markedmage · 6 months
the night was all you had
Pairing: Zutara
Rating: T
Summary: “You love the ones with scars because they earned it with nothing to gain and everything to lose.” She tells him. "You love the ones with scars because they showed that they fought, and they won, because the people they protected are still here. The people you protected are still here Zuko. Your scar protected people Zuko. That's who you are. That's who you've always been."
Notes: Hi everyone, Mage is back! With the recent resurgence of ATLA, I got a little motivation to begin writing again, so of course I gotta start off again with another monster. Honestly I don't even really know what this fic is, I started it like 3 years ago, forgot it, and then finished it over the past couple weeks in like a dreamscape if I'm being honest. If you guys are confused at all by the flow or just in general, please, join the fam. But either way, enjoy!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54856117
(Excerpt below the cut)
She can’t stop noticing these things about Zuko. Little things, perhaps insignificant to others, but they stand out to Katara like an iceberg floating in crystal clear water with nothing in sight. 
The first thing she notices is that Zuko never touches anyone unless covered by clothing. Even when training Aang, she watches as he adjusts the airbender’s stance by a light tap on Aang’s cloth covered shoulder, a gentle rap at the back of the knee. Swordplay with Sokka goes similarly- gentle taps using the play swords or a clasp on the back over their shirts. When he carries Toph, she watches as he carefully hoists her up by the back of her legs, gently holding her, hands poised carefully over her clothed thighs.
He touches her though. Gentle touches; a brush of his fingers across her shoulders, touching her hand during meal prep, massaging her legs after a rough practice session; calloused yet soft fingers gently working out the whorls of contorted chi paths down her legs.
(Healing runs through Katara’s blood, as thick as the whitewater of her soul. It’s a waterbender’s calling- as ancient as the moon and the ocean. Water is life giving you see. But perhaps there’s another element that breathes life as much as the rain- or perhaps it's just the rush of heat that floods her veins, like licks of fire curling around her heart and setting her soul ablaze.)
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magemultifics · 2 years
Dark Samus Smut Piece
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A/N: You're a wounded bounty hunter (not Samus, but part of the 3 samus joined up with in MP3)
Blood rushed to your side, impaled from an earlier fight, you felt dizzy in the cock pit of your ship. You heard the door to your ship open, with metal clad footsteps approaching your part in the ship. You knew you were fucked, it was the end, and you take notice of the phazon empowered being stalking towards you. It offered a hand, and once your visions blurriness started to fade you take note it was Samus' dark phazon infused doppelganger. You feared death you feared pain, you're not sure what this eldritch power could offer you, but you'll take what you can get and so you placed your bloodied hand in hers. The armored helm lowered itself Infront of you and cradled your face in a singular rough skinned hand before you felt her channel light traces of phazon into your bloodstream. Your labored breathing choked and intensified as your wounds stung, but they were closing, the shrapnel in your side slipping out of the wound. You can hear a distorted female voice crackling from inside the helm I can take away your pain if you'll let me take you in return. You vigorously nod, you have clue into her intentions of adding you to the hive mind, but it's a better fate than to be chewed up my space pirates. Dark Samus tilts her visor willingly then, curious. She rests her hands on each side of her helm before lifting it off of her head. What you were expecting was the half formed phazon monstrosity you'd heard samus fight the first time, but now before you is a woman of pale blue skin, dark veins running just under the skin. The under side of her black hair glows bright in phazon energy and her eyes, all three of them lock on to you. You tense up, your breathing accelerates, Dark Samus takes notice and leans in close, her glossy black lips pressed against your ear shhhhhh, I'll take care of you, mine now. Her lips trail down the column of your throat leaving wet sucking kisses against your skin. Dark Samus is quick to peel your armor off, her clawed fingers forming into smooth hands that run themselves through your hair soft her distorted voice trails off in fascination. Her thigh wedges itself between your legs and pressed firmly against your body suit right in the juncture of your thighs. Your breath picks up and you can feel the doppelganger's mouth tighten in a pleased smile. She moves her thigh, the thick alien texture of her suit rubbing you in a way you couldn't describe.
You feel your body suit tearing and take notice of the alien eldritch tearing your body suit with her hands. She curiously dips a finger into your arousal before bringing it up to her mouth, leaning back her face comes into view and you see her open her mouth in a brief flash of fang she pops the arousal coated finger into her mouth. Humming curiously her hand returns to that spot between your legs and sinks it in deeper, before curling it tightly. Your back arches breath hitching, you reach for Dark Samus to pull her in by the shoulders to get a firm anchor on reality. Dark Samus tilts her head curiously before joining her lips with yours, swallowing one of your shocked moans as she adds a second finger to curl alongside the first. She thrusts them in a jerky rhythm that has you shaking on her thigh curled against her front. Her glowing tongue prods at your lips and you let it in without a fight, earning a teasing hum from the other woman. Her tongue seemed a bit longer and much hotter than a typical one, and made its way across your own tongue and lathering it in metallic phazon saliva. You can feel the corruption take over you, slowly being absorbed into your body. You can only suck on her tongue and let out keening moans as her fingers thrust unrelentingly inside you and curl into that spongy bit that has you screaming into her mouth. She retracts her alien tongue a bit to kiss you normally (as normal as a radioactive eldritch being can get) before watching you come undone in her arms. A small smile pulls away at her lips, her yellow eyes flashing in hunger and fascination seeing you crumbling into a shaking mess in her arms.
Dark Samus wasn't finished, her body slinked lower as she lowered herself to place her head between your legs. You catch a glance of yourself in the ship's mirror, bright blue essence leaking from your mouth and spilling over your breasts. Your head feels fuzzy, the only clear feeling is the sensation of her tongue sliding past your folds delving farther than her fingers could go. You take a sharp breath as Dark Samus drags her thumb in slow circles around your clit, the overstimulation of your previous orgasm giving you a whole new feeling of shaky. Your thighs quiver around the alien's head, and she just lets out a haunting laugh, sending vibrations between your legs. Her tongue twists inside you, undoubtably lathering your walls in phazon infused liquids. You begin to reach a peak again, rocking your hips against the doppelgangers face, voice cracking with drawn out sighs, grunts, and moans of pleasure. You crest over the edge, waves of pleasure slamming you through and through, and you grip the woman's hair and pull her even closer between your legs her tongue thrusting through the after shocks before pulling out. Dark Samus makes her way up your body, taking each nipple into her mouth and hand briefly before meeting your lips in a kiss. You taste yourself on her lips as her tongue brushes yours. Another glance in the mirror shows phazon leaking out from between your legs, a weirdly satisfying feeling emerges from that sight alone. Dark Samus Pulls your shaking body into her arms, as you begin to lose consciousness.
Rest, you've earned it, my loyal pet.
A/N: Listen, late night monster fucking. I'm sexually attracted to becoming part of a hive mind stfu
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parallelunivrses · 10 months
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first @dwfandomcardexchange card arrived today! thank you so much @magewriter for the card and goodies!
[ID: a red holiday card that says “All is Bright” with gold snowflakes, a teabag, and two book-themed stickers. End ID]
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redprotons · 9 months
Thanks everyone ❤❤❤
Thank you so much @tenroseforeverandever, @shadowtiel, @consultingsnowqueen, @magewriter, @parallelunivrses, @goddessyonakuromatoki, @oceanasky, @zoebelle9, @wtungsten, @MerryweatherWho, @nargle01 for the lovely christmas cards!
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magewriter · 1 year
Here's my contribution to the SuperCorp Big Bang this year! Below is the link to the wonderful art by vibinwithonebraincell (AO3)/ @soup-in-my-cup (tumblr).
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor Additional Tags: First Kiss, supergirl femslash secret santa 2023, Language of Flowers, Alex and Sam make a brife appearance Summary:
Kara has a few things she needs to clear up with Lena. Mainly that when she says 'date' she means an actual date and not just as friends.
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oceanasky · 8 months
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Thank you for all the cards! (And stickers, bracelets, and tea!) They brought a smile to my face all throughout the holidays :) @paralleluniverses @tenroseforeverandever @consultingsnowqueen @shinycupcakebaker @9and9only @merryweatherwho @magewriter @wtungsten @blueboxesandtrafficcones @zoebelle9
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I hope you all got the TARDIS cards I sent :) Possibly overly ambitious to print out and color 20 little TARDIS sketches....
Anyway, my hand was too tired after addressing/ writing the interior to add in an explanation that the piece of paper I included was a double-sided scan of coloring pages from a Doctor Who coloring book I have. I found coloring the cards fun, so I thought I'd give you the opportunity to have some coloring fun too!
Warmest wishes for 2024 <3
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dannilea · 7 months
@magewrite @avatar-dragon-rider I will go insane if I don't get to play this
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theramenbandit · 3 years
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They say that when the time comes, you start to have dreams about your soulmate. And the closer you get to meeting them, the more vivid those dreams become.
Well, Kara Danvers has been having them, and golly, are they pleasant.
They would start with the sound of the ocean, of waves gently crashing onto the shore, then a voice like warm honey, saying something she can’t quite yet understand. She would look down and see their hands, long delicate fingers that fit snugly through her own. She would find herself looking into their eyes. Eyes like sea glass. They gaze at her with such warmth, such affection, and Kara feels her heart swell with it.
And then she wakes up.
My gift to MageWriter for this year’s @supergirlfemslashsecretsanta​
Read it on Ao3
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shadowtiel · 3 years
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I finally had time to settle down and bring out my Christmas decorations while watching favorite holiday cartoons! Thank you to all in the @dwfandomcardexchange group for all these Christmas cards! You guys are absolutely wonderful! 💕 I hope everyone has been having a wonderful holiday season and realllly hoping for a better year in 2022!
@lastbluetardis @joi-in-the-tardis @lizann5869 @benty67 @wildchildamandaa @untamedwaywardson @9and9only @thedoctorofsteel @sunniebelle @shinycupcakebaker @tenroseforeverandever @parallelunivrses @zoebelle9 @magewriter @consultingsnowqueen
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So I really like your art/idea of Kara not escaping Krypton unscathed. Would you be alright with me writing and posting a fic inspired by the art? Including posting the image with the story?
Sure thing! Just remeber to credit me if you're using my art but other than that i'll say go ahead!
Im so happy my art inspired you! Let me know when you post it so i can go read it imedietally!!
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dwsecretsanta · 5 years
Spoilers Are Rude
I own nothing.
This is for @emkaywho who wanted a soulmate AU with either Nine/Rose or Twelve/Rose. They left the choice up to me, so I hope they enjoy this. The title’s a bit of a giveaway as to which I chose, but my brain latched onto the idea so here it is.
When the words I can’t believe Dumbledore dies first appeared on his skin, he is less than impressed.
One, his cousin was never going to leave him alone about it.
Two, it meant that there was at minimum an eleven year age gap between him and whichever poor sod fate had decreed was his perfect match.
“What kind of name is Dumbledore anyway?” Donna questioned, poking at his shoulder where the messy script was written.
“How should I know?” He grunted, swatting her hand away. “Hand me the wrench, would you?”
She handed him the requested tool. “At least it’s better than mine.”
“Don’t know about that,” he was referencing the stuttered ‘Hello Donna’ written in painstakingly neat cursive on her forearm. “Seems like you get introduced to yours. Speech impediment aside, could be worse.”
“Does the age thing bother you?” She pushed the box of random bits and bobs towards him. The last time she’d reached into it, her hand had come out covered in grease. It had taken ages to get it all off.
“Why should it?” He absently reached into the box and pulled out what he needed. He was going to get this car working before Grandad got home. Why should he care about some babe in arms that he may never meet?
He wasn’t like Donna, who even at thirteen dreamed of meeting her soulmate and dragging them to the altar. She was also at the other end of the spectrum, having been born with her words already in place. Most people were, or they received their words within a year or so of being born.
Jonathan Noble didn’t rightly care one way or the other. Science and machines were more interesting. So were books and history.
Donna rolled her eyes at him. She despaired at ever getting him to interact with the rest of the human race, the big eared lug. She knew he was a boy and boys were different, but annoying or not her cousin was special.
A spark arched from the part he was working on and he leapt back. Donna shrieked, tumbling off her stool and sending his cobbled together toolbox scattering across the garage floor.
He laughed. “Fantastic!”
“That’s not what mum’s gonna say if you start a fire in the garage again,” Donna dusted herself off once she regained her feet. “If it’s sparking, does that mean it’s working again?”
“Think so, let’s close her up and find out!” He eagerly began putting the casing back around the engine.
Rolling her eyes again, Donna opened the door. She wasn’t going to let the idiot kill them in his excitement.
“Donna, are you and John about done in there?” Wilfred Mott stuck his head out of the back door. He had heard something, but far be it from him to discourage his grandchildren from trying things. If Jon could get the old girl working again, he’d just teach the boy to drive it.
“He thinks so,” Donna grinned. “Jon got his soul mark!”
“Is that so?” Wilfred chuckled. That was good. His grandson needed something good in his life after the loss of his parents and home.
“Yeah-” whatever else she had planned to say was cut off by the loud BANG from the garage.
Jon stumbled out, coughing to clear his lungs of the smoke. “I’m fine!”
Wilfred ran to get the fire extinguisher as Donna dragged the protesting Jon away from the garage. Nothing was actually in flames, but probably only due to the lack of flammable material.
“I think that’s enough tinkering today,” Wilfred patted Jon’s shoulder. “Come on lad, let’s have some tea. I picked you up some new books while I was out.”
It was Donna who discovered it first. She had picked up a slightly tattered copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and opened it to begin reading. At first she didn’t get why the name sounded familiar, but when she did she burst out into laughter before scowling.
“You’re soulmate’s rude,” she proclaimed later on once they were together again.
“How are they rude?” Jon asked calmly, focused more on the manuals Wilfred had found at the second hand shop at the moment.
“Literally the first words they say to you are a freaking spoiler!” She waved her book in his face.  “I know who Dumbledore is!”
He took the book from her, flipping through it to read the first chapter. “So?”
“So?!” Donna scowled at him and took her book back. “So, this is the first book in a series! There’s going to be seven! If his death is major enough to be included in the first words your soulmate says to you, then it means he’s a major character! Even I know that much.” She had looked it up before coming over. It was nice to know things before her too-smart-for-his-own-good sometimes cousin.
Jon blinked at her. Alright, so perhaps she had a bit of a point. What was he to do about it? It wasn’t as if anyone had any control over what their soul-words said. It wasn’t as if he were prone to wearing silly things like sleeveless shirts and jumpers. He wouldn’t be giving away any ‘spoilers’.
Donna threw her hand into the air. “You’re impossible!” She turned to leave, pausing in the doorway. “You can read it after I’m done!”
Despite himself, Jon did read the stack of books Donna eventually left for him. The first three were already out, the characters well established even as fans awaited the release of the fourth book. He found himself fascinated, even if he knew the fate of one of the characters.
Considering he found Dumbledore a bit daft, he found himself able to ignore it. He may or may not have read several pieces of fan work by likeminded individuals, but he admitted to nothing.
As he got older and the series finished, the movies came out and the world was consumed with the universe created by Rowling. He did not get as involved as Donna did (he supposed he was alright in being considered a Ravenclaw to her Gryffindor, although he argued her loyalty and work ethic made her a Hufflepuff), not that he would admit to in any case.
He entered the army in order to assist in paying for University. He blew things up and understood why his grandfather was proud to have never fired a single shot during the Second World War. He completed his degrees in mechanical engineering and history, moving on to working his way up to professor as he tinkered in the garage turned lab during his free time.
Jon inadvertently introduced Lee Williams to his sister. The man stuttering out Donna’s words as, enamored with his face and shy demeanor, she said his without either realizing it until deep into conversation and Donna agreeing to go fishing with him the next weekend. Jon had a good laugh at the both of them, dodging the wrench Donna threw at his head.
Life went on. Donna got her dream wedding (smaller than she originally imagined, but a singularly enjoyable day nonetheless). He somehow ended up running a small bookshop near the university campus, giving history lectures and assisting an ever expanding assortment of people in various endeavors.
It was a day like any other when the blonde wondered in, ratty bag at her side as she perused the shelves. He would have greeted her like he did most customers, but he was busy dealing with a rather rambunctious red-head who had six questions for every answer he gave her. By the time he was finished with her, the blonde was nowhere to be seen.
Donna, who sometimes watched the shop while he was giving lectures, mentioned her once or twice. She called her polite and mentioned that she had found several of his hidey-holes. He never found her in any of them, although he did spot her coming and going several times over the next few months.
It was a bit silly, really, how they met in the end.
The day was overcast and threatening rain, a typical day in London during the fall really. A new semester had begun and he was avoiding a faculty meeting by being in the shop.
He heard the soft sniffles coming from his favorite reading nook on his way back from the storage room. He set the stack of adventure books down and turned the corner to look inside the little nook. It was the quiet blonde that he was always meaning to greet and never had.
“You alright?” He asked gruffly, uncertain what to do with crying women. Kids he could handle, even bothersome cousins who sometimes had more bravery than sense.
She looked up at him. “I can’t believe Dumbledore dies.” She swiped at her eyes. “Sorry, first time readin’ it and it caught me off-guard.”
He blinked at her, taking in the book on her lap opened to a well-known chapter. “It’s you.” Was all that he could think to say.
“What?” She looked up at him in confusion, mascara smeared a bit from her tears.
He chuckled, feeling his ears redden. “Sorry, that part’s always shockin’, even when you know it’s comin’.” He shifted. “Known since I was eleven, and it still gave me a twist when it happened.”
“What?” She frowned at him, even more confused.
“Words,” he blurted. “My words,” he explained further. “Had no clue what they meant till my cousin threw the first book at my head all pleased with herself for figuring it out. Called you rude for spoiling it.”
“Wha-oh!” She reddened this time. “I…wait…” She tugged her shirt sleeve up, revealing You alright? in his messy script. She giggled. “I suppose it is a bit rude, ruining a plot twist like that.” She held out her hand. “Rose Tyler.”
Jon shook the offered hand, the tingling sensation alerting the both of them they had met the right person. “Jon Noble.” Now what was he supposed to do? “Tea?”
She smiled at him. “Sounds lovely.” She held up the book. “Least you didn’t make fun of my reading choice.”
“Harry Potter is a classic,” he defended stanchly. “Fantastic book for any kind of day.”
She laughed. “Yea, it is. Seen any of the movies?”
That sparked a lively conversation that lasted well past tea time and ended with an invitation to join her in seeing it when it premiered later that week.
She stayed in the shop until closing. He offered her a ride home and she accepted.
By that time the rain that had been threatening all day had arrived in a steady downpour. He pointed to the beaten up old blue truck he had eventually gotten and kept working.
He grabbed her hand. “Run!”
Laughing, she did just that.
I hope this makes you smile! Happy Holidays @emkaywho!
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shipinsight · 3 years
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My last piece for the @supercorpbb ! I was lucky to be paired with two writers who each wrote an amazing fic based on this art! You can enjoy them on ao3:
“Uncomfortable Wagers” by @magewriter
“Hypothetically” by @lauradeanna
Once again, I’m so thankful for getting to participate in the amazing experience that the SCRBB has been! Kudos to all the artists, writers, betas, cheerleaders, mods and the people who watch and read what we produced!
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supercorpbb · 3 years
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This Song Has Your Name in it and I Made it For You | Touching the Stars | Your Voice, My Comfort
“This Song Has Your Name in it and I Made it For You” Art by: @arcodeprata
“Touching the Stars” Fic by: @dkgwrites
Summary: Through snippets of the SuperCorp relationship, we see Lena overcome her self-doubt and settle into a strong and supportive relationship with Kara.
“Your Voice, My Comfort” Fic by: @magewriter
Summary: Kara leaves on a mission and is gone longer than expected. She and Lena take comfort where they can, both eager to be reunited.
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Hi, ok this is a long shot but I believe very recently you shared a supercorp fic about Lena, blood and vampire? or something along those lines...I'm not sure what the plot was about, I have an awful memorie maybe it wasnt even you who share it but if any of this happens to sound familiar to you I would be glad for the help, thanks!
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Blood Lust by alpha_korra, ShereneCheri
The Countess by innova889
Good Omens by greyfire
The Illusion of Safety by theQueenofSaviors
Thread of Gold, Tied Me to You by Artsy_Batsy
I Will Love You Forever by L1zzies_yellowsun
The Strings That Bind Us by MageWriter
i know you don’t believe (it’s you i’ve waited for) by Jazzfordshire
the savior has abandoned you. by BrokenTourniquet
Synthetic Blood by InfernalShadowTheif
til we meet again, my caped knight by midnight_queery
After All This Time (Buried Love) by JustAMessAtThisPoint
In My Arms, You'll Find Comfort by thinking1bee
Dying Instinct by thinking1bee
If I was your vampire by wonderwrath
Bloodlines by Sextual
Don't be kind to it (Honey, don't feed it, it will come back) by durantesknight
A Taste of Sunshine by MsSirEy
That Deathless Death by Applesaday
time twisted by drkieranphd
The Unconquered Territory by alephthirteen
A night to remember by Kendrene
Someone For Me To Hold. by abcsupercorp
Kindred Judgement by StepOnMeAhsoka
She Learned to Deal with The Devil by Hors_Doeuvres
Life without a pulse by SilentRain91
It's a Hot Summer Day (And I'm Thirsty for You) by wellthizizdeprezzing
Cherry Wine by rainbowfan4life
If I Could Sink My Teeth In To You by Rara_Danvers
What Lies In The Dark by Kendrene
The Beast Within by danigobingo
By the Beat of Her Heart by AlexRyzlinGold
Eternal Slumber and Love by carolxkara
Mine by Ragbecca
What Do You Mean You're Not An Assassin? by Rhino (RhinoMouse)
Forever Halloween by ClaraZorEl
My Roommate, The Vampire by orphan_account
The Universe And You - Discontinued, to be rewritten by RadioactivePaws
Prey, Mate, and Innocence by laubrown1
Zeros by apocalyptic_azazel
Claimed by SilentRain91
Today you die by SilentRain91
Along the way by Blurredgraylines
Lena x kara by Gamerzerofanfiction
Don't let her in by SilentRain91
Cold blood by SilentRain91
Eternité by LesbianKJ The death and afterlife of Agent Danvers by peterpan1
Happily Forever After by FallingArtist
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt97
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
Ladybug watched Mme. Agreste’s expression carefully. It went from confusion, to recognition, to anger. Well that wasn’t a good sign.
“Where’s Gabriel?” The absolute fury in her tone actually made Ladybug take a step back and she was a little relieved when Discorde stepped between them. This was not the reaction she expected.
“He’s in jail awaiting trial.” The woman’s eyes narrowed.
“He’d better pray they convict him and keep him there. If I ever see him without bars between us he’ll be missing body parts.” Ladybug shared a look with Discorde but her partner looked just as confused as she was. Adrien looked shell-shocked.
“He spent the last three years trying to save you.” The glared she turned on her son was terrifying and he actually took a step back. She blinked at him for a moment and her gaze softened.
“Adrien?” The boy nodded hesitantly. She opened her arms for him and he all but collapsed into her. She looked up and saw Nathalie and her expression tightened. “Has it really been three years?”
“It has. M. Agreste has been working tirelessly to set things right.” Mme. Agreste let out a derisive snort.
“He’s been trying to turn me and the world into what he wants. He’s the reason I needed saving in the first place.” Nathalie’s face went completely blank and Ladybug was fairly certain she was in shock. “Whatever he told you was a lie. Gabriel forced Nooroo to try and contain Duusu in their Miraculous and the backlash is what caused all this in the first place.”
“He did what?” Everyone jumped and Ladybug blushed. She really hadn’t meant to yell but the audacity of such an action pissed her off to no end. It also explained why Nooroo wouldn’t talk about what happened and why Tikki hadn’t been able to figure out what caused the damage. It hadn’t occurred to either of them that the actual Kwami were pitted against each other. Poor Nooroo.
“He’s lucky I only shot him twice.” Discorde’s growled words caused Adrien to glare at her but Mme. Agreste actually laughed.
“I don’t know who you are, but I like you.” Discorde could only give the woman a weak smile at that and Ladybug filed it away to ask about later. Adrien scoffed.
“She’s nothing but a fraud.” Ladybug grabbed her partner as she started growling. Mme. Agreste was frowning at her son.
“We’ve done what we came here to do and I won’t stick around to listen to your insults. Mme. Agreste, I’m glad we could help, and I wish you a speedy recovery.” She wished she was only concerned about what her partner might do, but if Adrien didn’t shut up Ladybug wasn’t certain she wouldn’t go after him herself.
“Wait. Nathalie, could you take Adrien so I can talk to them alone?” Adrien’s face screwed up into an ugly pout but his mother just gave him an encouraging smile. “Everything will be fine. It will only be for a minute then I want to hear about everything I’ve missed from you.” He gave her another tight hug before turning to glare at them.
“Don’t tire her out.” Ladybug couldn’t help the eyeroll as Nathalie led him from the room. Mme. Agreste just sighed.
“I don’t even want to think about the damage his father did that I’m going to have to fix. Not to mention that friend of his.” Discord flinched beside her and Ladybug took her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. “Not that she’s at fault given her parents but it doesn’t change the fact that her behavior always gave Adrien ideas.”
“What did you want to talk about?” Ladybug wasn’t going to stand there and let her partner listen to this. Mme. Agreste just blinked at her for a moment before seeming to focus again.
“Well, first to thank you. But I also want to know why you two dislike my son so much.” She shared a look with Discorde. Yeah that wasn’t a good topic of conversation.
“You should discuss that with him. And watch the news coverage of the Akuma attacks after.” There was no way Adrien would keep his identity a secret from his mother, and she’s rather the woman form her own conclusions.
“Oh I plan to. I just want to know why he only hates one of you while you both can't stand being in the same room with him.” Ladybug could only frown at the woman in confusion at first. “I’m an empath. It’s what drew me to the Miraculous in the first place.” Oh that wasn’t good.
“I still think you need to talk to your son. If you have more questions after that, perhaps we can talk again. As things stand I’d rather not influence your opinion on the matter.” The woman was just frowning at them in thought and Ladybug could feel her partner getting more nervous.
“I suppose I can understand that. But I will want to speak with you again.” Well that didn’t sound ominous at all. “I would also like to speak to the Guardian.”
“Why would you need to do that?” Discorde’s tone was borderline hostel and Ladybug squeezed her hand again in warning. If the woman really was an empath she didn’t want to give her too much to work with. The Miraculous magic should protect their identities regardless but she didn’t want to take more risks than necessary.
“You need to learn to relax, not everyone is a threat.” Discord just gave the woman a level look.
“Perhaps not but if I assume they are, people are far less likely to get hurt by my carelessness.” Discorde winced as soon as the words came out and Ladybug couldn’t help but side eye her partner. Looks like they had one more thing to talk about. Mme. Agreste’s look actually softened.
“I suppose that’s true. In that case I look forward to earning your trust.”
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