#makoto naegi imagine
hajihiko · 1 year
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The casualties have officially dropped to 0.
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cheridraws · 1 year
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Been a minute since I’ve drawn my kiddos
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angelfleurry · 2 months
♡Falling Asleep on Hajime, Shuichi & Makoto!♡
꒰ა Shuichi Saihara ໒꒱
♡ He’s actually rather calm about it.
♡ He doesn’t exactly freeze up, just stills a little.
♡ Shuichi can often tell when you’re tired, but he didn’t anticipate you to fall asleep on him.
♡ It’s very endearing to him though.
♡ The minute he felt your head slowly fall upon his shoulder, the darling detective had a feeling you were adrift on some distant dreamscape.
♡ He’d still call your name, though softly, sweetly.
♡ The silent response was all the confirmation he needed.
♡ For a moment, he sat still, book still in his hand.
♡ Then, rather tenderly, he’ll plant a quick kiss upon your head, reaching a hand to rest upon your shoulder.
♡ “Sleep well, Y/N,” he says, voice breaking out into a stammer as his eyes turned away to his book, “I…I love you.”
꒰ა Hajime Hinata ໒꒱
♡ He definitely freezes for a moment, processing.
♡ Whenever you fall asleep on him, it tends to be when you’re cuddling up together.
♡ “U-uhm, Y/N?” he’ll begin, shaking his head as he realises there’s no way you’re going to respond.
♡ He looks over at your sleeping form, and it always makes him chuckle.
♡ Not in a mean way, he just thinks it’s sweet.
♡ He’s a big ol’ softie, really.
♡ Likes to take a hand and intertwine it with his.
♡ Definitely watches you for a bit.
♡ It doesn’t matter if you’re an ungraceful sleeper or not, he just finds such an element of peace through watching you.
♡ Eventually, he’ll close his eyes too, bringing you closer to him.
♡ Even if he doesn’t intend to, Hajime is one hundred percent going to fall asleep with you in his arms.
♡ Waking up together is nice, though.
♡ Even if he’s bright red and stubborn to admit he fell asleep…
꒰ა Makoto Naegi ໒꒱
♡ He’s so awkward bless him.
♡ “H-hey, Y/N…?” his voice squeaks out, the answer already obvious.
♡ Hesitates for a moment, slowly leaning his own head upon yours, a myriad of “uhms” escaping his lips.
♡ Just stays there for a while, silent.
♡ His breathing definitely hitches; like, the regulation is NOT THERE.
♡ Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together for, if you fall asleep ON him, Makoto will get all sorts of weird fuzzy feelings as if it’s the first time you’ve done it.
♡ If he has enough courage, he’ll snake an arm around you, supporting you as you sleep.
♡ Should you be, say, on the bed, or somewhere comfortable, he’ll gently lean back with you; desperate not to wake you.
♡ Is definitely a blushing mess as you sleep.
♡ Probably won’t want to move until you’ve woken up.
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chirpos-pencil · 8 months
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Wait, does this mean Makoto wanted to make funny faces at those cameras? 😭
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dailymakotonaegi · 3 months
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kiyocuck · 7 months
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another post today bcuz i had to get this thought out of my head
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nabateaprodigy · 5 months
Hellooo!! Could I have headcanons of the dr1 and dr2 boys (you can choose whichever ones but pls add Makoto and Nagito) with an afab s/o who loves laying/hugging the boy's head on/into their chest when cuddling? (if you're comfortable with that ofc). They'll also love petting their hair a lot while doing it, too. Thank you!! Remember to take good care of yourself. <3
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, Nagito.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: afab.
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Let's get this out of the way first and foremost Makoto loves cuddling! Although I could see him being a little hesitant to ask he'll soon enough work up the nerve to ask to cuddle with you!
At first, I felt like Makoto would be pretty awkward with cuddling. He wasn't used to being held in such a romantic way before meeting you so this was all rather new to him. For the first few times, the both of you cuddled a blush could be seen on his face.
To put him more at ease you would play with his hair and it helped a lot! It was very relaxing for him to have you run your fingers through his hair. Careful though you might poke yourself on his ahoge!
When cuddling with you Makoto feels a sense of peace he's safe he's happy when he's cuddling with you. There's just no better comfort than being held by the one you love most.
You know Makoto gets flustered easily and you can't help but take advantage of it. By just laying his head on your chest you get to see his cute flustered face. It's almost as if he stops functioning no matter how many times you do it but you can't help yourself he's just so adorable!
Cuddling with Chihiro is something that happens a lot. Unlike Makoto, I don't think he would be afraid to ask for cuddles. He would mostly cuddle with you when he's finished programming.
Since he's tired he loves it when you play with his hair. It puts him at ease and makes him feel sleepy. Before you know he's fallen asleep right in your arms!
I can see Chihiro cuddling with you daily. He's tired from programming and you love cuddles. So both of you have worked it into your schedule.
While you cuddle he likes to ask you about your day and how it's been. In return, you ask the same if even a lot of that time is spent programming you don't mind.
When you lay his head on your chest he might be a little flustered but I don't think he would mind that much. He would find it too comfortable and he's just happy if it means being closer with you.
Hajime has always had doubts about himself and you've known this. Regardless the undeniable fact is that you deeply care for and love Hajime. Cuddling is something Hajime has always wanted to try especially with you.
However, he doesn't want to rush anything he doesn't want to make you feel overwhelmed. He goes back and forth if he should ask or not. When he's having these doubts you offer for him to cuddle with you.
You hold him in your arms telling him that it's okay to do this and there's no need to ask. Hajime loves you he loves you so much. How did end up with you someone so kind and caring?
I feel like Hajime would prefer to be the big spoon just to hold you in his arms knowing you are safe with him. I feel like he's pretty warm all the time so it's easy to fall asleep while cuddling him.
As for when you decided to rest his head in your chest well I'm afraid our deer Hajime almost stopped functioning. His face was so red the first time you rested his head on your chest. He wouldn't admit but it was very comfortable.
Even though this man is your boyfriend he feels like he doesn't deserve cuddles. Why? No idea but that's Nagito logic for you.
It's not that he doesn't want to Nagito is more than happy to cuddle with you! But he just feels like his luck could hurt you in some way.
You love running your fingers through Nagito's hair it's just so fluffy and soft! You ask him how he has his hair like that but he doesn't seem to have an answer.
He loves cuddling with you it makes him feel so warm and relaxed. He loves cuddles when the both of you come home from school just too tired to do anything else.
About you resting his head in your chest I don't think he would be all that flustered or shy about it. Although he may feel like it may make you uncomfortable resting his head there. But you a sure him that's no issue and who is he to no to his beloved?
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theamityelf · 1 month
The killing game survivors of Hope's Peak Academy all had their different ways of testing the waters of their new job at the Future Foundation. (Deliberate ones, and ones that just came as a result of who they were as people.) Kyoko tested the waters of being frequently late. Byakuya tested the waters of being frequently insubordinate. Hina ran laps around shared work spaces, Hiro scammed their coworkers, and Toko still wasn't technically a member.
Makoto...okay, he challenged the leadership's patience in a lot of ways, but one example that he genuinely couldn't help was that he was the first of the survivors to have to take a sick day.
And the second.
And the third.
Makoto lay in bed, groaning through a throbbing headache and feeling gross. He hadn't even had it in him to let anyone know he was sick, which just made him feel worse, because it reminded him of another time he hadn't let anyone know he was sick, and he'd almost been executed over it.
(Well, it wasn't like that was really the reason, but he still felt anxious.)
Waking up from his third nap– glancing at the clock, it looked like he was an hour and a half late for work –he heard movement in his suite. That definitely wasn't helping him not think about that one time, but it was probably just Kyoko or Hina or someone, coming to check on him.
It sounded like it was coming from his kitchen. Maybe Hiro, then. He often casually brought up how much money they could make if they sold off some of the Ultimate Hope's used cutlery. Or maybe Hina had peeked in while he was sleeping, seen that he was sick, and decided to bring him something to eat? It did sound like someone was using the stove.
Makoto dozed off again and woke to someone pulling a thermometer out of his mouth.
"101 Fahrenheit," an unexpected voice sighed. "You're usually a tenth of a degree above average, but still..."
"Komaeda?" Makoto said blearily. "What are you doing here?"
"Everyone was wondering where you were, so I took the initiative to come check before anyone more important could be forced to abandon their work," Komaeda said brightly. "I've let your friends know that you're sick. They were somewhat annoyed that you didn't call or email, so I unfortunately had to explain just how out-of-it you were when I arrived, which caused them to realize that you couldn't have gotten up to let me in. I think they're bothered about me picking your locks. Sorry about that. But I made breakfast!"
"Here, open."
"Well, I had to make sure you were alright. I'd be a pretty bad intern if I let something bad happen. Now, here; you should eat something. Even if I made it."
Makoto ate a few bites of breakfast. A flush of pink filled Komaeda's cheeks, and he was smiling so much. A part of Makoto's fevered mind felt glad that Komaeda was this happy, but he could barely keep his eyes open to see it.
Nagito paused, setting the chopsticks down to brush back the hair that was plastered to Naegi's forehead. "Are you still awake?" he asked.
There was no answer, save for Naegi's soft breathing, accented by the quiet rasp of his congested nose.
Nagito took the unfinished food back to the kitchen. He gave into temptation and sucked the lingering traces of broth and the moisture from Naegi's lips off of the chopsticks, then pocketed them. He returned to the room and helped Naegi drink some juice. And he drank what remained in the glass after, then thoroughly scrubbed it clean with a light, giddy head and a chest full of shame.
He wiped the sweat from Naegi's brow and pulled up a chair beside the bed so he could sit there fanning him. Unfortunately, he couldn't switch hands when his wrist got sore, but he didn't mind it.
After all, Naegi needed him.
He was really lucky.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
General Headcanons for the trigger happy havoc boys with an ultimate ruler S/O? (Essentially they are like Sonia being from the royal family of a far off nation but are constantly getting pressure from their family to at least start looking for a potential partner for when they do eventually take the throne. You don’t have to include this part if you don’t want to)
Leon is a little intimidated to be with somebody, for once in his life. What’s somebody like you doing dating a baseball player anyway? He thinks you’re weird for it, but man he’s grateful to whatever merciful god granted him this.
Mondo also doesn’t get why you’re dating him. Your lives couldn’t be anymore different. He doesn’t complain but he does ask you pretty often why you bother with him.
Kiyotaka doesn’t handle your situation well at first, given his complex with working hard = success, what did you do to earn your place? You two get along eventually.
Hifumi is in love!! Kinda acts around you like how he acts around Celeste but it’s clear there’s a difference because he’s in LOVE!
Hiro thinks it’s cool, I hc him being poor so he likes having you around lol, helps him with the money troubles. Kinda intimidated though, seriously.
Byakuya honestly can’t be surprised he would be interested in somebody like you, he deserves only the best after all. You both make quite the couple.
Makoto can’t fathom the idea of y’all dating sometimes, in his mind he’s undeserving. You wouldn’t know he thinks that though.
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actoons · 1 year
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It’s rather demoralizing- don’t you think? Being made to attend and being served bottom barrel alcohol. Honestly even for you, it makes me almost feel sad.
It’s not like you’re a student , Naegi. I can provide proper libation.
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floorbe · 2 years
Can we get Taka, Makoto, Fuyuhiko, and Gonta on their wedding day to a Female S/O?
OH yeah
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
-Tears galore
-He’s literally shaking with nerves on the altar waiting for you to walk out. Still has the biggest smile on his face tho
-Mondo has to put a hand on his shoulder when he notices just how badly he’s shaking
-When you walk out he swears he’s going to pass out
-Lord, you look... oh, he’s crying, now
-He tries to settle himself, but when you get up to stand in front of him and he sees tears in your eyes, too?? He’s gone
-His voice is still strong throughout the ceremony, though you can hear the slight shake to his voice as he speaks
-When he’s finally allowed to kiss you he wastes no time pulling you in, people around him be damned, he’s going to kiss his goddamn spouse!!
-Arms around your waist, lips on yours in a deep kiss, you can even feel him tilt you back in a faux dip
-When you both pull back he’s looking at you so adoringly. There’s so much love for you within him and he’s so happy he gets you for the rest of his life and vice versa
Makoto Naegi
-He’s so excited!! So excited and so nervous
-Picking at his fingers while he stands at the altar, waiting for you to come out is the longest wait of his life
-But when he sees you walking down the aisle... ohh lord save him, he’s teetering like he’s gonna pass out
-Once you’re standing in front of you he immediately latches onto your hands, murmuring shaky compliments to you with a huge grin
-He barely hears the ceremony, honestly. He’s waaay too enraptured with you and how gorgeous you look and wow he can’t believe you’re about to be married-
-Oh, it’s time to kiss you. OH IT’S TIME TO KISS YOU
-He pulls you so so close and kisses you so sweetly. You can feel him shaking slightly and he’s smiling into the kiss
-He’s going to remember this moment forever
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
-He’ll try not to show it, but God is he anxious
-Everyone can tell bc of how much he’s shaking and picking at his cuff links, but his face is stony
-He’s so worried that you’ve changed your mind suddenly. Not that he’d blame you
-He’s almost resigned himself to a break up when you finally start walking down the aisle
-He swears he’s seeing an angel. There’s no way anyone could look that gorgeous, right?
-His mouth is agape, and as you get closer you can see tears rimming the corners of his eyes, though he’ll never let them fall
-His voice is steady throughout the ceremony, but he’s holding your hands and his grip is so tight
-He pulls you in for a kiss before the priest finishes the “you may kiss” line. Too impatient, this one!
-He definitely dips you, though you two almost fall and end up breaking the kiss by laughing
-He does not let you go for the rest of the night
Gonta Gokuhara
-Another visibly incredibly nervous man
-Trembling like no tomorrow on that stand, he’s almost worried you’ve changed your mind and won’t come out at all
-But then you walk out and... oh, oh, you’re so gorgeous
-He bites his lip to try and reign in his tears, but it’s too late. They’re falling down his face almost alarmingly
-If you get teary, too, he’ll immediately go to wrap his arms around you, asking if you’re alright
-Yes, Gonta, you’re just so happy! Gonta only cries more at that
-His voice is so shaky throughout the ceremony, but it’s just because he’s so overwhelmed with his feelings for you
-He definitely kisses you too early. Like, the priest barely gets out “you m-” and he’s on you
-No one complains, certainly not you, when it’s obvious just how excited he is to finally be married to you
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Hey! I love your writing style, btw! Can I ask for Makoto/Fuyuhiko/Hajime/Shuichi (all separate) X a reader that accidentally falls asleep on them? I've been studying for finals and I could use that right about now...😥
You can leave out whatever characters you want if there's a limit. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Makoto x S/O | Fuyuhiko x S/O | Shuichi x S/O who fell asleep on them
Thank you, that's very kind of you to say!
Makoto Naegi:
"Let's hang out!"
You were completely exhausted, but you couldn't say no to Makoto.
Makoto had been supportive, but after your big exam, you justed wanted to crawl into bed and sleep.
Still, you knocked on his door, although tired, you were looking forward to seeing him.
"Hello Y/N, come in..."
You resisted a long yawn, trying to pay attention to what Makoto was saying.
"Y/N, are you alright?"
You nodded sleepily, not protesting when Makoto led you to the couch.
You were too tired for your usual tradition, playing video games together, so you elected to watch Makoto play while you leaned on his arm.
Makoto was so soft and warm. He made you feel safe, but seeing him still made your heart beat a little faster.
Your closed your eyes. Makoto said something about making your favorite dessert, but you missed the rest.
"Y/N? What do you-"
Makoto instantly quieted, you had fallen asleep on his arm, and were very cute.
"Blanket...Blanket, oh-"
Makoto reddened a bit, carefully pulling the blanket from behind him, and draping it over you.
He had his own exam, although a different class from you, he was tired from hours of studying.
Makoto missed you, it the same reason you had wanted to see him.
"They wouldn't mind if I napped for a little while, right?"
Makoto closed his eyes, and fell asleep beside you.
"...You have to be kidding..."
You had fallen asleep on Fuyuhiko, who was trying his best not to look embarrassed.
Secretly he was somewhat relived you fell asleep on him, rather than someone else...You could be too trusting sometimes, it worried Fuyuhiko.
"I'll bring you to the dorms."
Fuyuhiko moved as little as possible, not to wake you, and picked you up.
Anyone else he would insist wake up and walk themselves, but he knew you were tired from all the work you'd done. You had done more than anyone else would, but he liked that part of you.
Trying to balance you and the keys, he opened the door and kicked it open.
Your room fit you he thought, the walls painted your favorite color.
He put you down on the bed carefully, and turned to leave.
You shivered on the bed.
"You're going to make me do everything, aren't you?"
He covered you with a fluffy blanket, and you relaxed.
He turned to leave again, only to remember your promise from earlier.
He checked his watch, there was still two hours till midnight-
Till fireworks.
You were going to spend the night together, he promised.
Sighing, Fuyuhiko pulled up a chair, and took out his notes to study.
Your hand and found his, you seemed to be having a bad dream.
He reddened, but squeezed your hand.
He could wait a couple more hours.
Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi and you were sprawled out on Shuichi's couch, your head on his chest.
It was a long day, the air-conditioner whirring in the background, and a fan propped on the table in front of you.
Shuichi was reading aloud for the two of you, one of your favorite books, and his.
Hearing Shuichi read was so comforting, you closed your eyes, trying to imagine the story as he read.
It wasn't long before you fell asleep, and Shuichi tapped you.
"Y/N? Are you awake?"
You rolled over in response, your eyes closed.
Shuichi reddened.
You had been dating for awhile, but he still found you as attractive as the day you first met.
You looked so peaceful, even if his heart was beating like mad.
With a soft smile, he returned to your shared book, putting a bookmark to return to later.
'I-I'll wait for you..."
He picked up one of his other mystery novels, and read.
He smoothed down your hair gently, hugging his arm around you.
"Good night Y/N..."
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angelfleurry · 2 months
Hi! Idk if this is a different type of request than other peoples', but I really like the idea of it. Could I have headcanons of Makoto, Hajime, Nagito, Komaru, and any other "hopeful" characters (I haven't seen V3 yet, so if there's any then pls add them for the ppl who have) with a friend/romantic partner reader who made the song "Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow" by Orangestar for them as a special gift? The reader doesn't have to be talented in music, they just wanted to write a song for them to express their feelings. 💕🎵
Ultimate Hopes X Reader who wrote “Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow” for them:
Hii!! Thank you so much for requesting, I ended up listening to the song and looking for English lyrics so I could try and do this better! This request is shorter just because of all the characters and my lack of energy, but I really really am so very happy to have done this for you!! I hope it’s good!
Makoto Naegi:
♡ “Let’s start facing tomorrow again…”
♡ The whole song made him feel things, but this…
♡ Oh, this particular line.
♡ It stuck out to him a lot.
♡ Absolutely flattered you bothered to give him a gift, but even more so that you chose to do it through song.
♡ Like, it’s hard to make a whole original song, surely?
♡ And, yet, you did it for him.
♡ He cannot take the smile off his face.
♡ The song reminds him of things he’s been through, things you and him have been through, things he may continue to go through, and it brings him such a rush of determined hope.
♡ Doesn’t quite know what to say, but you know he’s grateful.
Komaru Naegi:
♡ “The Big Dipper's first star illuminates the darkness, dancing into the sky and beyond this world.”
♡ This line sticks out to her a lot. She wonders about the universe quite a lot, honestly, and all the knowledge people seem to know despite not experiencing it.
♡ It just fascinates her, and your song…
♡ She’s mesmerised the entire time.
♡ She’s so honoured you made it for her, and she won’t shut up about it.
♡ She will be flattered, she will be giggling, she may almost cry.
♡ She’ll give you lots of hugs afterwards.
Hajime Hinata:
♡ He doesn’t really emotionally convey himself very well to it, but he’s smiling.
♡ He’s truthfully very moved you made a whole song in dedication to him.
♡ Even if music-making wasn’t your talent, he’s still absolutely captivated.
♡ It takes a lot of effort to write an original song, let alone plan vocals.
♡ He’s very grateful.
Nagito Komaeda:
♡ Just sits there and smiles.
♡ To be so lucky as to have all of this effort directed towards him, whether you’re talented at music or not, it just…oh it just leaves such a weird fuzzy feeling within him.
♡ Does he deserve it? Probably not, he doesn’t think he does, he never thinks he does.
♡ But when you seem so keen for him to hear it, yet so timid in the hopes he’ll like it, he doesn’t have time to think.
♡ He just needs to sit, and listen, and devote his attention to you.
♡ Says nothing the entire time, just listens.
♡ Your only indicator of what he might be feeling is by going off the way his eyes glimmer.
♡ There’s something about it that speaks to him, and to know you wrote it for him…!
♡ Nobody else, just for him…
♡ Something about the song invokes a weird feeling with his code.
♡ “It is…normal to get emotional over music, isn’t it?” he asks, voice shakey.
♡ You laugh, but not in a cruel way, reaching a hand to his hair.
♡ “Yes,” you tell him, “Very.”
♡ He finds such joy in the fact you wrote it for him.
♡ Kiibo very much would love to make music himself, so when you come at him with this wonderful piece…
♡ Oh, he’ll be asking to make music with you for ages.
♡ Just, don’t let him know he cannot sing rather well.
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murdertrialimagines · 5 months
Might I get Makoto and s/o watching the sun set together please? Bonus points if its like,, a picnic date or something,,,
Sorry for disappearing,,,, I lost interest in writing and danganronpa tbh but I rly wanna come back! I'm gonna start with the easiest requests first! ~Owner Hiyoko (Not proofread)
Sunset Picnic (Makoto X Reader)
You guys try to have a date at least once a week
And with this spring weather? Anyone who doesn't have a nice picnic is insane
You guys prepared a sweet light dinner in advance, all topped off with the classic wicker picnic basket
sandwiches, small cakes, your favorite drinks and a few board games
A perfect way to wind down the end of your weekend, honestly
The park you two chose had the softest hills with the most vibrant grass and view of the clouds
Cloud watching, eating, just talking about anything that came to mind as you two sat next to each other, basking in each others company
Makoto loved the way you looked as the sun started to set, the light in your eyes glistening and the smile on your face as you try to shield your face from the sun
As you two got tired you leaned on each other, enjoying the quiet moment as the sky turned pink and orange, the sun slowly setting and the park growing more empty
He noticed your breathing slow, soft smile on his face as he realized you had fallen asleep on him.
He slowly laid you down on your blanket, deciding to let you sleep as he packed your things as quietly as possible as to not disturb you
When he had finished though, he thought you looked absolutely adorable laying in the grass, chest slowly rising and falling with your calm sleep
How could he wake you up?
So he laid with you, his hand over yours as he watched your serene state, until he too fell asleep
Dates like these were a highlight of your relationship, casual love in casual places.
I'M ALiVE???? BYE -Owner Hiyoko
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chirpos-pencil · 2 years
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Makoto is getting married today!
Komaru feels emotional. Her big-yet-so-little brother is all grown up!
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ranmaruliker · 7 months
i truly cannot explain it makoto naegi just awkens something primal deep within me i look at him and i get filled with an indescribable emotion i need to tear him apart limb from limb i need tk keep him in a cage or something i cant explain it
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