#mama agreste is still alive
Dame Violette, Prologue
Welcome to the mother of all fix-it fics, something I've had planned for a long while but the disaster that is Season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug has proven to me is needed. This will probably be my definitive work and after it's completed I'm more than likely not going to write anything else for ML. But, this story is in me to be told and I want it out lol.
Anyways, enjoy!
They had lost.
There was no question about it, as Marinette stared up at the figure of Gabriel Agreste in front of her. He had successfully merged the Cat and Ladybug Miraculous, and now as a deranged god he was going to get his reality bending wish. It was the one thing he wanted out of this whole mess, after three years of terrorizing Paris, and she felt utterly despondent and sad in her failure.
His son and her partner, the love of her life, Adrien Agreste stood behind his father. The emotions crossing over his face at this turn of events seemed to be of relief that this was all over. That somehow, his father would come to his senses and that if Marinette could just be understanding, then this whole situation could resolve itself and-
“I wish to go back to when my wife was alive, for us all to be together again as a family!”
Marinette had no time to react. The world went white.
Hi, my name is Marinette! I'm just a normal girl who lives with her two baker parents in Paris. Nothing special about me, nope, nosiree.
Unless you count the weird psychic visions I get. I mean that has to be normal, right?
They're like “mental shocks”. To be honest I'm not really sure why they happen or how they come to me, or even if I'm the only one who gets them. They seem to be steering me in life. Hopefully away from bad things though I never know for sure. Like a shock I got when considering fashion as a career choice, which led to some weird visions of a blonde-haired woman yelling about how something wasn't exceptional and about a man who looked old and stern, how the world of fashion seemed very competitive and not easy to get to the top of, at least not without losing parts of yourself along the way. Because of that I figured maybe engineering would be a better bet, I seem to have a good knack for designing neat things, like diaries with unique locks. I still make clothes occasionally! But they're more for myself or my close friends.
Another shock came when the first class representative elections came up. I thought about running, but memories of a girl who seemed to be overrun with responsibilities for her classmates filled my mind, along with a figure who took advantage who looked very, very similar to Madame Bustier, my homeroom teacher. Because of that it led me to always sit at the back of the class rather than anywhere near the front, not wanting to be noticed. Someone else can take the burden of being leader. There are only two other people who knows about me having such thoughts...having met them both through shocks, I figured they'd understand it if I explained the whole thing outright. Considering how well read one of them is I had hoped maybe she could have had a rational explanation but she just laughed and said it was probably some kind of “gut magic”. The other simply said it was “Awesome”. I might have been offended but they also both wholeheartedly believed me. I don't know why a person believing in me feels so...important, but it does. Like I know my parents do but having someone else besides them is great. I have a small group of two best friends, and that's more than enough for me. Having too many would be spreading myself thin and my downtime is important; I hate being run off my feet. Plus quality is better over quantity, and both of these girls are quality without a doubt. We might as well be sisters now for how entangled our lives have become.
- In a schoolyard, a five-year old Marinette looks around anxiously. It's a brand-new school to her, what with the move her mama and papa had done to a new and larger bakery, and she had to leave behind the friends she made in the previous year. Her papa however had done what he always did, and set her up with a box of macarons for her first day. “Just be yourself, offer one to a classmate. You're going to be fine, my sweet.” But there was a sinking feeling in her stomach. Marinette was expecting something to come her way, something horrible. Something brash. But little did she know, that on the other side of Paris, a decision was made to send a blonde girl of similar age to a private school, along with a boy of a prominent fashion mogul. It was over the objections of her father, a councilman who was hoping to rise to the position of mayor. “It's out of the question, Andre!”, shouted the mother. “She needs to learn what it takes with the right kind of teachers! Besides, this might seal the deal between ourselves and the Agrestes for marriage!” So, one fate was avoided. It was at this point Marinette felt the mental shock. A view into another universe, one were the blonde terror came to the school and immediately started to berate her as low-class, that her macarons were tasteless, and screaming for a young bespectacled red-haired girl to follow her during recess. It was said girl that Marinette saw near the entrance of the school, looking just as lost. The vision of the other universe fresh in her head, she walked over and opened up the box her father had provided. “Hi, my name is Marinette! Would you like a macaron?” The girl seemed to hesitate for a moment, almost as if she was questioning Marinette's motives and if this was, in fact, real. But then she looked down into the box, back towards her, and smiled. “I'm...Sabrina. It's nice to meet you! Um, do you have any strawberry ones?”
- We were inseparable from that day forward, best friends forevermore. Where would I be without Sabrina? Probably some stuttering mess. We each seemed to calm different parts of ourselves; her stopping my anxious “spirals” before they even start, and me encouraging her to stand up for herself. There's a strong mutual respect and understanding between us both; she's smart in the areas I'm not, and in turn I make up where she may falter. While I'm thankful for a lot of the “shocks” and their guidance, that one in particular has a special place in my heart as it gave two souls support and friendship. And two we were, until five years later a shock gave us our “missing” sister.
Friendship Day. An annual scavenger hunt across all of Paris. Usually Sabrina and I don't participate, but a shock a few days ago convinced me to have us both take part this year. The celebrity we were supposed to try and find was Jagged Stone, and that's kind of cool, but at the same time we couldn't work together to try and do it. The rules of the day meant that a new “friend” would be assigned to us at random.
Which is a shame, because Sabrina and I probably could have made short work this whole thing.
My phone buzzed with the first clue, “With one turn of a handle, I can raise the level.” That was easy enough, the Canal Saint-Martin. That wasn't even very far away, maybe a few blocks. I thought back to what was shown to me in the shock while walking towards the canal lock. It was of a girl with black and purple hair and a boy with teal hair. Both of them had their backs turned, so I had no idea what they looked like, but...
...it seemed I was going to meet one of them today. The girl on the bridge looked almost the same as the one in my vision, though shorter somehow? But the hair was a dead giveaway, along with the fact that her clothing also seemed similar.
And that she had her back to me. I guess the best approach would be direct?
“Um, hello!”
That seemed to startle her more than anything, though she slowly turned around. Her face was covered by her hair, and her expression was one of fear. But we briefly locked eyes, and something in her seemed to calm right away. Enough for her to haltingly mumble something out. I barely caught it.
“Hello. I'm Juleka.”
In the end, it turned out she was more scared about searching for Jagged Stone than meeting me; apparently her mother had something against him and she didn't really want Juleka to take part, but was free to do so anyways. Though we kept following the clues, we both eventually gave up the hunt and started to talk more about our lives. It turned out we had a few similar interests, and by the end of the day when we met up with Sabrina I had grown used to Juleka's unique way of speaking French.
It took Sabrina more time to get there, though.
“I couldn't believe it Nettie, all she kept going on about was how “utterly ridiculous” I was! Everything from what I was wearing to if I couldn't get one of the clues right on the first try! I guess I drew the short straw on this whole thing.”
“It's alright Brina, you don't ever have to see her again at least.” I said, putting a supportive arm around her at the same time.
“I hope not. You know how I feel about bullies. But...” She turned her attention to the raven-haired girl sitting on the other side of me. “At least it looks like things were brighter on your end?”
“They were for sure! Juleka, this is Sabrina!”
Juleka's eyes darted up and down Sabrina, as if looking for some kind of hidden intention. After a moment, she breathed a small sigh of relief before letting out a mumble that was similar to what I had heard earlier in the day. Judging from the look on Sabrina's face, she hadn't quite caught what the other girl had said, so I served as a translator.
“She said it's nice to meet you.”
From then on, we were a trio. Three Musketeers, all for one and one for all. I wasn't sure how Juleka would influence us at first, it was only later I realized that her tastes ended up seeping into Sabrina and I unnoticed, enough that all of us were wearing darker clothing by the time we hit our teens, not to mention a nose piercing (for Sabrina) and hair dye (for myself, which more than surprised my parents the day I showed up at home from a sleepover with pink highlights in my black hair). But none of that was a bad thing, if anything we embraced it all. We understood Juleka when very few would bother trying; her accented French could come out sounding low or in mumbles to others, but we knew what she saying. Juleka could be as chaotic as her mother around the right people, and it seemed as though we were her people.
The three of us were together enough that a language was taking form among ourselves; an unholy mix of French, Scottish Gaelic, English, and some Mandarin. Every weekend a sleepover, either at my place, Juleka's houseboat or Sabrina's apartment. Sabrina had in fact been over more times than I could count, largely because her father, Roger, trusted my parents and knew she was in good hands. He worked long hours as a police officer but took a step back from front-line duties as Sabrina got older, not wanting to be in danger and leave Sabrina without a parent. It took Roger...longer to get used to both Juleka and Anarka, her mother, but in the end was won over by a weird shared taste in rock music. Sabrina had told me when he was younger that Roger upheld the law to the letter but had significantly mellowed out over the years, which was good as Anarka didn't exactly park her boat in entirely legal areas. Our first combined sleepover on the Liberty also caused him concern as the boat had ended up in another place entirely overnight, but seeing his daughter happy must have helped warm things over.
Not to mention my own parents helping in that respect, too. I dearly love my papa and my maman; both of them work so hard to keep the bakery running, which means long days and nights, but they always also find ways to make time for me. Occasionally I pitch in, there have even been periods when Sabrina has as well, and they get along with Roger and Anarka. They've even taken on Juleka's brother as a delivery driver!
Oh yes...Luka.
Houseboats aren't exactly meant to be stable. The swaying of the tides prevents that, same as if another boat comes along and tries to pull a smaller one into its wake.
Marinette gingerly took her steps onto the Liberty, the houseboat that belonged to the Couffaine family. It was her first time coming...aboard? She pondered what exactly to call it, as Juleka walked ahead of her. After coming over to her house a few times, the other girl decided that it was time to return the favour.
“And the Captain, my mathair, really wants to meet my new friends.”
This is how Marinette found herself aboard a boat for the first time. Feeling it bob up and down in the water wasn't helping things much, and the sudden sway in the river caused her footing to give way as she felt herself tumble backwards.
But someone caught her. She hadn't even realized someone was behind her, let alone able to catch her fall. But as she stared up into teal blue eyes, Marinette thought back to the boy in her vision from some time back. The boy who had teal hair and his back turned to her.
“Ah, thank you for catching me.”
“It's no trouble, living on a boat has its downsides. I've gotten used to the waves, they're as constant to me now as musical notes.”
That sounded familiar. It was if she had known him, but that couldn't have been possible, they had just met for the first time.
“So, what is your name? Mine is Luka.”
It had slightly caught her off guard, though Marinette should have known that question was coming. “Uh, my name is Mamamarinette!”
As Marinette dug her face into her sleeping bag to hide her shame, she just heard Luka give out a light chuckle.
“Hello, Ma-ma-marinette.”
I can admit to having a small crush on Luka. Love interests tend not to catch my attention until I've been friends with them for a while, something I've found out is being called demisexual. I'm content to let things build further and see where they go, and I think Luka has the same vibe. We haven't really done much aside from ice cream dates here and there. Besides, I only just turned fourteen. There's no need to rush anything, it's not like he's leaving any time soon. Anarka had come back to Paris so that Luka could attend a prestigious music school. Juleka was offered the same but she wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do yet, so of course Sabrina and I jumped at the chance to have her in our class, though it did mean she had to go down a grade because of odd timing.
We were now getting ready to enter our third year of school together. It seemed as though we wouldn't be switching classes, even with the addition of some new people into the school; I didn't pay attention to any of that but Sabrina had found out that not only was the daughter of the Mayor going to be in our school this year, but also the son of some famous fashion designer. Ag...something. Agreste maybe? That name had sounded familiar.
It didn't matter; nothing would change my year too much. Nothing exciting would happen, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm happy being normal, I'm happy in my life, with my friends.
But as I travelled to school, before meeting up with Sabrina and Juleka, little did I know my life would change in a big way. All because I picked up a small butterfly brooch that was lying in a puddle of water. I didn't even notice it at first but a purple jewel caught my sight. Bending down to pick it up, a terrible shock came to me, one of the worst I've ever experienced.
A vision of a girl in a ladybug outfit, a boy in leather made to look like a cat. Some figure calling himself “Hawkmoth”. A box that seemed to be filled with random jewellery. A bunch of mysterious figures that were guarding over said box, but it was stolen from a Temple-
I looked down the street and saw Sabrina calling out to me, with Juleka standing next to her. I couldn't just leave the broach, it seemed far too precious for that. Besides, if it gave off such a strong mental vision, maybe that meant that I was supposed to have it? I could always give it up later, and maybe someone was out looking for a piece of lost jewellery. Stuffing it into my pocket, I ran down to meet my friends. After school was over, maybe then I could figure out what to do with it.
For now, my last year at Collège Françoise Dupont was about to begin.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Flowers and a bit of flirting- Lukadrien June Day 19
So usually it’s Adrien who get’s flustered, so I did a bit of flustered Luka. Another cannon divergance, the Miraculous don’t exist an our fav gods are house pets, including a cheese loving cat. Yes, mama Agreste is alive and well but like my last cannon divergence, they separated. I don’t know why I keep doing this to Adrien but he’s allowed to act more like his Chat self with his mom, so yeah. I swear, I’m not trying to salt Gabriel, it’s just hard to not make him be the villian sometimes. Yeah, anyway, please enjoy. @lukadrien-june​ Flower Language
Luka stopped his bike at the security box for the movie set, waving to the familiar guard.
“Again?” the guard asked.
Luka shrugged. “I’m just here to deliver them.”
the guard shook his head, grabbing a visitor pass and handed it to Luka, the routine familiar and quite honestly getting old. “When is he gonna get the hint?”
“Probably never, which is great for my bank account.” Luka answered, pushing his bike past the gate.
People were rushing around, two different scenes being filmed for different movies. The Graham de Vanily movie studio was busy as always and Luka was heading towards the trailer for their biggest star, Ms. Emilie Graham de Vanily. The sad part was that her recent new surge in fan wasn’t for her amazing acting or the tireless work she does for charity. No, the reason she was in the public eye was her public divorce from famed fashion designer Gabriel Agreste and full custody of their unnamed son. From what they were told, due to some horrible disagreement before a trip to Tibet that was cancelled, they finally called it quits. Some say it was because Gabriel cheated, others say that they never really loved each other, most say that they fell out of love and few speculated that maybe their son had been the main reason. Gabriel was getting ready to release his as the face of the fashion name but Emilie said no and filled for full custody.
Now the flower shop Luka worked for was getting huge orders of flowers to be delivered to the known actress by her former husband as a way to try and win her back. From what he’d seen of pictures of the two, Gabriel had real love in his eyes whenever he looked at his wife but whatever happened between them Emilie had had enough because most times when Luka arrived to drop off the flowers, he would separate the large bouquet into smaller ones to give to staff members and her co stars. Thankfully those who were given the smaller bouquets didn’t say anything about where they came from and just accepted them.
Gabriel had obviously been doing homework as his orders had flowers that asked for forgiveness and said how much he still loved her. Shame they were rejected. One time, she’d been so annoyed, she cut them up, dumped them in a box and gave Luka twice what the bouquet was to send the mess of flowers back to the original sender. She felt embarrassed after but Luka wasn’t going to blame her. She was obviously still hurting and all the extra attention wasn’t making her feel any better or letting her move on.
He reached the familiar trailer and knocked on the door. He was focused on pulling the large bouquet out of his basket that when the door opened, he started with his usual spill.
“New delivery Mme. Graham. If you’re going to split them, I can go ahead and get started.”
“Probably best since my mom is allergic to those flowers.”
Luka turned and instead of the kind blonde woman he was used to seeing in the doorway of the trailer, there was a blond guy, slightly younger than him with bright green eyes. He had the same smile Emilie would wear, if not a bit mischievous like a cat. He was cute, like really cute.
“Adrien, who is it?” Emilie came around, smiling at Luka. “Luka, nice to see you again. Another delivery I see.”
“Uh, yeah. It’s purple aquilegia, which mean ‘I can’t give thee up’.” Luka answered, his eyes trailing back to the guy, Adrien.
Emilie shook her head, seeming drained. “If he paid any attention, then he’d remember I’m allergic to those. Could you split them up for me dear? Adrien, why don’t you help him? By the time you get back, I’ll be filming and you can finally start on your homework. I don’t care if it’s physics.” she cut in as Adrien opened his mouth. “You need to finish it before we leave. Help Luka sort and deliver those and I’ll see you later, ok sweetheart?”
“Yes mom.”
Mom, so this was the mysterious son.
Adrien climbed down from the trailer and planted himself next to Luka.
“So you’re Luka. Mom tells me my dad sends you here almost everyday and you know flowers.”
“Yeah. I don’t fully like it because of awkward it obviously is but the payment gets spilt into my pay check so I can’t complain. Here, hold these.” Luka pulled out a roll of plastic they wrapped the flowers in and a pair of scissors. “Learning the language of flowers is pretty interesting too. There’s so much you can say with a simple bouquet.”
“Has anyone ever said F you in flowers?”
Luka let out a laugh. “Yes, there is actually truth to that Tumblr post. Why, asking for a friend?”
Adrien hold the roll loosely as Luka pulled a length off. “I mean, a friend of mine really doesn’t like this new girl in our class. She lies a lot and almost got away with everything when she messed up and we caught her out on it. She’s got the rest of the school under her thumb and it takes everything in us to keep Marinette from wanting to rip her head off. I’ll admit, I could do the same to my dad, but only cause he doesn’t realise that he keep putting my mom in a difficult position when he sends the flowers. But my mom would say it’s none of my business.”
Marinette? Like his ex-girlfriend and still good friend Marinette? Well, it had to be a common name.
“Well if your mom isn’t totally turned off by flowers, you could give her red camellia. They mean admiration. Your mom is pretty strong. She’d get along with mine I think.”
“So those pierced ears and nail polish are to hide your bad boy exterior?”
“I am the farthest thing from a bad boy. For one, don’t wear a lot of black, that’s more my sister’s thing. I might like Jagged Stone, but I’m sure most of France does too. And motorcycles scare the hell out of me. I’ll stick with my classic bike.”
Adrien let out a small life, his eyes crinkling. “Guess I shouldn’t put people in boxes. I’ve been known to be a huge flirt amongst my classmates and they can get pretty annoyed by my puns and most people who look at me expect this quiet kid.”
“Something tells me if there’s a prank pulled, everyone looks to you first.” Luka teased.
Adrien bleped at him, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ve had a good teacher in the form of my cat. Just flash them pouty eyes and they’ll never be mad at you.” he flashed him those same pouty eyes he talked about and Luka had to look away to save him from turning red. Fuck, he was really cute.
They continued talking, finishing separating all the flowers and putting them back into the vase. He let Adrien lead him around to the people not working with his mother until the vase was empty and he escorted him back to his mother’s trailer.
“Have fun with your homework.”
“I’d rather do a hard pass but mom’s right. It’s physics so it won’t take long. So, I guess I’ll see you around?”
“I guess so.”
Adrien gave him a wave and smile before disappearing into his mother’s trailer and Luka walked back to the gates. Usually when he left, his thoughts would usually consist of wondering when this would end and Gabriel would back off. Now, all he could think about was bright green eyes and a mischievous smile.
“Another one?” Adrien asked as he opened his mother’s trailer door and saw Luka standing there with another large bouquet, yellow chrysanthemums this time. “What do they mean this time?”
“Slighted love.”
Adrien seemed to flinch at that. “they did have a huge a argument over the phone last night. Mom’s making me stay with a friend tonight to avoid hearing more of it. She’s not here, so we can go ahead and split them up.”
a loud protesting meow called from inside and Adrien shook his head before looking into the trailer. “Plagg, calm down. You’ve gotten enough treats from mom.”
“Plagg?” Luka asked.
“Like plage. I’m a weird child.” Adrien said, taking the roll of plastic from Luka.
“Not that weird. My snake is called Sass. I think I was just lazy.”
“Well can’t be as weird as my classmate’s pet monkey, aptly named King.”
King the monkey? Wait a second.
“Random, but do you go to Collège Françoise Dupont?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Your home room teacher Mme. Bustier?” Adrien nodded, looking lost. “I think you’re in the same class as my sister, Juleka?”
the eyes brightened in understanding. “Oh! You’re that Luka! The guys told me about you. They’ve been trying to come up with ways to make you join their band, Kitty Section.”
“And I would, if I wasn’t trying to earn money to get into this music college I want to go to. Your dad is paying a hefty amount towards my education. My sister mentioned they had a new student in class. Guess it makes sense why she didn’t say who. No one really knows who you are yet do they?”
“Not yet. Mom wants to wait until after the filming is done in case she needs to be there. I mean, if you know Alya, she knows and my closer friends do. I trust you can keep a secret?” Adrien asked, sliding up closer to Luka.
Luka controlled himself, trying not to look bothered. He was usually so calm and cool. What was it about Adrien that made him like that?
“I can. Don’t worry. Just don’t tell my sister you know me. She might beg you to help convince me to join Kitty Section.”
“I don’t know. I saw the costumes Marinette sketched. You’d look interesting as a kittycorn.” Adrien laughed a little.
“I look amazing in anything.” Luka said, tossing his hair similar to how he’d seen Chloe Bourgeois do whenever she came by the house boat to tease his sister – which tended to lead into his mother yelling at her from the stern. Chloe’s father might spoil his daughter, but no one bothered a pissed off Anarka Couffaine.
“I’m sure you do.”
Adrien admitted to being a flirt, but that knowledge didn’t stop the sudden blush from popping up on Luka’s face.
Alyssum, primrose, diosma and gloxinia, with a few white clover flowers to fill in the space. Mme. Anciel usually took care of making the bouquets, though she gladly taught Luka after seeing how he retained the information about the language of flowers.
“Luka, we’ve got a new order. Could you grab me some purple columbines from the green house?” Mme. Anciel said as she came out from the back where she usually made the orders. She had black hair like her son, though her eyes were hazel and tanned skin from always being in the sun. “Oh, is that a new order?”
“Oh, no. I was just messing around. These were older ones, don’t worry.”
Mme. Anciel took in the bouquet in the green vase. “Worth beyond beauty, unconscious beauty, you’re simple charms enchant me and love at first sight. And think of me. Who are you trying to send a message to Luka?”
“Oh, no one. I was just messing around.”
the florist raised an eyebrow. She’d been in the business long enough and spoke the language of flowers well enough to see a person’s whole heart in them. Luka knew he wasn’t tricking her.
“Ok, there’s this guy.”
“Sounds like my son before he started dating, but go on.”
“Well I met him on my deliveries and he’s really cool and funny and such a flirt and that usually wouldn’t bother me but I like it when he flirts with me. Which isn’t like me, but still. He’s a really cool guy.” Luka shrugged, feeling embarrassed. Not a normal feeling for him but one he was ok with. Adrien was doing strange things to him.
“You’ve only really been doing deliveries to Mme. Graham de Vanily, so he must be from there. He an actor?”
Luka shook his head, thinking of Adrien and how easily he could look innocent with those pouty green eyes of his. “No, his mom works there though.”
“Who’s mom works where?” Marco came in, from where he’d been hiding in the back for his break. He was smudged with dirt and if Luka didn’t know how into his story writing Marco let himself get when in the safety of his home, he’d think Nathaniel came by for a visit.
“Luka’s crush.”
“You have a crush?”
Luka rolled his eyes. “Maybe. Why are you bugging me about this? Any mention of Nathaniel and you go red.”
“Maybe I want to break the calm musician facade. Who are they? Customer?”
“Customer's son.” he didn’t want to give too much away. Adrien and Marco might go to the same school and Marco might date Adrien’s classmate but he wasn’t sure how much he was privy to. “We’ve been talking whenever I go drop off deliveries at the Graham de Vanily studio.”
“Guess M. Agreste is good other than giving us a big pay check. He helps Luka find love.”
“It’s always the shy ones.” Luka muttered under his breath.
“Will you give it to him?” Mme. Anciel asked.
“Maybe not.”
“Why not? Good way to ask him on a date.”
“I don’t want to assume anything. He might not even be interested.”
“Darling, if he’s got you making bouquets like that, there has to be something mutual.”
As much as he would of liked to avoid it, Mme. Anciel all but forced the newly made bouquet into his hands as he got ready to deliver a new bouquet to Emilie. She accepted the gilliflower bouquet, though it sounded like it was going to be re-homed anyway.
“Adrien’s inside the trailer if you wanted to talk to him. He talks quite a bit about you at home, asking me a lot of questions about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Well, you haven’t given me any reason to say bad.” she said with this sort of smile he’d usually see on his mom when she was trying to get him and Juleka to admit their sexuality, like she already knew, she just wanted to hear it from them. It had to be a mom thing.
Adrien was laying on the couch, pinned by a lazy looking black cat. He smiled at Luka when he came in, though he couldn’t move.
“Hi. I would of come out to greet you, but someone refuses to move. He dug the Camembert from my mom’s fruit basket and is now so full he won’t move.” Adrien said, staring down at his chilled out cat, who only flicked his tail. “Did you not give me mom the flowers?”
the bouquet for Adrien was still in his hands. He could of lied and said it was for someone else, but he decided to take a chance. “They’re for you actually. I was thinking about you and made this.”
“Really? Thank you. That was really sweet of you. Did my mom tell you primroses are my favourite?” Adrien asked, putting his phone down and taking the flowers, a large smile on his face.
“No, just thought they suited you.”
“Well I love it. Thank you. Um, do you think it’d be ok if you stayed a bit, unless you had to go back to work.”
he thought of Mme. Anciel and what she might do to him if he returned sooner than what had become usual whenever he dropped off flowers for Emilie. Then he thought of spending time with Adrien without having to focus on flowers for a little while.
“Yeah, sure. I can stay. What where you playing?” Luka asked, sitting on the edge of the sofa next to Adrien.
He tugged on Luka’s sleeve to pull him closer as he picked up his phone. “Any good at otome games? I’m trying to woo this guy and he’s being shy.”
“I have a feeling you’d be fine regardless.”
Not a date, but it would do for now, until he could actually say what he was feeling without hiding behind flowers.
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thebigpapilio · 3 years
I saw your submission for the “Kwami Wheel” AU over at Justanotherpersonsuniverse.
I would like to hear more about it please.
Ooh, I’m so glad you asked!
Before that, apologies to @justanotherpersonsuniverse​ for pushing on what I presume are your rules. I should have done my research... I’m sorry for it all.
Other than Ladybug!Nath/Kid Crimson (as he ages, he goes simply by Crimson; there’s probably a yo mama joke in the future that goes something like Yo mama so old she knew Kid Crimson) & Black Cat!Kagami/Kuro Neko, here are the other wielders.
Moth!Marc Anciel/Indigo: Like Kid Crimson and Kuro Neko, he’s given his Miraculous at the beginning; his Miraculous and Duusu’s (which we’ll get to) are safe in Fu’s hands. He doesn’t have comphet like KC & KN so much as he has severe anxiety... in any case, he ends up with Nath.
Fox!Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Foxy Lady: TBH, the name needs work, but I don’t wanna go with Húlí, either... she’s shipped with Kagami, BTW.
Turtle!Max Kante/Plastron: I’m pretty proud of this name... I know I usually HC Alix as aro-ace, but this time I ship Alix, Max and...
Bee!Kim Le Chien/Con Ong: There is a Miracle Queen equivalent, but nobody betrays KC. He also doesn’t reveal his identity to anybody, having no reason to impress Audrey Bourgeois.
Luka Couffaine/Phantom P: Can you tell I like the concept of Gentleman Rogue!Luka? For a while, the heroes only stick around for akumas and any important events of the like, but it’s Phantom P who inspires them to address more world issues than that of magical problems. Oh, and I ship him with...
Horse!Chloe Bourgeois/Trailblazer: She gets a genuine redemption arc in this AU. It’s not an easy path, obviously, but she gets there. I’m considering that she’s already in the middle of a redemption arc, but the villain attacks and the reappearance of her mother threaten relapses.
Rabbit!Sabrina Raincomprix/Chronométreur: My favorite Rabbit alias for such a sweet girl (it literally means Timehopper)... rarepair time: Alyabrina is the ship for this fic!
Rooster!Alya Cesaire/Cocorica: She still runs the Ladyblog equivalent (IDK the name RN... give me some pitches if y’all want). Cocorica is a probably-nongrammatical form of Cocorico, the French word for cock-a-doodle-doo.
Pig!Alix/Truix: Truie is French for sow. Again, she’s shipped with Kim and Max... though now I’m wondering if I should ship her with Alya & Sabrina instead...
Dragon!Ivan Bruel/Wyvern: One of my favorite Dragon aliases... I think there ought to be some exploration of his career paths beyond Kitty Section.
Dog!Mylene Haprele/Dachshund: Here be Myvan... 
Snake!Rose Lavillant/Pythonelle: Timeline trauma time~!
Monkey!Juleka Couffaine/Hurleuse: Hurleuse means Howler in French, apparently. Julerose all the way!
Mouse!Nino Lahiffe/Jerboa: Not too much to say about most of the rest other than their ships. Adrinino here!
Ox!Adrien Agreste/Stampede: Most of what I have to say about him revolves around his home-life. Emilie is alive, but her and Gabriel’s relationship is strained regardless. He’s still a douchebag, and a manipulator at that. Adrien has a lot more freedom bc of Emilie canceling out some of Gabriel’s commands. That said, it was at Gabriel’s insistence that Adrien be homeschooled, and... well, enough about that for now.
Importantly, Gabriel isn’t Hawkmoth, nor does Nathalie work for him (nor is she Mayura). Instead...
Tiger!Tomoe Tsurugi/Tiger Queen: Tomoe is not a good parent. There are some sympathetic moments, as is par for the course, but... 
Goat!Nathalie Sancoeur/She-Goat: Like with Marinette, I think the name needs work. I was trying to parody She-Ra and She-Hulk, TBH. Oh, and Nathalie works for Tomoe in this AU.
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If you have any questions, feel free to ask! If anyone wants to write or draw anything, plz let me know first!
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s-and-n-writes · 4 years
you are my north
a/n: hey guys! here's the soulmate fic i've been working on for a while. it's an outline-style because i didn't want to write out the whole thing. enjoy! -s ps. i can't write summaries to save my life. pps. this fic is rated teen only because of two curse words, and while there is some major character death, i didn't mark it in the warnings because it's temporary.
quick links: | crossover masterlist | 
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People get many types of soulmate bonds
Some are romantic and some are platonic
Platonic can be friends, family, found-family, etc
Bonds can include marks, writing on arms, switching bodies, etc
Everyone has a soulbond but some aren’t visible or obvious
Marinette grew up in Gotham named Marianne
She didn’t have a visual bond so hers would manifest when she met her soulmate
Her parents were killed when their house burned down (she was 5)
She was sent to an orphanage and ran away after a few months (she was still 5)
Lived on the streets for a year until she met Jason Todd (she was 6 and he was 10)
They met when two older boys tried to steal Marianne’s money since she was small
Jason beat them up and gave her his hand to lift her up
When their hands met there was a flash of light
Marianne - My mama told me about this. She said it was a soulmate bond and the person it was with was really really really special to me.
They both have a compass on their palms pointing to where the other is
They go off together and live together on the streets
She calls him “Jay-Jay” and he calls her “Pixie” or “Mari”
2 years later (Marianne is 8 and Jason is 12)
Jason goes out and finds the Batmobile and proceeds to get adopted
He refuses and wants to find Marianne
Jason - Let me go old man!
Batman - No. You’re coming with me.
Jason - I need to find my sister!
Batman - Fine. Find her and you both will come with me.
Both go in search of Marianne
Earlier Marianne woke up and found Jason missing so she went out to search
She couldn’t find him and was upset and was sloppy
A Parisian couple found her and adopted her
The people at the GCPD were like ????? because who adopts a Gotham street kid?
Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng apparently
So Marianne is taken to Paris while Jason and Batman are looking for her
They can’t find her and Jason goes with Batman and gets adopted and everything
Jason believes she must have been taken out of Gotham because his compass points towards the harbor and towards the water
Eventually gives up because he won’t be able to find her since across the ocean is a massive place
Gotham proceeds as normal
In Paris...
Marianne is refusing everything because she didn’t want to leave and she misses her brother
Tom and Sabine didn’t want two children so they didn’t bother looking for her brother
They rename her Marinette
She goes to school and makes friends with two boys named Nino and Kim and is enemies with Chloe, the mayor’s daughter
Reluctantly starts calling Tom and Sabine ‘Maman’ and ‘Papa’ because it would look weird if she didn’t and she didn’t want to talk about her past
They treat her nicely but she still misses her old parents
Marinette makes more and more friends but they don’t know about her past or her brother
When she’s 11 she sees on the news that Jason Todd-Wayne died
She’s really sad because her brother and soulmate died but also insanely confused because he somehow got adopted by Bruce Wayne???
Back to his death
Her compass stays but her compass needle disappears
She withdraws and doesn’t go to school for a week
She asked everyone not to give her any nicknames (not that she had any in the first place)
Nobody knows she had a brother except Tom and Sabine but even they don’t know his name
Everyone is told one of her family members died and her parents try to console her but eventually give up
Continuing on and time skips
Her parents start leaving her alone more as she got older
It helped when she became Ladybug
Marinette also slightly resents them for forcefully adopting her and then kind of neglecting her but let’s not get into that
Becomes friends with Alya and starts crushing on Adrien
Alya posts everything and is very intrusive
Marinette is constantly questioned about her soulbond but always refuses to answer
Did I mention that she always wears gloves ever since Jason died?
Because she does
She doesn’t want to see the compass and be reminded of him
Anyways, Alya keeps trying but is always refused
She calls Marinette ‘Mari’ one day and she just…snaps
Marinette goes on this big rant about personal information and privacy and respecting boundaries and ends up screaming at her and curls in a ball crying
Alya leaves and stops being friends with her because Marinette is ‘mean’ and ‘sensitive’
They occasionally talk but they’re not really friends anymore
Very soon after, Lila comes and that's why Alya turned on Marinette so quick
Adrien tells her to “take the high road” and her crush on him dies
Marinette becomes even more miserable because everyone has left her and she is alone
Luka and Kagami aren’t her close friends here
And Chloe is not in her class anymore
Tikki is her only friend until Master Fu gives her guardianship and she is in charge of her kwamis
She is incredibly stressed because of Ladybug, Guardian duties, bakery shifts, and school
Tikki gives her the idea to get rid of bakery duties and not focus on Guardian stuff and instead do a hobby
She tells her ‘parents’ that she’s too busy with school to work at the bakery
They roll their eyes and ignore her again and sometimes she thinks they only adopted her to get her to work for them for free
There isn’t too much to do for Guardian stuff anyways
She designs more and more as a hobby and ends up opening a commission website (that’s completely anonymous so Lie-la and her cronies can’t do anything to it)
It’s more work but it relaxes her and is great for making money
Her pseudonym ‘MAT’ is famous because of Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale constantly mentioning her
MAT stands for both Marinette And Tikki, and MariAnne Todd
Eventually she gets a request from the Waynes
Marinette just cried because this was her brothers family and takes the request
She makes everything extra personalized and charges a bit less and writes a note to them
The note says something about how she knew Jason before he died and he was like a brother to her and she misses him so much and she can’t imagine what they’re going through
By this time she’s 16 and Jason would have been 20 and he is currently being Red Hood (not that she knows that)
Stuff happens, Hawkmoth is defeated, and she takes the ring away from Chat Noir because he’s an asshole who can’t take no for an answer
It’s Adrien Agreste...thank god she didn’t have a crush on him anymore
Time passes, and Marinette is now 18
She has moved out of the bakery and into her own apartment
She’s still in school but it’s her last year
She is now insanely famous and her identity is the best kept secret in the world
She is completely alone except for the Kwamis
So Marinette had entered a contest sponsored by Wayne Industries and won
The prize is a trip to Gotham for the entire class...fuck
If Marinette had known she probably wouldn’t have entered
Why would she go back to the place where her brother died?
She has to go though because she is the contest winner
Lila took credit for it and is spinning lies about how she’s so close to the Waynes and is dating Timothy Drake
So now onto a plot twist yay
On the morning of the trip Marinette is getting ready
She hasn’t looked at her hands in forever because she doesn’t want to be reminded about Jason
Keep in mind that she wears gloves constantly
That morning she looks at them because she wants to prepare for being in Gotham again and memories sake and things
Marinette is shocked when the compass needle is back and pointing in a direction
She doesn’t know what happened since as far as she knows people can’t come back to life and her needle was definitely gone before
So after interrogating Tikki and Plagg for a while she finds out that yes, there are ways to bring someone back to life and some aren’t very good for you *cough* Lazarus Pit *cough*
On the plane ride she is thinking and being both excited and scared/worried
Excited because Jason’s alive!
Scared/worried because some ways of bringing back the dead don’t work very well…
The plane lands and they get out of the airport with no big issues
Except for Lie-la hiding her luggage and getting the class to leave without her
So now Marinette has to walk across Gotham at night, alone, while carrying heavy luggage and looking like a tiny, weak, foreigner
She is practically begging to get mugged but what can you do?
Around halfway to the hotel she hears footsteps behind her
Before she can do anything, Red Hood jumps down from a roof and takes them down
He ties them up and calls the police
Marinette thinks he is familiar but ignores the feeling and goes on her way
Red Hood (Jason) also thinks she is familiar but also ignores it
Now is the time for normal Maribat field trip tropes and ideas
Nothing big happens to advance the plot
The last week of their trip is at Gotham Academy and then they go to the Wayne Gala
Again, normal first day at GA tropes until there’s a Rogue attack
For plot reasons (can’t reveal the akuma situation, Ladybug can’t be in Gotham, she has nowhere good to transform, etc), Marinette hides in a storage closet
She rubs her compass-palm to calm herself and looks at it
The needle is moving as if her soulmate was walking towards her (or the closet where she’s hidden)
But that’s not possible because Jason should be 22 and definitely shouldn’t be in a school right?
Marinette is freaking out and then the needle is pointing directly in front of her
And then the doorknob turns and the door opens and she sees…
Red Hood!
Marinette is kind of shocked but shrugs it off for a minute
Red Hood tells her the attack is over and she can come out
He helps her up but when their hands touch there’s a flash of light
Marinette - Jay-Jay?
Jason - Pixie?
Then there’s a very heartwarming reunion that I’m too angsty to write properly
Marinette starts going by Marianne again and meets the Bats
They love her immediately (and more when they realize that she is MAT who personalized their commissions and wrote that note long ago)
Lie-la’s lies get taken down
At the Wayne Gala she is announced to be Jason Todd-Wayne’s platonic soulmate, Marianne Todd
They live happily ever after
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a/n: if you would like to be tagged for any of the maribat drabbles we post, shoot us a message and we’ll tag you!
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A Bug Among the Fairies:
A/N: Hi everyone I am back. Here is the Fairy Tail x Mlb crossover I posted an idea about earlier. I hope you all enjoy, and I plan to work on some of my older fics soon.
A reunion:
Marinette was crushed. Opening her eyes, the smoke was so thick she could barely breathe, but thankfully luck was on har side and the ruble had not crushed her lungs. Around her, the air reeked of burning flesh and the sight of blood red snow wasn’t helping her stomach. The small village she once called her home was gone, everyone is dead. Mama, Papa, even Gray, and yet she could still hear their screams.
Deloria. Such a simple name, but it was a name she would always remember. The name of a monster who killed her family. But now was not the time for revenge, it was the time for survival. Step one of which would be lifting this piece of rubble. Marinette frantically looked through the smoke for some way to lift what used to be a roof of her small four-year-old body, until she heard the distinct crunching of footsteps in the snow.
“I don’t see any survivors, looks like all the other towns.” came out a muffled deep voice, but the echoes of the ruins wouldn’t let her get an exact location.
“We have to keep looking, Tom. We can’t give up hope.” said a much more feminine, yet still muffled, voice.
Hearing these people were here to help Marinette breathed in a raspy breath and yelled, causing two pairs of feet to start to scramble in haste to reach her voice. Seeing two figures dressed in white, just like the angels, her mama told her stories about coming to save her and allowed Marinette to give in to the weight on her eyelids.
Marinette woke up with a gasp barely heard by her ears. She had a gut feeling that something big was going to happen today, and after years with the kwami, she had learned to trust her instincts. She still remembered when her adopted parents took her to Fu to heal the remaining damage to her legs after Deloria's rampage. He had been healing her when the kwami came out and “chose her” to help protect the balance. Marinette accepted Fu’s offer in order to honor her parents and brother because she didn’t want to lack the power to protect those she loves ever again. After she was fully healed her new family (Maman Sabine, Papan Tom, and Grandpa Fu) moved with her to Paris one of the most popular cities in Fiore because of it’s famous monuments, food, history, and general atmosphere. There she lived a peaceful life until the reign of terror that Hawk Moth brought to her city. Luckily, Marinette had been training with Tikki and was ready to go, but she was only one girl. So, Grandpa Fu gave out temporary use of magic to her partner and brother Adrien Agreste aka Chat Noir along with a few others when needed, but it was easily taken back as the guardian knew the wielder. During his reign, Hawk Moth caused many major events including the transfer of guardianship to Marinette (pretty much the events of the show). After Adrien's father had been revealed, and apprehended for his crimes, Adrian was officially adopted by the Dupain-Chengs.
That brought them to today, and Marinette's bad feeling. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, Marinette got herself ready for another day. It was Spring yet again, and now everyone including herself, Alya, Nino, Adrien, Kagami, and Luka were going to the swimming pool before having a sleepover at Luka's. That was until Alya, who ran multiple blogs all about magic and guilds, showed her the top story in Sorcerer Weekly: "Fairy Tail Missing Team Returns After 7 Years Away!". Standing to the left of a golden-haired girl was a man wearing a silver sword necklace and matching bracelet. It would have been normal, if it wasn’t a one-of-a-kind piece that Marinette spent weeks saving up for to get her brother as a birthday gift. Taking a closer look at the boy she realized he had the same dark hair and blue eyes as her. "Gray" she whispered out without realizing it.
"Yep." Replied Alya popping the 'p'. "That's Gray Fullbuster, Ice-Make mage of Fairy Tail, but this edition took forever to get here because there was some problem involving a giant mechanical fish at their main printing site. It's 3 months behind, and Fairy Tail is going to be at the Grand Magic Games in a few weeks."
"Yes, Mars?"
"Tell Maman I had to take a last-minute trip, and that he is alive!" Said Marinette before rushing off.
All Alya could do was stare after her retreating back in shock. "What just happened?" Asked Alya to a frazzled Adrien.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fullbuster just found her brother" replied Adrien.
Alya's screech could be heard through all of Paris.
Stumbling off of the train after a long 6-hour journey was not an experience she wanted to repeat anytime soon, decided Marinette as she tried to stretch out the kinks in her muscles. She had just arrived in Magnolia and now had to find a place to stay before heading to the guild. Luckily, with Tikkis’s help, she quickly found an inn. Thanking the small spirit she started in the direction of the guild after quickly asking directions. As soon as Marinette saw the guild she started running unable to contain her excitement. As soon as she reached the doors, she kicked them open with a loud BANG! startling the people inside. As soon as she saw Gray, she cried out his name before jumping into a hug with him and giving him a slap.
"I'm so glad you're alive, but that was for letting me think you were dead."
"Who is this new love rival? Get off of Gray-sama!" Yelled out Juvia causing the girl to laugh before saying "Love rival? Ew no! He's my brother!" Which caused another round of startled gasps.
"Marinette?" Questioned Gray hesitantly.
"The one and only."
"I think we need to talk." Said Gray before hearing the shouts of "If Ice-prick has a sister. She should fight me." Causing a round of laughs around the guild. While people may get older and change some things never will.
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Dolls AU: Take Out The Trash
Littlebug did not like waking up in the trashcan.
The first time it happened, she was forgiving. Or at least she was once she was sure it hadn't been Papa or Plagg who had put her there. Not that she really thought Papa would. Plagg might, but it would be a prank and one he would regret shortly after.
It had been Papa's Father's assistant. She did not like the assistant. She liked Papa's Father even less. But she couldn't blame them for the mistake. It wasn't like they knew she was alive and Papa said it wasn't a good idea for them to know.
So fine. She huffed a bit. Begrudgingly accepted the apology he gave her on their behalf. And that should have been the end of it.
....if not for the three other times it happened. Once was an accident. Twice was circumstantial. Three times was really pushing her buttons.
And Papa tried. He did. He'd pulled her out when he'd found her, brushed her off, and held her close. He'd talked with the assistant to ask her to leave Littlebug alone.
...And yet here Littlebug was. Again. In a trash bin. Again.
This time in That Man's office, woken to the sounds of him lecturing his assistant about things Littlebug found were not nearly as important as the fact that SHE WAS IN A TRASH BIN.
Sure, at least the bin only had wadded up papers instead of gross and smelly things, but really!
She had been nice. She had been patient. Adrien had asked nicely for her. And yet That Man seemed convinced he knew better about Littlebug and where she belonged.
She belonged with Papa. When not with Papa, she belonged with Mama. She always belonged with Chaton.
"Just throw it out with the rest of the garbage in the morning." That Man ordered. "If Adrien asks, let him think he misplaced it. He'll forget about it eventually."
“Yes, sir.”
And with that, they both left the room. Still talking. Focused on the next project or whatever. Neither noticed the way the doll was poking her head just over the trash bin.
And glaring at them.
Adrien had been in a panic that morning. He couldn't find Littlebug anywhere! In his panicked state, he probably would have torn his room apart if he wasn't fully aware that if Littlebug WAS in there, she would have come out when he called. She was a good girl like that.
Instead, Adrien had rifled through the REST of his house looking for her. The kitchen in case she had gotten hungry. The music room in case she had gotten bored. The foyer in case she had gotten lost.
He couldn't find her and he had looked EVERYWHERE!
Well, everywhere except... 
Feeling growing fear, Adrien rushed outside and to the large trash dumpster. Given the last couple "incidents", he couldn't put it past Nathalie or his father to have tried to throw Littlebug away again.
The last time, they'd thrown her away in the kitchen trash can in some belief that her getting dirty would make him willing to leave her there. Instead, he had carefully picked off every bit of trash and spent a good couple hours cleaning her and hugging her and trying to soothe her.
Littlebug was NOT happy.
To be honest, neither was he. And yet despite his pleas and making it clear that he was NOT giving her up for anything, his Father still seemed insistent on getting rid of her. And perhaps the best way to do so would be to throw her in the dumpster directly. Which was why Adrien quickly made his way there, hoping that he wasn't too late and the trash had not yet been taken that morning. By the time he got there, the dumpster was still in place, but the truck was there. He gasped and rushed forward, mentally pleading that either she wasn't in there or that the workers would let him pull her out.
Instead there was a scream.
Confused and panicked, Adrien opened the dumpster lid alongside the equally bewildered workers.
"What the hell?"
"Dad? Nathalie?"
It was a very disheveled Gabriel Agreste who glared at the three from the bottom of the dumpster. Although the full effect of that glare was diminished somewhat by the banana in his hair.
"Get us out of here. Right now."
No questions were asked. None of them dared. Perhaps because they were trying too hard to not laugh. Within minutes, Gabriel and his assistant were rescued from the confines of the dumpster, though not without some injuries...albeit mostly to their pride.
"What happened? How did you two get in there?" Adrien asked, concerned. Even though he did try to ask from a bit of a distance as the two were covered in bits of garbage and a variety of substances he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
"We just woke up in there." Nathalie stated, uncertain.
"Could it have been an akuma?" One of the workers asked.
"Of course not. I didn't..." Gabriel cut off, as if realizing something. "...see anything. Neither of us did."
"Um...sir? Would you like some help?" One of the workers offered. "You seem unsteady."
"No." Gabriel replied briskly before he and his assistant both made a quick retreat to the house and likely to the bathrooms to clean up.
With some muttered insults, the workers went on with their business as well.
Adrien was...confused. And a bit amused. But if they were in there...where was...?
"Uh...Adrien?" Plagg called, drawing his attention to the kwami as he hovered near a statue. After a couple seconds, Littlebug poked her head out from behind it and smiled up at him.
Safe. Perfectly safe.
"There you are!" He exclaimed, reaching out and taking her in his arms.
Littlebug smiled up at him, patting his cheeks as if to reassure him she was really there.
"Where were you? I was worried sick!"
She frowned at that. Any happiness gone. She pointed to where Gabriel and Nathalie had just left, gesturing angrily. "They tried to throw you out again?" He questioned.
She nodded, clearly unhappy and frustrated, her eyes shining and appearing on the verge of tears. Oh dear. Can't have that now.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered to her as he held her close. "I'm gonna talk with Marinette about this. They had no right to touch you."
Littlebug clutched to him, soaking in the warmth and reassurance.
"Wait..." He paused, realizing something. "Was that YOU?"
She froze.
"Were you the one who put them in the dumpster?"
She shrugged.
"Littlebug..." He said, warningly.
Slowly, she peeked up at him. She tried to maintain an air of innocence. But of course, Adrien wasn't fooled. Plagg's cackling probably hadn't helped.
Littlebug pouted. They put her in the trash! Several times! And were going to try and get rid of her for good! She was only giving them a taste of their own medicine!
"Still, that didn't make it okay to throw them in the dumpster...wait, how did you even get them both in there, anyway?"
She shrugged. It was the only trash bin big enough to fit them, so she figured it would work.
"That wasn't the question...you know what? Nevermind." Needless to say, Adrien ended up having a...long conversation with his father about respecting his belongings.
Though it was nowhere near as long as the "conversation" had by the media coverage over the incident. After all, known recluse Gabriel Agreste and his assistant being found by maintenance workers in the dumpster was a rather unusual story. And it ended up spawning many jokes ranging from him searching the dumpster for ideas to them using it as a place to indulge in their illicit affair.
Nonetheless, the lesson seemed to be learned, as neither Gabriel nor Nathalie touched Littlebug after that. Not when Adrien gave them “knowing” looks or sweetly commented on their time in the dumpster.
And especially not when the doll seemed to move whenever any of them weren’t looking. Or appears in the strangest places. Or sometimes, they could swear she’s glaring at them. But then they blink and she’s a simple doll. Staring with a blank smile.
If they do suspect anything, they wisely choose to not comment. And simply leave the doll alone.
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mcheang · 5 years
Secret Santa Clause
This is a rough draft but it is basically a salty Christmas fic...at least I think it counts as salty?
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The class is holding a Secret Santa event on their class group chat. Knowing Chloe, Caline states the following rules:
1. The budget for each gift is 20 euros.
2. You must give a present once a week.
3. The present must be thoughtful. (This was aimed at Chloe since last time she just gave out her photos, hand me downs and autographs.)
Imagine Marinette’s surprise when she receives Lila’s name in her secret Santa email. Groaning, Marinette is silently grumpy for a while until she hits an epiphany. The presents have to be thoughtful, but the receiver doesn’t necessarily have to like them.
And Marinette can use this loophole to her advantage.
Marinette has Alya swear secrecy because she only hates Chloe and Lila so the suspects for who she has to give presents to were obvious once Alya noticed Marinette’s sour mood on the phone. In return, Marinette promises to give nice gifts and will even let Alya inspect them.
1st week: Lila received a commonplace but newly released Ladybug purse. She feigns joy but Marinette knows Lila hates Ladybug even more than her. So while Lila is cooing over her ‘BFF’ merchandise, inside she is really....
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Lila suspects Alya, Ladybug’s #1 fan might be her secret Santa. She doesn’t suspect Adrien because he knows she doesn’t like Ladybug and is too nice to give her a gift she wouldn’t like. Lila doesn’t suspect Marinette because if she would give Lila a piece of clothing, it would be really cheap but the ladybug purse cost about 20 euros, so yeah.
Meanwhile Marinette receives colourful beads she can use for her designs.
2nd week: Marinette gives Lila an experiment of her Dad’s baking that she vetoed for Christmas sales because girls like Chloe would scream at the sight of it. It is a tin of one large, sinful fudge brownie stuffed with caramel and marshmallow.
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Marinette gives Alya a small piece and the latter approves. Marinette knows Lila can’t trace the dessert to her bakery because they don’t sell it. Alya gladly provides Marinette with the nondescript brownie tin. When Chloe and Adrien smell the brownie, one runs away from carbs and fats while the other bangs his head on the table and reminds himself of what he cannot eat. Lila just munches on it without care. Again she doesn’t suspect Marinette because she thinks her rival would just get her cheap chocolates, not a rich dessert.
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Marinette herself gets beautiful hair ribbons. Like seriously...are these really below the budget?
3rd week: a cheap silver pearl bracelet that matches her earring. It seems harmless but Lila is still irked at being turned into a clam. She hates seafood and pearls because it reminds her of her third failure and humiliation. This time Lila can’t hide her initial reaction. She shied away from the pearls. Upon noticing her classmates’ confusion, she claims she thought the pearls were real and didn’t want to be the cause of so much monetary loss.
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Marinette receives Christmas roses and wonders if her secret Santa is a secret admirer.
Christmas Eve: time for the reveal. The class meets up at a party in the park. So when Lila looks around for her secret Santa, she turns around to see a smirking Marinette saying, “Merry Christmas, Lila.”
Lila is surprised and feigns pleasantness. “Oh Marinette, you're my secret Santa?” Lila starts going over her list of presents. Marinette knew she was a liar and somehow found out she hated Ladybug- probably via Adrien. And the brownie was super rich which meant now Lila had to work out like crazy if she wanted to lose the excess fat. Plus, everyone knew about the clam incident. All along it had been Marinette spitefully giving her those “nice” presents.
“Where’s my present?” The grand finale that Lila would have to grit her teeth and smile over. Oh Marinette will pay for this.
“Look behind you.” Alya was beaming at her friend, so proud Marinette made an exception during the holidays. Lila is suspicious of Marinette’s wide grin.
“Hello, Ma Bella.” Mrs Rossi smiled at her Daughter.
“Mum?” Lila gaped. Uh oh.
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“I managed to convince your mom to spend a few hours off work to spend more time with you. I hope you like your present,” Marinette explained, barely hiding the smugness Lila knew she was feeling.
After talking it over with Alya, Marinette learns Mrs Rossi is constantly absent. She also knew Mrs Rossi was the perfect person to expose Lila.
Lila was panicked, she had to get her mother out of here before her classmates started asking about her work. She can claim to want some alone time with her Mother. Revenge against Marinette can wait.
But before Lila could usher her mother away, the latter spots Adrien and goes “Oh you must be Lila’s Boyfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Cue silence... then Chloe’s screech of fury.
Adrien looked surprised and horrified. “What?”
Marinette covered her mouth to muffle her laughter. “What?”
Lila laughs nervously. “I may have exaggerated that part, Mama.”
Mrs Rossi blinks. “Oh. Well then, thank you for keeping in touch with my Daughter when the school was shut down. Honestly, the incompetence of Ladybug and Chat Noir to have let the akuma run rampant for so long...”
Lila was aghast, silently plotting Marinette’s gruesome murder.
Caline was shocked. Shut down? What was Mrs Rossi talking about?
The classmates were furious. Incompetent? Their saviours? Who did Mrs Rossi think she was?
Adrien was denying the accusation of checking up on Lila, AND clarified he had only ever talked to her before her return to school via facechat, with the class, during school, when she was travelling to Achu with her Mother.
Mrs Rossi pauses, stunned, then turns to her Daughter. “Lila?”
Marinette: I should have brought chocolate popcorn.
After the whole exposure was revealed, Caline escorted the Italian Mother and Daughter to the principal’s office to discuss the ramifications of Lila’s lies. She asked the class to continue their festivities without her.
The class was silent from the event. Their Friend has been lying to them for months, had taken advantage of their kindness.
Marinette watched Nino comfort Alya, her face unreadable.
“Hey.” It was Adrien’s voice. Marinette turned to him.
“Hey yourself.”
“You planned this whole thing, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t plan Mrs Rossi to come at first. I was just going to ask Jagged to make a surprise visit.” And expose her for not knowing the rock star at all.
Marinette held Adrien’s gaze. She would not regret her actions. Lila had gotten her expelled, had gotten Kagami akumatized, and was a downright bully.
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Marinette startled. She did not expect that answer.
Adrien rubbed his neck, “After she framed you, I made a deal with the devil. Either she got you back in school, or I end our friendship.”
Marinette felt a smile tug on her mouth. “You couldn’t find a way to prove she was lying either?”
Adrien shrugged. “I admit she is a master at lying, so I refused to play that game with her. I’ve been hoping she would slip up but that didn’t happen at all.”
Marinette grinned now. She kissed Adrien’s cheek on her tiptoes. “Well, thank you for helping me get back into school.”
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Adrien cheeks were red. So cute. He stuck his hands out. In them was a worn sketchbook. “Merry Christmas Marinette, from your secret Santa.”
Marinette was the one blushing now. “You mean...you were secret my present? I mean, you were my Secret Santa?”
Adrien smiled softly at Marinette. “I was really happy to be the secret Santa for our Everyday Ladybug.”
Marinette’s smile was painfully wide now. She took the offered sketchbook, opened it, and saw rough sketches of outdated clothing. Wrinkling her brow, Marinette flipped through the pages, wondering why Adrien was giving her this.
Then she came to a certain page and saw a certain signature.
The shrill scream she emitted was louder than Chloe’s.
“An original Gabriel Agreste sketchbook?” Marinette looked at the old thing like it was the holy grail.
Adrien laughed. “Yeah, he didn’t mind giving it up. Of course, I had to find it in the attic first but the effort seems well worth it, given your reaction.”
Marinette took a deep breath, regaining control of herself. She looked up at Adrien again and, before her nerve failed her, asked, “Would you like to grab hot chocolate with me?”
Adrien beamed. “Nothing would make me happier.”
They walked out.
The class was left staring after them. In the previous silence, they heard the entire conversation. Marinette had been right all along and she had been a victim of Lila’s. Only Adrien successfully helped her get back to school.
Alya sobbed, guilt eating her alive. She was a terrible Best Friend.
The others were feeling horrible too. How could they ever make it up to her?
Nino took charge. He consoled Alya but said in a loud voice for them all to hear, “We’ll make it up to her. Someday.”
The rest nodded. Only Chloe was somehow silent before they realized that Alix had knocked her out when the blond looked like she was going to start screeching at Marinette for asking Adrien out.
Cue Sabrina starting to wake her BFF up.
Caline returns and informs the class that Lila has gone home. She does not mention the punishments the liar had gotten but insists they continue the Santa Claus event.
when school reopens, Lila is revealed to have been expelled.
Before that, Alya and everyone else but Chloe apologies to Marinette. She forgives them all.
Marinette finally breaks down the spite behind her gifts to Alya. Her BFF is so proud and even shrieks when Marinette admits her hot chocolate Friend-date yesterday ended in a mistletoe kiss.
Adrien meanwhile has a dreamy, rosy look on his face and doesn’t respond when Nino waves his hand up and down in front of him.
I kind of feel bad that their Christmas Eve was ruined, but oh well. For the record, the hair ribbons are costly because they use real silk and Swarovski crystals, but Adrien didn’t spend a dime on them because he just got them from free since their are Gabriel accessories. Gabriel doesn’t care.
For the record, Adrien’s secret Santa was Max. Lila gave pink stuff to Rose.
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
Adrien ‘Amok’ Agreste: A dark theory/prompt
I believe that there is something more to Emilie Agreste's coma. I believe that there is something more to the broken peacock pin. I believe that the Adrien Agreste that we know and love is an amok. And that he has been for a very long time. In fact, I believe that the original Adrien Agreste is dead, and has been for many many years.
Why do I believe this? Simple, I believe that when the show tells me that THE wish Gabriel so desires would have consequences that they aren't just saying the wish has consequences but rather that all magic may have consequences. Wielding the power of the gods must surely come with a price to pay. And I believe Emilie Agreste paid that price with her very life. All so that 'Adrien' could become real. Now I base this on the fact that the wish would have consequences but also on what I can see in the show. Marinette has terrible luck, her gifts always backfire, her best-laid plans blow up in her face, sure she has a loving family but even they think she's so clumsy that they don't fully trust her. I believe that Tikki is eating Marinette's luck. What about Plagg and Adrien? Well if I'm correct then I'm not sure how Amok Adrien wielding a miraculous could work but id easily argue that Adrien has a tendency to destroy that which is most important to him, we have all seen the other timelines, after all.
But enough about that. Let's get to the meat of the topic. Emilie Agreste and a certain peacock brooch. I don't think Emilie simply collapsed from a broken pin [though I do believe it is what was making Nathalie sick.] I think the pin was once completely fine, unbroken, and fully functional. And I think Emilie Agreste was used to using it, bringing toys to life for young Adrien's entertainment! In order to pay her price, Duusu would take just a bit of Emilie's life force not enough to impact the woman's life much, but she'd be tired at the end of the day, too exhausted to do much of anything physically. But I think she was friends Duusu, and loved hearing and seeing Adrien laugh and play amazed by his mother's magic!
And then Adrien Agreste died. And in order to bring him back, I believe Emilie broke the rules of the peacock, she defied the temporary nature of the magic and in-exchange for her very own life she gave birth for a second time to Adrien, an amok with the true soul of a human. Of course, this sucked out Emilie's own life leaving her an empty shell, and as for Duusu and the miraculous? After having its magic so violated it broke and went dormant, waiting for the day that Mayura would appear. Only because the miraculous was still broken it began sapping away more of the woman's health than it would have otherwise had it been whole.
I believe Gabriel knew of the Miraculous and what they could do but never thought much of it until it was too late. I think Emilie kept what she did, a secret a dark, and when Gabriel found her unconscious that the broken pin was his only clue leading him to believe that it was his mistake allowing a strange magical artifact into his home in the first place.
Now with that explanation, I present to you my dark little prompt on how Emilie and Adrien Agreste died:
Adrien Agreste died on his 5th birthday. His father was at work until that evening, and there was no party [they had all agreed to have the party in two days when it was the weekend and everyone was free]. In order to keep Adrien entertained and make his birthday extra special Emilie had transformed using Duusu and was using her powers to bring to life Adrien's toys. It wasn't the first time she'd done this but she kept the occurrences rare, a special treat, and a special secret that they were NEVER to tell Daddy about! Adrien was good at keeping secrets and loved playing with the 'friends' his mother would make him. She'd reenact fairytales for him she'd chase him around. It was special it was fun, it was everything Emilie ever wanted.
And then something went wrong.
Maybe Adrien slipped and fell, maybe he was reckless and hid in a dangerous spot without knowing, maybe when they stopped for lunch he ate something he was allergic to. All you need to know is Adrien Agreste died on that day, his mother screaming and crying and begging for everything to just be a bad dream. She NEEDED it to be a bad dream. Adrien was her life, her soul, her reason for being. She did not want another child she wanted HER child her precious perfect baby boy! And then perhaps it was something Duusu said, perhaps the idea came over her like a possession. But in that moment despite Duusu's pleading, despite knowing the risks, despite the fact that reality was staring her in the face. She transformed and called for every ounce of magic she had and she commanded the miraculous to bend to her will twisting and breaking the magic and its laws. And when the feather sunk into Adrien's lifeless corpse it jolted and twitched and was overcome. And suddenly there he was! Her bouncing perfect happy baby boy! He jumped into his mama's arms and she laughed and twirled him holding him closer to herself. She had FIXED him, everything was okay now. That night Gabriel returned trying in vain to hide a massive teddy bear behind his back. He laughed and smiled when Adrien his 'son' ran up to greet him and cling to his legs. He never noticed how tired Emilie looked.
But unknown to her the smallest crack had appeared in the miraculous. And it would only grow.
Adrien was fragile. As she would come to learn. Two days after the day he died they were all celebrating at the boy's late birthday party, Chloe, Felix and Adrien were playing. Chasing each other around and having fun while only Emilie looked after them, Gabriel was inside away from the children catching up with Audrey, Andre, and Amelie's husband. Amelie her sister had gone to get them drinks saying she'd be right back. And then Adrien tripped on his untied shoelace and hit his head. And then he didn't get up. His body twitched and shook, Chloe screamed and ran inside, while Felix tripped and fell to the ground unable to tear his eyes away while his cousin seemed to melt away revealing SOMETHING. Emilie ran to her childs side calling all of Duusu's magic into her hands. By the time Gabriel made it outside 'Adrien' was just fine with only a little scratch and a bit of blood on his perfect little head. Emilie smiled tiredly and told Audrey and her husband that Chloe had just gotten a little scared when Adrien fell and started crying. Chloe tried to deny the claim, tried to say Adrien's body had been OOZING something but her parents simply rolled their eyes and told her to stop being dramatic about a little blood. Felix meanwhile ran into his mothers arms and said he wanted to go home. The sisters shared jokes about how dramatic children could be!
Emilie thought that would be the end of it. But it would happen several times each time she would just barely be able to call on the magic to keep Adrien together, and each time she was very VERY lucky that Gabriel had missed it. But it was clear to Emilie that Adrien was too fragile for school, she needed to keep her child home where she could keep him safe and sound. And so when it came time for Adrien's annual check up Emilie volunteered to take him alone after all Gabriel was a busy man he needed to focus on work right now, so that one day Adrien could inherit the company! The doctor she chose looked perfect on paper, but all it took was a little cash to convince the man that Adrien was a sickly weak child who's health would suffer if he were to attend public school. When Emilie returned home with the bad news her husband was concerned un-sure if they shouldn't perhaps try to get a second opinion after all Adrien seemed fine! He was such an energetic happy boy! Emilie felt guilt gnaw at her insides as for the next month she distracted her husband with excuses and lies, finally he saw it her way and told Adrien himself that they would have to break their promise he would not be going to public school. Adrien threw tantrum but Emilie ended it easily. Adrien was always SO well behaved for her, he always listened to EVERYTHING she said. Her perfect baby boy, who was going to be safe now, safe and home.
As the years wore on Emilie grew weaker, unknown to her the miraculous she wore had gained cracks and fissures another one for each and everytime she defied the laws of nature to keep her 'perfect' child alive and well. Duusu had tried many times over the years to make the woman see reason until finally she grew tired of the arguing and commanded the little god to stay quiet and listen to her every word. Duusu had no choice but to nod and continue watching as Emilie destroyed her own soul, giving her life piece by piece to the amok she called 'son'.
And Adrien? Well he was PERFECT. He grew up just like Emilie wanted, he looked just like she always thought he would as a child, he never spoke out of turn, never fought her for anything, he was polie, kind, innocent, sweet, a romantic like herself, he was like a prince from the fairytale books she used to read him every single night. He learned everything so quickly it made Emilie glow in pride. It was like Adrien had become everything she ever wanted and hoped for. Gabriel was just as proud though he sometimes admited he was envious at how Adrien seemed to listen to his mother more then he listened to his dear old dad. Emilie would just laugh and say it was because Adrien was a momma's boy and that it would change when he got older. But she honestly hoped it never did. After all her son was perfect the way he was now! And who wouldn't want a perfect son?
And then it was his birthday again.
Just like all those many years ago, Gabriel was busy with work. It was just her and Adrien yet again. They plaid piano, they watched her movie, they read books together, it was perfect just perfect. And then... It wasn't.
The second time Adrien died. Nothing went wrong. He got up to get his mother a cup of tea and then he was on the floor. Emilie ran to his side and called for the magic to keep him sustained like she had every single time before for so many years. But the miraculous glitched and sputtered too broken to listen to the command. Emilie was forced to watch as her now teenage son, her perfect wonderful flawless son, dissolved away. Until the only thing that remained was the body of a 5 year old taken too soon from the cold cruel world. He hadn't changed at all. Still like she saw him all those years ago. Still dead.
And for the first time ever Emilie allowed herself to weep and allowed reality to break into her perfect wonderful life. Adrien was dead. He'd been dead this whole time, the boy she raised the boy she loved he was a being of her own making. A creature she had burdened with all her hopes and dreams a creature she had shaped into a perfect ideal son. But Adrien... Her Adrien. He hadn't been a perfect child. He'd been reckless, he'd been overdramatic, he threw tantrums, he pouted and wailed and was naive, sometimes he just would not listen to her. And when he'd died she had not only refused to accept his death, but she'd refused to acknowledge who he actually was. The Adrien she'd been raising was a pretty lie, a perfect painting covering a rotting canvas. So she cried and screamed and wailed. She mourned her child, the real and the fake. She mourned her marriage had Gabriel even noticed how sick and weak she was? She mourned for the years she would not have and the things she would not see.
And Duusu. Duusu who had tried to warn the woman, Duusu who had been her dearest friend once upon a time, Duusu who already knew what she was going to do, Duusu who felt tired his body aching as his miraculous broke more with each act of twisted magic, Duusu who laid his little paw on Emilie's cheek and cried his own tears and gave the woman a solemn nod.
Just once more Emilie called for the magic and just once more she twisted it and broke it and shaped it. But this time she let go, she let go of all restraint, this time she let go of her own soul, this time she let go of who she wanted Adrien to be and instead remembered who he WAS. This time, this very last time she would for the third time gave birth to another life. The first had been Adrien, the second had been what she wanted him to be, and this last time he would be who he wanted to be. The feather again sunk into the childs body.
When Adrien awoke his head lay on his mothers lap. She looked pale and tired, had she always looked this tired? She smiled a weak and frail little smile and told him he'd fallen asleep. That night Gabriel came home with a gift hidden behind his back for Adrien. And he remarked that Emilie looked like she needed some rest while Adrien tore open his present. Emilie just smiled and said she would get some later, she wanted to spend time with her family tonight and take in every last second she could.
Perhaps it was the universes blessing that gave Emilie a little more time with her son. Or perhaps she'd been a little selfish in the end and made sure she had enough life left over so she could bask in the warmth of her sunshine one last time. But in the end she broke the laws of the universe and magic, and she had a price to pay. But she was happy now, so happy, Adrien even if he was made from her energy, a feather and some magic, was real now, he was free, and he would grow up and live his own life, maybe have his own children. She would never see them but she would love them through Adrien. It was with that thought that Emilie finally fell asleep.
Gabriel would never know what truly happened to his wife. Duusu would never tell him, the poor man would blame himself, and magic, yet he'd seek it out same as his wife had so he could cling to the past. And Adrien? Well Adrien was dead. But he was also alive, and for the first time in years he was free. But now he had to figure out what that meant.
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kittysuicoffee · 5 years
Marinette runaway
"Marinette I don't know about this."
"I know you don't tikki that why I'm giving you a choice." Marinette said she didn’t look up from what she was doing.
"What kind of choice is it?" She asked hesitantly Marinette turned looked at her kwami and tikki could see the years of pain in her holder eyes no happiness's was in her eyes,she could tell that Marinette had a hard time with this decision but it was the only thing she could think of she thought about transferring school but Adrien will only make her feel bad about leaving them alone they want there 'every day ladybug' there for them not for her, she told her parents about what was happening at school, so they went to the school to yell at the principal for the miss treatment of their daughter. Just for the principal said that Marinette is the one causing problems with one student this cause more yelling and Marinette's parents left anger and frustration clear on there faces they told her that she could stay home from school if she wanted, they don't want there only daughter to go thru that mess they had at school if she still decided to go to school just  let them know or when she just wanted to stay home.
But Marinette had other plans in mind than just staying at home...
"Tikki if you want to you can go look for  a new ladybug and a new guardian of the miraculous."
Tikki eyes went wide she couldn't believe what Marinette just said look for  a new ladybug? a new guardian of miraculous? She didn't even like the idea in the first place but nothing will change Marinette mind nothing will. "Marinette please we can think of something else we could place a curse on Lila and the hold class or maybe!"
"Tikki wait I'm not finished yet."Marinette said cutting tikki off "you could do that or you could come with me." Marinette finished she closed her eyes and signed looking back at her kwami "I understand if you don't want to tikki I just want you and the others to be happy."
Marinette gave a sad smile "I want to go with you Marinette." That was the only thing that the  kwami said and Marinette looked shocked but tears was filling up her eyes and she hugged the kwami now knowing that she will not be alone on her journey.
After hour of hugging and crying tikki pulled away "so what’s the plan." Tikki asked looking at her holder Marinette smiled looking a bit better "I already have booked a ticket for tomorrows train . I already have my bag packed I only have to get your cookies and some snack for the others and I have money saved up from some of the commissions I did so we're pretty much good just when we do get to our new home I have to get a job.”Marinette said going over her list in her head tikki looked worried “really tomorrow is it a bit to soon? what about your parents? Are you going to leave a note?”
" sooner the better we leave this place and I already have a note ready when we leave." Marinette told tikki as she hold up a letter with pretty hand writing on it. Tikki read it out loud: "dear mama and papa I'm so sorry you won't be able to see me again but I'm only doing this because I can't stay here in Paris, anymore and I know it's unlikely for us to move but I try to stay but when time goes on it get really hard  so I'm doing this.  please don’t worry about me I love you both very much.
Love Marinette."
Tikki finish reading the letter.
Marinette put the letter away on her desk another question pop into tikki head "how are you going to get around you can't just leave as you are?"
"Oh tikki I already have that planned out."
"What do you mean?"
Marinette didn't reply as she walked to her closet to take out a bag. Tikki watched with curiously in her eyes wondering what she have. "This." Marinette stated " is what we're using to leave this place." Tikki giggle "and how is it going to help?"
Marinette gave a cheeky smile "you'll see." And that was all that needed to be said.
"Marinette breakfasts is ready!" Sabine called for her daughter it's been a week sense they had told off that incompetent principal at Marinette's school and she yelled at Marinette's teacher for being a spineless and pathetic woman for not stepping in and stopping the bullying.
'calm down Sabine calm down you have a plan to stop this from happening to your daughter she will not be in pain for any longer.' Sabine put on a face meaning she was not taking a no from her daughter, this was a good idea. "Boy Marinette is taking a long time up there." Tom said making Sabine jump a bit "oh Tom don't do that you almost gave me a heart attacked!" Sabine exclaimed holding her hand to her chest Tom gave his wife a sheepish smile "sorry honey. But she is taking long time right, did she went to school?"
"No she told me yesterday she that she wanted to stay home." Sabine said looking up at the door of her daughter’s room "I'm going to check on her." With that she went to walked up the stairs to her Marinette's room and knocked "Marinette s sweetie you up?" There was no response and she knocked again still no response, Sabine heart was fell into her stomach "Marinette I'm coming up honey." Sabine hope Marinette was just still sleeping, she hope that her daughter was just sitting at her desk making or drawing her designed she hope that her daughter was still alive. She opened the door and she screamed
"Sabine!" Tom ran after his wife to see what was wrong making his way up the stairs to stand by this wife to only see there was no Marinette " w-where is she?" Sabine asked "where’s Marinette!" Sabine ran up into her daughter’s room Tom right ’behind her both looking around her room under her bed the closet the sun roof there was no sign of her at all "Sabine look." Tom exclaimed pulling his wife to a piece of paper that he found on Marinette’s desk they both read it. " Tom."  Sabine said her voice shaking " call the police."
Ladybug was looking out at Paris with a soft smile on her face Paris is sure beautiful at night she signed "I'm going to miss this."
Miss what my lady?" A voice asked ladybug jump turning to see chat noir sitting right next to her looking at her with confusion in his eyes "what you moving or something the only thing I could say that take me with you because I'm can't leave my lady alone in this big scary world of ours!" Chat said over dramatically putting his hand on his face. Ladybug laughed and chat followed "no no I was going to miss the peace when hawkmoth starts akumatizing people again." Ladybug replied waving her hand up and down "yeah me too." Both her and chat stared out at Paris both looking at peace "hey ladybug?" "Yes chat." Ladybug said looking at chat to only see him on one knee holding a rose and his ringed hand on his heart " my lady I love you I always have to let you know how much I wish you could go on a date with me tomorrow night here maybe?" Chat asked hope filling his eyes but his hoped die with the words he come to hate over the years of being ladybug’s partner." No chat i-" " yeah yeah yeah l know you don't love me you love someone else why can't you give me a chance for once in your life ladybug!" Chat basely snapped, ladybug looked at him with shocked she cross her arms and looked at him indifference in her face " first of all chat I no longer in love with him! Second I only see you as a friend and for how long have you know me you should respect  my feelings!" Ladybug snapped back " you fell out of love with him but your not willing to give me a chance why?!"
"Because chat I don't love you what can you not understand about that!?"
Chat balled up his fist anger on his face but he calm down looking at ladybug her arms still cross. "well if you say so. So tell me ladybug who was the boy you fell out of love with." He asked crossing his arms as well ladybug eyed him with suspicion "why should I tell you? Are going a hunt him down or something?" Ladybug asked
"Nope just wondering that all." Chat replied "okay..." Ladybug said uneasy " well I no longer love Adrien Agreste." Chat eyes went wide she was in love with him no she have to be joking right? " Your joking right ladybug? Please tell me your joking!" Ladybug took a step back "n-no I'm not chat what wrong?" "My lady!" Chat grabbed  ladybugs hands. “chat let me go please." "No ladybug I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to fall out of love with me I'm sorry!"
"What are you talking about!?"
Chat took in a deep breath "plagg claws in!"
Ladybug eyes went wide she no longer looking at the green eyes of chat noir but the green eyes of Adrien "kid what are you doing?!"plagg exclaimed Adrien didn't replied instead he let go of ladybug's hands and putting one hand on his chest and the other one hand out "my lady please for give me I have no idea I was causing you to hate me but I can me it right! Show me who you are and we both can be happy together!"
Ladybug looked at Adrien she was speak less Adrien Agreste was chat noir the whole time but they act so differently than again she act differently when she was in her civilian form.
"Adrien." Ladybug finally spoke her voice soft Adrien hold his breath hoping that she'll return his feeling and forgive him and maybe just maybe show him her true identity. She took a few steps forward to Adrien taking both of his hands into her own , he smile his dream of being with ladybug was about to come true " kid your an idiot." Before Adrien had a chance to register what plagg had said ladybug jumped back. He looked down and noticed that his ring was gone he looked up to see ladybug holding his ring in her hand "n-no" he said his voice quite ladybug looked him down her eyes full with strong disappointed " Adrien Agreste as the new guardian of the miraculous you head by no longer will be the handler of the black cat miraculous!" Her voice was strong yet form leaving no room for arguments "no wait I.. "
"I'm sorry Adrien this is good bye" with that ladybug yo-yo away leaving a shocked Adrien behind.
Everyone in else bastier class was at a buzzed talking about the up and coming class trip to New York. Ayla was most excited about it because she was going with her best friend "Lila!" Ayla shouted getting the girl attention the girl gave her a sad smile "oh hey Ayla are you excited about the up coming trip?" Lila asked with a hint of solemn Ayla and seem like everyone else notice how down Lila looked " hey girl what's wrong?" Ayla walking getting up from her table and walking up to the girl. " What’ s wrong did something happened?" She asked again putting her hand on Lila shoulder out of nowhere Lila began to cry falling right into Ayla’ s chest everyone ran to her asking if she alright if they can do anything for her Ayla took her to her seat and sat her down "Lila tell me what happened please." She asked once again it took a few moment for Lila to calm her tears down and when she did, she looked up at her " Marinette threatened me!" Lila sobbed again
"What!" Everyone shouted in uproar "what did she say!" Ayla said in Anger she can't believe Marinette would do this to Lila she was the nicest girl in the world! Marinette will pay when she gets here.
"She said if I don't stop telling lies she'll get someone to beat me up!" She exclaimed putting her face into Ayla chest "don't worry Lila we'll get her!" Alix said in anger everyone in the class agree to teach Marinette a lesson.
But before they could think of a plan Mme. Bastier walked in with two police officer behind her everyone went silence when they saw them
"Class. Please take your seat." Everyone did as they were told but before the police could speak Ayla beat them to the punch " is this about Marinette are you going to arrest her!" Ayla shouted the officers looked at her confused "for what?" Ayla looked angry "for harassing Lila! this why your here for right?”
Both police officer looked at her with suspicion
"How do you know we were going to ask about her?" The first officer ask Ayla cross her arms "will your here and meaning that Lila on her way to school called you right so there. Your here for Marinette right she'll be here any second now than you can take her away." The other students agreed the second police looked at Mme. Bastier "is this how you teach a class?" He asked eyeing her  she give small smile "I'm well I.."
"The fact that your students are so eager to point to think that we're here to arrest is..!" Before the officer could finish he felt a hand on his shoulder he turn to look at his partner "Pete calm down we're here to ask questions not to tell at a teacher how to do there job. She maybe new." Pete looked at him but calm down with that the officer remove his hand and walked up in front of the class and he began to speak "first thing first my name is officer Maxx and my partner name is Pete. To answer the young lady question is yes we're are here about Marinette but not to arrest her." Maxx explained "than why are you here for officers? Mme. Bastier asked Pete walked up next to his partner " for you know Marinette dupain-cheng went missing last night.”
Everyone gasped.
A girl with dirty blonde hair walked off the train with two males a boys one had white hair and a the other had blonde hair "well home sweet home!" The boy said with a sign "yep it's great to back " Said the blonde boy but than turn to the girl "so what you think?" The girl looked around her brown eyes looking around the 'small' town "wow. I thought you said it was small?" The girl ask with a pout both boys laugh "well when you live here for your whole life it will seem small over time."
"Yeah" the blonde boy agreed with a giggle
" So want to look around?"
"Yes please! Just let me grab my bags the train will leave tomorrow right?"
"Yep" both boy said the girl smile turn to get her bags but stop "I just realized I never got you guys names!" She giggled "what you're names?”
The boy with white hair smile "my name is Oliver the boy right next to me is my half brother Michael."
Michael waved "so what you're name?”
The girl smile at them "my name is Coraline."
I was inspired ml fanfic called missing by a user on Archive of our own named 
ChaoticNeutral I think they also have a tumblr but i’m not sure but if they do let me know so I could credit them here I hope ya like it 
Edited: someone told me who wrote the ml fix thank you very much!
Ml missing belong to @nobodyfamousposts
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xhanisai · 5 years
Can I be that one annoying fan that spams you every day with basically the same question? That being Kiss AU frightningale. If you would be so kind.
Well, since you kindly gave me that Ko-Fi UwUwUwU, I can spare an ounce of kindness~~~ 
This will be a long one~ Enjoy! (P.S. I have made a lot of changes here to make this, hopefully much more interesting…) 
The episode starts off with Gabriel dragging his son away to the venue for the Chat Noir costume fitting. Adrien’s trying everything to escape, ranging from faking he’s sick to clinging to the railings on the stairs. Gabriel and Nathalie struggled to get him to let go but Gorilla comes to their rescue, managing to pluck him off with ease. 
“You’ll never take me alive!” Adrien hollered out childishly, kicking his legs and banging his fists against Gorilla’s back as he was held like a sack of potatoes, the group making way out of the house and to the limo. 
“Never make us do that again, Son.” Gabriel grumbled out, running his fingers through his unruly hair before quickly straightening the locks back. A frazzled Nathalie handed him a comb with a huff.
“How about, don’t force me into doing things I don’t want to? Hmm?” Adrien sassed, looking as intimidating as a caught kitten. He could feel Plagg cackling in his jacket, the cursed being doing nothing to help. 
“It’s just a fitting Adrien- plus it’s a very good opportunity for you! You get to meet an international popstar and perform in her music video, dressed up as one of those superheroes you adore.” 
“B-B-But…I’m just a stick! I won’t do any justice to Chat Noir’s muscles and abs!” For effect, Adrien poked his shoulders. “See? Skin and bones.”
“Nonsense~ my stylists have commented about your developing muscles during your shoots. All those fencing and basketball lessons have been paying off,” Mr. Agreste chirped with a cheesy grin, pushing his glasses back against the nose. Adrien was immediately reminded of those dopey glasses characters in the hundreds of anime he’s watched. 
“Besides, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng will be picked up by Vincent and his crew in five minutes to meet up at the venue and dress as your counterpart.” Nathalie added, scrolling through her tablet. She then flickered her eyes towards the boy’s curious face, glasses glinting under the light for a split second. “You wouldn’t want her to be paired with any other random Parisian, right?” 
You see, Adrien is usually a very bright boy, evidenced by his top grades, ability to adapt and so on.
This is not the case right now.
Completely dismissing the disastrous problem awaiting him, Adrien’s mind was clouded with utmost jealousy. Images of his talented Princess being oogled by some…some random KID in HIS costume…making her SMILE and even…HOLDING HER HAND??? 
‘Oh my God…what if they try to make the boy kiss my Marinette?’ Adrien screams internally, dismissing another important factor before jumping out of Gorilla’s grasps (who coincidentally loosens his grip) and darted inside the vehicle. 
“TO THE VENUE! ONLY I CAN BE THE CHAT NOIR TO MARINETTE’S LADYBUG!” The boy beeped the horn for good measures. 
“Why didn’t you use my daughter-in-law’s name to coax him in the first place, Nathalie?” Gabriel’s eyebrow twitched with irritation. His assistant simply mirrored the look. 
“It was one way I was able to get you to do some workout, sir.” Her eyes narrowed further but inside, she was fighting a grin when Gabriel spluttered. “After all, someone has been gaining a few extra pounds ever since we got friendly with your future in-laws.” 
“I-I have no idea what you mean!” Her boss harrumphed, entering the limo with a grumble. Nathalie didn’t miss the way he clutched his stomach with a pout. “It’s not my fault that they don’t let me leave till they’ve fed me three helpings of dumplings…”
Meanwhile, Marinette is kidnapped hauled away by Vincent, Alya and the rest of the girls from her class, much to her protests. Sabine and Tom watches the scene unfold with a cup of tea in hand and some sweets. Their smiles only broadening. 
“Alya-aaaa! Lemme go! Lemme go-ooooo!” What good was being Ladybug when she can’t seem to escape her best friend’s shoulder, getting carried away like a THING? Marinette let out another huff as the girls finally made way outside, a car waiting for them. 
“You can keep wriggling and fighting but you’re no match with Mama Bear Alya’s muscles~!” Her best friend hooted, flexing her free arm with exaggeration as the rest of the group giggled. “And gurl! You’re light as hell! What the heck? No wonder you can’t make me budge.”
“I am big and strong! I can take you all in one go! I’ll prove it right now!” Marinette retaliated. No one took her seriously. “I just wanted to be a backup dancer and so did Adrien!!!” The girl resorted back to whining again, flopping in defeat.
“Really? He was actually pretty adamant in taking the Chat Noir role.” Mylene nodded as did the others. 
“What? Since when? We both agreed to be backup with you girls yesterday night during a call.” 
“Someone call Barbie Doll right now,” Alya suggested whilst shoving Marinette inside the car unceremoniously, ignoring her groans. Alix rolled her eyes, whipping her phone out and got inside the vehicle, purposely squishing Marinette against the car’s door on the other side so that she had no means of escape. 
The model finally picked up when the girls were on the road, his annoyance clear through the speaker.
“Don’t tell me you girls are already at the venue and some loser stole my role- the traffic here is mental!” Rose and Juleka hid their snickering at this. 
“What role? Adrien! We agreed to be backup dancers- what’s with you wanting to be Chat Noir now?” Marinette butted in, glaring at the phone despite the recipient not being able to see her face. 
“O-OH!? Morning Princess~”
“Don’t ‘Princess’ me you big, annoying, dummy-”
“Okay, Sweetcheeks it is then,”
“But Darling~”
“Hey, now listen here. I didn’t do this on purpose ya know? I was all decked up and ready to be a backup dancer but Pere and Nathalie had other plans!”
“And you went along with it?” 
“They had to get the Gorilla to literally get me out of the house! Give me some credit here, Marinette!” Adrien groaned, slumping against his seat, knowing very well that his trio of guardians were all wearing matching grins under that poker face of theirs. 
“A-Ah, okay, so basically the same thing as me then, right?” Marinette almost felt bad for going off on him.
“Mmhm, besides,” 
“I refuse to let any dumb boy take away MY woman.” Marinette could literally feel the cat radiating from him, annoyance pumping through her veins. Of COURSE he relents into his father’s whims due to jealousy! A tiny part of her brain was rather flattered, making her heart flutter but the raven haired girl immediately brushed those thoughts away. 
“You never really put up much of a fight after you found out I was gonna be forced to play Ladybug, right?” The baker girl’s tone was dry as hell. 
“Your point?” She couldn’t believe Adrien had the nerves to answer like that.
“Oh please do be gentle~”
“Love ya~~~mwah!” With a triumphant grin, Adrien hung up the phone. He knew very well of how much trouble he’s in but he’ll focus on that hurdle when it comes to it. Gabriel and Nathalie only eyed the teen incredulously, the former pinching the bridge of his nose. Why oh why is his son like this…?
Both cars simultaneously arrive at the venue, making Adrien realise how much danger he’s in. He could literally feel Marinette’s rage seeping out of the car. Nathalie pretty much kicked him out so that he can face his responsibilities. Both he and Mari have a stare off- the latter itching to throttle him whilst the boy whistles innocently. 
Marinette doesn’t get a chance to drag Adrien away as they’re both led into the venue by their peers, finally seeing people trying out the superhero roles. It was then that Adrien recalled why he and Mari settled to be backup dancers in the first place.
“Oh shit…” Adrien finally uttered when a boy slipped on the Chat Noir mask. His eyes then drifted to Marinette, wincing at her pointed glare before averting his gaze again. He fucked up. Their identities are screwed! 
The duo were too preoccupied with their thoughts to process Clara’s enthusiasm and squeals, babbling about how they’ve been going through hundreds of candidates for hours. 
“Wait- how come those two get the role immediately? We don’t even know if they’re good enough!” One of the teens exclaimed, hands on hips and glowered. Clara sweatdropped at this. “We’ve been waiting here for ages! Is this all for nought?”
A light bulb appeared on both the secret heroes’ heads, both wearing a matching grin as they turned towards each other.
‘You thinking what I’m thinking?’
‘You bet so, Princess~’
‘Don’t call me Princess. I’m still mad at you.’
‘Oh boo…’
Marinette and Adrien were quick to agree with the teen, claiming how they should wait like everyone else so that there’s a fair chance without paying mind to Gabriel’s glares. The rest of the girls lined up for the backup roles, wishing the duo good luck whilst the adults were pulled away elsewhere. 
“Thank God…” Marinette sighed in relief. She vowed to give the teen an autograph the next time she’s transformed. The girl looped her arm through Adrien’s, both of them sticking with the Chat Noir line (the staff knew they were going to perform as a packaged deal so they didn’t necessarily have to wait separately). 
“You got a plan Bugaboo?” Adrien was met with a snort but all he did was roll his eyes fondly. “Aight, still mad, no nicknames. Got it,” With a smirk, he tried kissing her cheek to soften her up but his lips met her hand clasping his mouth instead, blocking him.
“Adrien…” The boy deflated at her disappointed tone. This is what he was worried about, disappointment. “Ugh- I can’t even be mad at you for long. We were both forced into this.” He almost perked up. “But you didn’t even attempt to sneak away when your father was distracted. You’re usually really good at that, dummy.” She playfully punched his shoulder.
“Forgive me?” Adrien’s eyes twinkled like a kitten. The aspiring designer found herself melting. 
The model considered her blush as a win, engulfing her in an ecstatic hug despite Mari trying her best not to care. 
‘They really do make a perfect Ladybug and Chat Noir…’ Clara mused at the front. She’ll endure another hour of the other candidates trying out the roles happily if it meant that she could get THOSE two in. 
Marinette’s plan involved not only losing the masks in the changing rooms but also messing up their try out as much as possible. The duo were also quite shocked to see Chloe audition and actually do a good job! As much as she’s a pain, that’s one less hurdle to jump over for them. However, Chloe’s attitude and rudeness really put Clara off so she didn’t make it through the auditions.
By the time it’s our superheroes’ turn, they put the plan to action. The masks were conveniently hidden away and the duo botched up everything they were meant to do for the auditions.
They clasped their hands like a handshake when asked to hold hands, they flopped on their faces after every acrobatic move, Adrien even fell off stage at one point, only bruising his knees and a blow to his pride. Clara and Gabriel didn’t give up on them; they found the masks and beckoned the duo to put them on.
We have the tense moment where time goes still as Marinette and Adrien eyes the masks in their hands. Silent apologies are given to each other as they slowly brought the masks closer to their faces. 
As per canon, Chloe barges in with the Mayor in tow, piles of paper in hand, claiming that Clara has no permission in shooting in France. The poor singer gets her mike thrown on the floor, much to Marinette and Adrien’s protests. Alya and co try to help Clara up but the singer runs off crying. Gabriel quietly shuffles inside one of the bathrooms, locking it and transforms into Le Papillon to akumatise the woman. 
Soon, Frightningale makes her debut, whipping everyone with her wand and turning them to statues if they didn’t sing in rhymes and dance. Marinette lures herself and Adrien into one of the changing caravans so that they can transform.
“Once again, Butterfly Breath and Little Miss Brat saved us. I thought they’re the villains as well,” Marinette hummed. 
“Hey.” Adrien flicked her nose softly. “Don’t be mean to Chlo’,” His shit eating grin only grew at Marinette’s gaping face.
“E-Excuse me!? Don’t be mean to the girl who made Clara Nightingale CRY-” She stopped mid rant and scoffed, refusing to play into anymore of the boy’s teasing. Tikki and Plagg floated out from Marinette’s twin ponytails, admiring their costumes once more. 
“You should really do something about your childhood friend, Adrien.” Tikki scolded.
“Hey! My kitten isn’t obliged to parent that bossy brat into a decent human being. He tried to anyways and it’s like she’s deaf to anything that’s humane!” Plagg countered back. The kwamis fell into an argument in a language that neither teens could understand. 
“I’ve reprimanded Chloe about her behaviour so many times, I’m starting to feel like a broken record. The more I tell her to stop, the worse she gets,” Adrien fiddled with the mask as a gloom settled in the vicinity. “Maybe she’s a lost cause…” The idea of losing hope in a friend he’s known since he was born was enough to have his chest tighten in pain. 
“Or maybe we’ll have to give her a wake up call.” Marinette suggested with a smile, laying a hand on his forearm. “This isn’t your fault. It’s her parents’ responsibility to discipline her- not you. From what I’ve seen, you’ve told her off more in a week than her father probably has in her entire lifetime. That’s better than nothing.”
“What’s the point if it doesn’t do shit?” 
“The point is that you’re trying, you’re doing your best. You’re doing what you can to help her rather than being a doormat or letting her walk over people in front of you. I don’t think you’ve realised that the torment she used to spread has lessened in school ever since you’ve arrived.”
“…” Adrien bit his lip before glancing back at Marinette, swiftly turning her around so that he could embrace her from behind. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and pressed her back into his torso. “If it weren’t for you in my life, I wouldn’t even be half the person I am now…thank you Marinette…”
All the words disappeared in her throat, face redder than a tomato. Marinette mustered the will to put her hand on his head and let her fingers comb through the tresses. 
“Where’s all this coming from?” The girl finally asked. 
“Nothing…just super grateful that you exist, Bug.” He slowly picked his head up and puckered his lips against her cheek with a pure, innocent, softness that could be rivalled by silk. Both of their hearts sped up in sync as they tried to decipher each others feelings. Is this just a grateful kiss?
Is it something more?
Feeling like her heart was about to burst out of her chest, Marinette promptly spun around to face Adrien and crashed her lips against his, pushing the boy against the wall. She was deaf to the kwamis’ sudden protests as they were pulled into the miraculouses, transforming the teens into their original suits.
Ladybug tugged and tugged on Chat Noir’s bottom lip, eyes squeezed shut as both her slender hands cradled his face. The sweetness of their lips was a huge contrast of the ferocity and passion of their feelings, evidenced by the gasps they let out. 
She didn’t pull away, no. She kept going after his lips over and over again. His touch was like fire on her body and she was burning. 
“Mm- Bug…Mari…Hm- Marinette-” She cut him off with a kiss everytime he uttered a word. Chat Noir knew that if he were to die now, he’d die happily. Ravished and thoroughly kissed by the one he loves. When his Lady’s swollen lips trailed down his jaw, teeth barely grazing his skin, Noir gripped her shoulders and gently pushed her back. 
His entire face was flushed and his eyes were glazed, as if he was in a dream like state. He let out an exhale, leaning his forehead against hers when she wrapped an arm around his middle. From all their past experiences, Ladybug knew that his silence was due to embarrassment, especially when she took the reigns. She decided to put the nail in the coffin.
“I’d be nothing without you,” Ladybug whispered into Chat’s human ears, lips brushing the shell before skipping out of the van. A sly smirk escaped her when the sound of a body tumbling on the floor and a soft groan was emitted by the boy. 
“Hnnnn that girl is gonna be the death of me, godammit!” 
Just like canon, they attempted to fight Frightningale but ended up getting zapped by the whip. They sing and dance their way through, using the lucky charm to their advantage and even waltzing at some point (whether that was to deter the akuma or just an excuse to hold each other close, neither of them admitted). 
Once purified, Clara is quick to coo and thank the heroes, even flustering them when she mentioned how much of a cute married pair they are. The Heroine whispers an alternate plan for the video so that not only would Clara not get in trouble for shooting, there’d be a way to incorporate many people. Ladybug and Chat Noir are quick to leave when she asks how many kids they have and if their children had the same costumes as them.
The episode ends with the whole class watching the video at the library, commenting and cheering whenever one of them showed up. The video ends with Marinette wearing a Chat Noir mask and Adrien wearing a Ladybug pair. This gave Alya and the girls the opportunity to tease the lovebirds about their terrible auditions before the shooting. 
“You’re right! I’d make a terrible Ladybug. Besides, I think black is more of my colour, don’t you agree, Buggaboy?” Marinette teased, eating up the way Adrien’s cheeks reddened for a split second. He knew she was never going to let up the fact that he almost combusted on the spot when she wore his mask.
“Always knew you were a furry, Marichat,” He delivered with a wink, his ego boosted with the way everyone else burst into laughter despite Marinette’s incredulous disagreements. 
“I didn’t sign up for this! Hmmph! Not even the real Chat Noir would be this mean,” She blew a raspberry and crossed her arms, slouching on her seat. 
“You’re right, he’d treat you like the princess you are,” Adrien quickly swooped in, kissing her brow. The crease between her brows softened as a result and a light blush decorated her cheeks. They darkened when everyone else quipped with how ‘smooth’ or ‘cheesy’ Adrien was being. 
“Just get married already!” Kim sighed in mock disgust. “Your flirting has put all of ours combined to shame, Agreste,” 
“Wasn’t aware that you guys knew how to flirt,” The cheeky boy clicked his tongue, quickly darting off whilst his boy group gave chase (along with Alix). A few mock threats were heard before the noise faded away, out of the door.
“Think they’ll keep him alive, Mariboo~?” Alya nudged her best friend’s shoulder, stealing Adrien’s seat. 
“I think they’d do me a favour if they killed him.” Marinette huffed.
“You don’t mean tha-aaaaat,” 
“You’re right, I don’t,” Marinette dropped the hard to get act and squealed, the rest of the girls joining, huddling her into a group hug. 
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For Better or Worse
Read on ao3
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Summary: Nathalie makes a promise to Emilie. For better or worse.
Rating: T
Characters: Nathalie Sancoeur, Emilie Agreste, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawkmoth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Nathalie Sancoeur & Emilie Agreste, Emilie Agreste/Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawkmoth, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawkmoth & Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nathalie Sancoeur
Nathalie sometimes forgets.
Of course, she remembers the horrible day with extreme clarity, but when she’s in his presence, it’s so easy to think that it’s him.
But then when she's alone, it all comes rushing back. The day when Gabriel Agreste died.
Adrien was three years old. Emilie had just gotten back home after the final filming day for Solitude. The family bodyguard had gone to pick up Gabriel from the airport after he'd returned from a trip to America. That’s when Emilie got the call.
The plain had crashed. There were no survivors.
Nathalie didn’t hear the conversation on the phone, but she watched as Emilie's demeanor went for exhausted but happy to devastated. Nathalie promptly ushered Adrien to his room and quickly got him ready for bed.
"I want Mama to tuck me in."
Nathalie sighed. "Mama's busy right now. I can read you a story if you want."
Adrien thought for a moment. "Okay," he said with a determined nod.
He was asleep three pages in. Nathalie closed the book and quietly snuck out of the room. When she approached the living room where Emilie had been, she was met with emptiness.
When she finally found the blonde woman, she knew something was horribly wrong. Emilie was sobbing in Gabriel's office, clutching a photo of the couple on their wedding to her heart. She was on the floor, her back against the desk.
Nathalie didn’t know what to do. In the ten years she’d known Emilie, she’d never seen her cry. She always insisted that image was everything and that showing any sort of negative emotion was a sign of weakness.
Nathalie cautiously closed the door behind her and approached the weeping woman. "Mrs. Agreste?"
Emilie cried harder, her wails raising the hair on the back of Nathalie's neck.
Nathalie kneeled next to her. "Emilie?" she whispered.
The next thing she knew, Emilie had dropped the frame and flung her arms around her neck. Nathalie hesitated, but hugged her back lightly. She was completely lost on what to do. She didn’t even know what the phone call was about. "Emilie, what happened?"
"He's," the woman sobbed. "He's gone!" She continued to wail, wrenching Nathalie's heart. "The p-plane c-c-crashed!" She could hardly speak from the sobs wracking her slim frame.
Nathalie froze. What? Gabriel's... dead?
Emilie's sobs had quieted to sniffles. "He's gone. And he’s never coming back," she whispered, her voice raw from the grief. She pulled away from Nathalie and turned back to the picture lying on the ground. "He's never coming back. I'll never see him again!"
Her crying picked up again as she picked up the frame and stared at it. She ran her finger along Gabriel's face, one of the few captured moments where he was smiling widely. He was looking directly at the camera, but Emilie was kissing him on the cheek with her arms draped gently on his shoulders. "It's not fair," she sniffled after she had calmed down.
"What are you going to tell Adrien?"
Nathalie watched as Emilie's faced scrunched up in pain. She held up a hand to her mouth and sobbed. "Adrien. He's too young. He can’t—"
She turned to Nathalie, a hard look in her eyes. "He can't know!"
"Emilie—" Nathalie cut herself off as Emilie abruptly stood up and walked over to the safe behind the small painting on the wall. She hesitantly rose as well, ignoring the slight pain as her legs regained blood flow after kneeling for several minutes on end.
Emilie opened the safe and quickly with drew a blue broach Nathalie had only seen a few times before. "What do you know about miraculouses, Nathalie?" she asked.
Nathalie blinked. "I'm sorry?"
Emilie sighed and turned to face the assistant. "You remember our trip to Tibet five years ago?"
"While we were there, we discovered something called the miraculous. Magical pieces of jewelry that grant the wielder specific powers."
Nathalie raised and eyebrow as she watched Emilie mutter something and remove the little purple pin the she always wore over her heart. And then gasped when she saw a purple flash before the pin transform its shape, gaining for silver pieces that emerged from the center, form an "X". "H-how?" she stammered.
Emilie had a weak smile on her face. "Magic." She pinned the peacock broach she had pulled out of the safe to the place where the pin had been. Nathalie watched in amazement as there was a blue flash of light, and some sort of floating creature that vaguely resembled a peacock appeared. "Hello, Duusu."
Nathalie was not prepared for the thing to speak. "Emilie! Good to see you! How's Gabriel?"
Tears welled up in Emilie's eyes. The blue thing spoke again, much quieter and more somber this time. "Oh no, I can sense your distress." Then she — it?— began to cry. Loudly.
"I need you, Duusu." Emilie wiped her red, puffy eyes. "I need a sentimonster."
"What's a sentimonster?" Nathalie blurted, all sense of professionalism gone at that point.
Both Emilie and... Duusu started and turned towards her. "Oh, who's this?" Duusu asked.
"This is Nathalie. And I'll explain in a moment. For now, Duusu, spread my feathers!"
With another flash of blue, Nathalie’s life changed forever.
The amok, as Nathalie soon learned it was called, was placed inside the picture frame still clutched in Emilie's hand. It was infused with special power to give the sentimonster all of Gabriel's emotions.
Suddenly, the forming sentimonster, which had been bubbling with dark energy, sparked and crackled before an exact likeness of Gabriel Agreste was formed.
Emilie smiled softly. "Now he is back." She stepped forward to greet her creation, but hunched over with a cough.
Nathalie rushed over to her. "Emilie? Are you okay?"
Emilie waved over to her. "I’m fine. What matters is that we succeeded." With that, she released her transformation.
Duusu eyed Gabriel. "I’m not sure, Emilie. Something doesn’t feel right."
Emilie shook her head. "He’s perfect."
In the years to come, it became clear that he wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t obvious at first, but as time passed, the sentimonster deviated further and further from his likeness. Where Gabriel had been stoic in public, the sentimonster refused to leave the house. Where Gabriel was warm and loving with his family, the sentimonster was cold and aloof. And yet he was still so similar. And it was so easy to forget.
But not for Emilie. At first she had looked at the sentimonster with love in her eyes and a smile on her face, but gradually the light in her eyes dimmed the worse her relationship with him became.
To make matters worse, Emilie had gotten steadily worse in health. She hadn’t used the peacock very many times over the years, but every time she did, her cough slowly overtook her. Until she was on her death bed.
Adrien was almost 13, and Nathalie worried for the boy. His father neglected him more often than not. His mother was extremely sick. The only friend he had was that spoiled Chloé girl.
She may not have ever had a child, but she swore that when the time came, she would make sure Adrien was cared for. She’d love him like her own. For the real Gabriel. For Emilie. For better or worse.
The day Emilie fell into the coma, Nathalie would never forget.
Emilie had called for her, and urged her to come close to her side.
Nathalie stiffened when Emilie took her hand and laid the peacock in it, closing Nathalie’s fingers over the broach. "It may be broken, but it keeps Gabriel alive. Take care of it. Take care of them. Adrien needs a parental figure in his life. For better or worse."
"Emilie, I can't-" Nathalie protested.
"Please, Nathalie. For me."
Nathalie met her faded green eyes, which still stuck out against her paper white skin. This woman she had known for twenty years. And inside she knew she’d never be able to deny Emilie anything. So she nodded. "I promise."
Emilie smiled and closed her eyes.
She never opened them again.
And so Nathalie hid the peacock back inside the safe, only using it on special occasions. She watched as Gabriel became Hawkmoth. She watched as Adrien went to public school. She watched as the two of them drifted further and further apart.
She refused to stand back when Gabriel commanded her to stop. She made a promise to take of them. She would protect them. She would love them. Adrien needed a parent. And she’d make sure he always had one. For the real Gabriel. For Emilie. For better or worse.
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gale-dragon-writer · 4 years
My Miraculous Hero Academia: Character Sheet Update
Miraculous Character = Quirk. Quirk Description.
Class 1-A
Marinette Dupain-Cheng = Lucky Charm. Allows Marinette to summon a seemingly random object to aid her in her endevers, but the object only last for five minutes before disappearing. Only one Lucky Charm can be summoned at a time.
Adrien Agreste = Cataclysm. Allows Adrien to destroy anything he touches, but he needs to collect energy before unleashing.
Chloe Bourgeois = Venom. Can cause paralizes upon contact, but Chloe needs to keep her nails maintain for her to use Venom to its fullest.
Ivan Bruel = Golemize. Can turn into a giant golem and can create miniture golems from the enviornment around him, so long as he can write the word "Truth" on the object he plans to make into a miniture golem. The mini-golems can only work so long as the word "Truth" remains intact.
Alya Ceasair = Illusions. Can create illusions of anything she wants when she plays her flute, the illusions remain intact so long as they aren't touched.
Juleka Couffaine = Invisability. Can turn invisable, but has to look in a mirror to activate and deactivate the Quirk.
Mylène Haprèle = Phobia. Can create familiars of people's greatest fears to aid her in whatever she does. These familiars remain intact as long as Mylène doesn't scream in fear.
Max Kante = Technogy Manipulation. Can control technology with mind.
Alix Kubdel = TimeJump. Can travel through time, but has to eat carrots to do so (the size of the carrot she eats determinds how far back or forward in time she goes).
Nathaniel Kurtzberg = Drawn to Life. Can bring anything he's drawn to life to become his familiar. This doesn't work on portraits.
Nino Lahiffe = Protective Shell. Can create protective barriars to negate any oncoming attack, but has to carry around some kind of arm shield to activate the Quirk.
Rose Lavillant = Aroma. Can create any type of fragrence and/or gas, but has to eat flower petals to activate the Quirk.
Le Chien Kim = Uproar. Can dissrupt/nullify the Quirks of others, but he has to make some kind of direct contact or secondary contact with the person (ie, he either has to touch them directly or hit them an object).
Sabrina Raincomprix = Hindsight. Can use any kind of vision (ie, heat vision, x-ray vision, inferred vision, ect), but has to wear pescription glasses to deactivate Quirk.
Luka Couffaine (3rd-year adviser) = Second Chance. Can go back in time to change events to either avoid certain things from happening or make something better, but he can only go back a maximum of Five Minutes.
Kagami Tsurugi = Elemental Forms. Can turn into one of three elements; Water, Wind, and Lightning. But she can only turn into one element at a time.
Class 1-B
Aurore Beaureal = Stormy Weather. Can control the weather to an extent, but has to have an umbrella in hand to activate.
Mireille Caquet = Forcast. Is able to pridict attacks and outcomes by reading the air pressure in the vicinity.
Jean Duparc = Slight of Hand. Is able to do magic tricks without prep, but has to wear silk gloves to work properly.
Ondine Mainrie (this will be her surname in this story) = Mermaid. Can do whatever a mermaid can, but has to keep hydrated.
Marc Anciel = Written Off. Can make words come alive, but he has to already have written the word down on some kind of surface.
Staff = Quirk. Quirk Description.
Tikki = Creation. Can create any non-living thing. Headmaster of UA.
Plagg = Destruction. Can destroy anything upon contact. Physical Education teacher (when pestered by Tikki).
Nooroo = Empathy. Can create an empathetic link between people. Civilian Relations teacher.
Duusu = Healing. Can heal any injury. School Nurse.
Wayzz = Protective Turtle. Can create shields in the shape of turtles. Head Security Officer.
Fred Haprèle = Pantamime. Can Mime objects to reality. Drama teacher.
Ms Mendeleiev = Chemical. Can identify the chemicals in anything. Science teach.
Caline Bustier = Mama Bear. Can turn into a protective bear when angered. Class 1-A teach.
(Still officially open for Asks!)
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Dates can be an escape to freedom- Lukadrien June Day 6
I’ve been rewatching a lot of Degrassi and I’ve always really like Eclaire. This is also a cannon divergant, mama Agreste is alive and well, maybe a bit sick from the Peacock Miraculous and Gabriel is still HawkMoth. Marinette and Adrien are still Ladybug and Chat Noir but they know each other identies and have gotten over their former crushes for each other. @lukadrien-june Freedom
Adrien glanced over to his mother, who stood staring at the street next to Gorilla almost snarling at anyone he thought was a problem. To anyone looking, they would see his mother just staring calmly at the street as more cars pulled up to drop families off for the Mineur César Awards, awards given out across schools for best films produced by students. But even from where he stood he could see the pursed lips, narrowed his, deep breathing to keep from blowing up. His parents had been fighting and all the extra hours at the fashion house and not with his family, even after making his only son model for it on top of his heavy schedule, was getting to his mother The house they lived in was huge but it still couldn’t stop him from listening to them argue over how mother felt like they didn’t matter to his father when it came to fashion.
When Adrien found out Nino’s film, which he’d acted in, was up for nomination, he told his parents, hoping the night as a family would cool any tensions and maybe make them talk. But of course, his father was late, his mother was mad and all he wanted was for the night to end so he could go on his date.
Yeah, date.
During filming, Juleka, their makeup artist and classmate, wanted to try different looks on him to match the costume Marinette made, so she invited him to her house. Well, boat house to be more accurate, but still. While there he met Luka, Juleka’s older brother. He’d gotten lost when coming back from the bathroom and walked in to find this older blue haired musician strumming on his guitar. He smiled at Adrien, as in his embarrassment, rambled on how he was looking for Juleka’s room.
“Juls’ room is next door. Look for the rainbow sticker Rose put on the door one day. You know, Juls’ said you were much nicer than she imagined a model to be, but she never said how cute you are when you ramble.”
As a model, Adrien had been complimented a lot, he was immune to it. But hearing it from Luka, he felt his face get hot. He felt oversensitive to the idea that Luka was close by and he collapsed to his friends, begging for help.
Alya was smiling like a fox when Adrien was done. “Someone’s got a crush.” she sing songed.
“No I don’t. I just met the guy.”
“Adrien, remember when I had the biggest crush on you?” Marinette asked.
“Um, kinda?” he had been oblivious to it until Marinette confessed.
“How you just talked about him, I’d talk about you.” Alya nodded in agreement. “Look, if you do like him, than maybe it’ll help you figure out if you’re bi or not, like you’ve been questioning. Just, unlike how I did it, maybe get to know him a bit better instead of just going for mostly looks?”
So he did. He’d join him when the filming group would take a break and jam out – which later formed the band Kitty Section for which he did keys – , talk when they had the chance, he even helped tutor Luka in physics. During that time, he got to know Luka better. He loved music, especially Jagged Stone’s, he was a pretty amazing ice skater, he could play the emotions he heard in people’s hearts. The first time he’d done that to Adrien, he’d dealt the the backlash of his parent’s arguing when his mother harshly snapped at him on her way to work. Adrien was expecting a pat on the back and told to suck it up, but Luka sat and listened as Adrien ranted and when it was over and he was near tears, Luka opened his arms for a hug. Luka gave great hugs.
“Have you ever considered talking to your parents about what you've been going through because of their arguing? I know they wouldn’t like seeing you like this.”
“I’ve tried but they keep saying everything is ok.”
“Well music is what I usually use in place of words and you said your parents taught you the piano right? Maybe you could write a song and play it for them, if you can’t talk.”
it had been good advice. Getting them both when free had been hard but Nathalie was a huge help. It had worked for a while, his parents talking, but then it down spiraled again. He didn’t even think about it then, he just went to the boat house and sat in Luka’s room.
“I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.”
“You’re not. If the boat house is your escape to freedom, then door is always open.” Luka put his hand on Adrien’s. “I’m here if you need it.”
When filming was over and turned in, they had a cast party at the park near Marinette’s family patisserie and he talked to Luka about how much he appreciated being there for him.
“I don’t know how to thank you.” Adrien had said.
The usually calm looking Luka looked shy as he said the next words. “How about a date?” his shyness was overtaken by nervousness when Adrien hadn’t responded. “Unless I read the signs wrong?”
“No! No, you didn’t. I would love to go. Um, I know you’re going on that trip to London though, with your school and I have, practically everything else. When you get back?”
His usually after-school activities took quite a lot of his time, but the two were able to survive with calls and texts and messages through Juleka. When Luka scored tickets to a private premier to Jagged Stone’s new album, that was going to be there date, after the awards. But his mom shut that down real quick, saying she and her father had something they needed to tell him. He didn’t want to guess, mostly cause he didn’t want it to be true. All he wanted was to escape into freedom with Luka before everything he knew went crashing down around him.
“And I like to thank my parents for instilling a love of theatre in me at such a young age, thank you.” Adrien drown, the model persona he’d usually throw on in front of a large crowd of mostly strangers absent.
His father was late, just arriving as the awards began. But with him he had a huge bouquet of flowers for Adrien as a congratulations, even though he hadn’t won anything yet.
“An Agreste never fails at what he does.” his father said.
“Except show up on time.” his mother snapped back.
The two were arguing around him until he snapped himself and told them to stop. When his category was called, Best Male Lead, he was filled with nerves, so when they called his name, he was elated. He heard his friends cheering for him but when he realised his parents were too busy being mad at each other to even clap for him. He might of stomped up the stairs like a child but he felt like it was allowed.
With his award in hand, he went backstage, needing a moment before he went back out to deal with his parents when he heard someone clapping for him.
“Quite the speech, if not a bit monotone. I can hear your heart, sad and angry. Even tonight?” he asked, referring to Adrien’s parents.
“Even tonight.”
“Well at least we have our date to distract you. oh.” he said, seeing the look on Adrien’s face. “they said no?”
Adrien was going to say yes, but then he realised something. With the way his parents were acting, he felt like he couldn’t breath and he knew what was coming. Just for a little while, he needed to be free.
“Why should they get to ruin my night? Will it be ok if I use our date to escape?”
“I offer you the freedom you deserve, even if for only a night.” Luka said, outstretching his hand, which Adrien took.
The blonde model pulled him across the stage, darting behind the announcer and no doubt exposing them to his parents, but he could care less. When he was around Luka, he felt like anything was possible, like he could breath. Like he was free.
They arrived at the secret party in the more party area of Paris but inside because of the small crowd, things were going well. Penny greeted him, whispering that she wouldn’t say anything to his dad and steering them away from the alcohol.
“I hate really hard stuff anyway. Most I do is wine and that’s at high function evens. With my parent’s permission.” Adrien said as he stood next to Luka as they ordered sodas at the bar.
“Lightweight, inharited from my mom. Drinks plus rocking boat doesn’t make for a good time.” Luka joked.
“Thanks again for bringing me here. I’m having a good time.”
“And our night is barely starting. Who knows what waits for us?”
the rest of the night was the best. They danced to the heavy rock music and he saw Luka fanboy a little when Jagged Stone came over and talked to them. Adrien’s parents tried calling him and the only reason the French version of the SWAT team didn’t come descending to find him was because Adrien put on the counter app Max made to block his location.
After the party, Luka took him to his favourite all night cafe.
“Did they hurt?” Adrien had been asking about Luka’s piercings, staring at them as he pushed Luka’s hair away from his ear.
“A bit. I want to get an auricle piercing next. It’s kinda halfway down your ear shell. Luka traced as Adrien moved his hand but moved just a but closer to him.
“Maybe I’ll get a matching one.”
“Badge of teenage rebellion?”
“More like badge of freedom. I have a feeling my parent’s might lock me away when I get home. This was completely worth it though.”
“Maybe I’ll have to find a way to sneak into your room.”
Adrien let out a laugh, fingers playing with the ring on his finger. “I think I’d actually have better success than you on that front.”
Luka took Adrien’s hands into his. “Think I can convince you to breath free air a bit longer? If not, I’ll walk you home myself. Unless the fighting would be worse.”
“Well at least they’d both be mad at me when it comes to that, but I think I can, in exchange for something. Juleka says that PDA is banned in your school? Something about a really horrible principal and an untimed hit from an Akuma?”
Luka looked interested in what Adrien was saying. “Your heart is singing a mischievous song. What are you planning?”
“I stay out a bit longer in exchange for some contraband kissing?” Adrien had never kissed anyone, well not really, but he wanted to kiss Luka, bad.
“I’m astonished at you. I never break the rules. Then again, where’s the fun in that though?”
Adrien couldn’t help the smile that came to his face when Luka kissed him. He might have to kiss his freedom goodbye when he got back home but for a moment like this, it was totally worth it.
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Out of Commission: A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction
The latest in my fanfiction series. Hope you enjoy
Marinette was walking with her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste, on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the park. Normally, they'd be very happy, but this outing was sullied by unpleasant personal thoughts. Seeing it in eachother's faces, the two sat on a bench, and decided to talk about it. "You first, or me?" Adrien asked. Marinette sighed. "You first." she answered. Adrien took a deep breath. "My lady, am I useless?" he asked her. Marinette was shocked by the question. "What? What are you talking about?" she asked. "As Chat Noir, I mean." Adrien clarified. "I overheard some skeptics the other day. They said I don't really contribute much. They say I'm more of a sidekick, or meat shield. They say you don't really need me." he said with a melancholy tone. Marinette put a stern look on her face, took Adrien by his lower jaw, and turned his head towards her. "Adrien Agreste, you listen to me. You are a wonderful person, and a great partner. Don't forget that you saved my life in the past, and there were times where my plans wouldn't have worked if you weren't there. Yeah, you've stumbled, even got brainwashed a few times, but it happens." Marinette scolded. "You are the best partner, and boyfriend, I could ever hope for. Don't think for even a second that I don't need you." Adrien smiled at Marinette's words, and hugged her. She smiled as she returned the hug.
"Thank you, princess. Now it's your turn. What's bothering you?" Adrien asked. Marinette sighed. "It's my mom." Marinette admitted. "She's been sick for a while, and our doctor left town just a week ago. It's making her very moody. She's been throwing up a lot, and every time I ask her what's wrong, she tells me not to worry, that I have enough on my plate with being a super hero, and that she'll be better soon." Adrien grew worried.  He had next to no knowledge in the field of illnesses and medicine, but he saw how upset Marinette looked, and did his best to think of some decent advice. "Hey, with your mom being as smart as she is, I would take her word for it." Adrien advised. "If she says she'll be better soon, then you should trust her. I'm sure she'll tell you if it gets serious" Marinette sighed. "Okay. Still, maybe I should.." Her sentence was interrupted by a call. It was Alya, who was supposed to be on patrol as Rena Rouge with Carapace and Queen Bee. Marinette knew she wouldn't call unless it was an emergency, so she picked up, and put her on speaker. "Hello?" Marinette asked. "Guys, we have a problem." said the voice of Rena. "What's wrong?" Adrien asked.  "So get this, Carapace, Bee, and I are dealing with a burning building, right? Well, turns out it was started by a fire Akuma, and he's heading towards the fire department down the street from the Mayor's office." Alya replied.  "We'll handle it. You guys worry about the building, and meet up with us as soon you can." said Marinette. The call ended, and Adrien and Marinette rushed to a secluded spot across the street from the park, just behind a barbershop. Once they had a chance, they transformed, and were on their way.
They arrived at the fire department just as the Akuma did. They looked at this new villain.  He wore a black, skin tight suit, a long, dark red overcoat, and orange boots, and  gloves, all  with yellow trim made to look like flames. He was bald with bone white skin, and red lensed sunglasses. "Ah, Ladybug and her pet kitty. The name's Torcher." he said with a mock bow. The two heroes scowled. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just looking for a little payback against those miserable, glorified water boys people call firefighters,  and maybe take your Miraculous while I'm at it." he said before blasting fireballs at them. Ladybug and Chat Noir dodged the attack, only to see that the fireballs were powerful enough to cause explosions. The two heroes were shocked.  "Okay, this guy is dangerous. We have to take him out as soon as possible." said Ladybug. "You’re right, but first we should...LADYBUG, WATCH OUT!!" exclaimed Chat. Before they could react, a fireball hit the ground near them, and they flew in different directions. Chat Noir slowly got up,  ignoring any pain, but was shocked when he saw his lady lying on the ground, and not moving. In a panic, Chat rushed over to her. He checked her heart, and then her breath. "Merci Dieu!" he exclaimed. "You're still alive!" Just then, he heard her earrings beep. "Uh oh, I gotta get her out of here." Chat said as he picked her up. He carried her as fast as he could. Of course, the villain chased them, but Chat had a plan. He ran and leaped through the city in all sorts of random directions. This included going from pavement to rooftop as many times as possible. This managed to lose him, and Chat took her home just as she detransformed.
Once they were inside, Tikki came out. "Tikki, get Marinette's parents, and tell them what happened." Chat instructed as his ring beeped. "And tell them to bring camembert." Tikki gave a quick salute. "On the double!" she said as she flew downstairs. Meanwhile, Chat looked Marinette over. "Well, no cuts, no bruises, and nothing broken. Thank goodness. You are one lucky bug, bugaboo." he said as he stroked his hand against her face. "Mon Dieu, she's even beautiful when she's unconscious." he added before being detransformed. "You okay, Plagg?" Adrien asked his Kwami. "Yeah." said Plagg. "Just drained." That's when Sabine and Tom rushed up into the room. "I have the first aid kit!" exclaimed Sabine. "I have the cheese!" exclaimed Tom. Plagg rushed over, and dug in to his cheese. "Oh, my poor baby." said Sabine, putting a wet cloth on Marinette's head. "We'll tend to her. You better get going." said Tom to Adrien. "What?! But I can't do this without her!" Adrien said in a panic. "Yes you can. You may not be able to undo the Akuma, but you can still beat it." said Sabine. "But how?" Adrien asked. "I'm not as fast a thinker as she is. I don't know how to fight like Ladybug." Tom put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Don't fight him like Ladybug. You're not Ladybug." he asserted. "Fight him like Chat Noir." Adrien heard those words, and smiled. He had an idea. "Claws out!" he exclaimed. He transformed, and made his way out. "Send her back as soon as she's ready." he said before climbing out the nearest window.
Back in the heart of Paris, Torcher was using his powers to try and draw out the heroes that had escaped his grasp. He was growing impatient. Which was just what Chat Noir was hoping for.  He stood atop a building, and prepared to put his plan into action. "Hey, Torcher, is that sulfur I smell, or is that just your fiery funk? I don't need a cat's sense of smell to tell me that you stink!" said Chat in an insulting tone while holding his nose. Torcher growled, and tossed a fire ball at him. Chat dodged it, and the fireball, went up into the air. "Is that all you've got? I'd hardly call you a hot-shot. Nah, I'd say you're more lukewarm." The villain was getting angrier. "Hold still, you mangey stray!" Chat Noir continued to dodge the fire balls. "Did I say lukewarm? Now, I'm thinking more like ice cold." he taunted. Torcher growled, and used his fire like a jet propulsion to get up to Chat's level. "That's it, Cat Boy! Miraculous or no, I'm gonna turn you into barbecue!" the villain ranted. "Catch me if you can!" said Chat as turned around and took off.  Chat chuckled as he lead the villain through the city, dodging every fire ball and flame thrown at him. "Man, leave it to a fire Akuma to be a real hothead." he said to himself.
Meanwhile, back at the Dupain-Cheng's house, Marinette was finally waking up. She opened her eyes to see her mother and father, as well as Tikki. "Mama? Papa? Tikki?" she said as she was coming to. "Oh thank goodness." said Sabine. "You're okay. We were worried for a second." The four of them hugged. "Okay, you better get going, dear. Chat Noir needs you." said Tom. Marinette got up, and prepared to go, but stopped. She knew this wasn't the best time, but she wasn't going to be able to focus unless she had some answers. "Mom, before I go, I need to know, why are you so sick?" she asked. Sabine sighed. "Marinette, I told you.." she started. "I know you told me not to worry." Marinette interrupted. "But I can't help it. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." she said. "You mean the world to me." Marinette said as her eyes watered. "I don't want to lose my mama." Sabine crumbled at the sight of her daughter crying, and hugged her. "Oh sweetie, you're not going to lose me." she said in a comforting tone before breaking the hug to look at Marinette. "I'm sorry if I worry you, but the truth is, I don't know what's wrong with me. I only know that it feels awful. In fact, I haven't felt this sick since I was...." Sabine had a sudden realization.  "Honey, I think I know what's going on with me." she said. "And I'll have an answer for you when you get back, but for now, Paris needs you." Marinette wiped her eyes, and nodded. "Tikki, Spots on!" she exclaimed. Once she was transformed, she made her way out into the city. Sabine looked to her husband. "Tom, let's go to the pharmacy. We have a test to take." she asserted. Tom nodded, and they made their way out the door.
Things were going according to plan, or at least that's what Chat Noir would say if he was asked. He just had to get Torcher away from the more crowded parts of town, somewhere where close and tight, somewhere where no one else was around, but most importantly, somewhere with water. Luckily, he had just the place in mind.  An abandoned car wash in an older part of the city. Chat found it once when on patrol. He never thought he'd be using it. He went inside, and looked around. "Boy, what a wash." he joked to himself. "Now, where is that water system. He looked and looked until finally, he found it in the basement. Chat checked it out, and to his pleasant surprise, it still had water. "Perfect." he said as he turned the system back on. "Now, all I got to do is trick that hothead to come down here." He began to brainstrom, but it was interrupted. "Don't bother." said the villain, appearing behind him. "Perfect. Nowhere for you to run, or hide. Now I'm going to roast you." Chat Noir chuckled, cracking his knuckles and neck. "Careful, the roast is tougher than it looks." With that, the two began fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Torcher's fists were on fire, so Chat was mostly on the defensive, but that didn't stop him from delivering a blow once or twice. This fight took them all around the room, practically going in circles. Chat then realized he was in front of one of the water pipes. 'Perfect.' he thought. He stood perfectly still with a smirk on his face. Torcher, angered beyond the point of reason, charged a fireball, and threw it at Chat. The feline themed hero leaped out of the way, and the explosion from the fireball made a tear in the pipes, causing water to shoot out, and spray Torcher, putting his fire out. 
"NO!" he exclaimed. He then realized his sunglasses were missing. "Where are my shades?!" he shouted. "Looking for these?" said a female voice. Both Chat and Torcher turned to see Ladybug, who was holding the glasses. She broke them in half, releasing the Akuma. "Time to De-Evilise!" she exclaimed as she used her yo-yo to cleanse the butterfly. She then took the broken glasses, and tossed them in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" she exclaimed. The Miraculous Ladybug did its job. All the damage from the Akuma was undone, and the Akumatized villain was revealed to be a thin man in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He had a shaved head, and a petite goatee, as well as flame tattoos on his arms. He got up, and looked at Chat Noir. "Ladybug! Chat Noir! Aw man! I'm sorry! My boyfriend, he dumped me for a firefighter. I-I-I was just so mad..." he went on, trying to explain himself. "Hey, it's okay. Your feelings are understandable." said Ladybug. "Yeah, besides, it's the Akuma that made you do those things." said Chat. They took the young man out of the old car wash, and had the police escort him home. "Way to go, my lady!" said Chat Noir. "Came right in the nick of time, just as I needed you." he praised. "Thanks, Chaton. But really, you deserve the credit. You're the one who beat the Akuma while I was out of commission." Ladybug replied. "Yeah, I guess. Still, I like it better when we work together. That's when we're at our best." said Chat. "True." said Ladybug. "Well, we better get going. See you later, Kitty." she said as she made her way home. "Farewell, my lady. He said as he blew a kiss, and went home himself.
Ladybug landed on the balcony of her home, and made her way downstairs as she detransformed. There, in the bakery, was her mother, sitting at one of the tables, smiling. "Mom, did you get your answers?" Marinette asked. "I sure did, sweetie. And I'm ready to tell you, but first, your father left something in the oven. Do you mind taking care of it real quick?" Sabine replied. Marinette sighed. Was this really the time for a chore? She had been hoping for some answers so she could not be as worried as she had been. Still, the sooner she complied, the sooner her mom would cooperate. She went into the kitchen, and peaked into the oven. A bun. A single, solitary bun. Marinette huffed, took the bun out, and brought it back to her mother. "Mom, I love you, but seriously? You told me you would tell me why you were so sick as soon as I got home, but instead, you have me looking at a bun in the oven. Could you please just..." It was then that Marinette had a realization. "Wait....bun...in the oven? A bun in the oven?" She looked at the bun, then looked at Sabine. "Mama?" she asked. Sabine smiled as she placed her right hand on her stomach. Marinette's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. She then had an enormous smile on her face as tears fell from her eyes. "Oh Mommy!" Marinette cried out as she hugged her mother. Sabine smiled as she hugged her daughter. Marinette was weeping with joy. Where there once was worry, now there was only pure happiness. As far as she was concerned, this was one of the best days of her life. "I'm gonna be a big sister!"
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sebayard · 7 years
Miraculous Ladybug Secret Santa Gift
I’m excited to reveal my ML Secret Santa gift for @ineedasideblogforfanart! It was such a blast to write for you. I really hope you enjoy it! 
Also, thank you so much to @mlsecretsanta for creating and hosting this event! You all rock my socks.
Memoirs of a Son
Words: 2,502
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Adrinette, Ladynoir
Characters: Adrien, Mama Agreste, Gabriel Agreste, Marinette, Plagg
Tags: Angst with a Happy/Hopeful Ending, Family Drama, Character Study, Future Fic
Read on AO3
For Adrien, there are moments from his childhood that he can remember with amazing clarity, like items in a time capsule, frozen and untouched, waiting to be pulled out by a familiar hand and re-lived as if no time has passed at all. These moments ground him, keep him safe from the onslaught of emotions he has difficulty controlling. Small beacons of light when his world begins to be a little too dark along the edges.
Adrien draws upon these moments often, but he started accessing them even more when he became Chat Noir four years ago. It’s stressful, having the safety of Paris resting on his shoulders even though he’s not alone. He knows that Ladybug feels it too, and Plagg, although the kwami doesn’t show it. He wonders how they cope, how they keep the dark edges at bay. He remembers talking to Marinette about it, soon after they revealed their identities and started dating. Her answer had been simple, then. “The people around me ground me.” He wonders if her answer is the same now, two years later. Perhaps, one day, he’ll ask. But not now, because right now Chat Noir is yet again busy fighting off the influence of an akuma. This particular villain is called Colére, and he is Anger and Fury in full force, feeding off and spreading rage like a virus. Chat feels it creeping at the corners of his mind, feasting on him, waiting for him to crack but he won’t, he won’t, he-
He’s five years old and it’s his first snowfall.
It’s the day after Christmas. There is still wrapping paper scattered along the floor, discarded toys laying in all corners of the room, gingerbread crumbs waiting to be vacuumed by the maid. It is a quiet evening in the Agreste household, save for the soft pit-pat of Adrien’s own feet as he zooms across the floor. He races to each window in the house, trying to peek through the fogged up glass, and pouts when he realizes he’s too short to see anything significant. But before he can make a fuss, someone whisks him up into the air and deposits him lightly near the front door where his parents wait patiently. His mother gently places red mittens over his fingers, his father pulls a fluffy white hat over his ears, a matching scarf is wrapped carefully around his neck, and his puffy black jacket is zipped up tight. He feels like he is being hugged all over, warm, comforted, safe, like nothing can touch him, not even winter’s fierce, biting chill.
He reaches out his hands for his parents to take, and suddenly he’s being lifted up onto the tall shoulders of his father. Adrien giggles and wiggles on his shoulders as his mother, now shorter than him, looks up and smiles. He giggles some more and points, delighted at this new development. What a wonder it is, to be above it all, to see and experience the world like this. It’s almost magical.
Then they step out into the open air and Adrien’s eyes go wide.
The snow is falling gently, muting the landscape into hues of white and grey, and it’s the most beautiful thing Adrien has ever seen. The ground is covered in patches of white with just the smallest flecks of brown grass still peeking through the surface. The air is chilly and the snowflakes landing on Adrien’s nose make him shiver, but the absolute miracle of it all helps him ignore the cold.
Adrien’s father takes a few more steps into the yard before lifting Adrien once again and placing his feet in the thin, soft snow. He looks back up at the man and smiles wide when he sees a quick grin flash across his face.
“Come, Adrien. Let me teach you how to make a proper snowball.” His father grabs his hand and begins to lead Adrien away towards a larger patch of snow, but before they reach it his father is pelted in the side, snow exploding in a small puff.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Adrien’s mother smirks, lightly tossing a small snowball in her left hand before throwing it near his father’s head.
The man stops and stares, looking affronted, and for a brief moment Adrien is afraid they’re going to fight. But to his shock, his father drops his hand and chuckles. He gathers up some snow, shapes it, and hands the newly formed ball to Adrien. “Throw this as hard as you can at your mother, okay?”
Adrien nods, and he does the best throw he can. It barely goes four feet before falling pitifully to the ground, eliciting more laughs from both his father and mother, and Adrien feels with stunning clarity that this is the happiest he has ever been.
Without warning, the memory shifts, and Adrien’s gut lurches.
He’s still standing in the snow, his parents are still there, but it’s...different. Everything’s shifted, skewed, tinted with a thin veil of an angry red...
Then everything changes.
He’s twelve years old, again, standing in the snow, being told his mother is never coming home.
He’s twelve years old, watching them lower a coffin that he knows is empty but it’s all they have.
He’s twelve years old, and his father stands over him like a statue, cold, unmoving.
He’s twelve years old, his family is gone, and Adrien screams.
He screams at the little five year old boy, giggling in the snow. He screams at the man with the red cheeks and crinkled eyes, who hasn’t looked that happy in years. He screams at the woman who should be alive, who should be there to hug him and give him advice and keep their family whole but she’s gone, she left him alone alone alone and why why why would she do that why would she leave? How could she? How dare she? She had no right, none at all. It’s all her fault it’s all her fault it’s all her fault he hates her he-
This isn’t right.
                                                                           (“Chat Noir? Can you hear me?”)
Adrien stops screaming, his voice feeling raw and spent. He looks at the environment around him, this scene frozen in time, and anguish replaces his rage.
When did this memory become replaced by the bitterness of the present? By this anger? It’s supposed to be safe from all this, to be full of hope and joy and love from when his family was whole and safe and happy. Not like...this. Anything but this. Adrien can’t have this moment wrenched from his grip too.
He clenches his eyes, demanding his mind to cooperate.
The lilting laugh of his mother, the warmth of his father’s hands, the steadiness in their gaze-
-sitting together by the fire, Mother tucking him in, Father kissing him goodnight-
                                                                                                      (“Chat, please!”)
The darkness, miraculously, ebbs.
Adrien emerges from the deep recesses of his mind, gasping, feeling like a bucket of ice water was dumped over his head.
Ladybug’s voice is soft and tentative, so distant from her usual tone of assuredness and confidence. She looks...scared? No, worried.
Uh oh.
Chat feels his face warm up, embarrassed by whatever it was that she had to witness. “I’m sorry about that, m’lady. I’m okay now.”
Ladybug frowns, unconvinced, and cups his cheek lightly, wiping a tear he didn’t notice with her thumb. “Are you sure?”
Chat leans into her touch before nodding. “Yeah. I’m fine now, promise.”
She frowns again, but seems to accept his answer. “Okay. The akuma is in the top of Colére’s staff. I’ll distract him with this,” she holds up her yoyo and a small fan that was given as her lucky charm, “while you break the staff.”
Chat nods, trying to get his head back into the right mindset. “You got it, Buginette.”
The rest of the battle goes smoothly, after that. Of course Ladybug’s plan works flawlessly, which never ceases to leave Chat in awe, and he’s able to break Colére’s staff with a quick swipe of a hand. Ladybug throws her lucky charm in the air, and once again all is right with the world.
But even as he and Ladybug run off to de-transform somewhere private, Adrien can’t shake the cloud of negativity that’s shoved it’s way into his mind, unwelcomed. Ever since Colére held Adrien in his grip, he couldn’t shake this feeling of heaviness.
It seems that Ladybug noticed, because the moment they’ve both transformed, she’s enveloping him into a strong, warm hug,
“I’m okay, Marinette.” He tries to reassure her, but even now he isn’t sure his words are true.
“You keep saying that, but I saw you, Chaton. You were screaming. Whatever it was that Colére made you see, it wasn’t okay.”
“I just saw my family, Buginette. Really, it’s fine.”
Marinette gives him a stern look and Adrien already feels guilty for trying to brush it off. “Adrien, we’ve known each other for four years and have been dating for two of them. I know when you’re lying. Tell me what happened.”
Adrien sighs, leans against the alley wall, and sinks to the ground. “It was just...he invaded one of the few good memories of when my family was whole. I feel like he ruined something important.”
Marinette places a gently hand on his knee as she sits down next to him. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. That’s awful.”
He places a hand over hers and squeezes. “Thanks, Marinette. It just, it wouldn’t be so awful if I could actually talk to my father. He’s... he’s the only family I have, the only real connection I have to my mother and the way things used to be. But he’s... never around and I don’t know if he would even want to talk if he had the opportunity.” Adrien scoffs and rubs has temples. “We’re not exactly close, in case you couldn’t tell.”
Marinette sighs, then suddenly his green eyes are staring into deep blue ones, cheeks squished between her hands. “First all, I’ve told you this before, but I’ll say it every day until you remember it, if I have to. He’s not your only family, Adrien. You’ve got me, and Nino, and Alya, and Plagg, heck, even Chloe. You are never, ever alone. Okay?”
Adrien nods, cheeks still squished and warm from her touch. “Okay.”
God, he loves this woman.
“Good.” Marinette smiles and let’s go of his face, but she never breaks her gaze away. “That being said, I know how much you love Gabriel, and I know how much he loves you, even if he doesn’t always show it. It’s not too late, you know, for you to work things out with him. You said he’s in town for the rest of the week, right? What if you tried talking to him? I’m not saying it has to be about this, or anything groundbreaking, but just, something, to remind yourself that he’s there? To open the door to communication between the both of you? Who knows, maybe you’ll be surprised.”
Adrien bites his lip. “Maybe.”
Marinette pulls his head in for a kiss. “I have to go now, Chaton, but if you decide to talk to him, let me know how it goes, okay?”
“Of course.”
She smiles as she heads out of the alley and around the corner. “I love you, Chaton.”
“I love you too, Buginette.”
Adrien sits on his bed as Plagg zips around the room, chattering on about something that Adrien isn’t paying attention to, and apparently the kwami notices because suddenly a piece of camembert is being thrown at his head.
“Maybe if you were paying attention you could have avoided having cheese flung at you.”
“Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“About your dad, I presume?” Plagg asks as he zooms over to hover next to him.
“Are you going to talk to him? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“It has, but...I don’t know…” And it really has been a while. For two people that live in the same house, they barely saw each other, let alone said hello. The distance between father and son has been building up for years and years, and Adrien knows that if something doesn’t change soon, the damage could be permanent. But that doesn’t make him any less reluctant.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I think you should.”
The sincerity in Plagg’s voice intrigues him. “And why’s that?”
Plagg shrugs. “Because I know you, and I know that, in spite of how angry you are, you don’t hate him, and if you let him go now it’ll be one of your biggest regrets.” He takes another bite of cheese. “And I don’t want to be the one you complain about your daddy issues to in ten years.”
Adrien rolls his eyes at that last comment, but he can’t help but admit that Plagg’s right. “Okay.”
“So you’ll talk to him?”
“Yeah, yeah I’ll talk to him.”
“Good. Now go before you change your mind. Oh, and kid?”
Adrien turns from his spot at the doorway. “Yeah?”
“Marinette’s right. I’ll always be here, as long as you’ll have me. And... I’m proud of you, even if your deadbeat dad isn’t. I hope that counts for something.”
“Thanks Plagg.” He smiles. “It does.”
Adrien stands at the door to his father’s office, hand raised to knock. The feeling of heaviness hasn’t left. Does he expect it to? Adrien doesn’t know, but he does know that he needs to to do this, not matter how it goes. Taking a deep breath, he raps on the door three times.
“Come in.” A faint voice filters through the walls, and Adrien walks through, his heart racing with each step.
His father doesn’t notice him at first. He continues to stare at his computer, engrossed in whatever work that is before him.
“Hello, Father.”
Mr. Agreste freezes. He slowly lifts his head up to meet Adrien’s gaze.
Then Adrien sees it.
(He’s five, and his father is smiling down at him as he puts another snowball in his hand.)
(He’s six, and his father laughs as Adrien sticks out his tongue during his first photoshoot.)
(He’s eight, and his father says “I love you” before Adrien falls to sleep against his shoulder.)
He’s seventeen, and his father gazes up at him from his deck, and emotions flit across his face like a movie screen. Disbelief, excitement, a touch of fear, but there’s one expression that Adrien will always recognize in his father’s face.
It’s in his lips upturned into the faintest of smiles and the slight crinkle of his eyes. It’s small, but it’s there. It’s familiar. It’s genuine. And Adrien knows what it means.
He feels the gap between them begin to shrink. He feels grounded, safe. A new memory falls in place beside the old.
“I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
The darkness lifts.
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isadorator · 7 years
tell the survivors (the help is on the way remix)
a remix of sins cannot be undone done in one sitting because i only write this au when i’m tired. my soul is tired. my emotions are tired. my life is tired. i’m t i r e d. (now on ao3)
In which Marinette can’t do anything but watch Adrien fall apart and put himself back together.
Ladybug has an instant to register Chat’s back shielding her. Then the point of Hawk Moth’s sword cane erupts from the centre, splattering her with blood.
She’s screaming even as she catches Chat, hugging him to her as his eyes flutter shut and his breath stops.
She’s silent as she lays his dead body on the ground and lunges for Hawk Moth, bloodied sword limp as he stares at the boy he murdered. One hit in the jaw from the Lucky Charm in her hand—a kettlebell—and Hawk Moth goes down.
Ladybug rips the Butterfly Miraculous off his suit and barely stops herself bringing the kettlebell down on his head.
Hawk Moth is Gabriel Agreste.
Adrien’s father.
Ladybug drops the Lucky Charm to the side, using her free hand to drag Gabriel up by his collar. The edges of the Butterfly Miraculous dig into her clenched fist.
He looks at her with blank eyes. She can’t stop shaking.
(Adrien was murdered by his own father.)
She heaves, tossing him at the feet of the police officers who have been watching their battle from afar. Then she picks up the kettlebell, heavier than anything she’s ever lifted.
(Chat’s life is in her hands.)
Chat is alive and fragile in a way that prickles Ladybug’s skin. It feels wrong to see her brave, energetic kitty as an ashen statue, his gaze so distant, it’s beyond her reach.
He barely reacts when she carries him back to his room, when she lays him out on his bed, when Plagg cries over him in relief. Tears well at the edges of her eyes. She doesn’t know what to do.
Adrien looks at the ceiling with the same blank eyes as his father, and Marinette stays.
It’s getting late, and Marinette needs to be home.
(It’s getting late, and Marinette can’t stop thinking that this isn’t Adrien’s home.)
Gathering what courage she has left, Ladybug invites Adrien to stay with her family.
He deserves better than to stay here in the place he was hurt, that hurts him even now, and she’s useless—
Adrien shakes his head.
“I need to be alone,” he tells her, his voice cracking and wet.
“O-okay,” says Ladybug because that’s all she can say. “Text me later?”
“Yeah,” he says.
That night, after returning the Butterfly Miraculous to Master Fu, Marinette stares at her phone.
So I’m emancipated now. Father’s idea.
She keeps staring, staring, staring, and concentrates on breathing.
Adrien was his own man now.
(His father threw him away.)
He could make his own decisions about his life.
(His father threw him away.)
His father would rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life and could never hurt her Adrien again.
(His father threw him away.)
Marinette curls up on her bedspread, phone still clutched in her hands. Downstairs, Papa is closing up the bakery with Mama. Her warm Papa, who played games with her and taught her to decorate cakes and held her when Chloé made her cry.
“It’s not fair,” she chokes out, and Tikki nestles in her hair, whispering nothings as she wills her trembling fingers to type.
call me
The world goes from wrong to insane as Marinette is hounded by her schoolmates and Adrien is hounded by the media.
For the next two days, he refuses to talk to anyone. Not a word to her, to his friends, and Marinette walks around with a sick knot low in her stomach. It loosens when Nino proposes that they—Nino, Marinette, and Alya—break past the crowds howling for blood and storm the mansion itself.
The plan goes off without a hitch. At least, until they meet Adrien.
(“He hurt all of you,” says Adrien.
“He hurt you too,” says Alya.)
He ends up burying his head in Marinette’s shoulder, weak laughter folding into gasping sobs. Marinette runs her fingers through his hair and remembers how he powerless she felt holding him as he died.
Later, when the movie they put on is winding down, Marinette and Adrien slip away from their sleeping friends to talk in the kitchen.
“I found this in…in his office,” says Adrien, showing Marinette the Peacock Miraculous.
(She should have smashed the kettlebell into Hawk Moth’s face.)
Marinette hovers over Adrien when he comes to school the next day, sticking close enough to hold his hand and pull him into a quiet corner when needed. He doesn’t seem to mind.
Luckily, most of their classmates leave Adrien alone, running interference with the rest of the student body or offering small gestures of sympathy.
After school, they return the Peacock Miraculous to Master Fu together. Master Fu and Marinette watch Adrien as his eyes stay glued to the Butterfly Miraculous. When all the unclaimed Miraculous are tucked away again, Adrien blinks and twists his lips.
“If you’re free,” Master Fu begins suddenly, “I have a garden on the roof that needs weeding.”
Marinette takes Adrien’s hand. He grips it almost painfully tight.
“I have a photoshoot,” Adrien mumbles.
He doesn’t move.
“We’re free,” Marinette finally says, tugging them both up the stairs.
“Are you sure about this?” Marinette asks a week later as Adrien brushes his hair in his bathroom. Tikki and Plagg huddle together on top of the dresser, looking down at them with solemn eyes. “You don’t have to go.”
(He doesn’t deserve your forgiveness.)
“I’m…just visiting,” says Adrien. He reaches into the cabinets under the sink to pull out a tub of gel. He uses it to style his hair from fluffy Chat Noir to smooth Adrien Agreste. “Father’s in jail. He can’t hurt anyone. Not anymore.”
(He hurt you, Adrien.)
Marinette draws close enough to pull him into a hug. He startles but quickly hugs her back, kissing her forehead. She rests her ear on his chest, listening to the steady drum of his heart.
(He won’t change.)
“Are you sure?” she asks again, closing her eyes.
“I’m sure,” he answers.
When Chat crawls in through her balcony window later that day, shivering with the same blank stare of his cooling corpse, Marinette folds around him. As if she could somehow protect him.
(He doesn’t deserve you.)
Adrien starts coming over more and more. He has his own toothbrush at Marinette’s and Nino’s. He learns to make penne at Alya’s mother’s elbow. Their group takes the train to Versailles, spending the morning in the palace and the afternoon in the gardens.
Something unclenches in Marinette as Adrien tries different things. None of them have anything to with his father’s failing company or the empty mansion that is now Paris’ most expensive storage unit.
One day, when she returns from helping out her parents at the bakery, Adrien is waiting for her in her room. There’s a new layer of papier-mâché on her sculpture for art class, and Marinette quirks an eyebrow at him.
“Papier-mâché fairy,” he whispers loudly, the upward twitch of his lips giving him away. “They always leave a paper trail.”
Marinette picks up one of the pillows on her lounge and throws it at him as he laughs.
The prison guard glares at Marinette as she waits outside the gate, and Marinette ignores everything but the sight of Adrien walking out from his visit. She waves her hand, and the tired hunch of his shoulders disappears into stiff-backed surprise.
“What are you doing here?” he asks as he takes her hand. Marinette presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
“I thought you might need some company,” she says. Adrien’s eyes are red rimmed, but not blank, and Marinette feels ridiculously grateful.
He sniffs and flashes her a weak grin. “Can’t resist all this, huh?”
“Never,” Marinette agrees, and they slowly make their way back home. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Adrien looks away to think, staring up at the sky.
“Do you think it’s stupid to try talking to him?” he asks her.
“Do you think he’s changed?” Marinette asks instead, pushing away her rage.
“No,” says Adrien. “He said he loves me. That he never meant to hurt me.”
(He murdered you.)
“But he doesn’t seem to think what he did was wrong,” Adrien continues. “None of it.”
Marinette thinks back to the years of bullying from Chloé and fighting against Hawk Moth. It’s nothing compared to what Adrien’s been through. Even thinking of that final battle, that awful day, brings with it a creeping sense of horror, tainting her worldview with the crippling feelings of helplessness and hate.
Adrien saved her life, and she couldn’t even help him with this.
“I can’t decide what to think for you,” says Marinette. “I’m sorry.”
Marinette watches him as he watches his feet.
“It doesn’t feel…I can’t not try to fix things with him,” he says. He squeezes her hand. “He’s my father. I can’t abandon him.”
Leaning her head against his shoulder, Marinette closes her eyes to stop the tears threatening to spill and squeezes back.
(He never deserved you.)
“I know,” she says, resigned.
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