#not even just her and percy i hope percy tells grover and word spreads around camp and movie nights just become a thing at camp
freitag1607 · 4 months
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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blackjacktheboss · 3 years
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the photo • mob au
For as long as Percy can remember, he has had dreams of becoming a husband and a father, of giving himself over completely to love and the service of it. But every dream he has ever had can not even come close to the reality of being married to Annabeth, and getting to have a child with her. That child being Ruthie, the human embodiment of a ray of sunshine that warms you on a cool summer day, only makes things even more surreal.
“Daddy, are you listening?” she shouts up at him.
Percy shakes his head, clearing it momentarily of his romantic thoughts. “Sorry, Monster, I got distracted. What’s up?”
“I said,” she chides with an attitude. “Do you think that mommy will like the strawberries?”
“Oh, she’s gonna love them, baby,” he answers. “I mean, you picked them yourself. How could she not?”
The five year old smiles with pride as she scoots the bowl containing the fruit closer to her dad and the picnic basket he is packing. He throws in a nice loaf of bread he picked up from the baker in the early hours of the morning, and matching bottles of champagne and sparkling apple cider.
“Now,” he says, admiring his own handiwork with his hands on his hips. “You said you wanted to bring a book to read with mom.”
Ruthie’s eyes get big and she bites her bottom lip. “Mhmm!”
“Do you need my help getting it?” he asks.
She turns and breaks into a sprint. “NO, I GOT IT DADDY!”
A few minutes later she returns with a book in her arms that she holds close to her chest.
“What did you pick?”
“It’s a surprise, daddy, I can’t tell you!” she says with an offended frown.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he says, averting his gaze. “How rude of me.”
“I forgive you,” Ruthie says nicely. “Can my puppies come with us?”
“Of course they can, it’s a picnic!”
Ruthie smiles, and jumps in place excitedly. “Do the New York whistle! Please, daddy!”
Percy laughs, and winks at his daughter. “You got it, kid.”
He sticks his thumb and index finger in his mouth and takes a deep breath, exhaling into a shrill whistle that cuts through the cavernous estate. Ruthie giggles as she pins her book under her arm to cover her ear, always delighted by her dad’s whistling ability. Soon, the sounds of paws clacking against the hardwood floors get closer and closer until two huge black dogs are tripping over each other to say hello to Ruthie, who again giggles in delight.
“Puppies!” she shouts.
“More like ponies,” Percy says under his breath. “Everyone ready to go outside?”
Blackjack barks at the mention of his favorite word and Ruthie barks along with him, earning a delighted giggle from Percy in turn. He turns to grab the picnic basket, grunting as he pulls it off the counter and has to contend with its hefty weight.
“We may have packed too much,” he admits, as his kid and dogs look up at him expectantly.
“Seems just right to me,” Ruthie says with a shrug.
Percy’s heart swells as he looks down at the little girl who seems to be a carbon copy of the love of his life, and almost can’t believe how damn lucky he really is.
Percy shrugs right back. “Well, you are the boss.”
Ruthie twirls and heads out of the room, her dogs closely in tow. “Picnic time!”
A huge red blanket adorned with white lace flowers that was made by a woman in town is spread across the open green hilltop that overlooks the sea. An olive tree with a thick, twisted trunk towers over them, her branches providing shade from the warm August afternoon.
Ruthie runs around with the dogs, her bubbly laugh filling the air. Her laughing soon turns into cheering as she notices the lean figure of her mother walking towards them. Ruthie takes off towards Annabeth, jumping into her arms and excitedly turning back to Percy to wave and alert him that they are on their way to the picnic.
As he watches them approach, Percy’s head is again filled with an endless stream of thoughts about the life he has built with Annabeth. One chance meeting in Montauk had changed the trajectory of his entire life, and he will always be in debt to whatever confluence of events allowed it to happen.
Growing up, he loved watching his mom tell stories about his dad and he will never forget the way her eyes always lit up whenever he came up in conversation. While his father’s love was intangible in many ways, it was also the very thing his entire existence was predicated on. It is something he has held close to his heart like a prayer, and as he watches his family walk towards him, he hopes with everything that he is that he is doing his father’s legacy justice.
“You’ve got that starry look in your eyes,” Annabeth says with a suspicious squint as she sets her daughter down. “Are you over here being sappy?”
Percy can’t help his dopey smile. “Always. But with the perfect wife and daughter, how could I not?”
Annabeth rolls her eyes as she sits on the blanket, blessing Percy with a chaste kiss that is over too soon for his liking.
“How was work?” he asks, his eyes still dazed and dreamy.
“Surprisingly good,” she answers as Ruthie climbs into her lap. “Everything is set for our return.”
“Is Nana gonna be there?” Ruthie asks, leaning her head all the way back against her mom’s chest to look up at her awkwardly.
Annabeth places a quick kiss to Ruthie’s forehead. “Of course she will. She’s gotta see her best girl.”
“Uncle Grover is gonna be there too,” Percy adds.
Ruthie wraps her arms around herself, dipping her head in shyness. “Everyone loves me so much.”
Annabeth wraps Ruthie up in a bear hug and places a dozen kisses to her cheek. “So so so SO much, Honeybee.”
For a moment, the family simply sits in bliss, enjoying each other’s company and the perfect island day. But with an active five year old, that can never last long.
“Mommy, it’s time for strawberries and reading,” Ruthie declares as she stands and grabs the berries from the basket. She then walks to the far end of the blanket, lifting the corner to reveal the book she has chosen.
“The book was a secret?” Annabeth whispers to Percy.
He raises his eyebrows and nods, whispering back. “Privileged information. A family tradition.”
Annabeth rolls her eyes but laughs all the same, watching expectantly as Ruthie marches back to her and hands her a copy of Pippi Longstocking.
Annabeth takes the book, carefully running her hand over the cover. “Where did you find this?”
Ruthie shrugs. “My room.”
“Was it yours?” Percy asks.
Annabeth looks up, smiling as her eyes shine with tears. “It was a gift from my mom the first summer we spent here. I thought I lost it.”
Ruthie stands with her hands behind her back, slowly twirling from side to side. “Will you please read it to me please?”
Annabeth swallows and nods twice. “Nothing would make me happier.”
Annabeth leans on her side, opening the book, and Ruthie lays down to curl into her mom’s side. Percy is overwhelmed, and wonders how a man can possibly survive when his heart is living outside of his body, split up between the two most important people in his life. On instinct, he reaches for his camera and quietly stands to be able to get the perfect picture of his loves.
The camera clicks and Percy knows, without a doubt, that the shot is a winner.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything is now ruined.
Chapter 22: Then It Ended
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As soon as we came, Annabeth ang Grover tackled me. We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest. According to camp tradition, we wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence.
Annabeth's shroud was so beautiful—gray silk with embroidered owls— Percy told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched him and told him to shut up. Percy being the son of Poseidon, he didn't have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make his shroud. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle.
As I was still unclaimed, Hermes cabin had made me one. (Just... IDK go crazy with your shroud IG) It was fun to burn. As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out s'mores, Percy and I was surrounded by my Hermes cabinmates, Annabeth's friends from Athena, and Grover's satyr buddies, who were admiring the brand-new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest "Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns-and-whiskers above anything we have seen in the past." The only ones not in a party mood were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks told me they'd never forgive us for disgracing their dad. That was okay with me. Even Dionysus's welcome-home speech wasn't enough to dampen my spirits. "Yes, yes, so the little brats didn't get themselves killed and now they'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday...." Going back to the cabin I finally had time to talk to Luke. Who just expressed his relief of me being fine, and how he was scared when Annabeth told everyone about me. No wonder everyone was so shocked seeing me come back with Percy. On the Fourth of July, the whole camp gathered at the beach for a fireworks display by cabin nine. Being Hephaestus's kids, they weren't going to settle for a few lame red-white-and-blue explosions. They'd anchored a barge offshore and loaded it with rockets the size of Patriot missiles. According to Annabeth, who'd seen the show before, the blasts would be sequenced so tightly they'd look like frames of animation across the sky. The finale was supposed to be a couple of hundred-foot-tall Spartan warriors who would crackle to life above the ocean, fight a battle, then explode into a million colors. As Annabeth, Percy and I were spreading a picnic blanket, Grover showed up to tell us good-bye. He was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt and sneakers, but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age. His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on weight. His horns had grown at least an inch, so he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as human. "I'm off," he said. "I just came to say ... well, you know." I tried to feel happy for him. After all, it wasn't every day a satyr got permission to go look for the great god Pan. But it was hard saying good-bye. I'd only known Grover a year, yet he was my oldest friend. Annabeth and I gave him a hug. She told him to keep his fake feet on. I asked him where he was going to search first. "Kind of a secret," he said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me, guys, but humans and Pan ..." "We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?" "Yeah." "And you remembered your reed pipes?" "Jeez, Annabeth," he grumbled. "You're like an old mama goat." But he didn't really sound annoyed. He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. He looked like any hitchhiker you might see on an American highway. "Well," he said, "wish me luck." He gave Annabeth and I another hug. He clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes. Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion, Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware. "Hey, Grover," Percy called. He turned at the edge of the woods. "Wherever you're going—I hope they make good enchiladas." Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him. "We'll see him again," Annabeth said. July passed. I spent my daysplanning out strategies with Luke for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares's hands. I got to the top of the climbing wall for the first time without getting scorched by lava. From time to time, Percy and I would walk past the Big House, he'd glance up at the attic windows, and think about the Oracle.
I tried to convince him that its prophecy had come to completion. "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned." "Been there, done that—even though the traitor god had turned out to be Ares rather than Hades." "You shall find what was stolen, and see it safe returned." "Check. One master bolt delivered. One helm of darkness back on Hades." "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend." Percy recited. "Ares had pretended to be our friend, then betrayed us. That must be what the Oracle meant.... Or maybe Nereid?"
"And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." He sighed. "I had failed to save my mom and lost you..."
"So why are you still uneasy?" The last night of the summer session came all too quickly. The campers had one last meal together. We burned part of our dinner for the gods. At the bonfire, the senior counselors awarded the end-of-summer beads. Percy and I got our own leather necklace, and when I saw the bead for my first summer. The design was pitch black, with a sea-green trident shimmering in the center.
"This is so beautiful..." I smiled to Percy. "The choice was unanimous," Luke announced. "This bead commemorates the first Son of the Sea God at this camp, and the quest he undertook into the darkest part of the Underworld to stop a war!" The entire camp got to their feet and cheered. Even Ares's cabin felt obliged to stand. Athena's cabin steered Annabeth to the front so she could share in the applause. I'm not sure I'd ever felt as happy or sad as I did at that moment. I'd finally found a family, people who cared about me and thought I'd done something right. And in the morning, most of them would be leaving for the year. * * * The next morning, Luke called me. He gave me a paper, telling me to fill it out, and asked me to meet him as soon as I could. I knew Dionysus must've filled it out, because he stubbornly insisted on getting my name wrong: Dear (WRONG NAME) , If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, you must inform the Big House by noon today. If you do not announce your intentions, we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death. Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown. They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers. All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit. Have a nice day! Mr. D (Dionysus) Camp Director, Olympian Council #12 That's another thing about ADHD. Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face. Summer was over, and I still don't know what to do. I had no where to go to. The only option I had was Percy's or maybe Hades was not joking about inviting me back to the Underworld. Sighing I decided to just meet Luke before filling it for second opinions. The campgrounds were mostly deserted, shimmering in the August heat. All the campers were in their cabins packing up, or running around with brooms and mops, getting ready for final inspection. Argus was helping some of the Aphrodite kids haul their Gucci suitcases and makeup kits over the hill, where the camp's shuttle bus would be waiting to take them to the airport. I was walking around looking for Luke. I jumped when I felt someone tap me from behind. I instinctively unsheathed my knife and turned only to see Luke with his hands raised.
"Whoa! Calm down just me." He laughed.
"Kinda weird seeing someone laugh at a knife pointed at them." I smirked sheathing my knife.
"I only laugh since its you." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Are you done with everything?"
"Not really. I don't know whether to leave or not yet. That's why I came. Help me?" I asked him.
He turned to me and to the forest. "How about you hear me out about something... important and private... then decide?" He gestured towards the forest.
"Not planning on killing me are you?" I squinted at him.
He gasped. "Not you. Never. I would never hurt you."
I let him lead me to a shrouded area of the forest.
"How serious is this thing that you can't let anyone see? I am blindly trusting you here Luke." I laughed nervously. But when he didn't reply I felt something was off. "Luke, okay this isn't cool. How deep into the forest do we have to go?"
"Y/N remember when you said... You want to be the person I trust...? How you promised to help me?"
"Luke?" He took my hand and pulled me sharply. I winced at how hard he pulled me. "That hurts! Let me go!"
He snapped back and let go of my wrist. "I-I'm sorry... Y/N..."
As much as I knew I had to leave, I couldn't I was worried about him. I reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's happening?"
"I did it..." I said and sat on the ground. "I swear I didn't mean to get you hurt. But, I confess to everything. I  stole bolt and helm, I summoned the hound, I gave Percy the cursed shoes... And just now, I tried to kill Percy Jackson." He looked at me with empty eyes.
I shot up and looked at him in emotions I couldn't put in words. "W-Wh---" I wanted to leave and check on Percy. But once again, seeing him right now... I need to stay with him. "Why are you telling me this...?"
"Join me... please?" his voice was weak. He sounded vulnerable. "Let's serve my Lord together..."
"L-Luke... no. I-I can't do that!" I took his shoulder, "Y-You should stay with me instead. How about that, huh? L-Let's explain to Chiron and the others... come on please. I could help you!"
Nothing was working.
"Come with me..." He muttered.
"Luke, I won't join you. You have to change your mind. You can't do this."
"I can't change my mind."
"I can help you with that? How about you go with me huh? I could spend all my time doing this and that. Please, just change your mind."
He didn't reply for a while until he whispered, "Promise me."
"Promise you what?"
"You'll stay with me."
"What? Luke I wo--"
"You won't join... Just...don't stay here for the year... and stay with me."
"I-If I stay with you... what would that mean?"
"Yo-You... might change my mind."
"I'll go." I replied with no hesitation. "I'll leave camp for the year. And I'll find my parent to prove to you that Gods and Goddess aren't all bad. We'll find my parent together."
"I do my lord's bidding--"
"You can still do it. If you want to. But whatever happens... stays only between us. I'll stay with you until I change your mind. And I'll bring you back to camp."
"I would never do anything to ruin your trust in me." He knelt down. It was kinda awkward but hey... "I need you."
Worry not hero. We shall stay.
We'll meet again. Wait for us, we shall join you soon. Now leave.
I had no idea what happened since when I came to Luke was gone and there was no sign of him anywhere. How were we going to st---
We will meet him once we leave. Now go as our hero needs us.
I suddenly remembered Percy's state that Luke had told me about. So I ran. I ran to the Big House
Percy finally opened his eyes. He was propped up in bed in the sickroom of the Big House, his right hand bandaged like a club. Argus stood guard in the corner. Annabeth and I sat next to Percy, I was holding his nectar glass and she was dabbing a washcloth on his forehead.
"Here we are again," Percy said. "You idiot," Annabeth said, "You were green and turning gray when we found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing..." "Now, now," Chiron's voice said. "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit." He was sitting near the foot of the bed in human form. His lower half was magically compacted into the wheelchair, his upper half dressed in a coat and tie. He smiled, but his face looked weary and pale, the way it did when he'd been up all night grading Latin papers. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved." "Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom. Now you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened." Between sips of nectar, he told them the story.
I bit my lip trying to keep what happened between Luke and I private. It was a risky move that would not be approved by anyone after all. The room was quiet for a long time. "I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. "Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest."
Percy was looking at me as if checking what was my reaction to his story. "This must be reported to Olympus," Chiron murmured. "I will go at once." "Luke is out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him." Chiron shook his head. "No, Percy. The gods—" "Won't even talk about Kronos," Percy snapped. "Zeus declared the matter closed!" "Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You aren't ready." "Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle... it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Was I in it? Y/N? And Annabeth?" Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place—" "You've been ordered not to talk to me about it, haven't you?" His eyes were sympathetic, but sad. "You will be a great hero, child. I will do my best to prepare you. But if I'm right about the path ahead of you..." Thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows. "All right!" Chiron shouted. "Fine!" He sighed in frustration. "The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing." "We can't just sit back and do nothing," He said. "We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come." "Assuming I live that long." Chiron put his hand on Percy's ankle. "You'll have to trust me, Percy. You will live. But first you must decide your path for the coming year. I cannot tell you the right choice...." I got the feeling that he had a very definite opinion, and it was taking all his willpower not to advise me. "But you must decide whether to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision." "I'll be back as soon as I can," Chiron promised. "Argus will watch over you." He glanced at Annabeth. "Oh, and, my dear... whenever you're ready, they're here." "Who's here?" Percy asked. Nobody answered. Chiron rolled himself out of the room. I heard the wheels of his chair clunk carefully down the front steps, two at a time. Annabeth studied the floor. "What's wrong?" Percy asked her. "Nothing. I ... just took your advice about something. You ... um ... need anything?" "Yeah. Help me up. I want to go outside." "Percy, that isn't a good idea." Percy slid his legs out of bed. Annabeth and I caught him before he could crumple to the floor.
I said, "I told you ..." "I'm fine," He insisted.
He managed a step forward. Then another, still leaning heavily on me. Argus followed us outside, but he kept his distance. By the time we reached the porch, his face was beaded with sweat. But we had managed to make it all the way to the railing. It was dusk. The camp looked completely deserted. The cabins were dark and the volleyball pit silent. No canoes cut the surface of the lake. Beyond the woods and the strawberry fields, the Long Island Sound glittered in the last light of the sun. "What are you going to do?" Annabeth asked us. "I don't know." Percy replied. "I got the feeling Chiron wanted me to stay year-round, to put in more individual training time, but I'm not sure that's what I want. I also don't want to leave you both with Clarisse only." Annabeth pursed her lips, then said quietly, "I'm going home for the year, Percy." He stared at her. "You mean, to your dad's?" She pointed toward the crest of Half-Blood Hill. Next to Thalia's pine tree, at the very edge of the camp's magical boundaries, a family stood silhouetted—two little children, a woman, and a tall man with blond hair. They seemed to be waiting. The man was holding a backpack that looked like the one Annabeth had gotten from Waterland in Denver. "I wrote him a letter when we got back," Annabeth said. "Just like you suggested. I told him... I was sorry. I'd come home for the school year if he still wanted me. He wrote back immediately. We decided... we'd give it another try." "That took guts." She pursed her lips. "You won't try anything stupid during the school year, will you? At least ... not without sending me an Iris-message? Both of you?" Percy managed a smile. "I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have to."
"You already know my plans."
"When I get back next summer," she said, "we'll hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but if we don't get approval, we'll sneak off and do it anyway. Agreed?" "Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena."
She held out her hand. Percy shook it. She gave me a hug. "Take care, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told Percy. "Keep your eyes open."
"You too, Wise Girl."
Then turned to me, "Good luck on your own quest Droopy."
"Of course Peabody." We watched her walk up the hill and join her family. She gave her father an awkward hug and looked back at the valley one last time. She touched Thalia's pine tree, then allowed herself to be lead over the crest and into the mortal world. "I made my decision." Percy said. "What's yours?"
"I'll be leaving camp... I'm going to look for my parent..." He looked at me in shock. "I'll be back next summer," I promised him. "I'll survive until then."
I smiled at him.
"Don't you want to stay with us? Mom said---"
"I want to find my parent. I need to. I'll be fine Percy."
I helped Percy to his cabin so he could pack and went to mine. To my surprise I see a middle-aged man with an athletic figure slim and fit with salt-and-pepper hair, and a very familiar sly grin. He had bags at his foot.
"Delivery for Y/N L/N."
"Hermes." He said.
I froze and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Personally packed. As a thank you for what you're about to do." He smiled softly and handed me the bags.
"For helping Luke."
Don't forget her mail!
Ooh! And tell her to bring us snacks next time we meet since it'll be often now!
No it wouldn't be often! She'll be with Luke!
"Both of you keep quiet." Pulling out a mail he handed it to me. "Luke... prayed to me telling me about your plan. He asked me to help you. I don't know what or why he did it. But I know he'll change thanks to you. So do guide him."
"Sorry you lost me at the talking air..." I blinked.
Hermes laughed and showed a caduceus. "It's just George and Martha."
"I just wanted to let you know. No god or goddess could see you. No matter how hard they tried. So your secrets.. are really secrets. Good luck on your travel."
Next time we meet you should have snacks.
Then he vanished.
Staring at the letter on my hand, I was stunned seeing it was from... my mom and dad.
You've made quite a friend here.
-Mom and Dad.
I immediately knew where to look. I hurriedly took my bags not bothering to check the contents. I ran to Percy's cabin and helped him out so we could leave.
Percy got a cab and looked at me worriedly.
"I'll write you. Stay safe Arthur Curry." I ruffled his hair and watched him go.
I didn't know where to go so I just went to the first secluded area I saw.
"You have more stuffs than when you arrived." I heard someone behind me.
"You prayed to your dad. I hope he knows how to pack." I sighed turning to him. Turning around I barely made out Luke from the few days I last saw him. "You okay?"
"Do you know where to look first?"
Call upon our hound.
I whistled, I don't know why. But when I did, D/N came out of the blue. Luke looked at me and my dear dog, who was probably bigger than the hound he'd summon back then. "How do feel about L.A?" I said riding on D/N and making space behind me for Luke.
~~~END OF BOOK 1~~~
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @katara720 @ynfics
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streakyglasses · 3 years
Both Sides Now
First fic in the fandom, solely dedicated to @zaynmalyk for the vibes.
Also on ao3
2567 words, no archive warnings, g rating. 
Both Sides Now
The war is over, and Annabeth thinks they’ll be okay. 
Though Percy’s air bubble keeps them dry underneath the water, breaking the surface and being drenched with the Long Island Sound feels like a rebirth.  The sun is warm on her skin, the birds are cawing in the sky, and it’s so intense she feels like she should close her eyes against it but all she wants to do is lean in. Other campers, soldiers, her family have all waded into the Sound and are laughing, crying, hugging. It’s a sight so beautiful she could cry, and when she looks over at Percy, watches as he gazes over the scene with his arm around her waist and his camp necklace shining in the light, she does. She buries her head in his shoulder and cries for everything they’ve lost but also everything she’s gained. The sound is buried beneath the rest of the noise, and she doesn’t know if he even notices since they’re in the water until he rests his hand on the side of her face.
“Annabeth, what’s wrong?” He asks, concerned, and pulls away just enough to look at her. Her eyes are red but they’re shining like stars, and his brow wrinkles as he tries to figure out why she’s crying. 
“I— nothing, Percy. For the first time in a long time, nothing is wrong. You’re here, I’m here, Grover’s here. The world isn’t ending. I’m happy.” Her smile is contagious and he can’t help but place a kiss on her cheek, pull her up higher on his waist and she loops her arm around his neck to match his eye level. 
(Because he’s taller than her now, and she remembers just last summer when that felt like the physical signifier of the end of their relationship. Now it’s just another thing she loves about him. She loved him when she was 13 and taller than him, and she loves him now that she’s 16 and shorter than him. She realizes that those changes only make more room for them to keep growing together.) 
The movement makes him laugh and she feels it reverberate through her, twisting around her veins until it concentrates in the middle of her back. He’s her anchor as much as she’s his, and surrounded by clear blue clear water she knows they won’t drown as long as they have each other. 
The campfire burns warm and bright. The sun is just setting, painting Camp in strokes of periwinkle and peach as lightning bugs start to shine in the crisp air and campers, some who have been there for over a decade and others claimed only a month ago, file in. Annabeth looks across the fire, glad the sun is still light so she can see her friends’ faces in all of their detail. Everyone looks a little worse for wear, and it’s impossible not to notice the spots left open for those that won’t ever return, but spirits are still high and music is still playing. Tomorrow they can deal with the reality of winning a war, but today they’re teenagers. Not teenagers trying to save the world or fight monsters or figure out relationships (some of them), but just teenage campers sitting around a fire and singing songs and toasting marshmallows. 
Percy sits between her and Grover but she keeps leaning over his lap to talk to the Satyr. 
“We’re going for enchiladas one more time before you go off to be Savior of the Wild, okay? And you owe me one last dance to that Hillary Duff song.”
She struggles with her emotions, with vocalizing just how little she wants to see Grover go despite the work he’s doing in nature. He’s why she stayed sane through everything, why she’s even alive today, and she hopes that Grover can tell how much she loves him and how grateful she is that he’s her friend. She doesn’t share an empathy link with him, but if the crinkles by his eyes and the way his hand squeezes hers are any indication, he gets it. Warmth spreads throughout her chest from the feeling of being surrounded by people who know her so deeply words aren’t needed.
Then Percy’s marshmallow catches on fire and they both laugh as he desperately tries to blow it out and salvage the burnt sugar. All of their hands get sticky as they work together to build the s’more and it’s melty and messy and the most delicious thing she’s tasted in a while. (It tastes better on his lips later when she kisses him goodnight.) 
Over the fire she manages to catch Clarisse’s attention and beckon her over. The daughter of Ares squeezes Chris’s hand and whispers something in his ear before making her way over. 
“Take a picture for me?” Annabeth asks. 
Normally in that situation Clarisse would crack a joke about how they need something to remember each other by when they go back to school. But today isn’t normal, so she pulls out a disposable camera she got from a bet won with the Hephaestus kids, and snaps a picture of Percy and Annabeth, and then Annabeth and Grover, and then all three of them, and then she sits for a second beside them, turning the camera around and capturing a selfie. It’s a surprise to the boys, but Annabeth understands. The two of them have been at Camp a long time; they grew up together, and now they’re on a new precipice, one undefined by prophecy. These pictures ensure that they’ll all have a little part of home, the way it used to be, to take with them once they leave. 
“I’ll send ‘em to you when I have them developed.” She says gruffly, “But if you can ask your mom to send some cookies over I’ll make multiple copies and then you two can mush over each other everywhere you go.”
Percy nods, a smug smile on his face. 
“As long as you also send me a copy of the selfie. I’ll stick it in my binder so everyone can ask me about the beautiful girl, and I can tell them all about Annabeth.” 
“I’ll still beat your ass, Jackson.” Clarisse leaves them with that, walking back to Chris and her siblings with the camera in hand. Annabeth can’t help but smile. Some things will never change, gods or not. 
“Will, stop. My shoulder is fine. If it isn’t, I’ll come see you.” She says with a tone that makes him stop in his tracks. He might be a son of Apollo, one of the best of this generation, but he still follows her commands when she gives them. 
“You’ve always been too stubborn for your own good, you know that, Annabeth?” He responds, setting down the ambrosia and bandages and signaling her to scooch so he can sit on the table next to her. She can still picture them in this exact position 7 years ago, after a training accident that left both of them in trouble but gave Annabeth the opportunity to iron out a strategy for capture the flag and Will a chance to practice his injury wrapping, so it wasn’t all for naught. 
“And you’ve always been too concerned for yours. I’ll heal, and if I don’t then I’ll make sure you never get into med school.” Her eyes are unwavering as she stares him down but she’s smiling. It’s only a minute until he breaks into a chuckle and slings an arm around her, watching her shoulder. He sighs, looking down at his lap.
“Gods, college. I can’t believe that it’s only a few years out. After— after everything it seems silly to be stressed out about the AP classes I’m taking next semester, you know? Really, it’s hard to imagine doing anything other than waking up tomorrow and going to War Council and then marching through Manhattan. I’m happy, of course, but it’s going to be an adjustment going back to normal.”
Next to him Annabeth hums. It’s a gentle, pensive sound as she looks around the infirmary before finally finding his eyes. 
“Can I be honest, Will?” She asks, continuing without waiting for an answer because there’s no other people in the world she can be more honest with than those at Camp. “I don’t think you should worry about going back to normal. Too much has changed, at least some of it for the better, so it might do you more good to think about how you’ll find a new normal. One filled with the things you really want, like getting into Northwestern and kissing a cute boy under the bleachers.” She winks, nudging him, and he leans his head against hers. 
“You’re also too wise for your own good sometimes. We’re all better off for it, though. Thank you, Annabeth.” She hums again, an agreement, and they sit in silence for a moment before Percy walks in, yelling something over his shoulder as he does and tripping over a loose roll of bandages on the floor. Despite how quickly he regains his composure and tries to play it off, he looks up to see both of them staring, doing everything in their power not to laugh. Annabeth squeezes Will’s shoulder one more time before hopping off the table. 
“Maybe hang back a little late tonight, you never know what kind of trouble we’ll get into with this one around.” Will huffs a laugh and smiles. She can tell he’s still confused, still grieving and wondering about what’s next. They all are, but looking at Will on the infirmary table, seeing him for the person he’s become in the past few years beneath all the stress and fighting, she’s confident he’ll figure it out. 
They walk along the beach, now only in the company of the nymphs and the stars. She runs her thumb over his knuckles and her mind wanders, wondering how he’s going to be okay after the events of the past few years. Traumatic as it was, Annabeth knew from a young age, asked for, even, to be a part of the godly world. Percy didn’t. He was thrust to the front of the line at age 12, and she knows that behind his smiles and the way he talks to all the other campers there must be a little bit of bitterness at the gods for what they did. As much as she hates to admit it, she gets it, but it worries her.
Luke was wrong, unequivocally; it repeats like a mantra in the back of her mind. But the issues the children of the gods have are very real, and she isn’t surprised that some defected when they could, grasping for any attention they could get from their apathetic parents. It hurts to think about the people she loved and the decisions they made, to try to figure out and rectify what went so wrong that it led to this. Her brain twists itself into knots trying to come up with an answer that isn’t there, will never be there. So she settles on thinking about how Luke sacrificed himself in the end, and how they’ve done their best to make sure this wasn't in vain for the campers who died and the ones who have yet to be born. 
“Annabeth, you okay?” Percy asks for the second time that day, bringing her out of her thoughts. “I asked if you wanted to—” 
“Are you going to be okay?” She blurts out before she even realizes what she’s saying. Percy’s face scrunches (she still thinks it’s cute) and he shakes his head a bit. 
“I’m fine, why do you ask?” He squeezes her hand and looks at her, the look she only gets when he’s trying to see through all the mazes and maps in her head and get to the core of what she’s thinking about. She looks down at their intertwined hands and becomes acutely aware of the water next to her. The water that’s not just where she swims and teaches canoeing and kissed her boyfriend earlier that day, but the water that is Percy Jackson. The proof that he’ll always be here, that there’s a permanence to him a millennia old. 
“I didn’t ask if you were okay now. I asked if you’re going to be okay later. After you go back home and start school and things get all rearranged? Sometimes you don’t ask for help when you need it. And I know you have the best mom on the planet and the link with Grover, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re lost or can’t reach them, or me, if you need someone. What happened… I can’t help but feel that part of why what happened did is because, as much as Chiron tries, there’s no support system here. It’s quests and scars and nothing to show for it and I don’t want you to think that now the prophecy’s over you’re just going to be cast off, and start to resent this.” To resent me, she finishes in her head, and searches his face for any minute expression. Their eyes meet and his are swirling with the entire depth of the sea as he pulls her in for a kiss. Of their own accord her hands find the small of his back, and he kisses her deeper when they do. A moment later he pulls back.
“Honestly, I don’t know if I’m going to be okay. Do any of us?” His tone is serious but has a soft edge that pulls a small smile out of her. “There’s one thing I am sure of, though, and it’s that I won’t, I couldn’t, do what happened. I have too much here to lose, and, yeah, I lost a lot over the past couple of years, but we all did. Being on the other side has just shown me all of the good things I have here, namely you, so I could never resent it or try to destroy it, okay? I promise.” He plants a kiss on her forehead and runs a hand through her hair, focusing for a second on the gray streak they both have, and smiling despite the cause behind it. 
“Is there anything else you want to talk about? I know you said I don’t always ask for support when I need it, but you’re kind of the captain of that ship.” He lets loose a laugh when she glares at him, but it softens to a smile as he continues, letting his hand rest gently at the nape of her neck, “I’m here for you, too. So is Grover, and my mom, and anyone else you need. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all this it’s that letting others see your vulnerability gives them the ability to save you when you need it, and eventually we all need it.” 
The tears come, but only for a second before she takes a deep breath and composes herself. 
“Thank you, for saying that. For staying. I believe you’ll stay. I will, too.” She wraps her arms around him, fitting herself against him and letting herself relax, relishing in the sureness of his promise. 
“‘Course I’m staying,” he says, loud enough just for her to hear, “I couldn’t miss you building something permanent.”
Something permanent, she thinks, we can do something permanent. 
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The Best Present - A Little Christmas Story
I wish we were kissing under mistletoe
The stars on the sky just can't match your glow
Now I can't wait 'til you're by my side
We'll be warm by the fire all night, oh
I wanna hold you while the bells are all ringing
Want you to be here while the angel's singing
Days are perfect when I got you near
My only wish is you here
Christmas Without You - Ava Max
The snow was slowly falling in big white flakes to the ground and covered everything with a beautiful thick coat. The streets were empty and everything was peaceful silent. Percy was shivering from the cold and pulled his scarf a bit tighter. He was running late as usual. Leo invited all of them for Christmas eve to his home like he did every year. He loved the tradition. And the food. And the decorations. And the fact that mostly everyone of their friends was able to come. It was far too seldom that all of them saw each other.
Percy went a bit faster which wasn't easy because the floor was icy and slippery and he was carrying his Secret Santa present for Annabeth in both hands and balanced the blue homemade chocolate chip cookies from his mother on top of it.  
He almost made it safe to Leo's front door. Almost. On the path to the house was ice under the snow and Percy slipped, pressing the gift and the cookies to his chest, trying to catch himself. "Woah! Watch out!" Jason shouted before he grabbed him in the last second and made him standing still again. "Gotcha" he chuckled.  
"Oh gods thank you. You saved me and the cookies." Percy said breathless.
"For the sake of the cookies look where you're going the next time." Jason joked.
"Yes... You're right. The next time I just fly to the door. No big deal." Percy replied sarcastically looking into Jason's bright blue eyes. They sparkled in the Christmas lights and reflected all the different colours. Percy can't help it and a goofy grin spread over his face which Jason mirrored. The snowflakes has covered Jason's blond hair, which made it look white and his cheeks where light red from the cold. This was one of these moments Percy got totally lost. He just want to take a picture and framed it that's how beautiful Jason looks in these light.
He was shaking his head to clear his mind, he was getting creepy again. He really had fallen for Jason in the last year. There were these moments when they looked at each other a second too long or when they touched accidentally. But it never happend more than this. They never cross the line that would end their friendship. Percy still waited for the perfect moment to confess his love. He was to afraid that he just interpreted too much in their interactions. Maybe Jason was just too dense to get the hints Percy dropped time by time. Maybe Percy was just wishing that Jason always seemed to making excuses to touch him or be in his near.
Jason cleared his throat. "Maybe we should go inside."
It took it's time till Percy realised what Jason said. " Yeah I guess so." But both didn't move. They still locked their eyes, smiling like idiots and no one want to look away first. It hit him like a sudden and blinding realization and it dawned to him. This moment seemed to be perfect. "Uhm, Jason? I have to tell you something." Suddenly he was getting really nervous. What if Jason didn't feel the same? Would he believe him? What if he even laugh at him? What if Percy was about to destroy their friendship right now? Maybe he should wait with it after the party. Then he wouldn't ruin it by make it awkward at least. He felt like a coward. He just was searching for excuses.
"What now? Say what's on your mind." Jason face turned serious.
He got an urgent feeling of throwing up. "It's freaking cold and I'm freezing. Let's go inside. Why doesn't the cold bother you too?" He said laughing. Hopefully Jason didn't hear that it was forced. Yep, he definitely was a coward.
They knocked at the with ornaments decorated door and Hazel opened it. The smell of pine, cinnamon and hot chocolate filled the cold evening air and Christmas songs are played in the background. "Ah there you are, we're finally complete. You two are late. What happened?"
"Nothing" Percy said a little bit too fast as he entered the house, hoping that everyone attributed his red face to the change from the cold outside to the warm inside.
"Percy's just being clumsy not more", Jason laughed and entered the house as well.
Both took off their thick coats and scarfs and hang them on the wardrobe. "Nice sweater Percy" Jason teased him.
"I can only give that back." Two years ago Jason had Percy as his secret santa and he got the ugliest sweater Percy could found. It was baby blue with lighting bolts on it which actually can blink. The next year Percy got his payback. Jason bought him a green sweater with tiny waves on it. There were also a button which caused an awful sung christmas song when it was pressed. Percy secretly loved it.
Hazel led them to living room. They were welcomed by 'Merry Christmas Everyone' that was blasted by Leo's sound system. Percy couldn't stop to be surprised how much efford Leo put in the decorations every year. And he tops himself year by year. There was a huge christmas tree with every kind of decoration you could put on. The whole room had it's own christmas themed light installation and Percy really become worried that all of this would end in a short circuit.
The whole crew was spread out in the room. Frank, Reyna and Piper were sitting on the couch chatting and eating from the with sweets filled plates in front of them. Leo and Annabeth standing in the corner bowed over some cables and it seems like he was explaining how he managed the power distribution. Grover, Will and Rachel were standing in front of the music system singing along. Only Thalia wasn't there. She was on the other side of the country and didn't make it this year.
Jason and Percy put their presents under the tree while Hazel took the cookies and put them in the kitchen. As she came back she shoved Nico in the room with the words "You can't stay in there forever." "But there I don't have to deal with all these happy people." He mumbled, but everyone knows that Nico secretly was enjoying the Christmas Partys.
"I'm going to grab us some hot chocolate" Jason declared and vanished in the kitchen. He came back with two steaming cups. Percy has joined their friends on the couch and so did Jason. As he recognized that there were only blue marshmallows in his cup, a smile stole on his face again. He was always smiling when Jason was around.
And so the time passed away with a lot of laughter, crooked sung songs and many happy faces. Even Nico smiled from time to time and everyone was filled with love for their friends.
After everyone had handed over the presents, Percy just leaned back and enjoyed the scene which was chaotic as usual. Annabeth already has started to read in one of the books Percy got her, while Leo was leaning over her shoulder and pointed at something in the book. His socks he got from Grover were flashing like a Christmas tree. Frank with his new purple sweater from Reyna was about to put a necklace around Hazel's neck. Jason gave Nico a new necklace as well and Rachel got a new sketchbook set from Piper and was about to draw her sitting under the Christmas tree. She was reading the voucher she got from Will and Reyna got a new pair of dog leashes and collars from Annabeth. Will was presenting his new shirt from Hazel which fits the one Nico was wearing. Rachel's gift for Grover was a new pair of shoes she has customized. Leo tried to get Thalia home for Christmas but it wasn't possible so he organized a video call for Jason as a compromise solution. And Percy has to keep himself from starring at Jason who was laughing with his sister. Little tears of joy in the corner of his eyes. He himself received new gloves and a matching scarf from Nico.
He was so happy that he can count so many people as his friends. No they were more than friends. This was his second family. And he knew that everyone was feeling the same.
After some time has passed, Jason ended the call and looked a bit sad for a moment, but quickly recovered. His sister was the only one left from his family and it was the first time he was supposed to be alone on Christmas and new year. Percy leaned over to Jason and whispered: "Don't tell anyone but remember me to give you your Christmas gift when we are leaving." Maybe it was against the rules of Secret Santa but he couldn't stop himself to get Jason a present as well.
"That's not fair! I haven't a present for you." He whispered back.
"Nah it's fine. It didn't cost anything so it's totally okay"
"So you made it by yourself? Now I want to know what it is."
"You will see." Percy made his troublemaker smile and looked into Jason prying eyes.
"Hey you two lovebirds, " Reyna interrupted their eye contact with a snap and both turned their heads towards her, "I've asked if you want to play charade with us but you seem to be busy."
"No no. I would love to play! What about you Jase?"
"I'm in!"
Laughter filled the house and in the end nobody knew who won.
It was late. Very very late. Well past midnight. Maybe Percy fall asleep once or twice, he wasn't really sure by himself. "Maybe I should go home soon", he declared with a yawn, his head resting on Jason's shoulder.
"Yeah me too." Jason shifted a bit, so he can look in Percy's tired eyes. "I drive you home. It's cold and dark outside and I don't accept a 'No'."
Percy knew he didn't have a chance to deny. Jason could be very stubborn when it come to situations like this. So he didn't resist and as a bonus he has time to give Jason his gift. After a lot of hugs they were driving to Percy's.
"So the present I was talking about... You still alone on Christmas?" Percy asked softly.
"Yeah but it doesn't matter I'm fine, just having myself a little Merry Christmas you know" Everybody would believe him but not Percy. Jason's voice was a tiny bit rougher than normal.
He could feel his heart nervously beating in his chest. "You can stay with us. I asked mom already and she said she would be very happy if you would join us."
"No I can't." Percy felt his heart stutter. He planned this since he knew that Thalia wouldn't make it. Nobody should be alone. Especially not Jason.
"Why not?"
"It's your family and I don't have any presents. I can't crash Christmas without presents."
Percy let out a released laugh. "That's what you are worried about? Well than you can come with me. I bought too many gifts anyways. We just change the tags. And for me it's really enough when you celebrate with us. How about that?"
A defeated smile stole on Jason's face. "Only if I can give you your money back."
"Alright. If you want to drive home first, you need to pack your things, you can stay at my home. It's already late and so you can't oversleep. " in the joy of Jason saying Yes he invited him spontaneously but regretted it right after saying it. He didn't want to overdo it so hopefully it wasn't a big deal for Jason.
"Unlike you I never oversleep but I would love to stay at your's"
Percy looked with a wide smile outside the car window. This was one was on it's best way to be the best Christmas ever.
As they were finally parking by Percy's mom it's started to snow again. Luckily they didn't have to drive anymore. His house wasn't decorated like Leo's but at least there were Christmas lights and one look at Jason was enough to be reminded of earlier this day. His eyes, it were always his eyes that made Percy fall in love with him a little more. And the way he was smiling at this moment brightened his heart. “You know this is one of the best presents I ever could get? I thought I would be lonely on Christmas." There were tears in his eyes and without thinking Percy hugged him.
"Nobody deserves to be alone if they doesn't want to. And I am so happy you are here with me."
"Thank you." Jason voice cracked and he cleard his throat. Percy let go and before he could start a second try to confess his love he pulled out his key awkwardly and said: "You don't have to thank me. But I'm freezing, let's get inside." At which point in his life he turned in this little coward? The problem was Jason was way too important for him and he didn't want to lose him.
"I guess my family already fall asleep, so we have to be silent." Percy whispered as he opened the door. They entered the house and walked as quiet as possible through the hallway till Jason suddenly stopped.
"You okay?" Percy turned around an looked at him. He seemed to be a bit nervous. Maybe he was afraid what his family could say.
After not answering his question Percy tried to calm Jason. "Hey, you don't have to be afraid or something. My family knows that you are coming with me. And especially Estelle is glad to see you."
"Yeah I know, that's not the problem."
"Then what is it?" Percy started to getting nervous too. What if Jason didn't want to be here and was just too polite to deny and now he regretted it? But Jason seemed so happy to be here a few seconds ago. So what was making him so nervous?
"Look up." He didn't suspect this reply at all and look at the ceiling in confusion.
A mistletoe. There was a mistletoe above him and while Percy still was wondering why it was there, because his mom never hung up one, Jason take a step towards Percy. Percy slowly look back to Jason. He could feel his heart beating in his chest. Jason was starring on his lips. He couldn´t breathe. He couldn´t think. With a glance in his eyes Jason made sure if Percy was okay with this and finally overcome the last few centimeters. Cross the line of their friendship. 
And then he kissed him. 
Once, twice and then a third time. They couldn´t stop and soon it happend that Jsaon was pressing Percy against the wall. It taste like Christmas and chocolate and it felt like finally coming home. 
They only broke away from each other to catch a breath. Jason leaned his forehead against Percy's, while their hearts were racing, both with a big smile on their face and a little bit of disbelive in their eyes. Like this was a wonderful dream. "Merry Christmas, Percy." Jason whispered.
Percy was way too overwhelmed to reply but one glance was enough to know this wasn't just a kiss under the mistletoe. This kiss was the certainty that his feelings wasn't one-sided. This kiss was all he ever wanted. And this kiss was the best present he ever could get for Christmas.
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If you have a request box and it’s open can I get a Tim x demigod reader. Tim is a son of Hermes and the reader is a daughter of Athena. The reader only likes hanging out with the seven pulse Nico, Will, Grover, and Calyps. The adult figures are Mr. D and Chiron. She only hangs out with the seven Nico, Will, Grover, and Calypso and had been in every quest with Percy and the rest since Percy got to camp. The reader is antisocial and an introvert. Tim somehow worms his way into her heart.
a/n: i am so sorry this is so lateeee! you have no idea how many times i started this and rewrote it. you really gave me a hard challenge lol but it’s here and i hope you like it
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Tim couldn’t stop staring. He knew it was probably weird and he should look away, but it’s fascinating watching you swing your sword. You’re so graceful, so calm and collected when you flex your wrist to make a harsh cut in the air.
“What are you staring at?” is the question that drags him out of his dream like state.
Looking up, he finds his brother staring down at him. Well, not really his brother, but someone he considered as such nonetheless. They grew up together, even though they didn’t share the same god or human parent, just a legal guardian that gave them a home when all hope seemed lost. But he was as much of a brother, maybe even more, as his cabin mates were.
“Nothing,” is his nonchalant answer. Dick already knows what he’s staring at, anyway, he doesn’t even need to ask, but he loves teasing him about his crush.
Dick snorts. “Yeah, sure, I believe you.”
Practice swords clash and grunts fill the air. You stand at the ready, not giving into Percy’s playful taunts. Growing bored, Percy finally rushes at you and you easily sidestep him and swing, getting Poseidon’s son square on his back.
“Stop sulking and go talk to her,” Dick suddenly says after a beat of silence.
Tim can’t help but wrinkle his nose in annoyance. As much as he loves his brother, he really wishes he were less meddlesome.
You flip your hair back and stare down Percy as he tries to counterattack, but you get him again, right behind the knees, Annabeth shouts your praises and it causes Percy to pout and turn to look at his girlfriend, once more leaving himself wide open for you to attack.
“Easy for you to say,” Tim mumbles. “You get along with everyone.” Must be the Aphrodite genes in him.
“Because I make an effort.” Dick nudges Tim’s head with his finger before ruffling his hair just as Percy throws his sword to the ground and raises his arms. “Look, she and Percy are done training for the day, now is your chance.”
This is his chance! He hops to his feet, but suddenly his feet stop as his mind starts over thinking. What if… “What if she wants to be on her own?”
He knew how guarded you were, after all, you had been betrayed in the worst way possible. Betrayed by someone you trusted and looked up to; someone who was like an older brother to you. While Tim was hurt to find out that a housemate—a sibling no less was behind the betrayal, it didn’t have the same impact on him as it did on you. You had been devastated, full of anguish as you tried to deny what became so clear (if any of his siblings—Dick, Jason, Cassandra or Damian—did half of what Luke did, he would’ve lost his mind). He wonders if that’s why you choose to keep to yourself? Avoid the hurt that someone could cause you by keeping your friend circle so tight and close?
He’s an idiot. Of course it is.
Dick rolls his eyes. “Just go-“ he pushes him forward- “and talk to her!”
“What do I even say?” He asks in a panic.
“Ask if you can sit together for dinner!” Dick suggests. “Or if she’d like to train with you tomorrow! You got this, Timmy!”
Yeah. Yeah! He does have this! He can totally do this! Tim nods resolutely, ready to march up to you and ask if you’d like to sit with him, only to find you’re no longer on the training ground. His shoulders fall and he lets out a loud sigh.
With a sympathizing chuckle and a pat on the back, Dick says, “Next time.”
“Yeah, next time,” Tim murmurs.
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He tries his luck as you’re cleaning your weapons, a hand me down celestial-bronze sword from Annabeth and two identical blades gifted to you by Damasen when you fell into Tartarus with your sister and Percy.
You were pretty territorial with your stuff, preferring to clean them and wield them yourself. He’s only ever seen you let Annabeth touch them, and only because she gave you your first weapon.
“Hey,” Tim speaks up slowly, gaining your attention, and you pause in your ministrations. “Um, sorry, do you mind if I—“ he points at the cleaning wax and everything you have laid out to keep your weapons in top condition.
Your eyes fall to the spread in front of you and you nod, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
“Thanks,” he mutters and he gently lays out his own weapons gifted to him by Bruce. They’re not the most traditional of weapons like yours or most in camp and he can tell you’re intrigued by the way your eyes linger on them. “Uh, do you want to try using it?” he asks, motioning to his custom bo staff, made out of celestial-bronze, with his hands.
You shake your head, but the curiosity lingers in your gaze and Tim feels his heart speed up when you don’t look away. “How do you kill monsters with it?”
“I—I don’t,” he answers truthfully. “It disorients them, gives my brothers or Cass a chance to finish them off.” You nod slowly, unsure if that’s such a wise idea. Monsters don’t attack to disorient, they attack to kill, so why shouldn’t he? “But I do sometimes use it as a makeshift sword,” he jokes and for a moment he swears he hears a small puff of air that sounds kind of like a giggle.
It’s enough to have him grinning widely.
“Hey—“ a voice interrupts—Nico. When did he arrive at camp? “You done, yet?” He asks you, not even acknowledging him, which isn’t much of a surprise. Hades’ son tends to keep to himself, preferring to travel on his own, too, but occasionally he’d seek you or the others out for companionship.
“Just about,” you answer him, voice lighter and full of warmth. A tinge of envy shoots through his veins. He wonders when you’ll be able to direct that voice in his direction. “Give me a moment to wipe off—there.” You pause and your eyes lock with his for just a moment. “Do you mind putting all of this away?”
“No,” he answers dumbly, unable to break eye contact with you. “No, I don’t mind.”
“Thanks, Drake,” you murmur and quickly put your weapons away to join Nico for who knows what.
He hopes he can spend more time with you next time.
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Next time comes a lot sooner than Tim thought it would.
He can’t sleep. It’s not the first time, either. His cabin mates usually make fun of him, say his mind is always running and that’s why he’s never able to rest. He’s starting to believe there might be some truth to their words. 
With a sigh, he carefully sneaks out of the cabin, grabbing his red hoodie as he goes. He follows the path to the woods where he knows he’ll find some peace and quiet. He knows he shouldn’t stray far, even with Wayne Tech and the fleece protecting the perimeter, you could never be too careful. He doesn’t go too far from camp, but far enough where he’s sure Connor won’t find him and try to pull some kind of prank on him when he realizes he’s gone.
The twigs snap under his feet as he gets closer to the lake where all the naiads play in during the day. He knows they’re all asleep by now and shouldn’t bother him, or so he thought.
Hands wrap around his wrist, ready to throw him over their shoulder with all of their weight, but Tim is quick. He’s able to pull away and wrap his own arms around his attacker—why are they so light?—and is able to throw them both on the ground where he successfully managed to pin them down. 
Peering down at the person pinned beneath him, his eyes widening almost comically, embarrassment finding a home on his cheeks. Shit.
“Drake?” Your eyes are just as wide and shocked as his, mouth parted slightly as you stare up at him unblinkingly.
Your name falls from his lips the same way, unsure if it’s really you beneath him right now or some kind of mind trick.
The shock drains from your eyes and you grow serious, suddenly bucking him off of you. He gets the hint and quickly scrambles to his feet.
“I’m sorry, you just grabbed me and I—“
You ignore his rambling, wiping dirt off of your pants. “Why are you out here? You know it’s dangerous.”
His brows furrow and he fixes his hoodie. “Could say the same to you.”
You eye him, head tilting and he has to tell himself to keep eye contact—don’t break, don’t break. He swears he can get lost in those endless shimmering eyes of yours. You sigh and turn away first and Tim let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Same,” he answers, voice coming out as a broken squeak. He curses himself for not keeping his voice leveled. He really has it bad doesn’t he?
You don’t say anything, instead you head towards a small patch of grass by the glistening water of the lake and plop down. You bring your knees up to your chest and you just sit there, and Tim doesn’t know how, but he somehow manages to find the courage and strength to drop himself down beside you.
He waits for a beat, and when you don’t tell him to leave, he relaxes, one leg stretched outward and his palms resting against the ground as he leans back.
You spend the rest of the night in companionable silence.
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Tim thankfully has the option to opt out of Capture the Flag this week. On his mini quest with Jason and Cassandra, he got hurt pretty bad saving a child from a wild hellhound terrorizing a small town on the outskirts of Gotham. Not that he’s happy that he got hurt, because ouch hellhound teeth digging into skin is the worst thing he has experienced, and that’s saying a lot as a Demi-god and Robin.
Don’t get him wrong, he gets why everyone gets super excited about it, but sometimes—members of the Ares cabin, like Jason, especially—get super competitive and it becomes this whole thing where everyone fights all day and they take more jabs at one another than usual.
“You still ain’t good, kid?”
Tim spares a glance over his shoulder at Jason, who is geared up and ready. Dick and Cassandra flank his sides both in their own personal gear.
“Hellhound got me pretty good.”
Dick ruffles his hair. “I’ll see if I can get Chiron to spare some Nectar or Ambrosia after the game.”
He had some when he arrived at camp, but it wasn’t enough for a Hellhound bite apparently. “That’d be great. Thanks, Dick.”
“Stay safe,” Cassandra mutters patting his arm before making her way over to her other team members with excitement. He forgets how much she loves Capture the Flag.
Dick shakes his head and Jason chuckles lowly, the two following after her.
“Good luck!”
“Won’t need it,” Jason barks back at him, smirking.
He rolls his eyes and pities the fool that’ll have to take on his brothers and sister.
“Here,” a soft voice says just as a small bag of squared treats falls on his lap and he startles, barely catches it before it can drop to the ground. “I had some extra Ambrosia lying around.”
He blinks at the food and then up to find you looking away from him, your friends just a few feet away.
“I’ve never fought a hellhound, but Percy and Annabeth said they can be pretty vicious.”
“Are you sure—“
“Yeah,” you cut him off, finally meeting his gaze, a small smile on your beautiful face that has his heart racing and the wound in his leg throbbing. “Keep out of trouble, Tim.”
Tim. You called him Tim! This is—that’s great news! Just as he’s registering his name drop, he realizes you’re already walking away from him to join the rest of your friends waiting off to the side.
“Thanks,” he calls out to you and you glance at him over your shoulder, eyes scrunching up and lips turning up in one corner. Shit. How is it that one simple smirk can turn his world upside down and kick his heart into overdrive? It should be illegal to make someone feel so strongly as you make him feel.
If he dies from his hellhound injury right this moment, he wouldn’t regret anything in his life.
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Except he would regret a couple of things. He knows over the last few years you’ve been in and out of the camp, following your sister and the rest of your friends on the prophesied quests, but he wishes he had tried to get to know you earlier. Maybe then he’d somehow be connected to your prophecies too, and he didn’t have to worry about you never coming back.
“Relax,” he hears Jason say behind him as he and his siblings wait with him for any signs of you and your friends. “She’s gone through worse trials than this and has made it out alive. She can handle finding her mother’s darn owl.”
“She’s strong,” Cassandra adds with a resolved nod, completely convinced about her words.
“Yeah,” he says breathlessly. “She is.”
“She may have already found the owl,” Dick reassures, clapping him on his shoulder. “She’s probably on her way to Olympus to deliver it and Annabeth said that might take another week.”
Gods, he hopes not.
It’s another day, and Tim wonders if you’re okay. If you’re keeping safe and warm. He knows Frank and Piper wouldn’t let anything happen to you, you three are as thick as thieves, and trust each other with your lives, but he still can’t help it.
He thinks back on that night on the lake, how you just sat side by side in silence, and more often than not, most nights he’d find himself by that lake with you by his side.
The first time you broke the silence, you asked him more about his bo staff, asking how it worked and if he’d regret picking that as his choice of weapon. He told you it was gifted to him, and he trusted his weapon to get him out of messy situations. You just stared at him for a beat longer before nodding in understanding.
That night, after you had both went your separate ways—you to your cabin and him to his, he lay awake as his thoughts run wild.
Those nights, sitting side by side in companionable silence, or in shy conversation as you watch the water sparkle, feels so long ago now.
He grabs a rock, turning it in his hands, weighing it. He gently raises it and is about to flick his wrist to skip it across the water when a soft voice stops him, the rock falling to the ground and rolling away.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” His head slowly turns, as if trying to process that familiar voice—because it can’t be! Annabeth didn’t think you’d come for another week! “Naiads aren’t fond of campers throwing things in their lake.”
He scrambles to his feet and takes in your form—apart from a scratch on your cheek, you seem okay! “You’re home!”
“I’m home,” you repeat, a slow smile making its home on your beautiful face.
Gods! He could just kiss you out of relief!
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long,” you murmur shyly and his eyes widen. “I heard from Annabeth you’ve been waiting for me.”
“No!” he interjects loudly, and the water behind him ripples. Shit. Don’t wake up the naiads, Tim! “No,” he tries again softly, “don’t apologize. I’m just, I’m just glad you’re safe.”
It’s quiet out by the lake, not a single bird to be heard or an occasional giggle from a nymph breaking curfew. It’s like everything is holding its breath, watching, waiting to see what might happen. Or maybe it’s just him.
“Okay,” you bend slowly, turning away from him as your smile turns awkward, strained, “well, I just wanted to let you know I’m back, so—“
His hand reaches for your wrist without thinking and you stare at him, smile falling from your face, but you don’t look scared. Your head only tilts and your eyes sparkle with the reflection of the stars, and he knows you’re only curious.
He’s curious, too. Why did he stop you?
“I—“ he closes his mouth, unsure of what to say exactly. His hand drops to his side and he berated himself. He’s already made a fool of himself, no need to keep doing it.
You sigh gently, facing away from him for a moment before taking a couple of steps to stand right in front of him, the tips of your shoes almost touching his. He has to resist the urge to hold his breath, because wow, you’re even more beautiful up close. “Tim, do you—do you like me?”
“What?” he asks dumbly, having not expected you to ask that of all things.
Heat radiated off your pores, eyes drooping and a sweet flush beginning to appear on your skin. “Sorry, I—wow. I’m an idiot. Um. I’m sorry, forget I asked that—“
Before Tim knows what he’s doing, his hands have somehow made a home on your warm skin, and he watches as your eyes widen, mouth parting in a silent question. He knows he’s being oddly intimate, but he didn’t know what else to do! Probably not this! But you’re not pushing him away so that’s a good sign, right? “I—I do,” he admits. “I do like you. I like you a lot. Since the moment my siblings and I arrived and I saw you training with Annabeth.”
“That was so long ago, Tim,” you say, voice a little breathless and he really hopes he hasn’t creeped you out.
“I—I know, but you looked so cool telling her to stop taking it easy on you.”
“I was annoyed,” you whisper.
“Yeah.” He grins slowly, almost in a haze. “But I thought you looked cool.” Your eyes drop to his hoodie as his hands drop to his side. “I just—I just thought you should know since you were asking and—“
“I like you, too,” you admit shyly, eyes meeting his and he swears he can see himself reflected in your eyes surrounded by stars instead of these dark trees. “Somehow, someway, you’ve worked yourself into my heart, Timothy Drake.”
“Oh, man!” He can’t help but laugh, nerves finally slipping from his tense bones, an unfamiliar heat taking over every piece of him. And he wonders if this is what true happiness feels like? “Can I—“ he clears his throat. “Can I kiss you?”
When you nod bashfully, he presses his lips against yours, relishing on the softness of them as your hands cup the back of his neck, and gods, he could just laugh again because this doesn’t feel real. You don’t feel real, but you are real, and you’re so sweet and soft and he can keep kissing you all night, but it’s a shame you both need to breathe at some point. And so, reluctantly he pulls away, only to press his forehead against yours.
“Have dinner with me tomorrow?” he asks, breath fanning over your lips.
You chuckle and he smiles. “I’ll have dinner with you every night, Tim.”
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demigodsanswer · 5 years
A Marriage of True Minds
So I can’t get this AU out of my head, and so this happened. 
Summery: Percy and Annabeth are in line for their own respective thrones, and have only met in person once when they were twelve. But for nine years they maintain weekly correspondence, becoming, in many ways, each others closest friends. When they are both 21, Annabeth, particularly, is feeling the pressure to get married. After a bad encounter with a suitor at 16, she puts it off marriage prospects until she is 21, when she has the perfect idea: ask her best friend to marry her. 
(TW for attempted rape) 
Poseidon’s kingdom is on the south east side of the continent, where as Athena’s is north west. The kingdoms have a past history of bloody war, but they have been a relative peace for about a century. Still they aren’t close, and the leaders of the respective nations rarely actually communicate or see each other. 
The last time either leader traveled to the other kingdom was when Athena and Annabeth traveled to Poseidon’s kingdom for his marriage. Percy and Annabeth met there as 12 year olds, and spent the month playing and training together. Because Athena’s kingdom is a matriarchy, they have no problem with Annabeth learning to sword fight, and Percy is happy to have someone his own age around to practice with. 
 King Poseidon had previously been married, and had two sons with another woman, the Queen, but she passed away when Percy was 11. Percy was raised in his father’s palace, but as a bastard. When his father married he mother, he was legitimized, making him third in line for the throne. 
At the end of the month, when Annabeth leaves, Percy promises to write her. This starts off a nine year friendship built exclusively over letters. 
Annabeth is first in line for her throne, and therefor gets a lot of marriage proposals once she turns fifteen. 
Annabeth complains about these men pretty consistently to Percy, hoping that he proposes marriage. She hasn’t seen him in years, but he was cute when they were twelve. And physical appearance doesn’t actually mean much to her. She knew they got along intellectually and that was all she wanted - a marriage of minds. If he was good looking, that was great, but she didn’t need that. 
But that doesn’t happen. And Athena never suggests him either. Annabeth pretty much figures out that it’s because of his former bastard status. Athena hasn’t even considered his proposal if one has been made, but, likely, Percy sees himself as unworthy. 
Athena turns down most suitors for Annabeth, but there is one who makes his way through. Luke, a 23-year old duke-to-be. Annabeth is 16 when they meet, and the two click pretty quickly. He’s funny, he’s sweet, and he kisses her hand every time they greet each other. 
He’s starting to look like a viable match. Annabeth even tells Percy about him. But before Percy can respond, Luke proves to not be as great as Annabeth and her mother once though. 
After a few weeks with the family, Luke asks if he can kiss Annabeth, and she lets him have a chaste kiss. They share a few more kisses over the next week or so. Then, one day he deepens the kiss, and she lets him. He mutters sweet complements to her about her beauty and intelligence, and how he wants to marry her and is going to propose marriage soon. Annabeth is thrilled.
The next day, Annabeth goes to his room to give him a book - Athenian history. If he is going to marry her, he should know their history. Luke invites her in, takes the book, and starts to kiss her again. Annabeth is okay with it, until she remembers where she is and what people might think if they realize that she is gone and in her suitor’s room. And then Luke starts to move to the bed, pushing her down onto her back, holding her under him. 
She starts to struggle and kick, and say that she wants to go, but he doesn’t let her up. He starts pulling at the ties on her dress, saying that they will be engaged soon and that no one has to know. But Annabeth knows what he wants and refuses to give it to him. She manages to get her hand under her skirt to where she keeps her knife (because of course she does), and cuts him across his face. 
Luke flies off of her, holding his face to stop the bleeding. Before he can retaliate, Annabeth is running out the door, dress still torn and, now, bloodstained. 
She runs to her mother and explains what has happened, and Luke and his father are out within the hour. Annabeth refuses any offers of courtship for a year, and does not even meet in person with any potential suitors until she is 18. 
After Luke leaves, she writes to Percy “Courtship with Luke is over.” Percy sends her comforting words, but he doesn’t ask what happened. Annabeth is grateful for that. 
Between 18 and 21, Annabeth meets some potential suitors but has a hard time trusting any of them. The only one she comes close to is Frank, but on the fifth day of their courtship, he confesses to being in love with a woman back home, and asks Annabeth to call of the courtship, saying that his father will never forgive him if he is the one to call it off. 
At 21 years old, Athena is starting to really look for Annabeth to find someone to marry. Annabeth does not need to be married to rule, but, as her mom keeps pointing out, strategic alliances through marriage are the strongest. 
Annabeth asks if Percy has had as much bad luck with suitors as she has. He confesses that he hasn’t had nearly as many suitors as she has. “Legitimized or not, people still see me, at best, as third in line, and, at worst, an illegitimate bastard. No one wants to marry me. I’m likely to be forced into some high ranking military position just to save my family the trouble.”
Annabeth writes back. “Nonsense, any woman would be lucky to have you. I would certainly marry you over any of the men I’ve had to meet the last five years.” 
Percy writes back. “Are you serious about marrying me? Because life with you sounds much nicer than military life.” 
Annabeth thinks hard about his letter when she gets it. She knows she likes Percy, and she could easily grow to love him. It would be politically advantageous to marry someone from that kingdom to secure peace, and, because of his former bastard status, he is just scandalous enough for Annabeth’s more adventurous side. Plus, they already have a great respect for each other. It would be a marriage of true minds, and that would be perfectly ideal for Annabeth. 
She responds to Percy that, yes, if he offered courtship, she would accept. She would do anything in her power to get her mother to accept the courtship. 
The next month, an official offer of courtship is made, and, with some convincing from Annabeth, Athena agrees to accept the proposal. 
Four months later, a royal caravan from the south enter the kingdom. 
Percy cleans himself up from the road - he’s pretty much ridden horseback the whole way, only using the carriage when it was raining (and even then, only most of the time) - and he gets ready to see his best friend for the first time in nine years. 
He walks into the throne room, and sets eyes on Annabeth, and nearly passes out. When they were twelve she was boyish, aggressive, and wearing trousers most of the time. Now her hair was combed, she was in a silver dress, wearing a tiara, and wow she beautiful. 
After a moment, Percy remembers his manners, and they get on with the meeting. He goes to Annabeth and greets her by bowing and kissing her hand. She just stares at him with an intensity that he had almost forgotten. He can’t read her emotions at all. Maybe she was not as satisfied with him as he was with her. 
By the end of the meeting, Athena and Annabeth have agreed to courtship, lasting no more than a year, during which time Percy and whatever members of his royal company he would like, would stay with them in the palace. 
When they are dismissed, he asks Annabeth for a walk, and asks his companion, Grover (son of a lesser lord) to chaperone them. 
As soon as the three of them are alone, Annabeth pulls Percy into a hug. He hugs her back tightly, lifting her off the ground a bit just to show off that he’s no longer shorter than her. 
Annabeth would be a fool to deny how handsome Percy had become. He still looked a little wild and mischievous, but he was also more composed and mature. And he was so very, very handsome. If they never found love together, she would at least not have any trouble going through with the act of conceiving children. 
They walk around the garden for hours (Percy feels bad, they barely acknowledge Grover) but they have a lot to catch up on. 
When the sun starts to set, they make their way inside for dinner. 
At the end of the night, Percy kisses her hand goodnight, but, had he had any less sense of decorum, would have probably just asked to kiss her. 
Before Annabeth lets him walk away she asked, “When do you think you should propose marriage?” 
Percy pauses. They had written back and forth and agreed that, barring any real issues, their courtship would end in proposal and marriage. But he had spent all day so enamored with just being around her that he hadn’t even thought of it. 
Finally he answers, “How long would be appropriate? I don’t see much need to drag courtship out if we already know that we get along.” 
“I agree. I think three months would be sufficient. My mother knows that we have been writing, so she won’t question it.” 
Percy smiles and nods. “Three months then.” 
“Three months.” Annabeth agrees. 
Percy smiles and takes her hand. “At this rate, by the end of the year, you will be my wife.” 
Him saying that fills Annabeth with an anxiety and excitement. She squeezes his hands. “And you will be my husband.” 
He kisses her hand again, still clutched tightly in his own. “Good night, Annabeth.” 
She lets go. “Good night, Percy.” 
They weren’t alone, as they thought, when they had that conversation. A servant overheard, and quickly rumors spread that the reason for their courtship was because of love. “Isn’t it romantic,” the servants whisper, “a marriage for love. Long time friends turned lovers.”  It does not take long for these rumors to get back to Athena. 
She confronts Annabeth about it, and accuses her of rejecting other suitors just to marry someone far below her own station. 
“He is not bellow my station,” Annabeth argues, “he is in line for his own throne. He is legitimate.” 
“You could have told me if you were in love with him and this marriage business could have been over with a long time ago.” 
Annabeth realizes then that Athena does not think this is the smartest match she could make, but is allowing the courtship to go on because Annabeth seems excited by it. It’s not like her mother to listen to servant gossip. The fact that she believes it means that Athena has thought her daughter was in love with Percy for a long time. And that Annabeth’s “love” for Percy is the only reason this courtship was allowed to happen at all.  If Athena finds out that they don’t love each other, Athena may call and end to the courtship. 
“He has already promised to marry me,” Annabeth tells her, “that rumor is true. We were going to wait an appropriate amount of time but ...” 
“No need for all of that. Tell him he may ask me for your hand whenever he feels ready.” Annabeth nods and turns to leave but Athena stops her. “And Annabeth, from now on, your brother will be chaperoning your interactions with him,” Athena walks closer and places a hand on her shoulder, “for your safety,” and Athena meant that. Annabeth hugs her mother quickly, before leaving. She needed to find Percy before her brother found the both of them. 
Annabeth finds Percy in the garden and fills him in as quickly as possible. He must propose much sooner and they must pretend to be in love. Percy agrees and doesn’t have an issue with it. 
They’ve only been alone for a few minutes when Annabeth hears her brother approaching. Quickly, Annabeth grabs Percy and kisses him. Percy’s breath catches and he freezes for a moment, before catching on to what she is doing. He quickly places a hand on her waist, and another hand on her face, making the kiss look like the tender kiss of two lovers newly engaged. 
“Annabe - Oh, there you are,” Malcolm freezes, and the two pull away. “You know mother sent me to chaperone, but I really don’t want to be in the way of you two too much, so if you ever need a” he gestured vaguely, “moment, please tell me and I will turn away.” Annabeth smiled at him. “So it’s true then?” He asked. “You two are really getting married?” 
“Yes,” Percy said, “once I ask your mother officially.” 
“But she’s given her blessing,” Annabeth says, putting her hand on Percy’s. 
“Great,” Malcolm says, rocking back on his feet. “Anyway, I’ll just be, sitting over here, reading my book, don’t pay any attention to me.” 
Once Malcolm is sitting, Annabeth mouths “sorry” to Percy, who just shrugs. “It was nice” he mouths back. Annabeth just shoves him. 
They continue to talk in hushed voices about the engagement and marriage, and about this ‘pretending to be in love’ stunt they have gotten themselves into. They have to talk in relatively coded language though, just in case Malcolm can hear them. Or in case of more nosey servants spreading their business through the castle. 
When they depart at sunset, Percy leans in, seeking silent permission to kiss her again. Annabeth closes the space between them, kissing him gently, and much more appropriately than before. Percy finds himself desperately wishing for a third and fourth kiss. 
When Percy gets back to his wing of the castle, Grover is waiting for him. “So do you really love her?” He asks. 
Percy just shoves him into his room and sits him down and says, “Yes, no, kind of.” Percy explains everything that happened the night before and that day. He pauses when he gets to the kiss. “And then she kissed me, and, of course she is beautiful, and she’s my best friend, I feel like I could tell her anything, but I didn’t expect that when I kissed her for the first time -” 
“It would be a show for her brother?” 
“Well yes, but mostly, I didn’t expect that I would be able to actually imagine doing it because of love. It was like ... in that moment, I could imagine us living together and having children and ruling together, and being in love I guess.” 
“Well, considering you will be proposing by the end of the week, its probably a good thing that you can imagine those futures. I’ll leave you alone now with your fantasies of your future wife.” 
When Grover leaves, Percy lets the term “future wife” wash over him and mingle with memories of the kiss. He smiles and suddenly he feels like his whole body is on fire in a way he’s hardly ever felt before. 
Annabeth, likewise, is on fire. Luke never even made her feel this way. She was sure she wasn’t falling in love with him - no they had been friends for so long, and he was handsome, so of course that kind of intimate contact would have a physical effect on her. Her logic doesn’t make the feeling go away though.  
(That’s all I have energy for right now. But let me know if people would be interested in a part two or real fic version of some of these scenes. For sure don’t have time for a real chapter fic, but some fluff or smut here and there featuring period clothing is my jam)
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For your post about sending a Prompt. Percy’s death : he went not with a bang but with a whisper. The world had settled but humans are the most unpredictable things. (Where Percy is 19 and ends up being attacked/mugged in New York while visiting his family. Never thought his last breath would be because of humans.) everyone’s last reactions? His last reactions? Entering the underworld? Up to you :) just a small Prompt! Thank you if you write it.
Percy rolled his eyes and smiled at his girlfriend, “Oh my gods.  It’s not that hard of a decision, Wise Girl.  There’s not enough space in the car for Nico, Will, Grover, Juniper, you, and me.  I don’t care what the manufacturers say, that piece of junk only seats five people.”  He gestured at the said car which looked like it was only holding on with duct tape and sheer willpower.  “I’ll just walk there.  It’s only like, a mile away, and there’s no way that you’re going to walk there in those heels.”  He opened the rickety door for her and presented the interior to her like it was a luxury limo.
“I know, Seaweed Brain.”  Annabeth started.  “It’s just, I really don’t like the idea of you walking back to their place alone.  It’s dark.”  She stared at the cracked leather seats and bit her lip.
“Awww... is my beautiful girlfriend worried about me?”  Percy teased lightly, “Honestly, Annabeth.  I killed a minotaur before I was in high school.  I went through Tartarus.  I can control water.  I’ll be fine.”
The daughter of Athena scrutinized his face for so long that he was tempted to look in a mirror to look for something.  Her eyes softened suddenly, and she sighed heavily, “Fine.  Just... be careful, Seaweed Brain.”  She reluctantly got into the back seat of the car.
Percy smirked his lopsided smile that made any recipient instantly smile back, “Of course, Wise Girl.  I can’t let your last words to me be ‘Seaweed Brain.’  I love you, and I’ll see you in a few.”  He slammed the door before she could reply, and he waved to Grover in the driver’s seat as if to say ‘Take her away!’
Grover waved back in affirmation before he peeled out of the parking lot leaving behind burnt rubber and tire marks barely visible on the black of the asphalt at night.  Percy ruffled his hair and waved to a few other people leaving the stadium.
It was initially only supposed to be him, Annabeth, and Grover; the original three back together again.  But then, Grover had invited Juniper, and then Frank and Hazel were in town, so they all decided to make it a reunion.  Nico had tagged along when Hazel mentioned it to him, and then he brought Will.  It was just a baseball game, and the twelve of them (Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Juniper, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Nico, and Will) fit comfortably in the stands, but less comfortably in the cars back to the hotel they had.
Percy and Annabeth had both just walked right on over from the local college, and there were only two people who had driven over by themselves.  Theoretically, they all could have fit in the two ‘six passenger vehicles’.  Sorry, but he was not riding around with the gear shift between his legs, even if it was just for a mile.
He was walking past a flickering streetlight when it happened.  A guy in an all black hoodie bumped into him and stole his wallet, then rounded the corner into the dark alley that he had just passed.
Percy sighed heavily and patted where his wallet had been, yep, definitely not there.  He turned around instantly and rounded the corner into the alley.  That wallet had the pictures that he and Annabeth had taken in that sketchy photobooth months ago, and he would be damned if he didn’t get just those pictures back.
“Look, man,”  Percy said as he held his hands out in a show of peace.  The thief had looked up from his prize confused at first, but when he recognized Percy as the guy who’s wallet he had, he jumped to his feet.  “All I want are the pictures that my girlfriend and I took together a few months ago.  Maybe my college ID, but you can have whatever cash is in there.  I’m not going to press charges or anything.”
The figure stepped back from his place on the wall, and the hood of the hoodie fell away to reveal delicate features that gave the son of Poseidon pause, “I don’t believe that for a second.” They said.  Yep.  Not a guy, definitely not a guy.
He rolled his eyes, “If I was going to press charges, then I would’ve called someone before I followed you in here.  I swear all I want are the pictures of my girlfriend.”  He approached the woman casually, trying to put her at ease and believe him because he just really wanted those photos.
It appeared that she was searching for the pictures, and Percy smiled happily as he closed the distance and reached out, “Thank you so much, my girlfriend would probably kill me if I lost them.  They’re in the back divider.  My cash is in the one-”
The woman must have freaked out.  That was the only explanation, right?  One moment, Percy was perfectly fine, and the next, he had a knife buried in his stomach.  His eyes widened as he looked at the dark stain spreading across his blue shirt.
The woman pulled the knife out, and for a brief second, Percy saw the dark red of the blade before she slid it back into him.  He shivered, and then he felt the pain.
He gasped like a fish out of water and fell to the grungy floor of the ally.  His gut was on fire, and that wasn’t right.  He needed to get some water.  He needed to find some water to put out the fire.  All he needed was some water.
“Oh my god.”  He heard above him, “Oh my god, ohmygod, ohmygod.”  The knife caught in his muscle this time, and he felt his skin rip as she tore it out of him.  It clanged to the ground beside his head.  That was such a loud noise.
“Crap” The voice continued, “Uhm... Um... crap.  I need to... I need to run.”  Percy heard her footsteps splash in something as she ran.
Desperately, he reached for it, willing every part of his paternity to just let him get to it.  Stubbornly, the liquid stayed where it was.  He couldn’t even force it to flow towards him, and his stomach was still burning.
His phone.  Maybe he could get his phone out of his pocket.  Yeah.  He could do that.  He blinked through the pain, but he had experienced worse; the training at Camp Half-Blood could really prepare you for mortal circumstances.  Odd, how the most pain he had ever been put through was so much worse than actually being this close to death.
After what seemed like an eternity, the bright light of his phone glared back at him.  He reached to tap the emergency call button but hesitated.  He was going to die.  He was not going to have his last breaths be trying to tell some operator that probably didn’t care whether he died or not where he was.
Slowly, he tapped in his password and searched for her name.  Wise Girl.  Right there, at the top of his messages list.  He clicked into their conversation.  Why did everything hurt so much?  He was stabbed in the stomach, why was he getting a headache?
Every press of the button felt like an eternity.  He had to make sure that he was getting every letter perfect.  Why couldn’t he see straight?  Was there some type of drug on the blade?  He felt an awful lot like when he had gotten his wisdom teeth-
Type.  Just... Type.
Great.  He smiled.  Black spots were swimming in his vision.  He liked to swim.  Maybe if he asked politely enough, Hades would get him a pool in the Underworld.  Was there a pool in Elysium?  Maybe he would try for that.
He heard the sound of sneakers splashing again.  Maybe... just maybe there was hope.
“I’m sorry.”  The woman said, breathless, “I never meant to.  I-I swear.  I... I have no right to take your life.  You just wanted a picture of your girlfriend, and you got killed over it.  I’m so sorry.”  Her voice was a lot closer now.  Percy couldn’t tell, his eyes had drifted shut against his will.  “I-I’m sorry.  But... here.”
He felt his hand open and close around something.  Something so thin it felt like paper.
“What...” the woman sniffled, “Oh no...”  slowly, he felt her take his phone from his hands, “Oh no...”  He thought he heard her sniff one last time before he surrendered.
“I’m so so sorry.” Send.
Less than half a mile away, Annabeth felt her phone buzz.
I love you.
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ohboywonder · 6 years
office AU - PJO / HOO fanfiction
Summary: Sometimes, you just have a bad day. And sometimes, your bad days end up being in the swimming pool with your boss. Annabeth has a rough day and as if this wasn’t hard enough, a confusing evening with a shirtless Percy Jackson is about to follow. 
Words: 4776 Warnings: none || AO3 No one read it beta, so if you find any mistakes, let me know!
When Annabeth entered the office the next morning, Mr Jackson was already there. He looked tired but the look on his face when he saw Annabeth in her dress was priceless. His mouth dropped open and he stared at her for a moment before he shook his head and brought out a little: “Morning”, burying his head in paperwork the second after he said it.
The sea-blue dress Annabeth had decided on this morning seemed like a better choice, compared to the not-so-professional outfit from yesterday. She felt good wearing it, especially since the white lace applicants at the neckline and the hem made it look a little more prep.
Brushing her blond hair out of her eyes, she realised a pony tail would probably have been the better choice but too late for that now. She took a deep breath and then went into Mr Jackson’s office to get her tasks for today, if there were any.
Now that she stood right in front of him, he seemed to be staring even more. His eyes wandered over the hem of her dress all the way up to her face, where they finally settled. His expression was a bit dreamy but went back to being friendly after she said good morning.
“Good morning, Ms Chase. Having a good one so far?”, he asked and cleared his throat. He had some articles spread out in front of him and was reading.
Annabeth simply nodded and held up her notepad a little higher. “What’s on for today, sir?” The coffee was already made and there weren’t any left-over tasks from yesterday so if this day should not be taking and re-directing phone calls all day, he would have to give her some tasks.
“First, I would like you to go to Graphics and pick up some new sketches from Ms Dare, I need them as soon as possible to decide which one will be on the cover for next month. And then…” The pen in his fingers jiggled up and down, revealing how unsettled he was. Annabeth noticed the dark circles under his eyes and frowned. He should work less. “Then it’d be great if you could email Ms McLean and remind her of our meeting this afternoon at my office. I think it was at 3pm.”
Writing down the time Annabeth nodded. “Sure sir, anything else?”
He smiled wearily. “No, thanks Ms Chase. This is it for now. It’d be great if you could come back when you’re done and we check whether there are any new things you could do.”
“Of course, sir.”, Annabeth answered, not able to hold herself from smiling back at him. It didn’t last long but that moment they smiled at each other, Annabeth felt warm and excited. Her stomach twisted and she had to pull away or she’d drown in these eyes.
The way down to Graphics wasn’t far but, surprisingly, people greeted Annabeth. Word obviously got around that she was working for the boss now and people seemed to feel the need to be nice to her. Leo Valdez, head of IT, waved at her as she passed and Grover Underwood, head of Natural Resources, shot her a shy smile. On the other hand, as soon as she entered an office, people started to whisper and raise their eyebrows, giving her a hard time not to turn around and tell them what she thought of them. When she headed into Graphics her mood was down, nothing left from that smiling-at-each-other-moment back in the office.
What didn’t lift her mood was that Rachel Dare wasn’t there. A girl with dark skin and a stern but beautiful face sat at the desk, looking over some of the paintings and sketches. She had dark long hair and intriguing, nearly black eyes. She looked at Annabeth with a curious expression and raised an eyebrow.
“How can I help you?”, she asked and leaned closer, carefully not touching any of the artwork.
“I’m looking for Miss Dare?”, Annabeth said and pulled her notepad closer towards her chest.
“She’s out getting some new art supplies but I might be able to help you?
“And you are…?”
“Oh”, said the girl and put on a tiny smile. “Reyna. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano.”
She said it really fast and probably hoped to catch Annabeth on the wrong foot but she only smiled dryly. Not today. Not with her. “Good Ms Ramírez-Arellano, do you know when she’ll be back?”
A small wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows but then she noticed Annabeth’s smile and shook her head. “No, I don’t. And I’m sorry. But I’ll wait here anyways so I can tell her whatever it is you need to let her know. There are no secrets between us.”
Something in her voice made Annabeth listen more attentively. The way Reyna said the last sentence, the way she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, the quick look on the ground and the back up… Alright.
“So, you’re really close?”, Annabeth asked and Reyna’s eyes widened. But before she could answer she continued: “And her artwork is incredibly good, right? The colours and how it speaks for itself…” Annabeth let her fingertips slide over one of the copies of Rachel’s pictures and Reyna looked lost for words. She nodded, and… did she blush? Aw, that was just cute!
“Anyways”, Annabeth then said, pretending nothing had happened, “I’d like to pick up the latest sketches for Mr Jackson. Maybe Ms Dare prepared them somewhere?”
Reyna, still with slightly pink cheeks, nodded, looked around, and then grabbed a pack of pictures. “I think those would be the ones you’re looking for.”
“Thank you, Ms Ramírez-Arellano, please tell Ms Dare I took them.”, Annabeth said and gave Reyna a warm smile and this time the young woman nodded and smiled back shyly.
On her way upstairs, she was confronted with some more whispering and even one finger-pointer which made the little mood-improvement she had had with Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano vanish in seconds. She was so upset about this person daring to be so rude that she clutched the notepad and ripped one of the pages in half accidentally. She did nothing to deserve this treatment! She did her job well and worked hard for Mr Jackson who she-
Mr Jackson was not the reason, right?
No one would have noticed whatever was between the two of them, would they? Annabeth bid her lower lip and her thoughts went crazy. Would people have noticed that there was something between them? Was there something between them? Other than that she felt good when she was close to him? That his smile made her smile, too? Annabeth’s stomach warmed up by the thought alone…
She stopped, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm herself down. As she opened her eyes again she saw that she was standing next to the Customer Service office. Good thing, then she could talk to Piper right now. It might distract her. Entering the office, she looked around but couldn’t find anyone familiar. Piper was not on her desk and a few others were empty, too. There was one man, though, who was on the phone, talking and typing on his laptop.
“And are you happier now, Marge?”, he said as Annabeth came closer. He had blue eyes and blond hair with slight curls in it. On his desk, Annabeth could see a bowl full of fruit and a smoothie, probably with açaí berries and other super healthy stuff. He sat on a gymnastic ball and looked up as Annabeth approached his desk. With a quick hand gesture, he made clear it wouldn’t be long until he’d be done.
“Good, I’m glad you’re happier now… mhh-hmm. Yup, all noted down. Uh-huh. And the subscription, I’ll extend it by next year, July? Good. And about your foot, Marge”, he now sounded very concerned, “put some ice on it and if the ointment I recommended won’t work, see a doctor, will you? Good, very good. Then have a lovely day, yes. You too! Goodbye.”
He clicked a button on his headset and smiled up at Annabeth. “How can I help you?”, he asked. Annabeth thought about saying something about this call but then she decided against it – by now she had accepted that everyone in this company had their little quirks. She smiled at him and couldn’t help but notice how healthy he looked. His teeth were straight and shiny, his skin looked clear and his hair did look great, too. Maybe she could get him to tell her his secret some time soon.
“I’m looking for Ms McLean?”
“Ah”, he said and his smile faded, being replaced by a face that clearly said ‘sorry’. “She’s not here and won’t be back until 11. I’m sorry. Is there something I can do for you?”
Annabeth sighed. This was getting better and better today. “Well, who are you? Will you be here when she’s back?”
“Oh, sorry. My name is Will Solace, nice to meet you.”, he said and now the smile was back on. It shone like the sun itself. He stretched out his hand and Annabeth shook it. “I will be here when she returns so I could deliver a message if you’d like me to.”
“Yeah, that’d be good.”, Annabeth said, trying not to sound too disappointed. Will seemed nice. “Could you please remind her of the meeting this afternoon with Mr Jackson?”
Will Solace nodded and wrote it down on a little note pad, sun-shaped. “Yup, will do. Anything else?”
Annabeth shook her head and Will smiled at her. “Then you go and have a good day.”
She thought about Will as she made her way up to her office and the warmth he radiated. She liked the place she worked at more and more, although it bothered her that nothing did go as planned today. Today was an up and down of emotions. When she entered her office, she couldn’t see Mr Jackson so she let herself fall on her chair and leaned back. “I should have gotten myself some coffee…”, she groaned and rubbed her eyes.
“Oh, get me one too, will you please?”, a voice asked from Mr Jackson’s office.
Annabeth frowned and looked into his office again. No one was there.
“Mr Jackson?”, she asked and got back on her feet.
“Yup, right here”, she heard his voice say. She walked into the office and suddenly saw him. He lay on the ground on a carpet and stretched his arms out over his head. He gazed up to her and smiled, his hair fell in his eyes and he turned around so that he would lay on his stomach now.
“What can I do for you?”, he asked casually.
“I just came…”, she started but then realised how silly it was to talk to him like that so she got down on her bottom, sitting casually next to him. This job was something… “I just came back from Graphics and Ms Dare wasn’t there but Ms Ramírez-Arellano. She gave me the sketches, here you go.” She carefully placed them next to his head. “Oh, and afterwards I went to Customer Service and Ms McLean wasn’t there either but Mr Solace will remind her and I’ll send her an email myself again.” Annabeth hesitated. “Uhm, sir?”
“Yeah?”, he raised an eyebrow and studied her face, still without any attempt to get back on his feet. Still, he looked ridiculously good. Supporting himself on his forearms now made his biceps flex and Annabeth admired the shape of his arms for a second too long before him clearing his throat made her come back to reality again.
“Are you okay?”, she now asked hesitantly and watched him carefully.
He laughed and it sounded fuller and he actually rolled to his side and then got back up in a sitting position, crossing his legs. “Yeah, don’t worry. I’m good, it’s just my back, you know? I feel like I was run over by a truck this morning. It’ll be fine, I’m sure.”
Annabeth nodded but bit her lip. “Anything I can do now? New tasks?”, she asked and held her notepad close to her chest.
“No, I don’t think so. Sorry, but taking calls it is for now. But I’ll let you know the second I’ve got something to do for you. But,” he hesitated, “a coffee would be really great.”
Nodding Annabeth turned on her heel and left Mr Jackson’s office. She let herself fall on her chair and her eyes flickered across her STAY HYDRATED note. Shoot, she forgot again. She reached for her water bottle and unscrewed the cap, taking a huge sip. Putting the bottle away she leaned back and closed her eyes for a second. The day had been wearing her down. Maybe a coffee for her would be a good idea, too?
She glanced over at the kitchen area. Since it was around lunch time it was crowded. People would actually fight over the microwave and the boiled water for cup noodles. She sighed and turned on her chair to face the windows instead of her office. Coffee… coffee… Where could she get some coffee?
Right! Annabeth grabbed her purse and shot a last look at her boss’s office. He was laying down again so she thought it would be a good thing to get going now and be back as quickly as possible. On her way down she wrote an email to Piper, remembering her of the meeting. The coffee shop was full, so she got in line and checked some more emails. As she finally stepped in front of the counter, the tall Chinese man stood there, smiling at her.
“What can I get you?”, he asked with a smile on his face. Annabeth looked around, looking for the girl and found her in the back of the shop, smiling at her. These people had been very nice to her the first time she’d been here, too. And, as his sign revealed, Frank seemed happier with his job than any other barista Annabeth had met in NYC ever.
“Two large coffees, please. One with sugar and the other one with milk.”, she said and he nodded, turning around to get going. His girlfriend, at least that’s what Annabeth thought she was, came out of the back and wiped her hands on her apron. Hazel. She’d introduced herself to Annabeth when she came in the first time which Annabeth thought was really nice, but really unusual, too.
“Would you like to take some donuts with you, too? They’re fresh, I just made them!” She pointed at some donuts with blue icing. Annabeth raised an eyebrow but Hazel smiled so brightly that she nodded.
“Yeah, blue is something special, why not?”, she said and smiled back at her.
“He’ll love them”, Hazel said, picking two up and put them in a bag the moment Frank placed the two cups of coffee on the counter. “There you go”, he said with a nod and Annabeth thanked both and payed, then placing some money in their tip jar.
As she stood in the elevator, surrounded by the smell of coffee, and feeling the warmth of the donuts through the bag, she reasoned whether Mr Jackson knew these people or not. They’ve been so nice with her and first time he sent her down he asked her specifically to go to this coffee shop… She would maybe ask him later. As she got back into her office, she could see Mr Jackson sitting in his chair again, talking to someone on the phone. As Annabeth wanted to turn around and sit down he shook his head and waved at her, inviting her in and gestured towards the chair in front of his desk.
“Yes, mom, I’ll come around, yeah. Tell her I love her. I got some work to do, okay? And tell Paul that I’ll call him back, will ya? Thanks, love you too!” He hung up and grinned at Annabeth, rubbing his neck with his hand. “Do I smell coffee?”
“Yes, sir,” she said and placed a cup and the bag with the donuts on his desk, careful not to ruin any important papers. “And donuts.”
Mr Jackson looked as excited as a five-year-old on Christmas as he got the donuts out of the paper bag and placed them on his desk. “Blue icing is my favourite!”, he said and his smile nearly didn’t fit on his face. “Thank you so much!”
As he leaned forward to grab the donut, Annabeth noticed his painful expression and it touched something in her. She didn’t want to see him in so much pain, so she cleared her throat. “Sir”, she began and looked up. Their eyes met and for a second Annabeth forgot what she wanted to say. These green eyes caught her every time. “Maybe…”, she started slowly and blinked to catch her breath. “Maybe you should do some yoga. Or going for a walk, a swim? The water would probably do your back good.”
The word water had her boss jolting upright. He raised one eyebrow and looked at her. His whole position changed and his scepticism turned into a smile. “Uh-huh”, he made and leaned back in his chair, the cup of coffee in one hand. “Sounds very well-thought through and responsible. Thanks for the suggestion.” He paused for a second and suddenly Annabeth could see something in his eyes that unsettled her a bit. “But… just swimming can be a bit boring if you’re all by yourself.”
Did he just… ? What??? For a second Annabeth forgot how to talk, how to breath. All she could remember was how to stare at her boss. Mr Jackson though hesitated. He seemed like he was thinking about his next words carefully but the second they were out, Annabeth knew this could not have been the case.
“Care to join me?”
She didn’t mishear, did she? What was going on her? Very subtly she pinched herself in the soft skin right above her knee. Nope, she was definitely awake. Slowly Mr Jackson’s confidence flickered. His cheeks flushed pink and he rubbed his neck with one of his hands. Annabeth could only guess but she could not look much better; her cheeks probably were fire-brigade red from how much they were burning.
That was all she could stutter and there was it again. Annabeth felt a weird pull in her stomach. If he would repeat his question maybe she’d have the guts to agr- no. This was her job. This man was her boss. No matter how high the forces of attraction were between them was, she would not risk her job because a man in power was making eyes at her.
“Don’t worry, never mind. Do you have any suggestions for a swimming pool?”, Mr Jackson asked and in that second the telephone on her desk saved her life. It rang and Annabeth, still holding on to her cup of coffee, shrugged helpless, got up, and turned around to leave the office as fast as she could.
The rest of the day was hell. Whenever she would glance over at Mr Jackson’s office he was busy, sometimes stretching his muscles, walking around a phone in hands or talking to someone, sometimes looking out of the window. She forgot the donut in there and when the call that had saved her finally ended her coffee was cold. This day was getting better and better. And her thoughts… if she could only control her thoughts!
They were full of images of her boss in swim shorts, them swimming together, and a lot more inappropriate things. Concentrating on tasks was out of question. Annabeth also did something what she’d never done before, in no other job. She counted the minutes until she finally – officially – could leave. “Goodbye Mr Jackson”, was all she told him, quickly and without looking him directly in the eye, before she stormed off and left the office.
The moment her head popped out of the water and fresh air filled her lungs she felt all right again for the first time since Mr Jackson had asked her to come swimming with him. Although her cheeks were burning at the thought of this situation, she now was sure it had been a mistake, nothing serious. Just… a joke. While thinking this she reached the end of the lane and hold onto the border as her eyes caught familiar ones. Green ones. Annabeth nearly choked on the water as she realised that there, right in front of her, Percy Jackson said, legs in water and only dressed in swimming shorts. Her jaw dropped open and her boss suddenly seemed to realise who was there right in front of him, too. His expression was puzzled at first but a few seconds afterwards a big smile decorated his face.
“Fancy seeing you here, Ms Chase”, he said and laughed. “It’s like we’re, mh, kind of… drawn towards the other, mh?”, he noticed and chuckled.
“Y-yes sir”, Annabeth answered flatly. Of all the pools in New York City he chose that one? Really? It was unbelievable. Her head started to do calculate the probability but before she could finish he started talking again and she got distracted.  
“Isn’t the world a tiny place?”, he asked now as if he’d read her thoughts.
“Just what I was thinking, sir.”, she answered and Mr Jackson frowned.
Mr Jackson frowned. “This isn’t work, Annabeth.” Wow. Did he just call her by her first name? It was silly and girlish but Annabeth wanted him to say her name again. She wanted him to call her by her name. “There is no need to call me sir or Mr Jackson.”, he smiled. “I’m Percy”, with that he stretched out his hand and smiled warmly at Annabeth, waiting for her to shake his hand.
The second their hands touched each other both experienced a similar feeling. A short blow of electricity ran through their hands and their eyes locked again, a bit breathless they watched the other. Annabeth still couldn’t believe this was really happening. She could feel his warmth and his dark hair hung messily in his eyes. She did not dare to let her gaze wander any further down… By the Gods, she had to. His figure was, as expected, muscular but not unduly. He had defined muscles and they only added to his athletic figure. As she dared to look back up in his face again she could see that he was watching her, an amused smile on his face and one eyebrow raised.
“So, si- eh, Percy, how is your back?”, she asked hastily, pulling her hand back in the water, and, to avoid any further inconveniences, she fixed her gaze on his eyes. His green eyes, as green as the deep ocean and… no. What did he just say? Annabeth slightly shook her head.
“… so I’m really feeling better. Thanks. I haven’t been swimming for ages. I nearly forgot how good it feels to be in the water.”, he said and glided into the water right next to her. He pushed himself off the back wall and swam, head underwater, a few feet away only to pop back up in the middle of the now nearly empty pool. What time was it? She had no idea, must have been late.
Mr Ja- Percy leaned back and floated on his back for a while, eyes closed. Why would anyone in the universe punish her so much? The tension she felt in her stomach only grew but she couldn’t look away from these arms, this stomach, and… Dear Gods, no. She shook her head and as she dared to look back at him, Annabeth realised his eyes weren’t closed anymore. He was watching her with a wolfish grin.
“Like what you see?”, he asked her but before she had a chance of actually answering that question he let himself sink like a stone, dived, and popped up right in front of her. Close. Very close. These green eyes were so confusing. He smiled and then dived again, rolling backwards underwater. It didn’t seem like he was made to walk the earth but rather to swim. His movements were effortless, strong, and perfect in form and style.
“Yeah, your skills are pretty impressive.”, Annabeth answered as he popped up again. “Have you done swimming as a sport before?”
That was obviously not the answer he’d expected and Annabeth chuckled over his perplexed expression. “Well, no”, he stammered. “But thanks, I guess.”
Boosted with confidence over seeing that not only he could catch her unprepared Annabeth splashed a bit of water into his face. “Welcome”, she said and smiled at him. “Want to race to the other side?” And before he could say yes, Annabeth dived and missed the sparks in his eyes, the excitement, and the genuine smile of Percy. But he wasn’t slow in going after her. Although she had a head start he caught up to her pretty quick. The problem: Annabeth had nearly reached the end of the lane. Suddenly she felt a hand on her ankle pulling. Just before she could touch the border she was disturbed and pulled back, water rushing into her mouth and nose. Snorting she came back up and her head broke through the surface.
“What the-? You cheated!”, she cried and whisked the water out of her eyes. Her boss grinned at her triumphantly.
“There were no rules, right?”, he asked and shrugged. But Annabeth would not let him get away with that. Since she was at the shallow end of the pool, her feet touched the ground. She stepped closer to him and splashed some more water into his face.
“Cheater”, she said and his dazzled expression made her laugh. He looked at her for two seconds before he started his counterattack. Soon this evolved into a full water fight. Annabeth was laughing and trying to escape the waves Percy would sent in her direction but he seemed to move lighter in the water, had a better grip on the ground, and the water seemed to not hold him back from moving as much as her. Both were soon shouting insults at the other and laughing in between or every time they got hit by a wave, pulled underwater or ended up being plunged under the surface. Although Percy had an easier time moving around the water, Annabeth could guess most of his attacks before he even made them and escape them before the water hit her. The fact that this man was actually her boss had slipped Annabeth’s mind and only came back the second he won the water fight.
To finally stop her from outsmarting him, Percy had wrapped his arms around Annabeth’s middle, pressing her close to his chest. Both were breathing heavily and Annabeth tried to escape his strong arms, laughing, and trying to regain control over the situation.
Then it hit her.
This was her boss. Percy Jackson held her. Close. Very close. To his muscly chest. In his strong arms. His breath stroked over her shoulders, sending a shiver down her neck and spine. She suddenly was very aware of the fact that only the thin layer of her red bathing suit hindered their skin from actually touching. Did someone turn the heat on? Was the water that hot all the time?
Annabeth could feel Percy loosening his grip but he didn’t let her go. His hands now lay casually on her wait and – did he push her? He turned her around, slightly pushing and pulling, and suddenly she had to face him. His expression was hard to read and Annabeth wondered what he was thinking. His eyes and hers locked and for a moment Annabeth forgot about him being her boss. For a moment, there were only these green eyes, his smile, and his dark, wet hair. What would she give to just let her hand glide through his hair, touch his cheek, stroke over them and…
Water splashed over them. A kid had cannonballed into the water, right next to where they stood. Instinctively Annabeth had closed her eyes. As she opened them again, Percy had stepped back from her. He looked… ashamed? Seeing him looking at her like this made her stomach ache in pain.
Laying in bed this evening, Annabeth had a hard time falling asleep, not knowing what to think of this. Or what to feel.
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meltaren · 7 years
Leo Valdez Imagine
Ok so this is my first PJO/HOO imagine. Don’t be too hard on me.
Summary: The reader shares a story with Leo Valdez and after a long time apart, they meet again.
Leo Valdez? That was a name you had almost forgotten, you told yourself. It doesn’t matter if it was true or not. That was a name you never ever wanted to hear again.
Why? Well, that is the name of the boy who dared to leave you alone.
“Leo, do you think we should check out this place here?” You asked your best friend and secret crush, pointing to a park with beautiful trees and benches. “I suppose checking it out wouldn’t hurt, right?” With that said you entered the park. Next to the entry there were the usual signs of a public garden like the picture of a dog with a rope on or a man putting his trash in the bin.
Yet, as you moved your gaze over the grass, you saw plenty of rubbish tossed on the floor. Leo and you walked inside a little and spotted a pond. There were natural things floating in there, such as an apple or peaches. Sadly, human beings didn’t care about natural water sources, so this one had too a lot of thrash.
“I hate people” you said as you stretched your arm over the water, trying to reach for a parking ticket. “Everyone except me?” Leo asked. “Everyone except you.” You confirmed and could already imagine the grin spreading on his face.
You kept fishing for trash and managed to get the waterhole mostly cleaned up. Leo had walked in the park, searching for some food or anything useful to you guys. He didn’t try to talk you out of what you were doing. He knew you loved the water and everything that had to do with it. So naturally you wanted to protect the things you loved.
“And, did you find anything?” You turned towards the latino, your 11 year old self full hope. Leo looked you in the eye “nah” his gaze focused on the now clean pond you had left. “Wow (Y/N) you did a great job! You won’t clean the whole park though, right?”
You chuckled “No, I think that would take slightly more time.” You looked behind Leo to the building in the middle of this place. “Did you check what that house is about?” Leo followed your eyes and turned around.
“No.. wanna check it out?” You nodded and took your backpack from where you had left it on the ground. “Let’s see.. maybe it’s something good.”
After all that had happened, you were still optimistic. No one could take that away from you.
Leo and you walked to the big edifice and wanted to read what was written on a paper. But before that could happen the door swung open and an elderly woman appeared. She had white short hair, as most old women do and wore a nightgown.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” She asked with anger in her eyes. Her eyes quickly showed more worry than annoyance, as she saw how young you were.
“Why are you two here alone?” You looked at Leo and didn’t know what to answer. Remembering the sheet, you looked at it and read ‘Orphanage’. Leo noticed that as well and both of you knew what you had to do.
You turned to the woman and gave your best puppy eyes. It took one little sniff from Leo and the lady was positive that you both should stay there for at least a night.
She then gave you food and asked you questions, receiving made up answers from both Leo and you.
The woman was sweet and you didn’t like lying to an old sweet lady. But you couldn’t just go around and tell everybody that you and Leo were kids running from home ever since both of your mothers died. Pushing that thought aside you concentrated on the conversation until it was late in the evening.
You stayed the night and were asked to sleep in two separate beds, but you being you, you couldn’t sleep without Leo’s cuddles.
So you got up and made your way to the door. As Leo was staying in another room, you had to walk down the hallway to reach him.
Once you reached it, you tried hard not to make too much noice while opening the old wood that stood between you and a peaceful sleep.
After closing the door you got to the bed where Leo’s figure had made you some place next to him. As you laid down, you noticed he was wide awake as well.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?” He asked, his voice breaking the silence that had set in the room. “No.. this place is.. amazing, yet intimidating.” You tried to find a way out of actually having to tell him the real reason.
“Intimidating? How?” You felt his head turn towards you as he cuddled you.
“I don’t know.. everything seems so nice. That woman accepted us without a second thought or anything. I didn’t remember nice people still excited.” He seemed a bit hurt so you quickly added “..except you and I though”
After he relaxed a bit, he asked “Where should we go tomorrow?”
“I don’t know… shouldn’t we like check out this place? Make it up to the lady?” For a moment you thought you had said something wrong. But then Leo nodded and smiled.
“Yeah, sure.. now let’s sleep.” After a kiss on your forehead, he held you close to him and one could already hear his snores. “Good Night Leo.”
'Le next day’
When you woke up, Leo wasn’t by your side. At first you had thought he went to the bathroom. Though after some time you got up and looked around in your room. Your eyes scanned everything until they came to a stop. Next to the window there lay a note. Insecure and anxious you made your way to it.
Picking it up, you were prepared for anything, yet it hit you hard.
I know you will hate me for this. But believe me, I did it for your best. I’m leaving.
I don’t want you in danger. I can’t watch you die because of me. Not after what happened to our parents.
The way you talked about this place.. I think you will be happy here. Please don’t hate me. Love you.
Take care. Dearly, Leo”
You hated him. How could he leave you, after all you’ve been through?! It wasn’t fair. How was he thinking that that would save you or anything. It only made it worse. What if something happened?!
You didn’t know. The only thing you did know, was that Leo had made a mistake.
You turned your back to the wall and slid down slowly. Only ending up hitting the floor hard, just like the feelings did to you. And you cried.
~End of flashback~
And now here you were. Having no clue where Leo was. Lucky for you the old woman had noticed that you were demigods and contacted Chiron right away. Some hours after your break down, a satyr named Grover had arrived and brought you safely to Camp Half Blood, where you found out that you were a daughter of Poseidon and with that Percy’s sister.
Everything was going great… Until Percy disappeared. Annabeth and you had spent days trying to find him, lost so much sleep, you wondered how you were able to think. Percy had always been there for you. Now you had to be there for him as well.
It was a normal day. You were looking at the map with various supernatural incidents marked.
Suddenly the door opened revealing a tired Annabeth. She hasn’t slept in three days. Her hair was a mess and her shirt had food stains. But you were no person to judge. A glance down, and you knew you looked just as chaotic.
“Hey Annabeth, what’s up?” You asked. Your goal to sound cheerful and uplifting wasn’t achieved as you were too tired.
“I’m going to search another’s place. We got a message from a satyr. 3 demigods. One of them… seemed to be special. I wanna check it out.” You stared at her for a second. Your exhausted mind trying to progress what she had said.
“Ok. Uhm do you want me to go with you?”
“No, thank you. You get some sleep. It’s your turn.” You wanted to protest. But at the word 'sleep’ your body responded with a yawn. That brought a smile to your best friends lips. The first one you had seen in days.
“Ok. Take care though. And wake me when you’re back. No matter if it’s Per-.. him or not. Understood?” She flinched at the sound of her boyfriends name. You did the same.
Annabeth nodded and closed the door.
You decided to sleep in the bed of your big brother. It smelled like him and made you feel save.
Laying down, your eyes didn’t hesitate to close and you soon found yourself in a routine dream.
A dream that never let you go, ever since Leo disappeared. A dream of your past. It was the day yours and Leo’s mother had died. They had been best friends. Esperanza had made your mom a present. A surfboard.
They were in her workplace while Leo and you waited outside, laughing and having fun. Suddenly you had heard a scream and went inside. The rest was blurry. The only think you remembered was fire and your mothers screams, mixed with the ones from Leo’s mother.
You remembered your fear and the adrenaline. You remembered the female voice. And you remembered Leo. Always next to you. Afraid, but always there. Then you woke up.
Your heartbeat was a mess. Your hair was a mess. Sweat was dripping down your forehead and back. Shaking, you got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
How long had you slept? You didn’t know. But you felt a lot better. After showering you put on some pants and your orange Camp shirt. Your hair was pulled back in a ponytail, as always.
After taking a deep breath, you got out of your cabin. It was about four pm, so it would take some time until you could eat. You decided to go see Chiron and ask him about news from Annabeth, but before you could reach the big house you saw her. She was walking down the hill with three people behind her.
“Who are they?” You muttered to yourself, as you locked eyes with her. You didn’t look at the other three yet, as you were mostly concerned about Annabeth’s aura. She seemed to be sad.
Once you reached her, she hugged you.
“Hey.. what happened?” You asked after pulling apart.
“It wasn’t him. We’ll have to keep searching.” She looked you in the eyes, and you knew she was trying to hide her disappointment.
She turned to the other three and introduced you. “Guys, this is my best friend (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). (Y/N) these are Jason, Piper and-”
“Leo.” You ended the introduction, eyes fixed on the brown haired boy. As you spoke, your voice didn’t sound like yours. “Leo Valdez”
Annabeth opened her mouth to speak, but closed it as soon as she saw your next move.
Leo stumbled backwards. A red mark of your hand visible on his cheek. He was shocked, but looked rather sad than angry.
“How could you leave me?!” You screamed at him.
“(Y/N) I wanted to protect you-” He started.
“Protect me my ass! You left me. I was never so alone! I was safer with you than without you! I needed you! I loved you!” You shut your mouth as you realized what you had sad in the heat of your anger.
Everyone stared at you. You needed to get away. Quickly. So you did the only thing that made you feel save. You ran for the sea. Distant shouts were heard, as you dived in. The cool water was refreshing, although you knew, that it wasn’t going to stay on your body if you concentrated.
Time passed, you didn’t know how much. When you came to the surface, letting a wave bring you to the shore, it was night already.
Getting out of the water, you had no desire to clean up, so you commanded the water to leave your body, letting you stand dry on beach.
Slowly you made your way to cabin 3, avoiding all other cabins as good as you could. You had an idea of who’s child Leo was. He had always liked building things. And the incident with his mother had shown, the he had some sort of connection to fire. You had become an expert in greek mythology. Well who wouldn’t, having Annabeth as their best friend?
Once you reached cabin 3, you had your evening planned out. You were going right to bed and probably stay there until Percy returned.
But life had its own plans. As soon as you entered the cabin and closed the door behind you, you heard a voice.
“Daughter of Poseidon, huh?”
“Go away Leo.” You said blankly and turned the lights on. He was sitting at your bed. You got rid of your shoes and put them where Percy’s and Tyson’s where. For a moment the thought hit you, that your older brother may never wear them again.
You shook off the thought and turned to look at your other problem. Leo stared intensely at you.
“(Y/N) can we talk?” He asked. “There’s no need to talk. Things happened, you can’t take them back. You had your chance Leo. Now please leave me alone. I wanna sleep.” With that you went to your closet to get your Pyjamas and entered the bathroom.
In no time you were comfortable and ready to sleep. As you left the bathroom you groaned in frustration at the sight in front of you. Leo was still sitting at the exact same position.
“I know I fucked up (Y/N), but will you please let me explain? Give me one more chance. I beg you.” You looked at Leo. Why was he able to convince you so quickly.
“You have 5 min.” You decided.
“That’s all I need.” He got up and made his way towards you. In response you stepped back a little, not trusting his next move.
“(Y/N) what I said before, was true. I wanted to protect you. I thought you would get hurt, if you spend too much time next to me. I thought I was cursed and you had to endure everything with me. After what happened to mom, I couldn’t loose anyone else. Especially you. I loved you. I still do. And when I saw how comfortable you got in that house, I thought you wanted to stay there. I was afraid you would leave me for that old lady and her gang. So instead of letting you decide, I left you with no other choice. I was a coward, I know. But at that time I thought I was doing the right thing. The gods know, I would do it differently, if I could, but as you said, I can’t turn back time. So I do the only thing I’m capable of. I ask your forgiveness and pray to every god known to humankind. Please give me one more chance (Y/N). I can’t live without you. Not again. You are the only family I have left. I love you.”
You were shocked. You had expected some short apology. But this was far away from one. Your mouth hung open, you noticed that. Trying to close it didn’t help, so you decided to say something. 'Go for something smart and epic’ you thought. But out came only: “h-holy g-gods”
Leo’s smirk confirmed that you really just said that. “I mean uhm.. y-yeah uhm.” You tried again. Yup.. no way you could’ve formed a proper sentence. So you did something else.
You placed both of your hands on Leo’s cheeks and pulled his face down to you. Once his lips met yours, everything felt right. You moved in perfect sinc, as if you were made for each other. You instantly forgot everything around you. There were only Leo and you. And that was ok.
Leo pulled you closer by your hips and pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
“Damn.” He said.
“Definitely damn.” You chuckled.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
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Word of the bathroom incident spread immediately. Wherever we went, campers pointed at us and murmured something about toilet water. Or maybe they were just staring at Annabeth, who was still pretty much dripping wet. She showed me a few more places: the metal shop (where kids were forging their own swords), the arts-and-crafts room (where satyrs were sandblasting a giant marble statue of a goat-man), and the climbing wall, which actually consisted of two facing walls that shook violently, dropped boulders, sprayed lava, and clashed together if you didn't get to the top fast enough. Finally we returned to the canoeing lake, where the trail led back to the cabins. "I've got training to do," Annabeth said flatly. "Dinner's at seven-thirty. Just follow your cabin to the mess hall." "Annabeth, I'm sorry about the toilets." "Whatever." "It wasn't my fault." She looked at us skeptically, and I realized it might've been my fault. I may have made water shoot out of the bathroom fixtures and made the ground shake. I didn't understand how. "You need to talk to the Oracle, both of you." Annabeth said. "Who?" "Not who. What. The Oracle. I'll ask Chiron." Percy stared into the lake, I rested my head on his shoulder wishing somebody would give me a straight answer for once. I wasn't expecting anybody to be looking back at me from the bottom, so my heart skipped a beat when I noticed two teenage girls sitting cross-legged at the base of the pier, about twenty feet below. They wore blue jeans and shimmering green T-shirts, and their brown hair floated loose around their shoulders as minnows darted in and out. They smiled and waved as if I were a long-lost friend. I didn't know what else to do. I waved back. "Don't encourage them," Annabeth warned. "Naiads are terrible flirts." "Naiads," Percy repeated, feeling completely overwhelmed. "That's it. I want to go home now." Annabeth frowned. "Don't you get it, Percy? You are home. This is the only safe place on earth for kids like us." "You mean, mentally disturbed kids?" "I mean not human. Not totally human, anyway. Half-human." "Half-human and half-what?" "I think you know." "God," I said. "Half-god." Annabeth nodded. "Your father isn't dead, Percy. And one of your parent isn't your parent, Y/N. You are both a child of one of the Olympians. " "That's... crazy." "Is it? What's the most common thing gods did in the old stories? They ran around falling in love with humans and having kids with them. Do you think they've changed their habits in the last few millennia?" "But those are just— But if all the kids here are half-gods—" "Demigods," Annabeth said. "That's the official term. Or half-bloods." "Then who's your dad?" Her hands tightened around the pier railing. I got the feeling we'd just trespassed on a sensitive subject. "My dad is a professor at West Point," she said. "I haven't seen him since I was very small. He teaches American history." "He's human." "What? You assume it has to be a male god who finds a human female attractive? How sexist is that?" "Who's your mom, then?" "Cabin six." "Meaning?" Annabeth straightened. "Athena. Goddess of wisdom and battle." Okay, I thought. Why not? "And who's mine?" "You grew up with both a mother and a father. So only your Olympian parent knows." "And my dad?" "Undetermined," Annabeth said, "like I told you before. Nobody knows." "Except my mother. She knew." "Maybe not, Percy. Gods don't always reveal their identities." "My dad would have. He loved her." Annabeth gave me a cautious look. She didn't want to burst my bubble. "Maybe you're right. Maybe he'll send a sign. That's the only way to know for sure: your father has to send you a sign claiming you as his son. Sometimes it happens." "You mean sometimes it doesn't?" Annabeth ran her palm along the rail. "The gods are busy. They have a lot of kids and they don't always... Well, sometimes they don't care about us, Percy. They ignore us." I thought about some of the kids I'd seen in the Hermes cabin, teenagers who looked sullen and depressed, as if they were waiting for a call that would never come. But gods should behave better. Whoever my Olympian parent better suck up and claim me or I will show him. "So I'm stuck here," Percy said. "That's it? For the rest of my life?" "It depends," Annabeth said. "Some campers only stay the summer. If you're a child of Aphrodite or Demeter, you're probably not a real powerful force. The monsters might ignore you, so you can get by with a few months of summer training and live in the mortal world the rest of the year. But for some of us, it's too dangerous to leave. We're year-rounders. In the mortal world, we attract monsters. They sense us. They come to challenge us. Most of the time, they'll ignore us until we're old enough to cause trouble—about ten or eleven years old, but after that, most demigods either make their way here, or they get killed off. A few manage to survive in the outside world and become famous. Believe me, if I told you the names, you'd know them. Some don't even realize they're demigods. But very, very few are like that." "So monsters can't get in here?" Annabeth shook her head. "Not unless they're intentionally stocked in the woods or specially summoned by somebody on the inside." "Why would anybody want to summon a monster?" "Practice fights. Practical jokes." "Practical jokes?" "The point is, the borders are sealed to keep mortals and monsters out. From the outside, mortals look into the valley and see nothing unusual, just a strawberry farm." "So... you're a year-rounder?" Annabeth nodded. From under the collar of her T-shirt she pulled a leather necklace with five clay beads of different colors. It was just like Luke's, except Annabeth's also had a big gold ring strung on it, like a college ring. "I've been here since I was seven," she said. "Every August, on the last day of summer session, you get a bead for surviving another year. I've been here longer than most of the counselors, and they're all in college." "Why did you come so young?" She twisted the ring on her necklace. "None of your business." "Oh." I stood there for a minute in uncomfortable silence. "So... I could just walk out of here right now if I wanted to?" "It would be suicide, but you could, with Mr. D's or Chiron's permission." "I've never had anything weird going on. I had a perfectly normal life." "It's because you don't give much of a half-blood scent. Even Grover didn't knew you were one of us until you came here. Even now they still don't smell you." "I just... want to go somewhere... else." I could see that Percy was guilty. "They wouldn't give permission until the end of the summer session unless..." "Unless?" "You were granted a quest. But that hardly ever happens. The last time..."
Her voice trailed off. I could tell from her tone that the last time hadn't gone well. "Back in the sick room," Percy said, "when you were feeding me that stuff—" "Ambrosia." "Yeah. You asked me something about the summer solstice." Annabeth's shoulders tensed. "So you do know something?" "Well... no. Back at my old school, I overheard Grover and Chiron talking about it. Grover mentioned the summer solstice. He said something like we didn't have much time, because of the deadline. What did that mean?" She clenched her fists. "I wish I knew. Chiron and the satyrs, they know, but they won't tell me. Something is wrong in Olympus, something pretty major. Last time I was there, everything seemed so normal." "You've been to Olympus?" "Some of us year-rounders—Luke and Clarisse and I and a few others—we took a field trip during winter solstice. That's when the gods have their big annual council." "But... how did you get there?" "The Long Island Railroad, of course. You get off at Penn Station. Empire State Building, special elevator to the six hundredth floor." She looked at us like she was sure I must know this already. "You are a New Yorker, right?" "Oh, sure." As far as I knew, there were only a hundred and two floors in the Empire State Building, but I decided not to point that out. "Right after we visited," Annabeth continued, "the weather got weird, as if the gods had started fighting. A couple of times since, I've overheard satyrs talking. The best I can figure out is that something important was stolen. And if it isn't returned by summer solstice, there's going to be trouble. When you came, I was hoping... I mean— Athena can get along with just about anybody, except for Ares. And of course she's got the rivalry with Poseidon. But, I mean, aside from that, I thought we could work together. I thought you might know something." I shook my head. I wished I could help her, but I felt too hungry and tired and mentally overloaded to ask any more questions. "I've got to get a quest," Annabeth muttered to herself. "I'm not too young. If they would just tell me the problem..." I could smell barbecue smoke coming from somewhere nearby. Annabeth must've heard my stomach growl. She told me to go on, she'd catch me later. I left her on the pier, tracing her finger across the rail as if drawing a battle plan. Back at cabin eleven, everybody was talking and horsing around, waiting for dinner. For the first time, I noticed that a lot of the campers had similar features: sharp noses, upturned eyebrows, mischievous smiles. They were the kind of kids that teachers would peg as troublemakers. Thankfully, nobody paid much attention to us as we walked in. Percy left me to settle at his spot while I sat at mine. Luke, came over. He had the Hermes family resemblance, too. It was marred by that scar on his right cheek, but his smile was intact. "I hope you settle in just fine," he said. "And here, I stole you some toiletries from the camp store." He had a very friendly and welcoming aura around him, I couldn't help but giggle, "Thanks." "No prob." Luke sat next to me. "Tough first day?" "I don't belong here," I said. "From what I've heard about other campers. I had a perfectly normal life. Nothing weird... I-I don't even believe in Gods..." "Yeah," he said. "That's how we all started. Once you start believing in them? It doesn't get any easier." The bitterness in his voice surprised me, because Luke seemed like a pretty easygoing guy. He looked like he could handle just about anything. "So your dad is Hermes?" I asked. He pulled a switchblade out of his back pocket, but he just scraped the mud off the sole of his sandal. "Yeah. Hermes." "The wing-footed messenger guy." "That's him. Messengers. Medicine. Travelers, merchants, thieves. Anybody who uses the roads. That's why you're here, enjoying cabin eleven's hospitality. Hermes isn't picky about who he sponsors." I figured Luke didn't mean to call me a nobody. He just had a lot on his mind. "You ever meet your dad?" I asked. "Once." I waited, thinking that if he wanted to tell me, he'd tell me. Apparently, he didn't. I wondered if the story had anything to do with how he got his scar. Luke looked up and managed a smile. "Don't worry about it, Y/N. The campers here, they're mostly good people. After all, we're extended family, right? We take care of each other." He seemed to understand how lost I felt, and I was grateful for that, because an older guy like him—even if he was a counselor—should've steered clear of an uncool middle-schooler like me. But Luke had welcomed me into the cabin. He'd even stolen me some toiletries, which was the nicest thing anybody had done for me all day keeping Percy's works. I decided to ask him my last big question, the one that had been bothering me all afternoon. "Clarisse, from Ares, was joking about me and Percy being 'Big Three' material. Then Annabeth... twice, she said I might be 'the one.' She said I should talk to the Oracle. What was that all about?" Luke folded his knife. "I hate prophecies." "What do you mean?" His face twitched around the scar. "Let's just say I messed things up for everybody else. The last two years, ever since my trip to the Garden of the Hesperides went sour, Chiron hasn't allowed any more quests. Annabeth's been dying to get out into the world. She pestered Chiron so much he finally told her he already knew her fate. He'd had a prophecy from the Oracle. He wouldn't tell her the whole thing, but he said Annabeth wasn't destined to go on a quest yet. She had to wait until... somebody special came to the camp." "Somebody special?" "Don't worry about it, kid," Luke said. "Annabeth wants to think every new camper who comes through here is the omen she's been waiting for." I didn't know why... but I grabbed his hand, he turned to me surprised. "I-I... Uhm, I want to get to know you better... I... I'm here if you want to talk. A-As a thank you for helping me since I got here! I-I..." He gave a warm smile and ruffled my hair. "Thank you. Now, come on, it's dinnertime." The moment he said it, a horn blew in the distance. Luke yelled, "Eleven, fall in!" The whole cabin, about twenty of us, filed into the commons yard. We lined up in order of seniority, so of course I was dead last with Percy. Campers came from the other cabins, too, except for the three empty cabins at the end, and cabin eight, which had looked normal in the daytime, but was now starting to glow silver as the sun went down. "Percy," "Hmm?" "Are you okay?" I was about to grip his sleeve when he moved away. "I'm sorry... I'll tell you after dinner." I looked at him sadly while he thought to himself. We marched up the hill to the mess hall pavilion. Satyrs joined us from the meadow. Naiads emerged from the canoeing lake. A few other girls came out of the woods— and when I say out of the woods, I mean straight out of the woods. I saw one girl, about nine or ten years old, melt from the side of a maple tree and come skipping up the hill. In all, there were maybe a hundred campers, a few dozen satyrs, and a dozen assorted wood nymphs and naiads. At the pavilion, torches blazed around the marble columns. A central fire burned in a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub. Each cabin had its own table, covered in white cloth trimmed in purple. Four of the tables were empty, but cabin eleven's was way overcrowded. I had to squeeze on to the edge of a bench with half my butt hanging off. I saw Grover sitting at table twelve with Mr. D, a few satyrs, and a couple of plump blond boys who looked just like Mr. D. Chiron stood to one side, the picnic table being way too small for a centaur. Annabeth sat at table six with a bunch of serious-looking athletic kids, all with her gray eyes and honey-blond hair. Clarisse sat behind me at Ares's table. She'd apparently gotten over being hosed down, because she was laughing and belching right alongside her friends. Finally, Chiron pounded his hoof against the marble floor of the pavilion, and everybody fell silent. He raised a glass. "To the gods!" Everybody else raised their glasses. "To the gods!" Wood nymphs came forward with platters of food: grapes, apples, strawberries, cheese, fresh bread, and yes, barbecue! Percy sat beside other kids of the Hermes cabin. My glass was empty, but Luke said, "Speak to it. Whatever you want—nonalcoholic, of course." I said, "(Favorite Drink; F/D)." The glass filled with sparkling caramel liquid. Then I had an idea. "F/C F/D." The drink turned a violent shade of F/C. I took a cautious sip. Perfect.. . . . . I drank a toast to my loved ones. They're not gone, I told myself. I felt like I was forgetting something. Like I know I will get too them all soon. "Here you go," Luke said, handing me a platter of smoked brisket. I loaded my plate and was about to take a big bite when I noticed everybody getting up, carrying their plates toward the fire in the center of the pavilion. I wondered if they were going for dessert or something. "Come on," Luke told me. As I got closer, I saw that everyone was taking a portion of their meal and dropping it into the fire, the ripest strawberry, the juiciest slice of beef, the warmest, most buttery roll. Luke murmured in my ear, "Burnt offerings for the gods. They like the smell." "You're kidding." His look warned me not to take this lightly, but I couldn't help wondering why an immortal, all-powerful being would like the smell of burning food. Luke approached the fire, bowed his head, and tossed in a cluster of fat red grapes. "Hermes." I was next. I wished I knew what god's name to say. Finally, I made a silent plea. Whoever you better claim me, or I will come for you and you won't like what I'll do. I scraped a big slice of brisket into the flames. When I caught a whiff of the smoke, I didn't gag. It smelled nothing like burning food. It smelled of hot chocolate and fresh-baked brownies, hamburgers on the grill and wildflowers, and a hundred other good things that shouldn't have gone well together, but did. I could almost believe the gods could live off that smoke. When everybody had returned to their seats and finished eating their meals, Chiron pounded his hoof again for our attention. Mr. D got up with a huge sigh. "Yes, I suppose I'd better say hello to all you brats. Well, hello. Our activities director, Chiron, says the next capture the flag is Friday. Cabin five presently holds the laurels." A bunch of ugly cheering rose from the Ares table. "Personally," Mr. D continued, "I couldn't care less, but congratulations. Also, I should tell you that we have a new campers today. Peter Johnson and (Wrong Name)." Chiron murmured something. "Er, Percy Jackson and Y/N L/N," Mr. D corrected. "That's right. Hurrah, and all that. Now run along to your silly campfire. Go on." Everybody cheered. We all headed down toward the amphitheater, where Apollo's cabin led a sing-along. We sang camp songs about the gods and ate s'mores and joked around, and the funny thing was, I didn't feel that anyone was staring at me anymore. I went up to Percy. "What's wrong?" He sighed. "I... I feel like everything... All of this," He signaled at everything, "happened because you met me. When you told Annabeth about your life and how nothing had been going wrong, while I had trouble following me every step... I couldn't help but feel guilty." I knew it... He felt at fault. Taking his hand I looked at him, "I chose to be with you at the beach. I wanted to follow you. I wanted to stay with you. Yeah, troubles came and I lost everything... I would rather have you with me through that. Please?" He rested his head on my shoulder, "Yeah..." Later in the evening, when the sparks from the campfire were curling into a starry sky, the conch horn blew again, and we all filed back to our cabins. It was late at night some were asleep, while some were screaming around. I stayed up looking out the window since Luke had warned me about going out. "Long day, how was it?" Luke greeted taking the spot beside me. "Almost had my face flushed down on smelly toilets, so real fun I guess." Luke rested his back against the window and looked at the two boys wrestling each other few feet away. "You know how you told me you wanted to get to know me more?" "Yeah... I mean it. You're the first person I met here. From what I heard you helped me after getting here." "So you feel obligated to get closer to me?" He raised a brow at me with a smirk. "No, I think you're interesting. I want us to be friends. I want to be a person you can trust." "Why?" "I... don't know. I guess I just want to. I mean yeah I also low-key kinda have a crush on you but oh well." I joked. Hearing his laugh I was relieved he was a cool guy. "I'll keep you in mind." "Really now? Okay dream of me I guess." "For a 12 year old you're a flirt." He shook his head with a smile. "It's my mom, she told me the best way to make friends is by flirting. If they're cool with you flirting they're perfect candidate for a friend, if they aren't, you'll have an awkward friendship." "I don't know about that." "I know right? Imagine teaching a 5 year old how to flirt." We laughed. We continued to chat about little things until it got quiet in the cabin. Most of them were now asleep. Percy slept as soon as he lied down, after all. "Good night." Luke smiled. "Yeah, good night." I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I collapsed on the bed. When I closed my eyes, I fell asleep instantly. That was my first day at Camp Half-Blood. I already felt like I belong. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all...
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I am in love with Luke I'm sorry Here's another chapter Another horirble caphetr UwU -kookie-doughs
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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