#madame tracey
viceandmature · 9 months
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It's all in me Anything you want done baby I do it naturally
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offcampuscal · 3 months
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I think it shows true acting skill that we can have several recasting in Good Omens 2 and we don't even notice.
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zeldahime · 3 months
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britishbilliee · 2 years
Madame Tracey? 🎨🖌
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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kanna-ophelia · 1 month
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Please enjoy the Good Omens Script
It's a pretty open secret that I hand out The Good Omens Movie Script (of the never to be made 1990s movie) to anyone who asks nicely or checks my current Dreamwidth. It was published in a small edition, and a pdf of it was very widely circulated in book fandom back in the day.
Someone broke all fan etiquette, and common sense, and the fourth wall and brought it to Neil Gaiman's attention, forcing a situation where people who had already read it would refuse to share it saying it was to respect Neil Gaiman. Me, I never really was very cool with this "I've got mine!" attitude. Incredibly irritatingly, people did circulate out-of-context quotes and used them to portray it as terrible, script!Crowley as abusive, and script!Aziraphale as a doormat. None of these are true: it is an extremely, extremely loose and weirdly Americanised adaptation, but it's fricking adorable, and so are its versions of Crowley and Aziraphale. (The characters who get done badly by are Madam Tracey and Brian, IMO - best to think of them as entirely different characters.) It lacks Terry Pratchett's grace, complex humanity and way with words (see also: GO S2), but it's laugh at loud funny at times and this version of the Ineffable Husbands is a seriously cute grumpy/sunshine couple. Also, it has Business Exec Satan.
All this led to the ridiculous and annoying situation of people who had never read it being derogatory of it, while, despite being published, it was in danger of becoming lost media and a lost opart of GO history. (See also: Revenge of the Old Queen and Rocky Horror.) So I'm sharing the link here. If you want to yell at me, I ask you to first consider why you want to respect Neil Gaiman's wishes on anything and reconsider your priorities. It's a damn pdf of something only eleven people own in hard copy.
Feel free to share, or to archive it yourself. If it gets taken down, let me know and I'll find a new home for it. Just be aware that I'm rarely on Tumblr so it takes me a while.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing so well. Will you please explain the process of getting Aziraphale and Madame Tracey's voices perfectly synced saying their lines while they are sharing a body? X
Well, mostly it was a matter of getting Miranda Richardson to perform as both characters, Madame Tracy and Madame Tracy channelling Aziraphale. Then we got Michael Sheen into ADR to replace her voice with his. And then the geniuses at Bang Audio mixed their voices together so that sometimes there's a little of her voice in there too.
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crowleysgirl56 · 1 month
Episode 5 Good Omens react video just dropped on Danny Motta’s channel!
(Yes Danny, we all agree with the thumbnail tag!)
This reaction video highlights include:
- Danny finally realising how annoying the slit in his curtain has been the last four episodes.
- ships Madame Tracey and Shadwell HARD (well done sir)
- SAVING PRIVATE CROWLEY! OMG how has no one done this fanart yet?! And yes, we all want BAMF Aziraphale, Danny (manifesting season 3)
- Danny realises all the other angels are dicks (correct, well, except for Muriel. OMG he’s going to love Muriel!)
- Danny’s ADORABLE grin and then chest grab when Crowley says “I lost my best friend”.
- Danny comparing the horsemen scene to a gritty Power Rangers reboot and then ranting for a while about great Power Rangers are (he is correct).
- Danny signs off asking “if season 1 was the first whole book, then what is season 2 about!” Answers in robotic monotone voice: “Season 2 is quiet, gentle and romantic”.
I’m very tempted to leave a message in the comments of his YouTube video saying “Season 2 is about an angel and a demon falling in love and going off together” and then not mentioning WHICH angel and demon get to do that.
So close to the end of the season!
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postsforposting · 10 months
there are inconsistencies inside s1 too
in s1e2 we are first shown anathema drawing in the prophecy book, like so
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This is not the same picture we see later in the same episode, when Aziraphale opens the book
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It's not the same size, first of all, compare where the edges of the picture are. Second, the hair is different: the first one, the hair blends into the red aura around the figure, and in the second one the figure and its hair is completely separate from the aura.
I also don't think this is Anathema herself, I think it's Madam Tracey. That's who Aziraphale goes to find, and she's dressed in green, with the red hair. Technically orange, but eh, both are called ginger. I think this drawing is telling Aziraphale to look for Tracey. Maybe Aziraphale can see auras when he's in ghost mode, or can just generally.
Later in the show, when Anathema is telling Newt about Agnes, she says in quick succession that Agnes is "a witch from 300 years ago" and they've been trying to figure out her prophecies for 400 years. That math does not work. She was dead and they got the book at the same time. Anathema says "yes, no, yes" when Newt asks if Agnes knew he was going to crash his car.
Hell changes its description of when they began the antichrist plan too, but I don't remember when those lines happened. I think the difference was first "since the earth was made" and the second was "since we rebelled". The earth was made long after the rebellion.
IIRC there are also other inconsistencies but I didn't write them down as I was watching.
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nightmanatee · 1 year
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oh my god crowley DID check out aziraphale when he separated from madam tracey. like is this my boyfriend of 6000 years? did this boy not mess anything up?? oh yeah seems like he did not.
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neoputo · 10 months
adam is... DEAD?!?!
finally rewatching good omens s2 and this might've already been discussed but i haven't read anything abt it and ahh okay
so i was (re)watching s2e1 and everything was fun and games until i decided to pause every now and then during the intro to see if i could spot some details or clues or whatever. and DAMN there's a lot. some i understand, some i don't, and some i think are either symbolic to smth that happens OR a vague maybe not so vague anticipation of what's coming up on s3 (manifesting the shit out of it bc i NEED IT SO BAD).
anyway, at the beginning of the intro animation there's this scene where crowley and aziraphale (among other characters) are walking through a graveyard. this ofc is a reference to the minisode they help the girls in the graveyard & the whole "not dying enuff dying" etc scene (i don't remember the name of it nor the year but y'know what i'm talkin bout). anyway, that's not the point. the point is that in that moment of the intro, you can see some tombstones AND some of them have things written on em. for instance, one of them says "everyday" (y'know the name of beelzebub and gabriel's song) and another "jane austen" (aziraphale and the whole "having a ball jane austen style is peak romance" thing) which are interesting clues of what's coming, but having watched the season already wasn't that big of a revelation to me.
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however, there's also some tombstones that i don't understand, like one that says "peter paintball" (crowley's voice do we know a peter paintball?).
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okay but that's not all! there's also one that talks abt beelzebub's change of appearance ("here lies the former shell of beelzebub") AND next to that one there's one that says "here lies ADAM / "i do not understand, surely your very existence requires the ending of the world. it is written" (quote from s1 or at least it's in the book idk)
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BRO WHAT ???? ADAM'S DEAD??????? like ik he and the other kids don't appear in s2, but neither does anathema or newton or shadwell or madam tracey (her actress does, but the character doesn't). and like idk but reading that shocked me bc like... adam served no purpose anymore so he died?? all this time i thought he was like,, the same kid but without his powers or wtv.. but die? never thought of that. and it drives me insane and i needed to get it out of my system. so yeah, tumblr post.
bonus: i cant fucking figure out what's written on it. if anyone knows what it says.. help !!
all i can read is smth along the lines of "... early to ..." but idk. tried to play with contrasts and brightness but it didn't help much.
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anyway, pls don't let me go nuts alone and say smth !!!
also this is only a small fraction of s2e1 INTRO. like,, there's a lot to unpack here.
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aurlworthfightingfor · 9 months
Fic Idea: a fic similar to the classic movie Ghost. The plot could go either one of two ways
1) Aziraphale is discorporated and can’t get a new body. He has unfinished business regarding his business partner (Metatron) and his boyfriend, Crowley. Metatron is making a move on Crowley / plotting to kill him just like he killed Aziraphale.
Aziraphale talks to Madam Tracey and they work together to try and convince Crowley “you’re in danger girl.”
Gets to the part where madam Tracy is like “Aziraphale says he loves you.”
“Aziraphale never says I love you.”
“Fine. He says ‘I forgive you’” and that’s how Crowley knows she’s telling the truth.
—OR— the plot is exactly the same but Crowley’s the ghost & when Aziraphale says “he never says I love you”
Madam Tracy is like “fine. He says let’s run away together.” And that’s how Aziraphale knows she’s telling the truth.
Complete with the fuckin pottery scene.
Except the dead one gets a new body at the end. And either way the Metatron is killed. Win/win.
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bastardsallofyou · 1 year
okay i just need to talk about parallels between nina + maggie and aziraphale + crowley rn
I think the obvious parallel is that Nina and Crowley are the “grumpy” ones, while Aziraphale and Maggie are the “sunshine” ones (though we haven’t seen much of Maggie so far, we can take a wild guess.) But I love how the new descriptions of Nina and Maggie show their yin and yang thing, similarly to A+C. 
Nina is a “realist,” while Maggie is a “dreamer,” and while I think most of us would initially think of Crowley as the “realist” and Aziraphale as the “dreamer,” (and they both are in their own ways) the show really hammers home the message of their conflicting, so very human, natures in how they think.
Crowley is the one who is an described as optimist at heart. Crowley is the one who suggests running away to Alpha Centauri, thinking Heaven and Hell won’t find them; believing, inherently, that God is less than omniscient in his thinking that they won’t be found. He can be such a blindly hopeful dreamer, even though everything in his immortal life has told him to think otherwise.
Aziraphale is the one who a realist, maybe even a pessimist at times. “Together? Listen to yourself.” “That’s ridiculous. If I can just talk to the right people-” etc, etc. He openly enjoys the wonders of existence on Earth, yet there’s a realist buried inside of him, a part  of him that knows there’s a deadline on it all.
I guess what I’m saying here is I love how Good Omens sets up expectations in how relationships parallel (I could say that Madame Tracey and Shadwell, Anathema and Newt, etc, parallel A+C in their own ways. Grumpy and sunshine trope. Confident and professional vs the idiot tm.) And then they break that- the whole point is that they’re all human in their twisting and turning, confusing little ways, and they each have a bit of those tropes in them. God, I love this show.
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We Last Forever: A Cottage in the South Downs
Aziraphale took Crowley’s hand and the pair materialized seconds later on a grassy lane. The weather was pleasantly warm. A light breeze swept across the hills carrying the smell of the sea. It was quiet, save for the buzzing of bees and the crashing of waves somewhere in the distance.
In front of them stood a cottage. It was two stories with a thatched roof. Ivy crawled up the stone facade, rendering it nearly invisible from the road. The garden gate was rusted and paint peeled from the front door. The cottage looked abandoned and yet…
Crowley stepped towards the house and was suddenly overcome with the most curious sensation. He couldn’t quite describe it but whatever it was, it felt the opposite of spooky. 
“What’s this?” Crowley asked.
“A house.”
“I can see that. Whose house?”
Aziraphale twiddled with a pair of keys in his hands. “Um, mine. Technically.”
Crowley turned back to Aziraphale in surprise.
“I bought it a while ago,” Aziraphale explained. “I asked Agent Shadwell and Madame Tracey to keep an eye on it when I… when I left for Heaven.” 
Aziraphale stilled and looked to the ground. When he spoke again his voice was quieter; his expression pained.
“I wasn’t supposed to keep it. I was instructed to let go of all my earthly possessions upon my promotion,” the angel sneered at the word and Crowley instinctively wrapped his hand around Aziraphale’s. Crowley was only beginning to understand just how long it would take for each of them to heal from the hurt caused by Heaven, but they would heal in time; they had each other now. Crowley squeezed Aziraphale’s hand gently and the tension in the angel’s shoulders lessened.
“But I didn’t get rid of it,” Aziraphale whispered. “I couldn’t because I, um… Well, I bought this house for us actually. I had always hoped we might live here one day.”
A loaded pause followed Aziraphale’s words and Crowley’s mind went blank. Aziraphale had bought this house for them? Why? How? When? His shock must have read clear on his face because Aziraphale hurriedly continued.
“Oh dear, please don’t misunderstand. We don’t have to live here. I just wanted to show you because I thought maybe– actually, goodness, what am I saying? This was far too presumptuous. I apologize. I’ll sell it. Let me grab the paperwork from inside and-”
“Is that a conservatory?” Crowley asked as his eyes caught sight of a glass structure beside the cottage.
“For your plants, yes.” Aziraphale blushed. “Would you… like to see it?”
Continue reading on AO3
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crowleysgirl56 · 24 days
WAHOO! Last episode of season 1 react video by Danny Motta is up!
This episodes highlights include:
- Danny thinks Aziraphale is still adorable. Correct!
- Danny is pretty happy he got shopping Shadwell/Madame Tracey right. Also correct!
- Danny questions his heterosexuality because he thinks David Tennant in the tub is incredibly attractive. DING DING DING get that man a Cupid doll!
- Danny apparently deals in absolutes. 🤣
- “Beelzebub’s hat looks $11”
- Danny is both super happy and super mad at the Dick Turpin joke explanation.
- “I can’t believe these two aren’t kissing right now this is a fucking joke!” *scrubs face in frustration*. Yes Danny. We know. Oh how we know.
- “How are these two c**ks not in each oth-?” DIES.
So Danny isn’t super happy with the ending and finds it a bit weird and dissatisfying BUT still loved the show and is looking forward to season 2. He keeps questioning what it’s going to be about. Hahahaha hahahhaaaa why it’s about an angel and demon falling in love and going off together hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHHAAAA! *sobs quietly in corner*
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certifiablyinsanez · 1 year
I’ll come out and say it. I preferred season 2 of GO over season 1 and here’s why:
For starters, season 1 was great. Of course, it was our introduction to this marvelous story and world. But here’s my problems with it:
Too many characters, most of whom I don’t care about.
Anyone who says they don’t watch for Crowley and Aziraphale would be liars. We all love them and absolutely crave content surrounding them and their admittedly perfect love story. So with all the characters fit into season 1, several of which I couldn’t stand, it’s somewhat difficult for me to get through without constantly rolling my eyes. My problems with the characters stem as such:
The relationship between Anathema and Newt. Anathema is a strong, smart woman and Newt is honestly an absolute loser. To me he’s got the personality of a wet noodle and his biggest character trait is ‘make computer explode’. It’s like if Seamus from Harry Potter was given a role past his station in the story. They know each other for all of an hour and they end up kissing and having sex which to me is just weird and out of place. I’m fully convinced that wouldn’t have ever happened if Agnes hadn’t mentioned it. And even though I like Anathema, her purpose in the story feels a little…meh. Like sure she and the human computer virus stop nuclear Armageddon but like…I feel like Adam could’ve just been like “stop” and it would’ve had the same result.
Shadwell and Madame Tracey. Again, what do they even do other than provide comic relief and give Aziraphale a body to possess? Also, how is it that Crowley and Aziraphale have the best love story I’ve ever seen and yet in the same story there’s a ‘couple’ where the man, for years and years screams at you, calling you names and treating you like dirt and you….like it? Like, it feels like something an incel would think of as a cute relationship.
The Them. Honestly I can’t be too mad over this, they played annoying little 11 year olds very well, but like, they were irritating. Like Pepper, supposedly a feminist but then says pick-me stuff like “tHeY bOuGHt mE A giRLs BiKe”. Also says that if she were an alien she “wouldn’t bring messages of peace and harmony” but bring violence instead and then later against war says “I believe in peace”, like??? Brian was just so bland he doesn’t even deserve mentioning. Wensleydale? I dunno, the line “I believe in food, and a healthy lunch” like fuck you mean you believe in food???? He could’ve said something like “I believe that all people deserve food” or something that, idk, actually made sense? And then there’s Adam and I’m sorry but the ENTIRE BUILD UP OF THE SEASON ENDING WITH “you’re not my dad”…really? He makes it seem like he loves his dad but Mr. Swindon Ambassador is a total TWAT. That whole bit was just anticlimactic to me.
Overall I feel like a ton of screen time on these characters just don’t do it for me. Season 2 on the other hand? Completely eliminates non essential characters. I’ve heard people complain about “lack of depth” in the new season and honestly, idk if they were just on the toilet or watching their phone for the whole season or what but here’s what I LOVE about season 2 that missed the mark in season 1.
The characters were just *chefs kiss*. They bring back Gabriel, an absolutely abysmal character from the last season and somehow make us love him. They introduce Muriel, who is just a peach! People seem mad over the fact that their character is just “cheerful ditz” and I will FIGHT YOU FOR THEIR HONOR. Their character is so much more than that for a start, and it’s very clear that their presence is important for the story. They took Beezlebub who had no depth in the previous season (negative depth actually), and gave them purpose and a role. If anything Nina and Maggie aren’t really my faves but at least they were more human in representation than season 1 relationships. But my favorite bit?
None of the characters on screen felt like wasted time.
Not once didn’t I roll my eyes or wish they’d get to the good bit. I enjoyed watching all these characters interact towards the greater story. But even better? We were fed with aziracrow content. An absolute feast! And I can’t believe y’all are complaining. I could genuinely just watch an entire series of their antics over the millennia I love them so much, so for people to say it was slow, boring and lacked depth is borderline offensive.
For a transitional piece, it was masterful.
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 1 year
good omens s3 predictions
ye boy jc is a major character. he is west asian and a most wonderfully human Being
and fruity (there will be a joke about his luscious locks)
he doesn't want to do the second coming because of all the suffering it will cause (there will be dialog refering to the calvary and him not wanting anyone to go through the same thing he did), just as adam rejected armaggedon
there will be a scene of ye boi jc and adam (older and ocassional baysitter on roster with the them to anathema and newt's four children, the youngest of which is named agnes) delighting in eating apples under a tree with an old Dog
god face reveal
ye boy jc calls them Mother (he calls mary, who he likes much better, mom)
god is either the biggest bitch alive or is surprise-revealed to be the type the metatron will coup against
ye boy jc somehow gets wind of his archangel's 6k yr old dilemma and goes out of his way to do something about it instead of attending operation second coming logistic meetings
he officiates the ineffable husbands wedding in the finale himself, during which a nightingale sings at berkeley square. there will be extremists shitting themselves irl
weddingsinger!tori amos cameo
wedding band!queen cameo
god and satan are godparents somehow
aziraphale's one night only apology dance spectacular featuring the modern ladies of camelot and/or ms. sandwich's girls + the shopkeepers association + lower ranking angels + lower ranking demons + ineffable bureaucracy + madame tracey in a special role + what's left of the chattering order
hastur returns semi-majorly and gets one (1) badass moment with shax before being foiled yet again by a narrative in need of a laugh
eric gets the promotion they deserve
muriel gets the promotion they deserve (they get to stay/keep the bookshop)
crowley attempts suicide by holy water; earth friends stop him
crowley gets discorporated (azi already did in s1)
crowley fires a real gun
the plants wilt and crowley spends the whole season trying to revive them but they don't until he and aziraphale get back together. he almost throws them about but holds out until it seems like all hope is lost. he's in the process of throwing them out during The Reckoning
crowley moves into the bookshop. there will be a scene with aziraphale clearing out some prime spots for the plants
aziraphale sets the bookshop on fire to save crowley and/or earth friends
muriel names the bentley
nina and maggie are ready for a relationship (i will cry)
one of aziraphale's first ordinances as archangel is to miraculously raise population interest in vinyl records
aziraphale v metatron face-off
aziraphale, crowley, and ye boy jc v god
aziraphale and crowley visit gabriel (still in sweaters and faux fur coats) and beelzebub (still punk) on separate occassions, and in both times are told to stop being idiots and get their shit together
aziraphale drives the bentley in crowley's prefered form at breakneck speed (possibly to save crowley at some point)
neil cameo
hillywood show cameo
more tumblr references/representation (the 'wait-and-see' dialog!! why is nobody talking about that?!)
crowley keeps off the first phases of the second coming but gets involved when his earth friends are put in danger
maggie is revealed to be Something Else Entirely
mr. shadwell and/or madam tracey die and go to heaven where they reunite with aziraphale and contribute to his shenaniganery and/or slap some sense into him
anansi boys cast cameo
american gods cast cameo
discworld adaptation announcement post credits
god and satan makeout sloppy style
...BEFORE airaphale and crowley
everything will be okay
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