my boy to be happy."
It must be the maternal instinct that she is honestly exuding, but something about the words of the woman tugged at your heartstrings. You know in yourself that you are not in love yet with her son, but the honesty and sheer care in her eyes made you want to yearn for something similar for yourself. You stared at her now, eyes bouncing over her graceful features, until something inside of you clicked. Slowly, you turned your hand so that you were holding hers instead.
"Lord Yun is a wonderful man, Ma'm… It would be such an honor for me… to receive his affections."
It was not a straightforward reply, but it was enough for the assurance that she was looking for. Lady Huang's face lit up, her smile so genuine that you can't help but return the gesture to her as she squeezed your hand gratefully. It was an intimate moment of woman to woman, a mother talking to a daughter. Despite yourself, you felt your heart soaring, as if you've finally found a safe space to land on.
"That eases my heart. Thank you. I promise I will not get in the way of your courtship, but I hope you indulge me for saying this early. My dear…"
"I am excited for you to be a part of the family."
******* "So? When am I going to have a sister-in-law?"
Renjun's voice was light and casual as he moved the knight piece over the chessboard calmly. Across from him, his older brother glanced at him with a slightly surprised look before bringing his eyes back to the game with pointed effort. He could almost taste the flustered emotions of the older male at the tip of his tongue, a bitter one that he swallowed behind his calm facade. A moment passed before Yun answered, the man's voice low and almost unsure.
"I have not decided yet. I am giving her time to consider her situation."
"Do you mean to say, you are giving her other suitors a chance to whisk her away from you?"
The sharpness of the truth in his words made the other man slightly wince. Usually, Renjun would toe around his statements for the sake of keeping up the facade of the perfect brother, but he has been incredibly impatient recently. For his own sake, he cannot keep back his own plans anymore just because of the cowardice of another person.
Yun frowned now as he moved a bishop across the board. It is obvious that he has become distracted, because Renjun easily ate the piece with his rook.
"I simply do not want to force myself on her. She has a lot of suitors and I want to make sure she has thought about it well before I offer her the question."
Renjun leaned his head slightly to the side before slowly leveling his gaze towards his brother. Now, he had never particularly hated the man before—he had done a pretty acceptable job of tolerating him in his opinion—but he also had never been fond of his personality as a whole. Yun is so… very much human. Always restricted by what society says is acceptable or not, afraid to inconvenience someone for the sake of being perceived as nice. They were qualities he had never understood, even as a Fae trapped in a human shell. It was irritating for him, how people can't just seem to claim what they desire.
"Did you not make a connection with her during the last Ball?" He asked innocently, his eyes skillfully hiding away his real emotions. The way the man turned red in the face in front of him almost made him puke.
"I… did."
"I think so too. I have watched the two of you from afar. I can't speak for her, but I think anyone with a working pair of eyes can see that there is some… interest there."
Yun looked at him, a hopeful look on his face.
"You think so?"
Renjun smiled charmingly despite the jealousy twisting his stomach into knots. It takes him everything not to lean over and tear the other man's heart off his chest every time he remembers how she looks at him, but he has to control himself… Because this is all part of his carefully plotted plan. For him to get to her, Yun has to tie her to their family first.
"Yes. Which is why I don't understand why you are hesitating. I applaud you, hyung, for giving her space. But don't you think it might also be sending her the message that you're… not really that serious about your intentions?"
A look of slight worry overtook the older Huang. Renjun internally smiled behind his casual mask, knowing full well that he had caught him in his web. He may be human now, but evne the strongest spell cannot entirely take a Gancanagh's power of seduction over words.
"That's not what I… I did not mean to…"
"I know... But it might be the message she is getting. I'm just saying," he shrugged as he pressed the dial on the chess counter to urge the other to make a move. Yun did, but barely, his hand moving his last remaining knight over the board in the midst of his distraction. Renjun's eyes dropped on the pieces briefly, before smiling secretly to himself.
"I have never considered that. Do you think I should…"
"Ask her? I don't know. Are you confident that you are the best of all the men vying for her hand?"
The silence that followed his question was brief, but loaded. Yun pursed his lips as a frown settled on his features.
"Yes. I am."
"There you go. I think that is the only answer that you need. I can't force you to do anything, brother, but personally…" he slowly lifted his  own knight and rested the piece gently over a block on the board. "I think you will be the perfect pair."
The other boy was so distracted wading through his own thoughts, that he failed to notice how his King piece was taken by his last move. Renjun's lips tipped to the sides as he knocked it over effortlessly with his knight.
"Checkmate, by the way. Don't ever let your eyes off the game, hyung. Take it as advice from a man… to another man."
******* The way the sun reflected off the paper you were working on made you smile. You were sitting in the middle of the garden where you usually have your art classes, trying to finish off a quick practice piece using watercolors. It was a Sunday so you have the place to yourself, surrounded only by the gentle chirping of the birds and the soft rustle of trees swaying in the wind. Days like this are your favorite part of the week, because it is the only time you can escape your manor without your parents pressing about your activities. You were far too engrossed in the peacefulness of the moment that you didn't notice the gentle creaking of the gate separating the garden from the rest of the academy. Humming softly, you reached over to dip your paintbrush on your small palettes of color to continue your picture, oblivious of your surroundings.
"That is a very pretty landscape."
The sound of a soft voice from behind you made you suddenly turn around in surprise. It took you a good few seconds to gather yourself, the newcomer taking the chance to cross the distance to where you were sitting. Rising from your spot under the tree, your hands quickly gathered your skirts around you just in time for the man to finally stop at a polite distance from where you are. You were so stunned, that you forgot to give him your usual bow of greeting as he waited for you to speak. 
“Lord Yun… Why are you…”
A slightly sheepish smile flittered over the man’s face at your question. He briefly looked away, before glancing at the ground in front of him. 
“I visited your manor today, but your mother told me that you usually spend your Sundays painting. She said I might find you here…”
You didn’t give any immediate answer. Of course your mother told him where you are. Silently, your heart rate started picking up as your mind tried to go through the possible reasons behind his sudden visit. A part of you berated you for possibly overthinking, but you cannot deny the pressing feeling in your gut that made you fidget your fingers underneath the pleats of your skirt. Yun probably noticed, because for a moment, he looked actually guilty for showing up unannounced. However, a look of determination took over his features as quickly as the doubt came, and he took a moment as if he was gathering himself before he spoke again. 
“My Lady… I do not want to make this longer than it should. I have told myself that I want to give you time to think over my offer, but recently, I have realized that I might lose you should I remain passive about my feelings,” he paused and took his hat, gripping its brim with his fingers. Unconsciously, your eyes shot straight to his face. You thought you felt your heart stutter upon seeing the genuine emotions that have overtaken his features.
“I have no wish of forcing myself on you, but I just want you to know that I adore you, and that I… I would wish nothing more than for you to accept my offer for marriage, if that is what your heart so wishes, too. I… will understand if you give me no for an answer, because a rejection will also be better than this silent dance I’ve initiated for quite some time.”
You were absolutely speechless. You knew what was coming, but it did nothing to calm down the erratic buzzing inside of your head. All of a sudden, it was like everything was happening all at the same time, similar to how one’s life would flash in front of someone’s eyes in the midst of a momentous occasion. Questions overlapped in your head, too quick and fleeting for you to catch and comprehend.
Do you love him? Will this make you happy? What will come out of this?
Will this save you…? Or will jumping into this be your ruin?
You don’t know how long you stood there. It must have taken seconds, maybe a full minute, but for you the moment felt like it lasted forever. Then, just when you thought your head would split from all the thoughts, everything stopped to dead silence, until your consciousness fixated on one thing.
No, you don’t love him.
But you can learn to do it… In time.
“Are you… Asking me to marry you, Lord Yun?” you asked softly, voice steady albeit quiet. Your question rendered him speechless for a heartbeat before he finally gave a nod.
“Yes, my Lady… I am.”
“Then perhaps you can ask me again… More clearly this time?”
The way his face changed from shock, to realization, then back to nervousness made you give the slightest of smiles. You did wait for him to politely speak again, however, your gaze on him more steady this time.
“Will… you marry me?”
The corners of your lips twitched as your smile widened. In that moment, you decided to embrace the uncertainty of it all and focused instead on how your fate will be changed from the point on. When he finally returned the smile, you knew you’ve made the right decision.
“Yes, my Lord. It will be such an honor to be your wife.”
******* “How cruel… Is the girl still alive?”
Renjun barely looked around from his position on the loveseat at the crooning voice that came from the open window. Below him, slumped on the spot on the floor between his legs was a woman, loose hair splayed messily all over her face. The flickering light from the fireplace barely illuminated the form of the girl that clambered from his windowsill, her expensive gown covered by a dark coat that allowed her to blend in the dark. There were no jewels that decorated her hair at the moment, but the unexplainable glow that clung on her as she walked casually over to the edge of his bed, directly across from where he sat, betrayed her affinity to the ethereal and the supernatural.
“Why are you here? Is the King not fucking you well enough that you had to climb over to my bedroom, My Queen?” he asked, voice steady even as his breath hitched from the way the girl bobbed her head slowly around his length. His visitor merely chuckled, unphased by the act happening in front of her.
“I heard the news. When is the wedding happening?”
Her taunting voice almost made him stop. He only stuttered for a second, but he took the moment to weave his fingers through the hair of the woman knelt in front of him and used the leverage to push her head deeper down his cock. The girl choked, sputtering from the way his length invaded her throat, but did nothing to fight it off. It was obvious from the way she limply slumped closer that she was too far gone to even bother. Instead of giving her mercy, Renjun—now irritated for having to do the work—tightened his hold on her and used his strength to move her head to his desired pace. Humans... They are always so disappointing in this regard. They are always so passionate and fiery at the start, but they break so easily and turn into useless dolls. Despite his discontent, a low groan left his lips now as his balls twitched, heavy and ready to spray his arousal down the column of flesh squeezing around his length.
“Not soon enough for my taste,” he said through gritted teeth as his pace turned even more brutal. A soft whimper came from the woman as her nails tried to find purchase on the soft rug under her. The Queen raised her brows curiously, ignoring the sounds. Renjun caught her expression and shot her a look before tipping his head back against the leather seat. With no warning, he pushed the woman’s head hard against him, her nose pressed against his lower stomach. A sound of pleasure escaped from deep in his throat as he unloaded himself inside her mouth until his juices leaked from her lips. He kept her there for a few more seconds while he rode his high before finally loosening his grip, the girl finally slumping right at his feet, unconscious. Eyes closed and head still tipped back, he waited for the current of pleasure to run its course throughout his body before he lazily tucked himself back inside his pants.
“If you came here to think that I would be upset about my brother’s upcoming wedding, then you’re in for a big disappointment,” he laughed softly to himself before finally moving his head again to train his gaze at the Witch Queen. The other slightly narrowed her eyes at him before realization dawned on them.
“You… told him to ask for her hand.”
He chuckled as he pushed himself out of his seat. Walking gracefully over the slumped form on the floor, he went to pick up the glass of whisky on the table by the fireplace and downed the golden liquid there in one go. He ran his hand through his hair as he watched the flames, untangling the knots that his earlier activities have caused.
“Of course, I did. I already told you, when a Gancanagh sets his eyes on a prize, we stop at nothing to get it. Surely, you must have already known that. It was how I captured your former lover in my web before after all.”
Renjun knew from the needles of cold that made the skin of his back prick that he had touched a nerve. It did not surprise him at all, not with the situation being the exact cause why she cursed him to be stuck in this human form. Instead, he simply smiled in satisfaction as the flames from the hearth threw shadows and light over the gentle features of his face that masked his true nature.
“You are playing a dangerous game, Piper. You will be putting a lot of mortal lives in danger.”
“That’s quite rich coming from a Witch Queen who cursed a whole kingdom to never-ending winter before. Now, my dear, do not act like you are any better than me. It was you after all who pushed me to do this. You are as guilty for what is yet to happen as I am,” he said as he turned slowly to face her. She was still only bathed in moonlight streaming from the open window, but it was enough for him to discern her expression from the shadows. Her face was blank, but the way her eyes burned couldn’t fool him about her real emotions.
“You must have thought I will come running around after her, trying to win her from my brother. That is foolish child’s game. Taxing and pointless. It might have worked on you when your King hunted you down, but a true hunter knows a better way how to capture their prey. You don’t seek them. You lure them right into your very own trap,” he crooned, voice as sweet as a siren’s call. When the light from the moon and the glow from the fire touched his face at the same time, they made his smile look angelic and terrifying at the same time.
“Family, as they say, is hard to escape. The moment she thinks she’s free from me, is the moment she becomes mine.”
A/N: Yeah, so... It has almost been a full six months since I’ve updated this. I don’t know if anyone still remembers this story, but I had the sudden urge lately to jump into this plot again. So, here’s an update I guess. 
Taglist: @negincho, @jhornytrash, @aaasteroidsky, @huangberryyy, @ashkuuuu, @cottonniebunnie, @jaehyunenthusiastsworld, @90sgatsby-jjh, @ryu-naa, @i-aecrysture, @mirathe2002, @yuxnan, @strawbunnyjaem, @pukupukupawpau, @terjeno, @glitching-wren, @camzpetite, @injeolmiee​, @lostlovesoul11​, @ellatizw​, @bettyschwallocksyee​
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cheddargoblin · 1 year
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a commemoration of the class of july earning their Beegrees Rownea @lunecycle Huang Shen @starlightsuncrow Lyhil @lyhil Auruim @sylvaridreams and deidre is me bc i was there. honorable mentions to madam cookie who i didnt have a reference for, you are with me in spirit i lov u.
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thedragonholder · 8 months
Mk movie au part-1 (the fox hates therapy Saturday's)
it was a warm sunny day in Manhattan. It was a calm Saturday for some people well except for the ones who have to go to therapy sessions on a Saturday.
Hatsune was sitting in a therapist's office because first she got into a fight with a co-worker in and second because of her PTSD she thought the session would be helpful and it was in making her realize why her brother never got therapy.
She was sitting on the couch her dark brown was let down with soft waves at the end and she had eyebags under her eyes she had slightly pale skin and black eyes she was wearing a grey jacket over a black shirt and green cargo pants she also wore black Kombat shoes.
"So, you beat up a bunch of people-" "because I was getting harassed how many times do I have to fucking tell you this information!?" Hatsune said she was clearly annoyed by the therapist "you know you can pepper spray them there was no use into getting into violence" the therapist said to Hatsune who frowned "and your PTSD is made up or something? I mean loud sounds? that should be easy to handle" the therapist said and as he began to lecture her Hatsune stood up and just walked out of the room 'this is a waste of time' she thought to herself.
The streets were a bit crowded Hatsune had a problem with crowds especially due to her short height but today may have been her lucky day since it wasn't that crowded.
She entered a small restaurant called 'the tea house' and there were a lot of people some sitting in groups, some on a lunch date, some were alone, some were tourists and lastly some were people who looked like they got ditched on a date.
Hatsune went to the waitress "Suchin" Hatsune said to the woman who looked at Hatsune with a gentle smile she had brown hair with gold highlights and tan skin with black eyes she wore a baby pink colored top with blue jeans, she also wore white apron on her waist "hey Hatsune, I am guessing therapy is not going that well." Suchin said to her "that guy is an asshole" Hatsune said to her Suchin "Aniki warned you" Suchin said to Hatsune with a sympathetic look on her face "well I will tell him he was right if he comes back from his trip to Fuzhou" Hatsune said to Suchin with a frustrated expression.
"Also, some guy came asking for you" Suchin said to Hatsune "really?" Hatsune asked her in disbelief "yea he is over there, he has ordered a plate of egg rolls and ordered one for you" Suchin said.
Hatsune looked to see a guy with black hair some of his hair was tied in a small top knot with a red ribbon he had tan skin and brown eyes he wore a brown coat with a coffee brown turtleneck and black jeans with black shoes "who is he?" Hatsune asked Suchin "I don't know, probably your future husband" Suchin said to Hatsune she looked at Suchin with a glare "kidding but who knows" Suchin said to Hatsune before going.
Hatsune approached the table where the guy was sitting with a plate of egg rolls "you finally show up" The guy said to Hatsue with an unamused look on his face he wasn't even sparing her a glance "sorry I was at a therapists office-" "I know your mother told me "The guy said Hatsune was a bit shocked "the one who owns this establishment?" the guy asked her with an annoyed look as he looked at her "yea I know but why would she tell you?" Hatsune asked him "to make sure I run away but I didn't, she was impressed." the guy said, "you never told me your name" Hatsune said " Max Huang" Max said, "yea okay max I am not interested in talking-" "Musume is that how you talk to someone who waited for an hour to talk to you!?" an angry voice came from behind.
Hatsune looked behind to see her foster mother Madam Bo "hi mom." Hatsune said nervously "I am so sorry about her she has just returned from her therapist" Madame Bo said, "it's alright Miss Bo we were just having a friendly chat" Max said while Hatsune glared at him she looked at her mother with a pleading look on her face "mom I don't even know who he is" Hatsune said "Hatsune" Madam Bo said "I think I should go-" "how about a free dinner you can talk to my daughter then and it will be on the house" Madam Bo Max had an amused look on his face "well I guess I will see you tonight" Max said to Hatsune with a smirk "thank you for the food Misses Bo" Max said before leaving.
Later that evening Hatsune was currently in her room frustrated someone knocked on the door "go away" Hatsune said the door opened and Suchin came inside "hey." Suchin said as she approached Hatsune who looked away a bit sad "I heard what happened " Suchin said, "I am having a terrible day; I wish Aniki was here" Hatsune said to Suchin she put her arm around Hatsune's waist and pulled her into a hug " I wish the same, but you have to understand mother is trying to put you out there" Suchin said to Hatsune "I got an appointment with a therapist who is the worst person you should go to and the first and last time I am trying Therapy" Hatsune said as she leaned her head against her shoulder "I know but if he tries anything-" "you will cut his balls off I know but I think I can handle him myself" Hatsune said to Suchin "I know you can" Suchin said.
Hatsune smiled slightly when suddenly she felt slight pain on her neck there was a dragon marking on the back "does it hurt?" Suchin asked, "a bit since I am not using my powers" Hatsune said Suchin put her hand on the marking "you should tell mother about this" Suchin said Hatsune sighed "I will but for now let the old woman rest she cooked a lot today besides she will be on our asses if she hears us not doing work" Hatsune said Suchin giggled "I know" Suchin said "I heard that!!" Madam Bo shouted causing Hatsune and Suchin to pull away.
That night the restaurant was still opened Hatsune was waiting for Max to show up and sighed "when will this guy show up?" Hatsune asked herself the door opened and Hatsune looked at the door thinking Max showed up but no it was a woman with blue hair and pale skin with black eyes.
Hatsune was confused "who are you?" Hatsune asked the woman she was dressed in a blue armor that fitted her body, but her thighs were out she was also wearing a blue metal mask "I am not here to chat sweetie, I am looking for Hatsune Ryujin" the woman said, "that's me, now what do you want?" Hatsune asked the woman "the name's Lisa Liang and I came for your life" the woman said to before Hatsune could react a flying razor hat flew in and attempted to slice the woman's head.
The woman ducked down as the hat flew to someone Hatsune looked at the back door the person grabbed the hat and put it on their head the person was max but the clothes he wore look like they belonged to one of the shaolin warriors she heard about "max-" "Kung Lao here to save your chosen one" Lisa Liang mocked "I was expecting free food-" "wait is your name max or kung Lao?" Hatsune asked "Kung Lao, now get your family out of here before they get killed" Kung Lao said to Hatsune "I am not leaving you alone to fight her" Hatsune said "did you not hear my-" "She came for my marking, and I know what's going on here but i didn't think it would happen soon" Hatsune said Kung Lao sighed "fine but don't cry if you get hurt crazy woman" Kung Lao said to Hatsune "you too Hat boy" Hatsune said to Kung Lao who shrugged it off.
"This just got a whole lot of fun" Lisa Liang said with a smirk.
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