#man I love all the hair headcanons for trolls
sarilolla · 8 months
Trolls headcanon
So, we all know how babies and young kids often hide or stick around in an adults hair (I’m guessing most often a parent or parent figure)? I think that’s a remnant from when the adults had to carry them around like that for safety reasons (pre-sound era). It calmed the kiddo down, as they felt safe and protected, and kept them in a safe spot for the adult. It also probably comes from how an egg incubates in hair
Now, Pop Trolls literally depended on this calming feature for their kiddos while living in the Troll Tree. While adults and teens could be quiet when necessary, babies and young kids struggled. So hair time was when the tiny one knew they should be calm and many used it as a nap spot. It’s a thing heavily associated with protection
That protection and calming feeling continues when the kid is too old to stay in their protector/guardian’s hair. That means that if a parent grabbed their kid with their hair (like we have seen the Pop Trolls do many times), the kid will instinctively calm down a bit. It’s the sense of family and protection, and that instinct can carry on long until adulthood. The longer the older carries you around in their hair, the longer that instinct of safety lasts
Branch was carried around a lot by his brothers, but mostly JD as he was the oldest and could easier carry him around (they’re sitting on your head after all, you need a certain strength). All four of them were protective of their tiny baby brother, so they all carried him a lot, meaning that if any of them grabbed him with their hair now… he would instantly calm down and nearly rag doll, much to his embarrassment
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fanficsdumpomg · 9 months
Brozone x Reader (As Parents Headcanons)
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John Dory:
*John Dory always dreamed of starting a family of his own during his young adult years but after brozone broke up and him hiking/adventuring the last decade that dream seemed further and further away.
*All that changed when he met you during his travels you too had a meet cute and after some slow burn you had finally gotten together! Suddenly John Dory felt a little less alone in his life, with his brothers back you both discussed starting your family together, and while you weren't actively trying; John was excited
*Which leads you to today, when you had woken up you discovered a turquoise egg with (H/C) nesting in your hair.
*John was ecstatic when you told him, to say the least, already planning many family adventures for your family.
*During the egg's nesting cycle you will have to fight this man to hold your child, he will constantly be bringing the egg everywhere and anywhere showing them new sights and smells. Also likes showing off the egg to other trolls, Like a toddler saying look at this cool thing i made!
*His bro's got him some dad-themed merchandise i.e. coffee cup that says world's best dad, a t-shirt that says which says soon-to-be dad which he wears with pride.
*Once the egg does hatch, he is going to be emotional all day.
*Y'all have a daughter who has his skin color and your (H/C).
*John Dory and you are pretty mellow parents, you let your kid do whatever as long as they are not breaking any laws/committing genocide/murder.
*Bruce never had dreams of starting a family of his own, he was content with his life and when Brozone broke up he was content to go find a new purpose with his life.
*And that's when he met, you! You were a troll working for Brandi on Vacay Island and when she introduced the two of you, you hit it off and formed a relationship.
*Y'all were content with your lives and not looking to add anything else in the mix but all that changed when you woke up one morning with not one but two turquoise/purple eggs with (H/C) nesting in your hair.
*Bruce was nervous, you were nervous; what if you weren't ready to be parents? But Brandi and the other vacay islanders were there to assure you that no matter what they would be there to support you and be your family in this next stage.
*You both traded off in nesting the eggs, Bruce would take mornings and noon to let you rest and you would take afternoons and evenings to let Bruce rest.
*Bruce loves talking/snuggling to the eggs during his shifts. even though the little trolls had yet to be born he wanted them to know how much he loved them and that they'd always be a family no matter what
*When the eggs hatch, y'all are going to be swarmed with two hyperactive boy babies but honestly, you and Bruce wouldn't change anything and actually start trying for more once the twins have grown a little.
*Y'all Rock those Milf and Dilf vibes
*Clay plans his life down to the very last scenario, even during his "fun boy" days he always planned on meeting the "one" and having a couple of trollings.
*Clay and you had met when he joined Putt-Putt village, you escaped with viva during the troll's escape from Bergen town. You and him had hit it off and with a little push from Viva you two had finally gotten together
*Clay and you are married for a year before you start actively trying for trollings.
*After a couple of months you both had given up hope of having trollings, I mean the other villagers could do it so easily why couldn't you??
*However your bad luck turned around when one day after waking up you noticed a bulging knot in your hair. Two small turquoise/lime green eggs with your (H/C) were nesting in your hair.
*Clay and you were ecstatic!! So was everyone in Putt-Putt Village; your small family finally felt complete.
*Clay is super annoying during the egg's nesting period, constantly following you around to protect you, limiting what kind of work you can do, how much rest you get, and what you eat. Honestly, you're pretty fed up with this man after this.
*When you're resting, he likes to keep the eggs safe in his hair. Man is like a feral dog with a piece of meat, will not let anyone near his eggs not even Viva; he will growl.
*Finally after a long two months, you're twins finally hatched! Two turquoise girls with your (H/C).
*Clay is definitely the strict parent, those protective instincts that arose during the eggs' nesting time are amplified to 100%. You are totally the girl's fun parent. Despite the differences in your parenting the girls love and respect the both of you!
*Floyd like his older brother had always wanted to start a family but that became like a distant dream after Brozone broke up, starting his solo career, and getting kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer.
*After his eventual rescue and recovery with Branch in Troll Village, he met you; a friend of Poppy's.
*Poppy saw how hard the two of you were crushing on each other and pushed the two of you together which led to your eventual dating and marriage!
*A month after the marriage, to your surprise; you had found a turquoise/red egg with your (H/C) nestling in your hair.
*You were ecstatic but Floyd was nervous. He had always wanted to have a child but what if he screwed up his relationship with them like he did with Branch.
*But after some gentle reassurances from his brothers, Poppy and Viva; he felt ready to take on this next phase of his life albeit anxiously.
*Cries every time he receives gifts for the baby, cries when he feels the egg kick inside its shell, and cries every day about how lucky he is. Man is taking all the emotions during the incubating period.
"Floyd would be too nervous to nest the egg in his hair so you would be the main nester for the duration of the incubation period.
*When the hatching day is here, Floyd is a bubbling mess. Cries throughout the entire day but those are happy tears that your baby is finally and your family is complete.
*Y'all have a healthy boy troll with your (H/C). Your baby is so chill too, rarely cries and loves to play and giggle
*As your child grows, Floyd is definitely the parent who would let the child get away with everything. You are going to have to be the rule-setter.
*Branch has been alone for a long time, his brothers left him and his grandma had gotten eaten trying to protect him from a Bergen. So he had a deep desire to recreate the feeling of family he had once lost.
*But you had always been by his side since you two were you and through everything so it makes sense about the major crushes you two had on each other.
*After regaining his colors, Branch finally had the confidence to ask you out and you happily accepted; (even though you loved Branch no matter what).
*Y'all dated for a couple years and then were married before he discussed wanting children with you. To his surprise and excitement, you too had also wanted to have kids.
*So began your journey of trying for little trollings.
*A year after getting married you were surprised and excited to spot three turquoise/blue eggs with your (H/C) nesting in the knot in your hair.
* Branch goes feral during the nesting time. you will have to fight/argue with him to leave the bunker because he will try to keep you down during the nesting period.
*Will growl at anyone who comes near you and the eggs; only lets his brothers and poppy (with supervision) come around and see you and the eggs.
*Branch loves to carry the eggs in his hair when you need a break. Spends time talking/reading to them and telling them how much he loves them and can't wait to meet them.
*Poppy, Viva, and his brothers throw a baby shower for y'all and while Branch cringes at the dad-themed merchandise he is gifted, he secretly loves them and wears them all the time around the bunker with pride.
*Then when hatching day comes along, Branch is in a panic. What if he wasn't a good dad, what if they hate him?? But after he sees his little trollings, those worries dissipate.
*Y'all have two healthy boys and one healthy girl.
*Branch's protective instincts go from 100% to 10000% after the trolls are born. Your children definitely have Branch wrapped around their fingers and can get anything if they look cute or beg hard enough.
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pilfappreciator · 9 months
Part 1 | Part 2
Bruce/Brandi x Reader: part 2
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Includes: GN! Reader, Vacay Lovers, polyamory, relationship headcanons, slight Bruce Jr. slander
💜 These two took things slow when they were wooing you, you better BELIEVE they're gonna do the same once you've actually been bagged
🧡 I MEAN DON'T GET ME WRONG!! They're not any less passionate about you or anything, but like... c'mon. They're middle-aged, run a full time business and are married with kids. They've got a lot on their hands already so chances are they're not immediatly urging you to move in with them or just straight up sign marriage documents (sorry to disappoint u_u)
💜 But like I said: this doesn't mean they're not good lovers
🧡 In fact I'd say in my entirely unbiased opinion that they'd make fantastic lovers! Wonderful! Superb, even!
💜 So naturally, once you find yourself added to the relationship? Expect all that supportive energy thrown your way too lol
🧡 No matter what endeavor you choose to pursue, rest easy knowing you'll have your own personal cheerleaders having your back at all times. You got a hobby you're really into? SAY LESS BABES!! Gift-giving is Brandi's love language so you bet your ass she's buying you everything you could possibly need. Wanna pursue some form of higher education, maybe get some fancy degree? BOOM, you've just signed yourself up for study sessions with Bruce
💜 (I mean like... he might not be much help if you're studying for something shmancy like law or medicine, but he will happily hold and read out flashcards for you :3)
🧡 Or maybe you just wanna help out around Vacay Island which? Yes hello they would love that??
💜 Running a business is no easy feat so the couple definitely welcome the extra set of hands (paws??). If you're more social and outgoing then chances are you're out on the front lines with Bruce, taking orders for food, welcoming guests and getting them settled in, leading activites like volleyball or the weekly shuffleboard tournament, etc.
🧡 Obviously if you'd rather remain behind the scenes, you're more than welcome to join Brandi on her end of things. Making food, booking guests into their rooms, keeping track of all the finances, etc.
💜 Maybe you're crap with spreadsheets and numbers and just wanna like... keep her company while she works at her desk? Grab her some refreshments every now and then?? Maybe even offer a shoulder massage once you've noticed she's been hunched over for too long???
🧡 I swear this woman will cherish you forever
💜 Whether you're another troll like Bruce or a fellow Vacationer like Brandi, the way you spend time with either of these two can differ
🧡 If you're on the smaller side? Bruce just enjoys getting to hold your hand while walking alongside you on the beach. The man spends pretty much all his time around literal giants and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes, so he can definitely appreciate having someone around who's more on his level (hehe). Brandi on the other hand just thinks your small size is cute! Hands down one of her favorite things is when either you or Bruce (OR BOTH) just like? Casually hitch a ride on her shoulder?? Or she'll hold you both in the palm of of her hand and just go "omigosh it's totally like holding a couple of grapes haha :D"
💜 Reader POV: Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and our giant girlfriend/wife
🧡 On the flipside, if you're closer to Brandi's size? This woman is taking every available opportunity to take full advantage of the fact. She's laying kisses all over your face, running her fingers through your hair, cuddling with you after a long day of work, etc etc. Technically speaking she COULD (and DOES) do all this regardless of how big/small you are... but at the same time it's just soooo much easier when she doesn't have to constantly watch herself so she doesn't accidentally crush you ://
💜 Meanwhile Bruce is just like "if either of you DO crush me... you won't hear any complaints from my end, just sayin"
🧡 Man is horrendously down bad 😳
💜 Last post i was like OUTINGS WITH BRANDI, but this post?? SURFING LESSONS WITH BRUCE! This man will not rest until you know how to ride a wave, okay, he is DEDICATED. Once you've gotten good enough, expect regular invites to the beach so you two can hit the ocean asdjahdslak
🧡 I like to think that even while running a business and family, Bruce and Brandi are still perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy love life— both with each other and you. Partly because they're just that in love but also cuz they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of weekly date nights (yeah that's right, plural)
💜 Bruce, on the phone: "Hey honey, me and (____) are outside the resturaunt. Where are you?"
"Oh, I'll probably be a few minutes. Bruce Jr. just set off a firework in the kitchen, you know how he is. But you two should go get us a table while you're waiting!"
"Alright, we'll see you later, love you :)"
"I love you guys more~"
🧡 And then Bruce just... hangs up and leads you inside the resturaunt, meanwhile you're just?? Very concerned????
💜 Dates with these two are pretty casual ngl. Neither feel the need for extravagant displays of love, so chances are the three of you are just spending some quality time together. Chillin at home without the kids, cooking/baking food together, watching reality TV
💜 (Tbh there's probably some trollverse version of The Bachelor/Bachelorett and lemme tell you that these two EAT THAT SHIT UP)
🧡 Of course if you wanna go out somewhere fancy then no worries!! Your girl Brandi knows the downlow on all the hottest spots in town and Bruce likely has enough connections to get you three reservations at even the fanciest restaurants
💜 Simply ask and these two will find a way to get it done <33
💜 At some point in the relationship Bruce will approach you and go "Hey, our son Benni has a dance recital tomorrow, did you wanna come?" and the second you say yes is the second you offically become a permanent member of the family. You are joining their monthly family camping trips. You are helping Brandi make cupcakes for school soccer games. You and Bruce are sitting down with the kids for homework help
🧡 Hopefully you've got good memory cuz you're gonna need to memorize 13 different fast food orders whenever the kids drag you to Bergen King askdhalslk
💜 Speaking of the little shits
🧡 You thought you were spending a lot of time with them BEFORE you were smoochin their parents?? Well congrats because the second you start becoming a permanent member at the dinner table, expect to have all 13 of them constantly hanging off you
💜 Maybe one of them needs your help practicing a new move they've learned from their martial arts class, maybe another wants someone to listen as they info dump about their latest hyperfixation, or maybe they just need help kickstarting their underground fireworks selling business
🧡 Cough cough (Bruce Jr) cough cough
ASJKJDHALJSKD THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!! There were a for more headcanons i wanted to touch upon but the post was getting long lol. Definitely plan on doing more for them tho so no worries uwu
but i mean like if you guys got prompts/questions then go ahead, my asks are open 👀👉👈
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yumiis · 7 months
headcannons for getting drunk with tgc?
like how high their tolerance to alcohol is,
what they usually have,
and stuff similar?
ignore my 'ideas' if you dont wanna do them <3
🫧 anon
absolutely!! i love making hcs like this (i also won't be including larry bc he isn't of legal age to drink :P)
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 drunk ; tgc boys
genre/type: fluff/humor, headcanons
read below!
absolute unbeatable tolerance. insane tolerance. dude can take 6 shots of everclear and still walk a straight line.
you've only seen isaac blackout ONCE, and it was complete accident. you hadn't seen isaac drinking that much, but he was actually borderline drunk. he asked you in a pretty sober sounding voice, "how many drinks have i had? should i stop?" you say, "i've only seen you take like 2 shots. drink some more!"
horrible move. he blacked out and also woke up with the world's worst hangover.
ever since then though, his tolerance, like i said, is rock solid.
he likes the classic drinks, so i'd say he likes a good screwdriver.
super clingy and COCKY when he's drunk.
drowning you in kisses and hugs, and he goes, "babe, i'm soooo hot. i'm soooo hot and sexy.."
"sure you are."
your two options are to kill his ego or boost it, but it kills you too much to deflate his ego.
"how cocky was i last night?"
moderately normal tolerance, maybe a TINY bit lower than the average person in their mid-20's.
like, if we're measuring in shots of vodka again, like 4 1/2 shots he'd be gone. not black out gone, but "i'm gonna talk about every celebrity i could probably pull" gone.
he's such a YAPPER when he's drunk dude.
will probably do the trend of writing fake band names to try and make you laugh
he's dancing around to loud ass music in the kitchen, invites you to dance with him, he immediately starts shoving himself against you
he won't shut up about how much he loves you
he's definitely got his head in your lap and he's making you play with his hair and listen to him talk
however you have to stop him talking at a certain point, because he'll just start having a crisis and making himself sad.
he's never blacked out, but he has terrible hangovers.
favorite drink? he strikes me as a daiquiri kinda guy. he'd love them.
but if it's more casual drinking at home, he's happy with some soju.
literally AVERAGE tolerance.
about 2-3 shots of vodka has him tipsy, 4-6 has him drunk, and don't give him more than 8, he might start drunkenly making an album.
he's not a clear liquor guy, he prefers browns like brandy or scotch.
there is almost ALWAYS a bottle of whiskey in the fridge for nick, he never runs out.
he drinks regularly, but he doesn't HEAVILY drink on those nights.
he's super sleepy when he's drunk. he could literally fall asleep anywhere if given the opportunity
he could be laying on the floor to "stretch his back" he's asleep 10 minutes later
you have to carry this dude to bed (and if you can't do it alone, isaac helps you)
like i said he prefers drinking brown liquors, so i think he'd maybe like a tequila sunrise or just straight whiskey
"i have a ROCK SOLID tolerance!" dead in 3 shots. don't listen to him lie to you
every time you and the guys go out for dinner at like chilis or something, blake orders a margarita and everyone sighs in unison
the margarita gets him on the verge of drunk. just a little past tipsy.
he can HARDLY casually drink with anyone because his tolerance is just THAT bad
you constantly pick at him for it but he's just accepted it at this point
he's so SILLY when he's drunk man
cracking jokes that do NOT land at all and are not funny unless he's talking to a bunch of drunk people
"so the.. uh.. what? yeah.. uh.."
he suddenly forgets english
he can barely formulate a SINGLE sentence and he's basically speaking in mumbles
he's like speaking in fancy or speaking in riddles like a troll under the bridge or some shit
you have to baby him while he's drunk or he won't know what the hell is going on
i think he honestly.. just likes whatever he can get his hands on.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 7 months
Brozone headcanons
Clay and Floyd are the stunt men now that they're adults. Clay's always been a little bit of a daredevil, Floyd already died once, why not live a little.
Clay is nocturnal, like the rest of the Putt-putt trolls. His bros throw his sleep schedule off so when they're hanging out, it's not unusual for Clay to just be passed out somewhere or on someone. If they can, they get Clay to bed so he can properly sleep. If not, everyone's volume goes low.
Both Floyd and John Dory took bartending classes. And by took I mean, Floyd just so happened to be sleeping with a bartender who taught him some things. When making drinks, John's proper about it, Floyd is kind of messy. Floyd's over pouring and spilling.
Clay's handwriting is like a nice print. It's easy to read and looks good on paper.
John Dory is good at photography. He mostly uses this skill for taking nature shots but he's gotten good at candid shots of his brothers. He doesn't let them know about these pics bc they don't look the most photogenic but they look like themselves and that's what John loves to see.
JD has dimples
John Dory almost always has at least one weapon on him.
The brothers think JD has a death wish bc he's constantly going after animals that could literally kill him. "John! Don't touch that, it'll tear you to pieces!" "Psh, whatever. If we weren't supposed to pet it then why does look so fluffy?"
Floyd doesn't go into detail about his past. He'll tell snippets here and there but avoid questions. For one, because he's a bit embarrassed about it. He did a lot of things he isn't proud of, drugs, sleeping around, and drinking. For two, he knows that his older brothers still see him WAY younger than he actually is (like how they still see Branch as a baby) and it would just shatter that mentality. And he doesn't want to do that. For three, it's WAY more fun for him if they don't know and have to keep guessing. Floyd has heard them trying to figure out what he spent the last twenty years doing and starts fucking with them.
John Dory definitely has pictures from even when he was a baby and such. Even ones with their parents but he tries to keep those ones tucked away. Branch is going through them when he finds a picture that has been folded in one of the sleeves of the photo album. It's a picture of John and Bruce and their parents. JD quickly snatches the photo and shoves it his vest. Those people looked like strangers to Branch, that picture probably being the first time he's seen them
The brothers know they didn't have a good childhood but John did his best, despite being pretty much a child himself.
John Dory man spreads no matter who he is sitting next or if he's just sitting in a chair.
John Dory wears the one glove to hide an incredibly deep scar. He got into some trouble with some bounty hunters and needless to say, they drove a knife through his hand. He doesn't want his lil bros to know or worry about it so he hides it.
All the boys (like most trolls) are fuzzy. JD and Bruce have the most prominent facial hair and chest hair. They all have leg hair, arm hair, under arm hair, and a happy trail.
Clay and John have the Blond™️ gene (that's how I'm referring to it) where their hair goes through changes. That's why their hair is so much different from when they were kids. In the summer while spending a bunch of time outside, JD and Clay's hair gets lighter, Clay being a light yellow and John being a soft teal. The others convinced them to do one of those 'take a picture every day for a year' things and make it into a flip book to show how their hair changes color.
The boys really wanted a sister. John jokes that they kind of got one with Floyd
Floyd and John Dory are good gardeners. JD briefly grew his own food and Floyd just has a natural green thumb (not that John doesn't)
Floyd gets random nosebleeds
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moshpitgamma · 9 months
Clay x reader x Viva headcanons?
Sureeeee why not😌✨
Clay x Reader x Viva headcannons🍀🌸
🍀When you three started dating there’s no doubt Clay turned from the serious one to the instant submissive man wife he is…
🌸Viva is a complete OPPOSITE of clay so get ready for fun and daring dates… but if clay finds out prepare for a very long and loving lecture
🍀Even tho Clay is all serious 24/7…He will not hesitate to have fun with his favorite people and let you guys run wild (but not to wild😌)
🌸Viva loves to braid you hair or play in it to lull you to sleep or if stress is giving you or clay a hard time she’s there to relax y’all’s heads and give deep massages
🍀Clay is VERY romantic but isn’t too big on PDA. I feel like he’s ok with hand holding and maybe cheek kisses but anything else will make him embarrassed
🌸BIG ON PDA!!! She wants to show the fellow trolls who’s hers and who she belongs too. If you and clay still get flirty looks she will TRIPLE pda.
🍀His nicknames for you are: Hun,Baby,Love, and Mamas. While your nicknames for him is:Broccoli,Claybae,Bub,The fun one (quote the band days), and my husband
🌸Her nicknames for you are:Mi amour, Mi Bebé, My world, My boo. Yours for her are: Mi Esposa, My love, Wildflower, Baby, Loco
🍀If anyone ever tried to hurt you or actually put their hands on you Clay is hunting that bastard down and is giving him a very good talk you know🤫 When he’s done he is treating you like the well deserved s/o you are
🌸If anyone tried to hurt you or put their hands on you and Viva found out…Shes beating ass. I mean dragging and banishing people without hesitation. After she’s done giving hell, she’s giving you heaven. She’s giving you a warm bubble bath, snacks, and even a long warm cuddle session
🍀Will buy you anything you mention about wanting. “Ouu babe that necklace looks real pretty” you said looking at the gold and emerald embroidered necklace. You woke up to it the next day on your bed side table
🌸Will surprise you and clay with matching onesies ( like the one clay has on in the movie) and will make y’all take pictures in them and wear them together like a big happy family.
🍀I feel like if y’all were to have kids he would want only 1 maybe 2 if and ONLY if you and viva convince him enough
🌸The girl wants a whole village…but if y’all deny which is gonna happen she says at least four or five
🍀He does most chores but will let y’all help if y’all want to
🌸She cleans when she’s stressed. I think cleaning helps her calm down
🍀Loves to cook for you and viva and loves to try new things with you guys
🌸Loves to show you off to the brozone boys. She also makes jokes to Bruce on how her, you ,and clay are gonna have an army of kids like them one day. It usually leaves a stuttering Clay and a flushed and embarrassed y/n.
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jaybirddreads · 10 months
Trolls Band Together
I watched Trolls 3 and I loved it. It's not the perfect movie (there are so many plot holes and things that don't make sense), but it's still really good and entertaining. The story itself was very heartwarming and moving for a 90-something-minute kids' movie.
One thing that I noticed about specifically Branch and his brothers is that they are so much duller than all the other trolls. It's very obvious when you compare their Brozone-era selves to their adult selves. Compared to other pop trolls, the Brozone brothers dulled as they aged. I don't think that it's just because they got older, because we see Poppy and Cooper as babies and they didn't really change in color as adults (you can kind of argue that Poppy got brighter if you look closely at her as a baby and as an adult). Another troll character that we see two versions of is King Peppy. We see him as an old man and we see a flashback of him, 20 years younger, in the first movie. Even then, the only difference between current King Peppy and younger King Peppy is the gray streaks in his hair.
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These three characters are all consistent in their colors. Poppy is pink. Cooper is pink and blue. King Peppy is pink and orange.
And then you have the Brozone brothers:
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Now, not all of them had a drastic change like Branch did, but all of them are definitely duller than when they were young. I think that Branch dulled the most, followed by John Dory, Floyd, Clay, and Spruce. Since we know that Branch lost his color due to his clear decline in mental health (especially after his grandmother's death), I think that that's why Spruce was the one who lost the least amount of color. I think that out of all his brothers, he's the one who's done the best for himself after leaving.
Spruce is a business owner; his business partner is his wife (I loved Brandy so much) and he's a father. I think that of all his brothers, he and Clay were the ones that really 'grew up'. Spruce talks about how he changed his name to Bruce to leave behind his boyband days when he became a father. In the first flash back, Spruce is the one that butts heads with John Dory the most. During the scene where John Dory, Spruce, and Clay argue Spruce says "Why do you think I left? So that no one would treat me like you did." to John Dory. I think that even though Spruce was upset with his brothers and affected by the end of their band, he managed to get back some happiness with the family that he formed.
Clay is the second on my list because I think that he was able to find support in Viva and the other Putt-Putt trolls. Out of all the brothers (excluding Branch) we know the most about Spruce and Clay's lives after Brozone. And while Spruce found solace in his family, Clay had the Putt-Putt community. Clay, during the band days, was considered the 'fun one' and people (John Dory) did not take him seriously because of it. With the Putt-Putt trolls, Clay is well respected as the 'boring' half of the operation (in Viva's words). Clay has moments in the movie where he denies having any fun at all. We also see at the start of the movie that Clay can feel insecure when he looks out into the crowd and mutters how much pressure the performance is during the first flashback. Between him and Spruce, they are the only two brothers with cemented careers (Spruce as a business owner and Clay as a licensed CPA).
Floyd is third on my list because of one real reason and the rest is speculation. The reason why is because we know literally nothing about anything that he did after he went off soul searching. I assume he probably just wandered around by himself for a while or (my personal favorite headcanon) he lived with another type of troll, personally my mind goes to the rock trolls.
John Dory is after Branch because I don't think that twenty years of isolation is good for anyone (I mean, look at Branch). From what we know about John Dory he spent twenty years alone with only Rhonda (and we don't even know how long he has had Rhonda by his side). I think that she might be the reason he isn't gray-gray like Branch is, because we see how much he loves and cherishes her.
Branch is first, obviously because he's physically the dullest one and we know the most about him. He was abandoned by his brothers when he was a child, a few years later his grandmother was murdered right in front of him and he blamed himself. He isolated himself in a bunker that was meant to be a hideout for himself and his brothers (who abandoned him) for years-- let's say fifteen-ish years-- before Poppy wormed her way into his life. At the end of the first movie he regains his colors and in the first holiday special, we see that his colors have faded a bit. He's not as gray as he was at the start of the first movie, but he's also not the same vibrant blue that he was at the end of the movie. Throughout the movies and holiday specials his colors fluctuate, but he never really goes back to gray or blue.
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brights-place · 9 months
Can I request queen barb with a cute subby soft reader sfw & nsfw headcanons pls.
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Barb dating an SUB! Reader
Pairings: Barb X Reader Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, SFW A/N: I LOVE BARB SHE IS SO AWOOGAAAA! I love this so much it's everything to me and plus I need to write some of this so I don't cry cause matpat is quitting...
Sfw Headcannons for barb
- When you first met your interaction was sweet "hmm. I like your ears" You said smiling "M-Mine?" You nodded "Mhm!" "Thank you! I-I like your spots...!" You tilted your head blushing "Really? I use to cover them up but Y'know" you shrugged - She is always by your side and making sure you are ok in public areas.
- Would flex about having an partner to everyone mainly to other rock trolls but when she introduced you to her dad she was so shy but she knew he was supportive literally nearly teared up but sucked it up quickly seeing her two favorite people together - Barbs father is such an important aspect of her life so being introduced to him is a major privilege so meeting him is an whole thing its important to her and him accepting you makes her happy - She likes holding you close to her knowing your beside her makes her relax - she wrapped her tail around your own tail she would wrap your hair with hers but I don't think they use their hair a lot like using it to catch themselves so they just wrap each others tails together - if your an different genre of troll she'd love you and try to listen your own music even though she finds it weird... but she'd do her best but if your the same genre with her that's just an bonus - out of all the rock trolls you were the most soft hearted and welcoming which was what made her fall for you - On trolls world tour you didn't really like the idea of taking all the other genres and making them all - Barb is very hands-on and at times quite hyper so the two of you seem to always be doing something but when needed to you might have to walk over and tug her arm to make her relax for an moment - Barb lives in the moment, never really taking too much time to think about the future. - She makes sure to make you flustered whenever she can at any moment. - She loves having you either sitting on her lap or you being on top of her in general to hug you She just can’t have you away from her too long she's clingy - Loves how you melt into her arms if she shows you the slightest bit of affection or compliments you
- When you're in public, Barb is touching you. - Whether a subtle touch or not, she's either holding your hand or having her arms wrapped around you
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Nsfw Headcannons for Barb
- SHE IS AN DOM! I TELL YOU SHE IS AN DOM! - Thighs and Boobs woman she loves them so much squish them against her face she'll giggle and please the shit outta you - She loves how you submit to her so fast when she glides her hands on your waist and whispers lustfully in your ears - She’s an rough kisser and would pepper your face with kisses whenever she can - I BET! She has an tongue piercing that would eat you out so well! - This chick is an HUGE teaseee - She’ll grab you by your waist and say the most gut retching and suggestive thing in the world while holding you
- If you ask her to man handle you or hurt you in the process of the doing the devils tango SHE WOULD DO IT! - Literally loves teasing you any chance she gets but would wanna be reassured every once in a while to make sure she’s not hurting you too bad and would make sure you feel alright - Hate sex and jealousy sex is everything like have you seen her? She gets mad real easily!
- What are her turn on's? Biting, Kissing her neck or cheek, challenging her, and affection - What are her turn offs? talking about your ex regularly, Cheating, bad breath, and Poor hygiene - favorite positions are the slider, the lean in, the rocket, Cowgirl and doggy (When she wears an strap on) - Her kinks would be BDSM, Marking You, Biting, Bondadge, over stimulation, and anything else she is open to anything to do - she loves how you melt into her arms moaning and whining - When she overstimulates you she smirks and enjoys how your eyes roll back - She traces her fingers down your cheeks and wipes away your tears. she whispers gentle words that will comfort you and make you feel at ease while making you feel good. - When you cum on her tongue she smirks and makes sure to overstimulate you more gripping onto your thighs as you moan loudly gripping her hair - When done she praises you with an huge smile and hugs you - She carries you to the bathroom to clean you up for after care. Makes sure to give you her shirt for you to sleep in
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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dominophile · 8 months
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💙🍃Branch Dating Headcanons🍃💙
Character: Branch
Warnings: small talk of abandonment issues, nothing major
Nsfw?: none
This is for a friend. The reason I ever actually got into Trolls was because she told me all about how hot Branch was.
I also very much want to headcanon this guy I have so many thoughts.
Note: My headcanons will always include my species headcanons too, which includes but isn't limited to different types of tails, claws, hair, etc.
Now for the man of the hour, Branch!
Branch is the perfect man
I mean kind of
From the first day you started dating, this man has been super protective of you
He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, even if you're definitely safe already, this guy is taking zero chances
Probably at some point tried to keep you in his bunker for "precautionary reasons"
Look it's the thought that counts, he loves you
Now let's not forget the abandonment issues
He's got a genuine fear that people he loves will all leave him, one way or another
Reassure him you're not going anywhere, please, he needs it
You don't have to be with him 24/7 of course
He understands more than anyone the need to be alone or do your own thing, trust me
If you want to hang out with other Trolls, I doubt he would mind
He doesn't like groups much, but he might appreciate the sentiment of you inviting him regardless
Say "I love you"
You might just have to he the first to do so
He loves you so fucking much, but "What if that scares them away??"
Just tell him how much you love him every so often, it helps
On a similar note, communicate!
Communicate how you feel, and encourage him to do the same
Keeping secrets and emotions from him could easily come back to bite you
Even if you don't have bad intentions, he might assume you do
It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just assumes the worst sometimes
That said, he's not sure how to share his own emotions sometimes either
This guy has spent a long time avoiding every other living being and doesn't often understand the difference between talking to himself, and talking to you
Social cues too, don't assume he knows what you're feeling, because as much as he tries with you all his new friends, he still gets it wrong a lot
Work with him, you'll get there
Branch enjoys spending time with you, but he's wary about physical touch
Ever met someone who hates being touched but is also touched starved? That's Branch!
If he wants physical affection or something of the sort, he'll come to you
You can also ask him. He loves and cares about you and even if it's not his favorite, if it makes you happy he'll allow it
He will absolutely protectively wrap his tail around you though if you guys are sitting next to each other
Who cares if you're all alone? Feel safe damn it
You're the only person who can do that, he knows you won't hurt him
If you also dislike physical affection, you two can just vibe in each other's company
Branch overworks himself sometimes, and normally would fight through exhaustion, but if you're around, he wouldn't mind a quick nap
You'll watch his back won't you?
He wouldn't mind if you fell asleep with him too
All in all though, he's a good boyfriend
He's thoughtful
He's caring
He's protective
And he really really loves you so much
He thinks you make him a better person
Like he was incomplete before you came around
"Meeting you was like finding the last missing piece of a puzzle."
Man that's cheesy. But sweet.
Oh maybe that was just a set up to get you to do a puzzle with him
Eh still sweet
I also think he would appreciate if you made him coffee in the mornings sometimes
If you're a coffee person, have some too!
Tea person? Or anything else? He'll stock up on what you like once he realizes you like it
He sleeps in late sometimes though, if you're a morning person you're fending for yourself with drinks
Other Trolls are happy seeing you with him during the day also
Especially Poppy
"So happy to see you branching out!!"
Bunker Bucket List: Learn to love again
Check ✅
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mixelation · 8 months
i will also share with u the absurd toxicity (reborn au au (tm)) rpf lore developed with @waffliesinyoface
point one: obito would not be naturally drawn to fandom, but he IS a troll who likes absurd things, and it's important to him to know what's up with the people in his life. he has read the entirety of icha icha (more than once!) for the simple pleasure of sniping kakashi with a well-placed reference. when tori gets fixated on ninja rpf, he also obviously starts reading it so he can have fuel to tease her.
unlike kakashi's brand of obsession (which is PRIVATE, obito, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS), tori's obsessions crave interaction. you want to talk rpf with her? she is going to drag you down into a terrible vortex of rpf fixations
obviously "driven to making insane decisions for petty reasons" tori is obito's favorite tori. he is SO supportive of her ongoing war against the sasori girls.
obvious outcome of point one: obito becomes a kakashi girl
tori is SO supportive of his psychosexual kakashi obsession. she thinks him working through his feelings like this is good for him. also she likes reading fic
obito is not well-liked in kakashi fan circles when he's writing in under a pen name because he keeps writing kakashi as a damsel in distress in constant need of rescuing due to chakra exhaustion. fangirls hate this because kakashi should be cool and badass all of the time???
point two (horrible realization): in this au, obito retains his uchiha pretty privilege. he's also the infamous loose canon of the yellow flash's students. there's ABSOLUTELY insane fic about him
obito's favorite ship is obviously him/kakashi, but NO ONE writes it right???
yes he and tori are dating. no she doesn't care he keeps looking up kakashi/him. she knows what she signed up for.
in fact, tori inspires him!! if tori can go hunt down a random sasori rpf writer to argue with her, OBVIOUSLY he can go have a converastion with some obito writers and gently push them in the right direction!!
but he has to do it cool and mysterious, see, so they get him. he shows up in the dead of night in his super dramatic madara personality. he just wants to talk. he gives a dramatic speech and throws in some killing intent for Effect
obvious outcome of point two: everyone stops writing obito fic because they're terrified.
tori: realizes there's still READERS for obito fic but no writers
tori: that's free real estate
she's converting. she's an obito girl now. (obito: babe that's SO sweet of you)
NO ONE likes her obito fics either because she writes him as a deeply pathetic whackjob who cries during sex. she gets multiple replies that are like "when will obito show up to murder THIS writer"
instead of being normal she's like "FYI he DID show up in my bedroom but that won't stop me because I AM NOT A COWARD"
third, miscellaneous point: obito is shunned by fandom when he's a faceless person writing in. at in person meet-ups, people love him despite his rancid opinions because he is hot. :'(
obito in kakashi cosplay??? with kakashi's real clothes he stole???
i thought about writing a joke about them going to an in-person fic exchange and people not realizing they're together to mirror the ANBU Party Debacle. however i do not think this is the mood for Torito because they cannot physically resist bothering each other for more than 90 seconds at a time. obito shows up holding her hand so he can swing their arms like literal children. if he doesn't pay attention to her for long enough, tori WILL tug his hair/loose clothing/etc. he attempts to sit in her lap at least twice. they're both super into the other person's rancid headcanons. they are so fucking obnoxious
no one ever matches obito-in-person with obito-showing-up-to-harass-fic-writers because of the insanely different personalities
people are okay with obito in person despite his personality because he is. hot. and a man. and they're a group of mostly women who are attracted to men. do you see? but they still fucking hate tori
a rumor starts that the reason tori can write bonkers obito fic without him murdering her is that when he showed up to threaten her over it, she slept with him. so not only is she annoying, but she cheated on her hot boyfriend (obito) with famous ninja uchiha obito! she doesn't deserve either of them!!!
(obito: that's exactly what happened tho. i gave you my super cool and scary "write better fanfic" speech and you slept with me. <3 / tori, who will never EVER admit she found his stupid "madara" personality kind of hot: (tea kettle noises))
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imsoquarky · 10 months
Hi, Hello, I need to talk about Bruce
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This beautiful man right here <3
IDK how much of this to consider spoilers for Trolls Band Together, so I'm doing all of it!
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️ SPOILERS FOR BAND TOGETHER ♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Y'know, Branch's purple haired brother who's my favorite of his brothers for a few different reasons that I'm about to spew onto Tumblr at an unreasonable hour?
Okay so, Bruce is my favorite, and I think it's bullshit that the wiki calls him Spruce despite that not being his name anymore.
Trans headcanon? Maybe. Anyways!
I love how Bruce is written for many different reasons, I also love how he's handled when it comes to his body type.
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1 minute before going on stage, JD says he expects 100 more crunches before show-time, which is insane considering Bruce (I know that's not his name at this point, but that is what we're calling him) has already done over 500, and 100 crunches in 60 seconds? I don't think that's even possible.
Ofc this is who JD is as a character, BUT THIS POST ISN'T ABOUT HIM, he's just a walking ick.
I can't imagine this kind of treatment, which is implied to have gone on for quite some time...
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...would give anybody a positive view of their body. I'm not going to add things on to make JD a worse person, even if I don't like him, but from what bits and pieces we do see, he puts more emphasis on Bruce's physical body than any of his other brothers.
For his other brothers, it's more about their clothing and personality presentation. Bruce? The emphasis was his body, abs specifically.
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It's not like he wasn't proud of them, but I feel as if they were another thing that still connected him to JD. All the brothers changed things about themselves that JD put emphasis on (Except Floyd, ig?).
But I'm straying away from the point I was trying to get to.
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By the time we see Bruce again, he's lost the abs and put on some weight. However, this is not treated as a bad thing. Which I absolutely adore.
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He's still perceived as attractive!! No jokes about "letting himself go" or even any jokes about putting on weight because he got married or whatever.
He's not muscular anymore, he's more laid-back and lives on VACATION ISLAND FOR FUCKS SAKE! He doesn't appear to have such a rigorous work-out routine anymore... Except his kids. I'd say having children 3 times your size would be intense.
Speaking of his children...
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But I digress.
Also, not only is him being plus-size not treated as a joke or a negative thing, but
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Genuinely he makes me so happy, you guys have no idea. I love him.
Anyways, some smaller tid bits that I love about Bruce~
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THIS MAN'S HAIR <3 <3 <3 <3 I will explode. ALSO THOSE BANGS AAAA
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Him and his wife ughhhh <3 They're so goddamn cute.
Also we have a similar taste in women, which is "tall".
There are too many screenshots of his kids I could share, but I love dad Bruce.
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This fucking quote.
It lives rent free in my brain and I laugh like a child every time I hear it.
Probably my #1 favorite quote from the entire movie I laughed so hard
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Look at how cute he is here
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Him looking so proud of his baby brother
Anyways it's 1 am and my alarm is set for 7 so ima go to bed. I have negative points about Bruce too that I do wanna touch on at some point, but I just needed to dump all my love for him.
This is my coping mechanism for finals week.
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fanficsdumpomg · 9 months
Hi! I really liked your NSFW headcanons for the brozone bros. I was wondering if I could request something for Clay and/or Floyd with a reader who's a lot younger than they thought. Like they're in their 30's at least and reader is 23/24. Reader is very mature and put together, so they thought reader was their age, if not older. Really how they would react, if they would tease about it, anything like that. Can be sfw and/or nsfw both are great. And if you're uncomfortable writing this, maybe just boyfriend headcanons for either of them too would be just fine. Thank you <3
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*(I headcanon Clay was around 16 when Brozone broke up and present time is 15+ years later so i would imagine he would be 36 during the time of Band Together; i headcanon there's an age difference of 10 years between the two of you)
*Clay and you had been dating for a while after meeting each other at Putt-Putt village. You both had met each other while working for Viva; you as an inventor of defense items and clay working administrative duties.
*Clay is already a strict dom in bed; loves to control your orgasms, tie you up, punish you, etc. Basically he loves having any ounce of sexual control over you.
*So, when Clay overhears some Putt-Putt Trolls talk about how someone so young as you could be so talented, his brain first goes into shock; how could he not know this about his partner? But then his brain goes into overdrive and he starts to feel hot thinking of all the ways he could use this against you in bed; so he plans.
*Clay plans a romantic evening for the two of you that ends in passionate kisses, fangs marking each other’s neck and chests and you tied against the bed you share.
*Clay spends the night teasing you in the most deliciously way possible, edging you with a vibrator until you begged to come, gagging you with a ball gag when you get too loud, and breeding you.
*”Dirty Baby…Look at how wet you get for an old man…..god you’re such a slut”.
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(I head canon clay was 13/14 when Brozone broke up and in Band Together i imagine he would be around 33/34 with a 10 year age gap between you too.)
*Floyd and you had been dating for awhile after the two of you met while you opened for one of his solo shows.
*Floyd is a big, big crybaby switch in bed. Loves to get bitten, teased and manhandled by you; (please throw him around he is begging you). 
*He usually doesn’t like to be degraded or degrade you but that all changes after he hears an advertisement for your band; advertising you as the hottest young talent to come to the stage. He feels a  rush of emotions after learning you're younger than him, first embarrassment because how could he not know  this about his partner, then shame… is he a dirty old pervert?!
*Then the shame in a weird way turns him on and you very quickly pick up on it during heated moments between the two of you. After some planning on your part you plan a special intimate evening for the two of you.
*You tie him up during the session, pull his hair, bite him and tease him; but what really surprises him is when you start with the degradation; your refuse to touch him unless he admits that he is a dirty perverted old man. The humiliation/Shame of your degradation immediately turns him rock-hard.
“Fuuuck…yes…I am a dirty old man… please fuck me..do anything!”.
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broz0neglitters · 6 months
Just Shut up & drive 🌌🥏🌃🏙
John Dory x fem reader on a road trip Smut/NSFW
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Warning: Smut, smoking cigarette, Masturbation , Sex toy
-John and you wanted to get away from trolls village so he offer to take you on a nice road trip so where ever rhonda takes you both you both will happily go there
-He loves holding your hands while watching the road sites
-His hands will me on your boobs or on your cunt
-He's mostly on autopilot so he could cuddle w you
-He's would gives you hints that he wants to fuck you
-He and you would smoke cigarettes to get in the mood
-He wants you to sit on his lap even while smoking a cigarette
-John dory would often put Rhonda on autopilot mode just so he can have a smoke break he out of all his brothers smoke cigarettes he too old for joints/vape nowadays
-Even if he try vaping/joints that dude can't handle it his brother would make fun of him for that
-I know for sure that bruce quit smoking because he's a father now and he doesn’t want his kids to copy him but that's for another headcanon....
-Anyways, since this is just a one driver seat is not like your traditional car so you would have to sit on the back meaning the couch while he's drive Rhonda
-He once let you drive Rhonda but she wasn’t used to to you driving her so she crash into the tree john got so worry he ask if Rhonda was alright instead of you he saw you sitting there with your arm cross....
-While he was driving you were just sitting there watching the view but you noticed john stroking his big cock while grunting your name out
-His cock is huge so good luck trying to walk
-Can You handle it? Maybe not FIY He's rough!!
-You stop what ever you were doing as you saw him stroking to a picture of you "John?" you called
-As He jumped and turns around and saw you standing here with both of your hands on your hips
"Babe, is not what it looks like, well maybe it is I've been horny and despite for you to stroke my cock." John said looking at you with a horny smirk look on his face
-You rolled your eyes at him as he put Rhonda in autopilot once again as you got down to your knees as you began to suck him off with him holding your hair sooner he'll face fuck you til his cums fills your mouth and is cum is all over your face
-John keeps a box full of your sex toys mostly your vibrator so he would ask you to use your vibrator while he jerks off to your moans and cries begging him to put his cock inside you
-He will get back to driving he wants to hear your moan while he's driving and rubbing his cock to your cries and moans
-As you turn on the vibrator, You get to control the speed that's a good thing right?
"I better, hear that moan and cries I know you want me inside you." John said rubbing his cock faster while driving
-Once that vibrator hit your sweet spot you couldn't help but to moan out john name it turns him on when you moan out his name
"Fuck! john I need you inside of me sooo badly!" You said moaning and crying out for his name while the vibrator is still teasing your clit
-As john grab you (he will man handle you for sure) he sat you on his hard wet cock as he pound you super hard even while driving he will look over your shoulder to see the road while still fucking you super hard and you were crying and moaning begging him to take it slow
-You moan is super loud which makes him even go in deeper and a bit faster til you cum or til it hits your sweet spot
-He will for sure dominated you no matter what
-Cockwarming while he's driving is a must for him he wants to see how long you can keep it in without moaning once you start moving he will thrust you like there's no tomorrow
"You like what you feel baby, you're such a little slut couldn't even hold it in while daddy is driving." He said bitting your ears softly
"I can't hold it in anymore john dory I need you so badly." You said moaning and trying not to move
-His cum is thick and super milky like really milky
-He likes to cum all over you even inside of you
-He like you watch you pleasure yourself he wants you to finger yourself for him since he's busy driving
-He would do it for you aswell he's a rough finger fucker
-After you guys finish doing your deeds inside Rhonda your legs is numb so you would be resting on the couch while john drive, He wants to go again so he look at you from the rear view mirrors and gave you a smirk on his face but you glare at him...
"How about round two huh baby?" He asked smriking
"Just Shut Up & Drive John Dory!" You said angrily....
-Your leg is super numb from him nearly tearing you apart you don't know if you still can enjoy the road tip or even walk all thanks to square head....
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it anyways fill free to request me at anytime :^) *it might take a while to get back to you as I mentioned before I would just write it on my own without any requests plus I've school and real life stuff so be patient with your request your requested are heard loud and clear <3 ---------------- Like and Follow are very much appreciated! 🩵
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vriskabot · 7 months
do you have any davris headcanons?
i saw this ask the instant it came in and i could not believe my EYES. trust when i tell you ive been typing FURIOUSLY in the meantime okay. okay headcanons. -dave has always been a little genderweird and vriska putting makeup on him when she was bored one night unlocked his third eye and now he cant stop putting red shit all over his eyelids -vriska has also always been genderweird and you can see where im going with this. -she steals his clothes ALL the time -he pretends to hate it when she gets her disgusting $5 perfume stink all over said clothes but you know he loves that shit (and she knows it too) -flaming bisexuals -once theyve been together for a while they are THE most "i am going to have the longest silent conversation with someone across the room you have ever seen in your life" -they both think they can read each other like a book but in truth its only about 60-70% accurate -the inaccuracies are always funny as fuck though and 9 times out of 10 its some entirely off the wall MADNESS due to their upbringings they think is entirely normal. the conversations that directly follow these revelations are legendary amongst the extended crew and every single one thats happened in a public memo has been screenshotted by basically everyone they know -speaking of which. i dont think they dm for basically anything ever. they either have conversations right in the GC (sometimes in the middle of other conversations, which karkat fucking HATES, especially when they flirt with each other) or they speak in person/over the phone. no in between -they flirt with each other all the time and its disgusting but its incomprehensible to literally everyone else. vriska tells dave she found some gnarly roadkill and sends coordinates and dave is like "babe stop not in front of everybody" -she used to send pictures too but that got shut down real quick and now thats really all she dms him for -i dont think vriska likes it for the same reasons dave does but he did absolutely get her into the weird and wacky world of vulture culture. dave likes the wet specimens the most but vriskas a fan of bones and taxidermy -speaking of which. this is more vriska/troll-centric but i love the idea of vriska being able to eat bones. dave gets the same schoolboy "oh my god this is so cool" kick out of it every single time -im well aware that music is a time thing but i genuinely cannot comprehend a world wherein vriska is not a music girlie. this definitely did a lot of the heavy lifting in The Early Days because when youre emotionally constipated sometimes you gotta let a song do the talking FOR you -vriska 100% introduced dave to crunkcore and he got way more into it than she ever did. he listens to 3oh3 religiously -dave samples vriska on his tracks all the time because she CANNOT shut the fuck up. he also likes taking pictures of her but even after years together he still kinda keeps those to himself and gets flustered when she finds one -man i just really love the idea of them being fucking obsessed with each other. they rag on each other ALL the time because thats just how they feel the most comfortable being affectionate but at the end of the day they snuggle up all soft and quiet and just enjoy being with somebody who understands how hard it can be to even allow that to happen in the first place -they ARE super casually affectionate with each other though, even in group settings. i dont think theyd like grand pda like kissing or saying 'i love you' in public but personal space just doesnt really exist for them. they hang off each other and sling legs over laps all willy nilly -they also stim on each other. dave likes to play with her hair while hes talking and vriska likes to play with his hands/fingers when shes bored this post is so LONG i could keep going for days. please always ask me about davris, especially if youve got more specific questions!!!
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joethehoeee · 5 months
I am still alive and I brought you all a gift because it took me so long to post. (That definitely didn’t take long)
So this sound trends on tiktok and I immediately thought of those two. My brain just couldn’t bare the thought that they might never be drawn/edited like that...
but then I realized, I can draw...I HAVE THE POWER!
So I took it in my own hands.
Have fun with this, It might take a while until I am back...tho I do try to be more active. But for now, enjoy the love (and a bit of angst/past trauma.)
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Pretty obvious what I was trying to do, right?
It's kind of the fact that Barbara will always have this trauma, this pain that he caused. Even tho she can infact learn to love him again, there will always be this ever so small fear of getting hurt like he did before. She forgave him but she dosen't fully trusts him, at least not yet.
Also Walter reaches after her in his troll form but slowly stops in his human form. He let's her go, he let's the past go, his old self. He realizes that trying to appear more like human self is not the way and that she will only let him in if he is himself. If he is what he was forced and lived to become. A Changeling, tho not a Monster anymore.
I did try to include my headcanon Design for post-Eternal night. Obviously Barb is a little over the top (it's more a outfit for dates) and a new coat for Walter. I would say this takes place like 3-6 weeks after they defeated Morgana, so Walter dosen't really tried to ✨️express✨️ himself fully with his clothing...and i wanted to draw him in his old Design but also in MY and little new style so yeah. NO human clothes for my man. He has no shame, walking around half naked.🤭
Also small headcanon, Barbara likes him better with longer hair and his new style (mixing human/troll together). It makes him look and ferl like a new person and makes it easier for her bc she can see his true self, wich is a bit of both his forms. It's a reminder that not everything he said was a lie.
Do you all know this "She fell first, he fell harder"? Well I firmly believe it's them. Although Walter probably fell first AND harder.
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moshpitgamma · 8 months
could you do nsfw headcanons for bruce 🥹🥹
Ofccc😫Time for the Dilf!!!
I also did this one without Brandi cse Yk I kinda want this man to myself and yall need him to yall self toooo🤭
Bruce x Reader||NSFW Headcannons
Without Brandi:
Bruce is a very sensual man and loves to give it to you slow and steady
This man gots a breeding kink and wants to make you a WHOLE football team
When y’all first started dating he used to want to show out and try a lot of stuff but now he’s open to trying things but not how he used to
Wants to break that back everywhere🤷🏾‍♀️
If you call him daddy he’s making you a mother/father/parent (A fucking troll Twinkie ATP🤭)
Has a fantasy of just slutting you out and getting his seed in EVERY hole you have AVAILABLE and to just see you stuffed to the brim
Into food play and will just slather jelly, jam, honey or other good shit that’s good to lick up off you on your body
If you drop any food on you or have any on your lip….he’s licking it up and turning it into a sloppy messy make out
He kinda has a high sex drive but when he got older it died down slowly
A HUGE ROMANTICIZED MAN AND WILL MAKE SEXY TIME SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL…..I mean he’s pulling out scented candles and a bubble bath with roses everywhere
Gets turned on by you being a parental figure, showing carefulness, and basically you cooking and putting your all into things
For my opinion I feel like Bruce is into a much bigger s/o as in the type of lovers that got scratch marks, big hips, beautiful dips and gots to jump in they clothes🤤🤤
He doesn’t mind to pull your hair or spank you but will refuse to do anything rational or toooo hurtful
Doesn’t really have any turn offs except for anything that is unsanitary or including any other bodily fluids besides seed
IS A SWITCH😌But doesn’t mind being a sub if you want to dominate that night
His aftercare consists of him washing you off, cooking for you, watching movies til y’all sleep and massaging your sore spots
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