#mafia leader kim namjoon
wildestdreamsblog · 7 months
Latibule Season 2: II
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which he lost his latibule.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: A late valentine's gift <3 I’m so sorry for taking so long. A lot happened and work is the busiest and and and life.
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Masterlist, Latibule 2.I
“Hyung, did you hear me? I said-"
Kim Namjoon sighed from the other line, headache already creeping up his temples from the boatload of information Jimin was dumping on him on the other line. As who he considered to be the only sound and sane one among the seven, Namjoon was accustomed to being the voice of reason, getting the boys out of tight illegal situations, and managing the members. Min Yoongi might be the head of the mafia, but all seven of them were leaders in their own right and fields.
Seokjin was the head of the medical field, Namjoon of the twisted world of law, Jungkook of the technology world.
And this definitely was one of Namjoon’s specialties: stopping the fearless and heart-stricken leader of Bangtan from kidnapping a woman in broad daylight. For fuck’s sake, he wasn’t even against the illegal act itself, but could he just do it when there weren’t eyes watching him?! When the sun wasn’t at its highest?! When he wouldn’t be tomorrow’s headline?!
He ran his hand through his disheveled hair, glaring at the eldest hyung who was chuckling to himself. Seriously, he thought doctors were supposed to have no life and no time to annoy their friends? Why then was the Chief of the hospital barging in his office and lounging on his fancy sofa?
“I’m glad you found this amusing, hyung,” he commented dryly which only made the eldest laughed harder. “This isn’t something to laugh about.”
“What?! We all know something is definitely wrong with Yoongi. This isn’t news to us! This only confirmed our suspicions!”
“You could at least be supportive of what he’s going through right now.”
“Namjoon,” he started when he was finally done laughing, wiping the tears from the side of his eyes. “How do you expect me to be supportive of him right now? He’s on the verge of kidnapping a woman because he thought she looked like her. Does that make sense to you?”
He tilted his head before standing up, his movement elegant as he crossed the room to where Namjoon was sitting behind his desk. He smiled down at him, his hand supporting his weight as he leaned down on his wooden desk. “Dead people don’t exactly come back to life after burning from a fire as immense as that one, do they?” he asked, his tone light yet his eyes held faux curiosity. And at that moment, an air of danger surrounded the office. He could see the coldness that reflected on Jin’s eyes.
Namjoon knew when to back down, especially when Jin was in this mood. It was almost comical how quickly Jin’s emotions could switch, and it was definitely not amusing how bloody the effects could be. He wasn’t exactly the mafia prince for nothing. He, of all people, knew how perceptive and strategic Jin was. Never once did he do anything without a reason. And precisely because of that that it took him a moment before he answered. He lowered his eyes for a second before returning to Jin’s now amused ones. “They don’t, hyung.”
Jin nodded before turning to leave, his hand was in his pocket, his stance relaxed as though nothing was amissed. He had opened the door when he paused as though he remembered something. He twisted his body, his eyes trained on the famous attorney before his lips twisted into an entertained smile. His finger was now resting on his lips.
“Ah, unless they’re actually not dead.”
Min Yoongi was like a man possessed, never leaving any stones unturned as he religiously looked for his angel.
He looked at every single piece of record of the town that the town had, employed several people to look for you, searched every available CCTV to trace any evidence that you existed, that you weren’t merely a figment of his imagination, that you weren’t merely indication of his declining sanity. Yet all roads lead to nothingness.
It was like any leads he got were mere fragments, offering little clarity or direction in the investigation. Likewise, it seemed as if someone was making sure that he’d go nowhere with the little pieces of evidences he was able to gather of your existence.
As days turned to weeks and to months, he was starting to be convinced that you were just his imagination playing tricks on him, that his mind was just too cruel to conjure an image of you, that it was just too sick to think that you came back to him. In this moment of profound longing, when the ache of your absence weighed heavily on his twisted soul, he couldn’t help but ponder about his choices in life.
On some days when he missed you the most, he thought that this must have been his karma for living his fucked-up life brutally. On a day like this when he should have been celebrating your birthday, when you were supposed to turn a year older, when you were supposed to be by his side as you blew your candle, he thought that this must have been his penance, a consequence of the twisted journey he had decided to walk on.
But wasn’t this just too painful?
Wasn’t his punishment too cruel to have the world gave him you, only to wretch you away from his arms?
Wasn’t it too cruel to have loved and lost you?
Yoongi let out a humorless chuckle, the puffs of smoke coming from his lips as he looked at what once was your home. It was your birthday, and tomorrow was your second death anniversary.
How he survived the existence without you, he would never know. He decided that he would never stop looking for you because accepting that you were gone from this fucking earth was not an option. He could feel inside the dead heart of his that yours were still beating. He knew a love as immense as what he felt for you wouldn’t die as easily as that. No.
Min Yoongi would find you.
“Happy birthday, my angel,” he whispered to nothingness, only the moon bore witness to his greeting, the night enveloped him in a solitary embrace. The echoes of his sentiment lingered in the air, hoping that his words reached you where you were.
“Happy birthday, eomma,” Jung Hoseok finished the song lightly, clapping the chubby little hands of your son in sync with the tune of the song. Your son was giggling as he bounced him on his lap, looking over his long lashes to Hoseok.
“Careful, the candle’s just in front of you,” he warned before shuffling the cake an inch closer to you. He came home almost an hour ago from his work in the docks with a box of cake in his hands he bought. You could no longer count how many times the three of you moved over the year, the last one being the most suspicious to you when after you came home from the market, he had already packed your bags. Before you knew it, he was already driving away from the town.
You lived in so many places.
You never felt at home in any of them.
It was unfair how you only felt at home when you were in his arms.
You clutched your walking stick on one hand, the other cautiously running your hand on the table to detect the cake’s placement.
“I’m not fully blind yet, Hoseok,” you admonished him teasingly before closing your eyes and wishing with all your heart that your son grew up happy. You wished to the heavens that his fate was kinder to him, that he didn’t have to suffer the way you did. You prayed that his fate was free from the shadows that haunted your own past.
You wished that he could live the life he deserved.
“Eomma,” he called for you, lifting his chubby arms to go to you. Hoseok cooed at him before lifting him to your lap carefully. You felt the warmth of his little arms encircling your neck, tiny lips pressing sweet kisses on your cheeks before erupting into giggles. "Eomma!"
A smile graced your face as you soaked in the pure joy radiating from your beloved child. Leaning in, you planted a loving kiss on the person you now cherished most in the world. His eyes lit up in response, a mirror image of his father's, carrying the same warmth and affection he did when he looked at you.
Hoseok watched the two of you from his seat. It was almost comical how he loathed your son’s father with all his heart, only to love his son with the same intensity. If he couldn’t end that bastard brother of his, if he didn’t have it in him to finish the job and kill you, then he would just take the life Yoongi was supposed to live.
He would never let go of the two of you- not when he found peace in this little family. The only way he would let go of this was if the only person he loved came back to him. But that was impossible, right? After all, Yoongi made sure that she would cease to exist in this world.
Wasn’t this the crueler revenge, he thought. Wasn’t this what Min Yoongi deserved?
It was almost amusing to think how he could have been dead if not for one of his brothers that saved him and you that fateful night. He could have almost missed this little slice of heaven had it not been for his brother, the only one who knew that he was still alive.
Almost two years ago, somewhere in a small province of South Korea
You woke up with a start, your heart beating faster as evidenced by the spike in the heart monitor attached on your bruised skin. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, attached to your bruised skin, echoed in the room, its pace mirroring the accelerated beat of your heart. The sudden awareness left you momentarily disoriented, and the sterile environment around you hinted at the gravity of the situation. As your senses sharpened, you couldn't shake the feeling that the throbbing in your chest was not only from the abrupt awakening but also from the lingering echoes of a disconcerting dream or a painful reality.
Every single thing that happened went back to you.
Every single detail of that night, of the way he smiled so tenderly at you, of the way he softly told you that he would be back, of the way a strange man entered your house and threatened you.
The recollection was vivid, etched into your consciousness like a haunting melody.
You remembered the way Suga’s face became cold the moment he saw that man. You remembered not seeing even a trace of the man you loved.
You remembered the truth and the pain that came with it, and then you remembered thinking it was your end. Beyond it all, beyond all the betrayal, lies and deceit that unfolded, you remembered wishing that he would be fine after all of that like the fool you were.
Wincing, you lifted your fragile hand to your shoulder, feeling a faint pain where the bullet had pierced your skin.
“Don’t move,” a tired voice sounded on your left. Startled, you turned to look at the source, only to find the man who attempted to kill you leaning against the wall, his own arm bandaged, his handsome face colored with faint bruises.
Hoseok didn’t come out of it unscathed, no. He looked so hallow. It was like he was a lost child, like a man that lost his purpose, like he was a shell of what once was a soul.
He must have seen your alarmed expression. He waved his other arm, his jaw clenching from the events that transpired. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
You blinked at him, never trusting a word that came out of his mouth. It would be difficult for you when you saw how he unleashed hell that night.
“I-I,” you swallowed, your dried throat making it harder to speak. “d-don’t believe y-you.”
He watched you for a moment before nodding his head. That was fair, he thought. “How are you feeling? You’ve been unconscious for almost a month.”
“Y-you waited that long to kill me?” you asked, your voice hoarse as you sat down. If he was going to end you, then you wouldn’t take it lying down.
Wordlessly, he crossed the room, lifting the glass of water on your bedside table, the straw turned to you. “Drink.”
You glared at him, distrust and anger in your eyes as you met his emotionless ones.
“I’m not going to kill you.”
You scoffed, turning your head away from him to look at where on earth you could have been. The hospital room was small, the window offering no clue as to your whereabouts. You wondered where Suga could have been.
Did he make it out alive?
Was he hurt?
Was he looking for you?
Did you want him to after what you knew?
“I do draw the line on killing expectant mothers.”
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Latibule 2.III
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wooataes · 1 year
Bangtan’s Receptionist
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Pairing: Mafia Boss!Min Yoongi x Fem!Reader, implied ot7 x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Mafia AU, swearing, Death, blood, injuries, mentions of human trafficking but nothing too detailed, guns, character death.
Summary: Bangtan’s contracts are clear and concise. They are to be followed to the letter, including the most important rule, do not touch their men.
A/N: Just another generic Mafia Yoongi Drabble I couldn’t stop thinking about since Haegeum came out. 🫠 I could possibly turn this into a little oneshot series for each member, let me know if you want more!
- Tae 🥰💜✨
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Min Yoongi, in simple terms, is a straight cut business man. With his 6 other colleagues, his brothers, he runs Bangtan Industries, which on the outside seems like a clean cut courier company. On the inside however, the cargo that is transported by Bangtan Industries is more than just letters and stationary for offices. Yoongi and his boys, as the rivals know them, are extremely loyal to their men who work alongside and under them, even so far as to including in contracts that they can be terminated if any harm comes to any member of Bangtan Industries, even as far as the janitor who cleans the office on weekends. Any attack on their men is an attack to them directly, and the whole world knows of this fact.
You were hired 3 years ago by the CEO of Bangtan, Kim Namjoon to be the front of the company, their receptionist and on occasion, assistant for all 7 leaders. They’re all particularly fond of your bubbly presence in the office building, always happily greeting the bosses with a smile and providing homemade lunches on occasion, which usually is more often than not. You always make sure the boys keep their health up, not even phased by their attitudes when they spent too many hours without sleep. You’ve been the most consistent employee, and the members are more than grateful to have you.
“Good morning, Master Min!” You chirp as Min Yoongi strolls through the office door, adjusting his tie. He can’t help but give you a soft smile.
“Y/N, you know that I’d rather you call me Yoongi when its just us. It doesn’t bother me.”
“Oh, I know, I’m just way too used to it!” You grin as you place a take-away coffee cup and a wrapped toasted sandwich on the desk in front of you. “Breakfast is served.”
“You also don’t have to do that every morning too.” He lets out a huff with a grateful smile. “I hope you got your usual too. If I find out you didn’t, I’m forcing you to take your break early to go get.” Yoongi chuckles as you wave the second paper cup on your hands. He nods with finality and takes your makeshift breakfast for him and makes his way to his office.
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After a quiet morning, you’re startled by a loud bang of the doors to the entrance opening and a large man in a 3 piece suit with his gaggle of men trailing in behind him, clearly armed, stalking up to your front desk.
“Good morning, sir. How can I be of help today?” You hum, the large men not phasing you.
“We’re here to see Min.” The man grumbles, hands squeezing the edge of the desk.
“Oh of course,” you smile, typing up on your computer. “Give me a few moments to see if he’s available to see anyone right now.”
You can feel the mans eyes on you as you’re typing, waiting for the response to pop up.
“Ah, I’m sorry sir, Master Min isn’t available right now. You are more than welcome to take a seat and wait until he’s ready-”
You yelp as the man reaches over, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up so you are face to face with him. You wince, his nails digging into your skin and small trickles of blood running down your arm.
“Listen here, you little bitch,” he seethes, “i have been trying to get on Min’s ass for 2 weeks about my fucking cargo I purchased from him and it still hasn’t arrived yet. If you don’t get him out here, I’m storming in there myself and getting my shit back.”
“What on earth is going on here?” Yoongi steps out from his office after hearing the commotion, adjusting the cuff on his white button up as he stalks up to the reception desk. “Ah, Mr Yang. I was waiting for you to show up.”
“Min.” Yang hissed, dropping your wrist and pushing you back into your seat, which Yoongi takes note of. “Where the fuck is my cargo? You said it would be here within the month and yet its the 27th and nothing.”
“Miss L/N.” Yoongi speaks, causing you to snap your head towards him. “Did he hurt you?” He eyes your wrist, which you’re trying to hide under the desk, clearly not very well as it is still in Yoongi’s line of vision.
“O-oh, no, Master Min. I’m fine, really.” You stutter out, giving him a smile.
“I will deal with you after I take care of business.” He murmurs, looking down at your hidden wrist, blood smearing into your blouse. “Mr Yang, if you could come inside. I do believe my receptionist shouldnt have to deal with the likes of this, wouldn’t you agree?” His tone is icy as Yang grunts, nodding his head before pushing past Yoongi and strutting through into his office with his men following behind. “Y/N, I would recommend playing sone music for the next 10 minutes, okay?” is the last thing Yoongi asks of you before closing the door behind him.
“I dont understand why you are so upset, Yang. I gave you exactly what you asked for.” Yoongi hums, sitting at his desk and watching Yang and his men stand over the desk menacingly.
“Thats bullshit and you know it, Min.” He barked, slamming his fist on the table.
“Oh, is it?” He raises his eyebrow, leaning forward and placing his chin on his hands. “Do explain why, because the way I see it, you asked for X amount of drugs and X amount of guns and ammo. Am I wrong?”
“You know what half of those drugs were code for, you ignorant shit.”
“Oh, no no no.” Yoongi chuckled, standing up, revolver in hand. “See, now, if you were implying what you think you are implying, and I truly hope you’re not, then you’ve worked with the wrong man.” He smirked, holding the gun up towards Yang.
“You see, if you read through the terms of our contract - Bangtan do not associate with anything involving trafficking women and children. I truly hope that isnt what you wanted.” Yoongi tilted his head, glaring at Yang. “Is it?”
Yang swallowed lightly, looking between his men, who all have their guns by their sides and their hands up. They know Min’s reputation. They know better than to fuck with them.
“Ah…” Yang sighed anxiously, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. “You are right. I believe I was mistaken. It appears that all our cargo was in order. Isn’t that right, boys?” He glanced between his men, who all nod shakily. “Now that we have that misunderstanding out of the way, I don’t think there’s anything else to talk about, so I will take my leave now, Min.” He turns to leave, only to freeze when the revolver now presses against his temple.
“Ah ah ah, not so fast.” Yoongi chuckles, kicking Yang’s knees out from underneath him, forcing him to kneel. “I would’ve been willing to let you go, no questions asked about what fucked up shit you’re into,” he leans down now, whispering into his ear. “but then you laid hands on my receptionist.”
Yang’s eyes widen, struggling against Yoongi’s boot digging into his legs. “What?” he breathed out.
“Did you even read the contract, Yang?” Yoongi hissed now, pressing the gun harder against his head. “Now, you are more than welcome to come in here, ranting and raving about me and the shit I do, I really couldnt give a flying fuck.. but as soon as you touch my people and my men, now theres fucking hell to pay. Rule number fucking 3 my friend. Do NOT touch my men. Do you have anything to say to defend your pathetic ass?”
“I’m sorry,” Yang blubbers out, hands shaking. “I really didn’t mean it, Min! I-I-”
“Save it for hell, Yang.” He squeezes the trigger, letting the body fall to the floor.
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“Come on,” you hissed, aggressively rubbing water over the sleeve of your blouse, earphones blaring music in your ears as Yoongi directed. You’ve been scrubbing for 5 minutes and sadly nothing is working for you. At this point, you haven’t even looked at your arm, now bruising and stained with small trails of your blood.
A figure steps into your line of sight, causing you to lift your head quickly and push the headphones off your head. “Oh, Master Min!” You gasp out, seeing his white shirt splattered with blood. “Did you need me to get your shirt booked in to the dry cleaner?” You start typing up the website to get the booking made when you feel his hand take your wrist.
“Does it hurt?” Yoongi asks quietly, looking down at you through his eyelashes, letting his fingertips run along the marks Yang left.
“O-oh.. um.. a little, but nothing I cant handle!” You smile sweetly at him as he shakes his head.
“You shouldn’t have to handle it at all.” He frowns, using a damp cloth to gently wipe away the trails of your blood before taking some paper towel and drying your arm off. “I do apologize, you didn’t sign up to deal with that shit. I should have been out here waiting for Yang’s arrival.”
“Master Min,” you smiled softly, letting him tend to your arm - you knew it made him feel better when he helped Bangtan with their wounds. “Please don’t stress, I knew what I signed up for for this job.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he delicately starts placing bright pink Hello Kitty band-aids over your scratch marks.
“Dont laugh.” He grumbles, patting the band-aids down so they stick. “Jimin insisted that we got these to make Taehyung laugh whenever he was hurt.” He lied, Jimin had snuck to you that Yoongi kept his Hello Kitty band-aids with him just in case any of the girls in the office - another word for just you and you alone - were hurt - he just never got to use them until now. But you’d never tell him that you knew. Instead, you just smile and let Yoongi tend to your wounds.
It may not be the best job in the world, but at least you know your bosses have your back.
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
ALL BTS MEMBERS WATTPAD RECOMMENDATIONS(1)⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆
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"Stop lying, Yoongi. Why promise me a million when you don't even live a hundred years?"
"What if I say I do?"
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Yours Truly
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He was a patient man.
He wouldn't mind to wait for the right time to reap what he thought he deserved. He had lived in the dark for far too long, that happiness was such a foreign notion for him. Until you crossed his path and awakened something deep inside him. Until he realized there was indeed glowing light on the other side of his world, just a flicker at the end of the journey he had to conquer.
Until the sunshine he had waited became you.
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Jiminttrash | 26 chapters | completed |
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they both loved him
but he only loved one of them.
♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.♡‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾
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Red Chopsticks
Side Characters: Kim Namjoon/police officer detective, Jeon Jungkook/police officer detective, Jung Hoseok/mafia member and Yoongis right hand.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, death, robbery, killing, guns, torturing, fire, porn (a lot of it), drugs, cuss words.
Song: Gods and Monsters by Lana del Rey.
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I knew that working as an intern at the police station wasn’t going to be easy. As a young woman i knew that very well. But life wasn’t ever exactly easy for me, when i wasn’t fighting to survive i was planing how to survive tomorrow.
At least i was never bored.
“Another fight against the mafia Min left three police officers in the hospital in critical condition and five dead, the police said that they are taking care of the case right now and so far they can’t disclose any information about the investigation but, everything indicates that the mafia leader Agust d was behind it. We’ll be back after the break…”.
I took a sip of my coffee as i watched the news on the tv in wall of the coffee shop. This Agust d was one of the most wanted criminals in the world, they say he has deals with the Italian and the Japanese mafia. No one knew how he looked like, the only way to know he was behind a crime was looking at the crime scene. He had a way of doing in the most cleanest way. Bodies dropped dead in a blink of an eye and no one would know.
I always wanted to be a police detective just like my father, completely influenced by him but when he passed away i made the promise to take his place and do just as much good to the world as he did. To continue his legacy. Since I was the oldest I had to take care of the house and my younger brother. Who was still in high school.
After completing my training i was assigned to work as an intern at the police station. I’ve been working for almost four months now, it hasn’t been easy since.
Many male seniors looked down on me and tooked me for weak. But that didn’t stop me. It never did in the academy and It won’t here.
I’m gonna do my job and I’ll be the best at it.
Days are work were usually the same, sitting on my desk making documents and delivering documents with criminal information on crime scenes, criminals and people who passed.
I had to make sure every information was in order and ready to be documented and archived in the system.
At lunch break I would seat in the table with the few detectives that saw me as one of them, Namjoon was working on the Agust d case together with Jungkook and his other man, he would always take care of me when he could. As fathers used to know each other and for that reason he’s always been like a big brother for me in the station.
- how’s been work so far y/n? - he asked, a smile showing his dimples making him look even more attractive.
- same old same old - i said, sitting in front of him on the table. - how is the investigation of the Min mafia?
- don’t even tell me about it. The damn Agust d is like a ghost. - he held his chopsticks tighter, a deep look in his eyes showing me how much this case has been burning him, no one wanted to catch that man more than him - But just you wait…. I’m gonna catch him and make him pay for his crimes.
- I’m sure you will - i send him an assuring smile - no one can do that but you.
He replied my smile send a small one back to me, the air around seemed to have lightened up since.
- make sure you document our relatories right y/n - Jungkook the youngest detective said to me in a teasing way. Turning the attention to me.
- you do your job and i do mine - i said - I’ll be better then you once i become a detective.
- she’s coming for you man! - Namjoon teased, getting playful too.
- I’m not scared of girls - Jungkook stated, looking my way.
- well then I’ll make you scared - I said daring. We all just laughed after that.
Lunch time was always pleasant with them, as much as they can’t seem to stop teasing me for being the youngest, it was nice being with them.
After lunch i went back to work finding a new pile of documents with a small yellow note saying to transfer them all to the system. One of the other female workers who was a senior Looked at my way saying the boss requested me to do the documents and send it to him.
I sighed knowing it would take more then hours to complete the work, specially with how slow the system has been lately.
Finishing the last paper o looked outside the window at the office. It was night already, half past eleven.
I yawn getting up from the chair, time to clock out. As I walk down the stairs to the front doors of the station, Namjoon comes from the corridor of the left. I smiled at him and he does a little jog to come to me, accompany me as we both exit the building.
I take a deep breath once outside, finally time to go home.
- you need a ride home? - Namjoon offers.
- oh no, thank you though - i declined - I have my own ride home.
- don’t tell me you’re still driving that thing? - he asked incredulously of my ride home.
- hey! Don’t talk like that about my baby - i said. Hitting his arm.
- i swear that motorcycle is a monster… - he said playful.
- no it’s not… - I’m interrupted by my cell phone ringing, my brothers name shining on it. - sorry i gotta go, bye Joonie!
I quickly said by to him as i run to the parking lot, once my motorcycle was in my sight I took the call.
- hey bro what do you-
I couldn’t finished. My voice got stuck in my throat as i heard him sobbing, silent cries.
- they are coming to get me… I’m so sorry big sis…- he cried, I could hear laughs and other voices in the back.
My mind was doing loops. Different scenarios about what he might have gotten himself into that could have gotten him in that situation, i felt the rush in my body and completely lost control of myself. The only family I had was in danger and i just couldn’t breath at the thought of it. How could I not do anything?
Knowing i was just an intern at the police station but i would never turn my back to someone in need. Never.
I’m so stupid.
I moved out of instinct. Getting in the motorcycle. Turning on the GPS of his cellphone so i could track his location, finding out my brother l location was my focus now. Turning the key the loud roar of the motor was flowed through my ears. I checked the GPS once more finding out he was at the wets part of downtown.
My eyes looking incredulously at his location, just what in the world was he doing at one of the most dangerous parts of downtown?
Once I find him I’m going to smash some sense in his head, with my fry pan. Hard.
Driving this late wasn’t so bad, everyone was sleeping and those who weren’t were coming back from work or just going to parties, getting dunk or eating out. It was easier to get there faster, as i drove towards my brothers destination the streets began to slowly turn darker, and i don’t mean light sense.
I was struck by how things went down there. I never came a single kilometer close to this part of the city. Now I know why.
People fighting in the middle of the streets, some drunk men being dragged out of a pub, woman bearly clothed walking around smoking.
I stooped my motorbike to look at the GPS once again, he was close now one street ahead in the next alley. I drove there slower till I was close enough to go there on foot and made my way to the alley.
I couldn’t find words to describe this place, it smelled so bad my head started to hurt. Cigarettes and cheap alcohol, piss in the corners and some people laying on the floor. I didn’t know if they were alive but, i didn’t know if going there to check would be a good thing to do.
I had my own share of trouble to solve now. Once in the alley i felt paralyzed, honestly I didn’t know what to expect from this. I didn’t know what to do. I just knew my brother was i danger and i had to get to him quickly.
Once there i stood in the alley, my heart was weighing on my chest, as i saw three men cornering my brother. Two of them wearing big jackets and while one wore a baseball hat the other a bucket hat he was the one who held my brother against the wall while the other one threw a punch against him. Those disgusting pieces of trash.
- ya!
Anger boiled inside me. Now finally getting their attention. The one who threw the punch turning towards me. He was bald and had a dragon tattoo on his face that follow the side of his head to his left eye.
- there's nothing to see here princess - he said - get out or... we might not let you go.
- no, you leave - i stood my ground - i already called the coops, leave my brother.
They all just laugh, i didn't move an inch through if i wanted to win this I would have to fight. I knew I would.
- you all heard that? She called the cops - he said in a mocking way to the other guys and they all laughed - you must not be from here little girl.... the coops don't come here any more.
- yeah... - the other one who held my brother said, he took his cap off siding with the tattoo guy - Agust D made sure of that.
They looked at each other and chuckled.
- we gotta thank him for that... - the back one said walking towards me - thanks to him we can do whatever we want to little girls like you....
I felt like throwing up.
It wasn’t long before two arms held me from behind, a breath of cigarettes hitting my face. A forth men? I tried to break free from it but the man’s hold was strong.
Bald guy walking towards us a vile smile on his lips as he did so, my mind was completely blank and all i could hear was my heart beating faster in my chest and their laughs as if it was coming from far away.
My eyes desperately searching for my brother finding him laying on the floor, fear boiling on my body. I could only watch.
How useless i was.
- we are gonna have so much fun… - he said grabbing my face and smiling sickly. I was so disgusted and angry at the same time.
Still i spit on his face. For a second it seemed like he didn’t believe it, then he angrily cleaned his face with his hand.
- you bitch! - he was one second from slapping me in the face.
If I’m in hell, might as well shower in flames. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow, but it never came.
- what’s is all this garbage?….
A different voice said this time, before anything could happened, from behind the man in the other end of the alley a man stood there.
I couldn’t make his face as he was too far, he proceeded to light a cigarette and take a blow. Smoke flying above his face as he lets it all out. He was wearing simple clothes, ripped jeans a white shirt and flower shirt over it. Long black hair slick back. He walked slowly towards the commotion, as if this was nothing but exactly what he stated: garbage.
- we don’t need more people here friend… - the man in front of me said, walking towards the new stranger - just keep minding your own business.
- well you see… friend - he said closer now, eyes falling over mine and i noticed the scar on his face. It made him look mad. - i don’t like men hurting woman…
- I don’t give a shit about what you don’t like get the fu- before the man can say even one more word, scar men throws a punch on him, cigarette still between his lips.
He falls on the ground nose bleeding and groaning in pain, scar men takes a second blow lof the cigarette letting the smoke fall out of his lips slowly in the air watching the men on the ground, a smirk on his face.
- I also don’t like poor dirty vocabulary… - he said, throwing the rest of the cigarette on the man.
The two other guys went stray to the scar men, one of them throwing a punch on him but he quickly dogged grabbing the guys arm bringing towards him he punched his ribs then kicked him on the same spot, while this were happening the other one who just watched grabbed a piece of wood and went straight to the scar face men.
It happened so fast, the guy didn’t stood a chance as scar face held the piece of wood and his other hand before he could do anything, a sick laugh coming from scar face lips. He looked as if he was having the most fun but, more then anything like this was nothing to him.
I knew he went hard when i heard the sound of cracking, but it wasn’t from the wood. The painful groan that left the guy mouth was enough to tell me, scar men broke his arm then threw the guy on the floor two with another kick. He stood there pushed his hair back and looked at me, a smirk still on his face.
The forth men that was holding me finally let me go, turning back i only saw him walking fast as if he had nothing to do with this signaling to the other men to get out of there, one after the other they got up from the floor leaving quickly. I don’t know who that men with the scar is but although he helped me and my brother, he doesn’t seem like one to mess with.
As the alley was clear i ran to my brother, checking to see if he was okay. He hugged me as soon as i kneeled beside him.
- why did you come? - he cried on my shoulder - they could’ve hurt you…
- and they hurt you - I told him - how could i not come? Should I have just left your!? You punk.
I helped him up holding him by the waist, I honestly thought the scar men wouldn’t be here anymore. I was surprise to see he was still there looking at me and my brother. Both hands on the pockets of his jeans.
Noticing my look of surprise at him he only side smiled, I couldn’t read his expression.
- it’s still dangerous to be alone at this time… - he said walking to the end of the alley where he came from and towards the street - let’s eat something till things cool down in downtown.
I didn’t question. I didn’t know how things worked at downtown and if he’s from here he knows more then I do. Seeing how my brother was still in pain I thought that would be a good idea, at least until he gets better to go and as the scar men said till thing cold down.
So i follow the him. We walked without saying anything else, the streets of downtown seemed to really be quieting down now . He stopped in front what looked like a noddle restaurant, it looked old with rustic furniture and decor.
He walked around as if he new the place and quickly sat down in one of the tables on the back, i fallowed him sitting in front of him after helping my brother to sit beside me.
And old lady came to our table, she seemed to know scar face as she smiled at him.
- the usual mister Yoongi? - she asked him, he nodded.
- the same for them - he then replied, she looked at me once then my brother the expression on her face showing clearly. Pity.
She quickly went back to prepare the food, i looked at the men in front of me. The scar on his face gave him a fearful look, he had sharp eyes too and moved with so much confidence and control of himself. Nothing around his surrounding seemed to fazed him, he looked indifferent to everything.
He’s from downtown. The part of the city were crime was all over it, the mafia Min had control over it more then the military soldiers. No one could take this area down. They had so much power over it no one from the outside could even imagine what was truly happening here, everyone feared getting even the stlighly close to here.
I tried not to think about it so much as time passed, the food was put in front of us by the old lady. The scar face who’s name the old lady said before was Yoongi took his chopsticks blowing the noddles before eating.
His knuckles had some blood on them, but he just eat as if it wasn’t nothing to him. Are all the people in downtown like this? Born bad? Born with blood in their hands.
Now here i’m right in the middle of it. With this men in front of me who looked like he was some kind of mafia criminal.
- are you in the mafia? - I only realized I said my thoughts out loud when he looked at me.
He stoped mid eating, mouth slightly opened as he hold his chopstick. His eyes locked on mine and he stared at me, it felt cold the more i held eye contact with him. I couldn't decipher what was going on his mind, it made me even more intrigued and for a second it felt like time had stoped, everyone and every thing around us simply didn't exist.
How did I get here? Who was this men?
I couldn't breath. My eyes were glued on his, how could someone like him have this kind of effect on people? I felt a shiver run down my spine as he licked his lips smirking if that was somebody else I’m sure it wouldn’t look as attractive as he made it look and before he took a bite of his food he simply said without breaking eye contact with me.
- no.
Nothing else was said after that.
We all just eat our food. The silence was filled with only dish sounds and food being cooked, some old people talking about sports and how some areas were too dangerous.
I kept checking on my brother to see if was fine, he only eat his food quietly blood dried already on his bottom lip, a bruise on his right eye turning red. I hated the fact i couldn’t protect him. Even after becoming a police officer I couldn’t do anything to protect my only family.
Mat the sudden movement in front of me my eyes turning to Yoongi as he got up from his seat, he grabbed the pair of red chopsticks before looking at me one last time.
- i have something to deal with now - he said - you know that way out, don’t worry about the food… is on me.
Was all he said before turning his back and walking towards the back of the restaurant with the red chopsticks.
What a night.
Taglist: @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe @catlove83 @taegicity @ginger-coffee-addict @rosquilleta @tarahardcore @liveyun @manuosorio @thvlover7 @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky
Notes: First part is out YES. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes I didn’t edit yet! 🥺💖🤭
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 10 months
Masterlist || candlewaxandp0lar0ids
Ao3 profile
How to Leave Comments on Fanfiction (Advice Post)
★ Namjoon
↳ Lazy Day // fluff. domestic!AU, established relationship. 549 words
★ Jin
↳ Don't Go Baking My Heart // fluff. bakery!AU, strangers to lovers. 14.7k.
You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
★ J-Hope
↳ For the First Time (What's Past is Past) // fluff, light angst, smut. neighbors!AU, strangers to lovers. 15.7k
After your eight years relationship comes to a brutal end, you don’t really see yourself getting back into dating — ever, probably. And then, your new neighbor who has the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen needs to borrow a corkscrew, and you don’t realize it just yet, but your resolve doesn’t stand a chance.
★ Jimin
↳ Fly to my room // fluff. college!AU. 1k
↳ good for you // PWP, smut. friends with benefits!AU. 2.9k
★ Jungkook
↳ I Don't Like a Gold Rush // fluff. college!AU, strangers to lovers. 17.3k
Jungkook is the golden boy, an excellent student, the star of you college’s football team. Rumor has it, there’s simply nothing he can’t do. The same cannot be said about you, but you’ve never had an issue with that. You’re happy with your small group of friends and your lack of talent in sports. And then, Jin befriends Jungkook, and you find yourself spending a lot of time with him. Before you know it, you’ve taken an interest in him — and you’re sure you shouldn’t. There’s no way this can end well for you… right?
↳ if i can never give you peace // series. angst, eventual smut. mafia!AU, hybrid!AU, enemies to lovers, slow burn. in progress.
It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and the girl’s father decides he needs to be killed. Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine. Until he comes back.
0 · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · Interlude · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 ·
★ Bang Chan
↳ all your friends are so cool, you go out every night // smut. college!AU, friends with benefits!AU, jealousy. 5k.
↳ hoodie season // tooth-rotting fluff. established relationship AU. 1.4k.
★ Lee Know
↳ when he sees me // smut, fluff, angst. neighbors!AU. 13.3k. in progress.
Interacting with others has never been easy for you, whether it is talking to them or, worse, flirting with them. As a result, relationships, but also any form of sexual interactions have always eluded you. You had no reason to think that was going to change anytime soon. And then your hot neighbor’s cat shows up in your apartment, and you think that things just might change. Even if it’s only on one front.
↳ kinda wanna throw my phone across the room // fluff. college!AU, coffee shop!AU, strangers to lovers, jealousy. 4.9k
★ Changbin
↳ wanna be you so bad // angst? college!AU, academic rivals!AU, jealousy. 4.3k
★ Hyunjin
↳ you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad // PWP, smut. college!AU, established relationship. 4.4k
↳ comparison is killing me slowly // hurt/comfort, smut. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 5.2k. same couple as you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad.
★ Han
↳ i'm so sick of myself // fluff, angst. college!AU, friends to lovers. 4.2k
↳ something's waiting now to pounce // angst, light horror, thriller. high school!AU, slasher!AU, friends to lovers. 6.3k.
★ Felix
↳ felix navidad // fluff, angst. christmas evel!au, strangers to lovers. 16.4k
You keep seeing Felix around. First he falls in your courtyard on Christmas Eve, then you see him hiding chocolate eggs in a park, and then he appears on the staircase behind your apartment, in the middle of the night. It’s unusual, and you have no idea what it means. What you do know, though, is that you’re absolutely fascinated by him, who he is, and the light and joy he seems to bring with him everywhere he goes. Even if you have no idea who or what he is, all that you want is to find out more — and get to spend a little more time with him.
↳ rather be anyone else // angst. college!AU, friends to lovers, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ wouldn't you like to see something strange? // angst, suggestive. urban fantasy, roommates!AU. 4k.
★ Seungmin
↳ i think i think too much // fluff, suggestive. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ everybody make a scene // fluff, angst (both light). coworkers!AU, convenience store!AU, friends to lovers. 4k
★ I.N.
↳ all i see are girls too good to be true // fluff, light angst. college!AU, idiots to lovers, jealousy. 3.9k
↳ take a chance and roll the dice // fluff. coworkers!AU, bar!AU. 3.7k
213 notes · View notes
btskitten7 · 6 months
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Silent Grace | xi : "When it's bad, it's worse"
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 3.5k
Chapter warnings: Yoongi's parents are fighting. Mrs. Min slaps Min (As she should cause tf?)
summary: The biggest bombshell has been dropped on Yoongi. He just learned that his best friend will now the run family that was promised to him, and all the while, he gets a surprise visit.
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast @bangtan-famiglia-net
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The room was as quiet as a mouse. Everyone was shocked. All except Namjoon. He kept his head down as he felt both yours and Seokjin’s gaze on him. Yoongi’s face went pale as his father mentioned Namjoon’s name. Min sighed softly but Kim was as happy as can be.
His son, calling the shots. He was proud.
“Come on up Namjoon,” Min said clapping for him bringing the rest of the crowd to clap for him as well. You did not clap, nor did Seokjin or Jungkook. Yoongi’s mother watched her son’s face fall apart right in front of her.
She was completely taken aback by this sudden decision.
Namjoon walked up the other side of the grand staircase and stood right next to Min. Namjoon kept his eyes away from Yoongi. He wanted to look everywhere but at him. He couldn’t look in front of him either. You and Seokjin were giving him the most confused but hurt look.
He wanted to be anywhere but here.
Yoongi’s piercing gaze never left his father. He thought he hated Hoseok.
He hates this man more.
at Yoongi and for a moment felt a sense of regret seeing the look in both his and his wife’s eye.
The same look of hate and disgust they had for him when he had stepped out of the marriage.
The same look Yoongi gave when his father forced him to give up his dreams for this life.
The same look that all his sons gave him.
“Yoongi listen-” Min started but Yoongi swatted his father’s arm off of him.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” He said lowly.
Your heart wrenched at hearing his hurt voice. His mother felt the same and walked over to him, trying to take him into her embrace but Yoongi refused. He shrugged her away as well. “Don’t.”
Yoongi looked up at his father, tears burning his eyes as he was far more hurt than upset.
He was heartbroken.
Agitated and filled with frustration, Yoongi uttered, "After all the lies, secrets, and people I've hurt, all the friendships I've sacrificed for this, does it end like this? Was it all in vain?"
Min repeatedly shook his head, gently placing his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. "No, son, no. Your efforts are honorable and haven't gone unnoticed. I'm aware of your capabilities and know you'll make me proud as our leader. However, I need you to continue as the underboss for another year."
"And you thought it was a great idea to make me inferior to MY underboss?" Yoongi's speech became slurred as his anger intensified. "You knew this whole time, didn't you? As my friend, not just your boss, you couldn't tell me?" he addressed Namjoon, who had remained silent until now.
Namjoon tried to explain, "I didn't know how you would react, Hyung. I thought it would be better until you told Y/n."
Yoongi's laughter turned manic. "So, you've been aware of this for quite some time."
Seokjin stood stunned, unable to find words. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, unsure of what to say.
"No," Yoongi started, his voice firm. "We are no longer on that level, boss." Yoongi shrugged off his father's hands and brushed past Kim and Namjoon, storming down the stairs, ignoring the pleas of Min and his mother to stay.
With emotions barely concealed, Yoongi walked directly toward you, his eyes pleading for understanding.
“Baby, are you okay?” you asked, reaching for his hand.
“Can you walk now? If you need help, I’ll carry you. We need to get out of here,” Yoongi muttered in a defeated tone. His parents stood behind him, trying to catch his attention, but Yoongi ignored them both.
Turning to Seokjin and Jungkook, Yoongi requested, “Can you get the car? We’re coming out.” Jungkook nodded and looked at Seokjin, who couldn’t tear his eyes away from Namjoon. Namjoon avoided Seokjin's gaze as well.
Yoongi tapped Seokjin’s arm lightly, breaking his trance. “Let’s go,” Yoongi said.
Seokjin nodded and followed behind Jungkook.
Jimin, unknown to anyone was among the crowd and he was shocked.
He knew Yoongi’s father was fucked up in the head but he never thought he would choose someone else over his blood.
“Oh Yoongi, if your grandfather was here,” Jimin mumbled to himself, “He would have killed your father by now”
Jimin sympathized with Yoongi's plight. Yoongi had sacrificed everything for his father's approval, giving up his music, basketball, and a normal life. Even though they were at odds, Jimin would never wish such a fate upon anyone, not even Yoongi.
He watched Yoongi take your hand as lead you out of the home, with parents standing there defeated.
As Jimin turned to walk away, a loud smack reverberated through the room. He spun around quickly and noticed Min's head tilted to the side and his wife breathing heavily. She screamed at him, but Jimin could not decipher the words as she rushed after her son.
Jimin stood frozen. He had never witnessed Yoongi's mother standing up for herself or her children in such a manner. Evidently, Min was equally shocked and appalled.
Yoongi managed to keep his emotions in check up until he got outside. He couldn’t believe that someone else betrayed him like Hoseok did. His own father and best friend. It makes what Hosoek did seem so small now.
Before entering the car, you turned to Yoongi. Before you could speak, streams of tears flowed incessantly down Yoongi's cheeks, staining his eyes and cheeks red. Your heart shattered into millions of pieces.
"H-how could he do that to me? I did everything I could...and more. He's supposed to be my father," Yoongi began, tears streaming down his face. "How could my dad do that? I'm his son. I'm the one who stayed when the others left. Where's the father's love everyone talks about? Isn't he supposed to love me? All he does is find new ways to hurt me," he said in a broken voice.
You couldn't bear it any longer and pulled him into a comforting embrace. Yoongi finally broke down, hiding his face in your neck and letting out all his pent-up emotions on your shoulder. Seokjin came behind him and rubbed his back while Jungkook watched with concern for his leader.
Hearing Yoongi’s broken voice devastated you but it sent needles right through his mother’s heart. She wanted nothing more but to comfort her son. She made her way to him once again this time Yoongi allowed her to get closer. You looked at her as she looked at you with pleading eyes. You nodded and moved to the side allowing Yoongi and his mother to have this moment.
Yoongi wiped his face and avoided his mother’s gaze. She kept holding onto his hand hoping for a chance to comfort him.
“Did you know, mother?” he asked. She shook her head.
“Not at all. We’ve been talking about this moment up until this moment. I didn’t think he would consider anyone else. He seemed so happy to finally hand this down to you.” She said rubbing his hands. Yoongi scoffed and shook his head.
“He’s happiest when I’m embarrassed or put on the spot. Genuinely happy for me? Doubt it.”
Yoongi kept his eyes on his mother until he heard a voice he wished he hadn’t.
Yoongi looked up and saw Jimin looking back at him. Your eyes went wide, silently praying that the same thing that happened last time wouldn’t happen again. Yoongi pushed you and his mother behind him as Seokjin and Jungkook were right next to him. Jimin immediately put his hands up.
“I’m not here to start any fights or even to argue. I just want to talk,” Jimin started. “See, look,”
Jimin reached into his jacket pocket and pulled his gun out, dropping it to the floor and kicking it to Yoongi.
Yoongi relaxed a little but still, he didn’t trust him.
“What do want, Park? Sadly, I’m not in the mood for pointless conversations.” Yoongi said crossing his arms.
“I know,” Jimin sighed, “I saw what happened, and…Hyung you didn’t deserve that.”
Yoongi was taken aback as he looked at Jimin. What the hell is he telling him that? He know he didn’t deserve that shit.
“That was the most fucked up thing I’ve seen your father do…and we’ve both seen him do a lot worse,” Jimin said. Yoongi looked to the sky as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, trying desperately to hold in the already spilling tears. Jimin sighed and walked closer towards Yoongi but still not too close as Jungkook and Seokjin both got closer to him.
“Why are you here, Park?” Seokjin asked this time, becoming agitated as this conversation continued.
“This might not be the best time to say this..but Ji-hoon is back in town,” Jimin said.
The air became thick once again. Yoongi felt another drop hit the bottom of his stomach.
“He’s here? I want to see him. Where is he?” Yoongi’s mother asked. Jimin stepped a little closer but this Yoongi signaled Jungkook and Seokjin to stand down.
“He’s with Hoseok right now. I probably shouldn’t be here but…Hyung. I…” Jimin paused for a second causing everyone to grow confused.
"Yoongi, I have never hated you, and even now, I don't feel hatred toward you, Seokjin, or even Namjoon," Jimin stated sincerely.
"I don't believe that," Yoongi responded skeptically. "Just a few weeks ago, you were physically assaulting Namjoon in front of my girlfriend. You've been monitoring her every move since you discovered her identity. You can call me hyung all you want, but I don't trust a single word you say."
Jimin nodded, acknowledging Yoongi's feelings. "You have every right to feel that way," he agreed. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're still my hyung, and I genuinely want to resolve our issues. I tried to convince myself that I hated you, but it wasn't true. You, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Taehyung are all still close to me. You guys are all I have, and it's been challenging not having you guys in my life," Jimin admitted, his eyes welling up with tears.
Yoongi's heartstrings were tugged at by Jimin's honesty and vulnerability, and he found it hard to hold back his own emotions.
Jimin didn’t have anyone for most of his life. No one looked after him, no one looked for him. He really couldn’t remember a time when he did things with his parents. He doesn’t even remember who his parents are. He couldn’t even point them out if he wanted to.
It didn’t bother him either. He has been taking care of himself since he was only 12 years old. He had his place and he learned from the landlord that his parents paid for him to live there rent-free. If anything that bothered him the most was the fact that his parents had enough money to buy a place for him, make sure there was food in there, and send him a monthly allowance but didn’t care to be there with him or even bother to call.
All that changed when he met Hoseok. They immediately hit it off and became close.
And that changed his life forever.
“Park, is it okay if I have some friends over at your place tonight?” Hoseok said over the phone.
‘Friends?’ Jimin thought to himself.
“Would I know them?” Jimin asked. “Not Taehyung since he goes to school with me. Not Seokjin since he already graduated but you might have seen my two other friends. Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon” Hoseok explained.
‘Why’d you give a random person our full names Hobi?!’ one yelled.
‘It’s not like he wouldn’t know it anyway’ the other teased.
‘Why didn’t you say MY full name?’ another whined.
“Oh shut up, it’s not that big of a deal. Anyways, Park! What do you say?” Hoseok asked excitedly.
“I don’t, my mom really does like company” Jimin teased which caused Hosoek to laugh.
“What the hell are you talking about?! Your parents practically don’t exist.” Hoseok joked back which caused Jimin to laugh. “Whatever, Hyung. I don’t care, you know that. They can come”
Within the next hour, there was a knock on the door followed by chaotic mumbles. Jimin opened the door and the group of boys poured in, making sure to kick off their shoes at the door.
“Okay, guys, this is Park Jimin or Park,” Hoseok said wrapping his arm around Jimin’s shoulders “He’s the same age as Taehyung but he's older. Looks like you’re still the baby Tae.”
The boys began to laugh as Taehyung groaned in annoyance. “Still?”
“Anyways, the one with the dimples is Namjoon. The one who calls himself handsome all the time is Seokjin” Hoseok started before Seokjin interrupted “I am, handsome” which caused another way of laughter.
“And the quiet, serious guy is Yoongi. His dad is like super rich and that’s the only reason we keep him around” Hoseok joked which caused Yoongi to scoff before rolling his eyes. Doesn’t your dad own companies too? My dad isn’t the only rich one here.” Yoongi snorted.
“Yeah, but your dad has the best booze and the best parties,” Taehyung said which all the boys agreed causing Yoongi to shrug “I don’t think so but oh well. It’s nice to meet you Park, welcome to our pack” Yoongi said with a smile.
Jimin will never forget how meeting them made him feel. They were more than friends to him. They were his family and he hated to see how torn they’d become.
You stepped closer to Yoongi and hugged him tightly from behind before rubbing Seokjin’s back who had lost control of his tears ages ago.
“You don’t have to forgive me, honestly I wouldn’t be upset. Just know that, I know deep down you and Hoseok can fix this. I know things can be the same again.” Jimin said before looking at you then Jungkook “With new additions. The only reason why I kept in touch with Y/n was not for Hoseok alone…we didn’t even know she was attached to you, Hoseok was infatuated with the way she looked and carried herself, I mean come on Yoongi look at her.”
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle breathlessly at Jimin’s comment. He too was infatuated with you and could not leave you alone either.
“But once we saw that picture of you and her on her desk, I thought to myself, that maybe I could get close to her and see you again. To tell you how I felt. I’m sorry Y/n to take your picture and use you as I did. I want to give this back to you.” Jimin reached deep into his pockets and pulled out the picture from your desk that you loved so much, passing it to you with a smile. Your eyes lit up and stepped from behind Yoongi to take the picture back with the biggest smile ever. “Thank you!” you couldn’t help but be happy to get your photo back.
Yoongi smiled a bit seeing you as happy as you were. He turned back to Jimin, “I know how you must feel, and trust me, I never wanted it to be this way. But, I don’t think this can be resolved. Not easily at least. Hoseok and I both crossed lines that we shouldn’t have. I’m sorry but as far as a family reunion goes, I don’t think that would be possible.” Yoongi said sadly but truthfully.
“My hatred for Hoseok runs too deep for me to forget it or put it in the past,” Yoongi admitted.
Jimin nodded. “No, I understand. I just wanted to let you know how I felt Hyung. Have a good night and I’m about what happened back there. For what it’s worth,” Jimin started
“We all know what an amazing leader you are.”
Jimin bowed and headed to his car before disappearing into the darkness.
Namjoon’s heart sank into his shoes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He refused to believe what he was hearing. He refused to believe that Yoongi, someone that has been by his side since they were kids, wrote him off so quickly. He turned to his father with tears in eyes full of hatred.
“I told you that was going to happen! I told you! Now I lost my brother. You really expect Yoongi and Seokjin to work under me? Are you fucking insane?”
“No I don’t but you need to make them,” Min said standing next to Kim. His face was still red and stinging from the slap his wife gave him earlier. “Yoongi isn’t going to give in easily but don’t take what he said personally. Either way, he knows that he has to follow your orders reguardless of what he thinks.” Kim added.
“You are the closest thing he has to silbings. He lost his real brothers, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin-all of them. You think he’ll want to lose you too?” Min said.
“That what hurts the most! We’re like brothers and it looks like I betrayed him when I told you I didn’t want to do this to him.” Namjoon argued.
“THAT NO LONGER MATTERS,” Min yelled, “My son hasn’t lost anything to know how serious this is. His brothers? Big deal. His friends? Oh fucking well. But Y/n/? If he lost her, he’ll lose his mind. You see how much he loves her and he’ll do anything to protect her. Up until now, he has done everything surrounding her. His world revolves around her. With someone else in charge and no date insight to when he’ll be boss, he will have no choice but to contiune under my leadership through you. You need to her to twist his arm.”
“I will not hurt Y/n.” Namjoon said sternly.
“I didn’t say to, you did” Min said before walking off to find his wife.
Namjoon could not believe what he was hearing but he couldn’t argue anymore. The word was out and the damage was done.
Min pushed through the crowd that just resumed partying and ignoring everything that happened. He needed to fine his wife. He couldn’t handle her being that upset with her.
He hated to admit but he was just like Yoongi when it came to his wife. Min was and still is in love with her. Even through all of his infidelities, she’s still the one he wants. She has been with him through everything and he would hate if this is how it ended.
Fortunately, as she walked through the door, tears stained her cheeks. Before facing Min, she shut the door behind her. He softly grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"Darling, please try to understand," he began, but she pushed him away.
"No, I refuse to make any more effort to understand. You are free to inflict as much pain as you choose on me. I have made the decision to accept it because I love you. However, you have crossed the line for the final time. You have damaged each of our children. Two of our sons want nothing to do with us, and the one who does complete all of your requests and more, including the one in which you forced him to abandon his aspirations in favor of yours. You embarrass him in front of everyone we know and grant his rightful position to someone who has no claim to it? Someone who served as his right-hand man? Tonight, I witnessed Yoongi cry to Y/n in a way I had never seen before. Since Hoseok, I haven't seen him that wounded. So no, I have no interest in making sense of it any longer. She sobbed before retiring to her room, preventing Min from speaking.
"Will everything be okay with you two?" asked Kim.
Min was terrified. He was overcome with fear.
"Yes, everything will be okay with us. She just needs to unwind, much like Yoongi. So I can make it up to her, get everyone out of here. Tell Namjoon to schedule a meeting for tomorrow. I must speak to my son."
"Of course, sir."
The next morning was hell for Yoongi. He didn’t want to accept reality. Too many things had happened in only a few weeks, and he hated it. He no longer had control of things. He couldn’t ensure your safety anymore. Granted, Namjoon could still follow the things Yoongi has set in place but he could hardly trust Namjoon now. He didn’t trust him.
Sleep did not find Yoongi as he hoped. He spent the night holding you as close as he possibly could. So when Seokjin knocked on his door, he wasn’t annoyed.
“Come in,” he said sitting up and covering you back up. Seokjin came inside and closed the door behind him.
“Good morning, boss,” Seokjin said.
“You don’t need to call me that. We are on the same level, Seokjin.” Yoongi said placing his back against his backboard, running his fingers through his long hair.
“I don’t care what your father says. You’re the boss.” Seokjin said sternly. Yoongi chuckled and shrugged.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Yoongi started “What’s going on?”
“You probably don’t care but Namjoon requested to have a meeting.” Seokjin started.
“You’re right, I do not give a fuck.” Yoongi shrugged. Seokjin chuckled.
“You might after I tell you this,” Seokjin said causing Yoongi to look at him. “Hit me”
“He wants Y/n to attend the meeting.” 
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chimamirenoai · 2 years
A Child’s Longing
Yandere! Mafia! Kim Namjoon x Female! Reader
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“Mama, do I really have to replace Dad later?”
You looked up from the book you were reading and felt your heart squeeze helplessly. Your son sat on the floor while pushing his truck toy idly, a picture of innocence stained with the inevitability of a dark future. Every day he was trained to be the heir of the Kim family with little time to indulge in his childhood fully. And while he silently obeyed his father’s order, there were times when he questioned things. A natural curiosity, but it didn’t mean you knew what the natural answer was.
Rich people already lived in another world. Mafia families even more so.
You sighed.
“Of course, sweetheart. You’re the first child, therefore, you have to be the heir.”
“But you have a second child now.”
Instinctively, your hand went to pat your bulging stomach, where another innocent life was biding his sweet time before he was thrust into this stifling world. For him, and for you.
“Yejun, your little brother will have to study like you too.”
“But not as busy as I am, right?”
You fell quiet, for you knew not the answer was once again.
“I don’t want to be a leader.” Yejun sulked, slamming the toy petulantly. “I want to be an artist. I want to create things, not kill things.”
You flinched, recalling all the dramatic instances where Namjoon used his dirty position on you. First when he ordered some of his men to kill your boyfriend under the guise of a robbery, second when he lured you to his arms in your grief, third when he got close to your parents without your knowledge, fourth when you caught him talking to those men about ‘keeping an eye on your parents’ through the phone, fifth when he threatened to kill them if you misbehave in any way, and sixth when he forced you to marry him. Yejun growing up as a second Namjoon had always been your worst nightmare, both as a mother and a victim, but it wasn’t as if you had much freedom under this roof.
Not when you were still married to him. Not when he still loved you.
And this all began because you accidentally dropped your coffee on a hot guy’s shirt on one busy morning, and offered to lend him your coat to cover the stain which led to a long chitchat.
Life worked in a funny way, you thought. You were once a college student living in an average apartment, and now, you became a wife living in a fancy mansion. You couldn’t be rich and mentally content, just as you couldn’t be average and financially content.
It was impossible, just as it was fair. Ironically.
“You can create things as a hobby,” you paused, unsure if you wanted to enlarge his hope only to pop it like a balloon due to life’s intervention. And his. “or a side job, if your father allows it.”
“You know he won’t.” Yejun grumbled, pushing the toy away as if he was sick of it. “Father wants me to focus on my future job. It sucks.”
“What sucks?”
You both tensed up, yet your motherly and wifely instincts to please Namjoon and save Yejun were quick to react.
“N-nothing! We were just talking about how some toys break easily, and he thinks it sucks. Right, Yejun?”
The said boy nodded, half confused and half fearful.
Namjoon squinted slightly, unconvinced. For a split second, you feared he’d call you out and possibly punish Yejun for his petulance, but he seemed to be in a tolerant mood today.
“I see. It depends on how you treat them, of course. If you treat them roughly, then they’ll certainly break.”
You looked down wistfully, wondering if you’d broken now. If he’d break you again to the point of no return. Until he could build you back into a pliant woman he desired, the same way he stomped any fire of rebelliousness within Yejun.
Namjoon turned to him.
“Yejun, it’s time for your study.”
Sparing you a reluctant glance, the boy nodded and shuffled out of the living room as though his toys were now calling him to stay. The door closed, and you were left with your personal demon.
“It’s not good to lie, you know.”
You froze, and those instincts went haywire.
“P-please don’t punish him.” you begged, clutching his hand desperately. “He didn’t know what he was saying, and I swear I’ll fix his attitude next time. Just please don’t hurt him!”
“I’m not as cruel as to spill a drop of blood from him, [Name]. The most ‘hurtful’ punishment I can’t give him is solitary confinement.” Namjoon retorted, affronted by your subtle accusation. “But I won’t punish him today, because you look so precious when defending him. Like a true mother.”
He smiled and stroked your hair, but you didn’t allow yourself to relax. You couldn’t allow yourself to relax. Not with him. Not around him.
“I truly picked the right wife, didn’t I?”
You peeked up through your lashes. Still, you had to try. For Yejun’s sake.
“So, will you allow him to be an artist? At least as a hobby?”
“Sure. Why not?” He shrugged cavalierly. “As long as it doesn’t distract him from his duty, and I forbid him from publishing anything.”
It sounded unpleasant to hear, but it was still something.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Namjoon chuckled, “Shouldn’t it be him who said that?”
You tittered.
You might not be able to veer Yejun completely from his predestined path, but you’d be damned if you didn’t retain some of his humanity. His individuality. And you’d suck up to Namjoon even if it embittered you on the inside. Even if he already knew about your little plan.
Because he just loved it when you acted as his sweet little wife and mother.
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sweetlyskz · 2 years
For Better or for Worse
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Chapter One: The Arrangement
Pairing: poly!ot7 x reader
Genre: Mafia Au, Strangers to lovers, yandere Au
warnings: none
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November 16, 2015
Fall was always your favorite season of the year. It's when you and your father got to spend the most time with each other. However this year was different than any other.
"What are the streets saying these days, Gwi-Nam?"
"Rumor has it Bangtan just acquired some territory in Gwangju and Islan, right near Seoul", Gwi-Nam told your father. "Next up is Busan."
Your father huffed. "Who is Bangtan?" He asked.
Knock Knock.
Your father was not surprised to see you enter his office so suddenly. After school you would always visit him in his office, knowing that's usually where he is. You waved at Gwi-Nam and plopped in the chair in front of your fathers desk, paying little attention to their conversation.
"Bangtan is a new gang, led by a man named Kim Namjoon. Apparently, he's recruiting people from all over South Korea to Join his gang and has lots of powerful people already lined up" Gwi-Nam answered.
"So your telling me that a rookie gang leader has already obtained two whole territories?" Your father didn't seem as calm as you thought he would be. He honestly looked kind of worried.
"This is not good", he continued. "Any form of contact on this Namjoon kid? Maybe we can turn things around while he's still young and impressionable."
A couple days later and your father was finally able to have a meeting with Bangtan. However, he wasn't just having a meeting with the leader like he was expecting. After Kim Namjoon entered your fathers office, six other bodies followed.
"I apologize for not informing you sooner", Namjoon started. "But these are my partners and co leaders of Bangtan. Therefore, they couldn't miss this meeting."
It was hard to hear the whole conversation between them and your father from outside his office. You eavesdropped as hard as you could before hearing shuffling footsteps. In attempts to hide, you turned the corner into one of the many hallways in your family mansion.
"Listen, we appreciate the offer", You heard one of them say with a condescending tone. "However, there's already seven of us. Its not ideal for Bangtan." Letting curiousity get the better of you, you peeked your head out of the hallway, seeing the gang and your father standing in front of his office doors.
"You wont be able to acquire even a piece of Seoul territory without me", Your father promised.
"Wanna bet?"
While your father and the leader of Bangtan went back and forth, one of the members strayed away, walking in your direction. Did he see you? I mean it sure wasn't the best hiding spot but you tried.
"Jungkook, where are you headed?" He turned back around.
"Hyung, look", The boy pointed to the hallway you where hiding in. Everyone turned their heads to see you peeking out. Now feeling exposed, you walk out into the open, waving at everyone shyly.
"And who may this fine young woman be?" One of the members looked you up and down. Gwi-Nam ran and grabbed your arm, escorting you to your room.
"She is my daughter, and I swear if you even think about-"
"She's very beautiful, sir", Namjoon stated as we walked towards the exit. "I would watch her carefully. Some men might fight to have someone as gorgeous as her by their side."
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April 20, 2018
Bangtan had become the Dracula of South Korea. They now owned territory in every single city- even most of Seoul.
"You put up a hell of a good fight I'll tell you that", Namjoon laughed in your fathers face. "You know I bet that I could take Seoul territory by today. Aish, now I owe Jin a meal.”
He rolled his eyes. "I promised you that wouldn't happen, remember? Not unless you let me in on bangtan affairs."
"Well I've obviously proved that I can do it without you. Out of the twenty five districts in Seoul you now only own three of them."
He gulped nervously.
"Face it. You've met your match old man."
This couldn't be the end. It couldn't possibly end like this, at the hands of his enemy and not the hands of old age or retirement. Grasping for straws, your father gets desperate. "What do you want? H-how can I keep my territory?"
Joon sighed. "Well there is one thing you have that I want. You can't get your territory back but if you give me her than I'll let you keep what you have left."
Namjoon said her.
"You m-mean my..."
"Yes. Our lovely Y/n", He smiled. "Where is she anyway? All the little ones do is talk about her."
Your father felt sick to his stomach. What did he want with you, anyway? "N-no, you can't have her! I won't let you!"
"Listen, I'm trying to be nice here. Do it for Y/n, for your legacy."
He fought tooth and nail to keep you, but it was time to weigh his options and right now this was the best one. Unfortunately, you were still off at college during the time of the arrangement, but Namjoon didn't worry. They'd get to have you when you got back home.
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime. Smut (yes, finally) explicit sex scene.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5k (the longest one yet)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
You don't have me, but I'm so full of you I'm going crazy So why are you doing this to me? Why are you making a fool out of me?
The more you fuck around… 
The more you’ll find out. 
Your grandmother used to tell you that everytime you got in trouble and in the Seven Moons’s case: They’ve been fucking around for too long. 
The Seven Moons’s history went way back to the first kkangpae during the Japanese occupation and the fights against the yakuza. They smuggled guns to the country during the military run in the 80’s. And of course were the Drug Kings during the clan wars 20 years ago. Every time a new leader rose, the clan had a new name and the member deleted every piece of evidence that linked them to their previous organization.
A clean page to start over. 
And in the end if there’s no body, there’s no crime. 
That is why they were yet to find out. 
The Seven Moons under Kim DoHan’s rule, were untouchable. Every crime committed by his orders was untraceable to him and his sons; they always made sure that someone else got their hands dirty and in the case they did finish a job they had enough people in power to make sure no one would ask questions. 
All of the seven young leaders' criminal records were so squeaky clean they could run for office. You were surprised you didn't see any pictures of Kim Namjoon or Kim Seokjin kissing babies on their files.
You could do a lot of fucking around if you were sure you’ll never get caught. 
That was the reason you were sent to Seoul in the first place.
And for the past 3 days you learned one thing. 
Kim Dohan and his seven moons were very fucking good at fucking around and not finding out. 
But pride was the cardinal sin of the powerful and more often than not, the reason for their demise. All you needed was to find an opening on The Seven Moon’s arrogance. 
And the best one you found. 
Was finding your way to Suga's bed. 
You weren’t really proud of it. But you have to do what you’ve got to do. 
“By any means necessary” were the exact words of the Lieutenant and sitting on the Shadow’s face on your second night in Seoul fell into that category. 
Not that you had other motives for it. 
The sun was about to rise in the sky when you finally reached your bedroom in the mansion and you knew you could not sleep tonight, not after what you saw at Jhope’s warehouse. 
You’ve witnessed violence, you served in the military, you’ve been in a war. 
But you’ve never seen something so cruel…
It was pure evil, the way those bodies piled up. 
And the message. 
“This is how the devil pays for your loyalty” 
Written with their own clansmen blood. 
Releasing a tired sigh you sat on your bed and took out a small digital recorder in your pocket. 
You had placed the device inside the meeting room earlier that day during the office tour. Hoping to catch some valuable information from the clan leaders. Now, as you got your laptop on your lap, you plugged in your earbuds and listened to the recording, your heart pounding with anticipation.
At first, the voices were barely audible, as if the speakers were deliberately trying to keep their conversation from being overheard. But your trained ears picked up snippets of words and phrases.
It was a conversation between Kim Dohan and Mr. Lee “your father” 
"...the heir is a liability..."  said Kim Dohan in a tone that made your blood run cold.
"...we must eliminate… before they gain too much power..." responded Mr. Lee and you made a mental note to find out who they were. You suspected they were talking about the Jade Dragon.
"...make it look like an accident..." Your hand shook as you rewound the recording and played back the crucial part. 
This wasn’t exactly what you had been waiting for, a piece of evidence that would help you bring down the entire clan. 
But it was a death sentence for the clan’s heir, who was unaware of the plot against him.
It had to be Kim Namjoon. 
You wondered what drove Kim Dohan to decide to get rid of his only biological son. You had to act fast. You couldn't let them carry out their plan. But how could you warn Namjoon without blowing your cover?
If they killed him and then wiped out the clan’s record there was no chance for you to find any evidence.
And without any evidence, you were done. 
Mission Failed.
You needed to rest. 
You closed your laptop and stared at the ceiling, your time was running out. And this piece of information was a drop of water compared to the sea of lies that existed around the Seven Moons clan. 
You needed something more, something bigger. 
The next morning on the Seven Moon's diningroom.
Awkward was not a good enough word to describe how everyone at that table was feeling.
Namjoon had a black eye.
Suga had a split lip.
No one knew how Jungkook had ended up with a hickey on his neck.
Jimin was still furious with everyone for making such a fuss in his club.
Jhope looked like his cereal was made of rusty nails and he had to swalow them whole.
Taehyung was looking at you as if he wanted to kill you…
Although that was nothing new.
You looked exactly how you felt.. like shit. 
Jin was the only one who seemed to be calm.
And as if the tension at that table didn't feel like it could be cut with a chainsaw. The clan’s Leader joined you for the first time at breakfast.
“Miss Nari, you have been in my house for a few days now and we have not had the opportunity to talk” Kim Dohan's deep voice crossed the dining table and his tone of authority made everyone present stop what they were doing “I hope you are adapting well to life here in Seoul, if there is anything you need, do not hesitate to let me know” 
“Thank you very much, sir” You answered him looking at him from afar feeling like his gaze could pierce through any lie, even for you, a trained agent looking at Kim Dohan was like looking straight in the devil’s eyes “I have everything I need, you are very kind” finished your phrase with the most convincing smile you could give. 
“Everyone can tell you have more than you need” Taehyung muttered quietly, just enough for you to hear him and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. You weren't quite sure if it was anger or embarrassment you felt.
“If you want to say something at my table, Kim Taehyung, I hope you'll say it loud enough for all of us to hear” The Leader pounded his fist on the table making everyone jump a little out of their seats.
“Oh, Father, I was saying that Miss Nari seems to feel very comfortable at home. That is so great, because by the end of next month this will be your house  too. When she marries one of us” The young gangster replied with a shit eating grin.
You little shit.
Oh, how you wanted to wipe the smile off his face!
After the awkward breakfast was over, you felt like you were about to poke Taehyung with a toothpick right in the eye. When one of Kim Dohan’s bodyguards approached you quietly “The Leader wants to speak to you privately”
Your blood froze on your veins, if there was something you did not want to do was to be in the same room as Kim Dohan… alone. You looked at Suga who was on the other side of the room and he gave you an understanding smile. 
If the leader wanted to speak to you alone, he will have it his way.
You took a deep breath before opening the doors to The Leader’s office. The devil sat behind his massive desk, his piercing gaze fixed on you as you approached him. "Sit," he commanded, gesturing to the chair opposite him. You sat down, your heart pounding in your chest.
"You know that you are playing with fire, don't you?" Kim Dohan said in a low voice. "You may have fooled my men and my sons, but you can't fool me."
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but your mind was racing. Have you been discovered? Did Kim DoHan know that you were an undercover agent?
"I know about you and my son," Kim DoHan continued, his eyes narrowing. "Don't think that anything happens in my house without me knowing. You're lucky that I respect your father so much."
You felt your heart sink. 
Out of all the things you thought he could have discovered. That was the less awfull. 
But you could not be at ease. Now that you knew he was onto you.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stammered, trying to stay calm.
"Oh, pretty lily. That was your first and last mistake. Do not lie to me," Kim DoHan said, his voice rising and his gaze darkened. "I have eyes and ears everywhere. This is my home and my kingdom to rule. You think you can deceive me, but you can't. You're playing a dangerous game, flower. And if you're not careful, you're going to get burned."
You noticed Kim Dohan kept calling you flower.
Just like Suga did. 
And that made you wonder if he was involved in this. 
You felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. Kim Dohan's words were a clear warning, and you knew that you had to be more careful than ever. You nodded, keeping your eyes fixed on the floor.
"I understand," you said softly. "I won't let it happen again."
Kim Dohan leaned back in his chair, his expression inscrutable. "See that you don't. I won’t say I don't understand young love, but I really do not appreciate two of my sons fighting in a dark alley like hormonal teenagers over a girl. " he said, dismissing you with a wave of his hand.
You rose to your feet, your legs feeling weak. You knew that you had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, and that you had to tread carefully from now on. As you left Kim DoHan's office, you knew that the stakes had just been raised, and that the game had become even more deadly.
Later that day...
You were lying on your bed trying to process all the information you had gathered over the past days.
The realization dawned on you, it became clear that the Jade Dragon, the Chinese triad with a dark history, had resurfaced and were seeking retribution. The ability to send a message to the clan's secret hideout suggested that they had a mole within the organization.
And not just anyone had access to that place, it had to be someone with power.
You had enough reasons to suspect that Kim Namjoon was into some shady business, and you were determined to uncover the truth. Your gut suggested that it may have something to do with his father's plans to eliminate the heir.
With everything that happened so far, you were aware that time was running out, and you had until the end of the following month to compile all the evidence you could. 
This was your only opportunity to bring the clan to justice.
The moment the new heir was appointed, the clan would be rebranded under a fresh name, and all traces of their previous identity would vanish.
To make everything fucking worse, you had a hint that Kim DoHan was aware of your true intentions.
And early today he wasn’t just talking about you fucking his son.
Tap, Tap, Tap
Someone was tapping quickly on the balcony window in your room.
Ah, yes...
You weren't thinking about your main problem.
And said problem just hauled himself over the balcony railing with ease, his lean muscles rippling under his black shirt. He stood before you, an inscrutable expression on his chiseled face. In the moonlight light filtering through the curtains, his features seemed even more striking - the sharp jawline, the piercing obsidian eyes, the faint scar on his left eye that only added to his rugged appeal.
“Good evening Little flower. Can you let me in?”  he said in his low, melodic voice. He took a step closer. You could smell the heady, sandalwood scent of his cologne, feel the warmth radiating from his body. Your heart thudded in her chest.
“What are you doing here Suga?” you asked as you opened the window, the cold night breeze made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"I've been trying to figure something out,besides, I thought it was funny that we both used each other's window as an entrance,” he winked at you “your room smells like Lilies Is that on purpose?” 
“Suga, what are you doing here, are you on drugs?” you let out an inpatient sigh and the black-haired man stopped in front of you and took a lock of your hair still smiling at you “I'm clean as a Russian athlete before the Olympics. Didn’t I tell you to call me by my name, when we were alone, did you forget it?” 
“No, I didn't”
Of course you hadn't.
You had imagined calling him by his name when you kissed him again.
But that couldn't happen again. A flash of your conversation earlier with Kim DoHan passed through your mind.
It won’t happen again.
“What are you trying to figure out in the middle of the night in my room, Yoongi?” If you thought that man was close to you before, now Suga was almost completely attached to her body.
"I need your help."
You swallowed hard. "I don't know how I can help you."
He smiled, a slow, dangerous smile that made your knees weak. "I think you do. I see the way you look at me. The way your breath catches when I'm near you," He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers trailing along her skin and igniting sparks beneath her flesh.
“But this is not about that. Although, we could talk about it later” he said.
Your heart raced. You knew after that conversation with Kim DoHan that you were flying too close to the sun, seeing Suga behind his father's back. But you couldn't deny the attraction you felt for him, the way his eyes seemed to look right through you right now.
"What do you need my help with?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"It's about what you saw last night at Jhope's warehouse," Suga said, pacing back and forth across the room. "Can you tell me everything?."
You felt a surge of adrenaline. This was exactly the kind of opening you were looking for. If Suga trusted you enough to ask, you’ll make him trust you enough to speak. 
"It was awful," you said. “I’ve never seen something like that before.”
"I know, pretty flower, but I really need you to tell me what you saw," Suga said, turning to face you. "I need you to find out what is happening, before it's too late."
You sighed as you began to recall everything you could remember while Suga listened carefully. That man's gaze was the only thing that could terrify her and make her want to run straight towards him at the same time.
"Thank you" he says, taking a step closer to her. "I can’t tell you right now how much you’ve helped me today. But I promise you, it's important."
You feel your heart skip a beat as he reaches out and brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"I don't know if I can trust you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He takes another step closer and looks deep into her eyes. "You can trust me," he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
For a moment, you stand there in silence, the tension between you palpable. Then, he leans in, taking the lollipop out of his mouth and presses his lips to yours, and you felt yourself melting into his arms.
As you break apart, you realize that you’re in too deep. 
Suga made you feel as if you were running directly towards a cliff.
Ready to jump to the abyss. 
Fuck the consequences. 
“I actually came to figure out something else. You see, last night you were high and I’ve been told not to trust drunken truths. Bu you said you like me-” 
“I don't like you.”  You interrupted him trying to sound as convincing as you could, but Suga could see right through you. He smirked and took the lollipop between his fingers and tapped it to your lips. You understood what he was asking immediately.
You licked the lollipop looking right into his eyes. 
He took it again and put it in his mouth, rolling it around his tongue.
“Good girl. But you taste like lies.” The man ran his thumb delicately over her lips and brought his mouth close to your ear. “If you don't want me to kiss you again, tell me and I won't touch you again” his voice sounded almost like a growl “But if you'll give me your permission, I want to check a second thing”
Flying too close to the sun.
That was exactly what it felt like to kiss Suga.
“What thing?”
“If I really like you enough, that I don't give a fuck about all the trouble you're going to get me into” Now you the one who kissed him this time.
Oh, you were going to burn.
Suga bit your lower lip so that you would open your mouth a little and his tongue could roam freely over yours. His hands moved down from your face and over your neck, shoulders, breasts and hips.
Tonight, it felt different than the first night in his bedroom.
Tonight Suga was a man on a mission. 
His plan was to leave no corner of your body unknown.
Between the haze of desire that you were feeling, your mind came to its senses. 
As an undercover agent, you knew the risks of getting involved with the son of one of Seoul's most powerful mafia leaders.
Kim DoHan had fucking warned you less than four hours ago.
But when he dropped you onto the luxurious bed of your bedroom in the Mansion, you couldn't deny the attraction between you. As his intense gaze swept over your body, you felt a rush of excitement mixed with fear. 
As he leaned in to kiss you, you couldn't help but wonder if this was all part of his plan. Was he using you or did he genuinely want you? You pushed those thoughts aside and surrendered to the pleasure, letting yourself get lost in the moment.
“Yoongi.” you sighed between kisses, and to him his name sounded like the best melody he had ever heard in his life.
“Oh, little flower you're going to be the fucking death of me.” he growled lowering his lips to her neck to bite her and she let out a moan. 
That was the last remaining thread of control for both of you.
Yoongi drank your body like a man finding water in the middle of the desert, and when he undressed in front of you, you thought you forgot how to breathe.
The first night, he didn’t take his clothes off. He focused on you, and your pleasure. 
But tonight it was different.
His muscles flexed under his smooth white skin that glistened every time the moonlight landed right on the beads of sweat that ran down his body. Yoongi was covered in small and large scars that danced among the black ink that adorned his body. He had the clan tattoo right on his chest and you wanted to run your fingertips over all his markings and then, then you would kiss them.
As you took him in, your eyes rested for a second on a path of dark hair trailing down his belly inviting you to look just a little lower. You held your breath when you saw him in all his manhood.
He smiled at you, like someone who is about to commit a crime and has absolutely no regrets
“Everything you see is yours. All you have to do is ask nicely” he said, voice deep and musky.  
“I don't beg, ever” you said. He sat on the bed between your legs; both hands caressing the skin behind your knees.
“There's always a first time, flower” he said, not breaking eye contact, and you felt that all the heat of your body traveled to your center. Your skin vibrating with the low purr of Suga’s voice. You realize now the size of him and you wonder if he could fit inside. 
Just like the last time he savored every second, and you realize something about Suga:
He’s a tease.
He wants to bring you close to the edge, just enough you can graze the delicious feeling of the fall; to take you away from it. 
He’s like a cat you think. He is playing with his prey before he finally eats it. 
“Fuck, Yoongi” you whimper when he cups your panties with his hand, applying enough pressure to make you roll your head back and close your eyes. 
“You don't like me. You say. But look how wet this pussy is, and I haven’t even touched you” He’s right, you are arguably the most excited you’ve ever been in your life, and you’re embarrassingly soaked. 
“I never thought Miss Lee NaRi would be a liar” you wanted to pretend that sentence didn’t stroke a nerve in your heart. 
If only he knew.
You can only stare as he lowers himself to lift your shirt inch by agonizing inch. Slowly, he revealed your soft skin. And you had to bite your lip to prevent you from begging him to touch you. 
Luckily he wasn’t in the mood to make you wait any longer as he roamed his hands through your body. “Fuck, flower. You are beautiful,” he said more to himself than to you. But you can’t help but feel happy as you realize that you have the same effect on him as he has on you.
“Can I?” you realize he’s looking at your breasts, and when you nod, he dives down to take one in his mouth, sucking a nipple through the lacy fabric of your bra. You moan, threading your fingers in his dark hair, and you hear the little moan that escapes his mouth encouraging you to pull harder. And without thinking you do. 
Another husky moan leaves his chest as he languidly rolls his tongue over your skin. Reaching behind your back you unclasp your bra and he pulls it off your body to toss it somewhere around the room. 
He looks back at you and the sight that meets his eyes is sinful. Your hair sprawled between the satin pillows and your pupils blown with desire. 
This time you don’t have the effects of the drugs to blame. 
This is all Suga’s work. 
And He knows it.
“How do you want to come, flower? My tongue? My fingers? or…” His gaze trailed down to his member that stood proudly between you two “Or do you want me to fuck you and ruin you for everyone else?”
Your entire body clenches at the last question, and for some reason you agree that fucking Yoongi will, in fact, ruin you. 
“Fuck me” you said half a whisper half a moan. 
“What did you say, pretty flower?” you rolled your eyes at him and before you could bark any answer he slid his fingers between the lace of your panties. Playing with your opening and finding the exact destination with a long stroke. Head snapping back you mean loudly “Do you want me to fuck you? Hm?” his middle finger caressed your clit in circular motions dragging you closer and closer to the climax of your own pleasure. 
“I need your words.” he growled 
“Please fuck me, Yoongi” you moaned his name and he smiled wider. 
“Good girl. Everything you ask for, I’ll give it to you” He hooks his fingers to the elastic band of your underwear and takes it off your body. You assume it fell somewhere close to where your bra landed. “I’ll fuck you. I’ll ruin you for everybody else. But first, I’ll have to stretch you.” he pants as he enters two of his fingers on your cunt “You’re so fucking tight, flower. So fucking perfect for me.” 
You gasp as you feel the delicious stretch of a third finger entering you slowly, his other hand holds you tight by the waist. He leans over your body to kiss you once again and this time you feel like you’ve lost your sense of reality. 
You can still taste the sweet taste of the lollipop on his tongue as you suck on it. Kissing him like you want to take all you can until everything is inevitably taken away from you. 
“I- I fucking hate you” you shudder feeling flustered under his gaze as he moves back to look at you. 
“Don’t start lying to me again” He steps back just enough to lift one of your legs and rest it on his shoulder. You feel your body tremble in anticipation. He slowly rubs his full girth on your swollen clit, that’s when you realize he’s teasing you again. 
He starts moving at a maddening pace. Slowly rubbing himself in wet circles, without breaking eye contact “Lie to me again and see what happens” 
You swallow hard and you can’t help but think you have done nothing but lie to this man.
From the very first day.
You planted a mic in his bedroom. 
You are using him to get information so you can bring his clan…
His family to ruin. 
If only he knew, this morning you sent a message to the base with the exact day the clan is planning to announce the heir.
You just gave the Seven Moons away to INTERPOL.
But as he slowly enters you inch by inch and you scream his name you also realize one thing
You are also lying to yourself.
And you don't want to discover how.
“There.” You plead as he pushes his final inch inside you. You whimper and shiver at the delicious feeling of having him fill you to your limits. “Oh my God Yoongi”  
“I think I heard a pretty girl say she didn’t beg” 
“Shut up, and fuck me” 
In one swift motion he pulls out only leaving his tip, just to slam himself back so hard you hear the bed bang against the wall. He starts thrusting hard and you start seeing stars as you forget your own name. 
The slow torturing pace which he touched you is long forgotten as he enters you fast and hard. He’s unforgiving. Raising your hips so he can hit the right spots at the right angle. A moan chokes in your throat as he leans down again to kiss you. 
This time you can feel the cold feeling of his chains against your bare skin. 
“Yoongi” you cry, feeling hot tears run down your cheeks.
“It's okay, flower. I’ve got you. Let go” he grunts as he starts picking an even faster and harder pace. His hands move from your legs to caress your clit moving in rapid circular motion. And the devilish spark that lights on Suga’s eyes tells you he’s onto something. You don’t have to wait too long when he presses his hand down your lower belly to feel himself inside you.
You think you’ve lost your mind, whimpering, moaning and crying of pleasure. 
Suga was right, he just ruined you.
Your body shocks as a white hot wave of pleasure runs through it. Your orgasm hits you hard and he continues to fuck you through it as he gets closer to his not long after. You hear him gasp as he comes feeling the hot ropes of his cum land on your skin. 
“Let me clean you up. Pretty flower, stay here” he pants still not able to regain his breath. As if you could really move. 
He brought a wet towel from the ensuite bathroom to clean you up, and he didn’t leave it until he made sure you were thoroughly cleaned. 
That night Yoongi took you again.
Several times.
You knew you were playing with fire. 
And if you weren’t careful enough.
You will get burned.
But even if you knew you were both risking your lives.
Suga visited your balcony every night for the rest of that week.
And fuck the consequences.
One week later.
You were in one of the clan's armored vans on your way to meet Anya. You had talked earlier that day on the phone and agreed to meet at her apartment. You managed to convince Namjoon to send you with only one bodyguard.
Now, that was a mistake.
As you exited the freeway and slowed down to cross to the narrower streets the car you were in was rammed by a black SUV.
You felt yourself spinning around in the air.
Shards of glass flew everywhere.
You could only hear the screeching sound of metal hitting the ground.
Ten armed men got out of the cars that surrounded you.
You heard a shot.
You were not sure if it was yours or the driver's.
Someone forcibly pulled you off the roof of the car that was now on the ground.
Your head hurt too much.
You wished you had listened to Namjoon about taking more bodyguards.
You closed your eyes and could see Suga's smile the night before, when you were talking in his room.
Come and save me.
The more you fuck around,
the more you’ll find out. 
And now, you were about to. 
“Make it look like an accident” 
Well, ahem..... Hello?
You guys know there's always a chapter you would never read out loud I think this is mine. This is actually the first time that I write full on smut... and it was something.
Anyway, how are you guys? I hope we're all doing well, satying healthy and surviving this tour because... Min Yongi is a fucking menace. LIKE!? The rapping? The HAIR??? The whiskey drinking? The "You guys listent too well" UMMMM EXCUSE ME SIR BUT THAT IS ILLEGAL!
And HAEGUM, when i watched the video i giggled and kicked my feet because that is Hate! Yoongi. What a beautiful time to be writing a ganster au.
Ps. Thank you SO MUCH for liking and I have to thank each an every one of you for reblogging Hate! I really, really appreciate it.
From the bottom of my chicken heart,
Thank you.
Ria 🌙
Tag List @drunkzseok @allamericanuniverse
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allora1233 · 1 year
𝕄𝕒𝕗𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖
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genre: fluff - headcanon pairing: Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi summary: What position would each BTS member have in a Mafia? wc: >1k a/n: Something I drafted up a long while ago about what I think the BTS members would do in a Mafia group.
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Namjoon: Head of the Mafia.
You were just one of his underlings, but after years of your loyalty and excellent work ethic, he randomly starts to give you promotions, which eventually leads you to being his second in command. You never questioned it, too afraid to ask and not wanting to sound ungrateful, but eventually you work up the nerve to ask. He won't admit it at first, simply saying he wants to reward you for your dedication and loyalty, but he's grown quite attached to you and wants to have you around closer to him.
Jin: Drug Dealer.
You're his supplier, making whatever he orders and giving them out to him. He's always been flirty with you, trying (and failing) to get a little discount for "being such a loyal customer", but it was just banter... until it wasn't. It wasn't immediately obvious that his flirting sounded more sincere, but when he started showing up without any orders to make, it became apparent that he simply enjoyed your company.
Yoongi: Leader's Advisor/Second in Command.
You were just an underling to the Mafia's leader, doing the tasks you were assigned to do. One day you're approached by the Leader's Advisor, and he asks you to follow him back to his office. Worried you were in trouble, you followed meekly. He shuts the door behind you and you stand at his desk. Much to your relief, he simply asks you what you thought of the game plan he had sorted out for the leader. It struck you as odd since that was basically his whole job to make that decision, but you help him out anyways. Somehow the topic changes to much more mundane, but enjoyable thing. You spend the rest of the day just taking to him, where you learn that asking for your opinion was just the best excuse he could think of on the fly.
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giraffenamjoon · 3 months
ALL MINE (namjoon x original female character)
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genre: mafia! AU
synopsis: kim namjoon gets everything he wants, so when he sets his eyes on ahn miri, he knows he has to have her, and her family's company. but what starts out as a simple business deal becomes infinitely more complicated as he finds himself falling for a woman who doesn't love him. how far will he go to protect her from his enemies? how far will she go to protect her new life and the husband she never thought she wanted? and who and what will they lose in the process?
aka bangtan murder family AU
rating: mature (potential to be explicit in future chapters)
pairings: namjoon x ofc, jungkook x jimin
tags: angst, thriller, violence, slow burn, arranged marriage, (eventual) happy murder family, mafia leader namjoon, lawyer yoongi, doctor seokjin, bodyguard jungkook, bodyguard hoseok, intel agent taehyung, sniper jimin
link: read on AO3!
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wildestdreamsblog · 11 months
Latibule: Season 2 Prologue
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which he lost his latibule.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: happy halloween! 🎃
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Masterlist Epilogue
"You'll open your stitches, Yoongi-ah," Kim Seokjin noted with a monotonous tone, his eyes still trained on the tablet he was holding when he heard a rustling of the sheets, the first ever sign that the man was truly alive. The mafia prince that turned medical director was sitting comfortably, his long leg over the other as though he had gotten a good night's sleep since the mayhem that happened. It was the eighth day since Yoongi was in a coma, and similarly, it was the eighth day since you passed.
Since then, numerous things transpired- and they were all of violent nature. The five of them shed volume of blood, more so by the youngest of them. It was too bad for the traitors that Jeon Jungkook was frustrated because he almost found his wife. She was almost within his grasp when he was urgently needed back in Korea because unshockingly, one of their brothers was trying to kill the other. And well, the organization needed cleansing of traitors.
Additionally, it was worse for the traitors because the moment he returned was the moment he found his sunshine gone.
Yoongi was physically healing, as evidenced by his vitals that Seokjin was diligently monitoring. It was expected. Yoongi was not likened to a cat for nothing. They all physically saw him fall from the third floor, stood up, and brushed his hands as though it was nothing when they were younger. There was not even an ounce of doubt in their minds that he would wake up one of these days.
That was the thing, Yoongi was healing. But now, Seokjin wondered what would happen once he knew what happened to you. 
He didn't have to wait long.
"W-where is she?" Yoongi asked with apparent effort, his hand clutching his shoulder with a barely restrained pain flashing on his face. "I need to go to her. She must be so scared," He sat up and waited for Seokjin to say something, anything.
And he waited, and waited- yet, Kim Seokjin didn't answer him. He merely regarded him with a somber expression on him, a foreign look on his usual jovial face. Jin's jaw was clenched, and he hated to be the bearer of bad news.
Yoongi blinked, looking at the older man's eyes with quick realization. He couldn't have gotten any paler even if he wanted to, his eyes widened at what he already knew.
"No. Hyung, no. Fucking no," he shook his head, his movements quick as he pulled the dextrose harshly from his skin, blood now dripping on his hand. He stood up as he aimed for the door, every step he took was shaky, yet his determination to see you was strong. "Take me to her! Where is she!"
Jin tried as best as he could to contain the man, and that was how Kim Namjoon found them. He should have known, he was no match to a man who just lost the only person he ever loved. Namjoon immediately helped his hyung, securing Yoongi's other arm on his side. But the mafia leader was like a wounded animal, thrashing around as it tried to find reprieve. In this case, it was you who was his peace.
"Hyung, stop it! You're going to hurt yourself," Namjoon ordered as gently as he could, but it fell on deaf ears. Yoongi looked at Namjoon, his dark eyes filled with panic and unshed tears. He thought that maybe Namjoon would take him to you.
You were just hurt, right? You were just resting that was why his hyung couldn’t take him to you…right? You were somewhere here. He just needed to ask more, to impose more, and if needed, he just had to scream louder for you and you would come to him…right?
You were alive, right?!
"Namjoon-ah, where is my angel, hmm? Take me to her!" his voice were shaking as he fisted his hands on Namjoon’s shirt, trying to get the taller man to look at him, to listen to him. He was close to pleading, and he wasn’t above it.
Why were they quiet?
Why were they looking at him as though they pity him?
He wasn’t pitiful, he thought. He had you.
The two men shared a downcasted look. Both men didn't know how to tell him that you didn't survive, that not even your remains survived. But they had to.
"She didn't...survive."
Yoongi blinked, and the two of them were quiet as they waited with bated breath for his reaction. Yet, Yoongi just straightened up while chuckling. “Stop lying, Namjoon.”
“He’s not lying,” Jin stated before showing you the necklace he kept in his pocket…your necklace. “This was the only thing left in the scene. You’re the Chief of Police. You know what this means, Yoongi-ah.”
Yoongi smirked before marching to the door. “T-that’s not hers.”
“Hyung, where are you going?”
“To find her. She’s not dead. She’s not gone. S-She promised me she would never leave me. She never breaks her p-promise,” he struggled to say each word as his body had not yet fully recovered. His determination was commendable, but seeing him reduced to denying your death broke what was left of the brothers’ hearts. “Angel needs m-me. I cannot fail her. N-not this time.”
Yoongi’s body swayed to the side, yet he remained steadfast, walking to where he thought you were. And if he needed to crawl, then he would. If he needed to kneel just to see you, then he would be down on his fucking knees, begging for your forgiveness.
His body failed him the moment he opened the door, his barely-recovered form crashing on the ground that Jin had no choice but to contain the thrashing man the best way he could. With a small prick on his neck, Min Yoongi lost consciousness.
The last thing he called for was you.
Even in his dreams, you never came.
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Chapter I
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babecoups · 2 years
the “𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔦𝔫” collab
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born to Sin Collab. All of these stories have restricted ratings for audiences above the age of 18. For some stories you must be at least 21 to read. Readers who are not of age are prohibited from reading or interacting. There is no taglist for this masterlist. Check with the author of the story you wish to be tagged in to see if they have a taglist. Heed each story’s warnings and please read responsibly. We hope you enjoy…
Playlist - coming soon
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⍆ title: ersatz by @mimikookie​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: best friend!hongjoong x detective!(f)reader
⍆ genre: action | angst | best friends to lovers | fluff | mafia au | mystery | smut
⍆ summary: Despite Hongjoong’s disapproval, determination drove you to set your sights on apprehending the notorious mafia leader, Choi San. Though just when you thought you had everything to expose San for who he really was, you realize you may have been led astray all along.
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⍆ title: panacea by @temptaetions​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: fugitive/ex-gang member!choi san x undercover cop!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: A jack of all trades but a master of none, San was good at many things. When a robbery gone wrong ends in him running from the law, he doesn’t realize that your appearance in his life is nothing short of an undercover operation.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary:  Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Wooyoung - coming soon
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⍆ title: cecidit magnolia by @sugakookitty​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: cult leader!taehyung x undercover agent!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | dystopian au | smut | steampunk au | supernatural elements
⍆ summary: Your first big case with the FBI leads to you posing undercover to grab information on the infamous sadistic cult leader, Kim Taehyung. This group may keep to themselves, but beneath the surface is a large, organized crime operation involving some of the most powerful politicians. Will you be able to gather enough information for the case? Or will you simply become too close for comfort? 
Your life depends on the answer.
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⍆ title: escapism by @minjoonalist​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: dealer!yoongi x reader
⍆ genre: crime au | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: If there’s one thing he’s ever wanted, it was an escape. From the guilt, the greed…the constant pain. You were looking for that too, just as covered in the blood of your past mistakes and distracted from the reality of your cruel addiction. Why would you ever believe he would leave you alone?
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⍆ title: ride or die by @bangtanintotheroom​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jungkook x citizen-turned-criminal!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | non idol au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: To think that the only person who would look out for you was a man who could pull a gun on anyone without hesitation. Forget what he did for a living, you owed him your life; the two of you only needed each other in this fucked up world. 
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⍆ title: taste of sin by @daimyosjeon​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!namjoon x drug lord's daughter!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | arranged marriage | mafia au | smut
⍆ summary: I know there's something more behind the façade that he shows to the world. There has to be. It was hard but not impossible for me to understand that he wants me just like I want him.
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⍆ title: the destruction's illusion by @namjinsmoonchile​ (21+) 
⍆ pairing: gang leader!seokjin x killer witch!oc x gang member!jimin
⍆ genre: crime au | fluff | horror | romance | smut | supernatural elements | thriller
⍆ summary: Seokjin has it all: power, money, and a woman no one but he could have. But blood debts have to be paid or someone will find that illusions are destructive. 
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⍆ title: the untouchables by @hobeemin​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: hitman!jung hoseok x heiress!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | mystery | smut | strangers to lovers |  thriller
⍆ summary: You met under the most unconventional circumstances. True to your work, you never turned anyone away in need, yet you found yourself drawn to this enigma of a man. The time comes when he must make a choice... the revelations could mean life or death.
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⍆ title: descendants by @babecoups​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia boss’s son!jinyoung x maid!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | mafia au | smut | supernatural 
⍆ summary: You grandparents worked for the Parks, your parents work for the Parks… You will not work for the Parks, and there’s only one way out. 
Park Jinyoung.
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⍆ title: fast and the furious by @sun-kore​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!yugyeom x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: You went to the bar looking for a one night stand, but instead you are dragged in the middle of the gang war with the one they call the "errand boy" aka Yugyeom. Seeing more than you should have, you stick to his side while you weave yourself out of this world of trouble.
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⍆ title: on the rocks by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang leader!jackson x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | forbidden love | gang au | smut 
⍆ summary: A mob boss falls for the cute barista, ultimately forgetting his position and the danger he attracts. When his enemies start to topple his empire, he's forced to choose between fighting to keep what he's built or starting anew with the love he's found.
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⍆ title: ride by @toikiii​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: jaebeom x f!reader
⍆ genre: angst | mafia au | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: The one life lesson your parents taught you was to not owe anyone anything. fitting, since they soon left you all alone after that. You try your best to stay on the straight and narrow, but when a mafia boss keeps happening upon you and saving your ass in the most unlikely of circumstances, you can't help but offer him the only thing you have. your heart.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Youngjae - coming soon...
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⍆ title: blood money by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!minhyuk x waitress!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | romance | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: Nobody can ever really run from their past no matter how hard they try. Y/N knew of this truth well. Minhyuk knew that once he found her again he was going to make sure she remembered where she belonged.
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⍆ title: city lights by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!kihyun x spy!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime | fluff | romance | smut | suspense
⍆ summary: Kihyun believes his wife is the rival mafia leader and is ready to end her when the true enemy shows up to kill them both. Can they get out alive and will their marriage survive the mess they've made?
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⍆ title: criminal love by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!hyungwon x cop!reader
⍆ genre: angst | forbidden love | gang au | smut | thriller
⍆ summary: A trigger-happy detective struggles to bring down the mysterious newcomer shaking up the criminal world while fending off the advances of a persistent gang “underling.”
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⍆ title: the spider’s web by @hobeemin​​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: underground fighter!im changkyun x hbic/crime boss!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | enemies to lovers | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: That sickly sweet smile. Only she had any affect on him. With the curl of a finger he'd bow down to her and her alone. Is he ready for the trap she's laid?
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⍆ title: acrimony by @kqweenn​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: kkangpae!taeyong x escort!reader x yakuza!yuta
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | smut | street gang au 
⍆ summary: Both leaders used to be the closest of allies but recent affairs of their respective gangs have been straining their relationship lately. Desperate to quell the brewing feud between them, their right hand-men recommended solving this with the only thing they want in common - you.
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⍆ title: rivals in crime by @flurrys-creativity​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jaehyun x criminal (f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | smut
⍆ summary: Everything went well and in order in your district until you caught some unknown drug dealers lurking around the corners of your casinos. You didn’t even have to ask them for their boss, knowing only one man would be this brazen. He always tried overpowering you. Maybe it was time to send Jaehyun a declaration of war.
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⍆ title: relapse by @jiminschanelearring​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: trap queen!chaeyoung x banker!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | childhood enemies to lovers | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: Chaeyoung and Y/n have history of being competitive. It dates back since elementary school, but what happens when Chaeyoung suddenly dropout and leaves without a trace. A few years later while Y/n is at work she notice Chaeyoung. However Chaeyoung isn’t the glasses wearing, stumbling, annoying teenager anymore. Now she’s a notorious gang leader that specializes in money laundering and Y/n just so happens to be a banker.
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Do not copy, translate, steal, or claim as your own. 
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lavishflora · 2 months
꧁𓊈𒆜 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔰𝔱 𒆜𓊉꧂
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 ★彡
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꧁•⊹٭ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼 ٭⊹•꧂
[M̲̅][y̲̅] [C̲̅][h̲̅][a̲̅][r̲̅][a̲̅][c̲̅][t̲̅][e̲̅][r̲̅][.̲̅][A̲̅][I̲̅]
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Recently, your boyfriend been asking you about makeup and- girl's clothes. You have hope thinking it's a present for you.
When you go to his house, you see a large box with your name on it.You begin opening it and see that it's everything you talked about."Thank you so much". You say as you hug your boyfriend.
He looks confused, "Huh? I didn't get you anything though."
Suddenly his older brother,seojoon walks into the room.
"You deserve someone who won't use you," he says, glaring at him.
Link here!
You're in an arranged marriage with a mafia leader. It's the wedding night.You two were already in bed.Nothing was separating you two, there was only a tiny gap.
Yuta was already asleep but your mind kept you up.Suddenly, you heard tiny footsteps approaching the bed.You lift your head up and it has Yuta dog.
he climbs up to the bed and started nudging you Backwards ,he kept nudging you until your back hit Yuta.
You looked back and your eyes met with Yuta.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
Link here!
When You Were Praying to god, To Get Rid Of The Evil Spirit In your House, Which Was Haunting you Every night..
"Please God Please, Please Free My Soul, From That Evil Sprit,I Beg You". You repeatedly said.
Without Knowing That "It" Was Watching you Pray, Leaning Against you Bedroom Door With A Evil Smirk.. As He Whispered In your Ears..
"Amen". He said, sending chills to your body.
Link here!
You and Sunwon had an arrangement.
One that benefitted both of you.No feelings, no affection.Just pure physical attraction and need for release.
The arrangement included a few rules, which weren't broken..yet.
Tonight you went out on a date with one of your colleagues.sunwon was furious. He didn't like to share, especially when it came to you.He tracked you down and dragged you out of the bar.
"What the hell are you doing?" You yell.
"Why were you with him?" He demanded for an answer.
Link here!
Taehyung's eyes are cold and calculating as he prowls the dimly lit room, his footsteps barely making a sound. He moves with a predatory grace, his lean frame coiled with restless energy.
A small, manic smile plays at the corners of his lips, hinting at the twisted thoughts lurking beneath the surface. As he approaches a hapless victim, his voice is low and menacing.
"There's nowhere to hide," he whispers, his tone laced with a chilling delight.
As you cowered in your hiding spot.
Link here!
You had been called into his office unexpectedly, and your mind was racing with possibilities.
"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the chair across from him.
You sat down. He leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he studied you. "I have a proposition for you," he said, his voice smooth and measured.
"A proposition?" You asked, your voice trembling slightly.
"I think you would be perfect for it." He leaned forward, his eyes studying you intently.
Link here!
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 .𝘢𝘪 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦 ★彡
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⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ʟᴀᴠɪꜱʜꜰʟᴏʀᴀ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦 ★彡
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⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ Lavishflora ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓳𝓲𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Kim Seokjin (Myths Character)
───※ ·❆· 𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲 ·❆· ※───
Min Yoongi (CEO)
───※ ·❆· 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴 ·❆· ※───
Jung Hoseok (Robot)
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Kim Namjoon (Mafia)
───※ ·❆· 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓷 ·❆· ※───
Park Jimin (Merman)
───※ ·❆· 𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰 ·❆· ※───
Kim Taehyung (Psycho)
───※ ·❆· 𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴 ·❆· ※───
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I might as well write 18+ contents on this page, and this is a fair warning to minors to please do not interact with the writings. Please be mindful of your media consumption as I won't be responsible for that. Most of my stories are based on yandere content so, read it on your own. A few of my stories/Characters I have here are inspired by social media and other flatforms, other than that I am making my own content from my own ideas so, if you find them familiar, don't take it in a bad way and be mindful of your words and don't leave hateful comments I will not tolerate it, so please leave quietly if you don't like my content. Other than that, please enjoy my stories and like, share and follow for more content! Love you lavishlilies!
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bangtanstanst · 2 years
Once a Killer | 14 (epilogue)
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prologue • part one • part two • part three • part four • part five • part six • part seven • part eight • part nine • part ten • part eleven • part twelve • part thirteen • part fourteen
When you left your hometown, you left behind everything you knew and you never looked back. Now, years later, you’re living life on your own terms. But when your past comes back to haunt you, you find yourself at a crossroads once more. There’s just one thing you know for sure – you will not run away anymore. No matter how hard it gets.
≽ pairing: taehyung x reader ≽ genre: mafia/cop au, fluff, hints of (past) angst ≽ warnings: mentions of a (healed) bullet wound & a past fire ≽ word count: 3.7k
a/n: hello and welcome to the last part of oak ahhhhh!!!!!!! I can't believe this is actually the last part, just in time for new year's ;) I hope you enjoy😊 Also, happy taehyung day y'all!!!💕💕
›› tag list: @fjerdae @qualityjoonie @annoyinglyhopefulcarrot @afangirllikeme-blog @jazzytfw @flamingorosette-blog @majestikblue @sugashearteu @imagining-constantly @1-800-hoya @ajokeformur-ray @youremeimyou-main @busansgloss​ @hell-is-here-and-now ‹‹
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“Yes, thank you, Junwoo. I’m standing in front of the courthouse, where the leader of the notorious ‘Devil’s Scouts’ has just been found guilty on several counts including drug trafficking, racketeering, and homicide, and will now have to await his sentencing hearing scheduled next week. I have police sergeant Kim Namjoon here next to me to elaborate on what could be awaiting Park next Friday – sergeant Kim, how big is the chance he’ll get any less than life without parole?”
“Of course, we’re hoping –”
Taehyung pointedly switches off the radio, glancing at you from the driver’s seat before looking back at the road. “He’ll be off the streets for the rest of his life,” he decides, nodding to emphasise his words.
You let out a sigh, straightening out your simple grey dress. Your eyes are drooping as you look out the window, and you’re slumping in your seat. Despite over a year of recovery and physical therapy, you can still feel a dull ache in your right shoulder, which doesn’t exactly help in lifting your spirits. “I know.”
You heave a sigh, watching as the courthouse grows smaller and smaller in the side mirror. When Taehyung turns a corner, it finally disappears from sight, and you bite on your tongue as your eyes flutter closed and you lean back. Your heart still feels as heavy as it did when you entered the courtroom this morning.
Taehyung takes a breath, seeming to want to speak up, but then lets the breath back out. You know him well enough to know what he was going to say, though – the same thing he’d been repeating up until this morning, the start of the last day of Jimin’s trial. Are you sure we should’ve come?
You still don’t know the exact answer to that question.
“It’s just weird,” you say, shaking your head in a halfhearted attempt to rid yourself of any doubts. Closure. You’re getting closure out of this– trying to, at least. You turn to look at him, sending him a smile for good measure. “It feels so final when I know there’ll be appeals and hearings and more appeals, and…”
He puts a hand on yours, intertwining your fingers as he keeps his eyes fixed on the road. “We’ll worry about that when the time comes,” he says, glancing at you. “Hell, I’m no lawyer, but even I could tell their defence was absolute bullshit. You never know, maybe they’re scared he’ll get a worse sentence if they do appeal.”
You breathe out a laugh, staring down at your hands. “I guess so.”
“No– no guessing. I know it,” he returns, sending you a gentle smile. You return the sentiment and he nods, satisfied for now. “Now, let’s just get to the shelter and eat before I start on that sauce packet that’s been in the glove department for, like, a year.”
With a laugh, you glance out the windshield, watching the colourful collection of townhouses, restaurants, apartment buildings, and storefronts you pass. The streets are bustling with people; some are dressed up for dinner, some are walking their dogs in sweatpants and hoodies, and others are still in their work uniforms. “Should I text the others to go ahead and order more?” you ask, letting go of his hand to lean down and dig around for your phone in the purse at your feet.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure Hoseok and Minji got just about every item on the menu.”
A chuckle escapes your lips and you nod, though you keep your phone in your hand, playing with it for a while as silence takes over the car. In the corner of your eye, you spot the shelter up ahead. It has been rebuilt completely, bigger and better than before; the building stands proudly in the exact place of its predecessor, stark against the sky now coloured in pinks and purples. The mere sight makes you smile, your chest filling with joy for a fleeting moment– before it dissipates again with a mere sigh, and you focus on your phone.
You aimlessly swipe around while Taehyung focuses on driving; you open different apps before closing them again after only a second, the soft hum of the engine filling your ears. You don’t bother to check your notifications – you don’t think you can muster up the energy to reply to anyone right now.
“Jungkook said you tried to call Yoongi again.”
You let out a sharp sigh and your eyes flutter closed for a moment. Your chest aches. “Yeah,” you reply softly, your finger idly swiping across the screen. You clear your throat. “He still isn’t accepting my calls, though, so I guess it’s fine.”
Taehyung falls silent for a moment. He takes a breath, lets it out, glances at you before looking back at the road. “Look, I really do admire the fact that you keep trying to reach out, but…”
“I know.” You lift your eyes to look at him, and you take his hand to give it a soft squeeze. “But it’s Yoongi. I can’t stop trying, especially when his trial hasn’t even started and there’s still a chance that…” you trail off, shaking your head and scoffing at yourself. “Well, you know.”
He bites on his bottom lip, nodding slowly as he pulls into the shelter’s parking lot, smoothly turning into an empty spot. You can tell he has a lot to say; you know he does. You’ve talked about it too many times to count at this point – with him, with Jungkook, with Seokjin, with Namjoon… They’ve told you again and again that it’s been years, that a lot has happened– that you are not the same, and neither is he. And they’re right.
Which is probably why he skips that part. “It’ll never be over if you never stop, you know.”
His hand slips out of yours. You follow it with your eyes as he takes hold of the keys and switches off the engine, the car falling completely silent once its hum fades.
“It doesn’t have to be over,” you answer finally. Taehyung frowns but remains silent, subtly tilting his head. “I can just roll with whatever happens and hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass at some point.”
An amused smile pulls at Taehyung’s lips and he nods slowly, undoing his seatbelt. “And even if it does, you can just bite right back.”
You grin when he holds up his hand for a high five. “Exactly,” you say as you slap his hand. With a start, you wince and pull back, hissing. Your other hand shoots up to where the bullet went clean through your shoulder. Taehyung’s face falls immediately, eyes widening, and he leans forward – but you just grin and laugh, your hand dropping back into your lap. “Psych!”
“You’re the worst,” he says, though it’s through a laugh. He slips out of the car before you can reply and you simply chuckle, undoing your own seatbelt and following him outside. You meet him on the way to the entrance, slipping your hand into his. “You’re lucky you’re so beautiful,” he adds in a murmur, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
You smile at his comment, softly elbowing his side as you walk up to the shelter’s entrance. The lights at the front of the building are off and a ‘closed’ sign hangs against the glass doors. A kitten peeks through the O, and a puppy through the letter D. “And I’m lucky you’re so adorable,” you add, making him laugh as he fishes the keys out of his pocket.
“Even more adorable than Yeontan?” he asks in jest, unlocking the door and swinging it open. You step into the small vestibule, and he locks the main door before opening the door to the large, expansive lobby, locking that as soon as you’ve slipped inside.
The reception desk rests against the far wall across from the entrance. White wooden benches line the walls, bright pillows loosely arranged on the surface to provide some comfort. A round table sits in the middle, a vase with colourful dried flowers adorning its centre. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in enough natural light that the room looks bright even though the sun has started to set. “Are you sure that’s even possible?”
You snort, playfully flicking his arm as you make your way to the back of the shelter. The long hallway is lined with unassuming grey doors, all closed. Pawprint stickers of different animals in a rainbow of colours decorate their surface, as well as the walls. Most of the rooms are already full even though the shelter only officially reopens tomorrow; it would’ve been wrong to wait until the building was entirely finished, the team had decided unanimously. “More adorable in a human way,” you say with a smile, at which he grins.
“I knew it,” he says through a playful huff as you walk to the break room, exuberant chatter streaming out from the crack between the door and its frame. A sliver of warm light casts across the grey floor, beckoning you inside. “You like Yeontan better than me.”
You draw in a loud gasp when the words leave his mouth, and you come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the hallway. “I do not!” you insist, crossing your arms over your chest.
Taehyung pouts at you, though you can see the corners of his lips twitching with amusement. “Then prove it.”
You smile, taking a step closer and wrapping your arms around him. “I like you the very, very best, Tae,” you say lowly, briefly pressing your lips to his.
His pout quickly fades into a grin. “That’s very, very good to know,” he says in a soft imitation of your response. He leans back in for another kiss, his hands on your lower back to keep you pressed up to him. His embrace is warm and you gladly melt into him, letting out a slow, content breath as his fingers ghost across your cheek, your neck, swiping your hair off your shoulder. Goosebumps rise on your skin at his touch.
With a giggle, you pull back and look down at the small ball of fluff now yapping at your feet, jumping at your ankles. “Hey, speak of the devil!” you remark happily, crouching down to run your hand through Yeontan’s soft fur.
“Guys, food’s getting cold!” a voice rings from further down the corridor, and you look up to see Hoseok peeking his head out of the break room. He sends you a smile. “We went ahead and ordered pretty much everything.”
You don’t miss the ha, knew it! look Taehyung gives you, and you hold back an amused laugh as you keep petting Yeontan.
“Good thinking, because I’m starving,” Taehyung tells Hoseok with an excited grin, walking ahead to the break room. You pick up Yeontan and rock him in your arms before following your boyfriend inside.
The break room is much smaller than most other rooms in the building, but big enough to house the shelter’s growing team of employees. The kitchen counter stretches along the left wall, a row of windows covering the wall across from the door. A large, wooden table occupies the middle of the room, surrounded by a collection of thrifted and thus mismatched chairs. A white desk is pushed against the right wall, holding two enormous monitors with live footage of the rooms housing all the animals. The large staff bulletin board hangs on the wall right next to the desk, already filled with announcements, schedules, pictures, and colourful post-its.
Hoseok and Minji have already been joined by Jungkook, and their feet scurry across the greyish-blue linoleum floor as they deck the table. A large blue banner hangs on the wall above the bulletin board, reading It’s a boy! conviction!, and you can’t help but laugh. You take a moment to stare at it and an elated feeling washes over you, your smile softening. Yeontan pants up at you with wide, confused eyes.
“Hey, Y/N!” Jungkook greets you, abandoning a stack of plates on the counter to briefly hug you in greeting. “Long time no see,” he jokes. You put Yeontan back on the ground, and he immediately runs off to yap at Taehyung’s shins.
“I’m surprised you got here before us,” you return, walking up to the counter and grabbing a few glasses from the cabinets.
Jungkook grins and shrugs, picking the plates back up. “I just know a couple shortcuts,” he shoots back, plopping the dishes on the table much more hurriedly than he needs to. You place the glasses beside them.
“Yeah, a little route called breaking the speed limit,” Minji butts in with a snort, unpacking the boxes of Chinese food and arranging them in the middle of the table. “Congratulations, by the way,” she adds, walking up to you to give you a tight hug.
You smile, hugging her back. “You, too, with the grand reopening and everything,” you reply as you break apart. “Busy days ahead, I’m sure.”
She grins brightly. “Damn right,” she says, turning back to the table. “So this better not be a late night, because we have lots of pets to take care of in the morning.”
You laugh and nod firmly. “I’ll get Taehyung home before twelve, ma’am,” you tell her, and she chuckles – though her laughter quickly fades when her phone chimes on the counter and her head snaps into the direction of the sound. She drops pretty much everything in her hands to check the message.
A bright smile washes over her face when she looks at the screen, and you raise an eyebrow at her as she quickly stuffs her phone into her back pocket. She clears her throat and straightens up, wiping the giddy smile off her face. “Namjoon and Seokjin are here, I’m just gonna go get them,” she announces to the room, dashing out without waiting for a response – and you swear she’s hiding a bright red blush behind her hair. Even Yeontan stills, his ears perking up as he looks in the direction of the door before he happily bounces onward.
Hoseok joins you to take over Minji’s job of unpacking the food. Jungkook and Taehyung are wrapped up in a conversation about speed limits and stoplights, and you smile in amusement as you turn to Hoseok. “So, how does it feel, having the building back?”
A soft smile pulls at his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It helps, y’know, to… move on, I guess,” he says, nodding slowly. He focuses on straightening out some of the plates and glasses to make more room for the food. “Finally getting back into things,” he adds. There’s still a glint of sadness in his eyes, and your smile fades into an expression of sympathy. You haven’t talked about the fire with him all that much – he seems to do his very best to avoid the topic if he can, and you certainly don’t blame him. Seeing the sadness in his eyes just drives that point home.
“I’m sorry, Hoseok,” you say, leaning your hip against the sturdy table. Hoseok lets out a slightly shaky breath, his movements slowing. “I should’ve– it should have never happened. I’m sorry.”
He looks up at you, his smile faded now. “Not your fault,” he insists, his voice soft. “It happened, there’s nothing to do about it now.” He takes in a deep breath and lets it back out, nodding firmly. “All we can all do is try to move on, right? Deal with it until it can’t hurt us as much.”
You can’t help but smile. “Wise words.”
His grin reaches his eyes this time. “What can I say– I’m an old soul.”
Breathing out a laugh, you turn back to the food, opening your mouth to respond –
The door to the shelter slams closed, and three cheerful familiar voices echo off the walls. A hush falls over the room, and you exchange looks.
“I’ll bet it’s happening soon,” Jungkook says lowly, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips. He glances at the doorway, and the room falls silent once more – everyone focuses on the voices of Minji, Namjoon, and Seokjin as she leads the other two to the break room. Minji giggles and your brows shoot up, your eyes widening in excitement. “Maybe tonight.”
You snort. “I’d be surprised if it hasn’t happened already,” you return. “Really, it’s –”
The rest of your sentence dies out when you hear Seokjin’s laughter approaching, and you clear your throat and plaster on a casual smile to greet both him and Namjoon when they enter.
Only Namjoon hears your ‘hello’ and replies with a kind smile; Seokjin is already busy talking with Minji and making her giggle yet again. Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung freeze, staring at the two as they walk over to the counter and pour themselves two glasses of water.
Though he’s still wearing his sombre black suit, Seokjin looks much happier than when you’d sat beside him on the hard courtroom benches less than an hour ago. The tight, solemn look on his face has faded, replaced with a bright smile as he looks at Minji.
“Love the banner,” Namjoon remarks as he walks up to join you, though no one turns to look at him or the banner – all eyes and ears are fixed on your two friends as they happily chat with each other. You don’t think you’ve seen Seokjin smile this much since... well, since he talked to Minji last week.
But that’s exactly the point.
“He asked if she was gonna be here today,” Namjoon adds in a conspiratorial tone, at which all heads snap over to him in unison. He laughs, crossing his arms. “There we go! Hi, guys!”
“Wait, so you only said that to get our attention?!” Hoseok hisses, his eyes flickering to Minji and Seokjin, who are still standing at the counter and talking – completely oblivious to your conversation. “It wasn’t actually true?”
Namjoon shrugs. “Does it matter?” he returns, though the corners of his lips are trembling with the beginnings of a smile.
“Of course it does!” Taehyung replies in a whisper. Yeontan barks up at Namjoon’s ankles to underline his words and Namjoon fights to hold back his laughter. “It means I can still win.”
You snort. “I’m sorry to say this, babe, but not a chance,” you shoot back, grinning when you hear Seokjin and Minji’s laughter echo through the room. “Minji’s still gonna be the one to make the first move. Right, Hobi?”
Hoseok grins. “Guaranteed.”
“Bullshit!” Jungkook protests, frantically shaking his head. “I might not know much, but I’m goddamn sure that –”
“What are you guys talking about?”
The group falls silent and freezes for a moment, then slowly turns to the pair that just joined you. Seokjin and Minji still seem oblivious; they just stand there, waiting for an answer you most certainly don’t want to give.
“We uh…”
“Beer!” you exclaim, plastering on a casual smile and turning to your friends. “I was just asking what beer the guys got.”
“Yes, beer. Let’s get some beer,” Jungkook confirms with an emphatic nod, following you over to the corner of the break room and leaving behind a slightly confused Minji and Seokjin. “I’m still right,” he insists lowly as you bend down to grab some bottles from the crate.
“No, she kinda took the initiative, actually,” Seokjin butts in, swiping two bottles out of your hand. He opens both and hands one over to Minji.
She just smiles bashfully and leans down to pet Yeontan, unable to hide her red cheeks. You cheer at the confirmation of your victory, throwing your hands up in the air and jumping into a hug with Hoseok. Taehyung sulks and sinks into a lime green plastic chair, and Jungkook sips from his beer with a scowl, leaning against the windows.
Namjoon simply leans back in a baby pink rolling chair, his arms crossed, an amused smile teased over his lips. “I can’t say I’m not surprised,” he says with a laugh.
You break away from Hoseok, walking up to Taehyung’s chair to sling an arm around his shoulders. “Hey, it’s alright, lose– I mean, babe,” you tease, ruffling his hair. He scowls in response – there’s a glint of amusement in his eyes as he looks up at you, though, and his disappointed expression is a little too theatrical to be real. You grin. “Already accepting your fate, I see?”
“I’m not!” Taehyung protests, pointedly grabbing your hand and taking it off his shoulder. He pulls you into his lap and you yelp, thrown off your balance, bumping into the arm he holds against your back to keep you from falling to the floor. “Just you wait and see,” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist while you sit up and put yours around his neck. “Next bet’s gonna be mine for the winning.”
“No can do. Next one’s on you two,” Hoseok retorts with a shake of his head – when he realises what he’s actually said, though, his eyes widen and he looks up from his beer, just in time for Seokjin to hit him in the back of his head. “No, wait, I –”
Seokjin’s glare is enough to shut him up, and he quickly takes a sip of beer.
Taehyung leans over to Jungkook, who’s pulled back a simple wooden chair and plopped down on the deep-blue polka-dotted pillow. “Can I get in on that one?” he whispers.
Jungkook shrugs apologetically, his eyes lighting up with laughter. “Sorry, man,” he says. “First rule of the bet– don’t talk about the bet.”
You snort and gently poke Taehyung’s ribs, leaning closer to stage whisper in his ear. “I say we have a bet on the bet.”
He chuckles, raising a brow. “What are we putting on the table?” he replies with a growing grin, his arms tightening around you. You snort and shake your head, playfully tickling the underside of his jaw. “Hey, I’m just saying, money isn’t the only thing we can bet with here.”
A gagging sound pulls you out of your conversation. “Oh, god, please don’t turn into that,” Jungkook remarks to Seokjin and Minji. “I can’t handle two of those.”
A laugh. “Too late.”
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a/n: ahhhh I hope you liked it!! It's been so long since I wrote the story and started uploading that I can't quite believe this is actually the last chapter🥺 Thanks so so much for reading and sticking with the series all the way through, it genuinely means a lot and I very much hope you enjoyed the ride💕 Let me know what you thought of this part or of the whole series, I'd love to hear from you!! Anyhoot, I hope you have a wonderful day/night, and that you have an amazing 2023!!💕💕
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blueberrykenn · 2 months
You're Not Supposed To Fall In Love With Him Teaser
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Yoonkook Mafia AU
Warnings: Dead Dove, Death, Kidnapping, Guns, Blood, Its a Maifia AU
Story Ships: Yoongi X Jungkook, Jimin X Taehyung
"YOU WANT ME TO KILL WHO?!" I yell in frustration before Namjoon, the leader of the Kim Clan; the people I work for repeats on what he said.
"I need you to take out Jeon Jungkook, Yoongi" I sigh in frustration before ranting to him, "Namjoon... Do you know who he even is, That's Jeon Jungkook, The leader of the Jeon Clan as of last week, that is the most ruthless mafia there is in South Korea, I cant just take out a fucking mafia leader, I don't even know how to even get close to someone so much power!" 
Namjoon nodded while I ranted, when I finish ranting he said to me, "Yes, I know that's clearly a nearly impossible thing to ask of you that's why we're gonna 'sell' you" my eyes widen. 
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SELL ME?!" I yelled at my mafia leader clearly absolutely upset at this point before Namjoon reassured me. "Not really selling you more like a staged kidnap, since you're a professional sniper you can act like you hate us so you basically become a member of the Jeon Clan and then climb up the ladder to become Jeon's right hand man and then when no one is looking take him out and act like something happened to him" 
As Namjoon was explaining I sigh in frustration once again looking at him. 
"You Owe Me Joon, Big Time"
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