#mahad x reader
lilredniki · 3 months
Prompt: Just listen to me
Character: Mahad
Y/N stood next to Atem in the throne room.
Mahad had just told them about his plan to stop Bakura.
Y/N couldn’t stand there and listen to it anymore so she walked out.
Mahad followed her.
“Y/N, wait.”
“Don’t Mahad. I can’t listen to you talk about throwing your life away like that.”
“I need to do this.”
“No you don’t.” Y/N said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t loose you like that.”
“Y/N, I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.”
“Just listen to me!”
Mahad froze.
“We can’t loose you.” Y/N said gently placing a hand on her stomach.
“Are you...”
“I am and I can’t do this without you.”
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teatimeweirdo · 2 years
will you write mahad relationship headcanons maybe (* ̄3 ̄)
I see you are a person of culture....it's been a while since I read/watched aos but I think i got this UwU, also hiiii I'm still alive and sorry this is so late, i had school that's been stressing me out
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Mahad is a quiet person, he's more of a listener .... although he has problems accepting compliments, he feels like he doesn't deserve them due to his past, so smother his with compliments so he feels more loved
now there's a difference if you met while he was still an assassin or if you met when he was already with sinbad and his gang
if you met while he was still an assassin, it was probably an accident or you were the one he couldn't kill...maybe it was your voice, the way you hold yourself or just the way you talk to the people around you, with pure kindness in your eyes
if you're royality or of royal blood, it's very likely you met when he was an assassin, as a person of higher standing you would have been a perfect target
Mahad treats his treating his employees really well, so you can probaly imagine how he would treat you
he is a tall man so he has to lean down for kisses, he loves to get forehead and nose kisses, all those really soft little kisses
listen big man loves cuddles and he loves being the little spoon, it makes him feel all warm inside and he can't help but smile
being romantically involved with mahad means being close with vittel and ja'far as they are his family, ja'far might also see you as a mentor
he can't dance but is totally down to learn for you, if that's something you'd be interested in, he enjoys quality time with his partner in general so he can also just sit quietly in a room with you while working
he has big hands...take that how you will, and he loves holding your hand
he probably can't write really well, he'd appreciate it if you took time out of your day and taught him how to write, he won't ask for it though
he is very protective of you, you are his weakspot and he won't be able to forgive himself if something happened to you, he's willing to die, if it meant you would be able to keep on living. it would literally kill him to see the light of life fae out of your eyes
you're probably his first everything, first love, first kiss, etc.
he's in a constant state of awe when you're around and you can bet your house on the fact that sinband teases him about it
he let's you braid his hair if he in turn can braid/play with yours
he's literally ready to marry you and settle down with you, if you're down for it. he wants to spend his entire life with you
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hello beautiful, if you are not very busy and if it is not a nuisance, I could make you 2 requests (1) mahad in love with (SO) that she is the pharaoh (single) and the other is for you, what kind of people do you like?
I'll make this into a 2 parter! This one will be the first request. I highkey love this idea a lot not gonna lie.
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When your father passed away you didnt know if you were ready to be The next Pharaoh, but you knew you had to because your people needed you.
Luckily for you, you didnt have to face it alone. Your ever faithful friend Mahad was there for you. Always giving you advice when you felt lost, and always a shoulder to cry on when things became too much.
He was the only one who saw these sides of you, you didnt want the others to see your weakness, but you trusted Mahad with this fragile side of yourself.
Unknowing to you romantic feelings began to overwhelm Mahad. He knew it was bad for him to have these feelings. You where the pharaoh and he was but a servent and friend, it could never happen.
Still these feelings fester within him. Your beauty outshone any gem he has ever seen, you kindness twords your subjects proved to him that you were an angel sent by the gods, your smile was more beautiful then any flower, and even when you were crying to him after it got too much you were still so beautiful.
He knew he couldn't contain the feelings for much longer, and he only had two options. He could tell you how he feels and face to consequence, or resign and leave egypt. Honestly he could besr the thought of leaving you behind so he decided to tell you.
As he was escorting to your room for the night he planned out how he wanted to tell you. When you came to your room was when he set his plan into motion.
As you turned to him to bid him good night was when he took you hand in his and kneeled down to you.
"My pharaoh forgive for what I'm about to say, but I can no longer contain these feelings. Throughout my time by your side I have fallen helplessly in love with you."
He bowed his head knowing he crossed then line it took a few minutes for it all to process through your mind, but when it finally did you smiles and said "please rise Mahad"
A little nervous he did as you commanded and when he saw that smile on your face he suddenly felt at ease.
"I love you too Mahad, and cant imagine my life without you." You then gently pulled him down to your height and kissed his cheek.
The warmness that surrounded him felt like nothing he has ever felt before, and he wanted to closer to it. So he gingerly pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you.
"I swear my pharaoh, no harm shall ever come to you. I will be with for now and always."
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
An ultimate sacrifice; Pharaoh Atem x reader
*Author’s note*
Now this could end really good or really bad. Back in my early teenage days, in my middle school years when I FIRST began my journey into writing fanfiction, the fandom I ALWAYS wrote for was from my childhood anime YUGIOH DUEL MONSTERS! Now I haven’t written any anime fics in practically 10 years so this might be rusty. Also idk if I’ll follow through with this story cause I can see this oneshot becoming a series idk we’ll have to see. But to those YUGIOH! fans out there on tumblr, I hope you enjoy this.
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There was hardly any hope left.  All of Egypt was covered in complete darkness, no mortal weapon has worked, more than half of our armies have perished to the realm of shadows, even our beloved Egyptian Gods have fallen.  Zorc the Dark One has proven to be the most difficult adversary that our kingdom has ever faced.
Our Pharaoh was barely clinging onto life as the Egyptian Gods who were now shadows of their former selves were literally being broken down by Zorc’s wrath.
“Mana, you and the High Sorceress get the Pharaoh back to the palace.” Our priest Seto told us.
“But what about you?” asked Mana, my dearest friend and my love’s top student.
“The pharaoh is too weak to continue this fight. He needs to get somewhere safe. Leave Zorc to me.”
“Seto are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked him.
“We have tried everything in our power, even the Egyptian Gods themselves have been defeated. But there might be a creature with a light strong enough to banish this darkness once and for all, and I alone have the power to summon it.” He and I looked at each other and I nodded to him. I knew he needed to be the one to do this, from the grief I felt in him of losing the love he had found I knew he needed to redeem himself in my eyes.
“Make sure that demon doesn’t set one foot towards the palace gates.” I ordered as Mana and I worked together to get our King back to the palace to restore whatever strength he had left.
Mana and I reached the palace and we set the Pharaoh down on his bed.  He looked terribly weak and drained, almost as if he were in a deep sleep, his chest barely able to rise and fall normally.
“Mana, heal him of his strength.” She nodded and placed her hand over the pharaoh’s chest, her hand glowed brightly as she chanted out.
“As we approach our final hour, please restore the pharaoh’s power.” She kept repeating it over and over and over again. After the 7th time she said it, his violet eyes soon opened up.  “You’re awake!”
“Where is Zorc?” he asked us.  It was then we heard a powerful roar pierce through the sky, but it didn’t sound like Slifer the Sky Dragon’s roar, neither did it sound like Zorc’s.  Our pharaoh got up but I ordered him.
“Atem, you need to rest!” we all stood along the balcony and saw a beautiful white dragon facing down the Dark One single handedly.  Attacking with a powerful white lightning blast.
“No way! I’ve heard about this dragon from the villagers! They were saying a dragon with blue eyes powerful enough to destroy cities had come to our kingdom. But I thought it was only rumors.” Mana explained.
“Well it would seem you were mistaken Mana. But who knows how long this dragon will face up against Zorc. This is a demon that was able to destroy the Egyptian Gods with a wave of darkness.” I said. We watched the battle for a few minutes till I suggested to Mana, “Mana, go help Seto.”
“What? I can’t just leave you both here alone!” she exclaimed.
“Seto may be holding out on his own for now but he’ll need help. And you alone have the power to do just that.”
“That’s an order! Not only as your Master but as your Queen! Now Go!” I ordered her.  She looked at me fearfully but her eyes narrowed as she nodded proudly.
“Yes Master Nefertiri. I’ll do my best to keep Zorc away from the palace.” I nodded and placed my hands on her shoulders.
“I know you will. And…….” I trailed off sadly. “And I know he would be proud of you too.” She nodded before we embraced each other and she took off running with her wand in hand.  I turned back to the battle to now see that Seto’s white dragon was starting to lose.
“Tiri.” I heard my pharaoh say to me as he took my hand.  I faced him and saw that his face had a grim, surrendered expression on his face. “It’s time.” He said gravely.
My eyes widened.  No. He—he wouldn’t dare suggest that. How dare he even think about that!
“No!” I growled lowly.
“Seto and Mana won’t be able to stop Zorc, but you can.” I turned away from him. “Look at me!” he spoke in hushed urgency. “You have the power to seal all of this away…..”
“Hold your tongue!” I hissed.
“You must do it, Tiri please!” I kept looking between him and the battle to see Zorc had defeated Seto’s white dragon and Mana’s Ka was barely hanging on.  I looked down at my pharaoh, my lip quivering as he placed my hand to his cheek and he told me, “There’s no other option left.”
Tears filled my eyes and my heart sunk.  I had already lost so many people to this war, I—I cannot bear to lose him too.
“I can’t.” I choked out.
“Yes you can.” He assured me. “You can. If Zorc succeeds in destroying Egypt, then the world will be next. It’s not fair. It shouldn’t have to be you but it is.” I shook my head as a couple of tears seeped down my cheeks.
I slowly backed away from him, but he kept his hands tightly gripped around my hand.  I knew he could feel me trembling which is why he ended up squeezing my hand even tighter trying to comfort me.
“It’s alright. You could never hurt me.” He slowly released my hand and gave me a soft, solemn smile. “You are my older sister.”
My dear sweet baby brother.  All these years of practicing magic together, helping rule Egypt just as our father would have wanted, staying together, never apart. That was the vow we both took together. And now you are willing to seal this evil away along with yourself in order to keep the world safe.  
But he also knew that this spell would cause him to erase his memories so even if he is ever brought back into this world, he will not remember anything, not even his own name.
For his name is the key to seal all of this away.
My hand shakingly raised up and my sapphire magical aura came out of my hand before shooting straight at his Millennium Puzzle.  The blue light from my magic and the golden light from my brother’s Millennium puzzle combined into one, molding together in a battle between Light and Dark.
In order for this to work, I needed to overpower the item’s magic with my own, then merge that power within my brother’s very soul before finally sealing him away for all eternity.
I could hear the defeated cries of Seto’s dragon and Mana trying so hard to keep Zorc away for just a bit longer.  I raised my other hand to now combine my brother’s mind and spirit to the Puzzle itself and I was running out of time. All the while tears kept pouring down my face as I watched my brother’s body slowly disintegrate until it only his spirit remained.
Once it was just his spirit, I turned to see Zorc just within a few feet of the palace.  I raised my left hand and soon morphing into it was the very item I would use to seal Zorc away, the item that once belonged to my beloved Mahad.
The Millennium Ring.
The spikes pointed forward and it’s own magic combined with my own shot right at Zorc who roared in agony but still tried to walk towards my brother and I.  Atem kept reassuring me that it was all going to be alright, but no matter what he said, no matter how many times he assured me and gave me that soft smile of his, my heart continued to break.
Zorc was now standing over us, his clawed hand raised ready to kill us both but my brother’s spirit soon proclaimed out his name.
‘I love you sister.’ His spirit told me one last time.  He then turned to Zorc and proclaimed the key to ending all of this. ‘ATEM!!!’ and with that a great big light exploded from the palace and all went white.
I was surrounded by warmth and light, a light that I felt like I hadn’t felt in an eternity.  When I finally opened my eyes, I had seen that the Sun had finally been freed from the darkness.  I slowly sat up and saw that half the palace was destroyed and the kingdom was in ruin, but I could hear my people cheering.
It was finally over.  Zorc had been sealed away and the darkness he had released upon the world was finally gone.  But through all the cheers and joyous exclamations, my heart was still broken. Especially when I saw a piece of my brother’s Millennium Puzzle just an arm’s length away from me.
I reached forward and grabbed it to see it was the center piece with the eye of Horus staring right at me.  From the sun’s light, it gave me a wink but that still didn’t give me any hope.  I clenched the piece in my palm before pressing it over my heart and softly wept.
Using my magic I forged a special box to keep all the pieces of my brother’s Millennium puzzle and I used my magic to help me find all of the pieces the puzzle had.
It took about an hour to find all of them even with magic but after finally getting the last piece, I closed the box and sealed it tight with a spell.  Only those with a pure heart can touch this box, and if that wielder should be worthy of solving this puzzle, they are allowed one wish and shall also receive knowledge and powers of the Millennium Puzzle.
I walked along the ruins of the palace and was even more heartbroken to see my student and best friend Mana’s soulless body lying there on the ground.  I walked over to her and rolled her onto her back, her once lively hazel eyes were now completely soulless.
“My dearest friend. You fought valiantly, more so than any magician I’ve helped train.” I closed her eyes and placed her hands over her stomach with her wand in her hands, I rested my forehead against hers. “May Ra bless you in the next life, and may you reunite with our friends and your Master.” I kissed her forehead and placed my blue cloak over her body, covering her up.
I walked along the city to see the villagers trying to clean up the mess along with the guards that did survive.  I stood beside Seto whose soul had managed to be saved after Zorc’s defeat by using his white dragon monster.  We stood side by side and I told him.
“It’s not going to be easy but this kingdom will rise again. And you will see to it that it does Seto.”
“There are a few tasks that I must complete.”
“What? But my Queen you…….”
“I relinquished the throne to my brother when he came of age. I am only the High Sorceress to the throne, and nothing else.”
“But after everything we’ve been through. This kingdom will need a leader who will lead them to the light.”
“And who better to do that than you Seto?” he looked down, his blue eyes full of doubt. “Please cousin, it has to be you. If my brother believed in you, then so do I. Trust the light in your soul.”
“The light in my soul?” I knew then he had to be thinking of his beloved Kisara.  “Alright cousin. I shall fulfill this task for you.”
“Thank you. Now I must ask you to hand over your Millennium Rod. This whole war was caused because of those items, and I shall see to it that they are buried somewhere where no man will ever find them. They must never be used again to bring forth the darkness again.” He handed over the Millennium Rod and I continued.  “I will also ask that you erase any trace of my brother’s name from every history book and stone we’ve got. For whilst his name was used to seal away the darkness, it can also be used to bring it back. Promise me you will honor my brother’s wish and erase his name from History. But never forget what he did for his kingdom and the entire world.”
“I will.” I kneeled before him before taking my leave, but not before asking Seto to give Mana a Guardian’s burial, for she fought just as hard as the rest of the Guardians that have given their lives to protect this kingdom.
I rode through the desert towards the abandoned city of Kul Elna, the once restless spirits were now quiet, almost as if they had left this world.  I went to the underground where the Millennium Stone tablet stood and offered up half of the items to the stone.  I surrendered the Millennium Eye, Scale, Key and the Ring.
I glared down at the Ring and snarled softly.
“If you dare resurrect yourself again, I will end you.” I then left the city and went on my next task.
My family had always spoken of a family that had always been entrusted with guarding the Pharaoh’s tomb so I paid them a visit to ask them to not only look after my brother’s tomb, but also to keep two more Millennium items safe and sound.  I gave Namu Ishtar the Millennium Rod and Necklace and he gave his vow that not only he but his descendents will protect the Pharaoh’s tomb from all threats and invaders.
Finally I delivered my brother’s Millennium Puzzle to the Valley of the Kings.  The place where every pharaoh in history had been buried.  For my brother’s tomb I ensured that every trap and riddle was as difficult to solve as possible (my brother and I always did love our games). But it was also to ensure that my brother’s spirit would never be disturbed or taken away from this place, less they be worthy of him.
Once I reached the end of the tomb, I walked across the pathway and set the box down on a stand.  I gingerly stroked the box as a tear slowly slid down my face.
“Little brother…….one day. One day soon. We will meet again.” I lifted my hand and kissed my fingertips before placing them back on the box.  I then lifted my hood back over my head and left my brother’s tomb.  When I was once again outside, I noticed that it was finally nightfall, Khonsu’s light graced the land of Egypt.
The last trip is probably what broke my heart even more.  For out in the far reaches of the desert was a small hut.  But what was special about this hut was that all of my favorite flowers had grown all around the property.  For being out in the middle of the desert, you would think a sudden oasis would be an illusion, well it’s not. Not really.
For this special place was the home that Mahad and I had made together.  Our love was technically forbidden but for our love, we’d be willing to accept all the risks.  My brother and Mana were the only ones really aware of our relationship together, so if there ever came a day when Mahad was forced to resign as Guardian, he and I would come here to be together.
I summoned a scroll of paper into my hand and slowly unfolded it and saw the design of what we had planned out.  A hut, a beautiful garden surrounding the place, a crystal clear pond along with a well, and a large training ground for us to continue our magic lessons together, and—one day maybe even train our children on.
But now those dreams are shattered.  Mahad had willingly sacrificed himself to become both my brother’s as well as my eternal servant as a creature known as the Dark Magician.
The inscription below in Mahad’s signature read as followed.
Tears once again pooled into my eyes as I walked towards the hut and walked inside of it.  My body trembled as I finally collapsed to my knees, the paper scroll falling from my hands as I whimpered and wept softly.
First my father, then my friends, my brother, and then Mahad.  Everyone I’ve ever loved has been taken away from me! Why must I be the one to suffer through such pain and suffering?!
I finally couldn’t take it anymore.  I felt my power surging through me like a raging fire until finally I couldn’t hold it in any longer.  I exploded! My sapphire aura shot out in all directions as I let out an agonizing, heart-breaking scream.  Our hut and the property around it being destroyed and forged into something new.
A tomb.  My tomb.
Stone and brick built all around me, the once green oasis that Mahad and I had grown together with our magic decimated and reverted back to the hot, hard sand.  Once the tomb was built I sent my energy out towards all of Egypt now, to erase everyone from my mind.
I didn’t just want to be forgotten, I wanted to be erased.  For how can one live with their lives knowing that their legacy was sealing their own flesh and blood away in order to save the world? I for sure could never live with myself hearing the tale over and over again.  I re-wrote it so that it was my brother and my brother alone had found the spell and casted it to save Mankind from the Shadow Games.
Once that was done, I turned the magic onto myself for one final spell.  Well I should say curse.  To pay for what I’ve done to my family and in a way to spare myself the heartache of losing my Beloved Magician.  I collapsed to the ground, my eyes closed in sleep.
An ageless sleep.  For I was to be put under this curse until the day my brother would be released from his prison.  Our souls bound as one, sealed and trapped away from the world.  And for 5000 years we were, until we would soon be reunited again.
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Yu-gi-oh x Avatar:TLA
Been re-watching Avatar the past week and when I searched for it I legit couldn’t find, like, any Yugioh Duel Monster x Avatar The Last Airbender content??? I mean the search feature sucks here so maybe I’m just not seeing it, but, now I have a mighty need for this cross over, so I guess I’ll do it myself! (if anyone knows any other posts about this though please link me to them!)
So first off, Yugi is the Avatar
I don’t care if most think Yami is the main protag it just makes sense to me that Yugi is the Avatar
Much like Aang, Yugi is an airbender, but instead of being raised by a group of monks he was actually raised by his nomadic grandfather, who is also an airbender.
Yugi is basically what everyone thinks of when they think of the stereotypical airbender, he’s intelligent, prefers pacifism, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, fun loving and worldly due to his travels, etc.
On the other hand Grandpa, while kind and not prone to violence, isn’t exactly a “monkly” airbender. He’s way too familiar with gambling halls, tomb raiding, pirating, and pretty much every other seedy side of the different nations you can think of. 
While grandpa definitely toned down those..*ahem* less than virtuous adventures when he started raising Yugi, he did not shield Yugi from these things during their travels. Yugi's safety was always his priority, but he also knew it was important for Yugi to learn to take care of himself if he was going to travel the world.
Plus, I mean, when Yugi beat a pirate captain at pai sho at age 12, and won them an ancient water tribe artifact, grandpa knew his bright young airbender could handle his own.
Oh also, Yugi’s flying bison is a brown fluff-ball named Kuriboh. Kuriboh was the runt of his littler, much smaller than most male bison, but that didn’t stop Yugi from bonding with him almost immediately when they met near the air temple (in fact if probably helped them bond more), and the two are now inseparable <3
Grandpa took Yugi against the wishes of the council in charge of the Avatar. The council wanted to shelter Yugi and deprive him of a normal life (much like the monks wanted to with Aang), but grandpa basically said “F all of you” and took Yugi with him so he could have a fun, free life away from all that...at least for awhile.
When Yugi turned 16 the council tracked the boys down, finally told Yugi he’s the Avatar, and demanded he come with them to finish his airbending training and start learning the other elements.
Yugi was honestly, understandably, pretty devastated, his whole life was being stolen from him in the blink of an eye, but, he’s also heard tales of how important the Avatar is for the world and how people would suffer without the avatar, and he couldn’t handle the idea of letting the world down.
Yugi whet with the council, unknowing of that was about to come.
Okay so for Atem I have two possibilities for his role in this AU that I really like, so I’ll just list them both:
#1 is that Atem was the Avatar before Yugi, born as the son of Fire Lord Aknamkanon. 
He grew up in the lap of luxury, but never took it for granted thanks to his father, the most peaceful Fire Lord the nation had seen in a long time. 
His father dedicated his life to improving relations with the other nations and maintaining peace.
Atem’s uncle, Aknadin on the other hand, was an authoritarian jerk-wad, who thought Fire Lord Aknamkanon weak and unfit to rule the Fire Nation.
You can see where I’m going with this. Aknadin hatched a plan to assassinate both Aknamkanon and Atem, and put himself on the throne, using the death’s of the Fire Lord and Prince as cause for war.
What he did not count on though, was Atem being the Avatar. 
Atem didn’t even know he was the Avatar at this point, they were going to wait until he was 16 to tell him, like most Avatars. Atem had no idea he could bend other elements besides fire, let alone realize he had the power of the Avatar spirit. 
Even still, when Atem was attacked by his uncle’s assassins, and he was on the verge of dying, his Avatar sate kicked in.
Well, not quite. It began to kick in just before Atem was overpowered by the assassins, but not quick enough to save him. You know that whole thing about “if the avatar dies while in the avatar state, the avatar will cease to be”? Well, this was a strange In-Between.
The avatar cycle was not broken, since the avatar spirit wasn’t fully awoken, but now Atem’s soul, that incarnation of the avatar, is in a strange form of limbo.
 It was only 16 years later when the new avatar, Yugi, went into the avatar state for the first time, that his soul was finally brought out of limbo. Only now he and Yugi have a strange bond. Instead of residing somewhere deep inside Yugi’s soul like the other past avatars, Atem seems to be one with Yugi, able to commune with him like a constant companion, and even take over Yugi’s body in times of need.
In this version the new Fire Lord waited years to launch his war, gaining the trust of the other nation while slowly changing and manipulating the ideologies of his own people through propaganda and fear mongering.
Yugi fled the air temple when the firelord finally launched his attack on the air nomads in an effort to kill the new avatar, and during that tramtic ordeal is when Yugi went into the avatar state for the first time and awoke Atem’s soul. 
Now Atem’s main focus is helping train Yugi to save the world from Fire Lord Aknadin, who’s hell-bend on world domination.
If the whole “Atem dying in a half avatar state that affected his soul” plot doesn’t work for you, I also think we could just simplify things and say that Atem is a Fire Bender dedicated to helping the avatar defeat the tyrant Fire Lord.
In this version Atem would still be a Fire Nation Prince, whose father was dedicated to peace. Only in this version Atem’s father died unexpectedly, and Atem was deemed too young to take the throne, so they put Uncle Aknadin on the throne in Atem’s place.
Atem watched for years while his uncle slowly, meticulously dismantled all of his father’s hard work for peace and was powerless to stop him. All Atem could do was train, improve his firebending, and hope that he could challenge his tyrant uncle to an agni kai for the throne someday.
During that time Atem also found it hard to hold onto his own morals, as his home was every-changing under it’s new Fire Lord, becoming more and more authoritarian and xenophobic. He became a bit harsher during that time, but deep down still held on to his core belief in peace and mercy that his father taught him.
So, when he found out that Aknadin was making plans to wipe out the Air Nomads, and thus, the new Avatar, Atem had to take action.
He fled the Fire Nation to warn the Air Nomads, and he did manage that, but it wasn’t enough to save everyone. Yugi was still too young to fight an army, or the Fire Lord, he hadn’t even begun to learn waterbending let alone anything else. So, when the Fire Lord’s soldiers attacked the temples, the monks insisted Yugi and Atem flee together, live to fight another day, and become strong enough to fight the Warmongering Fire Lord.
No matter which version of Atem we go with everything else stays virtually the same. In the version where Atem is just the spirit of the previous avatar and Yugi’s guide, the Fire Nation still attacked the Air Temples, hoping to kill the new Avatar, he just waited longer to do this, accumulating support and maybe even some alliances with other nations.  But either way, Yugi escapes (after a LOT of arguing against leaving any one, let alone everyone, behind) so he could start his avatar training and defeat this new threat.
In this AU I believe most of the gang’s time would be spent trying to train Yugi in the next elements, but also avoiding capture by the Fire Nation, who’s put a big bounty on Yugi’s head. They also aren’t sure who to trust, as sides are often picked and alliances formed during wars and they have no real way to know what nation would aid them vs the Fire Nation. Unlike the original ATLA show, this is a new war unfolding before their eyes, not one that’s been known and ongoing for 100 years. 
Now on to the rest of the cast! Honda is a non-bender, but don’t underestimate him, in a world where he constantly has to avoid the Dai Li and thugs who can earthbend, he’s learned to take care of himself. 
Jonouchi is an earthbender, and Yugi actually met both him and Honda while traveling the world with grandpa (before learning he was the avatar). 
Jou and Honda were both street kids who joined the gangs in Ba Sing Se in order to survive. Their fellow thugs tried to mug Yugi, thinking him an helpless monk. Peace-loving Yugi didn’t attack them, of course, but used his airbending to dodge their attacks with ease and grace... and ended up humiliating them all when he blew them into a fountain. 
While Jou was initially against mugging Yugi (even when he was a thug he always went on about facing opponents who at least stand a chance against you, not picking on the weak) after that incident Jou basically made it his life’s mission to make Yugi’s life hell the whole time Yugi and Grandpa were in Ba Sing Se. He’d track Yugi down pretty much every day to harass him, trying to get Yugi to “fight him like a real man” and just generally being a bully. 
Yugi always refused to fight him, even the few times Jonouchi actually landed a hit on him with his earthbending. Grandpa intervened a couple times, but ultimately left it up to Yugi to handle.
Right before Yugi and Gramps made to move on to the next city though, Yugi came across a frantic and injured Honda. 
Turns out Jou spoke out against their gang stealing from a family that was already down on their luck and said thugs decided they had enough of Jou’s mouth and wanted to “teach him a lesson”. Honda tried to stop them and defend Jou, but was overpowered just by sheer numbers.
Yugi couldn’t stand by and let this happen, of course, and together he and Honda found where the thugs had taken Jou. Despite the fact that Yugi still refused to strike a damaging blow on anyone, his and Jou’s opposing bending styles actually worked pretty well together and they were all able to escape.
That was the turning point for both boys, but especially Jou and he finally realized that he mistreated Yugi and that Yugi was someone to be admired, not mocked. They unfortunately did not get a chance to make amends then, however, since Yugi and Grandpa were gone the next day. 
So about a year later, when Yugi returns to the city after escaping the raids on the Air Temples, Jou and Honda are eager to help him and insist on joining Yugi and Atem, “as the avatar’s bodyguards” if nothing else. And despite being against the idea of endangering them, Yugi had to admit he teared up at the mere thought of friends joining him on his journey.
Next, we of course have Anzu, a waterbender, and Mai, a firebender.
Anzi and Mai have a traveling act together. They combined their bending with intricate dances and make a marvel of it, sometimes doing synchronized performances that focus a lot on how their opposing elements can compliment and balance each other, other times they do solo numbers that are just as mesmerizing with Anzu’s captivating grace and Mai’s mesmerizing passion. They also wear full, intricate face paints (or sometimes even masks) while on stage to help keep them from going unnoticed when traveling.
Anzu also knows a bit of healing with her waterbending, and as they travel through towns/cities, Anzu often uses her time between shows helping heal those who can’t afford medicine. Mai sometimes goes on about how ppl will take advantage of Anzu is she isn’t careful, but secretly really admires Anzu’s kind heart.
Don’t ever underestimate these girls though, their bending isn’t just for performance, they can and will kick your ass with their bending and have held their own again a whole crew of highway men. You don’t travel the world without knowing how to defend yourself, especially if you’re women thugs think they can take advantage of.
The boys came across Anzu and Mai soon after leaving Ba Sing Se. The first glance they got at them was one of their shows and were impressed to say the least (Yugi was particularly captivated by the waterbender, like the big-hearted bi-disaster that he is).
What really impressed them though was that night, when Yugi was taking a walk through the town to clear his head. Once again he was seen as an easy target by his “weak” appearance (season 0 anyone?) and some thugs ambushed him. Before he even had the chance to defend himself though, two women came to his rescue, water-whipping and fire-blazing. It didn’t take much for Yugi to put two and two together and realize they were the dancers from the show, and, being thoroughly impressed by their bending skills, he begged Anzu to teach him waterbending.
Anzu was actually interested in the idea from the start, when they heard about the attacks on the Air Temples and the Fire Nation declaring war, she was outraged. Anzu is nothing if not compassionate and all that life being burn away gave her a slowly growing need to take action, and now the avatar himself was asking her to teach him!
Mai on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Yugi and his “band of do-gooders” and insisted Anzu turn him down. Mai grew up in the Fire Nation during the rise of the tyrant Fire Lord Aknadin, she knows first hand how ruthless his soldiers can be, and sees it as loosing battle to resist them. In her mind, her and Anzu have a good life going for them, why change that to fight a war they aren’t going to win?
The girls argue about this for awhile, to the point that Anzu actually thinks about leaving Mai to go with Yugi without her, despite the idea of leaving Mai behind tearing her up inside.
Then the town they’re staying in is attacked by Fire Nation soldiers. Everyone, including Mai jumps into action to defend the towns people and together they’re able to fight them off. In the aftermath, having the war’s carnage brought right into her lap, Mai sees that the ruler of her homeland has to be stopped and agrees to join the gang too. 
I haven’t thought a ton about the other characters honestly, and I’m especially having trouble placing Ryou in all this, but here are some half developed/misc headcanon:
Seto is a firebender and the son of Fire Lord Aknadin, making him and Atem cousins. 
In the version where Atem is just a regular firebender and not the previous avatar, Seto and Atem grew up together. Atem tried his best to convince Seto to leave with him when he set out to warn the Air Nomads of the attack, but Seto refused, already being drawn in by Aknadin’s power-centric teachings. 
In the version where Atem is the previous avatar and shares a body with Yugi, Seto was only a few years old when his older cousin Atem was “mysteriously killed” and Seto grew up hearing stories from his father about how they could avenge the young prince and the previous fire lord.
In both versions Seto is similar to a Zuko character. He’s sent out by his father to capture the avatar, but eventually he comes to realize what a warmongering monster his father is and turns on the firelord, joining Yugi and the gang. He’s still an egotistical ass though and is basically constantly criticizing the whole gang the entire time he’s with them. The rivalry between him and Yugi/Atem is still there, because of all the times Yugi whipped him with his airbender while Seto was trying to capture him. Also, Seto honestly believes that he’d make a better avatar than Yugi and thanks to @readerinsertfanfiction now I can’t get the thought out of my head that Seto would try to science his way into becoming a second living avatar 😂
I really want to include Mana and Mahad in this AU as well (since they’re my fave side characters) and thought maybe they could also be firebenders who grew up with Atem and were his close friends. Then when the tyrant Fire Lord took over they started plotting behind the scenes and formed a rebellion within the fire nation. (for real could you imagine the version where Atem was killed by his uncle and now an older Mahad and Mana, who’ve been waging a rebellion in the name of their prince and best friend, meet Yugi and can talk to Atem again and how heart wrenching a scene like that would be??)
Another possibility I thought of for Mahad and Mana was that they’re spirits of deceased airbenders who have gained some power in the spirit world. They commune with Yugi and help guide him and even step in to save him a couple times. This idea play more on the whole “Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl Duel Monsters” side of things. Heck maybe we could do both these ideas since DM and DMG are usually considered separate entities from Mahad and Mana.
Duke/Otogi, I could image being a character similar to Jet (a charmer/flirt, who’s cunning and vengeful, at least at first? Come on I know you can see it) and maybe even having a similar story of tricking the gang into helping him do something horrible in the name of fighting the Fire Nation, then redeeming himself later.
I’m still a little unsure of Ryou’s story in this AU, but, I think I have an idea brewing involving Ryou being a waterbender who’s been processed by an evil spirit. Said spirit is thriving/feeding on the carnage of the war and often takes over Ryou’s body in order to stoke the fires of said war. This could lead to some interesting stuff involving Ryou wanting to join Yugi and the gang, but the evil spirit always stabbing them in the back. The gang, especially Yugi, would see it as a personal responsibility to save Ryou from the evil spirit and Yugi tries to learn more about his spirit powers in order to help Ryou.
I have some more vague ideas floating around my head, but I think that’s it for now. Boy, these are the longest headcanon I’ve had in while lol. I’m really loving the idea of this AU and I’m even really tempted to write an actual series surrounding it. I’d love to hear your guy’s thoughts about any of this or whether all this is even appealing at all. Please feel free to invade my inbox if yall wanna talk about this AU! <3
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yiminsuu · 2 years
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Pairing: Yami Yugi/Atem x F!Reader
Warnings: Political issues, physical abuse towards a woman (non-explicit), reader is a witch doctor, forbidden love, timeskip.
Author’s Note: I got nostalgia and decided to watch the anime again!
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My arrival to the kingdom wasn't tranquil as the first thing I did was heal the injures of many people. I was alleged a witch by women that didn't want me around, and according to them, I was 'stealing' attention meant to them, and I was put on trial in front of the Pharaoh and the owners of the Millenium items. The little kids of the kingdom came to my rescue, crying that I didn't do anything bad and that I saved their lives, Priest Seto wanted me dead as soon as possible, but in the young Pharaoh's eyes, I saw mercy. 
That's how I came to be the new healer of the kingdom, under the very watchful eyes of everyone in the court. Isis made it very clear that I didn't want anything to do with their precious items, much to Seto and his father's disgrace.
I sighed deeply as I watched a young woman on the bed of the medical room, covered in bruises and patched wounds. While wandering the streets I found her on the ground, quivering, as a man slapped and screamed at her to shut up, Mahad wasn't too far away and I called for him. That man is now in prison, and I don't think she'll want to be touched by anyone as soon as she wakes up. 
Don't take me wrong, but this is good, it means the kingdom is willing to do anything for the safety of its citizens, and Pharaoh Atem will be left unharmed for as long as he rules. Now our only problem is to find him a queen, Shimon panics and stresses out over the fact that Atem is dismissing every princess or queen whenever there's an event. I spoke with Manah to find out why he is acting like this, but she shrugs her shoulders and goes back to her magical tasks.
I averted my eyes slightly when I noticed a familiar figure stepping into the medical room, speaking of the demon. "Pharaoh, what brings you here? Are you hurt?" I asked in a rush as I, practically, ran to him. "No, no. I am alright. Please settle down." I'm glad he wasn't injured, I didn't want to receive another complaint from Seto for not being more attentive. "Is the woman alright? You've been here for 3 hours." Asked Atem.
"She's sleeping soundly, I gave her an elixir to help her body relax. For now, I'll let her be..." I paused. "The sight was horrible, I would never wish that brutality on anyone." I muttered, sadly staring at the young woman. "You were there to stop it, that's what's important, and now she is safe. Come, you need to rest." I followed the Pharaoh to the pond of the palace. He's unusually quiet. Atem and I should be laughing by now, or just speaking of what's in our hearts. "Atem? Is something on your mind?"
"As a matter of fact, there is." He turned to meet me in the eyes as we sat in front of the small lake. "Is it about your possible marriage? Atem, I know better than to question your choices, but I don't understand why you keep rejecting the princesses. Shimon has fewer choices this time." Atem closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. "I know, over the last months, I've been neglecting that duty of mine, to give an heir. However, I cannot do so with a woman I don't love, this kingdom deserves a queen that cares about them... And I do not see the tenderness in their eyes."
I almost got lost in the sound of his voice, and when my right mind came back, I realized the sorrow of the situation. Just like in all the kingdoms I've traveled to, Atem will have to marry someone, love or no love, he will have to choose. From then on, our times together will cease to exist, forgotten because our status in society distances us greatly.
It wasn't my business until most of the Priests began speaking to me of the matter, since I have made a friendship with the Pharaoh, they asked if I could talk of it with him. I wanted to refuse, but I guess I didn't have an option.
Whoever that woman is, I just hope she treats Atem like the king he is. A kind one.
"(Y/N)? You're crying, why??" The panic in his eyes made me break the trance I was in. I quickly cleaned my tears and shook my head, the both of us stood. "There's nothing to worry about, my Pharaoh. I am... Reminiscing of the times we've spent together, it saddens me that, in due time, it will all end." Atem took my hands softly and rested them on his chest. An intimate act that made my heart beat faster. "It won't end, none of that will. Tomorrow night there will be another feast, please, meet me here as my Priests distract themselves." I accepted his invitation, after all, I couldn't say no to the Pharaoh.
The next day, as the event started and more important people gathered around to dance, eat and amuse themselves, I watched Manah doing her best to distract the High Priests away from the Pharaoh. 
I gulped and looked around nervously as I stepped outside with Atem grabbing my hand, once again, we found ourselves alone under the light of the moon. "Do not say anything." Atem said, and my brows furrowed. He looked so nervous, but I felt that sentiment wash away as he stared into my eyes. "I am grateful for everything you've done to help this kingdom, (Y/N). These months were the best I've lived, I couldn't have asked for an angel more blessed than you are, and if it was only in my control to give you more, I would, and I will... You're the sweetest and most beautiful woman I've met. Spend eternity with me, be my queen."
I was in shock. I couldn't speak, and my tears flowed down freely as I blinked once to check if this is real. "Atem... W-What are you doing...? This is not..."
"I do not care if it's right or wrong. I know what I feel. Love me as Atem, not as the Pharaoh." I smiled a little and united our foreheads, Atem kissed the palm of my hand. "My everything is yours, Atem." We embraced and gave our first kiss beside the pond of the palace, where we used to laugh as friends day and night.
// Timeskip //
This was it. Yugi had defeated Atem in the last battle to return the latter to the afterlife. The doors opened as his friends watched him from afar, they tried to stop him but couldn't, this was his destiny, and they had to accept it. A girl wearing white, with (H/C) hair and (S/C) skin stepped excitedly between the afterlife and what would be the realm of the living.
"Who's that?" Joey asked as everyone stared at the girl. "She's so pretty!" Mokuba exclaimed. Atem smiled as he set his eyes on her, she was as beautiful as the day he met her. "My queen."
"WHAT?!" The whole group shouted. 
"He's married!?" Joey yelled, but the others shut his mouth as Atem walked closer to the girl. His appearance changed as the lovers touched, and they united foreheads before walking to the beyond. Just before the doors closed, the Pharaoh and his queen looked back at the friends that helped her love come back to her, and she whispered a small. "Thank you..." Yugi nodded with a small smile and tears flowing down.
The Pharaoh and his queen were finally reunited, and their love stayed as pure as the light after thousands of years.
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anzu-kaiba · 3 years
Some thoughts on Hocus Pocus, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Magic Zine
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A while back I backed Hocus Pocus: The Yu-Gi-Oh! Magic Zine (@ygomagiczine) at the “Breaker The Magical Warrior” level, and not long ago I received my rewards, as pictured above:
Top left corner (and what I was honestly the most excited about): a Yu-Gi-Oh! themed Tarot deck—a complete one, not just the Major Arcana cards
A postcard with the “Eye of Wdjat” on it (sort of; Yu-Gi-Oh! calls it the Eye of Anubis because of that extra “tail” it has going to the left)
An adorable bookmark with chibi versions of the characters in their Monster World outfits (including the oft-forgotten Miho!), complete with little dice on the end (note: keep away from cats who like dangles)
A magnet you shouldn’t stare at too long, lest you get MIND CRUSHED!
A book explaining the meanings of the Tarot Cards
A sticker crossing over Yu-Gi-Oh! with Sailor Moon, with Seto as Tuxedo Mask and Atem as Sailor Moon, holding the Millennium Rod. I have some... thoughts... about it, but it’s generally well-done, a quality sticker, and funny at a bare minimum
The actual Hocus Pocus zine, filled with all kinds of fan art, fanfiction, and other fan creations.
A “spell book” with absolutely GORGEOUS freaking art on the cover
A pin of... somebody (the white haired character with a pink face and red eyes. Is it Bakura? Is it Pegasus? I have no idea)
A pink “Anzu” chain featuring a tiny bottle of pink glitter, a feather charm, and a witch hat charm (which I assume is a nod to Anzu’s RPG character, an Elven Mage) - unfortunately the leather strap popped out of the jump spring when I tried to put it on, but it’s an easy enough fix since I have jewelry tools.
An “Anubis” eye pin inside of a gold “magical runes” circle
All the little jewelry bits came inside those gorgeous drawstring bags you see next to the Tarot Deck-- that same gauzy material most jewelry bags are made of, but with a beautiful metallic screen printing on it that looks like coral or branches of a tree or something. There’s also another, smaller one that has gold roses with silver leaves; reminds me of one of the Twelve Dancing Princesses books.
Okay, so let’s start with the zine itself. I’ll get to the Tarot Deck and Spell Book in another post.
The zine got delayed a bit due to some contributors unfortunately dropping out, but as soon as I heard (and they did have pretty immediate response times on social media and through email), they already had the empty slots filled, so that was reassuring.
Of what ended up in the zine, the art is phenomenal. There’s honestly nothing I can say I dislike at all in terms of the art. My absolute favorite is Magi Magi  ⭐️ Magician Girls by @jujuoh​; I’m still trying to figure out who each of the “Sailor Senshi” are! (I recognize all of the “Magician Girls” and Mahad, plus Lily, but I’m not sure about the other three in the back. If you know, please tell me!)
What isn’t art is fanfiction though, and here’s where things get a bit tricky for me personally, as I am a devourer of the written word, a librarian by trade, and an editor by profession (part-time). 
At the start of the zine, there are the following tags:
Yugi x Ryou
Bakura x Ryou
Marik x Ryou 
Bakura x Marik
Seto x Joey
Seto x Atem
Yugi x Atem
Duke x Rebecca
Yugi x Joey
Yugi x Atem x Seto x Joey
I can understand using the dub names, if the belief is that more of the contributors and readers will use/prefer them. Of course, that makes me the reader think that if a fic is tagged with, say, Duke x Rebecca, then I won’t see the names Ryuuji and Rebecca in the story instead. This is I think why the fandom ‘ship names, like Puzzleshipping and Prideshipping make more sense here, but I get why some people won’t know what ‘ships are what based off those names.
Second thing is that there are NO het ships of any kind on this list outside of Duke x Rebecca, and the fic isn’t really “shippy” at all. That kind of bugs me.
Also, despite Yu-Gi-Oh being about Yuugi, Jounouchi/Joey, Anzu/Téa, Honda/Tristan, Ryou, and Kaiba, with appearances by such famed and important characters as Mai, Pegasus, Isis, Rishid, and Malik, there are scant mentions/depictions of many of them. Anzu, I think, got depicted twice in fanart (I’m counting a comic as fanart) besides the back cover; Isis twice; Mai once. Mana/Black Magician Girl appeared the most out of any female character.
Despite the above list of tags, not all of them actually appear in the zine. So if you found your OTP in this list and flipped through trying to find the tag, you might be sorely disappointed. Now, that is assuming that they don’t appear in the stories based on the tag; if they did appear but they weren’t properly tagged, I don’t know about it.
There is a note indicating that the zine didn’t want to impose any styles, ideologies, voices, and formats, which explains why there might be shift in what the tags are vs. what the story uses. However, for a reader, that could potentially be confusing. I mean, it’s a fanzine, so theoretically anyone receiving/reading it should know that Ryuuji = Duke and so forth, but not everyone will. Your friendly neighborhood Tumblr Librarian would like to remind you that zines are often ordered by/donated or gifted to/end up in libraries, and that means people who are unfamiliar with a fandom might pick it up the way they would any other book or magazine.
Finally, while I’m 100% fine with a zine not imposing rules about names, ‘ships, etc., I do think basic grammar is a must. Sentences should end in periods, the font should be legible and printed clearly in a dark ink on a light background, and if you have a piece of dialogue “like this,” it should end in an attribute tag, like so:
“First, I’ll need to get some gold,” Yuugi explained. “Then I’ll need to buy a potion and two elixirs.”
GRAMMAR IS NOT A STYLISTIC CHOICE. It exists to make things readable. (Can you tell I really dislike those pretentious authors who think that capital letters represent The Man or something, or that one space after a period is simply too New School?)
If this is somehow difficult to enforce/gently suggest, an editor is warranted. That editor should have English as their first language and be intimately familiar with both the fandom and the written word. With fanfic online, if I see something that refuses to use periods or doesn’t properly space out its paragraphs (or whatever), I can just click back and be done with it. No harm, no foul to anybody. But with a zine I’ve paid for? I expect to be able to read a good percentage of the stories regardless of whether or not they’re my favorite genre/’ship/tropes. In fact, I feel like being able to read 100% of the zine is warranted, all other things being equal.
Next thing is that there are genre tags: 
Alternate Universe
Slice of Life ← I don’t personally regard this as a “genre” so much as a trope, but okay.
Afterlife ← Also not a genre, but could be a Trope and/or Trigger warning, depending on how it’s used. Except... it wasn’t used. At all, from what I could find.
These are followed by three handy trigger warnings: 
These tags are at the BOTTOM of the first page of a story, when they should be at the TOP.  
The zine is written in English, by/for English-speaking audiences. We read left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Important information like tags should be presented at the top. Imagine if an archive like AO3 or FFnet hid that information inside a story rather than on a fandom listing page, or a search result page? You’d spend a lot more time sifting through things you really don’t want to read.
As far as the tags go, many fics have multiple tags, which makes sense; plenty of stories can easily fall into two genres, maybe more if you’re pushing it. But these are one-shots (short stories), and I really don’t expect a given story to have more than three tags. 
The majority of the stories (8) were tagged Alternate Universe, with only one Hurt/Comfort fic and NO fics using the Afterlife tag that appeared in the beginning. Not to mention, there are plenty of other (hugely popular) genres that aren’t represented at all, like Drama, Romance, or even Comedy. 
I’m not sure if the “theme” is meant to be magic (Hocus Pocus being the title and all), or simply a nice nod to the magical nature of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, but you’d think there’d be more of a balance between in-universe stories and AUs than such a preponderance of AUs over anything else.
Bear in mind that many of the stories were cross-tagged, so an AU might also feature Action/Adventure, or a Slice of Life just happens to be an AU as well.
I don’t have anything against AUs. But if I buy a fandom zine, I want to read stuff featuring the characters, situations, and themes presented in the original fandom, not necessarily people wearing “masks” of those characters but otherwise not acting like them at all.
That being said, I personally differentiate alternate universe stories from alternate timeline stories, where you ask a crucial “What If,” like “What if Atem never forgot his name?” or “What if Atem won the Ceremonial Duel?” or something like that, and canon DIVERGES from a specific point, even one that happened “off-screen,” like the real events leading up to Zork’s original sealing, etc.
I do like how there was more Gen than I initially realized, but it’s harder for me (personally) to enjoy Gen when it’s AU.
There should be additional tags. Some fics had crass/foul language, but there was no “Rating” system in place to indicate that (the MPAA/Fiction Ratings systems have simplified letters to tell you whether there will be mentions of things like sex/nudity, crass/foul language, drug use, and/or violence; tags help clarify WHICH ones will be present for fanfic). Basically, a fic in a zine should utilize the same tags it would on an archive like FFnet or AO3.
Ship tags indicate there will be some level of romance/sex: Name x Name (romantic/sexual), Name & Name (platonic/friendly), or Name/Name (romantic/sexual/usually same sex). If the tags are used to indicate which CHARACTERS are in a story instead (versus pairings), that’s just confusing.
Quiet Friend and Return, Regain, Refresh don’t have any ‘ship or genre tags at all; the latter story only has trigger warnings, which is also confusing.
My favorite stories of the bunch (bearing in mind I did not read any ‘ship stories, for the most part):
A Stranger to Your Soul by Inkyrius - The fandom needs more Mokuba fic. ‘Nuff said.
Two Roads Converge by @mainstream-deviant​ - freaking adorable, with a touch of “omg pls don’t sweet bebby no” because it’s NOT an AU
You Look Familiar by @ink-flavored​ - I’m 100% biased because I’m a cat fan, but this is a well-done AU with a fantasy twist. Joey as a werewolf is downright hilarious. Vivid and adventurous in very few pages.
In summary, a high-quality set of fanmade items, though with some weaknesses that I think could be improved upon for either a second printing or a second edition/volume.
I applaud every single contributor, moderator, and artist for the hard work they have put into such a beautiful package of goods for the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom.
As a Tarot reader, I do have some specific, detailed thoughts on the Tarot deck and its accompanying book, plus the only other book, the “Spell Book” that came with the set. But I’ll save those for another time.
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draconicmaw · 4 years
What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about? (If you feel froggy I'd like to know what your favorite trope is too ;-) )
Aaaaagh I have sooooo many answers for this, but I'll narrow it down to just one thing that doesn't need an entire MLA formatted essay for me to get my thoughts down...
RARE PAIRS! CRACK PAIRINGS! LET'S PAIR EVERYBODY WITH EVERYBODY! Characters that never even interacted in canon? I don't care! PAIR EM ANYWAYS!
It especially goes for this fandom. The YGO fandom has had practically 2 decades to... Marinate, I guess you would say. The content is flavorful but pairing-wise, most authors are already stratified. There are a lot of authors AND readers that only ship x, y, and z (typically the go-to pairings, like Puzzleshipping, Puppyshipping, etc, the typical this-character-usually-gets-paired-with-this-character pairings) and consider other pairings to be blasphemy/completely worthless. Perhaps a bit of exaggeration, but I've seen plenty of behavior as such. And that's all well and good! People can ship (or not ship -- I have my own list of ships that I am not particularly fond of) what they want. That's the whole point of this entire fanfiction thing! People should write what they want and only what they want to write. (But I will honestly just scroll over a fic if it has *all* the stereotypical pairings listed. I hunger for fresh pairings that haven't beaten the figurative dead horse)
But when so many authors only write for x, y, and z, it can leave the fandom feeling a little... Stagnant for someone like myself, who is practically an "anything goes" sort of person when it comes to pairings. And I guess it doesn't just come down to the pairings, but the characters as well. So many wonderful characters that we authors can play around with get ignored because they aren't a component of popular pairings. It makes my heart sad 😭 like my good pal Mahad, or my favorite sea-faring hunk, Ryouta Kajiki/Mako Tsunami. (Omg let's paIR THEM TOGETHER)
That being said, there is a lot of good content for the pairings that *typically* get written. It's nice to have a good set of pairings to fall back on if all else fails.
But, YGO DM fandom, more crack pairs, please? *puppy dog eyes*
*edit, since tumblr didn't let me see the second half of your ask...
My favorite trope? Oof, that's a hard one. I don't want to be that person that's like "Well, it really depends on the quality of the writing" but, seriously. My friend once said "A good author can make any shit look shiny" and I really stand by that. (Even though there are some things I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to read. Mpreg... *shudders*)
But, one that comes to mind is the idiots-to-lovers, or the wooing-the-oblivious-idiot trope. Character A is trying to win Character B's heart but Character B just doesn't even realize what's happening. "Oh, Character A bought me flowers? What a wonderful friend!" Good amounts of facepalm with minimal amounts of angst and it's just *muah* compliments to the chef.
I'm also a sucker for a good fantasy or sci-fi AU, too. Yes, let's reimagine all the characters as fantasy creatures, I'M IN.
[That concludes my rambling, babbling answer. Thanks for the ask!]
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fictionalsadist · 7 years
Searching for a fanfiction beta reader
Ok, so not sure if this is gonna work but I’m gonna give this a shot.
I’m writing fanfiction and need someone to make sure that everything sounds ok (dialogue doesn’t feel forced, action/live scenes dont feel out of place and call me out if I go to far with something) but all my friends who *could* do this for me don’t share my ships so while they say they wouldn’t mind I’m not gonna force them to read something they’re not into.
Anyways I’m in need of a beta reader who’ll not only do the above but give me friendly suggestions on how to improve.
*Not paying money. Only benefit is stories*
So these are my (main) ships
Sealshipping (Mahad x Atem)
Covet (*cough*Divine*cough*) shipping (Priest Seto (Seth) x Atem x Mahad)
Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami)
Scandalshipping (Priest Seto (Seth) x Atem)
Outcastshipping (Theif King Bakura (Akefia) x Kisara)
I love to deal in Mpreg (give me an excuse and I’ll do it) Most of my ships are guy on guy. But not all. There are probably times I’ll need to issue trigger warnings cause there certain stories that deal in darker themes. I have no problems doing 3 (or more)-way deticated relationships (poly). Sometimes I’ll make Yami and Atem twin brothers. In those cases I’ll usually put Atem with Mahad and/or Seth and Yami with Kaiba.
Also when i was in high school I posted and Inuyasha fic on FF.net I called “Why Our Son Cries” and a sequel called “Why the Tears Come” under my former FF account Shinitoki. I have since taken it down for a major rewrite that i would like help on as well.
The ships in that are Sesshmaru x Inuyasha and there is mpreg in that.
Anyone interested in more detail please either PM me or email me at [email protected]
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Star tear disease headcanons Dark Magician/Mahad
i imagined the flamed sword red mage as this 
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~If he had the disease:
Working for the Pharaoh hasn't always been easy especially when you had two apprentices always running about. Though you and Mana were a bit of a handful together he wouldn't trade the two of you for anything. Especially you, he wasn't sure what it was about you but he harbored feelings for you more than just master and apprentice. 
But because the two of you worked and dedicated your life to the pharaoh he knew he didn't have the time to try and pursue these feelings so he was happy with just watching you and your power grow.
That was until the star tears appeared, he woke on day with them running down his cheeks. At first he thought it was a prank brought on by you or mana so he looked into it. It was the evening that he found what it was, and cursed it brought. No magic was able to cure the disease that crippled his eyesight.
He couldn't abandon the pharaoh now, so despite his better judgment he had to tell you of his feelings, and pray to Ra that you return them. So that night he asked a guard to fetch you so that he was able to talk with you.
When you came to his room, and saw him calmly sitting on his bed as the star tears ran down his face, you were concerned for your master. 
“(y/n)....i know we have dedicated our lives to our Pharaoh,but… I believe together as a single unit we could be a better use to him.”  
You gasped and covered your mouth. You knew that even though it seemed like he was keeping the pharaoh in mind as he asked to court you, that he meant it from his own heart. You smiled and walked over to him grabbing his face in your hands.
“ I couldn't agree with more master.”
Dark magician opened his eyes as he was summoned to the field by his master Yami. He didn't know why he had those visions of a far away past but the love and fear he once felt grew strong as  Yami summoned his next monster.
“Thanks to my Dark Magician I can now summon his companion The Flamed Sword Red Mage!” the (h/c) mage opened their eyes and looked over to him with a smile and a nod.
He smiled back and looked ahead even as duel monsters you two were inseparable.
~If you had the disease:
Residing in the shadow realm wasn't easy for most of the monsters of the realm, but since you were a powerful being so you had nothing much to worry about. Most of the monsters fought for themselves, except for you, the Dark Magician, and dark magician girl. The three of you were faithful monsters to Yami so the three of you stuck with one another.
You took down another monster with your fire blade, looking behind you saw him take down another monster as well, Even as he was covered in sweat he looked amazing to you. You looked away with a blush, and continued to fend off the monsters.
This was the only time you had to stop to admire the magician, for as long as you know him you've been attracted to your fellow monster, but you know that monsters aren't supposed to harbor those kinds of feelings for one another so you kept these feelings to yourself.
That was until the tears began to fall from your eyes blinding your vision. In order to protect yourself you locked yourself in your realm as the stars began to fall. Worried about you Dark Magician girl came to your realm to make sure you were safe. When she found you crouched down wiping away the tears she rushed to your side. She didn't remember where she heard of the disease but she told you everything she knew.
You didn't know what to do about this situation, but you didn't have long to think before HE walked in. Since the two of you disappeared he got curious and found the two of you nearly cowered in the corner of your realm. Worried he too made his way to you.
He grabbed your face and examined the tears that fell from your eyes. He asked question after question while the dark magician girl answered all of them to the best of her abilities. Knowing what was next she left after hoping the both of you will come out happier.
“I know we monsters aren't supposed to have feelings….but somewhere along the way they developed for you..”
At first he was shocked before he laid his forehead against yours. “I feel the same my young apprentice”
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deejadabbles · 3 years
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven //// Eight ////��[Nine coming soon]
Summary: The Circle of Magicians protects the world from rogue, murderous fey. The police who keep bloodsuckers and flesh-eaters in check. You’ve hunted vampires for years, earning a reputation as one of the best magicians in that field; but what happens when an encounter with a particular vampire makes your already fragile loyalties split? Supernatural/Demon Hunter AU. Vampire!Atem x Reader x Incubus!Yugi (yes, a polyamorous relationship). Warnings for cursing, vulgar language, violence, and some sexual themes.
A.N: Sorry this took so long to get out, personal upheavals and writer's block has been kicking my butt lately. Anywho, I hope you guys like this update, but I do want to warn all of you that there are depictions of violence and an incident involving self-harm in this chapter. Please be cautious of reading this chapter if those are themes you're sensitive to. As always comments are greatly appreciated and help keep me motivated to continue writing, thank you for reading.  Oh, also, I made mood boards/edits for this series, in case any of your are interested in that <3
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A crack so thunderous that it shook the walls around you sounded. Ears rang, blood spilled, and someone laughed. A sound cold and cruel bellowed as you were thrown back, senses reeling and vision blackening as skin made painful contact with the cement floor.
“Keith!” Duke’s eyes were wide as he watched you fly back, his own ears stinging even when he looked back to his fellow magician with a glare. “They said to take her alive, you idiot!” His fists clenched, eyes darting to the man’s arm. It still surged and flashed with lightning, flickers of electricity darting across his skin from his overpowered spell. His palm remained trained on you, and the seal on his palm still glowed from the magic.
Keith had the gall to chuckle again, “Relax, pretty boy. Even I know that wouldn’t kill her.”
Duke’s eyes widened again, and he looked back in your direction, finding you had managed to land on your knees, head bowed and arm holding you up as your shoulders shook with every labored breath.
“At least the attack broke down her defenses. Bitch always was good at keeping her armor up,” Keith added, sick grin glowering down at you.
You raised your head, vision finally coming back into focus after the attack. Your nose had broken from the impact, trailing red down your mouth and chin. However, to Keith’s obvious annoyance, the only other sign of harm were the glass-like cracks coating your face, your personal shield deteriorating under the force of his spell. He was right, you had always had a talent in armor spells, casting a constant barrier around your body, coating you in protection like a second skin. Your ability to redirect that shield to take the brunt of his attack was the only reason you weren’t a gory mess on the floor. It came at a cost though, and Keith knew it, you wouldn’t have the power to recast your armor spell for awhile.
You were vulnerable.
“Should have known they’d send their favorite dog after me,” you said, trying to make your form as steady as possible when you rose to your feet. Your jeans were rent, knees bloody and torn from the concrete.
Still, you stood tall.
Keith laughed again, “Well, not like they were gonna send pretty boy after you alone.” He shifted then, body moving into a combative pose, ready to fight. “Damn, I’m going to enjoy this.”
You actually smirked back at him, adrenaline kinking up your energy. Your eyes wandered past Keith’s shoulder, noting the wide cracks and barely stable wall just behind him.
Yes, that would do nicely.
A quick fluid motion and you reached out with your magic, grabbing hold of the crumbling stone, and pulled. The concrete followed in a thunderous cloud, and Keith barely had time to turn before the debris crashed down on him with a shout.
It wouldn’t be enough, you knew, but it bought time. You turned to Duke, grabbing a particularly large piece of rubble with your magic, just as your old friend’s face fell.
“Ah shit,” Duke muttered, then flung himself out of the way as you threw the debris.
Dust and curses were flung into the air, giving you the perfect cover as you jumped through a broken window of the nearest building, taking refuge behind the rotting walls. Let them chase you, they wouldn’t even realize the roles of hunter and prey were switched before it was too late.
You began your ascent to the top of the five-story building, climbing through holes in the floorboards and pouncing off rickety steps. Just as you cleared the third floor you heard a rumble and knew that Keith must have blasted his way out of the rubble. That was confirmed a moment later when you heard him scream at Duke, demanding to know where you went. Another yell at Duke’s answer, then Keith’s angry voice was ordering them to slip up, him taking one building, and Duke the other.
You grinned to yourself at the foolhardy decision- though you instantly regretted it when blood seeped past your lips at the act. You were definitely in for a lot of pain when this was over.
You were on the top floor now and heard the sounds of someone moving about below. He must have assumed you would go for higher ground, because the movements got closer a split second later; a teleportation spell. You looked up, finding the gutted state of this floor to your advantage despite the wide-open space. The ceilings were high, and the half-exposed rafters in those ceilings were dark, a perfect perch.
The footsteps grew closer as you jumped, climbing into the rafters with almost cat-like grace, and waited for whichever man had chosen this building. Unfortunately, you almost gave sigh when a whisper of a voice called out your name. Of course it had to be Duke.
He was within sight now, rising from the less than stable staircase on the other side of the room. His approach was cautious, eyes scanning the area with care as he called out to you again.
“I know you’re up here, so I’m going to ask you this now, come out and neither of us has to get hurt. I...I know this looks bad, but- damn it, you know I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to hunt you like- like some fey monster. Just come back with me, come back home and I promise I’ll help you convince the Council it was a big, messy mistake. I’m not the only one on your side, either. Mahad, Mana, Ryou- we’re all worried about you.”
Despite your taut state, his words actually did send something sharp through your chest. Memories of a younger Duke winking and flipping his hair at you played in your head, alongside other memories of him curled up beside your hospital bed and his hand gripped in yours as you pulled each other to safety. Friends weren’t actually touted as something valuable in the Circle, but Duke was one of the few you considered to be exactly that.
He cursed, then said your name a third time, sounding particularly desperate now, “I don’t want Keith to find you first,” he said to the room, his eyes continuing to scan the area. “You know what he’s like, and I think...I think his plan is to kill you, and tell the Council he had no other choice. I don’t want that to happen...”
Your hands gripped the wood of the rafters as Duke walked right below your hiding spot. Then, with an exhale of breath, you jumped down. Before he even had time to turn you cast your quick spell and pushed. It was barely enough force to make him tumble, but it put enough distance between you two as he swung around and narrowed his eyes.
“I’m sorry Duke,” you said, and took your battle stance, “but I can’t go back. I won’t.”
Something genuine filled his eyes, something hurt or desperate, but his expression was steel as he said, “Alright.”
Then his hands were moving, tracing a symbol in the air and it glowed with his magic. There was no use trying to dodge it, when his casting was finished an invisible force like a black hole began pulling you in, sucking in every loose object in the room. Your feet left the ground and you were practically flying towards the void his magic created- but you were ready.
Just as you were within range you flung an arch of fire, one that passed his black hole and slashed across his chest. With his concentration broken, the spell faltered, glowing sigil fading like a burnt bulb- though the power of its pull still sent you flying into the wall. Your bones ached in protest as you fell to the ground, but you didn’t- couldn’t miss a beat before springing back to your feet. Just in time too, because Duke was already on you. Your arms blocked his kick, before answering with an uppercut, and the moment he stumbled you shot another burst of fire that sent him falling.
Duke was an agile thing, though, and recovered before you could even fire another shot. A dance began, bursts of your flames soaring through the air one after another after another, and Duke using his own magic to cast them aside with graceful hands.
A full-on fire wasn’t what you were aiming for though, and you saw the pain twinge across his face when your strikes grazed his jacket. And finally, it was enough. Duke shouted in pain as the flames caught and spread across his coat. Much like you and Keith, magicians like Duke had their own armor, he just imbued the magic in a literal coat. Now, as Duke scrambled to pull the flaming garment off, his defenses were down, just like yours.
You didn’t let up, as much as you wanted to, and closed in on Duke as he threw his leather armor aside. A hard kick and he was sent to the ground, but his boot made painful contact with your sternum, shoving you away as he sprang back to his feet. Another flame, another shout of pain and you moved in for the proverbial kill.
He was fast, and threw his hand up, summoning a portal a mere step in front of you. You couldn’t stop your advance and fell through the portal with a shout. Suddenly falling through open air, you barely had time to register a pile of sharp somethings just below you, and cast flames to turn it to ash a moment before crashing into it.
Your senses reeled, coughing as ash flew down your throat and plumed about you, your body screaming in protest. You shook your head, opening your eyes to see that he had teleported you to the floor below. You had landed on a busted table or some other furniture that the old studio apartment was full of.
Just as you were standing up you heard a familiar sound, another portal- but a blow struck your ribs before you could react. You stumbled, knocking into another table as Duke closed in and tried for a second, but you jumped, landing on top of the table which his fist struck instead. You spun, landing the heel of your foot across his face with a resounding crack . The force was enough to slam him down hard on the table and later you would wince at the crimson that spat across the surface. Still he recovered, enough to knock into your knee and make it buckle, but it was a desperate move; one that allowed you to grab a fist full of his hair and slam him back into the table with even more force.
He went slack in an instant, sliding to the ground like a rag doll as you stepped back. A groan, and then stillness. You watched for a moment until you confirmed the steady rise and fall of his breathing.
“I’m- sorry, Duke,” you panted. He would hurt when he woke, and hot guilt prickled across your skin, especially at the sigh of his bloodied mouth. Still, you had to remind yourself that all in all, he would be fine, especially after the Sanctuary's healers saw to him. Besides, no matter how brutal the attacks seemed, it was far from the worst you’d dealt in a battle. And you did take a second to appreciate how much Duke’s combat skills had improved, he had grown a lot from the boy you used to sweep-kick into submission every time you two sparred.
You hopped off the table and knelt by his unconscious form, tugging at his belt until the spellbook that hung from it was pulled out from underneath him. You unlatched it and flipped through the pages until you found the right one. If you wanted to get past that barrier, you have to break the seal Duke used to cast it. You thought you had found the right one when you turned to the first glowing page, but to your surprise, that sigil was not for a barrier, but for a mute spell, used when you wanted no one outside a certain area to hear you. Well, you wondered why your fight hadn’t drawn Keith’s attention, apparently Duke had wanted privacy when trying to persuade you to surrender yourself.
You moved past the thought, not having time to dwell, and continued to turn pages until you found yet another glowing source. This time it was the right spell, and you hastily tore the page from the book, disrupting the magic that caged you here. You glanced out the nearest window-
But nothing happened. The glowing barrier didn’t budge.
A curse that was practically a scream ripped through your throat. Duke was smart, he must have made two parts, two seals, to his barrier. You had to destroy the other seal before you could escape.
And who else would have that second seal besides-
“Quit hiding, you bitch!”
You sighed as Keith’s taunt echoed, a quick peer over a window sill confirming that he was storming out of the other building and marching straight towards yours. You wouldn’t be able to escape without facing him. Time to take out the trash, as they say.
Only when you started rising to your feet did you finally take more notice of your injuries and you had to steady your breathing to calm the surges of pain. You suspected a fractured rib was dangerously close to becoming a broken one and the pain was sure to worsen by the minute. You had to end this quickly.
Before you moved to the other side of the room, you took a second to snatch something else off of Duke’s belt and tuck it in your own pocket. Keith was quickly bounding up the floors below you now. With a sudden plan blinking into your head, you slipped your jacket from your shoulders and using a chair for height, propped it up on a collection of loose ceiling beams. Judging by the way he was charging up the rotting staircase, it would be the first thing he would see when he got here, and you quickly slipped to the other end of the room.
Not a minute later that thundering crack sounded, an arc of lightning cutting through the air and striking the coat tucked between the rafters. And just as Keith stepped up from the stairwell a second later, you charged.
He hadn’t even managed to turn enough to cover his flank as your foot made contact with his knee- but it was like hitting steel, his barrier still protecting him even as he stumbled. With a spin your leg came up, knocking him hard in the chest and he let out a shout as he went tumbling back down the stairs. You couldn’t press the advantage though, he let off another shot of lightning, making you duck away from the stairwell in retreat.
How a lumbering muscle like him moved so fast was beyond you, but you didn’t get time to gain much distance before he was back up the steps and you were scrambling to avoid another cracking bolt- heat grazing past you even as you did. You crashed to the ground in the messy dodge, and had to roll to avoid his boot from coming down on your head as he closed in! You managed to spring back to your feet and even block one fist with your own- but his second made painful contact with your jaw.
He pressed his advantage, your ribs screaming as he wrapped his arms around your middle and threw you hard against the wall. Vision reeled as fingers gripped your hair, scalp burning as he pulled you back. Another painful wrack through your body as he slammed you again, back first, into the wall before clamping his hands around your throat.
The instinct to take in a gasp as he squeezed your windpipe was strong, but your eyes locked on his even as he chuckled.
“Told you I was going to enjoy this,” he hissed, his fingers tightening all the more.
You bared your teeth against his sick grin and focused, concentrating on channeling your magic to the palm that once bore your magician’s seal. It would take more effort than before, the magic that helped focus your attack gone, but your power was more than what the Circle had given you.
So wrapped up in his sadistic enjoyment, Keith didn’t notice your palm growing hotter- until you reached out and clamped your hand on his face. He screeched as the heat burned through the layers of his personal shield but even as his fingers recoiled to claw at your hand you held firm. A burst of glorious air filled your lungs, steeling your resolve as you rammed your knee into his groin. His knees buckled, only strengthening your advantage as your palm continued to burn against his face.
But before you could knock him further to the ground, Keith struck, a quick jab of his fist right to your injured ribs. Stars burst behind your eyes and you couldn’t keep your hold as he twisted your wrist back- though you did manage to catch his fist as he aimed to strike again. Fist and wrist caught in each other's hold, a moment-long stalemate ensued as you both struggled to get the upper hand on each other. His skin was an angry red as he growled at you, some fastly forming blisters making the faint imprint of your hand across his face.
The stalemate was broken when you slammed your forehead into his nose, something of his cracking even as your own broken bridge throbbed in pain at the motion. The moment he reared back you pushed out with your magic, the force sending him across the room. Much like you had with Duke, you kept pressing, flinging flames in a relentless onslaught that he had to dodge second by second.
He probably thought he was doing well, not a lick of flame doing more than grazing him, but then again, you weren’t trying to graze him. Each move to dodge brought him closer to your target and the moment he was lined up, you grabbed Duke's weapon from your belt. He must have expected more fire because he didn’t have time to change tactics as the end of a rope dart soared towards him instead of flames. The blade swung, wrapping the rope around Keith’s throat as his eyes widened but even as he made to tug at it, you were faster. WIth all the force you could conjure, you aimed your spell at him, sending him stumbling even further back. He didn’t stand a chance as you closed the distance at a run- and slammed your foot into his chest.
All that power sent him sailing through the window behind him with a shattering crash!
You had just enough time to hold your end of the rope firm before it was pulled taught by Keith’s falling body. You did stumble from the force of his stop, but you held tight and quickly managed to anchor the rope. Not a second later were you hopping through the window yourself and landing, with some effort, to the concrete ground below.
After getting your bearings, you stood tall and looked up, eyes landing on a struggling Keith as he squirmed against the rope wrapped around his neck. He was a good three feet off the ground, and you had to admit, you did take a bit of satisfaction watching him struggle. But, what now? Keith was as bad as they came when dealing with violent and untrustworthy magicians. But did you really intend to let the rope hang him?
Just as you stepped forward, Keith took the decision out of your hands, reaching to the back of his belt even as his veins started to pop across his neck and face. He produced a knife, and you couldn’t help but sighed as he reached up to saw at the rope.
It was quick work, and you once again readied yourself as he fell to the ground, coughing. This was, admittedly, bad, you could feel your stores of magic depealting, and the pain of your injuries was getting harder to ignore.
He recovered quickly enough to snap his head up and glare at you quite vehemently, “Bitch!”
“You really need to think of a better insult,” you sighed as he scrambled to charge at you.
You lunged to the side when he made to grab you around the middle again, but he was quick on the turn and something flashed in the sunlight as your hand came up to block him. He dropped the blade into his free hand and made to stab again- only to be thrown over your shoulder as you turned into his grip. Though he hit the ground hard, sprawling out with a grunt, he was quick with a kick and landed a hard blow on your shoulder. He took your grip on his hand to his advantage too, and hoisted himself back up while throwing you off balance.
Then a scream ripped through your throat! Hot pain sliced across your stomach, and you barely stepped back in time to avoid another slash of his knife.
You clambered further from him, hand reflexively covering your belly and assessing the damage. The cut was shallow, even as it burned and bled crimson, but it was a large gash. This had to end, now!
Red-faced, boil-covered, and blood-stained, Keith still managed to grin at you as he brandished his blade in a taunting threat. You were vaguely aware of more red wetting your shirt, but you had to push it to the back of your thoughts as Keith made to strike again.
A block, a lunge back, a jab in retaliation, but he didn’t let up on his attacks. You found that you were being corralled closer to the building, not good. A duck as he swung his blade and you managed to swing behind him. Still crouched, you landed another hit on his knee and it was enough to make him buckle. You sprang up to land another blow but he was quicker. Another scream as his fist made contact with your ribs and you were sent tumbling back.
You crashed to the ground as the world spun, waves of pain washing through you. Yup, definitely a broken rib.
Another sick chuckle had your vision clearing enough to see Keith stalking towards you, smile widening as he tossed his blade aside. “I’ll just tell the Council I had to fry you, not like they’ll care anyway,” he held his fist up at the claim, “A close quarter impact, yeah, they’ll buy my story if they think I acted on instinct.” A second later electricity was sparking around his knuckles. “And I’ll make sure to hunt down your boyfriends too,” he continued in a hiss, and the arcs started to spread, coiling down his arm as he charged his attack, “I figure I can make them suffer a lot more than you. Yeah, I’ll enjoy that too.”
Your teeth were bared again, and a growl rumbled in your chest even as you silently prepared your own counter. Keith was always his sloppiest when he thought he had the upper hand.
A threat about staying away from Yugi and Atem was hot on your tongue, but before you could spit it out Keith was lunging, ready for the kill! Your hand shot up, catching his fist in mid-strike that might have broken your arm if not for the magic coursing through you. His lightning arched and flashed- flickering as its tendrils slowly crept down your own arm.
He had meant to send the electricity through you like an overpowered thunderbolt, but your own spell was absorbing it! You growled as the effort to redirect the energy back at him took its toll through your already battered body. He was fighting you, cursing you as he tried to tear past your magic and finish his killing blow.
A fierce cry rattled your throat as you pushed on with all your might-
Thunder so loud it might have cracked the very sky sounded. Something tore- something broke between the flesh and blood of your arm as the power between you two reached its peak! Through the bright flash, you thought you saw Keith being thrown back, but the force pushing you into the hard concrete wracked your senses, almost as much as the searing pain pulsating in your arm!
Your ears were ringing, the world had lost any real sense of balance as the sky above reeled and rolled. You were vaguely aware of clutching your arm to your chest as you bit down on your tongue, trying and failing to stop the cry of agony from leaving your throat.
A few shuttering intakes of breath and the world slowly started to right itself. Your ears were still ringing, but you managed to roll to your side (the side not screaming in pain) and find Keith, slumped motionless against the cracked building. You almost chuckled in relief. You were battered, a little bloody, and much worse for wear, but you were still standing- so to speak.
After another moment of gathering your wits, you clambered to your knees and started to rise, only then taking stock of your arm. It wasn’t as bad as if felt, though some nasty purple was already forming under the skin. The sheer amount of power between you two had been too much, and the recoil of it releasing had probably fractured a bone or two in your arm. Still, you were the one who remained conscious. You would take a bit more gratification in that once your body felt a little less like a crash-test dummy.
You made your way over to Keith’s body, taking note that he was still breathing despite looking like death warmed over. After fishing around in his jacket pocket, you found the spell paper that had the other half of the barrier seal scribbled on it. With one arm basically useless, you had to grip the corner of the paper between your teeth, and a sigh that hurt a little too much left your chest as the shimmering dome around you started to dissolve the moment you tore the parchment.
You had just enough energy left to teleport back home, and the thought of Yugi and Atem’s reactions to your state was already playing in your head as you took another step-
And fell to the ground.
A hiss of pain as you hit the concrete, and it was only then that you finally noticed the cold, seeping, numbness.
Your mind raced, but you tried to keep your breathing steady as you rolled onto your back and pulled your shirt up, realizing the lack of feeling was spreading from your stomach. Sprouting from the shallow but wide cut across your belly, there were nasty, vein-like lines crawling their way over your skin. Your eyes flashed to the dagger Keith had discarded as the answer dawned on you: poison.
You were already losing feeling in your legs, and your pitiful drops of remaining magic with it. Breaths were coming in ragged now as you tried to grip the last threads of your energy, even as you felt it slipping.
This was not good.
“Aibou,” Atem’s tone was firm as he cut through his boyfriend’s rambling on the other end of the phone. It was only when Yugi froze in the middle of the phrase ‘what if she’s allergic-’ that Atem could finally get more than a word in. “I’m sure what you ordered is fine. We have plenty of options she can choose from, besides, if she doesn’t like what you order her, I know you’ll be willing to share your meal.”
He heard Yugi give a little sigh on the other end, “Yeah, I know, I just wish I had thought to wait until she got home before ordering.”
Atem found himself shaking his head despite the fact that Yugi couldn’t see him. Yugi was acting like he was a creature of impulse, and that ordering their takeout dinner before asking what you wanted was a recurring crime and not a simple misstep from a usually over-considerate man. “I’m sure she’ll love whatever you ordered for her, Aibou, you worry too much.”
“I know….” After the pouting pause, Atem heard a familiar bell tinkle on the other end of the line. “I have to go, be up in a bit.”
Atem said his quick “love you” before hanging up, again shaking his head at Yugi’s cute concern.
It was nearing the time for the shop to close, and Yugi had thought it a good idea to order-in dinner early, so you would have a fresh hot meal upon returning, and so the three of you would have plenty of time to follow up on any lead Bonz gave you after dinner. It was a good plan...until Yugi realized he still didn’t know all your food preferences until he was on the phone ordering said dinner.
“Too sweet sometimes,” Atem chuckled to himself, before setting the phone aside and returning to cleaning the dishes from his own mug-contained meal. Still, being reminded of the time, his mind once again traveled back to you. It was getting late. You had said it wouldn’t take long, but, exactly how long was that? He turned the knob to faucet off with a little too much force, something gory flashing in his mind as he watched the red remnants of his meal sliding down the sink into the drain.
He forced a sigh out through his nose and closed his eyes. It was hard not to worry, or, rather, to avoid that worry from stepping over the line into ‘overprotective’, as he was so known to do. Yes, it was late, but you likely had to walk, as you had mentioned you hated teleporting when it could be avoided. Maybe you had to make a stop on the way home, Yugi had mentioned some shops nearby where you could pick up essentials when needed, after all.
Atem scolded himself as he wandered out of the kitchen, unsure what to do with himself until you and Yugi came home. He had already spent a decent amount of time pulling out the video games he knew Yugi would want to show you, as well as ones he thought you might like, in the hopes that the three of you could have some bonding time later that night. Maybe he could-
In a glorious burst of glass and thick curtains splitting into ribbons, something sailed through the closed doors of the balcony. Atem’s hackles were up in an instant, even as he leapt back to avoid the sudden rays of setting sun pouring in through the remnants of the glass doors. The metallic and sweet smell of blood assaulted his senses, making his fangs elongate as he heard something heavy collide with the floor.
Then his blood turned to ice when he saw what was curled up in the wreckage. Your hand reached out feebly for just a moment before it fell, your body going still among the glass and splintered wood.
In an instant he was rushing towards you- only to hiss in pain and rear back as the sun blazed across his skin like hot talons. He felt his fangs cut into his lip as he swore loudly, you were laying right in the middle of the sunlight! He wheeled around the room, mind racing for a plan even as his mouth watered at the smell of blood permeating the air. By the gods, how badly were you hurt for the room to smell so intense in just a matter of seconds?!
Atem ran to the hallway closet, nearly tearing the door off the hinges as he threw it open. He grabbed a heavy blanket from the top shelf and started pulling it over his head and shoulders as he ran back to the living room. He barely took note of if his body was concealed in the blanket enough as he again ran to your side. Sharp shards split his skin as he tried to slide his hands under your form, and something was burning his legs as he worked. Finally though, he managed to get a hold of you good enough to pull you out of the sun and off of the debris. The moment he was out of the rays of fire, he wasted no time in gathering you in his arms and setting you on the couch as gently as he could, taking thankful note that your breathing was slow and shallow, but present.
A growl of anger and whine of concern caught in his throat when he saw the blood soaking your clothes. Colorful bruises were taking form across your skin and there were rips in your clothes sporting bloody abrasions. One was worse than the others though, and Atem found himself tearing the shirt in half so he could better see the cause of all the staining.
Another growl bubbled up as he saw the injury: a long cut right across your stomach. His hands were covering it in an instant, trying to stem the flow of red. The cut wasn’t deep and he might have wondered why there was so much blood if it wasn’t for the sickly markings crawling across your skin from the wound. What could cause this? Magic?
His mind raced for a course of action, even as it cursed his lack of knowledge in healing. What could he possibly do to counter whatever magic this-
The memory of purging the circle’s magic from your hand came flashing into his mind. You had said the curative coating his fangs must have some ability in negating magic. Could it possibly help here? He growled again as crimson continued to seep over the fingers clamped on your wound. Healing the magic or poison or whatever was afflicting you could wait, right now he just needed to make sure you didn’t bleed out!
Atem felt sick with the way his throat ached with need at the smell and sight of so much red. He knew the best way to seal the cut, but fear gave him pause. No matter how many centuries passed, no matter how long he honed his self-control, the memories of finding humans- innocent people, dead in his arms still haunted him.
Then his eyes darted up to your face. You were barely hanging on, breathing seeming to slow before his very eyes.
With all the self-control he could gather, he steeled himself against the thirst parching his throat, and pressed his mouth to the wound. He had but to graze his fangs across the torn skin so the curative on them took hold and started mending the flesh. He was painfully aware to be careful though, gentle as he moved his canines along the wound and not to worsen the cut.
As expected something like a shudder of relief (euphoria, even) shivered down his body as some of your blood seeped into his mouth. He ignored it, countered it with the self-loathing that writhed in his stomach, knowing that the thing he was could ever take any enjoyment in this.
His fingers gently followed his progress, making sure the skin was healing after the touch of his fangs. It was, and he nearly collapsed with relief when he pulled back and saw that only an angry-looking scar remained of the gash- well, of the gash itself, his brows furrowed when he saw that the vein-line markings around it were as sickly and deadly looking as before.
His mind was frantic again, searching for an answer before the sound of a door caused it to snap back to the world besides your injured form. His eyes darted up to land on Yugi, who had stepped inside only to have his smile vanish a moment later, his gaze landing on the living room.
“Help me!” Atem’s voice was raw in his throat and all but a yell, but Yugi snapped into action before he could blink.
The brown take-out bags in his hands spilled to the floor as Yugi ran to your side, “What happened!?”
“I don’t know, I think she barely managed to teleport home. I just sealed the cut that- that caused all this-” he waved his hands to indicate all the red- “but I think she’s been poisoned. Do you have anything in the shop that could heal her?”
Yugi didn’t answer, he was already fishing his phone out of his jean’s pocket as he looked over your form. One hand slid over the skin of your chest while the other frantically tapped at his phone screen, and it was only then that Atem realized the markings were still spreading.
“She’s burning up,” Yugi choked under his breath, even as the phone pressed to his ear started to ring. A moment later he was spewing a string of words into the receiver, “What could cause black marks under the skin? It might be magic, it might be poison, we don’t know which!”
After a stunned pause, Atem heard Anzu’s voice answer on the other end, hurriedly telling Yugi to send her a picture. Yugi did, snapping it as fast as he could and growling at his phone for taking too long to send it. Several long, agonizing moments ticked by as they waited for Anzu to answer, and when she did Yugi was scrambling to his feet and bolting back down the stairs to the shop. Atem almost ran after him, but the need to stay by your side anchored him, pulled him to stay right there. He looked back at you, chest clenching at the sight. Your skin was clammy, face taking on a bit of a hollow look as your chest barely lifted with each breath that had long pauses between them.
Atem found his hands reaching out to cup your face, the red staining them smearing across your cheeks as he tried to hold you. “Please- please just hold on,” he whispered.
A too-long moment later Yugi was bounding up the stairs and through the door again. Atem saw something flash in his hand as he fell to his knees beside the couch. A blade.
“You’re sure this will work?” Yugi panted as he tapped the speaker button on his phone and set it on the floor.
“It’s the best option you have,” Anzu’s voice snapped from the phone’s speaker, “but you have to put it on the same spot the poison entered.”
Though the remaining scar made that spot obvious, Atem pointed the wound out to Yugi, who looked pale as he hovered the dagger over your stomach.
“You’re going to need to hold her down,” came a shaky warning from the phone, just before Yugi pressed the flat of the blade to the scar.
An ear-splitting scream ripped through your throat and Atem flung himself to the other side of the couch, shaking hands gripping your shoulders as your body began to writhe. As gently as he could he pinned your shoulders to the couch, heart aching at the cries of pain spilling through your clenched teeth. Yugi, still holding the blade flat to your stomach, had to throw his body across your legs to keep them from thrashing and Atem thought he heard a distressed noise from the phone, but it was worth it as he saw the edges on the markings slowly begin to recede.
Yugi was fighting back tears. Now that the adrenaline was gone, stress and worry drug and tore at his senses, making it harder not to sob as he wiped the blood from your skin. The poison was purged from your body, thank god, but, if you had not already been passed out from the blood loss, the act of drawing the drug out of your body certainly would have knocked you out cold. Yugi was thankful, not for the first time, that his grandpa’s old collection of magic artifacts was full of unique pieces, including one blessed by patrons of healing from several religions.
For about the fiftieth time, Yugi dipped the washcloth into the bowl of hot water, wringing out the stomach-churning red. The apartment smelled like a crime scene and Yugi knew he’d have to shower for an hour to feel clean again, but at least you were alive. You looked sick, and Yugi watched you like a hawk to make sure your breathing didn’t stop, even though Anzu had warned that you’d probably look worse before you got better.
Once the washcloth was rinsed of blood he gently swiped it across your body again. He was trying to find a good balance between taking care of you, and not doing anything that might make you uneasy. He wanted to get the gore-soaked clothes off of you, put you in something clean, something comfortable so you didn’t have to wake in your own blood. He had even gathered a pair of his extra stretchy, soft sweatpants and oversized flannels to put you in, but the actual act of changing you felt too… Violating, too perverse despite the fact that no ill-acts were at work. As it was, he felt guilty that your shirt was nothing but a torn rag, leaving your chest bare as he tried to clean the red from your skin. Maybe you didn’t care, maybe you were used to this, being a warrior of sorts, but Yugi felt sick at the idea of crossing a line with you. In the end, he figured Anzu could change you, she was on her way there with a healer’s hut worth of herbs and spells to get you patched up, after all.
Another sniff that threatened to turn into a sob later and Yugi was finally done wiping your chest and stomach clean. You were still covered in marks from your battle, but at least this was better. He grabbed a blanket that was discarded on the ground (had Atem used it to shield himself from the sun?), made sure it was clean enough for you with a quick look over, then tucked it over your body for privacy and warmth.
Next, he moved on to your face, which was not nearly as messy, but some ash dirtied your skin under thin smears of blood. The vague memory of coming back to find Atem desperately holding your face with red-stained hands floated through Yugi’s mind as he dabbed the cloth over your cheeks with care.
That cleaning didn’t take long, and when he was done, Yugi suddenly found himself at a loss. What else could he do? Should he get you a glass of water for when you woke? Run a hot bath so you could slip into it at a moment’s notice? Tuck another blanket around you so you felt safe and protected while you healed? Hold you so you didn’t have to wake alone and pained and-
Yugi dug the heels of his hands into his eyes with a tired, defeated groan. He hated feeling useless, feeling like he could do nothing while the people he loved suffered. Again he had to swallow the sour taste of tears, knowing it wouldn’t do him any good now.
Then, before he could even think, he found his hands reaching out to gather yours. Your right arm was badly damaged, swollen and bruised, but your left seemed fine, and Yugi leaned in, lay your palm on his cheek as he silently thanked you for having the strength to come home to them, for surviving long enough for them to take care of you. An odd thing to think, perhaps, but Yugi allowed himself the moment of thanks, even moving his lips to press against your palm in gentle affection.
He lingered there for a few moments, comforted by the feel of your no longer fevered skin against his and watching your breaths get stronger and more even with every moment. Soon enough though, he forced himself to tuck your hand back under the blanket and get back to making himself useful. The living room floor was still a mess of broken glass and splintered wood, but first he took the bucket of blood-tinted water to the kitchen, and it was only when the red was streaking down the slope of the sink that he remembered someone else in distress.
Atem had taken off not long after they purged the poison from your body, his face looking sickly and pale. Yugi knew Atem might need space, and besides that his mind was preoccupied with taking care of you first, something Atem would understand. Now however, now that you were sleeping as soundly as you could, it was time to tend to his vampire.
It didn’t take long to find him, Yugi heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom and padded over to the open doorway. Atem stood over the sink, steam pluming up from the hot water to fog up the mirror and porcelain and-
And Yugi froze when he saw scarlet coating the sink.
Atem was scrubbing his hands under the scalding water, nails digging in so much that the skin was tearing and healing rapidly before Yugi’s eyes. Not fast enough to stop the bleeding, though, and the ferocity of which Atem was scrubbing his hands and arms was causing red to pour like a waterfall.
“Atem!” Yugi rushed forward, “Stop- STOP!”
He tried to pry the vampire’s hands away, so desperate he almost dug his own claws into his lover’s skin. Atem only jerked out of his hold, eyes wild and panicked as he shied away from the incubus.
“What...what are you doing?” Yugi’s words were panted, trying to stay calm and only half succeeding as he approached Atem like a scared, injured creature.
Atem’s eyes were locked on his own hands, reproachful almost, but mostly enraged. “I can’t- I can’t get it off!” he raised them a little, still raw and bloody from the abuse, “No matter how much I try it won’t go away! I can still smell her blood on my hands, Yugi!”
He snatched a towel from beside the sink and started scrubbing at his hands again, but Yugi rushed forward and gripped them with as much gentle force as he could manage.
“Enough,” he said in a whisper, “that’s enough, Atem, please, please don’t hurt yourself.” With a tug, he pulled Atem close, held his vampire’s healing hands to his chest as he peppered reassuring kisses over Atem’s face. “It’s okay, everything’s okay.”
“No, no it’s not, Yugi!” a sob marred the words, and Yugi felt his heart break. “I can’t stand it, it makes me sick, just like the others.”
Yugi knew what ‘the others’ meant, remembered calming Atem down from nightmares, holding a sobbing vampire who was still haunted by the memories of killing when he wasn’t in control of his blood lust. It didn’t matter that it had been over a century since the last time he woke with a dead human in his arms, Atem still remembered them, still told himself he was a killer with blood on his hands that could never be washed clean.
Just like on the nights filled with those memories, Yugi held Atem close, whispered assurances in his ear, told him it wasn’t his fault, ignored the stabs to his heart when Atem told him it was.
“We almost lost her, Yugi.”
“But we didn’t.”
“I had her blood on my hands, in my mouth-”
“You saved her, Atem.”
Silence followed that, and for a long, long while they just stood there, clinging on to each other like a life line. Yugi tried to put forth some more gentle words, but Atem said nothing more, only pressed his face into Yugi’s chest with a sob so tired that Yugi had the urge to tuck Atem into bed too. He even suggested it, said that Atem could rest in the living room with you while he tended to you both, but the vampire just shook his head and held Yugi closer. That is until he finally pulled away with a sniffle.
Atem tucked his hands closer to himself, self-conscious, unsure. “You should get back into the living room, I think Anzu is here and she’ll want your help healing her wounds.”
He was right, not even a second later they heard the front door open and Anzu's worried voice calling out to them before she spotted you on the couch with a gasp. Still, Yugi stood there, eyeing his boyfriend’s hands with concern.
“I’m okay, Yugi,” he assured, then sighed and gestured at the sink, “I won’t try that again, I promise. I just...I just need a minute to collect myself, that’s all.”
Yugi had learned to tell when Atem was lying long ago, but he knew Atem was being truthful now, so, he just stepped forward, cupped his hands to Atem’s face, and said, “You know we’re here for you, right?”
Atem actually managed a slight, tired, smile, “I know, Aibou, I know.” He leaned in and pecked Yugi’s lips, “Now go, help her.”
Finally somewhat assured, Yugi nodded and stepped out of the bathroom, back to the side of someone else who needed him. Still, Yugi was only fully assured when Atem joined them a few minutes later and started helping him and Anzu dress your wounds with poultices and spells.
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Yu-Gi-Oh Masterlist
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Doki Doki
One-Sided Hanahaki
Delicate s/o headcanons
Competing for you headcanons
What he looks for in a woman
Never easy 
Alpha!Atem x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Yugi
Soulmate AU
Helping their S/O with depression and anxiety
With a bubbly and affectionate S/O
An s/o who is into modern witchcraft
Finding out their s/o iceskates
Parent headcanons
Some steal a kiss from their s/o in from of them
Reacting to their s/o being pregnant
Getting a letter and hearing his s/o sing
Meeting their s/o shy sibling 
S/O is a ghoul
With a touch starved s/o
Yugi Muto
Competing for you headcanons
Shopping headcanons
Alpha!Atem x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Yugi
Helping their S/O with depression and anxiety
With a bubbly and affectionate S/O
Parent headcanons
Reacting to their s/o being pregnant
meeting their s/o shy sibling
S/O is a ghoul
Joey Wheeler
Competing for you headcanons
Dating headcanons
Helping a young oc on a better path
Finding out their s/o iceskates
meeting their s/o shy sibling
S/O is a ghoul
Tristan Taylor
S/O is a ghoul
Seto Kaiba
Competing for you headcanons
Play times over
Relationship headcanons
With a sassy S/O headcanons 
Soulmate Au
An s/o who is mokuba's best friend
Finding out their s/o iceskates
With a s/o who has anxiety
Parent headcanons
Someone steals a kiss from their s/o in front of them
Reacting to their s/o being pregnant
meeting their s/o shy sibling 
S/O is a ghoul
Dark magician/Mahad
Star tear headcanons 
In love with a Pharaoh s/o
Cafeshipping (Jack x Duke)
Foam hearts
Hanahaki and Star Tear disease series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Bakura Ryou
Dating headcanons
hanahaki headcanons
With a touch starved s/o
Marik Ishitar/Yami Marik
Mute s/o headcanons
Dating headcanons
Duke Devlin
Pregnancy headcanons
with a snarky friend 
Mai Valentine
Dating headcanons Fem!S/O
Crow Hogan
Delicate s/o headcanons 
With a photographer SO
Seto Kaiba
Marik and Yami Marik
Marik and Yami Marik part 2
Yami, Atem, Yugi part 1
Yami, Atem, Yugi part 2
Bakura, Yami Bakura, Thief King
Atem, Yami, Yugi, and Seto
Atem, Yami, and Yugi hypnotize their sweetheart
Yandere Atem on Halloween
All the boys
Losing a duel to his S/O
Jealousy headcanons 
With a small s/o
With a tall s/o
With s/o who loves forehead and head kisses
Hearing their s/o sing for the first time
When their s/o takes a hit for them
Snuggle headcanons
a rebellious s/o
Couple costumes with s/o
An s/o with wings
Thanksgiving HCs Part 1
Proud of their s/o
Platonic love
Being there for the Red dorms
Otakupandasworld match-up
Z-Iridist match-up
Imalivingparody match-up
Pa3art-gb match-up
Bisexualmattholtstan match-up
Rumbllefish match-up
Nnnnooooaaaa match-up
Yuyatheprecure match-up
Phcney's match-up
SecondaryRealm's match-up
Dahlia-daugherty's match-up
Ne-nene-ne's match-up
Yugi, Joey, Seto, and Pegasus
With an addict recovering s/o
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teatimeweirdo · 3 years
~Rules and Requests~
So I’m writing Fanfics,
Requests here: https://teatimeweirdo.tumblr.com/ask
One Last Time (akeshu fanfic series)
-I will not write Yandere-stuff
-I will not write Pedo stuff (i can't believe i have to say this)
-I will write headcanons or one-shots (if you request please specify which one)
-Please don’t be mean when I make spelling mistakes or grammar errors, english is not my native language
+what Fandoms I write for+
I might not write for all the characters you request, Because I'm simply stoopid
Persona 5 (Royal & Strikers) + Persona 3
Jojo’s Bizzarre Adventure
Baldur's Gate 3
Skyrim + Oblivion
The Owl House
Lord of the Rings
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+Genshin Impact+
Xiao with a Human S/O
Scaramouche relationship headcanons II III IV
Kaeya relationship headcanons II
Childe relationship headcanons
Zhongli relationship headcanons
Diluc relationship headcanons
Venti relationship headcanons
Xiao relationship headcanons II
Teddy Bear (scaramouche x reader)
Razor relationship headcanons
Aether relationship headcanons
Scaramouche and sleeping
Scaramouche Comfort
Birthday Headcanons
Scaramouche with a younger sibling (written before the reveal) II
not just a puppet (scaramouche x reader)
electro vision S/O for Kazuha
+Persona 5 (Royal & Strikers)+
Akira relationship headcanons
+Jojo’s Bizzarre Adventure+
Bruabba Fanfic i wrote when i was 15 (do not read)
Polnareff freezing S/O headcanons
Caesar with a worried S/O
Masrur realtionship headcanons
Spartos relationship headcanons
Ja'far realtionship headcanons
Vittel relationship headcanons
Hakuei realtionship headcanons
Letters from Hakuei
Sinbad's suffering brings me joy
Mahad relationship headcanons
Sakura + Girl Talk (platonic)
Kakashi x Fem! Bookstore owner
Dragonborn introducing the Companions to DnD
23 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 4 years
Spells of Defiance (Atem x Reader x Yugi) Chapter 2
Two: Yugi
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven //// [Eight coming soon]
Summary: The Circle of Magicians protects the world from rogue, murderous fey. The police who keep bloodsuckers and flesh-eaters in check. You’ve hunted vampires for years, earning a reputation as one of the best magicians in that field; but what happens when an encounter with a particular vampire makes your already fragile loyalties split?
Supernatural/Demon Hunter AU. Vampire!Atem x Reader x Incubus!Yugi (yes, a polyamorous relationship). Warnings for cursing, vulgar language, violence, and some sexual themes.
This is a fic I’ve already posted this on my AO3 but I wanted to spread the Yu-gi-oh x Reader love here on tumblr.
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A brief stop at the mess hall ensured several things, that you heeded the vampire's worry and got some food in you, as well as make your presence known to anyone who saw you go into the prison wing, alleviating any suspicions they might have on if you had a prison break in mind. Most of all, however, it gave you the chance to talk to Mahad about something that troubled you all day.
After sitting in the chair opposite him at his usual table, you told him about the strange thing that happened when Marik's follower bit your right arm. You had been bitten by several vampires over the years and the one just moments ago proved that the hot pain wasn't some new reaction you developed. Though you omitted Atem's bite, Mahad seemed quite interested in your story. He asked to look at your hand, the one with the Circle's seal on it, and examined the brand closely.
"I think the chemical vampires inject when they bite a victim reacted to the magic seal," he had concluded eventually. "Since the seal constantly feeds magic into your body, it likely reacted poorly to the vampire curative, like two incompatible chemicals igniting."
Well, that had been a good enough explanation for you. At least the thought that Marik was giving his followers some strange new powers was pushed down on your list of possibilities.
After your business there was taken care of, you retired to the second floor of the Sanctuary where everyone's quarters were. Your room, like every magician's, was small and devoid of much personalization aside from the stray trinket or two. Shelves were full of Circle-issued books, herbs, and tools mainly used for your job as a magician. It wasn't much, but at least it was yours.
You knew you needed rest, but too many thoughts swirled in your head as you curled up in bed. Possible ways to help Atem, how you could pull it off and what to do after you did. Several options for both bid for your attention, making you feel scatterbrained and restless.
Knowing that lack of sleep would only impede your ability to complete whatever plan you came up with, you eventually had to get up and take a vial from your stockpile of sleeping drafts. It was a drastic measure, you didn't like how the potion usually...amped up the weirdness of your dreams, but it was better than lying awake all night.
Once it had taken hold and you finally fell into sleep, it quickly became apparent that that particular side effect was doing wonders tonight. In the dream you were still lying in bed, only now instead of feeling disoriented and fitful, you sighed in relief as a wave of calm washed over you, leaving you content, warm, and...excited all at the same time somehow. You were even made aware of how wonderful the fabric of your clothes felt against your body, the garb not being your usual night clothes, but something silken and much more revealing. Then you dreamt of an arm, sliding its way across your hip before a firm hand gripped it. Fingers started stroking your hair and you hummed in delight as something else warm and soft draped lazily across your thigh.
"Are you comfortable?" a voice you couldn't ever remember hearing before whispered from behind. The voice was sweet and gentle, not unlike a butterfly's wings. You only hummed in response as the fingers continued to massage your scalp and temples, so the voice continued. "Good. Now, tell me about your day. I heard there was a trial, something involving a vampire?"
Memories of Atem's plight invaded your dreams. The both of you fighting side by side, his judgment by the people you served, his cell and his fangs piercing your skin with such care. The flash of memories felt almost painful. This was wrong. Why were some scenes replaying trice over behind your eyes? The fingers continued to soothe, and the soft string by your thighs swished slowly across your bare skin.
Then the sense of wrongness pitched to a high bar as something dug deeper. Memories of touring the Sanctuary played like a movie in your mind. Distant voices, the voices of guards posted at the cells were trying to swim to the surface as well. Something was looking for answers in your head. The thing swaying lazily at your thighs- how could you not have realized it was a tail the moment it touched you? And the hands stroking so gently, they had minor but undeniable claws to them!
Your mind was yours again in an instant and so was your body. You grabbed the wrist of the hand at your head and heard a gasp from the melodic voice. One swift motion and you were atop the invader. A second and his clawed hands were pinned down by your knees on either side of him. Your own hands were free to strike if needed- though you noticed your current state of dress and that made you lose an ounce or two of security. The sheer fabric of the negligee sent waves of vulnerability to your core, even as you stared daggers down at the incubus trapped beneath you.
His lavender eyes were naturally large, but they were widened in shock and, though he obviously tried to hide it, fear. Heat gathered in your right palm as you called on your fire, and you kicked your glare up to a ten as you addressed the demon.
"What the hell do you think you're doing invading the dreams of a magician, incubus?"
He wasn't trying to escape your grasp, knowing a physical struggle was pointless in the world of sleep. "I wasn't doing anything perverse if that's what you think." When you cocked your eyebrow and darted your eyes down to the lingerie you were dressed in, he actually flushed a pronounced pink color and looked away. "You d-dressed yourself in that, not me! It must have been conjured up when your subconscious picked up on...my type of magic."
The term 'pleasure magic' hung unspoken but heavy in the air between you two, since both of you knew what his 'type' was. You ignored the sudden wave of embarrassment upon remembering that you had been admiring this particular outfit in a store a couple of weeks ago. That wasn't important right now, you knew he wasn't here for a typical feeding, not with what was flashing in your head just a minute ago.
"You were looking for info on Atem. Why?" You kept your voice and gaze as firm and cold as steel, even when the incubus met your eyes again and you saw his own steel under the lavender irises.
"I can't tell you that."
Oh, he knew you couldn't actually do much in the dream world, but that was okay.
"Fine, have it your way."
You gripped the collar of his button-up in a firm grasp as you began chanting your spell, and that's when he did start to struggle. It was too late though. You plunged your grip into his very being, his life force, and pulled his essence along the tenuous connection he himself had made between you two in order to enter your mind. And just like that, his enchantment -the dream- faded, but his body became more solidified beneath your grip. You had hauled him through space from wherever he was hiding and into your room. Wasting no time once his physical being was there, you threw him off your bed and to the floor.
He hit the ground with a thud, but you hadn't put enough strength behind the move to cause him real pain. Damn, his huge leathery wings might be a problem in your tiny bedroom. His spade-tipped tail swished behind him as he took a defensive stance, still on all fours on the ground. Even with that, you sensed no real fight in him. Oh, he would definitely fight if he needed to, but, something in his eyes said he didn't want to fight you. So, not liking the idea yourself, even after his invasion of your privacy, you lessened the aggressiveness of your own stance. At least you were back in your actual PJ's in the real world, you felt much less vulnerable now.
"I just teleported your ass to the worst place a rogue fey can be," you started, keeping your tone cool. "Tell me why you were rifling through my head, and I might let you go."
The incubus did not respond at first, he looked as though he was weighing something in his mind carefully. You hadn't noticed it at first, the thick curling horns atop his head having obscured some of his hair, but, now that you got a better look at him, the demon bore quite a resemblance to Atem. They couldn't be related. Incubi and succubi were born demons, vampires were humans made into demons either by other vampires or by dark magicians casting a curse. Maybe they just liked the same brand of hair gel or something.
"You were trying to help him."
The incubus' words drew your attention from his face at large and more directly to his eyes. You honestly couldn't tell if his tone was accusatory or something else, but either way, a suspicion came to mind that you did not like.
"Are you working for Marik? Were you trying to find out how much the Circle knows about his little cult?"
The demon's brow creased in anger at the name. "No! I would never work for that monster!"
"Then why-" you stopped yourself, another thought popping into your head as you remembered what memories the incubus had been searching through. He not only searched for scenes of Atem but for your knowledge of the prison wing's layout. You made your voice a bit more gentle as you asked, "What's your name?"
The man again looked wary, considering. "...Yugi."
Your posture relaxed even more now and you actually sighed with relief. Yugi must have assumed he was safe because he too relaxed, getting up from his crouch slowly.
"Atem told you about me?"
"He asked me to find you and tell you what happened to him. He didn't want you to be left wondering." You crossed your arms, giving him an almost amused smirk. "I don't think he expected you to use your magic and go digging around in a magician's head."
Yugi blushed just a tad again but his voice was even as he said, "I'm sorry for invading your privacy, but I thought you were the magician who arrested him. When I saw your memories of the past couple days though..." He gave you an odd look, as if he was almost perplexed by you, though not in a bad way. "You were trying to prove he was innocent. You fought for him, you even let him..." his eyes flickered to your left wrist and the phantom feel of Atem's gentle bite pulsed there.
Feeling suddenly embarrassed again you moved the conversation along. "Look, I know what you were looking for in my mind, you want to break Atem out, but I'm telling you now it's not possible. There are wards and seals all around the prison wing and you can't get in without a magician's seal," you waved your right palm at him. "You'll just end up getting killed if you try to rescue him by yourself."
Again his eyes filled with an anger that you already suspected was uncommon for him. His eyes were meant to be soft and sparkling, not filled with hate.
"I'm not going to just stand by and let the Circle kill him! I can't!"
"Hey, hold on there, Yugi," you held up your hands to keep him calm, even with your noise canceling charms around the room, if he got too loud your neighbors might hear him. "I just said you can't do it by yourself." When his eyes exchanged anger for a soft flicker of hope, you couldn't help but smile. "Luckily for you, I'm not going to let them kill Atem either. And...your help might make things a lot easier on me..."
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Even though your specialty was vampires, you knew quite a lot about pretty much all fey races, including the talents of incubi and succubi. They weren't just good at invading people's dreams and making your wildest sex fantasies come true, most were also talented at glamor charms. It went hand in hand with the whole 'fulfilling their desires' thing, not to mention it was necessary to turn their wings, horns, and tails invisible if they walked among humans.
After a short talk with Yugi, you were assured that he was one who could extend that talent to turn himself, and others, invisible altogether. That was a tool you needed in order to pull off the 'sneaking Atem out' portion of your plan. If you cast an invisibility spell your fellow magicians would have a higher chance of sensing it and catching on to your plan. Yugi's brand of magic was different, It was less attune to a magician's senses. Like radio waves on slightly different frequencies.
You were glad that you had two endurance potions in your personal stock, you and Yugi had needed them by the morning. Not only were you up for hours discussing your plans but, when you tried to get a few hours rest, you simply couldn't fall asleep with an incubus so close. You knew Yugi meant no harm, he was easily one of the most respectful and gentle seeming demons you'd ever met, but that didn't mean the teachings of not trusting such creatures went away easily. Twice you had jerked awake and automatically reached for your silver dagger when your subconscious sensed his demonic energy so close.
You hated it. Hated that they had taught you to kill his kind with little to no questions. It was an impulse and teaching you had fought your entire life. Still, at least in this instance, being able to look down, see Yugi curled up on the carpet with your spare blanket and his peaceful sleeping face made you come back to your senses in a snap. He was so quick to trust you. You wondered if you yourself could ever get to that point.
At least now, in the waking world, you had enough control over your emotions to trust him. He was practically pressed against your back as you two walked down the halls of the Sanctuary, his form invisible to everyone. You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck and if it wasn't for the fact that you had gleaned much of his gentle personality the night before, your instincts would be screaming at him being so close to such a vulnerable spot.
"I know we talked about this a lot last night," Yugi whispered in your ear, wary that the glamor would do nothing to hide his voice from passing magicians, "but are you sure it's best to do this during the day? Wouldn't it be easier at night?"
"Night is when they'd expect a vampire to escape," you muttered back, barely moving your lips. "Don't worry, Yugi. Everything will be fine. Just follow my lead and we'll be okay."
You heard him draw in a deep breath, "I know. I trust you."
That gentle, easy omission almost made you stop in your tracks, but you quickly pushed it to the back of your mind. Both of you needed to focus, there was no time for sentimentality.
It was a long trek from your quarters to the prison wing and the first half of that walk went by without incident, no other magician's paid you or your invisible friend any mind. That is, until a certain shade wearing blonde rounded a corner and locked eyes on you.
You cursed under your breath as Keith stormed towards you across the wide hallway. Trying to duck him would just make matters worse, better to address the threat now. Keith wouldn't do much with everyone else in the hall anyway, you just hoped he kept his distance while he barked.
"Heard your little cry-fest didn't do your pet vampire any good," Keith smirked as he came nearer. "But I gotta bone to pick with you."
Keith advanced and you couldn't escape. Damn him, you weren't the only one who knew how to corner prey. You backed into a wall and felt your back press against Yugi's chest. He took in a sharp breath and, almost as if on instinct, wrapped his arms around your middle. Poor guy obviously felt the need to hold his breath as Keith closed in and planted his fist on the wall beside your head.
"That little stunt you pulled yesterday is gonna cost you, girly. That was my favorite jacket."
"What, I didn't do anything," you defended against his attempt to intimidate. "I'm guessing your jackets burst into flames all the time, better than being on your back all day in any case."
If the comment annoyed him at all, it didn't show, his smirk only grew. "Cute. Bet you won't be cute when I drag ya in front of the Council." He dropped his tone to a conspiratorial whisper, like a teen sharing gossip. "See, I know about your little trip down to the dungeons after lockdown last night. My guess is your vampire boy loved the company." Somehow his grin turned even more sadistic, "You got a fang fetish or something? Yeah, that's it, isn't it? Always knew you were a freak."
The arms around your waist tightened and Yugi let out a low rumble in his throat.
Keith's eyebrows knitted beneath his shades, "Did you just growl at-" He paused, his forehead wrinkling even further. Then his head jerked slightly. "The hell?"
His fist lowered from its spot by your head as Keith turned away a bit. He cursed under his breath again, then stepped away from you completely, looking quite frazzled even with his shades covering half of his face. The next moment Keith was powerwalking down the hall, throwing some half distracted comment about 'dealing with you later' over his shoulder as his fingers ran ragged through his hair.
"What did you do?" you whispered to Yugi, bewildered and still looking at Keith's retreating form.
You felt the incubus shrug against your back. "He seems like the type of man who doesn't appreciate gay porn, so, I planted an hour-long loop of it in his head."
You had to bite your lip quickly to keep from bursting out in laughter, oh, Keith was never going to forget this! The more you thought about it the more you wanted to laugh. Yugi, apparently having just realized that he had grabbed hold of you, finally unwrapped his arms from your waist. You took the chance to dart down a less crowded adjacent hallway and, the moment you were sure no one would see you, doubled over and let out a deep, long laugh.
You sensed Yugi join your side but you couldn't stop laughing, especially when the thought of Keith walking around, smacking his temples like a hazy TV to get the images to stop popped into your head. He was going to be very traumatized for the next hour.
"I- I can't remember the last time I la-laughed this hard!" you finally managed, trying to catch your breath. You honestly didn't, while you had managed to retain a sense of humor over the years, life as a demon hunter didn't offer much laughter.
Finally, you regained control of yourself, though you flashed a smile at where you assumed Yugi was standing before you stepped back out into the main hallway and resumed your walk to the prison wing. Again Yugi remained close behind you, obviously trying to keep calm while being in a proverbial hornet's nest, especially when other magicians passed close by. Still, you managed to get to your destination without trouble.
There was no one at the main entrance, but you knew guards would be patrolling the wing, and again, Yugi's magic would come in handy. After you pressed your palm to the magic seal on the door, stepped inside, and assured that no one was within sight, you shut the door behind you and turned to Yugi.
"Okay, glamor me like how I told you last night."
While he worked his magic, Yugi's imagine became viable in a shimmer, though only for a moment. An odd sensation of excitement washed through you as the spell took hold and he was finished in just a few seconds. You looked down at yourself and felt that the clothes were very much...not you. Neither was the curtain of flowing locks long enough to tuck into your belt, the hair color was the exact opposite of your own. Good, the whole point of this glamor was so the first prisoner you spoke to or anyone who caught a glimpse of you here wouldn't recognize you.
"When we approach this prisoner remember what I told you, Yugi. He may look like an innocent kid, but he's not. He's almost a hundred and fifty years old, dragons just age slower."
You heard the concern in Yugi's voice when he answered, "He's not going to hurt anyone, is he? Aren't you worried that he's one of the fey who really should be locked in here?"
"No. He doesn't have a history of violence," you tried to make your tone reassuring, even giving him what you hoped was a calm smile. "In fact, the only reason he's in here at all is because of his big brother. The Council was hoping to get some info about him and maybe even prove that he's been involved in his brother's shady adventures." You shrugged. "I don't know, he just doesn't seem like the type, and even if was helping out his brother, those dragons are way at the bottom of our 'most dangerous' list. I don't see the harm in breaking the kid out."
"I thought you said he wasn't a kid," Yugi's tone sounded quite amused.
You rolled your eyes, "Just follow me."
The little dragon's less than violent record was not the only reason you were willing to break him free. His cell was on the far side of the prison, opposite Atem's cell, making the little one a perfect distraction.
It felt wrong to say his cell was 'nice' but honestly, considering what the other prisoners were stuck with, it was. A nicer bed (though still a cot), a TV, books, and even a heater to keep his cold-blooded body warm. Whether his special treatment was due to the fact that the Council wanted him on their side, or because they feared retribution from his older brother if they treated him too harshly, you weren't sure.
When you stepped in front of his cell the youngling dragon was laid out on his cot, arms behind his head and eyes closed. Also looking quite human in his current form, unable to change into his winged form with the magical wards surrounding the prison.
He greeted you with a smug tone, "Day three. You guys are really pushing your luck keeping me here. Big brother's gonna be breaking down your walls to get me back any day now."
"What if you didn't have to wait?"
Your tone of voice drew his attention and his eyes snapped open, their gray depths locking on yours. "Who're you?"
"Someone who needs a distraction. I can get you out of the cell, and even give you directions to a section of this wing where I weakened the wards that keep you from transforming."
He sat up, looking suspicious, hopeful, and excited all at the same time. "What's the catch?"
"Like I said, I need a distraction. After you transform and go crashing through the nearest wall, I just want you to make an even bigger mess in the courtyard. Don't kill anyone, just draw as much attention as possible before you fly off."
"Did Seto send you?"
"No, but think how impressed your big brother will be when you come home all on your own."
Kids, human, dragon, or otherwise, would be kids, and kids liked to look cool. He agreed to your terms in a heartbeat, and after opening his cell and sending him on his way, you and Yugi booked it to Atem's cell.
It wasn't hard to avoid the two guards patrolling the halls, especially with your knowledge of their patterns and Yugi's help.
Much like the night before, Atem must have caught your scent on the air, not just yours though. He called out both yours and Yugi's names in surprised worry as he pressed himself as close to the silver bars as possible. Yugi finally let his invisibility glamor fall as you both came into view and Atem's eyes widened when he looked at him.
"What are you doing here?!" He tried to step closer to the bars, looking ready to grab Yugi and shake him for coming after him, but he hisses at the sting of silver.
"We came to rescue you!" Yugi replied innocently.
Atem turned his scolding eyes to you, then flinched slightly when he took in your very different appearance. Yugi muttered an 'oppose, forgot to drop the glamor' before waving his hand and returning you to normal. Atem was over the shock in a second.
"Neither of you should be here. If you're caught, they'll kill all three of us! I won't have either of you getting hurt because of me!"
"Oh shut up," you snapped, "have a little faith in us, Atem. Yugi's a pretty smart guy and with my help we'll be able to pull this off- as long as you don't put up a fuss." To make your words all the more firm, you folded your arms and matched his hard gaze.
In your peripherals you caught Yugi giving a smile that was almost a smirk. "You heard her, Atem, don't make a fuss. We're getting you out and that's final."
The vampire closed his eyes, and the way his fangs poked through as he sighed looked almost cute. "Fine." He opened his eyes again and looked over at the tiny window that let in a beam of afternoon sun into the hallway. "I assume you have a way to prevent me from bursting into flames the moment we step outside?"
"Yup, luckily for you sometimes magicians need to transport vampires during the day, and I know an enchantment to do that." You held up a golden ring etched with runes. "It'll only last a few hours when I activate the enchantment, but it should be more than enough to get you out." Before you could explain any more of the plan, a thunderous crash that shook the ground followed by a roar cut you off. The little dragon was finally on his way out. "That's our cue."
You raised your right hand, the seal on your palm glowing and connecting to the lock on the cell. The moment the mechanism clicked, Yugi grabbed the bars of the door and threw it open. The moment it was, you tossed the enchanted ring to the vampire and told Yugi to do his thing, just as shouting echoed down the stone hall, frantic and calling for backup to hold off the dragon. When you looked back and saw that Yugi had turned himself and Atem invisible the next phase of your plan started.
The dragon youngling made good on his word and wreaked so much havoc on the Sanctuary's courtyard that the hallways were practically empty as the three of you ran for it. Even the few magicians you did pass didn't spare you more than a glance, likely assuming that you were on a mission for something specific. The echoes of the invisible feet running behind you didn't even draw notice in the commotion that could be heard clearly from outside.
"Are we truly planning on simply walking out the front door?" Atem hissed behind you.
"No, it's more like the back door the way she described it," Yugi answered.
"We just need to get out of range from the Sanctuary's wards and I can teleport us out of here. Now keep quiet before someone hears us!"
To your horror, silence had just fallen between the three of you, when two figures turned a corner and almost knocked right into you. You skidded to a halt so fast you feared that the boys wouldn't be able to avoid colliding with your back. They managed not to by a hair.
"Whoa! Sorry!" the shorter of the two called.
"Oh, Mana." Your attention immediately darted up to her companion and your eyes locked with Mahad's. Your spine gave a slight shiver at how he already looked suspicious.
"Where are you off to?" he asked, trying to keep his tone gentle.
"Councilman Rhodes asked me to get something from his office, to help with the escaping dragon." Good thing you already had an excuse ready.
Mahad raised an eyebrow. Then, the horror inside your stomach screamed again as he looked behind you and narrowed his eyes. Without another word, Mahad waved his hand and chanted a familiar spell. You wanted to scream out loud as you turned, and saw Yugi's glamor fall. Both men stood there, frozen and wide-eyed and completely visible.
Mana gasped, "Atem! You were using the attack to sneak him out!" Then her face fell from surprise to confusion as she looked Yugi up and down, "Who's the incubus?"
"Atem's lover, I assume." Mahad's eyes darted from them to you and not for the first time in your life, you felt like Mahad was reading your very soul like a book. He had always been able to tell volumes about a person just by looking at them.
As you and the boys were still frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do, Mana looked up at her mentor with pleading eyes. "Master...if we turn them in, all three of them will be executed." Her eyes darted back to you, "She was just trying to do what was right!"
All you could manage was to look the man directly in his eyes. There was no chance at overpowering a skilled magician like Mahad. Your fates were in his hands now.
He held your gaze for another long moment, before he closed them and turned away. "Then I guess it is a good thing that we didn't see them. Let's go, Mana."
"Yes, sir!" the girl said, her usual cheerful manner back as she winked at you and followed her teacher down the hallway.
It took a moment to realize what just happened, but, after that moment, it really didn't surprise you. Mahad followed rules, yes, but above all else, he was a good and fair man.
"Thank you," Atem's voice called after the two magicians and Mahad actually stopped at the words.
"Take care of her. She's throwing the only life she's ever known away right now." He looked over his shoulder and gave you one final serious stare. "Even if we keep quiet, the Council will find out. You know that."
You only had to wait a second before you answered with, "I don't care."
The profound look of understanding that crossed Mahad's eyes almost caught you off guard. Perhaps he wished he could do the same as you. But a second later he and Mana resumed their walking, the latter giving you one last wave of goodbye before they turned another corner.
When you looked back at the boys to tell Yugi to cast his spell again, you jolted at how both of them were staring at you. Had they assumed you could just send them on their way and come back to the Circle without the Council discovering what you did? No, they were too smart for that assumption. More like having it said out loud made it real for them...and they seemed torn over the idea that you were giving up, well, everything for them. You didn't like the hints of guilt in their eyes.
"Come on, we got a lot of ground to cover still."
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Teleportation spells...they just weren't your forte. But it was the best way to get plenty of distance between you and the Sanctuary while they realized what you'd done. So you just had to endure the strain of teleporting yourself and two passengers the moment you were out of the building's magical reach.
Your body hit the ground hard, the dry leaves and dirt doing little to break your fall and you heard two similar thuds come right after you before your portal closed. Letting out a groan, you rolled onto your hand's and knees, hoping there weren't too many bruises as you looked over your companions who were once again visible.
"You two okay? I've never teleported that many people."
Yugi sat up on his knees and flapped one of his wings gingerly. "I'll be okay," he winced.
Both of you looked around the forest to find Atem, and there was a strange flutter in your chest when you saw him standing in a ray of sun. The light illuminated his face, only enhancing his look of wonder as he looked up at the blue sky between the trees.
"I had heard of enchantments that allow vampires to walk in the sunlight but..." he looked back at the two of you and his smile was so happy it made your heart ache. "I never thought I would see this again."
Yugi rose from the forest floor and walked to Atem, immediately pulling him into a tight embrace, something he had likely wanted to do since he saw him in the cell. You felt a sudden wash of shame as you watched the affection, though you couldn't pinpoint why. You shouldn't blame yourself for what the Circle did...even if you were part of that very clan.
Not wanting to intrude on their proper reunion, you busied yourself with that task of finding the backpack you had stashed in the forest that morning. It was a large thing, though, quite small when one realized that it had all of your possessions stuffed inside. It wasn't as if you could go back for your things after breaking Atem out.
When you returned to where the men were they had parted from their embrace and you saw looks of worry on their faces as the peered through the trees. When they spotted you, their mutual worry eased in an instant.
"I assume you never told the council where you or Yugi live, right?" you asked before they could say anything to you.
Atem shook his head. "We should be safe, so long as they don't find it too important to track us down." He looked over at Yugi with a smirk. "Yugi actually knows how to cast a ward or two himself, and has our home protected from tracking spells."
Oh, they lived together? Interesting.
"Just small ones," Yugi muttered, cheeks red, "I don't think they'd stand up against the Circle's heavy duty spells though."
"Don't worry. The only reason they were going to kill Atem is because they thought he was part of Marik's cult and figured it was easiest to execute him. They won't waste resources tracking him down now. But they will to find me...which brings me to a favor I need to ask of you."
Atem met your eyes, looking alert, serious, and ready. "After everything you've done, you can ask anything of me."
You set your backpack down on the ground and looked down at the magician's seal branded into your palm. An ancient mark that bound you to the Circle. A mark of servitude one might say. "If I'm going to escape the Circle myself, I need this seal removed." You closed your fingers, feeling another flood of shame. "You see, this seal doesn't just help us channel our magic and let us open doors in the Sanctuary. It...It also acts as a kill switch."
"What?" Atem's dark tone made you look up at him. He suddenly looked very angry. Yugi contrasted by looking horrified.
"In the case of a rogue magician, a magician like me, the Council can cast a spell and use the seal to kill the magician. I don't think they'll do that immediately, they'll try to capture me first, but I have no doubt that they'll resort to that eventually."
Yugi took a step forward. "You told that man that you knew the Council would find out that you betrayed them. You knew that and you still..."
"It doesn't matter, especially because I think Atem can help me get rid of the seal."
"How? How can I help," he asked, sounding on the verge of desperate.
"Yesterday a vampire bit my right arm and it hurt. It hurt like hell, not how vampire bites are supposed to feel. When I asked around the most likely conclusion is that the curative on a vampire's fangs reacts to the magic in the seal." You knew your eyes must have turned pleading as you looked at Atem, but you didn't much care somehow. "I think your bite can purge the seal's enchantment from my body. If it's magic vanishes, so does my connection with the Circle."
Atem's eyes darted to your right palm, "Are you sure it'll work?"
"No. But it's the only other option besides cutting off my hand." You gave them a wry smile. "That's plan B."
Yugi scowled, "Please don't joke about that."
You closed the distance between you and the vampire and he looked almost wary as you lifted your hand, palm up, to him. "It's worth a try." Relief filled you when Atem took your hand. "I'll warn you now, I'll probably start screaming, but don't stop. If it hurts that means it's working."
"You don't know that," Atem all but snapped, but, after a moment he looked back down at your palm and sighed. "I pray this works."
He opened his mouth and his fangs flashed in the sunlight before they pierced the skin of your palm. White hot pain filled your veins almost instantly and you clamped your mouth shut in an effort not to cry out. You didn't want Atem to feel guilty for hurting you, especially with how gentle he was trying to be, but the pain was too much and you couldn't stop the shout of agony that bubbled up from your throat. Sweat gathered on your brow and your other hand clenched so hard you were sure your nails broke the skin.
Then, you felt a pair of hands cup your face. They turned your head and you saw Yugi's beyond distraught face before he locked his purple eyes with yours. And suddenly the pain seemed to fade away, slowly but surely. It was replaced by a calm kind of excitement. Not unlike the feeling you felt when he entered your dream or when he changed your appearance with his magic. Your mind went fuzzy, and you couldn't think of anything in particular. It felt like floating under a ray of sun.
Slowly, the scene came back to you. A dull ache throbbed in your right palm as hands rubbed it and your arm with reassuring care. A wave of dizziness overtook your body and you stumbled, only to be caught in two pairs of strong arms.
"We've got you," Yugi said as they lowered you to the ground gently.
"Does it still hurt?" Atem asked as neither dared to let go of you yet.
You managed to find your voice after a few moments. "Believe it or not, it hurt worse when they gave me the mark."
Yugi looked disgusted. "And they call us the monsters."
You became aware that Atem was still gently stroking your palm with his thumb. You looked down, and you almost wanted to cry in relief when you saw that the seal was nothing but a faint pink scar now.
"I think it worked," Atem confirmed.
After a minute you managed to regain some of your strength and as you did you got the urge to remove yourself from their embrace. It felt odd to be part of such affection, though the moment you sat up, you missed the comfort.
"Thank you, Atem. This will make running from the Circle much easier." After giving the vampire a smile, you looked over at Yugi, almost amused as you remembered how Yugi had done something in the midst of your pain. "Did you use your seduction magic on me?"
As his eyes widened his face flushed, "I didn't fully seduce you! I just...you were in so much pain, I thought I could use it to block it out of your mind. It seemed to work too."
"I'm not upset. Thank you, it made all of that a lot easier."
Still with a hint of the blush, Yugi smiled back at you. Silence settled for a moment, and you knew the longer you were with them, the harder it would be to part. Damn it, why did being with them just feel so....
"You two need to get home. The enchantment on Atem's ring won't last forever and you'll want to be somewhere safe when it runs out."
When you stood up both men jumped to their feet as well, Atem actually stepping in front of you. "What do you mean 'you two'? You're coming as well."
"What? No, I shouldn't."
"Yes you should!" Yugi insisted, "You need a place to stay, stay with us!"
Your mouth opened and closed a few time, resembling a fish as you tried to think of a good reason to deny them. Then again, did you really want to?
Atem put a hand on your upper arm, "Please, stay with us. We need to look out for each other now."
A moment of contemplation. "I...o-okay. I'll stay for a while."
"Yes!" Yugi cheered, "It's settled then," he plucked your backpack from the ground and slung it over his shoulder. "Since you're still pretty shaken up from Atem's bite I'll fly us there."
"Wait, what?" your face felt drained all of the sudden. You had been in the air a few times, but somehow the imagery of this incubus trying to carry both you and Atem while flying made you fearful.
"Don't worry," Atem assured with a smile, "Yugi is stronger than he looks, he won't let you fall."
As the incubus gathered a vampire in one arm and a magician in the other you said, "But I'm just not a big fan of flyING-!" your voice pitched into something like a scream as he flapping his wings and shot into the air.
Life was certainly going to be more interesting with these two.
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