lennelewis · 2 years
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benzinazero · 29 days
*Come i giornali raccontano gli scontri stradali* l'epidemia del malore assassino [antologia di titoli e articoli]
Riunione di redazione per diagnosticare un malore Secondo alcuni, i giornalisti di cronaca quando raccontano gli scontri stradali dovrebbero attenersi ai fatti e non fare ipotesi, men che meno ipotizzare un’elevata velocità al momento dello scontro, nonostante spesso nelle descrizioni ‘l’impatto è stato violentissimo’, ‘l’impatto è stato devastante‘, ‘Il corpo è stato sbalzato a 50 metri di…
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PRIMA PAGINA Latina Editoriale Oggi di Oggi lunedì, 26 agosto 2024
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isabelladifronzo · 1 month
Malore in piscina a Cremona, gravissimo 13enne - upday News
Ancora una tragedia in piscina, questa volta a Cremona, nel centro sportivo di via Milano. 
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pgfone · 1 year
Stanchezza livello pro:
- mi sono messo in ufficio a fare i conti
- mi sono addormentato sulla sedia con la penna in mano
- mi sono risvegliato con i miei genitori che mi fissavano, pensando avessi un malore.
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ever since i finished X men '97 (just a couple days ago) i cannot get the idea of the portal thingy crossing wires with kurt's teleportation powers and sending him to another universe. the rottmnt universe specifically.
i truly believe the shinanigan-meter of both him and the mad dogs would be off the charts, i wanna see him react to a ifferent type of mutants and grapple with the wierd hatered/acceptance/ignorance NYC has towards these different mutants.
Accidental sibling aqcuisition is basically his whole thing yk.
Splints reaction: 'did we always have a blue one??'
Everyone *sweating*: 'yup, uh-huh.'
Splints contemplating how he already has like 7 kids counting Casey sr an jr *shrugs*; 'new child ig'.
what would he think of the Hidden City??! meeteing Draxum?? how would he deal? hide or advocate for mutants? maybe mikey tries to send him back and hurts himself with his mystics?????
I NEED ANSWERS!!!! I know he's mostly a chill guy but i still wanna know!! Ugh, afraid i'll have to write it myself but i've been inactive for so long i forgot how.
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the-lights-are-loud · 2 months
The Moon
They all had examined the image on the back of the thick, hooded tunic that Del wore when she was cold or particularly stressed. The thin silver thread outlined a quiet scene. A winding and twisting tree with dainty leaves that draped over a calm pond. What they always wondered was what the strange orb that hung above the pond was. Alec’s theory was that it was a lantern.
As Del gathered her notes from their last council meeting, Konrad’s eyes were trained on her back. Alec smirked. This wasn’t the first time he had caught the young king staring at his newly appointed seer.
“Yes, Your Majesty?” The forced politeness grated on Alec. She was still angry at what had happened the week prior. The irritation was masterfully hidden, but it still radiated off of her in waves that Alec easily picked up on.
“What is...” Konrad sighed and looked back down at the hardwood desk he sat at. “That image...on your...” He gestured to the item of beloved clothing.
“Yes?” Del gave him a concerned look. The fresh scar above her brow quirked up. Since receiving that injury, her expression had become more guarded around his Majesty. A well-deserved expression, in Alec’s opinion.
Konrad swallowed thickly, kingly confidence now fleeing when faced with the mistake of a night of terror. He had become a new person to her. The harsh distrust that he treated her with had melted away following the days since the attack. Alec was secretly proud of the change.
“What is the silver circle on the embroidery supposed to be? Is it a light of some sort?”
The tightness in Del’s jaw melted away, much to both Alec's and Konrad’s relief. She even smiled. A sad smile, but a smile nonetheless.
“Oh. That’s...That’s the moon.” Del suddenly looked puzzled. “Right...you don’t know what that is.”
“Describe it!” Konrad quickly replied. Alec cracked a large smile at his enthusiasm.
Del sat back down and hummed thoughtfully. “Well...the moon is...maybe I should start with the sky. Your sky is dark and purple all the time. My sky changes. It’s beautiful...and violent and striking... Y’know those glowing rocks and the animals who light up the top of the cave? Well, back home, we have something similar. We call them stars. They are these massive balls of fire, millions of miles away in our sky. They sparkle and brighten the night sky. That’s the sky that is the most like yours.”
Del’s expression was excited yet wistful. Alec was enraptured by the description. Konrad, however, could only see her in each word.
“We have a big star, that’s the one that changes the sky. It’s the closest to us. When you go outside, it feels like you’re sitting by the fire. Warm and inviting. But it’s powerful too. I get burned every summer. My skin turns pink all over where it sees the sun. It’s breathtaking...”
She quieted down and blinked rapidly, almost in surprise. Her breathing was shaky and her cheeks became rosy with emotion. Alec perked up at the signs of emotional distress and was prepared to lead her out of the room if needed.
The worried expression was the first thing that Alec noticed on Konrad’s face. Then the way his hand enveloped hers.
The seer stared at the king’s large hand surrounding hers. Her watery eyes dried before she swallowed and pulled her hand away.
“R-right, the moon. So the moon is this massive stone in the sky that reflects the light of the sun.”
Alec noticed the bitter embarrassment in Konrad’s demeanor. Del looked uncomfortable and strained. Her hands quietly tucked themselves away into her pockets.
“When it is full, um, when it completely reflects the sun like a silver mirror...” Del rubbed the back of her neck before gathering up her notes once again and standing.
The tension in the room was soon directed at Alec once she left.
“Your Majesty, you’re an idiot if you don’t apologize soon.”
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real-ms-awkward · 11 months
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I DID WAS PUT 432 AND TK IN THESE OUTFITS- look at them- so happy/silly
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But seriously, the outfits are from two characters, Scanty and kneesocks, well their transformation outfits. Thought it be kind of a cool outfit for their Halloween thing-
Anywho umm have a great day-
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Happy Birthday to Tasmia Malor
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alicentsgf · 2 years
how would we feel about the opening scene of season 2 being Helena giving birth to maelor? and then blood and cheese happens with him as a newborn. I could kinda see this happening since they aged the twins down...
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lennelewis · 2 years
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1c3d-choco · 11 months
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(Yeah, and before you ask, that's Human Pink/Penelope, but I tried to make her more school-girl like so she could fit in my AU)
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PRIMA PAGINA Latina Editoriale Oggi di Oggi lunedì, 26 agosto 2024
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isabelladifronzo · 2 months
Punto da insetti ignoti mentre lavora, muore sotto gli occhi della moglie - upday News
L'autopsia dovrà chiarire le cause della morte. Ignoto il tipo di insetto che l'ha punto.
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vancilart · 1 year
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good vibes only
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wellnoe · 2 years
i’m hoping to follow more blogs with scott summers content and so far i love yours! do you have any recommendations for others?
i am very bad at recommending blogs BUT people that i think have good scott summers thoughts, though they may only talk about him sporadically, are:
@roguestorm, who is just, really smart about x-men and comics in general (and who i think also has really smart things to say about characters like jean and xavier). i really like the way m thinks about and frames comics, in general, and when they do talk about scott or other characters, i find what they say interesting.
@boo-cool-robot, who is only sporadically active on tumblr BUT did write one of my favorite scott summers fics of all time (no man bears sorrow better, its very good and you should read it), and who i really like to listen to talk about scott and magneto. they specifically have some interesting thoughts on scott and his body and his relationship to it and his mutation, i think.
@thesparrow1996 has informed a good amount of how i think about scott/emma i think? when i think of scott/emma i think of them, so do with that what you will.
@millennium-enterprise i THINK tends to think more about like. rachel. but that's summers family and her thoughts on scott and such are fun too. they have also written a very very good rachel fic that deals with a lot of her relationship to scott, limits of disguise. i genuinely think about parts of this fic all the time its very good.
@dyinggraysons is also someone who i think of as scott-adjacent? in that i tend to think of her as caring more about rachel and maddy, than scott specifically. but i will recommend her also bc i think those are good posts and when she does talk about scott i am very excited.
so those are my recommendations ig! like i said i think some of these people may not talk very often about scott specifically (or often) but with all of them when they do talk about scott i love to see it. i think they all have really fun and interesting things to say about scott summers.
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