#madness combat Quartermaster Bert
archida · 6 months
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Chopper Dave
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Bert (QBert)
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how do you like them?
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arandanoedgy · 8 months
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I don't have favoritism in arena mode
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rep0m4n · 8 months
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I have several drawings with Bert, I really love this character, but I am extremely upset that there is so little information and content about him, mb there are more pictures with him on Twitter, but I have problems using him.
in general, I will post what I have with him and share some thoughts about him!!
"of course, I understand that you are a regular customer, but let's ask questions after the break"
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somsonsomsoff · 3 months
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gloosth-b · 2 months
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Q-Bert and his children
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malekiddo · 10 months
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finally comic
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magiturge · 3 months
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streaming drawing in mspaint at 12 is a horrible idea
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dissentersbedamned · 1 year
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art commissions
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glutton for punishment (i hate drawing HATS)
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fishme4t · 2 years
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more insta doodle rqs except for last two
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I had a dream that Quartermaster Bert was called Queer Bert
He is one so it doesn't change much. He just came out of the closet so good for him!
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originalmadcom · 9 months
2BDAMNED: It’s the negative attitude that’s holding you back.
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lullnyx · 2 years
So is anyone else gonna simp for Bert with me or do I have to do this by myself
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have you all ever listened to chopper dave’s voicelines and realized that he has lines for attacking, getting hurt and dying which implies at some point he was meant to be able to possibly help the arena combat player in battle or YOU mightve had to fight HIM
im just pointing this out because i think itd be great if we got an update that added more opportunities for interaction with the other employees in arena combat.... like what if there were more optional bus stop missions (or whatever you call them) where you could go do something with the other employees. like go to a bar with the pilot and see just what bossman meant by “he talks the wallet off of you”
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idyat · 2 years
Madness combat requests idfk
Requests: Open
Since I'm currently STARVING for madcom x reader content (*cough*Deimos*cough*) I have decided to take matters into my own hands
I'll do drawings, headcanons, oneshots, alphabets and multiple parts stories but don't expect these to be good OR quickly done since this is my first time and I am the queen of procrastination
What I will do
•Heavy angst
•Gore, blood
•Gendered readers IF their gender is relevant to the story
What I won't do
•P*dophilia, inc*st, toxic/abusive relationships, r*pe, etc
•Transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, etc
•Explicit smut
What I'll TRY to do
•Mental or physical conditions
Characters I won't write for (everyone else is probably valid)
Arena Mode Characters I'll write/draw for:
Since I just started watching arena mode gameplay, the list of characters I will write or draw for it will grow over time as I discover them (once the list's dissapeared, it means every arena character is available)
Chopper Dave (please request for him)
Quartermaster Bert
Skinner M.D
Chef Pava
Player (however they would be quite hard to write for so if you can give as many precisions as possible in the request that would be lovely)
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writersmilex · 3 years
Quartermaster Bert: Head-canons
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- One day, while you were walking through the street. You so happen to look at a wall and find a recruiting flyer. It was very vague, the flyer was asking for people who are not afraid to kill to come to a specific address.
- It sounds like a job for you, as you were an ex-con. Got caught for selling stolen goods... Maybe it will go right this time. You take the flyer and got to the address right away.
- It was a reformed building in an ally. it looks way better on the inside. You greet the breaded man in the lobby and explain that you responded to the recruiting flyer. The older man smiles at you and tells you to take a seat somewhere in the lobby. Along with two other people.
- A little while later, the Boss came down and hired everyone who came for the recruiting. Great! You've got a job again!
- You went on a mission with Boss a few times. Which helps you get more skills.
- One time while you were exploring your new home. You come across the quartermaster.
- "Ay ay, how are ye." he smirks at you and waves friendly. He looks a little shifty, but friendly enough once you get to know him better maybe.
- You introduce yourself to him and his grin grows. "I've got the goods, anythin' ye like. I've got ya. And for an affordable price." He winks. Much later you understand that he squirmed himself in the base and sells armour and weapons. Which is more useful than it sounds.
- After he told you about his business he told you his name; Bert, or Q-Bert as many call him. You just call him Bert.
- he tried to sell you something, but you told him "later."  and left because the Boss called you for a mission.
- Bert being the man with the goods, you show up as his little shop quite often. And while you're browsing through his stock. You make small talk and get to know him better.
- You got to know him a lot better. He had a very interesting answer when you asked why he began selling all this stuff. One simple answer that stuck with you. "I grew up with nothin'..." He said in a rather solemn tone. He gained his composure quickly and his usual smirk returns.
- You bought some throwing daggers and left to get to work again.
- You didn't see him for a while, purposefully avoiding his shop. You just had to save some money to buy more efficient weapons, and every time you visited him, you left with more than what you were originally looking for.
- You've saved a lot of money to get a nicer rifle. Bert is happy to see you and even happier that you're willing to spend money. You bought a big, powerful gun. And Bert seems to agree with your choice.
- Bert is a bit of a chatter-box. He can go on and on and on about the product you mildly show any interest in. If a purchase is made, he can also talk about random subjects that come to mind.
- he often asks you about the latest news, since he doesn't leave the HQ much. See if anything is interesting going on outside of the base.
-  He's easy to entertain, as long as it's something money-related. He loves to hear about your saving plans! Tell him everything, please!
- surprisingly, Bert doesn't drink (not anymore). He claimed that eventually, the alcohol cost too much money to keep up such a habit.
- At this point, you start to suspect that Bert has some unchecked issues deep inside. But how are you doing t address this? Perhaps become better friends before talking about such personal subjects first.
- Bert gets distracted quite easily by any shiny object. He seems grateful for every time you either snap your fingers or any other way to get his attention back.
- Usually from a distance, you can see Bert already while approaching him. His mood is sour, he's leaning over the counter resting on his arms. Once he saw you come closer, he sits up and his expression brightens instantly. He's happy to see you.
- You can sneak up on him from around the corner. startling him is funny. But don't do it too often. That will keep him on his toes.
- Finally, you're able to put your thieving skills to use. Helping the chef and his black marked business, you steal nice things, modified weapons. Bert always seems eager to buy those weapons from you.
- You often offer to get him something to drink or eat. He appreciates that whenever you share a snack with him.
- Bert has a trademark smirk. As stingy as he is, he often smirks wide when he gets his greedy hands on more money.
- He is materialistic and gives you small quality gifts occasionally. He's really smug about it too. "This one's on the house." He says.
- Bert is a good listener, during your usual chatting. He gives you a moment to talk to. If you ask questions about him, he'll answer them vaguely. As if he's hiding something.
- one night, while having another conversation together, things got personal. You told Bert about your time in prison. And how you used to steal to survive pre-prison time. Bert told you about how he grew up in extreme poverty, his family didn't even have enough money for food every day, they had to share one bed. And couldn't afford proper clothing, let alone schooling for him. As he got older, Bert did everything he can to not run low on money, he doesn't want to re-live his childhood again. which in turn made him stingy.
- Those memories really seem to affect him. He lowers his head so his cap hides his face, but you can get a peek of a stray tear running down his cheek. You got up from your seat and walked over to him to embrace him firmly. Bert sniffles and returns the hug. "Never again..." he mumbles into the fabric of your jacket.
- While Bert was having a slow day in his shop. He started to think... He knew that you are on a mission right now, and he sort of misses you. That's when he realized he's not just after your money anymore, he wants your company too.
- Every time you get something new, the weapons or armour just so happens to be on sale. Don't tell anyone though... It's on sale just for you.
- He compliments you when you're trying out new armour to buy. And he insists you get it since it looks so good on you.
- Bert is rather flirty and does his very best to woo you with lame pickup lines and out of nowhere compliments. However, when you flirt with him, he loses all suave he had before and becomes a mumbling, blushing mess. shielding your gaze with the rim of his cap.
- There are moments where you just walk by his shop, and if you do. He will lean on the counter, rest his chin in his hand and sigh dreamily.
- After that meaningful conversation the two of you had two weeks ago. Bert started to open up a bit more, his salesman facade faded around you.
- Of course, you noticed how warm your chest feels whenever you're close to him. You love to listen to him talk because he has a nice voice. Not to mention that he's good company. You want to stay with him, and you hope he wants to stay with you also.
- You visit his shop almost every day just to talk with him and sometimes buy stuff. Bert always greets with his trademark smirk and a witty pickup line.
- he always gets worried about you when you go on a mission. Of course, Bert knows you're a tough cookie but still, he wishes no harm on you and that you return home in one piece.
- He sets side items that he thinks that you might like, maybe he can give them as gifts later just to make you happy.
- Another day you show up at the Quartermaster's shop, Bert notices one thing right away. You look exhausted, what's even more noticeable is that one of your arms is in a sling.
- "what're ya doin' 'ere? Ye should be restin'" He says, his voice laced with extreme worry. He leaves his post to stand next to you, reading to grab you if you lose balance. You brush him off, he's taking none of that! He will help you to your room himself.
- Wrapping an arm around you, he guides you to your room. His worry not yet ceasing, he wants you to rest, you're not fit for anything right now.
- Once in your room, Bert helps you on your bed and get comfortable to rest. He was about to leave when he feels something tug him back. You're tugging at his sleeve, "stay?" You mumble in a sleepy tone. He flushes red, this is his chance to make a move!
- Carefully he lies down next to you, awkwardly laying there stiffly. His hands folded over his stomach. It was you who made the next move. Scooting a little closer, you rest your head on his shoulder. Then made Bert build the courage to slowly wrap his arms around you for a cuddle.
- This moment is everything he ever wanted, to be close with someone who doesn't leave. He relaxes, his face resting in your hair. The two of you fall asleep like that.
- The next morning, It takes Bert a moment to remember where he is. He's with you, and you are safe within his protective embrace. It feels right, this is how it's supposed to be. You wake up a little later, feeling a lot better already. You blush once you realize you're in Bert's arms. You waste no time and confess your love to him at that very moment. He of course returns your love.
- You and Bert are very love-dovey with each other, always greeting each other with kisses. everyone knows you're lovers.
- cuddling at his post is a must! Just sitting there and keeping each other warm is the best thing ever to him. It keeps him grounded. You might have to take over his shop if he falls asleep...
- He became a little clingy, has a hard time letting you go when you have to go on a mission. Just promise to come back to him. He will be waiting for you, and get all excited like a puppy dog once you return.
Bert my beloved <3
Thanks for reading. - Smilex
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