#male default mii
white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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miibrawlerfeet · 8 months
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daily quick doodles (day 2)
the worlds most beloved twins
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p0th · 13 days
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pumakaji64 · 24 days
My mii husband dreamed about essentially being fated to be with a different woman (red string of fate) and then when I talked to him he told me he apparently has been having trouble sleeping lately... yeah sure whatever..................... #heartbroken #⛈️ #Ishouldvedeletedhim
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themiiofalltime · 9 months
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i wouldn’t normally share personal stuff on here but i felt like letting you folks know that i have successfully legally changed my name! it’s a pretty big deal for me and i also wanted to say to any fellow trans people who are reading this: the world might seem a bit shit, but within that there is so much joy and happiness which you absolutely deserve. you are loved and things are going to get better. stay strong and stay proud.
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cali · 6 months
i feel like im falling behind here. your favorite nintendo youtuber is a boyslut he serves cunt and he gets on his knees in parking lots? idk...... he seems sexually repressed to me and he looks like the default red male mii
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ryunumber · 6 months
I think I have a connection that might be able to yield a more solid Ryu number for Miitopia characters, though I'm not entirely sure about it. Most of the game's default Miis are original to Miitopia, but one such who technically isn't is the Reborn's default Mii, simply named "Mii". Mii has the default appearance you get when you start making a male Mii. Therefore, would Mii count as appearing in any game with a built-in Mii Maker (for example, Tomodachi Life) that uses him as the default? If so, you could probably find some other connection through a game like that (I checked, and though I'm certain there must be a connection somewhere in such a game, the best I could find was a R.O.B. appearing in Tomodachi Life, but I'm not sure if that counts due to it being an inanimate toy). https://sites.google.com/view/miilibrary/NX/MiitopiaSwitchDemo/Reincarnation
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(Note: Make sure not to confuse Mii with "Guest C", one of the guest Miis on most Nintendo consoles, who is visually identical but with a different skin tone.)
Sure, why not. I've zero interest in pursuing this thread myself, but as long as it requires no effort on the player's part to "recreate" another character, may as well.
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"I... Thank you."
Here's the 'sequel' to this drawing (+ Undertale quote, because that's what inspired this)
(Please do not repost without credit or consent)
Also some Miitopia rambling for who's interested:
I really like to imagine what The Reborn's life with the Great Sage would be like. I mean, they can't just let them off the hook, but I'm personally too big a fan of villain redemption to not have a soft spot for their possible friendship
A headcanon (for my game personally), is that The Reborn previously had the default Mii appearance (minus the hair colour), which is why they consider it so boring and unnoticeable. Their face and hair are/were a mix of the male and female attributes (though their hair mostly looked like that due to neglect), and so the Great Sage gave them a hair cut, to make them feel more comfortable about their looks
The Reborn also lives with them now, so let's see how that goes :P /lh
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pikminapplebloom · 5 months
2024 predictions in case Apollo is correct
TF2 gets announced on the switch or dual switch
Halken unionizes and the announcement confuses everyone because it shows Kirby’s pink nub implying a fist
Miyamoto decides that Peter Jackson and Jeff Marsh should direct the Zelda series and Dan gets involved and they turn it into a P and F style cartoon with Zelda characters + they stop working for Disney. Lamar Abrams voices Ganondorf and gives him a Swedish accent somehow.
Italy legalizes weed, and Milleflori bongs are now considered “chic”.
Elon Musk dies when driving his car in an explosion.
Homosexuality found in cephalopods makes splatoon fans go “yep we know that”
Weird Al does a Minecraft collab called “Nethermind” but Bizzarely shows himself in Minecraft next to Steve Alex and herobrine and parodies the Weezer blue album despite saying they suck.
Studio Ghibli comes out with a scifi film based off of The Long Sunset and people keep saying Kywalla and Arin look like animal crossing characters
Side order DLC has a spoiler in the form of an mlp:fim reference though no one is sure why
Tomodachi life comes out. And the miis have “default styles” involving the standard male and female outfits, one with flared pants, one with a tank top, one with a crop top, and one with a romper and thigh high boots. they allow gay marriage and different accents and if you pick the English language option they let you have a boston accent
Mahou shoujo dc movie starring the green lantern.
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semper-legens · 11 months
71. Jamie, by L. D. Lapinski
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Owned: No, library Page count: 260 My summary: Jamie Rambeau is just trying to live their life - but that’s hard when you’re a nonbinary kid, and your school options are severely limited. Torn between two bad choices, Jamie decides to take matters into their own hands and raise awareness of their identity. They don’t expect what happens along the way... My rating: 3/5 My commentary:
Well. This arrived on the shelves at work and I had to do a double take. Look, I know I picked one of the most common nonbinary names, and that (when I had shorter hair and could pass for male more often) I had the same default Mii aesthetic of the kid on the cover here. But still. I've encountered Lapinski's work before, as a friend leant me her copy of the first Strangeworlds Travel Agency book, so I thought why not check this out, since it seems to be about me. Like, it's not (I didn't know I was nonbinary until the age of 17 at least) but look, let me have this, okay? Maybe if this book had existed when I was eleven, I would have figured myself out a lot sooner.
So what's the story? Jamie Rambeau is an eleven year old nonbinary kid from Nottingham, who has to choose which high school they go to. Unfortunately, there's only two options - a school for boys, and a school for girls. One of their best friends is going to the girls' school, the other to the boys' school. But either choice would entail Jamie misgendering themself, something they don't want to do. Jamie's a pretty good character for this kind of middle-grade fiction. They're brave enough to stand up for themself and start campaigning against institutionalised transphobia, but still have their insecurities and can be bullheaded and single-minded, not thinking about their friends' needs as well as their own. They're plucky, but not annoying with it or anything. It's a good balance!
What's less of a good balance, however, is the story of this book. I get it. This is Baby's First Trans in quite a literal way, being that it's intended for children and all. But that doesn't mean the one-dimensional side characters and plot convenience that abounds are particularly interesting reading. All of the characters seem to be either Cartoonishly Bigoted or Supportive, ironically in a binary. The only possible exceptions are Jamie's parents, who are introduced as being supportive but are clearly uncomfortable with Jamie's identity and want them to stop making a fuss. They come around over the course of the story, but that's the only nuance here. All of Jamie's school is on board with Jamie's identity bar a few teachers, and the headteacher of the boys' school even brings his students to Jamie's Pride at the end, which...I dunno, I've never met a secondary school student who would willingly hang out with a bunch of primary school kids, you know?
I'm not saying the book was bad. Far from it. I very much acknowledge that I am not the target audience for this thing - I'm over twice the age of the target audience, in fact! And as I alluded to in the intro, I'm really pleased that a book with this subject matter exists for kids, either to introduce them to trans and nonbinary identities, to help them if they're not cis, or to broaden their horizons a bit. It just...didn't blow me away, I'm sad to say.
Next up, adventurers retire to run a coffee shop.
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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miibrawlerfeet · 1 year
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the most Mii ever
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Sorry to be mean but what's up with this influx of youtube gamers who have cutesy avatars but the most bland generic boring white male face you've ever seen and an even more generic manner of speaking and humor and also they put their fucking default mii-ass face on their thumbnail and barely make an expression like that means anything and the thumbnails also have the fucking channel engagement joke symbol™ and also they do that annoying thing where they put captions in the middle of the screen but one or two words at a time and sorry to rag on this particular dude but there's so many like him it's a fucking endless torrent of the exact same fucking channel and videos
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agnesandhilda · 1 year
my childhood 3ds is still functional and I take it out with me daily to use as a pedometer/so I pick up occasional streetpasses. anyway today I streetpassed with my RA who lives next door and he uses the male default mii
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themiiofalltime · 1 year
(i’m doing both of them together since they have like an identical story really)
As indicated by their names, Default Female Mii and Default Male Mii are the default miis in all (official) mii creation softwares, which makes them both easily well known despite their intentionally generic appearances.
Both have been voiced by a variety of different people over the years, but some of the most notable voice actors for them include:
(Default Female Mii)
Ayumi Nagao
Tomo Adachi(?)
Yuko Kaida
(Default Male Mii)
Fumihiro Obayashi
Takuya Sato(?)
Katsuhiro Harasawa
unfortunately there’s a surprising lack of information that i can find easily, so i’ll do a deeper dive and reblog this with more information when i can :)
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innovatorbunny · 1 year
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