#makes me SCREAM
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bilerthetired · 7 months
Someone needs to study the intersection of people who listen to car seat headrest and the mountain goats and find out what’s making them aromantic
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stitchkiss · 8 months
absolutely CANNOT get jim and archie’s lil forehead touch out of my mind.
it’s about the rain. it’s about the blood staining their teeth and dripping out of their mouths. it’s about jim’s refusal to kill archie. it’s about archie’s refusal to kill jim when they gave archie an opening. it’s about the understanding between the two characters that the consequences they will face will never be greater than anything that comes from killing each other.
this quick forehead touch means So Much to them and you can see the affection, adoration, comfort, understanding, and bond happening between these two in just a quick moment.
this is my roman empire
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
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beryllee · 6 days
i might start writing for ashley at this rate i love her so much lately ive been so obsessed
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allmyoldhaunts · 2 years
thinking about antigone and ismene hours :(
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imagineallright · 2 years
Can You explore my body ?
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4ugust · 1 year
what is the best song ever and why is it midnight rain
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
i HATE webtoon daily pass
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itspileofgoodthings · 3 months
Not a DAY goes by but I am thinking of this one Pitch Perfect review I read that said “the music isn’t good but you can’t have everything”
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Vincent Price at the opening of The Tingler (1959)
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shay-creates · 9 months
Apparently, my decision to be silly and make fanart of someone's writing (because I genuinely enjoy the story the person is writing and I was struck with inspiration upon reading a particular scene) has benevolent and wildly unforeseen consequences.
I apparently gained a bit of control of the canon because said writer really loved the art and decided what I drew/draw is canon.
2. Writer put said artwork into the document of his story right below the scene, so now it's IN the story where people who read the story will see it (with a link to me)
3. He sent the artwork to all his friends and people he knows because he was so excited
Wholesome interaction and I watched him do all that in real time, good stuff. However...there are two more consequences I was notified of today...nearly a full week after I gave the artwork.
Seeing the artwork caused his friends to become interested in reading and hearing about his story, which means more people are reading what he's writing and giving him critique on the story (which he actively asks for).
Apparently, upon seeing the art, his writer friends got a sudden second wind to pick back up writing they'd abandoned for a few months. Because, I quote, "seeing that someone enjoyed {his} writing enough to take the time to make art of it gave them the motivation that maybe THEY can write something that will inspire someone to also create something." I have accidentally caused a writing frenzy among his writer friends and my silly idea to make art for someone has had a butterfly effect for people who I don't even know.
Uhh...I'm pretty sure there's a moral here but I am tired and have a great deal of emotions about this.
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avarkriss · 2 months
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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amiibo-king · 1 year
it's come to my attention that a lot of people don't know about bluemaxima's flashpoint and genuinely think they'll never be able to play their favorite 00s internet games ever again so i just want to remind everyone that flashpoint is a huge internet flash game preservation project that allows you to play just about any internet flash game/animation despite the death of flash. if they've got it in their database (and they probably do) you can play it. go forth and drink in the 00s nostalgia
even if you think there's no way they'll have the game u want. they probably do anyway. when i first downloaded flashpoint i thought for sure theres no way they will have the obscure flash game i played for hours as a kid that was only even available on the internet for like 2 months in 2006. but you know what. they had it. seriously, download flashpoint
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freitag1607 · 5 months
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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cuntylestat · 23 days
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They were all in love with him. He had that effect on everyone.
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