#mainly because they werent real
old-account-111 · 1 year
Sorry about breaking the sky
An apology to anyone in NYC, I did not mean to fill the sky with chinchillas. I am deeply sorry about any disruptions I caused.
When I said I "wished it would rain chinchillas" I did not mean it literally
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goldenbell · 2 years
I genuinely think that most of the people claiming to be detransitioners online are not actually that. They all seem to be either:
1. terfs/transphobes who are lying about once being trans so that they can make it appear like the number of detransitioners is much higher than it is and also to give their "arguments" against trans people more validity
2. trans people who are either trying to gain the approval of transphobes or trying to convince themselves that they aren't trans because transphobes have convinced them that being trans is the worst thing you can be
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ivanzplaid · 11 months
Ok so I have this idea but I don't know how to write it. Can I get head cannons for Vincent Sinclair, Amanda Young, Billy Lenz, Otis Driftwood, Doomhead and Jason Voorhees if that's not too much. So they give their s/o a piece of clothing and their s/o returns it but they sprayed their perfume/colonge on it so it smells like them and the slashers reactions to finding that out. Thank you <3
im clearing out my inbox and i saw this and i screamed because I LOVE THIS PROMPT OMG??? adorable i love them all snd im screaming, you always give the best requests 😭
the slashers you chose are adorable theyre so perfect for this btw. ive been having some bill mosely brain rot so im literally rolling. i am adding leo barnes because yk i gotta spread my gospel about niche little characters i love, sorry man✊ but all other slashers are included!!
there are only 10-12 hcs per character this time because theres so many people my b💔
requests r open, masterlist is up!!!
Slashers + Leo Barnes x Gn!Reader + Giving back clothes (that smells like the reader)
Warnings: fluff, some wiseass comments from otis and doomhead, some trauma mentions from amanda, vincent & leo's source, like a LITTLE nsfw in leo's section.... mainly toothrotting fluff imma keep it real
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Vincent Sinclair
vincent loves to be reminded of you, he loves to see himself in you ( or you in him ) because hes proud to have someone in his life as loving and gracious as you are, so he didnt hesitate to give his s/o a piece of his clothing
you wearing one of his sweaters, or even sweatpants, has him lightly smiling beneath his mask. he thinks you look like a piece of art in it, and wants to hold and touch you because of that
so after a few days of having it and wearing it, it was bound to smell like you. but just to play with him, you sprayed a little bit more of your cologne on, knowing he'll always think of you when wearing it
when he receives it, hes left wanting to be with you. youre on his brain, youve left him longing for your presence, something in his brain clicked. he'll be laying his head on your shoulder and laying with you, putting his head in the crook of your neck, or even painting you
he loves to be reminded of you, youre a comfort for him. hes unstable and unwell at times, so if youre ever not there or hes stalking his next victims, hes reassured by the thought of you. that youll be waiting or coming back for him soon
will steal your cologne to spray on himself sometimes. he cant hate, it smells good, you have taste. its a motivator for him sometimes, using it to get things done or complete projects that hes lost his spark on
has fallen asleep with his clothes on his face when you werent in bed with him. he didnt mean to, but he was so relaxed and tired, at ease for once, that he dozed off thinking of you
bo will think its ridiculous how he treasures those clothes and wears them more often, but vincents nature leads him to leaning back on you, and this helps with his anxiety or displeasure at times
hes reminded of certain memories you two have together when he smells it, reminiscing in those times. this may spark him to think of some more date ideas. it lowkey makes him more romantic because he wants to be greater for & with you
because of his childhood, stability and reassurance are things he needs, and this really helps him, both in the relationship and in his own life
Amanda Young
she is more than happy to give you her clothes, shes used to sharing and to have someone genuinely wanting her and to be reminded of her is something big
now she is a bit excited and suprised. she probably thinks you didnt mean to do this, and that your cologne/perfume accidentally rubbed off on the clothes she gave you, but its a happy suprise
is almost ashamed of how long she wears / doesnt wash the clothes. its comforting to know that you wore it, and lived in it, and was happy while doing so. she likes to have happy memories connected to her belongings, so this is meaningful
"You should wear my clothes more often- here," she says as she hands you a mound of stuff she thinks youd like. shes trying to be inconspicuous about it but you let out a slight giggle as you of course take it
likes to spritz herself with your perfume/cologne once before the day, it may not be the entirely same thing but she loves to copy what you do
will be more relaxed and in a better mood because of it, she'll be smiling a bit more often and giggling, and may even be in a lighter mood when shes out doing apprentice jobs
once she finds out you did it on purpose, she laughs and thinks its sweet how you thought if her and wanted to do this for her
will start to do it when you lend her clothes, making it a little tradition to spritz her perfume on anything you give her. it makes you laugh about how she picked up on it so quickly, but atleast your laundry hamper smells good now
the other apprentices and john start to notice her new perfume/cologne smell and are a bit curious, but she brushes it off. the others recognizing your perfume/cologne make her prideful to have and be with you, youre the thing shes most proud of
"I.. uhm, bought you more of your cologne/perfume, I noticed you were running low. And I know you really like it." she'll begin to memorize the brand and ones that you might like, surprising you with them as little gifts
Otis Driftwood
he loves sharing clothes, in fact, you two share a clothes drawer/closet. he thinks the moment you two shared a room was the moment your stuff was his and his was yours, he has a bad time with boundaries
he sees you one day in his t shirt and laughs, he thinks its funny that you wear his stuff casually. out of spite, he may steal one of your tops and parade around in it like an ass, but he does love seeing you in his stuff
however, when he gets it back, and is suffocated by your signature smell, he has two reactions. one is: "Aw sweetie what the hell *violently and dramatically coughs* im suffocatin' over here!" (he loves it)
and two is: "Oh baby.. you smell so good.. C'mere." he is going to be stuck on you and drunk on your cologne/perfume, yes he will be much more sexual, yes he is going to hover around you, entertaining you like this
he can never get enough of his s/o, and this only makes it worse. hes always thinking about you because the smell is always lingering in the back of his head
he'll get distracted easily and often forget what hes doing because hes wanting to be with you, or hes thinking about holding you. it'll be to the point where hes making his art pieces, configuring victims in the way he wants, and he just trails off
will hold you down and just rest his head in the crook of your neck so he can be at peace and smell your cologne/perfume, its calming to him and he does it to ground his mind alot
can and will bite you, little lovebites around your neck and collarbone because he has the urge to be close to you from your signature scent, its like primal urges with him
"Ohh Darlin'.. yer teasing me by smelling that good.." has very bad self restraint when it comes to you, he just loves you so much that he wants to show you
if grandpa hugo gives you any shit for wearing and 'fuckin up' otis's clothes, otis will not hesitate to defend you and call him delusional. is 100% at your defense because he doesnt let anyone shit talk you
Leo Barnes
leo may not care as much, he notices when youre actively wearing his stuff, but doesnt notice if some of his shirts are gone. he is a typical guy when it comes to that
however when he sees you in his clothes, its semi-comforting. its almost nice because he feels like youre protected, a vibe of "they're mine". hes a possessive and protective man, especially after his son died, he has an urge for you to be with him, and this is a way for you to be 'with him' in a sense
loves to come up behind you and rest his chin on your head, rubbing your arms as he secretly relishes in the sight of you. he is a is a secret physical contact love language guy if youve been in the relationship for a bit, it comforts him to know that youre there with him
when you finally give him back his clothes, he unsuspectingly finds out they smell like your cologne/perfume as he was going to wash them (which he quickly stopped, putting them to his nose to confirm his initial thought)
a sprinkle of nsfw... he secretly brings the clothes you spritzed your cologne/perfume on to his bed, shutting the door before laying down, holding it to his nose and jerking off, reminiscing on how tempting you are to do this to him, he'll be sure to confront you about it.. after hes finished
you'll see him immediately wear those clothes (casually of course, he cant let you think hes gone obsessed). its honestly therapeutic for him because of his trauma with loss of a loved one, feeling out of control and like he needs to have a sign of you with him
he'll confront you soooo normally about it, laughing and taunting you a bit about how you did this to torture him, since you knew he wouldnt be able to resist you. its loosened him up and made him a bit more soft. he'll laugh as he speaks and raises his eyebrows amused as you try to explain yourself
"So.. You drowned my clothes in your cologne/perfume? Not complaining.. the opposite actually. I'll be sure to get some more while I'm out," acting so nonchalant as he begins to mentally note the brand, hes now addicted to it because it represents you
will fall asleep with his head in the crook of your neck, or on your shoulder, because the smell comforts him to the point where hes able to be vulnerable, because he knows its you
almost makes him more possessive, he feels that youre his. the scent makes him more serious/stern when others are around, its literally primal for him, he cant help it
he thinks this is ALLL ridiculous, but isnt against it, quite the opposite, seeing you in his clothes makes him proud, and even if he teases you for it, he sees it as a sign of loyalty, and he ruffles/pats your hair when he sees it
"Well dontcha look nice now.. glad to see youre wasting my clean clothes" painfully an ass and sarcastic, but in one minute hes about to massage your shoulders because he needs to touch you since you look so perfect
if youve taken his sweatshirt or t shirt, he loves to grab you by the collar of it and pull you close, feeling a lot more in control snd dominant than usual
when you give him back his clothes, he tosses it aside, not using it or seeing what you did till he goes to wear it again (he js a STINKY man lets be real). when he finslly smells it, he laughs hard, knowing that you did it to get a reaction out of him, and thats what you'll get
he thinks its amusing, and he'll confront you in the most dramatic manner possible. putting and arm out and cornering you before slyly smiling, taunting you as he casually holds out the clothes
"Very amusing toots.. I love what youve done with it. You think I wouldnt notice?" after that hes going to drag you away, teasing you and giving you lovebites, tracing his finger over your shoulders, he wants you to know how much he likes it
can and will wear it to 31 if he can, hes not gonna tell you he did, but smelling you jolts him with motivation, especially when he knows he has a long night ahead of him
secretly steals your cologne/perfume if hes missing you, will snort it like its coke, but he needs it to stay stable for the moment
will hold onto you as you fall asleep in bed now, his grip is tight, he wants to fall asleep and wake up to your smell, it is oddly comforting and gives him a deep ass nights sleep
is a bit more in affection now because hes growing, he wants to be closer to you in any situation, his connection and relationship has grown deeper strangely because of this
Jason Vorhees
jason has very.. limited options for clothing, but his mother taught him well, so he shares like a gentleman. he'll even put it on you, gently placing his coat on your shoulders, or sliding you into his loose t-shirt
it brings him soso much joy to see you in his stuff, hes happy to know that you love it too, that you love him. seeing that its a bit big makes him smile, its funny how you still wear it even if it doesnt exactly fit
flaunt the outfits to him and he'll worship you, thinking of how good you look and how hes going to be lending you a lot more clothes, especially if you like it. if youre happy, hes happy
when he gets the clothes back, going to fold them back up to put away, he gets a sniff of them, and to his surprise, they smell lovely, they smell immensely like you. at first he assumes its just because you wore it so much, but he does inside love how abundant the cologne/perfume is, he relishes in it
is veryyy happy to see you the next morning, in an even greater mood than before, hugging you and picking you up everywhere, something about you is just a pick-me-up for him
youll see him wearing the outfit you had on.. no relation to anything, he just takes inspiration. however youll catch him holding a sleeve up and closing his eyes, and thats when you question him, which leads him to trying to shrug the topic off
youll say that you put some of your own cologne/perfume on for a little surprise, and thats when he realizes how lucky he is to be with you, he thinks youre so considerate for it, it almost reminds him of his mother, because she used to spray her perfume everywhere, giving him soft memories about him growing up with her, so this behavior is almost encouraged and is very comforting for him
he may start to want his own cologne after this, to match with you, and so he can smell good for you. he'd want the scents to match, and for his to compliment yours, because its the only right way in his mind
hes proud to be so lucky to have someone like you, wearing your cologne/perfume often, and spritzing it in moderation for when hes out hunting, still wanting to be reminded of you
he likes to have you lay on him while he sleeps, so that he can be close, trace your features, and be at totally contempt with his life
Billy Lenz
now billy is ecstatic about you taking his clothes, hes jumping off the walls and screaming in joy because you wanna even touch and be seen in his stuff, since hes used to being treated like a monster
he wants you to show him IMMEDIATELY what you look like in it, and hes going to be all touchy touchy, admiring you from every angle, maybe even stealing someones camera to get a photo
"Billy's pretty little piggy.. in his own shirt!! Too pretty.. too handsome..." he says as hes breathing heavily in your face, thinking hes acting normal
hes basically tracking when hes gonna get the clothes back because either way hes going to go insane and smell them and wear them and hold them
when he smells your cologne/perfume, he freezes in excitement before running to you, asking what you did and how you need to spray him with it and how he needs to hold you and cuddle you now because he needs to smell it again
when youre gone hes rummaging through your room, endlessly searching for your cologne/perfume, and once he finds it, not only is he going to douse the attic in it, he may slip a teensy bit into his drink... yes hes insane, he wants your essence to be inside him
charges at you and clings because hes in a trance of his own mind, your scent making him intoxicated for you now, hes obsessed with you and everything about you
speaking of this, he begins to notice the even littler details about you, like the hair wash you use or the selfcare/nail polish/clothing type you wear, he gets excited from memorizing every little detail about you
will growl if someone is getting too close to you and complimenting you & your cologne/perfume, even if he cant really be seen with you, he wants and needs everyone to know that hes claimed, and has got you
"Billy's piggy is so intricate... so detailed! Billy just wishes he could live in your skin for a day.. to see what you see!" morbid, yes, but he genuinely wants to see what you see, because if your little details are that impressive to him, he believes that what you choose and do in your ever day life is even better
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going to be real bunwitch seems to be pretty happy that scout's going through it. extremely fucked to look at a person in a high stress situation with their personal pets and go "haha i doubt its real but if it is theyre just being dramatic". Like how fucked up is it that the other person mainly involved (bonefarm) who has experience with falsified animal control calls can sympathize with someone they dont even like but bunwitch is just completely shifting the blame off themselves and acting like scout is overreacting. if they werent the ones that did it, it was definitely one of their followers. certainly hope bunwitch doesnt have to worry about any false animal control calls or doxxing anytime soon, because theyre gonna get the exact amount of sympathy theyre giving scout.
Oh I absolutely have no doubt it was them or one of their pals lol. They’ve been pissing and moaning about Scout for days now for absolutely no reason. The last post I saw of theirs before I mass blocked a bunch of these weirdos started off with something like “I don’t get why culling newborn rabbits is bad but mice isn’t” yeah man, Scout didn’t say that though. It’s weird to cull pinkie mice solely for pattern or sex too. The main reason pinkies are culled is that they’re a specific size that makes them an excellent stepping stone in feeding baby carnivorous wildlife. I don’t personally cull pinkies as food because it’s a waste of resources and low in nutrition, but if you’re feeding something like a very small snake you don’t always have that many options since they swallow prey whole making it impractical to simply cut adult mice in smaller pieces. A newborn rabbit of most breeds is similar in size to adult mice and halfling rats so you can much more easily just use those and not have to worry about supplementing with calcium or anything. Rabbit meat in general is so low on fat it’s a bit useless to most carnivores as a food staple unless you have an obese carnivore you need to drop weight off of.
That’s a digression I know, but my point is that bunnyblr weirdos will take any opinion that may conflict with their interests and spin it into their own narrative to organize their pathetic little harassment campaigns.
“Oh you said goat kids shouldn’t be hard culled at birth in your opinion? Guess that means you hate rabbit breeding and want us dead but personally step on baby mice with your bare feet, also sometimes your cattle who live outside have mud on them im calling the cops on you in real life because I stalked you to find your name and address, I’m the normal one here!”
Anyway, I hope Scout gets some form of legal Justice for this because it really is just them openly threatening with a not-so-subtle “fall in line because I know where you live and how to find you by name if you move”. There’s no other justification because you cannot legitimately tell me that they thought sending an ACO to Scout’s apartment, not the property the cattle are kept at, their personal apartment where they live, was actually done in good faith to “save those poor moos” absolutely not. Nothing Scout has done is illegal or considered unethical by anyone who knows anything about cattle. This wasn’t done out of concern this was done with the intent to harm someone for saying something they didn’t like online. You don’t send a cop to the home of a queer person with good intentions. It’s absolutely sickening behavior.
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
I love you so I let you go
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Pairing: Seok matthew x gender neutral reader
Warnings: Y/N is insecure (extremely), insults
Notes : I havent written anything in over a year due to various reasons so its messy lol and globally bad. Its just to get me back on writing and get rid of my writing trauma lmfao. English is my second language. (Also darling seok02 I am not tagging you bc you deserve better this, I will do better I promise <3)
Genre: University au, Matthew fell first, friends to sweethearts, angst, break-up.
Synopsis: Y/n and Matthew are in a relationship but sometimes insecurity get the best of you..
.....Under the cut ...!
Many people had different names to qualify you. Dumb, weak, unworthy, ugly..
You were used to it by now. You knew that the words you were over-hearing on a daily basis were not real.
The insults had started when your relationship to your boyfriend, Matthew, became public.
Matthew and you were the same age, coming from the same city, friends since school and finally at university as well. You werent majoring in the same discipline but it didnt matter, Matthew always made time for you, his favorite friend to hang out, eat together. He always made sure you were never eating alone.
Something had shifted in your relationship a year ago, when you went back home and realised that Matthew wasn't only glued at your hip at university.
You were quite the insecure person and even if you had known Matthew your whole life there was this little part of you that always thought that if he was hanging out with you daily was because he had taken you on pity.
How could he not ?
You had grown up together. You played as childrens, had braces together, learned together how to tie your shoelaces. Of course he would feel pity for you. And stay by your side at univerisity were you knew no one and had not made any friends.
Matthew on his side, social butterfly he was, had quickly made friends, Kim Jiwoong an acting major a few years older, Kim Tae Rae and Zhang Hao from the composing major...
You never understood why Matthew always took them with him to have lunch with you, or simply ditching them to not leave you alone. But it was fine, you thought "well he pity me, what can I do" and thought it would stop once you went home.
But it didnt, he was even clingier then when you left your respective parent's houses at the beginning of the school year.
He was swinging by your home almost daily, taking your dog on walks with you, doing gardening with your father.
Thats when you started to question it. Why was he nice to you ? Yes you grow up together, yes he must have felt some kind of responsabilities when you were at the university but here ? In the city of your childhood..? With no one but people you knew you whole life ? Why was he staying by your side ?
Naturally you asked him, and he confessed, hands shaking and tears in his eyes. You were left with only confusion.
Matthew was the sweetest person that you could ever think of, why would he likes you?
Pleading with you he had convinced you to put him over a trial, "try being my partner for two weeks, give me two weeks, and if afterwards you are not interested, we will stay as friends"
Of course, you didn't need those two weeks to know that Matthew was the best person ever, and well, that you liked him.
Coming to your place to watch movies together, accompanying you when you had to do grocery shopping for your parents. Going on drive to see the sea together, laying on the grass together to observe the clouds and give them shapes (and mainly fighting over said shapes)
The two weeks had passed and you stayed together.
Your summer break was the best part of your life, you had enjoyed every single second of it. Enjoying each other presence. Both of your famillies were most than pleased at the way your relationship had developped.
You never told Matthew you loved him, he was always the one to do so. There was always this little voice in your head to tell you that you were not good enough for him, pretty enough, clever enough. But it was fine you managed to deal with it.
But you got back to your university, and one of his classmate found out about you two dating and quickly, like fire, the news spread out on campus. Matthew was popular, with girls, with boys. And quickly you became "Matthew's partner".
People were coming to you, asking you if you were Matthew's signifiant other, laughing in your face, belittling you, saying your relationship would never make it through, that you werent enough for him. That he pitied you.
Until one day you could not stand it anymore. You were at Matthew's place, the appartement he shared with his friends, laying together on the couch. Matthew was watching his favorite anime, completely immersed in it.
But you, their words kept coming back, again and again.
Turning your face from the tv screen to your boyfriend, you admired his feature, chocolate like hair, a big smile, sparkling eyes. He was the prettiest, kindest person you had ever met. And you loved him so much.
"Wake up Y/N, Matthew is just doing charity work you know ? One day he is gonna ditch you and then what ? You are nothing"
You felt your stomach hurts, and once again since a few weeks you ran to the bathroom, the sudden urge to vomit. Matthew stoped the movie and urged to the bathroom, putting his hand on your back, rubbing it slowly, comforting you.
Once you were done, he slowly picked you up, and laid you down on the couch. Picking up a glass of water he was getting back to your side.
"Are you alright love ?"
You stayed silent for a few seconds, looking at his face. He was worried, it wasn't the first time you were vomitting in a short time.
"I want to break up."
Matthew went further on his place and looked at you without understanding what was happening.
"What do you mean ?"
"You and I. Breaking up. I can't do it anymore. I just can't."
He was looking at you without words, the last events of the last months going back in his head. What was happening ? Why did you wanted to break up ? Since when were you feeling like this ?
"Why..? We are doing just fine..? Why do you wanna..?"
It was your turn to be without words, you had never told Matthew about what people were saying to you. Always enduring by yourself.
There was this little voice, greedy voice, that always told you that if you were to speak up about it he would just break up with you more quickly. You were just greedy, you wanted to keep him by your side just a little bit longer.
Unable to speak any words, you stand up, packing your stuff in your bag, tying your shoelaces, Matthew follows you, wordless.
"I love you, please, don't let go of me"
You looked at Matthew one last time, his tears were starting to fall on his cheeks, you took your jacket and went out.
Closing the door behind you, you feel your breath hurting your chest, you go down the stairs, and finally you make it at the bottom of the building.
Walking across your campus, head hidden in your hoodie, you make it to your dorm. Closing your door behind you. And finally letting yourself go.
You allow yourself to cry, in a place safe, where no one can see you or hear you.
Matthew last look kept coming back inside your head, and you couldn't get it out.
It was breaking your whole heart out but there was this part of yourself that kept thinking that he was just better off without you. You were stopping him from his real life, keeping him behind everything.
Seok Matthew deserved better than you. You loved him so you had to let him go.
Part 2.
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theosconfessions · 7 months
ok. i'm caught up on scarlett doing her clout thing. and i gotta know something. does she maybe think that theo mainly came back to them because he wanted to get DUSTIN back and the family was just a package deal? does she maybe think he would never have come back had it not been for dustin? does she look at Theo and see a guy who mainly got his crap together for the sake of the guy he loved, and less for the children he has already admitted he didn't initially want? because then, it might not matter as much to her that dustin loves him and forgives him. because it would have nothing to do with her. she would be the setback to their great love story that they had to overcome.......which is probably why she went overboard in getting this info out. Like a "HA! I KNEW IT! YOU WERE ALWAYS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE!" and obviously she's never forgiven him and doesn't have to, just because Dustin did. Maybe she lowkey looks at Dustin crazy for even letting him back into their lives? Maybe Scarlett has never been able to forgive any of it?...oh god don't let her find out Theo called her the C word. She'd probably try to kill him....YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE STORYTELLER.
OMG! first of all THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ! you have no idea how much it really means to me that you read about my wee psychos. im honoured seriously. second. BINGO. ding ding motherfucking ding! theos view on his kids havent changed. when he got himself straight he did that for dusty and for dusty only. the kids come with him and as awful as it sounds...his priority is only dustin and i think dustin may push that down just because he loves him but theres gotta be some part of him thats like questioning some things. although theo LOVES the kids he did everything he did for his husband and to get him back. if it werent for dustin i think scarlett knows that theo wouldve been long gone. the things with her specifically are rocky at best. dustins the real saving grace to her [even though she did him pretty dirty too] dustin took her and raised her. theo wasnt present. her mom was too caught up with jami to pay any attention to her. dustin took over and took responsibility for her. and i think although dustin gives his kids a great childhood.she holds a lot of ill will towards her dad because she knows KNOWS he only did this for the love of his life. theo CARES but even now at his age he's kinda just like theyre a little bit of an afterthought. hes still an asshole and hes been like this since he had his first kid with marlee. [hint he has way more kids than he lets on which is why hes on blake so hard and he knows this. theyre all grown now but he sees some repeats going on here with blake and riv and he isnt a fan ] the only kids theo has that were planned are the twins.. and that was for dustin. and for himself a little. they have these kids that bind them now. dustin cant shake him if he wanted to . he loves them . he does. but his patience is thin and hes old so the babies are a little trying for him. . scarlett absolutely doesnt forgive him for leaving. and her mother kind of turning her back on her leans more into that. and youre absolutely right i think she does look at dustin like what was wrong with our lives before he came back and whys he here? he just doesnt give a fuck . and dustins devils advocate here. he can make up for what theo lacks but i think scarlett wants her dad to be present himself. dustin can only do so much. i think dustin and theo are still working through a lot of things themselves. in dustins mind hed want theo to be more involved but he also knows theos just kind of MEH and theo is also just kind of a shitty person. and always has been. and although hes made some strides here nothing much has changed in regards to his views on kids for sure. LONG WINDED IM SORRY haha!
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how do the rest of the rock trolls feel about all of this beastification? do they start questioning their queen plans or still follow her blindly?
The thing with the Rock Trolls, they don't really question Barb's plans for world domination- they are long aged out from the time where Pop was a threat and so they can't see the hypocrisy in their actions;
Just like in real world, they choose and pick from history what they deem useful to them, so conveniently forgetting they are being no better than Pop of the past is just the tip of the iceberg.
Barb's rule over the Tribe is shaky, yes- but that's mainly because she is young, there was no official ceremony where she took over, and it is most likely that Thrash has been doing his best to cover up his failing health as to not be seem as weak. So all the Rock Trolls know is that from one moment to another, Thrash was unable to lead them anymore and Barb took over; who, while fairly tall, is a bit wispy in stature and probably didn't win any popularity contest beforehand (The loss of her ear most likely through some moshpit shenanigans turning violent); it seems fairly suspicious, and those who were not fan of her, could theorize that she did something to Thrash to speed up her coming into power.
While the movie portrayed the Rock Trolls in Barb's inner circle as fairly benign and chill, they could be her closest loyalists- trolls she trusts. But who is to say there doesnt exist the other half, that is constantly questioning her moves and motives.
The Rock World Tour managed to unite both halves, for the brief period where the invasion went well, with Barb getting one String after another; the feelings for the final concert were at all time high, since it was essentially a celebration of their overwhelming victory over lesser, unimportant genres. Barb playing the Power Chord was supposed to be the Grand Finale- no Rock Troll, Barb included, were thinking about brainwashing; they thought that was just inherent Pop music nature, which is what made it so dangerous.
They just though that playing all Strings under one genre will show the other trolls that Rock music is inherently superious and harmonious, and them changing physically to follow it would mean that Barb was right.
But then the Beastification happened- and the transformation was violent, as I said before. The other Tribes might have been blind to Barb's true reaction to it, but her naysayers certainly werent- only now, in addition to her opposition finding footing into questioning her capabilities again, now her own loyalist faction is also wary of her.
Rock Trolls could use their music as unstopable force, their musical instruments essentially weapons, but ironically none of them anticipated that that's what Barb was doing with their String (the other Strings ignored). Before, their String were always used to enhance concert experience, or used in naming ceremony of the new Heir to the Throne. When they were waiting on Barb to play the Power Chord, they all expected her to actually play it- not use it as a force/weapon.
So not only she showed herself to be incredibly ruthless (and cruel)- she essentially commited bit of a blasphemous action too?
So yes, tldr; Barb's action alienated pretty much every little support she had to some extent, and this will eventually force her to pull back manpower from searching for Branch and Poppy; she will be forced to do damage control back in Volcano City, probably do actual tour through the Rock Troll territories to raise morale and solidify her rule. But even then, the whisper of unrest would be rising, and Poppy and Branch (and others) might find they will have unexpected allies.
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spectrum-system · 8 months
I got fired yesterday, so that sucks. The benefits are that i can flip off the shitty assistant manager there, Mark Meling, as well as finally be open about why i hate him to the public. This is gonna be a long one.
If any of my previous coworkers see this, please go ahead and add your own stories to this.
TW: mentions of sexual harassment, predatory behavior, transphobia, racism, ableism, alcoholism, infidelity, and generally being a smelly garbage can of a person.
I'll try to keep this in chronological order, but that will be hard to do, as after certain events that i will mention, i stopped being the one fronting at work whenever mark was there. I am working with our primary protector to piece things together so im sorry if things arent perfectly chronological. All names but mine and marks are changed. One year ago, October 13th 2022, I started working at Kohl's as a seasonal employe, and was kept on after the season was over as a part time associate, eventually becoming a cashier mainly. I was 17 when i started there (this will become important later).
The first time i met mark was my first opening shift, maybe my 3rd or 4th shift there at all. I rang the bell to get in and was greeted by mark. He was rude and asked what i was doing. I stated i was there to work, to which he asked my name. I gave him the name they have in their system, Saturn, my work name, and he asked what me real name was with such attitude. I gave him the name "S", as that is what i use outside of work, and he doesnt need to know my legal name. He turned away and said "whatever", continuing to walk in and check me in, along with the other day crew. This was the first day of hell.
Throughout my time working at Kohl's, mark was consistently rude, controlling, disrespectful to all staff that werent also managers, and just an awful human being.
I often saw him engaging in predatory behavior towards minors, especially young customers, around the age of 16 or 17. He would flirt with them, even when they were obviously uncomfortable. This continued throughout my entire year of working there.
Now, here is where it gets particularly bad. November 26th 2022, Mark touched my thigh while putting a hanger into my hanger box. This was not a normal touch, this was a caress, very close to my butt. there were 3 other open registers he could have put the hanger into. This was intentional.
After this i grew a deep fear of mark, that would only get worse as time went on. You see, i was sexually abused twice between the ages of 15 and 16. I wont go into detail, but it fucked me up pretty bad, so having this happen nearly sent me into a panic attack, the only thing holding me together was the fact that i had a line of customers. I didn't know what to do or how to report it, so it just went unsaid, unseen, unpunished, until December 14th, in which i finally reported him online, thanks to a friend who no longer works there reporting him and telling me how.
I reported him, then a few days later the head manager, Cat, and another manager, Salmon, pulled me into their office, and took my account of what happened. They said it would be reported to HR and that i would be contacted within a week. They told me to keep quiet about it.
It's been almost a year. I have heard nothing. I refuse to be quiet.
I never received an update from HR. I never received anything. As far as i'm aware, neither did mark. His habits continued, but thankfully he never touched me again, likely because i became much more abrasive against him after that. After than nothing major happened as far as i am aware for a while, though this time is blurry, but i know he was still hitting on underage girls, making the female staff uncomfortable, and overall making everyone upset by generally being disrespectful.
To show the scope of what dealing with this man day in and day out for almost a year did to me, let me tell you this. On June 24th, mark had asked me to follow him into the stockroom to grab something, but once we got there, i was so frightened to be in an area alone with him with little to no cameras, that i switched out. Our primary protector took over work for me ever since then. Being around him made us on edge at all times. I could not work while he was there with me. They recently, on October 6th, had to switch out because of how much genuine stress they were under when around him.
Many times he would make inappropriate comments about the female staffs bodies, saying they were overweight when they were very much not. Allegedly, he commented on the weight of Poodle (a woman with a mom body), Bat (a very skinny and tall woman), Reindeer (an average skinny woman), and several underage employees, all of normal weight, calling them overweight to their faces, when they were never of the sort.
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Not only did he comment about the associates weight and appearance, he would often make outright rude comments about the employees, especially the new hires. Any time someone would make a small mistake and he saw, he would outright berate them, often publicly. This was especially clear in the case with my good friend, Wombat, they were brand new to the store and they have a shoulder injury that limits their motion and causes them sevre pain. They were degraded by mark while they were there for not being able to do the tasks he deemed so simple instead of helping them.
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One of my previous associates who no longer works there was studying to be a nurce, and had told me along with others in a group one night, that she suspects Mark would come to work intoxicated. His slurred speech, overly red face, frequent shifts in mood, frequent inability to pronounce common names correctly, apparent inability to stick to what he said, memory issues, as well as many frequent comments about alcohol, all lead to this being the truth. I do not know for sure, but i believe this personally. As of recent he seems to have stopped coming to work intoxicated, but this does not change the fact he likely did many times in the past.
Frequently, mark would do nothing helpful, simply sitting in his office doing nothing, only coming out when a manager was called to help. The same goes for telling associates to do things he was easily capable of doing in the moment, such as telling floor associates to pick up or move things that were right in front of him, sometimes literally just standing next to it, waiting for a floor associate to do what he could have done in one second. I dont even want to know how frequently this happened, but according to my friends who work on the floor regularly, it was quite often.
Over the year i spent at kohls, mark had never once used the correct pronouns for me, despite myself and many other amazing coworkers correcting him time and time again. He would always use she/her. When i or others would correct, he would deflect, saying he knows and he "just forgot". He never once apologized. When it was myself correcting him, he would always roll his eyes. He was once talking to “me” (our protector) about his son, who is transitioning, and he would only refer to him as his daughter and with she/her pronouns.
Over the year mark would talk about his failing relationships to anyone who would listen, including underage associates, often sharing personal details you should not talk about at work, especially without permission from the person you are talking to. He has an ex-wife, and at least 8 or 9 girlfriends over the course of the year i worked there, while still flirting and making unwanted advances towards seemingly any girl in the store as long as she was 25 or younger. I had overheard him talking to another manager, Hare, about how he was talking to two girls, one he stated was his girlfriend at the time, and when they learned of each other they both dumped him. Unfortunately for Hare, she seemed uncomfortable but couldnt find a way out of the situation.
Many times mark would have people do things that were not part of their job, including having regester associates go farther than we were supposed to go away from the register, having us do large floor projects on busy days, such as making me entirely redo a wall of product and getting angry when it didn't get done because of having customers, and having one of the people at customer service, Reindeer, unload the amazon boxes when she is not supposed to, we have an entire team dedicated to doing that from what im aware of. Heck, Poodle had even made a comment about how he was not supposed to make her do that and that it is not part of her job.
One of the policies he most frequently broke was that we are not allowed to accuse a customer of shoplifting. He did this numerous times. Once he had me ring up an employees partner because he thought they were letting them take stuff, when he had no evidence and it was obviously not the case. More recently, on october 7th, we had 2 customers who were made very uncomfortable by marks hunch that they were shoplifting, which they were not, as i rang them up. They both left reviews for the store, and i think i will let them speak for themselves.
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Unfortunately, this is not the only time this scenario has happened, and i doubt it will be the last.
We had 2 new managers come to work at kohls over the year i was there, one being Sphinx and the other, who has not even been there for 2 months at the time of writing, Penguin. When Sphinx joined us he was immediately put down by mark, him being outright rude to Sphinx about trivial matters. According to Sphinx, he had finished cleaning his OMNI area, only to come back to it later so find it trashed and for mark to comment he should clean his area up. Several times mark has stated he does not trust Sphinx to close the store by himself, when he has shown time and time again he is just as capable as anyone else to close the store.
This is where Penguin comes in. She has been here for less than 2 months, and she is amazing. She is kind, smart, and genuinely helpful. A lovely person to have as a manager. She has been subject to marks unwanted advances since she started. She is now leaving at the end of the month, and i can only assume it is because of this.
Numerous people have reported his poor behavior, including other managers, like Sphinx, and another one i'll call Bear. All of us are sick of his disgusting behavior. I contacted my friends about this to get any stories they may have about mark, and one, potato (yes they asked me to call them that) had this to say;
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I havent even covered everything he's done yet. Heck, yesterday, October 9th, one of my previous coworkers, Rat, had told me about how mark had made racist comments towards her husband, and i cant even say i'm suprised considering he often would pick out maxican and black people to follow around and harass, including the customers who left the review abovem the man of which i beleive was mexican (i could be wrong, I dont remember exactly). The following is a statement from Rat herself about mark.
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I dont know how to end this, but this is really all i have right now. I'll reblog with anything i have to add. Just know, I wont be quiet about this anymore. I'm tired of him getting away with everything he's done. Mark Meling, know you are a piece of shit. You are disgusting. You are predatory, you are perverted, and god, you do not deserve to be a fucking asistiant manager. everyone there also thinks so. I wish i could have told more people about the atrocities you have done. Sorry about any bad grammar or structure, i wrote most of this between 12am-3am last night and finished it today. If any of my coworkers see this, please add your own stories to this.
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dawns-beauty · 5 months
I've never played Vigilant before despite hearing it highly praised so I've had it in my load order for my latest playthrough, putting off playing it... so seeing your tags I'm like. uh-oh. how have I NEVER heard anyone criticise the treatment of women in the mod?? I'm a touch nervous to play now but also morbidly curious
To be 100% honest, i have not played it myself and so my opinion about it is informed by other people's comments.
I pretty much just made Alessia independent of Vigilant for screenshots, and had people saying they wished Vigilant's version of Alessia looked like mine. So i made it happen, and had someone ask for me to cover Lamae Bal too.
Anyways. The Vigilant discord I was invited to seemed to suggest they werent written well and were kind of annoying. And then judging by people's comments on the mods I made (mainly 'isnt Lamae supposed to be a blonde bimbo?') There is a plot point I guess about winning Lamae as a prize at the end of the mod? The motherfucking MOTHER OF VAMPIRES, defier of Molag Bal and Arkay alike, a PRIZE TO BE WON BY SOME JOE SCHMO??
And let's be real, I'm also judging a book by its cover because the author of Vigilant made all his women look like this:
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while the male chacracters all look like regular Skyrim NPCs.
And the Vigilant robes you get to wear are normal for male characters but female characters get this model:
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like, yea I am judging by vibes alone but the vibes about women are rancid.
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Submission message for Beca and Chloe: Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect (mainly Beca but Bechloe was the ship they baited the most)
Submission message for Shiro and Adam: Shiro and Adam from voltron. The writers hyped up their interactions in the season trailer so much (confirming that they were fiancés when asked and just generally talking about it a lot) only for the fans to discover after the season actually released that Adam gets like ten seconds of screentime and then fucking dies
Additional propaganda: Ok for a little propaganda, since you may have forgotten pitch perfect, I want you all to know I first saw it as a 16-17 year old at gay youth group and can you imagine my fucking surprise and bafflement when they werent lesbians. Like basically thru the whole movie I was like “fun lesbian film nothing out of place just waiting for them to actually be gay” I know this was mostly the youth group organizers fault but I still think pitch perfect should have to answer for their crimes
I could talk so much about this but I want to point specifically to this promo for pitch perfect 3:
and they then proceeded to give chloe an absolutely godawful love interest and like really overdid it (they also tried to give beca one too but anna kendrick was having NONE of that)
shiro and adam is 100% the definition of queerbait, ive never watched voltron in my life but "shiro's gonna have an on-screen male love interest" was EVERYWHERE on tumblr and twitter for a good hot minute and all because the creators were hyping it up themselves only to deliver 10 seconds of screentime that could be confused for a friendship and then adam died. ok so maybe it's not the traditional queerbait but i'd say they were the next step in queerbait evolution. changed my thesis statement there at the end sorry.
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hellertears · 1 year
I see the memes about the AJ trilogy port not being a real trilogy can you explain? Are the three games not related to each other at all?
I mean if you've played the games you can clearly see that they werent meant to be perceved as a trilogy, but rather as standalone stories (or else they would have been advertised like that from the beginning just like the og trilogy)
Instead of giving Apollo random ass backstories and traumas every other game, they would actually try to dig deeper to characters like, lets say ..THE GAVIN BROTHERS?? They didnt tie them into the next game whatsoever, instead of like Klavier's cameo who was more soulless than a cardboard cutout.
and also the Mason System was never mentioned again, which one would think that it would be a very nice solution to this Dark Age of the Law thing.
anyway do i think that these 3 games are tied together? absolutely not
do i think that they are apollo focused? mainly yes, but thats not enough to make a trilogy out of them tbh
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mazziecreo · 25 days
Just Art Mirus Au.
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- Mirus...obviously...isn't a virus turned character here.
- They use both They/Them and She/Her in this Au (as they mainly use They/Them in the ask blog canon because they werent able to identify with a gender)
((Art by @omgsayorifromddlc! They do a real good job mimicking the Just Art style!))
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fipindustries · 1 year
finished she-ra
it was garbage and i'll be glad to tell you all about it under the cut
ok so that probably got rid of the most annoying fans, now, on a more even keel.
it was not impressive. it was what it was, a children's show, made for children. i probably shouldnt blame the show on the fact that twenty somethings became obsessed with it and decided to treat it as the great queer story of our time. it doesnt live up to that standard and it cannot live to that standard.
with that said, i did find my self enjoying it more than i expected, certainly not enough to make the bad parts worth it and if it werent for my gf i wouldnt have bothered with it. but i did find things to have fun with, mainly because my gf was patient with me and was willing to put up with and play along with me riffing to the show and pausing every two seconds to laugh at it.
as i said, the animation is subpar, the characters are not much better, the plot and overall story is serviceable at best. the main romance that she show is desperatly pushing is frankly a bit toxic and the show is glad to romanticize it in a very uncritical way.
the two godd parts in this show, great even, truly good and wholly unironically enjoyable, are hordak and shadow weaver. these felt like almost incongruous with the show. their dialog and character acting was superior to everyone else, their arcs were much more meticulously and patiently developed. the resolution to their stories felt powerful and resonant. they felt like characters from a much better show. im really at a loss for why they did such a fantastic job with this characters and yet they fumbled the ball with everyone else.
maybe because unlike entrapta or scorpia or catra, the show seemed to be willing to treat these people as like, complex people who did bad things and who had to truly grow and change and evolve from the evils they made, instead of presupposing their state as little meow meows whom the fandom already loves anyway and for whom there is no need to come to any real kind of reckoning with their actions beyond a rushed redemption and the narrative equivalent of a slap on the wrist.
regardless. i did end up enjoying myself at the end, in the same way i would probably enjoy a stale piece of candy, not the best, not even particularly good, but sweet at the very least?
at the end of it all it boild down to what i said near the beggining
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lorata · 1 year
I think all the third-in-the-golden-trio victors need to have a club. I can't remember how many of them there are, I was just reading the one about Tristan you reblogged, so there's him, and my Knox, and I can't remember if there is anyone else.
Perhaps amongst the multiverse there could be a club, or even a center-age version, since they're all around a similar age so could have met in the center. Which one is the victor really depends on who is chosen as volunteer on which year, and what arenas there are to match their skills or not. A center age club or hangout would be real funny tho - at this point, they'd all be possibles, not victors, and that shoots them right back down to regular trainee level, which I find kinda funny because in my head I kinda view the older victors as old and stately, and then you go, nah, they were kids too, werent they.
If there is any of them that were in the same year I mean it's gonna get a bit more toxic possibly, but Tristan was 36 and Knox was 35, so you already have more possibility for inter-year friendship, since they wouldn't be competing for the same place. Idk, just feels like a fun concept
I am all for multiverse shenanigans!
(I do this myself all the time, mainly so unofficial-mentor!Claudius can be super confused by the AUs where he and Selene are together)
I do agree that the one of the most fun things about playing in that era is putting the older / more venerated victors back to the time when they were dumb kids doing dumb kid things, even the ones who sort of had Grown Men vibes even as four-year-olds
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halfusek · 1 year
Wow, it has been a while since I died on Tumblr, but hey! Nice to see your blog is still up!
Tho, I got a question, ya, ever since BATDR came out and we found out Joey created Audrey as his daughter, does that change Magenta's backstory? Or no, just a wee bit confused
no lol it doesnt
magenta's story is based mainly on batim, i also borrowed stuff here and there from dctl but aside from that it doesn't really include anything else
considering i came up with like 90% of his story a short bit after chapter 5 of batim came out :P
i just don't really understand audrey's existence and it feels very... weird to me
like joey being a bad person made bendy the ink demon and supposedly him being better made audrey okay? or is she just perfect like that even though she's an entirely made up person that never existed in real life either as a human like henry or as a toon
like idk i dont like either scenarios
and as for magenta specifically creating audrey would just not fit him, he already has a meaningful story with bendy as his son and what kind of a shit father he is
if i was supposed to make him create a perfect child because of how he learned to be a good father while still having bendy (the squish there) done so dirty thatd be literally sooooooooo shit
(also idk man maybe you should consider adopting a child instead of creating her as a part of a cycle of eternal suffering, god look i wouldnt mind that if they werent trying to tell us that joey doing this is somehow his redemption arc and a good thing, yikes)
so yeah no dont expect audrey to be a part of abomination, ever
im done telling that story and im not gonna be incorporating any new content that the bendy devs put out because its just not fitting in there [thumbs up emoji]
the only thing i have left to still draw is the epilogue which ive already written few years ago, arts just been super hard for me lately, but im gonna make it eventually
also im not gonna be leaving anywhere anytime soon, even if i leave the bendy fandom at some point (tho i dont see that happening super soon) im gonna be there blabbering on about some other thing :)
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spiderton · 1 year
Spiderton headcanons. Go
anon i love you forever. anyway SORRY I DIDNT ANSWER THJS INSTANLY IM A LAZY ASS BUT HERES A LOT. OR A FEW. depends
- spiderton is somewhere always in his mid 30s or late 20s, probably.. changes up? maybe he was 28 when he was apart of the military and then 35(?) after most of the events of patapon tbh. who knows how long the rainbow bridge took to built though
- theres many ways that spiderton couldve joined the war but thanks to a friend i just hc'd that he was a mechanic that worked on most of the mechanical side of the zigoton empire. hes interested in tanks of course (because he got taught likw that rosetinted version of war in school or something) and on the side i feel like he also enjoys architecture and weaponary. he often compliments kharmas home but never herself becayse shes a little tooo mean to him
- and speaking of tanks the tank spiderton built (he built it. to clarify here although some think its just whatever demons they made a deal with) was rushed due to fhe conditions of patapons slowly beating up troops and resources going low, and with gong basically dead he rushed the tank up andnwent to battle inexperienced. the original sketches of the ziggerzank were probably so much more ambitious and grand, like the zugagang that probably had plenty of time to be built compared to.. ziggerzank and all. and really he doesnt like being a fan of being uncredited for his work whatsoever
- very minor hc but he probably wore some specialized gloves to even use the fire lance. zigotons biologically wise to me have pretty weak skin underneath the fur, and spiderton has pawpads that can easily burn, and often fire enchanted weapons feel BOILING hot so. he wore basically oven mittens that are actually flexible. they werent comfy to wear and sometimes when training he even forgot them and got burnt a little even (and hes embarrassed by that honestly)
- autistic and disabled. disabled wise it switches i think but mainly, if he lived, he ended up getting partial (? could be using this wrong feel free to tell me) leg paralysis because whatever beatup he got was NOT good on his spinal cordhe ended up keeping winona to help with walking sometimes (shes not really the best) and get from place to place, but he probably just uses something like the rewalk equivalent to get around. that or he ends up loosing a leg and has a prosthetic.. could be explaining this all wrong but i imagine it all humanwise, but can be canonwise too of course
- winona (his warhorse, and name was given by uhhh.... il forgot im so sorry) wasnt the best experienced horse bc most of the other warhorses ended up dying during battle, and winona was one of the last horses that they just gave them to spiderton. he probably had OTHER horses while training but he got stuck with winona, and winona just often acts like a big cat to be honest
- also hes a trans man. dont ask how hes many things i really like him. that or hes cis i dont really care which either but i like him being transgender.. youd know why. zigoton culture is probably netural or... Fuckingnhorrid about trans people when i think about it for too long agguhh but his mom probably didnt even care.. probably bisexual too
- also his mom, widowton (VERY basic name im sorry) ended up being a widow unironically. and she also ate spidertons dad because he wasnt a good dad and all. no one else really knows that fact and assumed he went missing however, but spiderton doesnt have.. the best relationship with his mom that he moved out to apartments when he was 19. he doesnt have any other family members that he knows of..
- spiderton is REALLY impressed by karmen architecture and weapons. probably after the ah-oohs were murdered off and the karmens got to flourish.. he just finds them very impressive, beautiful, and marvels of technology. not entirely related but got the feeling that karmens at least had a help inventing guns or something, but they arent very widespread
- spidertons real name is kumoton. its not his deadname to clarify.. he didnt bother to change it. only a few people ever call him kumo however because mostly everyone just knows him as general spiderton that he doesnt bother to correct (and being called general MIGHT make him happy if it didnt remind him of so much horrid shit)
- and uhh his Relationships he probably has a good friendship with kimen if they ever met! they always gave off the vibes that theyre nerds a little so they geek about the smallest things. maybe kimen likes biology and tells spiderton everything he knows about gastropods (gancheeks, mainly) and spiderton writes it all down because hes slowly growing impressed too!
- him and beetleton is. wow this is a mess but i feel like nonship wise they were friends at least. bickering friends but they probably DID care for each other, and beetleton doesnt have.. a lot of people to lightheartedly bicker with. i dont think beetleton ever left spiderton to die on purpose too, and when he ever realizes that spiderton died or was in critical injury and couldnt return? beetleton blames himself heavily on that.
- and then more onto kuwa, if he was kumoTAN itd be a lot more messy. kumotan wouldnt really forgive kuwagattan, and one of the reasons i feel he doesnt appear is because hes just been forgotten by everyone else, but kuwagattan never forgot and hes just so sorry for everything. even if kuwagattan is a demon, he still wonders what kumotan would think- and somehow convinced himself that maybe kumotan would come over and help him with this fight! and then he didnt. oops
- if spiderton did live though he probably wouldnt know of kuwagattan, at leaaast at first.... he just assumed beetleton died in the war and doesnt like to ever think about it, and mayhe is a little mad but his feelings are just conflicted. and then kuwa SOMEHOW comes back and now spiderton has to deal with the war he was in and now is trying to avoid reminding him of every single mistake he made. and its gonna be a lot
- i could say so much abut the spiderkuwa dynamic too but i could just imagine kuwagattan just casually breaking into spidertons apartment and going Hey uhmmm i need a place to stay and youre all i know....... and jts the fucking Uhm... Meow? scene trope thing basically. and now spiderton has this giant hot demon for a roommate. its actually okay though but remember what i said before? yeah
- also spiderton probably doesnt have a lot of friends. probably was homeschooled real often, that or he DID go to physical school once in a while.. always felt like his only other friends outside of beetleton were probably some of his engineering buddies (one of which is like. one of the few first ocs i made LOL) before he was dragged into being a general.. hes too awkward to ever revisit or anything
- always had the feeling that spiderton is based on these silk weavers.. theres probably red ones but they just come to mind first, so now he probably smells like bananas LOL
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- (honestly though he'd just smell like gasoline or sweat. that or both, he doesnt shower real often but he likes to swim surprisingly sometimes)
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