#again if you know your alcohol PLEASE EDUCATE ME
lixenn · 5 months
Xanxus and throwing stuff
It’s my time to chuck some random KHR headcanons into the wild!
For context: I wanted to write this scene, but during the process several questions came to mind which somehow spiralled into even more questions and now I have a whole new headcanon that’s taken over my brain because of course I do.
I won’t bore you with all the nitty gritty background details. I will just jump right into the good stuff, which in this case is me wondering about Xanxus and his habit of throwing stuff.
Especially I was focussing on Xanxus throwing alcohol.
Because look: We all know Xanxus loves throwing stuff at people be it alcohol, food or whatever else is at hand, but have you ever wondered if there’s some criteria on what he throws? Again with the alcohol, does he just randomly throw bottles on peoples head? Does he just use what is in his immediate vicinity?
And you know what?
Because that would be too easy! Where’s the drama? The unnecessary detail? Why think that Xanxus just throws random alcohol when we can make things complicated and develop a whole alcohol throwing language for the lols.
So here we fucking go:
Disclaimer: I don’t drink, so I know shit all about which different types of alcohol would fit certain criteria. So, I’m just going to use vague descriptions for now. If anyone who has a clue about alcohol wants to throw in their two cents and tell me what alcohol would actually fit certain descriptions, PLEASE hit me up so I can add it.
Anyone who interacts with Xanxus for more than 10 minutes will immediately notice his compelling urge of dousing people with alcohol at the slightest provocation. What people don’t know is that Xanxus actually uses different types of drinks for different groups of people.
If you’re just a random minion that pissed him off, he’ll throw the cheap stuff. Not something that’s really horrible but it wouldn’t taste great either. Just generic alcohol you could easily get at the local supermarket, basic shit for basic people, y’know?
Now, if Xanxus absolutely hates someone’s guts (looking at you there, Iemitsu) they will get hit over the head with the most vile alcohol that’s available. Stuff that tastes like horsepiss, something that’s barely fit for human consumption (and might actually be just rubbing alcohol with a shitty disguise) but people buy it anyways because it’s a quick and easy way to head straight into lalaland.
But if Xanxus likes you… hoooo boy, that’s a different matter entirely. Of course, he will still throw stuff because this is Xanxus we’re talking about here, however now he will throw the fancy shit, like expensive wine that’s been handed down for decades in the family (showing my lacking alcohol knowledge here). And if he really reaaalllly likes you *sideeying Squalo* he will reach for his favourites because he shows affection via violence and deeply obscure gestures that no sane person could ever comprehend.
He also has a go-to alcohol of choice when he’s in a really bad mood, so it doesn’t matter what alcohol category you were originally in, if Xanxus is grumpy he will only throw this specific type of alcohol and nothing else. As for what type it is: I’d say it’s just alcohol he personally can’t stand, like there’s nothing really wrong with it per see, but he either has a bad memory associated with it or he just hates the taste so he will never drink it.
That’s it from me and my super specific alcohol throwing headcanons. Any questions, comments and incoherent screams are welcomed with open arms.
Have a nice day and keep being awesome!
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slytherinslut0 · 1 year
Chapter One. Info: You and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
(This will essentially be a toxic book where we are Thèos fucktoy. No love here, very minimal fluff.)
Tags: Sub/Dom, Toxic Behaviour, Sub!Reader, Dom!Mattheo, Blackmail, Praise Kink, Begging, DubCon, CNC.
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You were a good girl, and an exemplary student. One who consistently demonstrated exceptional discipline and commitment. Your dedication to academics was unwavering, as you diligently followed the rules and guidelines, never straying from the prescribed path.
Your singular focus was on nurturing your intellectual curiosity, and you showed no interest in indulging in activities that might distract you from your educational pursuits. Your life was calm, quiet, and focused.
Until, one day everything fucking changed.
In the enchanted realm of Hogwarts, there resided a studious and exceptionally bright seventh-year Ravenclaw witch, known for her unwavering dedication to academics and her steadfast commitment to the noble pursuit of knowledge. This young sorceress, a paragon of virtue, refrained from the temptations that often lured her peers, steering clear of parties, alcohol, and the haze of smoke that veiled the Ravenclaw common room during clandestine gatherings.
Her life was meticulously ordered, her goals sharply defined. But the universe had a curious sense of humor, for it threw her into an unexpected affiliation with the most notorious bad boy in Slytherin:
Mattheo fucking Riddle.
He, the embodiment of rebellion, was a stark contrast to her pristine existence. Mattheo's reputation preceded him: a Slytherin troublemaker, one who was almost always found in the midst of chaos. His devil-may-care attitude was a challenge to authority, and there was not one singular individual that could tie him down.
Yet, fate had woven their paths together, forcing the astute young witch to confront the complexity of human nature, unraveling layers of his defiance while simultaneously testing the boundaries of her own steadfast resolve.
And that witch; that poor fucking witch--well, that was you.
"Please, Riddle...if you'd take a seat," you ran your tongue along the backside of your teeth, straightening your posture in your chair as you tried to contain your irritation. "...I must express my desire to commence our endeavors prior to the conclusion of the academic term."
"Eager, are we?" Mattheo sneered, sauntering toward the desk painfully fucking slow. "You know, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastery. I'll sit when I'm fuckin' ready to sit."
His voice was low, the sadistic drawl of his tone making your bones ignite with fury. Gods, he certainly fucking loved testing you.
"And I won't tell you again...call me Mattheo."
You inhaled a sharp breath, flattening out your blue uniform skirt against your thighs as you bit your tongue hard enough to make it bleed.
"Rome may not have been built in a day, but it certainly collapsed in one--now, I won't ask again, Riddle..." you looked up, meeting his dark obsidian eyes, fighting back a sadistic smirk of your own as he narrowed his gaze in challenge. "Take. A. Seat."
The words were clipped behind your teeth with an obvious urgency that shut Mattheo up for a few seconds, the gears turning inside his head as he contemplated how he could one up your little jab--a constant occurrence that seemed to happen every single fucking time you met with him.
At this point, your tutor sessions were an easy seventy percent bickering with the remaining thirty being a half-assed session of one-sided discussion where he mostly offers you fleeting blank stares while zoning you out. You hated that you'd agreed to this, but you knew you needed to get on (and remain on) Professor Dumbledores good side if you wanted a career here at the school after you graduated--and you were so fucking hungry for it you'd do almost anything to solidify your fate.
Even if it meant surrendering your sanity to the hands of Mattheo fucking Riddle.
You chose not to let him, of all individuals, tarnish your path. Your reputation, fragile as it may have been, resembled a tinderbox, and he was the combustible element, ready to erupt at any given moment. This resolve became your steadfast anchor, shaping the direction of your choices.
"You know," Mattheo said as he finally slumped down into the chair across from you, his tousled brown hair falling effortlessly over his forehead. "I was under the impression that the brilliant Ravenclaws such as yourself valued intellect over impulsive haste..." he tilted his head, his gaze scanning every movement of your body as you stared at him. "It was my understanding that impatience was more of a Gryffindor trait."
Your fingers trembled with palpable irritation, yet you understood the imperative need to suppress it. You couldn't afford to reveal just how deeply he affected you, realizing that acknowledging it would subject you to endless taunts and jibes, a fate you were determined to avoid at any cost. This restraint became your shield in moments such as these.
"You wish to discuss house values, Riddle?" You tilted your head, straightening out your posture once again. "Because I, in complete honesty, was under the impression that Slytherins were known for their resourcefulness...your reluctance to cooperate suggests a rather curious lack of ambition."
Mattheo narrowed his eyes, his expression growing icier. "Resourcefulness doesn't mean blindly following every stupid instruction thrown at you, and ambition means choosing the battles worth fighting, not wasting time on pathetic, trivial matters."
With a subtle smirk, he leaned back, hooking his arm on the back of his chair as he eyed your discomfort--seemingly undisturbed by your challenge--and you chewed on the inside of your cheek, somehow knowing he wasn't finished.
And of course, he wasn't. "If you really believe this seemingly-stubborn insistence on when or if I sit reflects a lack of ambition, you clearly misunderstand the depths of Slytherin cunning. We pick our battles wisely, and right now, this isn't one of them."
Your blood pressure surged, the crimson currents in your veins reaching their boiling point. Months of enduring relentless bickering and one-upmanship had pushed you to the edge--this man may be an utter degenerate but he certainly knows how to use his mouth when it matters. You could no longer bear the weight of this incessant game, and in a fleeting moment of frustration, you finally succumbed to the pressure.
You knew this was your breaking point.
"I'm just trying to fucking help you." You said, before you even realized you had. You hardly ever cussed, never out loud--that is. "If you don't want to be here, then get out. I promise you, you won't be hurting my feelings if you do."
He huffed, leaning forward and crossing his hands together on top of the desk as he wet his stupidly plush lips, a devilish grin swallowing his cheeks while he revelled in the fact he'd so clearly fucking won. Yet again.
"No," he said. "I don't think I will."
You clucked your tongue, irritated even further at his response, gaze narrowing ever-so-slightly before you rolled your eyes--brushing off his suffocating arrogance and pulling your textbook out of your bag, slamming it down on top of the desk between your bodies.
"The Grimoire of Arcane Relics?" Mattheo read the title out loud, voice laced with a confused, almost offended undertone. "We don't cover this until the middle of second term..."
You cocked an eyebrow. "And?"
"Seems a bit...hasty, to shove this down my throat so early on," his voice carried a sadistic drawl that nearly made you leap across the desk and choke him unconscious. This man knew how to fucking test you. "Would it not be far more beneficial to proceed in the order the books are taught?"
You drew in another swift breath, the fabric of your navy robes clinging to your form, trembling fingers smoothing out any wrinkles on your button-up blouse as you adjusted it.
"I was unaware..." you said, not bothering to look up. "...that the individual I'd be tutoring this term was in fact a professor, and not a seventh year student..." you glimpsed him now, offering him merely but a slight tilt of your head as you watched his jaw tense. "...I must have been ill-informed, do pardon my ignorance."
"A moment of self-awareness? What a fucking breakthrough for you, Raven...pity it took you so long." He was clasping his hands together on top of the desk with enough force to involuntarily crack his knuckles. "Maybe there's hope for you yet, though I wouldn't hold my fucking breath."
"Please don't," you said, teeth gritting. "We wouldn't want to deprive your already-oxygen-starved brain of any more, now would we? It needs all the help it can get."
Mattheo's gaze sharpened, his lips curving into a teasing smirk, highlighting the scars that adorned them. The effect he had on you was undeniable, a sensation you longed to dismiss more than anything. However, with every passing moment in his presence, resisting the pull of attraction became an increasingly futile endeavour--yes, he was suffocatingly arrogant, but Gods, he was fucking attractive.
And he knew it.
"Quite the fucking mouth on you, I'll admit..." he dropped his voice to a low whisper, so deep it practically rattled your bones as it vibrated through you. "Never met a Ravenclaw with such an attitude problem...maybe I could tutor you on how to fix that issue, once we're done here, of course."
Your stomach twisted, heat spreading through your veins like wildfire. Curse him and his painstakingly arrogant charm. Curse him to bloody hell.
"It'd be a cold day in hell before I take any sort of guidance from you, Riddle..." you whispered, your voice accidentally reverberating as a seductive pitch. "And even then, I'd probably still refrain."
"You don't know when to shut the fuck up, do you?..." his eyes darkened, an evil mischief crawling its way through his irises. "What would daddy Dumbledore think about the way you're speaking to me, huh?"
Your heart stalled. "I-"
Your words faltered as Mattheo stood up, moving leisurely like a predatory creature circling its prey, until he was right beside you. His eyes, sharp as daggers, bored into your skull, and he loomed over you, a sadistic smirk twisting his lips into a cruel curve. The sight sent a shiver down your spine, knotting your stomach with an unsettling mix of fear and desire.
He placed a singular hand on your desk, leaning down closer to your level. "Perhaps I pay him a little visit...perhaps I tell him that you've been missing lessons, that you've been extremely unprofessional...perhaps I somehow fail my next exam...perhaps-"
"Okay, okay!" You panicked, cutting him off. "You've made your point, Riddle...I'm sorry, okay?" The words were fucking painful as you forced them past your teeth, and you swallowed your ego, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Let's just get this over with, please?"
Mattheo huffed, gratified by how effortlessly his threats appeared to compel your submission. The gears turned in his head as he grasped the extent of the power he truly wielded over you. He fully understood that your entire post-graduate career almost certainly depended on his decisions, and he was eagerly anticipating taking action.
"I like the way you say please..." his voice was breathless, his dark eyes consumed by something you couldn't really identify as he slumped down in the chair directly next to you, his sight never once leaving yours. "Do it again."
Your body tensed, immobilized as he inched closer, his penetrating eyes scrutinizing your features with intense focus. It was no secret that Mattheo had been oblivious to your existence until he was placed under your guidance--despite being the most popular Slytherin student in the school, you, a practically invisible Ravenclaw, were easy to overlook. It had taken him over three weeks to even remember your name, a fact he never bothered to acknowledge, let alone use.
But within that time frame, within the time you'd been tutoring him; as much as he drove you mentally fucking insane, you couldn't deny that every time he'd show up for lessons with torn knuckles, cut lips and alcohol radiating from his breath--you couldn't help but to feel something in the pit of your stomach.
Whether that sensation was disgust, arousal, or sheer terror, you couldn't quite pinpoint. It was a feeling that whispered in your veins, urging you to surrender to the dominance he held over you. It screamed for you to let him have his way without resistance, because just as he commanded your obedience, he wielded the same control over the entire damn school. The prospect of defying him felt like a dangerous game you weren't willing to play.
He tilted his head, his face dangerously close to yours now, his eyes peering into your soul as he stared. As he wet his lips, his breath turning shallow, you felt a feeling brewing in the pit of your stomach, and one between your thighs as well.
"I said, do it again." His voice was a mere breath as it left his lips, his eyes studying you as though you were a page of a textbook. Not that he'd ever read one of those. "Go on, Raven...beg for me..."
Your breath hitched, and you involuntarily clutched the edges of the wooden chair between your fingers with an indescribable force. You didn't want to admit it--not to Mattheo, not to anyone really--but you were a virgin. You'd never even kissed a boy; your entire life was devoted to your studies...so this...this was extremely fucking new to you.
When you remained silent, Mattheo's eyes darkened even further, turning a shade of obsidian so intense they put even the stormiest midnight skies to shame.
"You want me to keep your perfect little reputation intact, hm?" He breathed, leaning closer. "You want me to help you stay on Dumbledores good side?"
Your throat was more arid than the desert, and you nodded, unable to blink--unable to peel your fucking eyes off of him.
"Then do as I say..." he murmured, a large battered hand finding purchase on your thigh, your entire body involuntarily flinching at the foreign contact. "I want to hear you, Raven."
You stared down at his hand resting lazily over the fabric of your blue uniform skirt--it's massive size swallowing up almost the entirety of your thigh, calloused palm catching on the pleats as it slid upwards, agonizingly slowly--and when he paused, stretching his fingers around the diameter of your thigh the best he could, fingers digging into your flesh as he squeezed; you gasped, involuntarily, and he huffed--bringing his lips dangerously close to your ear.
"One more chance..." he purred, and you could practically hear the smirk on his lips. "You won't like what'll happen-"
"Please!" You snapped, squeezing your thighs together out of pure desperation. "Please, Mattheo...please, let's just get this over with..."
"Mm." He hummed in satisfaction, slowly pulling his hand off of you. "That's fucking right..." he murmured, warm breath tickling your ear. "Nothing is sweeter than your submission, Raven."
You swallowed, not daring to look at him, nodding your head frantically in response as he pulled away, slumping back in the chair--not once peeling his eyes off of you, spreading his legs way-too-fucking wide as he made himself comfortable--he was silent, now, watching your chest rise and fall with each shallow breath, watching the way you squirmed in your chair at his sudden dominance--a dominance that had an effect on you that you couldn't even begin to describe.
And then, before you could even realize what was happening, Mattheo leaned back in, his fingers gripping your jaw and tilting your face towards his--and as you meet his dark, intoxicating eyes, your lungs stalled, entire body shrinking in your seat as he stared at you with such intensity that you felt like he could see right through you.
"From now on, I'm in charge here," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. "Understand?"
You swallowed the lump of anxiety in your throat, and watched his darkened amber eyes as they glanced over your lips, lingering there for far too long, before returning back up to meet your gaze--something swimming in his irises that made your stomach twist.
When you were silent, he tilted his head, cocking an eyebrow. "Use your words, Raven..."
"Yes." You squeaked, voice barely audible. "I understand."
He hummed, a devilish smirk crawling across his lips, fingers digging into your jaw with added pressure as he pulled you closer, lips so close you'd touch with a deep enough breath.
"Understand, what?" He breathed, eyes dipping over your lips yet again. "Say my fucking name."
"Mattheo..." you couldn't breathe, couldn't move, could only obey his words as though he was controlling you like a puppet on strings. "I understand, Mattheo."
He huffed, smirking. "Good girl, Raven..." his voice was a mere breath as it left his lips, his full lashes fluttering as he blinked, meeting your eyes. "You learn so quickly...I should have done this months ago..."
When he pulled back, slowly releasing you, air slowly returned to your lungs; not enough to rid the dizziness from your brain but just enough to keep you conscious. Mattheo turned toward the desk now, as though nothing even happened, gesturing for you to start the lesson.
And somehow, you did.
Chapter two->
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zriasstuff · 8 months
Them asking you to be their Valentine
The Slytherin Boys x reader (just in time for Valentine’s Day :))
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Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts always comes with a lavish ball, so go ahead and choose the white knight of your liking to accompany you :)
Mattheo Riddle:
Mattheo’s way of asking you to be his Valentine for the ball was very straightforward, yet effective. The second after the announcement dropped, he went to find you in the schoolyard, and approached you in front of all your friends.
“Hey, wait up!”, he’d shout to get your attention, already sounding determined.
“What do you say, you and me at the ball?”, he spoke out his confession, short and sweet.
Cheekily, he adds “I think you and I would be the best looking couple at the ball”. You notice him shyly tucking his head down as he said that, but he still sounded self assured.
Everyone was patiently waiting for your reaction, and you noticed how all your friends started gushing over him. Mattheo seemed unfazed by everyone else and only had eyes for you.
Even though you had only talked to him a few times in the past, you noticed that there was this easy-going chemistry between you two.
His profession certainly came as a surprise, but you liked guys who were direct. Besides, he struck you as a bit of a player too, who seemed to be used to asking girls out.
“Sure, I’d love to go with you”, you chuckle out, knowing you’d have a lot of fun with him.
He slickly throws you an air kiss, grinning from ear to ear, before all his friends start jumping on him to celebrate his win.
Tom Riddle (extremely delusional):
Tom definitely wasn’t one for the romantics, in fact he was strictly against the idea of a Valentine’s Day ball.
What he told you, when you asked him if he had a date already was:
“The ball is just an excuse for undisciplined students to commit shameful acts such as drinking alcohol and doing magical substances, when they should really be focusing on their education instead, which they are in desperate need of”
“I see, so you don’t have a date”, you sum it up for him.
Truthfully, you only asked Tom that question because you started catching feelings for him, and you wanted to know if you had a clear shot.
But clearly, he wasn’t interested at the moment.
He seemed to be carefully analyzing your reaction to his statement. Seconds later, he indifferently states “You want me to ask you out, don’t you”
You, shocked at first, embarrassingly nod afterwards. Full of curiosity, you wondered how he had managed to read you so accurately.
“Fine, to save myself from a week of listening to your heartbreak or potential soulmate, I am going to do you the favor of accompanying you to the ball. I am only doing this to save myself.”, he explains elaborately, which earns him an eye roll of yours.
You still wanted him to actually ask you and mean it, but for Tom Riddle, this was a big gesture already. Besides, you were aware from the beginning that you would have to deal with his peculiarities.
“On the day, be ready at 8pm sharp, and don’t you dare get drunk or high”, he lays down his conditions. Even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew that deep down he cared, otherwise he would’ve never even indulged in this.
Theodore Nott:
Theodore had found himself in a bit of a slump. Due to the excessive quidditch training, he didn’t have a date for the ball yet, which would be in 1 day exactly.
Subconsciously he fully believed that he'd find a date, no matter what time it was, which is why he took his sweet sweet time.
But now, with growing desperation, he ran around, asking out every girl he saw. And each time, the girl rejected him because they already had a date.
As he grew more and more frustrated, he asked you for the second time again, to be his date. You already told him that you had plans with a guy from Gryffindor, which he ridiculed.
“Come on, please ditch him for me?”, he’d repeatedly ask you with puppy eyes.
“Please just do me this favor, I don’t want to be the only guy in our friend group to not have a date.
You’d tell him that it was his own fault, but eventually you felt a bit bad for him. And you were indeed good friends, so maybe you could do him a favor. It wasn’t like the Gryffindor boy and you were in love. Surely he’d get over it…
“Fine, I’ll go, but you owe me”, you finally agreed. Truthfully, you found Theo much more attractive and charming anyway.
You had only agreed to the Gryffindor boy in the first place because you were afraid that no one besides him would ask you out anymore if you said no.
Theo, full of excitement and relief, cupped your face and kissed your forehead as a thanks when you agreed to be his date.
“I promise you, you won’t regret it”, were his last words before leaving you alone.
Blaise Zabini:
You only had one more tedious potions class of Snape's to go through, before you could finally enjoy the rest of your day.
As the clock ticked, you stared down on your blank parchment paper, counting the minutes to go.
Catching you off guard, you feel Blaise’s finger lightly tapping your arm. You needed a second to get conscious of the situation because you had zoned out.
He slides a small, blank piece of parchment paper towards you and points his head down, signaling you to turn it around.
When you do, your mood immediately lifts and you begin blushing. It was kind of childish, like something you’d do in year 1 or 2, but it was also cute.
The paper was filled with the classic “will you be my Valentine”, and there were three boxes to cross. The three being “yes”, “no”, and “maybe”.
Blaise observes your reaction delightfully, waiting for you to tick a box. As this was the highlight of your day, you decide to give the guy a chance and tick “yes”.
When class ended, Blaise waited for you to pack up and proposed a hang out at astronomy tower with you, which you agreed to with pleasure.
Enzo Berkshire:
It was a Sunday, exactly one week before the ball, and all the Hogwarts students were enjoying their time in Hogsmeade.
On this peculiar day, your seating partner Enzo from Transfiguration asked you to go to Madam Puddifoot's Café with him. The location was definitely romantic, and you already suspected where this might be going.
But—you didn’t want to get your hopes too high yet. Enzo was unquestionably a cute guy though.
During your coffee date, he didn’t drop any hints or said anything suggestive. You just talked, gossiped, and joked around, and you figured he’d be cool as a friend too.
Though nearing the end, the waiter came to your table with a small buttercream cake.
You shot a confused glance at Enzo, and he seemed clueless.
“I don’t believe we ordered that”, you tell the waiter, but he insists and puts the cake in front of you. After the waiter leaves, you keep eye contact with Enzo, but he tells you to eat the cake.
Still dazzled, you comply and look down, seeing that…
“Will you be my Valentine”, was written on the cake in cursive font with pink buttercream. Overcome by joy, you couldn’t be happier that your suspicions from the beginning were right.
“So what’s your answer”, he asks eagerly, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Of course I will, this was so sweet”
You believed that no girl could’ve said no to this.
Draco Malfoy:
You and Draco never slacked off on your prefect duties, which also included the nightly walks around school, to ensure that every student has gone to bed.
It is the perfect time to talk after a long day, and to exercise your power of course, but mainly the walks had brought you two very close, and you exchanged plenty of secrets already.
Although he could be a bit of an asshole, which you also told him, you still saw that he had a caring, more hurt side to him.
A week before the ball, he suggested a different route than the one you usually took.
He told you to close your eyes as you were walking, and led you by your hand. Innerly, he was as nervous and jittery as one could get, and couldn’t wait to see the reaction on your face.
When you got to the mysterious destination, he told you to open your eyes
As soon as you opened them, you saw the room of requirements, decorated with pink and red flowers, hundreds of candles, and a banner reading “will you be my valentine”.
It had been Draco’s plan for weeks, and he was so glad that he pulled it off.
He also made sure that you wouldn’t get a date, before he asked you out, which included cursing guys who got close to you.
“Oh my, yes of course Draco, I can’t believe you did this”, you’d say full of joy.
“You just made me the happiest guy in this school”, he’d reply and you knew it was true.
Immediately he brings you closer to kiss you, and you spend the rest of the night cuddling inside the room of requirements (insert the scene of Dean and Rory cuddling in GG if yk what I mean).
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qaxqxd · 2 months
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♡: Logan Howlett x Deadpool!f!reader Genre: Smut (Readers advised, 18+ content ahead.) Warning: Mention of, bondage, oral (receiving and giving), unprotected sex (p in v), some praising and degrading, orgasms denial, overstimulation, fingering, some light teasing from Logan, creampie, cussing, sex with some plot, no mention of y/n, grammar mistakes (english is not my first language) Word count: 2.3k A/n: deadpool reader and wolverine sort of outta character tbh Summary: The car is not the only thing you’re riding. (Takes place during the scene where they fought in the car)
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The car drove through the forest as you made little ‘thwups’ noises pretending to be Spider-man. “Stop it.” The metal ding-dong man grumbled. A little saddened by the request, you processed to make one last ‘thwups’ noise before stopping.
You didn’t like the silence in the car, so you decided to try to hold up a convo with Wolvie. “So, if they could fix your world. What’s the first thing you’re gonna do when you get outta here?— Some rubbing alcohol shots? Maybe a wiper fluid chaser?” You snicker.
“What s’did you say?” He cocked his head towards you. Which sent slight shivers down your back, but heated your core. “I said, when you get back, what are you gonna do?” You repeated. “No before that.” He mumbled.
“If… they could fix your world?” You hesitated to say.
The car abruptly stops as Wolvie pulls the brakes. He glared at you, daggers sent your way. If looks could kill you’d probably be dead, even with your rapidly healing abilities.
“What do you mean ‘if’?” He spoke with a deadly tone. “I mean—” He cuts you off. “You lied to me! You don’t have a fucking clue if they can help fix things, do you?” He muttered. “No-? I mean— OH FUCK! FUCK.” You shouted in pain.
His adamantium claws digged into your thigh painfully. “I DIDN’T LIE—!” He cuts you off again. “YOU LIED!” He exclaimed. “NO! I MADE A EDUCATED WISH.” You proclaimed. He frowned at you like it was the dumbest thing you’ve said so far.
You really had no idea if they could, but you really needed him. Your world was dying, because of this hot metal shitbag who decided to play hero and dies in your world. So you needed a replacement. Who knew the replacement would be a total jerk?
Damn, at least he was still hot even when he was yelling at you. Your panties if not already not were soaked.
You both went silent for a bit, before you started speaking again. “Because I need you.” You huffed quickly pulling out a photo of your friends. “This. This is why. Right here.” You pointed at the picture.
“Because If we don’t do anything, they die.” You paused for a second trying to catch your breath, and trying to ignore the painful digging on your left thigh. “I don’t know anything about saving worlds, and why would I care? Because my entire world is right here in this picture.” You rasp.
He just glared at you, fuming. “It's— only nine people, and I have no idea how to save it alone. I know how to fucked people up for money, but you YOU know how to— well at least the other Wolverine did— AGH.” You yelped as he dug in deeper in your thigh. 
“Well I guess I’m stuck with the worst one!” You ranted. “Did you say you made an educated fuckin’ wish?” He growled. “They call me the merc with the mouth, they don’t call me truthful jimmy blowjob of Saskatoon.” You stated.
He pulled his claws out of your thigh, leaving a deep crimson puddle behind it. “One more word.” He huffs. “Please, give me one.” Wolvie scolded. You paused for a second.
“Gubernatorial” And quickly flinched at him almost punching you. “Y’know what? You’re a fucking joke. No wonder the Avengers didn’t take you, or the X-Men.” He let out a bitter laugh. “And they’ll take fuckin’ anyone. I mean you are ridiculous, immature, half wit-moron.” He paused for a bit to breathe.
“I have never met a sadder, more attention starved, jabbering little prick. In my entire life, and that says a lot, because I’ve been alive for more over two-hundred fuckin’ years. And I’ll tell ya’, that bald chick was right ‘bout one thing. You will NEVER save the world. YOU couldn’t even save a RELATIONSHIP WITH A GODDAMN STRIPPER. 
MOTHERFUCKER I wish I could say you die alone. BUT IT IS GOD’S BEST JOKES THAT YOU CAN’T DIE, AND HAVE THAT ON ALL OF US.” He shouted, hitting his fist on the car roof.
You stayed quiet, processing every little hurtful detail he just threw at you.
“You got nothin’ to say? Mouth?” He scoffed in your face. You both went quiet, only the sound of his breathing was audible. “I’m going to fight you now.” You huffed. He laughed bitterly in your face. “Oh are you?—” Your fist hits his face, and his nose starts dripping.
He hits you multiple times in the face, before you two go on a whole kicking and punching situation with his claws out too. He quickly ties you up to the seat and he claws you. You quickly kick him out of the vehicle, trying to unbuckle yourself.
He got launched outside the windshield, and you climbed to the back. God, the Honda Odyssey was a nice car. Too bad Nicepool wasn’t getting it back in mint condition, but I don’t think he would’ve mind.
Wolvie jumped back in the car pushing his claws pushing into you again, ouch. He pushed you outside the car through the sunroof, and you weren’t going to let that slide. So you jumped back into the car through the window, with the baby knives in your hands.
This time you were on top of him pinning him against the seat. I mean it wasn’t a bad spot to be in. You could feel him underneath your already drenched clothing. “The fight makin’ your eggplant rise, Wolvie?” You teased him, by pressing against his clothe bulge.
“Shut. the. fuck. up.” He sneered back. As he pushed you onto the seat. He grabbed the knives out of your hand and threw them out. He used the seatbelts to tie your hands together, and you both calmed down for a bit.
Man, the position you were in right now was sort of hot. You could feel your core begging him for it. You know he could smell the arousal from you, he always was when he first met you. You were a horny sonofabitch.
He’s been trying to ignore it this whole time, but he's done with that bullshit. “Quick question, is it made out of metal?” You broke the silence. “What?” He grumbled. “Your dick, because if it is—” He pulled the mask off just a bit to see your nose and mouth, and pulled you in for an aggressive kiss.
His tongue discovering your whole mouth. You didn’t hold back either, engaging with his tongue. He had his hand on your hips sliding to unbuckling your pants. Once he did, he saw your damp panties.
It was a pretty pink color with a small bow in the front. He almost thought it was a little cute. Hell, you were so soaked for him. He peels off your underwear to reveal your puffy cunt. He pulled off his gloves with his teeth and inserted two digits into you.
You squeal at the sudden push. He didn’t need lube or anything because of how soaking wet you were. His fingers curl at you clenching onto him. His finger pumped in a rough circular motion. “All wet from me?” he groans, his pants tighten. “Don’t let it get to you, wolf boy.” You grinned, it was getting tougher to breathe as you could feel your first orgasm.
Once Logan felt you getting too close, he withdrew his fingers. You let out a pout. “What the fuck, dickhead?” Your cunt was pulsing for his touch. You tried squeezing your thighs together to make some friction. He let out a bitter chuckle.
You knew how ridiculous you must look right now. He pulled your legs apart as he inserted his fingers again. Repeating the same pumping motion just to pull out again at the brink of your orgasm.
He was teasing you, and he loved every moment of it. He kept your legs apart, making sure you couldn’t create any friction at all. You had to sit there shaking, as you needed a release so bad. Even the slightest bit.
You knew that fuckers was trying to get you to beg for it. You cussed at him everytime he withdrew his fingers when you were close. “Don’t wanna talk now, huh?” He laughed. “Fuck. You.” You sneered at him.
Your hands were still tied to the seatbelt. He flicked your clit, making you jolt from the sensation. His face got close to your puffy folds and he blew cold air onto it, making you arch. You felt a warmth entering your folds.
His tongue explored your folds in and out. You came immediately at the feeling, and heard him chuckling. He didn’t let you ride it out; he just kept on going. Your thighs trembled at him eating you out.
He did not need to be this good at it, it made you feel dizzy from the feeling. He looked at you with desire in his eyes. “God, Wolvie, you are an animal.” You spoke with a tremble. He ripped another orgasm from you this time letting you ride it out.
He wiped his face from your slick and unbuckled his own pants. Your jaw almost dropped by the size of it. It was fucking hugh. “Oh my honey buns!! How do you expect that to fit inside— mphm!” He covered your mouth, “It’ll fit.” He angles himself to your entrance.
He slides into you with ease and a soft moan escapes your lips and that was his trigger. Your legs straddle against his hips. His hips buckle against you. He lets you adjust to him before he starts pounding into your weeping cunt.
This man was going to ruin every man for you. The way he's grinding against you endlessly got you drunk on him enough. Strings of moans and satisfaction left your mouth. He held the fat of your ass, while his other hand was pushing down on your stomach.
“Look at you, struggling to talk, hm?” He grunted, he had that shit eating grin on him. As much as you wanted to say something it was hard real hard. “F—uck, fuck, fuck, Wolvie.” You spat his name out. He felt your clenching and how deliciously you were squeezing his cock.
He rocks his hips into you, as his pace is relentless. The blood rushes into your head as your third orgasm is pulled. His cock covered by your slick. “Aren’t you just a slut? Coming on my cock like that.” He scolded.
His claw came out and you flinched. “Calm down, bub.” He hissed, he cut the seatbelt off of you. Your hands were finally free, you moved them around to wake them up after being in the same position for a long time.
He pushes your head down, “Ah, open.” He grunts, you comply, planning to bite his dick off. Which your plan completely foils, “If you bite it off, I’m not letting you cum.” He added, you made what seemed to be a grumble noise.
But your mouth stuffed with his cock, who knows. He pushes your head deeper into his girth. Your tongue wrapped around his length. It was quite salty, groans and grunts escaped from his mouth as your head bobs.
You could tell he was getting close by the way he pushed your head down further, almost getting you to gag on it. He eventually releases down your throat, having you choke on it a little. It had a salty and bitter taste, but it wasn’t so terrible.
You found his mouth pressed against yours, again. His rough yet somewhat passionate kiss, led you on top of his body. You both let go to catch your breath, and you felt his cock hit your back.
‘Fuck’ you cursed mentality. It was hard, again. He lifted your hips up where your cunt met his cock again, and it perfectly kissed your cervix. You let out a harsh moan, and instinctively started to grind on him.
He held his hand around your hips, basically guiding your hips in a motion. “Right there, princess.” He grunted. Your thigh trembles from the overwhelming sensation. You don’t even know if you could come again.
Even though your body rapidly regenerates, you still get tired. Unlike this mad man, he could go on forever. You push those thoughts away as you try to give him one last orgasm. The circular motion began to pick up speed.
Your hips sway against him and your cunt bouncing on top of his length. Your hands on his chest while your head limps forwards. He could tell you were getting desperate from how sloppy you were moving.
Yeah he might have tried killing you multiple times after your “Educated Wish” situation, but he was still a gentleman. Having a soft spot for women even if it means including you. “Where do you want it, princess?” He huffed which drew you back to reality.
“God, Inside, please.” You whined. You came for the fourth time, and as your walls clench onto his cock. His warm seed fills you, painting your pretty walls. Making a mess on his lap. You instantly fall asleep on top of him.
Your snores, making him realize you were knocked out. He pulled out and a whine escaped your lips, losing the warmth that he provided. He was a gentleman enough to redress you. He decided he’ll figure out what to do with you tomorrow.
He tried pulling you away from his chest, but you held on tight, so he gave up and fell asleep with you on him anyways.
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wasitforrevenge · 7 months
oh sweetheart pt 3
pairing: boxer!ellie x f! jesses sister!reader
word count: 5.4k!!! longest part yet yay
rating: 18+ (smut will be coming in later parts)
warnings: dealer! boxer!ellie, weed, alcohol, boxing, kissing, joel is dead in this, talk of abusive relationship, smoking, they’re drunk but eveything is consensual ofc! lmk if im missing anything
summary: you and ellie share a moment and both of you admit it :)
author notes: hi everyone thank you for all the love on this series <<<333 this is a good one! not all the way edited yet but i wanted to post cause i finished it 20 minutes ago! sorry for the wait but i think maybe some smut in the near future ;) requests are open and id love any feedback. thank you for 200 followers and over almost 2000 likes!! this is unbelievable and im so grateful! pls let me know if u want to be added to the taglist!!!
part 3 | part 4
series masterlist | main masterlist
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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finally friday is here, it feels like you’ve been counting the minutes until you see her again. you woke up around eleven am and put water in the kettle to make yourself some tea as you went to the bathroom to get your morning routine done, paramore playing over your speaker in the bathroom. your routine is something you’ve started to build since you moved to try and keep your anxiety at bay, not all the time it works but its a good way to get your day started. you started with washing your face, brushing your teeth, then brushing the bedhead out of the mess you call hair.
a couple minutes later, you hear the kettle hiss and you make your way back to the kitchen and turn off the stove. you picked your favorite mug out of your cabinet and make your tea. leaving the kitchen, you went back to sit on the couch and think about a million different outcomes that would possibly happen tonight when you see her. you wonder if you’re reading too much into the way she talked to you, was she even flirting with you at all? or just being nice? did she just feel bad about seeing what happened outside her gym?
your phone buzzed in the mist of your thoughts on your and you read a text from dina telling you they’re leaving for the gym around 7 and if you wanted a ride. before responding you pulled up the weather app on your phone and decided you could walk there, its a warm summer day out again and by the time the sun fell, it would be cool enough to walk and it was only about 15 minutes from your house, that and leaving open the possibility that she would want to drive you home again.
you texted her back saying that you would just meet them there. you looked at the time seeing its about eleven thirty so you still have a while until you have to leave. you decided you were gonna be productive today. you did laundry and washed your sheets, did the dishes, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom and made a sandwich for lunch even thought by now it was 4 o clock. as you were walking around your apartment, you made a mental note to try and find some nice thrift stores around to help you decorate your place. you made your way to your bathroom to shower for tonight.
you love taking long showers, its your guilty pleasure. thanking god that your landlord pays your water bill as you dried off from the shower, put on your strawberry lotion, a big black t-shirt and fuzzy socks to hang around in while you did your hair and minimal makeup. you couldn’t stop thinking about seeing her tonight. new girl was playing on the tv in your room as you finished the final touches on your face. doing light everything since its hot but still wanting to look nice for the occasion: finally seeing her again.
four episodes later and its 6 o clock so you change into a pair of black levi shorts and a green top. your hair and makeup still looked good from earlier so nothing to touch up but you still triple checked yourself. you wish you could have smoked today to help beat the nerves but you wouldn’t have anything until tonight, smiling to yourself thinking of you and her on the phone both laughing when you asked if she was bribing you. you slipped on your converse, grabbed your bag, and locked the front door behind you and started making your way to ellie’s gym.
you got there around seven and you didn’t see jesses car yet but you did see hers. ellie’s beat up 2000 green honda cry sat in a spot towards the back of the parking lot. memories of you leaning on her window practically admitting you liked when she called you sweetheart and the peaceful feeling of comfortable silence you both held.
you heard someone call your name in the distance to turn and see dina getting out of the car, you were so concentrated on ellies car you didn’t even see them pull in. you made your way over and greeted them with a hug as dina wrapped your arm in hers and dragged you in with her, jesse following behind. you tried to calm your nerves but it just wasn’t working. not nervous about being here, even after what happened outside with the man last time, but of seeing her again. you’ve only spoken to her a handful of times but you thought of her more times than you can count.
as soon as you made it closer towards the front door, it was loud, like the first time you were here. loud people, loud lights, loud everything but now knowing it was ellie’s changed it. jesse held the door as dina went in first and you both followed. florescent lights beamed from above you, shining on the sweaty bodies in the gym. it was just like it was the first time you came. your nerves followed you everywhere, but it was worth seeing her again.
you went in and dina guided you guys to the same table you had last time. you wonder if they sit here every time. you looked around for ellie but you didn’t see her anywhere. you saw her car so she has to be here.
dina and jesse got up to go get drinks from the makeshift bar while you sat and waited for them to bring back your drink. you looked over to them waiting their turn when you heard something behind you.
“hey sweetheart,” she whispered close to your ear, and before you could respond she pulled out the the seat next to you and sat down.
“hey ellie,” you said almost startled. she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a black t shirt and all her tattoos were showing this time. it was almost mind blowing seeing her and you couldn’t even explain what it did to you. you don’t understand why a girl you barely know has this effect on you.
“i told you to call me el,” she said and laughed kindly towards you, “i have the stuff for you” she finished.
“oh thank you, i’d hope so considering that’s the reason i came,” you joked.
“wait you mean you didn’t come to see me?” she said sounding fake hurt.
“that was just a plus,” you flirted. dina and jesse came back to the table with the drinks before she responded to you and they both greeted ellie as they sat.
“hey els we didn’t see you before we ordered the drinks, i can go get one for ya?” jesse asked her.
“nah i’ll wait til the next round, thanks though” she told him. she smiled at you and the conversation started between all four of you, before you knew it an hour and a half passed, you had more three more rounds and just enjoyed your friday night. the match started and you find it so convenient that you can still see the ring from where the table is so theres no need to get up and watch considering its not ellie up there.
you watched for a bit until it was coming to the end, cheering erupted and ellie told dina and jesse that she was going out for a smoke, before she got up, she leaned over to you and whispered “you coming sweetheart?” softly in your ear, her face inches away from yours, then she moved back and smiled. she held out her hand and you held it as she pulled you up with her as you blushed so hard, you swear you turned into a tomato.
your eyes stayed on her hand holding yours and the beautiful moth tattoo covering her arm, not believing that she’s actually touching you again. you followed behind her as she moved with you through the gym towards the door, as you walked out still hand in hand you saw the side of the building, it was the same place she defended you the first time you met her.
she lead you over to a bench that you never even realized was there. your hands broke as you both sat, she went pull out her cigarette pack and the lighter from her back pocket when she noticed you were staring at her still. she smirked as she opened the pack, and surprisingly pulled out a joint. she put it in her mouth and brought the lighter up to it before telling you “its not polite to stare sweetheart.”
you blushed and looked away as soon as she said it. she laughed and she passed the joint to you, you told her you just couldn’t help it. and you really couldn’t, she’s breathtaking. the way her freckles danced across her whole face, her eyes had a small tint of brown circling her iris, the scar on her right eyebrow, the way her lips just sat perfectly on her face. you so badly want to reach out and touch them again.
you hit it a couple times, you are sure your cheeks haven’t been back to normal since you saw her and you wonder if she’s noticed. you passed her back the joint and she staring at you taking in every detail of you too as she brought it to her mouth and took a hit. blowing out the smoke she smirked, and said “i can’t either sweetheart.”
she leaned back against the bench, legs spread a little as she handed you the joint and asked, “so what brought you here besides jesse?” she acquired. you told her about living in brooklyn, above the cafe you worked and how your time spent there wasn’t totally great but the real reason was running from a shitty past, you weren’t ready to tell her specifics but you told her that’s why you left, you had to get away from what happened there but it was more like who. she told you she understood and then she told you “well i’m glad you’ve made your way here sweetheart.”
you don’t know if it was the alcohol or weed but you sat outside on the bench for another 20 minutes, smoking and laughing as you talked about so much: you talked about the tv shows you’re both watching, the albums you had on repeat, the guilty pleasures you both had and what you both did in your free time. you spoke to one another like you’ve known each other for years. it just feels so good to talk to someone like this again.
she learned that your parents live in portland, so moving coasts was a big deal but you felt like you were on auto-pilot growing up and you knew you had to get out when you could, she learned that you dropped out of college two years and haven’t made any plans to go back but you would like to. you told her a couple funny stories about you and jesse growing up and she laughed at them all.
you found out that she plays guitar and that she spends time drawing and journaling. you learn that ellie was adopted when she was 14, she grew up in boston, and she has an older sister named sarah but that she doesn’t come around much anymore since she gotten married. she told you that her dad passed away from a heart attack about a year ago and since then, her and her uncle tommy.
“im sorry to hear about your dad els” you sympathized.
“its okay sweetheart, just fucking sucks sometimes.” she responded softly as she put the joint out next to her and slipped it back in her cigarette pack. instead this time she pulled out a cigarette and lit that this time. she slid it in her pocket before she stood up off the bench, offering you her hand again and said you should probably head back inside.
you grabbed her warm hand and stood up to follow her, you started the walk towards the side door but before she opened it, she turned around to you and faced you.
“hey sweetheart?” she asked.
“yes els?” you waited for her to continue, her hand still covering yours.
“im glad you came sweetheart, this was nice, i mean as nice as it gets sitting on the side of this place,” she laughed softly, you felt like she was closer than ever but maybe because you just wanted her to be, “you know, id love to do this again.. and maybe play you something on my guitar.. if you want.” she said almost nervously, feeling the urge to look away from you.
“i would love that els.” you said, looking up from staring at your hands together to smiling in her face. you cant believe she asked you, part of you prayed she would, you knew there was a connection here. she realized it too. your eye contact never faded as you stood here.
“great, im looking forward to it more than you know,” she told you sweetly. she let go out hand and you felt slight disappoint in your heart as you assumed she was going to turn around and open the door and this moment would be over. instead, she brought her hand up to your face and let it rest on your cheek as she brushed her thumb over it. the touch of her warm hand sent sparks through your body this time and you couldn’t be bothered moving as she grew closer to you.
“you have no idea how much i wanna kiss you right now.” she whispered, from only what felt like two inches away from your lips. fuck, you thought silently. she was so close to you, you could feel her breathe as she spoke.
“please do it.” you practically whined, you couldn’t take this anymore. all you wanted to do was feel her lips on yours. after you spoke, you felt her thumb move from your cheek to brushing your lips softly. the drinks you had definitely brought out your confident and the want you had for her.
“oh sweetheart,” she purred towards you, “how badly i want to but it has to be more special than this.” she said moving her thumb back to your red cheek.
“just as long as it happens el,” you responded, breathing heavier as your nerves grew in anticipation.
she nodded as she slowly moved her hand off your face and brought it down to your hip and gave it a squeeze, still smiling at you as she reached to open the door and let you through in front of her.
you walk back into the gym and went to find jesse and dina. you saw jesse at the bar and ellie went over to him, telling you she was getting more drinks. you went over to dina at the table and took a seat next to her. you asked her how the match went and she told you same as always and nothing crazy this time.
“you guys were out there for a while, whats up with that?” dina asked while smirking and wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“dina…” you laughed, “we just smoked and talked for a bit.” you replied to her.
“sureeee that’s all, we see the way you look at her!”, she squealed, “and the way she looks at you, it just seems pretty obvious.”
you laughed and told her that nothing happened yet but you did admit to her that you wanted it to.
“stop we knew it!” she laughed loudly and hit the table in excitement. you pulled your hands to your face that was full of embarrassment.
“what do you mean you knew it, was it obvious?” you gasped. your eyes darting towards ellie at the makeshift bar.
“to me and jesse yes.” she told you still smiling over the fact that her two friends maybe starting something new soon.
as you went to reply, the drinks were on the table, jesse and ellie were back already at the table pulling their chairs. the conversation between you and dina came to a halt as you all started talking. you all sat, conversing and finished your last round by the time it hit around 11 pm. you were getting tired and you were definitely drunk after all the rounds of drinks everyone bought. the matches ended an hour ago and you guys were the last few people left besides the lady behind the bar and a couple stragglers paying their tab and chatting.
“hey i think me and d are gonna head out,” he said looking over to dina, who was definitely feeling all the drinks she had, he laughed and said, “this one needs to make it home into bed. can you make it home okay? i can take you now if you need” he asked talking to you.
“no i’m gonna take her home.” ellie cut in before you could respond. you looked at her and smiled as jesse told you to text when you both got home safe. he helped dina up and they made their way to the door. your eyes followed til they left and then you turned to ellie, who was already staring at you.
“that okay sweetheart? that i take you home again?” she asked smirking towards you.
“yeah els, that’s okay.” you blushed as she stood up and put her hand out for the third time tonight. you connected your hands again. touching her had your skin was burning up. you followed her into a back office. paperwork, receipts, and random things littered the room. as you looked around and saw a decent couch, a safe in the corner and a coffee area on a little table and a large desk with folders and boxes of things you didn’t know.
you watched as ellie disconnected your hands to go over to pick up her backpack from the side of the couch and then she grabbed a jacket she had hanging over the deck of the chair to the desk, she slid it over her shoulders then grabbed a piece of paper, writing something non legible from where you were standing. she smiled when she turned towards you and held her arm out motioning to the door for you guys to exit.
the stragglers were gone and the bartender bid ellie goodnight as she walked out the front door. you walked the distance of the gym and made it to the door with ellie, she leaned over and turned the lights off and then held the door opened for you.
you told her thank you and she nodded towards you, “i think we should walk, it’s not far from your apartment.” she spoke looking towards you for confirmation as she turned and locked up the gym for the night.
“that’s okay but how are you going to get home without your car?” you asked. you didn’t want her walking home alone either, you knew she could handle herself but still, the thought made you worry.
“i’m only 5 minutes away from you actually so its not far, ill be back for my car tomorrow.” she told you. you nodded and both of you continued to walk the sidewalk in a comfortable silence next to each other. you glanced up at the sky, noticing the stars and the way the moon beamed over the city. it was so much cooler now than it was earlier and you moved to brush over the goosebumps that covered your arms. ellie noticed your movement and took off her jacket. you turned when you noticed what she was going and told her, “no its okay we’ll be there soon i don’t need it.”
“sorry sweetheart, got to make sure you stay warm.” she smirked as she put it over your shoulders and watched as you put your arms in. you smiled to her as you readjusted it and continued the walk to your place. the smell of her engulfed you and you’ve never felt so comfortable.
“its so beautiful.” you whispered, “and quiet, new york was never like this. they don’t lie when they say the city never sleeps ya know?” you finished.
the city you moved to that you wish you could escape from. the shitty and abusive relationship you wish you could leave behind. the things you tried the most to forget. you never spoke about it, you just ran. the city you wished had better memories connected with it. but now all you want is to create new memories.
when you moved across the country, you told yourself that you’re not getting into anything here because you know you need to heal from the those years of abuse and insecurity so the last thing you expected was to meet ellie and end up feeling this way about her. you don’t want this to happen and you ruin it because you aren’t okay but with her, you feel like you could be okay one day.
“i could only imagine, boston was a busy place too but not the same, it always is quiet here.” she chuckled softly.
“i love it, things finally seem calm now.” you smiled as you looked her. she took in the sight of you in her jacket and she loved it. she can only imagine seeing you wear her t shirts… or nothing at all. she shook the thoughts from her head but she just couldn’t help it. you were the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen. you were breathtaking. she couldn’t believe she’d met someone like you in this shitty small town.
the town where her dad and her moved, and the memories of them together haunted her. now that he was gone, she knew a piece of her was missing. things were incomplete without him. he was all she thought about, the guilt of what happened and how she couldn’t do anything to stop it.
the only time ellie wasn’t thinking about joel was when she was thinking about you, she was grateful that she met you. she didn’t know what this was going to turn into but she hoped it would be something. she sees the effects she has on you and she wishes she really knew how to communicate with you that she feels the same way about you.
you continued the walk in a comfortable silence, both of you wrapped in your thoughts of each another and eventually made it to the front of your building. you turned to face her with a smile,“here i am,” you spoke softly to her, not wanting the night to come to an end.
“here you are, thank you for letting me take you home sweetheart, call it peace of mind,” she admitted.
“thank you for walking me els… do you want to come up?” you said without a thought. you didn’t know if this is was the alcohol talking but you know you didn’t regret it when you said it and you wish that’s what you could blame it on but you knew you wanted this even sober.
“if you want me to sweetheart” she smirked as she responded.
you stepped closer to her as you looked at her, only a couple inches away from her face, watching her eyes move from your eyes to your lips. you knew you both could feel the tension.
“please just say yes.” you sighed wishing you could feel her lips on yours already.
“okay sweetheart, lets go.” she pulled away but connected your hands and it took you a second to recognize that she agreed. you turned around, suddenly nervous about the fact that she’s going to see where you spend your days. you opened the door to the lobby, and ellie held the door as you both walked in. she followed you up the stairs by the front, and you made your way to the front door as you held ellie’s hand in one and used the other to pull your keys from your bag.
you unlocked the door and you brought ellie in with you before the door was shut and you were locking it. you took off her jacket and put it on your coat rack and turned to look at her.
“okay it’s kind of a mess so i’m sorry but-“ you started before she cut you off.
“sweetheart, your place is practically spotless, you should see mine.” ellie laughed.
you laughed as you pulled ellie over to the green couch that took up a lot of your living room but it was a dream purchase and you loved it. you told ellie to take a seat as you walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some water for you both. as you were walking back towards her, she was digging around in her backpack. as you placed the waters down and took a seat, she pulled out weed in a jar and handed it to you.
“here this is yours.” she said.
“oh thank you! i totally forgot, do you want to smoke now- fuck i don’t think i have anything to roll with.” you told her as you went to open the windows in your living room.
instead of saying anything, she reached back into her backpack and pulled out a jar of already rolled joints.
“i came prepared.” she laughed, “and you won’t owe me anything for that.” she said, motioning to the stuff she gave you as her hands were cracking open the jar of pre-rolls.
“ellie- no i’ll give you the cash,” but she shook her head no and brought the lighter to the joint between her lips.
“no, it’s on me, don’t worry about it.” she responded as she took a hit.
“do you give other people weed for free?” you asked, looking at her as she was smoking while sitting next to you on the couch. you wish you could stay like this forever.
“only pretty girls that i like…” she said sweetly as you held eye contact as she handed you the joint.
“oh so you think i’m pretty?” you teased her as you took a hit.
“sweetheart, i think you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.” she told you. you instantly blush and look away from her, trying not to choke on the smoke you held in your lungs.
“thank you els, i think you’re beautiful.” you said to her. when you looked up, you saw her cheeks tint lightly as she grabbed the joint you held out to her.
“thanks sweetheart.” she said as she put the joint down on a cup at the table you’d been using as an ashtray and she brought her hand up and held your cheek like she did earlier. you couldn’t help yourself as you nuzzled your face into her warm hand. your eye contact only made the tension in the room worse.
“you really are beautiful… sweetheart, can i?” she asked as she looked down at your lips. you nodded and as she came closer, your lips just barely brushing, as she asked, “i need to hear you pretty girl.”
“yes please els- please just kiss me already.” you begged.
her lips were on yours before you could even realized this was actually happening. your lips moved slow together at first but you couldn’t help yourself from deepening the kiss as ellie brought her other hand up and tangled it in your hair as you moaned, her tongue slipped into your mouth, both of you tasting the weed and alcohol you consumed.
one of your hand rested against her chest and the other gripping her arm as you melted into the kiss. both ellie’s hands were in your hair now as your tongues continued to fight for dominance but you let her win and moaned again and she swallowed it as she kissed you.
ellie pulled your leg over her lap so you straddled her, never breaking your lips apart. your lips continued to move in sync as you grinded against her. her hands on your hips moving with you. your lips stay connected until you broke the kiss to come up for air and rested your forehead on hers.
“you okay sweetheart?” ellie panted as she caught her breath too.
“yes els just need a second.” you said as your eyes stayed shut while you tried to control your breathing. you couldn’t believe that you guys finally kissed. the tension was killing you both and now it’s finally happened.
“hey it’s okay, take your time sweetheart.” ellie said as she rubbed a hand along your thigh at a comfortable pace, brushing the cloth from your shorts as she moved it. she brought the other one up to your cheek and lifted your head to look at you. you looked tired and ellie didn’t want to take full advantage of you after you guys had been drinking and smoking all night.
“hey sweetheart, lets get you to bed, we’ll finish this another time i promise.” she said sweetly as you mumbled an “okay els thank you,” and moved off her lap to sit back on the couch. ellie stood up and offered her hand. you stood up and walked both of you to your bedroom.
you moved to sit on the edge of your king sized bed and ellie stood in front of you still holding your hand as you asked her if she wanted to stay the night because it was late and you didn’t want her walking home.
“sure sweetheart i’ll sleep on the couch, and only for your peace of mind.” she chuckled, thinking back to the conversation earlier.
“els we can share the bed, it’s okay, i’ll keep my hands to myself.” you joked and she laughed.
“i don’t think i’d be complaining if you couldn’t but i’m okay on the couch.” ellie insisted.
“els please just lay with me.” you said looking up at her as she moved her hand to rest on your cheek again.
“okay sweetheart.” she finally agreed.
you smiled up at her and you took ellie’s hand from your face and guided her into the bathroom connected to your room. she watched as you bent down and opened the sink cabinet and grabbed a toothbrush. you turned around and handed it to her with a smile. you guys brushed your teeth and then went back into your bedroom.
ellie stood here as you moved across the room to your dresser, and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from your drawer and handed them over to ellie. she told you thank you and you smiled at her. ellie walked into the bathroom to change and you walked back to the dresser. you stripped yourself of your shirt and bra before throwing on a different oversized tee and changing your underwear. you didn’t even realize you were soaked after what happened on the couch.
ellie watched you as she leaned against the bathroom door frame as you untangled the sides of your underwear after you pulled them up.
“you’re perfect”, she thought in head before speaking out loud. “thanks sweetheart.” you turned around when ellie spoke, sending her a smile before you moved to your side of the bed, you grabbed the duvet and moved it so you both were able to get in your bed.
you and ellie laid facing each other in a comfortable silence as you were both growing incredibly tired. you felt your eyes starting to get heavy and felt ellie’s hand brush your hair back from your face so you kept your eyes open to look at her.
“el?” you whispered.
“yes sweetheart?” she spoke quietly back to you.
“i really like you… i don’t know if this is too early but it just feels right.”
“i feel it too sweetheart, i like you too so don’t worry,” ellie said softly, hand still holding your face, “now get some sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning pretty girl.”
“goodnight els.” you whispered.
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jinxificada · 6 months
something to relax
dealer!jinx x fem!reader
summary: you deserve a rest, so you turn to the infamous jinx for help.
notes: nsfw, modern au, wc 4k !! inaccurate drug dealing.
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"i'm telling you, you're insanely overworking yourself. i don't even understand where'd you get all the time to do everything you do." your friend scolds you jokingly, though you can tell she's honestly worried for you.
"nonsense." you roll your eyes in denial, "i'm alright, we take the same classes."
"i'm not in any club doing extracurricular stuff, nor am i tutoring any dumb kid." she discusses, walking with you through the crowded hallway towards your next class.
"well i don't really have a choice, it's for the-"
"the scholarship, i know." she sighs, finally arriving. "just... please take a moment to relax."
you both take your seats almost in the middle of the classroom, by the windows. she always sat in front of you, so she would turn around and chat whenever she wanted without you being able to ignore her.
"what about we go to that party on saturday?" she proposes and you already bite your lip with an hesitant expression, "please! we don't have to stay the whole time, just an hour or two."
"i don't know... i don't have a car and it’ll be too late to take the bus." you poorly excuse, not wanting to fully reject her.
"i can drive you! or you can just stay at mine." she happily resolves and you just nod with a sigh.
it's not that you didn't like hanging out with your friend, nor she's always so insistent. she usually is very understanding and gives you space. but the exams were getting close and you needed to higher your grades in a couple of classes, so you've been paying extra attention in classes, speaking with a couple of teachers on how to improve your grades and busying yourself with the usual assignments, the extra assignments, and tutoring this one kid below your year for some extra money.
unlike most of the students here, your family isn't able to properly pay for your education. you've done your previous years in the public school your small town, your teachers were so amazed with your capabilities that they recommended your parents to send you somewhere... better. they all collaborated on writing a recommendation letter for your acceptance. and you got the full scholarship! congrats, now you have to work harder than your classmates in order to keep it.
it wasn't fair, and your friend knew it. she felt so bad that she couldn't help you with money or your studies, but she can help you to ease your mind a bit.
so, you could only frown while making a mental list of all the valuable things you could be doing instead of this, standing in a big kitchen full of intoxicated teenagers. your friend was trying to talk with you while mixing alcohol in disposable cups for each one of you.
"and tomy was sticking his tongue inside of mary's mouth in front of her father, ew! you should've seen their faces when they realized, her father was burning red, i don't know if from embarrasment or anger." she rambled with a loud laugh.
you chuckle, mostly because her laugh was contagious. "who was tomy, again?"
"shh, he's coming." she suddenly leans in to whisper before pulling back wearing her social smile, "tomyy!"
a rather scrawny tall boy comes from behind you saying your friend's name in the same way, "fancy seeing you here!" ah, he had a high pitched voice.
"i didn't want you to miss me!" she quickly jokes, "nice party!"
"i'm guessing you're having a good time." he chuckles. at this point he's set himself right next to you and still hadn't acknoledge you. "have you already found jinx?" he asks curiously with a supposedly mischeavous smile.
"damn, she's here already?"
"yeah, just bought from her in the second garden."
'what the hell is a second garden?' you thought with a weirded out glance.
they chat a bit more and you think you know the kitchen from memory after rolling your eyes around as they talked. the boy soon moves to another guest and your friend turns back to you.
"the funniest thing is that they were sent to the principal's office was for sucking their faces off in the middle of class." she continues the conversation she was having with you as if you've never been interrupted, it was a talent of hers.
'is this what she thinks of a relaxing night...?' you mentally complained. you had your friend talk you ear off 5 days a week, but that didn't seem enough for her. at some point you muted her voice from your head and only listened to the loud pop music and different people talking over each other. your eyes were fixed on the next room through the kitchen's door, the flashing lights barely illuminated the crowd. blondes, brunettes and redheads, they all stay in the background when a blue head pushes through them to your way.
you physically react with a quiet sigh when you can see her face. a pretty girl, with the softest features you've ever seen, decorated with a messy dark makeup and intense eyes. curious to see how her full style looked like your gaze lowers on her body, she was wearing a white laced corset gripping her chest for life and low wasted black denim shorts, along with the biggest boots you've ever seen.
the girl who caught your eye walked into the room with loud, confident steps. people quickle recognized her, some greeted, some lowered their eyes to the floor. she only smiled briefly before grabbing two closed bottles of vodka like she owned the place and left.
"who was that?" you breath out, realizing you've been holding it the whole time.
"jinx," your friend shrugged, "local dealer, mental problems and rich daddy." she summarized, fixing her lipstick and soon changing the topic.
the night ended up being a boomer. your friend got a stoner to share his blunt with you both and that, mixed with the alcohol you had been drinking since the night started, made you both pretty tired and sleepy. luckily, your friend's house was about two streets down from the party, allowing you to arrive sound and safe while intoxicated.
you couldn't deny that you slept like a baby.
but the week started again a day after, along with your responsabilities. and it seemed that it's gonna be a shitty one.
for your extracurricular activity, you had the job to take decent pictures for the school's paper. they were all rejected by the president in charge. you scored a negative B in a practically easy test because you were too distracted noticing that the so named jinx was in the same class as you. 'she looks very pretty in the dark blue uniform.' was your constant thought. and the cherry on top, you didn't have your extra money of the week because the parents of your student were late with the payment.
they were showered in wealth, why won't they give you your 50 dollars? now they’ll have to pay $100 next week.
but for now… you had to survive with the remaining money you had left for the rest of the week. and it was only monday.
you thought you could handle this particularly difficult week, but all this tension build up only to blow up on your face. and the face of the teacher who was telling you why you had to rewrite the essay you just submitted.
you were use to cry over stress, you thought it was a healthy way of letting it out. just not in the public eye.
tears and sobs were comming out of you as you walked down the halls, feeling like millions of eyes were judging you. how embarrasing, right? but that was only your mind playing you, the only person who looked at you twice was tomy who recognized you but couldn't recall from where.
it was friday and the classes already ended, the club was about to start in ten minutes but you were debating whether test your luck and see if it can all get shittier or just call it a day and go home.
but a loud yell of your name from behind you interrupted this final decision, your friend throted her way up to you and worriedly wiped your tears.
"are you okay? what happened?"
"i'm fucked up! i'm gonna fail all my exams and get kicked out from this stupid school!" you dramatically cried in the comfort of your friend's arms. you knew she was fighting demons to not roll her eyes and say 'i told you'.
she listened to your whines for a couple more minutes until she had an idea.
"okay stop, shush." you frowned but stayed quiet anyways, "listen, i know jinx stays in club hours to sell, she must be in that shitty bathroom from the second floor. why don't you go buy some weed and relax this weekend?"
your frown deepened and even a light blush appeared on your wet cheeks, "uhm, i don't know... why don't you just stay at my house to hangout, please?"
"oh hun, i would love to but my parents are taking me to visit my grandma." who lived far far away, you nodded. "just, try what i'm telling you, okay?"
"okay..." you hesitantly say, your friend seemed in a rush because just when you were about to ask her how much it would probably cost and how many grams you should buy, she pecked both of your cheeks in goodbye and left you standing in an almost empty hallway.
you were on your own now, hoping the 15 dollars you had left from this long week would be enough, but you doubted it.
you hesitantly pushed the door of the supposedly shitty bathroom (it didn't have a mirror, nor the renovated cubicle doors the other's had, though it was perfectly functional). welcomed by the sight of jinx sitting on top of the counter sink, ciggarette in hand and an amused smile on her face while she talked with another girl.
they quickly shut up at your presence. you purse your lips awkwardly at them, you were about to greet them when this other girl just scoffed as if you ruined something and leaned to whisper in the bluehaired's ear. jinx only chuckled in what you thought was a very flirty manner and the girl left, leaving you alone with her.
it was a good moment to say something, jinx was looking at you expectantly but you were too busy checking her out.
the school uniform itself is rather conservative, but it was usual for students to fix it to their liking as long as it isn't too inappropiate. jinx seemed to be an exception, because you didn't know how was she allowed to move around with the skirt so short. you weren't complaining, not at all. with the way she crossed her legs you could easily appreciate her pale legs, noticing a few marks and bruises which fed your curiosity.
she cleared her throat, "so? you came all the way here to stare at me?"
"no- no, sorry." you quickly apologized and presented yourself, taking a few steps closer, your voices echoing in the bathroom,
"right… what can i offer you?"
though her words were friendly enough, her tone was playful and given that you had a breakdown just minutes ago, you couldn't help but feel like she was mocking you. she probably was.
"i, uh, i was wondering what's your cheapest relaxing item?" you hesitantly ask, seeing the corner of her lips rising the slightest bit in a smirk.
"are you familiar with drugs?"
"no... not really."
"then i have the perfect discount for you!" jinx smiles brightly and you get even more closer, interested. "weed is ideal for begginers, and i can give you 15g for 100 bucks, whatcha say?"
"oh." you instantly gloom. "and... h-how much for 2 or 3g?"
"3 grams? you can barely make a blunt with that." she mocks raising an eyebrow, studying you for a second before smirking again. it was hard to read her, but you could sense she had something in mind as it seemed rather mischeavous. "for 3g... 20 bucks."
you sighed, looking away in embarrasment. you heard that her prices were high, but this... what did she need so much money for, anyways?
"okay, um... i don't have enough money with me right now. thank you." you sheepeshly said, ready to turn around and go back home to keep crying.
"wait!" she suddenly says, decrossing her legs to shift in her spot, "don't give up so easily... we can arrange something..."
"arrange...?" you repeated, confused. jinx motioned with her fingers to approach her and you did, mantaining a respectable distance before she could reach your arm and pull you even closer, caresing the lenght of it along with your hand. you were stunned, feeling your ears and chest warm up. "how come?" you murmured, trying to grasp on the situation.
"i'm feelin' nice..." she hummed, "i can give you 5g... if you give me head."
"e-excuse me?" that was your first reaction, pulling the hand she was holding away and to your chest, "what...? are you serious?"
"oh don't be such a prude!" she chuckles, giving you a knowing look, "d'ya think i'm dumb? i've seen you staring, i know you want me."
her bluntness made you blush, damn, her mere presence made you blush. she was exposing you while offering her body in change of some weed. you've never been in this kind of situation before, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of something to say.
she kept distracting you though, with that pretty smirk of hers. since you didn't instantly ran away, jinx knew her guess was correct. reaching for your hand again and rounding your hips with her long legs to pull you closer, till your body hit the counter she was sitting on.
"i know you want me." she repeated in a low tone, "and i know you need it, toots." you unconsciously lean into her touch as she caress your cheek, right where the dried tears rested on.
"i don't want to t-take advantage of you..." you dumbly say, jinx almost pouted at how adorable you were. you thought it was you who was taking advantage of this?
"you're not, silly!" she giggled raspily, "this is business."
"i'm- i don't.... i'm not sure..." you rambled, and before you could make a point -if you were ever going to make it-, jinx pulled you into her for a kiss. a hungry, intense kiss.
and you instantly melted, your hands traveled to hug her waist as you reciprocated. she tasted like that ciggarette she was smoking a moment ago, mixed with the flavour of some candy.
you thought it was hot.
her body shifted closer, sitting by the edge of the counter to easily push her hips into you. the heated make-out was interrupted by her own heavy breaths.
"see, toots?" she rasped, "you can do it."
"okay." you hummed, leaning in to kiss her again. it was ridiculous really, how easily you gave in. specially after she dodged your attempt with an evil smirk.
"uh-uh." she pushed you by the shoulders, "i asked you to eat me out."
you almost scoffed in complain, before realizing that maybe… this was even better.
"but i have a condition." jinx called for your attention with an amused chuckle. "you have to make me squirt."
"fuck." you sighed, "really...? are you-?"
"i know i can, yeah." she nods, spreading her legs for you, "but it won't be easy..."
you certainly wouldn't mind trying, you weren't exactly up close to her pussy and you could already feel the smell of her arousal, inviting you to taste her. jinx lifted up her skirt to expose her lingerie, a furious pink with a wet spot on her center that watered your mouth.
soon enough you were kneeling down, it was a bit uncomfortable given the height of the sink. hesitantly, you licked your lips and looked up at her, in search of confirmation. in response, jinx flashed you a playful smile, leaning back to rest her weight on her hands.
satisfied, you concentrated on her pussy, carefully pressing down your thumb as if testing the waters. her hips twitched at the contact, moving towards your hand. you let out a hum, 'sensitive?'. experimentally, you sticked your tongue out to lap over her underwear, the wet spot growing as it mixed with your saliva. you were contently taking things slow, against jinx own desires.
she aggresively gripped your hair to push your head into her pussy, "don't tease me, nerd." she husked.
and you couldn't bring yourself to mind, rushing to move her panties to the side to finally taste her. you wanted to impress her, you wanted her to like you, and give her the best head she'd ever have. your lips hugged her clit, quickly working on her pussy, sucking and lapping. you were rewarded with quiet sighs and trembling legs, occasionally a moan. but it seemed that jinx was trying not to crumble, silencing her sounds by pressing her lips together, though it barely did the job. you didn't mind, not when you were making out with her pussy so fervently.
your hands gripped her plushy thighs as you put them on your shoulders, helping her to stay still. her hips twitched towards you every now and then, when you would suck particularly hard on her throbbing clit. and you? you were having the time of your life.
as busy as you always were, it’s been quite long since you had some fun like this.
jinx looked down at you with furrowed eyebrows and flushed cheeks, meowing softly as she felt herself coming undone at your enthusiastic work on her pussy. her hand pulled at your hair and you opened your eyes to meet hers, but her head was thrown back in pleasure. you didn’t stop, instead you moved your hand to furiously rub her center until she looked at you again, biting her lower lip to muffle her moan. she came against your mouth, rocking her hips lazily against you.
you licked her clean a few times before realizing you didn't accomplished your task, she didn't squirt.
"well well, toots," she said accompanied with a breathless and amused chuckle, "i told you it would be- mhm!" her mocking words were interrupted by your actions, you decided that you'll just try harder.
you went back at it, this time focusing more on her unattended hole. when your tongue explored a little more inside, your nose hit her clit sending shivers through her back as she arched. her initial surprise was overpowered with pleasure, she didn't care anymore about not showing how much she was enjoying herself.
after the previous stimulation, this time she reached her limit much quicker. you really wanted to make her squirt, so you put all your effort on your fingers, which you carefully put inside her. jinx cursed above you, letting you do whatever you wanted with your body as everything felt just so good for her.
and the reward came along her relief, her cum fell all over your lower face, though you shamelessly tried to drink all you could.
"mkay, stop-" jinx whined lowly as you kept your mouth attached to her pussy, against her own words her legs squeezed your head tightly.
you pulled back a few seconds later, wiping your chin with the back of your hand only to smudge all her fluids to your cheek, making her giggle. she motioned at you to get closer, opening the flush of water on the sink by her side.
"thanks." you smiled quietly as she cleaned your face with water, "your thighs..." you pointed out at the wet mess on her inner thighs.
"i know."
jinx took a deep breath before making an effort to get down the counter, barely struggling to make her way inside a cubicle. you shyly stayed put, fixing your hair looking to anywhere else to give her some privacy as she cleaned herself up.
"i didn't know you were that stubborn." the bluehaired girl mocked you, suddenly she was by your side again. this time cornering you.
"you- you asked me to do it."
there was something so mesmerizing in her blushed cheeks, her darkened blue eyes. your breath got caught in your throat when you felt her slim fingers sneaking under your skirt uniform to playfully pull on the edge of your underwear.
you only looked at her with little hesitance before you tried to lean in and kiss her. she dodge your attempt for the second time, not letting you time to react when she forcefully turned you around, pushing her chest on your back.
"i can give you the 15g, if you let me play a little bit." she whispered against your ear, nibbling at the earring you were wearing, "hmm? will ya let me?"
"yeah," you quickly agreed with a pleading voice, hitching up your own skirt and resting your hand on top of hers while pushing your hips, your movements were hurried and desperate, there was a pulsing desiring waiting to be attended. jinx was overly amused, rubbing your center over your underwear. "yes..." you sighed, throwing your head back to her side, leaving you neck exposed for her to keep her lips busy with.
breathless moans left your mouth, relaxing your body against her touch when loud steps startled you. it was impossible for you to ignore them because there was a chance that someone could caught you both. though jinx didn't seem to care, mindlessly biting your skin.
"did you hear that?" you mumbled, your body tensed in anticipation.
"yeah," she giggled in response, capturing your attention by getting her hands under you panties which got a squeak sound out of you. "imagine if they find us here."
"not funny-" you grumbled, unable to push her away but your eyes fixed on the closed door.
"c'mon baby, must be the janitor. he's not allowed to come here." she reassured, her other hand moving your head to her, kissing your lips messily.
you gave in, sighing into her as she pump her fingers in and out of you. you already felt so stimulated that a few minutes later you were already cumming on her hand. she doesn't stops till you ride out of your high.
jinx loudly pecks your cheek, pulling her fingers out and up to her mouth, sucking off your cum.
"god." your voice trembled at the sight.
she only smirked at you, walking to her bag which was laying on the floor. your eyes were closed while you fixed yourself again, anxious to get home and change your dirty underwear as you can uncomfortably feel the stickness.
when you opened them, jinx left on the counter a small ziploc bag.
"a deal is a deal." she shrugs, "enjoy."
you slowly reached to the bag, a bit conflicted by how the situation was ending.
“i- i’m not even sure i needed it now.”
jinx raised her eyebrows at your murmur, you came to her with those desperate and anxious eyes, only for you to not accept it?
but she knew better, with her signature mischievous smirk she approached you once again, puts the bag in your hands and let her fingers linger a bit more on top of them.
“how about this? take ‘em home, use it tonight and touch yourself thinking ‘bout me.”
your eyes open slightly, and you blush like you didn’t just fuck her a couple of minutes ago. either she always caught you out of guard, or you’re simply not used to being… so vulgar.
“so? will you do that f’me?” she stares at you expectantly with those big blue eyes, amused by your reactions.
“y-yeah, yes i’ll do it.”
“cute.” she sighs, leaning to peck your cheek once again before going to grab her bag and walk towards the exit. “i want proof! text me later!” she chuckles loudly by the door and just as loudly smacks it closed.
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Rating: Teen Pairing: No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader Word Count: 4,550 Summary: Your ex boyfriend Simon is marrying Sabrina, the woman he left you for. You were sure you'd have have a date in time for his wedding... too bad you were wrong. Once again. your best friend Maria has to save the day by letting you use her handsome, single brother-in-law that owes her a favor as your date. Warnings: fluff, idk what's going on with me but there's so much fluff, soft joel, fake wedding date, rom com vibes, crying over a broken vibrator, no outbreak, maria and tommy are married, sarah and kevin live, british ex boyfriend, reader and joel are close in age (reader is 36, joel is 40), alcohol, i know the gif is marcus pike but i can't stop seeing young joel in this gif, anyways here's wonderwall, no use of y/n, not beta read
A/N: This was written for @justagalwhowrites' Joel Miller Birthday Celebration. Thank you to the always wonderful @ohheypedrito for suggesting the fake dating trope when I asked her what to write.
Fizzy mimosas, fluffy pancakes, crispy hash browns, and sweet maple syrup. Brunch on Sundays with Maria has been a long standing tradition for the two of you. Fifteen years of friendship kept stronger by always promising to make time for each other no matter what is going on in your lives.
These days, Maria’s raising a toddler while building a very successful career in the Austin district attorney's office whereas last night you cried over your vibrator dying while trying to pull an orgasm out of you for an endorphin rush. God knows you need one.
You’ve been in a hole since the arrival of Simon’s wedding invitation. The man you spent your most youthful and fulfilling years with is now marrying Sabrina, the beautiful co-worker he crashed your relationship for. Yeah, yeah, your twenty year partnership was already headed for the cliff, but her perky tits and pouty lips sure did speed up the demise. 
“So, Simon’s wedding is next weekend, how do you feel?” Maria interrogates from across the table.
“Fine!” you stuff a pancake triangle into your mouth. “It’s fine! I’m fine!”
“Mm,” she lifts a skeptical eyebrow. Why do you lie to her? She makes three figures locking away liars, she can spot them a mile away. “Let me guess, you still don’t have a date?”
“Ugh, no, why did I mark two on the RSVP?” 
“I told you not to,” Maria shakes her head 
“Yeah, but, I-I want to show him I’m doing great without him.”
“Babe,” Maria grabs your hand and squeezes it, “I say this with all the love in my heart… you’re not doing great.”
“I knoooow!” you sigh, closing your eyes. “I just thought… I’d show up in my pretty dress with a hot man on my arm and show Simon I’m happy and fulfilled without his love.”
“But you don’t ha–”
“Please, I know. I just– I’m happy for him in some really odd way but I also want to be… happy for myself.”
“Okay,” she nods before taking a deep breath, “here’s what I’m going to do for you. You know Joel?”
“Your… brother-in-law?”
“Yes, he owes me a favor, soooo, he’s going to be your date,” she sits back folding her arms across her chest with a smug smirk. “He’s handsome as hell and a good man but he’s very quiet and intimidating to those who don’t know him. He’s perfect for this situation.” 
You do know Joel… just not very well at all. There have been random run-ins at Miller family parties, but nothing more than a quick “hello” and “how are you?” exchanged between the two of you. He seems the opposite of your Dartmouth educated, polo playing yuppie of an ex. “Yoo hoo,” Maria waves her hand in front of your face catching your attention. “Does that work for you?”
“Oh, sorry, yeah, I think… it does,” a relieved smile lifts your face.  
Maria has, once again, fixed your problem. 
Your fingers nervously tap against the countertop. “Come on, pick uuup, pick uuuup, pick uuu–”
“Miller,” a deep voice answers.
“H-Hi, uh, Joel?” You feel a third your age, like you’re right back in middle school calling the cute boy in your science class because your friend dared you. 
“Hey, uh, you’re my wedding date? Maria… she gave me your number so we can plan?”
“Oh, yes,” his voice softens. “Saturday, right?”
“Yeah, uh… I think it might be good to go over a story for us before the big day.”
“Right,” he chuckles, “I’m all ears.”
Your eyes roam down your notes from the call. “So, we formally met at Kevin’s graduation party. I call you ‘honey’, our first date was to a movie and then to pizza. We’ve been together for a little over a year. You hate sushi and love tamales. You don’t like water slides. You play the guitar. You have a daughter named Sarah who’s a senior in high school. You own a construction company with Tommy… I think that’s about right?”
"Believe so," the bass of his quiet voice causes goosebumps to pebble your skin. If he's doing this to you over the phone, what will the wedding be like?
"Okay," you settle against your sofa, "and for me?" 
Papers shuffle before Joel clears his throat. “Hm, okay. I asked Tommy for your number after Kevin’s graduation party. You work at an insurance company, but you dream of owning your own bookstore one day. You love mashed potatoes. I call you 'baby.' Your favorite color is bronze. You’re a night owl forced to be an early bird. You love Taylor Swift unapologetically. You like staying over at my home because your favorite coffee place delivers to my house.”
“Perfect. I know this is totally weird and all, but, thanks for doing this. Sometimes I allow my pride to sabotage me... and Maria has to come in and save me.”
“She’s good at that.”
“Thanks again Joel.”
“You’re welcome,” his voice feels you with warmth. “I’ll pick you up on Saturday.” 
“Yes, Saturday. Until then, have a good week.”
“You too.”
After saying goodbye, you hang up with a plume of butterflies in your stomach. 
“Okay! Get ready!” you shout from behind your bathroom door. 
Your Sunday brunch date with Maria has been moved up to a Saturday afternoon primping and preening spree in your home as she helps you get ready to watch the once love of your life marry someone else. 
You step out of the bathroom to find Maria sitting cross-legged on your bed. As soon as she sees you, she leans forward with wide eyes.
"Wow," she breathes, her voice filled with awe. "I mean, seriously, wow."
"Really?" you ask, giving a twirl in your mauve dress, adorned with a delicate print of sequined flowers blooming across the bodice.
“Really,” her eyebrow angles as she nods, “I can’t wait for Miller to have to deal with keeping his cool around you.”
Maria just smiles, “Let’s just say, you look hot, that’s all I’m going to say.” 
A shiny black truck pulls into your driveway. Panic jolts through you as you watch the door swing open from your front window. Out steps Joel Miller, impeccably dressed in a black suit. Oh good lord–he’s your date. Like, date date, as in the guy you’re going to be spending the rest of the night with. The anxiety over Simon and Sabrina’s wedding fades into the background, replaced by the overwhelming challenge of maintaining your composure in the presence of someone who looks that stunning in a tuxedo.
The doorbell rings. 
Okay, okay, you got this.
A gust of pleasant autumn air hits your skin when you open the door. Oh good LORD, he looks incredible. His hair is longer than you remember, falling in gentle waves you dream of running your fingers through. His beard is neatly trimmed, though slightly patchy with a strong mustache that frames his plush lips. He has a shy smile, his dimple makes a divot you want to press your finger into. His simple black suit stretches around his obviously toned and broad shoulders. 
“Hi, it’s uh, nice to see you again. Come on in,” you say, opening the door wider and stepping aside. 
“Course,” he replies, striding in past you. His hand twitches nervously when he turns and takes how you look fully in. “You look– y’look beautiful.” 
A flush of warmth spreads through you at the compliment from the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, now standing in the middle of your living room. 
“Oh, thanks, uh, it’s not every day your ex boyfriend of twenty years gets married to the woman he left you for… so I guess I needed to show off.”
“It’s–yeah–good,” he stammers, his eyes darting around the room, clearly avoiding your gaze.
“Well, uh, I just need to slip on my shoes and grab my bag, then we can get going. Make yourself at home.” 
“Sure thing.” 
As you head down the hall to get your things, you hear him let out a long sigh. 
Don’t worry dude, I get it. It’s going to be a long night. 
“So, um, I know, this is awkward,” you say, returning to the living room and dropping your shoes on the floor, “but I’m really grateful to you.”
He chuckles, sitting on the edge of your couch. “S’alright. I can’t say no to a free meal and open bar.” 
“If I still know Simon’s taste, it’ll be a top-notch open bar too,” you muse, slipping into your high heel and bending over to fasten the buckle. 
You glance up when you hear Joel’s breath catch. He’s staring intently at you–more specifically, at your exposed leg and thigh, courtesy of the high slit in your dress. 
You really had to pick the dress that Maria dubbed “the revenge dress,” didn’t you? He clears his throat and quickly averts his gaze, but the charged atmosphere lingers. You try to ignore it, buckle your other shoe and grab your clutch.
“Ready?” you ask. 
“I am," he replies, standing up and adjusting his neck tie, a hint of color warms his cheeks. . 
Joel’s truck looks quite out of place pulling into the Hurts Family’s grand estate. Of course Simon’s getting married at Father & Mother’s sprawling manor. You can’t help but wonder if the altar and ceremony will be located in the same conservatory you and Simon lost your virginity to each other in. 
The whole drive over, you and Joel practiced your spiels, all the while you tried to ignore the waves of attraction that vibrated between you and him in the small cab of his truck.
He pulls up to the valet and reluctantly hands his keys over to the college aged kid before hurrying over to your door, cutting in front of the doorman to help you down. What a gentleman.
Soft violin music floats through the air and white flower petals line the walkway leading into the massive estate that once felt like your second home. A nagging thought lingers in the back of your mind that you’re about to live what should’ve been your wedding day. 
You breathe out deeply, Joel grabs your hand as he guides you into the house. 
People mingle, some you don’t know, many you do. Aunt Billie, Uncle Martin, the cousins from Manchester, Simon’s favorite professor. Familiar faces surround you, what the hell were you thinking this would be okay?
You’ve known this home since you were twelve, Simon showed up in your seventh grade algebra class, a new student with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, you thought he was the prettiest boy you had ever seen, even before he spoke… the British accent would’ve been enough to sweep you off your feet. It took a couple years of friendship before you both admitted your crushes on each other, the confessions happened in the movie room, just down the hallway you stand near.
Love is fleeting, love is hopeless. You’ve learned to care for yourself like Simon once cared for you, but now in this home you used to sneak into, you feel just as alone as you did the day you moved out of the house you shared with him for a decade just two streets down from here. 
“Hey, you okay?” Joel leans in and whispers. “Squeezin’ my hand mighty hard.”
“Oh,” you blink, refocusing on him, “I am, it’s just… really bizarre and everything. Seeing so many familiar people I haven't seen in years feels strange.”
“You’re doing good, I got you,” he says, letting go of your hand, and wrapping his arm around your waist, guiding you farther into the mansion. 
The impressive altar stands in the conservatory–you know your ex well– this windowed dwelling means everything to him. Everywhere you look, peach and champagne flowers are nestled among lush green foliage. You and Joel settle eight rows back on the groom's side, just a few feet from the bench you lost your virginity on. Jamie, Simon’s friend from college, sends you a kind smile when you sit next to him. 
Your foot taps nervously against the stone tile, keeping rhythm with the soft string music lilting through the air. You take a deep breath to center yourself as the processional begins. The family minister you’ve known since you were fifteen leads the way then–Simon. Still just as handsome, in that specific pretty way that drew you to him as a teenager. The slight waves of his dark blonde hair are more controlled and slicked back. His slender body is topped by wide shoulders from all his years of playing polo. His equally handsome brother Liam follows, along with a handful of friends you used to consider your own. 
Joel’s arm wraps around you as Simon takes his place at the altar, his fingers resting firmly on your bare shoulder just in time for the bridal procession to begin. Everybody takes their rightful places waiting for the bride. Simon stands at the altar, laser focused on the doorway, oddly, you feel a sense of happiness for him. Maybe you feel less lonely with the comfort of Joel’s strong arm around you, maybe you’re just caught up in the emotions of the day. 
As you expected, Lia and Ewan, Simon’s niece and nephew, are the ring bearer and flower girl. You were at the hospital when both of them were born. You taught both of them how to swim. They used to call you their aunt. 
The small orchestra begins playing “The Wedding March,” the audience stands in anticipation of Sabrina’s entrance. The curtains part and she appears shimmering down the aisle in her ivory dress. Okay, you have to admit, she looks gorgeous. Joel pulls you closer, his hand rests against your hip as Sabrina and her father pass your row. You’re grateful for his presence, even if it’s just a comforting distraction that just happens to be pretend.
The look on Simon’s face is unmistakable when he takes Sabrina’s hand–it’s the same look he would give you whenever he told you loved you all those thousands upon thousands of times. 
You take your seat, Joel’s hand finds your shoulder once more. It’s going to be damn hard to concentrate on the ceremony.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today.
You survive the ceremony… thanks to Joel and his calloused hand rubbing circles on your shoulder. As Simon and Sabrina lead the recessional out of the conservatory, Simon spots you and sends you a knowing wink and smile when he spots Joel next to you. Maybe it’s a good thing you attended, it’s the final picket placed in the closure fence. 
“You good?” Joel whispers in your ear while watching the rest of the party leave. You turn to respond, failing to realize his face is now right next to yours. His lips now sit a breath away from yours. Panic slips in, overwhelmed by the thought of anyone catching an awkward moment like this, especially since you’re the ex girlfriend the groom left for his brand new bride. 
Fuck it. You lean forward and place your lips against his, leaving a delicate peck against them. At least now you’ll have this moment that’s just for you. 
The warm autumn sun is beginning to set casting the preened and pristine gardens of the Hurts Estate in amber tones. Thank god for the cocktail hour and open bar. 
You sip your champagne and smile at a few familiar faces while gazing out upon the vast lawns you used to spend lazy days sunbathing and playing croquet on. What a bizarre homecoming of sorts. Joel is taking his role seriously, constantly checking on you and never leaving your side.
A familiar voice calls your name, pulling you from your reverie.
“Oh sweetheart! It’s so lovely to see you!” Simon’s mother, Adeline, greets you with kisses on both cheeks before pulling you into a warm hug. You’ve always liked the woman and she always adored you. She turns to your date, her eyes lighting up when she looks Joel up and down. 
“Addy, this is my boyfriend Joel.” A rush of excitement is sent through you at the simple introduction. “Joel, this is Simon’s mom, Adeline.”
“Good evening ma’am,” Joel says, extending his hand to shake hers gently. “It’s quite beautiful here.”
“Oh, thank you! Aside from our two boys, this is our pride and joy. There’s nothing better than seeing your child get married in the place you call home.” . 
“Well, I’ve heard a lot of nice things about this place, you have a lot of good memories here, right baby?” Joel looks at you with an affectionate smile. Oh he’s good.
“I do,” you smile warmly at Addy. 
“Oh sweetheart! That makes me so happy! You’re always welcome here, I’m so happy Simon invited you!”
“I am too, it’s so nice to see you,” you say, realizing how much you truly miss her. You spent twenty years of your life around so many of these people before being cut off cold turkey from them.  
“Shoot! I better keep moving and making my rounds! Do enjoy the bar, and make sure tell them Addy sent you; they’ll give you the real good stuff. Joel, are you a whiskey man?”
“Yes ma’am,” Joel replies with a nod.
“We’ve got some Old Rip Van Winkle, aged 25 years. Just tell them Adeline insists and they’ll pour you a glass.” 
“Thank you ma’am,” Joel says gratefully.
“Oh, I like him darling!” Addy winks before turning to leave, her gold dress gleaming just as bright as her personality. 
The large tent erected for the ceremony glows in pink and orange hues. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling overflowing with roses and garlands. It’s gorgeous and opulent everywhere you look. 
You’ve been nervous about your table assignment since you sent in your RSVP. Who will you be stuck with? You prayed it would be strangers versus people you used to call friends. You thank your lucky stars when you’re led to table eleven, where you’re greeted warmly by strangers. You tell your new tablemates you’re an old friend of Simon’s, Joel grabs your hand and gently holds it while you introduce yourselves,  shocked you still haven’t had to utilize the stories you and him invented. 
Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hurts! 
The two lovebirds make their grand entrance, glowing and grinning in their newlywed aura before the symphonic melody of “Can’t Help Falling In Love” begins to play. Hilarious, the last time you heard this song it was on a playlist Sabrina had made for Simon… a couple weeks before your ultimate separation. You got into a fight over the amount of times he’d play it, he told you were overreacting and being dramatic, you should’ve trusted your instincts right then and there.
They look so happy and gorgeous together, dancing their first dance surrounded by all of their loved ones inside this picturesque setting. It should’ve been you…
Joel leans in closer, wrapping his arm around you, stealing your attention from your spiraling thoughts. “I can’t play this song on violin or cello, but I can play it on guitar, maybe I can play it for you sometime.” 
You look up at him, your eyes locking with his, “I–I’d like that.” 
“Thought you would,” he smirks, before leaning down to place a tender kiss on your forehead.
He’s been touching you all night, always considerate and tender, as if he holds an actual amount of reverence in his heart for you. God, he’s either the sweetest man to ever live, or he should give up the construction job, move to Hollywood and start acting. 
Simon and Sabrina make their rounds after dinner, they’re a table away laughing and galavanting with friends you used to call your own. It’s been over a year since you last spoke to him and now as the ultimate final thing you’ve been dreading is near, you’re nervous as hell. Joel casually drapes his arm around the back of your chair before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the top of your head, helping subside some of your anxieties. 
“You good?” he checks in with a soft whisper. 
You nod, scooting closer into the shell he’s created for you with his large body. 
Simon catches your eye with a warm, gentle smile as he leads Sabrina over to your table. You can’t be too mad at him, he’s been nothing but a gentleman since he forced the end of your already faltering relationship. Sabrina, well–she was just a better match for him. You wish them well, no matter how much it still seemingly hurts. You just want Simon to miss you a little bit.
The newlyweds greet the rest of the table, collecting well-wishes and flattery from the guests before turning their attention to you and Joel. 
Simon bends forward and gives you a tight hug before thanking you and saying how lovely it is to see you. Sabrina says hello, you tell her she looks beautiful, she returns the favor. 
Simon extends his hand to Joel and introduces himself. “I’m Simon, I’m sure you’ve heard a bit about me–hopefully some good,” he says, his ever present British charm helps cut through the tension radiating off of Joel’s gruff reservedness. 
“She has,” Joel replies, shaking Simon’s hand. “I’m Joel. Nice to meet you both. Congrats. S’been a lovely wedding.”
The four of you make casual conversation. Joel mentions he’s a contractor, Simon’s eyes light up before he mentions how he wants to build a pool house. Your heart twinges a bit when you remember it’s all for pretend and there’s no way Joel could take the job. Joel makes a joke about how dinner was better than a No. 5 from Whataburger, eliciting a ruckus laugh from the newlyweds. You feel good, until the sinking feeling inside rears its ugly head and reminds you this is all a sham. 
Sabrina nods to Simon in an unspoken understanding that they need to move on with their greetings. Joel wishes them well and thanks them for the lovely party. You smile and do the same. 
“It’s good to see you happy,” Simon says as he gives you a parting hug. 
If only he knew…
You’re quiet as you watch Simon and Sabrina walk away, Simon’s hand is placed on Sabrina’s back lightly stroking up and down. Joel softly says your name, breaking your concentration on the happy married couple. 
“I like this song, let’s dance,” he says, rising and extending his hand to you. 
“Wonderwall?” you ask, taking his hand and letting him lead you to the dance floor. “Let me guess, you can play it on guitar.” 
“I do,” he confirms with a smile, pulling you close against his body. His large hand splays against your lower back, and yours finds its place on his firm shoulder. The wedding band has slowed the song down, couples gently sway around you. The twinkling lights above reflect in Joel’s dark brown eyes. You can’t stop looking at him, he can’t stop looking at you. The moment is intimate, to any other wedding guest, you look like a couple just as in love as the newlyweds. 
You rest your head against his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne–woodsy, smoky, with a hint of cinnamon. His thumb strokes against the skin of your hand as your bodies synchronistically move together. This doesn't feel like pretending at all.
The song ends, Joel makes no move to pull away, and you don’t either. The first notes of the next song begin and you recognize the drumbeat anywhere. You can’t believe you’re hearing it here, of all places.
“We can leave the Christmas lights up till January…”
“Ohh,” you let out a soft sigh against Joel’s chest, feeling your heart drop. “This was going to be our first dance song, I-I told him it as soon as I first heard it all those years ago.”
Joel tilts his head down, his concerned brown eyes peer into yours. “M’sorry, did you want to stop?”
“No, no, it’s–I can’t leave the floor during this. What if he sees me?”
Joel nods reassuringly before tightening his hold on you and pulling your joined hands in closer. His head rests on top of yours engulfing you with his broad body, like your own personal fake wedding date security blanket. 
Your heartbreak slowly dissipates, mended by the gentle touch and attention of Joel. The song ends, he asks if you want to get a breath of fresh air, you gratefully nod before taking his hand and telling him you know a place.
The breeze rolling off the lake sends a chill across your skin, Joel takes notice, quickly removing his jacket and places it over your shoulders without hesitation.
“Thanks,” you say, sinking into the leftover warmth of Joel.
“No problem,” he says, shuffling his neck tie open and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his crisp white dress shirt. “I’m burnin’ up under it.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence as you watch the tranquil waves lap at the shore. “Sorry about earlier. It was just… a shock to hear that song. He moved on so quickly and I feel like I’ve just been left wondering how I can so easily be… replaced.” 
“No need to apologize,” he sighs, “I’m not good at any of this stuff, but, you don’t seem like someone that’s so… easy to get over.” 
Your heart skips a beat when you look over at him. The soft ambient glow of the full moon reflecting off the water bathes him in an almost ethereal glow, making him look like a knight in shining armor who walked through a portal to help save you from your own wounded heart you’ve been trying to heal for the past two years. 
“Guess you just don’t know me very well then,” you joke, trying to slow down the thoughts racing within your heart and mind. 
“No, but I think I’d like to,” he says, turning to you with a sincere look in his eyes. 
“I-I’d like that too.” 
Joel hesitates for a moment before asking, “There’s a new Curtis & Viper movie releasing next week. Did you want to go with me?”
“Like a real date?” you ask, your voice tinged with excitement.
“Suppose it would be. We could recreate our ‘first’ date that we told that one aunt of Simon’s all about. We’ll get pizza at the place across the street.”
“I’d love that,” you say, your excitement clear in your voice. 
From across the yard, you can just make out the sound of the band playing for the wedding guests. 
Joel takes a deep breath and turns to you with a warm, playful smile. “I feel better asking you here so you know I’m being for real. I really want to dance with you. May I have this dance?” 
“I’d love nothing more,” you reply, a smile spreading across your face as he pulls you closer.
You remind yourself to send Maria a bouquet of flowers for setting up your fake wedding date as you settle into his embrace.
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lafleshlumpeater · 7 months
Luke Castellan x Daughter of Dionysus reader? The show version of Dionysus was funny and I just want to know how the whole interactions would go
i loved this request, thanks sm for sending it in!! i actually haven't watched the show, so if this is inaccurate i'm v sorry </3
warnings: mentions of eating and drinking (no alcohol), fem!reader, established relationship, mild PDA, nickname
luke castellan masterlist
Your boyfriend lovingly nuzzles his nose into your temple from where he's sitting next to you. “Your dad is giving me looks,” he whispers. Your lips pull upwards at Luke’s antics, rolling your eyes and looking over at your father at where he’s sitting next to Chiron. He’s trying to be subtle, you’ll give him that, but there’s nothing implicit about the way he’s eyeing your boyfriend in an attempt at being suavely menacing. With his leopard- print shirt, pot belly and an aluminium Coca- Cola can he’s gripping so hard it’s beginning to crumple, it’s not working.
You take a bite into your wrap. “He is.”
“He’s scaring me.”
This elicits a snort from you, choking slightly on a cucumber chunk. “Luke Castellan, one of the most intimidating campers at Camp Half- Blood, is scared of my dad? The god of wine?”
Luke whines in protest through a sip of water. “Yeah, the god of wine. Imagine, if, like, he got drunk and… I don’t know, whacked me around the head with a baseball bat.”
You snort. “What? Babe, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know your name.”
Your boyfriend pouts. “That makes me feel so much better.”
“Baby.” Luke rolls his eyes playfully, relishing in the banter the two of you have managed to maintain throughout your relationship. But his momentary glee is cut short when he realises Dionysus has risen from the table, disposing of his empty can and making his way over to where the two of you are sitting. Panicked, he nudges you.
“He’s coming,” Luke indiscreetly whisper- screams, as if you hadn’t noticed already.
“Relax, nothing’s gonna happen,” you murmur back. You were sure of it. Mostly.
“Luis,” your father greets, suddenly next to the two of you. Luke swallows, afraid to correct him. You’re milliseconds from letting out a laugh aloud.
“Dad, it’s Luke.”
His eyebrows furrow. “Yes. Lucas. That’s what I said.”
You can’t help but purse your lips, both from suppressing an entertained chortle and half in contempt for your father’s annoying penchant of feinting at carelessness for every camper who wasn’t you. Honestly, you were surprised he didn’t give you the same treatment sometimes.
“Well, Lucas, it has come to my attention you are dating my daughter.” He nods towards you; you cringe. If he was about to give Luke the ‘take care of my daughter or else’ talk, you were going to run away and never come back.
Luke nods, gulping. “Yes. Sir.”
Trying to save him and yourself from embarrassment, you intervene. “Dad. Please.”
“Oh no, no,” he insists. “I just wanted to have a quick word and say that… the two of you look quite happy. And I’m proud of the two of you.” He turns to the shell- shocked boy beside you. “But I have to mention, young man, if anything changes-”
“Okay dad!” You shoot him a ‘please stop’ look disguised in a beaming grin which he’s on the receiving end of too many times to be oblivious to. “Thank you! You can go now!”
Finally, he wanders off again, muttering under his breath. You catch little of it, something about how ‘teenagers nowadays’ and ‘so ungrateful’.
You turn to Luke; he’s already looking at you with an incredulous look on his face. “What… just happened?”
Like a ticking time bomb, your laughter finally escapes, Luke quickly joining you.
Dionysus looks on, back in his seat next to Chiron, hiding a satisfied smile behind a glass bottle of Coke.
taglist: @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @explosiongamora @brutal-out-here @absolutely-existing @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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luna-naoffcial · 1 month
Criminal Love
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Reader
Warning: Foreplay Smut!
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Your eyes fluttered open seeing your husband was already awake, his honey coloured gaze meeting your (e/c). "Good morning, dear," Alastor greeted you with a gentle smile. "Were you watching me sleep?" you said, your voice still laced with drowsiness. "I couldn't help but admire the sight before me," he replied, his words filled with affection. You giggled at that before letting out a yawn. "You're still tired, aren't we?" Alastor teased. "Well, we did get back late," you mumbled.
"Correction, I carried you back." Alastor reminded you. "I had a little to drink." "Love, I had de ja vu from when we were 19. You once again tried to climb me, I didn't mind since you're my wife now but again I stopped it because you simply were not sober to consent, and I'd hate for your first time be like that." "I need to stay away from alcohol." You groaned. "Occasionally, alcohol reveals one's true thoughts, my dear. Either you're a horny drunk or simply you just can't keep your hands off me." Alastor said with a grin. You felt your cheeks heat up. "And what makes you think that?" "You're always asking me to grab you. Does the thought of me touching you turn you on?" Alastor then taunted.
You were left speechless and flustered. "Just tell me what you want, darling. I'm happy to fulfil your needs." He then whispered in a seductive tone. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat. You wanted to say it but felt embarrassed. He wasn't wrong. You want him to touch you to explore every depth of your body. How he had this confidence baffled you. But then he was a very confident cocky man, when he wants something he will make sure he knows what he is doing. "Don't be embarrassed, darling. I'm not asking to have sex with you if that's not what you want. It doesn't have to be straight away just because we're married now." Alastor reassured with a smile.
"I guess I kinda want to know... how it feels to uh be touched in a pleasurable way as... I've never masturbated before." You admitted. Alastor had to hold back the shocked expression. "I know... it's embarrassing, 22, and I don't know what it feels like to be pleasured in any way." You shamefully admitted. "Darling, masturbation and sex is a choice, not a must. Just because we're married don't think you need to do any of that to please me. I want you to be comfortable, not forced." Alastor said with reassurance.
"It's not that I don't want to do it. I do... it's just... I'm nervous and I.. I don't know what I'm doing..." "You think I do? Love is all about exploring. Everyone enjoys different things, ma chérie."
"I'm so uneducated, gosh!" You nervously giggled, smacking your hands over your face. Alastor pulled your hands away, smiling. "We can educate each other, although I haven't experienced sex myself, I have masturbated." He truthfully said.
"Well, that does make me feel a bit better." You nervously mumbled, knowing he hasn't had sex with another woman as you were ashamed to ask. Alastor found that amusing, yet he couldn't help but gaze at you with admiration. You took a moment to contemplate the situation.
"Can you..." Alastor raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting for you to complete your sentence. "Touch me." You said, feeling your cheeks burn. "Touch you where?" Alastor then teased. "Stop. I'm getting flustered." You whined as Alastor chuckled. "I can darling, only if you want this, though." Alastor asked once more. "I do.". "Well then, since our schedule is clear, we might as well begin our first lesson," Alastor remarked playfully, eliciting a smile and laughter from you.
For a brief moment, your gazes locked. Alastor closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You reciprocated, surrendering to the intoxicating sensation of his lips enjoying this alone.
You felt his hand stroke up your thigh, going under your nightgown, almost shivering at his hand being close. Alastor slowly rubbed over your covered sex feeling the piece of material that was in the way. He gently withdrew from the kiss and momentarily gazed at you with a serious look. "Are you certain that this is what you want, my dear?" You nodded, biting your bottom lip staring into his eyes and how they've darkened and clouded with lust. Alastor hand slowly slipped inside your underwear, feeling the contact of his fingers rubbing up your folds. "You're already wet for me darling, it seems you've been wanting me to do this for a while now, hmm?" He whispered teasingly, watching your reaction as you wanted to just hide your face.
"A few years." You shamefully admitted. "Well, I'm glad you only want me to... help you." He said. Alastor found the buddle of nerve slowly teasing you with a slow circular motion. "Oh..." You suddenly gasped. "Does that feel nice?" Alastor hummed. "It...um...uh." You stuttered with your words getting lost to the new founding feeling. Alastor rubbed a bit faster. You felt yourself arch your back as your jaw hung low. "Oh my gosh," you cried out. Alastor was enjoying the sight of your pleasand begging. Only he was able to make you feel this way. "Don't stop." You suddenly moaned. Alastor almost... almost lost control hearing your moan. "Oh darling, you don't know what you're doing to me right at this moment." He chuckled darkly, feeling his pants tighten on him. You shamefully started thrusting your hips up without your control, feeling something building up in your core. "Oh gosh, what's happening." You cried. "You're about to have your first orgasm my dear. Let it out for me." Alastor whispered lowly.
Your body listened to his command as youcried out in ectasy, feeling your sex convulse from your orgasm breathing heavily from it. "There we go..." Alastor cooed. He slowly pulled his hands away, bringing his fingers to his mouth. "Mmm, you taste good too." "Oh Alastor stop I'm gonna be a permanent tomato today." You panted out blushing once again. "Oh my darling wife, you enjoyed it, did you not?" Alastor taunted. "Gosh, that felt way too good. Then I expected it to be." You admitted. "Good." Alastor pecked your lips. "I'm gonna take a cold shower now." He mumbled. "I won't be long." It took you a moment to think about why he is having a cold shower.
"Al?" Alastor paused at the bedroom door, glancing at you with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you with it?" "Help with what?" Alastor's brow furrowed in confusion. Your gaze lowered to his crotch area as he now caught on. He was momentarily surprised when you made that suggestion. "My dear, I couldn't possibly ask you to do such a thing." "You said this was our first lesson. I want us both to be a part of it," Alastor felt his cock twitch when you said that. What are you doing to me woman, he thought.
"Hand or mouth?" You suddenly asked. His eyes widened in surprise at that. You couldn't help but feel a little amused at his reaction, considering it a small payback for his earlier actions. "U-Uh..." "From that reaction, you want my mouth don't you?" The abrupt surge in confidence was unexpected, leaving even Alastor momentarily at a loss for words.
You approached your husband who was still standing where he was, you slowly got down on your knees and started pulling his pyjama pants with his boxer down. "Darling..." Alastor warned. "Yes?" You smiled innocently up at him. "You don't have to do this...." He whispered.  "I know, but I want to please my husband too, you can experience something for the first time as well." You said. Alastor was still lost for words, unable to adequately express the profound depth of love he held for you. You slowly lowered your gaze staring down at a cock for the first time as it leaked some pre cum.
Taking it in your hand, you slowly brought your mouth over the tip using your tongue to lick some of it up. This made Alastor gasp from the contact. "Fuck." He hissed under his breath. Satisfied you took more of him in your mouth surprising yourself as well as him. "Oh gosh, how -" Alastor could barely speak as he moaned, feeling your mouth work up and down his length.
Alastor threw his head back, enjoying this more than his hand job running his hand through your hair. He slowly looked down to see your pretty mouth take him in whole. "Gosh I wanna fuck that innocent little mouth of yours." Alastor growled feeling himself reaching his high. You felt himself about to cum encouraging to suck more faster, Alastor was thrusting more into your mouth clouded by the pleasure. "Fuck, fuck." He panted, suddenly Alastor gasped out a moan as you felt his seed fill the back of your throat.
Alastor was panting trying to regain his composure feeling a bit lightheaded. You slowly pulled out and stood yourself back up. "How was that?" You whispered as you stared into his half lidded eyes. "My dear, you do surprise me." He chuckled out breathlessly. "Glad I can return the favour." You said being rather impressed with yourself. "Oh darling, you may do that whenever you wish, and I shall not express any objections." Alastor chuckled as he gently drew you close, embracing you in a tender and affectionate kiss. You couldn't help but smile into it, pleased you were able to satisfy your husband..
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"Hello, mother," Alastor greeted, kissing his mother's cheek respectfully. "How are you, my dear? How is your wife?" She smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with adoration. Alastor's cheeks flushed slightly. "Mother, please," he chuckled nervously. "I was merely hinting if I might be blessed with a grandchild in the near future." "There is no news of that nature to share at this time," Alastor replied. "Well, Alastor, I must say, I am quite proud of the gentleman you have become," Tara remarked with a hint of pride in her voice. You entered Alastor's childhood home, knocking politely on the door. "Hello, Tara," you greeted warmly.
"Oh, my dear, please call me 'Mama' now. We are family, after all!" she exclaimed, embracing you with open arms. You laughed softly, accepting her affectionate gesture. "Thank you, Mama. I am doing well. And yes, before you ask, Alastor treats me wonderfully. I am truly fortunate to have him as my husband," you replied, turning to Alastor with a loving smile before she could question how he's been treating you. "Oh, wonderful news! I'm so happy this has finally happened. Watching you two fall in love had been remarkable to witness from Maria and I. You two were definitely made for each other." Tara proudly said
"Now that we are both present, I was contemplating -" As Tara was making her way towards the kitchen, her speech began to slur, and her body abruptly collapsed onto the floor. You stared with wide eyes in a state of shock, while Alastor swiftly rushed to her assistance. "Mother!" Alastor exclaimed in a tone filled with concern. "Tara?" You stuttered out.
You slowly crouched down beside Alastor, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Alastor, sweetheart..." After the funeral, everyone respectfully departed for their homes. However, Alastor remained at the burial site, unable to bring himself to leave the place where his mother had been laid to rest. He was gazing at her gravestone, reading the epitaph repeatedly. His face was devoid of any emotion, and it caused you concern. Your cheeks were still damp from your tears. "Let us return home..."
"I would be grateful if I could have some time to myself." Alastor responded calmly. "Al -" "(Y/N), for your own safety, I would prefer to be left alone." Alastor stated more sternly, his gaze shifting towards you.
His eyes, usually filled with warmth and life, now held a profound emptiness, devoid of any light or emotion. "Sure... sweetheart. Just... please be safe, ok?" You said. Alastor averted his gaze, directing it back to the gravestone of his mother. With a sigh, you rose to your feet and departed, leaving Alastor to grieve alone. As you made your way back home, you gently closed the door and slid down against it. "Oh, dear god... why did you take her from us so soon?" you uttered in a choked voice, breaking down into tears.
The loss of Alastor mother felt like losing your mother all over again. You recalled how Alastor had held you all night, and now you felt guilty for leaving him alone, even though that was what he had wished for. After what appeared to be an eternity, you managed to regain your composure. You stood up, removed your coat, and kicked off your shoes. You decided to get a glass of water. As you raised it to your mouth, the door slammed open, and Alastor entered. You froze, your eyes widening in shock at the state your husband was in. Alastor entered the room covered in the blood of his victim with the knife still in his hand as he appeared to be in distress, pulling at his hair.
You gently placed your glass down and approached him with caution. "Al... Dear," you whispered softly. Alastor slowly locked eyes with you feeling a sense of comfort as he quickly paced dropping the knife, He sank to his knees, embracing your waist as tears streamed down his face for the first time today.
You felt your heart sink into your stomach frozen in the spot as you felt your own tears well up again hearing Alastor, with tears streaming down his face, let out a sorrowful cry for the first time as his forehead was resting against your stomach. Slowly, you threaded your fingers through his brown locks, seeing nothing but a broken boy who had just lost his mother. You were not bothered by the blood now staining your outfit as Alastor had just lowered his shield, revealing his vulnerability.
Next day
Your eyes fluttered open, and you frowned slightly. You could not recall falling asleep the previous night. As you found yourself in the centre of the room, you gently turned your head to the right and observed Alastor slumbering peacefully next to you. His eyes gradually opened, and for a fleeting moment, he appeared disoriented until his gaze met yours. "Good morning," he mumbled. You slowly sat up with a groan from the hard flooring. That was not a restful experience. "Poor decision-making on our part," Alastor said, also groaning from the pain as he sat up.
At that moment, he observed that his body was now covered in dried blood from the person he gruesomely murdered last night. As he glanced in your direction, he observed that you were covered in the blood as well. For a brief moment, he experienced confusion until he recalled the events that transpired last night.
"Darling, I've ruined your outfit." Alastor, frowned a bit, trying to keep his smile up, "That's the least of my concerns. Don't worry." You reassured. There was a momentary pause. "Al... is there anything you would like to... discuss?" You then inquired. Those tears last night suggested there was more to it. Alastor's expression softened as he averted his gaze. He then sighed, looking back into your (e/c).
"She was very proud of me, as she believed her son to be a perfect and charming gentleman who would never do anything wrong. she didn't know her son was a sadistic cannablist psychopathic killer who enjoys the thrill of making people I kill suffer. How do you tell your mother that? How do you tell her that I will not be seeing her in heaven. She would be ashamed. I don't want her to know that side of me, I don't want her to look at me differently."
Alastor stared for a moment. "If you ever get reunited with my mother... please don't tell her why her son never made it to heaven... I've come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to see her... ever again." "Oh Al, don't lose -" "Darling! I understand your concern for me, but I must accept my fate and the consequences of my actions. I will be sent to hell for my misdeeds while you, my dear, will join our mothers in heaven. You are far too pure and innocent to be subjected to the torments of hell. I can only hope that one day, after our deaths, we will be reunited in the afterlife. Until then, I will cherish the memories of our time together and hold onto the hope that we will meet again." You were left speechless by that.
"But for now, we have so much to live for and do. What do you say? Shall we rent a yacht for the day and explore the sea?" Alastor suggested with a grin. "Wait, really?" You suddenly frowned. "My dear, you always forget I have money, don't you?" Alastor chuckled. You only shrugged. "Because I only see you, and you only." "You are truly remarkable, and I am deeply grateful to have you as my wife." He whispered as he moved closer, and you responded by gently pressing your lips against his. As you departed, you noticed the radiant and inviting glow in his honey orbs. "Shall we go take a nice relaxing bath together, I believe we are a bit untidy, don't you think?" You chuckled as Alastor smiled. "Certainly, my dear. I would be delighted to bathe with you in my arms."
He stood up, stretching his body before extending his hand to assist you. You graciously accepted his help, and he pulled you up."After you, my lady," he said politely. "How kind of you," you replied with a smile as you both made your way to the bathroom for a relaxing soak.
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23 years old
Alastor's behaviour has raised concerns following the unfortunate death of his mother a year ago. Upon examining her personal belongings, it came to light that she had been involved in the practice of black magic. This revelation has had a profound impact on Alastor, leading him down a path of darkness and intrigue towards voodoo and all these types of rituals. While trust in Alastor remains, the situation is unsettling and requires careful consideration. After all, it was not the most reliable or ethical form of magic to be involved with.
You have observed a slight change in Alastor's behaviour because of it. But you accepted it. You had to, you thought. After all, what more can he do? He is a cannablist serial killer, after all. "Hello, my dear!" Alastor entered the room with a friendly smile. "Is everything alright?" You inquired with a hint of curiosity, noticing the mischievous spark in his eyes.
"Oh, it's just something I discovered beneath a floorboard; it's not a big deal." He chuckled politely, attempting to dismiss the subject. Alastor had been spending time at his mother's house, meticulously examining every detail with careful observation. "Hmm, ok." You unexpectedly felt his arms wrap around you from behind as he affectionately kissed your cheek. "Alastor, where is all this affection coming from?" You chuckled, not at all displeased.
"Can I not express my affection for my beloved wife?" He whispered gently in your ear. "Hmm, I don't know" You grinned slightly as you turned around in his grasp. Alastor smirked at your remark as he leaned down and captured your lips with his.
Although you were taken aback, as he suddenly lifted you up from under your thighs, catching you by surprise. "Al!" You let out a soft laugh as he chuckled at your reaction, gently placing you on the table with him in between your legs. "You know, I've been craving you recently." He suddenly mumbled as he brought his lips onto your neck. "A lot more than just touching and tasting you. I want to be inside you..." He whispered seductively. Your heart began racing in your chest. "I wondered if we could explore further, more deeper, and perhaps even break the barrier?" You experienced a slight chill run down your spine, causing you to release a soft, involuntary gasp.
"I can see you want to, tell me darling how do I really make you feel?" He whispered lowly into your ear as you felt his hands now resting on your inner thighs, slowly stroking up and down your soft skin in a teasing manner.
Your eyes met his gaze, seeing the clouded haze over his honey orbs. "I..." You hesitated, struggling to find the right words as his intense gaze rendered you speechless. "Oh darling, it appears you are at a loss for words." He chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Al..." He became a bit serious. "Yes, my dear?" He hummed politely.. "I trust you too... take my virginity. I believe I'm ready for the next step. "You confessed. It's been a year now and although you enjoyed the foreplay of touching each other. You were happy to go farther. Alastor's eyes widened momentarily as a smile graced his countenance. "What made you ready, darling?" "Al, I have always been prepared, but I had been a little hesitant to bring up the topic." You sense your cheeks to become warm. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long have you been wanting this?"
Alastor asked, enjoying your flustered cheeks. "Honestly? Since we had our first kiss." You said in a whisper.
"Really?" Alastor said in quite a shock. "Why do you think Paul and I never went that far? Because I wanted you. I didn't want to give myself to Paul whilst thinking of you." You confessed. "Why wait so long since being together, ma chérie?"
"I wanted to make sure you were completely ready as you never showed any hints you were ready to go farther in our intimacy. I was waiting for you." "Oh darling. You didn't have to. Just simply it being you and seeing all... of you would have been enough for me to be more than happy to take the next step with you."
"You say that now." You lightly joked. "Well? What do you say? There's an empty bed, nothing else to do for the day. Me and you. Shall we take this... conversation into the bedroom with less clothing?" Alastor suggested.
As you were about to respond, a sudden knock resonated, signalling someone at the front door. You couldn't help but suppress a small, amused smile as you observed Alastor's reaction. "Who would dare to disturb us at this hour? It's almost as if they knew," Alastor muttered under his breath as he headed towards the door.
You swiftly descended from the counter, smoothing your wrinkled dress as you followed Alastor, intrigued to discover who it was. As Alastor opened the door, you caught a glimpse of the ginger hair and instantly recognised the individual. "Elizabeth?" Alastor inquired with a puzzled expression. "Lizzy?" You inquired with concern, noticing her smudged makeup and tear-stained face. "C-can I come in?" You were surprised by that, considering she vanished without a trace after Paul and you ended your relationship. Alastor turned to you to respond. "Uh, sure. Come in." You hesitated momentarily, Alastor stepped aside to allow Elizabeth to enter your home.
She took a quick glance around the room. "Impressive. You've redecorated. It looks quite nice." She complimented both of you with a gentle smile as she looked at you. Alastor gently embraced you in his arms. Elizabeth observed the two of you for a moment, a knowing smile gracing her lips. "I had a feeling this day would come. You two are truly meant for each other," she chuckled softly before letting out a sigh and settling herself on your sofa.
With a gentle tug, you released yourself from Alastor's hold. "Elizabeth, it's been quite some time since we last spoke. What brings you here today? I must admit, I'm quite surprised to see you," you inquired, taking a seat beside her.
Alastor whispered, "I'll leave you ladies to catch up while I go 'hunting," before bestowing a quick, affectionate kiss on your cheek. Elizabeth momentarily watched Alastor depart before turning her attention back to you, ready to engage in conversation.
She then let out a sigh of resignation. "Paul approached me after your separation and confessed to revealing our actions. I was mortified and immature (Y/N)... If I firmly believed that your relationship would be short-lived and that I understand that you eventually ended up with Alastor. I left because I was ashamed to face you and see the disappointment in your eyes for being a terrible friend."
You took a moment to let that sink in. "Lizzy, may I ask what really brings you here?" You then responded with a curious gaze.
Elizabeth was taken aback by the response. "What exactly do you mean?" "It has been quite some time, but I do recognise you. It seems that you only make an appearance when you are in need of something. May I ask what it is?" You narrowed your eyes, displaying a cautious expression. "I'm quite offended you think I would -" she stopped herself after noticing she was not convincing you.
She let out a sigh of resignation. "I am expecting a child," she announced softly. "Paul is the father." I'm not surprised, you thought. "And I'm... broke." You now knew where this was going. "Remember when I made that joke about you getting me a house if you and Alastor were to marry?" "Lizzy, are you requesting momey off me?" You inquired with astonishment. "You arrived at my home unexpectedly after... sleeping with my boyfriend at the time and couldn't face your actions so you left. And now you show up expecting I should suddenly forgive and forget and then ask me for money?"
"Alastor does not allow you to spend your money you earn from the diner. Therefore, it is likely that you have a high amount in your savings. After all, he always spend his money on you." "Elizabeth, have you been monitoring our activities without our knowledge?" You exclaimed in surprise. Upon hearing an unexpected footstep approaching from behind, you swiftly rose from the sofa and turned around with a sense of alertness. "Paul..." "Hello, (Y/N) you're looking beautiful as ever." He grinned. "What are you doing here?" You growled as Elizabeth stepped over to where Paul was. "Just need a bit of... help is all." He pulled his coat aside, indicating the pistol that was tucked in his belt. Are they really trying to rob me right now? Are they really that stupid... you thought. You narrowed your eyes at the threat.
"You think you're so clever, don't you." After all, you are married to a serial killer, so the confidence you grew was pretty high. "You appear quite composed for someone who is about to be robbed," Paul remarked in a mocking tone as he discreetly lowered his hand to the gun.
He froze all of a sudden, feeling the barrel of a shotgun press against his temple. "I wouldn't if I was you." Elizabeth's eyes widened as you smiled. All this while Alastor was gradually approaching, observing the situation. He noticed Paul reaching for something, which was enough to raise his shotgun. "You think a little pistol is gonna do anything, ol' pal? Why, you should give me a reason why I shouldn't pull the trigger after threatening my wife, didn't I say for you to stay away, no?" Alastor said, his tone turning dark.
"Al, we... we were just joking, right baby?" Elizabeth nervously giggled, slowly tugging Paul arm to follow her. "It would be best if you both leave Elizabeth before you become a single mother," you explained politely. Alastor had been wanting to kill Paul since the day he tried to assault you.
"He wouldn't," Paul said in a mocking tone. You noticed Alastor's eyes darken as his eyelids met halfway. "Elizabeth leave." You warned. "Paul, please be quiet, and let's go." She gently pulled him away. Before departing, Paul gave you a final glance. "Elizabeth?" Alastor abruptly interjected, causing her to halt in her steps as their gazes locked. "If I ever see you or your precious boy toy anywhere near here or near (Y/N). I won't hesitate to kill you both. You were fortunate on this occasion," he stated firmly. Elizabeth nodded in agreement before departing with Paul.
As the door closed. The room became quiet. Alastor gently set his shotgun against the wall and let out a sigh. "I must say, you had quite the confidence there considering you were about to be held at gun point." Alastor then contemplated with a raised eyebrow. "I had faith that you would come to my rescue, as you always have." You smiled as Alastor stood before you. "Oh, really?" He smirked, placing his hands on your hips and drawing you closer. "Certainly. Now... where were we before we were rudely interrupted?" "Oh? You still wish to..." Alastor paused for words as he suddenly lifted you over his shoulder, causing you to yelp in surprise as you began to laugh. "I'm kidnapping you to the bedroom!" He chuckled while carrying you, which provided you with an opportunity to smack his bum, causing him to abruptly halt his progress. "Did you just... oh darling, you're definitely getting payback for that." He chuckled as you couldn't help but feel a little too excited to what he had in mind.
Another smut in the next chapter hehe. Comment if you want to get tag!
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Tags: @n0tmentallystable
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63 notes · View notes
starsofjewels · 4 months
The Yellow Wedding
(Gregor Clegane x Bride! Reader)
Yes, I know, and I pinky promise I'm ashamed that I'm a Greggie C simp. Yes, I know, he's like the only GOT character who is completely morally unforgiveable. Yes, I know, I have a problem, blame it on the lack of stability idfk.
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A/N: This pookie has been in my drafts since before I made this account, so it's kind of my baby. If you think Gregor Clegane is bad, just wait and see what else I have in store for y'all. Gods bless.
This is the beginning of a series I like to call- Who the f*ck is writing for that character? I did promise questionable- You get questionable.
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CONTENT: Canon compliant! Arranged/ forced marriage, language, non descriptive! Sex/ nudity, alcohol use/ drunkenness
(Is Greggie C his own content warning? Probably.)
Word count: 3.3k
It is not a match you would ever make for yourself. You would spend no time begging your father for such a marriage or pleading with your mother to make your father consent. No, this was your father’s decision alone. You do not know what Tywin Lannister has promised your father, but you assume something great; more men to fish the rivers or more materials to make the small Riverlands village your father controls less sparse. No matter what it is, he is convinced it is worth the price, and so you will marry Gregor Clegane, the Mountain.
Although you have spent your childhood in the Riverlands, you have heard of the monstrous man. Beastly tall, and stronger than any man alive. Even you, with your quiet, humble education are well-versed in his ferocity, of the sheer terror he inflicts upon even the strongest of men. Although you were no older than three or four at the time of Robert Baratheon’s rebellion, you know full well what the Mountain did to Rhaegar’s bride and their children; and the horses he can behead with a single swing of his great sword. And it makes you sick to believe that you will wed such a monster. 
Crying to your father does nothing, nor does wailing endlessly to your mother, or the septa whose focus is now on your sisters. You are a low noble, your father tells you, it is better than you deserve and more than you will ever get again. Your mother cannot speak to you, she sobs when she tries, and you know there are things not even your mother can tell you.
Your sisters squeal with excitement at the idea of travelling from the Riverlands, and you realise that although you have gone as far as Highgarden, your sisters have barely seen Acorn Hall. You do not ride with them, no, Lord Tywin provides you and your father with a separate carriage, decorated beautifully and accompanied by grey horses. Your father promises he will let you keep one after you are married, and even as a grown maiden, the thought of another horse excites you.
You realise unreasonably quickly that this wedding is a Lannister wedding. Although you are not marrying into the house of lions, the entire event is tainted with their presence. You will be married in Lannisport, in a dress paid for by Tywin Lannister and designed by his tailors. The food and the wine from his contacts, and the guests Lannister supporters. Your father is impressed, he tells you what is gold, and what is silver, and how lucky you are to be such a finely kept bride.
“Lannisport is beautiful this time of year,” Your father takes your hand in his as you begin to ride, as though that helps you, “You will enjoy it, I think- The sea air may calm you…”
You nod, uninterested, as you begin to move further away from your home. He sighs,
“You may not be pleased with this arrangement, Daughter, but Lord Tywin has given you a better wedding than any girl could wish for. The Mountain may not be a kind husband or a good husband, but you will be safe.”
“If he doesn’t eat me first…”
Your father hears you, despite how lowly you mumble. He looks at you, displeased, and says nothing.
The ride to Lannisport takes several days. Each time you stop your sisters marvel over something new, so easily impressed that a fallen tree sparks hours of conversation. They spend all of their time “helping” the stableboys with the horses and chasing after innkeepers’ cats. Part of you wishes you were young enough to join them, to run along with them and hide from the cooks, sneaking sweets from the kitchen.
Instead, you are sat down with your mother and your septa. The latter very gently explains what will happen to you when you are joined with Clegane in the eyes of the Gods when you become man and wife and things are suddenly expected of you; and you realise it is nothing you didn’t already know from listening to your father’s guards, or from far too much time with only yourself for company. It will hurt, she tells you, it always hurts; he will not be gentle, he will not care for you afterwards, and you wonder how a celibate sister would know such things.
The rush of Lannisport is not like anywhere else you have been on your travels; it is busier, much busier. You know from your studies there are hundreds of thousands of inhabitants in this city, and you wonder if all of them have come out to meet with you. They haven’t, of course, aside from a few young children who stare at the gold and silver carriages, and the servants employed to assist your family. Anyone around you is far too busy with their own life to care at all about what you do. 
Your sisters are taken off to see the sights the city beholds, the high walls, the ports, and the beaches, utterly distracted by lights and sand. You, as always, are not as lucky. The septa dresses you in a fine yellow dress, in such a shade you immediately recognise it as Clegane colours. She fixes your hair with thin, silver ribbons which suit your hair nearly perfectly, and leads you along the bright halls of your apartments.
You have no time to awe at the Lannisters’ exuberant wealth - You see the gold-lined portraits your father could never afford, the jewels left in glass bowls with no fear anyone may steal them. No, you are brought swiftly, and with no fuss, across the halls, until you reach what you assume to be a sitting room. She leaves you at the door, slamming it shut before you can register you have been thrown in.
The room is darker, the curtains are pulled, creating a dusky light which draws only unease from you. Wine is laid out for you, and a selection of fruit, and other trinkets you cannot make out in the dim light.
The creature at the other end of the room stirs, and you yelp. You expect it to be Gregor Clegane, and your hands reach for the doorknob, only to find it locked. The man stands, and he is far taller than you could imagine. Taller than any man in the Seven Kingdoms, or anywhere else, you think. He grumbles and moves closer to you with slow, deliberate movements, taunting you.
Once you see the scars poorly hidden by his thick, long hair, however, you realise it is, in fact, not your prospective husband. But his brother; the Hound, Sandor. 
You have heard every rumour about the Hound. Savagery matched only by his brother, a rage fuelled by a young Gregor plunging his brother’s face into a fire, over nothing more than a wooden knight, no matter what their father told those around them. He fears nothing: not Gods, not kings or the lions they surround themselves with. And soon, he will be your brother-by-law
He laughs. Deep, and rumbling, and you know he is laughing at you. The Hound takes a cup of wine for himself, drinking it entirely with one sip. He eyes you up, and down.
“You are… my betrothed’s brother?” 
You try to sound like a proper lady. The Hound laughs in your face.
“Your betrothed?” He mocks, setting the empty cup down and marching towards you. You see the burns on his face - Ugly, pink things, still not healed after endless years and more ointments than you could imagine. “This isn’t a fairytale, little lady. I’d be surprised if you survived the wedding night.”
He does not let you speak,
“If his hands don’t kill you, girl, his cock will.”
Your eyes go wide as he utters the word - Something you’ve only heard out of drunken peasants, and not knights. He notices immediately.
“He’ll say far worse than cock, petal. I don’t know why Tywin Lannister is making you marry my brother, but it won’t be pleasant.”
He sighs, sitting himself back down,
“The only reason I’m here is to make sure you make it to the bed- It’d look bad on the family if he killed you before then - As if we could be worse.”
There is nothing you can say to make the situation better or, for that matter, any worse. Sandor looks at you properly, and he realises how young you are.
“How old are you, girl?”
“I’m… nine and ten, Ser.”
He softens, somewhat. His scars seem less frightening when his face is not a scowl.
“Young-” He says, quietly, “young, little thing. By the Gods, his last ones have all been older.” His voice drops, but you hear him. “He might spare you…”
He fills the brief silence that follows.
“You’ve never had a man, have you?”
“No, Ser.”
“Ser. I am no Ser, lamb.”
You stare up at him, almost confused. You were certain he was a knight- Any king would jump at their chance to knight a man like Sandor.
“I refused. Ever since Rhaegar Targaryen knighted your betrothed. If a brute like the Mountain can be made a knight, I refuse.”
“That… I suppose that… makes sense.”
He sighs, reaching out to you and taking your hand, gently.
“If you do what he says, you might be fine. Don’t anger him, petal. Don’t ever anger him. Not even the Gods will save you.”
With that, he leaves you alone in the dim sitting room, until the septa returns and helps you back to your chambers. She asks basic questions, which sound as though she’s written them in advance.
For the next three days, you are primped and prepared like a fine ham, rather than a beautiful bride. Women engulf you nearly every moment of the day, bathing you in hot water filled with roses, scrubbing you raw.
You are taught the wedding procession, how the septon will join you together under the Seven, and what will be expected of you in the early stages of your marriage.
Upon the morning of your wedding, you are awoken to find your wedding dress already waiting for you; white and delicate, an apparent symbolism of your purity. Despite never having bedded a man, you wonder how pure you truly are. Of course, you look like the freshest, whitest snow in comparison to Gregor. 
Once you are dressed, and the ladies have swooned over how beautiful you look, you sit with the septa, awaiting the Mountain’s guests to complete their prayers, so you may be brought in.
There are private prayers for you, the septa blesses you and prays for a hopeful marriage. She sits with you and offers you wine. 
“Do you truly think this marriage is a good match?”
She sighs, taking a place beside you.
“Gregor Clegane is indeed a dangerous man, but all men can be tempted by the kisses of their lover, and enough delicate touches.”
Your eyes widen and you look at her, shocked. She smiles at you.
“Do you really think I wouldn't know of the ways of men, sweet girl? They are all the same, these brutish, knight types.”
For a moment, the septa becomes almost like a best friend, she laughs with you in a way you have never seen before.
“If I am still alive when you have daughters,” she says, “I shall serve them. And I shall pray every night they are as wonderful as you, sweet one.” She looks at you, “write me. Tell me you are safe, yes?”
“Yes. I promise you.”
Your father calls for you shortly after, you see his eyes widen as you emerge from your bedroom in that fine, white dress. You are walked rather unceremoniously to the castle’s great hall. There are decorations everywhere, flowers of white and yellow, blue and red. A true, rather fantastical, combination of your house being joined with the Cleganes and the Lannisters overseeing your union. 
Your septa waits for you by the doors and sets a crown of flowers upon your head; a bronze headdress, with flowers twisted into the metal. A small, inconsequential tradition of your house. An attempt to make you feel as though you haven't been entirely abandoned by them.
As you walk to the aisle, you recognise almost none of the guests. You see Sandor first, sitting right at the back of the hall. You can tell he is already drunk, and he refuses to look at you.   
Although you are not married in a sept, you are still joined by a holy man- You assume the septon is someone of reasonable importance within Lannisport, whose loyalty to the house of lions overpowers his devotion to the faith. Or, perhaps more likely, this septon has refused to marry a monster such as your groom in a place of worship.
You see the Mountain from a distance and, somehow, this man is far, far taller than his brother. You would expect such a man to be wed in his chain mail, or the heavy black armour you have heard so much about. Instead, he wears a tunic in such a yellow you immediately recognise it as Clegane colours, even from a distance. Although this is your first meeting, you notice how out of place he looks without his armour. 
The wedding procession is long and quite boring, and you understand why your sisters have each been given a new doll to entertain themselves with. They smile and wave and giggle as you eventually pass them, delighted to see you dress so wonderfully. Your mother shushes them, her eyes so red you can tell she has spent hours sobbing over this marriage.
The Mountain reaches out for you, and your hands grasp his own large paws, enclosed in black leather gloves. He makes no effort to speak to you, or smile at you, or do anything to comfort your terrified self, but you see him look you up and down and smile with desire. At least he is pleased with you.
His cloak is far heavier than you would expect it to be. Thick, black fur, which weighs you down to the point you are unsure how you can stand properly. It must be bear, you think, or something equally ferocious. He lets you take his arm to support yourself, as he pledges to protect you; and you wonder how long said protection will last.
One of those large, gloved hands takes your chin, lifting your face up to look at him. His hand is the size of your head, perhaps bigger. The Mountain is so large, he grasps you by the waist and pulls you up to reach his head. He carries you like you are nothing, cradling you with the same ease one would a cushion. 
You are announced as man, and as wife, and he kisses you with the ferocity expected of such a man. It is not loving nor fond, but it is certainly passionate. He refuses to let you go, holding you tightly and walking with you, like a child.
The celebration is far greater than anything you could imagine. The Lannister dignity and refinement thrown violently aside for drink and dance. You are placed at the head of the feast table, beside your monstrous husband. You watch him eat, and drink enough to kill any lesser man. You cannot eat, despite the cakes and pastries, and all of the things you would gladly finish off on any other occasion. 
You look at Gregor, and you sip your wine graciously, fearful of spilling something down yourself.
He catches your glance, and looks down at your barely touched plate. You anticipate anything but your husband lifting your spoon, and putting it to your mouth like a baby. Half out of fear, and half out of curiosity, you accept the spoonful of broth. It is too hot and not particularly flavoursome, not that you complain. Gregor smiles, looking you up and down once again, and he speaks. For the first time.
“You’re pretty.”
“Is that… good?”
He thinks for a moment,
“Aye, it’s good. You’ll make me good sons with those hips.”
You grow hot with embarrassment, unable to do anything but giggle slightly. He leans into you, out of your father’s earshot.
“Are you as delicious as you look, little thing?”
“I- Don’t know, my lord.”
He moves your hair to kiss the side of your neck. You can see this action garnering the attention of those around you,
“Mh, well- Just you wait, then, and we shall see.”
The rest of the evening is almost a blur, as you take more and more wine and honey mead. By nightfall you are flush with borderline drunkenness, and your equally-drunk husband could be a prince charming, for all you care.
He lifts you up to dance with you, too large for any form of regular dance. Your first dance as a couple is a spectacle to behold; and you cannot stop laughing the entire time. You cup his face in your hands, and you kiss him as though you do, truly love him, but you assume it is merely the alcohol in your system.
You mean to thank Lord Tywin, or whomever he has sent to oversee the wedding, or to visit your young sisters, brought out of the way of the wedding feast. There is not enough time, or sobriety, for you to do either. You are instead lifted from your chair and hauled off to Gregor’s chambers, for your new duties as his wife.
By the time he is finished with you, you can barely remember your own name. You do recall your septa’s warning of a man’s cruelty once his desires are fulfilled, and expect the worst.
Your husband rises from you, almost completely naked, and for a moment you think he will return to the festivities without his tunic. Gregor, however, returns to you with a cup of wine. You can barely drink it, giggling drunkenly as near half the wine dribbles down your bare chest.
Although you clean yourself, he holds you steady.
You spend the rest of the night in his bed, listening to the celebrations below eventually die down, as more guests retire. You sit up in thought, and he looks at you.
“No bedding ceremony?”
He snorts, pulling you closer.
“No. No other man gets to see-” His hands travel down your body, resting on your hips, “this.”
You groan, shivering despite the fire.
“Are you pleased, then?”
“Aye, aye. Pleased. I’ll be more pleased once you give me my sons.”
You whack his shoulder lightly. He does not even feel it, of course.
“Can we not enjoy our wedding night first?”
“Gods, you talk like a rich little cunt, woman.”
You splutter with laughter and he kisses your neck again, biting down on your shoulder just gently enough that it does not hurt.
“We can enjoy ourselves whilst you give me a son, love. That’s the fun of it.”
You sigh, resting a head on his bare shoulder.
“That was… quite fun…”
“Aye, it was.”
Eventually you shuffle down the bed, realising just how large it really was, to facilitate your husband’s massive form. It is warm, even if the sheets stick to your skin.
His arms wrap around you, and before you know it he is asleep, tucked into your shoulder. Gregor’s peacefulness seems odd, compared to the beastly Mountain you have heard stories of, and you wonder if he will, truly, treat you well.
You watch the fire for some time, until you too fall asleep. 
The festivities continue for a day and one more night, until the feast is truly over and you set off for your husband’s keep. 
You give the older of your sisters your crown of flowers and wave with the same enthusiasm they did on your wedding day as Gregor hands you his stallion’s bridle and wraps his arms around your hips. You leave Lannisport as the lady of the Mountain, and you wonder how he can be so pleasant to you, but so fearful on the battlefield. 
Not that you particularly care, not when you seem to have tamed the Mountain who Rides.
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jjuwuni · 8 months
caught in his web ; choi yeonjun ch. 2 | THREE'S A CROWD!
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pairings — yeonjun x afab reader
genre — smut (lots of it so minors dni please), fluff, angst, college!au, friends to lovers, drama
word count (for this chapter) — ~2.8k
summary —  You thought you’d be immune to Choi Yeonjun's charms, turns out you were completely, utterly, shamefully wrong. 
And what’s worse? He’s your new best friend's boyfriend.
Wanna hear something even worse than that? His dad and your mom are dating.
MOA University: An educational institution created for the 1%. The elite of the elites. Those who are to inherit large multinational companies, take oath in office, and represent Korea's future in business and politics. This is where it begins.
warnings — almost-stepbro!yeonjun but not really since your parents are in the early stages of dating, kinda slow burn yes, black haired!yeonjun, bad boy yeonjun, all of you are trust fund babies, all the tubatu's make a cameo and are in the same friend group, might reference some other 4th gen idols, alcohol, drinking, drunken mishaps, lots of sex, profanity - lots of it, yeonjun is a menace but he's so cute wtf i'm screaming, jealousy, making out etc. minors dni istg! i'm watching y'all..
A/N: well, i'm back. i gave a little update here if anyone wants to read it ! as always, reblogs / comments are WELCOME! pls also watch this space for an enha socmed au soon !
taglist (hope you guys don't mind me tagging you all months later hehe, ALSO let me know if you wanna be included in the taglist!) : @soobadooba , @flowerbe0m , @lix-stray , @beomtese , @yxnjvnnie , @healingpage , @hihello-pinky , @kazscara , @bibibun , @txtistheloml , @jungwonismybias, @boba-beom
[ preview ] | [ 1 ]
Your voice echoes through the car, as you cast a glare over to your best friend who was seated beside you. 
"Yeonjun invited himself, I told him you and I were going to watch a movie and he said he wanted to come," Chaewon replies, unfazed by the fact that you just shouted at her at the back of the limousine you two were riding.
"But you know Friday night movie night is our thing.. Why did he have to come?" Okay, so maybe there were a lot of reasons why you were so against this whole arrangement. 
One, it's the only time you and Chaewon actually bond apart from the time you spend in school. Two, Yeonjun's been shady ever since that dinner with his dad and your mom and THREE, and the most important one, was that you haven't had the heart to face him after the night he took care of you when you got drunk out of your mind.
If you were going to be honest, you're still not even all too sure if that was all a dream or not. Yeonjun never said a word to you after, it was as if nothing happened, really. So one can't blame you for second-guessing if the events were real or not. 
"I couldn't say no to that face, y/n.. So I just let him tag along. And come on, he's practically your brother already." 
You scowl, "I have no such thing. As far as I know, I'm an only child." 
Chaewon rolls her eyes at your response, "Tsk, come on, we're here. I think Jjunie already bought our tickets." 
Taking heavy strides toward the concession booth of the cinema where the male waited for you both, you and him exchange glances and you feel your breath hitch in your throat when he gives you his signature grin.
"Babe!" Chaewon happily greets him, running towards him and enveloping him in a tight hug- to which he returns. His eyes shifted over to you once again though as you stood behind, and your gazes lock even as he was hugging her. 
It looked like he wanted to say something to you, but before he was even able to say anything, you break contact first.
"I'm gonna go get some popcorn.." You say, turning away as fast as you could. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -———
With reasons unknown to you, Yeonjun insisted he sat between the both of you during the movie. You didn't agree at first, because why?
But Chaewon was all for it.
"You two need to start becoming close if you're going to be a one big happy family in the future!" She persisted, and there was nothing else you could do.
You were sitting there quietly with your eyes focused on the big screen ahead. Lowkey, you were hoping that your best friend and her beau would end up just making out beside you so you could watch the movie in peace.
But lo and behold, the boy had other plans. 
As you were watching, you felt a few pieces of popcorn flicked onto your right cheek. At first, you tried ignoring it, knowing all too well that Yeonjun never really wanted to watch the chick flick in the first place, and has now shifted his attention over to you for his own entertainment. 
“Stop..” You say, turning your attention to him with a piercing glare. 
Yeonjun shook his head, this time taking three pieces altogether with that damned smug look, and threatened to throw it at you. 
But you do the same and flick it his way first. 
“y/n! No fair!” He said in a childish tone that you've never heard before, he was always acting all high and mighty and cool back at school, so that was quite refreshing to hear. 
Soon, you find yourselves in a small popcorn fight, that was, until Chaewon gets hit by one of the stray popcorns, “Hey, you two, stop acting like five-year-olds... I don’t want to get thrown out of here.” She scolded you suddenly, causing you both to halt. 
You end up giggling each time you look at each other all throughout the movie.
It was quite odd, to say the very least. 
Chaewon was right, you were acting like a couple of grade schoolers.
But on the other hand, you’ve never shared a moment quite like that with Yeonjun, and it was actually really cool to see another side to him - the childish, innocent side. 
He was still young after al l- but sometimes one tends to forget that, especially knowing that he’s the inheritor of one of the biggest businesses in Asia and probably the most sought-after guy in school, even though he was just but a Freshman.
With all the attention he has around him, it’s easy to forget that he’s also human. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
The movie ended rather pleasantly, and if going with your Friday night plans, you and Chaewon would usually have dinner in our favorite sushi place.
But as per tonight’s events, Yeonjun will be joining. 
After that small moment you had in the theaters, now you can say that you're a lot more at ease with him, and so you weren't all too against it. 
Not that he’d ever hear you say that, though. 
When the three of you finally managed to situate yourselves in the private VIP room of the restaurant, you were greeted by another well-known face. 
“What are you doing here?” You hear Yeonjun say as you enter, making you look up from whatever it was that caught your attention on your phone.
“Chae invited me, hope you guys don’t mind.” 
“Ah! Soobin!” You exclaimed as you walked over to give him a hug, “Really? You’ll be joining us? Yay!”
“Mhm,” Your best friend affirmed, “I thought you’d be the odd one out y/n, so I just invited Soobin, you know, to make it a double date of sorts.” She said as you all took your seats with the boys sitting right across the both of you. 
All throughout the meal, Yeonjun was a lot quieter than usual. Which came across as something out of the ordinary to you.
You didn’t know if there was something he didn’t like about the food, or that he had expected to be the only guy around, all you know is that he would only be on his phone or giving Chaewon nonchalant responses whenever she attempted to talk to him.
You on the other hand, tried to enjoy it as much as I could, as it was always enjoyable to have someone like Soobin around. 
It was yet another surprise. You weren't expecting that kind of a mood swing. Because for one reason or another, you’ve always seen Yeonjun as someone who was made off of the vine of perfection, always seemingly social and, well - charming.
Not that you acknowledge his charms yourself (or more so, you refuse to), but judging from how people viewed him in school, it was safe to assume that he was someone that could be equated to Adonis or some Greek god- in all aspects. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
Finally, the meal ended and you all went your separate ways. Soobin insisted he’d drive you home though, and you couldn’t resist. 
“Here, let me strap you in.” Soobin said gently as you sat in the passenger seat of his Audi. He then reached over you and pulled at the belt, making sure it was secure around your torso area, flashing his signature, cheeky grin over to you after. 
You couldn’t deny that a gesture such as that would cause your heart to flutter- you don’t think anyone could resist feeling that way anyway. All you could do was mutter out a shy thank you, and soon you were off on our way home. 
“Soobin? Can I ask you something?” 
“Hm, sure y/n.. Anything.” 
You paused, sucking your lower lip in as you hesitated a few times if it was right to ask him or not.
Nevertheless, you went through with it anyway. “Seeing as Yeonjun and I are technically, I don’t know, family?.. Now..” You still couldn’t bring yourself to say those words, but you just pulled through it. “I want to know more things about him.. Like, some things he won’t normally show. I feel like he’s always putting up that bad-boy front. But, I see right through it though.” 
Soobin let out a throaty laugh, his gaze plastered onto the road ahead as he nodded. “You’re a very smart girl, y/n.” He said, “Right, it is a front. I’ve known the guy since we were kids and so.. I can tell you, he’s been through a lot in his life.” 
A small gasp was what came out of your mouth, “Really? Him? I’d think he’s been going through his life with no problems whatsoever.”
“Of course not,” He interjected, “Well, you see. His mom died giving birth to him. And from then on.. His dad’s always been hard on him. I mean, if that happened to you, you can’t help but blame yourself right?”
You could only nod along with him then, “So yeah, his dad always gives him crap about how he’s never going to be good enough to inherit the Choi business. That’s why, if you ask me, he tries to put up a strong front... But at the end of the day, he’s a guy that’s been scrutinized ever since he was born. I don’t think he ever had a conventional childhood, you know? I think it’s why he acts up now.” 
There were so many things he was bringing to light at the moment, and you swore you could hear the wheels turning in your head- as if putting pieces together. “I see… He has it rough, when you put it that way I guess.” 
“Mhm, and if you ask me? Chae… She’s good for him. I think Chae has a grasp of the pressure that kind of life brings, those two are alike in so many ways. Not like we’re not- but what they have on their plates, are much bigger than what you and I have.” 
That’s true. A match made in heaven. You clenched your jaw, “Mm.. I agree.” 
There was a short pause, but soon after, the car smoothly turned right and headed straight to the big gates that were guarding the your family's mansion. 
“Nice place.. I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. Yours is almost as big as Chae’s house huh?” 
You smiled a little, “Yeah I guess.. My grandparents bought a lot of properties before in the 70’s and they gave my mom this whole stretch of land.. The whole house was made from the ground up. Pretty cool, yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” He said, cutting off the engine once you were parked. “It’s a pretty huuuge place for just two ladies to live in.” 
You offer another calm grin, “Thanks for driving me home. I’ll see you in school on Monday, yes?” 
“Definitely, beautiful.” He said, and right on cue, you lean in to place a kiss on his cheek before exiting the vehicle, leaving him with a huge smile on his face. 
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
The blinding rays of the sun greeted you that morning. You stretched your limbs out over your head and yawned, and went by your usual routine of brushing your teeth as well as washing your bare face. 
As soon as you stepped out of your room, you heard a lot of random noises coming from outside. You were just in a satin slip nightwear, not really expecting much from that weekend morning - except probably breakfast with your mother out by the gazebo area and some Saturday morning cartoons.
Walking down the hall, you suddenly noticed from the other end of the hallway, that one of the primary bedrooms was open.
Your home had three floors, and the last time you checked, you were the only one occupying the upper floor. 
Your curiosity was piqued of course, and you found yourself skipping down the hallway and peeking in at the other bedroom. 
Imagine your surprise when you see Yeonjun standing on one side of the room, putting up some random posters. He was the last person you wanted to see at that point, but seeing him in a muscle tee with his broad shoulders in full display and his whole presence, in general, made your stomach churn in ways you could not pinpoint.
Someone pinch me I must be dreaming. 
You let out a loud gasp of course at the initial shock, and clumsily fell back on your butt onto the carpeted floor as soon as he turned around and saw you.
“CHOI YEONJUN!!” You exclaimed and propped up on your elbows just to verify if you were seeing correctly, your voice loud enough that probably the whole house to hear you, “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” You asked in an accusing tone, forgetting the fact that you were still on the floor.
He let out a melodic laugh, walking over to help you up. He didn’t say anything just yet as you stood to your feet. 
Instead, his eyes did the talking, scanning you over from head to toe with a subtle grin playing on his lips. 
Suddenly, you felt exposed- as you remembered you were only in your nighties. 
“Y-yah..” You said, placing your arms over your chest and crossing them there. Your back hunched as well while your eyes threw him a glare. “Talk.”
Yeonjun reached back and rubbed his nape with his hand, “Ah, well, I guess your mom wanted to surprise you but uh - dad and I.. We - she asked us to move in here.” That dumb sheepish smile evident throughout his explanation.
“You heard me..” He said, taking a step forward and closing in the gap between you two. That signature Choi Yeonjun lopsided grin still present, “I live here with you now.”
————- ★ -———— . ————- ★ -————
It took quite a while to get you to settle down after hearing Yeonjun’s words. 
You sat there at the edge of his newly-installed king sized bed, arms still crossed over your chest as you were still trying to make sense of what is happening. 
You pursed your lips in a tight line, throwing him another accusing glance as he stood in front of you, waiting for you to talk with a satisfied smile on his face. "So.." You start the ball rolling, "Explain to me, Choi Yeonjun..." You let out an exasperated huff, "Explain to me how someone like you, someone whose father owns most of the properties here in South Korea and everywhere all over the globe, decided to live here. Here. In my house?!" You practically squeak.
Yeonjun licked his lips, tracing his tongue over his pink bud while his gaze never left you, eyes still unabashedly roaming up and down, like he was about to devour you whole. "y/n, you don't know what you're fully capable of, do you?" 
"I'm sorry, what?" You asked in a half-surprised, half-offended tone. At the time, you didn’t know what he was hinting at, and the fact that he was trying to divert the conversation irked you to no end.
"Aha nevermind.." He retorted, clearing his throat, "Anyway, it's simple really." Yeonjun said matter-of-factly, sitting beside you on the mattress. "Dad wanted to renovate our house and make it bigger... And since he and your mom are dating, she offered to let us stay here until the construction is over." 
Okay great, this is temporary. You tell yourself, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“And then afterwards, I heard your mom say she’ll think about a trial period wherein you two will live with us.” 
You choke on pure air, “What?! What is this, an experiment? And isn’t this living situation already some type of trial period? Where’s mom.. I need a word with her. This is really taking it too far! She’s known your dad for what- two fucking months?!” You started rambling, standing up and pacing back and forth in front of the bed. 
Suddenly, Yeonjun’s warm hands wrap around your exposed shoulders as he spins you around to face him. His palms radiated a kind of warmth that your skin welcomed, as you felt it tingle under his own flesh. You merely stare at him with a doe-eyed look, and he returned it with his calm gaze. “Your mom left for Italy, remember?” 
He flicked your forehead, laughing. “Now just relax, y/n,” He cooed, “I’ll be out the whole weekend, I’m going on a trip with the guys to allow people to move my things in.. So, I’ll see you Monday then hm?”  
And as quick as he left a peck on your forehead, he was gone in a flash- leaving you standing lifeless in the middle of the room.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Confident in his sexuality fuckshit x confused and doesn't know their sexuality reader where reader confines in fuckshit about their sexuality problems and confused on what they like since they've never had their first kiss before so fuckshit offers to kiss reader and ray and fourth grade catch them kissing so every time the gang and reader hang out ray and fourth grade tease and make jokes about it while ruben and Stevie are just sitting there confused asf please🙏
STOP I LOVE THIS I CANNOT. ; ♣️ were getting married ur reqs are always so yummy istg ; thank you for requesting pookie, hope you enjoy! ; also back 2 back kinda fueled me w this LMFAO
summary ; after coming out as nonbinary, you're confused on where you stand with your sexuality
warnings ; language, mentions of weed/alcohol, censored racial slur, making out stuff, sex jokes
disclaimers ; reader is nonbinary instead of just gender neutral, kinda brings the plot point to where it is
track ; skin, rihanna
word count ; 849
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"I'm proud of you for coming out, y'know? I don't really get it, but whatever makes you happy, okay bro?-" He quickly stops himself, "Do I call you that or nah?"
You nod with a smile, appreciating his considerate thought. "Yeah, it's cool"
He nods, running a hand through his hair to push it away from his face for a moment. "But, whatever makes you happy, okay? I'll always be here to support you, no matter who you like or what you identify as" He smiles, leaning back on the pillows on your bed.
You nod. "Speaking of who I like..."
His eyebrows shoot up, "You like someone? You better spill that shit, n****"
You giggle and crawl next to him on the bed, sitting on the left side while he lounges on the right. You shrug to begin the conversation.
"I dunno. I don't like anyone in particular, for starters. I just, don't really know what I like right now. Cause I finally came out as nonbinary and stuff, and like, I dunno who I'd like, date or what my standards are or anything" You explain, looking to him for some sort of validation.
He nods. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
"No" You answer with a slight giggle.
He quickly sits up, looking at you like you're crazy. "What?"
"You've never kissed someone?"
"No," you shrug. "Does it look like I have?"
He blinks, then moves his legs over each other in a criss cross manner. "Well, I mean, do you wanna know how? So when you do kiss someone, you know what you're doing?" He suggests innocently.
You shrug and nod, then stop yourself. "Wait, like, we're gonna..."
He nods, "We're friends though, it won't mean anything more. It's like, uh... an educational purpose"
You nod nervously. "Uh, okay"
He scoots forward, then looks at you up and down. He softly places his hands on your cheeks, bringing you forward as tenderly as possible.
"So, like" He speaks, just above a whisper, "You can either put your hands on their cheeks," He removes his hands from your cheeks and wraps his fingers around your hands, then places them on his face instead. "Or like this," He moves your hands down under his jaw, "or down here," he then moves them down to the middle / bottom of his neck.
You nod, taking in the information as he speaks.
"Guys love when you tug at their hair or mess with it when you're making out" He adds, "But don't be rough, and only do it when you're like, making out and shit"
You bite the inside of your bottom lip, nodding again. "Can you like, show me how to do that?"
He nods, bringing your right hand up to his scalp. He allows you to tangle your hand in his curls and slightly tug on it with minimal tension, letting you grasp an idea of what he's saying.
"Get it?" He kindly asks, his breath caring the slight scent of weed like it usually did.
"Mhm." You quickly nod in response.
He moves his right hand under your chin, making you look up at him. His left hand rests behind your ear, his thumb in front of it as he feels some of your hair. He pulls you into the kiss, going easy on you to start.
You're obviously caught off guard, but lean into it, trying to ignore how your best friend is giving you kissing lessons.
He decides not to scare you with tongue, hoping whoever you share your first kiss with will teach you about that instead. He'd probably throw up if he did that in all honesty, no offense to you.
He pulls you more toward him, then lays all the way back to fall on his back. Your lips are still connected, moving in unison as he helps you, eyes closed, to straddle his waist. You move your hands to his jawline, lightly pressing your fingers into his skin.
You only remember your stereo is playing music in the background as he pulls away from you with a smile. You might has well have just died hearing Garbage's Push It bouncing its soundwaves against the walls.
"You're a good kisser." He smirks, looking up at you.
"Yeah, seems like they are"
Your heads snap toward the door, seeing Ray standing in the doorway with Fourthgrade, Ruben, and Stevie behind him, watching in awe. The dark-skinned boy crosses his arms with a deadpan look.
"No way y'all are this desperate"
You quickly bounce off of Fuckshit, letting him sit up to explain yourselves.
"I was teaching them how to kiss-"
"Sure you were. C'mon, we have a party to attend"
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"Watch out, we can't leave them alone. They'll start making out in the hallway closet" Ray jokes, looking over at you and Fuckshit.
"Shut up." You both reply in unison, smiling afterward at the chances.
Fourthgrade attempts to speak, "They're convinced they aren't dating-"
"We aren't!"
"We caught them fucking earlier!" Ruben exclaims to the girls.
"We were not fucking, Ruben!"
"Close enough!"
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 4 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 18
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent ����
Today Enid suggested we head into Jericho for Christmas shopping. I informed her that this was unnecessary for me as I had already finished making my Yuletide gifts before the final month began. She looked a little taken aback but I was quick to clarify that it did not mean I wouldn't join her in town. I donned my jacket and took her hand in my own. She lit up again at once and immediately pulled me out of our dorm.
As we walked through the halls on our way down to the bus she asked me many questions about Yule. I had no qualms in educating her about its history, symbols, and traditions.
'Woah! So it's kind of like an old timey Christmas?' Was her response. I cannot describe the physical pain this caused me. 'Willa, are you okay?' She asked as we boarded the bus.
'Perhaps it would also be prudent to discuss the history of the holiday you celebrate as well.' I said, taking a calming breath as we sat down. I could tell that it would be a long trip to Jericho.
-YourFavoriteFruitBat is now livestreaming-
"What's up guys! YourFavoriteFruitBat here along with my girl GayMerGirl as we head into town! We're going to see how long I can stand in the local churches before I catch fire!"
"You're not seriously doing that are you?"
"Hey chat it looks like we've got a guest appearance by QBB - Queen Bee Barclay!"
"Don't call me that."
"So what are your plans for town today?"
"Well, I guess they now include staying away from the churches."
"Aw, come on Bianca don't be- Wait, chat's going crazy. Hold on. Oh shit! I guess we've also got an impromptu episode of Wenid Watch!"
"So this is still a thing?"
"Yeah, it's become even more popular over the past couple weeks. I remember when Yoko started filming them occasionally as a joke but now everyone is super invested."
"Like, their relationship?"
"Yup! It's the whole 'will they won't they' kind of thing. Except they're finally together now, I think."
"Shh! Quiet you two! This is a rare sighting of the two love bats outside of their nest!"
"-and it was the psychoactive component of the amanita muscaria, or fly agaric, that caused hallucinations, with the most common hallucination being that of flying reindeer."
"Wow! But wait, if people only hallucinated the reindeer flying then how did the Christmas Werewolf win the werewolf games?"
"The… what?"
"The werewolf games! How did the Christmas Werewolf win if the reindeer he ate didn't actually fly?"
"I am unaware of such a tale."
"You not know about the Christmas Werewolf? Ha! Quit joking!"
"This is no jest, cara mia."
"You know, the Christmas Werewolf."
"Mi amor, I am afraid that you repeating it does not give me any greater clarity."
"…You? You really haven't heard the story of the Christmas Werewolf?"
"No. I am woefully ignorant."
"Please enlighten me."
"Okay! So my dad always told the story just before the twelve days of Christmas began back when my brothers and I were just cubs-"
"You know, kid werewolves."
"Ah, I see. Continue."
"The Christmas Werewolf, okay so you know how werewolves remain wolfed out for the twelve days of Christmas right?"
"Really? Okay, uh, there's a lot I'm going to need to cover then. Anyway, werewolves who have completed their first full wolf out stay wolfed out during the twelve days of Christmas. That's when we compete in the werewolf games."
"And what happens in these games?"
"Well, we test our strength and stuff, like running and hunting and jumping. There's also alcohol involved but that's mainly for the older werewolves. Anyway, so the story goes that a long time ago on a cold winter's night all the local werewolves gathered together for the werewolf games. Everyone got to play except for one little werewolf. None of the other werewolves would let him join in the games because they said he was too small and weak and could never hope to compete. The little werewolf was very sad but determined to prove them wrong."
"The other werewolves laughed and said they would let him join in the games if he could jump over the wall of a nearby castle. The little werewolf saw how tall the wall was and knew he could not jump it all by himself. He wandered off into the woods and that's when he saw it: Santa's reindeer. The little werewolf got an idea. If the reindeer could fly, maybe he could too if he ate one."
"That took a rather unexpected turn."
"So, he comes up with this whole big plan to catch one of the reindeer. Long story short he succeeds and eats one of the reindeer and goes back to the other werewolves. Anyway, he wins because he can jump super high now and gets crowned the Christmas Werewolf."
"And how did Santa respond to the death of one of his reindeer?"
"Well, I mean, that's why Santa doesn't deliver presents to werewolves. And why we can't enjoy hot chocolate at Christmas. And also why his reindeer wear silver bells, so werewolves never eat his reindeer again."
"That… makes sense."
"I know right? But if the flying reindeer were hallucinations, how did the Christmas werewolf make the jump?"
"I would suppose that with this werewolf being quite clever he found some alternative way to clear that castle wall."
"I guess."
"Enid, if the character of Saint Nicholas refuses to bring gifts to werewolves why have you hung stockings?"
"Oh! Those aren't for Santa! It's for the Christmas werewolf to leave dried venison. It's symbolic of the meat of the flying reindeer."
"Why stockings?"
"Well, you can't wear stockings when you're wolfed out, silly. That's why he puts it in there."
"Of course. And the tree?"
"Werewolf Christmases are mostly spent outside, since almost everyone is wolfed out. So we have two trees that are decorated the same. One inside for the cubs that haven't wolfed out and one outside for everyone else. You can find your family by the tree outside that is decorated like the one inside."
"There appears to be much I do not know about werewolf Christmas."
"I don't know. I think they're mostly the same. I mean, you spend time with family and people you care about, you give gifts, and you compete to see who is the strongest."
"Must one be a werewolf to partake in these games?"
"Uh, technically no but they are very challenging if you aren't."
"What is the prize of winning said games?"
"Well, you get to be the Christmas Werewolf."
"And what does that entail?"
"You get first pick when it comes to meals, everyone has to listen to you, you get bragging rights, and you hunt the Christmas reindeer so you can put venison in everyone's stockings."
"Interesting. Tell me the games again."
"Willa? You're not- you're not thinking of competing are you?"
"Would it be inappropriate for me to?"
"No but, you're not, you're kinda-"
"You're small."
"Is the story you told me not about the small and clever overcoming brute strength?"
"Yes but Willa- My family is super competitive."
"As am I, querida."
"Willa no."
"I am merely curious, mi loba."
"Well chat? What do you think? Do you think Wednesday Addams has what it takes to compete in the werewolf games?"
"I worry for the werewolves to be honest."
"Bianca's got the spirit! I'm adding a poll down in chat. Chat, do you think Wednesday has a chance? I guess we'll have to wait till after winter break to find out!"
-YourFavoriteFruitBat has ended the livestream-
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fakeagatha · 6 months
Mrs Fletcher | Prof!Eve Fletcher x Fem!Reader
Chapter Three
A/N: For my own reasons, I got very inspired to continue writing for this series fic. I had already planned out the story, but I changed my mind a few days ago about how I want it to go, and what to include. Please let me know of any errors, and enjoy!
Words: 1055
TWs: Alcohol
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Your mind was a complete blur as you woke up on the floor, your bed a mess. You knew Steve was with you, so you assume you must've sent him back to his dorm out of exhaustion.
You wondered why everything was fuzzy, until you noticed the bottles of wine on your desk. That explains it.
You have class, and your head was still hurting. Surprisingly, you didn't seem to be too hungover to the point you couldn't function, though you still can't miss out on your education that your parents are just barely affording. So, after finishing up in the bathroom, you took your things and left.
You smirked after realizing your first class was with Mrs Fletcher. Something inside you made you admit to yourself that in fact, maybe you do like her. It's a disaster of course, but can you control your feelings? Unfortunately not.
You entered her class and sat next to Steve, who also seemed to be in a bit of a state.
"When did you leave last night?" You mumbled.
He blinked, and simply shrugged, "I don't remember... Are you hungover?" He randomly added.
You grimaced in response "No, not really, I feel a bit tired, but I'm doing okay. You?"
"Same." He replied, scratching his head.
When your professor entered the room, you acted casual. Now that your feelings were confirmed to yourself, everything felt more real. Your eyes widened as she brought up the work that was due, but quickly relaxed after realizing you'd completed it a few days ago. You handed her your text book, and she smiled at you.
Eve's hand brushed yours as she took the book from you, and she blushed. She couldn't believe she felt this way about her student. She wasn't sure why, but you were different to her.
The conversation she had with Amanda the night before switched something on inside of her. She knew that she must remain professional, even though she was crushing on her student. It was very new to her, as this was the first time she had accepted any kind of feelings she had for anyone after Amanda, and Julian, literally being her son's old classmate.
Eve cleared her throat, holding her hands in front of her as she got everyone's attention.
"So, I have an exciting announcement to make..." She smiled softly to herself, "We've been approved for our yearly school trip to Europe!"
You gasped, your eyes shining slightly. You've been to Europe before, Germany specifically, but you've wanted to go again, you wanted to travel.
Eve took a breath, "We'll be going to Malta, and the cost is 400$, but that includes tax, as well as the sight-seeing and museum costs."
Everyone looked around at each other excitedly, already discussing their plans before Eve could even give them any more information. Eve lightly hit her desk with her palm to get everyone's attention again. "Can everyone who would consider attending raise their hand, so I can write their names down and let the principal know?"
In an instance, several hands went up, except for one or two students, who either weren't interested or were disappointed about the expensive cost.
You hesitated to raise your hand, since you weren't sure if you could cover the cost, though you did anyway, smiling when Steve did the same. Then, Eve interrupted your thoughts. "You might be wondering which professors will be joining you," Everyone went quiet to listen, "It will be me, of course, couldn't miss it," She chuckled, "Mr Rogers, Miss McDavies, and Miss Evanora." She bit her lip as a few students groaned at the last name.
You turned to your best friend, "Hey, a lot of teachers behave differently out of school, Evanora might not be that bad!" You whispered, and he shrugged, "I guess so, well, I hope so honestly. She's... quite the character." You both laughed quietly.
Then, after a few moments, you smirked to yourself. Eve is coming with you! You absolutely have to go now, you just can't miss this trip. Also, you've never been to Malta, and you haven't even traveled a lot before if anything.
Your parents were out of state, back in New York where you grew up. They both still work, and even though you don't usually like to ask for help, you figured that they both would be more than happy to help with the cost of your trip. You glanced back up at your professor as she spoke,
"Our flight is on..." She looked through a sheet of paper she was holding, "May 12th! So it's just less than three months from now." She nodded,
"Perfect! That gives both me and my parents plenty of time to gather the money!" You whispered to Steve, and he smiled "Yeah, same! We're gonna have an awesome time."
And you knew you would...
The rest of the day went by smoothly, to your surprise, and even some stricter professors were quite chill. After the day ended, you got the chance to call up your parents. Not only to ask for money, but also to check in on them, as you haven't spoken yet this week.
Both of them happily obliged, feeling happy for you and the opportunity to travel with your peers. You thanked them continuously, and after hanging up, you had to tell Steve that your parents agreed.
Y/N: Steve! My parents are helping me pay for Malta!
Steve: Just called mine... They said we can't afford it :(
Y/N: You're kidding, right?
You looked at your screen, watching the text bubbles reappear as he typed,
Steve: Lol yeah I am kidding. They're gonna pay half!
You rolled your eyes,
Y/N: You're an asshole, but I'm pleased we can both go.
You sighed, putting your phone down, and opening up your diary.
January 16th, 2019
Miss Fletcher just announced our annual school trip! I asked mom and dad for some financial help, and they agreed! Eve is coming with us, and that makes it all the more exciting! Miss Evanora is coming too, but me and Steve figured that she might be more laid back on our trip, unlike how she is in school. I already know, for my own reasons, that I'm going to have an unforgettable time in Malta.
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wasitforrevenge · 7 months
oh sweetheart pt. 2.5
pairing: boxer!ellie x f! jesses sister!reader
word count: 1.2k
rating: 18+ (smut will be coming in later parts)
warnings: dealer! boxer!ellie, weed, alcohol,
summary: ellie gets your phone number.
author notes: hi just something small for a filler, setting up for the next part, hoping to have it posted up friday the 1st! thank you for reading! pls reblog, comment, or like! i love the support, and thank you for over 1000 likes and 100 followers!! it’s a great feeling
italic = ellie and bold = reader
part 2.5 | part 3
series masterlist <3
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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its been a week and a half since you last saw her when she drove you home from the match in her old busted truck. thoughts of her plagued your mind all week. you wondered if she was working. you wondered if she was out with friends. you wondered if she was thinking about you. she is but you don’t know that. you’re not aware she’s thinking of you also. thinking of the way the smell of strawberries stained her car after you left. thinking of the way you said you like it when she calls you sweetheart.
both of you wonder when the next time you’ll see each other is.
its a wednesday afternoon, you’re currently sitting on the couch with dina. she’s the only friend you have down here so far and its not weird that she’s dating your brother. she has come over a bunch, helping you shop, getting little things for your apartment, watching movies and of course, getting high. which is exactly what you’re doing right now. you both sat on your old lumpy couch and watched the iron man series that you had on dvd, not paying to much attention to the tv, but rather your conversion.
“so no luck still? you should just come work with me at the farm, i mean i love it- the horse shit not so much.” dina exclaimed.
“yeah its like no one is hiring, i may have to take you up on that, i still wanna keep looking though, maybe something will come along.” you told her.
“yeah avoid horse shit as long as you can, something will come along don’t worry!” she said trying to make you feel better knowing you’re stressed. but at the end of the day, you need something to fill your time besides thinking of the boxer that drove you home.
you guys just sat and talked then eventually as the credits rolled for the last movie, you got up and started to clean up the mess from the pizza you ordered earlier. after you went to the kitchen and put the plates in the sink, you grabbed the bottle of wine and two glasses and made your way back to dina still in the living room. you hold it up to her and with the look on her face, you knew she was thinking the same thing.
by the third bottle, it was 10pm and you’ve run out of weed and not much wine left but you both are feeling great, laughing and giggling like kids. its nice to have a friend you thought.
“what are you doing friday night?” she questioned.
you responded to her, “probably exactly what im doing right now” you both laughed.
“well there’s another match this weekend, me and jesse are going if you want to come along again, ellie will be there too.” she replied. you couldn’t hide the smile on your face when she said her name.
“woah! what’s with the smiling and the blushing…” she joked asking. you didn’t tell either of them what happened that night at the first match. from outside or inside, they assumed you both got an uber and you didn’t tell them any differently.
“nothing, i just thought she was nice thats all.” you said trying not make any signs of anything more.
“oh she is!,” dina started, “well maybe not at first but once you get to know her, we’ve been friends for years now,” she laughed and kept going, “she fights at the gym sometimes, but she works there too, its a good hang out space plus cheap drinks. plus she’s bringing us the restock.” she finished as she picked up her weed jar.
“oh you get it from her?” you inquired, thinking back to the faint smell of weed in her car when she drove you home.
“yeah she’s got good stuff and nice deals, ugh its great, always easier to get it from someone you know,” she ended. you thought about asking her if you could tell her to get you some to and for some other non-obvious reason but she beat you to it.
“ill send her your number and she’ll text you.” she said to you as she pulled out her phone and sent a message. a few moments later, her phone rang and she answered, it was jesse waiting outside for her so she gave you a hug and grabbed her stuff and you walked her to the door.
you locked it before you turned around to sit back down on the couch, grabbed the wine glass and poured the last bit in your cup, you were still drunk and definitely feeling it. you heard your phone buzz and you picked it up, answering the call, not paying attention, thinking it was dina but the voice surprised you.
hey sweetheart
you didn’t expect her to call so soon, you haven’t even given yourself a moment to think about what to say beforehand. you weren’t prepared for this. you feel yourself getting nervous over the girl you only met last week but you just cant help it. she’s been on your mind since you met her.
hi ellie
dina sent me your number i hope that’s okay
yes she said she was going to
well in that case, she said you needed to buy
yeah we managed to smoke up all her stash and i haven’t gotten any since i moved here, probably cause i didn’t know where to get it
well no worries, i’ve got everything you need sweetheart.
thank you ellie, you said smiling but she couldn’t see you through the phone, you wondered what she’d think if she saw how red your face was right now.
you can call me el sweetheart, no need to be so formal.
she laughed through the phone, and then asked if you were coming to the gym on friday with your brother and dina.
they invited me but i hadn’t thought about it yet, not wanting to sound too eager about the potential thought of seeing her on friday.
mhm- well you should, we’re just gonna have some drinks and chill so nothing crazy. but i will have the weed for you then if that peaks your interest.
bribing me with drugs?, you laugh into the phone and she laughs with you.
if that’s how you want to put it sweetheart, sure
you smiled into the phone, not even sure how to respond to that before becoming flustered, before you continued,
i guess we’ll just have to wait and see then…
yeah i guess we will… goodnight sweetheart.
that was the last thing she said before she hung up and you sat staring back at a black screen. thinking that now she has your number and you have hers.
it’s almost 11 now as you brush your teeth, throw on a t shirt and cuddle up in bed. falling asleep to the thoughts of how friday was going to go when you finally saw her again.
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In The Woods Somewhere
Chapter 3: Fall Of Man
Summary: Memory is a monster.
Pairing: Father Ignatius x nun!afab!Reader
Word Count: -3k
Content Warnings: Dead Dove Do Not Eat 18+!, Discourse About Trauma, Past Trauma Triggering An Episode, The Usual Heresy, Angst… Lots Of It!
A/N: I don't even write slow burns…how did we get here?!
No pressure tagging: @queer-crusader @theprettiesthead @midnight-mess @blueberrypancakesworld @theidiotwhowrites
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But the wind has picked us up now, we're hanging in the air
And as you grip me like an animal that you're about to spear
"Be good to me, " I whisper
And you say, "What?" and I say, "Nothing, dear"
- That Unwanted Animal By The Amazing Devil
Bowing down to the inevitable change of season, the leaves of the thick and mighty chestnut tree right behind the herb garden turned from a vibrant green to countless shades of orange and auburn, one color variation more beautiful and intricate than the other; chlorophyll withering away to grant the tree one last show of its beauty before the leaves would be dead and rotting on the floor in mere weeks.
Beautiful thing, you thought, looking at the tree from behind a dust and dirt-smeared, thin glass window, so unbothered and simply perfect in the way it grew out of the dark soil for decades now.
“BHAAAAA.” Sister Carla tore you out of your musings, not only mentally but physically as well, pouncing at you in a playful manner, nearly knocking you over, back slumping on your hay mattress.
“Carla, please.” You shoved the younger woman back, her gleeful smile dying down remarkably fast in such juvenile innocence that you regretted the harsh tone rolling over your tongue.
“Sorry.”, You tried to catch her mood from falling further, consoling her with a smile you had to work your face for, “I’m just very tired, be gentle with me, dear.”
“Oh, I figured.”, Sister Carla grinned again as she made herself comfortable next to you, the bed barely being wide enough to accommodate, “Wandering the hallways at night and smelling strange after that. Where have you been? You know you can tell me. Please? Please tell me, I want to know.”
“Carla, I’ve told you already.”, Keeping that lie of a smile plastered to your face, you took the Sisters hand gently in the palm of yours, “It’s been the wool itching against my skin so much that I mindlessly scratch it all open. Then I went into the kitchen to grab some of the alcohol Sister Margarita keeps to clean the scratches. Did you know that alcohol keeps scratches and cuts from getting infected?”
The younger woman shook her head, her rusty brown hair falling into her slim face. It didn’t surprise you just one bit that she didn’t know, being raised in this cesspit of censorship and carefully spoon-fed knowledge and education.
“Is that why you stink so much? The alcohol, I mean.” To nonverbally underline her point, Carla scrunched her nose after curiously prodding fingertips had nudged against the discolored collar of your gown.
You nodded, a sense of uncomfortable uncleanliness tugging at your insides.
“Can you please save me some from the lunch? I’d like to clean myself up, yeah?” Carla jumped off of your bed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and tilting her head to the side.
“You already slept through breakfast! Sister Margarita is getting really upset with you and Sister Iphigenia is worried. What am I supposed to tell them, huh?” Sister Carla had a point but she mustn’t know why you very willingly slept through breakfast and wanted to avoid lunch at any cost as well.
“Please tell them that I will grab lunch a little bit later and see to my chores right after because I’d like to clean my dress before the stains are too dried up to do so.” You tried reasoning with her and Carla opened her mouth to respond but a new, much more exciting thought raced to be uttered first.
“Oh, I haven’t told you yet, did I?”, Your brows knit together, feigning obliviousness, “We have a visitor!”
Sister Carla bounced on her heels, face beaming with excitement because the periodical stays of Father Ignatius unfortunately really came as the most exciting thing happening in this outsourced circle of hell.
“Oh? Already?”, Your throat rendered dry, mind reeling and thrashing in poor attempts of trying to shove the freshest memories out of your thoughts, “See? Even more reason to get freshened up properly, no?”
“Hurry! Talk is that he brought some things from the mainland for us!” Carla was almost squealing before throwing you one last look and dashing away, probably to the kitchen to help Sister Iphigenia with the cooking.
Oh, you sure knew that he had certainly brought things from the mainland. Whisky, cigarettes, and who knows what else and you could hardly believe that there were things amongst pleasure-stained sacrilege that were meant for the convent.
The thing he’d brought for you so far was chaos. Nothing but chaos and confusion, temptation - planting it in your head, his spindly roots working themselves through every layer of your conscience, making you feel like you couldn’t get rid of him even if you tried to cut him out of you.
Father Ignatius wasn’t a man of god, he couldn’t be, no, he was a hypocrite and a pretender…just like you.
As Sister Margarite brabbled an endless cacophony about the gardens of the monastery, her pride and joy, the supple inventory of the apothecary, and the almost finished renovation of the little chapel, Ignatius couldn’t bother to listen to any of it to save his life. Maybe he should propose a vow of silence upon the convent, perhaps a doable task for the upcoming weeks of lent in about 6 months. For endless minutes, the elderly woman went on and on and on about things that wouldn’t tickle his interest in the slightest, not in a hundred years’ time.
Occasionally, Father Ignatius nodded along pretentiously, taking a sip from his tea that could most certainly use some sugar or honey but god forbid and heaven shall burn anything in this place was ever made with the intent of being enjoyable.
His thoughts drifted off, away from the lunch table in the small dining room, slithering along the cold stone tiles beneath his feet and back to the confessional, towering crooked and lackluster in a nook down the hall. The memory of your wide, frightened eyes held him in an iron-tight grip, evoking a distinct flush of anger directed towards anything that had you scared and distraught like this. Ignatius knew this kind of scare that had flickered in your eyes, a sentiment way beyond awe and reverence, something had shaken you so harshly in the past that it was haunting you ever since. It hadn’t been the first time seeing you look that way at him, no, most certainly not.
Ever since the very first time Ignatius had set food past the ancient door frames, you’d looked at him like this, endlessly sharp splinters of trauma replaying in your mind, that if you dared to put your eyes on him at all; trails of nagging guilt and intangible amounts of internalized shame gushing from your lashlines, the very type of sadness everybody here, but especially Sister Margarite, was hellbent on ignoring.
Every few months, he’s watched you getting a little worse, the way you carried yourself a twinge more disheveled, at times almost regressive and him being in no place to really help you because he hardly understood what was actually happening to you in the first place; that was until the previous night: You quivering and shaking next to him after trying to purge the contempt out of your body by violently ripping at your throat - poor thing.
He chewed down at the inside of his cheek reflecting on his unfortunate whim of trying to get to you, lapping at you like that without even giving it a second thought. Fucking idiot. Ignatius suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at himself. It had been way too much, he’d come off too strong for someone in such a delicate state to handle, practically sticking his finger in the helplessly festering wound and drilling a nail into it.
His eyes darted right past Sister Margarite, out of the dingy, rectangular window that didn't close properly anymore and probably never really had, a swiftly moving, stark white spot catching his attention as he watched it rush towards the woods.
“How long till lunch you said, Sister?” He tilted his head to the side, managing a brief smile.
“An hour, maybe two, Father. Cooking over a fire takes a bit of time, you understand.” Sister Iphigenia explained and apologized in one go.
“But of course, no rush. Would you excuse me until then, Sisters? I feel like taking a walk, enjoy the fresh breeze away from the city.” Ignatius was getting up from the table already whilst still talking, not waiting for the women to actually agree or disagree; they wouldn't dare to talk back anyway.
“Oh, please, enjoy!” Sister Margarita answered this time, not trying to hide her being somewhat upset with her monologue being forcefully ended.
“Will do.” Ignatius tapped his hand onto the table before pushing away, not just the need for a cigarette quickening his steps.
You cowered crouched down, hunched above the water’s surface in such a curve that you nearly fell forward into the narrow creek rippling cold water between your digits as you scraped your nails over the tarnished wool of your overdress. The cool of the water mixed with a stiff breeze ghosting amongst the trees caused your skin to erupt in waves of goosebumps over and over, the thin linen underdress hardly enough to keep your body’s warmth from disappearing into the air that smelled like rain, amplifying the earthy fragrance of the soil getting crushed beneath your boots.
Getting the stains out of your gown came as a troublesome task you didn’t expect. Cold water should’ve rinsed the dried blood out of the fabric just fine but you surely had to pick and scratch at it quite a bit to see any difference.
“I came to apologize.” You halted instantly, startled, sucking the air in sharply as your brain played catch up with your thoughts that ran wayward like a spilled sack of potatoes.
In a matter of seconds, you shot up from your compromising position, the soaked overdress falling to the ground with a wet thud as you turned around to see the priest standing a little uphill, waiting along the walking path. Synapses fired away relentlessly but no muscle wanted to move just now as you thought about picking up the next best stone to throw at him, ready to hurt the devil in the means to make him stay away, instead, you stood there frozen, staring like a bewildered animal, deciding whether to fight or flight.
“I am earnestly sorry for my behavior last night.”, Father Ignatius came walking down slowly, hands in the pockets of his cassock, “I want to apologize.”
A brittle twig snapped underneath the sole of his shoe and the cracking sound was like a gunshot to you, eventually tearing you out of your stupor and making you lunge forward without a plan; the only objective being survival.
“Stay away from me!” You shrieked at the man whose eyes widened rapidly.
Father Ignatius stumbled back but not nearly as quickly as you came after him, palms flailing through the air aimlessly as to where they thunder down on him - shoulders, chest, face, wherever it hurt was fine.
“You cannot do this to me!”, You heart was almost hammering through your ribcage and your voice broke over and over, not familiar with being used at such volumes, “You are supposed to keep me from all this worldly malice!”
One palm stuck down against his and the priest groaned out, his own hands trying to get a hold of your wrists that were flying through the air like the ends of a whip.
“Sister!”, Father Ignatius huffed, trying his best to remain calm and de-escalate the situation, “I need you to calm down. I am not here to do you any harm, Sister!”
However, his voice wasn’t enough to get through to you, quite the opposite, hearing him talk only fueled the desperation, the fear of being dirtied by a man's hand yet again and punished for things that weren’t your fault to begin with.
“No! You don’t understand!” The words clawed their way out of your dry throat, bordering on being sore with your yells very soon.
“Then tell me!”, First, his hand caught your right arm, the left following swiftly as you lost the momentum, “What do I not understand?”
You tried to tear yourself out of his grasp but his hold on you was too strong, firm but not painful, and within seconds your shrieking turned into sniffled sobbing; anger fed by fear mellowing into drowning despair.
Father Ignatius stared at you, eyes ever attentive yet gentle. He was shocked at the intensity of your outburst but internally groaned at himself because he could’ve figured just by the state you were in.
Lost in your own train of thought, thrashing through a spectrum of emotions that wasn’t kind to you, you rambled at him.
“Stop…stop it. This is all I have left. I can’t go back home.”, Now the words slipped past your lips in a stumbled slurry, “I can’t fuck this up, too. Please.”
“Hey, hey…it’s going to be okay. Breathe.”, The Priest took a step closer to you, thumbs gently caressing over your pulse points in an attempt to calm you, “Look at me. I know you don’t belong here, neither do I.”
Just as he carefully asked you to, you looked at him, a gush of tears threatening to spill from your lash line as it trickled from your tear ducts.
“What…what do you mean?” You mouthed, your tone barely there anymore whilst you turned horribly self-aware of your vulnerability, your affliction of wanting attention, and what it did with you once you started getting just the most meager amounts of it.
“Those things you feel. The things they don't want you to feel in a place like this. They are normal, human, you know that. There is no shame in feeling desire.”, You just blinked at the man whose gaze turned soft, features losing their aura of indifference, he pitied you, “There's no shame in having those urges and acting upon them. It's just…normal.”
Ignatius breathed the last word as an expression of his eternal exhaustion about the incredibly regressive ways of his church.
He watched you calm down slowly, the air between him and you stagnating, loading up with what felt like electric tension and he knew this had to stop, he had apologized and now it was upon him to leave you to take care of your dress.
“This is my opinion and I know it wouldn't fare well with the Sisters. Perhaps another secret to share? If you'll have me.” Ignatius wanted to let you know that you had the reins, that it was your call to make, giving you the power of choice back that had been stripped from you in the monastery.
His eyes dropped to the scabbed cuts along your neck and collar bones, a stark contrast to the thin white underdress hardly covering anything.
Unlike almost a decade ago, it wasn't Ignatius who shoved himself at you in a dusty closet like the janitor's son had done, no, he wasn't lunging at you like a hungry wolf, teeth gnashing and ready to bite in the supple flesh of you bottom lip, a shaky hand finding its way between your legs, palm curving, taking as you had tried to pull back in shock. Instead, it was you who took the leap of faith and stepped forward, closing the distance between your bodies and Ignatius wasn’t howling and barking at you, he was humming as mouths touched, lips pressing against one another tenderly, cautiously even.
For a moment, you forgot to breathe. The taste of herbal tea and a recently smoked cigarette swapping into your mouth as you just went along, stumbling through the interaction as his tongue stroke yours. The janitor's son hadn't kissed you like that, he'd eaten you alive, swallowing the sounds of panic and discomfort, shushing you to shut up or you'd be found out.
An icy tingle shot up your spine into the nape of your neck, making you jerk your head like a pupped tugged along at its strings.
“Did I hurt you?” Father Ignatius eyes widened as he immediately loosened his careful grasp around your wrists.
“No.”, You waited for the pain of the sudden and violent twitch to fade, “Sometimes…sometimes that happens when bad memories come back.”
Time halted as you looked, stared at Father Ignatius, admiring how his hair started to curl from the humidity. Handsome devil in a cassock, silver cross heavy against his heaving chest, lips glossy with your saliva and you couldn't decide whether to run or cave, the thrum in your body so ancient and aching.
You wanted him, wanted to feel him, wanted to know what it was like not to feel disgusted and wretched in your own skin. A hand shot forward to grab at the black of his garment and you pulled, inviting him and Ignatius followed suit.
“You're not painful. You're gentle.”, You whispered, lips almost touching again, smelling him in your space but for once it didn't arouse any fear, “Would you have me?”
“Not here. Not like this. You're freezing. It's about to start raining soon.”, Broad palms cradled your waist, squeezing gingerly, “I know I'm asking a lot but do you think you can sneak out after nightfall?”
“To where?” You asked eagerly.
“The chapel? Think about it. If you want that, I mean. I'll be there.”
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