#make it happen crwby
weiss-royal-schnee · 4 months
Yeah man they just saw heard what us bumbleby shippers were saying and thought at volume 6 or whenever, "No no hold up let 'em cook here. These gay bitches are onto something"
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almea · 1 year
Back on my bs about things that happens in my v10 dreams but probably won’t… Raven and Qrow having another conversation in an inn/tavern mirroring the one they had in v4 and Yang inevitably is brought up as a topic bc Raven portals to Yang as soon as she figures out she’s able to again and Yang isn’t actually dead except now she’s kinda stuck there bc everyone she can portal to is in Vacuo… Blake and Yang walk into the same inn along with Kali none of them noticing Raven or Qrow. Raven sees Kali being well… motherly towards Yang bc of course she would and Raven handles it Bad. Like emotionally bad not confrontationally bad. Bonus points if Yang and Ruby already went off on her about the Summer thing
Your volume 10 dreams are my volume 10 dreams... I'm so excited for Raven to come back because the family drama she's going to bring is my favourite.
In my heart, Raven is the first one to know they're back in Remnant because her portal to Yang is gone, but not dead-gone while they're in the Ever After so she can just feel it when they're back.
I'm obsessed with the thought of Kali and Raven in the same room though. I don't know if CRWBY's going to give it to me, but god I love the contrast of Blake's sweet, kind mother who Blake adores and hugs at every given opportunity and Raven and her emotional constipation and the way she cares, she really does care, but she's incapable of expressing it in a way that has anyone believing she cares about them, if she even wants them to believe that.
Also, after all the Summer shit comes out, kind of want someone to tell Raven "You could have come back. You could have just talked to us instead of dealing with it by yourself." Like, I think the most tragic thing about Raven is how there are people who are/were so ready to love her, and it seems like she was never able to accept that love for some reason. I don't really think the RWBY/STRQ parallels are completely one to one, but this specific part of Raven has already reminded me so much of volume 4 Blake. So like. My kingdom for my longstanding dream of Blake talking to Raven to come true.
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benevolentslut · 1 year
(bit of a dark meta post here but)
if i had to pick a single song to represent ruby rose as a character, it would be My R (specifically the version by annapantsu)
like... it's a song about a girl, who goes up to a rooftop with the intent of jumping off. When she's up there, she finds another girl preparing to do the same, and after hearing her out, actually manages to talk her out of it, while internally wondering why this girl could possibly think her reasons are better for this than her own. they both come down from the roof.
she goes up again another day, and the same scenario happens, and she feels the same about it again. but they both come down together.
this happens again and again, time after time, with so many people, and every single time she talks them out of it, coming down with them, then returning another day to find someone else. and every time there's a nagging feeling of, "would anyone do this for me if I got here first?"
until one day... there is no one else up there. she's up there, on her own, with nothing to stop her, and she immediately starts wrestling with her feelings, wondering if she actually wants to go through with it, and then deciding, Yes, she wants to.
now the ending of the song can be interpreted multiple ways, some less hopeful than others, but I think the one that applies best to ruby is that the girl suddenly sees herself in all of the people she's stopped before, suddenly essentially thinks "there doesn't need to be anyone to do this for me, I can do it myself, for myself" and.. turns around at the last second, leaving her plans to jump behind, and moving forward.
and on top of all of that, the song is extremely upbeat, and sounds very cheerful if you don't listen to the lyrics. Much like ruby, hiding her own fears behind a wall of optimism and hope that she shows to others, that makes her into such a beacon of light to everyone around her. To everyone but herself.
In the beginning of the series, she's a limitless source of hope and determination, fuelling herself and everyone around her onwards and upwards. Until volume 4. She desperately tried to never let on to anyone else, but the fall of beacon deeply affected her. When penny died, so did so much of ruby's trust in herself to be the hero. She still had her hope, and she still had her attitude of "let's do the best we can", but that very slowly started to be for everyone else's benefit, and that difference became more and more apparent as the show went on.
Volume 8 was the tipping point for her, and all of her hope and trust in herself was hinging on - A, protecting the relics. B, saving atlas. C, saving penny. and D, warning remnant enough to prepare them.
And then... they fell. And in the ever after, she had no way of knowing what was going on in their own world anymore, except what RWBYJ collectively knew already. And what did the group know as a whole? They had no idea whether B or D had succeeded, but they knew for a fact that A and C had failed. And so, with penny dying Again, so too did the rest of ruby's hope.
Volume 9 is her, up on the rooftop, with no one to stop her.
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bonez-yard · 2 years
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So.. so originally this was supposed to be the Vacuo design for Robyn but I may have just.. redesigned them in general-
Maybe it could still work- maybe.. ok wait no this wouldn’t be great for the desert-
Some headcanons that no one asked for but getting anyways:
Robyn is two-spirited! He goes by any pronouns ^^
Robyn has natural brown hair, but they dyed it blonde bc.. idk why actually-
Robyn is Native American cause I make the rules here
if you really think about it, every relationship Robyn is in is gay-
I wanted to go for a more Robin Hood look since I didn’t exactly get much of that from her original design-
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
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are you fucking kidding me
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Lowkey wonder if Summer really, truly believed she’d be definitely return from whatever the "mission” was, or if in that scene she was just being really optimistic because she didn’t want to imagine what would happen if she didn’t
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s0merand0midi0t · 1 year
Huh...surprised no one in CRWBY made some sort of ominous, weird, and slightly worrying tweet about Episode 8, Like OK yeah I get it they're probably still working on the 8th episode and The 7th episode just released not that long ago but still you think they would have said something...
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sir-adamus · 4 months
i think we need to start making an effective community effort in the rwby fandom to start archiving the shit out of everything not nailed down - so if it's been on blu rays and dvd, it's safe to a degree - i'm talking stuff that's only online; i mean stuff like Chibi, RWBY Rewind, Talk CRWBY to Me, the Grimm Campaign, and if they're still releasing them; the volume 9 epilogue storyboard and other stuff that were gonna drop at the end of this month
it'd suck royally if they all wound up becoming lost media in the wake of WBD shutting down RT; we need to preserve it just in case the worst happens and still be able to share it around
keep circulating the tapes, y'know
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 6 months
I've had this thought swirling in the back of my head for a while, but it's finally congealed enough that I think I can make a coherent pitch, which is: I think RWBY's problems with the more vitriolic part of its fanbase partially stems from the fact that RWBY is a deconstruction that doesn't advertise it's a deconstruction.
RWBY's status as a deconstruction is pretty textbook. It takes apart standard fantasy, shounen, and anime tropes in order to analyze them and their deeper meaning and then reassembles them in new and interesting ways for the plot/characters/series. Thing is, it never says that outright in promotional material, which can lead to later outrage in fans.
See, unless their way of discovering new shows is to close their eyes and stab their finger at random, most people tend to choose series to watch/read based on expectations. Maybe a friend said they'll like it because it has [insert thing], maybe they read the summary and were intrigued, maybe they thought the poster/cover art was cool, whatever. These small pieces of information are generally enough for people to make a snap-judgment of the style and genre of the series, which they can then gauge against their personal tastes and decide whether or not they want to try.
Most of the time, this works just fine. Well-written deconstructions also generally give the viewers some warning/buildup before they take a hard swerve. See Madoka Magica: the magical girl paradigm is shaded by the possibility of death as soon as we're introduced to it, then there's an onscreen death with blood, and then a few episodes later we eventually realize the Faustian bargain of it all. Even innocent viewers who stumbled into watching it, unaware of the show's reputation, would go "Oh, wait, this is not going in the direction magical girl shows usually go" by a third of the way through.
The thing is, with RWBY, this does not happen unless you're paying a lot of attention and/or looking for it. And neither the cover art nor the summary nor, I believe, the fanbase gives a lot of warning about the swerves ahead.
In fact, RWBY initially bills itself as a pretty standard shounen anime. The main protagonist is hinted to have Special Powers and gets into the Magic Monster-Hunting School in the first episode, and the first two-and-a-half seasons are taken up by her and her friends' superhero-esque slice-of-life shenanigans as they thwart robberies and terrorist attacks and gear up for a tournament arc against the looming background of a larger conspiracy.
Then in the last half of the third season the villains' entire Rube Goldberg machine of a scheme snaps into completion and the plot twists so hard the entire genre takes a hard right. If you're used to character analysis and common anime tropes, this is not completely a surprise -up until this point, RWBY's character arcs and plot have been subtly traveling in non-traditional directions that hint of greater flexibility in genre treatment ahead- but if you're not... well.
Thing is, people watching RWBY up until this point have signed up for pretty standard shounen and they've been getting it, but the third season's ending smashes that all to bits. From then on out in RWBY, it's like they ordered fries and suddenly got a hamburger. It might be delicious; but it's not what they asked for, what they wanted, or what they paid for, and they are, justifiably, displeased.
So when the reasonable people either adjusted their expectations or sighed, shook their heads, and clicked back out (perhaps with a grumble and a scowl), the unreasonable people dug their heels in and began insisting that everybody was Getting The Show/Character Wrong and that CRWBY is ruining it, because the fact that RWBY's method of deconstruction is to put standard tropes in a blender and then arrange what's left in deceptive patterns means that said unreasonable viewers can scan the bare surface and argue that all the stereotypical stuff is clearly still under there, somewhere.
So they're continually trying to drag RWBY back to the tracks of a typical shounen anime series (it's closest relative), which creates a dissonance between the show they're watching and the show they think they're watching. They're trying to turn the hamburger back into fries, basically, except that doesn't work and just frustrates everyone involved, because you're trying to make RWBY into something that it's not. Hence, this attitude probably starting/fueling some of the more contentious statements in the fandom, i.e.:
"Ironwood was right the whole time" (in most action movies and shounen anime, allied military leaders are trustworthy beyond reproach)
"Adam's character was wasted" (we all know how much shounen loves their powerful warrior antiheroes)
"Ruby and the others are in the wrong about [insert thing]/or for doing [insert thing], and this is bad writing!" (shounen protagonists don't usually make more than One Very Big Mistake over the course of their entire careers, which is usually fixed/overcome/redeemed via an appropriately rigorous training arc)
And to be clear, there's nothing wrong with shounen tropes or shounen anime. They're wonderful storytelling devices in their own way and their own time: but if you want standard by-the-book shounen without any new and interesting concoctions, then RWBY is definitely not the show for you. And most people don't find that out until it's too late.
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cephaloheath · 2 months
I didn't watch the RT livestream, but I've heard the news.
Knowing that CRWBY is staying with the series AND that they've had talks with multiple potential partners gives me more hope than ever. I'm really happy that they're not giving up. I know nothing has been confirmed about V10 yet, but just knowing that it might happen after all makes me really happy. If they actually manage to pull it off, I will be forever indebted to them. RWBY has been a life-changing experience for me, and nothing would make me happier than to see it get the conclusion it deserves.
Stay strong, guys. We haven't lost yet!
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birder-of-remnant · 4 months
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Staying Warm
The events of this day have been a shock for everyone but I urge everyone to not give up yet!
This art was commissioned for everyone who has worked to make RWBY an inclusive and supportive community (especially for @citadelofmythoughts), even when it has not been easy. The news from earlier this day has me shaken. I cannot even begin to imagine how everyone with CRWBY is feeling. And everyone else at RT who has poured their hearts into creating this community, even when the upper management has been so poor. RWBY has changed my life and I am so grateful for this show, for CRWBY, and for everyone in this community who have embraced what RWBY quintessentially represents. I hope that RWBY and its team find a new home soon! Regardless of what happens, in the end, I will be standing here. I have no plans on leaving this fandom now.
But I have rambled enough. Today has been a chilling day, but we have people to support us. I wanted this piece to be about support, and I am so happy with how it turned out! I thank @ahn1zos for their incredible work putting this together!
Commission created by @ahn1zos
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asm5129 · 6 months
Honestly folks
I’m not going to go down the RWBY is doomed rabbit hole
I absolutely refuse to and you should too
It’s not helpful in any way for anyone or anything
I understand it’s expensive. I understand that there’s a hurdle to making it sustainable.
But just because they haven’t cemented something yet doesn’t mean they won’t, and it doesn’t even mean there haven’t been any options on the table.
We’re working off bits and pieces of information, far too little to confidently state anything about RWBY’s future
If RWBY gets cancelled, I’ll be heartbroken. But that hasn’t happened yet and there’s no reason to go all doomer on it.
They were able to secure the crunchyroll deal for v9 and crunchyroll has shown no signs of wanting to distance themselves from RWBY, even making a collab between their vtuber and the Ruby vtuber. Yes RT is struggling financially that’s clear but there likely negotiations we are not privy to ongoing as well.
CRWBY is scrappy and resilient, they always have been.
Who are we to preemptively claim their luck has run out?
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So as we’re all losing our shit over the Bumbleby moment I wanted to take a second and talk about it from a production standpoint really quick.
When you’re making media, shows, games, etc, you need to decide on resource allocation. Every single thing has to be planned out and accounted for, the shots, scene length, music, story, framing, environment- there’s literally so much more that goes into animated shows like RWBY because everything they include has to be worth the emotional impact of budgeting for it.
Now after storyboarding there’s a stage of ranking each scene A-C (or however far down you have to go). A scenes will get way more resources and time invested in them but C scenes- well if you’re running behind that’s what you can cut.
And what I’m getting at is that the Bumbleby Bridge scene is AAAAAAA. The animations are also much more in depth than general scenes, environmental factors like the wind are playing a part in the storytelling (and I can’t say for SURE but I’d speculate that Blake and Yangs hair don’t use physics engines based on how they move so every hair moment is being moved by hand by an animator).
So they have lots of follow through and unique actions with their animation. Their eyes, posture, hair, ears are all much more mobile and expressive than casual scenes. They have a custom song that comes in perfectly as the tone of the scene changes. They have a custom VFX with flowers blooming around them. (They get a tiny custom blurring vfx happening behind them too and while I think that’s a lower bandwidth it’s just the attention to detail, really).
So CRWBY just. They LOVED this scene. They spent so much time and energy making this as beautiful and magical as it could possibly be for us, because they recognized (probably ten years ago) that this moment would be huge for the story, for the fans. They heavily invested resources into it. They breathed so much life into it and I’m so grateful.
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doubleca5t · 1 month
Did you ever talk about RWBY's likely cancelation? Sorry, barely been on Tumblr for a while and didn't see it if you did.
Yeah my interest in RWBY has declined quite a bit over the past few years so I didn't feel particularly strongly about it one way or another. I think it'd be cool if CRWBY could find a way to make the show happen despite RT getting shuttered but I'm not holding my breath
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
Oh god what happened on Twitter now
Arryn Troche makes a joke on their secondary Twitter account about how they hope the Bumbleby kiss makes a lot of people watch RWBY and V10 gets greenlit.
Judgemental Critter grabs a screenshot of said joke and tries to do a call out post, saying that joke proves that CRWBY is only making Bumbleby kiss so the show doesn't get cancelled, and starts stirring shit up.
Arryn Troche replies to JC's tweet in a much more polite way than I would have.
JC starts saying they're targeting her and starts playing victim because Arryn Troche responded to their tweet.
Other big RWBY fan accounts also call JC on their bullshit and toxic behaviour.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
You know what? I'm gonna say something that'll probably sound controversial but it's something I honestly Believe.
Black Sun would've been greater pandering than Bumbleby.
This isn't to say that Black sun is bad, I think Black Sun it makes sense and is a good ship, and I fucking love it, but I ship weird shit anyways.
I'm also not going to repeat how and why the Bees make sense, people more eloquent and patient than I have, and I don't want to waste my time mimicking them.
I will, however, say this.
Blake shared a Room with Yang for the entire time they were at Beacon, so about a semester, ~15 weeks, or 3-4 months before Blake met Sun.
Even assuming Blake spent every hour she could with Sun outside of school, she'd spend a majority of her time with her team, including Yang.
This would give her at least equal time between these blonds.
Then the fall happens, and she spends, let's say, three or four months with Sun in Menagerie and on the ship, before meeting back up with her team, thus giving Sun and Yang ample and equal time together.
Blake then spends time with her team, and Yang, going from Mistral to Atlas, and all the time then spend in Atlas.
So for CRWBY to have made Black Sun canon would've severely changed Canon, I believe for, the worse, even if the Bees didn't happen, because that would mean either we'd need to bring SSSN onto the main group, or Sun would have needed to not grow as a character from being with Blake for those months, or the relationship would've been a mute point because Sun returns to his team at the start of volume six.
This is not Anti-Black sun. I am a dirty, filthy multishipper, capable of seeing the aspects of nearly every ship on this fandom.
But I do think Canon RWBY would've been worse off with Black Sun.
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