#magie noire separation
paul123love · 5 days
Vous cherchez un moyen efficace pour congeler le nom de quelqu’un un rituel amoureux qui marche ? Découvrez nos meilleures solutions pour donner une touche magique à vos relations amoureuses. Beaucoup de couple se séparent de nos jours malgré que l’amour existe toujours entre eux. Les histoires de couples ne durent plus car il devient difficile de pardonner en amour. Vous désirez éviter de telle…
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toffavoyance · 8 months
Jeter un sort pour séparer un couple rapide, grand maitre professeur TOFFA, Whatsapp: +229 91 72 86 02
Autre rituel de magie noire pour faire rompre un couple, vengeance pour séparer un couple, faire rompre un couple n’est par un travail d’un simple marabout. Il faut de l’expérience; de l’efficacité et de la compétence pour faire le rituel pour rompre un couple ou une relation amoureuse. C’est ce qui explique le bon nombre de clients insatisfaits qui ne trouvent pas le bon maître marabout…
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Comment séparer un couple à distance- rituel pour briser un couple rapidement.
Comment séparer un couple à distance-Il s’agit d’un rituel magique classé dans la catégorie des « photos envoûtées: éliminer une rivale Rituel pour briser un couple rapidement-Comment séparer un couple à distance. Comment séparer un couple à distance- rituel pour briser un couple rapidement- Ce rituel est parfait pour faire rompre n’importe quel couple. Les résultats sont visibles dans les…
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assogba · 1 year
Comment Réaliser pour briser un couple a distance- briser 1 couple a distance.
Comment Réaliser pour briser un couple a distance- briser 1 couple a distance. Comment Réaliser pour briser un couple a distance,comment séparer un couple rapidement,prière puissante Afin de séparer un couple,comment briser 1 couple a distance,payer quelqu’un pour briser un couple,rituel pour briser un couple de suite,comment briser un couple via Facebook,rituel de l’œuf pour séparer un…
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Comment récupérer son ex avec photo ? Comment récupérer son ex qui t'a quitté avec sa photo ?
Comment récupérer son ex avec photo ? Comment récupérer son ex qui t’a quitté avec sa photo ?
Whatsapp cliquez ici Comment savoir s’il est possible de récupérer son ex ? magie simple et puissante pour attirer une femme Si vous cherchez à reconquérir votre ex et que vous perdez espoir au fur et à mesure, vous ne devez surtout pas baisser les bras ! Une reconquête amoureuse n’a jamais été un exercice simple ! La plupart du temps, il s’agit d’une mauvaise interprétation de ses signaux ou…
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roihangbe · 2 years
Rituels de magie noire. Sortilège de vengeance, sort de séparation
Rituels de magie noire. Sortilège de vengeance, sort de séparation. Ce puissant rituel de magie noire vaudou vous permettra de vous venger d’une personne et d’attirer la malchance sur la personne visée par le sortilège.
Rituels de magie noire. Sortilège de vengeance, sort de séparation. Ce puissant rituel de magie noire vaudou vous permettra de vous venger d’une personne et d’attirer la malchance sur la personne visée par le sortilège. Si il y a quelqu’un qui vous a fait du mal, vous pouvez vous venger de ce dernier à l’aide de ce très puissant rituel de vengeance de magie noire, envoûter quelqu’un à distance,…
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kilfeur · 7 months
Avant je pensais que le sort d'Infantis Sanguine était de la magie noire mais apparemment ça fait partie de la magie profonde. Et je me dis que le sort de possession pour Callum est peut être de la magie profonde bien que je pense que ça peut provenir de la magie des étoiles. Vu que le seul sort qu'on apprend de cette magie, c'est qu'elle peut réunir l'esprit et un corps séparé. Donc je vois une similitude entre ces deux sorts. Ce que je remarque c'est que la magie profonde et la magie noire peuvent être semblables sur certains points. Déjà la première chose qu'on remarque avec Infantis Sanguine c'est qu'il requiert des ingrédients tout comme la magie noire. Pour Infantis Sanguine, l'ingrédient est Monsieur Bavetout et l'exécution du sort passait par l'acte de le tuer ! Mais comme je l'avais dit dans un précédent post, ce n'était qu'une étape du sort pour pouvoir le réaliser.
Du coup ça me fait penser qu'Aaravos a donné la magie noire en guise de "cadeau" pour l'humanité. Bien qu'on se rend compte que ceux qui l'utilisent sont vulnérable à sa possession ! Mais il a dû créer cette magie noire non ? Elle doit venir de quelque part ? Est ce que la magie noire puise ses origines à travers la magie profonde ? Est ce qu'Aaravos comptait utiliser l'humanité comme une expérience grâce à la magie noire ? En pensant que peut être les mages noires pourront toucher cette fameuse magie profonde à force de l'utiliser ? Puisqu'il voulait que Viren exécute le sort d'Infantis Sanguine avant que celui ne refuse. Et vu que Viren a échoué c'est pas grave ! Après tout il y a un autre cobaye dont il peut se servir pour atteindre cette magie profonde !
Callum t'es tellement dans la merde, si c'est vrai !
I used to think that the Infantis Sanguine spell was part of dark magic but apparently it's part of deep magic. And I'm thinking that the possession spell for Callum might be deep magic, although I think it might come from star magic. Given that the only spell we learn from this magic is that it can unite the mind and a separate body. So I see a similarity between these two spells. What I notice is that deep magic and dark magic are similar on certain points. The first thing you notice with Infantis Sanguine is that it requires ingredients, just like dark magic. For Infantis Sanguine, the ingredient is Sir Sparklepuff, and the spell's execution requires the act of killing him! But as I said in a previous post, this was only one step in the spell's execution.
It makes me think that Aaravos gave dark magic as a "gift" to mankind. Although we realize that those who use it are vulnerable to its possession! But he had to create this dark magic, didn't he? It must have come from somewhere? Does dark magic have its origins in deep magic? Did Aaravos intend to use humanity as an experiment in dark magic? Thinking that maybe the dark mages would be able to touch this famous deep magic by using it so much? Since he wanted Viren to perform the Infantis Sanguine spell before he refused. And since Viren failed, it doesn't matter! After all, there's another guinea pig he can use to reach that deep magic!
Callum, you're in so much trouble, if it's true!
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
Fun little ask, what are your fav perfumes or colognes?
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I'm one of those people who need to match their fragrance to their outfit and vibe. 🙈 So it's not enough for me to have one fragrance or even a family of fragrances, I need to have one for every occasion. 🤦‍♂️
That being said, one of my go-tos has to be Diorissimo by Dior (obvs, lol), since it contains every white flower imaginable on the planet and I simply adore the scent of white flowers - lilies of the valley, hyacinths, jasmine, lilac, I love it. I have many white-flower-based perfumes; they are well-tolerated and appropriate for many situations. Elie Saab - Le Parfum is similar to this.
But I wouldn't be me if I wasn't on some oddball shit! So I'm really drawn to vintage perfumes - that cloying, heady, powdery smell of opening an old lady's handbag, of vintage makeup and sweets. The smell of lipstick I find very attractive (I think it's given by the iris note), so, for example, I wear Dior - Homme, even though I wish it'd be stronger. (I'm also one of those oversprayers who wants to leave a scent trail when I walk. 😅) The classic Agent Provocateur is another example - a very heavy, slutty rose* with an intoxicating presence that makes you cough - very powdery, very reminiscent of a boudoir - the kind of scent Satine from Mouline Rouge might wear. Loulou by Cacharel is literally how old ladies smelt like when I was a little girl, so ofc I overspray that, too. My neighbour who lives on the ground floor says she can tell I left because she can smell it in the hallway. ☠ It's very hard to describe, something like plum with wood? and incense with a white floral background. It's very, very 90s. Just an amalgamation that's very hard to separate but very distinctive. Other stuff I have and enjoy from this category are Angel by Mugler, which is similarly hard to define because it seems to have every note in existence, with a powdery finish + Cabotine by Gres - very strong, very potent carnation, very green, which may not be to everyone's liking. Loulou & Cabotine are also what I'd describe as pretty unfriendly, unapologetically spiky perfumes; you either love them or you hate them.
I'm going to be basic now for a second, but my first foray into vintage scents was when I whiffed Chanel no 5 in Sephora and I instantly fell for that artificial, cold, standoffish aldehydic smell. I had a bottle of Shalimar back in the day and her sister, Casmir by Chopard, and 10/10 would purchase again. Jungle L'Elephant by Kenzo is also a strong vintage scent, with spicy cloves, dark citrus and amber that shares that heady quality I'm drawn to. For a long time I kept a big bottle of Opium by YSL, which remains the queen of spicy scents to me, it's like all possible condiments condensed into this hegemonic cloud of aroma. The people around you will always know you're wearing this. 😂 Sometime in the future, I would like to try some similar scents like Aromatics Elixir (Clinique), Cinnabar & Youth Dew (Estee Lauder) and Magie Noir by Lancome. Not a priority, but they're on my list. I used to have Fame by Lady Gaga and it smelt very incense-y, which was fine by me, since I love all church smells - myrrh and the like.
I'm very fond of nostalgia scents from my childhood. Weirdly enough, cough syrup. Which is exactly what Egoiste by Chanel reminds me of. :)) Which is why I put it on my list. There's also a recurring motif I keep encountering in my choices - something I associate with my grandmother's house, slightly Oriental, caramel, but somehow also minty. Like all old ladies, she used to keep all kinds of sweets in an ornate bowl - mint drops and other kinds of sucking candy or toffees. And, like all children, I greatly coveted that bowl. Perhaps the saffron note has something to do with this, but it's something I recognise in perfumes like Shaghaf Oud by Swiss Arabian, the oil Tanasuk (Al Haramain) or Herod (Parfums de Marly). So those kinds of scents feel v comforting and familiar to me. Herod is so well-named, too, that's 100% what thee Herod would actually wear.
*I love rose in all its forms. The idea that someone could dislike rose is very peculiar to me. :)) I have a bright, sirupy rose in Madame Gres (though it doesn't list in the notes, weirdly enough, so must be the combination of pineapple and peony that I perceive as rose) and the sparkliest, girliest, pinkest rose in my Delina dupe. I couldn't get the rotting, sickening rose note out of my head when I first smelt Portait of a Lady, so I had to buy a replica (I'm categorically not dishing out 300 euros for a bottle of perfume, lol). I'm so curious about Rosenrot by Rammstein (💀) because it's supposed to smell like roses with blood, but I read it unfortunately doesn't lasts very long.
There are not many smells I tend to dislike - heavy oud is one of them, for example Cuir Intense by Guerlain smells like wet dog on me. I once smelled Hacivat by Nishane out of curiosity and it legit made me think of feces. I love chocolate and think it smells complex and appetizing, but I wouldn't really buy such a fragrance for myself.
A bit unusual since I do love gourmands. Anything that smells like candy or sugar or fruits. Recent purchases are Safeer by Lattafa, which smells literally like a sparkling, sugary lemon cut in half, so bright that approaching it makes your mouth water + Amber is Great by Zimaya, which legit reminds me of Skittles. :)) More conventional perfumes I wore were Lost Cherry and Bitter Peach by Tom Ford. My replicas at least did not have the longevity weaknesses of the original and were really mouth-watering.
I would say I'm fairly adventurous when it comes to perfume, since I enjoy a wide variety of notes. Green fragrances are also right up my alley. Strong notes of patchouli, vetiver, grass, leaves. My boyfriend is getting me Nerolia Vetiver Forte for Christmas and it's the greenest woody white floral, I can't wait to overspray and exasperate people. :)) Tobacco is a weird note for me because I seem to love it in perfume but absolutely detest it IRL. Tobacco Vanille (Tom Ford) and Aventus for Her (Creed) may be very hyped, but I still got people very frequently asking me what I'm wearing. They're hits with the public! Leather I also find complex scent, though I don't think I have anything with leather in it right now. I went through a phase this year where I used up half a bottle of Libre by YSL because I couldn't get enough of the lavender. Olympea by Paco Rabanne got the same treatment from me - just the cleanest, soapiest, most comforting, intriguingly salty perfume. Works so well with the Layali oil by Swiss Arabian.
For the future, I'd like to collect more generally unusual scents. Or anything that can be described as evil or witchy or dark (because I'm a 13 year-old edgelord 😂). For example, Toskovat make this perfume that is supposed to smell like gasoline and bubblegum and another that's supposed to smell like gunpowder, ozone and blood bandages. I also have my eye on La Couche du Diable by Serge Lutens - just.... everything about that concept. :)) I already have something that I think is similar, By the Fireplace by Maison Margiela - it smells of FLAMES and roasting chestnuts. I also have the famed Habanita by Mollinard and it's certainly very witchy, dark & mysterious, like someone is preparing bitters or a potion and they have a whole cauldron of plants macerating.
And, of course, I am dying to get my hands on a milk fragrance.
As for men's, I feel like a lot of them are so generic fresh-smelling, citrus, pine etc and, while I can't say they're not nice, they're very basic and too similar to each other. Sauvage by Dior is the perfect example of this. Men are way less adventurous when it comes to perfume, so the men's fragrances that end up making an impression on me are honestly something that would be considered unisex or, at the very least, different. Something like Amouage - Epic or Sunshine Man or Penhaligon - The Tragedy of Lord George (I'm curious about Halfeti, too). Boozy fragrances work well on men, too, like the very cheap (but surprisingly good) Bentley for Men. Tobacco and leather work well - Tom Ford have quite a few of these: Ombre Leather, Tuscan Leather, Tobacco Vanille, Tobacco Oud etc alongside stuff like Black Orchid, which is rarer to see on a man, because they have no sense of style. I'm also curious about quite a few Parfums de Marly: Carlisle, Godolphin, Pegasus, Sedley. My beloved Herod is labeled as a man's fragrance, but that hasn't stopped me! My bf has quite a few distinctive & memorable creations from Mancera: Red Tobacco, Oud Violet and Deep Forest.
Deep Forest I probably like the most but it's also the most difficult for me to wear. I'm not convinced I can pull it off on my skin, but I will keep investigating. 😅 It's the darker coin flip of my Eden by Cacharel. Both are cloying, intense and unusual, both carry the feeling of being enclosed in deep vegetation. I like to think of Eden like a trip through the jungle on the hottest day of the year, in your best beige archaeologist outfit. The smell of burning rubber from your ATV fills your nostrils, beads of sweat on your forehead, lush greenery and so much of it, white flowers bloom around you, sickly sweet, musty and ripe. You close your eyes. You're bright and weightless and floating off the ground. This is the best day of your life.
Whereas with Deep Forest, you're trekking on foot, through the warm, musky trails the woodland creatures left behind. The sun can only trickle arrows of light through the thick bed of trees. You reach a clearing. The flowers are blooming, but there is no sky. The foliage swallowed it whole. You lie down. The ground is yawning for you.
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babavigantrom1 · 2 years
Rituel pour briser un couple rapidement, - Magie blanche pour séparer un couple.
E-mail : [email protected] SITE WEB : https://retoursaffectif.com/ SITE WEB : http://specialisteretourdaffection.wpweb.fr/ https://magie-blanche-retour-affectif-avis.business.site/ SITE WEB : https://secretdelavalisemagique.wordpress.
Rituel pour briser un couple rapidement, – Magie blanche pour séparer un couple. Rituel de magie noire pour séparer un couple – Briser un couple rapidement. Briser un couple, Ce rituel est parfait pour faire rompre une relation amoureuse. Les résultats sont visibles dans les trois à six jours. Ce rituel puissant de briser un couple rapidement va semer la discorde au sein du couple, jusqu’à…
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
My fanfics:
I currently have at least one OC in the following fandoms:
Star Wars (probably the most work went into these three and I would very dearly appreciate engagement with them because I’ll probably always have more to say about them - they have some incorrect quotes and a couple further notes in the ‘star wars ocs’ tag)
Camp-Half Blood (the first I ever made! Look in the ‘pjo ocs’ tag for more of them)
Puella Magi Makoda Magica (discounting Rebellion from canon for personal reasons of not liking that it invalidated Madoka’s wish and the hard-earned hopeful tone at the end of the series and also OW No My Heart Stop)
Monster High (Generation One, aka the only worthwhile one in my opinion)
Ever After High and a separate AU of it where my take on Peter Pan and OCs descended from characters in that story actually influence the canon plot, rather than just existing in the background of it (lots in the respective tags, ‘uea club’ for the first and ‘peter pan au’ for the second)
My Hero Academia (I’m not even in this fandom anymore, but damn do I want to explore the implications of hero society)
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (I may have very mixed feelings about canon and just ignore everything beyond “Heroes’ Day” because Season Three was the point of no return for me, but I do like these OCs!)
The Spider-Man: Spider-Verse movies
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (this one is ‘if I cannot find examination of how the events described in “A Kirin Tale” would have been hugely traumatic for the Kirin on a cultural and and individual level, I will create it’)
The Owl House
Sonic the Hedgehog (this one is a poisonous bird, which is a real thing!)
League of Legends
I’ve also made a number of original Pokémon concepts, which you can read about here.
Do you like magical girls? Do you like ghosts? If the answer to both is yes, check out Phantom Life Afterlife Club, a show concept with main character OCs that combines them in one angsty package!
It would make my day to see people liking and taking interest in my creations! Feel free to comment, talk in reblogs and ask and message me about them.
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toffavoyance · 8 months
Rituel pour briser un couple, professeur TOFFA; Whatsapp: +229 91 72 86 02 .
Comment briser un couple rapidement, magie noire pour briser un couple, séparer un couple avec une photo, si vous pensez que votre relation ne répond plus à vos attentes, vous pouvez y mettre un terme par le mysticisme. Nous ne voulons jamais de rupture soudaine, tout le monde aime une séparation en douceur. C’est pour cette raison que je vous propose ce rituel gratuit de magie rouge pour être…
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jakattax · 5 years
The Black Pullet or Le Poule noire is an interesting and somewhat contradictory read to the modern magician and Grimoire collector. Interesting in that regard that the text details 20 separate magical rings and silken talismans which bestow the magician a variety of powers from “knowledge of all plants and minerals” to “works destruction, commanding the elements and Calling down storms (...)” and of course, magic to conjure (unnamed) spirits. A Grimoire no different from the Solomonic or Verum family of texts, or indeed the vast majority of the canon of classical texts, with each text offering their own metallic talismans, and rings which grant great knowledge and wisdom concerning the Occult sciences. The Black Pullet also includes a magic circle for protection, a wand (perhaps the most unique and zaniest of all Grimoire wands) and the prayers which the magician must employ before and after their work. Again these are all hallmarks of a traditional Grimoire set-up.
However the text is contradictory and perhaps controversial in the regard that while presenting itself as a magical text, complete with plates and the ‘language of the magi’ (an obscure tongue in which certain words activate the rings) it is read and formatted more akin to a short story, or a pulp fiction. The story concerns a wounded French soldier in the Napoleonic conquest for Egypt who is saved by the Old Man of the Pyranid, a Turkish mage who teaches the soldier magic and shows him the twenty rings and the wonders they perform. Now a Grimoire with a narrative is not unheard of, the Cyprian grimoires usually include biblical tales of Saint Cyprian before delivering on the magical goods, yet the rampant Egyptomania of the period cannot be separated from considering the text an ‘authentic’ Grimoire.
The discoveries being made at the time regarding Egypt utterly enchanted the European imagination, and The Black Pullet with its tales of secret vaults containing gold beneath the pyramids, a wise turbaned mage sharing arcane wisdom and spirits of the Egyptian deserts themselves would have only fuelled this exotic and mysterious notion of Egypt and its history. Indeed the Grimoire mentions that the Old Man is the last man alive who can read and understand the hieroglyphs of the pyramid, a language of magicians, a romantic ideal of a true and divine language with coincided with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone being rediscovered by French army men.
It’s a mixed book of fact and fiction, the magical and the mundane. If the text was intended to capture the imagination of the reader to dream of secret talismans and magic then it has definitely succeeded. Whether The Black Pullet is pure fantasy or workable Grimoire is unclear, in my personal view while alnowledging it as a curious text, it is without a doubt in my mind a workable text of magic, well-worth the read and study.
I myself shall be conducting experiments from it, so I’ll keep you duly informed.
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levii · 3 years
Welcome to my simple simp blog for 2D humans!
iiI wanted to spare my main blog followers from all my endless simping so decided to make a separate blog just to feed my obsession 🙃Give my blog a follow if you also simp for these people!
Who do I simp for? (alphabetical order by character)
Alibaba Saluja | Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Aoi Akane | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Bakugou Katsuki | Boku no Hero Academia
Chat Noir | Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Death the Kid | Soul Eater
Fushiguro Megumi | Jujutsu Kaisen
Gokudera Hayato | Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Hak | Akatsuki no Yona
Hashibira Inosuke | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Hitachiin Hikaru | Ouran High School Host Club
Hitsugaya Toshiro | Bleach
Jean Kirstein | Attack on Titan
Kageyama Tobio | Haikyuu!!
Kaneki Ken | Tokyo Ghoul
Khun Aguero Agnes | Tower of God
Lelouch Lamperouge | Code Geass
Levi Ackerman | Attack on Titan
Matsuno Chifuyu | Tokyo Revengers
Miyamura Izumi | Horimiya
Sanji | One Piece
Sohma Kyo | Fruits Basket
Tsukishima Kei | Haikyuu!!
Uchiha Sasuke | Naruto
Yato | Noragami
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Will obviously be adding to the list above over time so keep updated by following!
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Comment récupérer son ex ? Envoûtement amoureux sur photo un travail qui fonctionne rapidement.
Comment récupérer son ex ? Envoûtement amoureux sur photo un travail qui fonctionne rapidement.
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/message/ISCY5 RITUEL DE RETOUR AFFECTIF IMMÉDIAT AVEC UN MARABOUT ALLOGNON: POUR RÉCUPÉRER SON EX Whatsapp: https://wa.me/message/ISCY5 Bien-aimé, lectrices du marabout ALLOGNON, êtes-vous dans le souci de l’amour ?Votre âme sœur (e) vous-a-t-elle/il quitté pour quelqu’un d’autre ?Avez-vous des difficultés à trouver votre conjoint ? Plus de soucis à vous faire ! Les…
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roihangbe · 2 years
Separer deux personnes avec du vinaigre - Rituel pour séparer ou détruire un couple
Separer deux personnes avec du vinaigre - Rituel pour séparer ou détruire un couple. L'un des sorts les plus recherchés par les gens sont ceux des sorts pour Separer deux personnes avec du vinaigre.
Separer deux personnes avec du vinaigre – Rituel pour séparer ou détruire un couple. L’un des sorts les plus recherchés par les gens sont ceux des sorts pour Separer deux personnes avec du vinaigre. En effet, les conflits sociaux, les désirs refoulés ou les prétentions personnelles vous amènent généralement à prendre des décisions drastiques pour obtenir ce que vous voulez vraiment.Les sorts…
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ashpentagram · 5 years
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So because I was bored at school, I decided to look through the demons shown to us during the Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow song, as well as the trailer for Hazbin Hotel. I came across this goat-like demon which I thought was normal — goats & satanism seems to go hand in hand. But I was curious. Mainly because I wanted to know why it was there. I have some screenshots of it.
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Please note how the last one looks different; I’ll get into that.
Baphomet is an actual demon, depicted as early as the 1300s, with a male and female arm bearing the words SOLVE & COAGULA (Latin for separate & join together) on each arm. Although the knowledge of the goat-headed demon started in the 1300s, it wasn’t depicted as the “goat of lust” within a reversed pentagram until 1897 in a French book called La Clef de la Magie Noire. They were originally a deity the Knights of Templar were accused of worshipping. The pentagram it is featured in had the names Samael & Lillith [which brings me to think Charlie’s father could actually be named Samael instead of Lucifer]. As well as the Hebrew letters at each point spelling out Leviathan.
Another cool thing is that it’s called a goat of lust. Perhaps these demons are more of a species than an individual seeing as there are two we’ve seen so far.
I’m hoping they’re a species that regularly gets summoned to the surface by satanists and they spread the seven sins across the waking world.
Anyway, @vivziepop , good job with the research on demons, even if they’re background characters for now :) I’m really loving it. ❤️❤️❤️
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