#making it old internet style HAHA
pheonix-inside · 2 years
Hot bitches stay up past their bedtime and cry
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actuallyacerrr · 2 months
Hi handsome! I saw that you have your requests open so I thought I would ask if that's okay.
Could you maybe do some (bayverse) Donatello x reader? Something fluffy, possibly a friends to lovers confession scenario (I'm a sucker for those).
If not that's totally fine, either way, make sure to take good care of yourself and stay safe! Love ya <3
Hiiii 🤭 Oh do I loveeeeee friends to lovers ( but not as much as rivals to lovers.) This shit is so cute though 🙏. Came up with smth shorter for this so I hope you don’t mind. Also I love Donnie, I love all the turtle boys equally but he is a favorite. Anyway take of yourself too Anon. 🫵
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Just Friends..?
Type ->
Pairing ->
Bayverse!Donatello x GN!Reader
Warnings ->
Summary ->
You fell in love with a giant turtle mutant and now you are gonna confess. Little did you know that big turtle doofus did too. Well ain’t that something.
692 Words | Masterlist
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It's been about a year since you met Donnie. And it was not in some great heroic way. No, you two stumbled upon each other on a rooftop. Bonding over your love for technology and the internet. You still don’t know if fate was genuinely toying with you that day.. but you won’t complain, you wouldn’t have had meeting Donnie or the friendship you both had any other way.
Yet, this needed to be perfect.
Donnie met you on a rooftop just a year ago. He’d been observing you, humans were still rather strange to him. But he had “accidentally” made his presence known and well that was that. Bonding over technology and the internet with the human he did know he’d grow to love.
Now with the chance to confess, he needed it to be perfect.
So what’s more perfect than confessing on the same rooftop they met at. Picnic style, red and white blanket and everything: a basket, food, utensils, etc. A thing you both hadn’t known was you both had been coming there over the week cleaning up the rooftop. No wonder it was so clean so soon!
Now you're pacing the rooftop, he should be here ten soon. And he might run a bit late, he could get caught up in something or he might have trouble finding his way here. He wouldn’t just not come, you know that.
You just sat and checked the time, waiting. Lost in thoughts till a thump from behind spooked you. Right on time, a big old haha at your brain trying to make you overthink this.
A small smile sent his way inviting him over, and a smile from him right back accepting it. Now you both sat together, in silence but a comfortable one.
“It’s a lovely day,” he started.
“It is.. just like you.” You whispered, a silence followed, “as a friend! You're a very lovely friend.” You add after a few seconds. Nice save me haha..ha. He looked at you curiously, like you’d become his next big tech to figure out age understand—not that you weren’t already—your eyes meet his.
“You're lovely too.” Both smiling, that turned into flushed faces who looked back in front of them at the sky.
A pause
“I think you should go first-”
“You should go first-”
Another pause but you speak first, “you hungry?” Pulling out food and plates, and utensils to use. You served yourself and fell into simple conversations. Laughing and talking about whatever came to mind. And as the sun began to set you two grew closer, the chilled wind sending you closer to your friend. That comfortable silence returned as four eyes gazed into the sunset. Yet you looked up, seeing Donatello looking right at you. His face illuminated by the sun’s light and his soft smile made you melt.
“Hey” a soft whisper.
“Hey” a reply that grew to a smile.
“I want to talk to you about something.. and it’s nothing bad! I just..” you pulled away a bit getting a better look at him, he looked nervous and flustered.
“Listen I like you, like really like you. You’re smart and kind and you always make me smile. Your presence practically lights up the room. I enjoy talking to you and debating on society's new technological developments. But, i’d understand if you rejected me because I am a mutant turtle-“
Before he could continue you pulled his head down with an easy tug to the top of his plastron and your lips connected. As you pull back he’s looking at you with a doopy smile and an even more flustered face. You laugh and smile before. A churring sound coming from him.
“I like you too, and I don’t care that you're a giant mutant turtle! It’s cool that you are! Who can go around saying that their partner is a giant turtle who fights crime!”You lean into him as you talk. Hand being thrown out in front of you to emphasize your point. Donnie couldn’t object to that.
Your eyes looking back over the sunset. It couldn’t have gone any better.
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 month
(this ask ended up getting much more rambly than expected haha)
hello, i love your blog and whump in general and i would like to try and get involved in the community.
thing is, i feel really weird/embarrassed for liking whump (even before i knew the term). like ashamed i guess? (im not sure how to put it into words exactly). so i dont want to tell any of my irl freinds that im into it/put it on my main since some of my irl freinds follow my main.
and i do draw and i used to write but i dont really know how to draw/write whump yk? (though i have written whumpy things before, when i was like 10, they were really shit though by virtue of me being a 10 year old) and i feel too shy to put any of my work out into the internet for all to see, espcially my writing because i havent actually written prose fiction in. years. i have played dnd (and my campaigns do tend to get pretty whumpy) but i dont think the experiance of roleplaying it really translates well to the internet?
so i was wondering if you have any tips for 1 getting involved in the whump community and 2 managing feeling embarrased about liking whump
Here's an equally rambly answer! First off, welcome to the community! You're definitely not alone in liking it or in feeling embarrassed about liking it. A lot of us, myself included, have our moments where we feel weird for our interest.
I can't tell you how to get over that because I still feel embarrassed sometimes but pinpointing your reasons for liking it can make it easier to explain if someone inquires. Is it the aesthetic? The drama, the adrenaline? The character development? Is it a coping mechanism? A kink? We've got community members whose reasoning is all across the spectrum. Understanding your reason can be reassuring and help it make sense.
As for the shyness, a lot of us make side blogs for whump content, so it can be a little more isolated/private if we feel awkward about IRL/main blog followers seeing. If your art style is easily recognizable as yours, that might not be the best solution but also remember you don't have to post what you draw (or write.) You can create whump content just for you (and if you decide you do eventually want to post some, that will have served as good practice.)
There are whump prompt lists coming out all the time that can be used for art or writing if you don't know what you want to make. You should look up the whump wheel, it's a fun one!
Re: getting more involved in the community: believe it or not, there are whump roleplayers floating around in the tags pretty often! They'd probably enjoy another roleplay partner on the scene! Beyond that, liking people's posts, reblogging them to that side blog if you decide to make it, coming into their inboxes to say you enjoy their content, sending in prompts if whump fic writers are asking for some, posting prompts of your own if there's a type of whump content you notice lacking and want to inspire someone to explore...There are monthly whump events happening all the time too if you want to participate or just reblog to help promote them. You could also ask if another whump artist wants to do an art trade with you. Those are some of the best ways to dive in!
I hope that was helpful. Have fun!
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izicodes · 5 months
woah! just saw your bio change to software engineer. how did you transition? is it any different than web dev?
i also went on a TikTok rabbit hole and people are saying it’s useless to learn html/css and it’s not an actual language. honestly idk why I thought it would be easy to learn html > css > javascript > angular > react and somehow land a good paying job…
it’s gonna take YEARS for me to have a career, i feel old… especially with no degree
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Hiya! 🩶
This is a long reply so I answered your question in sections below! But in the end, I hope this helps you! 🙆🏾‍♀️
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🔮 "How did you transition?"
So, yeah my old job title was "Junior Web Developer" at a finance firm, and now my new title is "Frontend Software Engineer"! In terms of transition, I didn't make too much of a change.
After I quit my old job, I focused more on Frontend technologies that were relevant, so I focused on React.js and Node.js. I used YouTube, books, and Codeacademy. My first React project was >> this Froggie project <<~! Working on real-life projects such as the volunteering job I did (only for a month) where they used the technologies I was learning. So basically I did this:
decides to learn react and node 🤷🏾‍♀️
"oh wait let me find some volunteering job for developers where they use the tech I am learning so I can gain some real-life experience 🤔"
experienced developers in the team helped me with other technologies such as UI tools, and some testing experience 🙆🏾‍♀️
I did the volunteering work for both fun and learning with experienced developers and... I was bored and wanted to feel productive again... 😅
So for transitioning, I focused on learning the new technologies I wanted to work in and got some work experience (though it was volunteering) to back up if I can work in an environment with the tech. I still live with my family so I could do the volunteering job and have time to self-study whilst being okay financially (though I was tight with money haha) 😅👍🏾
🔮 "Is it any different than web dev?"
The old job was focused on using C# and SQL (including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but fairly small) to make the websites, they were fairly basic websites for clients to use just to navigate their information needed. They weren't fancy cool web design because they didn't need to be, which was what made me bored of the job and wanted a change.
I am only a week into the job and have been working on small tickets (features for the site), but I think after a month or two into the job I will make a proper judgment on the difference~! So far, it's kind of the same thing I did in my old job but with new workflow tools, React-based projects, and funny people to work with 😅🙌🏾
🔮 "People are saying it’s useless to learn HTML/CSS and it’s not an actual language."
Yes HTML is a markup language and CSS is a stylesheet but they are the foundation of like 90% of the websites on the internet, I wouldn't ever call them "useless". Frameworks such as React, Django, Flask, etc still require HTML and CSS code to make the website's structure and styling. CSS frameworks like Tailwind and Bootstrap 5 still use CSS as their base/foundation. Not useless at all.
Don't focus on what other people are doing and focus on your own learning. I repeat this all the time on my blog. Just because one or a couple people online said one technology is useless doesn't mean it is (this is applied to most things in tech). Someone told me jQuery was entirely useless and no bother learning it - I did it anyway and it helped me better understand JavaScript. Anyhoo, try things YOURSELF before listening to what people say - make your own judgment. Not going to let a random Tech bro online whine about how annoying Python or C or whatever is to ruin my want to learn something. (This is all coming from a girl who loves web development very much's point of view :D)
🔮 "I thought it would be easy to learn html > css > javascript > angular > react and somehow land a good paying job"
Web Dev route, I love it! That's literally the same steps I would have taken if I had to start again~! For each new tech you learn, make a bunch of projects to 1) prove to yourself that you can apply what you've learned 2) experience 3) fill that portfolio~! 😎🙌🏾
With Angular and React, I would pick one or the other and focus on being really good at it before learning another framework!
I also recommend volunteering jobs, freelancing, helping a small business out with free/paid m
Lastly, you do not need a degree to get a job in Web Development. I mean look at me? My apprenticeship certificate is the same value as finishing school at 18, so in the UK it would be A-Levels, and I completed it at the ripe age of 21! I have no degree, I applied for university and got a place but I will give that space up for someone else, I'm not ready for university just yet! haha... (plus erm it's expensive at the end, what? even for the UK...). Sure, I used to avoid the job postings that were like "You need a computer science degree" but now if I were job searching I would apply regardless.
People switching careers in their 40s going into tech instead are making it, you can switch anytime in your lifetime if you have the means to! (everyone's situation is different I understand).
I'm not too good at giving advice but I hope in the rambling I made some sense? But yeah that's all! 😎
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saprophilous · 1 year
Your art is so beautiful 🥰 you are an inspiration to me. I'm a beginner digital artist, so I was wondering if you have any tips for line art? Have a great day
Hi! Thank you so much. I think it depends on a few things for me to give you any meaningful advice so if you're having any specific questions don't be shy to dm me and I will try my best to answer them!
I personally have a very shaky line, that I try to use to my advantage within my style. Some people are very very good at making clean sharp lines and seeing just how to draw the image they want in their mind, but I struggle with this quite a lot. If you're like me and sometimes want a clean line, there are definitely things you can use to help including brush smoothing (in photoshop) or equivalent tools that give added stabilization. I find it definitely helps to create an under-layer sketch with lower opacity -- being as messy as I want there so that I can then refine it further on each layer. Sometimes the stages of refinement are quite a lot, haha.
If you enjoy keeping the style of linework to be a bit unrestrained similar to much of my style. Then I recommend you go nuts 'breaking' some brushes and find the ones you like the best. [ IRL this means just buying some cheapo brushes and ruining the bristles til you like the lines they paint... or in photoshop, for me this means just turning off an on a bunch of settings or combining brushes until it does weird things I like].
Then: I find using the line unrestrained and carving into it w/ the eraser or bg color ink works quite well. Afterward, just adding in little refined details over the top again as I go. (I learned this technique from drawing on old internet art bbs sites where there used to be no pressure sensitivity to the line so I'd emulate it by doing this.)
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bcbdrums · 2 months
"🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?"
well. one day in 2004 when visiting my cousin in the hospital after her car accident. i missed an episode of Bonanza, due to...you know, being at the hospital. this was back in ye olden days of TV guides, recording things on VCR's, and....no....wikis.... not like we have now. no sites to tell you everything, no screencaps, no youtube... and ye olde dial-up internet days. and anyway.... the TV guide descrip made that episode sound thrilling. and...and i just had to know!
and i knew... i remember, knowing in my heart. that if i went online and tried to find out what happened. i'd never get off the computer again. well, i was right. the short conclusion to this tale is i found specific Bonanza fansites loaded with fanfiction!!! and i devoured it. i wanna say within the same month? i was hand-writing fanfic in spiral notebooks for Bonanza. still have that spiral notebook and that unfinished fic, literally locked in a treasure chest. and i still remember the entire plot, what i planned to do with it... yeah.
no, i never did find out what was in that episode i missed/didn't get to record... like i said, no wikis or anything of that nature... (we had to leave from school that day so i didn't get to go home and program the VCR; i'd not known that morning we'd be going to the hospital later.) and they didn't re-run the episode again... so i've still not seen it... but, i started writing fanfic that summer. a defining moment in my life. and yes, my cousin is well!
"🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?"
ohhh, hmmm... idk if i could scale it. maybe right in the middle, a 5 or 6? this will make more sense if i describe my process perhaps.
so if i'm really in the writing zone, i just...plow ahead until i'm finished. and then i go back and edit. when i'm "in the zone" oftentimes i don't see things that could genuinely be improved by better phrasing, better language choices... they just elude me cuz i'm so hyperfixated on the story and it's so clear in my head, so, of course it's great on the page! (example: Forfeit was written this way.) usually i then just quickly fix obvious typos/grammar things and toss the fic into the void. then i'll return a few months later when it's no longer fresh, and then see soooo many things that could be better, and depending on my mood i'll go back and heavily edit, or, i won't.
the other process... if i'm not "in the zone" usually i write a few lines, get stuck, and to get myself unstuck i go back and edit what i've done. fixing things, adding things... and usually once those few lines are edited i have the next ones ready to be written in my head. it's a slower process overall.
editing for other people is a whole different ball game. i love doing that (as long as i'm in the mood/have the energy/time) because it helps me refine my writing craft too, in trying to assist someone with a totally different style than mine. it's great. and i've edited/beta-read for so many diff people now with such a variety of styles it's really making me more aware of my own, and how it's changed over the years. and i also just enjoy helping people.
the idea of something getting better just appeals to me i guess. it's a good feeling, it's productive. so in that sense, i enjoy editing. if i feel really stuck on a project, then it can become just another slow-down however. that would be the only negative i suppose.
"🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?"
haha, already answered this in a prior ask but i'll choose a different one.
i spent days learning how to waltz properly. all the techniques, and the process by which one learns... to write one character teaching another character, very, very methodically. and apparently i did it well, i received a comment about it from someone who actually waltzes professionally if i remember correctly who was very pleased with my writing of it! can i waltz? or dance at all? no, no i cannot. but i could probably talk someone else through how to learn!
thank you SO much for the ask!!! ^_^
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candy-fae · 4 months
HELLO CARLIE I am here to get u to talk about batman stuff
What got u into batman and why is the riddler ur fav? I am hella curious and i don't remember if we talked abt it!
-Chris! (@worldtravelercv)
LET ME BEAM YOU BACK TO THE RIPE YEAR OF 2004!! I am fresh to the world, 4 years old. I know what Batman is, because I have three older brothers. But I only watched live action silly Jim carry villains, and the colors and Tim burtony city were what stuck. Cool. Neat.
Fast forward. 200000007? Probably. BOOMERANG. I grew up without cable, and the internet for a while. Didn't get a phone until I was 14. so, late at night, while I'm watching the brand new box tv, what comes across my screen?
Well at that time certainly not robot chicken. The theme song was scary. So, the 2004 Batman reruns catch my attention on boomerang, and BOY did they hold it! Feral joker. Penguin being a greedy little criminal. And the Batman. Everything was dark, and angular, and when there was color it was BRIGHT. but it was used so well it made things seem intentional and wacky.
That's actually my favorite version of Bruce. I'm not really a batfam fan at all haha. Hard to keep track of the robins for me. But he was animated like a shadow, or a vampire, and was sharp like a villains design. Kevin Conroy has the best Bman voice, but this guy was my OG and a different spin on the hero's I'd seen so far.
the best version of everything is the the version we were exposed to as kids.
And I loved it! Penguin was definitely my favorite, and I'm actually not a big fan of the Batman 2004's Riddler lol. Just not my style, but INTERESTING. story wise sorta reminds me of the fox gothams Riddler.
He's different, very much so. We get NOTHING of Fox riddlers story before we see him which. Is usually such a big part of his character haha. He doesn't have the same "I'm better than you" energy either that I'm use to. But you know who's got it down just about right?
Arkham Eddie. I played the game at a friends house once, and he explained to me how Riddler progressively learns to outsmart you through the entire series.
He's like an underdog villain, who has SO much potential, but is sparingly used, because he's hard to write, and I hate that haha
To write a good, Compelling Riddler, you have to be smart enough to make, and solve, a complicated obstruction. He's never a toll bridge for the Batman, he's ALWAYS a speed bump. At first. Then he's a boulder, then a mountain, until you can't ignore him anymore, then he's not something you can keep beating up, you actually have to outfox him, and he's aware of it.
He's a good villain because super intelligent people often see things from all angles, and to keep a guy who's called the world's greatest detective on his toes guessing, is pretty impressive for a guy we don't get to see too much. And I think it's a shame.
Personality wise, I think he's funny. Like, accidentally. Have you ever played the Arkham games? HOURS of failing that stupid race track to the sound of him taunting you makes it very full filing to finally catch him, but I WOULDN'T know. That jerk.
At current though, zero year is my favorite. Greg Capullo has such a good understanding of drawing movement and lots of Eddie pictures portray so much action in a still frame, it's crazy, but, now you've got me rambling.
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 4 months
(genuine) thanks for caring about the fact minors follow your blogs so much. this isnt to put down the other hc blogs (to each their own!!!) but they make me uncomfortable. i know that minors following you is a big reason for a lot of your rules and i think thats awesome you dont waver on that.
Saying "I don't want to expose minors to NSFW material" shouldn't have to be a praise-worthy statement in my opinion. Rant under the cut. Skip it if you want, it's not important or anything, I just want to finally get this off my chest.
The last thing I want to do is sound like I'm trying to be preachy or say I'm better than other headcanon blogs. I'm not. I'm just one of many already and one of many more to come. Everyone has their own styles and tastes. I just don't think it's appropriate for a fucking 28 year old man to post that stuff on his blog, actively knowing minors follow his blog. At the bare minimum, it's weird. At the extreme, it's concerning and gross and highly inappropriate! And I want no part of it because I want people to come here, read funny posts, maybe exhale a little harder out of their nose, and have a nice day. On the other, less important hand: I'm asexual and I do not want to talk about those things with strangers. I don't want to open my askbox to sexually-charged questions about "haha are you a twink" or something about wanting in-depth knowledge on two fictional characters in the bedroom. We do not know each other. I am not your friend. This is not a conversation I want to have with some random person, much less some random anonymous person. It makes ME feel gross and uncomfortable. Stop. People might be mad. That's fine. I genuinely don't care. Again, there are other blogs out there you can ask these questions to and if they choose to post them, fantastic. Ask them, not me. I am not here for that. Find another blog that meshes with your query, but it's not here. This blog will for now and for forever be SFW only. That doesn't make me better than anyone else. It's just how I'd like to enjoy my short time in this life and on the internet. - Daniel
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hehehehehenrik · 7 months
waaah hi!!! how do you draw old men??!! (and since you ar taking art reqs could you draw my termina oc??!! https://artfight.net/character/3925636.isko)
Heyy, hello!! Finally someone get to the ask box, thanks a lot, love contacting with people through internet y’know. Okay first of all here’s you’re guy just being clueless himself. Do the proportions and face in my way a bit, hope it’s ok, and made pompadour smaller because I’m not sure how to make hair physics on the bigger one?? Sorry 😔
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And now to the question, which I really like, ‘cause I honestly don’t know? It’s the way my hand draws, it just that I’m being into old men’s for, idk, 4 years perhaps and I fucking can’t draw anything else lol. Like seriously, now I think that young face without wrinkles looks incomplete and now that 11 yo kid looks like he’s fucking 20 or whatever, thanks God I’m not drawing kids that usually haha.
But anyway I can say few things that helped me understand something. Obviously the way persons face getting older is rooted in the genetics, they life style, health, etc etc, but I singled out some main wrinkles in different age, I usually see it in anime so I call it anime technique haha, here’s the visualization:
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I use it as a base wrinkles when I’m not sure about more unique details, pretty good way to handle it I think.
But the most important is to form the visual library in the brain, idk if that phrase is used in English art community, but in Russian it means to look at a lot of photos of things so that you wouldn’t need to look at the references, you have them in memory! For that I use Pinterest, just looking at actors, musicians, any other old people with a lot of photos of them and analyze the way their wrinkles goes.
Oh and also fun fact, let’s call it that, my mom once said that the most accurate way to understand the persona age is not by looking at their face, but it’s by looking at their neck and arms. The skin sags at neck no matter what, as much as I know, and hands also getting more dry and thin, also veins is more visible, while face wrinkles and skin sags different from person to person ‘cause genetics, health and other things.
And also a gray hair is pretty important, but this shit is even more personal and unique, some people may get first gray hair in the 20s, and some may not have a single strand of them at 40s at all! So yeah in that thing the best way is to read some medicine articles about it, and of course remembering the context of character background and life, yeah.
I can’t say many things about making unique wrinkles because there only two way that I do it; first, the character model or art already have all the needed details so my work is just to mimic it as close as I can(the way I drawing Caligura yeah); second, I just made it up based on the face silhouette I imagine character to have, in that case I just use my brain visual library(Domek moment because by some reason there barely any wrinkles in the game sprites and his portrait? Even thou the portrait description says that he’s face have wrinkles the way that it looks like he had the frown all his life, my brother in Christ, when person frowns a lot he’d get forehead wrinkles first of all! But nope, Domek don’t have any of it, ok?? And yeah I usually do the forehead wrinkles based on that fact of character).
Yeah, idk if there anything more I can say, nothing useful anyway so yeah thanks for the question and request!! (Ask box always open so feel free to write thing folks, I don’t bite. Usually.) Byee!!
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emotionalhxc · 1 month
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PART 2: Strawberry Hospital Instagram Q&A Q: Also do you like Sky Eats Airplane? Some of your songs give me the same vibe
N: "lowkey in shock that this band was brought up to me because they were (partially) the reason I found out what a DAW was in the first place because I read some interview of theirs back then describing their method of creation or something formative memories of listening to this one on a school computer in 5th grade" Q: When making an EP, do you usually have a "concept" or "vibe" before making the songs? N: "mostly! it is typically reflective of whatever sonic fixations I had in the years preceding the release itself + a culmination of whatever emotions are stirred up by life circumstances once I have that intersection pinned down, it begins to take a form of its own"
Q: Is there a story behind the Phantasmaphilia album art? It's so mesmerizing *0* N: "indeed ! the dead insects themselves were found outside of where I was living during the completion of the album, around this time of year. myself and some old friends collected them and brought them inside to scan in for the sake of the cover artwork. as for the bathtub image source, I am actually not holding my own legs but another person (out of frame) but we were wearing swimming trunks haha I wanted to create a feeling of ghostly vulnerability and I appreciate said old friends for helping me realize my vision at the time" Q: your music heals me and makes life bearable, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️‍🩹 N: "I am so so grateful... thank you for sharing with me, it keeps me pushing forward knowing that my music reached you in the same way that other music heals me too (hug)"
Q: Squall. I love that song so much. I would love to hear your reasons for that song. N: "oh yes Squall! I wrote that for an internet friend who lived somewhere that was basically a perpetual snowstorm, I would stay up late talking with them and it meant very much to me during that period of time to me, the flurry of splittercore kicks and icy trance lead melodies reminded me of a blizzard" Q: How did you get your name? N: "strawberry hospital? or neptune? I'll answer both! strawberry hospital was intended to follow the naming trend of many bands and artists I grew up with, but also represent the otherwise polarizing thematic elements (bittwersweetness) and stylings present within the music and lyrics my name Neptune is chosen but I have kept it for over a decade now, it reminds me of the ocean and a cold planet very far away from here"
Q: Ilysm I sry if this is a dumb q but are the songs on halfawake all vocaloid or ur voice N: "awe no questions are dumb! the original release is exclusively vocaloid as I was too anxious to include my own singing in my songs in 2016. but the live version of the song is special, because I sing the chorus with my own voice instead. other albums feature a combination of my own voice and vocaloid (with exceptions)" Q: what is your bowling ball size? N: "this question is so unrelated I love it... so I cannot bowl to save my life and maybe I'm missing a double meaning here but they say a bowling ball should be 10% of your own weight right? in that case, like 12? I am unfortunate epitome of gay people failing at sports stereotype"
Q: what's your personal favorite song you've ever release?? 🖤 N: "Halfawake, Memento, Phantoma, Azure, Rhythm 0" Q: so like whats next for uu? N: "I'd love to play a few more shows before the year ends... maybe an international one? we shall see... otherwise trying to explore new forms for the project to take, I never want to reiterate what has already been established to the point of monotony heh" Q: I really love Tacit ❤️ and would love to know what it's about N: "Tacit is an apology for not being able to fulfill the role of what somebody would like you to be for them. not exactly a hard rejection but an assuring one (if such a thing exists) ... sometimes you need to use your head over your heart? I struggled with this at times p.s. it was heavily influenced by the haibane renmei OST!"
Q: Would you ever go on a tour! Californian fan here and I love you and your music :D N: "it will happen someday I am certain, playing a show in California feels obligatory (in a good way) plus I have had a few invitations from fellow musician friends that I need to take them up on" CONTINUED INTO PART 3 ON MY NEXT POST
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beedesigns · 8 months
Days 4, 5 & 6
Saturday, 21st October 2023
Well, this has been a rollercoaster of a week. I got tired of my Windows PC (10 years old) freezing when I opened more than three tabs at a time. So, shifted myself over onto a Linux machine cobbled together from bits of old office computer components I got free. Jumping from a 10-year-old HDD to a fresh SSD is giving me whiplash on bootup haha!
But it's so much easier for following along with TOP now. I've gone through the first sections a couple of times now, trying to cement it in my head before moving on. I still find myself checking my cheatsheet every time I need to create a new file or anything.
On an actual coding front, I've been reacquainting myself with isotope.js the last two days. It came as a horrible shock to discover that the site for it was down, but someone pointed me in the direction of the internet archive, where you can still read through the documentation.
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Ever so slowly getting there with javascript. I'm looking forward to tackling the HTML & CSS sections of TOP and discovering what holes there are in my knowledge, though. Nothing like reading through things called 'fundamentals' to realise how scattergun my learning approach has been.
In the meantime, I'm going to be playing around with the styling of this filterable list today and singing the praises of flex to everyone that will listen. I'm also contemplating having a play with making my own tumblr theme for funsies. Does anyone have any advice for getting started?
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genericpuff · 1 year
Oh, so that's where the whole "Lolita" thing came from... Uh. I can understand the whole tiredness that going down that rabbit whole provoked you, so it's okay if you wanna rest for a while.
On another note, can I say this whole "Dr. Pepper show" comic reeks of mid 2000s weirdly disturbing content? Like, I'm not trying to say all those things back then were bad, but I think you get what I mean when I say that... Yeah, the 2000s were wild times and tons of stuff that shouldn't be normalized or publicly exposed as "okay" were, well, alright.
And I mean, there's nothing wrong with liking or making content with dark topics. But there's just something about the whole "Gothic lolitas" that make me feel uncomfortable. Like, yeah, I know is a fashion style on some areas. But, like, knowing RS particular interpretation of what it is doesn't make me feel any better.
So, uh, when you feel better (and if it's okay), any theories on what the webcomic could have been about? I personally think it may have been straight-up nsfw of, well, whatever the plot of it was. Or maybe another one of those "purity culture deconstructs", idk.
Anywho, thanks for the info from where "usedbandaid" originates. Have a nice rest of the day. And i'm so sorry for whatever horrors you may have witnessed.
haha I'm okay, honestly, it wasn't so much horrifying in the sense of being like, legitimately triggered, it was more so just like ... whoof. I gotta ease up on my own habits because there's nothing here that I need to be seeing LMAO Just kinda makes me feel sorry for myself a little bit for getting sucked into it in the first place but I know it's just my ADHD tendencies to be like "OOH, STUFF??? I WANNA ABSORB ALL THE STUFF" (instead of doing the things I'm supposed to be doing).
Man, if people go on this many rabbitholes to find my old art some day... let me know because I'd genuinely love to see LOL I've lost so many of my old pieces over the years. But I'm sure there's also still plenty of cringe that would make me (⊙x⊙;) So I'll give RS credit there, a lot of that old stuff - especially The Doctor Pepper Show - was made when she was like, 18. I can understand her maybe wanting to disconnect herself from both that comic and her old usernames affiliated with more more fetish-y art. But that's the Internet for you. It's true what they say - anything you post on the Internet is there forever. Even stuff from 20 years ago.
Oh god 2004 was nearly 20 years ago-
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As for The Doctor Pepper Show, there are still pages out there for it that you can find, along with summaries. I think she got about 3 chapters in before she quit doing it (seemed to be due to her going to college around the same time which is like, yeah, valid). Unfortunately so far it seems there isn't a way to get entire chapters to read it at length, but there are some spare pages floating around.
I believe it was about a woman in a neo-Victorian society trying to become a doctor ? (from what I've been told) which is interesting but you can still tell there was a lot of RS' own personal kink stuff going into it. Which is like, fine, more power to her, at the VERY least she was right to put it behind an 18+/R rating back then. But it's wild that she's still doing that sort of thing in a comic that's being marketed to children (LO). Makes me wonder if she'd ever return to it after LO is done, god knows when that day will come though.
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actualbird · 2 months
Hi there! I saw your post on using discord as a tracker for things and I want to say a couple of things.
I use it for ocs and it works somewhat well (I rarely update it, but at least I can remember about those ocs that I have not toyed with in a while), along with some other things. But for day to day tasks I'm not sure of how useful it can be? I can't keep track of things on a physical diary/calendar/whatever the word is for the thing in English and I don't know how a digital version of it might be better? I mean, I tried in the past via phone notes and after a while (a week tops) I just stopped? I suppose it's more of a me issue?
Another thing, as someone who uses a different pw for everything and has the list written on a sheet of paper, wouldn't it be dangerous to have them on discord? Idk leaks, havkers, that jazz, or is the risk so small that it's trascurable?
hi hi!! im glad that little lifehack post works well enough for your OC purposes!!
i'll be honest first though and say that that post DEFINITELY breached containment and i was not expecting it to get that big, i was wholly just talking to myself HAHA. that being said, it's usefulness really depends on if it works well for you and your own brain purposes!!
i also struggle with keeping diaries/journals, so i simply dont use my personal server for it. the only thing i use my personal server for really, is for sending files to myself across devices so i dont have to bother with bluetooth or cloud or stuff like that. and i use channels as categories of What type of thing im sending to myself. for reference, heres some of my channels in my personal server
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so as u can see i rlly dont use it as a personal diary. at most, i use it as a to do list or a to read list for when im switching between my laptop and my phone
i hope that makes sense? kblskjfbsjdffds
now on the matter of passwords: NEVER USE DISCORD TO STORE YOUR PASSWORDS OR ANY SENSITIVE INFORMATION. im like you, i go old school pen and paper style, but yeah really, not on discord. the threat of hacks or leaks or other stuff is too high.
in summary:
i rlly didnt expect that post to go big so im unfamiliar with a lot of the issues that are cropping up for many many people
i find the personal server most useful for storing and sending NON-SENSITIVE INFORMATION, like fanfic ideas or my grocery shopping list or links to stuff i wanna read while im stuck in traffic
in general i dont trust any online-connected-to-the-internet method of storing passwords. pen and paper is the way to go, or if youre more tech savvy than i am, maybe you can look into dedicated password manager softwares.
i hope this can help!!
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faffreux · 10 months
Ahhh hello we were close friends way back in the day (2010s Deviantart yeehaw) and I’m so pleased that you’re still making artwork! Your style is instantly recognizable. I’m glad to see that you have Fawful in your life, it’s clear that he makes you really happy. You deserve it.
ARE YOU SERIOUS LMAO come off anon I swear I must know who you are!!!!
I have like uhhh 3 people off the top of my head you could be and chances are I remember you vividly bc my memory is insane TRUST ME
I MIGHT EVEN HAVE OLD ART OF YOURS I NEVER LOST my photobucket is a treasure trove from internet eons past haha
I hope you’re well, whoever you are!! Thanks for the sweet message about Fawful and I and if you do wanna reconnect just shoot me a DM :]
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rinas4ki · 3 months
K-pop fandom related rant, feel free to keep scrolling (keep reading if you’re nosy 🥸)
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A lot of international K-pop fans are complete and total hypocrites. They have this moral superiority complex against incel K-nets who dunk on idols for dating and living their love lives and wanna advocate for idols being seen as real human beings with their own emotions and thoughts, but when an actual dating rumor pops up related to an idol they’ve formed a deep parasocial relationship with, what kind of “jokes” do we see? “Nooooo my fave is dating someone, I’m gonna jump off a cliff!”, “Wdym they aren’t xyz sexuality, they’re for abc group of people, we’ve got let down 😔”, “What happened to that post where they were clingy to this groupmate of theirs, we got tricked 😭”. They may be haha funny for the first, like, 5 minutes, but not only do they often escalate to being extremely strange and dehumanizing, we need to question the roots of these jokes altogether. Call me unfunny, miserable, a cupcake, a blind defender, tell me to unclench and laugh a little or whatever, but first of all, if you played along with fanservice enough to feel even the slightest bit of disappointment that it’s not reality, what can I say except you’re probably birdbrained enough to hop in a sketchy stranger’s car for an expired lollipop like a 5 year-old? Secondly and more importantly, of course this doesn’t apply if the rumors are also tied to someone disgusting and the idol in question is horrible for dating them (the reactions will be different as well), imagine being so invested in this obviously fake and “ironic” fantasy to the point where your warped perception of them turns so stale you’re deprived from the ability to act normal about the new couple and wishing them well, let alone bearing happiness for them and the fact that they’re cherished and appreciated by someone in real life. K-pop fandoms have always been doomed in that aspect, both Korean and overseas, but you could distinguish between the normal fans and the truly delusional crowd, because due to internet humor being debatably cornier in the past, these comments looked freakish right at first sight. With the current jokes, irony and self-deprecation, the lines between “satire” and reality have become more blurred than ever, and you need to possess a level of reading comprehension and critical thinking to raise an eyebrow at these responses. K-poppies worldwide possess neither! They’ll only consider calling out the comments infringing personal life if they’re laid out caveman style like “my idol dating bad, making fans sad bad, idol no date no club no different gender friend, idol only love fans and make fans happy”. No sense of nuance or depth, no appreciation for these ARTISTS’ artistry and work, only a desire to project their lack of a social circle onto singing and dancing pretty dolls thousands of miles, or rather a screen away. I get it, they couldn’t give a monkey’s about the music, about the talent, about the performances no matter how much they pathetically pretend to. The hell depth of the barrel is checking yourself for your behavior and comments, and either admitting you’re severely unwell and not much different than the K-nets you get a high out of criticizing or fixing that attitude and getting a damn life. It’s clown behavior for us international K-pop fans to yap about the select group of emotionally unstable Korean fans when we’re faced with the exact same problem within our own side of the fandom! Trash vs garbage, coleslaw vs potato salad, Wish vs AliExpress. Get real. 
I can’t believe I’m staying in this hellhole even though I’m very distant from fandoms, for long years every other day has presented me with signals to leave for once and for all, but unfortunately I’m too invested in my faves’ future music projects so I don’t see myself quitting soon.
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
Hope that it’s alright that I’m asking about the whole list. If it’s too much, just pick your preferred ones. An you do day 20, prompt 7 (fanfiction questions)?
Of course it’s alright! I’ve done prompts much longer than the 20 questions here and honestly, I feel so flattered that you’re interested in me enough to ask! Thank you so much for sending this in, giving me the opportunity to talk about this, and I hope you’ll find some interesting little tidbits here, my gorgeous anon 😊
1.    When did you start writing?
Wayyyy, way too long ago to remember an exact age, honestly. I’ve been writing in some form for as long as I remember. I remember writing little scenes about Dragon Ball Z after watching episodes in a Hilroy scribbler that thankfully never saw the light of day. I remember writing Dream Street fanfiction to horribly date myself. I’ve been writing in some form from at least eight years old, and I remember going into early middle school trading hand-written, on looseleaf in binders, Harry Potter fanfiction with a friend. I remember writing on Quizilla first though for major fanfiction platforms, also around middle school I think, so I think my first internet fanfiction would have been around 2003-ish?? So I’ve been writing fanfiction here on the internet for at least 20 years, which makes me feel super fucking old, my lovelies.
2.    How many different fandoms have you written for?
Easily over a hundred. I write for a solid 37 fandoms on here currently and there’s been several that I used to write for but don’t anymore, not to mention fandoms that I wrote for way back and stopped writing for before ever coming onto Tumblr.
3.    If applicable, do you think your writing has improved a lot or a little since you first started writing?
Oh, I can absolutely guarantee you that my writing has improved leaps and bounds from little eight-year-old me scribbling on paper. Even from the original Polycanons blog here on Tumblr to today, I feel I am always improving my writing skills in some way or another. I honestly think that’s all I can continue hoping and praying for, that despite having a set style as a writer now, that I keep consistently improving on this or that as a writer. Right now, my biggest struggle still remains dialogue, but I’m actively working on improving that wherever I can.
4.    What was the first fic you wrote?
As mentioned above, I remember scribbling out little Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. The first smut I ever wrote was Vegeta smut, haha. I can’t remember the details of any of them clearly, but I think that was one of the first fics.
5.    What is your favourite fic you have written?
Oh, this one is impossible for me to answer. Not only do I have admitted issues with labelling anything as a favourite, but I’ve admitted that although some people have guessed prior names I’ve written under, I refuse to publicly acknowledge my past usernames I’ve used to write. It’s not because I’m ashamed so much of what I’ve written, though I do think that they are not the greatest fics and that I’ve improved in my skills as a writer since writing them, but more that, like every kid coming into fandom, I had to learn how to deal with fandom in general and that, at one point, I was a complete and utter douchecanoe who was judgmental of others and let getting mildly major in one of my fandoms get to my head. I regret my former actions so much and really am ashamed of the person I used to be in fandom, and since I’ve learned and matured into a much better person, I want to distance myself from that person I was. There are some who will know once I post an upcoming fic within the next couple of months, because it’s a rewrite of an old fic I’ve always wanted to rewrite and because it fits a prompt, I get to, but I won’t publicly acknowledge that so…a lot of my old fics can’t get discussed haha. I will say that, of the ones I can acknowledge here on tumblr, there was a fic I wrote for a Halloween exchange event that I loved writing and still imagine scenarios within that universe! It can be found here!
6.    Which character of yours has been your favourite to write?
I think I’ve kind of answered this a couple of times. Rather than favourites, I have characters I find easy to write. KHR overall is a fandom I find easiest to write about, with Gokudera, Enma and Yamamoto really being super easy for me to write within the fandom itself. For K, HOMRA is easiest for me to write about. In Nanbaka, Rock, Samon, Qi, Seitarou and Hajime are the easiest for me to write. In Iruma-kun, Balam and Jazz are the easiest for me to write. For Bungou Stray Dogs, Steinbeck, Kunikida, and Chuuya are the easiest for me to write about. In Servamp, Tsurugi, Sakuya, and Misono are easiest for me to write. In Eyeshield 21, Hiruma, the Kongo twins, Sakuraba and Riku are the easiest for me to write. In Saiyuki, the Sanzo-Ikkou are the easiest for me to write. In Ronin Warriors, Kento and Cye are easiest for me to write. In Kekkaishi, the Night Troops are easiest for me to write. In GetBackers, Ginji and Emishi are easiest for me to write. In Black Cat, it’s Sven. In Karneval, Yogi is the easiest for me to write. In Gangsta., Marco, Yang, Delico, and Alex are the easiest for me to write. In Bleach, it’s the Eleventh Division and Hisagi. In Naruto, it’s the Akatsuki. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Senji and Minatsuki. In Ouran, it’s Haruhi and Tamaki. In Durarara, it’s Shizuo and Izaya. In Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Kuwabara, Kurama, and Botan. In Gintama, it’s Gin, Hijikata, Kondo, and Okita. In Mystic Messenger, it’s V and Saeran. In Ikemen Revolution, it’s Kyle, Oliver, Harr, and Sirius. In Blush Blush, it’s Nimh and Cole. In Date Warp, it’s Linds. In Hatoful Boyfriend, it’s nobody really – I get to write about it so rarely that it’s equally hard and easy for all the characters. For The Outsiders, it’s Dally and Darry. For Class of the Titans, it’s Neil, Odie, and Herry. For Ultimate Spider-Man, it’s Danny, Luke, Sam, Flash, and Ben. For Gravity Falls, it’s Stan. For The Mighty Ducks, it’s Portman, Fulton, and Adam. For The Covenant, it’s Tyler. For Jungle Fury, it’s Dom, Fran, and Casey. For Ninja Storm, it’s Cam. For Mystic Force, it’s Chip. For Holes, it’s Zigzag and Twitch.
7.    Which character of yours do you most identify with (if any)?
Again, sticking just with the fandoms I deal with on here. For KHR, it’s Skull, Enma, and Gokudera. For K Project, it’s Bandou and Eric. For Nanbaka, it’s Jyugo. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! it’s Iruma and Elizabetta. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Kunikida, Steinbeck, Poe, Atsushi, and Chuuya. For Servamp, it’s Sakuya and Misono. For Saiyuki, it’s Gojyo. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Ishimaru, Unsui, and Yukimitsu. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Cye. For Kekkaishi, it’s Masamori. For GetBackers, it’s Natsumi. For Black Cat, it’s Eve. For Karneval, it’s Gareki. For Gangsta., it’s Delico. For Bleach, it’s Kira and Orihime. For Naruto, it's Naruto, Gaara, and Rock Lee. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Ganta. For Ouran, it’s Haruhi. For Durarara, it’s Kadota. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Kuwabara. For Gintama, it’s Shinpachi and Yamazaki. For Mystic Messenger, it’s V and the twins. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Kyle and Zero. For Blush Blush, it’s Anon. For Date Warp, it’s Rafael. For Hatoful Boyfriend…probably Ryouta? For The Outsiders, Johnny and Ponyboy. For Class of the Titans, Odie. For Ultimate Spider-Man, Ben and Amadeus. For Gravity Falls, Dipper. For The Mighty Ducks, Adam, Fulton, and Goldburg. For The Covenant, Tyler. For Jungle Fury, Casey. For Ninja Storm, Cam. For Mystic Force, Chip and Madison. For Holes, Stanley and Zero.
8.    Which character of yours do you find the hardest to write?
Again, sticking just with the fandoms I deal with on here. For KHR, it’s Mukuro, Reborn, and Shitt P!. For K Project, it’s Nagare. For Nanbaka, it’s Jyugo, Liang, and Upa. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! it’s Asmodeus and Opera. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Dazai and Fyodor. For Servamp, it’s Lawless and Mikuni. For Saiyuki, it’s Lirin and Nii. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Kid and Akaba. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Rowen and Sage. For Kekkaishi, it’s Yoshimori. For GetBackers, it’s Ban and Kazuki. For Black Cat, it’s Train. For Karneval, it’s Gareki. For Gangsta., it’s Worick. For Bleach, it’s Hitsugaya. For Naruto, it's Sasuke. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Shiro. For Ouran, it’s Kyoya and Mori. For Durarara, it’s Celty and Shinra. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Hiei and Yusuke (in a relationship anyway). For Gintama, it’s Kamui. For Mystic Messenger, it’s Zen. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Ray. For Blush Blush, it’s Stirling. For Date Warp, it’s Nathaniel. For Hatoful Boyfriend, Shuu. For The Outsiders, Sodapop and Steve. For Class of the Titans, Theresa and Jay. For Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter. For Gravity Falls, Ford. For The Mighty Ducks, Charlie. For The Covenant, Chase. For Jungle Fury, Theo. For Ninja Storm, Shane. For Mystic Force, Vida. For Holes, the Warden.
9. If any, what music/artists do you like to listen to while writing?
Ohh, I think I’ve mentioned this a couple of times on the blog, but I actually do up little playlists for most of my writing. If it’s a fic, the playlist tends to be longer and more personalized to the story itself. But I make them even for headcanon writing, since I pick five at a time I’m feeling, so I make up little hour-long playlists with songs that might be inspirational for the headcanons or speak to the theming of the headcanons.
10. Do you ever put any of your own traits or personality into any of your characters? Which?
Yes. There are parts of me that I add to some characters – mental processes, traits, viewpoints, quirks, habits. I see the potential for these characters to strongly do or think these ways and it makes sense for them. But it’s not just me that I do this with. I’m really good at reading people, figuring them out, because at one point survival for me really did rely on me being able to read people’s moods and anticipate their behaviours. And I honestly love learning about people because people are fascinating. So, all of that combined with my storied life means I’ve gotten to deeply know a wide variety of people and I’ll often write little bits and pieces of those people into characters where again, these parts of them I’m writing into the character make so much sense and feel authentic to the canon character themselves.
11. If you could take one character from your fic and put it with another character in another one of your fics, who would you want to see together?
Okay, but thank you for giving me the chance to write this. I am such a huge fan of crossovers. It’s so frigging fun to take characters from different media and stick them together and I think a lot about various crossovers, along with writing little scenes and headcanons of crossovers that never get seen because, really, there’s not requests for them and they’re not big enough to post as fics. But it’s fun to take wildly different characters and figure out who would get along, who would hate each other, what romances or relationships might come about, who would be those on and off type friends where you’re never sure if they like each other that day or hate each other that day, who are truly neutral towards each other and just don’t really notice each other, how they’d talk and interact with all these different people. Of course, high school and boarding schools make great crossover opportunities. KHR is actually really great to set crossovers in as well, just because a Mafia Family is a great way to add a different group of characters from a whole other media and that gives me the added fun of figuring out flame types for the characters. But I will admit to one of my hugest guilty pleasures…I’m such a hardcore Big Brother fan and that’s my favourite crossovers to imagine. I take whatever character I’m really feeling at the moment for each of my fandoms and I throw them all in as contestants in the Big Brother house. It’s fun to figure out not only who would get evicted first and who would win, but also who plays the best social game, who the comp beasts are, who forms alliances with who and how seriously do they take those alliances, who has the best blowups, who becomes a fan favourite and all those kind of things.
12. Which do you prefer writing most, description, dialogue, or actions?
Easily description, then actions, then dialogue. I’ve always been upfront that I’m never sure of my dialogue, that it’s hard for me to write conversations that feel authentic and natural and fit with the tone of the character’s voice and are worded like they would word things.
13. If you could base one of your fics in a different location than where it is currently, where would you like it to be?
Okay, but if I had my way, every fic and every fandom and every character would be visiting Disney World. Everyone goes to Disney World (props to the Varia for being the quickest to get evicted and banned from all Disney parks forever). Or they’d be in a supernatural land where magic and different creatures exist. Or they’d be in a great big old Victorian mansion, with a blizzard outside, warm crackling fires and Christmas just a night away. Those are normally my three go to’s.
14. Which of your fics would you like to see turned into a movie the most?
Honestly, though you guys haven’t seen the actual story come out yet, it’s The Ever Young. I’ve been planning and playing with it for years, and while I normally have a really hard time visualizing things (most things come in words and sounds, not images), it’s actually one where I can almost see the scenes and the story as an actual episodic anime. There’s arcs, seasons, suspense, great action scenes, romance and hatred, and NO FANSERVICE.
15. Which of your characters do you think you would be the most friendly with?
Now, this one is an interesting question because it’s not who I like the most, which characters I favour and would want to have like me, but the characters I genuinely think would enjoy spending time with me. It took me a bit to think about but the answer I’ve come up, for each fandom, is below:
For Katekyo Hitman Reborn – Yamamoto, Skull, Enma, Tsuna, Chrome, Levi A Than, Lussuria, Spanner, Shoichi, Kusakabe, Basil, Lanchia
For K – Bandou, Shouhei, Fujishima, Dewa, Munakata, Shiro
For Nanbaka – Nico, Momoko, Seitarou, Qi, Kiji
For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! – Iruma, Jazz, Lied, Elizabetta, Balam, Caim, Goemon
For Bungou Stray Dogs – Kunikida, Kenji, Tanizaki, Higuchi, SakuOda, Ango
For Servamp – Kuro, Misono
For Saiyuki – Gojyo, Hakkai, Yaone, Lirin
For Eyeshield 21 – Musashi, Mamori, Unsui
For Ronin Warriors – Cye, Mia, Rowen
For Kekkaishi – Masamori, Shu, Yukimasa, Tokine
For GetBackers – Ginji, Emishi, Natsumi
For Black Cat – Eve, Rinslet, Jenos, Kyoko
For Karneval – Nai, Yogi, Iva, Akari
For Gangsta. – Delico, Yang, Nina, Dr. Theo, Alex, Galahad
For Bleach – Kira, Momo, Hisagi, Rangiku, Orihime, Uryu
For Naruto – Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, Tenten, Rock Lee
For Deadman Wonderland – Shiro, Ganta, Karako
For Ouran – Honey, Haruhi, Mori, Nekosawa
For Durarara – Anri, Erika, Walker
For Yu Yu Hakusho – Keiko, Yukina
For Gintama – Shinpachi, Kyuubei, Zenzou, Madao, Kondo, Katsura
For Mystic Messenger – Jaehee, Yoosung
For Ikemen Revolution – Kyle, Blanc, Sirius, Luka
For Blush Blush – Nimh, Anon, William
For Date Warp – Linds, Rafael, Janet
For Hatoful Boyfriend – Ryouta
For The Outsiders – Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry
For Class of the Titans – Neil, Herry, Odie, Atlanta
For Ultimate Spider-Man – Ava, Luke, Harry, Flash
For Gravity Falls – Mabel, Stan, Soos
For The Mighty Ducks – Fulton, Averman, Goldburg, Connie
For The Covenant – Tyler, Pogue, Sarah
For Jungle Fury – Fran, Casey
For Ninja Storm – Dustin, Cam
For Mystic Force – Vida, Chip
For Holes – Stanley, Zero
16. Are there any ideas you are currently playing around with that you would like to write sooner or later?
Oh, there’s always a million ideas in my head. I don’t often have chances to write the ideas around, because I’m normally busy with something, so they just float around and never get used. I really do want to explore the pasts of a lot of my favourite characters, I’ve said for years I’ll get around to doing a next Gen full fic for KHR and a full fic werewolf pack AU for K, I have some original story ideas floating around (some paranormal erotica stuff)…like, there’s probably at least 50 different ideas for things I want to write floating around but it’s finding the time and mental energy to do so.
17. Favourite fic that is not written by you?
Impossible. Simply IMPOSSIBLE question. I have been extremely blessed to have found a fandom in KHR that has so many extremely talented or thought-provoking writers in it. In K, there are so many talented people coming up with interesting fics or just really amazing and interesting ideas. The same goes for the majority of my other fandoms (though there are some where I’m pretty sure I’m the only one writing in that fandom) and I admit to having really lucked out in finding fandoms where the pure creativity, passion, and talent the fandom has is astounding.
18. Have you ever written a personal experience into your fic?
Absolutely I have. Comfort fics or even writing traumatic experiences that you identify with into a fic can be incredibly therapeutic. I find it really helps me, in a lot of cases, to process my feelings around experiences when I get to write them out. Or some situations I’ve been in have been so weird and wonderful that they just can’t not be used to make a fic better or more interesting!
19. Who has been your favourite face claim to use?
Most of the icons I use are of characters I write about on the blog! My current icon is an anime version of me I commissioned. During my roleplaying days though, either Lenalee or Ami from Sailor Moon was one I used a lot.
20. Lastly, take your favourite character from any of your fics and tell us 3 things you like about him/her and 3 things you dislike?
Again, I don’t really have any favourites. I’ve been writing a lot of headcanon posts recently to build up a solid queue on the blog after the event’s end, so I’ll just go with the last character I wrote about for all the last three fandoms I wrote for!
Reborn from Katekyo Hitman Reborn – He has style, he’s always true to himself, he genuinely cares about his students…however, he can be overly harsh, he can be hypocritical, and he’s egotistical at times.
Munakata from K Project – he is very true to himself, he’s confident, he always tries his best…however, he’s too inflexible at times, his social skills suck, and he can’t read a room
Mikuni from Servamp – He’s so intelligent, he’s funny, he truly loves his brother…however, he can’t trust people, he’s flighty, and he likes to play with people’s heads
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