#mafia au tom holland
macadoodlewrites · 2 years
The Devil Doesn’t Bargain - Prologue (Peter Parker Mob AU)
Summary: Peter Parker is well on his way to taking over his adoptive father’s business – but with new threats emerging, Peter and Tony Stark decide that a deal between rivals needs to be brokered. A marriage proposal between enemies brings Hallie straight into the arms of Peter, and it won’t take her long to realise that escape will not be easy.
Warnings: kidnapping, drugging, dub-con behaviour, torture, smut, swearing
Ships: Peter Parker x OC
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Main Masterlist
The Devil Doesn’t Bargain Masterlist
Word Count: 1.2k
Being woken up by a banging on his door was not how Peter Parker wanted to start his Saturday morning; it wasn’t how he wanted to start any morning. Perhaps if the knocking had come from a woman - preferably naked - or someone holding a wad of cash for him, then he may have been less angry. But as he knew that the only people with access to the house were Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn or MJ Watson, he felt perfectly justified in yelling, “What the fuck do you want?”
It was Harry knocking. “Get your ass up, Tony wants you.”
“Well Tony can go fuck himself and come and see me if he wants me.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger, Pete,” Harry hollered back. “Just check your damn phone.”
Peter could hear Harry’s footsteps echoing in the hallway as he walked away, probably back to his own bedroom with MJ. If Tony had contacted Harry, it must be important - Tony was the leader of the Stark Mob, one of the most feared gangs in Northern America, and Peter was being groomed to take over the empire. He already had a name for himself as it was - a name that struck fear when mentioned - but he wanted Tony’s title.
Which meant for now, he answered Tony’s calls and messages when required.
Not that Peter didn’t respect Tony - quite the opposite. His parents and Uncle had died when he was ten, and since that day twelve years ago, Tony had inserted himself into his life as a surrogate father, and helped his Aunt May out with tuition, contacts, and practically raised him alongside her. May had been killed two years ago, and since then, Tony had adopted Peter only months before his twenty-first birthday, securing Peter’s place in his dynasty. 
He turned over, reaching across his king-sized bed for his phone. Four missed calls from Tony, and even one from Pepper. There was a text above all of the calls. 
Meet me at base. Now.
Within an hour, Peter was dressed in his usual attire - white dress shirt, black blazer, black trousers, an extremely overpriced watch, and cufflinks with his initials etched into them - and walking into the Stark base. No one bothered him as he went by, he was only given the occasional nod from some of the higher-ups. He didn’t return them. This was business, and his image as the cold, unapproachable, son of the boss was something that he had carefully crafted and wanted to keep. 
Tony’s office was to the back of the base, and Peter knocked as a courtesy before walking in. Tony was sat behind his large black granite desk in his cream leather chair , a stack of files in front of him. There was a large glass of brandy in his hand, and his hair was mussed-up, as if he had been running a hand through it. He barely glanced up as Peter walked in. 
Peter walked towards the side table next to the cream leather sofa, poured himself a glass of brandy from the glass tumbler, and then took a seat in front of Tony’s desk. 
“It’s nine in the morning, Tony. Little early to be drinking?”
Tony placed his own glass down on his desk and stared Peter down, his eyes tired behind his glasses. “I could say the same to you.”
Peter raised his glass in a mock-cheers. “Careful there, you almost sound like my father.” 
“I’m the closest thing you’ve got to one, kid,” replied Tony, but there was affection underlying his tone. “I have a job for you - a long term one. And you’ll need the boys and their skills to help you.” Peter, Harry and Ned were the perfect team, and Tony knew it. 
“Alright. Why the urgency?”
Peter watched as Tony downed the amber liquid in his glass and took in his appearance. Asides from his tired eyes and rumpled hair, his shirt was creased, the top button undone, and his tie was loose. This was not Tony Stark, leader of the most successful mob in Northern America, the commanding billionaire that the public feared. No, this was the rare Tony that only his family - including Peter - saw. 
“My house was broken into last night,” Tony said, and stood up to get himself another drink. Years of keeping control of his emotions was the only thing that stopped Peter from dropping his drink. “They nearly made it to mine and Pepper’s bedroom. Both Pepper and Morgan are fine, and in one of our other houses. I fired fifteen men this morning for incompetency and have had to check over every one of our cameras and security systems. We caught the men who broke in and they’re currently in interrogation.” Peter couldn’t help but snort. Interrogation meant that the intruders were dead men walking.
“How did they find your address? It’s not on any of our records,” Peter replied, leaning forwards. “The same as mine.”
“It looks like we may have a mole,” Tony explained, his glass nearly full. “But that’s not what concerns me. It’s the who.”
“And who were they?”
“Whittingham men. That was all of the information that we could find on them. They swallowed pills as soon as they were put into the interrogation room, so I have no idea if they were there to harm Pepper, kidnap my daughter, or kill me, but it won’t happen again.”
Gears were turning in Peter’s head. There weren’t many families that would dare put themselves in the same category as the Starks, but the Whittingham’s were one of them. Dominic Whittingham, the leader of their organisation had been locked in a rivalry with Tony for the better part of a decade. They were influential and powerful - clearly more powerful than Peter had estimated as they’d somehow broken into Tony’s house.
“What’s the job?” Peter asked. 
For the first time since entering the office, Tony smiled. He sipped from his drink and placed himself back at the desk, then slid three files over to Peter. 
He opened them. One was the file on Dominic Whittingham - Peter had read through it many times. Know thy enemy, and all that. Dominic was known for his wealth, his charitable contributions to society, and presented himself as a good man. To anyone on the flip side, in the depths of illegal activity as Peter and Tony were, Dominic was as crooked as they came.
The next was on Aiden Whittingham, the heir to the family legacy. He was essentially Peter’s twin, on the other side of the game, the one groomed to take over eventually. Peter had also read through this file many times.
And the final one was on the daughter. Halston Whittingham. 
He knew this file well. It was much smaller than her father’s and brother’s. As far as anyone was aware, she had no dealings in the family business, no hand in any illegal activity. She was a socialite, she attended events for charities, cut ribbons at ceremonies, appeared in magazine covers for her style and family name, and had a reputation as innocent as her father’s was blackened. 
Peter had also done his own separate research on her before, pitched ideas to Tony...
“Tony,” Peter started, staring down at the picture attached to the file. A pretty blonde, smiling widely into the camera. “Why am I looking at her file? What is the job?”
Tony leaned forwards; hands clasped as he leaned on his desk. “It involves Miss Whittingham, Peter...”
Let me know if you would like to be tagged for updates!
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lokisangstyteen · 2 years
Teeth {1/4}
[Warnings] Spy!Reader, Mafia!Tom Holland, Violence, Blood, Sexual Tension [Author note:] Hi guys! I've been gone too long and thought, what better way to pop in than to finish what I started? Enjoy! I write for anyone. Just feel free to send a request; with love, Loki. 692 words (Short little part one)
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"Tell Carter to do it." "Y/N, Carter is a man. We need a woman to do this job, and you're our best agent available." Your boss sat behind his desk, leaning back in his seat. A slight sneer on your lips as he took a swing of that disgusting bourbon he claims is absolute gold. "So? I'm already on the job. Doing two at once could fuck up everything on both sides. I can't." You were trying your absolute hardest not to show your frustration. A two-year job put on hold for a quick intel mission? Anyone can do that. "Which is why you are no longer assigned to that job. Melissa is taking that over. So, yes, you can." He spoke without looking at you as he poured himself another shot. His 3rd one while in your presence, the next three, and he'll be slurring his words like a pig. If they could talk, that is. "What?. You gave my job to her? The job I've put two years of my time into?" By this point, you were well beyond annoyed. Even pissed off. Though you knew declining a mission wasn't on your list of things you can do.
"Yes. Now your mission is to find, seduce, and infiltrate the home of a suspected mobster. We need you to retrieve a file he no doubt has hidden. You're going to New York. Understood?" The expectant look in his eyes for you to simply obey made your eye twitch. Taking a quiet deep breath, you nod and leave the room without another word.
2 days later
Here you were, in a skin-tight dress, waiting for the man everyone knew as Tom Holland to show his face. You had gotten the intel from the agency, and they had even been oh so kind as to supply your dress for the night. It was gorgeous, you must admit; it stopped in the middle of your leg; a slit on the right side went all the way up to your hip and stopped. It was just the right amount of sexy and classy put together, the blackness of the color adding to the mysterious vibe they wanted you to deliver. Your goal is to catch his attention; this dress will do that.
It was definitely a bright night; while you stood outside looking at all the lights, everyone else was brushing past you, rushing into the club before it became too crowded, and they were forced to either finish drinking at home or travel around the city for another bar. Checking your purse, you fished out the fake ID they had given you to remain undercover and safe. Walking up to the bouncer, you flash your ID, and he surprisingly asks zero questions and steps aside so that you can enter, which provoked a sea of complaining from those waiting. Ignoring all the irritating voices, you walk in like you know what you're doing; truth be told, you honestly don't. The loud base of the music and stench of bodies writhing against each other has never been your kind of scene.
Pushing past the hands grabbing at you both on purpose and by accident, you make your way to the bar in the hope that you may end up spotting your target from the whole angle of the bottom floor it gives. Turning on the stool, you order a small glass of Bacardi. Considering you're in the rich part of town, it's a simple yet intelligent choice. Scanning the room, a hum escapes your lips, watching everyone dry humping each other because they're too intoxicated to find a goddamn bathroom or storage closet this place no doubt keeps unlocked for that sole purpose. Your face scrunches in annoyance at the fact you have to be here. That's when you feel the change in atmosphere, a suffocating stench of power and danger. You blink, trying to reign in the shaking of your hand. Frowning, you look around, trying to see if you can pinpoint the direction of the feeling. That's when you see him. Tom Holland, the man that rules New York. But wait...
Who's he with?
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Hi guys! I'm just here to tell you that if you guys have any requests for one shots or imagines of Marvel characters or actors, Harry Potter characters then I'll do my best to fulfill them.
The ask should contain the character, the theme of what you want it to be(it can be general or specific, i don't mind), whether you want it to be any specific reader and I'll try my best!!
I have a lot of time on my hands and i need something to pass the time 🥲
I can do Mafia au and soulmate au, i do fluff and angst. No smut. So yea I guess that's it.
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moon-fics · 11 months
A/n: I love this request because I love mafia AUs!! I sadly couldn't come up with any ideas as an actual fic, so I made headcanons for you to enjoy anyway!
Request: Hii, I hope you are having a good day! Can I request one with the mob! tom holland × reader where tom is really protective of his private life and everyone thinks he is non-committal and only hooks up for one night but actually, he has been with the same girl since he was 15 and they just get more in love every day 🥺🫶
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Tom HATES sharing his personal life with the public
He will do everything in his power to keep his life private, especially from the newspaper
He only does it because anything can and will be used against him by many people who could easily take him down
So, even though the public yearns for details about him, nothing is really confirmed
There have been rumors that he sleeps around or can't keep a girl for more than a week
That's far from true bc this man has one love and it is you
He's been in love with you since high school before he became the powerful man he is today
Even though he can be intimidating and brutal, you know he's still the same dork that you met back in freshman year
He will do anything for you and only you
He refuses to let the tabloids know about your connection to him
He absolutely adores you in every way to the point where he won't denounce the rumors just to keep your identity hidden
He honestly doesn't mind being called a player because you both know he's far from it
At some point, the rumors about him sleeping around did bother you, but he quickly assured you that they'll never be true
Now, him keeping your private does not mean he's never in public with you
Quite the opposite, he's almost always in public with you
He just has people on the inside of the newsroom who do everything to stop headlines from running
This may seem like it's the opposite of privacy, but the public only gets information about him through the news
He hires people to block any photos that contain you and him, even at premieres or dinners
Not one paparazzi has successfully gotten a photo of him and you together
Even though he worries for your safety he would never lock you up and keep you inside
He enjoys going out with you, knowing he has other people keeping your identity safe
Not to mention his bodyguards admire you and are just as dedicated to protecting you
At the end of the day, you laugh at the rumors with him, pretending to catch him cheating and acting out dramatic scenes you saw in movies
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t-lostinworlds · 8 months
t-lostinworlds' commissions
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↳ hi! as some of you might know, i'm on my broke college girl era and i will need all the help i can get to pay for tuition and everything else. so i thought, why not give commissions a shot? so here i am!
if you're interested, then keep on reading!
WHERE to ask for a commission
DM me on here! my messages are open to everyone so it should be easily accessible.
KO-FI | linked in my bio. everything is already set up there so all you have to do is pick & choose.
Send me an email at:
HOW to pay
through ko-fi or p*yp*l (please dm me for it bc tumblr acts up when it's linked sometimes)
DM me if there are other methods you’re comfortable with and we’ll figure it out!
DETAILS, INSTRUCTIONS, TERMS, and PRICES can be found HERE or on this tumblr page
character x reader — open to doing a Character x OC but with an additional charge since it's going to take longer for me to familiarize the OC that you will provide.
second person POV by Default — open to doing a third person POV if that's something you prefer. I won't do First Person.
current characters I write for include: bucky barnes, miguel o'hara, steve harrington & peter parker
Blurbs (500-1000 words)
Short One-Shots (2,500-3,500 words)
Long One-Shots (5,000-10,000 plus words)
EXCLUSIVE WORKS | ONLY AVAILABLE ON MY KO-FI SHOP ↳ my writing that won't likely be posted...ever. so when i say exclusive, i really mean it.
Scene from a One-Shot
will include scenes from: a nathan drake one shot, revisiting is sweeter, a tom holland boxing AU, and a tom holland frat au
A Chapter from an Unfinished Series
chapters from my Tom Holland Mob/Mafia AU — there are only 7 parts in total that are fully completed. the rest are rought draft that i'm willing to share privately for free if anyone simply want to know what happens next.
2-Set Gif — two (2) gifs of any scene/character(s) of your choosing
5-Set Gif — five (5) Gifs of any scene/character(s) of your choosing
Icon & Header Pack — one (1) icons + one (1) header for tumblr and/or other socials
Writing Graphics Package — one (1) gif header, three (3) dividers, and page breaks and banners
↳ again, more details can be found on the google doc or on my ko-fi pages that are linked below:
↳ if there are any further questions, please don’t hesitate to message me! thank you so much for your support! <3
↳ also, i just want to say that, i'm still going to be writing and posting for free on here when i do get the time. but as of now, i really need the extra income. BUT there's absolutely no pressure to commission whatsoever. even a simple reblog will do!
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Web of Syndicates: Parte I - The Spiderverse Mafia Chronicles
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56183539 by SethRen89 Benvenuto in un viaggio attraverso il multiverso di Spider-Man, dove incontrerai varianti di Peter Parker scartate dalla Spider Society perché considerate non eroiche o troppo malvagie. Questa storia segue le avventure di Piero Antonio Carbonell (Don Aranae'), un antieroe mafioso che ha creato una Spider Society alternativa con l'obiettivo di dimostrare che anche chi non segue il cammino tradizionale di Spider-Man può proteggere il multiverso da future apocalissi. Accanto a lui ci sono El Araña, un boss mafioso dal cuore duro, e Kenji Osamura (Kumo), un membro della Yakuza con un senso di giustizia. Questi tre leader, provenienti da mondi diversi e con metodi non convenzionali, si uniscono per combattere le minacce al multiverso, dimostrando che anche coloro che sono stati scartati possono diventare eroi. Questa storia comincia ad esplorare questo il lato oscuro del multiverso, mostrando un mondo complicato e corrotto, ma anche capace di legami veri e profondi attraverso l'accesso ai file dell'hacker WebMaster, alleato dei tre giovani boss. Segui le loro avventure mentre navigano attraverso la violenza, la lealtà, e la lotta per la giustizia in un mondo che non è pronto ad accettarli Words: 2115, Chapters: 2/7, Language: Italiano Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Felicia Hardy, Miguel O'Hara Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Felicia Hardy/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Different Peter Parker Variants, Magician Peter Parker variant, Powerless Hacker Peter Parker Variant, Harry Osborn yakuza variant, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Ned Leeds hispanic variant ('Duardo), Italian Mafioso Peter Parker, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Italian Tony Stark, Tony Stark speaks Sicilian, Parent Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, BAMF Peter Parker, Protective Tony Stark, Mafia AU, (Basically a multiverse of mafia au), Italian Mafia, Alternate Universe - Yakuza, Italiano | Italian, Italian Peter Parker read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56183539
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searchingforbucky · 7 months
Hiiiii! I’m new to your page but I was wondering if you could help me find a stucky story. Basically it’s a mafia stucky au and the oc is Peter Parker’s (tom holland) older sister and essentially they want everything to do with her but she wants nothing to do with them and it just goes back and forth like that.
If you could find I would reallyyyy appreciate ittttt
thank youuuuu
Hi! This might be “Taken” by @imaginedreamwrite :)
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Ying Yang
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49941847 by Explosive_Sproutling Alternate universe AU where the Avengers aren’t heros but criminals and Peter somhow gets kidnapped in his counter parts place Also I think it would be fun to toy with a trans peter meets cis peter type fic Words: 1273, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Thor, Loki/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Harley Keener, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Clint Barton, Clint Barton/Thor, Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki/Steve Rogers, Loki/Peter Parker, Harley Keener/Loki, Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff/Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff/Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff/Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Tony Stark/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Sam Wilson, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Thor, Bruce Banner/Thor, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Everyone is Fuckin, Everyone is of age, everyone is consenting adults, Alternate reality au, No power AU, no powers meets powers au, Trans and Cis Peter Parker, Trans Peter, Cis Peter, Mafia AU, Crime AU, Mob AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, I don’t hate Pepper but I do sorta, I didn’t tag all relationships cause they told me I cant exceed 85 all together, I feel like thats a lie and Ive seen more tho, Brief SA scene just intense groping but be warned read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49941847
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potaetopic · 2 years
naeun's reading update —April 2022
Tags : a - angst, c - crack, d - dark, f - fluff, s - smut, y - yandere ☁️ - fav
a/n: hello! for authors that seen me before, im sorry for tagging yall again as im in a process of renewing(?) my page atm, but i promise this is gonna be the real one. no more take backs :]
lost (myself) & found (you) @taephilia —jjk f (soulmate!au) ☁️ i love You @moonlightchildz —jjk f (established relationship!au)
The Price We Pay @shadowofahope —bts a (mafia!au)
lover @jeonfrvr —jjk c f (established relationship!au) Written in the Stars @ —jjk a f (soulmate/werewolf!au) ☁️ Let’s get married as a joke @burningupp —ksj f (marriage!au) twice upon a christmas catastrophe. @artaefact —myg a f (office!au) como la flor @dragunjk —myg a f (hanahaki!au) A Royal Engagement @cloverwritessometimes —pjm a f (royal!au) I Have Questions @cutaepatootie —jjk a (break up/exes!au) ☁️ Vow @vin-taege —ksj a (wedding!au) ☁️ brother’s best friend!jungkook —jjk s (secret relationship!au) Lack of Apathy @threeletterslife —jhs a (break up!au)
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Invisible Strings @likeastarstar —jjk a f s (soulmate!au) (4) Salvage @btssaysstudy kth,jjk a f (college/athlete!au) (6) exposed @lysjeon (idol/social media!au) (24) You Broke Me First @minbbyy —pjm,jjk a f (fake dating!au) (68) ☁️
Cut Me Open @hayjeon —myg a f s (marriage!au)
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Don’t Look Back @threeletterslife —ksj a (mafia!au) ☁️ “You two were literally biting each other’s heads off yesterday, why are you so smitten now?” @taeshobipop —jjk f (established relationship!au) Rise and Fall @illneverrecover —myg a (demigod!au) Boys With Luv @ewwboys —pjm,kth
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protecting you from another man @leefics
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You'll Save All Your Dirtiest Jokes For Me @waitimcomingtoo —tom holland c f
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Bestie I love soulmate au and mafia au. They are my favorite things ever
Me too bestie, me too. I love them for anything really. Like for Marvel? Ugh, I love mob boss Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes 😫 or actors as mob bosses Tom Holland is my favorite if I'm being real.
I just love soulmate au the most with writing. They're predestined but also the absolute pain they feel when they lose each other? Love it.
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the-really-goods · 24 days
Mafia au
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moon-fics · 1 year
Hii, hope you are having a good day! can I request a one with mob! tom holland × reader where tom is really protective of his private life and everyone thinks he is non-committal and only hooks up for one night but actually he has been with the same girl since he was 15 and they just get more in love every day 🥺🫶
My mafia AU loving heart ❤️!! Of course I'll write this!! It might take a bit but I'll try to finish it before the end of this week!!
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arigatouiris · 5 years
red right hand // t.h — [01]
pairing: 1920s mob!tom holland x f!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, sexual references, mafia au!, mentions of ptsd, trauma, anxiety attacks, a dash of sexism, angst, slow burn, alcohol and smoking mentioned
word count: 2013
a/n: heavily inspired from this show i’ve been watching, the peaky blinders. it’s been forever since my last update, but i will try and make it faster than before. the story won’t follow the plotline of the peaky blinders, but a fair amount will intersect. 
if you want to be on the taglist, just send an ask or drop a reply~
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One. A Slave
Thomas Holland was currently focused on turning his business around. 
There was nothing in the world more important to him than his family, and with what his father had left behind, Tom knew that he could turn things legal—and when that would happen, there wouldn’t be a single power in all of London that could stop him or his family from being the way they are.
Some would say to turn honest, especially after leading an entire life full of crime, is a dangerous task. It wasn’t as if Tom knew what being honest meant because even before the war, Tom’s life was tainted with the illegal. But, when he thought of his siblings, especially his youngest sibling Patrick, who hadn’t seen war or anything illegal in his life, his heart ached. There were a few things Tom was known for, all bad things, but the one good thing he believed was that Tom Holland knew how to love his family. That aching gentleness was still in him, tainted with the brokenness that came with being a man of war. Harry and Sam were both tainted as well, but none so far as Tom was. Tom was not just burdened with the war but being vulnerable was never a choice for the head of the Londoners.
He knew though—he knew that the coppers were after him. He knew that they would do everything in their power to find something bad off him and put him to death; he knew that if he were caught before turning legal, there was no turning back. He and his entire family would go to jail, hanged for the people that they were. From the people, they were running away from being.
However, that night was a night of celebration.
He had finally discovered something that could push his entire family into being legal again—a power move that would help him pay off his legal rights. He knew it was a long shot, but there was only one way and this was it. However, even the slightest bit of interference from the police would mean terrible consequences.
Except for Sam, no one in his family knew about the guns and he knew what his mother’s immediate response would be. It was police business, there was no need for the Londoners to get involved. Nikki was always more careful than Tom, but Tom was known to be far too risky than the regular chap. But, that night, something else caught Tom’s eye just as he was making an announcement.
A new barmaid.
She barely caught his eye, but it was when he walked in on her singing did things turn around. He stopped her, obviously not wanting any sort of reminder of war—songs being one of them, and he wondered why Harry hired her of all people. She was decent in the eye and didn’t look like she was from around the area. She would get eaten alive.
Women like her around these parts were only looking for trouble.
   “Who’re you?” Tom’s voice stopped the music instantly, however, the lady’s sharp (e/c) eyes stared back at him, fearlessly.
She said nothing, and neither did her gaze back down. Tom nearly felt his heart drift in a slight angle. It was strange.
   “Right, that’s (y/n), she’s our new barmaid,” Harry said, slurring already.
   “Who told you you could sing?”
(y/n) blinked once before replying strongly, “Back in my hometown, people would drop their glasses at the sound of a song. It’s needed around these parts.”
   “And you get to decide that, do ya?” Tom replied curtly, wanting to put her down, but she still did not back off.
It should have irked him. Made him angry. Yet, it didn’t.
She said nothing, and stepped back, heading back into the bar. The bar was once again filled with slow chattering, and Sam’s bellowing cleared the air of any remaining awkwardness. It wasn’t as if Tom hated music. It wasn’t as if Tom didn’t like songs. He didn’t want to be reminded of a time when there was no war yet. Because that only meant going back into one.
    “I have an offer to make and I don’t think the coppers are going to refuse.”
Nikki didn’t like when Tom was being vague. She liked answers that made sense in one sentence or no answer at all. Of course, she couldn’t kill her son so she had to make him spit it out. She knew it was all bullshit and when Tom was hiding something, he was hiding something big. It was better off for the entire family if one more person knew what the hell Tom was up to.
Nikki walked over to Tom after he had sent (y/n) inside and grabbed his arm. Tom, already a bit tipsy at this point, got up while the others started to laugh, knowing he was going to get an earful from his mother. Nikki wasn’t one to yell, she would merely just say sharp words that could pierce stone and that was one of Tom’s main weaknesses. The two of them walked over to the other room, when Nikki shut the door, blocking the view from everyone.
    “What have you done?”
For a second, Tom wondered if Sam had bailed on him and told their mother. But, he knew he would trust his brother with his life and that there was no possibility.
    “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Nikki rolled her eyes, “Come on, boy. I raised you. I know every single expression of yours by heart. There’s no need to lie to me because I know there’s a lie there. What are you planning and what are you going to put our family through?”
Tom breathed in, not really happy with Nikki’s interference.
    “I’ve found guns, mum,” Nikki looked confused, “Guns of the army. Seven cartons full of AKs.”
Her eyes widened, “Thomas Holland, tell me you put them back. Tell me you have nothing to do with them.”
His silence was the answer. Nikki slapped Tom’s arm four times before he shushed her, calming her down. He looked into her eyes and forced her to do the same.
    “Mum, do you trust me?”
Oh, the problem was that she did trust him. She trusted him a bit more than she trusted the other boys (something she knew a mother shouldn’t do, but it was entirely because of Tom’s nature did she have no choice in the matter). She trusted him more than she trusted herself and that was indeed a problem.
    “Tom, you said we’re going legal. Is that a lie?”
He shook his head, “No. No, it’s not. We are going legal and the guns are going to play a big part in this. I’m not going to use them, I’m not going to sell them, I’m ultimately going to give them back to the coppers, but there’s only something that we need in return for keeping them safe,” Tom smiled a bit before saying, “Only one small obstacle we and the police need removing.”
Nikki didn’t understand all of it right away, but with the way Tom was assuring her, she knew she would let it slide for now.
    “What if there’s a spy? The coppers are keen on not letting gangs like us have the last laugh.”
Tom chuckled before kissing his mother on the forehead, “No one can break down a Holland’s walls, mother. Not after the war.”
Perhaps that was where he was wrong. What the two of them were unaware of was that the room they were in was directly connected to the bar aisle. A certain barmaid, who knew nothing about being a barmaid, had listened to every word they said. She moved away quickly before anyone would notice her absence.
(y/n) wouldn’t lie but spying wasn’t her favorite thing in the world.
It was simply because she owed the head inspector a debt that she had agreed to do this. Her heart and mind were stone, there was nothing more she was afraid she was going to lose. Even if her life was on the line, and she knew that it was considering how the Londoners were ruthless with people who even attempted to betray them, she couldn’t really care. (y/n)’s one and only dearest possession was taken away from her, and what was left was merely a shell of who she used to be.
    “Good morning to you, (y/n),” She jumped on her toes, shocked by the sudden voice that appeared behind her.
She turned around slowly and came face to face with the man who was hellbent on bringing the Londoners down. Inspector Martin Hamilton—aged and full of cunning—he had never fought in any war previously, but the one he was fighting now was with the Hollands.
    “Do you have any news for me, (y/n)?” He asked, walking closer to her.
The two of them were in the London museum, filled with posh people who wouldn’t bat an eye at people like her. To the outside eye, Inspector Hamilton looked like her father, and their interaction seemed innocent. Nothing out of the ordinary.
    “I believe the Londoners have come across some guns.” She spoke, her voice quiet.
Hamilton’s eyes narrowed and his expression faltered. He didn’t expect too much from her, he certainly didn’t expect her to bring such news on the first day of her work. He stared at her before noticing her look and walk away, admiring some of the paintings in the room that they were currently in. He walked over to her and grabbed her arm before forcing her to look at him, a frown set on her face as she tried to comprehend what this sudden action meant.
    “What guns?”
She scoffed before pulling away from him, straightening her dress, “Guns belonging to the army. They were found a few days ago and are currently in possession of the Londoners. Thomas spoke of them himself, yesterday.”
    “He spoke of them to you?”
She gave him a look of disgust.
    “Inspector, I’ve gone there as a spy. And spies eavesdrop to the best of their abilities. Even Thomas is not a fool to speak of such things in front of a new barmaid, no less.”
    “Did he say where?” Hamilton asked, before walking a step closer to her, the personal space was broken.
She looked away before shaking her head, feeling feeble in her mind. A second later, he handed her something—her eyes widened a bit before looking at him with surprise.
It was a small gun, as small as her palm. He nodded once at her before noticing her flinch. She held the gun, examined it with her fingers and perhaps, it was then, did she realize the seriousness of the situation she was in. She couldn’t do what she wished with the gun, it was merely proof of her enslavement.
The relationship that the two of them shared was bitter from her end. Hamilton adored her, down to the bone, but there was nothing about him that gave her even the slightest bit of gratitude. The stories he would say about her father and the debt he owed to Hamilton for saving his life were merely stories in her head, stories that she was paying for. He had once saved her father who died only a year later, and yet, here she was doing something against her will.
    “(y/n),” He traced the back of his finger across her right cheek, ignoring how rotten her expression was, “You don’t have to do this.”
She knew it was a lie. She knew she was merely a pawn in his game, and a disposable one nonetheless. Yet, she played along because she had nothing to lose. And maybe, once this is over, once Thomas Holland and his family are put behind bars, she can go looking for something that would give her life meaning.
    “I know.”
She didn’t realize that those words had chained her.
series taglist:
@cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @plaidamoosette @rachaeldonnaspiteri1 @tanya-diggory @myheartonthemove @watson-emma @souldancerr @tomsirishgirl @averyfosterthoughts​ @yourwonderbelle​ 
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It's About Family by Pixiemage The job was supposed to be an easy one. Get in, swipe the shipping itinerary, get out. Knowing exactly what kinds of weapons the Benedettis were bringing into play would be beneficial for both the family and their clientele, so despite how easy it was going to be Harley knew it was an important heist. He and Peter had been assigned to it for that very reason. Both of them were small, nimble, light on their feet and easy to miss. They had grown up on the streets doing this exact type of thing for years. It was right up their alley. Black Widow had ensured they had all the information they needed - security systems, guard shifts, the works - and between himself and Peter, they had ensured that the plan was flawless. Or it should have been. It was supposed to be. (It wasn't.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OR: What was supposed to be an easy heist goes awry and Peter and Harley are caught unawares. When Tony finds out, it spells bad news for those who had the gall to mess with his family. Some might call having a heart a weakness. In Tony's case, he likes to think it gives him strength. (Mafia AU) Words: 4450, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), May Parker (Spider-Man), Brock Rumlow Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Mafia AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Whump, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Protective Tony Stark, Iron Dad
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tommyfroggie · 2 years
HIIIIII I was wondering for the blurb thingy if I could request Mafia!Tom x virgin!reader.
(Little plot ☺️They just recently started dating)
And only thing I dont want ist soft!Tom I want him to go full on daddy mode on me JSJSJSB
With numbers 17 & 20.
Pairing: Mob!Tom x Virgin!Reader
Warnings: lil age gap(19 and 25) , fluff, leading smut but nothing serious.
Word count: 690
Prompts: 17. "Honestly, the worst thing you can do is stare." 20. "C'mere, sit in my lap until I'm done working."
a/n: Thankyouuu!! I had so much fun writing this quick one.
You sat there on the little couch, opposite to his desk, watching him work. You had begged him to let you sit in his office while he attended a very serious online meeting. You said it was because you were scared in the huge house alone. And, part of it was true. You had recently started dating Tom and in the underworld, anything could happen, anytime, especially since you were very young. He swore to always protect you, though and you trusted him.
Part of the reason was because Tom had a weird habit of not wearing pants when attending online meetings to fix deals or whatever. You just couldn't miss a chance to look at those legs. So, here you were, clad in your underwear and an abnormally long t-shirt that belonged to Tom. You and Tom had never gone all the way. Nothing ever ahead of a heavy makeout or Tom going down on you. You always loved his skills but, you weren't ever ready to go all way. You were 19 and had never had sex before, which is also what drew Tom in. He found it powerful, that he'd be the only one EVER to have you in that way because he was sure he was going to keep you around forever.
He was the man that everyone found intimidating but you, he was this huge softie to you and he would never ask you to do something that you weren't ready for. Until now, that is. Something in you was just telling you that it's been a month and you trust this handsome man in front of you with everything in you, and it's time.
All the thoughts roamed in your head as you stared at his thighs below his black boxers, subconsciously biting your lip as you zoned out. For a scary Mob Boss, he almost looked comical wearing a white button up with boxers and socks. You'd never tell him that though.
"Honestly, the worst thing you can do is stare" His firm voice brought you out of your trance. "Sorry" you mumbled, embarrassed because you had just been caught.
"It's okay. C'mere, sit in my lap until I'm done working." He patted his thigh, looking at you through hooded eyes, biting his lip. Your cheeks were a shade of red as you made your way to his desk.
"Your meeting is over?" You asked.
"Yeah. C'mon I just have to answer a few emails" He patted his thigh again, inviting you in. So you went over and placed your hands on his shoulders, crossing your leg over him, resting down comfortably. Your hands played with the curls at the back of his head, your face resting against his shoulder as you heard him typing in the background.
"Tom?" You asked, not looking up.
"Yes, darling?"
"I think I'm ready." He immediately paused what he was doing, lifting your head with his fingers. He looked you in the eyes to find some sort of regret or hesitance, but he found none. You squealed when he picked you up by your ass and carried you all the way back to his bedroom. You clutched onto him tightly, even though you knew he'd never let you fall.
He opened the door and banged it back shut with his foot. He had to ask you one last time. "Baby, are you sure?" He asked genuinely. And when you nodded eagerly he threw you onto his bed, climbing over you, removing his shirt in the process. His eyes were ten times darker now. The Tom you knew was gone. He quite literally, tore the t-shirt of your body, exposing you to the cool air as you whimpered. He looked at you hungrily, roaming his hands from the side of your thigh all way up to your tits, leaning down and taking one in his mouth as you moaned. He came back up and ran his fingertips over your soft lips as looked at him with wide, doe eyes.
"You've agreed to this, Babygirl. No going back now. I'm going to wreck you."
And wreck you he did.
Taglist: @livieweasley @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @mn-jun @racewife2004 @juliasboringblog
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Imprinted || Mob!Alpha!Tom Holland || A/B/O Dynamic || Chapter One
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Summary: You're undercover at a masquerade ball thrown by London's most dangerous mafia leader, Tom Holland. And when your cover is blown by the Alpha himself, you're left to fight for your life and hope he doesn't discover your true scent.
"Y/n, do you copy?" The masculine voice spoke to you through your earpiece. You stood at the far side of the ballroom, out of everyone's way, and blended into the crowd. "Copy," you spoke as you looked around. "Alright, what do you see?" Your comrade asked. Before you were hundreds of men and women dancing in elegant ball gowns and suits and ties. You were at a masquerade ball, and you were on a mission to get up to speed with what London's most dangerous mafia leader was up to.
Your job was to examine and report back upon seeing anything suspicious. Just last week, Tom Holland and his men smuggled over fifteen hundred heavy, military-grade weaponry straight through the American airlines and into California, without a single guard noticing. How? You still had no clue, but today, you were bound to find out. "Nothing, so far." You replied. "Alright, keep your eyes peeled. This guy is smooth, eyes everywhere. Don't draw any attention or we're fucked," Rupert instructed.
With that, you nodded and brought your champagne glass to your lips, peering out at the crowd through your black mask. You were never one for dresses, but in order to truly be one with the crowd, it was necessary. So there you were, all dressed up in a long, poofy red dress. Black heels to match the mask and hair pulled back into a curled ponytail. Crimson red lips accented by your glowing skin. Though, your attire wasn't what you feared would blow your cover. It was your scent. You were an unmated Omega—a pretty one at that—surrounded by unmated Alphas—which Tom just so happened to be. Your only cover was a scent blocker delt to you by your corporation.
Any sweating, or a splash of a drink, and you were screwed. You were a delicacy to modern-day Alphas considering the majority of the population consisted of Betas now. Very very stubborn Betas. Alphas wanted a mate to bow down to them and put up no fuss, and Omegas were just the perfect definition of that. Other than you. You were able to defy their dominance, which is how you got into your field of work. You were the perfect bait to lure men in but were able to withstand their Alpha abilities.
But from what you were told, Holland wasn't like most Alphas. He definitely acted like one, but he was also known as the Alpha of London. Whatever it was about him that made other Alphas bow to him, you weren't looking to find out. So you made sure to occasionally dance with random strangers to add to your cover. You couldn't risk sticking out even the slightest bit. With each dance, you would peer over your partner's shoulder and glance around, looking for the mafia leader, until finally. There he was, standing in the far side of the ballroom, glass in hand, black suit and tie with a corresponding mask, talking to another man.
You lost sight of him as your partner spun you around, facing your back to Holland. You mentally cursed the idiot before you but knew you needed to continue blending in. So, as he spun you back around, you glanced back in the direction he was once standing, but now found an empty corner. "Shit," you panicked and looked back around. You finally spotted him accending the long staircase that led to the upper level. You thanked your partner for the dance and began after your target. "Found him. He's heading upstairs with another man. Possibly a new buyer," you reported to Rupert. "Follow him. Stay in the shadows. And don't blow this."
Once up the stairs, you watched as the two men walked to the end of a long corridor, stopping to face one another. They exchanged a few words and it didn't take a genius to see that whatever the man said, Holland didn't appreciate. He tilted his head up slightly, glaring down at the man, before pulling a pistol from his back waistband and shooting the man between the eyes. There was a silencer on the weapon, but the sheer speed of Holland's draw was enough to make you cover your mouth and hide back behind the corner. "Shit," you hissed under your breath. "Talk to me, Y/n."
"It wasn't a buyer, it was a setup," you fumbled with your heels, taking them off, knowing you were going to need to run. "Holland's armed," You growled at Rupert since he misinformed you, claiming he wouldn't be. "Shit. Get out of there, now!" You didn't hesitate and did just that. You took off down the opposite corridor, hoping to find a window to escape, but instead was met with a balcony that hung over a pool room, directly above the pool. You leaned over the balcony and looked down. It wasn't a fatal distance, but it sure as hell would hurt. "Can I help you?" You gasped and spun around.
And just like that, there he was. Merely feet away. He had his hands in his pant pockets and gazed back at you through his mask. "Are you lost, Darling?" He stepped forward examining you up and down. You would've kept the distance, but you were already cornered against the railing. "I was just looking for the bathroom," you lied. He smirked. "American?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side. You mentally cursed, knowing you had already blown your cover. "Visiting. With my sister. She's always wanted to go to a masquerade," you voiced, hoping he'd believe you.
He nodded, going along with your story. "Well, there was a 'bathroom' right underneath the staircase," he challenged, wanting to see what new lie you could spin off your tongue. When you hesitated, he stepped forward. You needed to think fast. "Lavatory!" You said, halting him in his stride. "Of course. That's what that was. I forgot you called it that here in the UK."
He glared past your mask, staring deep into your eyes, searching for any sign of anxiety within you. Is it possible, you may have actually saved your own ass by playing the dumb girl. He nodded. "I see. Allow me to escort you back to the ballroom. I'd love to meet your sister." Fuck. Now you were screwed. You panicked as he placed a hand on the small of your back and began to guide you forward. Without thinking, you spun to face him and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back against the railing. "Actually, I lied." You quickly said. He looked at you, bewildered.
"I came alone. I..." You looked around the room. "I've always wanted to see your mansion." You looked back at him, locking eyes with him. "...Wanted to see you," you trailed. You knew you couldn't talk your way out of this one, so you needed to try and seduce him. Make him trust you, and strip him of his weapon. If you could just get his pistol, everything would be just fine. A devilish smirk crawled upon his lips. "Is that so?" he asked, definitely invested in your new story. You nodded slowly and trailed your hand down his chest.
He placed a hand on your hip, pulling you closer to him. And with his other hand, he gently grabbed your jaw, holding your face still. You knew you were playing a dangerous game. You couldn't risk triggering a rut, but you also needed to show him some intimacy for it to be more believable. He was an Alpha, and if he got even the slightest whiff of your scent, it was over. So, you let him bring his lips closer to yours, but knew you couldn't let it get too far.
He was merely an inch from your lips when he stopped in his tracks at the sound of Rupert's voice in your earpiece. Oh, shit. He moved his head back and glared down at you. His hand moved from your jaw to your earpiece. Holland removed the earpiece and glared down at his, before moving his eyes back to your own. "Oh, you naughty girl..."
He flicked the earpiece over the balcony and into the water of the pool. You threw a punch at his face, but with the speed of light, caught your fist with ease. You repeated the action with your other hand but had the same outcome. You pulled back and kicked your leg at his shin, knocking him down momentarily. As you spun to run away, he grabbed your dress and yanked you back to him. You stumbled backward onto the ground beside him. Without hesitation, he climbed over you, pinning you to the ground. He held both of your wrists down on either side of your head.
He leaned his head down to the crook of your neck. And scoffed. "Scent blocker. Definitely not something an Alpha would use," he spoke, trying to decipher you. You wiggled beneath him, tossing your head side to side in an attempt to get him away from your neck. If he were to claim you, you would be exterminated from the agency. You couldn't let that happen. Your job was all you had.
"You act like a Beta, but you sure as hell don't fight like one," he teased, knowing he overpowered you. "Fuck you!" You hissed. "Delta, maybe?" He continued to smell you, hoping to catch even the smallest scent of you, but the scent blocker was too strong. His nose scrunched up and teeth gritted in frustration. He stood up, grabbing ahold of your waist, and tossed you over the balcony. You screamed as your heart fell to the pit of your stomach and braced yourself for the impact. You hit the water with a huge splash and slowly sunk to the bottom. The collision knocked the air from your lungs and forced you to inhale the chlorinated water.
As you fought against the weight of your dress underneath the water, Tom slowly descended the stairs from the balcony and walked cautiously around the pool. He watched as you flailed around hopelessly trying to untangle your arms from the dress that swarmed you like a net around a fish. He waited, curious to see just how much willpower you truly had. It was another way he could determine your second gender.
Finally, untangling yourself from the dress, you forced yourself above the water of the pool, gasping for air and coughing up the water that invaded your lungs. You rested against the edge of the pool, catching your breath. Every ounce of strength you once had, was completely gone. Your arms shook beneath you as you forced your body out of the pool and onto the cement floor. You propped yourself up on your arms, spitting water from your mouth as you stared down at the cold floor, completely unaware of the mobster that lurked behind you. Your mask had fallen off in the water and your makeup was ruined. Your mascara running down your cheeks and your lipstick smeared. You looked like Harley Quinn.
Tom took note of your mask as it floated around in the pool and how your tired form revealed just how low your strength was. But most importantly, he took note of your scent. His nostrils flared as he basked in the familiar, yet rare scent. A scent he hadn't smelt in years. "Omega," he smirked and neared you with a faster pace and new motive. But when you snapped your head in his direction, he came to a halt. And then he felt it, the rare feeling that everyone always talked and dreamed out. Something people fantasized about every night as they drifted off to sleep. Something Tom feared.
An imprint.
To be continued...
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