luxthestrange · 11 months
TWST!Memes #78
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A meme in honor of @jackplushie,@galaxyshine24-7 Silver bullet au if you dont know about this stellar series !!! YOU GOTTA SEE IT!!!
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frenchfry99 · 1 year
"Can we keep it?"
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The goober has been found
Rob's right tho, Lilly does remind me of a puppy a bit. Even though she's a cat. Puppycat then?
Poppet & Lilly are so precious to me augh-
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(tato means dad)
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Lil malicious creature
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Lilly can be intimidating to literally anyone but her dads smh (maybe it's the clown nose)
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Siblings confirmed 🤨🤨?? Just thought their dynamic would be silly cuz Lilly would be the Ashton defender number one (though there's already a whole bunch of em lol)
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Ik this ver of Colt and Rob would not care for some random kid but I found this idea silly -
Two unhinged criminals and their possibly more unhinged child.
How did Rob find her? Well she's been lurking around the mob base for god knows how long (but literally, prolly only Home knew she's here-) until one day Lilly wasn't careful enough and got spotted by Rob or someone else.
Poppet and Ashton would be the only ones Lilly causes the least trouble to-
Tbh Lilly just wants attention (therefore her only fear is being left alone) and would commit crimes and various mischief to make sure you won't forget about her, unlike her og ver who'd rather give you some silly gifts & help. Though she still tries to be helpful in this au, but how competent and serious a child can be?
( ocs by @clownsuu @cupophrogs @ashchoo @thelone-copper )
(Also don't mind that style & brushes change on literally each of those I was going through a crisis)
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suchalonelysunflower · 6 months
Den of Vipers
Sinners and Saints: Chapter 1
Pairing: Mafia! Ashton Irwin x Fem! Hemmings! Reader
Word count: 5.8 k
Summary: Devastating news forces you to knock on the door of the last person you’d ever want to see.
Warnings: Death, murder, blood, guns, mentions of drugs, abuse, torture, kidnapping, language. Some gramatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Author’s Note: Hiya! Welcome to my new series. I won’t have a taglist anymore, so any way you can support this, whether it is a reblog, comment or like, would be very much appreciated ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy reading 🌻✨❤️
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Series Masterlist
The roaring sound of the engine could be heard from your room, distracting you from the book you were so comfortably reading. A smile crossed your features as you jumped out of bed and made your way outside.
The sun was starting to set with the golden hour on the horizon. The image of your brother’s back walking out the door welcomed you for just a moment before you decided to jump on him, immediately making him drop the small amount of luggage he was carrying.
“Since when do you leave without saying goodbye?” You laughed, perfectly koaling your way along his broad back.
The perks of being a little sister: you’re never too old or too heavy for piggyback rides from your siblings.
Luke groaned a laugh “Since I figured I could be free from your ass a few minutes longer”
You jumped off him “You don’t mean that”
“Of course not,” He smiled, pulling you into a hug. “I was going to go up to your room in a few minutes”
It was always like this when he had to leave. Ever since he started helping your father at work, he’s been gone most of the time, barely having any time for you. It was no secret that Luke was your favorite amongst your brothers, nor did he hide the fact that you were his favorite as well. It was just the way it is, having just two years distancing you of age he became your best friend from the beginning. And it was not like you were allowed many friends either - or rather, no one wanted to be your friend because of your last name.
Luke got that, everyone in the family did. But growing up made it harder for you than your brothers. Being the only girl in the family does that.
“How long are you leaving this time?”
Luke sighed “Dad said it’s only for a week, but you know him”
“So I should expect you by the end of the month” You answered him, trying to hide the hurt in your smile “Can’t you come back early? At least for a few days?”
“Why?” He asked with a puzzled expression “Is there something important happening or…?” You punched him, he laughed “Of course I’ll try to be here for your birthday, little thunder”
And if Luke said he would try, he meant it.
He kissed your forehead before a loud honk could echo throughout the house.
“Someone’s impatient” You rolled your eyes.
“We gotta love him” Luke shrugged, grabbing his luggage and giving you one last look “Take care, Y/N”
“You, too! I’ll see you when you get back”
“I’ll bring you a present!”
You stayed at the door until you watched the car disappear through the gates. Little did you know what would happen next.
The brain works in funny ways. Always reminding you of things you would rather forget.
It’s been a week since “it” happened, but there wasn’t a day where you didn’t relieve it at least once.
The rain against the window; the loud knocks on the door. You were sitting in the kitchen, putting the last candles on your birthday cake, anxious about the promise Luke made you as you looked at the clock. How did they let the police just pass through the gate like that? Maybe the guards knew it was urgent. How you walked down the hall, careful just to eavesdrop without being noticed, just in time to watch your mother fall to her knees, her beautiful party dress ruined as the most horrifying sound left her mouth.
Then, it was all a blur.
People dressed in black. Your father having meetings after meetings behind closed doors, always catching your eye before the familiar click of the lock filled the silence. How the rain felt against your skin as the casket containing your brother's body was lowered down to the ground, never to be seen again. Your mother’s tears. The fake “I’m sorry for your loss” speeches. Your father's stone-cold expression as his hand covered your shoulder with some sort of affection. The silence that came afterward.
But it couldn’t end like that. It wasn’t right.
“We need to find him,” You told your father after the funeral.
He was sitting behind his desk, looking the oldest you’ve ever seen him. His eyes weren’t even focusing on you, almost as if he were also lost.
The first time he lost a son, Ben, your oldest brother, it made him cold as ice. It helped him build the empire he had now, grown on the blood of the enemies he took down along the way. You were just a child then, not older than thirteen, but you remember how fast things started to change. How friends stopped being friends, how business never meant the same thing again, how your mother stopped smiling as the jewels in her chest started growing.
But this is different.
“Dad,” You begged, hating how you sounded like a little kid again.
“There is nothing we can do, Y/N,” He said, coldly.
That’s who Robert Hemmings was, never sugarcoating anything. He tried, albeit your mother’s begging, to keep you out of the know of the family business. You were their only daughter, their little Angel, what good would it do to drag you into this world of madness and blood? It seemed like she didn’t know you at all.
“So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing?!” Your voice rose with every word.
Your father didn’t dignify you with a response, instead, he chose to sit back and close his eyes. For the first time in years, you realized just how old your father was getting. The creases upon his face were as deep as the dark circles under his eyes. His white hair was getting thinner by the hour, and the spots on his skin seemed to be growing.
For a second you wondered just how much time it had passed since you saw him smile, since you spent time with him like you used to when you were a little kid. But you were not a kid anymore, and the man in front of you did not seem like your father at all.
He seemed tired, he probably was after all of this. But you were tired as well, tired of so, so many things that you were done keeping quiet for.
“He is still out there,” You said, more quietly this time “I know he is”
“Y/N…” He sighed, rubbing the pads of his fingers on his temple, trying hard to come up with the right words before he exploded in a fit of anger as he usually does with his subordinates “You heard what the police said. You read the reports even though we told you not to-”
“The reports said they only found one body, dad. One!” You wanted to scream, to shake some sense back into him but for what? You could already see the lost battle before it even began “Maybe Luke wasn’t in the car, maybe-”
“The car was completely burned out! They found his jewelry, some bones- Y/N I don’t know how else to tell you! They’re dead!”
“Jack is dead,” You said somberly “Jack’s body is the only one that they found. Jack’s the one six feet below. Not Luke”
Robert sat back in his chair, shaking his head as you continued with your ranting.
“The bones couldn’t be identified, so it could be one poor soul that got the short end of the stick. It could be one of the collateral damage, as you call them, right dad? Could be fucking anyone! Luke could still be out there, he could be in trouble and we’re sitting here doing nothing-!”
A loud bang interrupted you. Your father’s fist was tense over his desk after he banged on it, not caring about the glass of water that tipped over and was now spilling over the edge of the mahogany. The vein on his neck was trembling as well as his jaw, but his eyes weren’t focused on you. Instead, he looked down, eyes wide and unreadable with every emotion hidden and swallowed by his pride.
Still, that didn’t scare you.
“Jack would’ve wanted for us to find him”
“Don’t you fucking talk about your brother” Robert spat.
“Someone has to!” You stood up, letting the foot of the chair drag against the floor. You have never stood up to your father before, but it was time to change some things around the Hemmings' household “You know I’m right”
“Y/N, Luke is dead,” He said, finally looking straight at you. The helplessness in his eyes took you by surprise “The sooner you accept it, the better. The ceremony for his remains will be-”
“No! That’s not him!” You nearly cried, but you promised yourself not to. Not in front of him. Not ever “I’m not going to mourn a stranger standing in his place”
Your father just shook his head, letting his hands distract him as he sorted out the papers on his desk.
“Dad,” You demanded his attention, leaning over his desk “Dad!”
No response, no reaction.
“Fine,” You said, voice laced with anger “I’ll go find someone who will pay attention to me”
You started to walk away, not looking back as your nails dug into the flesh of your palm, cutting the skin to distract you from crying out of rage and disappointment. This was not how you expected he would react. You didn’t expect him to give up just like that.
The merciless boss of one of the biggest mafia rings in the country… giving up for his son.
“Y/N,” He called out before you closed the door behind you, making you stop in your tracks but you refused to look at him “I’m thinking of selling the business”
Those words left you frozen in place, a drop of cold sweat dripping down your back as you turned to him, clear fear in your eyes.
Robert, stoic as usual, didn’t look up as he signed over something.
“The Luccas made an offer” He explained in so little detail “I believe it’ll be for the best”
“For the best?!” You scoffed, feeling completely betrayed. A new low you believed your father could never be able to reach “For the best of whom? Your conscience? Breaking news, dad. You don’t have one. Cause if you did, you would never-”
You pressed your lips together, shushing the lump in your throat that threatened to escape in a sob. You took a deep breath and turned to your father.
“I hope you know this is the last time I’ll ever talk to you again if you dare to sell it to them. To him”
“That’s not your decision to make”
“Then consider me dead along with the rest of your children. You’re good at that”
The banging on the door was heard all over the house along with your shoes stomping on the floor.
He could laugh. Was it possible that they were that stupid?
It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Calum Hood and Michael Clifford to come at him for help, but really? Drugs?
“This has to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever asked me,” He said, both Calum and Michael shifted a little in their seats.
There they were, sitting in comfortable velvety cushion seats with leather handles; drinking a whiskey that was probably older than them; hands adorned with expensive jewelry and dressed in the finest suits they could afford. And they were afraid.
It was normal, of course, to feel intimidated by him. After all, his reputation preceded him as one of the deadliest men in the country. His successful deals gave him millions, and the ones that weren’t as successful still made him a threat. Men feared him or wanted to be him. Women fell at his feet on their knees and not just to beg for mercy.
There was no wonder why he was nicknamed “Lucifer” given that his eyes resembled the evil and cruelty of Alexander Cabanel’s painting. There was no good left in him, not that anyone knew. Not that he would show proof of that.
Ashton Irwin was a proud man, a respectable man. And the two men in front of him knew it, so why waste their time?
Both Calum and Michael were famous around town as well. The prodigal son, Calum Hood, became a household name after he took on the family business after holding his father at gunpoint to sign the papers for him. Soon, he enlisted Michael Clifford, a wizard in technology and heir to his own fortune - albeit a bit small - as his right-hand man. They made themselves known in the business, and even Ashton had to admit that it was surprising how quickly they went up the ladder amongst the other families he knew. But, as any rookies, they made a few mistakes and asked a lot of favors that they were now trying to amend.
“Calum, how’s your girl?” Ashton asked, leaning back on his chair, pretending that their request was never asked in the first place “Still running that bookshop back on Seventh Street?”
The smirk on Ashton’s face might not have meant anything else but a taunt to Calum. But the latter didn’t like the way he said it, almost as if he knew that his girl was his only weakness.
“She’s good” He answered, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing him affected.
Ashton hummed, looking at the third guy who was standing near the mirror on the wall.
“It’s not nice to bring security and bodyguards for a talk with friends,” He said.
“Is that what we are?” Michael asked, “Is that what we’re doing?”
“You tell me, Clifford. Cause I know for sure that if you came to me as partners then we wouldn’t even have this conversation” Calum opened his mouth to speak but Ashton silenced him “Because as you know, I don’t make deals with lost causes, and right now I’m seeing two in front of me”
“There’s a thing called “unsaid agreements” in this business, Calum, I know you’re familiar with that. And that is we don’t shit where we eat. We don’t sell drugs in this city, we don’t make deals with the locals, and for fuck’s sake we don’t owe favors to the ones that don’t comply with this agreement” He pointed his finger at the two men in front of him “And you two fuckers did the three things together”
“Well, what choice did we have?!” Calum asked “The Luccas were threatening to take over our territory and-”
“And I don’t give a fuck about the Lucass’” Ashton spat “In fact…”
In one swift move, he took a gun under his desk and shot the security guard right in the head.
The two men yelled and jumped as the gun went off. Splatters of blood could be found in their clothing and faces, but nothing compared to the smear of blood and brains that now dropped from the mirror. Ashton, as usual, sat back in his chair with a smirk and hid the gun. Not a single drop of blood hit him or his desk.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” Calum yelled, trying to wipe the blood from his clothes, showcasing his lack of knowledge of the business.
“Cause he was wearing a microphone you jackass!” Ashton spat “Hidden on the belt, look it up”
Michael leaned down and he in fact found a small microphone hidden behind the buckle. He sighed as he showed it to Calum. The two men looked back at Ashton with tired looks filled with anger and embarrassment.
“Another advice,” He said “Don’t fucking invite newbies to “important” meetings”
“You think you’re so smart…”
“I know I’m smart, Hood, and I’m the best there is in this business so don’t you fucking forget it. There’s a reason you came to me and not to the bloody Bermans” He got up and walked up to Calum, grabbing his chin and pulling his closer “I’m the only chance you have but I don’t even know if you two idiots deserve it. So, admit it, Hood”
Calum rolled his eyes, but Ashton tightened his grip.
“Say it” He nearly whispered, looking straight into his eyes.
“Jesus fuck, fine. We need you, okay?”
Ashton smiled, letting go of Calm and patting him on the cheek “Atta boy”
Just in time, someone knocked on the door before opening it. A young blond girl dressed in a white crop top and leather pants peaked inside, only showing half of her body but her whole face.
“Lauren, not now”
“There’s someone here to see you”
Ashton rolled his eyes “I don’t have time for it right now. Whatever or whoever it is, it can wait till at least for the cleaning to come up”
“I don’t think it can wait, sir. She’s very insistent. I’ve been trying to hold her back for twenty minutes now” Ashton gave her a look that made her roll her eyes “She says her name is angel and that it’s urgent”
Ashton perked up at the name. Slowly biting the inside of his cheek, he nodded and turned back toward his desk.
He clicked his tongue before looking toward Michael and Calum, and then back to his assistant.
“Bring her in and send the cleaning team to at least remove that idiot, please” Lauren nodded and closed the door. He looked at his desk, putting away some papers as he nonchalantly said “You two, out”
“This isn’t over, Irwin-”
“Yes, Clifford it is” He stared at them but barely raised his head “Now get the fuck out before I make you”
Ashton could only hear a string of murmured curses and then the door closing with a bang. He smirked, “Angel,” He whispered to himself in a singing, mocking tone “What have you gotten into”
The blonde girl looked familiar. Her smile showed some kindness that you weren’t used to seeing around these places, even when you first encountered her behind the bar. She didn’t ask questions other than your name and the reason for your sudden visit.
“He doesn’t see people without a previous appointment,” She said, handing one more beer to the drunken men who slurred their thank you’s to her.
“What, is he a doctor?” You chuckled humorlessly, but the girl didn’t laugh along with you. her bright blue eyes just showed pity and understanding. You sighed “Look, tell him is angel, he’ll see me”
The girl shrugged “I can’t promise you anything, doll. Just wait here”
Once she was out of sight through a backdoor, you took your time to scan the place. Ashton did outsell himself with this one.
“The Den of Vipers” was the most popular club in the city, having opened ten years ago when Ashton took over the family business, it was still filled with clients who wanted to get lost for a while. Ashton was good at making people disappear, and it showed. This place screamed his name wherever you would look.
The floor was a dark marble with white gold lines separating the tiles. There were booths against the walls, all made of velvet cushions and leather. The lights were low, and changing from blue to purple, to green and then white again as the music played, it was impossible to keep track of the people there thanks to it. The bar itself was made of bulletproof glass, standing proudly and mockingly in the middle of the dancefloor, surrounded by different bodies lost in the mindless music the DJ of the night put on, almost in trance and unaware of the things that happened behind the scenes.
Of course, this whole charade of a humble business owner was just Ashton’s front to the authorities - even though they always seemed to be on his side, many times you heard your father complain about it - but you knew the reality. In fact, you were sure that when the girl came back, you’d be led through the backdoor and into the real building. You’d walk through careful hallways that will eventually lead you to the owner’s real office.
And that is exactly what happened once she came back and guided you through cushioned, sound-proofed walls covered in dark green velvet. The lights of the halls were dimmed, giving the feeling of being watched at all times like a haunted house. And you wouldn’t have been surprised if that was the case, after all, Ashton could be anything but careless when it came to a negotiation.
Which is exactly why you’re here.
When you got to the door of his office, you didn’t need to knock as the door opened immediately. Two guys dressed in black came out carrying a bodybag, leaving the door open. You rolled your eyes because, of course, Ashton would make a big show.
“I’ll take it from here,” You said to the girl, giving her a small smile that she mirrored.
The first thing you saw when you came into the office was the desk. It had nothing but some papers and a lamp, no sign of family pictures or hobbies. It was common for the “big bosses” to keep their workplaces clean of any personal relationships, but coming from Ashton it seemed pretentious - at least for you.
The mirror still had blood stains on it and you could tell they were still fresh, even so you didn’t look twice. Blood and guts are not something that shocks you anymore, and that realization came with a whole can of worms you weren’t ready to open up yet. There were some stains on the floor and what you could assume was gunpowder residue, so you were careful not to step on those.
“I’d apologize for the mess, princess. But you and I both know it doesn’t matter”
You turned to find Ashton with his back facing you as he fixed a drink on his personal mini-bar. His broad shoulders and back were covered with the finest of suits - from Milan, everyone and their mothers wore clothes from Milan - his hair was longer than the last time you saw him.
When he turned around, however, it seemed like nothing had changed.
He looked mature, of course, twelve years can do that to someone. But his eyes were still the same shade of hazel you remember, only a bit more sadist. He looked good, and somehow you hated that. It was time to put the past in the past where it belonged and stop the memories before they cloud your mind. Still, something inside you kept telling you, urging you to let yourself go. What did it matter how he looked? But that thought came late for the half smile he wore as he walked up to you, made you realize that he caught you staring.
“Here,” He said, handing you a glass of whiskey and coke. How’d he know your favorite drink? that was a question for another time “I assume you’re a big girl now, princess”
You glared at him as you swallowed the whole glass in one go, never taking your eyes off him and his unimpressed look.
“‘m not a princess” You said, dryly “And I can make my own drink, thank you”
You pushed past him and walked toward the mini bar, fixing yourself another drink. It was clear that you didn’t need it, your mind was screaming and begging for you to keep a clear head while you were ahead and in front of Lucifer himself. But something in his smile… the way his eyes still treated you like a child, so condescending, brought something in you. A chance to prove yourself in front of him.
All your life you had to prove yourself in front of men like him. In front of women who think they were better than you because their hands didn’t get dirty as yours did. In front of your parents. Of Luke… How long until they realize that you are where you belong?
Once you finished making your drink you turned back to Ashton. His eyes roamed your body, shamelessly, he licked his lips briefly before a smug grin adorned his face, eyes looking straight at you.
“I can see that,” He said, leaning against his desk “So, angel, haven’t heard from you in a while”
You rolled your eyes “Don’t call me that”
“You’ve never seemed to mind it before”
“I’m not here to reminisce about the olden days, Irwin” You spat.
Ashton whistled “So the bitch can bark! Impressive. Who would’ve thought that the balls of the Hemmings family were hiding behind their youngest?” Your face turned red in anger as your fingers tensed around the glass. Ashton noticed and tauntingly walked toward you with a smirk and leaning to whisper in your ear “But guess what? Y/N, you still can’t bite”
Your body became hot at his proximity. The smell of his cologne filled your surroundings as the rage - or something else, something new - inside your stomach kept boiling. But before you could push him away, he was already pulling apart and going back to sit at his desk.
“Tell me, Y/N, what is a Hemmings doing here all by herself? Has daddy finally kicked you out?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, looking down unable to meet his eyes. You can’t believe you’re doing this, not with him. But there wasn’t any other choice.
“I need help,” You said, hating how those words sounded coming from you.
“Everybody does” He shrugged “Doesn’t mean they’re going to get it-”
“Ashton,” You finally looked back at him. The urgency of your voice and the fact that you called him by his name for the first time since you came here, took him by surprise as he listened “Jack’s dead”
Ashton’s eyes remained unchanged at your words, looking straight at you while his fingers played with his rings on the opposite hand. From his reaction, it was hard to guess that once upon a time he and the Hemmings’ siblings were inseparable, Jack being the closest of age to him and one of his first friends. Your eyes begged for him to do something, say something. To show you any indication that he might help.
The bond between your family and his broke a long time ago. You were barely a child, but you knew there was no going back to the summers filled with laughter and joy you all shared. In the blink of an eye - or at least that’s what it felt like as a child - The Irwins and the Hemmings were sworn enemies. And the friendship you had with Ashton vanished in thin air.
You and Luke took it the hardest, begging your mother to help you call the Irwin household so you could talk to Ash. Never understanding why suddenly her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head no and told you to play something else.
“He hates us,” Luke said to you once. It was another boring afternoon after you suggested calling him again. But Luke’s eyes were cold as ice, scaring you as he said “And we hate him”
And for a while that was it. You weren’t going to go against your brother, so the subject was finally dropped and you haven’t seen Ashton since. Or at least that’s what everyone thought.
But now, years after the fallout, you were hoping somehow that those words were a lie. Maybe Ashton could still hold some kind of fond memory of your families together. Anything to make you believe he might help you.
“My condolences,” He said after a while, no emotion hidden in his voice.
His comment made you angry, “Is that it?”
“What else do you want me to say?” He shrugged “People die every day, Y/N, it just the way it is”
“He was murdered”
“Shocker” Ashton scoffed with sarcasm “He was never the brightest of lads.”
“It was an ambush,” You said, unable to stop. “They were driving back home in the middle of the night when a string of bullets came raining down on the vehicle. Jack could barely escape before they found him and slit his throat. They burned the car afterward. And Luke-... Luke’s missing, Ashton”
Ashton nodded, pressing his lips in a thin line “He’s probably dead”
“No, he’s not”
And maybe it was because of your determination, or the look in your eyes when you said it, almost as if you believed it. But Ashton grinned at your statement.
“No,” He said, “He’s not”
A small breath of relief escaped your lips. Finally, somebody believed you.
“Would you help me?”
Ashton shrugged “Why would I help you, little Hemmings? What makes you so entitled to come here and ask for my help after what your family did?”
“My family?” It caught you off guard, what did he know that you didn’t?
“And why aren’t they helping to find their beloved golden child?” Ashton mocked, standing up and circling his desk until he was once again in front of you “All the stories we hear about the young, promising Hemmings… I’m sure they were not talking about you”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the comment, grip tightening around the glass, nearly breaking it.
“I am shocked that they didn’t start a search party already. Has daddy Hemmings opened his eyes to his karma yet? Why should I care? Matter of fact, why should you?”
“He’s my brother,”
“Cute. Not enough, but thanks for trying” He nodded toward the door “See yourself out, angel. This isn’t your castle”
Ashton turned around, not even giving you a second glance. Your hand reached out to him, grabbing him by the arm and making him stop. There were probably a few people who could do that to him, even fewer the ones who were still alive to tell the story. He turned his eyes toward you, curiosity and anger hidden in those hazel marbles staring back at you and then at your hand on his arm.
The tension was clear, but it was a little too late to rethink that mistake. If this was your only shot, then you had to take it. You owe that much to Luke.
“I- I have no one, Ash,” You said, looking down, ashamed of your statement and how weak you sounded.
Ashton didn’t say a word, he didn’t move away either. He stood there, waiting for you to continue. And for the first time in a long time, you felt relieved that someone was at least willing to listen.
“I left them,” You told him, looking straight into his eyes “I left my family because they did not believe me. They can’t find Luke, they won’t even try. He’s the only person I have left and I won’t rest until I find him, with or without your help”
Ashton grinned maniacally, a shadow appearing in his eyes as he looked down at you. Now you understand why they called him Lucifer. For he once was one of God's most beautiful angels, but temptation and his own ego were his doom. And, as he leaned down, you couldn’t help but be entranced by that wicked smile as he said, nearly whispering.
“And what are you willing to do, angel?”
It was a challenge, you could see it in his eyes. A bait to lure you into a trap. And you took it.
Ashton’s smile widened as he freed himself from your grasp and walked over to his desk to grab a set of keys, pressing a little button on it.
“If I’m going to help you, little Hemmings - and I’m not saying I will just yet - you’ll have to resign your name and what comes with it. I’ll be dead before I help a Hemmings out of the sheer kindness of my heart”
You rolled your eyes “You don’t have a heart, Irwin. Is that all you want? I told you I left my father”
“I don’t need a rogue princess fumbling with my business” Ashton scoffed, “So whatever I say goes. You’re working for me, Hemmings, not the other way around” He walked closer to you again, his chest nearly hitting yours “If I say go, you go. If I say we stop, you stop. If I say get out of my sight, you better pray your little feet move fast. I don’t care who you are, what you are, or what you represent. If you fuck with me, I’ll fuck right back. And I go hard, angel. No intentions of having any kind of mercy. Understood?”
You challenged him with a look, trying to figure him out. But time was running out, and you didn’t have any other option.
“Yes.” You said, dryly.
Ashton clicked his tongue “Yes, what?”
“Don’t push it, Irwin” You took a step back “So, we have a deal?”
The doors to the office opened and two large, muscly men dressed in suits came in and stood quietly but threatening at the door. You crooked an eyebrow and looked back at Ashton.
“Friends of yours?”
“Acquaintances,” He said, walking over to them and getting out the door, only stopping for a second “You comin’?”
The two men walked behind you as you followed Ashton through the halls that first brought you there. The image of his broad shoulders walking under the low lights and out toward the club shielded you from any distractions. He would sometimes glance over his shoulder, a teasing smile pulling at the corner of his lips when he noticed you were still walking a few steps behind him.
People at the club were sweaty and unashamed. Bodies grinding against one another and along the beat of a dark EDM song. Some women and boys would walk up to Ashton, letting their hands grace the skin of his face and neck or arms as they each seductively said hello to him. It seemed as if they were enchanted by him, moved by a spell of lust as their eyes would meet his. They wanted him, they all wanted him. Ashton would smile, say their names, and acknowledge them with a hello before moving to another person, another step toward the exit.
Ashton led you through a door that led to another dark hallway. The music sounded muffled through the walls, blocking your ears at the sudden change of environment. Ashton walked a few steps ahead before he stopped and turned around toward you, hands in his pockets as he looked at you and grinned.
“Now what?” You asked, annoyed “Any other fan of yours that we need to greet?”
Ashton chuckled and shook his head.
“No, just precautions”
“Precautions? Why would you-”
“Sorry, angel”
And with a snap of his fingers, the world went black.
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33-81 · 2 years
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The danger gets me high, and I can't help myself
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
5SOS Fashion account on ig has identified the ring both each Ash and Luke own and wear.
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“Mafia Bling Ring”
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
Lizzaneia's Grimoire of Yandere Men
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Here's a masterlist of my yanderes! It will be updated regularly whenever a prompt or fic will be posted.
(I separated the second set since the photo got capped already ^^)
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RANKING REQ: The yanderes as fathers
SCENARIO REQ: The Yanderes with their yandere children
RANKING REQ: The yanderes and your period
SCENARIO REQ: The yanderes and their dream date
SCENARIO REQ: The yanderes and their Choice of Outfit for You
SCENARIO REQ: The Yanderes and their Darling's lonely birthday
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Top 3 yandere men (my OCs) when it comes to jealousy
ask: How would I define yandere?
Which OCs inherited their yandere-ness/Has yandere-ness in their genes?
My top 3 yanderes
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Yandere! Neuvillette (Genshin)
Yandere! Solomon (Obey Me)
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yandere! Artist Arlen
main fic
yandere! artist and his muse
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Yandere! Dragon Vincent
main fic
Req: Yandere tidbits: flying
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Yandere! Theater Actor Ignatius
main fic
ask: Soooo does this mean Ignatius got roleplay k!nk??
What if: reader is an otaku?
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Yandere! Butler Zero
main fic
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Yandere! Sugar Daddy Rowan
main fic
ask: Rowan can spoil me anytime :)
ask: Just read yandere sugar daddy AND GOD!! Plz do part 2. I want to see them dating🫣
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REQ: Yandere! Jock Damon
main fic (also had voice headcannons for the previous yan men)
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is a black belter in martial arts?
Ask: what if the reader doesn't like Damon's himbo personality?
Ask: What if Damon drops his facade?
Req: ask of a What if: Black belter reader met somebody else in the promotional test?
Req: Yandere tidbit: achievements
What if: darling posts a thirst trap?
Req: Yandere tidbit: Reward system
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REQ: Yandere! Assassin Azrael
main fic
req:yandere! Assassin and his conglomerate girlfriend
ask: oh. hm.. so. Azrael right? So he gonna tear us down eh?-- What would happen next 🤡?
ask: I'm actually scared for yan!assassin mc.......
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Yandere! Ex-boyfriend Lee
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is now a husk?
Req: WHAT IF: Reader knows how to protect themselves?
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Yandere! Cowboy Knoxx
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Darling goes back to the city?
Req: WHAT IF: The reader goes back to the city, but this time with Knoxx?
Req: What if of a WHAT IF: Reader becomes a broken husk after the baby trapping?
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Yandere! Emo Ashton
main fic
req: Yandere! Emo and his beloved popular bitch
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REQ: Yandere! Werewolf Lyall
main fic
Req: Yandere tidbit: Knitting
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Yandere! Ex-husband Iñigo
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: You refused to marry him?
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REQ: Yandere! hospital chairperson Xavier
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Darling got sick?
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REQ: Yandere! Villain Eros
main fic
ask: Darling avoids Eros turned Part 2
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REQ: Yandere! Politician Maximus
main fic
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REQ: Yandere! Mafia boss Hades
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is a rebel type?
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is "cheating"?
348 notes · View notes
smuttyaf · 7 months
5sos Masterlist
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✰ - most popular | ★ - series | 𐙚 - my personal favourites
hii! i no longer write for them anymore but these are all my oneshots and edits. they are veryyy old and definitely show cases my writing progression! (lol)
i apologize for any misuse of words, punction and grammar
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𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝
how did you? | wc; 1k
calum sneaks into your room. fluff.
i'll be good | 3k
calum cheats on you, yet you keep running back. | part 2 | part 3 |
complete | 2k
calum is your body guard, you both are in a secret relationship because you are model but also a royal princess. | part 2 |
reflecting | 1k
calum and you make a trip to the bathroom.
secrets | 2k
calum eavesdrop on your conversation.
change your mind | 5k ✰
calum is the typical fratboy who wants to change your mind about him.
worked up | 1k
calum helps you relax after focusing on school too much.
fast learner | 3k 𐙚 ✰
you give calum head for the first time.
interruption | 2k 𐙚 ✰
you’re the wife of calum hood who is one the leaders of a mafia ring. | part 2 |
future | 4k 𐙚
calum’s life with y/n as a woc.
shameless | 3.7k 𐙚
calum wants someone to walk in.
vacation | 9.2k
your mom sends you off on vacation where you meet calum.
southside serpent | 5.8k 𐙚
calum invites himself over so you can help him study.
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𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
enamoured | incomplete ★
in an alternate universe, luke buys aurora palvin and falls in love with her.
i'm sorry | 2k
luke makes it up to you after coming home late.
help | 3k ✰
in luke’s pov, he tutors y/n who was plotting all along.
angel | 4k
in luke’s pov, he falls for his new neighbour.
diamonds & gold | 3k
in luke’s pov, he’s protects y/n from the guy harassing her in school.
lolita | 3k ✰
in luke’s pov, he lets his step-sister give him a blowjob.
daddy's good girl | 3k
you disobey luke.
space | 3k
luke helping you study for science.
french study session | 5k 𐙚 ✰
you fail your french test and luke offers to correct were you went wrong.
the seven deadly sins: lust | 3.7k
overly religious luke meets you.
mr. hemmings | 5.5k ✰
you fall in love with your neighbour. | part 2 | part 3 |
southside serpent | 5.3k ✰
luke won’t stop bothering you.
heaven sent | 5.1k
you don’t want luke to leave. cmbrn inspired.
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𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧
my little gift | 2k
ashton unwraps you in front of the fireplace.
silent | 3k 𐙚
ashton makes you wear a remote vibrator during class.
office escapades | 3k 𐙚
ashton admits he has feelings for his coworker. gymteacher!ash
southside serpent | 4.8k 𐙚
ashton is your childhood bestfriend who always had a thing for you.
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𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝
confused | 2k
michael falls in love with you, but you only know french.
your day | 548
michael eats you out for your birthday.
unusual friendship | 3.4k
you want to try something new with your friend.
forbidden love | 4k
demigod!michael is in a relationship with you.
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he finds out you slept with another band member. | part 2 |
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appreciation post ( this is so bad lmfao )
au; cal & his girlfriend
au; college cal
au; ceo luke
wink ( this is really terrible too )
why don't you? 𐙚
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angelsdvsts · 1 day
new muses alert ! give this a if u want a ♡ starter from any of them !
sylvie davino - olivia rodrigo ; early-twenties; nepo baby yazmin nidez - leah kateb ; mid-twenties; fashion influencer lilac acosta - isabelle mathers ; mid-twenties; model/youtuber leah wang - amberly yang ; mid-twenties; pr manager stephanie ortiz - nikki rodriguez ; early-twenties; veterinary assistant (test) ivy prescott - gracie abrams ; mid-twenties; artist (test) neveah williamson - ryan destiny ; late-twenties; hip-hop dancer/instructor (test) rosetta perez - priscilla quintana ; early-thirties; high school counselor (test) marco rossi - antonio cipriano ; early/mid-twenties; filmmaker ashton maddox - robert rausch ; mid-twenties; wildlife biologist jax smith - brayden bradshaw ; mid/late-twenties; twitch streamer diego fernandez - aron piper ; late-twenties; son of the mafia jevoni harris - keith powers ; mid/late-twenties; journalist (test) ezra whitlock - paul mescal ; late-twenties; con-artist/hacker (test) oliver bennani - emilio sakraya ; late-twenties; street fighter/boxer (test) gabriel gariner - lucas bravo ; mid-thirties; sous chef (test)
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ok-i-draw · 10 months
Mob!Hopper backstory: Pt5
Warning: blood, gore and language
Left to right ——>
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Thank yall to those who let me borrow their oc’s!
Au: @clownsuu
Ashton: @ashchoo
Posters: @chimeracarnival
Mafia logos: @freakmexdraw , @ari-jay
Thank yall for waiting!!!!
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A friend of mine is really curious about this, so I thought I'd throw it to the public
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suchalonelysunflower · 6 months
Sinners and Saints - Chapter 2
Pairing: Mafia! Ashton Irwin x Fem! Hemmings! Reader
Summary: Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? After seemingly accept to help her, Ashton would not make it easy for the reader to find his good graces.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, blood, guns, threats, kidnapping, murder, mentions of abuse, injury. Some grammar mistakes (English is not my first language I’m sorry)
Word count: 5.9k
Author’s Note: I’m keeping it, and if you don’t like AU’s don’t read them 🤷🏼‍♀️ Thank you all for the support with the first chapter, it means a lot 🩷 And remember to reblog, comment and like the post if you enjoyed it ❤️ Hope you like it and happy reading 🌻✨🦋
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Series Masterlist
“Careful, angel” You could hear the smile in his voice dripping with condescending sarcasm “We don’t want you to get hurt”
Still, you kicked and fought and bit and yelled “fire” hoping anyone could hear and come and help, but the music was too loud and you were at least ninety percent sure the walls were soundproof. You could not see anything besides the darkness of the velvet inside of the - you guessed - bag over your head. Your heels dug into the ground as the minions Ashton probably hired from the slums tried to drag you away.
“Get the fuck away from me!”
“Motherfuck-!” One of them yelled after you sunk your teeth deep into his hand. You smiled at the faintest taste of blood that lingered on your tongue. If you were going down, at least they’d know you fought back.
Ashton rolled his eyes with a sigh “You know,” He said “You used to be fun”
“Fun?!” You yelled turning your head toward where you thought he was, still dragging your feet as two pairs of arms dragged you “I would show you fun, you sick son of a-”
“Ah-ah better be careful with your next words, angel” Ashton tutted. You felt his breath next to your ear, goosebumps jumping up on your skin as he leaned down and whispered “We both know you like it”
At that point, you were hoping you had a bag over your head so that he would miss the way your cheeks flamed up at his proximity. But if you had to guess, he probably wore a devilish smirk right now, and oh, how you wanted the satisfaction to erase it completely.
“GODFUCK-” You smiled as you heard Ashton’s groan in pain after you kneeled him near his crotch.
Soon, your wrists were grabbed by one of his hands, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his heartbeat next to yours as he took off the covering of your face.
Hazel, angry eyes were staring right at yours, you didn’t dare look away. You couldn’t. His gaze scanned your face, lingering a second too long on your lips before his stare found yours again, looking back with something hidden in them, something that made your breath get caught up in your lungs the second you noticed the soft caressing of his thumb against the skin of your wrist. It was a challenge, it had to be. You knew Ashton’s tricks too well to fall for them so easily. But having him so close made you realize exactly why it seemed so thoughtless to give it all away.
“Why do you have to be so difficult?” He asked, words like velvet coming out of his mouth.
“I don’t know,” You answered, staring back at him with anger “Why do you have to be such an asshole?”
Ashton chuckled, “Ouch, and I thought we were getting along”
Suddenly, you felt someone yank you from his grasp and carry you over their shoulders to the exit. You kicked and screamed, but all was fruitless as you were thrown inside a car where they tied up your wrists and ankles, and covered your face with another blindfold.
“Believe me, angel. I had no intentions of tying you up this soon” Ashton’s voice came floating as you felt the seat next to you dip under his weight. You scoffed in annoyance.
“Bite me, Irwin”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, love” He said “And try and keep quiet, alright? Don’t make me gag you… Unless you want to”
The car started moving, and just like that, you were completely at his mercy.
During the whole car ride, you were completely silent and still. You didn’t even give him the satisfaction of breathing hard, and you knew you were driving him crazy. Well, if the consistent sound of tapping his fingers on his knee told you anything, that is. You had to repress a smile at that.
Ashton liked the chase and fight. You noticed it the second you saw that glint in his eyes. One does not get the name Lucifer by playing fair and liking it.
“Turn over here,” He told the driver “Take the next exit and then straight home”
You rolled your eyes. Of course, he didn’t want you to know where he lived or how to get there, it was all part of the protocol your father used with all of his associates as well. How many times have the driver picked you up from school and a random man was sitting at the back with a bag over his head and his hands bound with tape if anything?
But you’ve already sold your life to the devil. You promised everything he requested to save Luke from whatever hellhole he was caught up with. You trusted him despite yourself because no one else would’ve helped you due to the nature of your last name. Ashton knew this. He knew that you weren’t going to betray him, you couldn’t even if you wanted to while your brother was nowhere to be found. So what was all this circus? Was it just to humiliate you further?
“Someone’s awfully quiet over there” He taunted. You said nothing “Aww, cat’s got your tongue, angel?”
You kicked what you hoped was his seat and heard him laugh quietly. Your cheeks burn red as you bite your tongue from ever answering him. There will be nothing left to say until he starts helping you with the search.
Sometime later, the car came to a halt. You heard how Ashton’s men got out of the vehicle, feeling how it got lighter once they did. You were still sitting in place, not moving unless moved to become more of an inconvenience for anyone because they knew that if they tried to touch you, some of the bruises you left on them might become worse.
That’s until you felt a familiar grasp on your arm.
You tried to hit him once again, but Ashton was pulling you from a distance of a few steps ahead of you. He took you up some stairs and you heard a big door closing behind you. Suddenly, the light came through.
“Now, listen,” Ashton said as your eyes adjusted to the light and the new environment “I don’t want any funny business here, you got it?”
Your head was reeling too hard to even speak. Your eyes started to look around, familiarizing yourself with this new threat. The two of you were standing in a grand entrance lobby, the main staircase not too far behind in the room. There were guards on each door, some even waiting with firearms in their hands, ready to draw. The marble floors decorated the room with elegance, nothing you wouldn’t expect from someone in this line of business.
But what really impressed you was the size of this mansion. Of course, you had your fair share of them, coming from a big, important family, it was nothing new. But knowing that Ashton lived there alone… it sure felt lonely.
Yet, you barely had time to ponder on that as Ashton grabbed you by the arm again and dragged you up the stairs.
“You are never to leave this room, understood?”
He opened up a door, practically throwing you inside and making you lose your footage.
“This door stays unlocked for me at all times” He sternly ordered “Don’t get in my way, don’t bother me, and don’t come looking for me. If you do, somebody better be dead or I’ll make sure they will be”
Ashton slammed the door after that, leaving you completely alone.
Immediately, you ran to the door, but when you opened it you found two guards standing with their broad backs facing you, both of them with guns.
You groaned and slammed the door shut. Falling to your knees as you desperately and angrily wiped away the tears that could not stop falling. You cursed Ashton’s name over and over again, hitting the ground until your knuckles were scraped and started to bleed a little bit. By then, almost all of your anger was contained and you were left feeling numb once again.
You stood up and cradled your hands with each other, looking around the green sage-painted room. The door of the bathroom was opened, so you went in to clean up the dirt and blood from your hands and fingertips. You noticed it had a bathtub; and towels; and the cabinet was filled with ibuprofen, bandages, and a first aid kit.
You looked back into the room and also noticed how the sheets were new, and the blankets over them were placed perfectly aligned with the pillows. You rummaged through the closet and found different outfits mostly consisting of sweatpants, hoodies, workout clothes, and a set of pajamas. The realization that Ashton got someone to get the room ready for you while you were driving to his house caught you by surprise.
Still, a cage was still a cage no matter how fancy it seemed.
The next thing you did was try to get to the windows, but as you suspected they were nailed shut and made with bulletproof glass.
“Smart,” You thought “You win this round, Irwin”
Suddenly, the antics of the day caught up with you as you let yourself fall into the sheets and the bed. You didn’t know how or when, but when you woke up, you were tucked underneath the blankets.
The next morning Ashton woke up with a major headache. His mouth was dry and his hair was sticking out in various directions. He got out of bed with a groan and with the everyday motivation coming from the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen.
But his thoughts are quickly scrambled by loud knocks at the door.
“Fuck… What?!” He shouted, rubbing his eyes, still trying to wake up.
“Sir?” One of his bodyguards talked through the other side of the door “I- uh. I’m afraid something’s happened… eh, with the guest. She- she’s not in her room, sir”
Immediately, Ashton was out of bed and putting on his sweatpants, grabbing the gun that slept next to him on his bedside table. He opened the door and put the front sight up against the guard’s neck and under his chin, making the man gulp when he saw the anger in his boss’ eyes.
“Say that again” He demanded.
“Th-the- the maid went to give her br-br-breakfast but the girl was not-”
Ashton rolled his eyes and murmured a “Fucking idiot,” before he went up to check up on the room across the hall.
“Shit,” He cursed, punching the door frame and turning toward his crew “I want eyes on every fucking room in this house. The pool. The garden. The fucking sheds! Not a single rock left untouched! That’s Y/N Hemmings we’re talking about!”
“And if we find her?”
“When you find her you bring her to me. I’ll deal with her”
The men scurried quickly, leaving Ashton shirtless and alone in the hall. He cursed out loud and headed toward his office to check the cameras. Surely, if his idiot guards could not handle you, you still mustn't've gone too far-
Ashton backtracked a little bit, turning toward the door of the office and opening it completely. You almost laughed at his face when he saw you sitting there in front of his computer. But you quickly decided to ignore it and just go back to work. He has you trapped, but that does not mean you owe him any interactions.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asked.
You noticed how his chest was rising and falling with anger he tried to keep at bay. The scars that adorned his skin seemed to come alive at that. His eyes were trained on you, waiting for an explanation.
“Starting the investigation” You shrugged.
“How did you-?”
“Please, I still remember your mum’s birthday. You’re the type of man who would use that as his password. I didn’t need to try that hard”
Ashton saw red at your comment. He slammed the gun to the desk and grabbed you by the arm, surely leaving bruises as he dragged you out.
You started to fight, punching him wherever you could. But he suddenly stopped and grabbed your other wrist with his hand, twisting it a little bit, just enough to make you complain and to stop your attempts to hurt him.
In his eyes, you could see the reason why people say he’s the angel of death. There was nothing but anger and hatred as he looked at you. It scared you for a moment, but it wasn’t going to make you run away.
“You said you would help me” You spat at him.
“I never said I would make it my priority”
“You motherfuck-” You cursed him out, trying to escape his grasp but it was useless. Yesterday he might’ve been playing a little bit, but now he was showing you his real strength.
Ashton shoved you back into your room, not even looking as he said “Change of plans, since you want to be a brat, you’ll be treated as one”
Then, he slammed the door and you heard the lock being put on.
You ran up to it, banging on it and fiddling with the knob to no avail. You cursed out his name and yelled at him, demanding to be let out.
“WE HAD A DEAL!” You’d shout until your voice gave out, but it all fell on deaf ears.
What have you gotten into?
Hours later, while you’re trying your best to pick the lock of the windows, the door opens.
“That’s not going to work, you know?” A kind voice said, “Believe me, I’ve tried”
You turned around to find the blond girl from the bar. She was smiling at you, leaning against the door frame. But the way she smiled… It seemed too familiar. Then, it hit you.
“Lauren,” You breathed her name, she laughed.
“About time you remember me!” Lauren said, walking into the room and sitting over the bed, patting the spot next to her “I almost thought you forgot about me”
“It’s not that,” You said, complying and sitting beside her “It’s just- wow, you were so little the last time we saw each other. And now…”
“I know, right? The glow-up did me good” She joked “And so it did to you. When you gave me your name yesterday, I must admit it took me a while. But when I noticed how my brother started to act…”
You rolled your eyes at her comment about Ashton “So being her prisoner is special treatment?”
“Having him agree to help you is special treatment. You know how he is”
But that was the thing, you didn’t. You’ve known of him, of his reputation, of his deeds. But Ashton Irwin was a complete stranger to you. Whoever that person at the end of the hall was, he was far away from the boy you used to know.
“Are you-?” You cleared your throat, not knowing how to ask the question.
“In the family business?” Lauren finished for you “No, I’m only working at the bar and as Ashton's assistant for a few months. Took a sabbatical from uni. Harry is also going there but he’s more applied to his studies” She laughed “Ashton never wanted us involved, even made us change our last name for a while so we don’t get connected to him or all of this.”
“I’m glad,” You smiled. “I would’ve done the same thing if I had younger siblings. My brother’s did try it with me, though. But, you know” You looked at her, and something flashed in her eyes “You look a lot like her”
“I know,” Lauren smiled at you, putting her hand over yours “And, I haven’t said it yet, but I truly am sorry about your brothers. It’s a shitty situation”
“Tell me about it,”
“But I know if anyone is going to find Luke, it’s Ashton” She assured you “And, don’t tell him this? But I did have a little girl crush on Luke way back when. So I really do hope you’ll find him”
You laughed at that, promising to keep quiet “Be honest with me, Lauren. Am I doing the right thing by trusting Ashton?”
She sighed “If I’m being honest, I would tell you that you already know never to trust anyone in this line of work. But as someone who knows Ash, and knows everything he’s been through and done… He’s a good guy, Y/N. Or at least better than the rest”
You nodded, understanding what she meant. Yet, your heart was still doubting. Still worried you made the wrong choice by coming to him.
“Oh, and before I forget,” Lauren said, getting up and handing you an old cellphone, “Ash told me to give you this”
“What for?”
“Communication, emergencies. You name it. It only has his number on it, but I snuck mine before he could notice” She gave you a wink “Talk to you later, okay?”
“Hey, Lauren?” You called for her before she left “Thank you. Thank you for everything”
The girl smiled and closed the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts and that old phone in your hands. So you decided to test it.
Me: Couldn’t you have found one phone from this generation?
Ashton: They can easily be tracked. You know that.
Ashton: So, sorry if you wanted games installed.
Me: Are you going to let me out so I can continue with the investigation?
Ashton: Are you going to be a good girl for me and do as I tell you to?
The redness of your cheeks went up to your ears. Groaning as you read that message.
Me: Fuck you, Irwin.
Ashton: Still with that attitude, angel? Too bad, I was going to ask you what you wanted for dinner. Guess the chef will skip that request, then.
Me: I will be caught dead before having dinner with you.
Ashton: Good. We can finally benefit each other, then.
You threw the phone against the wall, denting it a little bit with no damage done to the phone. This was going to be a long day.
It was 2 AM when the sound of the door banging against the wall woke you up.
“Get up,” Ashton’s voice rang through your head as you sat up “We’re leaving”
He was standing in the middle of the room dressed in an all-black suit, his hair was pushed back, leaving just a wild stand of honey-colored curls to fall upon his forehead. To anyone else, it would seem he was headed to a party, but you knew that could not be the case. He scoffed, already annoyed.
“Are you deaf?” He asked, cocking his gun without even meeting your eyes “I said get up, we’re leaving. Now”
“I’m not going anywhere with you”
Finally, he looked up at you, refusing to accept the challenge that you presented to him.
“I don’t think you understand, angel-”
“Don’t call me-”
But before you could finish your sentence, he took two long strides to your bed and put the gun right up your forehead, fingertips on the trigger.
“When I say you jump, you ask how high. If I tell you to move, you move. This isn’t daddy’s little playground where you can make the rules, princess. I’m in charge here. You work for me. You belong to me. Understood?”
You said nothing, staring directly at him with all the hatred you felt for him at that moment. His hazel eyes mirrored yours, feeling nothing but disgust under his gaze. Yet, you knew he was serious.
“I don’t like to repeat myself, angel. But for you I’ll make an exception” He said gravely “Understood?”
“Yes,” You said through gritted teeth.
Ashton put away his gun, snapping his fingers. Never taking his eyes off you as a maid brought a change of clothes into the room. It was a long-sleeved, black cotton shirt; a pair of black cargo pants; a multipurpose belt; and a can of pepper spray.
“What’s this?” You asked, picking up the tiny can.
“You’re going to blend in with my security team”
“Then shouldn’t I be carrying a gun as well?”
Ashton laughed, “Nice try, angel”
“Irwin, I’m serious! How am I supposed to protect myself with just this?!”
“Then I guess we’ll figure it out,” He said, sparing one last look at you. “I expect you to be downstairs in five minutes”
“What if-”
“Try me. Just once and you’ll see what I’m capable of”
He left the room, leaving you alone huffing and rolling your eyes at the image of him that once was there. But, having no other option, you did as you told.
Downstairs, a couple more guards were standing with Ashton at the door. You noticed a black Range Rover ready to go just outside. One of the guards came toward you, a bag in his hand. You stopped him.
“Is that really necessary?” Ashton raised his brow, and you rolled your eyes “It’s the middle of the night, Irwin. It’s not like I would see much anyway”
The guard looked back at his boss, shrugging. Ashton looked back at you, eyes hard as steel. He didn’t say a word, just turned around and started walking to the car. For a moment, you smiled to yourself for that small victory.
You sat in the back in the middle of two guards, Ashton went up the passenger seat. You frowned. It was not normal for someone that important in this line of work to be in such plain sight. But then again, the glass and the whole car were bulletproof, and the windows were tinted black. And, to top it all off, everyone knew not to fuck up with Lucifer himself if they weren’t ready to face the consequences firsthand. After all, only a fool would try to kill death.
“One of the alarms went off at the club,” Ashton said before you could ask him “Someone tried to break into the offices, killing one of mine.”
That answers the way he was dressed, although you guessed that no matter the occasion, he would dress the part. Still, it didn’t seem like a big deal to wake all of you up in the middle of the night. You’ve walked the hidden halls of the club before, you knew they were well-guarded and with the right security system installed. Ashton surely had the right people to take care of all that. Unless…
“Lauren?” You asked, letting the worry slip in your words.
Ashton barely moved his head, you assumed that hearing the name of his sister come from you must’ve surprised him a bit.
“She’s fine,” He said, dryly “I don’t- She doesn’t work there unless I’m with her”
You nodded. Smart choice from him. Yet, that doesn’t explain why you had to come at this time. But when asked about it, Ashton just gave you the silent treatment until you got there.
Once you were parked, Ashton went out of the car almost immediately, leaving you and his men to follow him.
“Call Clifford,” He ordered to the group of men standing at the door “I don’t care if you have to drag him out of his bed, remind him of the favors he owes me” He turned to another guard “You. I want the list of names of the people that came in yesterday and tonight. I want a background check on their families as well. As for you…”
“Sir, everything was accounted for. Nothing was stolen. Our team is looking for hidden mics and cameras as we speak”
“I don’t fucking care if they took anything or not” He spat “I want to know, how the fuck did they manage to get in the first place?!”
“No, you listen here” Ashton threatened, just inches away from that man’s face “I’m going in there, and you better pray to your pitiful god that we don’t find anything. If I do, if I even hear about someone who did, you bet your little sorry ass that there will be hell to pay. Starting with you. Don’t make me the villain just because you don’t know how to do your job. Don’t play with me because you will find me, and that will be the last thing you do”
You stood there, shivering. If that was because of the chilly wind or Ashton’s words, you didn’t know, nor were you particularly excited to find out either. Seeing him angry was nothing new to you by now, but it was entirely different seeing his anger aimed at someone else.
Ashton dismissed his men, turning back on his heel and walking up to you. The two men that were by your side rapidly scurried away, leaving you on your own with the devil.
“Anything you want to tell me, angel?” He asked, eyes set on yours.
“What?” You scoffed “You think I had anything to do with this?”
“All I know is that you randomly appeared at my door less than 36 hours ago with some sob, pathetic story, asking for help. And now people have tried to break in”
You couldn’t help but let out a breathy, insincere laugh. Yet, Ashton remained as serious as ever.
“You’re kidding,” You stated “I’ve broken all ties with my family. You know this. Why else would I ask for your help?”
“Because all Hemmings lie, angel,” Ashton said, taking a step closer to you “That’s all they do. And don’t think for a second I believe every word that comes out of your mouth just because you come here with sad eyes, demanding help. I’ve taken a risk by even considering helping you-”
“Then why did you? Why did you say you were going to do it?”
You asked out of genuine curiosity. If helping you was “such a huge risk” for Ashton, then why did he even accept it in the first place? Still, he gave you nothing with his silence.
His eyes were dark, familiar to the boy you once knew, but at the same time so far away from the memory you once held. It was impossible to get a read on him, to know what he was thinking at any given time. He was just standing there, merely a whisper away from you, yet so distant. He was a man with no conscience, no soul, and no mercy.
“I didn’t lie to you,” You told him after a while “I just want to find my brother”
Ashton contemplated you for a moment “And if I refuse to offer any help?”
“Then I will find someone who will” You lied, knowing that no one but him would be able to help you. But hoping Ashton would believe it enough not to question it “You tell me to go and I’ll leave, right? So I’ll be out of your hair if you’re so scared that I might do something”
Your intention was never to walk away, but you knew exactly what buttons to push to get a reaction out of him. And, sure enough, you didn’t walk even one step before his hand grabbed you by the wrist and turned your body around, chest colliding with his, face to face.
He held your wrist at the level of his eye, watching intently over you, trying to decide whether or not to believe you.
“You’re getting on my last nerve, angel,” He said, quietly but with a hint of a threat lacing his words.
Your eyes shifted due to his proximity, going from that hazel color of his eyes to the pinkness of his lips. You caught yourself at the last second, focusing on the chain that hung from his neck over his chest. But the smirk he gave you let you know that he caught you staring.
“Like anything you see, angel?”
You rolled your eyes “You’re impossible, Irwin”
“Maybe,” He said, a smile present in his voice as he lowered his head and whispered in your ear “But as you said, I’m your only hope”
“I didn’t-”
“SIR!” A man yelled behind you. Both turned toward him “We found something-!”
Suddenly, all you could hear was the sound of a gunshot followed by the thud the guard’s body made when it hit the floor.
Ashton turned around quickly, pushing you behind him as he tried to grab his gun from his pocket. It all happened so quickly, that you didn’t even notice the second shot being fired until Ashton groaned and grabbed the side of his arm.
You acted quickly, grabbing Ashton’s gun from his pocket as you started to fire it in the direction where you assumed the shooter was. You pulled Ashton from the back of his collar, awkwardly maneuvering him to safety while you kept shooting until you hit the back of a building. You pushed Ashton against the wall, watching briefly as he sunk to the ground while you tried to focus.
Most of your body was hidden behind that brick wall, but your periphery gave you enough balance to locate the threat. You watched a shadow run from the roof of the club to the alleyway beside it. The guns from both your parts kept shooting bullets in your direction, neither of them hitting the target.
The shadow then jumped on the hood of a car onto the passenger seat. The sound of the tires burning against the floor hurt your ears, and the headlights lit up as they sped away. And, just like that, they were gone.
Your ears kept ringing while you tried to stabilize your breathing. The beating of your heart was going ten thousand miles per hour as the reality of what just happened sunk in. But, what the hell happened?
“What happened?” You whispered to no one in particular “We were just-”
The dryness of your throat forced you to keep quiet. The truth was, you never experienced cross-fire before. You knew how to shoot a gun because your brothers taught you against your mother’s wishes. You knew the basic steps you needed to follow in case there was a shooting. Yet, this was the first time you shot someone - or against someone - and the fact that you couldn’t tell if the shaking of your hands came from fear or adrenaline disturbed you a little.
You blinked, seemingly being pulled back to earth with his voice.
Ashton was sitting next to you, panting as his hand covered the side of his upper arm. He looked up at you, but the hatred you once saw in his eyes was now replaced by some sort of mischievous gleam. He was grinning at you.
“Well done,” Was all he said before a hiss escaped his lips.
“Oh my god, Ash” You kneeled by his side “I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s fine,” He said, trying to move “I’m fine, the bullet didn’t even - fuck. It didn’t even hit, barely grazed me-”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the buttons of his jacket and opening them to slide it off.
“Take a guy out for a drink first” He joked as you started to open up his shirt “Although, I can’t say that I mind-”
“For fuck’s sake, Ash. I’m trying to see where the bullet hit you!”
From your position, you couldn’t just shrug off his sleeve. So you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him from the wall, accidentally letting go too early and leaving his head to bounce off the wall by the effect.
“I told you, I’m fi-fiaaagh- The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Sorry,” You cringed, trying to locate his wound “I can’t see it properly…”
Ashton then swiftly pulled you from your hips into his lap, sitting you properly before he raised his arm and bent it with his hand behind his head.
“Better?” He asked, breathing in deeply from the pain.
You stared at him, perplexed by his actions. But then you shook your head and located the wound, trying your hardest to ignore that you were sitting in Ashton Iriwin’s lap.
His other hand danced over the side of your knee, never touching it, but barely grazing it with his fingertips. His eyes were set on every move you made, never leaving your face. When you noticed it, he smiled at the slight blush that covered your cheeks.
“So,” You said, calmly “Are you going to give me a proper gun now, Irwin?”
“I’ll consider it”
“What? I basically saved your life!”
“You have a poor technique” He shrugged “I can give you some proper points later”
“Proper points?”
Ashton then grabbed his gun from beside you, took out the bullets, and pointed it at you.
“You see this?” He said, “This is how you grabbed the gun, one misfire and you’d be out a finger, angel. You’re lucky my guns are well-calibrated. But we’ll go over that later”
“Sure,” You said, giving him a small laugh in disbelief “Well, you’re lucky that bullet barely left a cut. We- You should go disinfect it before it catches anything”
“I’ll survive then,” Ashton said, lowering his arm and letting it rest on your bent ankle. caressing the skin.
“For now, Irwin”
“Ash,” He said.
“Earlier you called me “Ash” It’s the first time that I’ve heard it”
“Well, I thought you were dying, so…”
You gave him a small smile that he returned, his fingers still touching your skin as his eyes never left yours.
“We should-” You stammered “We should head back, see if anyone else is injured?”
“So that you could call Peter, “Pete” if he got himself a boo-boo?” You groaned as you rolled your eyes and got off his lap, starting to walk toward the club “I was joking!”
Soon, you and Ashton and a couple of guys from his security team were scuttering the roof from where the shadow started to shoot. There was nothing there that could lead them to anything or anyone. It was completely deserted.
“And you’re sure you’ve watched someone run-”
“Yes!” You repeated for the thousandth time, giving them a walkthrough “I saw them appear over here, and then run toward the alleyway. They jumped and got into a car, someone was already waiting there”
Ashton hummed, “We’re going to review the footage, and see if we can trace the license plate or the type of car they were using. That would narrow the list”
“A lot of enemies, Iriwn?”
Ashton shook his head “I don’t think I have anything to do with this, angel”
“What do you mean?”
He walked over to you where the shadow allegedly started shooting. He turned you around and pointed to the two guards that were marking where the two of you had stood before the shooting.
“Tell me when you see it,” He whispered to you.
You scoffed. There was nothing left to see. The man who was supposed to be Ashton is with his back exposed to the shooter while the one representing you was barely in sight. They could’ve easily-
And then it hit you.
They could’ve easily shot Ashton in the back of his neck. But they didn’t.
Ashton was not their target.
You were.
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doakarma · 4 months
Ooc// so I finished the oc stuff.
The backstory feels a bit too unrealistic but so do a lot of canon backstories so I’ve decided I don’t really care, i might change it but idk. I’ll see what everyone thinks about it.
Their ability is inspired by Yukito in another story
@oscarsgallery here they are!!
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~ Basic info ~
Name : Ashton
Age : Unknown *
Pronouns : They/it
Sexuality : Demi-Ro/bi
Height : 5’4
Personality : They are very dramatic and love to do everything in as extra of a way as possible.
Affiliation: None.
- Port mafia (past)
* their age is unknown as they don’t tell anyone their real age. they are around 16-ish but on their fake documents they say they’re 19.
~ ability ~
Name : Checkmate
Range : Close range
Description: Their ability is activated during a game of chess, where if their opponent agrees to play they can’t deactivate the ability. If they beat their opponent then the opponent dies in a mysterious accident within a few hours.
~ backstory ~
Their father happened to be affiliated with the port mafia but did his best to give Ashton a good of a childhood as possible. This worked for a while and they got a fairly normal childhood despite knowing their fathers work.
This didn’t last forever and while still fairly young they ended up being dragged into the mafia. They were taught normal skills but within their first few missions it became obvious they weren’t the best, they weren’t as strong as the others (partly because of their young age) so it was decided that they would play into that fact and they were taught to be the one who would he left behind if a mission would likely end in someone being taken in to questioning, so naturally they ended up being trained to maintain blank even in interrogation (or torture)
Eventually about a year or so ago they got tired of the cycle and made a plan to escape. Their friend (who worked with counterfeiting stuff or something) helped them to forge a new fake identity and to fake their death. Which all went surprisingly successfully and legally they are considered dead.
With their new name and altering of their appearance they decided to venture out to find somewhere far away, ending up in the sky casino and managing to get a job there. It was there they discovered their ability after every time they bet someone at chess they’d end up mysteriously dead, so they changed to only ever playing against people who were cruel and happened to be in the casino.
after they casino was destroyed they ended up returning to Yokohama, but staying as far away from the mafia as possible. They do hope to one day be able to track down their old boss and play a game of chess with him.
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tuskanini94 · 9 months
I kind of want someone to write a mafia, imodna fanfic. Where Imogen is the butch mafia leader and Ashton, FCG, and Chetney is her muscle. Ormy is her drive/personal bodyguard. Fearne is Imogens' accountant, and they decided to meet at a new jazz club that opened up that Fearne recommended. This is where Imogen meets Laudna as the knew clubs singer/owner.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years
(hc) = Headcannons (os) = oneshot (fic) = Fanfiction
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(💩) = Shit Post (🎶) = song (✉) = Letter (❔) = Requested
(oth.) = Other
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❔Yuu ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Cat Allergies (os) ⚧ 🧀
🥋Enma Yuuken ➳
🔱Grim ➳
Strong & Silly Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Cat Allergies (os) ⚧ 🧀
Back to the Main Masterlist?
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miss--soapy · 8 months
My Mod Photo Dump Masterlist!
This is just a collection of the random mods I've made. Most are just jokes so they probably won't be released. Others are exclusively made for myself, sorry 😭.
Skin -
Ashton Neck Tattoo
Ashton Arm Tattoo
Ashton w/ Sasuke's Curse Mark
Seb Bl**d Splat 1 2
[COMMISSION]: Willow for salixtree used custom make up that I made 🫶🏼
Seb with vampire bl**d drip
Omi with vampire bl**d drip
Seb & Omi vampire bl**d drip 1 2
Omi with alot of tattoos
Hair -
Ashton Messy Hair
Ashton Horn Hair (& also Kpop make up)
Omi Messy Hair 1 2
Omi's Kpop Hair
Clothes -
Seb in a blazer - Bowtie
Seb in a blazer - Mafia
Ashton in a leather jacket
Ashton as Negan - Leather jacket & Bat
Seb in a T-shirt - Ashton support
Omi in a T-shirt - No Hobhouse!
Ash/Seb/Omi in hoodies
Ash in a hoodie and his casual hair
Omi in leather jacket
Ashton in the Uncanny Counter Hoodie
Trio in a hoodie and baseball cap
Accessories -
Ashton w/ Cat on Shoulder
Ash/Seb w/ Cowboy Hat, Chilling
Omi w/ Cowboy Hat
Seb w/ Cowboy Hat
COMMISSION: Hank for salixtree uses my cowboy hat mod!
Dog Ears - Seb, Omi, Ash
Ashton Devil Horns
Ashton with Loki horns
Omi & Seb w/ Bunny Ears
Other -
Seb to Duncan Replacer for Urim
Seb as portraits replacer
Ashton: NPC to MC replacer 1 2 3
Ominis and a mug ☕️
Seb replaces everyone!
Ashton as Negan w/ Leather jacket & Bat
Omi as a Targaryen with crown and Iron Throne
Ashton with a Pipboy, Cowboy hat and old car
Mirror of Erised and tunnel set
Ashton with a Guitar
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
curious for all the student/university/studying yans: jock damon, ex bf lee, delinquent liam, bully uno and college student alpheus..
if darling got a scholarship outside the country and they accept it, how would these yans react? can they handle a ldr? would they come along? or would they prevent darling from leaving?
(minus bimbo/himbo darling from twinkie ashtons fic jadkshdkdg sorry </3)
Yandere students and their scholarship earning darling
aww this is kind of sad actually. Of course, all of them would be devastated but let's see.
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Damon will be a wreck inside.
"Oh shit... Really? Uh, congrats!"
He'll be happy for you of course. His little nerd is actually getting a scholarship? That's huge! But then... What do you mean you have to get out of the country? He can feel his resolve crack, and it's going to be the first time you see his real side. Staring at you with a blank, all devouring stare.
Thinking of the worst, he will sabotage your scholarship. Don't get him wrong, he will feel guilty about it since you worked hard on that scholarship. But out of the country? No fucking way. He's quite selfish too, so he didn't even think of applying for a scholarship there too because the University he's in has given him so much opportunities to pass on.
You'll just be surprised one day that your scholarship was canceled due to a "mismatch" of interest. Don't worry, he'll be there with you to comfort you. Oh! Will you look at that! This University both of you are attending gave you a full scholarship! How amazing and coincidental it is, right?
He just got you back.
And now you're leaving him again?
"Babe, what the fuck?"
He will be extremely hurt. Have you never thought of him at all? You two just fixed your relationship again and here you are, telling him that you got to move to another country just to do this damn scholarship. He went through grief, and now he's gonna go through another one.
You know the drill. This man isn't letting you go. But rather than hiding his disdain like Damon, he'll cling to you and cry, exclaiming to not go or else he'll kidnap you again. Well, that shut you up and gave up scholarship. He's also very selfish as you can see.
If you did refuse to do so, then another trip (locked inside) to his bedroom once more until you relent and give up that scholarship :( He'll be happy as a bee, and he will be extra clingy so you would just forgive him in what he did.
Liam is the rare one in this.
He'll be happy to let you go to the scholarship that you got!
After all, you got that damn scholarship just for yourself. If it made you happy, why won't he let you? He's gonna be the asshole in this situation if he didn't let you. He's more than happy to let you go (for now) and let you pursue what you want.
What you don't know is other than the tracking device on your phone, him learning how to hack and monitor you from your phone camera due to some shady connections, he's the one to manipulate the University you're going to go in giving you the scholarship. Mind you, he didn't exactly threaten them, but when he has close connections to... Let's say, Hades' mafia clan, it's not that hard to do :) (OOOH NEW LORE CONNECTION OH MY LORD)
After all, he's just working student! And if his father and mother are high ranking members in Hades' clan, he will use that connection for your happiness <3
Uno would scoff and roll his eyes.
"Of course you would be the type to get a scholarship outside of our University."
As if mocking you, he at first teased you about it. Saying that you're such a nerd and he will be sad if you actually went away. In reality, he's seething inside. He already knows beforehand that you got that scholarship. He's too invested (he's stalking you) on you to not know the things you're up to. And the fact that he's also having a hard time manipulating the inside of the University you're going in is irking him to the bones.
But, once he's got you in the airport and is already on boarding, he'll be next to you, whistling like the dog he is. If you ask him, he'll smirk and show you his phone. He also got in. Oopsies, it seems that you have to be with him even in the new University. Now, how will the both of you terrorize this new place?
Another day, another emotion/feeling for this man.
"C-congrats... Babe..."
Oh, you don't like the look he has in his face. You know another problem is going to arise.
The few days after that was calm. It seems that he's okay with it, amazingly. Until one day you just found yourself cuffed to his bedpost. You swore you were just hanging out with Alpheus in his house, waiting to eat the food he's cooking, drinking the iced tea... Okay that was too obvious and you still fell for it.
But you pity the guy. He's dealing with what's akin to grief. It was the first time he felt this pit he seem to can't get out off, and it's suffocating him raw. You'll see tears for the first time, and you have to comfort him. With his face buried on your stomach as he knelt by the bed, with you sitting on the edge and stroking his hair, you had to explain to him what that feeling is.
Then when he gets better, surprise surprise, he also got a scholarship (rigged) at the same University as you! How delightful.
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