#man i dont want to fill this with tags but i do want people to see this
rxttenfish · 19 days
Asking because I’m extremely curious about this, how did MonProm’s writing get different over time? I remember you saying that the lore and characters feel different, and that it's missing sincere character interactions, too. I know almost nothing about the lore and I’ve only seen a few people mention the characters, so I’d be interested in a rundown of what aspects you think got worse in the series
I wouldn’t mind a very long response since I’m not that active in the fandom, I need to catch up on what happened
sorry for taking so long to answer this! i kinda waffled on it for a long bit, mainly because i started doubting myself again, and whether or not this was me simply overreacting or being tinted by nostalgia or simply being extremely picky and choosy in what i like (the last of which is true, i seldom get into fandoms at all for this reason and stay away from most popular media, but i wasn't sure if it applied here). i've posted about it already, but i'm in the middle of a psychotic episode where i can't feel a lot of pleasure to begin with + most things i do experience ending up solidly in the "very bad" category, so as you can imagine, i really didn't want to mislead and check that i was actually in objective reality.
as it is, this is also when a lot more screenshots started to be posted in the monster prom tag, and that helped me bridge the gap back into returning to the games themselves and feel like i was making a more accurate judgement. if you're one of those people who have been posting screenshots, i sincerely thank you, and i appreciated seeing you in the tag greatly.
for those not in the know — i've been in the monster prom fandom since it first released, prior to even the first additional ending to be added (the "Punch the sun" ending, and i recall the minor fandom drama that happened at that time due to it). my impression of monster prom is very much influenced by this, as what got me into the first game was the fact that the characters genuinely seemed to care for each other and were friends with each other (not merely tolerating each other's presences nor dressing it up, they sincerely thought of each other as friends and were open about that fact), on top of the wide variety of small details and statements that, if taken at face value, could create compounding complexity in the lives of each and every character and had wider implications for their lives.
no, they were not necessarily explored nor even necessarily "real", with so many conflicting events and statements, but i liked this too, because it meant a wider flexibility in what you could imagine, helping to create a more tailored experience for everyone who thought about these characters. this was what i liked about the early fandom too. what was baseline "canon" was so vague and minimal that you could have wildly different interpretations of the same characters' histories and relationships with each other. you would have radically different perspectives on what the world itself looked like, what it was like, that there wasn't really any wrong answers so long as their personalities remained the same. this is where you got the old headcanon of polly and liam being childhood friends who knew each other as humans, or that the world of monster prom was post-apocalypse where humanity itself had gone extinct or only existed in tiny pockets, or my personal headcanon that both monster and human society existed right next to each other and had minimal crossover for petty cultural reasons. this was also prior zoe-as-ro, and there were wildly different interpretations of zoe's personality, with most going for a far more disquieting creepy-cute than the deep nerd we got.
this is why you get stuff like the timeloop theory, where everyone is repeating the same weeks leading up to prom over and over, and are perhaps vaguely aware of it but broadly unconcerned. this is also why it felt like the joke that, the characters were still in high school but were all fully legal adults with most in their 20's, best landed, because it was absurd and strange and didn't quite make sense, but the world itself was inherently absurd and semi-malleable to begin with. realistically, i felt like everyone understood it was making fun of the trope of having adults play teenagers in american sitcoms and wildly casting outside the age range, but for more in-universe explanations it wasn't any different from the way that you would have a large, dramatic ending in which everything changed, but then you'd restart and everyone would be right back at the beginning with nothing different, or even having conflicting events in the same run. it was a dream-logic that fit with the tropes and, thus, diagetically made sense.
to be clear, i don't mind canon having a set, well, canon on which it refers back to itself. i don't mind expanding that or including more things which are set in stone. but there was a perceivable shift in how the games handled this over time, becoming a lot more... bitter, it felt, towards all of these different branching ideas and concepts that, yeah, the people making them knew wouldn't necessarily be "canon" because "canon" already liked to contradict itself so much. most people weren't even sold on any one idea, and there was a much greater sense of enjoying and appreciating all the varying ideas people would come up with even if you personally didn't share them. making the characters be out of character was the real crime, because then it didn't diagetically make sense in the same way, didn't wholly fit.
(again, this is not to say fanon didn't happen and characters weren't smoothed down into a simplified personality that fit these varying fan-interpretations instead of the game itself. certainly damien love/lust was just as bad as it had ever been, and everyone loved to mangle his character into a more stereotypical "bad boy with a heart of hold" all the time. but it certainly felt less set-in-stone about it than it does now, with any deviation from the norm being considered strange and odd and even broadly shunned from the wider fandom.)
all of this is setup for establishing what the writing, lore, and characters felt like in the earlier days. the characters were the strongest part, with their relationships to each other being equally as important. the lore played it fast and loose and was far less interested in setting anything in concrete because that wasn't the important part. the lore wasn't the important part, which was what made it all the more intoxicating to think about, all the more fun to play with.
montrip is easily the biggest offender when it comes to setting everything in all-or-nothing terms and demanding absolutism from the world. broadly i blame the hitchhiker conversations for the worst of it, but i think ultimately the way they handled the entire premise of the game is where this problem stems from. it's not really an exploration in the same sense that you might explore the first game, discovering different perspectives and different people with different relationships to each other. it's an exploration in the sense of a sequel that over-explains the monster, that takes the most boring option out of all those that were possible and floating around and settles on something that was blatant, obvious, typically rejected not because of how novel it is but how trite and par for the course it is in the rest of the genre.
yeah, okay. humans know nothing about monsters and there's a "monster dimension" that exists separately from the human dimension. there's no crossover between the two of them. of course there's a big grand-scale fight between the eldritch powers that zoe used to be a part of, from which not only are slayers the main organization against them, but also the merkingdom has some horse in this race too. it's an urge to make things so universal in explaining them, in revealing connecting threads which unite everything that's ever happened in here, that makes the worldbuilding and lore immediately much more boring than it ever was before.
and it didn't have to be this way! nothing in the first game contradicts any of this too explicitly (see the above, the first game loves to contradict itself), and i would even be happy if this was basically canon but never stated or confirmed to be the big overarching everything going on underneath it all. i believe you should probably know these things about any world that you create and have them in the back of your mind. the difference is that you can know these things and keep them in mind, even focusing on things where its very relevant, and still not reveal them. this is why you have lore bibles, after all. every horror writer knows exactly how their monster works and the full underlying reason for everything that happens, but that doesn't mean the audience will see it or possess this same information too, and leaving it intentionally obscure will make far better stories.
which, this is bad enough, but it wouldn't be the breaking point for me if this was all there was.
but the worst thing of all has to be the slow decay of the very same characters that sold me on this world, this lore, this game in the first place. monster prom is nothing without the characters in it. it's a dating sim, it has nothing but characters to get you to play, and liking these characters are the entire reason anyone would pick up monster prom in the first place.
and the first game pulls this off extremely well. it's all in the tagline: be your worst self. they are, indeed, all terrible people. yes, even that character that you just thought of right now. they all have points in the game where they commit atrocities, where they kill or hurt people, where they do inexcusable things that could not be ignored in a more serious setting.
but that's the point. i think there's something very powerful in creating a character who not only do you love and love their personality and the way they interact with the world, but who also are inapologetically terrible, and to have the humor and the charisma be so good that you don't get bogged down in the "this is awful". likewise, it never feels the urge to really go out of its way to justify what's going on. this is not to say theres no discussion of if someone "deserved it", but usually there's still the sense that the joke is on them, that this is still an extreme reaction specifically for comedy and not necessarily something that can be justified. you can have damien set leonard on fire and have it feel earned, without prompting the needed reaction of what it's actually like to watch someone burn to death.
this is what sets the prank masterz ending apart from the rest of the game, and really establishes it as the first real "bad ending". because nothing that you do or happens in the prank masterz ending is any different from anything else that happens in any other run. you summon evil beings from other dimensions as a throwaway gag on how visiting one location raises your stats. you kill other people and damn them to terrible fates. you watch as body horror happens. the only difference is that, in the prank masterz ending, the laugh track doesn't play.
the rest of the game and the writing echoes this philosophy, this careful interplay of tropes that keeps everything tongue in cheek and yet sincere enough to make sure emotional beats still land when they're needed. the characters feel true to themselves and their own emotions, even when the world is extreme and excessive, when everything else runs on comedy logic.
this is also what i noticed failing first as time went on.
like i said, fanon has always existed and there's always been very specific ideas as to what characters are like in the same way fanon always flattens down characters into the same tropes over and over. scott is stupid and innocent and doesn't know what sex is. damien is violent and hot and too cool for anyone else. miranda is the idiot girl character. repeat over and over and over until you get sick of it.
but it's been an issue as time has crept on that canon has started to approach fanon and began to merge with it. now, scott is so innocent that he can't even curse. polly starts being mean to her friends and saying things that would be very hurtful to hear. the merkingdom isn't really super evil and fucked up, it's just miranda that's like that. they become simpler, easier to digest, streamlined for social media posts and mass-sharing. they become less and less subversions of existing tropes and moreso just another example of them, something else to add to the collection, not their own individual stories.
even further from this, what more complex traits they had are now stated and not shown. polly is stated to be smart and clever in a way that her party girl persona doesn't imply and to be sincerely rather down to earth with the people she cares about, but we seldom ever see this anymore unless its the game specifically trying to make a point about it, in which case it won't let her do anything that implies cleverness and moreso will just outline it in the narration. vera is stated to care for people in a very genuine and heartfelt way, but seldom will get a chance to do so, and every opportunity for her to do so to their faces is missed while she will just outright state it later. it does not feel consistent, it does not feel like any of these are intended reads of their actions. it feels like the devs have something they want to do but no idea on how to actually do so. and forget it if you want these traits to manifest in small ways that show up in unrelated moments and scenes.
the dialogue becomes harder and harder to tell between each speaker, if you are just looking at what's said and not at the pictures attached to it. the characters' distinct voices have been eroded away, so that they speak more and more like each other, relaying the same terms and ideas in the same words. perspective becomes a suggestion, instead of a must.
this is something that started back in monster camp too, as all of the endings in that game felt ultimately the same as every other ending. it's very hard to place or define the full reason why, why there feels like there's no emotional stakes nor investment, why everything feels moreso like selecting different coats of paint and trying to find all the different ending pictures rather than being interested in exploring the characters as characters.
stranger yet, the series that started with the tagline of "be your worst self" has experienced a kind of... softening, for lack of a better word? what i mentioned about being able to handle the balance between terrible people who do terrible things and the light tone of the game starts to change, as abruptly the same characters who were down with violent murder in the first game start to lose their nerve, acting more and more on more typical morality. it's one of those things that feels like it's starting to damage the tone, as abruptly it's not as absurd as it used to be, demands less suspension of disbelief which could buffer and support the rest of the setting on it. there's even a part in one of the endings in montrip which involves current-polly and current-scott looking back on their monprom selves and reacting in horror at how violent and careless their pranks are, in a way that fundamentally felt like it was undercutting and disparaging all the things that felt fun and made monprom what it was.
which is odd, really, because more and more i feel like the characters in these games like each other less and less. the friendships and genuine enjoyment of each others company that brought me to this game in the first place has gone. now they don't mention each other as much, don't care for each other's feelings and reactions as much, aren't as willing to support each other. they are more and more found on their own, relied on their own, seem to seek out contact and interaction with their own friends less and less. it feels like they're all separating out into their own worlds, but also feels like they wouldn't willingly want to interact with each other if they weren't already forced together by some other outside contrivance.
if anything, i'd compare it to every other dating sim out there, where you, the player, are the most important person in these characters' lives, and they only feel ambivalent or antagonistic towards every other character. which, again, is not why i picked up monster prom or why i liked it so much in the first place.
and it's because of this that it feels like the current state of the series has to focus on its increasingly weak worldbuilding and lore, trying to form a more serious foundation without character relationships being so tightly bound together, without the characters themselves being more developed and rich, without an aspect of absurd humor to rely on.
more and more i've noticed monprom has to rely on referencing other series to make itself funny and create humor, which, again, it's always done. it was just easier to ignore back then, if you didn't know what was being referenced, because there was always more going on in the exact same scene to bolster it and give context clues as to the setup and punchline at play. it feels like the current games are much more dependent on you knowing pop culture references in order to have any fun with it, and i'm someone who, again, is very picky in what i like or what i'll seek out. i'm not interested in a stream of references about other things that i would much rather be doing than playing through a game that feels like it hates that i like it at all, when i could, again, just be engaging with the thing that takes itself seriously and knows what it wants.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#monster prom#asks#vanillabeenflower#this is. so long i am so sorry.#and its still not my entire thoughts because i have so many thoughts#this is an unedited ramble tbh and im very sorry for that#i have more complaints like#how fucking snide and condescending the narration is to its own characters#which it already had but gets even worse in the later games#which is why despite loving aaravi i dont want to play moncamp at all#where a character says they like something or feel something and the narration has to be so. sarcastic about it?#like how i mentioned about how it feels like how its looking down on them as people#instead of whats probably the intended read which is#more jokingly calling them dumb in an affectionate way like how you might do with friends#and ofc theres the whole miranda rant#i hate what theyve done with the merkingdom and i HATE adrien as a concept i wont lie#just. cool. this female character is too stupid to count as a lore character. we obviously need a MALE character to fill in instead#we cant just have miranda talk about this or center any of the other female characters#and how they feel about this and whats going on for them#no we need to make up a new man to talk to instead#im. im still really bitter about it i wont lie.#like i said i could go on and get way more specific about it#i just feel like any and all emotional weight to this has died and the characters are more and more obviously actors on a stage#for your own self gratification rather than their own people living their own lives#this is so bitter and i really shouldnt put this in the main tag#i am so sorry everyone who will see my rant. but my peace must be made.#dont worry im already asking myself if im just making all this shit up myself#what if some of us liked that the characters were so mean to the player and had no qualms about aggressively rejecting us#because it gave some illusion of them being able to make their own choices and decisions in what they wanted
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ohh i can feel a category five autism event on the horizon
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othercrossee · 1 year
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#z rants#NOT MAD ANYMORE ITS JSUT FUNNY TO ME NOW#okay i eed to actually ramble about this cuz i ended up laughing reading shit on twt about how what he said was a mistranslation#ill be censoring his name cuz i dont aant it leak into the tag and i dont want yall pieces of shit to argue with me#a fat person who can comprehend what he said and how it cpuld come across despite it not being his intention 👍#also cuz as a fan for 5 years who love these guys a lot but still see them as human who can very much do wrong and judge them for that#yall bow to these bitches a little too much like they arent grown ass men who are being idolized by many its so crazy#first of all. an apology is so easy idk why u think he csnt comprehend what he said or refuse to answer but sure#lets get into it#amother thing is yall must be some pretentious little cunts telling people to apologizs to hao instead#i do want cunts who were bodyshaming him in recent news to do that whatever but. people who r rightfully mad?#they have the rights to be idc what wrong translation when u read at the sentence throughly it stil came off....weird#lets not make this into a personal issue thing we all know the industry is filled with fatphobic cunts whos awaiting the moment to say sum#so what he said is apparently * they need to stop esting but i cannot say it thoughtlessly. because whatever your body type is-#you just need to love yourself* which is understandable mind u. id say this is an okay answer#but i do think the way he just word this shit is so bad like u didnt nedd to add the first part my god 😭😭😭 sir 😭😭#he meant well mind u i do think he does but its just craazyyyy#* they need to stop eatinf but i csnt say it thoughtlessly* just dont say it then bro 😭 not that hard#do u not see the undertone of that? EVEN IF that wasnt hsi intention#thats another one of fatphobia undertone babey! csnt say it thoughtlessly. god thats so good man#so if u were to say it thoughtfully what would it be then? they ened to eat healthier?#let me repeat this. no matter which is his intention. he should still be educated about this more#especiallh coming from a person like him with skinny priviledge and in an industry so filled with hate for fat people#twt bitches r a bunch of bootlicking little bitches be serious for once yall r too dramatic idk laugh a little#*theyre attacking him! apologize!* we r asking a 25 yo man to be accountable for what he said as an idol with milliosn of fan#who all comprehend his answer differently and how that answer could mean when u think of fatphobia rhetoric 😁#twt carat dni yall cannot think st all its sk crazy that the first thing i saw was someone being so emotional about the whole issue#and how the people who r mad should rethink this snd spologize and r fake fans#must be so much to not use your brain at all like them#grown ass man accidentally says sth fatphobic and csnr even apologize a little bit when we all kmow its get swept under the rug anyways
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xxsunoosprincess · 3 months
Finally someone who doesnt write sunghoon as a hard dom!! Like have you seen that man, hes just a baby behind those muscles.
But tbh hes maybe a mean soft dom, LOVES to call you names and have you whining underneath him. It just boosts his ego a little
He might get super mean but i dont think he would be rough, maybe if you ask him to be though🫣🫣 (elaborate?)
A-fucking-gree. I think people mistake Sunghoon’s quietness for being mean, but I think he is just a silly guy. Even more than that, he is a simp for his girl. When he is in love he’s in love and would do anything for his baby. He lets you dress him up in pink even though he hates it because you say he looks pretty. He makes silly race car noises while pushing you around in grocery carts because he knows it makes you smile. And if you ask him to be a little extra rough with you one night, despite the fact that you’re his sweet little princess, then damn it he is going to. He just has to pep talk himself in the bathroom before hand and he’s ready to go.
(smut below the cut, minors DNI)
Has you flat on your back with your legs up, one hand wrapped around both your ankles while he bullies his cock deep into your cunt “Yeah? You fucking like that? You like being my slut?” There is sweat building at his hair line, his thick eyebrows furrowing. Something about you whining beneath him makes him want to work harder. He wants to please you, give you everything you wish for and more. It’s what makes him call you a “nasty little bitch” when you let out a moan of pleasure after he lands a harsh smack on the meat of your ass.
When you squeal and place your hand on his chest because it’s “too much hoonie!” it only makes him fuck into you harder. Tosses your legs down so he can take your hand off his chest and pin both of your wrists down above your head. With his free hand he grips your jaw, forcing your mouth open before he spits into it. “Thought you wanted it hard baby?” The condescending way he looks at you brings tears of pleasure to your eyes, but it’s enough to make him slow down. Immediately stops, placing a tender kiss on the tracks of tears that have started to flow. Needs explicit reassurance that he wasn’t too much :(
Still isn’t a fan of seeing you cry, so he lets you take control, too scared he will get caught up in the moment and push you too far. Flips you over into doggy and let’s you take what you need “Work yourself on my cock, baby. Fuck… that’s my sweet girl.” <3 Sunghoon sweetie agenda.
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a/n: I feel like this is a lil short but I’m feeling a little silly today. I hope it makes you clap and smile. Dats all for today xx - princess
tag list: @sunoofairyofsass @cha0thicpisces (dm or fill out form to join tag list)
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atticrissfinch · 11 months
i don’t know if your requests are open but:
reader lives in jackson and is friends with tommy, so she sees joel relatively frequently, and they just DONT get along. the reader is young and she’s got a sharp tongue and cheek that irritates the shit out of joel, who shoots back just as much condescending insults. they literally can’t be in a room without getting into it. however, the reader does it for his attention (she’s got daddy issues), and joel doesn’t catch onto this until she’s knocking on his door at midnight because she can’t sleep and she needs him and she doesn’t know how to admit it. he pulls her in the house and absolute filth ensues. he makes her blow him and then they fuck. joel is smug and condescending the whole time, and reader just becomes a ragdoll. Size kink, dirty talk, daddy kink, creampie/breeding, the works PLEASE
Ohooooo nonnie, very well done. This inspired me. So here you go, lovely. I hope I did it justice 🙏
Little Bee 🐝 (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+)
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pairing: joel miller x fem!reader warnings/tags: [18+ MDNI] jackson!au, no mentions of ellie, dark!joel if you squint, age gap (Joel in his 50s, reader in v early 20s), daddy!kink, size!kink, breeding!kink, brief praise!kink, degradation!kink, dirty talk (of course), ball sucking, pussy slapping, brief f masturbation, oral (m receiving), face-fucking, unprotected piv, rough sex, sorta dubcon creampie, orgasm denial as punishment (reader doesn't come ☹️), pet names/degrading terms (little girl, babygirl, slut, whore [one brief use derogatorily], etc.), mentions of food, mentions of parent death and absentee/neglectful parenting, daddy issues as a plot device word count: ~5k oops | ao3 Masterlist | Kofi
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If there was anyone who could stoke the fire inside you, it was Joel Fucking Miller. 
Something about the man had you desperately aiming to misbehave, to cause trouble. 
And Maria did not like trouble. 
She got on your cases constantly, snipping about how the two of you can’t endure each other’s company for two fucking minutes without stirring up a verbal sparring match. Which was truly a feat, she’d remarked once, considering any other person would be hard-pressed to get more than a couple sentences out of Joel on a good day. 
But you. You can fiddle with the knobs in Joel’s brain to make him tick. Every fucking time. 
Towards the beginning of Joel’s time in Jackson, you had been assigned patrol one time together. The second you had gotten back, Joel strode right up to Maria on an expletive-ridden tirade about what exactly he would do if he was ever partnered with you again. 
You won’t lie, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face for days after that. The way you had gotten under his skin, irritated him to the point of him threatening to backhand you off your horse and leave you to the Infected. 
And it hadn’t even been that hard to do, getting under his skin. It became something of a sport for you. 
For example, he’d be peacefully eating his breakfast in the dining hall, and you’d just glide by with a, “Don’t choke on your dentures, old man,” and he’d slam his fist on the table and yell loud enough for the entire hall to hear for you to “Fuck off, you little shit!”. You’d cackle into your breakfast burrito while the rest of the hall flinched at the flicker of Joel Miller aggression. 
What’s even more funny is that you and Tommy get on just fine. You patrol together pretty consistently and have formed a very amicable relationship. He’s never been able to understand what exactly riles the two of you up, but Tommy would be the first to acknowledge that Joel’s temper can get the better of him. He’s mentioned more than once that Joel really only gets so fired up about people he cares about—that Tommy himself has first-hand experience with those outbursts. He does admit that you really do seem to bring it out of Joel, though.  
That fills you with secret satisfaction. 
Because from the first day you met Joel, you wanted him to see you. You hate to call it “daddy issues”, but if the shoe fits, you guess. Your father had never wanted you in the first place. Just an old man fooling around with a younger woman and taking it a step too far. Your mother had been bitten when you were seven, leaving you in the hands of a man who knew jack shit about being a father, and even less about you as a person. Just an extra mouth to feed, an extra life to protect. And he’d never let you forget it for a goddamn second. He protected you just enough to seek refuge in Jackson, and then deemed you “the community’s problem”. When the stubborn bastard got himself torn to shreds by a pack of clickers on a patrol a couple years ago, you hadn’t even cried. 
Joel had shown up about three months after your father died, in search of his baby brother—to protect his baby brother. And it was fucking over for you. 
Joel wouldn’t have looked twice at you if you hadn’t become an incessant little bee buzzing in his ear. Something about him constantly swatting at you fueled your tank. Revved your engine. So you just never stopped buzzing. And he never stopped swatting. 
One night, you’re finishing up dinner and spot Joel getting seated on a stretch of bench alone, starting in on his stew. You decide to tempt fate again, pass by with some quip about it being past his bedtime and not dozing off into his dinner. But this time, like the snap of a whip, Joel’s hand lashes out, clamping onto your wrist and yanking you towards him. Honestly, it startles you—thrills you even more. 
Then Joel grumbles at you low enough for only you to hear, “You know, one of these days someone’s gonna teach you the consequences of your actions, little girl. And ‘f’you don’t watch yourself, I’m gonna be the one to teach ya. And I’m not known for bein’ gentle.”
You’re close enough to see the threat in his eyes—the promise. And it’s laced with…something. Something that has your blood rushing south and your lip quivering. You jerk your wrist from his hold before you can truly give yourself away, darting out of the dining hall and back to your room as fast as possible. 
You don’t even bother to undress as you flop down on your bed and wriggle your jeans down enough to relieve where you’re aching. For him. Imagining his hand on your wrist again, both your wrists, pinning you down and sliding his cock into you as you scream for more. Pounding you senseless as you whisper “Daddy” into his ear. 
You come hard and fast, pulsing under your fingers as hot waves flood your body. You would bet everything you own that Joel will be doing the same fucking thing when he gets back to his. If he isn’t already, caught up in the energy of what passed between you two at dinner. 
Maybe he snuck into an empty room in the hallway and bit his release into his forearm as he shot the evidence against an unsuspecting wall. Maybe he’s stomping to his house right now, temper flared and pants bulging, flexing his fingers as he pictures your throat under them. 
But you know he gets off on it, just like you do. There’s too much pent-up tension. You get off at least four times a week with his face behind your eyelids and your special name reserved for him on your lips. 
You know it’s only a matter of time before he makes good on his promise—the yarn is already unraveling. 
That night, when you can’t sleep, you make the decision to pull the thread. 
A  few moments after you knock on his door, you hear a commotion inside. Heavy footfalls on the stairs and a frustrated, “Shit!”
When the door tears open, you’re met with a disheveled yet very alert Joel, mid-way through tugging on a threadbare t-shirt. When he notices who knocked, his hands freeze on the hem of it, leaving his deliciously curved belly on display. Your eyes can’t resist devouring the dark smattering of hair that leads down past the band of his jeans. 
Your view is interrupted by him yanking the shirt down the rest of the way with an aggravated, “The goddamn hell are you doin’ bangin’ at my door at this godforsaken hour? There a fuckin’ emergency?”
You reluctantly return your eyes to his, a drowsy fire glowing behind them.  His hair is sticking up in odd places, a result that you imagine could only be achieved by rousing him from sleep, or from fingers grabbing at it. His own, or someone else’s maybe. Given the late hour, logic is partial to the first, but the thought of someone else’s hands on him has an anger, a jealousy burning under your skin. 
“You got company?”
Joel gives you a look charged with ornery confusion. “Huh? Company? No, I ain’t got fuckin’ company, it’s 2 in the goddamn mornin’. The hell are you doin’ here?”
You suddenly feel incredibly fucking stupid. What the hell were you thinking? You wring your hands together anxiously, eyes falling to the gnarled wood of his porch. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I…”
“There somethin’ goin’ on? You alright?” His voice has a note of compassion in it now. A facet of Joel you had heard before, just never directed at you. It makes your heart throb in your chest. 
“Yeah, yeah, no, I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”
“Then what the hell are you doin’ on my porch in the middle of the night, little girl?”
You glance up at him, a twitch in your jaw. “I’m not a little girl.”
Joel scoffs at that, shaking his head as he leans against the doorframe. “Bullshit. You’re a fuckin’ child. Just pushin’ my buttons, push push push, like you want me to fuckin’ explode on ya.”
You can’t believe the bait he just fed you there. You meet him with a challenging look, pulling yourself up to your full height. “Maybe you’re right, maybe I do want you to explode on me,” You assert, lacing your words with far more meaning than he had his own. 
Joel may not be the brightest bulb, but he’s not stupid. He clocks it immediately. His next words come out very measured as he narrows his eyes at you. “What. Are you doin’ here. At my house. While everyone is in bed?”
You shrug, scuffing your worn, unlaced work boots you’d thrown on against his porch. “Guess I couldn’t sleep.”
Joel sweeps his eyes down your body, taking in your sleep shorts and camisole. You catch him lingering on the curve of your breasts peeking out of your shirt for a second too long and licking his lips. 
“What’s got you tossin’ and turnin’ in that bed of yours, little girl?”
“Might have been what you said at dinner.”
“That right? And what about what I said had your brain workin’ overtime?”
“I think you know.”
“Mmm. You think I know,” He repeats back to you, his hand reaching up to grip the threshold at the top of the doorway. It has an effect like he’s trying to make himself bigger, like a bear trying to spook a potential threat. “Why don’t you spell out for me what you ‘think I know’.”
You sigh in self-conscious frustration, your eyes flitting to the strip of skin revealed at his stomach from his shift in position. “Please don’t make me say it.”
“Oh, I’m gonna make you say it. Big girls use their words. Haven’t seen you have a problem with that before. Always got some smartass thing to say to me.”
Your fingers twist into the hem of your shorts as your eyes remain fixed on that strip of skin. You say quietly, mumbling, “I need you.”
He tips his head forward and cocks it. “I’m sorry?”
You’re fairly certain he heard you the first time. You finally meet his gaze again, which has gone exponentially more dark, tempting. His lips are parted in expectation, brow raised in a devastatingly irritating cocksureness. 
“Well?” He encourages. 
Your eyes shift from side to side along with your feet as the cool late-night summer air chills your exposed skin. “Can we do this inside, please?”
He smirks at you, seeming to revel in your unease. “Oh yeah, we’ll do it inside. But this,” He points a finger towards you, “This little confession. I want Jackson to hear it. Even if the people don’t. I want this filthy, desperate little admission of yours blowin’ on the wind of this little town ‘til its demise.”
“Joel, come on—” 
“You do as I say, or you go home.”
You huff, craning your head to soak in the barren street, see the leaves dancing across the pavement with the quiet breeze. The breeze that’s destined to not be so quiet anymore. 
You steel yourself as you look back at Joel where he waits expectantly, hand still gripping the doorway and a thumb curled around his belt loop. You clear your throat. 
“I need you. To teach me a lesson…Daddy.”
The name has a positively wicked expression creeping along his features. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“May I please come inside now?”
Joel pouts his lips up in thought for a brief moment before swinging out of the way of the doorframe, welcoming you in. The door closes behind you with a certain crisp finality that has a rush of cold running through your body despite the bloom of heat in Joel’s home. From fear or excitement, you’re not totally sure. Probably both. 
Broad, warm hands find their way to your hips from behind, thumbs rubbing rhythmic circles into the flesh of your back just beneath the hem of your camisole. Heated breath curls around your ear as he says low, “So you need a Daddy, huh?”
You squirm just a smidge, not enough to have Joel retreating from you. “I think you’ve known that for a while now. Right?”
Joel chuckles softly, pressing a kiss below your ear. “I’ve known. A good Daddy always knows, don’t he?”
“Yeah,” You breathe out as Joel’s kisses start trending more toward tongue-heavy suction on your neck. You tilt your head to the side to widen his canvas and he moans into you in appreciation. 
“‘S’what happens when little girls don’t get the lovin’ they need. Start actin’ out, mouthin’ off, just waitin’ for a firm Daddy to teach ‘em how to behave.”
“Yes,” You gasp, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck as he works you over with his mouth and his words. “Please teach me.”
Joel pauses for a beat and uses the crook of his finger under your chin to turn your face to his. “You a virgin, Little Bee?”
A laugh bubbles up from your chest at both the assumption and the new pet name. “Not even close.”
You’d lost that long ago to some boy you’d been left with once by your father, back when you were still surviving on the outside. He was cute and you wanted to get it over with. Your father hadn’t shied away from informing you of the threats that were out there, particularly for a young woman. You chose to take control of your first time, so no one could do it for you. 
Once you’d gotten to Jackson, there had been a decent pool of guys around your age to experiment with. And you took advantage of that. With no father watching your back, and a new group of boys whispering under their breath about “fresh meat”, you got back at your father the only way you knew how—being reckless. Probably should have realized earlier that he didn’t give a shit about that either. “The community’s whore, the community’s problem...”
That was before Joel had arrived. After Joel arrived…nobody else would do. Which brings you here. To Joel’s home in the middle of the night. Ready to learn what he has to teach. 
Joel jerks you backward with both hands at your waist, pressing you against the unmistakably massive length in his jeans. “Good. Maria’d probably put me on trial for doin’ the shit I’m ‘boutta do to you if you were a little doe-eyed virgin.”
You swallow thickly, a smirk branding your lips. “And what are you about to do to me, Daddy?”
Joel licks one long, possessive stripe up the column of your neck and growls, “Fuck you like my own personal sex doll. Pump you so full of my come that you’ll be drippin’ it for days. Teach you a fuckin’ lesson ‘bout back-talkin’ your superiors.” 
“Fuck, Daddy,” You moan, dropping your head back to his shoulder. 
“Surprise, surprise. The antagonistic little slut likes the idea of bein’ used by me.” Joel drags the collar of your top down under your tits and gropes at one with a deliciously callused hand, twisting your nipple as you gasp. “That what you been beggin’, screamin’ for all this time, Little Bee? Huh? Desperate for my attention?”
“Yes, Daddy,” You admit with more shamelessness than you’d expected of yourself. But his words are burrowing as deep inside your pussy as you desperately hope he will be soon. 
Joel snarls in your ear, “Then get on your fuckin’ knees and show me what you’re good for.”
You hit the ground like someone strapped 500 lb. weights to your thighs. The snort Joel lets out niggles at your self-consciousness. Here you are, finally on your knees for the man you haven’t stopped fantasizing about since you met him, and having to come to terms with how truly starved you are for him. How avidly you want to please him. Part of you really should care about how thoroughly this man has a hold on you between your legs. How he could grip you by the cunt and twist you in any direction he saw fit, and you’d obey. 
All the cutting jabs, all the sassy remarks, culminating with you in your skimpy pajamas at 2 AM, hardwood biting at your bare knees as you await your fate. 
“You follow directions pretty nice when you got a strong hand above you, don’t ya?”
“I am capable of being a good girl,” You say with an edge of defensiveness. 
“I’m sure you are, I’ve just yet to see it. I s’pose we’ll find out, won’t we?” 
Joel makes quick work of the fastenings on his jeans and pulls himself out of them with a grunt. You can feel your eyes threaten to bulge out at the sight of him. You’ve seen decent sized dicks before, but he is big. Like, the ones you’ve seen in porn magazines, big. And he’s thick. Thick enough that you’re pretty sure you can’t fit your hand all the way around him. The tip is an angry reddish-purple, pronounced veins running down the velvety shaft like a challenge. Follow me, see where I lead. His balls hang low and heavy, practically begging for your mouth on them. Both his cock and balls are framed with only partially tamed dark curls that look silky to the touch. 
“Oh god,” You choke out, unable to pry your eyes from the magnificently terrifying sight in front of you. 
Joel moans as he cups a hand around his sack and squeezes it lightly. “You’re playin’ with the big daddies now, aren’t you, little girl?”
You whimper as you look up at him, “Please.”
“Please what, baby?” He prods with another tug to his balls, causing his cock to bob lewdly in front of your face. 
“Please put it in my mouth.”
“There’s that good girl I’ve been lookin’ for,” He says grittily, taking his cock in his hand and your chin in the other. He coaxes a thumb between your teeth and guides your mouth open for him. “Gotta be nice and wide, baby. ‘Else I won’t fit.”
You don’t doubt that for a second. In fact, you're doubting your ability to even do it at all. But he lays the head on your tongue, salty with precome and sweat, and slides it in. His hand threads through the hairs at the base of your skull and tugs, just enough to establish his control. 
You moan as he invades your mouth, occupying every spare bit of space. He tickles at the back of your throat and it doesn’t skip your attention that there is still enough length left for you to wrap a hand around the base and not even touch your lips.  
“There we go, nice and full now, huh? Why don’t you hit me with one of those witty little comebacks of yours, Little Bee. Go on,” He encourages with a downright evil smirk. 
You scrunch your eyebrows together and attempt to pull off, but his grip at your head is unyielding, your effort just rubber-banding you back deeper onto his cock with another moan. 
Joel tosses his head back with a brutal laugh as he bucks into your mouth, forcing you to gag around him. “Well goddamn it. It’s a miracle. She’s speechless, ain’t she?” He gives another controlled thrust and the gag has wetness flooding your eyes and the corners of your mouth. “Daddy shut her right up.”
He fucks into your mouth with harsh grunts, jerking you off of him by the back of your head to catch your breath before pulling you right back on. His barrage has tears streaming down your cheeks and your own saliva leaking down your chin to your chest. 
Once he tires of fucking into you with his hips, he opts to utilize his hold on your head. He wrenches you back and forth mercilessly, cramming your mouth full of his cock and sliding more and more of it down your throat as he goes. 
He lets you up to breathe and spits down at you, “This all you been dreamin’ about, you little slut? This how you wanted Daddy to treat you?”
You cough out a “Yes, Daddy!” before he puts you right back to work, using and abusing your throat like it’s just a second pussy to him. You can see your own saliva mingling in with the curls at his base, draping in delicate strings as well as smeared obscenely in translucent globs. 
When he rips you off of him a final time, it’s with enough force to throw you to the ground off your knees. You twist to try and upright yourself until he hurls at you, “Stay down. Don’t fuckin’ move.”
He shucks off his pants and boxers and drops down, his knees on either side of your shoulders. He grips the base of his cock and smacks you with it right down the center of your face. “Open your mouth.”
Once you open wide, your tongue splayed out for him, he braces himself with a hand above your head and dangles his balls above your mouth. “Suck.”
The authority in his voice has you lifting your head without a second thought, capturing one of his balls in your mouth. You suck it gently, massaging it with your tongue. A guttural grunt escapes Joel as he drops his hips low enough for you to settle your head back against the hardwood as you lave at him. You let him pop out of your mouth to repeat the motions on its counterpart, moaning softly around it. Joel cants forward at the vibration, his cock bobbing down again and tapping your face. 
“Shit, babygirl. Such a filthy fuckin’ mouth. Right where it belongs.” 
He strokes at his cock with a firm hand as you pleasure him, only extracting himself from your mouth when his thighs begin to shake. He shifts himself down your body until he’s kneeling between your legs. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait anymore. Need this tight little cunt,” He growls, slapping right down on your needy pussy with a flat hand over your shorts. 
You buck up in response, spreading your legs wide without another word. Joel pulls down your shorts and panties in one go. You bend your legs to help rid yourself of them, pulling off your boots in the process and leaving you in your drooping camisole. 
“Please fuck me, Daddy. I need you so bad,” You whine, rolling your hips up at him. Joel lands another smack, this time to your bare folds. 
“Gonna fuck this cunt so good it won’t matter that nobody heard your slutty little confession outside. They’re gonna know just what kinda girl you are when you’re limpin’ around town from the pussy beatin’ I’m ‘boutta give you.”
“Yes, Daddy,” You moan as Joel notches his fat head at your pulsing core. 
“They’re gonna take one fuckin’ look at you and say, ‘That’s a slut that’s takin’ more dick than she knows how to handle.’ And they’re gonna wonder who’s stickin’ it to ya so good. And you’re gonna keep your fuckin’ mouth shut, aren’t ya?”
“Whatever you want, Daddy,” You cry out, “Please give it to me!”
“Say it,” He grunts, teasing your hole with the impending stretch of his cock. “Say you’re gonna keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.”
“I’ll keep my mouth shut,” You sob, “I’ll do anything, just please!”
He grants your wish with a loud grunt and fucks his entire length into you in a single thrust. You feel the air decompress from your lungs, your lips parting in a silent cry. 
“Bit off more’n you can chew with me, Little Bee. And I’m gonna make you feel it.”
And he fucking does. His cock ravages every inch of you, stretching you out more than you could ever imagine and filling you like nothing you’ve ever dreamed. The head of his cock kisses at your cervix, making you writhe and claw at his hips to try and force him to shallow his thrusts, but he smacks your hand away sharply and locks it to the floor with his fingers around your wrist. 
“Oh, no, babygirl. You wanted me, you get every inch of me. You learn your fuckin’ lesson.” He drops to his elbows and snaps his hips into you, and you can’t stop the strangled yell that spills out of you. He smacks a hand over your mouth and continues his domineering thrusts. “Gonna wake up the whole fuckin’ neighborhood. You really want everyone to know Joel Miller is the one puttin’ you in your place, huh?”
You scream against his muffling hand as a particularly deep thrust has him smashing into your cervix, blotting your vision with white. You’re not sure if it’s from him actually realizing that he’s hurting you or just entirely of his own desire, but he pulls out and flips you flat onto your stomach. He wastes no time plunging right back in, his chest flush to your back. Your breathing remains ragged but not quite so shrill as his thrusts shallow out, prevented from going so deep in your current position. Despite that, Joel still fills you up completely, claiming the entire expanse of your pussy for himself like you’re just a toy. He wraps an arm loosely around your neck and grabs onto your opposite shoulder, using your own body as leverage against you. 
“Feel so good wrapped around this fuckin’ cock, babygirl. You want me to fill you up? Shoot my come up this fuckin’ pussy?”
You whimper in response, warring with yourself over that very thought. God, do you want Joel to take you like that. To mark you like that. You’ve never let anyone come inside you before, even the first time. Jackson has an extremely limited supply of emergency contraception, but you have no doubt Joel could get his hands on it if he wanted to. 
Then Joel just keeps fucking talking. 
“What if I fuck a baby right into this pussy, babygirl, huh? Teach you some real consequences. Waddlin’ around with a child no one even knows is mine. Just the town slut, probably don’t even know who her own baby came from.”
You sob as Joel fucks you open over and over, his pace increasing as he spews pure filth into your ear. The perversion of his idea, the full-circle moment rattling around deep in the recesses of your brain—it should fucking repulse you. Instead it has your pussy squeezing around him like it’s begging to be bred. 
“But you’d fuckin’ know, wouldn’t you? You’d know it was your Daddy, punishin’ this cunt for the sins of your smart fuckin’ mouth. Paintin’ your insides full of his load ‘cause he can’t resist this tight fuckin’ pussy.”
“Fuck, daddy, please!”
Joel grunts as he hauls himself up onto his knees, yanking your hips up with him until your ass is in the air. He clutches your hips bruisingly as he fucks back into you at a break-neck pace that has your face damp with tears again. 
“Tell me no, Little Bee. Tell me not to fill up this naughty cunt. Tell me,” He barks at you as you feel him starting to lose his control. 
And maybe it’s because he’s fucked you so dumb you can’t speak, but you don’t. You don’t say a goddamn thing. 
Regardless of whether he takes the silence as an answer or he just can’t wait for an actual one, Joel comes with an, “Oh fuck,” and presses in deep, your ass flush with his hips as rope after rope of his seed splatters your insides. “Fuck.”
He pulls out of you gently and rolls down on the floor onto his back, panting up at the ceiling as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. He just breathes for a minute before confessing, “Should not have done that.”
“I don’t know,” You say, your chest heaving with an equal amount of exhaustion as you slide fully into the floor, “You seemed pretty keen on the idea a second ago. Memory going that quick?”
Joel’s head rolls to the side to glance at you, fixing you with a tired, but cautionary look. “Don’t you fuckin’ start with me. Have to do this shit all over again.”
Your lips curve into a small smile. “Yes, Daddy.” Joel rolls his eyes and works on righting himself. Your brow furrows as you watch him. “Wait, what about me?”
Joel raises an eyebrow at you as he stands, hands propped on his hips. “What about you? With all the shit you’ve put me through? Oh no, Little Bee, orgasms are earned. And you got a lotta ground to cover.”
You scowl, throwing one of your boots at him. “That’s not fair!”
Joel dodges the projectile footwear with nothing but a nonchalant jerk of his head to the side.  “First lesson, little girl. Life ain’t never fuckin’ fair. Get dressed.”
“Not until I get my orgasm.”
Joel swears to himself and levels you with a threatening glare. “I will carry your bare naked ass over my shoulder ‘cross town with my come still drippin’ out your cunt ‘f you don’t do as I say. And you can say goodbye to any more lessons from me. Ever.”
You get dressed. 
He walks you back toward your room side by side, your arms brushing against each other several times. He eventually sighs and mutters a gruff, “Fuck it.” He loops a hand around your shoulders and pulls you against him, rubbing your arm as friction against the chill breeze. You hide your grin into his t-shirt and let him be both of your eyes home. 
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Taglist Update: I have decided to decommission my taglist in favor of an updates blog! Please follow@atticrissfinchupdates and opt in for notifications to get notified when I post a new fic!
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taglist: @bbyanarchist @within-the-depths @koshkaj-blog @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @pr0ximamidnight
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ymiko0 · 6 months
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A/n: request! I had to delete the draft so I unfortunately dont have the ask...but I do remember what the ask is about!
Tags: breeding, creampie, afab!reader, mating press (guess my fave position lol), mentions of pregnancy, unprotected sex (I dont condone this action),
He grips your thighs harder, your knees almost touching your ears as he continues to drill in you. Your eyes swelling up with tears and sobs escaping your sore throat.
Dazai moaned, unrestrained as he kept slamming his hips against yours, his balls slapping against your slicked bum, the air filled with the smell of arousal and wet slaps.
He loved the way you felt around him, your walls fluttering around his shaft, providing the warmth he oh so longed for. He cages you between his arms, placing his weight on you as he pounded into you with much more fervor.
He cant stop— he doesn't wanna stop. The feeling of needing to fill you up everytime just grows as he does so.
Dazai was never a man who wanted children, he thinks it's a ridiculous idea for a man like him to have offsprings.
Thats why when you asked him to cum inside you— he hesitated. He was afraid of what might come after. The thought of having children scares him.
" O-oh..! Fuck—! "
But your reassurance gave him the push to spill inside you.
And he was ecstatic.
His eyes rolled back as his hips stuttered and jittered, it felt amazing. Filling you up while feeling your walls clamp around him was euphoric.
Is this why some people loved to have children so much? Because he sure is convinced. This practice made him feel so much closer to you, he grew to love it so much to the point that he doesnt waste his release anymore,
He wants it inside.
—his excuse? Lesser mess.
" Haah..— oh fuck—, fuck, fuck, fuck—! " he let out breathy moans, he was nearing his release again.
" ah—! O-osam—..h! "
you interrupted yourself as you felt him rub your clit, your legs shaking from his hold as his pace began to loose consistency.
He kissed your swollen, red lips, a subtle action thanking you for this moment.
" Oh! Fuck— fuck fuck! y-y/n! Oh gosh you're so— "
You felt his pace falter and hips shake, he let go of you legs and placed them on his shoulder, kissing you once again as he stilled inside you, deep and felt his essence paint your insides.
He stilled his hips against your entrance, still folded in half and still clinging onto him.
You both bask in the aftermath of the climax, feeling his cum spill out of your abused hole, muttering a few words of praises against your ear.
But after a few seconds of composing himself, he began slowly rolling his hips again.
he whispered to your ear as he began to pick up his pace.
" ....just one more yea? Bella'? "
Hes addicted.
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A/n: I personally think dazai doesnt want children...but would think about it if his spouse wants them! Very ooc as usual h a h a.
Fuck counter: 8
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writingstoraes · 1 year
paddock greetings 💌
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3 this is a bit long! hehe
about: for your 5th anniversary and engagement, the drivers send their greetings with a bit of banter in the comments as always.
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, and 1,560,431 others
lewishamilton Greeting this two a happy 5-year anniversary and wishing them the best as they take another massive and wonderful step in their life! Best wishes to the best couple I know ❤️
charles_leclerc Thank you, mate! Also huge thanks for setting me up with her, wouldn't be here without you 😅
lewishamilton Well you wouldn't stop asking about her so I gave in 🤷‍♂️
yourusername thank you, lew! wow imagine if i never went on that blind date...
pierregasly I think you would have found someone better
charles_leclerc You have one minute before I pay a visit to your room.
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liked by carlossainz55, lilymhe, yourusername, and 506,771 others
pierregasly Congratulations on the engagement of the two craziest people I know 🥂 Pls stop asking me to take cheesy pictures of you guys sometimes what you do in front of me is unacceptable. I still remember being behind the camera when I took you guys' infamous yacht shots 😮‍💨
yourusername not you saying we're improper im literally the third wheel when you and charles are together???
pierregasly Y/N you took Charles away from me can you blame me
charles_leclerc Pierre what
pierregasly Are you choosing your wife over me? Wow okay that hurts mate
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername, arthurleclerc, and 905,660 others
danielricciardo Some outtakes from my camera of Y/N and Charles. This was the first time Charles took Y/N on a trip with us and they honestly just bring out the best in each other. No better day to post this than now. Congratulations on the engagement, you two! 🎉 Wishing you live a life filled with love and happiness.
yourusername DANIEL WTH this is so pretty :(( these pictures are a blessing, thank you danny 🤍
charles_leclerc Thank you, Daniel! And thank you for my new wallpaper hahaha
carlossainz55 You're replacing me already?
charles_leclerc Mate you were never my wallpaper
pierregasly Don't even bother Carlos he's a married man now
yourusername what i have to deal with every day...
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, and 432,679 others
landonorris Congratulations on the engagement Y/N and Charles! I want to let you know that I am utterly disgusted by the two of you please stop flirting in front of me ❤️
yourusername you greeted us but at what cost
charles_leclerc ... Thanks???
ferrarifan3 Lando greeting like a true friend we love to see it
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername, isahernaez, and 860,560 others
carlossainz55 Love you both to bits but honestly third-wheeling with you guys has got to be one of the worst experiences ever. "It'll be fun, Carlos," but then they'd leave me in the middle of the road - this happened in Madrid by the way and I will never live it down. Happy engagement, Charles and Y/N 😁
charles_leclerc Carlos we did not leave you we just bought food
carlossainz55 You were gone for 30 minutes?
charles_leclerc The taco line was long you said you wanted tacos!
myferrarimen this banter is what i live for honestly
yourusername why were u in the middle of the road anyway
carlossainz55 I dont remember 🤷‍♂️
charles16 how carlos doesnt get lost on a daily basis is a mystery to me
pierregasly Lmaooo they left you
yukibabie "I will never live it down" king of grudges
tagging: @slytherheign <33 hope ur video recording for class went well mwah
notes: thought this was a rlly cute idea and my classes start on monday so its a bummer :// my masterlist is up and running so u can navigate thru my works on my pinned post! lmk what u guys think <33
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ktchie · 8 months
Nbc!Ted Lasso x Reader
Smut and Angst
♡other tags!: Dickhead!Ted Lasso // p in v // breeding kink // degrading and praise kink //
♤3k words
◇ if bad man then why dimples? If toxic then why puppy eyes?
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"Why don't we get out of here hm?" What do ya say?" Ted leaned in close to you, eyes half lided and dark under the warm light.
"Cut to the chase of whatever this is and go to right to where we both wanted, how 'bout it sugar?"
You bit your lip, hot underneath his scorching gaze. You could feel it deep in your guts, the familiar coil of yearning and the burn of utter desperation.
"Yeah? And what do we want?" You took a sip on your bourbon and watched as he looked at you up and down, slowly, as if trying to show you on how much he wants you, how much he long to touch you.
"Dont play dumb with me, sweet girl" he answered, voice deep and addicting, a voice meant to be underneath tangled sheets. "You know what we want"
You released a shaky breath "And here I thought men enjoy dumb girls who would fall to their knees if they tell them"
"I ain't like other men, honey" he leaned into you, close, so close you could taste his breath. His arms stayed at the back of your chair, knees knocking into yours. You could see the spec of green on his eyes, count the lashes that flutter on his cheeks and mummble things you know he could only hear.
"Just want ya', smart mouth and filthy tounge 'n all. This ain't our first rodeo, sugar. I know what you're capable of, what you can do with that body of yours. Pretending to be a fool ain't a good look on ya, doll face"
His thumb grace your chin, titling your head so he could get a proper look into your eyes. He traced your bottom lip lightly, breath slow.
"You're a smart girl, yeah? You know I want you. Hell, I would have you right here 'n right now if ya just say the word, honey" he looked down on your bottom lip, parting it slowly with his thumb and groaning lightly when you let him pushed it further into your mouth.
"Good girl, look at ya' bein so good for me. Letting me play with your pretty mouth infront of all this people, ya like it don't ya? Getting off when I use ya"
You moaned into his thumb, cheeks hollowing as you sucked it harshly.
"There we go, show me how much ya want it. Pretty girl pretending you ain't fuckin' dripping for me, suckin' my thumb like a cock. You want it bad dont ya? Answer me"
"Yes" your voice are muffled but Ted nod at your words with a shaky breath.
"Good fuckin' girl" he pulled his thumb off, silencing your whine as he kissed you. Hot and messy and addicting, he pushed his tounge in, licking your mouth and tangling it with yours. Ted's hand gripped your hips, nails digging into your pants as he groaned and chase your breath. You threaded your fingers into his hair, scratching his scalp and arching your back when he pulled you further with a hand on your spine.
He pulled away with a string of saliva, eyes blown wide and half lidded. He licked his lips before he wiped your mouth with his thumb. "You're sweet as a sugar, doll face. Could kiss you forever and die a happy fella"
You smiled at him and Ted's eyes briefly soften before he pecked you once again - sweet and slow and filled with something dangerously close to adoration.
"Lets go back to my place, m'kay? Wanna fuck you nice and slow there, sweetheart" it still shock you how blunt he is with what he wants but you nodded your head nonetheless, clinging to him when he helped you stood up.
You watched your intertwined hands, heart clenching as he traced it with his thumb. You wonder if this is normal, feeling so strongly for a man you barely knew and had only fucked couple of times. You wonder if all the text messages Ted had sent you in a middle of the night meant something, that all his 'i miss you' and 'wish you were here' could actually be real and not only fueled by the lust he couldn't show. But you know it wasn't, that Ted only seeks you for selfish reasons, he would walk by you in the morning and wouldn't bat an eye on your direction but would call you in the middle of the night with labored breath and a tounge heavy with your name.
You hate it, more than anything. But you loath yourself even more for wanting to be with him, to embrace him, to kiss him on his cheeks, to hold his hand on a slow Sunday morning and mummble sweet nothingness on his ear. You had wanted to put a stop on this, to turn your back on him whenever he looked at you with those eyes but you feel yourself getting stuck whenever he even get close to you, as if one footstep of his alone could make you cave and submit and cower on the presence of his smile and fluttering eyes and it does, you know it does. But you wish you didn't and you'll hate it just for a second, maybe even an hour, you'll curse him in your head but you would moan his name on the night, you would clench your jaw whenever you see him but would open your mouth to kiss him. Its a cycle, an insanity you put yourself in over and over and over again, like playing tag of war on something that could not be budge. Its hopeless but some sick sick part of you can't help but hope anyway.
"Fuck, honey" he groaned into your ear, cock hitting you deep. He held you close to him, face deep in your neck as he buried himself into you with a slow stroke that had your toes curling.
Ted whined and whimpers, pecking your skin and sucking marks on anything he can reach. The way he fucks you feels different tonight, more slower, more closer, more words in your ear that shouldn't be said by someone who would leave in the morning.
"F-feels good, darlin'" he moaned, pulling you close to him further. Knuckles turning white as he push it further on the wall behind your bed post. "Youre made for me, arent ya'?" He asked "just f'me"
"T-ted" you moaned, raising your hips to grind your soaking pussy onto his cock and whimpering when he suddenly pushed your hips down harshly on the mattress.
"Stay fuckin' still if ya don't want me to leave your cunt gaping, yeah?" He whispered into you, hot breath on your ear. "Ya dont want that do ya', pretty girl? Not gonna let your man leave without filling ya up, ain't that fuckin' right sweetpea?" He emphasized his filthy words with a practicular hard thrust that had you muffling a scream.
"See? Going crazy for my cock, pretty pretty girl getting fucked dumb. 'S okay, you're mine anyway right? You're my dumb girl, my pretty fuckin' girl" he clenched his jaw before his grip into your waist tighten. "My best girl, fuck-" he moaned, closing his eyes and pushing his face back into your throat.
"Mhmm!" You moaned, nails on his back and the other on his messy locks. You dig the heel of your feet on the back of his ass, pushing his cock impossibly deeper into your cunt. "T-ted, please.." you begged for something you don't know as you feel your slick drip from your cunt.
"S-shit" he cursed, thumb reaching for your harden clit. "Wet as a fuckin' Virgin, dolly. This how I make ya' feel?" The bastard laugh lightly and you frowned with both pleasure and irritation as you hid your face on his hair.
"Christ, sugar. You can fill up the whole ocean with that cunt of yours" he pulled lightly to slap it with his four fingers, clicking his tounge when you yelped and tried to close your legs "Hold still, just wanna look at it"
You moaned and threw your head back as he slapped it again, pushing both of your thighs further apart to present your soaking cunt.
"You got the prettiest cunt I've ever seen, darlin'" he flick his thumb on your clit, thrust cruelly slow. "Perfect for my spunk, gonna have you drippin' all over the goddamn place tomorrow" he grinned, pulling his hip back slowly before pushing it back in with the same rhythm, chuckling when you whined as he hit your spot.
"Dont even bother to wear panties, honey bunch. Yer just gonna ruin it"
You whined and bit your lip, looking away in an effort to push the side of your face into the pillow. "O-oh fuck. S-so good"
"Yeah? 'S good isn't?" He leaned into your face, as if wanting to kiss you and yet pulling back when you reach for his lips. "Not like those dumbfucks you've been seein' hm?"
Your head might be foggy with pleasure but you didnt miss his words. "W-what? Shit, t-teddy!"
He gripped your hips tight, fingers wet with your slick. "You playin' dumb again, dolly? Ya dont think I dont see those sons of bitches you've been fuckin'?"
You frowned, biting your lip as your nails dig on his nape. You could feel his breath on your cheeks, panting lightly.
You heart hammered in your chest, both in adrenaline and anxiousness. The bigger part of you, the better part, knows that there's nothing wrong with you fucking other men, letting them take you on their flat and sneaking out once the sun creeped up on the sky. But the other part of you, the foolish one, the one that desperately hold onto the little things of affection and stolen glances of Ted thinks that you're doing a bad thing, a cruel thing.
"Wha-what is it to you?" You answered as you arch your back, fat cock drilling into you slowly, sensually, as if he wasn't cursing you with the same mouth he kiss you with. "We're-we're--fuck- we're not together"
Ted didn't say anything but his hand move into your waist, rough palm dancing on your skin. He gripped it tight and pulled away from you lightly, now hovering you - hazel eyes, dark with desire looked down on you. "Youre right, seems like I forgot" he chuckled fakely and you would have been scared if you didnt know the kind of man he is.
"This just a quick fuck ain't it? We both use eachother to get off then forget all about in the mornin'"
"Yeah" you answered breathlessly, closing your eyes as you savored the feeling of his dragging cock inside your cunt. "J-just a quick fuck, n-nothing more"
"Yeahhh.." Ted arch your hips with his hands on your waist and pulled you close to his cock, practically lifting half of your body to hold like a proper fuck toy. "Then ya don't mind if I use ya like a hole, dont ya sweetpea? No point being sweet when we ain't like that right?"
You clenched your jaw and though your heart ache and your tounge yearns for the word settling on the back of your mind, to curl the I love you's and I was wrong, you let your pride take in and the dry tears that you had fallen when Ted couldn't even give you a single acknowledgement or greeting even after all the times you have been together.
"Yeah" you nod your head and stared him defiantly. "Go ahead, 's the only thing I came here for anyway. N-not f'you"
Ted gritted his teeth and as fast as you can blink he was using you, moving you like he would with a toy, fast and relentless and with no warmth touch.
"Yer gonna take my cock like this tonight" he groaned in your ear "Gonna split you open and leave ya after, thats what ya want ain't it?" He gave a harsh thrust, almost knocking your head on the wall. "Want me to use ya like a whore, leave you open with my cum and tuck m-my wet dick back in and throw ya some cash huh?" His large hands, protruding veins gripped your throat lightly. "Fucking girl.." he growled and yet the grip on your throat didn't tighten, didn't even budge with his light hold, as if the words spitting out of his mouth were the complete opposite of his actions - except for the relentless thrust and filthy mouth. He held your neck gently, some part of you want him to do it roughly, to dig his nails on your skin until he marked you with pain and cruelty and bitterness until you could finally finally move on from him.
"S-shit, takin' me so f'kin well" he groaned, leaning away from you and pulling your torso close to his hips. Tightening your thighs on his waist as his hand went to your tummy. "Look at that, don't know why you even b-bother --fuck-- talkin' to those boys when ya know my cock is perfect f'ya"
You arched your back and moaned loudly, feeling his fat cock moving inside your cunt, touching the spot none of your previous one night stand could do.
The hand on your throat dissappear and went to your jaw, pinching your cheeks lightly "open your fucking mouth" he commanded, eyes hazy and dark and mouth agape with heavy breathing. "Open 'em"
You did with a whimpered and you watch as he spit on your mouth, grinning as he watched you swallow it. "Good fuckin' girl, taking what I give ya'" he lightly slap your cheeks before leaning in and taking your tounge on his mouth. His hands went into the back of your thigh and push it near you ear - folding you in half.
You groaned onto his mouth, tummy tingling from the pressure of his cock. "S-so deep, f-fuck teddy~!" You whined, almost crying.
He was so deep, and so so big. Cunt stretch out and weeping with slick, you can feel him kiss your womb, nudging the nerves that had you biting your lip and toes curling.
"Deep huh? My cock filling ya up well dont it, darlin?" He asked, mustache scratching your neck before he licked it slowly, hot and wet and so so fucking dirty.
"Perfect pussy takin' my fat cock so we-well, yeah.." he grind his hips into yours, pelvis wet from your slick. "Could fill ya up nice and easy like this, get you pregnant want that?"
"N-no!" You shook your head but your pussy say otherwise, it flutter and tighten on his cock and the image of you full of his cum makes you slightly feral.
"No?" He asked as if he was nothing but a clueless man, innocent from the filthy things of the world. "But ya would look beautiful with my kid inside ya'" his hand went to your tummy before he pressed it and you sobbed as he did so, the pressure too much and his cock too fat that its tearing you apart.
"Dont ya think so? F-fuck, gonna have you walking around drippin' today, fill ya up so good you'll be nothin' but my cum hole hm? S-shit dolly- thats what ya want anyway right? F'me to use ya? Yer gonna lay here and take my cock every fucking hour and yer gonna be full of my cum, let's see if ya don't get fuckin' pregnant"
You closed your eyes and moaned loudly, nodding with his words but your mind is hazy. All you want is him and his cum and his mouth on you. "Y-yes, please, please!"
Ted groaned as he looked at you then, gaze turning soft and almost yearning.As if a cold water had been dumped on him and had awoken him off from a deep slumber.
He looked away and burried his face into your neck, pecking your sweaty throat. An act so sweet it had your heart aching "please huh? Don't gotta beg, darlin' you know I'm only here for ya"
"T-ted!" You yelled, nails on his back and thighs trembling when he hit your spot harshly. His words only a passing sound on your ear.
"Shhh" he kissed your throat again, as if he wasn't just calling you names and threatening to get you full of his cum. "I got ya' sh-shit"
His rhtym started to decrease then, harsh thrust now slow, gentle again, as if he was your lover. But the weight and pleasure of his cock still the same, still tearing you apart, still spearing you in the inside. "G-gonna cum f'me?" He asked softly,whispering in your ear as he breathed heavily.
"Answer me, sweetheart" He only calls you sweetheart when a day is good and he wasn't pretending he doesn't know you, when he would smile at you sneakily and brush his fingers on your own.
Some part of you wonder how his whole mood had turn upside down but you know its because he was slightly guilty from the treatment he was giving you earlier. Calling you names and using you like you weren't someone he absolutely cherish. Ted may be a dickhead most days and a fucking fool everyday but he wanst someone that would treat you so disrespectfully, you're more than that' he thinks.
"Cum f'me, lovely" he whined in your ear. "Ya can do it, I know ya can"
You shut your eyes tightly and sobbed on his shoulder, the pressure too much and he's fucking you so so good your head is getting dizzy.
The coil on your stomach tighten and release in one single blink, you came with a groaned and bit on his neck. You gush on his cock and yet his pace didn't relent, only making you feel more sensitive and more overwhelm.
"So pretty" he mumbled and peck your forehead, moving the sweaty strand of your hair off your face.
"Prettiest fuckin' girl in the worl-shit, my fuckin girl" he groaned and thrusted inside you with a hard push. "Mine" he stated with a clenched jaw, cock throbbkng inside your wet cunt. "My fucking girl"
You nod your head in his words, your heart full with love and your mind too weak to even think about on why you shouldn't believe him and why you shouldn't be doing this. "Y-yours" you answered with tears on your eyes, pleasure taking over you body and slick dripping down your cunt.
"T-tell me you're mine" he demanded and you hid your face on his neck, the better version of yourself telling you to not say it, that even after today and the sweet words he was saying and the jealousy on his eyes earlier, it wouldn't change anything between you two that he would still ignore you on work and look past you when you smile at him, only seeks you out when he needed something he can pound on, needed someone he can pour his love to.
You're only an object to him for him to use and to dump when he's finished. You mean nothing to him and yet your tounge curled with
"I-im yours, Ted" you say softly as if your heart wasn't breaking. "J-just yours"
Ted came with a loud groaned, burrying deep inside you like he said he would. Mouth mumbling things you know he didn't mean and lips pressing cold kisses on your skin.
And when he leaned away from you and watch as his cum drip down slowly from your cunt, you promise yourself to never do this again. That no amount of warmth and soft kisses and tight embraced could make your heart ache worth it. That no matter how sweet his smile was or how beautiful his eyes are it wasn't as still important as your own feelings.
That his previous jealously meant nothing if he was only mentioning it when he was deep inside you, that he wasn't really possesive of you but instead to the place between your legs.
You didnt look at him when you stood by yourself and went to the bathroom, the loud defeaning slam of the door muffled his calls.
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
I don't really have an idea in my mind rn. But i do want to request ( if you dont mind ) protective König or jealousy König either of them are interesting for me
And just wanted to say that all of ur works are amazing !! *chef kiss*
( ignore my grammar, I'm quite bad at english TT )
Hello love!! I'm so happy you liked my writings hehe and don't worry about your English, it's completely fine 🫶♥️
Jealous König drabble
Jealous König is a rarity. In fact, it's a "blink and you miss it" sort of reaction. That is because he doesn't show off how it bothers him when you laugh at other men's jokes or don't immediately shrug someone off when they lay a hand on your shoulder. Unless he notices that you're uncomfortable - which he never misses, by the way - he won't act on it.
In his mind, he has no control over who you think is funny or who you let touch your body. He trusts you, with his whole body, mind and heart, and respects your integrity as a person, a strong individual, a partner. It doesn't mean he can't feel jealous, but it slowly simmers in his body as he tries not to let it show.
He knows that jealousy comes from a place of insecurity, of seeing himself as not enough to fill your needs. Another source of insecurity is that nasty bug in the back of his head telling him how you would replace him at the drop of a hat for someone more capable of filling those needs.
Jealousy to König means insecurity, anger, greed. He always wants to be a better man for you, and that means getting ahold of his emotions and keep them down, lest he does something that - God forbids - hurts you.
He is quiet in general, as a default setting, especially in large gatherings. And his eyes always search for and find your figure no matter the situation. So you don't instantly notice that his blood is slowly boiling in the inside at the mere thought of another man shooting his shot with you. For the past ten minutes, König has been looking for any clue in your body language that indicated that this private was making you uncomfortable, just so he could stomp over to you and scare the shit out of him away.
You feel his stare, so you turn to him and smile sweetly before you notice that his eyes don't crinkle at the edges like he usually does as a response. The man next to you - you already forgot his name, that's how unimportant he is to you - continues talking about some of his accomplishments back in highschool, but you tune out his voice in order to study König a little more.
His posture is rigid, his arms crossed over his chest and his breathing slow. Even from across the bar where the party is happening, you can feel a threatening aura emanating from him, as if you're watching a hungry tiger ready to pounce.
Usually, your blood fills with endorphins when you notice König staring at you, as that tends to be an indicator that he wants you. But this is a different stare, and fills your blood with ice. König emanates anger.
After being so intimate with König for a few months, you have learned to pick apart the clues in his behaviour. And right now, you want to kick yourself in the face for not noticing sooner. The man next to you - who you considered no more than background noise at this point - could end up bedridden for who knows how long if you didn't do something quick.
You look again at him and interrupt him with a smile, making sure that König could read your lips from where he was: "nice to meet you, uh," you quickly glance at his tag, "private Lang, but I'm going to join my boyfriend now." The private just stared owlishly at you as you got up and left some bills on the counter, before turning and walking towards König of all people.
Konig himself felt a mixture of different emotions: pride that you called him your boyfriend, relief because you preferred him over that dude, annoyance that it took you so long to leave that guy behind, and utter giddiness over being called your boyfriend in such a public setting. (He would swallow the last one down and leave it for a talk later).
He also got up and opened the door for you, indicating that he was more than ready to finally have you all to himself, and you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the long night of atonement you had in front of you.
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shoyoist · 1 year
please expand more on the shoyo tiktok gym thing 😭 i am going insane ONLY IF YOU WANT TO OF COURSE >:)
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content: gn!reader, timeskip and final arc spoilers. established private relationship (that gets revealed). tiktok thirst traps :P just fluff. i rambled a lot lmaoo. note: hehe of course!! for you & me lan<3
— . 。˚ ♡ hinata shoyo tiktok baddie era let's gooo!
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hmmm so shoyo decides to try tiktok out because of all the hype the jnt receives during the olympics. they're the monster generation after all — atsumu and suna have been gaining quite a lot of traction on their pages, and they ask shoyo to cameo in their videos often, by popular demand. so he decides to give it a go!
of course, as soon as shoyo launches his tiktok and posts a video (just a short one of him sitting on the locker room bench at practice, introducing himself while the rest of the jnt are walking around and chatting in the background) he blows up instantly. @n1njashoyo gains over 30k followers within a day, and his first video gets a 100k likes in a couple of days. his account becomes big news everywhere.
he's one of the most popular members of the team globally, so it makes sense. he's known as the cutest player on the jnt, and in brazil/argentina he's so famous as “ninja shoyo”. people start tagging him in edits and fancams, and he sometimes duets them to praise and thank them.
lots of “hinata senshu notice me please 🥺” comments on his videos, and he replies to some of them with “hi !! 👋🏻” because he's just the cutest ever fr <33 he also responds to most japanese commenters and people that comment in portuguese because he understands them better.
his posts are mostly workout routine videos, different kinds of warm-up/cool-down stretches, high protein meal plan discussions—and he also films (and ocassionally goes live during) his evening runs and practise sessions. he has a series of form correction videos on volleyball, and a series of videos on resistance workouts that target specific muscles.
and every time he posts a clip where he's shirtless, doing curls or just anything with the weights, the videos are so clean and zoom in on his muscles so nicely<3 people start commenting things like “hinata sen do you have a camera man?” and he replies to one of them like “yes i do! :)” and they start telling him “senshu i think your cameraman has a crush on you...” little do they know v_v.
he doesn't respond to those comments, and the rumours about him having a lover away from public eye resurface. some viewers from brazil (where he lives at, since he's a player for ASAS) say that they “know something the others dont” etc etc.
and it builds up until about six months after shoyo launches his tiktok, one night he posts a thirst trap. low exposure filter, dim blue lighting, he's shirtless and standing infront of the mirror in just a pair of sweats — and behind him, someone is wrapping their arms around his waist. the video ends as soon as you fully lock your arms around his waist, and it drives his fans crazy.
the fangirls start posting about how their dream husband just announced that they're no longer single, comments like “gf reveal???” “hinata sen WHO IS THAT” “mr. hinata shoyo EXPLAIN” fill nearly all his recent videos.
after that little stunt, he disappears from social media for a bit. he had posted the thirst trap right on the brink of off season, and he stops posting on any of his socials for a couple of months.
then one day he makes a sudden, quick comeback — he drops a long video of himself and you, his beautiful partner, relaxing at a beach resort and enjoying a sunset dinner together at the beach. he clinks his glass of cherry wine with yours, takes a sip and grins at you all dopey before leaning in to give you a kiss. there are matching golden bands on both your ring fingers.
and the caption? “5 stars ⭐ food is good !! :)”
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heatherra · 8 months
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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livfastdieyoung69 · 11 days
Guys im in my mjf era!
Mjf x reader
Mjf being his usual douchebag self but reader being his soft spot yk? And someone using reader against him to get under his skin any of his old feuds would work for this so i dont mind 👀 just LOVE a protective feral man with very little regard for himself when it comes to the people he loves 🤭
Sting had been your idol for as long as you could remember. For decades, all you ever wanted was to be like Sting. Now here you are- on the same damn roster as him. You worked with him, by his side, every damn week. Your few years in AEW had already given you so much more experience and advice than you could’ve hoped for, especially from Steve. The only downfall of working side by side with Sting was having to work with Darby who hated, much like many others, your partner.
Speaking of Darby, he bursted into catering with a scowl on his half-painted face. Sighing into your styrofoam cup of a crisp Dr.Pepper as he plopped down into the seat between you and the beloved man himself, Sting, you turned to face him.
”Yes, Darbs?” Of course, even with his bitching over your choice of a lover, he was still a friend. Sometimes. Darby scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms and practically pouting in his seat.
”How in the hell are you with Maxwell? What do you see in him? Or is it, like, what you don’t see? Are you legally blind, Birdy?” It was your turn to scoff- at his remarks and the nickname. It’d caught on after you showed up to AEW and started doing crazy high-flying shit no one even knew was possible on day one.
“We’re not having this conversation again, Darby.”
“Yes we are. Is this a Stockholm syndrome thing? Blink twice if you need help.” Before you’re able to do anything besides point a finger in his face, you’re interrupted.
“Alright guys, let's just calm down here, please.” Steve- Sting- tries to calm the situation. Darby gives you a smug look from getting away with his remarks while you glare at him wholeheartedly.
”Talkin’ about me again, huh?” MJF leans over you, his usual asshole smirk on as his hands slide up your shoulders and lightly grasp at your sore neck, barely massaging it. Sore from saving Darby in your last tag team match with a dive through a table, actually. (And no. He didn’t say thank you. Steve did though.)
”Hey, baby.” You look up at him, glowering face replaced with a gentle smile that makes Darby cringe and grumble under his breath.
“Got somethin’ to say, dead boy?” Max asks from behind you, hands still working your neck as the atmosphere tenses even further. Steve tries to calm everyone again, but it doesn’t seem to be working as Darby stands from his chair, coming basically toe to toe with Max.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. You’re the worst damn decision they’ve ever made in the almost decade I’ve known them. I don’t even want to know how you’re manipulating them into this, but I’m sick and tired of it.” Darby’s voice keeps growing, filling the silence of the now quiet catering room, everyone watching their argument. Steve stands up, placing a hand on Darbs shoulder to try and pry him back. You might’ve gotten up to stop Max, but honestly, you just didn’t feel like dealing with this anymore. “All you’re going to do is leave them behind when you get whatever you want from them, and we’ll have to pick the pieces back up.”
Once again, Steve's attempt doesn’t work, and Max steps back into Darbys space, now quite literally toe to toe, chest to chest.
“I swear to God, the next time you suggest I would ever even imagine hurting them in anyway whatsoever, I will rip your fucking head off and let Wardlow play with it.” With a sigh, you get up from your chair and try to put a little distance from the two by pushing at Max’s chest but he won’t budge, he won’t even look at you. “Only reason I haven’t done it already is ‘cause of how much they like your little daddy over there. See how that works? If I hurt you, it’d hurt my Bird and I’d rather die than dream that into existence so I try my hardest not to think about hurting you. Let's keep it that way, capisce?”
Before Darby is able to reply, Max finally gives into your pushing and turns to leave catering, you in tow.
“Max,” You softly call for him, trying to keep up. “Max, baby,” You stumble to grab his hand and he finally comes to a stop. “Do you really have to keep threatening my friends? It’s really no wonder they don’t like you.” You teased him with a small smile, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Uh, Kris likes me, thank you very much, toots.”
”That doesn’t count, Kris just gets everything. Everyone else is dumb.” You lean back and forth on the ball of your heels, his hands keeping you stable before he gets sick of it and pulls you forward into his chest. “It’d be really nice if you could just be good for a little bit, please. Just a couple days is all I’m asking for here.”
He rolls his eyes, and gives a huge, fake groan up to the ceiling. He knew it’d make you laugh, he always knew what would. You pull your hands from his grasp and bring them up to his face, bringing him to look back at you.
“Be a good boy for me, hm?” You whispered, thumbs rubbing gently across his face. Judging from the blush covering his cheeks, it seems like you’d finally found a way to tame him.
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Mwah ha ha ha this isn’t really what you asked for but kinda sorta they were rivals at one point so ???
The one funky word is the word that basically means do you understand (usually pronounced like capeesh) but I’m Italian and couldn’t bare to spell it wrong anyways he def says that and he also would def call you toots idc it’s canon in my heart
Also have no clue where the whole bird thing came from but it came and the title is the Jefferson Airplane song
Anyways kinda really like this one its cute
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heretopasstime · 10 months
Mx. Perfect -- Again!
Just feeling a bit heated at the moment, and not the angry kinda way. Mx. Perfect,,, mmm… [Btw, i switch pronouns for em because… why not?] Credit: @cafekitsune-- MDNI line break @cherishh04 - GIF Tags: yandere, weirdo, smut..?, overbearing behavior?
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".. I'm not so perfect, I swear... not as much as you.."
Just so desperate for validation and approval.. Perfect in all things again and again, on the star track of being valedictorian for his graduating batch.
It's no wonder this type of man needs some relieving pressure, am i right? And wouldn't it be so fun if that euphoric relief he is so chasing after is you?
Just imagine…
Org work is starting to get to him, all this coordinating… organizing and overall just dealing with all these people who cant simply comprehend or grasp what he's telling them to do. And he has to deal with it all, with a simple pretty smile.
He sometimes thinks to himself, why cant life be as simple and pretty as it is to tell a simple white lie.
Till he realizes it can be!
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It can be when his brain is reduced to mushed, his senses overloaded with the sensitivity coming from his skin is slapping against yours.
This can be thought in two ways, all so perfectly simple just as he wants.
You riding her till dawn, your insides squeezing and squelching so perfectly around her as she lays there bound to the bed. Your hushed words of affirmation and degradation in her ear as you remind her of how amazing it is to feel so consumed by raw fevour and emotion. Her lip is practically bleeding, as she bites on it too hard. She's absolutely already lost herself, falling into the place of no return the faster you raise and drop onto her lap again and again. Her nails are digging so deeply into your sweaty skin leaving marks, its all to much and she cant help but roll her eyes back.
Oh gosh, she cant even to think of anything more perfect then this.. Then you… How dare she even think he could be called Mx. Perfect when a being like you is so kind enough to take pleasure in her..
"Mmh~,, aHh.. ~ Y/N~.." Her angelic voice adding to the lewd sounds filling the room, with absolutely no shame. Poor baby cant even begin to imagine how to control how she feels anymore, when all she can keep her mind on is how perfect everything is… With you..
Then there's where he's y'know…
His pretty face muffled and shoved into the covers of the bed as he's bent and fucked over by this absolute diety-like being in his eyes. Drool leaking out from his bruised pinky lips, as he whines so exaggerated it felt almost fake. Tears falling from the corners of his heterochromatic eyes, it's all to much but so little at the same time. His legs are basically buckling beneath him as you continously pound into him, ass up, backside with no mercy. All he can hear from you are grunts, and swears under your breath, and he's hyperfixiating on every part of it. Every breath you take, even as his head is shoved into the crevice of the sheets, he cant help ut feel as if this is his reward for being so good. That you are his heavenly gift bestowed upon hiim, so evident now as you are helping him see the stars and reach heaven.
(He's really that dramatic about just getting railed, like such a fucking weirdo. <3 )
Either way, both ways he's never letting you leave. He just wants to be by you like a good dog, but due to how things are he presents more as like a reluctant kitty.
But its all okay, even if you dont have a choice in the matter.
You can use him all you want, take advantage of him however you like!
Just remember, when you both are all fucked out lying on the covers… And his words seems a bit too… serious.. Keep in mind, that's just the bottom of his heart finally speaking out.
"... We're together,,, forever...~ "
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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"if i could purchase your love, please know i would exhaust my savings to do so."
status: next update (chaps 26-33) 12.11.23 <3
taglist | masterlist
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— Zhongli and fem!reader smau
— present-day au
— yn is a celebrity and zhongli is a famous billionaire
when you were younger, it was easy to ignore the problems that surrounded having money or talent. but as the years go by and adult life places more emphasis on these two things, how do you keep promises made in your youth? And do you rebuild relationships that have spent decades on the back burner?
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accounts: private personal public
(♔ denotes the chapter has some written prose)
✧ 01 sold to the dragon
✧ 02 ex in your dms
✧ 03 a massive internet black hole
✧ 04 i think i just got my best friend back
✧ 05 #hutaosweep
✧ 06 kindly delete this
✧ 07 with what authority?
✧ 08 i am not a package ♔
✧ 09 i only kissed him
✧ 10 people are mean ♔
✧ 11 i want to see you
✧ 12 i don't wish to know about his bowel movements
✧ 13 are you hearing yourself rn?
✧ 14 ur boyfriend is terrifying
✧ 15 don't leave ♔
✧ 16 you are not getting me in a tracksuit
✧ 17 what are we launching?
✧ 18 please be respectful of your neighbours
✧ 19 he knows something about everything
✧ 20 yn x mystery man
✧ 21 archons help you lumine
✧ 22 ngl i dont think he's looking for your approval ♔
✧ 23 too unserious
✧ 24 baby due date
✧ 25 to Celestia and back
✧ 26 pass
✧ 27 that is no way to speak to your fiancée
✧ 28 Just text me?
✧ 29 Whatever it is I didn’t do it
✧ 30 screw lumine
✧ 31 just make a gaming room
✧ 32 silence on all fronts
✧ 33 [redacted]
✧ 34 you need rest ♔
✧ 35 fin
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i had this idea in the tags of someone's post ages ago and I've always wanted to try making a smau so here we go
BIG thanks to my irl bestie who’s letting me massacre some of her pictures for yn ♡
Do you want a cameo in this or future smaus? Fill out this form!
leave a comment or an ask to be added to the taglist!!
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gravessyard · 2 years
Headcanon Series - Genshin men with the knowledge that you're a vampire: Diluc
Notes from the crypt: Henlo! I wanted to try my hand at headcanons, so naturally I started with Diluc. This was done on mobile so it may be a little short, but I will be doing more genshin men with this vampire series, so feel free to comment who'd you like most to see.
Tags: gn!vampire!reader, implied sub!diluc, small angst to smut? Nothing detailed unfortunately but heavily implied. Vampire bites
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• Probably the least surprised, he's seen Dvalin and learned his nation's god is a regular patron of his tavern, so vampires? Wouldnt phase him.
• In Angel's Share, he'll ask if he needs to accommodate his drinks so you can enjoy them, as in if he needs to actually add blood to your bloody marys.
• Has thought about offering to become your blood bag, but blushes furiously at the thought of you chomping down on his neck and going to town, so he's still yet to ask.
• Doesnt pry into your past, how you were turned or how you hunt, but will intently listen if you tell him anyway, even if you are slightly tipsy and rambling your entire life's history to him. Imagine his surprise when he learns you've been trying to survive off boar blood among other animals, and the question of using him pops back to the forefront of his mind.
• Its a question that didnt take too long to answer after he finds you being ambushed by enemies while on his way to Dawn Winery one night. You were outnumbered and clearly losing, most of the blood he's seeing coming from you, he didnt want to think about what would have happened if he didnt jump in to help, finishing off those who dared hurt you before catching your falling figure in his arms.
• His heart breaks at the sight of you, covered in the same blood you're losing, words slurring as you struggle to keep your eyes open. Diluc panics, picking you up and rushing off to his home so he could dress your wounds to stop the bleeding, praying to Barbatos that he's not too late to save you. You're still fading in and out of consciousness on his couch when Diluc realizes his mistake: you need blood. Its much too late to try and find a boar for you to feed, and he'll be damned if he left your side. Swallowing hard, he tears his coat off and unbuttons his shirt to expose his neck before gently sliding a hand under your head to guide your lips to his sweat coated skin.
• His heart pounds in his chest when you dont move, and he whines softly as he whispers pleas in your ear to take from him, please drink his blood. A gasp is ripped from his throat when you suddenly latch onto him, like predator to prey and he can feel it, the pain mixed with pleasure that makes his head spin.
• He's shocked for all but a second when you find the sudden strength to flip positions, with his back now on the couch all he can do is gasp, whimper and moan while you take your fill sloppily. You growl against his skin, clawed fingers practically ripping the rest of his shirt off in a feeble attempt to bring him closer so you can have more of his intoxicating taste. For someone who doesnt drink wine, his blood can only be compared to a fine brand you once drank a couple hundred years ago, the taste was addicting, much like the man below you.
• Before you could take too much, you pull yourself off with a wet pop. Panting, you look down at him to see what could possibly be the most fucked out expression for a man who hasnt even been fucked yet. His cheeks are as red as his locks, eyes half lidded and filled with filthy desire, and you're almost worried you took too much from this poor soul when his fingers run through your hair and he starts to grind his hips against yours. Its a normal reaction for most people who have been fed from a vampire, its something you're used to, but you werent used to Diluc pulling your head down to crash his lips against your bloody ones, moaning into your mouth while he licks his blood from your fangs, shuddering at the metallic taste that keeps you alive, keeps you by his side.
• Needless to say, the next day when Diluc was working a shift, he ignores the stares at the bandages on his neck while he serves you your usual bloody mary. You're smirking at him fondly, giddy with the knowledge that underneath his black attire were more bandages covering the other bite marks you placed on him last night, along with the love bites you gingerly placed on him when you didnt use your fangs.
• After that, he's sure to inform you that if you need blood to come to him, no more boar blood. He's also sure to passive aggressively tell you that you'll only come to him, he'll be available anytime, just for you. He left out the part where he wanted to be the only one who can experience the incredible sensations during your feed.
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lambment · 4 months
FAQ & Important Info
About me:
bday: march 30th
lgbt?: im bi
What can we call you?
Lambment is fine, its supposed to be a play on of Lament or Lambent you can also call me Pepaw!
What pronouns do you use?
I'd prefer They/Them, but you can use She/Her.
Whats your Main blog?
Im still deciding whether I want to have my two blogs associated, Im enjoying the anonyminity. That being said, I may say whatever and link em', but you'll just have to wait until then.
Mutuals are free to ask though, theres a level of understanding that I trust you when I started following you.
Art Related:
What art program(s) do you use?
Procreate and Clip studio Paint. Brushes: Shiyoon Kims Wet Brush pack (X) and several Max Packs (X) for procreate in CSP I use the defaults + these two lineart brushes (X) (X)
How long have you been drawing?
I've always drawn, but I started getting really serious at 14, around the same time I first made my main blog. I was self taught up until I got into animation school.
What do you do as a career?
I'm currently doing Freelance work for companies and individuals. I was previously an animator, I'm moving over to storyboarding now.
Do you have a store for your art?
yes, probably wont be posting it here until/if I decide to link my main blog, But I'm willing to make prints or zines in the future!
Do you take requests/commissions?
I do have commissions. all the slots are currently filled, but you can message me and request an inquiry for wait times/prices.  for the time being small requests are open, they may close soon, and there’s no real guarantee I’d do anything with them.
Asks and Messaging:
Rules for asks/tagging?
Anyone can send me a message, Mutuals, Anons or not!
Dont send discourse or anything explicitly NSFW. you'll be blocked lol. suggestive I dont mind, also artistic nudity is oki doki, but if theres two people tangoing I dont want to see it. if you send me triggering content I’ll mind blast you into dust. (block).
Do not send and DNI's?
Transphobia, Homophobia, Acephobia. All the obvious bigot contenders.
SA, pdfilia and incest are absolute no goes.
***very important to note to be aware of when you’re making sexual comments on someones posts, are you actually being ‘funny haha’ or are u just being explicit.
are you okay with me direct messaging you?
only if we have spoken before/ you're giving me a headsup about something/ I've prompted you to send me one. Mutuals are free to DM though. willy nilly even.
***minors: please refrain from dming me to chit chat, im not down to and it will probably end with me lecturing you about internet safety.***
Why don’t you answer my asks/dms?
my main blog has +1000 unanswered asks... I’m tiored. (I also hoard the nice ones sometimes like its a pile of treasure, dont ask me why) as for DM's, unprompted messages from strangers will not always get answered sorry. I also sometimes just dont see it because im an old man w ADHD thats logged off the internet.
why are you posting political stuff on your art/fandom blog?
because I can and caring should have no such boundaries.
Can you reblog my donation posts?
no. too many scams.
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