#making me stressy and depressy
generalgri3vous · 7 months
one of my biggest fears is accidentally committing fraud because i dont understand taxes or money. :[ how do i explain to the IRS that im not trying to commit fraud, im just a dumbass with no clue what im doing?
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social-mockingbird · 2 years
All of your music is the same color, sir, and that color is a very very cold shade of black, with shadows of the dimmest and most oppressive of greys, and anyway that’s why I secretly can’t listen to your music because it’s a one way ticket to Sadness and Nihilism Town.
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Started adding a little rough shading to my Cora, but I need to get some sleep probably.
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I've managed a finished fic chapter and a headcanon over the course of the day as well, so I guess I've done alright.
Can't say whether I will or won't end up typing out another dumb headcanon at five in the morning, which seems to be prime-headcanon-hour for me for some reason.
Just me trying to convince my brain to sleep and brain going "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BLORBOS"
Brain does as brain pleases because brain is rotten.
As such, if you have brainrot, feel encouraged to leave it in the askbox. It will be both in good company and massively appreciated, and it also makes my present stressy-depressy issues a great deal easier to manage.
Love you all ♥️♥️
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
So yk how u did what it would be like to date connie and added pics?? Is it OK if u do the same thing but w/ eren?? ALSO ILY AND UR WRITING
A request!? I feel like a legit fandom content creative now! Also you're so sweet thank you so much! 🥺🧡 I hope you like this nonnie!
As much as I hate to admit it, Eren is hot. 😮‍💨
And he's that effortlessly grungy kinda hot. But like is his hair shiny cause it's luscious and taken care of, or is it shiny cause it's oily and he needs to go use the separate shampoo and conditioner you replaced his ridiculous 3-in-1 with?
Whatever the case, you love him but damn can it be hard sometimes. Eren's passionate. SO passionate. He's quick to run off at the mouth when he thinks someone's outta line and speak up about injustices when he sees them. Situations with the first one sometimes lead to physical altercations. Luckily he knows how to fight and has that special whiteboy privilege that keeps him from getting into deep deep shit. But doesn't mean he comes out unscathed. And so there's a good handful of photos in your camera roll to document his injuries.
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Kay next bit my brain took me on a tangent of seriousness. So feel free to ignore! Lots of me projecting to be honest.
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Back to his passion about justice. It weighs real heavy on him learning more and knowing about all the different oppressive systems that the world's structures were built with. And while he's outspoken and tries to participate in grassroots organizing when he can, mostly like doing physical labor things. It helps him channel his emotions into productive things.
Patience isn't his biggest strong suit. And the slow progress of, well progress, takes a toll on him mentally a lot of the time. Making him withdraw and isolate. It can be tough to deal with, especially when all this shit is even more directly impacting your life. It can lead to some big blow ups and it takes, ironically, a lot of patience and commitment from both of you to work through them.
Lucky for you both, Erin's family--including his found family friends--quickly accept you into the family. They've all been dealing with Erin's passion bullshit and trauma a long time. So they're happy to step in or lend support when things get rough.
In the long run it strengthens your relationship because you learn to be completely open and honest with eachother and focusing on better articulating to communicate clearly the things bothering you both instead of him shutting you out and leaving you without support.
But it's not all depressy stressy and gloom!! With his friends quick to accept you completely into the fold there's bound to be plenty of antics and laughter. Can't help to be, especially with the trio of Connie, Sasha and Jean. Watching Eren throw his head back in laughter is always heartwarming. And kicking back with everyone, no matter where, just getting to be, and exist is always a comfort.
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smolfangirl · 1 year
My roommate has just introduced me to the concept of earworm (sentence version) where the same nonsensical sentence is playing over and over in her head and I need someone to make one of those silly raccoon memes with it:
✨ Less stressi, more depressi ✨
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bisluthq · 1 month
Talking about Taylor having her manic phase always makes me laugh cos I agree with you. She is pretty manic like 99% of the time. Certainly now. There’s this misnomer about Taylor imo that because she’s strategic in her career that she is identical in her personal life. She is actually very impulsive and emotionally driven. You know like many of us. And even more for her because ya know creative genius and all that. She has blown into Travis’s life like a fireball and he’s never stood a chance. Her huge charm and charisma has probably upended him. When the reverse of that appears…. as it will….that’s when his bde and chill will be needed. Let’s see if he can weather the Taylor mania. If he can, then they’re set for the long haul whatever that looks like.
Mhmmm. I do actually believe in them but I think they need to be together for some more time to know each other better and see more of each other’s flaws/personalities. Because Taylor absolutely will hit a low at some point (she is a stressy depressy person) and he will too (he’s a big advocate for therapy and whatnot so like he does have his own struggles) and let’s see if they can get each other through that type of shit. Also let’s just see what Taylor does when she actually has 5 mins lol because since Midnights released she essentially HAS NOT had 5 mins at all and she’s had a very dramatic personal life in that time.
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antiendovents · 1 month
*buries face in pillow and screams* ok I'm sorry for that message lol evalynn took control and I'm still making sure she didn't fuck up anything on my computer but lol yeah. don't worry I'm not mad at her just kinda embarrassed. I love her but she is a headache sometimes (affectionately). she also gets attached to people very quickly sorry lol (evalynn if you read this i love you its ok I'm not mad just um remember to wait five minutes before you make a decision to see if it still sounds like a good idea but I promise its fine)
anyway um yeah. Eva wants to change her name to sunny, short for sunflower. shell probably go by both (Eva and sunny) depending on the mood.
I'm doing well! I took my brother and his friend to the museum. it was nice. I like my brother very much, he's a pretty good human. hbu?
we (system 'we' now, not brother 'we') talked to another alter we don't talk to often. shes pretty uhhh stressy depressy. evalynn doesn't like her very much because she reminds evalynn of her (evalynn's) worse moments. Eva prefers to stay away, but shes politely pleasant to her. Saturn gets her best I think. she (stressy depressy alter) has done a lot for me cus she basically keeps a lot of our sadness and trauma and she helped us a lot when we were having a depressive episode last year cuz that's basically her default mode, but we all are trying very hard to make sure she stays pretty quiet because we don't want to feel like that. I feel kinda bad for making her keep all of this, but I cant help without getting hurt too. yeah. she goes by Dark (may change her name later, she doesn't wanna reveal her real name), btw. rn shes using she/her, but sometimes its he/him or they/them.
sooo yeah. that's us. Eva is feeling lovely rn. I'm just chilling. saturn is lying facedown on the floor listening to music. (saturn is overstimulated and tired). evalynn is building a dollhouse from blocks she painted pink.
update: Saturn is no longer listening to music. Saturn is imagining music. dad stole our spotify. (-Eva/sunny)
we think were gonna make another blog for a headmate named רונה. (if you google translate this name pls don't share it this is my irl name and its very personal to me but this alter doesn't like going by anything but that name). she speaks only Hebrew, and some very bad English, so that's gonna be fun. I suppose she could speak English cuz we share the same brain and all but it makes her feel like throwing up so she doesn't. anyway. she wants to say hi.
שלום!!!!! השם שלי רונה!!!!! רוצים ליהיות חברות??? להיתרות!!!!! י
so yeah that was her. btw what she said was "hello!!!!! my name is רונה!!!!! wanna be friends??? See you later/bye!!!!" that last part deosnt translate too well to english but yeah. anyway. ttyl! byeeeeeee!!! <333
-🌌🌠 system (cuz r still doesn't have an emoji code lol) (oh hey Saturn. feeling better?) (hey. yeah, thx.) (awesome. <333) (<3)
its fine! We found the message quite sweet! And we get it, some of us get attached easily too! I hope she didn't mess anything up on the computer, that wouldn't be great!
Also sunflower / sunny is a great name !! :D we have an alter named sunny, kind of. He only lets his best friend call him it though-
We're glad you're doing well and that sounds pretty fun! We're personally okay, trying desperately to salvage our sleep schedule lol
Also that is interesting, I'm glad Dark managed to help you guys get through that and I understand why you'd feel bad but I want you to know it's not your fault. Alters have roles and even if it's unfavorable someone has to do it. Just make sure she knows y'all are grateful (that's the only advice I can give as an alter with a similar kind of job lol). Don't try help her if it hurts, wait until you're in a safe environment and able to do to so (preferably wait until you have a therapist, if you don't have one already (if you do wait until you can manage a session about it, this kind of stuff is best done with a professional, though if y'all do try healing by yourselves we won't judge either))
It's good that Eva is feeling good, hah I said good twice lol. I hope Saturn is doing okay and that Evalynn is having fun!
Also that's fair enough. We have some alters that are uncomfortable with the English language too, though we don't know any other language (not fluently anyways) so they usually just end up not speaking at all or making animal sounds-
And hi! We'd love to be friends and bye! :3
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narciesuss · 1 year
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Look at me. Depressy. Stressy. No make up. About to get me some sausage for my eggs and weenies 😇
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corcracrow · 11 months
Elucien PotO????? Plz tell us everything
Hi nonnie! Well, it started ages ago. I had the idea sitting in my drafts for about a month, then I saw a post mentioning a wish for the same idea. So I of course volunteered to write it, with Elain as Christine and Lucien as Raoul. (and Vassa as Meg)
Unfortunately it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while because I started thinking too in depth about the Phantom and the details and it was suddenly rather stressy and depressy.
But especially with winter coming I’ve been checking on it and thinking about it and stirring it in its cauldron, Macbeth’s witches style. I think I’m going to actually finish making that moodboard and let it out into the interwebs. Hopefully by the end of November :) we’ll see.
Here’s a snippet for you, if you’d like it!
“You’re saying you and that gorgeous vicomte were sweethearts? Why in the Mother’s name did you let him get away?”
“He moved, Vassa. Before we lost our fortune. After that, I couldn’t exactly hop in a gilded carriage to visit, could I? Besides, he probably doesn’t even remember me.”
Vassa snorted. “Who could possibly forget you, Elain?”
“It was a long time ago.” Still, Elain’s gaze couldn’t help following as the Vicomte began a hasty retreat, citing some urgent business. He was followed by a chorus of sighs.
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thelunarbar · 11 months
Every time I see you use “AAA” as ship name I have the mental image of someone screaming “AHHHH” and honestly that’s how I feel when I see an update of Initiation lol. It’s the stressy depressy time of the year for me and your fic brings me so much joy 😭 I love it so much!
I always think of that vine with the batteries 😂 AA! AAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (It doesn’t have quite the same effect written out 😬 but yk)
I’m sorry ur in a stressy depressy time of year 🙁 I get it tho I’ve been there and I know I’ll be there again come end of May beginning of June. I’m happy my fic can bring you joy rn tho. Knowing people are looking forward to updates has kinda been the only thing that’s gotten me through the last few weeks of work tbh.
Make sure you’re taking care of yourself babe and I hope whatever’s got you stressed and depressed gets better 🙂
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Another apology post because I can't seem to respond. I read your messages. Even the closest ones I adore. I love you all. Not equally, sadly LOLOLOL. Some of you I love more because we talk a lot or talk deeply or be at each other's vulnerable state, some I just sin and asjdkjasdaskhdasd.
I want to reply. The words are in my head but I feel like typing them is a chore and I don't want that. I don't want my reply sent as a chore because I genuinely love you all. I feel bad when I sadjaksdjasklj all over anything Kel Dor and Plo Koon or something of interest (sadly not all still), but then sometimes even I see reblogs and replies of that that I have so much to say but hands don't work. Not because they're injured rn, but they just.. they don't.
No, I'm not sad. I'm probably stressed. Stressed over decisions I'm making that will stress me TF out more. So yeah.
I'm sorry if I'm missing notifications. Missing reblogs and replies. Sorry if I'm not answering DMs and tags but is obviously online. Idk what it is but I know it's not disassociating, I'm not depressed (I'd like to think I'm not), nothing's happening apart from work and your usual bill-adulting situation and personal affairs, nothing grandiose in the stressy-depressy department maybe, idk.
But yeah.
ILY all. I do. I'll probably make more of this because I feel bad focusing my attention on one DM, one topic, and neglect the rest because I feel like my brain's autokicking which shit to deal with to cope? To cope from what, I honestly don't know?
So yeah. Drink your water. Get some sleep. Ramble on my DMS, tag me, send ask, anything or whatever, I hear you. I read it all. Bookmark it for when I'm feeling 'better' I'll cram and do a mass post response to all or some shit idk.
I'm just in that IDK mood era. But who knows, maybe it'll get fixed by Sunday if ever go to this company/team outing.
I love swimming though I can't swim? I can float? Fall asleep and float? Love to drown myself a lil but so I get that adrenalin rush from almost dying but not? But only when swimming. Maybe socialize but not about work? I don't even know if I'm going or want to go.
But anyway, I'm here tho. My inbox and chat DMS are always open. Ramble on it. Scream in there.
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blooming-briars · 2 years
Wanted some Shu and Mado conversation to explore possible angles on their dynamic as host and headmate and it turned into a ficlet so that's fun lol
Here, have some stressy depressy Shu and his loving functional, Mado
It’s a thought that’s kept Shu sane many times – a rather laughable consideration, in truth, but the truth nonetheless.
Even when he says nothing, she always understands; no matter what happens in this life, he’ll never be alone, with her by his side.
You don’t have to be alone anymore, she says to him. It’s alright to want to not be alone.
She’s right, but she always is. Sometimes he gets angry with himself for hiding behind her, for making her say the things he’s not ready to yet, to others and himself alike…
But she is never angry with him for his failings, no matter how much he hates himself.
Today is just another one of those days, the kind where he wishes he could just turn his brain off and function like he’s supposed to. How much easier it would be to have someone pull his strings; if only there were someone who could.
Isn’t that why you have me?
“Mademoiselle,” he mutters disdainfully, “If anyone is pulling anyone else’s strings, it is not you pulling mine.”
Equally disdainful, she hums but doesn’t correct him. He knows the truth, and fears it, yes. That it truly isn’t him in control, that she, his very own creation in the truest sense, could one day come to rule over him…
And yet, in a way, it would be a relief.
Shu, you’ve spent too long trying to rule over everyone and everything in your grasp. Sooner or later, you’ll have to let things go, or they’ll slip through your fingers regardless. Even the important ones.
He knows.
He does know, as much as he hates it, and although he’s not yet ready to admit as much aloud, even to her.
And yet…she is right. He can’t hide the glimmer of thought from her, either, any more than he can hide from her smug little hum to herself, knowing that he’ll give in sooner or later.
Yes, it’s true that he burdens himself with many things – but that’s only because he can’t trust anyone else to take them on! It’s not as if he wouldn’t entrust them to others if he could, he’s not some kind of control freak or anything-
Then which things will you let go, first?
His laundry list of things to do flashes through his mind, a seemingly endless scroll. The day’s half-over and there’s already so much that has to be done, but the tasks for tomorrow and the next day, and the one after…the coming weeks, the months after…it stacks, one after another, into a mountain that feels insurmountable. No matter how capable he is, how utterly brilliant, even he is only a man. He can’t simply lift mountains as if they’re nothing! If he had started this morning as he’d intended to, things may look different, but as it is, he has to account for four lost hours, not counting the hours lost yesterday, and – how? How will he manage?
The list of tasks shifts, abruptly yielding to mental math as he tallies the amount of time each remaining task will take, and how much time he has in the first place. He’s always worked on tight deadlines, since Valkyrie has always had just enough money to get by if they kept doing as much for themselves as possible. If he could contract out like fine it might be another story, but…
No, he’ll make it work. He has to. Kagehira is counting on him, so he’ll do what he always does and-
And. And what?
And choke, like he did before? Fall to pieces? Lose himself entirely?
Abandon the one who stood by him?
For a long time, weeks, he hadn’t even been able to bear to look at Mademoiselle. He couldn’t stand to hold her, to hear her – if he did, he would have to hear her kindness, and he couldn’t stand it. The scolding he could bear, but to actually hear her assure him of all the things he wanted so desperately to hear was too much.
And yet, in time he’d turned to her once again, because…
Because I’ll never leave you. Because you don’t have to face it alone, even when you don’t know how to turn to them, yet. She giggles, adding, Even when you don’t know how to turn to me. I’m still here, even when you can’t let yourself hear me.
She’s too precious to risk damaging with reckless handling, but Shu closes his eyes and hugs the pillow tighter to his chest, wishing that it was her he was hugging. Sometimes he wishes…
That I could stand beside you in a body of my own, a human just like you and sweet little Mika. I know…but I can only be what I am. A piece of you. For the rest, you’ll have to turn to them.
“To him,” Shu huffs, correcting her. He knows what it is she meant. “You hardly need to spare my delicacy when we’re alone, you know.”
“Hm? If you already know, what stops you?”
“You already know that.” He glowers at her, perched perfectly on her little couch on the shelf; expressionless as her form may be, he can feel the amusement radiate from her.
“Remind me?”
He sighs. “Later. For now, I have to finish adding that braided trim. If I don’t update our costumes, people may think we’re resting on our laurels once more, and we can’t have that. Valkyrie does have an image to maintain, after all…”
For now, she lets the matter go. There will be plenty of time another day for such matters; it’s enough to hear the truth acknowledged, even obliquely.
At last, Shu pulls off the blanket and stands, brushing himself off. True, his Saturday may be half-over, but that doesn’t mean it’s been wasted. He still has half the day, and he can make up for lost time – although not by cutting corners. Never that, he wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing. The very idea of taking shortcuts with his art is abhorrent!
“Let’s sit by the window today, I’d like to enjoy the breeze.”
He smiles. He knows what she’s doing; his mood is always improved by fresh air and sunshine, although he’ll have to mind where he sets her at this hour. Just like his Mademoiselle to always be looking out for him, gently prompting him in the right direction…
“I only suggest,” she demurs. “I would never dream of leading.”
“Of course.”
Whatever the future holds for him for – them – this afternoon holds only hours of hand-stitching and idle conversation – and the days and weeks and months to come feel far more bearable, it turns out, when he has the chance to spend uninterrupted quiet time with needle and thimble and his most beloved companion.
“Lifting a mountain is foolish. Better to go over, like Hannibal himself.”
“I hope you’re not suggesting you might want elephants at Valkyrie’s future performances…”
“Nonsense! As if I would ever-”
Her giggles tell him, too late, that it was a joke…but the gentle amusement is nice, even if his weak, awkward defensiveness isn’t diminished in any way. “I- they’re filthy- and the stage, they would-”
She sighs silently, a gentle and bemused sound. I’m glad that you can relax with me, at least, Shu.
“Well, who else?” He huffs and scowls – and pricks himself with the needle, which means he has to go and get the bandages, because he would never dream of doing anything as uncouth as Kagehira and simply putting a wounded digit in his mouth. Even with the interruptions, though, and the teasing, he has to admit at last…
“It is nice.”
That’s as much of a concession of affection as even Mademoiselle will get from him.
For now, at least. There’s no telling what the future holds, on countless other afternoons to come with fresh breezes and quiet hand-sewing to soothe the spirit.
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inkyquince · 2 years
Inky you introduce me to new franchises every day. Never played a silent hill game, never watched any of the movies, but since you mentioned it.. I might as well right? Got to see if my brain can also make this horror game horny 🤝
so, okay, so while silent hill 2 is my favourite by far, you cannot lewd james sunderland. he's truly a depressy stressy. he's someone you wanna get wine drunk with except he's quit drinking. dont fuck him please, he'll feel guilty for thinking about mary during it
Now, please fuck pyramid head and the nurses. Pyramid head is so fucking sexual, mans WONT STOP humping shit in EVERY GODDAMN CUTSCENE. the second time you see him, HE'S MOANING and theres this wet fucking pull out sound when he throws a mannequin to the side. please... please, I KNOW he symbolizes James' guilt but goddamn, mister guilt can have this ass.
With the nurses? I am no better than a pervert. Boobies. Also there's something about the way they walk? Idk I just wanna write a noncon scene with a nurse finding a "patient".
OKAY, HENRY TOWNSEND. I like silent hill 4 so much, and henry is a quiet withdrawn lad. I know its meant to be that you're feeling more alone in the game but it just makes me think of Henry as a withdrawn quiet lad. Who has a fucking peephole in on his goddamn neighbour. I KNOW, its meant to check on her because YOU KNOW THERES WEIRD SHIT GOING ON, but i like to think about henry using that to justify it, being a nasty voyeur. Silent hill 4 has SO MANY MOMENTS where its just... fucking nasty.
Walter Sullivan. He did kill two kids but dw he also killed 19 adults, so its not a freddy kreuger thing. ALSO HE JUST HAPPENED TO BE EXACTLY HOW I IMAGINED EDEN, MINUS THE BLOND HAIR.
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He thinks a room is his mother because he was abandoned in it, he's got some UTTER mommy issues.
So, Silent Hill 1 and Shattered Memory Icon. He's very polygonal in the first game but he's... Yeah, in Shattered Memories, he can have one ending where he's legit a manwhore. Like, HE'S SEEN HAVING A SEXTAPE OF HIS THREESOME. Cheating on his wife, being a whore and THE GAME CAN FULLY CALL YOU A PERVERT IN YOUR PSYCH PROFILE. This is the main reason I wanna play the game ngl. Also, during Cheryl's therapy session the therapist fully just tells you that ?? you have weird sexual views around your father no matter what?.. anyway.
Claudia and Vincent from Silent Hill 3 are fun, and you have a romantic stalker ghost thats obsessed with you called Stanley in the hospital.
Homecoming does not exist to me. Downpour is kinda fun but i dont really... end up thinking about it and Im about to play through origins.
Silent Hill 2 is my favourite, its low on the jumpscares but its so high on the creepiness I WAS LEGIT JUST A BIG OLE DEER IN THE SPOTLIGHT THE ENTIRE GAME. But once youve played through it once, its downright... a comfort game? like im playing it when im taking breaks from silent hill 3. im trying to get through it in record time and im at the prison segment right now at 1 hour and 50 minutes. legit, i love it. Im on such a silent hill kick im down bad.
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espaciiosideral · 2 years
Feeling stressy depressy these days.
I have a few coworkers that are using me and taking advantage of the fact that I'm a "yes man" and i hate it. And i know i can put a stop to it by setting boundaries but i feel so guilty.
Teaching is hard in general so any added stress makes it worse.
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After wind-chill the temp outside is listed as "feels like 25°F" UUUGGGHHHHH. Thank god we turned on the heat last night, but I am still so tired and want to go back under my blankies. It is only mid October!!! Actually temp is 34°F though, so that on par, but BOO.
It is now 5:47AM My plan was to take care of journaling I did not complete last night. But I scrolled Tumblr instead. Ooft. I may be getting Starbucks today..
Well, after 28min of looking over the drinks I have made my Starbucks order 🤦‍♀️ ooft. Menus and decisions are very hard for me. I should be excited for today, it will be the return of my favorite co-worker! And I need to be at work early. But now I am stuck in the bathroom... Too much Cabbage this weekend I guess?? Owie. I should technically be leaving, like, now ish.
It is flipping snowing... I love snow, but not the second week of spooky month.
Day is better!! Co-worker is here and she is happy and it is contagious 😁 feeling better. Going to work on my favorite concept/job #
Excitement wearing off. I want to eat literally any and everything. I am not hungry. But I want to consume all the food.
I put in my headphones and and listening to a audiobook. My mind almost immediately calmed and I am able to focus. I do not understand how that works. But it consistently does. But I never want to start listening for some reason.
On and off stressy-depressy-lenom-zesty staying with simple tasks. First meeting of the day in 30min. Venti with 4 shots of espresso almost gone. Not sure if it had an impact.
OOOOHHHH now I feel the coffee! Hello caffeine headache! How have you been?? Now to drink water to counter act it.
Ate my lunch (it is/was 12:05-12:30). Was not over hungry, but it was lunch time and I wanted to eat. I now once again feel the absolute NEED to go eat, especially eat chocolate if I could get it. I am not hungry, I know I have had plenty today. But I feel I NEED to devour something or I will implode.
I would like to drink water, but I cannot seem to make myself. I will keep trying.
12:35 - Oh look!! My heart rate just jumped up 15bpm and increasing. Hello panic 👋👋. Why yes! I did just drink water! Please calm down... Back to headphones?
Why is focusing so damn hard? Just do one task at a time. Just recall the damn task and do it.
I just want to go run and jump and move, anything but the task at hand.
In bed by 6pm.
Up and showered at 8. Feats includes: putting soap on the wash cloth and rinsing it back out. (Twice...), Tried to out my ear pods pointy side in.
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
Yay! We are stressy depressy again! But not as much so hopefully it goes away in like five minutes wdk lol.
- Hailey (Idol)
Oh no. v:
- Hailey (Academic)
I think we are okay, this is mild and we have much more internal (system) support than we used to.
- Hailey (Admin)
I mean, to be fair, I don't think I'm the only one but people seem to like picking me up like a lost puppy from front and either sit me back down or some other weird thing sooo — in my case it's literally. The support thing.
It's Beni as well. Don't go thinking I am referring to the ask from today please.
I think we're in pain, I think somehow some of us make the body feel pain and then literally nobody else does in the polyplex. I think we were unfortunate in that two of us from this subsystem can be traced to those physical feelings.
- Hailey (Academic)
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