#mag crack
pigeonriot · 2 years
i am listening to tma 1-3 for the 1st time here are some memes i made while listening to the first 3 seasons:
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novakiart · 2 months
too much "what if norman osborn filled some complicated pseudo father figure role for peter" and never enough "what if that but dr. connors"
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s4m-1s-l0st · 13 days
TMA AU but the only difference is in MAG 42 where Jennifer actually attached the recording to her statement, and when Jonathan plays the recording to find out what this mysterious "Grifters Bone" sounds like, it's just the TMA outro: "The Magnus Archives is a podcast distribu-"
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
today has been a day of procrastinating tma stuff and actually doing irl stuff (my washing! which is always like a four hour ordeal, but finally my favourite hoodis are clean) So, yeah didn't even get done writing things, much less the tma relisten. But I made a promise in the tags of an earlier post that I'd ramble about jontim here, so... I just... I'm sad about them.
Firstly, did you know that MAG 50 - Foundations is the last time we hear Tim and Jon have a good moment together on tape? Barring of course MAG 161. And here it's cracked foundations. Do you know that in MAG 11, Jon says he trusts Tim most of all, for it not to be a joke? Do you know that in MAG 159 Jon's mind immediately jumps to Tim and Sasha when asked where his friends are? They feel like they were friends, really close friends, that just... fell apart. Do you know how it feels to lose your rock. To lose someone you always thought was going to be forever for you? Do you know how it feels to be betrayed, to have someone you thought was your best friend turn on you and hurt you? Do you know how it feels to stand in document storage, and look at each other, and see the person you trusted, and see how it all fell apart, and see fear and mistrust, and see a want to repair things, but it's already too late?
Do you know how it feels to look at the person who represents everything that's wrong about this place, and know that they're the only one you're ever going to trust to be real?
"I'm still me, Tim. I'm still me." "You know what? You're actually right." "What?" "You're the only one."
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OK but if TMA was really an office comedy then in MAG 153 when Trevor and Julia were gonna kill Jon, Trevor would've said "Any last words?", and then Jon would say "uhh.... Yeah, guess how old I am." and Trevor would've pushed his chair over.
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rad-roche · 10 months
here's a master copy i did of a sketch from robert glaubke that i originally found in a 50s porn magazine
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i'm having a hell of a time tracking down the original issue, i took a snapshot for reference and then was away for a week, but if i find it i'll post the link here. the original picture i'm referencing is below
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meownotgood · 7 months
i want aki to massage my back so bad. he's probably really strong since he boxes and shit, so i'm imagining him sitting on my legs and just kneading it. he's a very good bf
me too anon... aki definitely gives the best massages... he's gentle so he won't cause you too much discomfort but he's firm when he needs to be to get all the knots and kinks out. he'll have you lay down so he can massage your back and your shoulders, but by the time he's halfway through, you're already falling asleep...
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I have reason from the dead (sleep) to drop more lore.
The start of MiniMegs, which has been building in the background.
Rodimus's six months depressive isolation moment that no one talked about in which he worked solely from his bedroom is interupted not by his corpse but within a month of departing Cybertron they get hailed by the Peaceful Tyranny and he, Megatron, and Ultra Magnus are freaking out preparing for a fight staging the landing platform like a fre for all battle like they did with Overlord.
Only instead of fighting, Tarn and the DJD in a synchronized and definitely practiced movement (except the small blue Minibot, that's new who is slightly slower) drop to one knee in front of him, declaring they are here to follow their Lords example and wise words and as he has seen fit to seek out the Knights of Cybertron to seek their Wisdom in judging him and that these mechanisms are apparently worthy of sharing in his journey they will of course escort him and the Lost Light while learning from his and the Autobots assembled here, clearly the best of the best of they are escorting their Lord, how to move on and make Peace not War.
It is clearly very rehearsed, incredibly theatrical like something from a period drama and both not at all what anyone was expecting and very damning for Megatron who is supposed to be person non grata to Decepticons now. So he doing some quick mental gymnastics on how to handle this and reject them without setting anyone off when Rodimus comes barrelling forward having smelled weakness, missing his own former Decepticon, senses they are sincere if definitely shady (his exact type), and having not slept since Cybertron.
He graciously excepts citing that they aren't the first former Decepticons or neutral agents on the ship, but, of course, the ship is under Autobot Law and they would need to pass the same test any defector passes to prove they can do it and then looks at Ultra Magnus, who is horrified but automatically starts citing requirements to qualify.
Which Tarn counters quickly, offering up datapads and citing lines within the Tyrest Accord that legalize his Squad under Decepticon Law, offer some intel, and is confident they can pass the test which UM is familiar with given he'd worked within it before as both sides were under the TA.
What follows is a very tense hour of the DJD sitting taking the Autobot SATs while everyone stands their tense. Every comment, including Helex singing a stufy song under his breath and Vos muttering to himself, or movement, Teserus counting with his fingers as he figure out and answer and Tarn tapping to the rhythm of their theme song, makes everyone flinch.
(This is of course after Whirl mutters, "You're fucking joking." When Magnus brought out the test papers.
Tailgate meanwhile is sympathizing with Helex's struggle on Question 17 with Cyclonus noting the song would have been useful to learn.)
Finally they pass and are tenporarily shown to their ship to wait while its graded and a surprise Command Meeting ensues.
MiniMegs are actually yelling and arguing because Ultra Magnus is utterly convinced this is a plot against them as he doesn't trust Megatron yet and Megatron is defending himself trying to explain the DJD are genuinely just like that and overzealous while Rodimus watches the ping pong conversation with relish and then grinning asks if they passed.
Ultra Magnus, through clenched teeth admits, "Yes. And Tarn's essay on certain elements was particularly inspired, especially the portion on self-identification and removal of leftover protofunctionalist language I will be quoting to the board as he has eloquently risen concerns I have attempted to cite before. Nickel, the Minibot, has also supplied a scathing essay on bodily autonomy not being accurately covered that I will be asking be submitted to the Medical Board."
Megatron doesn't quite understand UM ironclad rules are rules and attempts to convince, all silver words and charm, them to allow him a moment to persuade the DJD to leave but then UM locks down that they are required to accept anyone requesting asylum and as they have passed they are considered proto-Autobots and will need to be assessed by Rung and mentored.
They follow procedure unlike some.
(Ultra Magnus's bitterness over Drift and Megatron's inclusion in their ranks does in fact come from a place of them not having gone through proper onboarding.)
Thus they start at each other's throats.
And then Nickel mentions the Autobot they "found" and everything goes even more tits up because that's Minimus's perfect big brother.
Cur bluescreen.
(MiniMegs Part 1)
Wait yes this so yesssssss
"(MiniMegs Part 1)"
This is a wild ride and I feel like it's gonna continue to be because holy shit yes
Poor Megatron is wondering how he'll explain so hard that this isn't some plot of his to start the war again when Roddie just damn swoops in like a Lightning McQueen flavored phoenix.
Tarn held so many study sessions to prepare for the autobot test, damn I'm actually wondering how good of a study buddy he would be because you're certainly gonna learn the topic.
Ohhh Mags, Megs... You two are gonna be dragged under just like the rest of us— no mech will be unaffected by the end of this lmao.
Everyone is bluescreening and Tarn and Roddie are sitting in in the corner making goo goo optics at each other
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zimtastisch · 8 months
DWH und das Leben - Fix It AU
Ich hatte letztens so ne spontan Idee zu der Szene in Film 3 wo Fred auf der Karaoke-Party mit Sabrina flirtet. Weil, ich hab so gedacht was für ein fieser Charakter ist Sabrina eigentlich? Entweder sie ist super unaufmerksam und hat überhaupt nicht gemerkt, dass Fred und Sprotte irgendwas miteinander am Laufen haben. Oder sie hat es gemerkt und es ist ihr einfach sch***egal... Hm... jedenfalls daraus ist dieses alternative Headcanon entstanden. Enjoy xD Heißt es eigentlich der oder das Headcanon?
Also Fred wurde ja ausgewählt mit Sabrina Karaoke zu singen und danach tanzen die beiden
Sprotte beobachtet das Ganze mit den giftigsten Blicken, die man sich vorstellen kann
Fred blendet das irgendwie aus, weil sich sein Ego so von Sabrinas Aufmerksamkeit geschmeichelt fühlt (Sabrina ist ja auch älter und erfahrener und so...)
Sabrina bemerkt Sprottes Blicke aber und fragt Fred, wer ihnen da so giftige Blicke zuwirft
Fred hat eine leise Ahnung, will sich aber nicht der Eifersucht seiner Freundin stellen und zuckt mit den Achseln. "Ich weiß nicht wen du meinst." (Er hat ihr den Rücken zugedreht.)
Sabrina fragt weiter. "Na, die Kleine mit den rotblonden Locken. Ihr steht euch doch nahe oder?" (Sie denkt so beste Freunde mäßig oder so)
Fred kratzt sich schuldbewusst am Nacken und sagt widerwillig. "Also... das ist Sprotte."
Sabrina schaut wieder zu Sprotte rüber und lächelt. "Sprotte? Wie süß. Das passt zu ihr."
Fred ist leicht verwirrt, weil Sabrina scheinbar mehr an Sprotte als an ihm interessiert ist. "Hm?", fragt er. Er versteht nicht so ganz warum Sabrina die ganze Zeit seine Freundin so anstarrt
Sabrina wendet sich wieder Fred zu und fragt, "Jedenfalls... meinst du du könntest mir ihre Handynummer besorgen?"
Fred ist total baff. "Was?", fragt er verständnislos. "Ihre Handynummer?" Eben hat Sabrina noch mit ihm geflirtet und jetzt will sie plötzlich Sprottes Handynummer?
Sabrina nickt. "Ich glaub sie ist total an mir interessiert. Sie guckt die ganze Zeit zu uns rüber."
Fred ist noch verwirrter. "Aber... ich dachte du wolltest mit mir..." Er weiß selbst nicht genau was er da eigentlich sagen will.
Sabrina schenkt ihm einen mitfühlenden Blick. "Ich hab dich nur angesprochen, weil ich mich nicht getraut hab sie direkt anzusprechen. Also... besorgst du mir nun ihre Handynummer? Oder stell sie mir doch gleich vor. Das wäre noch besser!"
"Ich..." Fred fehlen die Worte. So etwas hat er noch nie erlebt. Er dreht sich um und sobald er Sprotte ansieht, dreht sie sich um und läuft weg.
"Ich bin gleich wieder da", sagt Fred komplett verwirrt und geht Sprotte nach.
Und die Moral von der Geschicht: Nicht alle heißen Mädels stehn auf dich xD
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loverboybitch · 11 months
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stills from Sulky Baby by Yeule.//.
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magnifiico · 5 months
H-Hi your majesty. *blushes kinda* Have you ever tried eating your wishes? If so, how do they taste like? lol
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“— ... ”
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“Excuse me, what?”
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pigeonriot · 1 year
i just finished listening to tma s5 and i'm still trying to process the end so here have these memes i made while listening in the meantime <3
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desolate-flame · 2 months
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never not thinking about this quote from daisy in entombed something something the buried representing repression and being trapped vs it giving daisy the clarity she needed idk …
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themagnustournament · 11 months
Redemption Round 3 - Match 31
It's a battle of fucked up houses! Which of these statements has bigger House of Leaves energy? That's definitely one way you could vote in this poll! Cracked Foundation made it through with 128 votes, but can it stand up to Upon the Stair's astonishing 271 votes from RR2? (I don't remember enough from stats to say if Upon the Stair is a mathematical outlier but it definitely is colloquially)
MAG 114 - Cracked Foundation | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Anya Villette, regarding a cleaning job on Hill Top Road.
MAG 085 - Upon the Stair | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of an unknown figure, regarding an encounter they may or may not have had in their home.
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MAG 127 - Remains to be Seen
doodle 127/200; days left - 7/110 11/128
damn, finally someone who broke up w jonah and not the other way around. i love him. straight to the blorbo collection.
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the-magpie-archives · 2 years
"I wish I could talk it through with Martin. Or Tim. Or Sasha. But we never really did that, did we?"
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