#make khr great again
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It has been 5 years and I'm still obsessed. It makes me sad that I couldn't join the fandom sooner but I'm glad that people still love this series as much as I do.
So a fanart to congratulate on its 20 years anniversary!
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lixenn · 2 months
Xanxus and throwing stuff
It’s my time to chuck some random KHR headcanons into the wild!
For context: I wanted to write this scene, but during the process several questions came to mind which somehow spiralled into even more questions and now I have a whole new headcanon that’s taken over my brain because of course I do.
I won’t bore you with all the nitty gritty background details. I will just jump right into the good stuff, which in this case is me wondering about Xanxus and his habit of throwing stuff.
Especially I was focussing on Xanxus throwing alcohol.
Because look: We all know Xanxus loves throwing stuff at people be it alcohol, food or whatever else is at hand, but have you ever wondered if there’s some criteria on what he throws? Again with the alcohol, does he just randomly throw bottles on peoples head? Does he just use what is in his immediate vicinity?
And you know what?
Because that would be too easy! Where’s the drama? The unnecessary detail? Why think that Xanxus just throws random alcohol when we can make things complicated and develop a whole alcohol throwing language for the lols.
So here we fucking go:
Disclaimer: I don’t drink, so I know shit all about which different types of alcohol would fit certain criteria. So, I’m just going to use vague descriptions for now. If anyone who has a clue about alcohol wants to throw in their two cents and tell me what alcohol would actually fit certain descriptions, PLEASE hit me up so I can add it.
Anyone who interacts with Xanxus for more than 10 minutes will immediately notice his compelling urge of dousing people with alcohol at the slightest provocation. What people don’t know is that Xanxus actually uses different types of drinks for different groups of people.
If you’re just a random minion that pissed him off, he’ll throw the cheap stuff. Not something that’s really horrible but it wouldn’t taste great either. Just generic alcohol you could easily get at the local supermarket, basic shit for basic people, y’know?
Now, if Xanxus absolutely hates someone’s guts (looking at you there, Iemitsu) they will get hit over the head with the most vile alcohol that’s available. Stuff that tastes like horsepiss, something that’s barely fit for human consumption (and might actually be just rubbing alcohol with a shitty disguise) but people buy it anyways because it’s a quick and easy way to head straight into lalaland.
But if Xanxus likes you… hoooo boy, that’s a different matter entirely. Of course, he will still throw stuff because this is Xanxus we’re talking about here, however now he will throw the fancy shit, like expensive wine that’s been handed down for decades in the family (showing my lacking alcohol knowledge here). And if he really reaaalllly likes you *sideeying Squalo* he will reach for his favourites because he shows affection via violence and deeply obscure gestures that no sane person could ever comprehend.
He also has a go-to alcohol of choice when he’s in a really bad mood, so it doesn’t matter what alcohol category you were originally in, if Xanxus is grumpy he will only throw this specific type of alcohol and nothing else. As for what type it is: I’d say it’s just alcohol he personally can’t stand, like there’s nothing really wrong with it per see, but he either has a bad memory associated with it or he just hates the taste so he will never drink it.
That’s it from me and my super specific alcohol throwing headcanons. Any questions, comments and incoherent screams are welcomed with open arms.
Have a nice day and keep being awesome!
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rebornologist · 2 months
Hello, i love your blog, so happy to see a khr still active~ may I ask for xanxus pomegranate and milk tea? Thanks so much♡
Hii nonny! Thank you for the kind words for me and my (questionably) active blog teehee. Lots of love from me and our favourite man with rabies <3
୨୧ ⁺˳₊ Xanxus ♡ Tea Prompts ✧
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୨୧ ⁺˳₊ milk tea; what are their kisses like? ✧
♡ Burning. So full of passion that it almost feels desperate, which is something that he would never ever associate with himself, but there’s a hidden, deep-seated, desperation with this man. Xanxus bears a desperation that stems from lack, loss, abandonment, and emptiness. And that makes his affections so absolutely consuming and overwhelming.
♡ He tastes almost like mala spice, and you feel numbness in your lips as he subjects them to rough, bruising kisses.
୨୧ ⁺˳₊ pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o? ✧
♡ The form of love that comes most naturally to him is respect for his family. He grows to develop his own understanding of what camaraderie means, and what it means for him to stand for the Vongola.
♡ He’s not the romantic type at all. He is weighed down by so much baggage and can’t stand the idea of going through the motions associated with the relationship escalator. Marriage? Oh no, he’s married to his job, married to his ambitions. Kids? He would be a terrible father and he knows that, mind you he literally went through an elaborate scheme to kill his own dad.
♡ Xanxus is an enigma to me because he both seems like he’s against marriage in general, (because his attachment wounds are massive. gaping. cavernous, perhaps.) much less a big grand wedding, but also seems the type to go through with an extremely luxurious Italian wedding as a display of wealth and power. If that's what his partner desires, he might put up with it.. as long as he doesn't actually have to do any proper socializing on his best behavior.
♡ He doesn’t recognize it as love, per se.. but he highly respects his s/o, which is uncharacteristic of him. Love for him is placing weight to their thoughts, seeking them out time and time again when he's tired of everything else, and sleeping particularly well in their presence. He knew that he was absolutely doomed when he took a moment to pause before lashing out at them, because he gave a fuck about how they would take his scathing remarks. It's not a great way to realize how much you care for someone, but good for you, Xan. S/O: 1, Xanxus: 0.
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queenharumiura · 3 days
👍ask the mun how they think about your muse/portrayal
[👍ask the mun how they think about your muse/portrayal] ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti
Hm… I’ve already spoken at length about your portrayals before and I’d prefer to add on newer content than to repeat old content so… let’s focus on some of your other muses that I didn’t touch on the last time that I feel comfortable in talking about.
Readmore for length... of course.
I personally don’t write with him or send anything to him (as we know), but others do and sometimes you write meta posts for him as well, which I read.
Random trivia is that I worked on this in the opposite order lol so I’m writing this section last and I’m already so tired and my back is PAIN so let’s try to make this less painful for me as I try to be quick about it.
In general, I’ve never threaded with him, but others have sent in things for him or threaded with him. You seem to focus on the more darker and closed off aspect of him, but still balance it out with the fact that he’s willing to put up with things for not only his ideals, but also because of Chrome. His care for Chrome is evident in the fact that he puts up with the Vongola and not actively disparaging them too much for them being Mafia. It’s utterly evident the disdain he has when interacting with other mafia because (as we know) he hates them. So, there are some exceptions that can be made.
He’s an incredibly nuanced and intricate character to understand and write for. I don’t think I’ve noticed much of the creepy-ish aspect of him. Like the shadiness and the intense lengths he’s willing to go to fulfill his goals (ie taking over the body of his friends, taking over the body of a random child, etc). It’s these kinds of actions that really unnerve me and hence I don’t like him because it just creeps me out from a ‘aldksjfalsdfk that’s medium-key scary if you really think about it’ standpoint. I don’t think I’ve noticed the same kind of vibe too much from the interactions you’ve had.
Though, I suppose with TYL, perhaps that was toned down some due to the tools and abilities he has at his disposal now. With Chrome, he’s more or less more human when he’s around her, and the shady, nefarious vibes are less. That’s likely why I haven’t noticed it much. That’s great for me, because I see him doing something shady (I include smirking in this category bc Amano has a way of drawing his smirks in such a way that it unnerves me) and I instantly want to just fly away. I appreciate him as a character, love the way he fits into the story and is such an integral part to the story-telling of KHR… but he makes my jimmies go crazy and I NO LIKE.
For the interactions I’ve seen, I think you’re doing well with him. I can only assume I’d see more of what I deem ‘creepy vibes’ if he were to interact with some other characters, but I’m also the ‘Nope don’t wanna see it, actively will shut off my eyes’… so… yeah. I call it self-preservation instincts. I’m a big pansy, yes. Truly, him shooting himself in the head really cemented him in my heart as: I DO NOT LIKE HIM, HE SCARES ME, HE IS TOO INTENSE FOR MY LIL BABY HEART. DON’T LOOK AT ME SCARY PINEAPPLE MAN.
The only remaining main roster muse I haven’t spoken about yet is Primo Shimon… //quietly sets him aside again and gives him a cookie. Soz, Primo Shimon. M-maybe one day. Maybe you can meet Fiore if G allows it…
Request only muses
Hmm… we don’t interact much with Tsuna and Haru (for reasons that you and I both know), but given what I know, I do think it’s an interesting take for Tsuna in some regards. Like the idea that he did possibly notice Haru, but also pretty much doubt the fact that her feelings were real/would last long. In a sense, she was like a back up almost. An interesting take indeed, and that isn’t to say that I dislike it or anything like that. Just not a take that I think I’ve seen anyone else take so far, which makes it fascinating.
Given some of the instances seen in canon and the little hints of people making references to him taking more interest in her/noticing her, there is some weight to the thought so it’s fun to think about. It sort of works with the fact that he’s so socially ill-adapted due to being so alone for a lot of his formative years, he’s not very good at understanding all of the social aspects or being comfortable in a strong social environment. He’s still pretty young though, so he can learn.
It is that lack in sociability that does hinder some of the way he interacts with people or understands them. I’ve said it before that I personally think that is one of the reasons why he’s never really denied Haru outright in the series or rejected her because he didn’t want to hurt her, he didn’t know how to, and he likely thought that if he avoided the situation altogether, she’d eventually move on anyways. I don’t know if he understood the hurt that may have come along with it, however. We also talked about the hyper-intuition thing, so that’s likely a reason he may not have known, because he didn’t think about it.
So how would he know if he didn’t think to know about it. I do think it’s fascinating how your Tsuna tends to anger Haru somewhat often lol. In some ways it’s unfamiliar, and it may come off as out of character for him, BUT HEAR ME OUT FIRST(!), that I personally think it’s more in line of who Tsuna should’ve been. Hyper-intuition can only help so much, and for a guy who canonically has been stated to have like no friends, and barely talked to any girls up until he talked to Kyoko by sheer coincidence—he really should’ve been making more mistakes when dealing with people, I think.
He should’ve struggled more to pick up on social cues, or misunderstand them. We did see a little bit of that with the Yamamoto roof scene where Tsuna kind of spoke thoughtlessly because he just wanted to say something to Yamamoto, but we know how that turned out. Given his setting, I truly think that there should’ve been a bit more in the realm of Tsuna just messing up with social interactions and bonding with people properly. Perhaps it’s just the fact that he’s the tsukkomi so there wasn’t a need to really showcase that- but we do know he does say some stupid things sometimes because he doesn’t realize how it can come off. ‘dId yOu eAt YaKiSOba?’ << See, he can say stupid shit too and just really get it so wrong from a sociability standpoint.
Like, I expected more things where he says something, intending something, but someone else takes it the wrong way. Idk SOMETHING but it really felt more like… he just assimilated so quickly to having friends and accepting them into his life so quickly. Sure, he did have moments where he’d doubt the friendship (ie ‘Gokudera-kun is going to be so disappointed in me now’) but it was really a lot less than I expected.
Before anyone says it, NO, I did not expect for Tsuna to go second guessing all of his friendships or anything, but it really felt like the fact that he was a loner for so long got overlooked and glossed over. I suppose we can try to chalk it up to quick adaptability and hyper-intuition.
ESSENTIALY!!! I actually kinda find it refreshing that Tsuna does mess up with Haru and sometimes give off the wrong meaning because he’s just --- dumb, socially. He’s learning, it’s a learning curve. Like, he clearly meant well by congratulating Haru on her relationship with Dera, but the way he went about it, just sparked her ire because it’s like read the room, did you really have to say it like that? It just feels more organic with the way he messed up because it shows better how it didn’t occur to him how it could’ve hurt her the way he went about congratulating her as her first failed love. Some of these things come with experience of dealing with people.
Sure, he has a lovely way of pissing her off in a lot of interactions, but it’s kinda fun. It feels a lil different from Tsuna canonically, but I do think it feels more organic and real- which is what I like. So, I like the way you go about writing him.
I haven’t really seen all that much of him, but I have seen a small bit here and there, especially with the guest appearance in the ‘arranged au.’ I’ve noticed you tend to stick with his more serious and calm side than some of his more troll tendencies. By no means is that a bad thing, just an observation that I made.
In other words, you focus on the more serious side of him, where it gives the feel of staying truer to the mafia-aspects of things rather than the more troll anime-mafia kinda vibe that Amano gave off, which is fun. He’s still very serious about training Tsuna, molding him to be the best boss that he can be, and he takes good care of Tsuna’s circle. No matter how useful or important in the grand scheme of things someone may or may not be to the Vongola 10, he will look out for them and ensure they’re okay because that’s what Tsuna would want.
I think that was handled well in that thread, especially with how it was Reborn that was giving Gokudera the warning to treat her well and to not do something stupid, else he’ll regret it. Tsuna of course cares for his friends and would exact revenge should anything happen to any of them, but he’s also not the one to openly and so bluntly threaten/warn someone if they hadn’t given any reason to make him be wary of them. Out of fighting mode, he does usually retain the passive attitude, so he wouldn’t have been the one to give a warning, but Reborn who knows him well and knows his stance was the one to issue the warning.
It may seem like a minor detail, but it’s very in line with their dynamic. Not sure if you did it that way on purpose or not, but I liked that touch for that reason. Him walking off right after that warning/threat was also just very like him. It feels more poignant when you threaten and then leave. It’s a more lasting impression that way, I feel as it gives the feel of ‘I’m done here so I am just going to go regardless of how you may be feeling at the moment. It gives very little in the ways of showing Gokudera if his answer was satisfactory or not, gives everyone in the room little time to process the exchange between the two as he just leaves them- which is a lowkey power move. Shows who has the upper hand as he’s the one who chose to end the conversation right then and there and no one could argue against him. No one tried to make him stay or anything.
That shows just how much respect he commands within the Vongola 10 and how strong an influence he is. He did more of the talking than Tsuna did perhaps, given the way that the thread was structured at the time, which would lead me to believe that perhaps this was a lil show for Tsuna to show him how to handle such situations like these moving forwards. To Gokudera’s point, it would be a show of that ‘he may be a tutor, but he commands a lot of sway within the Vongola 10. He is able to dictate the conversation and help with the decision-making. Tsuna hasn’t argued against him or anything, so it shows how much trust he has in Reborn and that is a well-orchestrated and silent display of their dynamic.
It's in the action and the words that really spell out how you view the dynamic between the two and I think it’s a pretty good fit for how they are in canon. I mean, whether or not these were conscious decisions or were coincidental circumstance is irrelevant. Either way, it worked out well and is a very convincing portrayal. Look at me, sometimes I go off by puuuureee instinct and there’s nothing wrong with that.
TLDR: You’re doing great.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
So, for Day 11 of the event, I’m using prompt 4, #88 for Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Instead of using the prompt verbatim, I’m kind of spinning off on a theme the prompt could suggest, so I’m going with which KHR characters might have issues with premature ejaculation!
“Did you just…finish?”
So, I will say that cumming really quickly is a very normal issue for a lot of men losing their virginities or when they’re just really starting to have sex. I do think this would ring true for a great many characters when they did lose their virginity, so I’m not factoring that into anything and the thoughts are more about who consistently does face the issue.
From the Arcobaleno, I do see this being an issue that Verde faces, not all the time, but regularly enough for it to affect him. It’s just that he honestly doesn’t routinely have sex. He can easily go months, even a year (sometimes even longer) between having sex and having sex for the first time after so long is something that does ensure he doesn’t last really long. However, he does try to make up for it by either ensuring his partner reaches orgasm before penetration or getting them off afterwards and he’d be game for trying things that would help with the issue, both in terms of toys or medications.
Small Gia also had that issue during life, and as Bermuda never lost his virginity, that would be a pretty big issue for him as well if he ever did.
Oh, I actually see this being a huge issue for Simora. He gets really frustrated with it and his wife actually had extramarital affairs because their sex life was so unsatisfying. It was the main source of anger in his life, especially as he did truly love her more than life itself, which is why he always forgave her. His Guardians? Not so much.
Visconti has this issue ONLY when he and his lover are separated for a while. It’s guaranteed that at least the first couple times of being with his lover again after having been sexually dry for at least a month, that he cums quick. However, he does last longer the more often he has sex and is capable of multiple rounds a night so his partner doesn’t really complain about it much.
While not exactly ‘premature ejaculation’, it’s stupidly easy to make Haru orgasm, sometimes to the point of squirting.
Mochida struggles with this throughout all of his adult life and he uses cock rings a lot to help with the issue.
Levi A Than definitely has premature ejaculation issues and while he wants to satisfy his partner, his own orgasm makes him so lethargic afterwards that he can have issues with it. He’s also really embarrassed about this sexual tendency of his so his partner bringing it up can often cause some issues and fighting. However, he is the type who really cannot bear the thought of losing his lover, so if it does become enough of an issue where he thinks his partner might leave him because of it, he is willing to put his own pride aside to try anything they want.
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inkstaindusk · 1 year
You: I'd like es or khr prompts
Me: how about Aria's banishment backstory
Opal immediately after I saw your prompt I wrote this in the five minutes it takes to boil water and cook ramen. Is this the canon backstory? No idea! It's just what I thought of first! But it's fun so this is what I'm going with for now Aria is ~16 years old at the time of this scene CW for descriptions of violent injury and death
There’s a dead body in Aria’s room. She's pretty sure it's her cousin—one of them, anyway, some son of the queen's great-aunt, or something like that. She doesn't know or care for the specifics. It's not as though they've ever spoken, or if they have, she doesn't remember. All the pretty faces and sinister smiles of her extended family tend to blur after a while—and when the face is so wrecked that she can hardly identify it, well, there's no point trying to figure it out.
Aria leans over the body soaking her rug in blood. It wasn't a pretty death by any means; someone was clearly feeling vindictive. His face is carved with jagged, uneasy lines, eye sockets empty. His mouth was left alone and is still open wide in horror. His killer seemed to have had fun stabbing him in the torso a few dozen times, too. His clothes—which would have at least told her what house he was from—are soaked and shredded, as unrecognizable as his face.
She takes a few steps back as the blood slowly spreads closer to her feet. She can practically taste the metallic on her tongue, and has to swallow back the bile that threatens to rise in her throat.
It's not the first time she's seen a dead body. It's not even the first time she's seen a relative's dead, tortured body—
(—they tried to hide her, they loved her, they screamed and she couldn't find their hearts in that cold, dark room—)
—but it never gets easier.
Aria shuffles along her wall, eyeing the body warily, and rings the bell by her door again. It always takes a few tries before someone answers her call. All the kind servants disappeared a long time ago.
A butler does appear, eventually, wrinkling his nose in distaste as he recognizes the body on the floor. He orders cleanup, tells Aria to bear with it and she nods and leaves the room, still barefoot in her nightgown. The cold floor seems to seep into the soles of her feet, but there's nothing to it. Going back to her room would be worse—though, it's probably not going to be hers by the end of the week. They always make her change rooms, simpering about how she shouldn't have to stay in rooms with such horrid memories.
She'd laugh, if she cared enough to be angry.
Aria makes her way to the library and barricades herself in the music section, which is where the crown princess finds her two hours later, leafing through old sheet music no one ever plays anymore.
"Oh, Aria!" the princess cries, throwing her arms around her, like she's trying to squeeze the life out of her. She might be.
Aria sits quietly while the princess pretends to fuss, perfectly manicured nails digging into her skin, drawing the tiniest droplets of blood. She vows to take care of everything, don't you worry, dear cousin, I won't ever let such a thing happen to you.
It's a threat of some sort. Aria stares up at her without blinking, not saying a word. The princess' lips twitch.
"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight?" she offers sweetly. Aria shakes her head. She's not stupid, no matter what they say. The princess clicks her tongue. "Fine then. I'll set up another room for you, hm? Come now, Aria, it's late." Aria goes without protest, allowing the princess to wrap an arm around her shoulders like a shackle.
A few days later, she's summoned to the office. The princess sits behind her large desk, smiling sadly, eyes dancing with annoyance. "I'm so sorry, Aria," she says, dripping with falsity. Aria has never understood the need for this acting in private. It's not like they're not both fully aware. "Although it pains me, I'm forced to admit that this place is no longer safe for you."
Aria tilts her head, slight surprise stirring inside of her. Is this where they finally kill her?
The princess grows more irritated at her lack of reaction, though her smile stays firmly in place. "As such," she continues, "we have decided to send you away. We have a nice, unused palace in the port city, you remember?" She doesn't. They hardly ever allow her outside—not that she would want to if they did. "Don't worry," the princess says, bright and cold in equal measure. "You'll be very well taken care of."
Ah, thinks Aria. They've decided to be rid of her after all.
She bows her head and lifts her skirt in a polite, acquiescing curtsy. By your will, your highness.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2022
PROMPT: Day 4 - Fake Harem AU
PAIRING: Sawada Tsunayoshi/Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Tsuna just has to fake it for one night, and then fakes a big breakup or whatever. He can manage that much, surely, probably. Hopefully.
Oh, please, God, let him manage that much.
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net & Vietnamese translation & Spanish translation
[Plain text:
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2022
PROMPT: Day 4 - Fake Harem AU
PAIRING: Sawada Tsunayoshi/Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Tsuna just has to fake it for one night, and then fakes a big breakup or whatever. He can manage that much, surely, probably. Hopefully.
Oh, please, God, let him manage that much.
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net & Vietnamese translation & Spanish translation /End PT]
“I’m already seeing someone,” Tsuna blurts out of desperation, lying through his teeth, because he’s very much not. But he’s been rejecting Matsuda for five minutes now, and hopefully this will make him take the hint.
Matsuda stops in his speech about the many reasons why Tsuna should give him a chance because he just knows they’ll get along with each other, surprise then disappointment flickering across his face. “Oh. I’ve never seen you with anyone like that, though. Or heard you talk about anyone like that.”
Tsuna gaps. What even—?
He tries to say something, opening then closing his mouth multiple times as words keep failing him.
Is Matsuda really asking him to justify himself to him? Or convince him, or whatever this is?
They aren’t even friends! They’re nothing more than colleagues, and even then, they don’t even work in the same department! How Matsuda even knew when to come find him just as he was getting himself a cup of coffee at the vending machine, he doesn’t know.
They literally don’t even work on the same floor, what the hell?
“Yeah, that’s—I mean, that’s my private life, isn’t it? We’re both just very private people, that’s why.” He smiles politely, then pointedly looks past Matsuda down the hall at his office. “Sorry, but—” He steps aside, but so does Matsuda, blocking his path again.
“Yeah, I guess some people are just like that, uh?” He laughs, and if he notices Tsuna’s strained smile, it doesn’t seem to bother him. “Ah, I kind of feel jealous, though. I bet she must be really pretty, isn’t she?”
Tsuna laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, she is. Lucky me.”
“She is a she, then?” Matsuda asks, stepping forwards, and Tsuna holds on tight on his cold cup of coffee between them. Matsuda’s smile is still friendly, but he doesn’t like the glint in his eyes. “Yeah, I bet she must be that pretty. It’s just, you know, Sawa told me you said it was a he when you rejected him just a week ago.”
Tsuna gaps again, floored, and now a bit wary of him.
What, he background-checked him? What the hell is even going on? Why are they even still having this conversation? Tsuna’s pretty damn sure the first words out of his mouth were a polite but firm and explicit “no”.
“I’m bi,” he blurts out again. Wait, no, that’s not the important thing. “I mean, I’m dating both. At the same time!” he hurries to add, because the last thing he needs is for people to think he’s a cheater. “I—I mean, they both know I’m dating the other one too—”
Matsuda puts his hands on his shoulders, beaming. “Oh, so you’re polyam too?” He’s what? “That’s great, me too!”
“O-oh?” He laughs. “Yeah, I am,” he keeps lying through his teeth. He can guess what being polyam means from context, and he didn’t know it was a thing, but thank God it is. “So…” he trails off, looking past him at his office again, because this is it, right? This is finally the end of the conversation?
“Is that what was bothering you?” What? “Because it’s totally fine, I can even meet all three of you at the same time! I’ve never been afraid of crowds, and I’ve always been told I make really good first impressions, isn’t that great?” He shakes him playfully, then laughs all by himself at his own joke.
Oh God, no no no no no— “Wait—no, we can’t—you can’t—”
Matsuda frowns, stilling. “What? Why not? Come on, I’m single, so it’ll only be the four of us. It’ll still be manageable.”
“R—right. Right, but it’s just—well, you see, actually, there isn’t only the three of us. We’re, um—there’s already too many of us—I mean, just enough of us”—God, is he even making sense?—“and, um, we’ve agreed not to… take on anymore… people. Um, yeah, so…”
An awkward silence settles over them, and stretches, and stretches, and stretches between them.
Matsuda will totally call him out on his bullshit, won’t he?
Matsuda drops his hands from his shoulders just as Tsuna’s about to make a run for it. His face is unreadable, his smile even still on his lips, but Tsuna still reads the suspicion all over it.
Yeah, he’s screwed.
“Oh,” Matsuda says, his voice deadpan. “How many are you, then?”
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. What’s the right answer, the right number?
Is there even one, or is that just a trick question?
Tsuna smiles, straightening to his full height, hopefully showing nothing but confidence and inspiring nothing but trust.
He opens his mouth.
“You what?” Reborn says, like he didn’t hear him perfectly the first time, and Tsuna can’t hear the amusement in his voice.
He groans in his hands, his elbows resting on Reborn’s desk. “I’m not saying it again. That’s not the point anyway!” he says, snapping his head up and slamming his hands on the desk. “Guess what he said after? He said I totally should bring them to the company birthday party, and that he was looking forward to meeting them, and that we just all might hit it off during the party anyway!”
“You what?” Reborn deliberately says again, just to drive even more home how stupid he is and how stupid he thinks he is, as if Tsuna didn’t already know both.
Tsuna groans, hiding his face back in his hands. “Just kill me now. Please, Reborn, just take me out right now.”
Reborn chuckles, and the sound of his keyboard tells him he’s back working. “First of all, my office isn’t the place for you to come complain about your ridiculous life. Second of all, I am the person you should come complain to about your ridiculous life first and foremost, and if that ever changes, I’ll kill you both. Finally, and most importantly, you’re hilarious and so fucking stupid, never, ever change.”
He laughs more openly, and Tsuna considers banging his head against the desk until he blacks out.
“Thanks,” he deadpans dryly. “Any other helpful words you want to throw my way?”
“Last time I checked, people just said no to people confessing to them when they didn’t feel the same.”
“I did!” Tsuna shouts, showing his indignant face again. “That’s literally the first thing I said, but he just wouldn’t listen to me!”
“Then you should just have left, you didn’t owe him any more than that. Then again, you wouldn’t be here now if you had, and what a shame would that have been for me?”
“Please, just tell me how to get myself out of this.”
Reborn raises his eyebrow. “How else? You told him you already have multiple partners, so show them to him.”
“Yeah, and I lied about it, that’s the whole problem! No, I’ll just have to miss on the party.”
Reborn scoffs, looking away from his computer again to narrow his eyes at him. “Sure you will. The party is mandatory, Idiot Tsuna. I’ll hunt you down and drag you there myself if you dare skip it.”
Tsuna narrows his eyes right back. “You just want to watch me make a fool out of myself.”
“You just always do it in such an amusing way, I’m only but human,” Reborn says, smirking, every inch of it fitting for the evil, merciless demon he is.
Tsuna wants to scream, but only groans again. “I’m quitting.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
“I’m going to take me out myself.”
“Keep me updated on that.”
“I hate you so much.”
Reborn laughs. “You’d be nothing without me. Now get the hell out of my office and get back to work. And do make sure to show up to the party. I, too, look impatiently forwards to meet your six partners, so do your best to not disappoint me.”
“I hate you so much.”
Reborn rolls his eyes. “Oh, stop whining already. The party is in one week, and it's plenty of time for you to come up with something. Do you know how many partners I could find myself in one week? Real ones too, obviously, but there’s only so much you can do.”
Tsuna bangs his head against the desk, wishing for the sweet release of death.
Tsuna times his arrival to the party for when it should already be well on its way, hoping to hide in the crowd. He shows up to it still with no partners, fake or otherwise, let alone six of them.
Reborn sits at a table across the room with the other big names of the company, and Tsuna knows he already knows he did nothing during the last week but work himself into a frenzy about how he had to do something to get himself out of this mess, but Reborn still subtly raises his glass at him, smirking.
Tsuna doesn’t need to have a good look of his face to know he’s unsurprised, but beyond amused to see how much more of a disaster this is going to be.
If Tsuna had a glass of his own he’d wish really hard he could throw it across the room right in his face, but Reborn’s the least of his problems now.
The joke’s on him anyway, because Tsuna has planned for this. Yeah, that’s right, he did. He figured that once backed against a corner with no way out of it, he’d have no choice but to come clean to Matsuda about the whole fake partners thing. It’s going to be one hell of an awkward conversation to have for sure, but at least it’s only going to be for one moment during the party, instead of Tsuna spending the whole night pretending to be romantically involved with six people he couldn’t possibly find at this point to play pretend with him anyway.
That’s right, everything’s under control. And talking about Matsuda, here he comes from the side where the food and drinks are, making a beeline for him. Tsuna is still at the doors, though he moved aside to not block the path, and he waits for him because he’s going to be an adult about this.
Which he is, so this should be a breeze, right?
Matsuda closes in on him, and Tsuna goes the opposite way in the fastest, most natural fleeing pace he can manage.
Nope, nope, nope, he just can’t be an adult about this—has been already once to be fair with him, but it clearly didn’t work, and Reborn’s right, there can only be so much that can be expected of him.
Tsuna frantically flickers his eyes around while trying to keep it as natural as he can, looking for someone—anyone to be one of his fake partners.
The most notable achievements of the company from the year are exhibited on that side of the room, people walking slowly along the display or stopped in front of the tables, large boards, or projections to appreciate more everyone hard work. One of them catches his attention, a tall man in a tailored black suit and a purple dress shirt, short black hair with no other defining features he can catch because he has his back to him.
His figure’s familiar so Tsuna makes for him, ignoring the feeling telling him to back off, not him, anyone but him.
It’s not like he has a choice anyway, literally running out of time.
He smiles like he knows who he’s about to talk to, if nothing else because he feels Matsuda’s eyes on him, but also because he’s supposed to know him, right? He’s supposedly just about to catch the attention of one of his partners after all.
Yeah, right.
“Excuse me?” he says, lightly putting his hand on his arm.
Hibari turns to him, and frankly Tsuna only feels like bursting out laughing, because would you look at that, it’s Hibari Kyoya he’s about to ask him to be his fake boyfriend. Because of course it is.
Hundreds of people in this room, and he just had to be instinctively drawn to Hibari Kyoya of all people. Like they’re on good terms or anything.
They’re not.
Wow. Just wow.
Hibari Kyoya.
Tsuna can just hear Reborn already laughing himself to tears but still managing to look cool and composed as he does so, and you know what? He deserves this one.
“Hiba—Kyoya,” he corrects, still smiling and looking him right in the eye, making sure to appear at ease through his body language like they’ve done this a hundred times before. Hibari raises both his eyebrows at the same time, then slightly frowns after a beat when Tsuna doesn’t rush to take back his words. He pointedly looks down at the hand on his arm again, but Tsuna still keeps it there, and actually slides it down to hold onto his hand. He steps forwards, holding onto his other hand, then whispers, “Please, be one of my fake partners just for tonight.”
Hibari blinks, a deadpan expression on his face, and Tsuna almost laughs again, but genuinely this time because he had no idea Hibari could make those type of expressions too. The dumbfounded, absolutely floored, you-just-threw-me-in-for-a-loop type of expressions.
Tsuna doesn’t know either just from where all that gall is coming from him, but no, actually, he does. This is just about the worst thing that’ll happen tonight without a doubt, and there’s comfort and bravery and levity to take from that he sure as hell won’t deny himself of.
He was still going to be bitten to death anyway even if he had backed down at the last second, for having touched him or breathed the same air as him or something, so he has nothing to lose going for it.
“Tsuna, hey,” Matsuda calls out before Hibari can give him his answer, and Tsuna smoothly turns the both of them to face him, linking their arms together. He doesn’t push his luck actually leaning against Hibari’s side though, and he wonders if it looks too awkward to be believable. Matsuda stops in front of them, looks at them back and forth, looks at their linked arms for one long moment, then catches Tsuna’s eye again with a smile. “Finally caught you. Didn’t you see me come? It almost looked like you were running away from me.”
Tsuna laughs the thinly veiled accusation away. “I did, actually! But then I caught sight of Kyoya, and I just had to get my hands on him before he could prematurely leave the party. Maybe you already know how he is? His reputation always precedes him, isn’t that right, Kyoya?” He catches his eye, playfully bumping their shoulders together.
Matsuda laughs. “Can’t say I don’t.”
“Well, let me introduce you two anyway. Kyoya, this is the friend I talked to you about, Matsuda Arata. Matsuda-san, this is Hibari Kyoya, my boyfriend.”
Glass shatters on the floor as audible and visible shock hits the people around them within hearing range, dead silence falling among and around them.
Tsuna firmly, desperately keeps up the pretense of normalcy, ignoring the way Matsuda watches them, the way the people around them openly watch them, frozen in whatever they were doing.
A look from Hibari and they thankfully scatter like mice, though unfortunately, Matsuda stays.
Matsuda even smiles, looking at Hibari. “Right, your boyfriend.” There’s a laugh in his voice just waiting to spill free, and Matsuda lets some of it out as he looks at him, raising his eyebrows. “Really, Tsuna?”
Tsuna plays innocent, frowning while tilting his head.
So Matsuda doesn’t believe him for a second, obviously, who would ever, but so what?
“Something to say, herbivore?” Hibari asks, nowhere near as threatening as Tsuna knows he can be, but Matsuda still straightens himself, warily looking at him, all traces of humor leaving his face.
Tsuna has to try very hard to not grin with all his teeth out, gloating inwardly.
He is lying to Matsuda to his face, but what is he going to do about it, to say about it? Call out Hibari Kyoya on the lie?
Call out Hibari Kyoya’s potentially real boyfriend on his lie in front of him, however unlikely that option is?
Tsuna watches Matsuda force on a strained, tight, polite smile, and of course the answer is no. God bless Hibari. “No, it’s nothing. Nice to meet you.” He offers his hand, but Hibari doesn’t even look at it.
Instead he drags Tsuna a few steps away, their backs to Matsuda, and shit, shit, shit— “Explain, Sawada Tsunayoshi.”
“I already did,” Tsuna says, somehow keeping eye contact. “Matsuda-san doesn’t take no for an answer, so I somehow ended up telling him I was already seeing multiple someone, and, well—” He shrugs. “You’re the first person I thought of.” More like the first person he came across, but maybe Hibari will feel more inclined to help him if he puts it like that.
Hibari narrows his eyes, pursing his lips, and Tsuna gives him his best, helpless, pleading smile. Something flickers across his face then, too fast for him to put a name on it, but it seems to sway him a tad. He looks him up and down, like he’s seeing him for the first time, and Tsuna realizes it’s not quite anger Hibari’s feeling at the whole ordeal as a smile pulls at his lips.
Or, well,  at least it’s not all anger.
Hibari pulls at their linked arms, closing the distance between them, then leans down to whisper in his ear, “I will bite you to death for this. Literal death.”
Tsuna laughs dryly. “Yeah, I could have used that like a week ago, but fair enough. Just let me know when you’re free.”
Hibari’s lips twitch like he’s fighting back another smile, curiously taking his face in, and Tsuna didn’t know he could look like that either. Especially not while looking at him. But thankfully he hasn’t the time to dwell on that as Hibari drags him back to Matsuda.
Not that there was anything to dwell on.
“Hey,” Matsuda awkwardly says when they stop in front of him again, keeping his attention on Tsuna, only daring to glance at Hibari.
“Who are you to him?” Hibari asks him suddenly, and it takes both Matsuda and Tsuna aback.
“What… do you mean? We’re friends. That’s what Tsuna just said, didn’t he?”
“Friends,” Hibari repeats, and manages to sound incredibly dismissive and deadpan at the same time. “Strange then I’ve never heard about you until very recently, and while I did, I heard you insisted for this to happen.”
Oh God, no no no no no— “Kyoya—” Tsuna tries, because what is he doing? Tsuna’s doing all this precisely so nothing confrontational will have to happen!
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Matsuda says, braver once more, steadier, apparently getting used to Hibari’s… everything. “Tsuna told me he was seeing people, and I was just curious to meet them. I asked once, and he said yes.” Oh, the little—! He literally left before Tsuna could say anything, because he knew he was going to say no! “Friends introduce each other to their partners, don’t they?”
“I see,” Hibari says, suddenly cordial, like he’s trying to deescalate the situation, but Tsuna knows there’s no way in hell it’s what he’s actually doing. “I suppose friends would do that, indeed. As long as you know your place.” And saying that, to drive his point even more home, he frees his arm from Tsuna’s to instead wrap it possessively around his waist, pulling him flush against his side.
Tsuna almost swallows his tongue.
He’s so not going to survive this night, one way or another.
And he’s only found one fake partner so far, God help him.
Matsuda looks hard at Hibari’s arm around his waist, and so would Tsuna if he hadn’t had to keep up the pretense of being used to that.
Of being used to the weight and warmth of Hibari’s hand against the small of his back, long fingers curling around his hip; to the feel of Hibari’s lean and muscled body against his side, steady under his arm as he instinctively wrapped it around his back; to be able to smell Hibari’s perfume, an earthy, flowery scent that seems to be all he can smell all of a sudden.
Yeah, right.
He’s blushing, blushing hard too, but that’s just normal, right? Just helps sell the bit. His boyfriend is being openly affectionate with him in public to assert dominance, so of course he’s all flustered by it.
Tsuna almost breaks into hysterical laughter right then and there, and he has to bite the inside of his cheek hard not to.
Hibari Kyoya is playing his fake boyfriend being openly affectionate with him in public to assert dominance.
Tsuna truly doesn’t know how he keeps getting himself into situations like this.
“I could use a drink,” Hibari says, unnecessary leaning in close like Tsuna won’t hear him otherwise. He’s knowingly smiling too, clearly having fun with all this, but Tsuna ignores it for his own sanity.
Why is he though? Does it mean anything?
“R—right, me too, actually.” Ha, could he ever. “The others might be around there too.”
He looks at Matsuda, who’s been staring all this time, but he snaps back to his senses then. “Oh, yeah, sure!” He grins, overly cheerful, but it’s still plain as day he’s seething. Tsuna doesn’t feel sorry about it one bit, not when he’s going through his own ordeals because of him. “I was actually about to get one myself when I noticed you, but it’s going to be even better to share it together.”
He turns away, taking the lead, and Hibari makes them fall in step with him.
Tsuna tugs at his jacket, making him lean in again so he can keep his voice low.
“Don’t pull at my clothes, little animal.”
“What are you doing?” he asks, smiling pleasantly, keeping an eye on Matsuda in case he turns to look at them, and he likes to think he sounds pointedly assertive instead of totally out of his depth.
“What else?” He pointedly squeezes his hip, and Tsuna’s breath catches in his throat, his body jolting from the touch, which only presses him further against Hibari’s side. Fuck— “Am I not meant to make him back off? Isn’t that what this is about?” He glances at him then, just so Tsuna can see he already knows he doesn’t have anything to say to that.
Ugh, what an asshole.
“Shut up,” he says, petulantly letting go of his jacket and turning his head away.
“You’re welcome.”
“Oh my God—really?” Hibari just smirks, and Tsuna hates him even more for it. “Yes, Hibari-san, thank you so much, I’m currently totally not having a terrible time. Can you now stop enjoying this so much? Thanks.”
Hibari actually chuckles low in his throat, and somehow, for some reasons, that’s actually something Tsuna’s already managed to get out of him before. More than once too. And he knows just the once is no small feat by no means. But he’s not going to think about it now, or ever, preferably.
“How many of these fake partners are there?” he whispers in his ear.
Tsuna winces, and there’s no hiding it from Hibari, but he still smooths his face back as quick as he can.
Right, two is a crowd, and there’s already two of them—three actually, and Hibari hates crowds.
This is going to be such a disaster.
Tsuna chuckles to buy himself time as he scrambles for an answer that won’t make the disaster happen too soon. “Take a guess?” is what ends up coming out of his mouth, his brain unhelpful as ever, but he stands by his words even faced to Hibari’s unimpressed face.
“So, Tsuna,” Matsuda calls out, and Tsuna almost feels grateful to him. “See anyone familiar?”
They’re almost to the tables with the food and drinks on them, and Tsuna lets his eyes wander over the people near them. He does find two familiar faces, and his mood lifts, relief washing over him, though with a bit of guilt for being about to involve them in this.
He did tell himself he wouldn’t do it over the past week, but…
He just really could use the help here, and now that he’s already doing this, it just wouldn’t feel right not to ask them for it anyway.
“Over there,” he says, gesturing with his head to the table Hayato and Takeshi sit at, a drink each in their hand.
He takes the lead with Hibari this time, and it’s obvious the moment Hayato and Takeshi notice them.
Hayato widens his eyes, his jaw dropping, while Takeshi raises his eyebrows, both their gazes taking them in, and getting stuck on their arms around each other’s. Tsuna brings his free hand to Hibari’s chest like he’s going to cozy himself up even further against him, mindful of Matsuda behind them, and Hayato’s jaw somehow drops even more, while an incredulous grin pulls at Takeshi’s lips, which he tries to hide behind his glass.
Tsuna doesn’t actually rest his hand against Hibari’s chest though, instead giving them an okay sign to reassure them this is all consensual. Hayato seems too shocked to process it, but he catches the subtle realization flickering across Takeshi’s face, God bless him.
“Tsuna, here you are!” he calls out cheerfully when they’re close enough. He puts down his drink on the table, then meets them halfway, clearly intent on a hug.
Hibari and him let go of each other just before Takeshi pulls him into an enthusiastic hug, Tsuna laughing then greeting him in turn. Hibari keeps walking to Hayato, Matsuda following his lead, but Takeshi still sways them side to side under the guise of enthusiasm, conveniently shifting them around until Tsuna has his back to Hibari, Hayato, and most importantly, Matsuda.
“I need three other fake partners, including at least one fake girlfriend for the night so Matsuda-san gets the hint,” he pleadingly, hurriedly whispers in Takeshi’s ear. “Five partners if you and Hayato don’t want to play along, which you totally don’t have to, it’s fine, but if you do want to, I really could use the help.”
Takeshi hides his face in the crook of his neck to hide his startled laughter. “Oh, Tsuna.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, okay?” Tsuna says defeatedly. “But it’s not like I tried or asked to get myself into this, alright?”
Takeshi pulls away, chuckling. “Copy that,” he says reassuringly, cupping his cheeks, and as grateful as Tsuna is for the help, and actually reassured by it because God knows Takeshi has that way to always get himself out of situations like this unscathed, he can’t help but narrow his eyes at him.
Takeshi’s already having too much fun with this, and he isn’t even trying to hide it from him.
He’s going to make Tsuna regret asking for his help, isn’t he?
Takeshi grins wider, no doubt knowing exactly what he’s thinking, then leans in to kiss his forehead. It’s purposefully too sweet and lingering to only be friendly, and Tsuna can’t help but blush a little. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” he says, taking his hand and leading him to the others, like he doesn’t know it only makes him worry more.
The others couldn’t look more awkward standing next to each other if they tried, and why they didn’t take a seat and why Hayato stood up, he doesn’t know.
Hibari stands further aside from them, ignoring them in favor of his drink, unbothered by the awkward atmosphere, naturally.
Hayato flicks his eyes to them to Hibari to Matsuda, still comically holding onto his drink halfway up his mouth, clearly trying and failing to put it all together. He did manage to close his mouth by now, but doesn’t look any less lost than before.
Matsuda is also taking them in, and though Tsuna is genuinely friends with Hayato and Takeshi as everyone in the company knows, which should make them a lot more believable as his boyfriends than Kyoya, Hayato’s reaction alone is visibly making Matsuda confident in his suspicions all over again.
Fuck, how does Tsuna explain that and get Hayato in on the loop?
“Kyoya, don’t think I don’t have a hug for you too,” Takeshi says in lieu of greeting him, letting go of his hand as he makes for him.
Hibari’s eyes make it very clear just what he thinks of that, but Takeshi still goes for it, though only wraps his arm around his shoulders for a side-hug. He still nuzzles his face in his hair, and would you look at that, Tsuna’s already regretting asking for his help so, so much.
Takeshi’s going to make the most of this, isn’t he?
He’s going to push his luck with everyone that’ll end up involved in this, and is already purposefully trying to push his luck with Hibari, to see how far he’ll be allowed to push before Hibari snaps.
And Tsuna should have known, of course he’s going to do just that, so really, this is on him too.
“You should have told us you were coming. You almost gave our poor Hayato here a heart attack.”
Tsuna blinks. Then he tries very hard not to beam, because of course! That explains Hayato’s reaction nicely and believably!
Oh, whatever he’d ever do without Takeshi? He could kiss—he means, he’s super grateful to have Takeshi in his life.
Um, yeah, that.
“Yamamoto Takeshi.”
“Hm?” Takeshi says, like he doesn’t only just now stop nuzzling Hibari’s hair, like he doesn’t lean all his weight against him like he belongs there, like he hasn’t draped his other arm across Hibari’s chest to hold on his waist.
Tsuna wonders sometimes how Takeshi has managed to live that long, he really does.
Hibari narrows his eyes at him, but then smirks, and then whispers in his ear what can only be some terrifying, very explicit threat.
So of course Takeshi bursts out laughing, and then playfully bumps their hips together. “Maybe somewhere else,” he says, winking, flirting, with Hibari Kyoya, who has yet to stop him because they’re pretending to be Tsuna’s boyfriends, which apparently means they’re also each other’s boyfriends?
Tsuna did look into polyamorous relationships in the past week, and it’s a thing that can happen that all partners of the same polycule date each other, but they don’t have to go there, so what is Takeshi doing?
Tsuna bursts out laughing too. He hopes it sounds like he’s only getting in on the flirting too, even if it sounds hysterical to his own ears, like he’s losing his mind.
And suddenly, he feels a lot more sympathetic for Hayato.
This does look like the wildest fever dream he could come up with.
Right, Hayato.
Tsuna catches his eye, still laughing because he can’t seem to make himself stop, and he wills Hayato to get the situation through their shared gaze alone, or at least to start laughing like he’s getting in on the flirting too, hopefully in a more believable way than him. Hayato could do anything and it’d be better than what he looks like right now, really, though Tsuna does see the beginning of understanding in his eyes.
He steps forwards in his space, finally biting on his laughter. “Hey, Hayato,” he says softly, taking his drink from him and putting it on the table. He then holds onto his waist as he rises on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Hayato blushes, his breath hitching. Tsuna doesn’t remove his hands from his waist. “Takeshi is as shameless as ever, isn’t he?” he jokes, and sure enough, never one to pass up the occasion to jab at Takeshi, Hayato snorts.
He looks at Takeshi, finally acting natural, knowingly or unknowingly easing up under his touch, though he doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands, stiff at his sides. “What else is new?”
“Kyoya started it, actually,” Takeshi defends good-naturedly.
“I’m going to kill you, Yamamoto Takeshi.”
“I’d let you.”
Hibari promptly elbows him in the stomach, and Tsuna looks away, leaving them to it.
“You look better, I’m glad,” he says, cupping Hayato’s cheeks, and he ignores how much redder Hayato’s face turns. “I thought you might have gone too hard on the drinks with Takeshi,” he teases. It can’t hurt to explain his suspicious reaction away again.
Hayato huffs. “As if.”
“Good, because here’s the person I wanted you all to meet.” He links their arms together, turning them both to face Matsuda. “Takeshi—” he starts, but Takeshi’s already stepping up at his other side, Hibari having apparently successfully gotten rid of him, at least for now.
Tsuna glances behind him to make sure he’s still there, which he is by some miracle, then looks at Matsuda. He expects at least annoyance from him from having been ignored all this time if nothing else, but he looks strangely content, smiling as he looks at them.
Or not so strangely when he looks so obviously sure Tsuna’s lying to him through his teeth, which he is, but as long as he doesn’t call him out on it, he isn’t about to come out clean by himself.
“Hayato, Takeshi,” he starts, “this is Matsuda Arata. Matsuda-san, meet Gokudera Hayato and Yamamoto Takeshi,”—please, please, please, Hayato, play it cool and natural—“also my boyfriends.”
Tsuna sees from the corner of his eye the way everything instantly clicks and makes sense to Hayato at his words, how he gets exactly the situation Tsuna’s gotten himself into and how he’s gotten himself into that, ever the smart one, God bless him too.
Tsuna should have just done that from the beginning actually, introducing them to each other so Hayato would have been in on the loop right away, so really, this one is on him too, again.
Hayato even plays it cool, though angry, glowering at Matsuda, because where the hell does he come from not taking Tsuna’s no for an answer, and even pressuring him so much he had to put himself in this predicament?
Or at least it’s what Tsuna’s pretty sure he’s thinking. And he’s very tempted to let him go off on Matsuda, actually.
Wait, should he? It’d make Matsuda back off, and then he could call it a night without having to figure out two other fake partners and one fake girlfriend!
“You,” Hayato starts, taking a threatening step forwards, and Tsuna really thinks he should let him go on.
“Nice to meet you,” Matsuda says cheerfully, offering his hand like he can’t tell Hayato’s about to murder him. He’s even purposefully provoking with the way he talks and smiles and looks at him, and Tsuna’s pretty sure half of it is how Hibari’s staying out of it. Maybe Tsuna should involve him in the conversation again then, see how Matsuda likes it. “We actually work on the same floor, Gokudera-san. Maybe you already noticed me before too?”
Hayato scoffs, looking disdainfully at his hand then back up at him. He doesn’t take his hand.
Takeshi takes it instead. “Nice to meet you too!” he says, just as cheerful as Matsuda, and not meaning it one bit either. “I know all of Tsuna’s friends, so I was very surprised to hear about you, and couldn’t wait to meet you after that.”
Matsuda falters, almost flinches, hearing exactly what Takeshi didn’t say. Tsuna smiles.
It’s his mistake to have been thinking Hayato and Takeshi aren’t people he should fear too in their own right.
“I was very curious to meet you too,” Matsuda says, putting himself back together. “So, you two too, then? Well, I guess at least it’s a lot less surprising than Hibari-san, right?” He laughs, and then pretends to catch himself. “Ah, no offense, of course.”
“Oh, none taken. Kyoya couldn’t care less about what you think anyway,” Takeshi says, looking him right in the eye, not catching himself after, and Tsuna distinctly hears Hibari laughs in their back.
Matsuda raises his hands in front of him in fake surrender. “Ah, come on, don’t take it like that. I just meant—well, it’s just a little hard to believe the four of you are together like that. You just don’t look the part, that’s all,” he says, catching Tsuna’s eye as he does, smirking knowingly, like—
Like what? What is he saying? That Tsuna and him would look more the part?
And what about that victorious look on his face? Does he think that once he exposes his lie, Tsuna will just have to go out with him by whatever twisted logic of his?
God, this guy’s an actual creep, isn’t he?
Just Tsuna’s luck, but what else is new?
“And?” Hayato harshly dismisses him, daring him to say more.
He does, though he looks at him instead of Hayato. “Well, so far you’re also all part of the company, aren’t they, Tsuna? How convenient.”
“You sure open your mouth loud and often for the pathetic, weak herbivore you are,” Hibari says before any of them can say anything, and Matsuda tenses, looking past them, losing all humor and confidence on his face once again.
Tsuna could get used to that. It’s really so nice to have someone like Hibari Kyoya on your side.
“I know, right?” Takeshi says, still smiling, but his voice is poised and just on that side of not cheerful anymore. “He’s a bold one that friend of yours, Tsuna. How nice.” He wraps a possessive arm around his shoulders, not once looking away from Matsuda.
Matsuda shrugs the very explicit threats off, raising his hands in front of him again, but Tsuna’s starting to suspect it’s that he can’t tell he’s being threatened even if it couldn’t be more obvious to him. “Come on, guys, I was just saying. Though if that’s how you react to it…”
He barely tries to smirk again that Hayato grabs him by the collar of his dress shirt, Tsuna stumbling forwards along with him, Takeshi’s arm falling from his shoulders. “Listen here, you bastard—”
“Hayato, wait.” Tsuna puts himself between them, one hand on Hayato’s chest, the other on the arm holding onto Matsuda.
“No, Tsuna-s—Tsuna.” He glances at him, a flustered look on his face, but he’s all anger again when he looks back at Matsuda. “I’m going to teach this guy when to shut his fucking mouth.”
“I can do that by myself.” Hayato stills, his mouth open on the rant he didn’t get to start. He blinks, turning to look at him. “You’re only meeting each other and interacting because of me to begin with, so I should be the one to do this.”
They hold each other’s gaze for a beat before Hayato smirks, nodding. “Of course.” He lets go of Matsuda, stepping back and crossing his arms on his chest. “He’s all yours,” he says, his eyes on Matsuda, expectant anticipation on his face.
Matsuda looks at Hayato and him back and forth, thrown off enough he doesn’t think to adjust his clothes now free of Hayato’s grip. He looks at him uncertainly when he steps in front of Hayato to be face to face with him.
He puts it bluntly. “Matsuda-san, you have no business passing judgment on our relationship, nor do we care to hear it.” Matsuda widens his eyes, and whatever image he had of him Tsuna’s currently shattering, good riddance. “Quite frankly, you’ve been nothing but incredibly rude to say the least all night, even when none of us owed you this meeting. If that’s how you’re going to thank us for agreeing to it anyway, then let’s just enjoy the party each on our own side. These are dear people to me, so please, do watch the way you talk to them and talk about our relationship.”
Tsuna isn’t actually asking, which seems to have come across to Matsuda as he flinches. He smiles politely, and he’s been nothing but polite through it all too, but Matsuda winces, looking at him warily.
Good. Tsuna isn’t trying to play nice.
“Little animal.”
A shiver runs down Tsuna’s spine, his heart skipping a beat. He didn’t know Hibari could sound like that.
He turns around, and Hibari’s already stepping into his space, way too close, and his heart’s beating against his rib cage and in his ears fast.
He didn’t know Hibari could have that look in his eyes either. Let alone would have ever imagined he could look at him like that.
It seems there’s a lot he’s learning about Hibari tonight.
That can’t be good for his heart.
“Yes, Kyoya?”
Tsuna doesn’t want to be presumptuous, he swears, but he also swears Hibari looks nothing short but fascinated. He’s actually grinning, looking at him like...
Fuck, if Hibari would just step back a little, he’s sure he’d find his words then.
“Who told you you were allowed to hide your fangs from me?”
What? “What?”
Takeshi laughs, hugging him from behind, pushing him forwards, and he’s all but pressed against Hibari, his hands against his chest. “What are you saying, Kyoya? Tsuna has never been hiding. You failed to notice him, that’s all.”
Hibari’s scent’s overwhelming, even more than the first time, and Tsuna can’t make sense of anything else, absently noticing he’s holding on his jacket for dear life.
This is too close, way too close, way too fucking close, oh God—
“Guys,” he croaks out, his mouth dry as the desert, but maybe not because they ignore him.
“Mind your own business, Yamamoto Takeshi.”
“You’ll have to earn our approval first, just so you know. Isn’t that right, Hayato?”
Tsuna can’t move, stuck between Hibari and Takeshi, and he’s warm on the front and back, warm on the face, burning, really, his heart just about ready to burst out of his chest. “Guys—”
“Watch it, bastards!” Hayato pulls him free straight into his arms, wrapping two firm, but careful and protective arms around him, and he instinctively holds onto him just as firmly to not lose balance. “The hell do you think you’re doing?”
Tsuna should be able to breathe now. He’s hugged Hayato and has been hugged by him before, not as often as Takeshi, but he’s definitely familiar and comfortable hugging Hayato. His heart should be slowing down now.
His heart still beats a mile a minute and his face’s still burning, Hayato’s cologne not helping, Tsuna being just the right height for his head to rest in the crook of his neck, and this is still way too close—
To Hayato.
God, this whole pretend thing is messing with his head.
Tsuna’s starting to doubt more and more he’ll last the night.
“Aw, no, Tsuna,” Takeshi starts, genuinely apologetic despite the lighthearted tone of his voice. “You—hey, no, wait up, Matsuda!”
Tsuna pulls away from Hayato, whipping his head around. Takeshi wraps his arm around Matsuda’s shoulders, turning him around so he faces them again, keeping him put. “Where are you going? Don’t worry about what Tsuna just said. Now that we laid some ground rules, you might as well meet the rest of us too, right?” What? No! “Right, Tsuna?”
No! What is Takeshi doing? Let him go so they can finally drop this whole pretend thing!
Takeshi doesn’t seem to hear his internal pleas, or ignore them more likely, actually pleading with him with his eyes.
Oh, he really wants to have his fun with this, doesn’t he? And probably get back at Matsuda for having put him in this situation to begin with, which makes him dread even more just whose people “the rest of us” might be.
But no, Tsuna will stand firm on this. He straightens his back to do just that, opens his mouth, but then Takeshi gives him the puppy look.
He crumbles right away.
He smiles. “Yeah, sure. As long as you remain respectful about it, Matsuda-san,” he adds, but it’s a pitiful attempt to put up a fight.
Takeshi beams. “Didn’t I tell you? Isn’t Tsuna the nicest person you’ve ever met?” he asks, squeezing Matsuda tighter against him, choking him, though the paleness of his skin might be from the prospect of being forced to stay around them and meet more of them. “Ah, Kyoya, you don’t have to come though. How long have you been here already? You’ve already met Matsuda, so don’t push yourself too much, okay?”
Tsuna blinks. Turns to look at Hibari. Turns back to look at Takeshi, who’s already walking away, dragging Matsuda with him.
But then he glances over his shoulder, and doesn’t even bother to hide his victorious smirk at Hibari following after them.
Tsuna blinks again. Huh. What just happened?
He sighs, leaning against Hayato. “What just happened?”
Hayato clicks his tongue. “The baseball idiot happened, what else? Should I knock some sense into him?”
He huffs a laugh. “No, it’s fine, but thank you. He said he got this, I trust him.”
“You’re too nice too him, Tsuna-san.”
“But he’s always nice to me too.” He pulls away again, smiling up at him. “You’re all always nice to me. Thank you for that, but you really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Hayato huffs, crossing his arms on his chest. “Please, Tsuna-san, don’t think so little of me. I can survive a little bit of acting.”
Tsuna grins. “Okay. Sorry. Thank you.”
“I still don’t like that that bastard forced your hands like that though,” he says, frowning. “Should I force my fists on his face, see how he likes it?”
Tsuna bursts out laughing, unbidden, and quickly slaps both his hands against his mouth to muffle it. “Let’s make it plan B, alright?”
Hayato huffs again, but he has the softest expression on his face, smiling. “Fine.” He gestures with his head to the side. “We should go too before we lose them.”
“Right.” Tsuna links their arms together, and they fall in steps behind Takeshi and Hibari, a couple of feet away. Takeshi’s leading them deeper inside the room, walking along the dance-floor and skirting around the people spilling out of it. “So,” he starts, casual and innocent, and Hayato suspiciously glances at him. “What about keeping calling me Tsuna?”
Hayato instantly turns bright red. “No, I—”
“Couldn’t? But you already did it, remember? And it wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?”
“No, that’s—”
“Tsuna-san—” Tsuna raises his eyebrows. “Tsuna… -san…” Hayato looks away, covering his face with his hand as best as he can, red to the tip of his ears.
Tsuna giggles, but swallows it down as fast as he can. He bumps their shoulders together. “Just teasing, but I’ll stop now, I promise.”
“...Sorry,” Hayato mumbles in his hand.
“What for? I like best the name you’re the most comfortable calling me with, Hayato.”
Hayato carefully peaks at him through his fingers, then lowers his hand from his face, but strictly keeps looking ahead. “That was uncalled for.”
Tsuna giggles again, pressing against his side, then rests his head against his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Oh,” he says, hurriedly pulling away. “Sorry, is this okay?” Hayato frowns. “Should I let go?”
“Oh.” Hayato glances down at their linked arms, then looks at him again. “No, it’s fine.”
“I’m not doing this for the act or anything though. Is it still okay?”
Hayato misses a beat, looking at him like he just said the most obvious thing in the world. “Of course not, I know.” His eyes soften, a teasing smile pulling at his lips, and he slightly bumps their shoulders together. “I know you, Tsuna-san.”
Tsuna feels his face heat up in a blink, probably blushing just as bright as Hayato was. He rests his head against his shoulder again, hides his face against it actually, and gently nuzzles it a bit. “Thank you,” he breathes out, and he’s not sure if Hayato heard him, but he’ll guess anyway.
Tsuna keeps his face hidden, trusting Hayato not to let him bump against anyone, and it takes everything in him to not start laughing like an idiot.
Hayato would know him, wouldn’t he? They all do. They’re his close, trustworthy, reliable friends after all.
Warmth spreads throughout his whole body, and he eagerly soaks in it. He didn’t have friends at all growing up, let alone close ones, and how lucky he is to have found them in particular?
Tsuna wouldn’t change them for anything in the world.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, that fucking baseball idiot,” Hayato says, suddenly stopping walking, and Tsuna preemptively sighs.
But no, he still wouldn’t change them for anything in the world, chaos and all.
He reluctantly, slowly raises his head. They walked all the way across the room, standing in front of the secluded tables for people to settle at, chat or rest in between enjoying the party. He flicks his eyes around in case Reborn is anywhere near, relieved to not see him even if he’s sure he hasn’t lost sight of him all night, before focusing on the problem at hands.
Hibari stands the closest to them, back to them, but the line of his shoulders and his tensed muscles are enough for him to know he’s that close to snap.
Matsuda stands to the side between him and Takeshi, warily looking at them back and forth, looking like he wants to run but not daring to.
Takeshi stands next to Mukuro, sitting at the table he’s apparently chosen for them, idly playing with his hair.
Tsuna immediately ignores that information, instead focusing on Chrome next to him. He likes Chrome a lot! They’re friends, and if he had to deal with this alone he’d actually have gone to her for help too, even if he’d have died of embarrassment doing it.
Chrome is also actually friendly with Hibari too, not that that’s relevant in any way whatsoever right now, of course.
He beams at her when they catch each other’s eye, Chrome smiling back, and also waving back when Tsuna waves at her.
Unfortunately, Hibari mercilessly shatters his blissful bubble of denial. “You don’t have to put that much efforts into your death wish, Yamamoto Takeshi,” he says, his voice chilling. “I’m happy to help you with it right now.”
Takeshi frowns, looking sad and worried, looking at Hibari and Mukuro back and forth. “Are you two still fighting? I thought you agreed to make an effort for tonight at least, so Tsuna could introduce us his new friend?”
All eyes turn on him, namely Mukuro’s, intent on him, even if he keeps munching on his cake like nothing’s wrong. Tsuna can only give them all a stiff, polite smile, keeping his mouth firmly shut.
What the hell is Takeshi doing? And why does he have to keep asking himself that?
Why does Takeshi keep provoking Hibari like that?
Really, Mukuro of all people? And it’s not like Takeshi doesn’t know a lot of people! This is one hundred percent on purpose, for God knows whatever reason.
“Did we, now?” Mukuro says, looking at Hibari.
“No, it’s fine,” Takeshi says understandingly before Hibari can say anything, straightening himself as he puts his hand on Mukuro’s shoulder. “Kyoya, you really don’t have to push yourself by staying, you know we won’t hold it against you. Just let us handle the rest from here on, okay?”
Tsuna doesn’t have to see Hibari’s face to feel the weight of the glowering, murderous look he must be giving Takeshi now, and his stomach drops. This is it, this is where Hibari will snap and murder them all, and then murder everyone else in the room just because.
This is where he’ll murder Takeshi first at the very least for sure, and then Mukuro, making it slow and painful.
Hibari moves, and Tsuna tenses, holding onto Hayato’s arm for dear life.
Hibari takes the seat the furthest away from Mukuro on the opposite side of the table without a word, and Tsuna’s jaw drops.
He looks at Hibari and Mukuro back and forth, who’s hiding his surprise a hell of a lot better than Tsuna who’s nothing short but dumbfounded, looks at Hibari and Takeshi back and forth, and here’s that victorious smirk on Takeshi’s lips again.
Tsuna leans up closer to Hayato, not taking his eyes off the unbelievable sight in front of him, Hayato doing the same, leaning down. He has to try twice before finding his words. “Why is Takeshi so good at handling Hibari-san the way he wants to?”
“The fuck if I know,” is Hayato’s insight on the matter.
They lean away from each other, Tsuna nodding absentmindedly. Fair enough. The fuck if he knows either, or if anyone would, really.
He looks at Hibari and Takeshi back and forth again, at Takeshi’s happy face who sat right across Hibari, still dragging Matsuda along with him, sitting next to him.
He looks at Takeshi’s face lights up even more when he looks at Hibari, even if Hibari still looks murderous, and towards him specifically.
Is it…?
Tsuna leans up again, and so does Hayato, leaning down. “Is Takeshi…?”
“It looks like it,” Hayato confirms his suspicions, and they lean away from each other again.
Huh. Actually, it’s kind of obvious now that he thinks about it, thinking back to all their previous interactions. Then again, he supposes hindsight has a way to always do that.
He glances at Hayato, about to say something else on the matter, but the annoyed expression on his face makes him pause. He follows his gaze to Hibari, though he sometimes glances at Takeshi too, frowning even more when he does.
Is Hayato…?
This one he definitely already had his suspicions on, and he purses his lips, holding back his happy grin. He could say something, especially when Hayato looks like he doesn’t quite know what’s annoying him, but sometimes he just has to come to terms with things on his own pace.
“Tsuna, Hayato, what are you waiting for?” Takeshi calls out. “Come sit with us!”
Tsuna takes the lead, pulling Hayato along, making for Hibari’s side of the table. Hayato probably doesn’t want to sit next to Takeshi or Hibari right now, but Hibari should be the safest option.
“Tsunayoshi, why don’t you come sit next to me?” Mukuro asks. Tsuna pauses, turning to him. “If my dear Chrome doesn’t mind, of course?” Tsuna throws her a pleading look, but she moves to the free chair next to her with an apologetic smile, freeing her seat.
Mukuro looks at him expectantly, and though he’s sure Matsuda couldn’t care less about his so-called polyamorous relationship right now, he still lets go of Hayato.
“Of course,” he says, smiling. “If it’ll make you happy.”
He takes his seat between Mukuro and Chrome, Hayato sitting across Mukuro, which just so happens to be the furthest seat away from both Hibari and Takeshi.
An awkward silence settles over them.
Takeshi breaks it. “Mukuro, Chrome-chan, this is Matsuda Arata, Tsuna’s friend who wanted to meet us. Matsuda, meet Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro, also loved, important partners of ours.”
Tsuna feels Mukuro’s and Chrome’s eyes on him, and suddenly everything but them looks very interesting to him.
A heavier, awkward silence settles over them again.
Matsuda breaks it. “Nice to meet you,” he says, not bothering to put up an act about actually being happy to meet them whatsoever. He stands. “But unfortunately—”
Takeshi pulls him back down on his seat with what he’s sure must be a bruising grip on his arm. “No way, already?” he asks, cheerful, like he’s not holding him hostage at the mercy of his whims. Not that Tsuna feels sorry for him one bit. Serves him right. “Stay a little more. There’s only one other person you still have to meet, and he’s just running a little late.”
“Is he?” Tsuna can’t help but blurt out, a little edge in his voice.
Who is?
Takeshi knows a lot of people, and even if only a couple of minutes ago he’d have been sure he wouldn’t choose someone Tsuna isn’t decently familiar with, here he still is, sitting next to Mukuro.
And, okay, to be fair with him, he is familiar with Mukuro. But they aren’t exactly best friends, and most importantly, Hibari and Mukuro sure as hell aren’t best friends, more like sworn enemies.
“Yep,” Takeshi says easily, cheerfully, leaning forwards to better catch his eye, like he doesn’t know Tsuna won’t trust a word out of him for the next month or so at the very least. “He said he’ll be here soon.”
Did you even explain to him the situation properly? At all? He asks through his eyes.
When would he have done that though?
No, that’s a silly question. This is Takeshi he’s talking about. He probably texted him right there next to Matsuda, and maybe even straight-up called him.
Don’t worry, Takeshi says through his smile, and Tsuna worries even more.
“Kyoya, amore mio,” Mukuro says lovingly, and Tsuna’s soul leaves his body all at once right then and there, he swears it does. He holds his breath. “You’re going to scare our new friend away like that. It hurts me too when you’re angry with me like that, don’t you know, cuore mio? Anima mia, vita mia?”
“Please, stop,” Tsuna breathes out over Hayato snickering, mounting horror and terror churning in his guts, not averting his eyes from Hibari. He can’t afford to miss the moment when he’ll have to take cover.
“Won’t you even answer me, tesoro?” Mukuro continues, a sad tone to his voice. “Tesorino? Orsetto, zucherro? Cucciolo?”
Oh God.
Hibari swiftly stands, his chair clattering on the floor, while Hayato and Takeshi burst out laughing, and he hates them both for it in that moment.
“Kyoya, wait!” Tsuna shouts, hurriedly standing up too.
Wait, no, what is he doing? This is all Takeshi’s fault, he’s the one who should be standing to try to avoid collateral damage at the very least!
Hibari doesn’t wait, stalking along the table to Mukuro, and with the way his eyes are intent on him, promising death, he might not be able to hear him at all.
“Kyoya, please?” Oh God, fuck, fuck, fuck, would he just stop walking for a second— “Kyoya, baby?”
Both Hayato and Takeshi choke—serves them right—while Chrome gasps, and Mukuro’s laugh is of course unmistakable and unapologetic.
Most importantly, and the only thing Tsuna cares about right now,  Hibari stops, just about to walk past Hayato.
But then he turns his murderous gaze on him, and now what?
Fuck, why does he even keep running his mouth so easily with him anyway? Baby, really?
Wait wait wait—oh shit, shit, shit, fuck—
Is he…?
Nope, not thinking about it, not right now, not ever.
“Will you bring us some drinks now you’re already standing?” he hears himself says gently, somehow holding it together. “To me especially, I actually didn’t get to get one while we were there. And maybe some cake? Mukuro’s making jealous with his.”
Hibari slowly crosses his arms on his chest, and then just watches him, not saying anything, while his murderous look doesn’t go anywhere either, unfortunately. Eventually he glances at Mukuro, and Tsuna immediately glances down at him too.
Mukuro catches his eye, and whatever face Tsuna’s making, it seems to make him think better than adding oil to an already blazing fire. Good.
Tsuna looks back at Hibari, only to find him already looking at him. To his relief he looks the tiniest bit less murderous, a ghost of a smile even at the corner of his lips.
He walks away without saying a word, though not before throwing Mukuro another scathing look.
Tsuna’s legs almost give out on him. Apparently shutting up Mukuro earned him points. Well, thank fucking God for that.
Hibari probably doesn’t plan to come back at all, let alone with drinks and cake, but that’s fine. It’d be better he doesn’t come back, really. Tsuna really can’t deal with both Hibari and Mukuro at the same time, and close enough to each other to be able to jump at each other’s throat at a moment notice.
“You should just have told me you wanted some cake too, Tsunayoshi.” Mukuro wraps his arm around his waist, pulling him back down on his seat, but then keeps his arm there. He scoots closer to him, too close even if it can’t be comfortable for him, and slides his cake closer to him. Tsuna makes for sliding it the rest of the way in front of him, smiling gratefully despite the everything of the situation, but then Mukuro scoops up another bite of it again with his spoon. He holds it in front of his mouth. “Here you go. Say ‘ah’?”
Someone chokes again, probably Hayato. Tsuna would too if he wasn’t so dumbstruck.
Mukuro can’t be serious about this.
But he is, he sees it clearly in his eyes, and in the innocent smile on his lips like there’s ever been anything innocent about him.
He opens his mouth to tell him they aren’t about to do that, but Mukuro takes the opportunity to shove the spoon in his mouth before he can get any word out.
His face instantly heats up, but unfortunately the floor doesn’t open to swallow him whole and spare him from his mortifying embarrassment. He chews and swallows the cake with nothing else to do, not tasting any of it.
“Good?” Mukuro asks, before putting the spoon in his mouth, eating the rest of the cake on it. He hums contentedly. “Delicious, right?” Tsuna wants to die. That’s it, just that. Someone just kills him right now, he’s begging. “Oh my, what do we have here?” Mukuro wipes the corner of his lips with his thumb, then licks it clean, all the while looking him dead in the eye.
Tsuna leans his elbows on the table, hiding his face in his hands. “Please, stop.”
Mukuro laughs.
“You—” Hayato starts.
“Mukuro,” Chrome says over him, sounding disapproving. “Please, stop embarrassing him like that.”
“What are you talking about, Chrome? Dear Tsunayoshi here wanted cake, and I simply gave him some.”
“You know. Please, just give him back his space.”
“Ah, come now. Like you weren’t enjoying the cute sight he made.”
Tsuna wants to disappear from the face of the earth forever.
“Stop talking nonsense,” Chrome says, sounding just a little more worked-up than before. “You’re making him uncomfortable. Sit in your chair properly.”
“Says who? And were your cheeks always that interesting pink color, Chrome dear?”
Tsuna jumps at a sharp, loud noise, shooting upright to find Chrome standing, one hand against the table. She does look like she’s blushing, and not just because of the natural tint of her cheeks, but Tsuna isn’t about to say any of that out loud, not with that look in her eye and that smile on her lips.
“This is my song,” she says, almost unblinking, and how Mukuro finds the gall to laugh, he doesn’t know. “And you know this is natural.”
“Me too,” Tsuna blurts out, hurriedly standing once more. “Mine too, I mean. I—I mean, I like this song too, and, um…” he trails off for an awkward beat before offering his hand to Chrome. “Will you give me this dance?”
Chrome blinks, surprised, but easily puts her hand in his, her smile turning into a genuine one. “Anything that hasn’t to do with Mukuro right now.”
Tsuna gives her a wide grin. Her and him both.
“You’re doing unspeakable things to my feelings right now, Chrome dear,” Mukuro says, not even pretending to sound sad, and Takeshi laughs while Hayato snorts.
Chrome and him walk to the dance-floor hand in hand without looking back.
“Hey, about…” he starts uncertainly.
“Let’s not mention it.”
“Agreed,” he says right away, his shoulders sagging, and they share a smile.
Tsuna, of course, only remembers he can’t dance once they stop in front of each other among the other dancers. He winces. “I’ll very likely walk all over your feet, I’m so sorry in advance.” They glance down at her feet at the same time, and though she wears a pair of pretty, black sandals, they’ll unfortunately do little to protect her feet from accidents. He winces again. “Oh God.”
She laughs. “You’ll be fine. This is a slow song, and we can just go even slower.” She steps forwards in his space, putting her hand on his shoulder, and following her cue, he puts his hand on her waist, both of them raising their already linked hands at their side. “Ready?”
He smiles, nodding. “Yeah.” A beat passes. “Oh, right!” he blurts out, remembering he’s the one supposed to be leading, and they laugh. “Sorry. Here we go.”
They start moving at the rhythm of the song along the other dancers, though slower than them, gently moving back and forth and around their little corner of the dance-floor. They probably move even slower than she planned, but she doesn’t rush him, letting him find his footing.
“So,” she says pointedly, and he pouts.
“I thought we agreed not to talk about it?”
She smiles. “I’m just a little worried. For you to end up in a situation like this… That Matsuda guy didn’t cross the line too far, did he?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine, I’m fine. I wouldn’t have let him anyway. I know I may look like that, but—”
“I know,” she cuts him off gently. “But that’s a relief to hear.”
Tsuna can’t help but preen, just a little. Right. Close friends who know him and all that. How lucky he is, truly.
“Sorry to have involved you in this, by the way. Mukuro and you both.”
“Did you? It looks to me like something Takeshi-kun would do.”
He laughs. “Oh yeah, for sure, that’s totally on him. But also I’m the one who asked for his help, so.”
“I’m happy to help,” she reassures him. “Mukuro even more. We’d actually already noticed you when you were just with Kyoya,” she says, mirth in her eyes.
They pull away from each other, holding onto each other’s hands, before Tsuna pulls her close to him again, spinning her on herself once after he did so. He makes a face at her. “Yeah, yeah, everyone did, I get it.”
She’s merciful enough to hold back her laughter. “Mukuro was actually thrilled when we noticed you coming to us.”
“Oh, I’m sure he was,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Glad some of us are having fun with this tonight, I guess.” Chrome suddenly spins him on himself, standing on her tip-toes, and he splutters. “Chrome-chan!”
She laughs this time. “Because you were making a face like that, Tsuna-kun. Come on, cheer up, at least while we’re dancing together. You’re the one who asked me for this dance, you know.”
“Of—of course. But you didn’t have to…” And of course, because he just had to say that, she spins him on himself again.
He keeps his mouth firmly shut this time, though he thinks he might just pass out with all the blood rushing to his face, but eventually lets her laughter spur his own.
He forgets all about Matsuda and his fake partners after that like she said, enjoying the dance and her company. They might be killing each other back at the table where they left them for all he knows, whether Hibari came back or not, but especially if he did, but he isn’t going to check.
He’s having fun for the first time since showing up at this godforsaken party, and he couldn’t care less about it at the moment.
They finish the dance with one last spin—Chrome’s, not his—, then step back from each other, smiling.
“How’s your feet?” he asks.
“Safe and sound. Not so bad a dancer, are you, Tsuna-kun?”
This time Tsuna lets himself fully glow under the praise, grinning.
“Sawada!” someone calls out very loudly just as they’re about to walk back to their table.
They turn to Ryohei and Kyoko making their way to them, cutting right through the dance-floor without a care.
Kyoko runs the couple of feet left, her arms open in invitation. “Chrome-chan!” She jumps in her arms, pulling her in a hug. “Hi, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, you too, Kyoko-chan,” Chrome says, hugging her back. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just some car troubles.” They pull away, and she turns to him, reaching out with her hand. “Tsuna-kun, hi.”
“Hi,” he says, taking her hand, and she immediately squeezes his.
“You okay?” she asks, looking around like she’s looking for someone, a worried frown between her brows.
He frowns in turn. “Yes?”
“Sawada, extremely good evening!”
Tsuna has barely the time to turn to him that Ryohei swallows him into a hug. He laughs, hugging back. “Good evening to you too, Ryohei. I heard you had car troubles. Glad you could make it.”
“Of course! A man extremely always has his friends’ back.”
Tsuna loosens his hold, ready to let go, but Ryohei unexpectedly keeps holding on. He actually holds him tighter, closer, his hand sliding into his hair, and then keeps holding him into what is decidedly more than just a friendly hug.
Tsuna swallows thickly, wrapping his arms around Ryohei’s back again. Right. Guess Ryohei is the last person Takeshi was talking about.
Tsuna actually meets his eyes when they finally pull away from each other, but only because it’s marginally less worse than looking at Kyoko’s and Chrome’s amused look. Which he knows, because he glanced at them for a second before immediately looking away.
Ryohei puts his hands on his shoulders, beaming at him, almost blinding, but there’s a serious tone to his voice. “Sawada, I think at times like this you should be decisive and to the point to make them understand. What do you say?”
“Agreed?” he says, and it makes Kyoko gasps, for some reason.
Ryohei laughs, then shakes him approvingly. “I knew you extremely would!” He cups his cheeks, his hands soft and warm against his skin, and leans in.
Tsuna, stupidly, thinks he’s going to whisper something to him, or something.
He kisses him.
On the lips.
Everything goes quiet, everything disappears, and there’s only the feel of Ryohei’s lips against his left, rough against his, yet soft and gentle in the way he doesn’t rush him, doesn’t pressure him for any more than the chaste kiss he’s giving him. They’re undoubtedly there against his lips all the same, a pleasant coolness to them when he’d have thought they’d be just as warm as the rest of him, but it’s made up by the warmth of his hands, like the sun is holding him.
Tsuna almost, almost leans in for more when Ryohei pulls away. He pulls his hands away too, and he almost stumbles like they were the only things holding him up. He opens his eyes, not remembering when he closed them, but the world’s still quiet, only white noise at the back of his mind, and has still to reappear in a way as he doesn’t register a single thing of it.
He raises his hand to his mouth, and idly brushes his fingertips across his lips. They’re tingling. It’s a nice feeling.
A flash at the corner of his eyes pulls him out of his daze.
He looks in its direction, only to find Reborn holding a camera in front of him, grinning at him with all his teeth out.
Tsuna hides his face in his hands, just barely holding onto a scream.
This is going to be a long night.
- they don't fake a big, dramatic, public breakup after this, for some reason that escapes tsuna. not that he does anything to make it happen.
- tsuna kisses a lot of his other friends after that in a relatively short time. not that he's complaining.
- at some point they go from a fake to a real relationship, and tsuna can't say how or when it happened for the life of him. but still not complaining.
Okay, this is pure crack, but I'm lowkey in love with the dynamics here. Also sassy!Tsuna is super fun to write lol, I should write him more often.
This one ended up being more of a fake dating AU, but I hope you still enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!
[Plain text:
“- they don't fake a big, dramatic, public breakup after this, for some reason that escapes tsuna. not that (italic) he (end italic) does anything to make it happen.
- tsuna kisses a lot of his other friends after that in a relatively short time. not that he's complaining.
- at some point they go from a fake to a real relationship, and tsuna can't say how or when it happened for the life of him. but still not complaining.
Okay, this is pure crack, but I'm lowkey in love with the dynamics here. Also sassy!Tsuna is super fun to write lol, I should write him more often.
This one ended up being more of a fake dating AU, but I hope you still enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!” in bold. /End PT]
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swimmingwolf59 · 1 year
✨2022 Writing Year In Review✨
I was tagged by @lenievi​! Thanks for the tag, I love doing stuff like this! 🥰
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 17
2. Word count posted for the year: 122,912 (pretty sure this is close to my yearly average which is just like ?????? how tf do I write that much 😭)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: star trek (tos, aos), khr, and pokemon technically
4. Pairings: spones, sarek&spock, mccoy&amanda, 1859, 8018, and platonic 5933
5. Story with the most:
- Kudos: Reciprocal Averaging (373) (thanks so much y’all!! 😭😭🙏)
- Bookmarks: Reciprocal Averaging again lol (110)
- Comments: And, who could’ve guessed! Reciprocal Averaging (24)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Out of the light, my mirrorverse spones fic. I’m really proud of the worldbuilding I did for that fic, especially in terms of adapting tos episodes into their mirrorverse versions. I’m also pretty proud of the emotional journey spones have, I feel like it actually progressed well and I feel like I’m usually terrible at that kind of thing lol. Also figuring out how to fit in the rest of the crew, what their mirrorverse selves are like (including bones, who was SO FUN TO FIGURE OUT!!) was a great time!!
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Uhhh I’m not sure actually? I feel like the ones I’m “not proud of” are because I remember how much it sucked to edit them lol, and I feel like editing always makes me hate my work. So I try not to actually think that way about anything I’ve published 😅
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
A lot of people leave sweet reviews, and I’m really thankful for all of them!! It makes me so happy to hear that people are enjoying my stories 🥺 A few of my favorites were by fellow transmasc people telling me how much they appreciated my fluffy trans!spock fic, but those felt too personal to share here so I thought I’d share this one instead:
I adore how this opens with Jim's POV, and with so many little asides and details that make my heart sing. From Jim's teasing, to 'arguing', to McCoy being too mad to even notice Jim entering the room, to the PDA discussion to... well, you get the idea. It makes the fic feel so deep and layered and an incredible addition to the BW series. And then the whole litany of failed first dates, lol. I don't think I could pick a favorite no matter how many times I reread this. But I love Spock being so determined to make this happen for Leonard's sake (even to inadvertently sabotaging one of the dates), and Leonard's ever-underlying insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Love how they work through it all, and the wonderfully romantic "final first date" at the end - even Kirk's determination that they will have a great one, and that's an order, dammit! Heart-warming and made me laugh out loud several times. I adore the relationship you've crafted between Spock and Leonard and always look forward to the next story in the series. Thank you for continuing to share these delightful interludes with us!
This person leaves a lot of kind reviews, but this one especially was SO nice to receive because I rewrote next time for sure SO MANY TIMES to figure out the failed date attempts and make the story feel fleshed out and real, so it was really nice to hear my efforts paid off~
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Honestly the last few weeks of 2022 were really tough, especially in terms of writing for 12dos and my 100th fic on ao3 celebration. Tbh I think I put too much on myself LOL right around holidays when I was really busy and had a few covid scares so I was just super stressed out and hating everything I was writing. But I’m getting back into some wips this year and things have calmed down so I’m feeling a lot better about things!
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Tbh I was NOT expecting to get back into writing khr again LMAO and somehow I wrote like 4 fics this year??? XDD I think Customization especially was surprising because I had the vague idea for it and then sat down and wrote it in like an hour lol, it was a lot of fun tho!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I wanted to share something from out of the light but all of my favorite scenes are a little too steamy to just post on here I feel LOL so have this excerpt from Held Together:
“Do you even know where you are going, Leonard?” Spock asks, somewhat amused. It would entertain him to no end to watch McCoy try, and probably fail, to navigate the mountains Spock knows so well, but it would be more amusing if it wasn’t nearing midnight.
“Sure.” McCoy stops and points up at the night sky. “That’s Sehlat Kan-bu, over there is the Scholar.”
Spock stops just behind him. “…You are aware of our ancient constellations?”
“Constellations have always been an interest of mine,” McCoy says with a shy smile. “I’ve always thought that what people see in the night sky says a lot about their culture. Once I finished learning all of Earth’s, I started to learn those of alien cultures, too. It’s surprisingly common throughout the galaxy, though of course on Vulcan most constellations were devised before the time of Surak. I’d have a hard time imagining T’Pau pointing up at the sky and claiming that a certain star cluster looks like a sehlat.”
A small smile tugs at Spock’s lips. “Certainly not in public, anyway.”
McCoy laughs and turns to keep hiking. “It shouldn’t be much further.”
Spock’s curiosity is piqued now as he follows McCoy across the rocks. He has to admit he hadn’t been expecting much, particularly once he realized that McCoy was taking him into the mountains. Spock has quite literally seen everything on these mountains many times, so he had wondered what McCoy could possibly show him that he hadn’t seen before.
But now that McCoy seems to actually possess an intimate knowledge of the area, Spock is much more curious to find out what it is.
They walk for 10.6 more minutes before McCoy comes to a stop, staring up at the sky. He is standing in the middle of a clearing that Spock had once named Sehlat’s Bed, due to the unusual amount of times he had stumbled upon a wild sleeping sehlat in the area. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be one here now, but Spock stays on alert as he comes to a stop beside McCoy.
“A-ha! There it is.” McCoy points upwards. “That’s K’diwa.”
“Roughly translates to lovers,” Spock comments, staring up at it. “I too enjoyed learning the constellations when I was younger, and this is one of the only ones that I thought actually looked like its name. You can see the line of stars where the two beings become entwined, one being—”
He turns, only to find McCoy now holding out two of his fingers. Before Spock can even raise an eyebrow, he murmurs in Vulcan, “Spock, will you be parted from me and never parted? Never and always touching and touched?”
Spock’s breath catches. He had not expected this, and it probably shows on his face. Even though he should have known it was coming, it turns out that McCoy managed to surprise him after all.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
God these kinds of questions are so hard lol because I feel like I have no perception of how to judge my writing????I feel like I’ve improved in crafting stories with like actual plots in them lol, which I think was always a weakness of mine. I’ve also tried writing a lot of different kinds of stories this year, so that was cool!
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I wanna get better at writing shorter things, since I think it takes a lot of skill to fit a fully fledged story into just a few thousand words. I also wanna continue improving at plot building and descriptions lol
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
well tbqh the answer seems to be sarek LOL. 1859 and spones ofc are also always my muses 😄
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
hmm other than my obsession with nature and wildlife LOL I don’t think so
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Something I’ve been doing this year is editing fics on my phone (and by that I mean reading them on gdocs on my phone and doing the actual editing on my computer document), but the main thing that’s important about this I think is that it tricks my brain into thinking I’m reading something “new” because it LOOKS different. Like I think part of the reason editing is so hard for me is because I know what it’s SUPPOSED to say, so that’s how I read it even if there are typos/grammatical errors/better ways to phrase/etc. So I think it’s really helpful during editing to read your story on a different document, or with a different font, cause at least for me I’m a lot more likely to catch mistakes that way!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I am SO excited to work on the next fic in my pokemon spones series because I’m introducing sarek and amanda LOL. I also got newfound direction for my sarek & mccoy 5+1 meetings fic so I’m looking forward to working on that more! (I told you my muse was Sarek lololol). Otherwise I’m looking forward to working on new spones and 1859 stories, finishing this spock/scotty fic I have, and working on my original story idea as well! OH also my QPR fics that I’ve been working on and am excited to share hopefully this year!!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
Idk who to tag, so if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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algelicc · 3 months
I have to get this out of my system
I don't really have anywhere else to gush about this so I'm just gonna do it here.
2 or 3 years ago I fell in love with this amazing fanfic. It's a series called Russian Roulette and in total, it's about 2,000,000+ words, (which makes me love it even more). It's about a si-oc set in the pre-canon world of katekyo hitman reborn. When I first read this thing I was blown away because its amazing author, Vixen_tail, wrote it in a way that just made everything make sense. Like, idk if you've read/watched khr but when I watched it as a kid, the world setting was pretty goofy but I shrugged it off cuz meh I was a kid. However, Vixen_tail made that goofy ass world make sense. All of the goofy, over the top characteristics of some of the characters made sense in the world they made and it just blows me away every time. Not only that but the way they write the characters just makes you believe they were alive. I could gush about this series for a long while so I'll get to my point. ever since discovering this story years ago, I've gotten into the habit of rereading it every year (I can't help it; it's just that good of a story) and every time I get blown away by more of the details I notice. Just now, while rereading it again I noticed something else. (SPOILERS if anyone is planning to read the series be warned)
Since it is set in pre-canon, we are following the lives of the arcobaleno before they were recruited and cursed as the arcobaleno. And right now, I'm at the part where our protag, Sonya, is on contract as Fong's (Fon) hostage for the martial arts competition. It just got me thinking about the that hinted-at relationship between Fon and Hibari Kyoya. From what I remembered when I first watched it as a kid, I assumed they were uncle and nephew, so I assumed Mingxia, Fong's sister, would be Kyoya's mom. But looking at the wiki, I somehow happened to read that Kyoya has grey eyes, which ik so what right? but Mingxia has red eyes and is a rain so how the hell could she have a cloud son? Well, Sonya has grey eyes and is a cloud. And I know for a fact Sonya and Fong started to try having relations in the third part of the series. So did fuckin Fong knock Sonya up??? If so, assuming it followed canon, why the hell would Kyoya not want to bring up his relationship with Fon (his maybe daddy)??? What about Renato(Reborn) and Sonya???
I just can't help but read this series and realize over and over again how great it is and its potential for even greater things.
Vixen_tail, you were an amazing author who shared so much of your beautiful creativity and work with us. I, and many others are so thankful for every story you've shared. I mourn your silence always.
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randomkposts · 4 months
jeh517 left the following comment on No easy way from the earth:
I was wondering if you would like to write a Magic Tree House fic request for me.
Well, you deleated this, but it still shows up in my emails.
And I kind of want to talk about requests.
To start with, I'm usually not great at compleating things in a timley manor.
People reading my ask responses have probably realised this, lol. I have so many partially written things bouncing around in my google doc's, and when I will finish them is usually based on many things such as current fixation, enthusiasm for writing, time, ideas of things I can do with them, the cooperation of the muse, procrastination, ect.
Asks, are in a lot of ways easier, as I bounce them with Eclipse, usually. Or idea bouncing in general, is fun, as we have done for other fandoms that haven't gotten as much attention on here as the death note ones.
Such as, for instance, the fun we had with the twilight ones. Or yansim, or KHR.
Or the persona (5 mostly) X Death note fusion that we haven't actually talked about on this blog, but have a bunch of notes and converstions between each other about it stored in the google docs. We call it PDN. Or sometimes P5DN. Mostly the first. It's set in P5 time, but other characters from the older games are planned to appear in it from time to time.
Secondly, I am flattered that you think highly enough of the fic to hope to ask a fic write request based on it, but also I have no idea who you are or what you liked about my writing. Which is important if you want to convince me to write something for you. I want to know where to focus. Also yes, butter me up a bit (or a lot) , it will help me feel enthusiastic about working on the project, which is a good motivator for probably having it done sooner rather then later. Writing is easier when you feel excited about it. Editing is not, but I hope that after the work I put into it, I will get a response to it. I think most writers share these sentiments.
I do not have a beta. My spelling might not always be amazing, (Sayu or Syau?), but I'm not good at being on time generally, and would not want anyone else to be waiting on that too.
So yah, if you have sent me an ask, or a request, sorry for the wait, and thank you for your patience. It will be ready when its ready.
Oh yah, while I'm talking about random people making fic requests of me, I should probably tackle this one (again)
"Hi. My question is, would you be able to write the story of Midoriya Izuku x Alice according to my idea. You don't need to know the whole bnha universe except for a few things (what is quirk, Midoriya Izuku character, Midoriya Inko character) from Wiki and that's it. The plot would have been set in Alice's time so the bnha canon is rejected so you have freedom then"
Very random request to find as a review to a "we know the devil" fanfiction, Guest. Thats a game with 3 named characters, none of them named Alice. In fact, I'm not sure which Alice you are refering to, as it's not exactly an uncomon name, with many characters across different fandoms sharing it with me.
So maybe that's something to go idea bounce with me in PMs on FFnet, if you are interested. I'm aware I'm kind of a lot, but you did ask, stranger, and I'm curious to see where it goes.
So long as we stay fairly polite, and you don't come in with an army of harassing sock puppets (the pokemon fandom was bad for this for awile. Hope its clamed down since) or go for suicide bait (a very rude guest, so I was able to delete them), or something else mean that I haven't thought of.
And some might make an argument for growing thicker skin ir whateves, but this is a hobby, it shouldn't make you miserable. That's just not productive to progress, or fun to take part in.
Overall I guess I feel really mixed, about getting fic requests. I'm intrigued and flattered, but also "I'll write it when I write it, if I write it. It might take years. " So I find myself hesitent to agree or commit, knowing that.
Asks, on the other hand, should not take a year. Can take months maybe depending on busyness and what the brain is focused on, but it will come.
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frogemafia · 9 months
Thoughts on Iris Hepburn?
OK first of all, her subordinates are so obviously racist caricatures, it's just extremely uncomfortable. It didn't clock when I watched KHR as a kid, but it's just so blatant to anyone with half a common sense? In my delusional, headcanon addled mind, I see her as a POC herself because I crave representation in media, and I just... pretend that her canon abilities which are next level problematic simply don't exist, but... yeah.
Beyond that, she's another female character who deserved sooo much better. She got majorly shafted in the long term. After she lost to Tsuna she was basically never seen again, beyond showing up to pick up Ghost. Compare this to Genkishi, for example, who even appeared with the real funeral wreaths for the Choice arc, and it's just painfully obvious how much KHR hates its own female cast.
Personally, I wish they hadn't given her white skin while also vaguely making her poc-coded with the afro, and I wish that she had a larger role in the story, considering that literally every other female character with any screen time at all is treated like a plot accessory to a male character's narrative.
Tangent, but, to name a few: Bianchi with Gokudera or Reborn, Lal Mirch with Colonello, Chrome and M.M. with Mukuro, Haru and Kyoko with Tsuna... like please just give the girls agency I'm begging?? It's a double standard too, or I wouldn't complain nearly as much. Yeah, it's fine to have characters that have feelings and connections to other characters, but when literally every female character in your story is defined by who she is to a male character, it is noticeable!
Back to the topic at hand, Iris was kinda interesting if I ignore everything that's deeply racist about her character design. She manages to be in the extreme minority of female characters with an actual backstory, which is a positive thing I can say about her.
Plus, after she lost to Tsuna and basically got relegated to doing grunt work, she expressed frustration over how she was being treated, so I think she had potential to come back and try to do something about it. Iris is a go-getter, she's not the type who'll just sit around and tolerate being stuck with a unsatisfactory lot in life.
To wrap this up— sorry about the rant-y answer to your ask, Anon. Thank you for dropping into my askbox regardless, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
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lixenn · 2 months
Random Fuuta moment! ✨
Who would be your top 3 besties if you were part of the KHR universe? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Hey sweetie!!
I’m all for random Fuuta moments, thanks for the ask o((>ω< ))o
Now, I’d say I’m a rather easy going person and not that difficult to get along with, but I really don’t deal well with conflict and bossy people which already puts a looooot of characters out of the running for the Lix’ Bestie contest.
Considering that, I think my top 3 would be:
Bestie #1 Fon:
Look, I don’t know when or how I became such a sucker for Fon but damnit, I’m committed now! Like, look at this man: he has mastered the Zen™. He will look chaos in the eye and tell it no. He’s just vibing in the eye of the Storm, sipping tea and I need that in my life okay!! Also, he has a dragon tattoo which instantly gives him the Lix stamp of Approval! (Just dragons dude… Dragons make everything better.)
Bestie #2 Yamamoto:
He’s just this solid, go-with-the-flow kinda dude. Super reliable and very much ride or die, so he makes for great best friend material in my opinion. Plus he has a sword. It’s always good to have a bestie with a sword by your side in case someone needs a good stabbing.
Bestie #3 Spanner:
Now, this one was a bit tricky, I admit. I wanted someone sciencey since I’m a little science gremlin (credit to my buddy @myrmyrtheorca for that title) and I thought having a research buddy would be neat. Now, my specialty is cell biology and biochemistry, so Verde would probably have been the best candidate subject matter wise, but he's honestly quite intimidating to me. Like, he's genius levels of smart and I'm just a small guy playing around with cells, so I doubt I'd be able to keep up with him and that would make for a very frustrating friendship. Therefore, the pocket-sized scientist is out, and I needed to focus on other ventures. I'd guess Gokudera would have also been an option, he's a smart cookie after all and he must know looots of chemistry for making bombs, but I think I can only handle him in small doses, so he's also out.
I gave it a bit more of a think and concluded that Spanner would have been a good choice. Again, a very easy going guy and he has a mad scientist vibe without me fearing dissection when interacting with him. I know his field is mechanics and all, but I do have a background in material science, so we could make it work. Maybe do some prosthetics stuff, build a cyborg or something, it’ll be fun!
This was a great question! I never really thought about it, so it took me some time to come up with an answer. Thank you for your patience (*/ω\*) Also, I have the attention span of a demented badger and get distracted very easily, sooo yeah. Sorry it took me so long.
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vipermirage · 9 months
meet the mun thingy kek
NAME:  marion (if you added me on discord, you can use my discord name but please use marion on tumblr!!)
PRONOUNS:  She/they (begging PLEASE USE BOTH)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord > tumblr IM > twitter/x works ig > asks etc
— three facts
i actually enjoy spinning up random, semi-believable stories (those that makes you doubt, but think again because it is possible) about myself to my irls (i used to tell people my family owns a banana plantation and i was related to chinese royals through lineage LOL)
nowadays, i find myself unable to get myself into men majority media which is crazy because that implies i might possibly never get into khr LOL
i also cosplay, sometimes (all the time).
— experience
i was roleplaying since 2012, in varying fandoms and jumping platforms since i was into different styles at different points (sometimes i liked oneliners, sometimes i wanted to do paragraphs) and i would stay at the site that fits what i'd want most, depending largely on what their crowd does.
— sub-genres
i'm gonna assume this is asking me what genres i like roleplaying and i'm gonna be super basic and say i love angst and fluff and slowburns and all that jazz!! i have accepted long ago that i'm but a boring person who enjoys cliches so nods. i also like humour bc i believe i am a funny person (im not)
— plots vs memes
if my anxiety wasn't this strong i would actually plot at EVERY reply with everyone i thread with because i usually ALSO get nervous about not being able to come up with something substantial with others. of course, between the two fears, i chose to avoid being bothersome to others LOL. i'm not opposed to memes at all because i think they're really helpful with plot related hurdles! not that i mind if they're not used at all!!
— long or short replies
i frankly care very little as long as i can make out the visuals of what is happening i am happy with it and i can do that with great ease. on my own end, i do get pressurised to mirror others BUT i don't mind if you don't mirror mine at all!!
— best time to write
i work later hours so i usually get some writing done before and after work on weekdays. my non-work days are tuesdays and wednesdays, but my wednesdays are usually occupied with dance, so i usually find gap time to write when i feel like
Stole from: @queenharumiura
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queenharumiura · 7 months
META + Ravein
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!  ||Accepting|| @dyingresolve
Readmore for length, mostly
Let's see... it actually depends on the various verses that I have for Haru. Ravein is an OC who I kinda just do whatever with in terms of timeline, so his age is always in flux for what I want from him. The great thing of an OC.
So originally he was set to be someone who is an ex-assassin who escaped from a mafia who were forcing him to work for them in order to release his parents. Were his parents alive to begin with? Welp. What you know of me, I'm sure we know the answer to that.
Long story short he escapes and comes across a distant relative of his who helps him move to a peaceful country, and ofc for KHR related things, he then will have moved to Japan because of the 10th generation Vongola. Who would dare to make a big ruckus in Japan amirite?
He comes across Haru. It was never written on dash (bc ... cough LAZY) but he does actually end up hurting Haru. It was... how to say, an involuntary reflex from his trauma? Haru being who she is, she'd forgive him knowing he didn't mean to hurt her. It did take some time though, don't get me wrong. There is still some wariness involved, but she forgives him. In retrospect, a good number of people she knows has some kind of trauma, so she's just like 'mmn okay add another to the list'. So she tries to be patient with him. They end up having something like a adoptive sister-brother kinda relationship?
They have the dynamic where she teaches him things about how to behave in social situations, and he secretly keeps her safe. Knowing his situation, Haru talked to Reborn for advice and he would've dealt with it by ensuring that the mafia family doesn't get involved with Ravein henceforth, lest they wish to get on the Vongola's bad side.
Just like with there being various parallel universes I don't have them know each other in each verse I write, but I do in a few. In the ones that they do know each other, he actually helps her train how to use her flames and teaches her ways to protect herself on the off chance she needs to.
Now, for the Varia verse (that I write with you), Ravein had escaped on his own a bit earlier than he did in his usual setting, and he came across the Varia and applied and got in. He got paired off with 'Sentai-san' and when the latter took in Haru, Ravein was asked to look after Haru when Sentai-san was off on missions. So again, a brother-sister kinda dynamic of sorts.
The reason why Ravein was entrusted with Haru is for a few reasons:
Sentai-san understood Ravein's backstory and his personality well enough to know that Ravein will not speak on something that he himself had decided not to disclose to Haru. So any personal information about him would be safe. Ravein is not weak to someone badgering him or giving puppy eyes or what. A child can cry and he still won't say anything.
He knew that Ravein has a soft spot for kids and knowing the traumatic experience that Haru went through being abducted away from her parents and her parents-- you know, he can relate as he lost his parents to the mafia as well. So that connection makes it so that he'd treat her well.
He figured that Haru may be a good influence on him to make him open up more and be willing to make real connections with others.
Out of everyone else? Please, he'd probably be the best with kids.
And the other thing was that he was still young, and Haru probably wouldn't have feared him as much.
So, he is that other person that Haru would tolerate the touch of and would not punch. Let's see a HC with this Ravein---
She's managed to get it so that he feels okay with speaking to her when they're alone and he won't just use 1-3 word responses.
NOW- there is also the Varia verse that I write with Blaise for instance. Here, they're the same age, give or take a few years perhaps. Different set up bc I felt like it. Again, I LOVE writing variances across verses to make things interesting and FUN (for me).
In this one, it's because she's around a lot more people who are closer to her age (give or take a few years) bc Blaise has more than one OC in the Varia, so Haru was able to get more used to being around people. She has a lot more friends to be comfortable with, so she's actually more or less okay with touch in this verse. She will punch out anyone who she doesn't know, however. She's generally more friendly and a bit more--- calm in this verse? She doesn't have a Bel that is often getting on her nerves LOL
So in this verse, they're just friends and her motivations for joining the Varia is simply because Sentai-san was there and she wanted to be there with him. He fought against her on this for a while until she eventually won and joined. He dies on a mission AFTER she joined the Varia and what not. I love to play around with timelines as you can tell.
Haru is honestly more or less the 'I will watch over dumber and dumber. Ravein and Blaise's Luca are just-- they're quite the pair. They drive Haru mad sometimes with their chaotic stupidity they get into, sometimes. She regards the both of them as friends, so in this verse there is no sister-brother vibes between Ravein and Haru.
Wild how I keep them all separate, hm?
A HC for this Ravein--- He secretly looked into Haru's past and he uncovered some of the information that Sentai-san had also uncovered. Sentai-san passed away before he could relay any information to Haru, but Ravein filled in the slot for this verse and let her know.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
It took me until day fourteen to send in something again, but thank you for organizing such a wonderful event! I definitely loved your grandma headcanons for the KHR girls, so can you do something like that for the boys as well? I’m also curious about what it's like for Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto to be grandfathers.
Of course I can do this up! I’m so happy you liked my headcanons for the girls, and hope you’ll enjoy these ones as well!
Now, I can see Tsuna wanting and having children. He doesn’t honestly feel like he was the best father, though he sure tried as hard as he could and he’ll really see his grandchildren as another opportunity to do better and to correct all the mistakes he made with his own children and potentially make up for some of those mistakes by helping his adult children with the grandkids as much as he can, now that he has more time.
Even then though, I can’t see Tsuna as a super playful grandparent. He tries his best, having the occasional snowball fight or taking interest in a game of hide and seek, but he’s not out playing catch or sitting down to play Barbies, just because he really doesn’t know how to do that kind of stuff. He’ll try to find common ground with his grandchildren though – he’ll happily try to learn to play any video games they enjoy, he’ll show up to watch any sports games or recitals they have, he’ll become a ‘Troop granddad’ if any of his grandchildren are in Girl or Boy Scouts.
He definitely tries his best to respect his children’s parenting decisions, even when he doesn’t understand or fully agree with them, but he isn’t above sneaking his grandchildren occasional treats that their parents don’t allow them, especially since it makes his grandchildren like him just that much more.
So, I’ve mentioned it quite a few times, but I really do believe that Gokudera doesn’t want children. It’s just not something he wants for his future. In the very unlikely chance that he does have children, despite being really careful about it (I definitely do headcanon him as being one of the few males who are completely willing to get a vasectomy to prevent any mishaps), I can see him being a rather absent father. And that’s really something that kind of does carry on to him as a grandfather.
Just because he’s gotten older, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s gotten a shit ton more patient or discovered a newfound love and respect for children. He really doesn’t do well with super young children and he’s going to be a very hands-off grandfather during their formative years. It isn’t really until the children grow up more and become more independent that Gokudera is really all that able to relate to them or have much tolerance for them.
Even if his ‘grandchildren’ are simply the grandchildren of the other Guardians, I feel like Gokudera would be the living embodiment of that grumpy grandpa who is always scowling or just cranky and done with everyone’s shit.
Now I do see Yamamoto, no matter if it’s teenage Yamamoto, adult Yamamoto, or old person Yamamoto, really having a soft spot for children. He’s not great at knowing what to do with them, but he does enjoy them and he’s pretty great at accepting all the quirks and fits and eccentricities that children have. He’s definitely going to be the type of grandfather who is involved with his grandchildren and very much encourages them to be themselves and to be confident in themselves.
He will definitely take his grandchildren out to watch baseball games, will play catch with them, will take them to the batting cages and will really try to grow a love of baseball in them. If his grandchildren end up disliking baseball, he’ll try his best to accept it, but it will leave him floundering a bit, as the game means so much to him and it really is one of the ways he bonds with his children and then his grandchildren the most.
Yamamoto would definitely be that grandfather who loves telling stories about his life and what things were like ‘back in his days’. He’s a really good storyteller, especially when the kids are really young, since he’s so animated in his story telling and just naturally makes sound effects and weird motions while telling them. Of course, he saves the stories of the more brutal accidents and incidents that have happened during his life because the children never need to know about that aspect of Pop-Pop’s life, but any experiences that he can spin into fun stories, he’s all over.
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phantomchick · 1 year
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#jin at that point had probably already lost people to neighbours but that doesn't make seeing the mass slaughter & civilian abduction easier
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Superman and the power of kindness because you can
22 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
I stan NaruHina hard even to this day (though I delete all the burrito content from my brain) and I always will.
You know that stuff like Sakura in Naruto: The Last saying she was too good for him must've happened all the time with their friends and Hinata’s family and that's not even touching the whole 'hyuga heiress vs urchin street rat demon boy' thing they had going for most of their childhoods. 
But she didn't give a single god damn, she was the only one in that village who appreciated Naruto without having to be prompted by him gutsy-ninjaing his way into her good graces via hard work and prolonged exposure. She thought the world of him from the get go, she thought he was great and she was so lucky.
 And I think, I am so tearfully glad that Naruto got that in a partner at the end, that he got someone who would make him feel loved and who would never hesitate to state their admiration for him. Someone who he got that kind of positivity about himself from.
I just, he's got such a thick skin but he spends the whole series being insulted by allies and enemies alike (with plenty of praise in between let’s be real he was mc for a reason) and then there's Hinata and she's just like seeing him as a person and wanting to do her best because he motivates her and shit. 
Remember in the chuunin exams when NOBODY but NOBODY thought he had a chance against Neji? Not even Naruto really? Like he’s walking to the stadium and you can see his nerves on his face. And then he runs into her, because despite being injured she’s shown up early to wish him luck and give him ointment to use on any bruises he has. 
She's the only one in the entire village to wish him luck and tell him he can do it and he's just, never had that kind of unconditional kindness before? Like bonds have always been something Naruto's had to earn, work for, but she's just there. And she gave him courage when no one else was bothered to. 
 And then she does it again!  In the middle of the fourth war when everything's on his shoulders and everyone's depending on Naruto and you can see a trace of unease on his face and then Hinata grabs his hand, and gives him courage. Unasked for, unconditional support. For an orphan who grew up unloved with none of that. FUCK.
I'm still pissed she had little to no development in shippuden and I largely blame it on the fact that Kishimoto was undecided on the final pairings because NaruSaku was popular, like that scene when Naruto tells edo tensei Minato that Sakura's his girlfriend and Minato tells her to please go easy on his son? Pandering or weighing his options I don't know but regardless the final ships suffered big time for the indecision. 
And Hinata's characterisation additionally suffered for her being so limited in screentime which made the relationship feel less equal. But these are quibbles, the ship is solid to me. 
I mean don't get me started on the whole Pein fight.
Like yes it would be cool if we got to see more of her personality in canon and more of what was going on with her and Neji after Sasuke left and the hyuga clan and everything, yes I crave that and wish we'd gotten bamf Hinata moments. 
But like the core of her character for me is unimpeachable because she's somewhere Naruto can rest also the parallels between the affection she offers and the affection Naruto’s blood family offers during the seal release scene with the chakra imprints finally talking to him and telling him they loved him are very real and I have feelings about all of it. 
Anyway no shade to people who hate the ship for whatever reason, but in this one specific case, the canon pairing is OTP for me.
Hinata’s love for Naruto and the idea of Naruto getting to carefully let himself be surrounded by feelings we all know he considers precious? Amazing.
23 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Sometimes i think about how every jedi choice that was supposed to be a Choice wasn't offered to Anakin, like when to get knighted/face his knight trials, the council decided to promote him early when he was still mid padawan age, who to choose as his padawan, I love ahsoka but she was assigned to anakin mid mission while again he was still traditional padawan aged, what kind of jedi he wanted to be? Assigned war general.
Like obviously Anakin came into the jedi order with a heavy dose of culture shock from the restrictive lifestyle that was so different even from his experience of slavery.
And by that I mean; suddenly it wasn't "do this do that or I'll blow you and your mother up" with no care for his thoughts about it either way, suddenly it was you're full of fear which means you're dark which means you're close to the path of evil, suddenly it was a character flaw to feel angry at all regardless of how he expressed it. (Unless he expressed it to a receptive and encouraging Palpatine of course but that's another issue) But I feel like all that sudden sense of restriction, that culture shock that never quite left him was definitely compounded, by the lack of personal choices that coloured his life with the order.
Even things that would've been choices for other Jedi were decided for him by the council, in one way it makes sense as he was the chosen one who's path they were heavily involved with and who they wanted to anchor in the light, but in another broader way it's clear it makes everything worse.
73 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
You ever think about how shisui probably started doing shunshin all the time because the 4th hokage was the coolest person ever when he and Itachi where growing up? And 'playing ninja' back then probably meant someone got to be the yellow flash. I just think it's super cute that Shisui may have been a yellow flash fanboy and based his fighting style on him a little bit.
101 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fic Rec List
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[this could’ve been] a villain’s origin story by petroltogo
* The fic that singlehandedly reeled me back into this fandom and launched my deep dive Summary: Superhero/Supervillain AU: All Sawada Tsunayoshi wants to do is help people. Considering his occupation as a Vongola Inc. superhero, you'd think that wouldn't be much of a problem. You'd be wrong. [Then again, 'people' isn't supposed to include wanted supervillains.]
For the Love of the Game by metisket
Summary: In which Yamamoto wanders through life smiling, joking, and terrifying bystanders. It strikes him as weird that he’s had to struggle not to kill people, that it’s been such a challenge. He’s pretty sure that for most people, not being a murderer is way easier than being one.
That Sawada Group by HeavenlyDusk
Summary: For those who went to middle school with Sawada Tsunayoshi, him and his friends are still a little bit terrifying. For those who didn't go to middle school with Sawada Tsunayoshi, him and his friends are incredibly confusing. For the Tenth Generation of Vongola, they just want to get through high school.
Countdown by metisket
Summary: A series of vignettes about Tsuna, his guardians, and the people closest to him—snapshots of the impact they all have on each other (and that life has on them) over ten years. He never wanted to stand out, not in either direction. Is that really too much to ask? He’s not asking for great! He’s asking for normal, normal. Apparently it is too much to ask. Apparently it’s always going to be all or nothing with him.
Tsunahiki by metisket
Summary: Tsuna's ongoing, sort of unwilling attempts to be everything to everyone.
If You Can't Beat 'Em by metisket
Summary: Hana finds that it’s difficult to take care of your best friend when your best friend has all the self-preservation instincts of a lemming. Hana doesn’t know how this happened. No, wait, she does know how it happened. Kyoko made that pleading face, and Hana is weak to the pleading face. She knew Kyoko made poor life choices, but she didn’t realize they were contagious.
On the Outside by metisket
Summary: Iemitsu’s disturbing youth and misadventures in parenting. “You have a kid?” Lal Mirch looks betrayed by the world. “You? A kid? Aren’t there laws against people like you breeding?” Cw: For domestic abuse at start of fic
The Dead and the Forsworn by metisket
Summary: Hibari is starting to doubt that his carefully ordered world will ever recover from Sawada Tsunayoshi.
What We Fought For by metisket
Summary: The KHR mafia and the real world mafia collide. It’s like a celebrity deathmatch. Tsuna loved Naples from the start. Reborn had trained him to love things that might kill him at any moment, after all.
Target Practice by elanor_pam
Summary: Gokudera did not expect the Tenth to wait for the Archery Club's activities to finish. Tsuna did not expect to become the Archery Club's center of attention. The Archery Club did not expect Tsuna to look so good when concentrating.
See the full post
102 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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